#he ain't even Italian is he
breitzbachbea · 2 months
I should get more familiar with the troubles of the late republic and pick an era for my res publica AU. Like idk even in WHAT civil war these clowns dies, but it would be positively hilarious to have all these drabbles that make them seem like political masterminds and the talk of the town ... and then we get them placed next to ACTUAL power of historical figures and they're the lowest on anyone's list.
But for that I would have to give everyone a latin name and uuuuugggghhhhhh.
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homunculus-argument · 1 month
If I had more money than I'd ever spend in a lifetime, I'd spend my life operating a pizzeria at a loss. Something with the slogan of "it ain't italian but you're hungry" - and a statement of how this is not authentic italian pizza because the owner's estranged aunt's italian ex-husband would not serve pizza in his italian restaurant because as far as he was concerned, a pizza is the "just throw that shit together" dish that you make out of leftovers, and he would not serve that to paying customers even if they wanted it. True story btw.
But I'd just like to run a place where the staff is allowed to tell rude customers to fuck off. And if they're scared to do that, they can summon me downstairs to do it myself (this fantasy involves having my own apartment upstairs of the restaurant), because you don't fucking disrespect my staff like that. Develop a reputation as a place where You'd Better Act Yourself or you get nothing, which elevates the quality of the food in peoples' minds because it's human to assume that more work=more worth, and if a pizza place can afford to simply throw rude customers out, that clearly must mean that the food is just that good that going back is worth it anyway.
Hiring enough people to get the work done in a leisurely pace and occasionally have the time to chat with each other or customers. You just do the job I gave you in the time I gave you, don't steal anything and don't watch porn off your phone anywhere where the customers can see you, you're good. Don't care if you quit school at 16 if you can still mop floor. Don't care if you've been to prison because you killed some guy, as long as you're not doing that here. Don't care if you deal drugs on your free time as long as you don't bring your business to your day job. This place is exclusively for pizza business.
Have an item on the menu called "random pizza" - and if you order that one, they'll just throw in a mix of whatever ingredients we've got too much of, like if the bell peppers gotta be used before they go bad, every single random pizza is going to have them until they're either gone or need to get tossed. If you've got dietary restrictions or allergies, you gotta specify that while ordering, because other than that, random pizza is just whatever ingredients we need to get rid of. Surplus ingredients du jour.
Building a reputation as a place that's somehow simultaneously sketchy as hell but also remarkably high quality, getting five star restaurant customer service from a waiter with blue hair and stick-n-poke tattoos, there's a homeless guy at the back of the kitchen eating an order that nobody picked up, every surface is spotless and no matter how important of a suit-and-tie you are, if you won't behave yourself the owner will personally physically fight you.
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rafesslxt · 5 months
What are friends for? | Theodore Nott
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summary: y/n and theo are best friends. she need‘s a little help to make a boy jealous, who ignores her. so what are friend for if not for helping each other?
warning: smut, smoking, drinking, best friends to lovers, unprotected p in v, fingering, oral
words: 3,7k
notes: my first smut!! english is not my first language, tell me If there is something to correct, I don‘t speak italian I used a translator, request are open 🫶🏻✨
have fun reading <3
— ✨
" It's like I'm not even there anymore! " I huffed and let my body fall onto Pansy's bed. " Maybe Blaise needs a little reminder that you're not some toy to play with. Show him that there are plenty of boys who want a piece of you. " She was right, but I couldn't bring it over my heart to led one poor guy on just to make Blaise jealous. We ain't even official. We just went on some dates and I thought that he really liked me, but now he ghost me at every chance he gets.
" I don't want to break a heart just for that. He's not worth it. Maybe I should jut let it - " " No no no! I have an idea! Why don't you ask one of the boys?" Pansy asked, right on point because a second later, Mattheo came into Pansy's room. " Whats up? Playing all by yourselfs?" he teased and threw his bag into the corner of the room. " We need somebody for y/n to make Blaise jealous. He acts like a total ass!" He raised his eyebrows and looked at me.
" Why don't you ask Theo? Think he would be perfect for that." he smiled at me and then at Pansy. " Oh my god yes! That's a win win! You totally liked him a few months ago!" Pansy babbled out. " Pansy!" Mattheo's grin widened. " Really? Well, then I think he's more than perfect."
I sighed and stood up. " I can't ask him. What If he say's no? That would be so embarrassing and I don't want him to think I'm that desperate."
To be honest, I still liked Theodore more than any other guy. We were best friends since we first saw each other when we got sorted into our houses. It clicked instantly. And the older we got, the more of a crush developed inside of me for him. I'm just scared that he doesn't like me as much as I like him. What If he thinks this is weird and cuts our friendship? So I just kept it for myself, and Pansy.. and now Mattheo. 
" Hey why are you all in Pansy's room? I was looking for ya'll." All the hairs on my body raised when I heard his voice coming through the door. " Oh you know, we were just talking about the party tonight and how Y/n is looking for a date." Pansy answered him before I could even say something.
" A date? " he asked irritated. " What about Blaise? Thought you had something going on with him?" And again, before I could answer, Pansy did. " Oh he is a total and stupid ass! He ghosts her so we need a new one to make him jealous. But good you are here now." She smiled at her last own words.
" What do you mean by that? " he asked suspicious of her words. " Come on Mattheo, let's go I'm hungry."  Both of them left the room, but not before Mattheo winked at me. " What the hell are they talking about?" Shit, I can't do this. I’m already freaking out inside, how am I supposed to ask him for such a favor?
" Bella, what is it? Are you okay?" he asked and sat beside me on the bed. " Uhm you know.. like Pansy said I - I need someone for the party. " I looked up at him, he always looked so confident and handsome. " And Blaise is going to be there and Pansy thought - I mean you know Pansy - " I tried to laugh it off. " She thinks it would be good for me to show Blaise that there are other boys that want me." I cringed at my own words. Damn, but everybody in our friendgroup knew how I got a love letter like every week from a new boy. " Why don't you ask one then?"
" That's the thing, I don't want to hurt somebody just to get my way. And I don't think I would be that comfortable with a boy I don't really - " "Then let me do it." My jaw almost fell to the floor. " What? " " Yeah why not? We know each other since first grade, you're my best friend and I would love to see that pissed off look on his stupid face." " Wow, uhm okay - uh let's discuss this while eating with Pansy and Mattheo, yeah?" " Fine for me."
We found our friends at the table in the hall, already eating. I told them how Theo would help me and asked for ideas, cause to be honest, I didn't have one fucking Idea how to do this.
" But let me tell you, I'm not in for the soft shit, that won't work on him." Theo said to our surprise. " Yeah that's my boy!" Mattheo cheered and shook his shoulder. " Oh I got it! Listen up!" Pansy said and told us her plan.
At the party
To say I was frustrated was understated. I did everything Pansy told me. I was close to Theo all the time, his hands around me, all over me. Which gave me such a hard time to concentrate on the real mission. We danced closely, he whispered words into my ear, making me giggle, but nothing worked. And If nothing worked, I had to face Theo's Plan for the night.
