Aella Targaryen
509 posts
A DAEMYRA SHIPPER UNTIL MY LAST BREATH. Don't be shy ask me what you want. A little She/Her. I post Daemyra content and other things ,Lately I write cheesy things and expose my obsessive nature. Team Black to the core. In twitter now as @AellaTargaryen.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aella-targaryen · 8 months ago
You thought your soul was a necklace
That you could wear and take off
That you could rip and break off
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That you could trade in the dark
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But you're mine...
Twin flame...
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Song : Power of Two - Victoria Monét
Gifs from @xihatiancai @daemyradaily
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
"Will you stay after i ruin your perception of
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GIFs from @redbelles and @gameofthronesdaily
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
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1.05 | 2.02
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
My boy Only breaks his
favorite toys
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
I inform you that this is just a different and longer way to say "I love you pls believe me"
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
Is There...
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So Undoing Endearing...
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a Daughter?...
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Gifs from
@slayer-of333lies @maxanor @jeonwonwoo @winterfellhousestarkmain
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
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aella-targaryen · 9 months ago
Daemon, after his fight with Rhaenyra in ep.2
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
i hate hotd's "female rage".
do you guys realize that the only time alicent was allowed to be angry was when her son was maimed? and then, of course, she's ashamed of her behavior and regrets it.
do you guys realize that rhaenyra is only allowed to be vengeful and to want her throne only AFTER luke's death. she's not allowed to be angry that her crown was stolen, she only wants peace <3 it's only after her child is murdered that she's allowed to be angry.
meanwhile male characters like daemon are throwing a tantrum every other episode and it's cool and sexy when they do it <3 <3 <3
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
I see everyone on Youtube applauding HotD for their first season, saying how it “redeemed” the legacy of GoT and I’m like-
Did we watch the same show?? The same show whose characterizations change depending on the episode? The same show which declawed its female characters all under the guise of being feminist?
The same show with all the fucking time jumps and inconsistent writing??
That show?!
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
You know, House of the Dragon could have made a point out of how wars over successions are utterly useless.
They could have shown Rhaenyra’s entitlement to the throne. Her ruthlessness.
They could have shown how the smallfolk of King’s Landing and The Seven Kingdoms suffer when their leaders fight pettily among themselves over a stupid iron chair.
They could have done this.
They could have shown why Daenerys needed to “break the wheel” but we all know that went completely nowhere as well🙄
But like with Alicent, Rhaenyra and Rhaenys, female characters are not allowed to be morally grey.
They must either be fully good or fully bad. They must either be unredeemably evil or holier-than-thou.
I am so fed up with male writers writing female characters.
They pulled a complete 180 with Rhaenyra by removing all her negative character traits to somehow absolve her from her crimes and blame everything on “the patriarchy”
She was called “Maegor with teats” for a fucking reason.
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
I wouldn't call myself a Catelyn fan, but re-reading ASOIAF and watching HOTD I...appreciate her as a character a lot more.
In many ways, Catelyn's a pretty traditional character and generally accepts and ascribes to traditional gender roles. I would say Cat generally has a bit more power in the North than the average lady, but her and Ned are a pretty classic lord-and-lady relationship. I doubt she's ever even thought about combat training, and her motivations center around her family, specifically her children.
In House of the Dragon, one of the things that bothers me is the idea that Rhaenyra and Alicent (and Rhaenys somewhat) never make decisions or want anything. Say what you will about Catelyn, but she's an active decision-maker in her story even if the decisions are wrong.
After going through her grief over Bran's fall, she almost immediately took it upon herself to go to King's Landing.
She thought quickly and made river lords kidnap Tyrion (again a bad decision but still a decision).
While the northerners are skeptical of her, they still respect her.
She was the one to be at Renly and Stannis' parly.
"Give me Cersei Lannister, Lord Karstark , and you would see how gentle a woman can be," Catelyn replied.
While she was under the influence of grief when she freed Jaime and once again, despite it being a bad decision, it was still hers and there's a difference between being emotional and mad.
Compare that to HOTD where it seems like both Rhaenyra and Alicent don't actually want things or actively choose to do things and more just react. Rhaenyra doesn't want war or her crown Daemon has to convince her of it. Alicent doesn't want Aegon on the throne, she just "misheard" Visery's wishes, and she didn't even know that anyone was trying to usurp Rhaenyra!
I have a lot of issues with GRRM, but it feels like his female POV characters, Arya, Daenerys, Cat, Arianne, Brienne, Cersei, and even Sansa (I would say the POV character in the most passive position) all have agency and active desires in a way HOTD doesn't yet.
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
My take on the clip of Daemon and Rhaenyra is that I hope Rhaenyra is allowed to give him some of that same energy back, because for some reason they stripped that spitfire energy away from Rhaenyra after the time skip (which is such a shame because I feel like Emma D’Arcy would be amazing at it). I feel like if she’d been allowed to keep her fire they would be on equal footing in a give and take relationship, like the cut sex scene from episode 7, rather than Rhaenyra being consistently victimized. That’s just my 2 cents though.
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
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Oh look! The writers are demonizing Daemon again! They are turning queen Rhaenyra into a helpless abuse victim! Oh my, oh my boy I did not see this coming
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Better create a non canon ship out of absolutely nothing just so the show can fit into the lgbt community of no one even asked for this ship just so the show could be edgy instead of cultivating the canon ship with beautiful yet tragic story just as GRRM intended...because reasons...
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
I've seen people say that we shouldn't be shocked that Daemon violently grabbed Rhaenyra by the neck to strangle her in episode 10 because he would have done it in episode 5... Wtf ? This, for you, is a scene of violence ?
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Oh god yes, that seems so revealing of a man who would physically abuse the woman he loves ! 😂 You know, it would be like seeing that scene between Cesare & Lucrezia in The Borgias, of Cesare preaching becoming physically abusive with Lucrezia :
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That does not make any sense. 😂
And I like to remind all these people that in Fire and Blood, there is no suggestion of Daemon's physical abuse of Rhaenyra of any kind, and we know that GRRM does not hold back from depicting this kind of violence, and what's more, the dance was told by pro greens maesters, so there would have been everything to gain from reporting this type of rumor but no, there's nothing.
There's not even anything to really suggest that Daemon has ever challenged Rhaenyra's authority as queen.
This stupid scenario only exists in HOTD and it's disgusting and full of great misogyny for a show ironically trying hard to seem feminist.
Also, nothing suggested that Daemon would be physically violent with Rhaenyra or more simply with the people Daemon loves in general in first 8 episodes of HOTD. Not once does the show suggest he might lay a hand on a loved one.
Rhea Royce doesn't count in my eyes, because Daemon clearly despised her and Daemon with the people he doesn't like and sees as his enemies can be a monster. Even if this scene will always stick in my throat because once again in Fire and Blood, Daemon never killed his wife.
Those who claim that Daemon's violent behavior towards Rhaenyra is perfectly consistent need to actively read or reread the source material, and rewatch the first 8 episodes of HOTD with open eyes, and or perhaps just learn how to write a screenplay consistent.
Oh and anyone who enjoys this type of scenario for any reason is just disgusting.
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aella-targaryen · 10 months ago
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new lore just dropped! wireless dragons, get yours now! you just need proximity and a password.
dragon bonds are like wifi, if you go too far it weakens the connection until you lose it completely 😔✊🏻 addam found seasmoke’s password in a journal though so he was able to connect
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