#he does not really help mario i guess
weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Chap
Debut: Super Paper Mario
For today's post we will be talking about some guy. Just some guy off the street. This is Chap, who sure is a chap. A fellow. Doggone it, he might even be a sort of character! Let's learn about this guy.
Chap loves milk. It is an obsession, quite frankly. He spends all his time at the local milk bar, either drinking milk or talking about milk. And something about this is just so unwholesome to me. There's just something about milk, you know? Maybe you don't. It might just be me. I'm not lactose intolerant or anything, I just don't like the mouth feeling or aftertaste of milk.
Not Chap though! He loves everything about milk! He jokes that milk runs through his veins. He has once worried that it ACTUALLY does, and went to a doctor about it. And maybe it does! We are not explicitly told otherwise. Let's see what the side effects of too much milk are.
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Here's Chap looking in the other direction while you wait, if you were really itching for another Chap Image. A Chap Snapshot. A Chapshot, even. That sounds weird, actually! Just a Chap Image, please! Thank you.
Anyway, Milk. You may be thinking Chap's bones must be really strong, with all his milk! He doesn't look much like he has bones, but he does have veins, so sure why not. However, too much milk may lead to increased chance of bone fractures! Uh oh, he's a brittle boy! And if that wasn't enough, it might also lead to increased likelihood of prostate cancer. Oh no, Chap from Super Paper Mario! Your prostate! Everything in moderation! This isn't worth your weird character gimmick!
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Super Paper Mario also has a whole different guy whose name is also Chap! But this post isn't about him.
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wayfayrr · 6 months
I didn't think hyrule had berlin-
had a silly thought about the links in Mario kart getting a little attached to you, so when you end up in hyrule? well of course they're gonna get close if they can :3
gotta thank @peepthatbish @tomsishere and @xxbuttercup for helping me brainstorm this <33
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“You think there’s a chance that the shadow could ever send us to my world? I mean, it did bring me here so there’s gotta be at least a small chance right?”
“Yeah, I hope so anyway, I’d love to go to Berlin with you. That always looked like a nice city.”
“Wait tears how-”
“Really? Athens always looked nicer to me.”
“Course you’d say that goddess boy.”
“Goddess boy?”
“HEY YOU TWO - you can bicker later, how the FUCK do you know the names of cities in my world?”
That got their attention, with them both turning to me with some clear confusion before it quickly melted away into a… look of devotion? It’s pretty clear that they both know something that I don’t, hopefully they’ll be kind enough to let me in on it soon enough, if I even want to know from the look they’re giving me that is.
“Do you not remember my dove?”
“Or did you not know that we could hear?”
“... That you could hear?” 
Hear what exactly, me when I was off of their games? Before I got to hyrule? 
The places they mentioned - the fact that it’s just them who seem to know - could they be talking about mario kart? If they are then… how much could they hear? Did they hear any of my friends? Did they hear when I was drunk? If they could then, how much do they know about me? There have been times when I’ve been too drunk to remember what I was even saying and if they heard that then… What don't they know about me? 
I don’t have a clue how to start processing this, do I even want to stay with them now - the others don’t seem to have a clue are they safe for me to be around. Neither of them are really touching me so, if I’m going to move now is my chance. Just got to hope they don’t notice me trying to move.
“Hey, sundelion, where are you going? We - we finally opened up about that and you - you, please don’t leave.”
There goes my chance then, he’s got a good grip on my hand and he’s not likely to let go. Even if he didn’t it’s not like I could get all that far now that he’s noticed me trying to leave, he’d just use recall on my clothes to bring me right back over. Aaaand now he’s tearing up. 
“You’re worried about what we know right? Well I’ll tell you - anything you want to know if we know, just don’t leave please.”
“Tears - what no, No you can’t decide that for the two of us, that’s not fa-”
“Sky… I just - I can’t lose them - I can’t- you know I can’t!” 
“But to just tell them everything off of the bat like that.”
“What would you suggest instead, you want their trust right?”
“You two know that I can hear everything you’re saying, you aren’t alone.” 
“Mhm, it’s still strange getting used to you being here and being able to hear us too though. Guess we still have old habits.”
Just finding out about the secrets they’ve been keeping seems to have taken a load off of their shoulders, with tears instantly sticking himself onto my side tighter than if he were to fuse our shirts together again. Sky is still a bit more distanced though, like he’s scared of letting his guard down, he’s frowning too. It’s been clear for a while though that sky is hiding something, his saccharine-sweet facade being far too kind even for a hero and with what he’s just said… there’s more to him than he’s let on. Honestly? I’m not sure I want to find out what’s being hidden away. 
“[name]? Would you be able to come over here a moment?”
Oh to think time saying that would one day not fill me with dread, it’s a good opportunity to get a bit of time to process everything. And who knows, maybe he’s got some good news about the search to find me a way home, he’s been near obsessed with the idea of getting me home since- well since sky and tears started to get more attached. Does he - is there a chance he knows more than he’s letting on? It’s not a surprise seeing how many other secrets he keeps from the others I guess he promised you the second he knew you knew his past that he wouldn’t keep any from you unless it was for your own safety. Why are you ignoring that? Tears still has his hand holding mine, Sky’s still staring too, just need to try to move; they heard time just as well as I did so I should be able to move. “Wait, do you have to go, he doesn’t sound urgent. Can’t it wait?”
“Old man should learn to wait his turn with you…”
“Knowing him it’s probably a - what was that sky?”Knowing how he was in game it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s acting like this, he was always the link with the snarkiest dialog, even being outright mean at times. It shouldn’t be surprising that the calm sleepy soft boy was a bit of a persona he put up, but it is surprising he’s starting to let it drop. Time didn’t seem to like how clingy they’re getting though, seeing as he decided to come over to get me himself instead of waiting any longer. Helping me up and getting us away from the others.
"So what is it you wanted me for so badly?"
"I think I've found a way to get you home."
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34saveme34 · 4 months
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I recommend reading Sever the Ties before reading this one! As it does have references to it so reading this fic without context might make this fic more non sensical.
warnings: Gore although not explored to an uncomfortable amount, trauma upon trauma, Axol gets brought up in an awful way, I know that Mercy is from Overwatch
It turned out a bit gayer than I thought it would. If you end up having any questions after reading this, don't be afraid to ask :3 I'll try my best to answer you
obligatory @birrdify tag so you can find this beast easy !!
word count:16451
It had been a while since 3 and 4 had their rather emotional adventure. Since then, things have been better. 3 finally let 4 help him more seriously with the café while 4 let 3 help him with his videos. 3 still didn't want to just take help without anything so this was the compromise they reached. The others were peaceful too, 1 and 2 calmly doing their meme research, Meggy, Melony and Tari training together, mainly Tari since Clench appeared. Although he wasn't very fond of that. They had to give him duck pictures every few minutes to comply. He's like a toddler. Saiko was there too, although more passively, just making sure everything was okay. Everything that had been happening lately just had her really worried. Although she didn't show that, she didn't want to worry her friends. And usually when she would show concern, people many times thought she was overreacting.
Luigi was tending to his flower shop like usual, just… Very Peaceful.
Everything was just. A bit too peaceful, very little chaos present, almost worryingly.
4 started thinking about it. It was weird. He searched for Mario and, interestingly, found him in one of the unfinished rooms, watching TV. 
He only managed to find him because a set of extension cords plugged into each other were leading to a room there.
“Mario?” 4 peaked in the room to see only the TV’s light and Mario, anything else that could’ve been there was obscured by the darkness.
“... Yeah?” Mario replied a bit slowly.
“What… What are you doing up here?”
“Watching Tee Vee” Mario said cheerfully. TV made Mario very happy.
“Why here?”
“Nothing distracts me here” 
“Huh, um… alright. I was just worried because you haven't been bothering anyone for a while”
“Awww, SMG4, you miss it?”
“Oh my god, you miss when I mess with you guys! That's so funny” 
“Mario… I guess. I guess I did miss it”
Mario chuckled.
“Sometimes even Mario has to rest you know”
“Yeah, I get that… what are you watching anyways?”
4 asked as he walked beside Mario to see what he was so occupied with. It turned out to be what 4 would guess is a spaghetti themed soap opera, considering the vibes of the scene he saw with pasta in shape of a man and also some in shape of a woman arguing then making out and then arguing again-
“It's very entertaining”
“I… sure see that…”
4 wasn't exactly that big of a fan of such dramatic television. 4 went to leave the room but stopped for a bit.
“Make sure to do something other than watch TV though. Dark rooms…. have their effects…” 
“Okay, mom” Mario dismissed 4.
4 rolled his eyes then finally actually left. Besides, he had a lot of videos to work on with 3. It was kind of interesting working with him like this. Especially that things are really looking up now.
Although Mario wasn’t exactly respectful towards 4, he still took his word. But not to touch grass. He found a show that reminded him of Two Piece.
“Ooooh, Melony would love this!” Mario picked up the TV and ran with it in the direction of Melony. Actually, he wasn’t even running, he was flying like a torpedo. Must be all his pent up energy bursting out of him or something.
He found Melony sleeping. He repeatedly tapped her until she woke up.
“Hmm..? Mario?” she looked at him tired “Do you need something?”
“Mario found a show you might like!!” he slammed down the TV with excitement. The giddiness was kind of rubbing off on Melony. 
“I’ll take a look at it then” she smiled, clapping her hands together. 
Mario took off incredibly fast, which surprised Melony a bit. She thought cardio wasn’t his thing but guess that isn’t always the case after all.
The show was really fun for Melony, truly exploring the depths of fruit romance, in ways that resonated with her so deeply. She wished she could just… absorb it into her. She never saw romance between fruits shown so intimately. With the way they’d hold each other, holding onto each other until the end. Though she was especially sad about a pairing where one of them lost their life to an evil chef. Oh, she awfully hated that chef. She actually kind of resonated with the character that got left lonely. She wished… she could just grab her, pull her out of the screen… Tell her, it won’t be easy but… it’ll pass one day. Everything will be okay. And she also loved the way fruits rotting were depicted. She usually wasn’t quite comfortable with the topic but there was just… something so well done about it here. Slowly seeing your loved one succumb to a different, much more deteriorated life.
The deep excitement she felt about the show slowly put her to sleep. It was odd for her to sleep like that but hey! Sleep is always good.
She found herself in a black void. Though she could feel ground underneath. She breathed in. Breathed out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.
She tried to make out anything in her surroundings. As she walked around, her steps echoed, although it didn’t sound right. The way how even just the sound of her breath would bounce off the walls, then the sound ringing in her ears. She wasn’t exactly the cowardly type but this was starting to freak her out.
Regardless, she marched on, trying to find a way out of whatever she was in. She found a doorway that was blocked by debris. She sighed then thought for a bit… She had her deity powers. She tried to pick up the debris bit by bit but for some reason, even the smallest bits felt infinitely heavy. Even just a dust particle made her sink into the floor, no matter how much she tried. She sat down on the ground. It had been a while since she felt so powerless.  She didn’t think she would find herself digging out such feelings she held. She thought she got rid of them at this point. Though there will always be inevitable things she won’t be able to escape.
She just sat there. Her breath. Echoing. Yet it was so deeply quiet. Way too quiet. Ringing in her ear, the depths of this nothingness she was trapped in. It had been a while since something was threatening to drive her mad this badly. She finally got up, walking in a different direction. Maybe she’ll find the way out that way. Or at least a purpose so she could stop feeling so worthless again. She knew her friends cared but she still couldn’t quite shake off everything she was feeling. Especially after missing out on so much. She was wondering if she felt that way because she had been avoiding new adventures so much. Sleeping away another day or 2, in hopes that tomorrow would be a new day she could finally do something more. 
As she walked, she found a doorway with a beaten up door barely in its place. As she looked at it closer, she noticed blood splatter on it. Some of it looked old… some of it new. She was starting to feel rather anxious. Although she should be strong, the sight of blood always did something to her head. As if reminding her of times she would rather forget about.
She barely thought much more as she opened the door. Hell, to her it almost felt like she was being controlled. As she looked around, a horrific sight filled her view. It was Axol. He tried to speak but…that wouldn’t have been possible, looking at his state. She couldn’t speak either. She couldn’t call out. She didn't want this. She JUST had this image slowly fading from her mind. The time when she had to kill him for the good of everyone. He wanted her to kill him at that point. They both knew there was nothing else they could do. Yet, she would still be often haunted by this scene. A scene only she had to witness. Only she had the burden of having to see the light leave his eyes, to see him go limp, lifeless. And now, it was so clearly in front of her, so deeply visceral. Just as visceral as it was in the moment. She cried, she couldn’t help it. She slowly managed to make herself look away. It was hard to do from everything that was boiling within her then. 
Wait… She couldn’t really be back there. This must just be a nightmare! A really bad one but still, it wasn’t real. She began to walk away from Axol, slowly breathing in and out. After that awful scene, the awful music of the void like rooms were almost welcoming, even if it felt like they wanted to swallow her whole. As she walked, another familiar sound filled her ears. Sounds of drawing with a pencil on paper. As she walked closer to the source, she saw herself, drawing for the manga, Two Piece, which Axol wasn’t able to finish. There were so many crumpled papers scattered around her, her expression tired, focused but emitting a sort of hopelessness. She remembered this… Starting off really wasn’t easy. So many times she just… She just wanted to give up. But with her friends around it was better. She stared at herself for a bit. She wanted to say something.
She placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey… You’ll be fine”
Her tired self stopped, then slowly looked at her. No words escaping her mouth. Yet those eyes showed so much. All the ways she suffered with everything. The amount of work she put into it. 
“I” she started again “...We… We might not make it perfect. But that’s okay. Axol wouldn’t expect that anyways, you know? We… still carried his legacy. That’s what only matters in the end” 
Her tired self teared up and pushed her away, going back to hopelessly scribbling.
“Do you even hear me?? We’ll be fine! I promise! A mediocre manga isn’t the end of the world!”
Her tired self slowly raised her hands, bruised from holding the pencil so tightly and for so long. She stared at her. Her eyes were screaming thousands of words. She knew all of it. All the pain. All the doubt. The tears, the needless bruises she bore through it all. She knew it wasn’t for nothing. But it would be too much for anybody on their own. Maybe even with help. 
With being so invested in her feelings, she only noticed an unfamiliar hand on her forehead when she heard a crack.
She woke up, sweating. She looked around. Just where she was before, with the TV still playing the fruit show. She slowly calmed down. It was finally over. Although the images that the dream left in her brain… She couldn’t bear them alone so… best thing to do is to go outside and tell someone about it. That would usually help her. She got up, fixing her hoodie.
She looked out of the room, seeing Meggy and Tari both resting and Saiko beside the 2, calmly strumming on her guitar. They must’ve been training even after she left. She admired how resilient they both were. Even Tari. After everything she had also been through with everyone, she changed a bit too. To her it felt like inspiration. 
“Hi, girls!” she cheered at the 3. 
All 3 looked her way saying hi back but stopping, all of them looking at her horrified. She felt a bit confused.
“Why are you looking at me so weird? Is… my hair looking weird or-”
“Your… face” Saiko was the only one speaking up.
“My face?” Melony slowly felt her face, from her chin to her forehead, her fingers brushing over her usual features until she felt something weird by her forehead. As she trailed along lines she could feel were like valleys on her face. She rushed to the bathroom, the other 3 running after her, with Saiko at the front of it. 
Melony looked in the mirror, her face was cracked like a mask. Wait… The nightmare… the crack before she woke up. It was starting to make sense. Too bad she wasn’t too happy about that. 
The other 3 finally caught up to her, finally being able to be by her side.
“Melony…” Tari looked like she could cry for Melony. Melony could cry too. She couldn’t take it, so she hugged Tari. Meggy patted her on the back and she got pulled in the hug too. Saiko stood there before Melony locked eyes with her and oops, she was in the hug now too. 
“I- I.. I can use all the comfort right now” she spoke quietly. Saiko understood.
They stood there like that for a while. 
“So…” Saiko started “What… happened?”
“Uh… I… I had a nightmare”
“Well… Axol”
All 3 looked at her concerned.
“It’s been a while since he showed up like that in your dreams”
“I know! I don’t know… I don’t know why… Oh and… I heard a crack in my nightmare… so…”
Saiko already looked angry.
“I’ll look around in your room” she left.
The 3 looked after her sadly.
“I didn’t know it was still that bad…” Meggy commented again, feeling kind of guilty, as if it was her fault that Melony had such an awful nightmare.
“I thought it wasn’t either” Melony sounded sad.
Tari leaned on her more, trying to comfort her better.
“I know you were getting better! There must be an explanation for this… I think… This is unusual for you?”
Meggy and Melony shared a look, as they both realised Tari is right.
“We must get to the bottom of this” Meggy piped up, as she left the bathroom, going after Saiko. Tari followed, though stopped in the doorway.