But let me tell you, I'm not in for the soft shit, that won't work on him. 
The party went well, but it got later and later and more and more of the students went to sleep. Theo kept giving me looks that were supposed to tell me it was time, but I was way too nervous. Another hour went by and it was just Pansy, Mattheo, Draco, Enzo, Blaise and some girl he had brought from Ravenclaw, in the room. They all sat by the fireplace, spread out on the couch and floor. There where 2 couches, one with Blaise and his new girl and Draco on it. On the floor Enzo and Pansy. Mattheo sat on the second couch.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Blaise close with a brunette, her sitting on his lap and giggling. My whole body got hot from anger.
I searched for one specific person in the room. And when I saw him, our final plan was set. Firewhiskey in my hand, i emptied like a pro the set my nerves free.
I rushed towards my best friend and grabbed him by his shirt, dragging him with me to the couch Mattheo sat on before he could even think about it. " Woah, not that I'm complaining or anything but what has gotten into you?" he asked.
" Do you see that?" I said and stopped. I nodded over to Blaise and the girl, who was whispering something into his ear. " What the fuck.." Theo said in confusion. "I know! That fucker has the audacity to ghost me all day and then this shit? No no no. Definetly Plan B."
" And how do you want to do it exactly?“ he asked. " I want you to fuck him out of my head If he‘s not talking to me." Yeah, that was 100% the firewhiskey. But Theo didn’t even protest. We arrived at the couch and sat down together.
Pansy lit up a J in her hands and started to smoke. " Where is Enzo? He wanted to share." Kiara asked Mattheo after taking her first big drag. " If you want to I share with you." I said before thinking about it. Theo‘s head shot in my direction. " You sure? That's the muggle stuff, hits a little bit harder. "
" I want some too." Draco interrupted. " Yeah I'm sure. Give me some after Draco. " Theo didn't stop looking at me. He knew that I tried smoking a view months ago but he also knew that I didn't like taking drugs. After Dray took his first puff, he gave it to me. He coughed a litte bit. After I took it from him he lets himself fall against the armrest of the couch.
I took one strong pull, inhaled it deep into my lungs and exhaled it after a few seconds without coughing. " Wow that was impressive." Pansy laughed as she saw how I smoked without one little cough. I gave it to Mattheo, knowing he liked to smoke sometimes.
We shared it for a few minutes until it was done. I felt a hand on my thigh, playing with the hem of my skirt. I looked at Theo who already looked at me and lowered his head to my ear.
 " You know I would love to have you all for myself but do you think that's a good idea? What If it does not work and you regret it?" I got closer to his face, almost touching his lips with mine. " Then I'm so done with him. I tried everything, and every time he finds a way to fuck it up, so yes Theo, I am sure. And If you don't want to take me upstairs and fuck my soul out of my body I will find someone else to do it, so? " He licked his lips and scanned my whole face to make sure If I'm 100 percent sure. 
" Distruggerò il tuo piccolo corpo perfetto, principessa. " ( I'm gonna destroy that perfect little body of yours, princess. ) he growled smiling devilish. "I still can speak italian, Theo."
He slammed his lips into mine and put his hands all over my body. I moaned into his mouth, which turned him on even more. He scooped his hands under my ass and sat me on his lap, where I could feel how hard he already was. " Did my words affect you that much huh?" I smiled at him which he just returned with pressing his hips into mine even more. 
" One part of me hopes it all works out and you get happy and shit, the other part of me hopes he stay's an idiot so I can have you to myself. " he admitted quiet, just for my ears to hear.
" You love the affect you're having on me right?" I just nodded with my head and started to grind painfully slow on him. To be honest after smoking that J with them, I kind of lost my shame, knowing they were probably knocked out already, which means they didn't give a fuck about me and Theo grinding on each other. I couldn't see Blaise’s face as my back was in front of him, but I hoped he would just feel as angry as I did. I swung my hair over my shoulder, where I saw Pansy and Draco getting out of the common room, Pansy winking at me.
" Continue doing that and I'm gonna fuck you right in front of him." " You wouldn't" I dared him, but I should have known better to be honest.
He grabbed me by my waist and crashed me with my back into the couch, getting on top of me. " What did you say?" I smiled sheepishly at him as he lowered his head to my neck where he started to place soft kisses all over my already hot skin. " Okay lovebirds, I'm gonna go and find Enzo." Mattheo said, being the only one left. " Have fun y/n. " he smiled and winked at me just like Pansy did. While Theo started to place his hand slowly under my skirt I turned my head in Blaise’s direction.
That son of a bitch started to make out with her, hands on her ass but his eyes concentrated on me. I moaned loud enough for him to hear as Theo's second hand wrapped around my neck. Blaise groped that girl harder, pressing her hips against his, never losing eye contact with me.
Funny thing was, I knew he didn't enjoy it that much, you could see it on his face. Me on the other hand, I really was enjoying myself. Theo knew all the right spots on my body, even tho a few hours ago I wished it was Blaise instead. I hissed when he sucked on my left boob, which was almost exposed due to my excuse of a top.
My eyes fixed on Blaise again, until Theo turned my head to his face. " How far do you want me to go ? Because I meant what I said, I would fuck you into this couch for hours while he's watching." he asked a little bit quieter. My breathing was heavy, clearly turned on. " Fuck I don't know. He's watching me the whole time I don't think he's gonna keep that facade up for long." " That was not my question, amore." " I trust you Theodore." For a moment I looked at him and saw my best friend again. " But If he doesn't stop it with her, I won't too. So do whatever you want." I smiled at his expression, completely turned on by now and ready to give it all.
" You're gonna regret that." he whispered against my lips before he took my lip between his teeth, making me moan and shake. I closed my eyes and tried not to think too much of Blaise anymore. If he wanted me, he would say something, but I'm not the one who's gonna back down.
"Sei proprio un puttana per me." ( You are such a little whore for me. ) I smiled at his dirty words.
His right hand was already under my skirt, his left hand now cupped my left boob under my top, playing with my nipple. " Fuck Theo, please." I whimpered, arching my back. My hands wandered under his shirt and over his hard abs. Damn, he really was made by the gods.
At that point Blaise was long forgotten and my longing for Theo got bigger by any second. " What do you want, principessa? " His right hand left my skirt to pull my top completely down, so anyone who would pass by, could see me half naked. His lips wandered just above my right nipple. " What do you want, y/n?" he asked again. " Y-your mouth.. want your mouth o-on me - oh yes." I groaned as he wrapped his plump lips around my nipple, sucking and licking it. He was so good at what he did, I almost didn't notice Blaise standing up und leaving the fireplace. 
Theo did too and stopped to my dismiss. " Do you want to stop?" he asked, out of breath, clearly turned on too. " Hell no, I want you to fuck me Theo, please." " Shit I love it when you beg, beg more and maybe I'm gonna give you what you want."
