#he became a fighter because his dad was in the army
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megalony · 1 year ago
Beautiful Destruction- Part 2
This is the second part in my latest Evan Buckley series, I hope you will all like it. Feedback is always amazing, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff
911 Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: Evan's self-destruct behaviour lands him in therapy, where he connects with (Y/n). Everything starts changing when she transfers to the 118 and their worlds collide.
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"So, your dad tells me you've joined the one-eighteen."
(Y/n) smiled around the rim of her coffee cup and looked down at the swirling puffs of steam circling into the air. She tried to curb her smile down and tame her reaction, she didn't want to seem overly keen or suddenly worried. But one look at Athena had (Y/n)'s eyes creasing at the corners and she put down her cup so it stopped morphing her smile.
"Any specific reason why… is it to do with your dad?" Athena perched her elbows down on the table and placed her cup down in front of her. She had been a little more than surprised when Bobby came home three days ago and told her that (Y/n) was the official new member of the team. The reason (Y/n) didn't join the 118 when she first became a fire fighter was because they didn't want anyone to think Bobby would favour her or lose his judgement with his daughter on the team.
"Felt like I was missing out," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders while she shuffled forward on her seat and leaned over the table.
"Hm. You sure? I'm glad you both seem happy with the switch, it's just a little sudden."
"I fancied a change, I'm always listening out for their team on the radio, checking in, you know? Thought working with them might be easier."
It was partially true. (Y/n) did cling to the radio when she heard her dad's team attending to a call out or a rapidly spreading fire. She always listened when one of them was being taken to hospital and when they had their mayday calls and it made her anxious. (Y/n) knew if one of her dad's team got injured, it set off his own panic and she always wanted to make sure if he got hurt, she could go straight to him.
Moving to their team would stop that panic and give (Y/n) the feeling of being understood and looked out for. At least if she couldn't count on the rest of the team like her old station, she knew she could always count on her dad to watch her back and make sure she was alright.
"Well you're certainly your father's daughter which will shake things up in that place."
"No kidding. Eddie isn't sure what to make of me and Chimney is kissing my behind to suck up to dad. It's gonna take a while to settle in."
(Y/n) had only worked three shifts with the team so far but she was slowly finding her feet and falling into place with them. She had some medical knowledge and background which meant that while she gelled with Hen and Chimney, she also had a link to Eddie. He wasn't a paramedic like them but he was an army medic and (Y/n) and Eddie were on standby for any medical emergencies that got out of hand.
Hen seemed fine with (Y/n), she had heard about her from Athena, naturally, which was a good thing. But Chimney was gluing himself to (Y/n) so he could ask things about Bobby and try to stay on Bobby's good side. It was endearing but it was also a little unsettling.
Whereas Eddie wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to make her welcome, (Y/n) could sense that. But he didn't want to overstep the mark or do anything that would unsettle the foundations because she was Bobby's daughter that that automatically meant to tread lightly.
Evan was a whole other situation.
It felt rather easy to work alongside Evan and fit in. He automatically took to showing her the ropes and their way of doing things and his joking manner made things simple. They could have a laugh and try to play things cool so no one guessed there was something going on with them behind closed doors.
"You'll fit in just fine, especially after one of their parties." Athena rose her brows and grinned before she finished the rest of her coffee. A party would be just the thing to get (Y/n) officially intergrated into their team and have her become one of them.
If it was anything like the Christmas party, (Y/n) would be in for a treat.
She and Evan might have to abstain from the alcohol though. She could barely remember that night and she knew Evan didn't remember it either. Drunken nights of passion were all well and good, but not when both their minds were ticking time bombs.
When her phone buzzed in her pocket, (Y/n) put down her cup and dug around in her back pocket.
'Hey, kind of had a rough shift. Fancy a drink? Don't wanna be alone tonight. XX'
(Y/n) rolled her lips together as she felt her shoulders slump down. Her weight fell onto her elbows on the table and she sank her teeth into her lower lip.
That didn't sound good.
Evan didn't seem the type who would admit when he had a bad day. From what he said in therapy, he kept his problems to himself. Asking for help wasn't easy for anyone and he wasn't ready to do that yet, but this was close. He was admitting something was wrong and he was asking her for some sort of help. Drinking the night away might not be helpful, but (Y/n) could certainly give Evan some company and check that he was alright.
'Sure, on my way. XX'
"Do you mind if I head off?"
"Sure, you got plans?"
(Y/n) slipped her phone back into her pocket and drained the last drop of her coffee. Evan had timed that right. (Y/n) had come over to have tea with Athena and May who had already shot off back home before her night shift at the call centre. Since they had eaten and the coffee was empty, (Y/n) didn't feel bad about leaving. She had spent the majority of the afternoon with Athena, she could spare the evening for Evan.
"A friend wants to meet for a drink."
Again, she wasn't technically lying. She was just keeping some things to herself.
It surprised (Y/n) how quick it was to get from her dad's house over to Evan's apartment. She wondered fi Evan had realised how close he was to work and to Bobby when he moved in here. He probably did. He seemed like the kind of person who wanted to be surrounded by his family and friends, he didn't want to be far away from those he cared about.
Surprise and apprehension flooded through (Y/n)'s stomach all at once when she approached Evan's apartment and found the door unlocked. He had buzzed her in, logically he had unlocked the door too. But he normally waited for her to knock.
She knocked anyway and slowly opened the door, peeking her head round as she shouted a quiet, "Evan, you okay?"
Her eyes flitted to the kitchen and once she saw his broad frame, she shut the front door behind her and picked up the pace to go into the kitchen. She unhooked her bag from her shoulder and slung down on the counter but (Y/n) couldn't drag her eyes away from him.
Evan was leaning back against the counter next to the sink, pressing his lower back and hips rather tightly into the counter edge. He had one leg crossed over the other, one hand propped up behind him on the counter, presumably to stabalise himself. And a half-full beer bottle in his other hand. The way he rose the bottle to his lips and took a swig made his Adam's apple bob up and down and his neck tensed and flexed.
If she wasn't looking so intently, (Y/n) would have missed the way his head tilted to one side before correcting itself and holding straight again.
"Are you okay… what happened at work?"
He drained the bottle. In one swoop, the last half of the bottle was drunk and he let the bottle drop into the sink with a clash. The sound echoed through the kitchen and made (Y/n) shudder and when she pushed up on her toes to look across at the sink, she sucked in a deep breath. He'd had quite a lot to drink. A few beers, a few shots of vodka by the look of the empty bottle that they had cracked open last week and didn't finish.
"Cap sent me home." Evan's lips pulled into a tight grin that was full of sarcasm but it masked the pain well. The only trace of hurt was swirling in his baby blue eyes that burned into (Y/n)'s so much she felt like melting into a puddle on the floor.
"We had a car crash, the engine caught fire while I was getting the kids out… I got them both out, but they didn't make it."
Evan dropped his head down to stare at his bare feet for a while. It didn't matter that he got them out. It didn't make a difference when Evan crawled out of that car with one kid in each arm and heaved himself over to the ambulance just as the car exploded. All that mattered was his efforts weren't good enough.
Nothing he did was ever good enough and those parents would have to live without two of their three children. Evan couldn't help them.
"Did you get hurt?"
His eyes narrowed and a flash of uncertainty pooled in his eyes. His lips pressed together tightly and he braced both hands on the counter as his eyes followed (Y/n)'s approach.
He stayed still and deathly silent as she moved to stand in front of his legs and leaned her stomach into his like they were about to join in a dance. Her fingertips felt like heaven against his skin and her touch made his skin prickle with heat and adrenaline and his blood fizzled in his veins.
"Why? Doesn't matter, I'm still here-"
"It matters to me. It matters that you would of hurt yourself to get them out." (Y/n) didn't have to be there to know what Evan would have done. She knew he would disobey any order Bobby threw at him to get those kids out. And she knew Evan would of let himself get scolded, burned, scratched and torn apart if it meant getting them out.
He acted first and thought about the consequences later and when he had casualties like this, Evan wouldn't care about his own pain anymore. His turmoil would become irrevelant.
(Y/n) danced her fingertips over his exposed arms, taking in the state of his hands that had a few scold marks near the knuckles and fingertips. His gloves must have started to burn and melt. When she dragged his shirt up to expose his stomach, she watched Evan tip his head back and close his eyes. He wasn't going to stop her. He would do the same if things were the other way around.
No marks, bruises or cuts and burns on his stomach or torso. (Y/n) dragged her hands up to his shoulders and pushed up on her toes so she could lean over his shoulder. He had a minor burn on the back of his neck that went across his right shoulder, but it wasn't deep enough to require hospital treatment.
"Satisfied, baby?"
"No. I'm sorry you lost them, I know it's not easy." Her words made some difference because she wasn't just a girlfriend telling Evan everything was okay. She wasn't an outsider saying she knew what he was going through. (Y/n) had lost people in these situations too, she knew exactly what kind of pain would be rattling through Evan's mind and soul.
"Let's have a drink."
"Evan, baby talk to me-"
"And say what? I almost got crushed to get them out and what good did it do? I carried those kids to the ambulance and… and Bobby wouldn't let me tell their parents I failed them. He wouldn't let me explain how shit I am at this job, that I didn't do it in time."
Words tumbled past his lips before he could stop himself and he waved one hand out in the air before his fingers turned to scratch against his scalp and tug at his hair. He could feel his breaths running away without him and the panic started to bubble back up in his chest.
He hated the panic. It sobered him up. Evan drank to dull down those feelings, not to let them override him again.
He tried to tilt his head back but he couldn't stop (Y/n) from cupping his face within her palms. Her thumbs brushed beneath his eyes and her fingers stroked against his cheeks as she tilted his head down so she could stand on her tiptoes and press their foreheads together.
They were close enough that Evan could taste her lips and feel each breath she took mingling with his own rapid, shallow breathing.
He couldn't stop himself from reaching up to cup her wrists, silently begging her not to let him go. He didn't want to be without some sort of touch and right now, her touch was the only thing grounding him to the Earth. He let his breaths run away without him but he focused his eyes on hers and shed as many tears as he could to get them out his system.
"Do you want to know what good you did today?"
Evan didn't answer, but he didn't object either, and (Y/n) took that as a sign to keep going.
"You gave those parents closure. One, two, ten seconds later, and they would have no bodies to bury. You don't know what that means to a parent, to have their children home when they pass away. My dad stopped you from telling them because he knew how they would thank you, and he knew you wouldn't be able to handle that. But that's okay, baby. It's okay."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned further into Evan until she finally pressed her lips against his wet, ruby red mouth. She swallowed every little hitched breath and cry he let out, she let him dig his nails into her wrists and sink his teeth down into her lip. And she let his foot reach out and curl around the back of her ankle to drag her closer until every inch of her was pressing down on him.
Evan wanted to feel her weight pushing down on him. He wanted to be pinned between her and the counter to know that he was alive and feel safe with someone who cared.
"But I c-could of saved them-"
"Baby, you don't know that. If they were alive when you got them out, they might still have died on the way to hospital or when they arrived… like my mum." (Y/n) pressed another delicate kiss on Evan's lips while she continued to brush away his tears.
He didn't know what it meant to have loved ones back. (Y/n)'s younger brother died in their house fire years ago but her and Bobby were grateful to the firefighters that managed to get him out. And they were more than grateful that they got her mother out too. She died in the hospital but they still got her out and no one could have done anything more.
No one was blaming Evan; he had no reason to punish himself.
"You gave them back their children, and that's enough. You are enough."
Evan didn't know how important it was for family to have their loved ones back after they died. A lot of people didn't get that. Their families could die in a fire or drown in the sea or be lost and never come home or be found. Parents went to their graves not knowing where their children were and not having graves to visit or ashes to give them comfort.
By getting those kids out, Evan gave those parents that sense of closure. He handed them back their children.
He had done his job the best he could and there was nothing more that Evan could do. He had to come to terms with that and take solace in the small things. Evan needed to accept a little comfort and know he had done enough today.
Punishing himself wasn't going to help anyone when no one was blaming him for what happened today and no one ever would.
'I don't feel like enough.'
Those words were on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't bring himself to say them. Not to someone who would completely understand where he was coming from. Not to (Y/n). He didn't want her to talk him off that ledge, not quite yet.
"Deep breaths… let me make you some coffee." (Y/n) knew the silent message behind her words would reach Evan. She would try and sober him up a little, he didn't need a hangover to haunt him in the morning and he had drunk enough for tonight. Coffee would settle his system and that was what he needed.
(Y/n) kept one hand cupping his face and brushed her thumb across the corner of his mouth. She pressed her chest into his and leaned around him to flick the kettle on, but Evan shook his head.
He let go of her hands so he could wrap one arm around her waist and cup her hip. His nails scrunched up in her shirt and dug through into her skin and he reached his free hand out to grab the neck of the whiskey bottle tucked far back on the counter behind him.
"I think you've had enough, sweetheart."
(Y/n) could feel his resolve start to fade when she held his chin between her thumb and finger and tilted his head away from the bottle to face her. She tugged him down to her level and kissed him while her other hand reached out for his. She pushed the bottle back down onto the counter.
He had drunk enough while he'd been alone, but he wasn't alone now. She was here now and she was going to take care of him.
"I haven't, I can still feel the panic, in here." He let go of the bottle to rub his fist over his chest. The bundle of nerves were still igniting away in his chest and he wanted it to stop. Drinking stopped his panic, it dulled his overactive mind and calmed him down and made it easier to fall asleep. "Have a drink with me."
When his lips pressed against her temple, (Y/n) sighed and hovered her lips against his neck. But her fingers stayed tight around his wrist and she stopped him from reaching back out for the bottle.
She wasn't doing this.
(Y/n) wanted to help Evan, but drinking with him wasn't going to help. She wanted things to be good between them.
If they started to reply on each other to drink together and lose their minds, they would end up harming each other and destructing themselves. (Y/n) wanted to be a support system for Evan and in order to do that, she had to do what was best for him and drowning their sorrows wasn't going to work. (Y/n) knew a lot about relying on alcohol after seeing her dad go through that and she wouldn't let that happen with Evan too.
"Evan, if I drink the night away with you, it's gonna change us. We'll start destructing together, we'll egg each other on and push ourselves past the edge. And I don't wanna lose you like that. Let me look after you-"
A gasp tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips when Evan cut her off.
His hands cupped the back of her thighs and he swiftly hoisted her up off her feet and walked her forward to the kitchen island. He sat her down on the edge of the counter and moved to stand between her legs with his hands digging tightly into her flesh, moving her legs so she hooked them around his torso.
He kept one hand cupping her thigh but his other hand wandered right beneath her shirt, letting his cold fingers travel across her warm skin until she was squirming in front of him.
"Promise me."
"What?" (Y/n) cupped his face in her hands again and leaned her head forward against his.
"Promise you won't let me go. Stay with me, hold me, just don't let me go."
Each word rambled faster and faster past his lips until (Y/n) could barely focus on what he was saying. There was a sense of urgency behind his words and she found herself nodding along, whispering a promise against his lips that devoured her like she was his last meal on Earth.
His hand slipped down from her back to her bum and he pulled her off the counter, forcing her to sit on his hips while he started to walk away from the kitchen with his lips still attached to hers. He drank her in, inhaling and gasping against her mouth and groaning into her lips when her fingers tangled into his hair.