“Are you coming too?”
Melony calmed herself a little, lightly clenching her fists, preparing herself to face whatever may come her way. Then she gave a small nod and followed after Tari. 
They all got to where Melony slept before, the TV still in there, undisturbed for the most part. As there was nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that it was turned off. As Melony was looking at it, it was as if the screen itself was crawling deep into her soul. She wasn’t sure if she felt uncomfortable by it or not. But it was a strong feeling either way.
“What is this TV?” Saiko asked Melony.
“Well, Mario showed me a cool show on it. I actually watched it until I fell asleep”
Saiko looked back and forth between the TV and Melony. Seemingly, Tari was slowly catching on.
“Do you think… the show has something to do with it?” Tari looked at Saiko, lightly cocking her head to the side.
“I would say yeah”
“But the show was so good! I’ve never watched something so nice! It’s probably just the show that made me think of the past but that’s- that’s understandable! It was genuinely nice”
“What kinda show was it?” Tari asked.
“It kind of reminded me of Two Piece actually” she cheered.
“Oh, I love Two Piece! Could we watch it together sometime?” Meggy joined.
Saiko was a bit stupefied as the 3 went on to talk about the show as if there was nothing wrong. She still couldn’t shake off the fact that Melony’s face looked like that. She had to go look for answers. And… She might have had just the right idea…
It had been a few days then, Melony’s face still cracked but it seemed she cared less and less. Everybody else around just- seemed to care less. Especially as everyone seemed to be occupied with shows of their dreams. Meggy with a show with so much action and fighting she only could dream of. With wonderful character development, she was mesmerized. Not only that, the female lead absolutely had her from first sight, perfect role for someone so interesting. Playing the whole part perfectly, trying to survive in a world that tried to get rid of her and turning up victorious against all odds. Tari was watching a cutesy show, it was peaceful but still kind of mature with the way the characters talked. She related to the very real issues the characters had while adoring their adorable designs. They seemed to lead much more normal, relaxed lives than what they’ve been having in SMG4. It almost felt idyllic to her. She was close to just… jumping into the TV to escape everything else. 3 and 4 were too busy with their work to even notice at this point. It seemed, even together they can get a bit carried away. Or maybe flirting during work did them in a bit. And nobody even noticed that Saiko was still gone.
This continued. And only got worse. 3 and 4 only realised when barely any customers were coming in.
“You think we messed up? Do they think this place is bad again?” 3 sounded worried.
“No way, we’ve been doing so well! There must be an explanation” 4 wrapped his arm around 3 to comfort him. As usual, it did sort of work. 
“I say we close up and look around”
“Just what I was thinking!”
They closed the café for the day.They first approached the castle, maybe the crew could know something about what was going on. 
They both entered the castle. It was way too quiet. 
“This is creepy” 3 quietly commented.
4 looked at him, that teasing look in his eyes.
“What’s the whispering for? Are you scared someone else will hear you and know you’re a coward?” he laughed.
3 grabbed 4’s face.
“As if you’re not scared!”
“A bit maybe” 4 laughed. 3 pressed a soft kiss on 4’s lips before moving ahead.
4 was left like a smiling idiot before moving along with 3.
They looked around everywhere, not seeing anybody.
Except… Mario. Mario was watching TV, just like how last time 4 really managed to talk to him. Because of work he didn’t manage to hang out with him as much as he wanted to. 
“Mario! Are you at fault for people disappearing??” 3 barged into the room Mario was watching TV in. It was the same room 4 found him in before.
“Shhh!!” Mario shushes 3.
“Dude! This is serious!” 4 chimed in.
They both got slapped out of the room.
“Mario’s watching TV!! Go away!!”
They both got up, it was quite the landing as Mario slapped them pretty hard. 3 had a devious smile on. 4 looked concerned.
“Hey… 4… I have an idea. But you might not like it”
“Say it anyways”
“We could… unplug the electricity! He can’t watch TV then!”
4 thought about it.
“Well- Damn it, what else can we do anyways, let’s go”
“Heh… didn’t even need to convince you this time”
“I just don’t have a better idea”
3 chuckled. They went down to the basement to turn the electricity off. As they came up, they quickly met with a very distraught Mario. And quickly he also went past them. Screaming something about spaghetti. They followed him to see that he devoured the whole fridge.
“M… Mario?” 4 asked him carefully, he was kinda scared.
Mario saw him and ran out. 3 and 4 ran after him to see him yanking the extension cords with might and devouring the TV whole. 
“Much better” he cooed as he sat on the ground, seemingly satisfied with himself.
“What… What was that Mario?” 4 was in disbelief.
Mario raised one finger then lowered it as he thought.
“I remembered I was very hungry! I couldn’t think! TV tasted kind of weird but it’s fine”
“Sure, man” 3 wasn’t even surprised anymore. Mario just pulls stuff like this.
“So… Mario…. Where are the others?” 4 asked, trying not to freak out as he remembered their original goal when they came into the castle.
“Hmmmm…. Mario doesn’t know…. Let’s look together?”
“Sure, come with” 4 said as he now led the way outside.
Walking around, everywhere was kind of quiet. 
“Oh, sure hope this isn’t like that one time Mario stopped time…” Mario sounded scared.
“We’re still moving, idiot, you didn’t accidentally stop time” 3 replied.
“Yeah, 3’s right”
“You’re only saying that because you’re gay for him….” Mario pouted, looking away, crossing his arms.
“Just because I love him I’m not gonna spare him from the truth”
“You heard him!”
“Hmmmm…” Mario wasn’t convinced.
“Besides, what have you been doing all this time?” 4 questioned Mario.
“Watching TV. Only that really”
“Damn, shut in” 3 laughed.
“I… I felt glued to the screen. So… yeah…” Mario looked away from the 2. 3 felt bad almost immediately.
“Okay dude… I guess it’s not your fault- at least you’re outside now” 3 attempted to apologise.
“You tried” 4 didn’t spare 3 of the truth.
3 rolled his eyes.
Mario suddenly stopped by a window. 3 and 4 stopped too, to see him looking at a TV.
“Don’t tell me you’re trying to watch TV again-” 4 was about to freak out on Mario. 
“No no- look” Mario said, pointing at the TV “This is just like the one I had at home!”
The 2 looked at it closely, and recognised it. Not only that, they saw familiar faces on TV. Acting nothing like themselves. Their friends were stuck in shows. 
“That looks like the TV guy’s head who manipulated you” 4 almost shouted with how angry he was at just the sight of the TV.
3 was more calm, at least on the outside. He was more scared if anything. He really didn’t want to see that guy again. 
“That means… that abandoned studio! We… we need to go back there” 4 said.
3 looked uncomfortable.
“Do we… really have to? I mean uh, it’s not like I’m scared but-”
“It’s okay, 3… I believe in us. This is… for all of our friends”
“Our friends… you’re- you’re right but-”
“You’re scared he could take advantage of you again, aren’t you?” Mario pointed at 3.
Both were a bit shocked.
“I… I am” 3 looked at him “How… How did you know?”
Mario twirled around once before finally giving a reply.
“Mario cares about his friends”
3 was a bit flustered by that.
“Aww, you’re still not used to being called a friend! 3 !!!” 4 teased him while hugging him.
“Awww, SMG3!!” Mario joined in on the hugging as well.
“C- Can- Can we just go, please??” 3 cried out. The other 2 laughed as they now got going to that very dreaded place. At least they felt a bit better now.
Just as they were about to go in, even if they likely just. Weren’t allowed to, they got grabbed from behind. 
And, my god… All 3 screamed.
“What- quiet, oh my god” the very mysterious TV man said as he stepped back from the 3.
“What are you doing to our friends? Let them GO??!” 4 was ready to throw hands. He was so furious.
“Hold your horses, SMG4, we didn’t even have a formal introduction yet!”
“Hell if I care, I just want you dead” 4 didn’t look like he was kidding. 
The TV headed man looked unamused. 
“I should’ve expected that…” he reached a finger towards 4, stopping him in his place.
“Now! Might I introduce myself! I’m Mr Puzzles, the head of Puzzlevision, a studio that is on its way to be THE best one. You’re walking on historic grounds”
“This place was a dump not too long ago”
“Oh, you must’ve dreamed that!! And what an awful dream that sounds” Puzzles grinned, a menacing aura emanating from his gaze.
“Wh… What but… you… we… we…”  3 felt scared again. 4  wanted to move so badly to comfort him but couldn’t.
Mario wasn’t sure what to do. He realised, he needed to stop thinking. And so he stopped his needless thoughts and rammed right into Puzzles like a bull. It was so sudden, Puzzles had no way to react.
“Oh why YOU-” 
It was then that Mario realised he got himself into a bit of a pickle. He didn’t have time to think, he launched himself right into the studio.
“YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE” Puzzles ran after Mario, looking so angry he was tearing up from it. 
3 sighed, looking at the still frozen 4. He couldn’t hide it, he felt a bit hopeless. He grabbed 4’s frozen hand with which he was trying to reach for Puzzles. His hand still had the warmth he was very familiar with. At least something to comfort him amongst everything.He only stopped feeling so pensive when he could feel 4 move a finger. He got so excited, he squeezed 4’s hand as he then fell over with him. 3 chuckled, feeling a little stupid, a little embarrassed. 
“Sorry, man” 4 chuckled back as he tried to get up.
“A little more?” 3 held 4 back.
“I appreciate that but- on the ground?”
“Okay okay, fine” 3 looked away as he got up. 
“No need to be embarrassed! I do love your hugs” 
3 sighed as he pulled 4 in for a quick peck on his lips.
“Yea yea but we have bigger things to worry about right now! That TV guy is still definitely chasing Mario”
“Mario! Right! Oh god, I hope he’s okay” 4 ran in, 3 followed after.
“Probably-” as they walked in, the place was in chaos. They looked around, finally finding the 2 with Mario being about to be caught.
“Mario!” 4 cried out when he saw him. Puzzles got distracted, which gave Mario the chance to fight back as he punched Puzzles’s screen. And not lightly at that. The sound of it shattering. It was as if the whole building went silent. Puzzles seemed to stop. It was so quiet, you could hear their breathing.
Puzzles slowly looked back to Mario, holding his own face. His gaze rained on Mario like an avalanche. He wasn’t exactly one to feel intimidated but here he was. It was as if the TV was bleeding pure technicolour. The TV itself still somehow worked, although glitchy. His head twitched. 
3 had enough of watching as he kicked Puzzles in his shin. It distracted him long enough that the 3 of them could escape Puzzles’s grasp. For now.
They ran and hid in a room. It was dark. Not pitch black but pretty dark. As their eyes adjusted, they noticed 3 chairs by each other. It was a bit weird. Mario took a seat without thinking much about it. 
“Mario, you can’t do that!” 4 tried to warn Mario who really didn’t give a single damn. 
“Why can’t I? It’s just a chair!”
3 and 4 were staring at Mario for a bit, nothing seemed to happen.
“Eh, might as well” 3 took another seat.
4 gave into peer pressure, sitting down himself.
“Okay, but we still need to figure out what to do about this guy… But more importantly, how to save our friends.”
“Yeah… I don’t get it. I thought we got rid of him then!” 3 grumbled.
“If anything, he acted as your wingman with how long you took to get together” Mario said rather nonchalantly. 
The 2 stared at him.
“I bet we would’ve realised without him!” 4 felt upset, 3 patted him on the back.
“Yeah! And our confession to each other would’ve been so much better if he didn’t step in!” 3 was upset at the idea that Mario proposed as well.
“Not to my knowledge”
“What do you know anyways?” 3 was agitated.
Mario just grinned so wide, even in the dark it was annoying.
Just as 3 was considering hitting Mario, light appeared in the room, in the form of a TV.
3 and 4 felt rather scared, jumping into each other’s arms, maybe even considering leaving while Mario looked excited.
“Yay TV time!” Mario cheered, as if he wasn’t JUST chased by a TV headed man out to kill him.
3 and 4 sat back, trying to calm down. A film started playing.
As the credits rolled, they recognised some names. Their friends were playing in the movie.
3 and 4 shared a glance while Mario was almost glued to the screen. 
Then the title came up.
“The fragmented director”
The scene opened with a montage of a cheerful kid, drawing and getting older over time. Just as the time passed, his drawings were getting better too, more advanced, as if it could escape the screen and get you. Especially because they were animated. The film continued with the now teenager making more and more things. So much of it felt like a reference to something, especially from big movies and shows. 
3 and Mario didn’t quite see it, but 4 was starting to get uncomfortable with how alone the kid seemed to be. Nobody else appeared in the scenes so far, just this kid and his drawings. 4 could relate in his own way. Thinking about all the times he locked himself up to work on things, just as lonely as this character, chosen but still painful loneliness. He was starting to feel it maybe a little too much…
“Dude.. are you crying?” 3 whispered to him.
As 4 took his hand to his face, indeed, tears were streaming down his face. How did he not realise it?
Mario looked at him too, immediately feeling worried for 4 as he leaned on him, trying to give him at least some physical comfort.
“It’s okay… I’m okay… just… a little too relatable”
3 shook his head, holding 4 himself. 4 was trapped in the hold of the 2 people he cared about the most…It was reassuring as he managed to look back at the screen.
The next scene began as the adult version of the once teen entered an office. As the scene continued, it became obvious that he got a job in the animation industry. He was still rather painfully lonely, even if there were people in the background. They were never directly interacting with him.
As the scene went on, he seemed to have more and more workload on his desk. His hand was shaking, his eyes not focused, with eyebags. He was overworked. He couldn’t stand it. It was obvious. 
The scene ended with him finally clocking out and heading home. 
4 was starting to feel weird about the relation of the title to the actual contents of the movie. This guy was nowhere near to being at such a high position, neither did he seem fragmented. It gave him a bad feeling. 
It was late at night when the scene opened again. The man couldn’t sleep. He got up and went outside. The night looked peaceful, everything looked serene. The sky was just as pretty as ever.
The man looked up at the sky, as if wishing for something, then he went inside. 
He seemed to think for a bit, before getting out a box full of DVDs of movies he could watch. As he was searching, he didn’t hear it. He didn’t feel it. He didn’t know what was coming. It was loud, sudden. Fatal. It ripped his head right off, whatever it was. The scene was dark enough that you wouldn’t be able to see too much detail, just enough to make out what happened. It left 4 stunned, but 3 seemed to take it worse as he noticeably hugged him tighter when the scene happened.
The scene slowly closed with slowly zooming in on the TV, kind of damaged yet for some reason it still seemed to be on and flickering.
The scene went dark, then it opened in the studio the guy worked at. It seemed the workplace was more alive. With some people chatting on a break, others working on stuff together, helping each other. Although it wasn’t corporate grade efficient, people were definitely having more fun.
Slowly, as the scene panned from everyone working, it seemed to go to one door. A closed door. The door slowly opened. As if for a split second it looked bloody everywhere, the red mixing with a familiar technicolour mixed within, making the scene pretty yet still gruesome. However the scene went back to normal, as if nothing was ever out of the ordinary. 
The door revealed the all too familiar Mr Puzzles sitting behind the desk in a rather comfortable chair, directly looking at the camera. He was smiling, although it started to feel more threatening. 
The scene switched back to the dark, red scene. Puzzles was holding a guy, limp. His expression and the amount of blood on him seemed to indicate that he killed the man. There was just enough detail on there to see that the dead man was dressed in formal attire. It seemed similar to what Puzzles was wearing, as if to indicate the idea that he took his place. The screen suddenly went black. 
Then the outside of the studio was shown. Time seemed to have passed, as the text “A few years later” showed up on the screen. The studio was much bigger than what it seemed to be before. It looked like Puzzles brought the place to success. Just as someone with a gun just barely managed to appear on the side of the frame, the scene changed, being on the inside, full of very happy workers. Maybe too happy. Uncanny happy. But they were working.
The scene then switched to a smug Mr Puzzles, looking at something. The scene then switched to what he was looking at, which seemed to be a list on a computer with other studios’ names crossed out. It kind of looked like a hit list for competition in a way.
 But just then. Gunshot. Screaming. And bam, the atmosphere changed. The environment coated red, with bodies littered everywhere, mercilessly. The figure that showed up in the frame before walked by, just as mysterious as before. Walking till they reached an all too familiar office. Though this time, it wasn’t Puzzles’s doing that everywhere was covered in blood. Perhaps the movie was just foreshadowing this. Because it was hard to deny that the scenes when 3 and 4 thought about it - Mario was busy thinking about spaghetti at the sight of the colour red - were way too similar for it to be a coincidence. 
The door opens again. Puzzles looked terrified but not shocked. It was almost like he was expecting this to happen. 