I swallowed all my pride and let go. " Please fuck me Theo, I want to feel you. I wanna feel your lips all over me, please. I'm so hot I can't take it anymore. Just do something." That was all he needed to hear from me. He janked my skirt down my legs and threw it across the place.
His face now in front of my throbbing pussy. " Fuck, you're all wet, just for me huh?" He pressed his lips against my clit, covered by my panties. My brain stopped working from there on. " You smell so fucking good. Such a little slut, letting me touch you in the middle of the common room. You like that? You like the risk at getting caught? " He teared my panties apart and threw them to my skirt. " Theo! They were new!" I frowned.
" After that we're gonna sneek out tomorrow and I'll buy you everything you want as long as you wear it only for me." I nodded and whimpered again as his head came closer and closer to my heat. I wiggled in his grip, crazy for some kind of friction. Finally he started to lick my pulsing clit in a fast rhythm, making me scream his name. " Shit, just like that! " I gripped his soft hair, pressing his face harder into my pussy.
" I wish you would have asked me sooner to help you, your pussy tastes so good I never want to taste something else in my entire life." he mumbled against my hot skin. My heart throbbed too at his words. Not long after that, he started to suck hard on my clit, fingering my hole to prepare it.
My stomach twisted and I felt a strong feeling inside of me. He must have felt it too 'cause he moved his mouth and fingers even faster now. " Are you coming? Fuck, come on my tongue baby, please." he whimpered slightly which gave me the rest and so I came hard, my whole body twitching snd shaking again. He groaned at the taste and pulled himself up again, smiling at me. " That was good?" he asked and kissed me before I could answer, making me taste myself on his lips.
I felt him again against my leg. " I want to make you feel good too." I whispered as my hand slid down his jeans, pressing it against him. He groaned and the feeling, letting his head fall down. With my other hand I opened his Jeans and pulled it down with his help.
" I'm so hard because of you. Can't even think about something else but fucking you into this couch all night long. " " Then do it, fuck me stupid." I said grinning.
He took off his boxer and positioned himself at my entrance. He looked at me to make sure I was ready. "Please, can't wait any longer too." He rubbed his tip against my clit, which was still sensitive from my last orgasm. "Hmm Theo, I need you inside of me, now."
"Turn around, I want to fuck you from behind. Wanna see that ass." I turned around and got on all fours. " Yeah just like that.. now ass up and face down principessa." I did as he told me and waited for his touch again.
" God I wish I could frame this sight right into my head forever." he mumbled and took his cock into his hands, rubbing it against my clit again, spreeding all the wetness. I inhaled sharply as he pressed his cock into me. I wrapped my arms around the cushions beside my head, moaning loudly. " Fuck yes, that tight little pussy feels so good, all for me, right?" he asked me but I was so knocked out inside my head that I didn't answer. Until I felt a sharp sting on my ass. He fucking slapped my ass, making me moan again. "Yes!"
" Shit, you like that? " he slapped my ass again, harder this time and started moving faster, making my ass slap against his hips. I screamed at the feeling of him reaching my g spot." Oh my god yes Theo, right there!" He fucked me like there was no tomorrow, wrapping his hand around my throat and pressing his cheek against mine.
" I want you to never look or even think of that motherfucker again, you understand? It's me who fucks you like this. It's me whose name you're screaming into the cushions which are laying on the couch, that I'm fucking you right now into. Every time from now on you come to me If you want your tight little pussy fucked. Do. You. Under. Stand?" he asked with each thrust. 
" Oh bella I feel you squirming around my cock, are you close again? Did that turn you on? You like being manhandled like that?" "Hmm y-yes please make me come again. I need it so bad." I knew I couldn't hold it for any longer. I was so close to my second orgasm.
" Beg me to cum baby, come on. Beg me and I'll let you come so hard you'll see stars." I was away just a few moment from my high, feeling it in my stomach again. " Oh my god Theo please fuck me! Make me cum p-please!" " Who is making you cum baby ? Tell me! Scream as loud as you can, that bastard shall hear  you coming on my dick." He started to draw circles on my clit and tightened his hand around my throat which pushed me over the line a second time. " It's you Theo, it was alway you, fuck!" I cried out.
My orgasm hit me so hard, that I in fact, saw black and little stars before my eyes. " Mgh fuck- I'm gonna fucking explode all over you. " I clenched around him which made him finally cum. " Fuuck.." he let his head fall in my neck und jerked his cock in his hand until he came all over my ass and back. He had cum on his fingers, holding it in front of my mouth. " Open up, amore."
I did as he told me to and opened my mouth, sucking on his cum covered fingers. His lips slightly parted as he watched me. " I am so not ready with you. Next round's in the shower. " he smirked as he wiped his cum off me with his shirt.
" I meant what I said, it was always you. " I said softly, hoping he would finally admit his feelings for me. " Really? Are you sure it wasn't just so Blaise would - " " No Theo - " I started to turn around, facing him again. " I liked you way before Blaise, I was just scared that you wouldn't feel the same for me. I tried to forget you and move on, so I started this thing with Blaise. But my heart always wanted you. "
"Allora lascia che io abbia il tuo cuore per sempre." (Then let me have your heart forever.) He kissed me softly, holding my face in both his hands. 
"Ti amo." ( I love you. )
"Anch'io ti amo, cara mia. " ( I love you too, my dear. )
hope u liked reading it, thankful for every like. 🫶🏻
My request are open If you‘re interested.
xoxo sarah 🤍
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teatreeoilll · 4 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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w/c - 1.2k content - fem!reader, hurt/comfort??, ain't nobody really gonna divorce this man i mean, please
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For the past two months, once every two weeks on Thursday afternoons, Higuruma Hiromi finds himself on a leather chair in the stifling offices of Hayashi Divorce Law. Hayashi himself is a walrus-looking man with nicotine-stained fingers and an expensive wristwatch, who leans back in his chair across the desk from Hiromi, unbuttons the top button of his Italian blazer, and eyes him with a grin that says “I’ll clean you out before you can finish saying divorce.”
The worst of it comes when you enter the room. You sit down by Hayashi, getting trapped by the scent of the walrus’s sour cologne and stacks of papers on the desk, without so much as a glance in Hiromi’s direction.
Hiromi’s throat dries up the more he sits and nods along to Hayashi’s words. He doesn’t remember much about equitable distribution from law school and he doesn’t care to - the only thing he does is tug on the wrinkled fabric of his suit and mutter variations of “Alright” and “You can have it”.
After the first meeting was over, and you left the room leaving nothing but a whiff of perfume that soon dissipated into nothing, Hayashi turned to him and furrowed his bushy brows “Didn’t your ex-wife say you’re a lawyer, Mr. Higuruma?”
To which Hiromi replied “My wife,” while clinging to the last unsigned papers that would make this statement false.