"How drunk are you, Evan? Is this you destructing?"
Her voice sounded like a lullaby dream in Evan's ears and he found himself smiling despite the tears that were still pooling in the corners of his eyes. He pressed his nose against hers and swiped his tongue out across her lip while he stopped at the foot of the stairs.
"Not drunk enough, baby." Her fingers tickled the back of his neck and he swooped down to attach his lips to her neck instead. "And no, it's not. You're my saving grace."
He wasn't trying to get her into his bed so he could use sex as a way of combusting. He was trying to drown himself in (Y/n) because she was the only thing standing between Evan the the void he was staring into. He would lose himself in her eyes, drown in her body and breathe her in until she made everything stop and put the world back to rights.
"Self-harming can come in a lot of different forms, it doesn't have to be physical injuries. It's anything we do that purposely hurts or brings us down in any way. Starving ourselves, forcing ourselves into dangerous situations to prove a point or to feel that risk of being hurt. Abusing substances for various reasons."
(Y/n) found her eyes zoning in on the wooden floor, focusing on the little chips and dents that made something pristine look broken and unkept. She could relate to what Harold was saying.
At one point or another, (Y/n) had done a lot of bad coping mechanisms to punish herself or as a way of coping with the world. They didn't always seem bad, but they felt necessary. Running head first into a bad situation despite being told not to because she felt like she deserved to be in danger and because getting hurt would punish her for the things she had done wrong.
"And in your jobs, where your main priority is to help people, if you can't do that… you can end up hurting yourself to cope or as a punishment." Harold rubbed his hands over his knees as he sat up a bit straighter. "Would anyone like to share?"
"I- I think it feels necessary, for me, rather than as a punishment."
"Okay, can you elaborate on that (Y/n)?"
Sitting opposite Evan in the same seats as last week suddenly felt like they were sitting on opposite ends of the ocean. He looked so far away when she lifted her gaze to stare across at him.
He had his arms folded over his chest, his knees bent out to the sides making his thighs look large and inviting and he was slouched down so he didn't look as tall. She knew Evan felt like he was the odd one out, both because he was new to the group and because he looked different. He was young, like her, but he carried himself like he could face the world, until he walked through those doors.
When Evan walked in here, his resolve changed and his control faded away.
"It's necessary to skip a meal because I can save more time, I can do more at work, I can get on with that call ten or twenty minutes quicker because I cut out something that isn't necessary."
"You prioritise?"
"Yeah… I'll take that sense of danger too. The higher the danger, the more adrenaline, the faster I move, the more I can think and act. My expectations rise each time until I'm thinking… skip breakfast, skip lunch, run into a fire without gloves on so I can grab things better and if I get hurt, then that's a good thing. It proves what I'm doing is paying off somehow."
(Y/n) had expectations of what she wanted to do when she was at work. She wanted to be efficient and eating meals took time. It was time to prepare food, set out the dinner and wash the plates and then try and work it off so she didn't feel too full or too tired.
Skipping that meal meant she felt more alert, more agile and she had an extra half an hour to prioritise and get ready and stock the truck.
When she was scared her adrenaline made her think better, the scarier the better because she worked better under pressure. And if that pressure got her hurt, that was okay, that was just the burden of proof of what she was doing and how it was paying off.
But (Y/n) knew the more she thought like this, the more her expectations would rise and she would never meet those goals she set herself. She would end up starving herself to the point of needing a doctor, she would forget safety measures and put herself at risk to be more efficient and helpful.
"And you know, when you don't meet those expectations, you push harder. But when you do meet them, it's not enough because you raise the bar." When (Y/n) nodded and stared down at her hands, Harold looked around the room. That was her telltale sign that she was done opening up. "Anyone else have any other harmful tendencies?"
"I don't take precautions at work anymore."
"What kind of precautions Evan?"
"When we had a factory fire a few weeks back, we were told to evacuate, but I knew someone was still inside. It wasn't safe and I knew going in could cost me everything, but I did it anyway… against orders."
"Because it doesn't scare me. Sometimes… I- I go void, you know? I have days or weeks of not being afraid to risk everything. I know I can do it, so I blunder my way through and I do it."
Evan hated it when he felt that way. He hated that blank, null and void feeling where death didn't phase him and the danger felt limitless and pointless. He ran back into that factory and found a way to get that man out. Granted, he needed the team to come back and help him, but Evan found that man when everyone else was willing to let him die than take a risk.
Evan didn't need the danger and adrenaline to fuel him, but he wanted it because without it, he felt like a zombie.
"Do you get that dopamine rush, when you complete what you set out to do? Does it feel like a reward for you?"
"Not always, that's the bad part." He slumped forward in his chair and leaned his forearms down on his thighs as his back clicked into place. When he didn't get that excitement or that relief at the end of the day, Evan felt like going home and never waking up. What good was the job to him if it didn't give him that boost and that reward or knowing and feeling that he had saved someone?
"So then you keep running into that danger, chasing that high and gratification. What happens on a bad day, Evan? When you're stopped from running into that building or when all your efforts don't work?"
"I drink. I go home, I drown, and I don't wanna get up. I lost someone two days ago on the job and I… fuck, I… I've never felt like that before, but if I had a gun, I might of used it."
Tremors rattled through (Y/n)'s stomach and her arms bound around her chest to stop herself from crying. They weren't really meant to mingle and it was a conflict, her and Evan being in the same therapy group like this. She couldn't afford to give them both away and admit that Evan meant much more to her than a stranger in a weekly meeting.
But how could she stop herself from crying when he'd just admitted the job was killing him?
Being a fireman was his saving grace, it was what Evan wanted to do and he couldn't see himself doing anything else. But losing someone had nearly taken every ounce of him. It wasn't fair. Not when Evan did his level best each and every day and he helped so many people, but now he felt broken.
"Can I ask why it hit you so hard?"
"Because I got them out! I- I had then in my arms, and my efforts did nothing. If my best can't save someone, if it's n-not enough, where does that leave me? So I drink, a lot, and I would of carried on if-" His baby blue eyes welled up with tears and for a split second, he let his eyes linger on (Y/n) before he looked down at his hands and tangled them together. "Uh, if I had more alcohol in the house."
A close save.
Evan would have drank the bottle of whiskey in his apartment and the rest of the beer in the fridge if (Y/n) didn't come over when he asked.
He would of woken up the same way he did when Maddie found him if (Y/n) didn't help him. And he would do it again and again because the drink stopped the panic and the panic fuelled his bad thoughts and turned him on himself.
"Okay. You said before that you binge drink, Evan this is only a suggestion, but I think abstaining from alcohol might be useful. You sound like you're on the path to abusing it and that is a hard path to stray from."
Harold tried to word it as carefully as he could, but he was only saying something that Evan had already been thinking about.
Something that (Y/n) had already talked about.
She didn't want to keep drinking with Evan in case they both got on that abusive path of drinking when their problems worsened. They would end up drinking after every bad shift, drowning the night away and using alcohol to make things better. Then where would they be if they needed a drink to get themselves through a shift at work?
(Y/n) wanted to be Evan's support system and if they were going to help each other, they needed to acknowledge some of their problems.
Alcohol was starting to be a problem for Evan.
He nodded before he bowed his head and hung his hands down between his thighs.
Suddenly, the room felt like it was expanding, like the floor was growing and creating a distance between him and (Y/n). And Evan wanted to run across the room and drop his face into her neck and curl his arms around her waist. He wanted to anchor himself to her, tether his body to hers until he wasn't afraid anymore. Until the night faded away and the day seemed bearable.
Right now, Evan didn't want a drink. He just wanted (Y/n).
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evajellion · 1 year ago
SMRPG AU where Smithy wins
So hypothetically, let's say Mario, Peach and Bowser just completely vanish after Exor crashes down. Either they straight up died or got isekai'd to Smithy's realm by accident, idk I will let the rest of you figure it out.
Years and years pass, Geno can't really get the Star Pieces without Mario and co. so… Smithy just, straight up takes over Star Road and lets his minions do whatever.
Here's what we thought up-
Smithy: Bowser's Castle was nice, but after learning what the Star Pieces did, Smithy went directly to the source and took over Star Road himself as its new overlord. He built an entire factory around it and over the years, is now known as "he who grants wishes".
Of course, much like the main villain in "Wish" (terrible movie btw), Smithy only grants wishes that he likes. He ignores wishes that are selfless or relevant to one's family, and only grants stuff relative to wealth, gain, or wanting to win.
It's less out of malice and more out of ignorance, really. He doesn't see any value in wanting things that have no material value or glory.
Mack/Claymorton: After ambushing the castle, Mack became the new ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, but he said the name was stupid and changed it to the Claymore Kingdom.
There are, a lot of parties, almost every week. He's a complete tyrant who threatens and torments the Toads to the point where the Chancellor actually wishes Bowser would come back. If he gets bored? He decides to wage war on another kingdom "for fun".
He's getting an ego about it too, which some joke is just "him compensating for his size".
Bowyer: Honestly no one has any clue what Bowyer does. Some treat him like an actual forest cryptid that haunts the maze because he's been in there so long. People who enter the forest now never come back.
Bowyer doesn't understand the concept of killing anyone really, so it's not like forest intruders are dead. He just thinks it's fun to play "freeze tag but you're frozen for good" with anyone who comes by. Essentially, it's all a hunting game to him.
He probably views all his immobile visitors as trophies more than anything else.
Yaridovich/Speardovich: Eventually, he succeeds in duping someone to fight Jonathan and takes the Star Piece for himself. Smithy grants him his promotion and he is made mayor of Seaside Town, and he is a captain of his own crew of Drill Bits.
Jonathan is none too happy about this and makes beef with Yaridovich every day over what he had done. Jonathan prides himself on being a good fighter, but unfortunately, Yaridovich fights dirty.
Eventially, Yaridovich made a habit out of pirating other incoming ships himself. He wonders if doing this will get more promotion from Smithy, but… Smithy seems to have been ignoring him.
Axem Rangers: After beating up the Czar Dragon, Smithy suggests they take care of Nimbus Land since it's "uncomfortably close for his liking". They immediately make themselves known by exposing Valentina's lies and kicking her out, inadvertently making them heroes.
Axem Red and Pink take a lot of pride in removing Valentina and being adored by residents of Nimbus Land, but Black isn't happy with it at all and wants to go back to causing chaos. Green is neutral about the whole thing.
Axem Yellow meanwhile, managed to turn Dodo to their side simply by calling the large bird a "good boy" and giving him legumes as a treat.
Boomer: He's the shogun of Bowser's Castle, but nothing more. He guards Exor as he always did, and commands Smithy's Army, striking down anyone who dare cross his lord.
However, he isn't exactly happy with his position. He knows not to question Smithy, so he just… remains quiet about it. At the very least, he's humored by Axem Red's new heroic personality.
But he also fears if Red will turn on Smithy since he's so bent on appearing as "hero" for Nimbus Land. Boomer dad moments. :')
Exor & Count Down: Stationary. Exor is happy but Count Down seems bitter he cannot do more, he's kind of stranded and stir crazy.
Cloaker & Domino: They moved out of Smithy's dimension (much to Count Down's further frustration/loneliness) and settled into Marrymore for… obvious reasons.
Smithy doesn't mind so long as they can distribute. Domino quickly took advantage by becoming the most well-known medicine/potion seller in the land, kinda like Fairy Godmother. Excuses to depict Domino in sexy business glasses for my one friend who thirsts for him lmao.
Factory Chief: A second factory was built up in Star Road, that Smithy had taken charge of, so the Chief is now fully in charge of the old one inside of Exor! He's pretty happy about it.
The Director's son (because he has one for some reason?) is also working in the new factory while his father, the Clerk, and the Manager remain in the old one with the Chief. They all seem very happy, but the Director's son wonders if what Smithy is doing is right…
Gunyolk: Not used to having brothers. He was created by the Chief exclusively, and is now being mass produced, but… he liked it when it was only him and "papa".
Hypnosis Priest: She resides in Star Hill, discarding of wishes that Smithy tossed out. Essentially, she turned the entirety of the Mushroom Kingdom into a cult that worships Smithy as their Star Road overlord, with her as the leader of it.
And that's all I got, hi, feel free to throw anymore suggestions!!! :D
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years ago
General headcanons — Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Pairing: None
Summary: Some general headcanons I have about Gaz
Warnings: Mentions of Death, PTSD, pregnancy, and mental illness
notes: This is somewhat of a sequel to this post I made last year, except solely about Gaz. Soon I hope to post some romantic headcanons for the guys :)
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Grew up in London
Has four older sisters and was raised by a single mother
His dad passed away when he was young and he never really got to know his dad's side of the family
Spent most of the week at his grandparent's house because his mom worked a lot
His sisters used to dress him up in dresses, do his makeup, etc and
Is very secure in his masculinity + feminine expression as a result
Prefers rugby to soccer
Worked odd construction jobs from the age of 13 until he enlisted
His dad was Jamaican and his mom is white British
Has a Pinterest where he saves nothing but outfit ideas and recipes for snacks to share with the 141
Is the deepest sleeper ever
Loves caramel and chocolate together
His favorite sweet is an Aero peppermint chocolate bar
Is a great dancer + often goes to dance studios
Also wishes he had the time to join an actual dance crew
His civilian clothes are 98% Nike tech
Even though he isn’t close with his dad’s side of the family, he wants to go to Jamaica and see where his family is from
Had a pregnancy scare with his gf when he was 18
The experience made him realize that while he definitely wants kids, he only wants them if he was out of the military and could be there for them every day.
Is annoyingly good at battle royale and shooter type games, despite the fact that he far prefers cozier games like Breathe of the Wild or Pokemon
Very nearly became a medic
Is a fantastic gift giver
Prefers to sleep on the couch instead of in bed
Always says goodbye with a hug
Collects figurines, lego sets, and hot wheels.
The duvet on his bed is navy blue/grey with white plaid stripes
Will always Facetime instead of sending texts or calling
Has been seeing a therapist/counselor since he was 4 for anxiety disorder and some BPD symptoms.
Two weeks after the attack at Piccadilly Circus in MW1, he ended up in the hospital after having a severe panic attack that left him almost completely dissociated.
A year afterward, he was diagnosed +with C-PTSD
His favorite season is autumn
Has a fear of dogs, but absolutely melts when they lick his hand/face
His dream was to be an MMA fighter, and he still trains frequently
wants to grow his hair out but can’t because of Army regs + doesn’t have the time to take care of it properly
His favorite movie is Avatar
Is involved in the online cosplay community/forums and has spent a few thousand pounds creating the most accurate Miles Morales cosplay
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robotnik-mun · 1 year ago
One of the more interesting things you see in the old Archie, from time to time, is how despite how long the series was around the multiple writers it acquired, writers who often had conflicting visions for the series, some points became consistent almost by accident.
Case in point? Illustrating why the Freedom Fighters were so successful against Robotnik and later Eggman. What am I talking about? Well, let me elaborate.
It begins with this guy, Armand D'Coolette, Antoine's dad.