“I’m doing this for everyone” the chilling text read on the screen, oddly enough it was centered. Behind it the gun was slowly raised at Puzzles, who didn’t seem to do anything about it. He was expecting it for sure. 
The screen went dark as soon as the gun was fired. Then a familiar scene showed up. With 3 and 4 when they were in the ruins of the studio. There wasn’t any audio but it was obvious they were being gay. Mario teasingly pointed at the screen, making both 3 and 4 roll their eyes.
However, after they were out from the crumbling building, once they were gone, a hand reached out from the ruins. A very familiar hand at this point. And that was where it ended. Although an abrupt ending, they could sort of start to guess what happened after this.
4 wished he could beat everything that’s left alive in him at this point. He was really tired of this guy. Although the movie had him kind of confused. How did he come back to life? What was even the thing that killed him? And… How did he acquire anti meme energy?
He hated coming back to this same point that had his head in the clouds, clouds that compared to the worst storms. He did get headaches from thinking about it sometimes. He was too curious yet he couldn’t figure it out… The Godbox was no more. They destroyed it. Wasn’t that the only place where anti memes would occur? It didn’t make any sense. And yet he tried and struggled for an answer either way to no avail. But it felt like he was missing something. Like a missing fragment of a puzzle that just wouldn’t complete.
He looked to 3, seemingly with a similar reaction. 3 looked back at him. While first with confusion, his expression heavily changed when he realised.
“We brought this bitch back to life!!”
“What?” 4 was as confused as ever. Clueless idiot.
“Our meme energy? I think… I don’t know…” 3 looked down, not quite sure now himself either.
“Hmmm” Mario joined in the convo “Maybe SMG1 and 2 could help?” 
“Wow, smart!... From Mario. What a day” 3 laughed. 4 laughed too, maybe looking at 3 a bit too strongly.
Mario rolled his eyes at the gays, getting up from the chair.
“We don’t have all day… besides” Mario patted his tummy “Mario is about to crave some mad spaghetti”
3 and 4 exchanged glances, before they got up and walked to the door as well, cautiously opening it. Nothing seemed to be around. Nobody. Not a soul. So empty their tiny breaths could echo. 
They left the room, walking out in the chaos Mario left. This felt… too easy… Though, they still didn’t know what happened to their friends. Only thing 4 noticed was they sometimes showed up in the background of that peculiar movie. They weren’t exactly in the focus so it took him a bit to realise that they were appearing from time to time. 
Just as they were about to walk out of the door, Puzzles appeared again. His screen was fixed. It was quite fast for being so damaged.
“Mario can kick you again!!” Mario piped up “I’ll beat your ass”
Puzzles flicked his hand and stopped Mario in place.
He walked up to the other 2 as he shoved Mario out of the way.
“Enough of him, I wanted to offer you 2 something” his now well known menacing gaze came back.
“What?? No, I don’t want anything from you!!” 4 could care less.
“Really now? Not even your friends?” Puzzles laughed.
“Our… our friends”
“You’re a sick freak, I hope you know that” 3 tried to comfort 4 while staring daggers.
“I’ve been told, yes… but… my deal for you, SMG4”
4 stayed silent.
“You see… I’ve never seen SUCH a strong need for great content as yours. Your will to create… It’s rather marvelous. And I need it. If you joined me… We could make something perfect. I know… I know how long you have been chasing that, even if you don’t tell anybody. I know”
4  looked at him shocked. He couldn’t reply. Puzzles wasn’t wrong.
“Seems I gotcha, didn’t I?” he laughed “Regardless… I was hoping you could join me in this endless endeavor” 
“4…?” 3 looked at 4 worried.
3 didn’t take long getting angry.
“He- He’s not leaving this world behind! I know he enjoys it more when it’s authentic and fun, he doesn’t need you and your artificial concept of perfection”
“Well, just look at him! Don’t you see it in his eyes?” Puzzles leaned closer to 4 “I can see it… that utterly strong urge in him to always prove himself… to prove himself worthy of people’s attention. And I can give that to him, unlike you” 
“I helped him finish the perfect video though”
“And I got him there. I gave him the needed tool to make sure it could even happen in the first place. You 2 don’t even come close to what my tools can do on their own… Imagine how much greater… maybe even both of you would be? Wouldn’t it be great? Finally… achieving perfection, the height of creation… and, leaving behind the times when people didn’t even care about you, SMG3”
Puzzles grinned wide, seeing how he managed to get to the both of them until he got hit hard on his head.
“HUH??” he turned around to see Mario “HOW DID YOU UNFREEZE YOURSELF??”
“Kiss my ass” Mario threw it back before he started running around like crazy. Puzzles could feel something snap in him as he went to chase after him, even if that wasn’t the logical thing to do.
3 and 4 used that time to get away and find 1 and 2 to figure out what’s going on.
It took a while but at least they got away from Puzzles’s grasps.
“Yeah, 4?”
“You… You think Mario will be fine?”
“I… I’m sure. You know he’s strong”
“Yeah but-” 4 stopped “I feel guilty. We just left him there”
3 stopped beside 4, slightly annoyed.
“Maybe… we can lessen his suffering if we speed up and try to get to SMG1 and 2 as fast as possible!” 3 was rather snarky but it worked, as 4 shook his head then looked up to the sky, hope sparking within him.
“You’re right”
“Of course I am, now let’s get going, you lovable loser”
4 laughed at the name before he hurried along.
They got into the city. It was rather empty. No buses even going around. Cars left unattended. 3 already had his villainous look come up on his face.
“4, we gotta steal a car, dude”
“No… Not today, 3. We’ve gotta get to them without committing several crimes along the way.”
3 rolled his eyes.
They looked around more. Waited around. Genuinely, everywhere was empty.
“Okay… we’ll steal a car”
3 immediately chose one that he had been eying for a bit and got into the driver seat, speedrunning hacking it so it can be driven without a key. 4 just took the shotgun seat with a tired sigh.
“Got it!” 3 cheered.
“Alright, just start driving or who knows what will happen to Mario”
“Already ahead of you!”
And they sped off. No cops anyways so 3 wasn’t respecting any of the rules of the road. That much was expected though.
They got there pretty quickly considering there was nobody to chase them either for speeding.
They got out and knocked on 1 and 2’s door in their apartment which they had to sadly break into. There wasn’t anyone there to stop them anyways.
An exhausted 1 opened the door, who looked at them weird for a second before feeling relieved.
“Thank god you 2 are okay! Come in” he motioned for them to go inside.
Inside they saw 2 being greatly buried in research. It seemed they were looking for something. Saiko was there as well, doing her part in research as well. Though she looked more exhausted than the other 2.
“...Saiko? You’re okay?” 4 felt surprised.
She took a bit to look away from the book she was trying to get through.
“Okay is an overstatement”
“She’s been looking for a way to help Melony” 1 added context.
“What happened to her?” 4 asked.
“You didn’t see? Her face cracked, and from what I found… It might not be so great. But I… I’ve been looking either way. I wish I could help her”
“Geez… 4, maybe we’ve overdone the whole uh…” 3 turned to 4.
“We’ve been way too busy… we barely realised what was happening… How long have you been here?”
“About… a few days?”
“8 days and counting” 1 said before going back to searching himself. 
“Well… 3 and I figured something out… And it might not look so great”
“Oh? A new lead is probably what we need right now” 2 crawled out of the books then yawned. Although he seemed intent to listen either way.
“So… I’m pretty sure it’s our fault…”
“What?” 1 looked up surprised “What did you do?”
“You remember that big amount of energy we caused when we uh… mended our guardian bond?”
“The TV that had been haunting us used it to come back to life”
“It seems that was his plan all along” 3 commented “What an insidious freak… kinda envious in a sense”
4 looked at him, unamused.
“Anyways” 4 continued “I don’t know if I mentioned it before but… I’m starting to feel more and more scared about the idea that he had access to anti meme energy”
“Yeah… that shouldn’t be possible. We destroyed the Godbox!” 2, although tired, was still very adamant about that.
“At least we thought it seems…” 1 said.
Everyone looked at him.
“But we saw it blow up!” 4 joined.
“But you said it yourself. And both of you felt anti meme energy so…. you would know, no?” 
4 wanted to combat it with something but he couldn’t.
“I just don’t… I don’t get it… I thought we destroyed it”
“Wait…” 3 thought for a bit “We didn’t destroy it… it was only blown up”
“Isn’t… that the same thing?”
“No! You see… explosions don’t destroy anything in a meaningful way… they tear things apart. If you exploded right now, we would still have the material you were made of!”
“... You want me to blow up?” 4 looked sad.
“No, you idiot” 3 chuckled “I just brought it up as an example. But if you continue that way…” 3 winked at 4 before getting back to the issue at hand. 4 understood the implications and became rather flustered.
“So you’re saying…” 1 seemed to catch on “fragments of the Godbox could be still out there?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying”
“Oh no…” 2 seemed to start panicking a little.
“Oh no indeed” 4 added on. He didn’t seem any better.
“We would… love to go right away but” 1 yawned “Well you know…”
Saiko already seemed to lean against the wall as a book slipped out from her grasp.
“Mhmm” she seemed to agree with the unspoken need to just pass out right about then.
“I don’t know… will Mario hold out until then?” 4 thought out loud, which made 1 and 2 go wide eyed despite their god awful sleepiness.
“What… What?” 1 questioned.
“We… only managed to get away because of Mario distracting the insane TV headed guy” 3 confessed, it felt heavy either way.
“Oh no..”
“Do we… Do we trust Mario? We… can’t go back alone” 4 proposed, although he didn’t feel good about it.
“I… I’m afraid yes” 1 felt just as bad about it. Everyone did. Mario didn’t deserve this.
They all decided to go rest up for today, they wouldn’t be quite as useful this tired anyways. 
Although the guest room was taken, there was still a measly couch for 3 and 4. Saiko offered to switch but the 2 declined, saying she needs the best rest possible. It was great to feel cared for. She would’ve felt bad if she declined at that point.
Although 1, 2 and Saiko were quickly all asleep in their respectful sleeping places, 3 and 4 had a harder time.
4 laid on top of 3, it was at least a nice feeling to be close like this. 3 was  petting 4’s head, which 4 laid on 3’s chest. 
“Are you able to sleep?” 3 asked him softly.
4 raised his head up.
“I’m trying to…”
“I’m worried too, 4…”
“I just hope he’ll be okay”
“We’ll make sure of it, okay? I promise” 3 held 4’s face in an attempt to comfort him. 4 scooted a little closer to 3’s face to give him a short kiss.
“Okay” 4 smiled.
“Now sleep, blue, a long day is ahead of us tomorrow… as if we never have big evil to fight… we should take a vacation at some point”
4 chuckled at the suggestion.
“You’re right”
They finally laid down for good, managing to sort of fall asleep.
Mario didn’t have such a great time with Puzzles. The man was chasing him endlessly and was trying to trap him in some sort of substance. The whole area around the studio was covered in it. They both felt tired and yet Puzzles persisted, seemingly angrier and angrier with every strike he attempted to throw Mario’s way. His aim was definitely getting worse. But he got so tired, he raised both of his hands up together and in a downwards motion made enough appear to cover the place with it. Mario wasn’t able to run anymore. He got sucked right in. But Puzzles did so too.
Then, Mario found himself in a dark void.
“Am I dead?” he screamed as he got up “Is this hell??”
“Shut up, heathen” Puzzles didn’t take his behaviour well “You’re being too loud for my taste”
“Am I in hell??” Mario whisper shouted.
Puzzles rolled his eyes.
“No. I actually accidentally trapped both of us” he sighed “I have to be trapped with YOU of all people” 
“You don’t like Mario and his sexiness, huh, TV man?”
“You PUNCHED in my screen??”
“You lived? Haha, cope seethe” 
“YoouUUUU” he got up again, going for Mario’s throat.
Mario tried to punch his screen again, though he couldn’t quite reach. In a moment of desperation, he bit down on Puzzles’s hand as hard as he could, making him yelp in pain, yanking his hand away.
“Rawwr” Mario looked ready to fight again as he lunged at Puzzles.
They fought around for a while, until both felt tired enough to collapse. Kind of weird how they ended up beside each other. Looking up into the endless void was… somehow calming. Even for Mario. He almost forgot he was stuck in some of the worst situations he ever got into.
“Why did you steal my friends again, TV man?” Mario asked, turning to Puzzles. He seemed to be genuinely curious.
It took Puzzles by surprise.
“Oh? Well… I wanted to make my studio even larger so I can have the biggest and best studio in existence”
“What’s the point of that?”
“Wha… What? Are you kidding? Being accomplished like that? It’s the best thing anyone could have happen in their lives!”
Mario stared at him and slapped him.
Puzzles once again angry, he got up, trying to tackle him. This man annoyed him so goddamn much. Mario evaded him and tried to fight back but he was failing at hurting Puzzles as well. It was almost like they were syncing up in the worst possible way. Missing and dodging in harmony.
“Are you happy?” the question sounded from Mario’s mouth, echoing in Puzzles’s mind.
“Are you happy?”
“Why are you asking me shit like this? I thought you were a bumbling idiot”
“Not right now. Are you happy, Mr Puzzles?”
“Oh… Oh! I get it now!” Puzzles got up and turned away from Mario “Your personality is inconsistent! That’s why my powers weren’t working on you! All along, your odd character PROTECTED YOU”
Puzzles whipped around, the anger was kind of familiar for Mario at this point. Another fight, another feeling of exhaustion kicking in. Even the fight felt familiar. Maybe it was just the weird atmosphere of this dark void but he felt sort of less worried now.
Once again, they ended up lying beside each other. 
“You didn’t answer my question” Mario sounded calm.
“And I…. won’t ever”
Mario sighed. They both stayed silent for a while.
Mario wasn’t the one to usually think but he did find the behaviour weird.
“You gave up on killing me pretty fast I’ll say” Mario joked. Puzzles looked at him unamused, no verbal reaction.
After resting enough, Puzzles sat up. He kind of felt hopeless in this silence. 
“You know what, Mario?” he looked to him “I’m not happy”
“Thought so” Mario sat up. 
“Do you… want to know why?” 
“I’m bored anyways”
“Well, you’ve… seen my movie… you know…”
“I know?”
“There’s something inside me that shouldn’t be” he raised his hand to his neck, gently brushing his fingers just above his collarbones. 
Mario only now seemed to catch on. It took him this long to realise that whatever crashed into Puzzles’s living place that night was actually inside him.
“Heh, there’s lot of things inside me as well that shouldn’t be”
Puzzles looked at him horrified then chuckled.
“You’re truly a unique kind of a man, Mario”
“I knooow… very sexy and awesome” 
Puzzles rolled his eyes at Mario’s grand modesty. He was starting to find it weird how he was actually starting to have peace with having to be stuck with Mario. Hell, it was a little worrying. 
He never felt this way… Like, enjoying someone’s company? He only ever loved working on his beautiful creations, people were like filler to his life. What changed? Or is Mario really… this special? He didn’t know and never did being unsure in his life make him so conflicted. He always liked to make sure he knew everything, he thought he went into  his plan knowing everything at this point. His plan was flawless. And yet Mario could walk in and ruin it all. And take away the perfection he wanted so much but… In the end, Mario would be right. He doubted it would make him happy. In a weird and twisted way, he felt alright with everything being ruined.
“So… how long are we gonna be stuck here, TV dude?” Mario asked, though seemingly not worried.
“I’m… not sure myself”
“Oh… OH?? Are we stuck here forever?? What have you done?” Mario screamed, jumping up, grabbing Puzzles by the straps of his pants. 
Something hit differently about Mario’s grasp on him as he felt a sharp pain like that fateful day. He screamed as he pushed Mario away.
Mario was confused then saw the state he put him in. Although he tortured his friends, it was still hard to not feel bad for him.
“TV guy…?”
He was in so much pain he couldn’t speak. He slowly laid down, very carefully to not hurt himself even more. Mario sat beside him. His curiosity… He slowly reached out and touched that same place.
Puzzles winced in pain. He didn’t get why. 
He pressed his hand against Puzzles’s collarbone fully.
While Puzzles was in utterly diabolical pain, Mario got reminded of something. This energy he felt. He saw this before. Images flashed in his brain, remembering everything from the time they went out there… Outside of their universe. The anti meme energy. He thought he wouldn’t need to face this traumatic memory again but… Guess he was wrong. Things now started to make sense to him. Although he didn’t know how it was possible. He didn’t need to know that to see that it was. 
He didn’t know what was driving his body but he pressed harder. With both of his hands now. Puzzles screaming didn’t deter him. When he tried to push him away, he sat on his arms, making him ultimately vulnerable to Mario. He didn’t know how to feel. He pushed and pushed until he could reach inside. It was nothing like he thought it would be. Puzzles was warm like a person but not quite of the same consistency. Until he felt something hard within him that didn’t quite fit inside. The memories he had now felt even more real. It sure made him struggle. Even he stopped for a second, especially how it added onto it. Making it more terrifying than it already was. Giving him images of a world where he lost 3 and 4 to a force way beyond him. That was scary to him.