By the fourth meeting, he’s a wreck. While he sits and nods along, Hiromi notices you’re looking at him with a hint of concern in your eyes. As you open your mouth his mind fills with hope. He’d drop to his knees without a second thought for a “It’s a mistake” or just a simple “let's go home” - even though it’s your home now since he’d forfeited it a month ago.
But when you finally open your mouth, after two months of silence, the only words he hears are “What about the car?”
Hiromi looks up at you. The car. A navy blue Ford Sedan with it’s best years behind it much like himself. A Ford Sedan which only four years prior got its old wheels stuck in the wet sand of a Kanazawa beach, causing the both of you to stay the night in a nearby motel.
He remembered the motel room's crumbling ceiling and the scale models of ships that lined the shelves - below them a bed with azure sheets - which you collapsed on with a grumble, cursing out both the damn Sedan and its fucking wheels. All he could think of was how beautiful you looked with that shade of azure surrounding your skin - and by morning you’d called out his name so many times he forgot it had a meaning outside of your lips.
He’s silent for a long time. So long your confidence wavers a bit, “We can sell it,” you say, “take half of the money each.”
Hiromi awakes from his mind trip to Kanazawa and reality knocks the wind out of his lungs. “You can have it.”
“I mean it,” you shoot a look at Hayashi who looks displeased with the sudden display of kindness, “we can sell it and split the money.”
“You can have it.” Higuruma says, and Hayashi grins.
It’s already dark by the time Hiromi steps out in the hall. It takes him a few steps towards the elevator and a squint of his tired eyes to see you standing by it. It’s alright - he’ll just take the stairs.
“You don’t have to do that,” you tell him when he passes behind you. You press on the elevator button again. It’s been stuck on the 17th floor for a while now.
“It’s alright.” He assures, continuing his path to the stairwell.
“No. It’s not alright. Nothing’s been alright for a year now. Now wait here for the goddamn elevator.”
By the tone of your voice he knows he hasn’t got a choice. He takes his place next to you, shifting his gaze between the silver elevator doors, and the little screen that keeps showing “17” without any sign of movement.
A few minutes go by and there’s still no sign of the elevator. Your leg bounces on the marble floor and your lips purse before you let out a silent “What’s wrong with you?”
“Huh?” Hiromi blinks. The elevator doors ding open. The man and a woman inside move to make room for you, but you motion to them to go down, mouthing ‘we’ll take the next one’. The elevator closes.
“I said ‘what’s wrong with you.’” You turn to him. “I’m robbing you blind and you don’t say anything. So what the hell’s wrong with you?”
“You can have anything you want.” He says, noticing you haven’t pressed the button to call the elevator again.
“That’s not what I asked -”
“You can have anything you want,” He repeats. “Just don’t make me come and listen to which bits of our life you’d like to sell and which to split. Take what you like, really - Whatever’s left will remind me of you anyway and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand looking at it without -” Going insane, he wants to say, but when he sneaks a look at your face he swallows the words. The crease he got used to seeing between your eyebrows vanishes.
“I’m not making you come, you know.” You say, “If you signed it all away after the first meeting we wouldn’t have to go through this.”
He can’t make himself tear his gaze off of your face, “I know.” His fingers press down on the fabric of his suit, “But if I did that I wouldn’t have a reason to see you again.”
“Don’t say things like that.” You press the elevator button again. This time, it arrives in a flash. You step inside, and Hiromi follows. The doors slip shut.
“Then don’t divorce me.”
The floor numbers change, a rapid countdown - 12 - 11 - 10. Hiromi’s mind races. He really pushed it this time - and even though he doesn’t have anything left to lose - his heart plummets together with the elevator.
“Huh?” Hiromi’s eyes stick to the numbers still, 10 - 9 - 8. He’s not sure if it’s an auditory hallucination that’s speaking.
“I said ‘fine.’”
His hand finds the emergency stop button and smashes it in. The elevator rattles before it halts.
“Did you say -”
“I won’t repeat it again.”
And you really don’t need to. A moment later you’re pressed between his warm body and the cool metal lining the elevator car. His kiss is a desperate one - open-mouthed, all teeth and tongue - with his hands running under your blouse to relish in the warmth of your skin. You tangle one hand in his hair while the other’s clinging to a fistful of his suit jacket.
Hiromi detaches from your mouth, only for a second - which is enough for you to catch a glimpse of his flushed face - before leaving a trail of gentle kisses down your neck. Unlike his lips, his hands aren’t gentle in the slightest, they hold a tight grip on your waist under your blouse - as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear the moment he releases it.
Hayashi stands by the elevator, looking at the screen that shows “7” without any sign of movement. His face grows tomato red. Two interns stand at the edge of the hall, looking at him.
“What’s he so pissed about it?” One asks.
“It’s the elevator.” The other motions to the number on the tiny screen, “If it’s stuck too long on one floor it means a couple’s doing it inside. If they’re doing it inside they’re not divorcing - and if they’re not divorcing Hayashi’s not getting paid.”
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leclercloml · 5 months
Amore sulla neve | CL16
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x gf!reader
Summary: everyone's favourite couple spending their winter break together and everyone just loving it.
Genre: SMAU
Warnings: google translated italian & french.
Author's note: winter break is driving me insane, I just wanna see car go vroom vroom again
fc: Sofia Korablina
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liked by charles_leclerc , carlossainz55, lilymhe and 3,549,297 others
yourinstagram 🚴🏻🚴🏻
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charles_leclerc bellissimo 🩷 (beautiful)
⤷yourinstagram grazie amore 🩷 (thanks love)
⤷username cringe (I'm gonna kill myself, I so jealous of them)
⤷username understandable.
username charles really bagged a baddie.
⤷landonorris she's a baddie because she's bad at everything.
⤷yourinstagram GO AWAY HATER
⤷username lmfao 😭
charles_leclerc HI BARBIE 🩷!
⤷yourinstagram HI KEN 🩵!
⤷username real life Barbie and Ken 😭
username that guy in the background 😭
⤷yourinstagram ikr it was so cool
charles_leclerc you're so beautiful i might cry
⤷yourinstagram please don't
⤷username god when will it be me
username can we talk about how beautiful she is?
⤷username frfr she's so pretty
username y/n adopt me please
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liked by yourinstagram, carlossainz55, alex_albon and 3,639,720 others
charles_lelcerc skiing day 1 w/ my love ❤️
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username CHARLES NO.
username istg what's these drivers obsession with skiing
username charles motherfucking leclerc absolutely not.
username y'all chill he ain't a 7 time world champion infact he ain't even a world champion 😭
⤷username FOUL.
yourinstagram y'all chill he's safe I'm there as well.
⤷username we believe you queen
yourinstagram my man y'all.
⤷charles_leclerc yours only.
⤷yourinstagram STOP.
⤷username I'm gonna cry istg.
username if you all look closely you'll see me jumping from the mountain in the background.
⤷username lmfao 😭
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, landonorris and 1,729,720 others
yourinstagram let's pretend I'm not dying out of cold here.
