#he defying the odds
loganswdc · 3 months
new race weekend , and ofc logan’s car is vibrating / porpoising again !!! lmao because of course williams can’t get him a new car yet with the upgrades and get them working !!!! it’s actually insane how he always gets the shittiest luck ever during race weekends . and it pisses me off so bad because ?? not only are they letting his car be crap and giving him the worst circumstances possible , but they’re also not telling anyone about it during the debriefs on instagram . it’s always logan who has to bring attention to it , but of course no one listens to him or the haters claim he’s “making excuses” when ?? they’re fully valid concerns ??? like what the fuck do you MEAN his car’s upgrades didn’t work so they took them away and they said nothing ??
and now his car is even worse off than before because he’s porpoising like fucking crazy ?? they had him on softs , switched to mediums thinking maybe it had something to do with the tyres , but nope !! still bouncing like crazy !! and for those who don’t know , porpoising in an f1 car is bad because it can cause the car to be unreliable and decrease performance , so of course he’s not gonna be doing too great because THE CAR IS FUCKING BOUNCING UP AND DOWN !!!! and yet what does this man do ? he gives the performance of a lifetime and gets into sq2 with a shit car . y’all i am SO PROUD OF HIM . HE DID SO WELL . HE IS STARTING P15 IN A CAR THAT DOESN’T HAVE THE UPGRADES , IS OVER WEIGHT , AND WAS PORPOISING . he’s doing so well despite the crap conditions he’s under currently and that makes me so insanely happy for him . he genuinely deserves the best , and to see him getting to sq2 honestly gives me so much hope for the whole race weekend .
but genuinely , it's so crazy that they still haven't been able to fix his car and get the upgrades to work . and it's genuinely infuriating because it makes you wonder if he's not getting the upgrades because they genuinely can't get them (due to funding , not having the time / engineers , etc.) or if they're just . not giving them to him just because . and with how he's being treated recently it's making me think that and it's infuriating that i even have to begin thinking about things like that . because it SHOULDN'T be that way . at all , whatsoever .
but on the bright side , logan seems confident and happy in what is coming for the future , and i am sticking with that positivity . he seems happy and that makes me happy . i know he knows what he's doing and where he goes i go !! :) and he did so amazing in sprint quali today ? like i know it's just for the sprint race , but he got into sq2 !!! and is starting 15th !!! that's fucking amazing all things considered ? he's absolutely killing it and that makes me so happy and proud of him . i'm actually looking forward to the sprint and to quali tomorrow to see how he does :3 if i think of anything else / when i rewatch sprint quali tonight to see if i missed anything else then i'll post again :) praying nothing drastic (negative) happens between now and tomorrow !!!
all in all , hopefully the sprint race and quali go well tomorrow ,, i'm confident he'll make us all proud <3
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year
Hc that the monsters all go to the dentist and everyone expects Andrew to have a bunch of cavities bc of his sugary diet, but when he comes out he blandly informs them all that the dentist said he had the cleanest teeth she had seen all day. Meanwhile, Kevin somehow has two cavities, so they have to wait around for him to get them filled. Kevin thinks he's fine bc surely Andrew has more cavities than him, but alas, he is wrong. When he finds out just how wrong he is, he straight up doesn't talk to Andrew for five hours.
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wylansvanhendriks · 11 months
something something kipps telling lucy that everyone leaves lockwood in the end something something lockwood admitting that he wanted his parents and jessica to walk through the door one more time something something lucy being held responsible for her team’s deaths and norrie’s ghost lock something something the fetch telling her that lockwood will die because of her something something lucy leaving the agency so lockwood will be safe something something lockwood building up the agency’s reputation so penelope will hire them something something lockwood asking lucy to join them on the job something something lucy seeing that lockwood was even more reckless without her there something something lucy walked back through the door and returned to the agency
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frnkiebby · 6 months
He's so kiss me coded 🫠 and Hoe does he still not look serious in corpse paint? I don't get it🥲
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he’s too damn proud of himself in corpse paint to even attempt being serious lmfao pls. also, have some gifs of said corpse paint frankie~🎃
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littlemagicalstardust · 4 months
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Sending only the best healing vibes for Chuck Taylor! <3 If anyone can defy the odds and make a comeback from an injury, it's Chuckie T! I know reports are saying the injury is legit and he'll never return but I refuse to believe that. Unless Chuck comes out and announces it himself, I'm believing all of it is part of a storyline and he'll return one day. It might not be soon but he will one day! Look at all of the wrestlers who were told to retire, told they would never wrestle again? where are some of them now? wrestling in AEW! Anything is possible, friends. Don't give up hope! Send good vibes for Chuck and believe a comeback is possible until Chuck announces otherwise himself. <3 So much love for the Kentucky Gentleman!
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sketchykurmet · 18 days
Sherlock's Neurodiversity
I know in the Sherlock&Co fandom we usually focus on Sherlock's ADHD and Autism but he has alot more then that, here they are and what they mean.