He shook his head. He knew what he had to do. He pulled again. Pulled until what was inside Puzzles seemed to loosen from its place. Puzzles fainted by this point, probably from the unbearable pain. Even though he wasn’t quite human anymore, pain was still a weakness of his.
He finally pulled it out, black blood escaping Puzzles body as he did. Mario felt a little weird now… Did he just kill a man? He wasn’t sure.
He was now alone in the void, with the wretched fragment in his hand, echoing past nightmares in his ears.
His act settled in even more now as he pressed his hands against the wound, not really knowing what to do. It only soaked his hands even more. He desperately grasped into him, just trying to think of something, anything. He didn’t want to be left alone. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Puzzles but it’s much worse without him. That was something he knew for sure. He couldn’t lose him now, no matter what.
As he desperately grasped, light appeared, in the form of dim white strings, seemingly loosely closing up the wound. It wasn’t perfect but the bleeding was getting less intense. Mario didn’t know he could do that. He stared for a bit, not really knowing where to put it.
He sighed, not thinking about it further. He just didn’t want to up his kill count… And he didn’t want to be lonely himself either. He could always get so caught up being around people all the time that he forgot how it feels to be alone. And it wasn’t a good feeling. Though the bleeding stopping made him feel a bit better as he lied down, closing his eyes.
It felt like forever passed as he kind of just fell asleep beside Puzzles. Just because he had the weirdest moment of his life didn’t mean he couldn’t go to sleep with ease. He woke up to movement beside Puzzles as he was lightly clinging to him in his sleep.
“Huh… I’m… not dead yet?” Puzzles spoke, his voice was weak. He looked at Mario. He was finding a fondness he didn’t know he could have for someone.
“Nhggh… Nope… Mario fixed you up with his… white thing”
“Wh… White thing?” Puzzles was confused.
Mario pointed to his wound. The strings were still visible.
“Oh you… you saved me?”
Mario shrugged.
“Mario didn’t know he could do that”
Puzzles chuckled.
“Very well. Thank you though. I owe you”
Mario smiled at him.
“Well, getting us out of here would be great”
“Mhmm… I don’t know how to still” Puzzles frowned.
Mario patted him on the back.
“At least this thing is out of your body” he showed him the fragment.
“Oh- Oh right” he stared at it “What… is this again?”
“Mario’s not the best at explaining things. It is evil though”
“I do agree… it did kinda kill me there for a second” he chuckled
Mario chuckled too.
“You know, Mario… Isn’t this… weird?”
“What is?”
“I don’t feel like getting rid of you anymore”
“Well if you got rid of Mario the world would end so I’m glad” he grinned as if he didn’t just drop information on Puzzles that kinda escaped him before.
“The world would end?”
“You see, Mario is the avatar and if he gets killed for good, the world falls apart”
“A… Avatar?”
“I’ll ask SMG1 and 2 to drop the lore on you” 
“Oookay” Puzzles was a bit confused but he could wait. He would wait all the time needed to have answers if he needed to. It wasn’t the first time waiting rewarded him. He knew patience made greatness.
“By the way…. Mario’s wondering how you’re feeling now?” he looked at him, feeling a bit bad.
“I feel… free in a way. Mind’s less foggy and all that. Thanks, Mario”
“Hehe, I saved the day!”
“I’m still in pain though” he looked away.
He grabbed Mario’s hand gently.
“It’s probably just the fact that you opened my body without any anesthetics. Which you wouldn’t have been able to get anyways”
“Heh… Mario sees your point” Mario squeezed his hand then thought, as if the brain cells in his empty head decided to align so well this time, he could have a genius idea “I’ve got an idea, Mr TV, but you have to listen to my instructions”
It had been a bit since last night 1, 2, 3, 4 and Saiko talked. Everyone was awake, preparing for their mission. Although 3 and 4 were a bit sore from the couch. It really wasn’t made for sleeping. 
“So…what’s the plan?” 2 asked.
“Well uh…” 4 thought for a bit.
3 took a bomb out of his pocket.
“Can I?” he asked with a silly little smile.
“No” 4 said bluntly. He didn’t give a shit.
3 sulked a bit.
“Well, we know it has to do with the Godbox so… we have to go in, prepared to fight it”
“I guess the best we can do is go in and hope?” 4 sounded unsure of himself.
“Get yourself together, 4. I know you can be a coward but now is not the time” Saiko commented, making everyone look “Now is not the time to question your power to stop this, our friends are on the line here… Melony” the last part from her was rather quiet. She always tried to look out for her when she could so knowing this happened right under her nose filled her with a different kind of fury.
“I say we go in and kick ass” she finished her statement.
“Kicking TV ass does sound good” 3 added with a sly smirk on his face.
“Let’s get going then, shall we?” 1 said as he then led everyone out
It was quite the trip. Almost felt like a little road trip. 3 and 4 fell asleep along it, considering they didn’t exactly get the best sleep then.
Saiko was beside them, kind of trying to ignore them. She might have been a bit jealous. She wasn’t able to see any of the girls for a while now. Kind of hard to live like her, standoffish yet lover of touch.
She slowly got used to it. 
“Oh, they fell asleep?” 2 looked back, while 1 was driving.
“Yeah… I guess they didn’t sleep well last night?”
“Probably the couch being uncomfortable to sleep on” 2 rubbed his chin, as if he was thinking strongly about it.
“If it was anything else I’m kicking their asses, I’ll tell you that” 1 added on quietly. 2 giggled while Saiko facepalmed.
They got there, to the wretched studio, which was covered in black goop. Not fully but there was definitely a place where there was a lot more.
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pk-ghost · 1 month
to ness and lucas, hey! your on break from smash right? how does those work... and which world in the smashverse are your favorite?
“We don’t have official matches all year round, and tournaments are done in seasons!”
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“We get breaks in between seasons and most of us return home to rest. For some… it seems like the tournaments are their breaks, though, because they go back home to work.”
“Quick Lucas, from all the fighters who do you think is the biggest workaholic?” “What?” “Come on, just answer!” “That’s not the question at hand, you know?” “Luuuuuuucas”
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“All right, uh…Samus, maybe? I’d say Marth or Peach too but they at least have people who help them. Samus is always by herself”.
“Huh, yeah I guess. She’s a lone wolf… unlike Wolf, heh.”
“Well, that’s because actual wolves prefer to--- Ness, please let’s get back to the question.”
“Aw shoot, yeah ok! I’ll focus now. Anyway, we take breaks in between seasons. There’s no rule that says that you have to go back to your home dimension during these and I’ve always wanted to visit our friends’ worlds because, honestly, they always sound sooo cool when they tell us about them. I’ve been to the Mushroom kingdom before! Mario, Peach and the others are the bomb and have shown me around a couple of places. But I never spend too long there.”
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“A couple of weeks before the last season ended Red was telling both of us about the new Pokémon and Ness and I had this thought all of a sudden.”
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“We both saw this tiny wooloo in Red’s pokedex and thought ‘I wanna see that’ at the same time. That happens very often by the way. Some would say it’s our psychic powers at work, but I say it’s us being best bros.”
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“We’re BFFS, besties even... Anyway, we shared a brain cell for a moment there and it made me think we could visit the place together, so I asked Lucas if he wanted to this break.”
“And I asked if he wanted to visit other places too. I like going back home, my world is really peaceful right now so I get to sleep as much as I like and help Dad with the sheep, but I figured traveling other places wouldn’t hurt.”
“I’m taking him at his word so now we’re going to travel until he gets tired of it!.Or until we ran out of vacation days.”
“Favorite worlds? We haven’t been to many so far but I think Mario’s world will always be special to me. I’m a big fan boy of him after all.”
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“Just him?”
“Agh, okay, I’m a big fanboy of a lot of other fighters, I can’t help that. You know they’re all awesome, but Mario is just special to me. Don’t make fun of me for it, isn’t love your favorite thing? Appreciate me loving the other fighters.”
“I do! It’s sweet. You have no trouble showing it, it’s actually quite nice.”
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“Okay, okay, you better not be teasing me!” “Promise I’m not. I really do appreciate it. Going back to the question. I think my favorite worlds are going to be the Pokémon world and the Animal Crossing world. Oh! And of course Yoshi’s Island in Mario’s World. It’s been good here. The place is nice and the yoshis are so friendly. They remind me of friends back home”.
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peachiemilkytea · 7 months
ʜᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰ
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Summary: You get to meet the person that was out on vacation when you got into Micheal's group. Robin didn't feel right with you despite what the boys thought about you.
Warnings: Teen!Michael Afton, slow burn, mentions of (Y/n), tension, passive aggressiveness, etc.
Paring: Michael Afton x reader
W/C: 29k
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The cord from the console travels up to the remotes onto their hands. The gang of teens sloppily lying on the couch with legs hanging above the top of the couch. Fanning themselves from the summer heat and humid home. Yelling curses at the TV screen and tugging on the cord here and there.
"Donkey Kong reminds me of her," Simon said softly upside down off of the chair. Strands of hair fell past his ears. A pout on his lips looking like a kicked-over puppy.
"Everything reminds you of her." Micheal scoffs rolling his eyes while pressing on the buttons of the controller.
"Who's this 'her'?" Robin asked, lifting herself by her elbows on the chair. Curiosity and jealousy slowly ticking away at her mind. Who is her? Is she pretty? Does she wanna be her or date her? Will she be replaced? Will she have a new girl bestie? All these thoughts make her head stuffy.
"We met this girl at Mike's dad's work. Mike beat her high score in a video game and turns out she works there." Jeremy said, looking back and forth from the screen and to Robin. Recalling the poisonous perfume, pineapple, and honeysuckle lingers with him.
"Oh really? Shouldn't she be doing her job instead of playing on the arcade machines?" Robin asked, swiveling her head. All of them turned her way. Not letting her feel the way she wants to. But if the boys like this new girl so much then why can't she go along with it? Nothing will happen, it's just a hot chick.
"Hey! You leave her alone!" Simon said, flipping right side up. Dramatically waving his hand out like a sword horizontally while holding the controller with the other hand. Aaron passed him into the pixelated hell of Mario Kart, he let out a "Ha! Passed you!" Simon let out a "Damn it!" He jumps in his seat and turns back to the game with both hands on the controller.
"My dad said she's his and Henry's head engineer. She goes around doing whatever they want. She'll repair stuff, build stuff, and help around in any departments that need fixing." Michael explained twiddling a cigarette between his fingers. Takes another puff and breathes it in deeply, seconds later letting out a puff of smoke. Don't do drugs kids. Smoking gets you holes in your throat. That's what his mom always said. If his mom saw what he was doing right now, he would get lectured for hours.
"How did she get that high of a job offer?" Jeremy asked curiously, bouncing his leg up and down quickly.
"The girl is friends with Henry or something. He offered her the job." Michael said not pulling his eyes away from the screen with the bright colors and loud noises.  How can a young woman be friends with an older man? I guess it's not uncommon, just so out of the blue.
"We'll go there again, you can meet her Robs. You can tell her about all the good stuff about us! Impress her about us!" Alejandro said, turning to her and pointing to her half-jokingly. Simon nodded quickly while looking at her with a big dopey grin.
"Depends if she's hot, I might have to steal her from you." Robin jokes with a sly smirk getting panicked noises out of the two boys. She giggled but deep down she had a tight burning feeling in her chest.
Pushing open the doors, the group walked through. All excitedly looking back at each other and looking around while Robin was grumpy coming in last. With the growl of Simon's stomach, they snagged an empty table. Wiping the trash and muck onto the floor, some workers saw this from afar and gritted their teeth. One of them broke the broom in half.
"Let's get a pepperoni pizza, make it large. That's 4 bucks. I got 2 on me." Alejandro said, looking through the menu and pulling out the money.
"I have another 2, it will be enough... Simon put your quarters away." Jeremy pulled out his money and looked at the other boy disappointedly. He slowly edged his coins off of the table and into his wallet sadly. The waitress came around and took the order on her notepad, walking off to the kitchen.
"I could've just got us free food. You know that right?" Michael said, smirking giddy. The table 'ooh'ed' in realization and cursed, he laughed at their stupidity. Of course, the boss's son would have all the benefits. They knew this. But in all the excitement they got lost in what they were doing.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Robin asked, putting her elbows on the table. Peaking over her shoulder to find any hot chick. Accusing random pretty girls of being the girl they were talking about. She was so on edge, so nervous. Her whole friendship might change with the boys. Their group was just fine as is! Ugh, the faster it's done with the less she has to worry.
"We'll eat then go to the arcade, I overheard Henry saying how she is always there if she isn't working or she's in the office with my dad or him," Michael explained. It was weird to him, they were all so close in their little work relationship. But after meeting her family and seeing how she is. He got a grasp on it was more than just a work relationship. (Y/n) told him her hours beforehand and what she does around her job. Though he didn't want to look like a dork in front of the guys. Especially after the first time they met and got into a little rivalry.
Right then and there, the waitress came back put the pizza on the table, and Alejandro handed her the money. Everyone grabbed a slice and started to dig in. Cheese stringing attached to the leftover slices and brown crust around the pepperoni's. Mmm~
"I don't know how long I can last eating this pizza every day," Jeremy said, lifting it and watching the cheese fall from it.
"Every day? How are you guys not dead yet?" Robin asked, licking her fingers at the cheese and grease. Looking at the grease on the napkins. Their stomachs must be butchered. The lengths they go to... jeez!
"Simon and Alejandro like to come here to see the girl we're gonna have you meet," Michael says while chewing. This aggravated something within Robin. What was so special about this girl?  That question has been plaguing her mind for days.
Throwing crusts, napkins, and other junk they had on the pizza tray. The money on the side is stacked nicely. Jeremy pushed everybody's seat in and followed them to the arcade. Simon pulled out his coins, giving five to each person. Q*bert's game title screen was bouncing with fun. Robin put in her coin and clicked the buttons. The guys watching over her shoulder. Jumping on the green squares of the pyramid avoiding the purple snakes. However, the further she got, she had failed to an enemy that was surrounded by every corner and got the game over. Jeremy took Robin's place and pressed his coin in halfway.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Michael waved to her while leaning on the arcade game. He felt like he had the higher leverage after calling her almost every night. Elizabeth always made kissy noises from the hallway when he was on the phone. The result? Michael throws a pillow in her face.
Everyone's heads turned to the person working on a Pac-Man machine to get out some kid's stolen game tokens. She perked her head up shaking her head with a smile. Grabbed the tokens out of the machine and poured them into the kid's hand. He ran away from Pac-Man to find a game that works. She looked back at them getting up from her knees. The group walked over to (Y/n). She noticed Robin first, and curiosity formed. A deep admiration. She was pretty! Hiding her blush from looking at Robin with a melting smile.
"This is Robin Wilson, this is (Y/n) (L/n)." Jeremy introduced the two stutters in his words yet going between the both of them. (Y/n) nodded smiling softly and held her hand out, Robin mugged her and then looked away. She was confused by the passive aggression but didn't let it get to her, shaking it off
"So what are you doing? Still working?" Alejandro asked, Robin came to his side glaring at her. An excitement forming. His friend and his dream girl were finally meeting. It didn't feel normal to not take Robin with them. But she had a reason. She was on vacation with her family.
"Right now I'm done for today. If you guys want to do something?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her invisible watch and shrugging her shoulders. Sure, Henry wouldn't mind. He encourages her to make friends her age. As much as he loves her, he doesn't wanna be her only friend. William on the other hand... doesn't mind her following him around like a puppy. He'll just never admit it out loud.
"Yeah, we can go to Sparky's diner. I haven't been there in forever." Jeremy suggested tapping his fingers on the big video game machine. She nodded and left to the back to clock out and get changed out of the engineer jumpsuit uniform.
The bell jingled on the door as they left, walking down the sunny streets. A family restaurant, Eliot's in the shopping center full of cornered restaurants and different food shops. Full of boyish antics and heels tapping against the pavement. Simon walks next to (Y/n) trying to impress her by showing off volleyball stories from school. he was the team's spiker. Simon would renact the plays and sounds he did from his games. Even though he thinks he was being cool it was dorky. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the display. Michael not too far off of her side rolled his eyes. Shaking his head like a disappointed mother. Though he felt something sting within him, he didn't act on it. The beautiful smile on (Y/n)'s lips showing her pearly whites was enough to make it fade away.
Robin looked back not having any of it. A nasty scowl appears on her face. Her sight darts over to Micheal. He gives her a small smile. Robin waves her finger in a motion signifying him to come to her. A little confused he strides up to her side leaving (Y/n)'s. All she has to do is keep the boys away from (Y/n) and everything will be the same. She was going to do that for as long as she could without being caught. A bell rings at the top of the doors.