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lilymhe let's pretend I just didn't fell on my knees right after seeing this.
⤷yourinstagram LILY ILYSM
⤷lilymhe I love you moreee
⤷charles_leclerc no.
⤷alex_albon no.
username she's so pretty it's not fair.
⤷yourinstagram you're gorgeous love<3
⤷username GIRL YOU WON
⤷username SCREAMING
francisca_cgomes my girl<3
charles_leclerc added to his story 2m ago
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[caption: she just fell but unfortunately I couldn't capture that]
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landonorris you had ONE job.
⤷charles_leclerc sorry mate.
carlossainz55 you're so dead.
yourinstagram charles.marc.herve.perceval.leclerc
⤷charles_leclerc yupp I'm definitely dead.
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, carlossainz55 and 2,729,307 others
yourinstagram skiing day 2, I'm better than him 💪🏻🏂🏻
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charles_leclerc delusions.
⤷yourinstagram shut up.
username cuties.
username they're so pretty istg.
lilymhe my girl 🤍
⤷yourinstagram mwah all yours<3
⤷username this duo>>>
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liked by yourinstagram, masonmount, georgerussell63 and 3,729,836 others
charles_leclerc my girl and mine only ❤️
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lilymhe insecure much?
⤷charles_leclerc the other woman much?
⤷lilymhe always in the wall much?
⤷username LMFAO ATE HIM UP.
⤷username nahhh 😭😭
yourinstagram my boy 💙
⤷charles_leclerc my girl 🩷
⤷username the blue and pink heart 😭😭
yourinstagram MY MANNNN ❤️
⤷charles_leclerc MY WOMANNN❤️
⤷username I love how he always matches her energy
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, lilymhe and 2,263,629 others
yourinstagram finally saw the sun and my sunshine as well<3
tagged; charles_leclerc
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username THE LAST SLIDE.
landonorris the last slide is so uncalled for, there are children on this app.
⤷yourinstagram talking about yourself?
username she's honestly so drop dead gorgeous
⤷charles_leclerc ikr??!?!!
⤷username king frfr.
username prettiest couple.
charles_leclerc i love you so much ❤️💙💛🧡
⤷yourinstagram I love you too 🩷🩵🤍💜
⤷username the hearts 😭😭
charles_leclerc added to his story 30m ago
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[caption 1: what you don't see] [caption 2: what you see]
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username you really bagged a whole ass queen.
username pretty in both
landonorris throw the snow on her face.
⤷charles_leclerc she'll throw me mate.
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe, pierregasly and 8,672,149 others
yourinstagram photoshoot in snow>>>
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username she's so beautiful what.
username charles in last slide 😭
username THE IT COUPLE
francisca_cgomes pretty ❤️
⤷yourinstagram all you 🤍
charles_leclerc MY WOMAN YOU ALL.
⤷username we know.
charles_leclerc Elsa WHO?
⤷yourinstagram who?
⤷username let it gooooo.
username she's so pretty.
Tumblr media
liked by carlossainz55, yourinstagram, landonorris and 23,729,289 others
charles_leclerc last day, we had a lot of fun during this break, after few days we go racing, i love you @/yourinstagram ❤️
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yourinstagram best winter break ever<3
⤷charles_leclerc you made it 100× better.
⤷username if my man does not love me like this I don't want him.
yourinstagram i love you moreee
⤷charles_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
⤷username cuties
username yay!! finally this season gonna be Ferrari's season.
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username y/n liked 😭😭
⤷username she's delusional just like us. 😭
username best couple on the grid<3
532 notes · View notes
neonovember · 11 months
Oh. My. God. Oh my god but imagine though, waking up around 8 or 9 or so on a day off where both you and Carmy have the day free. It’s a big deal maybe because oh my god Carmen’s in bed at 9 in the morning *affectionate sarcasm* holy moly Carmen settle down!
But just waking up with him, the sun coming through the window through the thin curtains with a little breeze, looking over and watching Carmy’s face form into the softest, most precious smile, his eyelashes fanning his cheeks as he slowly comes to and lets out a little sigh “Morning” his voice is all husky from sleep and lack of use. You smile back with that sweet giddiness and relaxation in filling your body as you softly whisper good morning back to him. Watching him shift as he sits up to lean over and place a long, soft and slow and tender kiss over your lips, still with that little smile on his lips (I am about to exPLODE-)*CRYING!!!!!!*
okay okay, i know i wrote a drabble similar to this idea here, and for some reason my mind fell back to the night before..y'all, imagine the night that resulted in a soft, needy carmen spending the day in bed with you, all sore and a mess of slick and cum-
Midnight Cars
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summary: You’re not about to fuck in the car park. So you end up fucking in the car park. Your apartment’s one at least. 
a/n: read @nolita-fairytale fic's about fiance!carmen, and god did that get my gears going. Her series is a mf masterpiece! Fiance Carmen is dirtyyy, even for Berzatto himself. There's public sex, I'm talking Carmen is knuckles deep in you swallowing you with praises whilst a few feet away from Auntie Susie, public. 
warnings; filth, utter FILTH, this is kind of insane even for me, car sex, public sex, fingering, dry humping, cowgirl (yeehuh!) but carmen's doing all the work, fiance!carmen, wrap it before you tap it lmao, 18+ explicit, feral and a little deranged carmen, possesive! carmen
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The tangy burst of vermilion and cherry grasps your tongue as you tilt the rounded bowl of your drinking glass towards your lips, gliding your tongue to catch any wayward drops of the wine being poured by waiters dressed down in black and white. 
Your eyes don’t leave the dirty blond tresses that had long broken from their gelled back form through the night's progression sitting atop Carmen’s head. You can’t help the giggle you let out from your position against the bar, watching him join in a very drunk, but surprisingly harmonised rendition of “Ain't No Mountain High Enough" By Marvin Gates.
His tie sits undone around his neck, and his face is sort of flushed from the extended night, his cheeks a tinty rose and his lips turned red from his repetitive swipes of his tongue across them nervously.
All inhibitions are gone now, and you're able to indulge in the site of a carefree Carmen, left unaware of the never ending responsibilities he carried by the honey haze of a night just for him and his award winning restaurant. 
The low lights of the speakeasy room sets the air into a mellow haze, hints of cocoa and aged bourbon waft through the corners of the room, across half finished plates of food on tailored tables, and the stage where your Carmen had won the very award that now sits dangerously close to the edge of your table.
You knew the James Beard Association was prestigious, but god had they truly left you dumbfounded when you stepped into the low lights of the speakeasy.
You didn't even know places like this still existed. 
The speakeasy was tucked in a bricked alley, unassumingly between an Italian and a car park. You wouldn’t have ever guessed it to boast this attraction, with aged vintage black and white photos of late singers who’d sung on that very stage years ago hanging across the walls, polished dark exposed wood and velvet booth seats in corners surrounding round tables, even the parlour looked like it was out of an 80’s  bar house. You think if you shut your eyes and reached out you would have touched the sequence dress of Etta Jones.