ADHD-Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ASD-Autism spectrum disorder
SPD-Sensory processing disorder
DMDD-Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
ODD-Oppositional defiant disorder
DID-Dissociative identity disorder
Insomnia- A disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Megalomaniac-A person who has an obsessive desire for power.
Our boy really is going above and beyond and we stan him for doing it so well.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
With Birthdaygate pretty much confirmed, here are two moments from 4x02 Vecna's Curse that hit different...
(1) First we have Jonathan stopping Will as he goes into Rink-O-Mania to tell him something. Will turns around quickly and almost looks, dare I say, hopeful?
But why would that be the case? Unless of course there's something Will's waiting for Jonathan to say, that he hasn't said yet? Happy Birthday perhaps? Surprise Will! We didn't forget your birthday! We're coming in! We have a party planned and everything! Meet you inside! (interesting that there were birthday decorations in there as well...)
Unfortunately, all Jonathan does is tell Will that they'll be back to pick them up at 6:00. And so Will goes from sad, to hopeful, only to go back to looking sad again...
I think a lot of fans attributed Jonathan's concerned looks in this moment as him knowing about Will's feelings for Mike. And I do still think that's present, especially as he's telling Will they'll be there to pick them up later. In that specific moment he sounds sympathetic like Sorry buddy, that sucks.
However, the look Jonathan makes after Will turns away, as Argyle starts driving off, doesn't look like sympathy or pity from someone witnessing unrequited love. It looks like confusion and almost deja vu being experienced by Jonathan himself. As if he's forgetting something, but doesn't know what it is...
(2) Next is at the very end of Will and Mike's fight. Mike sort of echoes the same level of frustration he had during their rain fight, when he said It's not my fault you don't like girls. We know the scenes parallel each other, and how after both of those things are said, there's this silence that takes over, making clear that this is as far as they can go, otherwise they might risk hurting each other beyond fixing. We see both of them make faces of deep emotion here, because they probably are also being reminded of their fight last summer.
And so Will's options here were to, either (A) take it even further and risk hurting Mike more than he's hurting him, or (B) just don't say anything and let the argument end there before it gets beyond repair.
But the thing is, it almost looked like Will was going to say something. He quite literally mouths the word But-- only to cut himself off all together, looking defeated.
Here's what I think. THIS would have been the perfect moment for Will to say, But, you forgot my birthday, Mike. If it was genuinely something as simple as Mike and everyone simply forgetting and needing a reminder, without any supernatural implications involved, I think this would have been the moment to do it.
It would have also mirrored their rain fight even better because it would have been Will saying something and likely walking away, leading to Mike being like OH SHIT I have to fix this! I messed up.
But we all know it's not that simple.
As far as Will knowns, EVERYONE forgot his birthday, not just Mike. And so him calling out Mike here, might have felt slightly unjustified in that it wasn't just him who forgot.
It's almost like they're not the problem here, he is. (WILL POV ANGST)
That's what truly makes the scenes at Rink-O-Mania so heartbreaking. Because it wasn't just about Mike and El ignoring him, it was the fact that it was his literal birthday. All the most important people in his life, who used the literal memory of his birthday to bring him back bc they cared about him so much in the past, have now apparently forgot about him in the present.
Not to mention, the story not blatantly acknowledging his birthday being forgotten in the narrative of s4, means that it was framed this way bc the whole point was they only wanted it to be hinted at in s4, saving it as a surprise revelation in s5.
And so, if Will did say here, but Mike, you forgot my birthday, how would that have impacted the conflict in s4 and Vecna's plan as a whole, specifically for Will? All it would have taken was them connecting the dots after that, figuring out Vecna's plan before he could even reach Will, rendering s5 plotless?...
S5 is likely going to jump right into this, there's too much incriminating evidence about unused footage at the Rink-O-Mania location. It also fits with them not mentioning it in s4 if it's intended to be an early s5 revelation.
TBH with all the storylines going on in s4, them exploring the depths of Will's connection to Vecna just wasn't an option, bc they wouldn't have been able to do it justice. He needs to be front and center for that.
They're clearly saving the best for last...
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agirlinthegalaxy · 9 days
It's been rolling around in my brain the last few days for some reason, but I still hate the family backstory reveals for Sophie and Eliot. I've seen some of the meta for it, but quite frankly, it still makes no sense. If it had been something actually thought of and intentional in the original, I think it could have been so fascinating. I mean, Sophie's willing abandonment of Astrid to contrast with Nate's loss of Sam or Eliot's adoption in contrast with Hardison's and Parker's? Could have been excellent! But they came out of nowhere in Redemption and don't work with these characters.
Sophie was still actively using the fucking alias that she met Astrid under! She met with someone from her past on the show! Like. Quite frankly, that one is unequivocally bullshit that they made up and threw in and pretended could fit with the established canon. (And I'm sorry, but the idea of Sophie abandoning Astrid and never telling Nate about her just... So much of Nate's trauma was rooted in the loss of Sam, and I think that introducing this element after he's gone and unable to respond to it taints Sophie and Nate's relationship in a way bc I'm not exactly sure how Nate would've responded to learning about this but I think that it's something he'd have needed to know. I don't know how to fully express my thoughts on that but yeah.)