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Poor Armand. Try and imagine how everything looked from his perspective- during the Great War he witnessed the near ruinatin of the Kingdom of Acorn, and was (rightly) suspicious of Julian Kintobor from the start… only to watch as this man ascend to the rank of Warlord ahead of him, a general with years of service to the King… and yet, the traitor manages to save the Kingdom when Armand failed, and is vindicated. Only for it to turn out Armand was right the whole time…
But, enough pontificating on the sad fate of Armand. Let us get to the point- how is it that ARmand helps to illustrate why the Freedom Fighters were so effective against Robotnik? Well, one detail that emerged after Endgame was that in the past, Armand had an entire troop under his command and confronted Robotnik directly, only to seemingly fall in battle.
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This detail would be elaborated upon years later as him having led a remnant of the Royal Army to try and retake Mobotropolis after the coup, only for the uprising to be crushed (with Rotor's father Sherman being among the casualties). For years though this detail would be little more than a footnote, an odd bit of backstory trivia. But it does establish a very important fact in the old Archie Sonic continuity, on that accidentally remains consistent throughout its time- confronting Robotnik/Eggman in a conventional war just doesn't work.
Much later, in issue #88, we are treated to a rather dramatic event- King Acorn leading an army into Robotropolis to rescue a captured Elias.
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It's a very impressive display… but in the end, while the mission does succeed, it is clearly because of the advantage granted by SOnic and the Swore of Acorns rather than the numbers they have. The mission ends with King Acorn getting a bump on the noggin' that leaves him unable to use his legs, and you are left to realize that the Freedom Fighter guerilla techniques would've worked out a lot better. We don't see how many lives are lost openly confronting the Shadowbots, but in the end it's clear that the Freedom Fighters could've gotten the same results with a lot less damage and potential loss of life.
So, in short? Between Armand and this scene, it establishes that taking on these robot armies in the open, in a conventional manner, is an extremely bad idea. In an ideal world, the Swatbots first used by Robotnik would've been part of a robot army he used to defeat his own people during the GReat War, before using it to conquer the Kingdom of Acorn from within and then the rest of Mobius. Alas, this is not an ideal world… but still, all this does make it clear how Robotnik managed to conquer the Kingdom of Acorn and then the other nations of Mobius- against his robot armies, conventional warfare just doesn't work out.
And the effectiveness of Guerilla Tactics takes on a new context with the addition of a batch of characters, in issue 142…
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The Original Freedom Fighters are a controversial addition to the book, and it's easy to see why. Getting aside from most of them having lackluster designs and names, as well as the cliche of the SNAKE being the traitor, there existence retcons the entire story and motivation of the Freedom Fighters- suddenly they are no longer War Orphans who led the way, but are acting in imitation to the 'original' heroes of Knothole, heroes who were unmentioned up until that point. Retroactively making new characters important in this way is one of those things that does a lot to sour people to characters, especially the way it can heavily re-contextualize a pillar of the series like this.
I do maintain however that while calling them the Original Freedom Fighters and making them as important as they were was a bad call, the notion of adults trying to fight Robotnik before Sonic and co came on the scene makes a great deal of sense. And in this case, Tig Stripe's crew all implicitly being former Royal Army personnel takes on an interesting light when you remember Armand's failed attempt to retake Mobotropolis. You have Tig Stripe here, a veteran of the Great War who is aware that the last remnant of the army he served failed to retake the capitol from Robotnik, and is now confronted with the fact it falls to him and the others to try and keep Knothole safe… and try to take the fight to Robotnik somehow.
The sole story they show up in states that it was Tig who first started the whole Guerilla warfare thing against Robotnik, and now we know why- having witnessed the conventional tactics of the royal army fail, Tig is forced to come up with new ways to fight, and in doing so manages to lay bare the weaknesses of Robotnik's army in fighting UN-conventional warfare. While Trey Scale's treachery does in the group, none the less it does demonstrate to Sally and Sonic and co that Robotnik CAN be fought, and how, and thus Sally goes forth to use Tig's tactics and refine them to the point where HER Freedom Fighters are even more successful against Robotnik.
There's more that could be said, but this has gone on long enough. I just find it neat how there's this weird consistent narrative resonance that sprang up, and in a way shows the evolution of this world and these characters… and it was almost entirely by accident rather than being through an act of narrative collaboration.
And I find that neat.
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codmw2019-2022 · 1 year ago
Modern Warfare® Campaign: Biographies of the Story’s Major Players.
Part 3 (2 of 2): Hadir Karim
October 03, 2019 by Call of Duty Staff
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Hadir Ahmed Karim
Combat Lieutenant, Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
Hadir is a fighter in the Urzikstan Liberation Force, serving as a combat Lieutenant,reporting directly to his older sister, Farah. Together, they fight to protect, rescueand free their country from Russian occupation. Hadir’s father was a professor,his mother, a civil servant for her district in Urzikstan, both respected in theirmiddle class community. Like his parents, Hadir has always sought to makesomething of himself, but grew up in an uncivil world of war-torn streets and death around every corner.
Hadir’s life changed irreparably whenGeneral Barkov’s rogue army rolled into Urzikstan and in a matter of minutes, imposed theirwill, blanketing his hometown with ordnance and poison gas. One minute, Hadir wasdoing homework and the next, he was trying to escape rifles, gas bombsand capture. Too young, small and scared, Hadir has alwaysbeen haunted by guilt over his inability to render more aide. With thehelp of his sister Farah, they attempted to escape, but were both apprehended and taken to a prison camp.  
Losing his family, his home and his innocence, like many in his generation, he and his sister Farah grew up in prison without guidance, education or moral instruction. These events fomented a violent and aggressive streak. For Hadir, warplanes, enemy tanks and checkpoints were a normal part of his daily life. After helping his sister lead a rebellion to break free from Barkov’s POW camp, he became a prominent figure and an influence on emerging combatants. Here, he shaped his personality and reputation as a hostile, cunning guerilla fighter. Because he was there when the shelling started, Hadir is viewed as someone to be trusted by his community and beyond.
Left an angry and restless soul with the heart of a warrior, Hadir learned to keep his cards, feelings and plans to himself. Secretive, not through deviousness, but because he had to be to survive. Farah and Hadir see eye to eye on their ultimate goal – to liberate their people – but don’t always align on tactics or strategy. Today, Hadir is Farah’s lieutenant, but differs with his sister philosophically when it comes to battle.
Hadir has never been beyond the borders of his country and often returns to his birth city to lead counter occupation attacks. "I couldn't, because my dad and mum are buried here," he says. “I didn’t want to be away from them. Now, it is time to go wherever we must, to achieve victory.” Hadir considers more aggressive actions to be a necessary part of liberating his people. His singular purpose is to defeat those occupying his land by any means necessary.
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maxarat · 1 year ago
Lore dump for Ariel Brown!
His mom is a Jewish American nurse who works for the army, and his dad is Apollo. Ariel is transmasc and uses he/him pronouns, along with being asexual and gay. He has the standard ADHD and dyslexia of demigods, as well as autism and a dysautonomic disorder. Ariel tries his best to be helpful and feels horrible when he can't be for whatever reason. He loves fiercely and though he's not a great fighter he's very protective. Ariel's main weapon is a cane sword that has plot relevance. His special interest is in the Disney Renaissance.
Ariel is Nico's love interest (he was half created out of spite ngl) and has found siblinghood with Lacy, Meg, and Rachel. He's also best friends with Malcolm and Clovis! Here's him in Lemon Maker
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Ariel arrived at Camp Half-Blood just a little bit after Nico, by a matter of hours. They near instantly became best friends while in the Hermes cabin
Ariel didn't stay in the Hermes cabin long and was claimed in the infirmary after a training accident. Ariel loves his siblings very much and wishes he could do everything for them
Ariel was devastated when Nico ran away. He spent every break from school at camp, and Malcolm helped with his worry quite a bit, which led to Ariel developing a crush on him between Labyrinth and the Last Olympian that doesn't go anywhere
When Nico gets captured by the giants , Ariel has a lot of dreams about it, and got a prophecy to save Nico. He was by Nico's side for most of House of Hades, including the Cupid scene, though Ariel didn't hear what Nico had to say due to passing out after trying to attack Cupid. I think this is the moment Nico realizes he likes Ariel
Ariel goes with Nico, Reyna, and Hedge in Blood of Olympus. After the battle with Gaea, Ariel has to spend almost all his time in the infirmary, but Nico often comes to visit often, which helps Ariel to realize his feelings
The infirmary on the Argo was Ariel's de facto room since he specializes in healing. He's a good archer and plays several stringed instruments, but with his disability and mom's job he's always lent towards the healing aspects of his father's powers
Ariel is scared to tell Nico how he feels because all of Apollo's lovers seem to turn into plants and Nico's surrounded by Demeter's children (Persephone, Lex, and I imagine he's friendly with the rest too). Lacy manages to convince Ariel to tell Nico, though, which he does at the beginning of ToA
Speaking of ToA, they're the Trials of Ariel Brown now. Nico lives with the Jacksons, and Ariel finds Meg McCaffrey on his way to see Nico and takes her back to camp, where Apollo, still a god, is visting Rachel. Ariel yells at him a bit for being a bad dad, so he has Ariel go save the oracles. He also goes to the Underworld along with Nico and Will in TSaTS
Nico and Ariel call each other moth and butterfly respectively, and Ariel learns Italian to talk to Nico when he's stressed
@jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy @insomniac-jay @theautisticcentre
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cagedchoices · 1 year ago
In between headaches I've been thinking a little about aspects of Caleb's personality I haven't explored as much as others and one of the things I've been thinking of is how he doesn't really come across as someone who has a glaring problem with authority.
I headcanon Caleb wasn't a super in-your-face type about challenging authority. He was probably more passive most of the time in that he would just ignore people who tried to boss him around, especially if it was on the basis of something like "well I'm older than you so you have to listen to me."
He was usually well-behaved for his mom and didn't push boundaries or anything because he didn't feel like he needed to, but if his foster parents ever told him not to do something, Caleb would kinda just…do it anyway? If he got grounded or they told him he wasn't allowed to go somewhere, he'd just go anyway. Sometimes he'd have to sneak around because yeah okay maybe he didn't wanna deal with the lecture, but most of the time he'd just go and not care about whatever the consequences to himself were afterward.
Caleb also wasn't really born a fighter, he had to learn how to be one when he became a soldier. Joining the army also meant that he had to learn how to follow orders and defer to the judgment of his commanding officers in a way he'd probably never really experienced before. I can imagine him either witnessing another soldier be descended upon by a drill sergeant and thoroughly chewed out for not doing what they were supposed to be doing or making a mistake that could easily cost the entire squad their lives in a real-world scenario and just resolving to not be that guy. But I can also just as easily imagine Caleb being the one who gets his balls busted by doing something stupid and risky because he's only like 19 or 20 at that point and has never needed to really actually listen to anyone before and this is his motivation to actually start obeying someone else not on his terms.
By the time Caleb leaves the military, his need for independence has mellowed out to the point that he often defers to Francis's opinions and worldviews before considering anything else. He can still think for himself and make his own decisions, but he's okay with Francis being in the leadership role.
I like to think that later on in life when he feels like he has to be a responsible adult and set a good example for all the kids he knows, the 'kid who only listens when they think it's worth it to listen' thing comes back to bite him.
Anne @/paddyfuck - his niece - is well known for being mischievous and pretty much always finding trouble, from heisting desserts to sneaking out after being told she can't go somewhere alone. Frankie in her teen years is bound to become more rebellious, even towards dear old mom and dad. Hunter and Wren, Caleb and Lulu @/prettydead's future kids who have not yet made an appearance on this blog but will at some point, are probably gonna be the least defiant, but they still gotta have their moments too.
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terrence-silver · 2 years ago
If Kreese had any children how do you think he would treat his sons compared to any daughters he might have? We've seen that he's all nice and kind towards women and girls but abusive towards guys so I just wondered if he would be the same way towards his own kids
The answer is simple; John Kreese was in the military in the 60's. Yikes!
I think his view and mistreatment of adolescent and teenage boys stems from the army (and the product of the times he was raised in), just like Terry's does. John merely observed boys aged, lets say, 17-19 and above being disciplined, hazed, hardened, put through rigorous, back-breaking training, shouted at by their drill instructors, shouted at by older soldiers, punished, often times beaten for all we know and ultimately tortured, captured, left handicapped, disabled and killed out on the battlefield by the time they would've been ripe enough to graduate out of high-school back home and this became normalized or at least so frequently observed in the war it merely turned into a rite of passage 'a young man goes through to become a real man'. Or a soldier goes through to become an effective combatant, on either side of the conflict. Might've seen Vietcong guerilla men younger even than the youngest soldiers at their base go into suicide mission as young as they come. War and everything you see in a war really changes a man, yes. Terry shares this philosophy. I think this is legitimately why bullying this specific age range target demographic is so frequent for both of them throughout their life. The institutionalized violence against teenagers in the army. They've seen it happen. It happened to them (especially in Twig's case, I bet). They've brought it back home. They did it to others.
Hurt people hurt people.
John Kreese might just feel (young) men are meant to withstand abuse.
A good beating or ten, if you will. That's why man is a man.
He is one step away from saying 'When I was your age, I was in Vietnam".
It is not that John thinks women are weak damsels in distress (although, let us be real, for the longest time, he undoubtedly did around the time Betsy was around), but it is just that even when a girl is tough or a fighter, like Tory, John thinks that some things should never change and that men should still be expected to withstand and take hardships just by default of being men. Did this bleed into his treatment of Johnny Lawrence? Yes it did. Would it bleed into how he would treat figurative sons versus daughters? Yeah, probably. It is not that he loves daughters more and sons less, it is just that John loves them extremely differently because his own traumas would've so fundamentally shaped how he views manhood, masculinity, the role of a man, warfare and societal norms, that unfortunately, John has difficulties having a normal approach towards teenage boys even if he truly had it in him to do so. I think the ''gentlest'' he's ever treated a boy who would've been weak is Twig and that is the one anomaly in his philosophy. and which led to possibly the most innately complex relationship and friendship of his life as a result.
Also, another reason why John Kreese might be so close to being a misandrist; Have we ever considered that he grew up fatherless? With a sick, troubled mother? That he too passed through the societal stigma of coming from a broken, unprotected home lacking an authority figure and someone who would look after him and his mom? It would've been the 1950's and if there's anything worse than a mentally ill woman, it is a husbandless mentally ill woman. Gasp! Now that, is a tragedy, they'd say. People should consider, if we use our galaxy brains, that John's harsh view (and treatment) of men comes from an absentee father too. Before Vietnam. Karate. The cruelty of war. There was his dad who was never there. Men should be able to take a beating, withstand pain, the difficulties of life, they should be hard and strong and macho and heroic and they should take charge and lead; you know, all the things we can reckon that his nonexistent paternal figure never did. Meanwhile, his mother was a present figure, vulnerable and almost hallowed. Betsy was young and died young --- a first puppy love --- taking on the image of a near saint in his eyes.
The answer as to why John is the way John is?
Goes way back to the beginning.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years ago
One Piece Chapter 1066 - Initial Thoughts
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Okay then
This chapter has been a hot topic since Tuesday, and though I was spoiled on 2 images there is still context to be learned
Oda keeps escalating in this arc with dropping Void Century crumbs, how much higher can he go?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Back with Germa for the Cover Story and the Vinsmokes have returned with Caesar to their castle, no doubt they will make lots of evil science together as we find a way to smuggle Baeju away
Also that title already is a lot to unpack...