"Hi! Table for six?" A waiter comes up holding menus. Nods and yeses were quick to answer. They followed the waiter down to a large table right by the window. The waiter leaving the menus on the table leaves politely.
"Uh, we're missing one more menu." Alejandro pointed out seeing as Jeremy doesn't have one. He was internally panicking from social anxiety letting his hair cover his eyes. Rubbing his hands on his pants.
"Here, we can share." (Y/n) offered putting her menu in between the two of them. Jeremy blushes to his ears just by the feeling of her shoulder against his. He lets out a small 'thank you.' The corners of Robin's mouth twitch in annoyance. 'What the hell is her problem? She would've stepped in to help him. She was literally about to give him her menu. Is (Y/n) trying to take him when he needs help? What's next? His free will?' Her thoughts rang out. Soon enough, the waiter came back to take drink orders. Everyone has a certain order. You can tell it gave the waiter a headache.
"Robs, how was vacation?" Simon asked, leaning over the table. She didn't even realize that they were talking. Snapping out of her annoyed trance.
"It was really fun! A little too hot for my liking. Though there were pretty beaches and sunsets. There were so many people on the beach. I brought souvenirs! They're back at my house." Robin explained looking through her menu. Michael and Simon feel excitement in their guts at having a little gift.
"Where did you visit?" (Y/n) asked politely. They were all talking so casually, that she wasn't up to date on what was happening recently. Feeling a little out of place, this group has known each other much longer than she has. (Y/n) was a little intimidated by the familiarity.
"San Diego, it's in California," Robin said, talking to (Y/n) as if she was stupid. She was annoyed to hear her voice. To Robin, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. All she could do was stare at her and not look away. Seemingly disgusted and annoyed.
"Oh, that's cool!" (Y/n) said enthusiastically. The conversation changed its course after its awkward encounter. The silence between the two was deafening and uncomfortable. (Y/n) fidgeted with the dog tag around her neck then scratched at her hair and bit her bottom lip before letting them go. 
Eventually, the drinks came in waters, lemonades, Shirley Temple, and rootbeers.  Simon downed his drink as soon as he got it. It was never known whether it was because he was thirsty or wanted to have fun. The boys started chanting "Chug! Chug! Chug!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully at the group. Robin looked down at her lap sipping her drink, uncharastically quiet. She was trying to ignore (Y/n)'s happiness.  Simon let out an atomic burp.
"Dude that's gross!"
"Come on we're public!" Alejandro pushed Simon's shoulder over the table, the two of them snickering. (Y/n) shook her head playfully disappointed by their boyish behavior. Meanwhile, Robin was fuming, if this was a cartoon she would have steam coming out through her ears.
Everybody was eating and enjoying their food. Simon was talking with his mouth full and Michael was encouraging him, laughing at his disgustingness. Robin reached over to take a bite of Jeremy's food with her fork. he smiled nervously and let her take a bite. Robin took a slow bite while looking at (Y/n) half-liddedly. As if she did something. (Y/n) blinked at her confusedly and went back to picking at her food for the good stuff.  
Michael reached over grabbing a fry off of (Y/n)'s plate. She shot him a look, throwing one of her eyebrows up smirking. He ate the fry in front of her.  Robin rolled her eyes at them, there was a burning feeling in her chest. The boys were chatting (Y/n) occasionally joining in. Robin learned to tune out her voice, her voice was so annoying.  They were getting more rowdy by the minute, and people around the restaurant looked at them with annoyance. Teenagers in the diner weren't anything out of the ordinary. However, the girls weren't paying attention to them. Caught up in their tension. Simon playfully pushed Jeremy's shoulder knocking his arm into Robin's drink, spilling it on her shirt. She yelped, a dark stain was forming on her red plaid vest. 
"Oh shit! Sorry, Robin! Here." Simon grabbed a handful of napkins for her. She yanked them out of his hands.
She groaned. "Ugh, it's fine."  After a few pats, she settled on going to the bathroom. the boys stand up letting her pass them. She made a break for the bathroom.  The two sat back down.
"I'm gonna go help her." (Y/n) said, Alejandro got up out of his seat letting her pass by him. She walked towards the bathroom.  Robin stood in front of the mirror with a bunch of crumpled damp paper towels. Patting down the dark stain on her cute vest. She looked in the mirror, and (Y/n)'s reflection appeared.
"What do you want?" She said harshly. She went back to cleaning up the soda split on her. "I came to see if you needed help." (Y/n) eyed her shirt. Coming up towards her grabbing some paper towels from the dispenser. 
"It's not that bad." (Y/n) Put a little water and soap onto the paper towels. Patting down Robin's vest. She grabbed her hand and yanked it away from her. "Stop it," Robin growled. 
(Y/n) backed off, allowing Robin to use the paper towels she got for her.  Why was she so mad at her? What did she do wrong? (Y/n) let these thoughts linger in her head. She was trying to be friendly and make a new friend this whole time. The group was new to her but the boys were welcoming. So why wasn't Robin like that? It plagued her to think that something was wrong with her. 
"You ruined everything! I hope you are happy." Robin snapped at her. It felt like a stab in the back. (Y/n)'s chest became hollow. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) asked quietly. The other girl glared at her. 
"It was perfect without you here. Then you came and messed everything up. All they do is talk about you! It's so fucking irritating. This wouldn't even be a problem if you would" Robin scolded. (Y/n) looked away from her. Everyone had their moments but this was humiliating. There was nothing she could do but listen to the venomous words leaving Robin's mouth. "Oh," Is all that (Y/n) could say. Robin left with her back to the table. 
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pepi1989 · 6 days
Can you please type a story of reader smothering Ben in kisses to try get him to talk after a fake argument/mock fight? Like fighting after reader teasing him?
Too Many Kisses to Stay Mad - Ben Shelton
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It started out as just harmless teasing, like it always does. We were sitting on the couch after dinner, the TV on in the background, when Ben launched into another story about his practice session. I couldn’t help myself, he was always talking about tennis, and I’d spent the whole meal listening to stats, strategies, and match recaps.
“So let me get this straight,” I interrupted, trying to keep a straight face. “You spent the entire afternoon talking to your coach about… the angle of your serve?”
Ben paused, mid-sentence, giving me a confused look. “Yeah? It’s important. The right angle can—”
“Oh, I know, it’s crucial,” I said, exaggerating my voice like some sort of sports commentator. “Because clearly, that’s the most fascinating thing in the world to talk about when you’re home, relaxing, with your girlfriend.”
His brow furrowed as he picked up on the teasing tone. “Are you making fun of me?”
I grinned, biting my lip. “Never,” I said with faux innocence, leaning in like I was about to be serious. “I’m just saying… maybe we could talk about something else for a change? Like how cute my new outfit is, or how amazing I am at Mario Kart.”
Ben’s lips twitched, fighting a smile. “I talk about other stuff.”
I gasped, dramatically clutching my chest. “Other stuff? Besides tennis? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.”
His eyes narrowed, but the smirk was already forming. “Alright, alright. You’re asking for it.”
“Oh no,” I laughed, sliding away as he reached for me, “what are you gonna do? Lecture me about the importance of racket tension?”
Ben lunged, pinning me to the couch as I squirmed beneath him, laughing. “You better apologize before I go full tennis nerd on you.”
“Never!” I gasped between giggles, trying to wriggle free. “You’ll never make me!”
“Okay, fine,” he said, sitting up with a mock frown. “You’re on your own now. I’m not talking to you. Ever again.”
I sat up too, catching my breath and raising an eyebrow. “Really? Not talking to me, huh? You think you can keep that up?”
Ben crossed his arms and turned his face away dramatically. “I’m dead serious. You’re cut off.”
I tried to suppress a laugh, but the fake sulking was too much. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. It was just a little teasing.”
He remained silent, his face stoic, but I could see the corner of his mouth twitching. He was holding back a smile.
“Alright,” I said, standing up and brushing off my clothes. “I see how it is. Guess I’ll just have to… make you talk.”
His eyes darted towards me for a split second, his curiosity piqued, but he quickly looked away again. I took that as my cue.
Without warning, I jumped back onto the couch, tackling him into the cushions and smothering his face with kisses. “Kiss attack!” I declared, planting kisses all over his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, anywhere I could reach.
Ben squirmed beneath me, trying to fend me off, but he was laughing now, the mock argument completely forgotten. “Stop! You’re—this is cheating!”
“Not until you talk to me!” I said between kisses, refusing to let up. “Come on, just say something.”
He let out a muffled laugh, grabbing my wrists to try and stop me, but I was too quick. “Okay, okay!” he finally gasped, barely able to breathe from laughing. “You win!”
I sat back, grinning down at him, victorious. “That’s what I thought.”
Ben shook his head, his chest still heaving from laughter. “You’re ridiculous.”
“And yet,” I said, leaning in close, my lips brushing against his, “you’re still with me.”
He sighed dramatically, but the affection in his eyes was undeniable. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
I moved to kiss him again, this time softer, slower, and he responded instantly, his hands slipping around my waist to pull me closer. For a moment, the teasing faded into something warmer, something more real. I could feel his heart racing beneath my palm as he deepened the kiss, and when we finally pulled away, he was smiling.
“You know,” he said, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, “you didn’t have to kiss me a hundred times to get me to talk.”
I shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. “I know. But where’s the fun in that?”
He chuckled, his hands still resting on my waist. “Fair point. But next time, I’m not letting you win so easily.”
“Oh, please,” I teased, leaning back with a playful smirk. “You couldn’t resist me if you tried.”
Ben tilted his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Wanna bet?”
Before I could respond, he flipped us over, pinning me beneath him this time, his grin widening as I let out a surprised yelp. “Payback time,” he said, leaning in close, his voice low.
But instead of kissing me, he hovered just inches away, his breath warm against my skin. I waited, my heart racing, but he stayed right there, not moving.
“Ben,” I whispered, biting my lip. “You’re killing me here.”
“Am I?” he asked, his voice full of amusement. “I thought you wanted to talk.”
I rolled my eyes, my hands sliding up his chest. “Fine, let’s talk.”
He chuckled, finally closing the distance and kissing me again, this time with a little more intensity. His hands roamed over my sides, pulling me closer, and all thoughts of teasing and mock fights melted away.
When we eventually broke apart, both of us breathless, Ben rested his forehead against mine. “Okay, maybe you’re right,” he admitted, his voice softer now. “I can’t resist you.”
“Told you,” I murmured, my fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “But you can keep trying. I don’t mind.”
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kimbapisnotsushi · 7 months
hey all i know a lot of us aren't on twt so here's a post of info from the translated material very kindly given to us by @TrianaNero. first we're starting with info from a bonus volume given to people going to the movie, in which furudate is interviewed about the characters!! some of the questions aren't really necessary to know, some are, and some i think are just funny, which is why there's a mix of them! find the full thread here, of which i directly quoted
kenma is STILL having trouble choosing a fave game BUT apparently his first game was mario kart 64!!
lev's weirdest nickname he received from the upperclassmen is "flora-san", which is (and this is a direct quote) "to honor lev's commendable gut flora that helps him always have good bowel movements" (LMAAAAAO I'M CRYING)
taketora's mohawk came from copying an italian player during his first year
okay i HAVE to include the question in this one because the question was "i admire how considerate and serene kai always is, how can i also become like that?" and the answer is. "face death once". ????? kai??? are you okay???
a "lame pun" that fukunaga likes is "happiceive" LMAO
other than racing each other, inuoka and hinata compete in who can eat fish the cleanest
THIS ONE IS ABOUT SHIBAYAMA MY BOY anyways the question was "nishinoya taught shibayama how to keep calm -- did he manage that?" and the answer was "i'm sure he still has a long way to go" so. it's a work in progress i guess (poor shibayama . . . )
"teshiro and tsukishima both try to avoid noisy places when eating or taking a break and because of that sometimes end up near each other" (this is SO cute i'm crying)
apparently the player that impressed akane the most at the tournament was atsumu?? girl you can do better
"what does alisa consider cool about her brother" "everything" STOP IT RIGHT NOW MY HEART
coach nekomata's favorite alcohol is "sake (the bitter kind)"
furudate says that fukunaga was the hardest to draw "because i feel pressured to come up with interesting lines for him"
he also says that he'd be friends with yamamoto if he was on nekoma, because "once you get close to him, you become really good friends pretty easily"
the "we are the blood" speech was something kuroo and the others wanted to "come up with something original for the team" in their second year!! (i think for when they would become third years, according to the post)
AYUDSFBTFDKAS WE HAVE CAT MASCOTS!!! apparently they're all crossbreeds except lev and inuoka (i don't know enough about animals or cats to know what that means) kenma: calico kuroo: black cat yamamoto: orange tabby (@kanoyachi says that he's not neutered in that illustration of them which i have not seen?? do with that what you will) yaku: grey tabby kai: tortoiseshell cat fukunaga: bicolor cat inuoka: maine coon (I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS) lev: russian blue shibayama: tuxedo cat (SOBBING) teshiro: white cat
never mind i have since been sent that image. what the fuck
uhhh okay i don't entirely get what this one means but Q: Share a secret about Nekoma A: It's not Hanako-san in the toilet, it's Suzuki-san
the full lyrics of hinata's toilet song: "Toi-toi-toilet! Toile-let! Whoam I! The guy! Who'll become the ace! Fly fly a 100 meters! Go go 10k km! And befo-ore tha-at--" (repeat from beginning)
the reason why kageyama is concerned that animals don't like him: "when i was in elementary school, a toy poodle from the neighborhood who'd show his belly to anyone always kept barking at me for some reason"
the only times daichi was angrier than when kageyama and hinata fought was when noya and tanaka "wrestled and broke some equipment". and also when they "tried to race a car while running". apparently they ignored the first warning both times
IUAHFDOS FURUDATE GOT ASKED WHETHER SUGA OR FUKUNAGA WAS FUNNIER AND THE ANSWER WAS "i think it depends on the person. for kenma it's fukunaga"
asahi's favorite animal is "whichever doesn't bite"
Q: How to become as mentally strong/solid as Nishinoya? A: Do everything you're scared of
Q: Tanaka said he gets down in the dumps about once in 6 months, what caused that before? A: When he couldn't spike or serve or pass properly, be that practice or official matches
tsukishima likes shortcakes bc "he used to be rewarded with them for getting his vaccine shots" . . .
apparently yamaguchi likes soggy fries because "they have a very pronounced taste". whatever the hell that means??
Q: What was Yachi's most pessmistic episode up until now? A: When she got an award of excellence at a crime prevention poster competition in middle school. She feared that other people'd be like "why did they choose this", "there's clearly better submissions" (YACHI YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS)
Q: I like Takeda-sensei's "Chaaah!" when he drinks. What other sounds does he make? A: "Okkaree"
ukai got healthy eating habits from a book where he read that your muscles break down if you don't get all the nutrients you need, "and that gave him a really good scare"
Q: Who'd you be best friends with on Karasuno? A: Azumane. Peace.
so apparently a secret about karasuno is that they used to share the club room with a mountain climbing club which "disappeared" (??? i'm assuming that means disbanded it just sounds so ominous) and so they "ended up with quite a big room"
furudate uses a bird-person as his avatar because "i like birds and apparently i remind some people of a bird"
Q: What was the idea behind the recent bonus chapter? A: I wanted to include how nekoma realized it was useless to dive after that ball but they simply couldn't help it in the main manga—but it ruined the flow a little, so i took it out, and then I wanted to include it here.
HJKSDFGBJKSFD LMAAAAO during furudate's research process he took pics of the players and the seated fans during the match and received suspicious looks for it. and ended that question with "I'm sorry for acting suspiciously" and that's that!!! WHEW that was a doozy. i'll make another post describing some illustrations from the same thread, and one covering the magazine digest thread, so keep an eye out for that as well!! thanks for joing me!!!
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justhere4kpop · 5 months
Game Night
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Lee Jihoon x Reader
Summary: It's your turn to host game night, but your friend has a suggestion on what to play.
W/C: 1420
Rating: MDNI (Highly Suggestive, Metions of stripping, and drinking.)
a/n: Happy Birthday to my absolute best friend on the entire planet @nebulousbrainsoup I can't wait to spend it with you and basically this summer!!! We're going to have the time of our lives!! Thank you for always always being there and being my voice of reason when I need it. I love you so so so so so so so much!! another year around we go!!
also big BIG MASSIVE thank you to @kwanisms for giving me this perfect banner, and for also helping with the idea and being super supportive while I was writing this.
When my friends invited me over for a game night I expected something more like Monopoly, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Trivial Pursuit. Candy Land, or maybe even Sorry would've been better than this. Somehow Joshua wanted to show me what they did for this week's episode of Going Seventeen, but he wanted to add a twist.