Carmen didn't get drunk, not often anyways, and even now, after winning the prestige of “Chicago's Up and Coming Restaurant of the Decade”, he waved off every raise of a glass towards him.
Carmen felt a level of unease at even touching a drop of liquor whilst driving you both home, no, every fiber of his being screamed at him to keep you safe at all times, and the taste of bourbon held nothing against the taste of you. 
That didn’t stop him from enjoying himself, in fact he felt an unnatural sense of bubbly relaxation fall over him as his gaze fell towards you, sipping on a glass, looking the very bit the picture of gorgeous he’d ever seen. 
Carmen had always been horrible at these sorts of things, getting doted on, sucked up to, boasted to. He hated every second of it, but even he can attest to the absolute wonder of a night this has been. He glided you against the dance floor, under the iridescent glass panes of the skylight window, the soft crescent moonlight shining through in a way that bounced against the glitters of low hanging ambient lighting and shimmers of dresses and disco balls. 
The dance floor had been packed with family and friends but then? Then, it had felt like the entire world had stood still, it had felt like it was the both of you, infinitely, you in his arms like it was meant to be, forever.
And now you looked across to him, with those eyes, those fucking eyes of yours, comfortable in the vision of your gorgeous man looking at you under hooded lids, his bottom lip sunken into his mouth. The hint of a smirk tucks at the corner, and it takes everything in you not to jump at him then.
You motion with a manicured finger, and his eyes catch yours in a second, despite being in a group of people currently huddled around him, eager faces hanging onto his every word. He leaves them, in the middle of a mountain of questions they prodded at him, towards you, following your every desire, always, until the very end.
“I see congratulations are in order, Chef” You softly reply, when he makes it close enough that you take in the veins trailing up his forearm, left bare from his rolled up sleeves. The vision shoots straight to the heat building in your belly, and you have to press your drink to your lips to stop the bubbly moan from escaping.
Carmen looks down at you from his height, eyes trailing down the cut of your body hugging dress, lingering on your snug hips catching against the silky black fabric. 
He wanted to feel them beneath his hands as he took you.
“Oh yeah?” Carmen replies, his voice like silk fluttering across your body. Heady in that way it always is.
“Mhm, but I didn’t get to really say anything since you were busy with the rest of them” You don’t have to gesture for Carmen to know about the huddles of people crowding his every move. Another thing he disliked about these sorts of things, they took him away from you.
“Does my girl feel neglected?” 
“No” You draw out. “ I just want to show you how proud I am” You whisper through dark lashes. Carmen trails a tattooed fingers across your jaw, letting glide against the smooth skin until it bumps against your lips. Trailing your bottom lip fervently, his own pulled into his mouth.
“And how are you going to congratulate me hm?”
“That will just ruin the surprise, won’t it?”
Carmen let’s put a chuckle, before leaning into the crook of your neck
“Careful..you know I don’t like it when you keep things from me” 
You can’t help the shudder that crawls up your spine at his words, flashes of being bent over his desk, of being pushed onto your knees corrode your mind and you feel the burning ache travel to your core.
Carmen tilts his head, a hint of a smile on his lips as he watches you, eyes glinting in want.
“No? You’re not gonna tell me?” Carmen replies in a low voice, and as he trails his thick digits across the sides of your dress, bunching up the silk material.
He trails his thick digits across the bodice of your dress, his hands dipping into the spill of cleavage before trailing it to the sides of your dress, bunching up the silk material. Surely he’s not?
“Mhm” Carmen nods, eyes flickering to you, reading your mind as he takes you in appreciably. His pupils are blown out in lust, the familiar ceruleans dipping into a depth only reserved for you.
You let out a squeal when you feel Carmen’s fingers trail up the slit on your thigh, squeezing the naked flesh before tracing his fingers along the lace trim of your panties. You’re up against the bar, shielded by the low ambient lighting and Carmen’s huge back obscuring every manoeuvre of your body to his every desire.
“Carmen-“ You admonish, eyes darting across the room now filled with happily drunk family and friends dancing or laughing amongst each other.
However your admonishment is light hearted, it trails off into the air when you feel Carmen press against you, then, you don’t really care, you miss him too goddamn much to.
“Been watching you the entire night you know? When you were dancing with your friends, god I wanted to drag you from the floor and just take you in the fucking coat closet” Carmen muses, his lips brushing against the pulse point behind your ear. Your drink long forgotten on the bar counter, your hands now gripping his shoulders as you bite back a moan.
“Yeah, just thinking about wrapping these thighs around me and letting that pussy grip me for hours”
“You’d take it all, right honey? You’ll be my good girl?” Carmen grunts out softly
All you can let out is a half hearted nod, your eyes falling dangerously closed as Carmen prods and sucks against every sliver of skin he can get ahold of.
His deft thumb drags along the fabric of your undergarments, cupping your mound as you let out a sharp exhale, making approving noises as the slick that has begun to already begun to drench your panties.
“Already wet for me Darling?” Carm replies, the hint of mirth surrounding his voice doesn’t allude you, and if you didn’t want to keep chasing that sweet friction of Carmens thumb against your heat you would have shoved him.
“Please Carm” You exhale with a sharp breath, trying to grind your hips onto the palm of his hand. He strokes you softly, featherlight touches that barely feel like anything.
And this man, this goddamn man, laughs. A roll of a chuckle rolls through his body and you want to scream at the denial of the pleasures he's keeping from you, before his deep baritone voice replies.
“All you had to say was please”
His rough fingers sink into your heat, it’s silky, and rough and hits you like liquor, straight to the building pressure. He drags your slick through your folds, arching his fingers ever so slightly when he bumps up against your clit. Never fully putting any pressure on that precipice of pleasure you want to dive head first into.
Dipping a thick tattooed digit into your tight hole, Carmen lets out a groan at the way you grip him so tightly, masking your pitched moan at the feeling of him circling his thumb against your bundle of nerves and stretching you out with his thick digits.
Carmen is practically holding you up, his large bicep wrapped tightly around your waist as you sink your teeth into his shoulder, letting the skin absorb the litter of stuttered mewls you let out at the swipes of his thumb against your clit.
The coil begins to tighten, and you can faintly hear Carmen softly whisper sweet nothings, proclamations, declarations, praises. They fall from his mouth like honey and push you further up the cliff. 
“I know sweet girl, taking it so well, just keep taking it, let me make you feel good, yeah?”
A second finger joins the first, dragging your sopping slick up your folds, before dipping into your tight hole. Rough fingers massage up against your walls that grip him so tightly, Carmen knows your body inside and out, and it doesn't take long for him to find the soft spongy patch of skin deep within you, curling a third finger up into that spot, roughly thrusting into relentlessly. 
Carmen watches the way your pussy swallows his thick tattooed fingers, thrusting them out slicker and wetter each time, the image has his jaw and slacks tightening and it takes everything in him not to sink his entire length into against the bar counter, fuck whoever else.