I knew Robin was gonna go into a frenzy for this, directly asking Shaka about the Void Century
Turns out Ohara theorized about the Ancient Kingdom due to finding a machine with an old manufacture date
Seems that Ohara wasn't silenced for simply researching Poneglyphs, but for positing that the Ancient Kingdom existed
Shaka goes on to note that the Ancient Kingdom fought the 20 Kingdoms that became the World Government. I've always wondered about this one though, because what would force 20 kingdoms to rebel against one? The Ancient Kingdom may not have been so good...
Nevertheless, they were wiped from history so nobody would carry the kingdom's will
Because everyone who learns about it is silenced, Usopp suddenly has the 'I can't hear this lore' disease XD
Shaka meanwhile gets away with it by playing the 'it's only a theory' card, but does note that destroying Ohara is like an admission of guilt
Robin is naturally defensive about Shaka speaking of Ohara, especially since Vegapunk is also part of the WG
Shaka does note though that he never bought into the cover up that Ohara were 'trying to rule the world'
That's because Vegapunk knew Professor Clover, and visited Ohara after the Buster Call
Man young Clover was pretty hardcore; a 'book collector' that got arrested 10 times, and he founded Ohara as a sanctuary for scholars!
Well...that's a lot of hair
Wait, so the Government burned down the big ass tree, but did nothing with the books thrown into the lake for months!?
Learning that more of Ohara's knowledge lives on brings up memories for Robin, causing her to cry
Franky and Nami being the 'Protect Robin's feelings' club by calling out Shaka for making her cry
She does however confirm that Ohara were looking into the Ancient Kingdom, and asks about the books
Seems Vegapunk wanted to bring the books to Punk Hazard, but the WG said no
Flashback time though
Stella body Vegapunk witnesses Giants pulling up the books...and Dragon!
Pre-Tattoo Dragon with a bouquet of flowers, who couldn't miss OG Vegapunk by his gigantic forehead, he also knew Clover...are we entertaining Dragon being Robin's dad? There were some minor theories for it, same for Roger.
No wonder he's so smart he's got more brain capacity than normal folk
The giants didn't come with Dragon too, they came from Elbaf
Dragon also reveals that he did ask Vegapunk to join his freedom fighters (not an army at the time), but Vegapunk decided to choose the Government funding
It's not to say though that he's on their side, just that some in the navy are at least who can 'understand' him
Seems that Ohara was the tipping point for Dragon too, who Vegapunk claims hates violence, as he decides to build an army to change the world
It's been a long ass time but there's finally a panel of Dragon where I can actually see a bit of Luffy in him
Seems Dragon, Iva and Kuma were the OG 3 Revolutionaries too, much to the group's surprise. Sanji didn't even know that Iva was a Revolutionary, Robin didn't know that Dragon knew Clover, Usopp's hearing returned to notice Elbaf and Franky asks about Kuma
Vegapunk then went to Elbaf to read the books anyway
Wait...That looks like...but it can't be!
Not sure if 'all in my head' means Shaka's head or every Vegapunk
Robin asks if the Giant was Saul, Shaka doesn't confirm but says he's 'in hiding', which I guess will mean Elbaf
I'm not sure if it is Saul, I mean if it is then Aokiji saved two lives on Ohara and that's pretty cool of him (pun intended), but when we met Saul he made a point of telling Robin that he's not like the Elbaf giants, so why would he be working with Elbaf giants?
Still relieved tearful Robin will make anyone's heart grow three sizes
Shaka then decides to use the Dom Shoes' magnetics to guide them to something
Back with Team Luffy and Luffy and Chopper are still trying to find a means to ride the ancient mech
Luffy thinks it'd be voice-activated (I feel like this may come back) as Bonney starts to have a minor minor fraction of what Law had to deal with XD
Something does happen with the mech though, they think it's gonna explode but then half a body shows up
I know those tiny legs and giant tongue, that's the Stella body!
Seems that he was trying a warp feature and got stuck halfway
Vegapunk recognizes Luffy as Dragon's son and sees Bonney too - who knows it's him, he's being quite friendly for a guy who turned her dad into a cyborg
Vegapunk's forehead has been reduced, I guess he divided his giant brain into his satellites
The shoes have a hover function it seems, so Luffy and Chopper immediately try it and go too high
Well, that was a lot
Like I knew the Void Century would mean Robin will be more involved in the plot but we're potentially getting Saul back (though the Elbaf stuff is still making me sceptical that it's Jaguar D. Saul) I'm sure Franky will get his time to make it his arc eventually.
Dragon being nonviolent but being triggered by Ohara is an interesting origin for his Revolutionary Army at least, the more we learn about him the more Luffy-like we're getting.
The Stella body was a design I wasn't expecting, from the giant head to the giant tongue and chicken legs. The apple head could be a Newton reference in his older form, but it looks like Bonney's gonna go off on him next chapter. Whatever Shaka's leading the other group to is gonna be big I feel, but it does feel like Zoro and Brook may be left high and dry for a bit.
But still that was so much stuff, this arc is already becoming top tier, Oda really has taken off the kid gloves.
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Within the living quarters of the German diplomats that would visit, Large banners with a double headed black eagle hung over the windows. The wooden floored remained polished and unwarped, its beige walls holding several portraits of German leaders. A large, sturdy table lay in the middle of the study, with several large books labeled HISTORIA DE LA FPU and THE PROSPERAN MIRACLE; FROM ASHES TO INVESTMENT and laptop opened up to multiple scholarly articles. Fritz had begun to summarize the situation in Prospera. “Despite prospera modeling its own modern architecture , much has been done to preserve Indigenous prosperan cultural buildings and the old churches and business buildings built by European immigrants from the 19th to 20th century.” Joseph was listening attentively, Laleh had just finished filling up 10 pages of extensive notes, and Veronica had promptly fallen asleep.
“I never really knew about prospera before joining the VWS, this is all really interesting” Said joseph, scrolling to A photo of armed propseran civilian and anti Gustavo army operatives celebrating atop a captured tank. “I didn’t know a lot about prospera except one of my friend’s dad, who was super interested in its history. He laughed to himself. “You couldn’t stop Corporal Crawford from going on about military history once you got him started.”
“It appears the American education system doesn’t really cover anything outside its borders unless its world war 2.” Fritz replied, preparing his final part of the lecture. Veronica woke up and groaned
“I can’t believe Nathan assigned YOU to have ME educated about prospera for the sake of “cultural sensitivity and education training.” She grumbled as her head fell face down onto the oaken table, startling laleh who was in a trance whilst absorbing the glut of data Fritz dispensed.
“I think it’s very important to understand the culture and history of the people we’re protecting.” Laleh said with a smile as she gently lifted veronica by her shirt collar back in an upright position.
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“NOW.” Said fritz, in a grave sudden tone that caught everyone’s attention. “I have been given the go ahead by Captain Nathan and Mr.Norman beforehand to inform you of the people we’re working with outside of Prospera.” Fritz said with pride.
“Yeah, its because you’re a nerd who care about dumb, obscure history. Fritz became very irritated in despondent.
“You’re kinda quick to call someone a nerd for someone who’s memorized the inside of fighter jets and takes them apart for fun. Remarked Joseph. Veronica turned back to joseph in disbelief.
“My friend, there is  DIFFERENCE in being a genius…” She said pointing at her self, and proceeding to gesture towards Fritz. “…and being a NERD.” Fritz’s six eyes peered back in forth as he looked behind him, and observing several small visual feeds on his laptop. “You remembered when I told you how prospera was liberated by CNGS intervention and rebelling army forces?” Joseph and Laleh nodded as Veronica simply slumped in her chair, twirling her ear tip as if it was a lock of hair. “Thats what the COALITION stated publicly.” He hissed quietly, leaning near the rest of his comrades. “Sgt. Gustavo’s downfall wasn’t mainly due to poor economic conditions from years of prosperan dictators flying through revolving doors.” He said bringing out a small book. “Only a fraction of his defeat was caused by betraying the public by selling off local land to be devoured by aggressive foreign investors.”Laleh began to become nervous by Fritz’s behavior, Joseph was merely attentive as always, and Veronica was once again terribly bored by her brother’s theatrics. “The real reason Sgt.Gustavo was ousted was due to those masked communists!” Fritz concluded, showing off his tiny little book to his friends. The book had several photos of varying quality, showing the same Khaki donning soldiers fighting ALA soldiers as well as the south American chapter of the ALA, MUERTE BLANCO. Another series of images showed a giant, muscular woman with scarred skin, a fleshy crest within the concave of her skull and a deformed nose pick up a heavy ALA abomination and proceeding to throw it at a a group of terrified looking white mercenaries. Veronica smiled at the image of the giant woman.
“Maxy always likes to tell me when she did that!” She said cheerfully. Fritz continued,
“even after ousting the Gustavists, they had basically control over the entirety of the country, and seek to not only hunt down the remaining ALA forces, but the human trafficking ring that had sprung up amongst the political chaos in the closing of the Prosperan civil war.” He flipped through his book until he held up two separate CSTF operatives, a Tongan man and a Canadian man both in their early thirties. Another photo on the page showed them in white t-shirts, tan tactical vests and camouflage pants with baseball caps that had the logo PUMA SECURITY sewed onto them. “Approximately 6 months ago, two ex CSTF operatives had joined a private security firm after resigning.” Fritz explained, showing more pictures. “They were allegedly killed in prospera after their convoy and client were murdered by the ALA.” Fritz proceeded to flip towards a ghastly picture of a PUMA SECURITY truck coated in blood and several bodies of murdered PUMA SECURITY operatives whose faces were censored. “Those two soldiers?” Fritz inquired flipping one last time to a recent photo. Joseph got closer as he saw the streets of a prosperan city, bustling with activity and people going on their daily lives. A digital billboard advertised A rubble clearing services with subtitles in Spanish, Italian, French, and German. The two men were in the back of the crowd wearing trench coats and sunglasses while escorting a woman in a beret.
“They’re still alive!” Exclaimed joseph as Fritz snapped the book shut, waking veronica once again from her slumber.
“It’s estimated they have 113 ex Coalition armed forces members and 33 Ex CSTF operatives in their ranks, training their private armies, as well as bolstering their forces with escaped ALA human experiments they’ve liberated and rehabilitated.” Joseph was pretty stunned that this group appeared to be more of a force to be reckoned with. “If you’re confused on the point of my lesson, its to watch your back when it comes to QM and their gaggle of Marxists.” Fritz concluded, quickly returning the book into a protected lock box that he stuffed back into his book bag. A timer proceeded to go off. “It appears that the mandatory lesson is finished.”
Veronica shot up from the books and laptops. “FINALLY!” she yelled, quickly grabbing the small cloth bag she had filled with boredom fueled doodles. “I thought the monthly quality meetings set up by our foreman was bad!” Laleh gingerly waved to joseph as she gingerly squeezed through the exit.
“I shouldn’t keep mom waiting, she’s expecting a medical report from me today!” Fritz once again began to pick up where he left off, skipping to the chapter “PROSPERA’S UNEASY BUT BRIGHT FUTURE”. Joseph recognized the man’s face which was displayed near the chapter title.
“Oh, it’s that guy I saw during our briefing for ARTIFEX.”  Fritz’s ears pricked up upon Joseph’s interest.
“This is President Juan Hidalgo Ramirez, the first democratically elected leader in propsera in 20 years.” Joseph proceeded scoot up a chair next to fritz, who was flustered, and secretly pleased with Joseph’s proximity.
“Damn, sounds like this guy is turning things around.” Joseph said after skimming several paragraphs.
Fritz cleared his throat, and somehow fought the urge to be condescending when people made generalizations on a politician. “He DID bulldoze the golf courses for farmland to produce crops to aid his starving homeland.” He said, gesturing to the book. “He is revitalizing the nationalized healthcare system while putting price caps on insulin and several medicines in the interim. Joseph looked at him oddly
“are you saying these are bad things?” Fritz was caught off guard by Joseph’s sincerity.
“This is the first time someone’s questioned my knowledge in good faith.” Said fritz, who then prepared to gather his closing statement. “The man Is still a puppet to the Marxist group QM.” Fritz brought up another photo of President Juan shaking hands with the Tongan QM operative. “A small organization yet it has an entire country with a budding tech industry and rapid militarization at its mercy.” Fritz leaned dramatically into Joseph’s face as he prepared for him to be overcome by shock.
“I think you need to get your nose out of those books more often.” Inquired Joseph. “Hey, I’m headed for the shooting range, you should come with me!” Fritz now was flabbergasted at not only doing something social, but also INVITED to do something social.
“I mean, uncle would want me to study and understand the delicate language of propsera’s socioeconomic conditions, bu-” Fritz soon paused as his spine let out a loud pop from being hunched over in his chair for too long. “Perhaps I should consider calling it a day.” Joseph helped fritz put up the study’s laptops and even organized his notes before leaving. The enormous automated door slamming shut behind them gave Fritz a small fright.
“SYSTEM IS NOW ARMED, UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ARE BARRED FROM THESE QUARTERS.” Barked the computerized voice, its scolding tone seeming to echo down the hallway. Later in the evening, joseph had finished target practice once again. This time, he began competing with Fritz. The two tallied their scores for bragging rights. “17 out of 22 targets hit!” Boasted fritz, holding up the printed score sheet.
“That says error 2321 contact maintenance.” Remarked joseph. Fritz’s ears shot up on concern as his scores were printed over by a red error message. “I got like…14 out of 22 targets hit, each in the head.” Said joseph with a grin. “Not too bad, if I do say so myself.” Fritz grumbled over his scores improperly being printed, crossing his arms and looking into a corner.
“This I why I detest modern technology, as if the modern world needed to be a bigger nightmare than it already is.” Fritz’s ears began to pick up something from down the Hallway. “Is that laleh?” He pondered. Joseph’s eyes widened with concern. “It sounds like someone’s yelling at her.” Joseph grabbed fritz, his scars flaring to Laleh’s location. Within the dim lights of the nearly abandoned medical wing, Captain Ackerman was giving laleh a very hard time. She was frozen in sheer terror as she had accidentally bumped into him as he made his way back to his quarters, and spilling his alcohol from the dinky little bar aboard the ship. Joseph made it just in time to see him viciously jab at laleh’s large stomach amidst his outburst. What little staff was there continued to not notice the berating going on out of fear.
“That’s Ackerman of the Erasure unit!” Said fritz, holding joseph back. “He outranks us and has connections with Mr.Norman!” Joseph turned back to fritz, gingerly taking his clawed hand off his arm.
“I don’t care.” Said Joseph as proceeded to march right to Ackerman as Laleh continued to apologize, pushing him away from laleh and getting in Ackerman’s face. “Is there are a problem?” Said joseph in a cold manner.
“This doesn’t concern you.” Retorted Ackerman, pushing joseph aside.
“You’re terrorizing a woman who busts her ass making sure me and my friends don’t die, so YEAH.” Stated joseph in a stone-faced manner. “That IS my concern.” Ackerman had becoming increasingly angry being scolded by the new meat. Laleh could see him grow red in the face per another outburst. She leaned in, her face pale and covered in sweat.
“Joseph, its my fault, I bumped into him and spilled his beer.” Joseph continued to keep laleh behind him, not breaking eye contact with Ackerman.
“Then he can get a new one instead of taking it out on you.” He explained. Ackerman’s face was bright red, his pupils shrank in rage.