“Oh come on you know Strip Poker.” Joshua said as my face warmed up. “Of course, I know Strip Poker you fool!” I said and hit his shoulder. “It's just like that but Rock Paper Scissors cards. And strip poker!” He smiled. “Why would I want to play that with you idiots?” I deadpanned at the man. “Because it'll be fun, having the attention of all of us-”
That is the exact opposite of what I want, Three very attractive idols staring at me while we bet clothing??? No. “Sorry, I'm late.” Jihoon announced coming in from outside.
Make that 4 attractive idols staring at me while we bet clothing.
“Ah, Jihoon-ah, you’re just in time my friend.” Joshua smiled and sent a wink my way. I grabbed the closest bottle of wine to me and made my way to the couch, if I had to be stuck here, no way was I going to be sober doing it. “y/n?” Jihoon asked. “Are you playing?” “I thought our dear could join in the fun tonight.” Joshua said. “So you normally play strip poker with your friends?” I asked eying Joshua. Chan did a spit-take. “We’re doing what?” he asked. “Oh no this is a special occasion brought to you by the one and only, Xu Minghao.” Joshua smiled. “Don’t give me all the credit, I said it as a joke.” Hao hit him. “And who better to be our fifth for the night than our dear friend y/n?” I was nudged by the oldest in the room.
Of course, this was a plan, of course it was all Joshua’s doing, that horny bastard, the only way it could be worse would be if Jeonghan was here, those two would cheat while the rest of us would be entirely naked, meanwhile they’ve only lost a sock. Does anyone want to remind me why I’m even here? Why I agreed to this?
“You don’t have to play if you’re really that uncomfortable.” Jihoon looked at me, a slight concern in his eyes. “What and miss Jisoo in his tighty whities? No way, he’s losing today.” “Okay well rules are the same as always, we won’t make you go full nude, but if you keep playing and losing, you’ll have to take a shot once you run out of clothing.” Joshua clapped his hands and handed the cards to Jihoon. “You’re going down pretty boy.” I smiled at Joshua. “Bring it on.”
Fuck Lee Chan for looking like a schoolboy! Fuck Xu Minghao for wearing that fucking tank top, Fuck Hong Jisoo for his smug fucking face, and fuck Lee Jihoon for looking so goddamn tasty in those stupid suspenders. Here I am, with no shirt, no socks, just a bra, shorts, and underwear still on. Chan, our poor baby, just keeps losing he’s down to his boxers at this point. Hao decided his indoor sunglasses count so he’s faring better than anyone mostly still clothed, and that punk Joshua just has his shirt off, claiming he would’ve taken it off anyway he was getting hot.
Jihoon’s arm flexed as he poured a shot, it’s unfair! I’m stuck here! I’m being tortured! I’m stuck with my 4 hot friends playing strip poker, and I don’t even get to see them not wearing anything! How am I the one losing!!! Well….I guess Chan is worse off than I am. He’s fine! “How many more rounds are we playing?” I huffed “Scared those shorts are coming off next?” Chan raised his eyebrow. “No! But it’s getting late, and I’m getting cold.” I stated, suddenly there was a warm jacket around me. “Jihoon-ah! That’s cheating!” Joshua protested. “They’re cold.” he brushed off the elder. “Fine, final round? All or nothing?” Joshua raised an eyebrow and looked at the others. “What all? I don’t have an all I’m down to my underwear.” Chan protested. “Aww, cute little Channie.” Joshua smiled. “Okay, all or nothing, the losers take 2 shots and lose the rest of their clothing, minus the underwear.” “Deal” we all said in unison. The cards are dealt, we look, the room is silent….Minghao flips his card first, Scissors, Chan next, also Scissors…. “Well boys looks like you are gonna be losing those clothes-” I started, flipping over the rock card. “Not so fast Y/n” Joshua chuckled and produced the paper card. “YOU’RE A GOD DAMN LIAR AND A CHEAT HONG JISOO!!!” I yelled at the male across from me. “I’m just lucky I guess.” he shrugged the smirk never falling off his face. “Come on. I won.” he made a look behind me I didn’t quite catch.
I shimmied the shorts off myself and gave them a dramatic spin, I had worn a nicer set than usual today without knowing the consequences of my own actions. The blue set was adorned with lace, and accompanied by the same shade and lace for the bottoms, but in the form of hipsters instead of traditional underwear. “Yeah yeah, you’ve had your look now get out.” I chuckled and threw my thumb at the door signalling the men to get lost. “I can’t believe you dragged Jihoon into this too.” “I don’t think he minded much.” Joshua winked and helped Minghao put on his long coat. “I’ll help you clean up y/n” Jihoon smiled at me calmly. There was a quiet darkness in his eyes. Something bubbling behind that sweet smile and gentle nature. “You don’t have to Ji, it’s okay.” I threw my shirt back on to cover up. “This is the last time I host game night at my place.” I mumbled as the others began leaving. “Goodnight y/n!” Chan called out as the Uber arrived to pick them up, Minghao still red in the face after having lost to Joshua at strip poker. I waved to them from the window.
“Did you have fun tonight?” Jihoon asked coming up behind me, making his presence known, his hand on the small of my back. The ever-present partner stance he took in private. “Until Jisoo very clearly cheated I did yeah.” I rolled my eyes and turned around to pick up the various beer cans strewn about the floor from the times we would throw them at said male. “I’m never letting him come up with the ideas again.” I chuckled to myself. “What makes you so sure this was Joshua’s idea?” Jihoon raised an eyebrow. “Strip Poker? Come on he clearly came up with it.” “Maybe…with a little suggestion.” he shrugged. “And who else would suggest such a thing besides Jeonghan?” “It may have been mentioned in passing when we were working on a song.” he tried playing nonchalantly. “Lee Jihoon are you trying to tell me that strip poker was your idea?” “Oh don’t act so surprised doll.” he smirked and tied off the trash bag. “I’d been looking for an excuse for them to see something they could never have.” “You sneaky little mastermind! You wanted me to strip in front of your friends?” I looked at the man who had started spending more time with me than in his studio. “I said I wanted to keep us private, but that doesn’t mean I won’t find ways to show you off.” “A warning would’ve been nice!” I slapped his arm away from me slightly. “You don’t mean that you love surprises.” he moved behind me, his hands on my waist. “Besides, you know how worked up I get having to play pretend all day.”
This side of Jihoon was dangerous, the side that came out when he had been pent up, he had overworked himself and wanted to let go and have fun, he loved the feeling of when you let go and basically crawl into his lap. Just having you encompass him, he just loves having you to himself after showing others what they can’t have.
“Now it’s time for the real fun?” he raised an eyebrow. “Uuujiiii,” I whined out at the man and he effortlessly picked me up carrying me away to the bedroom.
He truly is a mastermind when it comes to games and game night.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
plz do some conrad head cannons i loved ur cam ones🙏🙏🙏
hc’s for conrad!!
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i feel like conrad would be a little tough to crack open at first, like he’d open up slowly but surely
once he does, he adores when people genuinely listen to him and help him process
when he feels comfortable, if he has a panic attack, he knows he can go to you for comfort and he doesn’t have to be afraid
if you’re anxious, he’s def the type of guy to hold you until you calm down, and then talk about it if you still want to
before susannah’s death, she always noticed his smile get bigger when he was with you and it always reappeared after her death
i feel like bro def would get a good therapist (someone get him one ‼️)
he pretends to hate the nickname connie but secretly loves it whenever you say it
gets turned on by the most random things, even if they’re little
i know him and jere have their little moments but i feel like he’d genuinely do anything for his little brother
keep in mind i haven’t read the books so i’m not fully sure what happens 😭 i know some major plot points but no details really
if you get insecure, he always slyly shoots out little compliments and makes sure other people say you look amazing (you do)
he’s usually civil, but the second someone says something to you, it’s game over
FUCKS UP mario kart wii and had to finish jeremiah’s laps for him when they were younger
wants to call people his best friend, but isn’t sure if he’s theirs (same)
i think once he learns how to properly communicate (no hate), he would have a really good relationship with you
if you argue about something, he stays up all night thinking about it in fear of losing you. even if he thinks he’s right, he’ll try and make it up to you
bro i know the fishers grew up drinking milk with dinner every. single. night.
i feel like he would be cold a lot (idk why) but he always curls up more to you if he does
definitely active on twitter and always retweets the weird, funny tweets (or x i guess, kiss my ass elon!)
whenever he’s soaking wet, it’s a must that he runs up to you and shakes his hair and pecks your cheek (cannon???)
bro has a blankie idc (this is me projecting)
this is so mean but he 100% scared susannah whenever she walked into a room (probably before being diagnosed again 💀)
has a private story that he NEVER uses unless it’s to post embarrassing pics of everyone else
made his snap username something so humiliating and shut down whenever someone mentioned it
cried tears of joy when the update came out where you could change it
i tried to add a few silly ones in there, but i hope you enjoy these <3
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cherryfennec · 8 months
Bad End AU lore question, do the other know that Super Dimentio is both Luigi and Dimentio?
If they do, can they tell who's in control? And how do they feel about them/what's their dynamic? I'm guessing Bowser prefers Luigi just because of how annoying the clown is
I'm also really curious about the Shadow Queen, is it like Super Dimentio with the queen never letting Peach take control, or is Peach completely dormant since it's possession and not a fusion? (If i remember the game correctly)
And how does Luigi feel about it? Having to hang out with an enemy wearing his friend's face?
This is going to be a long one, so long I've put it under 'read more'. Alright, here goes!
1. For a while no, they don't know!
When they initially meet, Shadow Queen literally has no idea who this is, she does recognise the poncho though. The only thing that's clear to her then and there is that this person is connected to the thief, she just doesn't know exactly how yet. However Bowser does recognise the mustache and the hat, saying it's the brother of his old enemy who's named Luigi.
And that's how it kind of stays for a while. They know him as just Luigi.
Soon enough the weird behaviour rears it's head. He starts talking to seemingly himself, changing expressions and voice tone, contrasting the one before, on the spot during discussions, tolerating something and then suddenly acting malicious towards it. Fighting with himself even, you'd be just doing something and he appears for a split second slamming himself against the wall then vanishing.
Peach certainly figures out what's going on. From there forward she manages to overhear Dimentios name and also confirms that the thief still has the Chaos Heart. While Bowser is aware of the strange behaviour and everything he can't quite name why it happens. He explains it to himself as the brother simply going crazy after the disappearance of Mario.
2. There are two ways to tell who's in control at the moment. The first one is what helps the most often.
Body language. Observation is key, and luckily for others Luigis and Dimentios old habits die hard.
Dimentio is loud spoken and likes to make jabs at others. His tone is most often sly, which also shows on his face with a sharp grin and squinted eyes. His gestures are more elegant alongside the general way he moves. He still prefers floating to walking and uses magic for the smallest of inconveniences. If any of these traits are present it's most likely Dimentio that you're looking at!
Luigi's more soft spoken and doesn't speak in 'riddles'. He tends to have his eyes fully open and his expressions, like his smile, are generally less exaggerated. He's the type to walk and jump everywhere, not relying on magic because he 1.never needed it before and 2. still perfectly can't use it. He tends to hunch over and has a tendency to trip. If you're not being currently insulted and belittled in the weirdest way imaginable, congrats! You're talking to Luigi!
This isn't always very reliable buuuut sometimes this can happen:
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The default tint of the eyes is white, its when they're acting in mutual agreement. The tint is more blueish if it's Luigi. However when it's more of Dimentio speaking there's a chance for this hue to alter to purple and yellow. As I mentioned this is a bit unreliable because it's already hard to notice in the first place since its such a slight difference and lighting can mess with how it appears.
3. Peach likes to exploit others for her gain, and she quickly learns that getting something from this one won't be easy. Trying to trick a trickster such as Dimentio seems like an impossible task, a raccoon and fox trying to fool eachother basically deal. That leaves Luigi but guess what, not that much better with him either. The 'brother of a fallen hero' is smarter than he looks, albeit a little more open minded to small suggestions. She overall has a slight preference towards Dimentio though, she finds him very fascinating. And that's exactly why he tries to ignore her when he can pfff
Bowser definitely prefers when Luigi acts like y'know, Luigi. Just like you said, he finds the other one annoying. Bowsers relationship with Luigi is overall weird, while he's very irritated by the clowns antics and wouldn't mind shutting him up for good, he can't help but feel some sort of sympathy. These two have a bit of history, whether it be direct or more because of Mario, and it just might be enough to make Bowser not absolutely despise him and have at least a smidge of patience and understanding.
4. As you mentioned yes it's possession, and not a fusion. Peach's mind, unlike Luigis, is dormant. Some of her behaviours can shine through but it's mostly remnants. If you're curious I'll just say it as a fun fact: if you managed to somehow rip out/get rid of the Shadow Queen from the body, Peach would come back like from a long nap. You can probably imagine how'd she react to everything that's happened while she was gone... yeah...
5. Not fun. Since only Luigi knew who Peach was before, all the attachment comes from him. She has gone from someone he could talk to about everyday life, meet up to play normal games while not risking his health and just have an overall great time with, to a person who he's sure would dissect him on a table if given an opportunity. He's not wrong.
He still calls her Princess despite her insisting on Queen. He does it as a memento of the past, while Dimentio calls her Princess just to make her even more upset.
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
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Name: Neo Bowser City (aka Koopa City in PAL regions)
Debut: Mario Kart 7
Do you ever think of all the weird locations we only ever see in Mario Kart games? Despite being the biggest of all of Mario's spin-off franchises, when you really get down to it, remarkably few Mario Kart courses are actually based on established Mario locations!
It's not none, there's the occasional Donut Plains and Tick-Tock Clock and Airship Fortress, but most of the courses are these weird one-off locations we never see outside the context of that specific racetrack.
But have you ever taken a moment to step back and like, think of the Lore Implications of some of these places?
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Like okay! Bowser just owns this whole dang cyberpunk city and we only ever see it in the context of Kart Racing! How messed up is that?!
One day Mario and Friends were looking for new places to race, and Bowser must have said something like "Gwah-hah-hah! I bet you puny punks could NEVER beat me in a race in my cyberpunk metropolis!" and right then and there it was established that Bowser owns a cyberpunk metropolis. Neo Bowser City is a city that exists in the Super Mario World and aside from returning in other Mario Kart games, it hasn't been acknowledged before or since.
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Neo Bowser City first appeared in Mario Kart 7, as the third course in the Star Cup. Despite its flashy visuals, it actually doesn't really have a whole lot going on. It's a difficult track with some tight turns made more difficult by the rain making things more slippery, but besides that it doesn't really have any of the Wacky Obstacles that define so many Mario Kart courses.
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Then it returned in Mario Kart 8 looking more gorgeous than ever! The bright colors really pop out, and the whole track is just oozing with detail that really emphasizes the scale of this city!
But like, the emphasized scale really only further raises the question of where this exists in the Mario World. Clearly, the fact that Bowser is plastered all over the billboards and the fact it's named "Neo Bowser City" helps us deduce that this city probably belongs to Bowser. Is this located in Bowser's Kingdom? Just how big is Bowser's Kingdom? And why does he own so many separate castles?
Maybe Neo Bowser City exists in the future? Is this a bad timeline? I mean, Mario Kart is allowed to have time-travel shenanigans. There's a Splatoon battle arena and that exists thousands of years in the future so sure, dust off Mario's Time Machine and head to the bad future where Bowser wins. Should've pressed that New Super Mario Bros. big yellow P-Switch!
I asked my friend Mod Chikako for their input and their theory is that Neo Bowser City isn't the future of Mario's world, but of our world. Clearly Bowser just couldn't take Wreck-It-Ralph losing the Oscar vote!
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But in that case I guess it's a cooler cyberpunk future than the one we're living in right now. Corporate monopolies that run mass-surveillance with little government intervention due to their extreme wealth giving them extensive political power? No thank you! Neo Bowser City has bright neon colors, and flying cars! If I'm going to live in a dystopia, I want it to be a fun one. The only advertisements I want to see plastered everywhere are ones advertising Bowser!
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Boo! That's the bad guy! Thumbs down!
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The course returns again in that pitiful mobile game with another redesign, this time letting us see his Coney Island Disco Palace off in the distance. Does Bowser live in his Neo City? Is this worldbuilding we've been missing out on for decades, finally answered by a kart racer? Is this the capital city of Bowser's Kingdom? Am I once again falling victim to my perpetual hubris of overthinking the Mario franchise?
Really, I can't offer too much in terms of wacky fan theories, because I'm still thinking about this location existing in the first place. I'd love to know the Lore and worldbuilding here, but I guess the nature of Mario's canon is that it doesn't need to be over-analyzed. Bowser simply owns a cyberpunk metropolis, we'll only ever see it in the context of kart racing, and maybe that's okay.