As for Eliot, I don't like the adoption aspect literally at all. The way that he would interact with his family and the memory of his family would be different, and I think that it's flat out ridiculous to think that he'd have never mentioned it to the team in the original show, especially when dealing with the kid cases. (I also dislike the biracial adoption as its own element because if Eliot was actually raised by Black parents in the... idk what 80s/90s? That just. doesn't feel congruent with how they write Eliot interacting with PoC, not necessarily in a bad way, but babe, he's written like a white southern man raised in a specific kind of culture that does not jell with that. It also makes Eliot look... really bad that he was apparently raised with the knowledge of how fucked up the military was and his parents' history and made the choices that he did.) Like the show may not have explicitly stated it but the implication of that relationship was vastly fucking different throughout the original show.
Just. These were not backstories that were congruent with their depiction and characters in the original show, and they're also just moves that I don't particularly like or find interesting directions for those characters. There's also something to be said about how it was apparently unacceptable for a woman to not have kids or someone not reconciling with their biological family when that was something that the original show handled a lot better. Out of all the directions to take Sophie and Eliot's stories, that's just not really one that I think was a good idea.
#i'm not sure if i worded this v well tbh which concerns me#bc like. like i said i dont like the adoption plot anyways but part of my problem with that storyline IS that billy is black#bc i don't think that the way eliot is written makes sense if he was raised by a black couple during that decade#bc the way that he would have engaged with his family and community and the world around him would've been different#especially bc he was raised in the fucking south in the 80s#bc i dont think eliot was ever racist in the original show but i dont think that he really knew#how it was different for poc in certain ways that dont make sense if he was raised by a black couple#like the previous implications of his childhood and specifically his father were v much in the stereotypical v pro military be a man cultur#that culture is also v rooted in toxic masculinity and whiteness#God i hope that makes sense bc i feel like that sounds v bad#but i'd love more black characters on the show and i think that for pretty much any other mc that'd have been fine#it's specifically eliot with the space that he occupies that i feel like it's a problem with his backstory#which also is why i dont like that he's adopted at all bc that's an influential part in how you first view your place and family and all th#that i dont think makes sense with eliot's character. like literally nothing about that reveal really feels like it makes sense with eliot#and to move over to sophie for a second i feel like bringing up the abandoned stepdaughter would have been pretty damn important#when sophie was struggling with the idea of who she really was beneath the aliases and the grift#and especially when she's in a relationship with nate who WAS a father like#and that she used the charlotte alias to meet with someone from her past but there wasnt anything about the fallout#which still makes no fricking sense either way#also insert something about sophie being an older woman without kids#(i know there's the ot3 but they're not actually in a position as her kids bc theyre still equals in a sense)#and needing to actually go no no she was a mom! and then bailed and did all this and blah blah but she's always been a mom in her heart <3#and adding in this relationship as if an older woman cant be satisfied or complete without kids#and i know that ppl might bring up parker but like lbr parker is positioned in a v different space narratively than sophie#ofc parker doesn't have kids she's positioned in a space as the Odd one the kinda broken one#her defying the expectations narratively doesnt necessarily work the same bc of her place#idk i kinda hope these dont end up in the main tags bc idk how ppl will respond nor how well i actually got across my points#but i do wanna tag them for my blog so#leverage#sophie devereaux
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cosmoshunger · 3 months
Fellas what if you were doomed by the narrative and your job and yourself but i promised to save you and took it upon myself to save your life countless times and you hated me for it but then i failed to save you and you died. And then somehow i brought you back to life and you hated it even more but i went back to trying to save you and then i failed again and you died. Again. Permanently.
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zeravmeta · 5 months
wringing and tying myself into knots over how this is mashs one and only smile in all of mashle
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aimfor-theheart · 5 months
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—————————————— Nynseph ——————————————
daughter of death, born with too much life. clawed her way out of her own grave, from the underworld, from her father’s frigid embrace. sister killer, life saver. the great change of the seasons, from pale winter to shuddering, hot spring. the flower and the serpent underneath. death’s lost love; the seed to his scythe. so desperate to defy fate and their red strings. life-sworn; promised to protect nature and in doing so, defying her own. wayward, aching, furious soul, begging for forgiveness. begging for life, for love, for a world untorn. begging to bury her father’s sickle, so that she may bloom.
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whenthegoldrays · 1 day
other things that are funny: my love of noona romances x my absolutely vehement refusal to ever have one myself
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aliveaudiencegang · 2 years
i don’t know how to articulate it but there’s something so special about sally and percy still having each other through it all
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statichvm · 6 months
having a Knows Everyone stepdad who is also chronically offline and doesn’t watch tv or movies is such an experience bc he’ll casually drop random connections
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
its practically impossible for sawashiro to survive IW i have simply accepted he's definitely dying so im trying to decide on what to do when the scene comes where he gets bodied
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kingrauru · 2 years
my cat got his surgery and it went really well, the vet can’t figure out HOW he had such extensive tissue damage but all that matters is he’s gonna be okay and will be home in a few hours <3
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