“What the FUCK gives you the right to-” he growled about to put his hands on joseph. Before he had a change, something awakened in laleh.
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“Poor joseph is a kind, gentle young man who still believes in the goodness of other people”. She thought, remembering how he tried to express restraint even when facing the ALA, a group of morally bankrupt terrorists who saw him as subhuman for his skin color. Not wanting revenge, but justice, concerned with becoming too joyful in his duty Despite seeing him as an object to compensate for failure in northern Iran . Another voice seemed to whisper to her. Harsh, deep, and viciously furious. “ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LET THAT BRAINDEAD IDIOT MANHANDLE THE FEW PEOPLE IN THIS DISGUSTING PLACE THAT SHOWS YOU GENUINE RESPECT?” She was terrified of this part of her inching closer to the surface, but her concern for Joseph was stronger. Laleh proceeded to get in front of her friend, and took off her helmet. She stared directly into Ackerman’s eyes. His own rage dissipated seeing Laleh tower over him, her dagger-like teeth bared. “Once again, I said I was sorry for bumping into you.” She dug out a 10 dollar bill from one of her pouches. “Get your self another drink, but do not yell at me or anyone else like that ever again, Thank you.” Joseph stood in silence as he had forgotten how foreboding laleh’s presence was. “It’s a bit late isn’t it?” Laleh asked joseph cheerily. “We should get back to our quarters.” Joseph said nothing as he followed laleh, Ackerman appeared to be as still as a statue, ten dollar bill fluttering from the incoming breeze of the dinged up, internal A/c unit. Fritz quickly peaced out from the site of the confrontation. After 12 seconds, Ackerman seemed to break from his fear induced trance as he could hear another pair of footsteps behind him. A hand gripped his shoulder.
“Capitan Ackerman, I have some concerns about your behavior.” Said a woman’s voice. The hand was cold, freezing, as it was made from hardened, tempered steel. A drop of sweat made its way down his face as the hand begin to click and whirr. Someone, a woman, whom was closer to Norman than he was, a woman who outranked even HIM, knew what about his interactions with Laleh. The situation finally dawned on him that he was in deep, deep trouble.
The next morning, Laleh and Joseph were awakened from their sleep with a loud alarm, the words CODE RED, THIS IS NOT A DRILL, rang over the poorly maintained intercom system. A voice boomed over the intercom, trying to diffuse the situation. “EVERYONE REMAIN CALM!” Said the woman’s voice, desperately trying to maintain order. “THE RED ALERT HAS ONLY BEEN ISSUED, NOT CONFIRMED!” Laleh rubbed her temples at the blaring sound and the complete breakdown in order outside the door. Just then, barely audible whispering from a man’s voice could be heard over the intercom. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S BEEN CAPTURED?!” Yelled the woman before not only her but the apparent red alert as well were cut off immediately. Joseph and Laleh sat in silence as the HARRIS shifted and clicked in response to the wind. The humming machines, that were always drowned out by outside noise hummed uninterrupted by day to day life. The two quickly dressed in their combat BDUS and tactical equipment. THE VWS had once again made it to the decrepit war room unprompted, only to be met by Nathan, who was just unlocking the door. Everyone new the situation was dire if Nathan was actually early to a war meeting. As everyone got seated, Fritz was flipping through a copy of GERMAN FOLKLORE, OLD AND NEW. REVISED AND UNABRIDGED. Only fritz seemed to notice that his sister was sitting upright. Paying attention, and not dozing off or doing anything seriously disruptive. It seemed her mentor and friend’s negative energy began to continually effect her with each day. Nathan fixed the busted projector with tape, and took stand at the podium.
“These assholes will drop five grand for a new salad bar on this glorified, flying deathtrap but NOT for OUR UTILITIES.” Nathan hissed, furiously clicking the remote to get the projector to work. Several clicks later, garbled footage began to play. It appeared to be a giant man wearing an intimidating gas mask whose radio antennae mimicked horns or a laurel wreath. “This is GHOSTFANG, part of the VWS senior operatives.” He explained while desperately patching up the projector with more tape as the chaise began to split apart again. “About 15 hours ago, GHOSTFANG had acquired important information about the location of ex dictator of propsera, Sgt. Gustavo Jesus Rodriguez.” Everyone listened intently, even veronica, Nathan was unusually formal and attentive to small details. “He’s also apparently in the same area of another high value CNGS target, the man responsible for the Fort NFELHEIM Subterranean bio-weapons lab incident in northern Iran. Joseph became dead still. Nathan flipped to a photo of a man wearing the same dull red vests and black bdus as some of the ALA abomination heavy soldiers. He had seen this hooded man before with ARTIFEX.in the photo, he was pointing to a young man strapped to hospital beds as he took a blood sample. What set this hooded figure from the rest was a large badge labeled “ALPHA KOMMANDO”. The badge was bright yellow with a skull wearing a german steel helmet and two potato masher grenades criss crossed. The face of the young man he was wrapped in bandages. “His real name is George Smith goes by the code name “APOTHECARY.” Nathan continued, his manic disposition replaced by sadness as he saw joseph grow angrier. “Allegedly, he joined the ALA while working in a pharmaceutical company his home country of England.“According to our spies, the laboratory staff was trying to reverse engineer and process a biological weapon stolen from the CNGS archives.” A small portrait appeared, revealing George Smith’s real face, a middle aged white man in a suit and tie in a casually happy demeanor. Joseph’s rage grew as he saw the disparity of his crimes as opposed to his picture, a serene middle aged man smiling gently at the camera, like posing for a family photo. “The ALA’s high command gave their head medical officer and ALPHA KOMMANDO operative the green light to start the project and act as head science authority in several projects.”
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He clicked to a heavily censored picture depicting young American soldiers laying dead, face covered in nightmarish scar tissue like Joseph’s. “APOTHECARY had miscalculated the quantity of some chemical resulting in the lab staff causing an explosion, which subsequently allowed the bio weapon he was tweaking in a nearby laboratory room to leak into the surface in aerosol form.” “It killed 15 out of the 16 C-USA army operatives, and well…” He gestured to joseph. “Long story short, GHOSTFANG found out where these two are, but got blinded sided by ALPHA KOMMANDO.”Joseph sat there in silence as laleh leaned in to comfort him. “I’m okay.” He told her in a passive tone.Nathan clicked to a cleared patch of wilderness near an ALA base. “He’s been able to escape to the plains of Northern propsera, but there’s not much time, we MUST rescue GHOSTFANG.” As everyone got up, he signaled everyone to stop. “There’s also and UNKNOWN THIRD PARTY COMBATANT in the area wearing skull like helmets.” “If you see anyone that doesn’t appeared to be affiliated with our allies or the ALA, avoid them at all costs.”  A little while later, the RISENFLEDERMAUS descended towards the ALA base where GHOSTFANG was last seen. Joseph observed photos of GHOSTFANG both with and without his mask. He seemed to resemble a bat like Fritz and veronica, but much more ghoulish with a longer snout. Nathan soon took a call from his radio.
“NATHAN, DO YOU READ ME?!” Yelled the voice of a middle aged man. Nathan proceeded to turn down the volume.
“Never could get the hang of modern technology, could ya, MacMillan?” The voice snapped back. “And YOU could never get the HANG of respecting your SUPERIORS!” Nathan looked over to his young comrades. “Everyone, our new CO is Corporal MacMillan, he used to boss me around back in the day, and how he gets to do it again!” He smugly turned back to his mouthpiece. “This must be a dream come true for you, huh, mac?” MacMillan’s frustration was palpable enough to wash over everyone in the passenger area of Veronica’s aircraft.
“This isn’t the time or place for your sass.” MacMillan's voice crackled with defeat. “GHOSTFANG is dangerously closed that ALA base, so you need to watch your asses the SECOND you touch down.” As the RISENFLEDERMAUS landed, several QM soldiers leapt from the trees, and proceeded to surround the VWS. “Relax.” Said MacMillan. “They’re just there to guard that…THING…your second lieutenant made.” The VWS followed joseph as his scars began to flare. The QM soldiers silently watched the group trundle their way toward their objective. Nervously, joseph would peer at them through the corner of his eye. Many of them seemed to have elongated fingers, like talons. Some had vertical pupils like a cat’s eyes. A few soldiers had horizontal pupils like a goat, allowing them to observe the quintet as they long disappeared from view.Fritz took out his binoculars to observe the factories and cranes by the ALA base.
“THE GHOST RESIDES IN A BLUE PASTURE” explained joseph, ominously. Sure enough, there was a blue, ramshackle building to the south.
“Everyone, keep your heads down.” Said Nathan as the VWS advanced ever closer. “We’re probably in for a desperate fight, so watch for any-” He stopped in his tracks, as did the rest of his group. Ahead was indeed an ALA base, but it appeared to not be abandoned, but empty. Nathan held out his arm as he scanned the area with his special field glasses. He winced at the sight of blood that had seemed to spatter the area.
“Geeze, it’s like something out of a horror flick.” Said veronica, her ear flicking in tension. Nathan shook off his feelings of dread to command his greenhorns. “MacMillan’s given me the green light, we’re going to approach on foot to avoid being spotted.” Nathan declared, observing how non of the ALA vehicles were damaged in the slightest.
“Fritz, scout out the area surrounding the base.” Fritz saluted, but was stopped momentarily as Nathan grabbed him by the arm. “If you see ANYONE wearing a skull mask or a hooded jacket, get right back here and find us.” Fritz felt Nathan’s grip tighten. “If you can’t find us, then HIDE.” “Do you understand me?” Fritz saluted again. “Jawol, kommandant.” Fritz dashed off, adjusting his telecom to ensure he could properly contact his friends, especially his channel to joseph. Something was terribly wrong with the captain.  The VWS began to slink through the base.Things inside the base were little better. Incomplete walls were slaked in blood, the slumped body of AlA soldiers leaned dead against the buildings they once guarded. Laleh’s hands began to shake, feeling that the dead eyes of the ALA operatives were still somehow watching. Observing. Their unblinking gaze still burning through her as she left the area. The rest of the area were composed of temporary, rectangular housing structures and large tents with white canvases, and plenty of more bodies.
“I could be nuts,” Said joseph, “but I’m seeing a lot of slashing and stabbing wounds on these guys.” Nathan continued to lead the group, making sure joseph was in the middle of the formation. Veronica and laleh in the back, with him in the front. He tried ignore the mass of bodies, and the report of THOSE TWO that were in the area. The gang traipsed carefully around the bodies which clogged up walkways.
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“It’s like some maniac charged in here only armed with a blade.” Veronica whispered. “What kind of lunatic would actually try to use bladed weapons against fully armed soldiers?” Her ears pricked up as she suddenly heard rustling from behind her, causing her to swing around behind her to find no one. For some reason, a great feeling of dread crept over here brave and mischievous demeanor. A part of her knew she and her friends were being watched. Joseph suddenly clutched his head in pain. Nathan swiveled towards him as his young ward muttered an ominous phrase.
“THE BEAST IS HERE.” The dead silence of the slaughtered camp came to an end as a figure from the far side of the base came closer to the VWS. Its boots crushed the dying grassland, footsteps echoing and growing louder. Joseph recognized the skull faced man immediately. “It’s that guy from area 110!” he exclaimed, pointing at the ghoulish looking man.
Nathan pushed everyone back, holding his gun up at the mysterious man. “FREEZE!” Nathan barked, struggling to maintain trigger discipline on his devastating handgun. The skull faced soldier obliged him. Nathan took another heavy step forward. “MATTHIAS GREY!” he said, seeming to be on the verge of a breakdown, “YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE UNLAWFUL MURDER OF COALITION ALIGNED POLITICIANS AND HIGH TREASON!” the figure stood, unmoving. His red lenses continuing to flicker like embers. He looked off into the distance, seeming to reminisce.
“Mathias, Jesus Christ, does that name take me back.” He pointed at nathan accusingly. You call me by RENAISSANCE MAN 2 now, little boy.” The gang were bewildered to see their captain be treated like some sort of misbehaving child “To get back on topic, YOU seem to be the one who’s plenty used to abandoning people.” Veronica hissed as everyone readied their weapons. Matthias pulled out his handgun, the same type as Nathan’s. An engraving on the side was carved into the gun slide. “FORCE IS GREATEST TOOL TO ENSURE GLOBAL SECURITY.” Mathias read out loud in a mocking tone. “Such an apt description.” “The coalition seems to be good at hiring weak, limp wristed, and SENTIMENTAL tools like you.” He pointed the gun straight at Nathan, who was about to completely lose his composure. The atmosphere was as calm and lax as being strapped to a ticking bomb. Joseph struggled to dowse a weakpoint, but to no avail as if this man’s presence was disrupting his psychic resonance. Without taking his gun off nathan, Mathias turned towards veronica. “Does he still cry about that gender ambiguous tart that rejected his affections?” Mathias proceeded to make a mad dash for the blue building. Nathan regained his composure and clicked his head set.
“FRITZ, RETURN TO FORMATION!” He bellowed as everyone dashed to GHOSTFANG. Joseph could sense a large clutch of well hidden anti tank land mines that lay just in front of Matthias path.
“Okay, maybe he’s a dumbass and he’ll blow himself up.” Thought joseph hopefully. His hope evaporated as Matthias began side swiping the clutch of mines. He dowsed a group of poltergeist commandos waiting for Matthias behind cover, but he put killed them with his powerful handgun as they hid behind cover, like he could sense they were there. A final one seem to drop from the trees, but soon met its violent end. RM II grabbed a knife from his vest and put up his handgun with immense agility. In a single swipe, he slashed the poltergeist commando’s throat, leaving it for dead as it choked on its own blood. “fuck.” Wheezed joseph, realizing that this masked lunatic was also capable of life-saving super human agility. Without a moment to lose, he signaled to everyone to stop and carefully navigate the minefield they were seconds from approaching.
“VWS, OPEN FIRE!”  Barked nathan, as he began firing hurriedly at the skull faced ghoul. Fritz hurried towards GHOSTFANG, slyly using Matthias’ foot prints to bypass the traps. Matthias quickly dove into the building, and clicked a small button on the side of his mask.
“Where the FUCK are you?!” Matthias hissed as he drew closer to GHOSTFANG. “I’m busting my ass trying NOT to blow those coalition circus freaks to kingdom come, and I can’t sense you ANYWHERE.” He continued complaining as he drew a large combat knife. “The boss would have my balls on a plate if I did otherwise, says we need those freaks alive and intact.” He fired at Fritz with his less powerful handgun. “Which means get your STUPID ASS over here and ASSIST ME.” A youthful voice responded to Matthias with the exacerbation of an annoyed teenager.
“Whatever.” It replied.
“Show me some respect, you ungrateful little SHIT.” Hissed Matthias. “If it weren’t for ME, you’d still be on that god forsaken boat getting your ass beaten and drugged.” The VWS halted in its tracks as a hooded figure descended from the surrounding woodland behind him. Its face covered in a skull like mask, but made with an minimalist, modern design. He casually flicked the blood off his stained gloves, the stench of copper permeating Veronica’s nostrils.