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Of course, this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Dinohattan from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie, which we've barely talked about on this blog somehow. You see, when the meteor hit, some of the dinosaurs escaped into a parallel timeline where they then evolved into humans, and then they built Dinohattan instead of Manhattan. Get it? Yeah, that movie is all sorts of bonkers. I wouldn't say it's very good, but I kinda love it. I'd recommend checking it out, if only to see a vastly different take on Mario than you'd be used to.
Anyway I bring this up because it's a completely separate instance of a version of Bowser building a large cyberpunk metropolis, and it actually predates Neo Bowser City! Do you think they could be connected? Are Dinohattan and Neo Bowser City one and the same...?
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
"The best way I can describe it is like...a rut, I guess?" Cranky Kong took a sip of his margarita, nodding. Luigi swirled his, continuing.
"It's like when you get stuck in a ditch, and you rev the engine, but all it does is create a rut in the road. Then, even when you fix the kart, driving over that spot will get you stuck again. Realistically, I know I'm in a completely different situation. I have a husband who has and will fight for my safety, Mario and I will never have to be in the run the way we were before, so it should be ok, right?"
"Then ya drive over the rut."
"Exactly. Something happens, or someone says something, and it's like you're right back in that moment. Mario tends to get stuck in his own head a lot more than I do, but I know I'm still guilty of it. Whenever I'm alone too often, I tend to fall into the rut of: 'Mario went off to find us something to eat, I'd better go hide until he gets back!' Next thing I know, the entire Capital is in an uproar because no one can find me, and I've been tucked into the bottom of a broom closet for hours." Cranky Kong snorted at this, chuckling at the mental image.
"The worst part is, I know Mario had it so much worse. He shielded me from so much as a kid, and I can only imagine what he deals with." The two looked out across the arena, where Mario and DK were going at it. Seeing the competitive grin on Mario's face made Luigi's eyes sparkle.
"Your son has done him so much good. He and Peach are a match made in heaven, but DK has a way of bringing out the little kid in Mario. He helps him focus on the moment, and gives comfort when the past is all he can think of." Cranky Kong gave a rare smile.
"Yeah, well that human has been good for him too. DK's really grown up since he started dating your brother. He's still a little shit, mind you, but he's more... balanced." It was Luigi's turn to chuckle, the noise drawing Polterpup from where he lay by his master's feet. The dog yipped, tongue lolling out as he panted happily. Luigi patted the spirit's head softly. He looked back up in time to see DK scoop Mario up and spin him around. Mario laughed, a warm smile resting easily on his face. The older brother rested his hands against DK's cheeks and softly kissed his forehead. The ape grinned, holding him closer. Mario shifted to rest on DK's back, and the couple left the arena to meet Peach in the doorway.
The princess hugged both of them with an elated smile, and Luigi sighed. Cranky Kong nudged his knee with his own.
"You're all doin' great, ok? For the hell you've seen, you and your brother are doing great." He assured. Luigi leaned back against the warm stone seat.
"Yeah." He said, gently playing with his earrings.
"We're doing great."
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bucktommy positivity week fanfiction roundup! - part 2
we're so excited to be officially sharing the roundup of all the amazing fic shared during bucktommy positivity week! we had well over a hundred submissions, and we really hope everyone will go comment positively on all these amazing works! this post contains the fics from days 4-7.
post with days 1-3
note: we also had a few amazing submissions of things like art, gifs and headcanons! this masterlist is solely for fic but you can find the other creations at these tag links: art | posts | gifs | other
(if we've missed your submission, it is absolutely not intentional so please send a message and we will rectify it immediately 🧡)
day four - hobbies and dates
you’re simply the best by judymarch15
Tommy is easygoing and naturally good at everything. Buck adores this about his boyfriend, but he is also determined to find something Tommy’s not great at. So Buck plans a series of dates to figure it out. AKA 5 times Tommy was good at things + 1 time he wasn’t.
Free Fall by Amtinla12
Tommy does a great deal of introspection out loud as he is forced to carry an unconscious Evan to safety after a hiking date gone wrong.
The Perfect Ingredients (That's Amore) by 30somethingAutisticTeacher - also for day 5
She just can't take her eyes off the two handsome strangers in her Italian Cooking class.
Starter by talktonytome
“Oh my god,” Chim finally throws his hands up, in exasperation. “When did you get a kid?? We didn’t even know you and Tommy were there yet—Oh no, does Maddie know? You know I can’t keep secrets! He cries. “Wait… you didn’t like, steal a kid did you?”
Wrong Kind of Bear by LadyEyre
“You’ll never guess what happened to Tommy and me this weekend,” said Buck, slamming a mid-sized cardboard box down on the kitchen counter in the fire station’s loft. “What’s in the box?” Ravi asked, reaching for it. Buck swatted his hand away. “Wait ‘til I’ve finished the story!” Hen gave him an unimpressed look over the rim of her glasses and okay, Buck kind of deserved that. Probably not the most adult-like behaviour to be exhibiting at work, but if he opened the box now that would give the story away. “Okay, I’ll bite,” said Chimney after taking a sip of coffee. “What happened over the weekend?” or Buck tells the 118 about his date with Tommy
Handsome Little Bookworm by emquin
In which Buck discovers how avid of a reader Tommy is.
A Chocolatey Getaway (Head canons) by RacerChix21
Head canons for Buck and Tommy going to San Francisco for the Ghirardelli Chocolate Experience
Mermaid Pendant by waitingtobelit
Tommy doesn’t consider himself much of a video game person, outside of the occasional (and very competitive) rounds of Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers with some of the Harbor crew. (He sweeps at Mario Kart, actually. Lucy still owes him twenty bucks from the last time he kicked the entire shift’s ass at Rainbow Road.) Evan, however, very much is a video game person, and it’s becoming one of Tommy’s many favorite things about him. Evan is always enthusiastic about who and what he cares about, as Tommy can happily attest to from personal experience. Tommy can’t help but find himself charmed by how much Evan enjoys video games. -- Tommy gets to know Evan better through his love of video games and falls even more in love with him in the process.
Space and Color by mannafromtevan
“I should have known right away you were the artist. Because how your painting made me feel just now is exactly how I felt the moment I met you. And knowing that there are all these other parts of you? All these layers? You’re…you’re beautiful, Tommy. You really are.”
Bucktommy and their hobbies by TillyReads
5 public BuckTommy hobbies and a quiet date night
I didn't know you were a writer by vamphigherqueen
It's no secret that Tommy loves to watch movies. But what IS a secret is the fact that he will write fan fiction any time he finds an ending unsatisfying. What happens when Buck learns about Tommy's secret hobby?
Fight Club by tetehburjo
Buck flashed a winning grin. “Let’s go home.” “Okay, let me just call—” “No, they can get an Uber or something. Let’s just go—me, you,” he tapped Tommy’s chest, “just us, doing things we’re both into.” Or Tommy took Buck to a Fight Club, Buck didn't really enjoyed it.
Vegas! by kneazle_slytuff
Buck finally has someone he can do double dates with. Only, one time it doesn't go as planned.
cryptid by foxaquatica
Tommy learns Buck has a particular interest in certain mythologies, and plans a trip for their one year anniversary.
Green Eyed Monster by Sagasimon
Buck did warn Tommy he can get pretty jealous, right?
day five - outsider perspective
The Birthday Cake by girlwonder (annewritesstuff)
The third time Evan visits Harbor Station, Olivia gives him a little insight on Tommy and hints at a time he wasn't the confident man Evan's fallen for.
Andrew, They're Husbands! by writerdot
“So, what you’re saying is-” Evan Buckley, says, resting an arm on the shoulder of another guy, tall handsome, with brown hair, and taking a bite out of a giant blueberry muffin. “-that you think you could beat me in an arm wrestling contest.” He hadn’t been here in the loft area when this guy arrived, but Andrew doesn’t think he’s part of the 118. Or at least, not part of the A-shift. He’s not uniform, but he can’t get much more of a handle on him than that. Or: Probie Andrew Olson can't figure out what's up with the handsome guy Evan Buckley seems to be standing awfully close to.
sweet dreams turn into coffee in the morning by judymarch15
Sarah, the barista at Tommy’s favorite coffee shop observes her favorite customer
It's A Love Story by emquin
You saw all kinds of things working at a restaurant. First dates. Failed dates. Proposals. Arguments. Break ups. The passing of secrets. Or, the waitress at the restaurant Tommy and Buck go to for their first date likes to people watch.
I Watched It Begin Again by RacerChix21
Sitting in the middle of her favorite coffee shop, Ali hears a familiar laugh and looks up to see Buck on a date with Tommy. She can’t help but think that maybe in a different life that person making him laugh would be her.
From the outside looking in by TillyReads
Buck and Tommy becoming Buck&Tommy becoming BuckTommy as told by 5 outsiders and one that's a little closer
coffee by foxaquatica
The barista at Bean There, the coffee shop Buck and Tommy have frequented since the beginning of their relationship, watches them grow.
love in a coffee shop by kneazle_slytuff
Tamara works at a coffee shop near the 118 and Buck is her favorite customer.
Tell Me More, Tell Me More by Sagasimon
Lucy is nosey, okay? So when Tommy shows up at work with a dopey smile on his face she’s ON IT!
Let Me See You Dance by DarkAliceLilith
“They’ve both come a long way from the men they were when we first met them.”
I Want You To Be Happier by words_in_starless_skies
Three times Maddie looks at Buck.
Slightly Exasperated But Most Assuredly Fond by LadyEyre
Gina took another sip of sherry and double-checked that everything was ready for her guests’ arrival: the pot roast was perfection if she said so herself and the potatoes were as rich and creamy as her dear Siobhan had taught her. She’d tried something new with the vegetables: oven roasting them rather than boiling them as she’d been raised to do and the Brussel sprouts were surprisingly flavourful, especially mixed with cheese and crispy bacon bits. She’d have to try the recipe again sometime maybe when it was her turn to host book club. Gina nodded to herself and took another sip of sherry. Yes, that sounded like a splendid idea. As Gina was straightening the table settings for the umpteenth time, her doorbell rang. or After attending Tommy's Nonna's funeral, Tommy and Buck are invited to Tommy's Aunt Gina's for dinner. Regrets are expressed, apologies made, and family secrets revealed.
at the coffee shop by hardly-an-escape
day six - kids and pets
two of a kind, workin’ on a full house by judymarch15
Buck and Tommy talk about the future.
I can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul by actually_allie
“Thomas Kinard,” Buck says, squinting at him playfully. “Are you telling me that you, big boy and firefighter pilot, are feeling nervous about babysitting my niece and Mara? Damn, you're so cute.” Tommy flushes, biting his bottom lip. “I'm not good with kids. Sometimes we host groups of kids and their teachers at Harbor for school events but that's easy, they have lots of questions about choppers.” Buck’s face softens, and he reaches a hand out to cup Tommy's face. “Everything's going to be fine, babe. And you're so much more than the cool guy who flies helicopters.” Or, the one where Buck and Tommy babysit Jee and Mara, and then have a very important conversation.
Purr-haps It Was Meant to Be by Cinderstrato
At first Tommy thought the kennel was empty, at least until he spotted the lump crouching behind the litter pan in the corner. His first impression of the cat was ‘greasy’. The tufts of long black fur didn’t look matted, exactly, but they shone like oil slicks, and dozens of limp dark hairs littered the blanket at the bottom of the kennel. “Is she sleeping?” Evan whispered. Tommy could see the cat was practically faceplanted on the blanket. “Is she alive?” The cat’s ears twitched, as if in reproach.
Traditions by 30somethingAutisticTeacher
Buck and Tommy want to create family traditions for their son after Buck realizes he didn't have any growing up.
Becoming Pawrents by emquin
Out on a call, the 118 finds a box of abandoned puppies.
I Wouldn’t Trade Us In For Anything by RacerChix21
Buck regales Bobby and Eddie with a story of his and Tommy’s kids and the misadventures of their garden. Then Tommy and the kids show up to surprise him
"You guys have a beautiful family" by TillyReads
Buck and Tommy spend a day at the beach with Jee-Yun
adoption by foxaquatica
After talking about their non-negotiables in their relationship, Buck and Tommy head to the animal shelter
Lucky by LadyEyre
“Okay, so please don’t be mad,” Evan says almost before Tommy has the chance to shut the door behind him. Tommy’s still carrying his work duffle and has only managed to kick one shoe off and his working on the other and Evan is standing at the entry to their kitchen almost like he’s hiding from Tommy, or he wants to. He’s ringing his hands in a way Tommy finds particularly adorable and Tommy has to kiss him about it, quickly dropping his duffle to the entryway floor and traversing the length of the hall with one shoe still on. He sweeps Evan up into a hug and gives him a quick peck on the cheek, holding Evan against himself, he asks, “And what am I not being mad about?” or Tommy comes home from a shift to find Buck's adopted a dog without telling him
Giddy-Up by Sagasimon
Buck finds out about Tommy’s pets.
Cold Shoulder From Soft Paw by words_in_starless_skies
Buck is trying to apologize. Tommy just wants to eat dinner already.
feline family by kneazle_slytuff
Buck meets Tommy's cats for the first time and gets a surprise.
walking a wire by remindmeofthe
“Tommy! Tommyyyy, Tommy!” Tommy turns sharply at the sound of his name in a small, familiar voice. Tommy is minding his own business, out washing his car on an unseasonably hot day, when he suddenly has a much more important situation to address.
day seven - soumates/string of fate
Searching For Scarlet Heartstrings by Glaciaswings (Flamie)
They say the Thread of Fate that wrapped around your pinky connects you to your one true soulmate, platonic or romantic. It may tangle, it may stretch. But it will never break. Evan grew up dreaming of such stories. Staring at the single thread tied on his right finger, wondering if his soulmate was out there, waiting for him. or The three times Evan 'Buck' Buckley sees his red string but not the one on the other end of the string and the one time Tommy Kinard sees who was at the end of his red string.
all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here by judymarch15
Buck and Tommy talk about what it would have been like to meet each other at different points in their lives
Two Halves of the Same Idiot (Baby We Were Meant To Be) by RacerChix21
Soulmate Headcanons for BuckTommy including Tommy’s first day at Harbor
And then some days you wake up and everything's perfect by actually_allie
“So, do you believe in those things? Soulmates, the red string of fate and all?” “You always call me a romantic and I could recite by heart at least ten romance movies, of course I believe in all that,” Tommy replies, pressing a kiss to Buck's head. He feels so safe, here in the quiet of his living room, with Evan pressed against him, so he decides to elaborate a bit more. “For a long time, I thought I was the exception, you know? I thought I was– broken, not meant for love, not meant to find my person.” Or, the one where Buck and Tommy watch a movie that prompts them to talk about soulmates, the red string of fate and their love.
There’s Something About Us by DarkAliceLilith
But fate had other plans and Evan called him for a tour. He agreed. He had wanted to see him again and not just because he wanted to see if their flowers would bloom.
And Every String Led Me To You by emquin
It happened when Buck woke up from the coma. At first, he was absolutely sure that he was dreaming because there was no way his hospital room could be so full of string. or, Buck can suddenly see the strings of fate, including the one that connects him right to Tommy.
I want to wear his initial (I already did) by tetehburjo
No, seriously,” he said, fully facing Evan now. “Where exactly did you get this?” Evan’s brows furrowed, confused. “In my locker… Why? Is something wrong?” Tommy didn’t answer right away. He just stared at Evan as things started to click inside his mind. “Baby… this is my shirt.” Or Buck discovered that he and Tommy had been connected long before they realized.
Hallowed Be Thy Name by Sagasimon
Some people have a tattoo of their soulmate’s name inked into their skin but there are some people who are born with a distinctive birthmark instead.
a touch by kneazle_slytuff
Buck longed to find his soulmate all his life, things change when his hand touches Tommy's for the first time when they shake hands.