Your hips buckle beneath him, and he grips you harder into his chest, his mouth presses bruising kisses along your neck, jaw, clavicle. Your heated moans fail to reside in you as you begin to cant your hips into his hands, rubbing your clit rapidly on the flat side of his palm. The coil tightens within you, and you roll your eyes back, letting out a bubbling of half syllabus, your brain a mush from the saccharine pleasure curling your toes.
“M’ fucking you dumb baby? You getting off so good on my fingers you can’t speak?” Carmen groans out, he can’t stop himself from canting his hips forward, his erection bumping into your stomach.
The feeling of him pressed and thrusting against you, outlined by his suit pants is a vision that breaks you entirely, and you can’t even blink before you feel the band snap, the delicious white hot burn spreading through you like a wildfire.
“Carmen..s-..gonna” You manage to let out with a breath, and Carmen knows already, of course he does. He’s knuckles deep in you now, and his relentless rutting is inescapable, you can fucking feel him in your bones, down to your goddamn marrow. He continues his rapid thrusts into you, refusing to relent, pushing you further, and further through the waves of your unending. 
Your head lulls back, but Carmen catches it with his arm, his mouth slatted over yours as you fail to keep in the loud yell of his name from your lips. 
Carmen swallows your stuttered mewls, your swears, your please, he swallows it all and keeps it for himself. His tongue darting across the inside of your mouth, swiping along the roof of your mouth, across your front teeth.
His fingers continue to thrust into you, helping you ride through the burst of colours and stars that light your vision beneath your lids. You're pushed up against his hard chest, and it takes some time for your limp body to come back to life, your head a daze of pleasure.
“S’fucken good girl”
Carmen mutters so softly, almost to himself, his fingers are still cupping your heart, whisper grazes of his thumb against your drenched folds. 
as he fixes your dress, smoothing the wrinkles formed, flickering his eyes to yours in a sweet smile.
Through hooded lids, you see a man approach you both, interrupting the heated gaze Carmen imprints down to your very bones. Carmen slinks his hand back, discreetly popping those deft digits into his mouth with a low groan, before wiping them on his suit pants. He carefully fixes your dress, smoothing the wrinkles formed, flickering his eyes to yours in a sweet smile as if he hadn’t just fucked you up into his knuckles, and goddamn tasted you. 
The scene causes a shudder to roll down your back, reigniting the heat deep inside you once again, you never thought you could be this depraved, this-, but the way he sinks into you so perfectly has you nodding to every desire he has. He was a goddamn drug.
Your body is still recovering from the aftershocks of your orgasm, and you feel Carmen's heated gaze on you as you try and coherently respond to the stubby man who’d interrupted you both. The man rambles on, clearly oblivious to your state, too focused on the sound of his own voice. You nod along to his words, something about a farmers market or an Indian restaurant that had opened, but you're jittering in your heels and you can barely stand, opting to lean against the bar counter. 
You look towards Carmen, to find him staring at you, amusement lighting his cerulean blues as he takes in your insatiability. Hell, it took him god near everything to not fling the man to the other side of the room so that he could probably taste you. 
Remind him again why he agreed to this?
It gets to maybe the second inception of an animated story before Carmen is bidding the man goodbye with a shake of a hand, and all you can do is swallow the desire that no doubt has you salivating by the second. God if Carmen had made you wait even one more minute you would have tugged on his shirt like some petulant child.
“Took you long enough” You murmur, when Carmen eases out into the speakeasy car park with a hand against the small of your back.
A soft laugh escapes Carmen, scratching at his jaw as he shakes his head. 
“If I didn’t already know, I would think you're the one that hates these things” Carmen murmurs with a teasing smile, as you make your way to the sleek black car that camouflages against the midnight.
You make a sound that sounds close to a snort, “Not when it keeps me from jumping my fiances bones” Your engagement ring seems to glisten at those words, and you don't miss the way Carmen’s eyes flash with a look of hunger, adoration, glee, even possession all mixed in one.
You’d been his since the moment he laid eyes on you, that was a given. Putting a ring on your finger just gave him something to latch onto, a mark that told the world you were finally his.
It anchored him, it made him feel good. It eased the anxieties that would flood his mind, washing them away like a current every time he kissed that damn princess cut.  
Carmen wasn’t exactly all that sentimental, but with you? God did he mutter till death do us part like it was tattooed onto his tongue. And even then, when he’s a zombified version of his human self, traveling the underworld soullessly he’d find you.
Oh were you Carmen’s, but wasn’t he yours too?
“Language sweetheart, you make me sound like a piece of meat” Carmen murmurs teasingly shuffling so that he’s leaning over your body pressed into the passenger seat door.
“Language? Your talking about modesty after you just-” Your cut off by Carmen's rough finger pressed against your lips
“Would be careful about what you're going to say next sweetheart” Carmen raps in a low voice, tracing his finger against your bottom lip, eyebrows furrowed as if the motion of his fingers brushed up against you was of utmost importance.
You gulp back the words you wanted to say, Carmen's blown out eyes flicker from yours to your lips, and you lift your head towards him. Carmen catches you with a hand wrapped around your jaw, pushing you further against him as he crashes his lips sweet against your own. Swiping against your bottom lip, dipping into the heat of your mouth as he groans against the taste of you.
“So sweet,” Carmen murmurs into the kiss, before pulling back. Amusement clouds over lust filled eyes at your immediate anger against his denial
“What about my surprise?” 
“You can’t really get to enjoy the full experience in a public car park on Michigan Ave” You whisper, suggestivity laces your tone as you feel the heat of embarrassment flood through you. You were not good at this stuff, and yet the sharp sound of Carmen’s soft groan causes you to lift your eyes up to meet him.
“Then what are we doing standing here?” Carmen replies with a growl, it erupts from his chest, and as you stare up at him, you finally take in the wolfish expression on his face. He look’s insatiable, goddamn animalistic as he eyes you carefully, a darkness that prods at his blues.
You let Carmen place you into the passenger seat, the resounding click of the seat belt the only sound in the stretch of silence between you both. A heaviness laces the air in the car as you ride home, a headiness, a lurking desire beneath the illuminating light of the console, and the flashing lights of Chicago sitting against tinted windows. 
Carmen spreads his thighs across the drivers seat leisurely, resting a hand on the steering wheel, whilst the other grips your thigh tightly. There's going to be a bruise there tomorrow, and you can't help but preen at the thought of his mark on you hours later.
You count the seconds that tick by as Carmen rolls into the basement garage of your shared apartment, parking silently as he cuts the engine and remains unmoving, except for his hand gripping your thigh which he squeezes periodically. 
Carmen cuts his gaze towards you, the wolfish expression that overtakes his features and turns him into a predator tells you all you need to know, but his eyes soften ever so slightly, almost telling you the next move is up to you.