“Yeah, now I get my ass beaten by you, what an upgrade.” The hooded figure leapt straight at nathan with a flying kick. He barely had time to react as the hooded figure’s knee made contact with his ribcage, knocking the wind out of him. After being knocked to the ground, Veronica drew her combat knife to engage the hooded figure, as his close proximity to her comrades would be too risky for her usual spray and pray from her machine gun. As she went for a slash, the figure dodged her swipes, and proceeded to bring out a carbine fitted with a bayonet. The hooded punk charged her, parrying her knife, sending it flying before He struck her in the head with the butt of his rifle, Veronica’s cheap helmet cracked as the impact caused her to drop to the ground. The hooded figure proceeded to nonchalantly stroll up to joseph, his rifle drawn at the masked solider. Laleh immediately legged to get in front of joseph, aiming her grenade launcher at the cruel young man, her arm outstretched in protection. Within the blue building, A shootout between Matthias and Fritz illuminated its interior. Windows were being shot out as gunfire flickered like lightening. A small part of the building collapsed as Matthias used a separate handgun in an attempt to kill Fritz. Fritz used his speed to conduct hit and run tactics, using debris or dashing up to the rafters as covered. The masked, hooded soldier was nonplussed as he grew closer to joseph.
“Sounds like your pet freak is giving that old fart some trouble.” He laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He seemed to know EXACTLY where fritz’s position was in the building, pointing at fritz’s position as he dodged and weaved. “He’s smart, he seems to know if he pauses for a second, he’ll get reduced to a smear on the wall.” Within the building, RM II began to get increasingly annoyed.
“You think you’re hot shit, don’t you, little kaiser?” He sneered as fritz’s ears twitched in concern. “I hear you and some others want to help reform your backwards country.” RM II said as Fritz dodged another shot and layed down suppressing fire. “You make me just as sick as the CNGS and those braindead Marxists, thinking this cesspit we call the modern world can be saved.”
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“You’re such a vicious, and sad old man!” Fritz retorted, almost hitting RM II. Independent Germany will embrace the FREDERICH DOCTRINE, and all subjects in its walls shall be cared for”! Matthias snorted at Fritz’s declaration of tolerance.
“At least I’m HONEST about who I really am, you and your little band of freaks only aid others out of the brainwashing of your limp-wristed superiors.” Fritz dodged another wave of dangerously accurate handgun fire. “Once I get YOU, and the other CNGS freaks, I can finally kick this shitty job and ride out the rest of my days in comfort,away from everyone else on this miserable planet.” Fritz was able to graze RM II, sending him backwards and out a broken window. Joseph quietly noted the hooded soldier’s sadism as he broke into laughter as Matthias fell out the second floor window. After his gruesome fall and impact, Matthias proceeded to snap his arm back into his socket with a sickening pop and dashed back into the building. Joseph took no time taking advantage of this and opened fire after clearing some distance, laleh still in front of him. He was taken back at the burst of speed the hooded soldier, stunned as the masked soldier charged them down down. Nathan and Veronica desperately dashed after the sadist.
“RELAX, I’M JUST GONNA SLIT YOUR ACHILLES TENDON!” He playfully said as he slashed at joseph and Laleh.
“ENACTING COMBAT MEDIC SELF DEFENSE ADDENDUM!” Cried out laleh. The hooded soldier was soon overcome with blinding light. He was shocked, not just by the flash, but that his mask wasn’t able to fully protect him from the violent sound and light completely.  He was soon sideswiped by a powerful punch to the face by Nathan. After flying two feet, stumbling to regain his senses, he felt the ground rumbling as Laleh grabbed him in a panic, hoisting him above her shoulders. “I AM NOW AUTHORIZED TO ENACT DEFENSIVE, RETALIATORY FORCE.” Cried laleh as She proceeded to throw the masked soldier into the wall of the remains of a rotted wooden building. Fritz was caught in a balancing act of dodging Matthias bullets and trying to get to GHOSTFANG, trying to listen to his ragged breathing. Suddenly, Matthias had ceased firing upon him, and turned towards the great crashing sound.
“Oh no.” He said an a sudden instance of great fear. He leapt from the second floor and dashed where his masked protege was thrown through a flimsy wall of rotted wood.   Breathing a sigh of relief as his submachine gun nearly ate through 95 percent of his ammo, fritz located GHOSTFANG and gingerly picked up him up for extraction. The rest of the VWS had the hooded figure pinned down, veronica having big machine gun out and clearly intended to use lethal force. Laleh stuck her arm out in front of joseph protectively.
“MacMillan, we’ve apprehended RM III, beginning containment procedures.” Nathan explained. The irritable corporal answered in a fearful voice.
“You’re fucking kidding me…is RM II with him?” Everyone but Nathan had a baffled look on their face.
“I know you guys are confused as shit, and I’ll explain the RM situation to you another day.” Joseph’s eye caught something as the hooded one, RM III, whatever new abbreviation he had to remember. The mask appeared to be dented, and slipping, partly exposing RM III’s face and neck. He was met with the sight of a large, vertical scar along his neck, being obscured by the mask and bdu. Its pulsation matching the same rate as Joseph’s scar pulsation.
“Both he and that Matthias must have been hit by that same bioweapon I was exposed to.” Joseph said as he observed its pulsation.
“HA!” RM III scoffed. “Bioweapon, how fucking rich.” He turned towards Nathan, still on his knees. “What else are you and those coalition dogs lying to them about?”
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Veronica looked fearfully at Nathan. “He…he’s just trying to fuck with right?” She shot Nathan a very despondent look. “You would never lie to us, would you?”  A metallic canister was tossed at high velocity at Nathan’s feet. Before anyone could react, blinding light flashed and deafening sound thundered, leaving everyone in a state of shock. By the time they could recover, Matthias and RM III were gone, and fritz  reunited with everyone as he assisted GHOSTFANG in walking towards the RISENFLEDERMAUS.Some time later after the VWS escaped and their QM allies disappeared into the Prosperan wilderness yet again. They attended GHOSTFANG’s debriefing and sanitation. The papers, hard drives and USB sticks were slightly dinged up but none worse for wear. Laleh tended to his wounds with the other medical staff members.
“I’m amazed you’re still conscious despite the several gunshot wounds and dehydration.” She noted in a tone that sounded more fascinated than concerned. She carefully handed a small tray consisting of seven bloodied assault rifle bullets her friend and Harris surgeon Ashley. “OoOOH! LOOK AT THIS ONE!” Laleh said gleefully as she pulled out the final bullet from GHOSTFANG’s shoulder. It was a 6 inch long sniper rifle round, stained crimson, yet LALEH marveled at it like a collector would marvel at a rare stamp or figurine. The younger VWS members were then shooed away from the surgery observation area for further medical examination and rest before their new mission. Before leaving, Nathan met up with them to try to explain himself.
“All I can tell you is that RM II, or Matthias…” He awkwardly explained, scratching at his face. “Is a defector from the CSTF, and now makes a living as a terrorist for an unknown benefactor.” He gathered everyone toward the exit. “I wish I could tell you more about him and that bioweapon, I really wish I could.” As Laleh’s humming became less faint, the intelligence team dashed the evidence for further anti virus and spy-ware analysis.Deep within a bunker in old prospera, the crumpled N.1685 logo fluttered as cold air blew down from a rigged ac unit. APOTHECARY had finished up the last of N.1685’s recovery procedures as he slowly rose from the table. just in time to view the footage of Joseph stabbing apothecary and RM III’s killing spree from earlier that day from a television screen. He fist clenched in primal rage at the brief sight of Laleh behind joseph as APOTHECARY fit him with a new transparent hood and protective lightweight material.
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“I know you want to get back at the VWS, but we need you to support our artillery and rocket battery near RIO VERDE” “that’s a direct order from ALA high command.” APOTHECARY said as N.1685 paused in anger and indignity. “Please understand, our mercenary squadrons have been decimated by the combined efforts of the CNGS and those damned Marxists from QM.” He flew off the table and made his way out of the base to receive further orders and be sent on the battlefield. APOTHECARY nervously watched footage of RM III kill several abominations by stabbing their weak-points with his bayoneted carbine. “It appears the younger the subject is given the RENAISSANCE MAN serum, the deadlier they eventually develop.” He noted at RM III’s unfettered, mean-spirited glee. “If VELVET is correct and the scarred one is exhibiting symptoms, I’m wholeheartedly terrified of what he’ll be capable of.” He looked back at footage of joseph looking despondent. “ RM IV…”  Apothecary spoke, gently stroking the image of Joseph’s face like caressing a sleeping cat. “My final chance at reclaiming my spot for the coming Aryan paradise.” He turned towards footage of a soldier in headgear, the name LOGAN CRAWFORD, was printed on the side of his bed. “I told them to move him away from coalition territory…if they don’t act soon…well…at least they can’t blame me for this one”. APOTHECARY sighed as he was brought another abomination soldier to patch up. “We just seem to be running out of places to shove prisoners since QM and the CNGS started cooperating, haven’t we?.” The cameras atop the metal surveillance pillars swung to observe his every move. His bunker felt more an more like a prison as the cameras reminded him of his upcoming trial regarding his mistake in Iran.
Meanwhile, Nathan was called into an emergency meeting with MacMillan alongside intelligence and the VWS’s senior officer corps. “What the hell do you MEAN he DEFECTED?!” nathan blurted in the midst of the presentation. Andrew would be usually furious at being interrupted, but he seemed to be in a depressive state. “I’m afraid so.” He replied. “It appears that a CNGS-AMERICAN officer, Corporal Issac Crawford had disappeared with his wife to defect to the ALA.” He turned towards the projector. “It unfortunately has plenty of eyes in ears in the CNGS-AMERICAN military.” He stated as he clicked towards the photo of joseph and another young man his age, both were smiling and sitting next to each other by a lake. “This is Issac’s son, Logan, and several weeks ago he went AWOL from his post in Corsica.” The rest of the VWS senior corps. remained stoic while nathan become more concerned.  
“I know for a fact people just don’t vanish of American military bases.” Nathan said. Andrew looked at him again with another sad expression.
“Logan was the apparent cost for gaining a high ranking position within ALA high command, he is in a prison hospital with our next person of interest we must rescue.” Nathan was floored.
“Those poor kids…” he murmured, wiping sweat off of his brow. “They had no idea an older guy in their life was some radicalized nutcase…” His face became twisted in anger. “Selling your only fucking son like this…when I get my hands on that son of a bitch, I’ll-”
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“I’m afraid it gets worse.” Said Andrew, switching to disturbing photos of Logan strapped to a bed, scar tissue forming over one side of his face. The footage displayed a name tag on the bed itself; RM V. A large screen popped up filling the monitor with the title of “KNOWN RENAISSANCE MEN.” Aside from telling its readers that it was a classified file and that unauthorized reproduction was forbidden, it also showed the most recent information about 5 “RENAISSANCES MEN”. RM I’s profile read; “NAME: CLASSIFIED. ALIASES: RM I ALLEGIANCES: UNKNOWN. WANTED FOR DESERTION AND SABOTAGE OF CNGS INTEL, MATERIALS AND OPERATIONS.” RM II’s profile read; “NAME: MATTHIAS GREY. ALIASES: RM II ALLEGIANCES: CLASSIFIED WANTED FOR DESERTION AND MURDER OF CNGS PERSONNEL.” RM III’s profile had the following descriptions. “NAME: UNKNOWN ALIASES: RM III. ALLEGIANCES: CLASSIFIED. WANTED FOR MURDER OF CNGS PERSONNEL.” RM IV had Joseph’s picture with the caption: “NAME: JOSEPH BAKER. ALIASES: RM IV. ALLEGIANCES: CNGS. SHOWING SIGNS OF BEING A PROPER RM II REPLACEMENT.” RM V showed Logan in a helmet: “NAME: LOGAN CRAWFORD ALIASES: RM V HIGH PRIORITY TARGET. TO BE RESCUED IMMEDIATELY.” Nathan had no idea how he would break this to joseph…
To be continued in vol 5.
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bluemeetgrey · 4 years ago
My list of Will Solace Headcanons
1, Will Is a good doctor, but isn’t a good cook.
Like he won’t burn the food and stuff. But his food always tastes super bland because he is a Health-nut, and never put enough salt. Sometimes opted to cut the salt out completely.
Applying the same logic, his baking doesn’t taste good either.
So naturally Nico became the cook of the family.
One time Nico brought a cake that Will made to the underworld by accident, and Demeter somehow ended up trying it. Surprisingly she loved it, so she became the only person who appreciate his cooking.
Will doesn’t know he’s a bad cook because nobody have the heart to tell him.
How could you though? When he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes of his. Asking you how you like the food, with the excitement of a Labrador puppy.
Sherman came super close though, but a deadly glare from Nico, Percy and everybody in a 5 mile radius shut him up.
2, People don’t have the heart to say no to him. Because at one point or another, he saved them or their siblings life at least once.
So everybody in camp is somehow indebted to him.
You can always count on him to be there for you, when you’re feeling down or need help with anything.
Plus he can use his super effective puppy dog eyes on you, and you’ll be surrender powerless.
If you made him sad, everybody would be ready to kill you.
3, Nico isn’t his first crushed.
Like Annabeth Will also had a crush on Luke.
Because he stayed at least a year in the Hermes cabin, before being claim by Apollo.
Luke being the head counselor at the time, took care of him and show him the roads.
Luke was also super hot, and he’s a great fighter.
He became Will’s great sexual awakening.
He offer to heal Luke’s scar, but he declined.
4, Will came very close to joining Chronos’s Army.
He felt abandoned by whoever his godly parent is.
Luke took full advantage of that
telling him he had to follow them to prove himself to his godly parent.
But Apollo strike him down with a fever. The night he was supposed to leave whit Kronos’s demigods.
It was that Iris message in the second book, from Percy to the whole camp. That show him Luke’s True color, convincing him to stay.
5, for the longest time people thought he was a Hermes camper.
Because of how quickly can run
And how nimble his hands were.
6, Will was not a year rounder because of anything tragic.
The infirmary needs a good medic, during the school year.
So the camp made the children of Apollo a deal.
Who ever the best healer is, had to stayed at camp in the school year. All  throughout high school.
But that person will have all of their College including graduate school and their PHD, pay for by the camp.
In addition the camp will also enroll them into a Super competitive,  pre-college program online.
To teach them more advanced biology.
Because nectar in ambrosia or praying to dad, can only get you so far.
8, Will had a lot of mortal friends.
They are all from the dance class, his mom signed him up for in the weekends.
9, Will is a good dancer.
He does competitive dancing.
And attends a lot of competition in the New York area.
Sometime when he has to do competition out of state.
The camp will hire a chaperone to take him.
It’s usually a adult demigod or Sally Jackson.
Who love volunteering herself for this kind of stuff.
He won a lot of competitions.
And is actually quite famous in the dance scene.
8, His mom was a Ex-Shadow Hunter who escaped to the Mundanes world.
Her brother was a member of the Circle.
She escaped because of persecution for her sexuality.
Naomi escaped with her girlfriend at the time.
Even though they eventually broke up.
Their still friends.
She helped the Texas institute escape to Idris.
She fought in all three Wars.
Her  original name was Ness Blackthorn.
She is the cousin of Andrew Blackthorn.
Her named her son William Andrew, because she misses him.
She despise the Circle
Because she believe Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and mundane are equal.
If you guys like this I can continue writing some more. And maybe turned it into a story or something, I really want to explored that last one, because it’s so cool. Hope you guys enjoy.