Another Night. Another Storm. by LadyEyre
Each year of Tommy’s life, the walls around his heart grew taller, stronger, caging in the spirit he’d been born with: all the love he had to give. The first bricks were laid by his father shouting, “make him stop crying!” while his mother cried and rocked him and screamed that she was trying. And the heart spirit learned to conceal Tommy’s pain, to never seek comfort from beyond himself, to hold everything in, push everything down. Be strong. Be a man. Never let them see you cry. or The spirit of love in Tommy's heart struggles to deconstruct the walls he had to build to protect himself in order to find his soulmate
You left a mark on me by TillyReads
In a world where there are three different types of soulmarks Evan "Buck" Buckley bears one of each kind and is on a path to discovery Excerpt: Most people are born with a maximum of three soulmarks. A green one, for their platonic partner or soul friend. A blue one, for their closest family member, known as soul family. A red one, for their greatest love, also known as true soulmate.
meant to be by hardly-an-escape
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iraprince · 2 years
I can't help but feel the influence of hit film Goncharov in your art... did you have a connection to it as a little child??
you know, it's actually super funny that u ask this bc i have ended up thinking abt it lately w goncharov all over the dash. my old man used to record movies on tv for me to watch with him after school all the time (this is when netflix was still a service that like, sent dvds to ur mailbox, so recording stuff when it happened to be on tv was actually often faster and easier lmao.) so it was stuff like the usual suspects, or yeah, like goncharov -- kind of weird fare for a kid but i've always been glad he did it bc it made me weirder lol. (this is the same guy who was bummed when cars started having screens that flashed the artist name for the currently playing song bc he liked to have me guess the names of classic rock/hair metal bands on the radio.)
anyway. it's not that i like, didn't LIKE watching these old movies w him bc i really did, but i think a lot of them were just kind of over my head for my age, and a lot of them are fucking LONG, so for a lot of them i don't actively remember a ton and i only really start GETTING IT later. but every goncharov post i've seen has been this little parade of me going "oh, YEAH....!!!" like these little bursts of recognition. and that recognition does extend to my own work -- like, not to fall into the "everything is about shipping" school of media analysis but 1. i'm a romance artist and 2. for real, is every couple i write not just some vaguely distorted version of katya/sofia or mario/andrey, lol. the gonch abides
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artycomicfangirl · 11 months
Do you have some headcanons of Daisy's and Luigi's love languages they display in the relationship?
Oh man, you know what? You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for an ask like this since…well, Ever! I LOVE these kind of things! I had to do a quick research to brush up on what Love Languages are again. So I took inspiration from some templates I found online. Sprinkled in with a little bit of the Movie-Verse Headcanons.
I guess this is a potential Part 1 of Luaisy headcanons? All because I’m unfortunately not able to list them all as of now!
But, Here we go! Hope you enjoy. Sorry if this ends up being a super long one though, haha.
- Acts of Service -
💚 Luigi would be more than happy and willing to tend to any Plumbing relate problems Daisy has. This is one of the only few times where even if he doesn’t even know the full situation of the problem, he never says no to her needing help, and dives head first without hesitation…
• Even if it means literally diving into that now rising flooding castle basement of hers, just to locate and fix that pesky broken pipe system!
🌼 💚 Cooking for each other. Unlike when I think Peach lovingly does most, if not all of the cooking for Mario. Cooking seems to become a thing divided equally between Luigi and Daisy.
• Luigi is known to be the best at Dinners. Some of his experience gained from helping his Mama back in Brooklyn growing up. And helping Mario cook too. One of his favorite meals he always loves to share with Daisy on occasion, is his mother’s classic Pasta recipes!
🌼 Plumbing can be real exhausting work sometimes! So Daisy is usually the one to fix up some either some real ice-cool drinks to personably bring to him in sweltering heat. Or Make him some hot cocoa or coffee for the really cold days. She’ll even bring some snacks, or even lunch if it’s almost time for a break.
🌼 Whenever she can be there, Daisy would always sit around and keep Luigi company while he worked. Also for the fact so she can pass him tools that he might need during work. Or even better, hold the fort as best as she can to prevent little mishaps that may occur. Need someone to hit a pipe to get it working? Need an extra set of strength to turn that creaky faucet? Trust Daisy to help out too!
- Physical Touch -
💚 Luigi is so, so, SO gentle with Daisy. Not in a way where he believes that she is perceived to be ‘Delicate’. He has faith that she can handle herself of course! But that’s just simply in his nature with everyone else too. Very little to no aggressive or intimidating body language. And with her? It’s just extra sweet.
• He knows she’s strong. But he can’t help but be the one to look out for her and be worried for her sometimes. When he sees her all scuffed up from fights, he offers to bring her water, ointment, bandages, whatever she requests. At first he allows her to try and heal herself. But If Daisy needs more help, he would step in to help tend to her wounds as much as possible.
💚 Luigi was is the most nervous and hesitant in initiating any form of touch at first. He didn’t want to make the wrong moves or anything! But upon the first hug and some vocal encouragement, it was a sign for him that he is on the right track.
He slowly gets more confident in holding hands with her, having an arm around her waist (Although, he can’t help but melt a little at the fact that he could be THIS close to someone he loves!)
💚 Kisses on his nose get’s him all smiley right away! Daisy ends up doing these out of surprise, and it just gets him so much. Kiss him on the cheek? Instantly giddy. She kisses him on the lips? Immediate knockout. He’s giving the Heart-eyes vibe. This is Something he shares in common with his bro too!
💚 When Luigi sees Daisy on the verge of lashing out at someone. He’s the first to quietly take her hand in his to gently squeeze it. This either gets her to look at him, which he gives a nod and look of reassurance for her to think things through. Or it’s almost like an instant touch that needs no words nor looks. But it has an instant affect on her. She rarely gets directly angry at him ever. How can she be mad at someone just so sweet to her? She knows he genuinely wants to help her.
• Sometimes he chooses to gently rub her hands instead. Also an equally effective calming effect.
💚 If Daisy ever feels down or at her worst, he more than welcomes her with open arms, and does not ever judge her for crying (something she rarely ever shows in public. Always putting a strong face.) It matters very little to him in the moment that his hat or clothes would be tear-soaked.
💚 Speaking on the note of a Sad Daisy. There are a few trigger moments which if you end up hurting Daisy, can make this sweet and timid Greed Plumber, decide that enough is enough. There is a reason why his Trope is known as a ‘Cowardly Lion’!
💚 He will try to place himself in front of her always. Whether it is him jumping in front of her to take whatever brunt of force was directed at her without thinking. Or steeling himself up to give stare down (albeit with quaking knees) in front of his enemy.
He starts of with a slight quiver in his voice. But if you continue to mock him or her a second time, the shakiness in his tone fades. Becoming a bit more determined. A quiet strength. At that point, he will not allow you to push him around and insult Daisy like that. Even if he might get knocked around a bit, he keeps getting back up, just to stand up for her.
💚 He’ll even try to use his hat at some points if he needs to cover her face more for protection.
💚 For some reason I feel like instead of usually carrying a Princess Bridal-style like Mario does. Luigi tends to carry Daisy on his back more. This often leads to escaping from some very comical situations!
🌼 Daisy is DEFINITELY the one who is not shy in expressing her affections naturally. But also really straightforward in her actions.
🌼 Ever experienced one of those surprise Run-at-top-speed Jump hugs? That’s Daisy for you! She often forgets to tone herself down sometimes.
🌼 Pulling him by the suspenders of his overalls gently just to kiss him.
🌼 She’s the one ending up carrying him like a bride instead HA
🌼 Like Luigi, Daisy is always one to step in front of her beloved to shield them from any potential danger. She is usually the one to Yank him out of the way with top speed (Apologizing immediately to him afterwards!) and pull him close to her body to try and cover and protect him as much as possible.
🌼 You would not be able to live it down if Daisy sees you harming or insulting Luigi. She is super quick on to you, ready to throw hands (And weapons, if in a fight)
🌼 She and Mario share the same kind of sentiments when it comes to standing up for Luigi.
“Say that again about my Boyfriend…And you’re gonna regret it!”
- Words of Affirmation -
🌼 Daisy is the one with the vast supply of pet names and complements!
🌼 The Iconic “Hey Sweetie!”
🌼 Buttercup, Honey-Bee, Weegie, Squeegie ect
🌼 If you don’t stop her, she may resort to floral Puns!
🌼 When it comes to support, she is like a really passionate cheerleader. You would definitely see her yelling her heart out at the sidelines of any event/competition/Kart race
🌼 When she writes notes or letters, Daisy tends to be the one who draws little doodles at the end of each letter, or just as little decorations here and there. Mario may or may not have accidentally revealed that he had caught Luigi chuckling at a letter he received from Daisy. Only to be told by his younger Bro that he found her drawings adorable and it made him smile. So she’s been doing that ever since!
💚 Luigi is a bit more reserved with this type of thing. But in fact, he is secretly the more poetic one! Surprisingly The type who’s words of love end up being a natural Cupid’s arrow.
💚 I see ‘Desert Flower’ as a popular head canon compliment he might say, and I also agree with that!
💚 Why do I feel like he would totally be the one to call her “My Dynamite Gal”??? When he’s mustered up so much confidence??
• Because Luigi is known to be more shy and timid, he does have more struggles with confidence in some parts. Leading to this possible little interaction:
💚 “ Face it…How can I even do this? I’m such a loser! I mean, look! I literally got a huge L on my head!”
🌼 “…Does It really have to mean Loser?”
💚 “H-huh? I-I…well what else can it be?”
🌼 “Well…put it this way. You’re kinda like a Clover!”
💚 “A…Clover?”
🌼 “Yeah! You ward off evil. You’re green all over. So How about…Lucky?”
- Quality Time -
💚 Luigi ends up loving taking strolls around the castle with Daisy. Whether it is in the Palace Gardens, or by lakes and rivers. Even Flower fields, where he’ll even attentively listen to her pointing out the new things.
💚 Luigi May end up getting challenged when he goes out on hiking trips with Daisy. The first few trips, he ends up faltering behind a little (He has bad knees everyone!), But Daisy would often slow her pace down a little so he can keep up. She doesn’t mind one bit. But overtime, he pushes to improve himself, in which he now is actually able to keep up by her side. She’s extremely proud of him
💚🌼 The Camping trips together are always fun though! Well, excluding some Minor scares and freak outs from the local wildlife at night. Luigi Teaching Daisy the classic treat of making a S’more. While Daisy would do something shared from her own land sometimes!
🌼 Daisy loves whenever she and Luigi get to go on one of their ‘Sports dates’, and is usually the one initiating these meetups (Knows all the good places!) while Luigi throws in suggestions. Usually consisting of Golfing especially. She is more knowledgeable in the technique, which she ends up teaching Luigi what she already knows. She likes to jokingly say that he’s “Learning from the best!”
🌼 If they end up moving in together and sharing the same bed, Daisy would be the type to wake up a bit earlier than Luigi does. Then goes back again to get some extra sleep hours. She has this little habit where she can’t help but give a little kiss on his cheek by then. If he continues to sleep, she lets him be. But if he ends up wanting to be woken up by this, she starts to go in for more kisses. Some of them are quick ticklish to him!
All until she’s gazing back at sleepy half-open eyes, A lopsided smile, and a very happy green Plumber who’s morning has just been made even better!
💚 On Luigi’s part, he’s the one who sleeps the last. Letting Daisy sleep first before him, as he sometimes has a bit of work he needs to attend to. Or just simply reading a few pages of his favourite book beside her.
• When he notices a lock of her hair astray on her face, he ends up brushing it aside for her. In that moment, he seriously cannot believe that this beautiful fiery woman is his beloved, and is right next to him.
- Receiving Gifts -
💚 It is a popular head canon going around that Daisy is very into gardening. So, Luigi would even go out of his way to brush up on said topics about Gardening and nature just for Daisy. Same thing that he would do when it comes to her other interests, just so he knows what to get her!
💚 He has really great callback memory, in which he is able to remember most of the conversations he would have with Daisy when she talks about various plants. Including seeds and flora she wishes she could obtain to grow in her castle Garden. So! Every often, he would visit the local markets or shops in the town, where he would check up all the latest imports/exports to see if he can find some uncommon, or even rare seeds for him to collect for her. If it’s something from Brooklyn, he most likely tries to buy seeds of flowers for her smaller pot plants!
If he goes on adventures with Mario, he does something similar where he collects various trinkets or souvenirs for him to take home for her, or send to her by mail.
🌼 Daisy is definitely more extravagant, and a bit more ‘flashy’ when it comes to gift giving. She does not do this to show off. She 100% fully believes that her believed deserves the best he can get…Even if it ends up giving him the biggest of blushes. And just so happens she can’t stop gushing about it either in her own way!
🌼 Actually at first, she might have been giving him ‘Weird’ gifts for the first few times when they became a couple. They’re not offensive gifts! But they were a result of her having misunderstood some of his hobbies and likes at the beginning. But never in bad faith, as she genuinely tried to guess what would make Luigi happy. But luckily with help from Peach and Mario, she got good results. And long the way, she started getting better at gift-giving.
🌼 I mean, have you seen that Golden statue of her and Luigi in her own Mario Kart Course? If she was the one who commissioned that, she would totally go THAT far.
🌼 She would go on a secret calling spree, prepare a huge birthday with all of his favorite foods, invite literally all of his friends and family as a complete surprise. Making the Green man crying out of happiness.
🌼 Well, not exactly a traditional kind of gift. But just for him, Daisy would end up wearing cute dresses or other outfits. Something he likes. But that’s because we all can’t deny, Daisy is still Daisy. She still loves to tease Luigi one way or another.
Green Bro may have been staring a little too long, as the Princess walks by in a tank-top and shorts combo!
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
Switch It Up
word count: 787
Warnings: Heeseung does not have the brain cells in this one
Pairing: Heeseung X reader
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It was funny really, How could it not be? They could switch bodies and trick everyone in their day to day lives. How’d they come across this you may ask? One day Heeseung was so exhausted, the boys had been a handful, even if he wasn’t the leader he was the oldest so he had a responsibility to look after them, he just wanted a break from Ni-Ki constantly wanting his attention, which was endearing but sometimes he just wasn’t in the mood. So he laid in his bed thinking about what his soulmate was doing and all of a sudden he was there? Not with them but he was them. 
When she was ripped from her dance test she panicked, looking around the room frantically trying to figure out why she wasn’t in her practice room like she was moments ago, instead she seemed to be in a boys room? She got up from the bed and walked to the mirror in the corner, taking in the gorgeous features of the man she was currently inhabiting.
The door creaked open but she was still too busy ogling the man before her in the mirror, “Hey Hyung, Riki is wanting to play mario kart with you, said he wanted a real challenge.” Someone spoke from behind her, spooking her from her trance, she turned and saw the most adorable boy she had ever seen in her life, his dimples prominent as he looked up at her with a grin, her brain was screaming honestly.
“Uh I don’t think I’m you’re hyung?” She said, confused, the voice speaking wasn’t her own, it was so much better. 
“What are you talking about Heeseung?” The younger looked at him confused, as he took in the utter confusion on the elders face. 
“Uh I think he and I switched bodies?” She said, “Where’s his phone?” 
Jungwon was confused but played along incase this was some joke, he grabbed the phone off of the night stan and passed it to his hyung who used Heeseung’s face to unlock it, she made quick work of finding the call button and typing in her number.
The dial tone ringing made Jungwon nervous, is this really not a joke?
“Hello? Is this uh I guess me?” A female’s voice spoke, her voice. Jungwon was beyond confused at this point. 
“Am I you? Are you me?”
“I think so, I guess this must be what the specialist meant when he said I could switch places with my soulmate.”
“Specialist? How is this possible?”
“Uh basically our souls can swap places.”
“I HAD A DANCE TEST TODAY! You couldn’t have picked another day?”
“It was an accident! Also I aced your dance test for you!” He or She sounded very giddy at the accomplishment, hoping for the praise from his soulmate, who simply sighed tiredly.
“I spent months on that routine.”
“I’m sorry, we can switch back and you can explain the situation?” He offered but she simply hummed in opposition.
“No, I want to have fun in your life, now I have no stress of a test. Let’s see how long your friends take to notice you’re not actually you.” She grinned evily hanging up the phone, and turning to the now pale faced younger in the corner, “Our secret let’s see how long it takes, yea? Mind giving me a run down?’
It took 6 months for his friends to notice, and they hadn’t actually noticed while she was inhabiting his body, they noticed because his soulmate had teased him about them not realizing yet and he was pouting making the members question while Jungwon just tried to stifle his laughter. Needless to say the comments didn’t help his pouting.
“So that’s why you suddenly helped me in the kitchen!” Jay had exclaimed.
“That’s why you complimented my outfits every morning.” Sunoo pouted, “She’s my bestfriend now, whoever she is.”
“You weren’t actually interested in Layla?!?” Jake yelled in despair and betrayal, glaring at his elder.
“No wonder I beat you in Mario Kart.” Ni-Ki simply laughed, and everyone turned to Sunghoon waiting for his exclamation but he grinned instead.
“Oh I already knew, her mannerisms were way too similar to someone I know, and she acted nervous around me so I made her tell me the truth.”
“Wait, you know her?” Sunoo asked excitedly, making Sunghoon smile bigger, completely endeared by the younger one.
“Yea she trains at a dance studio nearby, she also fosters animals all of the time, so I help her sometimes.”
“So I could've met her?!?” Heeseung exclaimed, earning a blank look from everyone.
“Hyung you have her number.” Jungwon stated making Heeseung’s eyes widen.
“Oh my god you’re right?!?”
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