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aella-targaryen · 2 years ago
While I don’t know what rhaenyra would do if she become queen on good standing with the hightowers. As in she became queen immediately after her dad died but this is how I think it would have been handled.
She would name daemon her hand, it’s a potion he’s said before he wanted. While I do think he’s impulsive I don’t think he advise her to do anything that would jeopardize her position. Next she would name Jace her official heir in a ceremony much like her dad did with her. She would obviously need to handle the Hightowers in some way. So she’s definitely sending Otto away in the manner of I don’t care where you go but your not staying here. But I would definitely have him watched to make sure he’s not planning something. Alicent is a difficult thing because while she cares for her I don’t think she trusts her enough to keep her at court. I think she would give her money and send her off to someplace she’d be happy. Aegon definitely has to go again as we saw he doesn’t really have a strong want to be king but still if he was there it would be a complication. Aemond would get a high potion on for fighting lord commander. While in the past the boys have fought you can’t deny he’s a skilled fighter and would be good to have in there army. As long as he doesn’t pick fights with the boys he can keep it. Helena I would name as princess to dragonstone. Honestly she deserves it after all she’s gone through and I can see her being content and happy there. Especially because Helena the one sibling she dose like. While it should probably go to one of her own kids or step kids they kind of have a lot already and I can see her wanting Helena to be happy. Finally sending Jace on kind of a world tour throughout the 7 kingdoms. Show them what he’s capable of and get them used to the future king have him and the people get connected. As for Luke I would have him go spend more time with his grandpa at the tides. Luke has made it clear that this potion isn’t something that he really wants. But he hasn’t really seen what it’s all about either let him see Carlos rule and how it would be for him. If he still doesn’t want it name Joffrey the heir and let Luke be. Thats as much as I can think of as we haven’t seen Alicents last kid and Rhaenyras other kids are so young I don’t know what she’d do with them yet.
Hand of the Queen and How Daeron does not exist.
I think it's very possible that Rhaenyra would have handled all realm issues just as you said except for one aspect:
"She would name daemon her hand, it’s a potion he’s said before he wanted."
I think that Rhaenyra would name Corlys Hand of the Queen because the Velaryons are the most loyal and longstanding allies of the House Tragaryen and they will have to be rewarded with high positions in the relm , besides that Corlys has the most experience in how to govern, since He has long ruled Driftmark.
Actually I think that Daemon wanted the Hand of the King´s position only because Viserys was trying to get him away from him and what Daemon wanted most was to be as close as possible to Viserys to protect him. I think that Daemon would be satisfied with being by Rhaenyra's side and that she listened to his advice, I don't think that titles are important to him, he is not even Rhaenyra's legitimate husband.
As the character of Daemon was portrayed in the first season, I would venture to say that Daemon only cares about being close to the people he loves and strengthening the power of the House Tragaryen. He doesn't care about anything else.
I mean, it did not bother him that they did not give him the title of heir or hand of the king, he got mad that they separated him from his family and that they do not consider him an important member of it. Even, in the books he only claimed the title of "Protector of the realm" so that the black army respects him as the highest authority of the armed forces.
Now, I have something to say about Daeron.
At the moment, I consider that Daeron, the last son of Alicent in the book, doesn´t exist in the show universe. He just doesn't exist. He has not been mentioned in any episode of S1 despite the fact that in the book he is also a great threat to Rhaenyra's reign and if he does appear in S2 it would be in a very abrupt way, they would practically materialize Daeron out of nowhere .
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Okay, so you said I could send an ask for headcanons about the childhoods of some specific merc(s)... I think I would really like to read your headcanons about Soldier’s and Engineer’s childhood :)
Thanks in advance and I hope your well.
Ooooh…I’ve been waiting for this! And thank you for being specific and not just saying “the rest of them.” Sometimes I get overwhelmed with nine specific mercs to write for. Your specifics are much appreciated.
Soldier doesn’t talk very much about his childhood - whether it’s because something happened or he just doesn’t remember it, no one can tell. It’s nowhere in his file, either…he refused to do anything except tell fantastic tales of a fictional youth.
However, in a rare streak of almost lucidity, he spouted off the entirety of his younger years, much to the team’s surprise. Usually, if anyone asked directly, he changed the subject.
But now he described everything in vivid detail. And, with a bit of research from Miss Pauling, everything fell into place.
Apparently he had been born in a small military town in Georgia. His father was overseas, leaving he and his mother alone in their small yellow house.
In order to make ends meet, his mother worked at a nearby factory, mostly leaving Soldier to fend for himself and the house.
“Can you be a big, strong soldier like daddy for me?”
Soldier would always agree, finding his own food, his own entertainment, and his own friends. No matter what happened, he never bothered his mom. If anything, his job was to protect her.
That’s why, when his stomach started hurting and his arms and legs ached, he said nothing about it.
When he forgot the chores he was supposed to do and even the names of his friends, he didn’t bring it up.
When he felt tired all the time and some days could barely get out of bed, he just chalked it up to laziness like his mother did.
It turns out the factory they were next to was polluting the water next to the house with dangerous amounts of lead, which soon overcame Soldier’s immune system of steel.
He could barely remember anything anymore, and he became more and more distraught every day. Sometimes he would forget where he was and run outside, then get lost in the woods, only coming back once he remembered where he was supposed to be.
Soldier began to wear one of his father’s old helmets after his mom commented on his red eyes and the dark circles around them. He didn’t want to worry her. Besides, it helped bring back a few memories if he ever got lost again.
Finally, it got to the point where he didn’t even remember his mother, or his promise to her. He began to wander farther and farther away from home.
One day, he didn’t come back at all.
Out in the world with not a single memory to his name, Soldier wandered far and wide. He usually slept in barns and old, abandoned houses, cut off from most people.
Occasionally, he would find a family that wanted to “raise him as their own,” only to turn him away after finding him too difficult to care for.
He had frequent nightmares, ate little due to his unresolved stomach issues, and could barely walk ten feet without forgetting where he was going.
If he accidentally wandered into the same house twice, he would be chased out with either a broom or a gun - usually the latter.
He became “the demon child” in some counties, and “g*psy kid” in others, due to his long, unkempt hair, hidden eyes, and odd habits.
It even got to the point where Soldier couldn’t sleep on anyone’s property because he would be actively fought off like a wolf or a bear.
His only pleasure was an old movie theater that, as he recovered from his lead poisoning, remembered the location of and frequently snuck into.
The only thing that played were romance movies - which, like many children, Soldier hated - and war movies, which he watched over and over again with starving eyes.
Because of these movies, a single memory from his mother’s house came to him. A woman, tall and muscular from hard labor, giving him a shiny badge to hold, asking him to be a strong soldier like his father.
And thus began his life-long dream of becoming a military officer.
He trained according to what he knew from the films…which was mostly running, doing jumping jacks, and occasionally rolling around in the mud.
This only served to distance him further from his fellow human beings, but he didn’t care. Soldier had a mission, and he was going to do it well.
But the biggest change was his hair.
He had started cutting it off with sharpened rocks, but he was always saving up coins he found for a “proper army cut.”
Finally, he had quite the collection in a dirty mason jar, and marched into the barber shop in his town to ask for a haircut.
The manager was appalled, and at first refused, but Soldier stood his ground.
“Civilian, I’ll have you know that by denying a soldier with a haircut, you are denying America one of its best fighters! I can’t curdle the enemy’s blood looking like a hippie!”
After a short yelling match that, of course, Soldier won, the manager decided it would be in his best interest to comply.
He walked out of that shop with no hair on his head, but a huge grin on his face. Next stop, the ranks.
Soldier went from draft office to draft office, applying for and being denied entrance to the army for his obvious lack of mental stability.
This is when the personal retelling ended, since Soldier became very upset by the memory of his recruitment failures, but Miss Pauling concluded that he just bounced from state to state until Mann Co. found him, quote, “sitting in an alleyway, eating army draft paperwork while sobbing uncontrollably.”
Engineer also never really talks about his childhood, but both Medic and Spy (Spy knows everything about everyone on the team) know that’s for a good reason.
He grew up in a trailer community near an almost ghost town in Texas.
His father was an abusive car mechanic with a mean streak a mile wide and a shop full of failed inventions. His mother wasn’t any better - she was bitter and reclusive, only really coming out of her room to pick a fight with her husband.
However, what Engie lacked in family, he more than made up for in friends.
He had a rag-tag, Rugrats-esque team of pals from all walks of life: Rhapsody, the daughter of a struggling porn star; Tom, the son of two farmers wiped out by blight; Cici, an adopted girl that could barely walk into her trailer without a black eye and a string of slurs; Quinn, the nervous child of a single mother that serves as guidance to the other kids; And Fred, who didn’t seem to have any family, but had become a greaser big brother to all of them.
Together, they explored the desert near the trailer park, pooled their resources to feed and support each other, and used their individual strengths to get through each day.
Engineer, whom everyone affectionately called “Big Dell,” snuck parts from his dad’s workshop for his own creations.
By the time he was twelve, he could make a small, running engine for the soapbox cars his friends frequently raced.
No toy, piece of clothing, glasses, or tool was out of his line of expertise.
One day, though, upon finding that some of his parts were missing, Engineer’s dad gave him a terrible beating that broke a few of his fingers and left a huge gash near his eye.
Since then, he refused to fix, make, or even touch a tool.
He wouldn’t tell anyone what happened, but they could make a pretty good guess, since they knew where the scraps and parts had come from.
The whole group was furious with Engineer’s dad - their Big Dell was funny, smart, and was more loving than every family member they had combined. Even Quinn was red in the face.
They wanted to break into his dad’s workshop and destroy all of his inventions, just to teach him a lesson, but they knew Engineer would take the fall for it.
Instead, they rummaged through trash cans, searched their toy chests, and looked under their trailers to find things Engineer could use.
They waited until his birthday to unveil the massive pile of supplies they had stowed away.
Engineer immediately dropped to his knees and began to cry, and everyone else dogpiled him for a huge hug.
As the creme de la creme, they gave him a pair of welding goggles - the same welding goggles he wears to this day, having modified them so they still fit his growing body.
With his healed fingers and renewed spirit, he made each of them a gift: a toy car for Rhapsody, a skull ring for Fred, a full set of candle wax crayons for Cici, a chewable necklace for Quinn so they wouldn’t chew on their collar, and a mini-planter for Tom.
But Engineer was given the greatest gift - confidence in his own abilities and that he can be and was appreciated for more than his services.
This gave him the drive to build bigger and better things, which his friends happily assisted in creating.
Engie’s best memories are with that motley crew of scrawny, beaten-up kids.
But, as he became a teenager, the abuse grew worse by the day.
He was often kept in his dad’s garage to fix cars in sweltering heat and with nothing to show for his work except threats of what would happen if a customer complained.
His mother finally grew bitter enough to pick on him, wondering aloud and pointedly if she had made a mistake by having him, then immediately contradict herself by wailing in his arms about how she’s the most awful mother in the world, and how she would be gone soon, and then nobody would have to deal with her anymore.
Engie grew more and more distant from his friends as they either moved out, ran away, or, in Rhapsody’s case, died.
He thought of just shutting the garage door and turning on a car a couple times, but he would always return to his memories of the hidden cave of goodies his friends had collected or the many inventions they had helped him build.
It just wasn’t worth it.
On a night when his depression and self-doubt was especially bad, he decided to build a personal invention for the first time in years - a small, robotic chicken made out of bent gears and empty oil cans.
He worked on it for a few weeks, but made the mistake of leaving it on a work table once it was finished.
Engie came to work the next morning with his dad ready to chew him out. But, before any finger could be lifted against his son, he was interrupted by a sweet older couple that was having their tires replaced.
“Now, Ethan, ain’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life?”
“That there chicken statue over there! It looks like it could very well get up and start peckin’ for worms, don’tcha think?”
Engie looked at the couple, then at his dad, then at his chicken. He slowly lifted it from the table and turned the key.
It started to slowly lean forward, then took a few steps on it’s long, spring-loaded legs. The neck went down, and the chicken’s rusty beak began to scrape at the pavement.
Now he had the husband’s attention.
“Didja build that yourself, son, or did your daddy help ya?”
Engineer looked at his dad for a split second before answering.
“My own sweat ‘n blood, sir. My daddy says I should stop wastin’ time on ugly thing-a-ma-jigs an’ put my hands to somethin’ worth doin’.”
The man smiled. “Well, this ‘ugly thing-a-ma-jig’ shows real skill. We could use somebody like you, once we train you up a bit.”
“Now hold on a damn - !” his father interjected, but was silenced with a cold stare.
“We’ll put ya through a state-of-the-art school, then put ya straight inta the work force. You can build whatever you like…and you’ll have a lot better materials than rusty tin. Whaddaya say, son?”
Engineer just nodded, and the man grabbed his hand and shook it.
“We’ll keep in touch.”
Engineer left that trailer park at age seventeen, leaving his fuming father and drunken mother behind.
He only stopped to visit Rhapsody’s grave before embarking on his new life.
There is still a stone plate with a message carved into it next to the headstone. If you brush off the leaves and dig out the moss, you can see Engie’s parting words:
“A friendship with you and the rest of the gang is the greatest thing I ever built. -Big Dell”
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years ago
Helia Headcanons
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Helia Scofield, nephew of Saladin; Master Artist in the making.
Don’t let his soft demeanor and pacifistic leanings fool you; Helia’s up for the fight if he’s needed.
(All headcanons are mainly for my verses: Left and the New Company of Light. Fair warning.)
-Helia was born to Harley and Hannah Scofield.
-Hannah, Saladin’s twin (and the elder twin, thank you) is an illusion-based witch who works with her Great Uncle’s army. She’s a commander of the Pegasus Unit of the Callistan Army, and unlike her brother, tries to keep herself out of trouble.
-Harley’s more of a gentle soul who enjoys art and runs an art gallery in Callisto.
-As you can imagine, his parents, though loving to him and though they did love each other at one point, have had many disagreements about their lifestyles and what would be best for the family.
-Harley was more pacifistic while Hannah preferred to ‘face things head on’. (Both have great strategic minds though, and… Tended to use them against each other.)
-At a young age, Helia showed potential for magic. Hannah and Saladin tried to help hone his potential skills as a wizard, but the best he could do was simple spells to make himself faster and stronger than normal and to send magic notes. (And a few other minimalistic spells. He couldn’t do anything fancy like his mom and uncle though…)
-It didn’t really bum him out too much though. In fact, it was partially a relief that he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting someone with his magic if his feelings or concentration went out of control. And he had an easy way of keeping his utensils nearby while he was working.
-Helia was in a junior sword fighting league as a kid, something his Uncle Saladin and his mother were very proud of. (Though his father thought it reckless and dangerous and ugly… Even if there was a sort of elegance to sword fighting when done right.)
-He also participated in art clubs at his school and did his to earn high marks in elementary and middle school. (He tended to be a daydreamer and often spaced out in class, especially if the subject was boring to him. Which became another argument for his parents.)
-When he was about 12/13, his parents decided to divorce. Hannah relocated and deployed to serve in Magix at the Callistan Embassy (and to be closer to her brother). His father remained in Callisto.
-He was actually happy that they finally divorced, thrilled to never have to hear one of their ‘we’re not really arguing, just having a heated discussion’ sort of fights. Having to decide where to live and what his plans for the future, however, made him sick.
-His social anxiety was through the roof anyway, and on top of all of this… His art took a bit of a dark turn and so did his poetry.
-How dare his parents fight each other and then demand he choose? How dare they implode on him like this?
-(Faragonda and Griffin were honestly the best people during this time. And so were his childhood friends. They helped him keep his cool and realize what he wanted and how to go about talking to his parents about this stuff.)
-Helia left the sword fighting league, he never really enjoyed it anyway except for the moments he was benched and could sketch the matches. And he decided to stay with his father and enroll at the Callistan Art Academy. His mother was so proud that he wanted to follow his dreams, and agreed to weekends and holidays.
-(Honestly his parents were just happy that he was talking to them again instead of pushing them away. They were so worried, they even went to therapy so they could try and do better for Helia.)
-Helia stayed in touch with some of his sword fighting league friends and kept up with his childhood friends when he went to the Art Academy.
-He loved showing off his new works and talking his friends into being models for some of his works. (One of his favorite portraits is of his best guy friend posing with his new weapon after being accepted into Red Fountain.)
-His parents did move on from each other. On his dad’s side, he has a stepdad and a lovely younger stepsister who adores him. (And he has a half-brother on the way!!)
-His mom remarried a fellow soldier, Monroe. And Monroe has two children of their own; Seneca and Marie. (Older stepsisters… They’re loud and boisterous, but they mean well and Helia enjoys watching them pose and give him fashion shows to help out his own work.)
-Though he was only at the Academy for a short time, Helia discovered many things about himself. (And made friends with the Princess of Linphea who had gotten in despite her age. The fairy is truly gifted in making topiary art.)
-He loves his charcoal brushes and using colored pencils when doing sketches. Something about the way it moves on the paper just makes him so happy.
-And he does love to paint, though he’s not much for water colors. (And never ask him to do a digital piece. The last time he tried working with a tablet, he nearly got electrocuted. Granted, it was probably a one-time thing, but he took it as a sign.)
-Poetry is second love, aside from sketching and painting. He loves being able to verbalize his feelings and put the words down that he can feel inside. Its one of the few ways he feels he can truly connect to people, since it’s easier to write down the words instead of saying them. (Though he has done poetry readings from time to time.)
-Between portraits and landscapes, Helia prefers landscapes. And he’d really gotten into architecture drawings before he left the Academy.
-Because his parents were often busy when he was a kid, he found he had useful skills to ‘adult’ while at the Academy and on his own for the first time. (He can cook fairly well, at least, you know what you’re supposed to be eating and it tastes pretty good. But he’s no Chef Langdon.)
-He was great at keeping his room spotless and clean. His workspaces however? Not so much.
-Over half his wardrobe is stained with either paint or charcoal or clay.
-(Yes, he can do pottery. Just not very well. In fact, it usually looks pretty shit, but hey, he tried.)
-After seeing the news about what happened in Magix and how his uncle’s school was destroyed and the people he cared about nearly died, Helia decided to transfer. (Which took a lot of convincing with his dad and the Dean of the Academy and Saladin.)
-But once he was in, he was in. And when given the choice about his weapon, he went with one his mother loves to use, the laser-string gloves. Great for restraint and for quick weapon-recovery in battle without potentially causing further harm.
-Add in his ability to make himself stronger, and he can wield that glove with the confidence of a sword fighter.
-He quickly clicked with Timmy once he joined their squadron, despite the two having different views of technology.
-Helia was Riven’s roommate though, and while their personalities didn’t compete with each other, they didn’t completely get along either. (Riven reminded Helia of Hannah with his ‘let’s just face it’ ways and Riven felt Helia wasn’t much of a hero if all he did was restrain instead of fight.)
-Of course, as time went on, Helia and Riven do have respect for each other, and have many inside jokes that came from their time living together.
-Helia quickly found he was one of the ‘advisors’ of the group, with everyone coming to him for advice. He was flattered, sure, but dudes… Just because he managed to get what he got, doesn’t mean he knows how he did it.
-Aside from training with his gloves, he’s good using a whip and decent with a sword. Bows and arrows/anything needing aim isn’t his strong suit. He’s also not the best at giving reports on how things went on their missions, which is why that task gets delegated to Sky or Riven.
-He trained as a medic too, deciding that while he wouldn’t be the best in a fight, he can help with the aftermath. And his squad kind of needed a medic aside from Timmy and Brandon…
-Helia may not enjoy fighting, but he’s not above doing what’s necessary when the people he cares about are in danger. There have been plenty of times, not just when saving the Magical Dimension, that Helia has risked his life and limbs to protect his friends.
-One such incident was a survival trip to the Marshlands of Amanal. Brandon never would have made it home in one piece if Helia hadn’t thrown himself at the hippogriff. (And he somehow managed to befriend it afterward. No, he has no memory of how he did it.)
-Helia tends to be a stress-sketcher. Worried about a test? Doodles on his notes from class. Worried about an upcoming mission? Sketchbook in hand. Relationship issues? Sketchbook.
-Oh! He’s a great pilot too! Helia has a great sense of direction and has grown up around the ships, so he knows how to work them. (Now, if you want to know what makes them tick or how to put them together if they fall apart, ask someone else. Preferably Timmy or Riven.)
-Helia has a whole stash of teas. A collection, if you will. (Something that he blames Faragonda for, but hey, it’s not the worst habit ever.)
-After all the traveling he’s done thanks to Red Fountain, Helia sort of understands better why his mom and uncle loved their military days so much. Seeing new places, learning new things, enjoying new foods… It’s quite an existence. (If you can look passed all the fighting and wars and invasions…)
-Yes, Helia does yoga. He also enjoys dance. (And with friends like Layla, Musa, and Nabu, he never has to do it alone.)
-Some of his favorite people to sketch: Flora, for her grace and beauty and the way she seems to just breathe life into natural settings; Sky, for his posture and presence and ability to always appear in charge; Layla, for her strength and grace and how every body of water seems to be at her command; and finally, Timmy and Tecna, As a couple, those two just radiate this feeling of joy and it just… How can you not want to sketch it?!
-(Kiko is also a favorite sketch subject. The little rabbit just has so much personality!)
-This may come as a shock to people, but Helia enjoys horror movies. Preferably the psychological/thriller-based horror movies. It’s the way they capture human emotion and it’s just so poignant and interesting. He wants to learn how to convey such feelings in his work.
-Between his parents, you’d think Helia was closer to his father… In actuality, he’s closer to his mother.
-His mom enjoyed doing things and showing him things and just getting him to be more active and curious as a child.
-His father was more of a watcher. An observer-type. Always looking for something awe-inspiring for his next piece. (Something Helia and Harley bond over now. And laugh at, from time to time.)
-Helia enjoys swapping sketching ideas with Bloom and Stella, looking to see what they’re up to and how they can try and work off of each other.
-(And he has done some physical character sheets and layout ideas for Tecna’s video game idea to help her see her vision more clearly.)
-Helia doesn’t play a lot of video games. They’re just not his thing… But he does have a soft spot for the Sims series after Bloom introduced him to it, and he enjoys this maze creation game that a Solarian gaming company came up with for phones (level 200!!!).
-He swears more than people think he does. It’s almost comical how shocked people are when they meet this ‘sweet and soulful guy’ and then he drops a few ‘f’ bombs while working on his projects. (Not just ‘f’ bombs either… Dude gets creative with his curses. Even Riven’s impressed.)
-Helia didn’t go to Earth with the others, instead taking up a job offer on Callisto to help with remodeling his great uncle’s barracks. (And now, the castle itself… He’s so honored it’s his designs in the works.)
-However, he does visit from time to time. It makes him a little sad though, seeing Earth the way it is. All the pollution creating cars, the strange fashion, the way people seem to disregard each other. It’s so sad.
-When the ‘saving the Magical Dimension’ stuff stops, Helia’s hoping to join with his father’s art gallery and to build on his portfolio of projects. (He knows he already has a few jobs waiting for him, like Stella’s coronation portrait for when she becomes queen.)
-He just hopes his works inspire and touch people the way they do as he works on them.
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agente319 · 3 years ago
(my avatar_oc)(TM)
Lord_Solaris_butterfly from (my svtfoe au)
(Birthday=12 of march=mewnipendence day)
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He is eclipsas older half brother (he is 10-year-older) and is like solaria but more iQ
"Well, Sis, I don't know what to tell ya." He said. "Maybe that kid was also walking in the woods.... And like... Y'know..... Got a little hungry?"
"solaris! Stop!" Solaria scowled, giving a harsh glare towards her 15 yearold son. "You're going to scare your little syster more than she already is!"
"He was going to eat me! " Eclipsa cried, finally speaking up for the first time within her many hours of nonstop bawling.
(solaris looked at his ax stormbreaker which was a double bladed execution ax because he wants to split the monster in half)
Even though Globgor was 12, and only a Prince. He had quite a role of command over the monster army. The same could be said for Solaris and Eclipsa but She had little to no interest over the Mewman military but her big brother was quick to shove a sword and knife into her hands for war but it was not until she had armor/rider-spear/ sheald/10 throwing-spears that she was a fighter of war and for her tenth birthday her mother got her a two handed solarien sword with silver blade and solarian-power-crystal + a super-monster-killing-crossbow.
[More info]
[Solaris hates globgor (for globgor's mom) killed his dad and he believes globgor's sister(3) killed his uncle {but he was teleported to earth and lost his memory and lived the rest of his life without knowing who he was})
[and he killed (5)kikis mom]
[kiki(9) hurt his eye after he cut off her father's head in front of an audience of mewmans and he cut her side]
(He is festivias dad)
{his title = [Solaris the monster-cleaver] he was born Johansson king but was adopted after his father's death and became a butterfly with his blood mother and baby sister}
(He is long-time friend of the Johanson and spiderbite) {side parts of his cape is gifts of friendship and is the two familys symbols}
{solaris has a triple army that comes from the butterflies / Johanson / spiderbites}
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super power: [strength = 10 tons] [speed = 10000 kh] [magic = LV15999] [iQ=211] [charisma = LV1000] [lucky = 100%]
[magic-healing] [butterfly-form🦋] [super-sight / hearing / smell] [immortal😈] [believe-in-valhalla] [playing electric guitar]
weapons: (🌟stormbreaker and Quicksilver = sword)(beard ax)[dark-war-magic]
tools: (Dimensional-knife) (throwing knife / ax / spear) (crossbow) (shield) (solarien-elixer)(healing elixir) (money)(TNTs) (solarian-mek+solarian-sword)
(Snookers and XL-Snookers)
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rainecreatesstuff · 4 years ago
I saw a PJO/dsmp au over on Instagram and I was inspired to make my own so
Here’s the SBI + Bee duo to start :)
(btw all the characters here are mostly based off of their dsmp characters, not the actual ccs)
Tommy- Apollo kid. Can do that loud whistle thingy, and can sing very well. He can play a few instruments really well as well. His weapon of choice is a sword bc he thought it looked cool when he was ten and never looked back. He’s also fairly good with a bow tho bc Apollo. Didn’t really inherent any of the prophecy or healing stuff from his dad. Was orphaned at a super young age and juggled between foster homes for a while before he ran away at around nine years old. Lived on the streets with Tubbo for a while before being picked up by Wilbur and introduced to Phil, and taken into Camp Half-Blood (He took one look at Camp Jupiter and immediately went No <3)
Tubbo- Hephaestus kid. Obviously a great tinkerer, he‘ll spend a lot of time making cool little bots and contraptions. Has made an entire army of robees that help him when he’s working on bigger projects. Can’t control fire, but he does have an immunity to it. Makes him really good for working in the forges. He’s also stupid strong because he works in the forges so often. His weapon of choice is an axe. It was the first weapon he made after arriving at CHB and he’s become very well practiced in fighting with it. Also orphaned, Tubbo’s mom was from New Rome, but died during a monster attack while outside of the city. He was about ten when it happened, and took to the streets in a panic. He was presumed dead by New Rome. Ran around with Tommy for about a year before being found by Wilbur, then followed Tommy to CHB.
Wilbur- Also an Apollo kid, with an affinity for music and prophecy. Technically head counsellor of the Apollo cabin, but lives in the big house as a senior counsellor that oversees all the cabins and handles events and whatnot. His weapon of choice is a bow. His mother was pretty much out of the picture from a fairly young age, she dropped him off at CHB and he hasn’t heard from her since. He met Phil while on a field trip to New Rome, and Phil took Wil under his wing almost immediately. Phil would call him at least twice a week via Iris message, and they would exchange letters often as well. Phil also introduced him to Techno, who became a lot like a brother to Wil, and was soon added to the Iris messages and letters.
Phil- Second generation descendant of Zephyrus, Phil was born and grew up in New Rome. He went to Camp Jupiter when he was old enough, and then travelled for a while before settling down again with Kristin in New Rome. He works closely with Camp Jupiter, patrolling borders and helping with field trips between the camps as a chaperone. Though he doesn’t have wings like his grandfather, he still loves being in the air and has become really good with Pegasi and other flying monsters. He also inherited his grandfather’s generally chill personality, as well as his ability to suddenly become very threatening. While he is looked up to by many, he is also a fairly scary force when you’ve pissed him off. His weapon of choice is a sword, but he is also very good with a bow. He met both Techno and Wilbur while chaperoning events, and while Techno treated him more like a mentor, he fully regarded Wil as his son, and eventually legally adopted him.
Techno- A Mars kid. An incredibly skilled fighter with a terrifying aura. He is definitely capable of leading legions, but has turned down the role many a time because he hates the social responsibility that comes with it. His weapon of favour is a sword, but he is also very skilled with an axe and a crossbow. Stumbled upon Camp Jupiter when running from monsters, and was welcomed in. Met Phil at a sparring tournament when he was eleven, and decided he liked him, promptly challenging him to a duel. Phil defeated him, but was impressed, and became something of a mentor to Techno, though Techno was also always welcome to come by Phil’s house whenever he wanted or needed to. He was introduced to Wilbur when he visited one time, and the kid promptly adopted him as a brother and never looked back. He went to university in New Rome as an English major, dropped out, and started working with Camp Jupiter beside Phil, more as a strategist and patroller than a chaperone though.
Ranboo- An Aphrodite kid. Yes, I said it. Don’t shoot the messenger. While he doesn’t enjoy it, he can charmspeak, very well actually, and had to learn how to hold it back in certain situations. Wears a mask most of the time, simply because he can and it makes him feel safe and cool. After being severely injured by a monster when he was younger, Ranboo experiences memory problems, and cannot remember his past beyond being brought to CHB. This did however convince him to learn how to fight, and while he’s not the best fighter, he is still a very respected fighter at CBH. His weapon of choice is a sword. He has ridiculous luck, alternating between incredibly good and horribly bad; he once went on a quest and came back victorious, almost completely unscathed, and then promptly fell ill for a week with the flu. He arrived at CHB when he was thirteen after being found by a wandering satyr, horribly injured with no memories of his past or how he got injured. He became friends with Tubbo fairly quickly, and by extension, Tommy as well. Met Phil and became part of the unofficial family, and joins in on their weekly iris messages.
I’ll probably do a few posts like this bc they’re fun, and I really enjoy writing them :) I’m not sure which characters I’ll do next, feel free to recommend any tho! :)
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