Carmen doesn't need to hear the seat belt unclasping before he's tugging you on his lap with rough skillful hands. His erection pushed against the softness of your belly as groan out in blissed relief, Carmen can’t help himself, grinding his hips up into you frantically.
“Need” Carmen breathes out heavily “Need to feel you, need to be inside of you. Right now, right fucking now” Carmen groans.
There is a fumble of clothes being ripped and thrown into the backseat, and Carmen shifts the driver's seat to lean back a little. The position is unforgiving, your back is pressed against the wheel, and the space is too small, but strangely, it’s a tight proximity you crave, too long have you gone without the ecstasy of Carmen’s skin against yours.
You settle your thighs on either side of him, his deft fingers drawing soft circles across your hips, his pressing fervent kisses along your jaw causing you to fall into the crook of his neck.
“Please, sweetheart, let me feel you, let me see you, shh, it’s alright, let me feel you” Carmen hums into the heat of your skin, tasting your sweat with the flat of his tongue as he grips your hips gently.
You lift them, and with Carmen's help, you finally, after what felt like centuries, sink onto Carmen's length, the sobbing slick drenching your folds causing him to slip in easily, eliciting a breathless groan from him as he feels the heat of you wrap around you.
You can hardly breath, all you can feel, all you can taste and see is him, the delicious stretch that comes with the first sink into you is glorious, its fucking ineffable. The entirety of his length sinks into you to the hilt, and you feel every vein and ridge of him graze against your tight walls as you let out a strained whimper into Carmen's shoulder.
“ ‘S Fucking velvet, pussy grip’s like a goddamn vice every time sweetheart” Carmen praises, pressing kisses to your skin, his eyes shut as if he was memorising the feel of you, savouring it in his mind like it was the last time.  
Carmen always gave you a few moments to get comfortable around his thickness, but there was a neediness in the way he held you, like you would turn to dust if he let go, and the restraint he held earlier falls apart as makes that first thrust up into you without warning.
You cry out as the blanket of pleasure courses through you, your heart is in your throat, you can barely breath, and you throw your head back cause god don’t you want more.
You press your nails into his shoulder as you try to lift your hips, eyebrows furrowed at the feeling of pleasure that fills you with every inch of him that glides against your walls, your clit, your slick. You’re a mess, and Carmen tugs at your hips, sick of waiting, and thrusting into you mercilessly, maintaining an unforgiving pace as you quake above him.
“Take me so goddamn well, huh sugar? Doesn't my wife take my cock so well?’ Carmen grunts, his eyes watching the way his length sinks into you and leaves glistening with your slick. The sight nearly tears him into his undoing, nearly causing him to spurt into you, if only he had a damn polaroid.
Your head brushes against the roof of the car as Carmen pistons into you, his hands gripping your hips as he slams you onto his length, rutting into you as the velvet of your walls cling to him. It was like goddam silk wrapped around his length, the gooey slick of your arousal coating his every ridge, dripping down onto his balls and between the space where he’d thrust into you.
A litter of profanities fall from his mouth with every stuttered thrust of his hips, its uncontrolled, and Carmen shows no restraint, no signs of stopping as he chases the wet softness only you have, the decadent caramel, your natural addicting scent, the car fucking stinks of you, and it takes everything in Carmen not to rip you off him and drink from you like a fountain elixir.
His tip brushes against your cervix, thrusting impossibly deeper with every move of his hips, he changes his position, and it causes his length to brush up against that spot that causes stars to burst in your vision. You practically arch your back against him, lifting your hips up when you feel the white hot pleasure that drips down your back, exploding your senses.
“No no no, fucking take it” Carmen snarks, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you down deeper, further onto his length, till your filled to the brim, your slick gushing out of you.
A shudder rolls through you and the sound of Carmen's low voice, dipping into something untapped, something animalistic and merciless, something that would pull every drop of pleasure from you until you were a sobbing mess.
You roll your hips against his length, a shaking, stuttering mess of gurgling words and cries as you grind your clit against Carmen's length, whilst the girth of his thrust into the spongy spot within you that leaves you heaving.
The familiar burn of a coil tightens within you, and as Carmen presses a thumb against the swollen bundle of nerves, circling it softly. The contrast of his soft feather touches against your clit paired with his unforgiving pace thrusting into causes you to keen, arching your back against him as Carmen murmur below you fervently, like he's chanting something, worshipping every curve of your body.
“Open your eyes pretty girl” Carmen murmurs, the soft voice of his voice comes back, the rough demeanour falling away like dust as he takes in the signs of your closeness.
“Please Carmen” You beg, you don't know what for,  but it seems like everything from the pleading lilt of your voice. Give me everything Carmen, your love, your pleasure, your skin and bones.
“I know Baby, I know, let me see you yeah? Let me see those pretty eyes” Carmen prods gently
You squeeze your eyes open and the vision that finds you almost snaps the coil tightening deep within your gut, bellowing with heat and pleasure that sizzles below your skin like electricity.
Carmen lies beneath you, his cheeks red with heat and blushing desire, his eyebrows are furrowed, and below them, below them lie cerulean blues that glaze over in a daze, hooded lids with curls lashes that brush against cheekbones. It’s like he's in a trance, his pupils blown out in lust and something else as they watch the bounce of your chest against him each time you shealth yourself onto his thick, hard length.
White teeth pressed into reddened lips watch you eagerly, imprinting you into his mind forever, he wanted you like this always, taking every inch, screaming nothing but his name.
“Fucking gorgeous”
The lilt of his voice, grown husky and low from pleasure breaks something in you, and you aren’t able to warn him, before you arch your back impossibly, driving yourself roughly onto his hips as you get the wave of pleasure wash over you. Colours of vermilion, blue, of the wine you had drunk and Carmen's cologne burst under your lids, on your tongue, everywhere. Carmen groans loudly below you, thrusts growing sloppy as he ruts into you desperately, chasing his own release brought on by your own unending. 
Carmen barely controls the thrust of his hips into you, releasing spurts of thick cum, coating your walls endlessly. His arm wraps tightly around your waist, making you take everything he gives you, forcing you into the whirlwind of ecstasy and base desire you can’t escape from.
You both temporarily forgot about where you both are in that instance, the pleasure from the both of you transports you somewhere boneless, and for a second you feel your heart stop, the  wave of pleasure that crashes over you as Carmen continues rutting into you, lengthening the wave as long as possible until you feel it swallow you both whole.
It’s somewhere between a few minutes to a few hours when you resurface, you don't know, your mind is a mess of sound and colour and the ecstatic aftershock of pleasure that still runs through you. You're nestled into Carmen’s chest, the scent of your coupling thick in the air, your thighs and the leather seat are covered with your combined slick.
The only sound between you both is your heavy breathing, you still nestled up to the hilt of Carmen, and when you slightly shift your hips Carmen shoots out a hand to stop you.
“Easy there sweetheart” Carmen replies in tight constraint, over stimulation washing over you both as the buzz of pleasure still hasn't quite dissipated.
“S-sorry” You reply, breathlessly, lifting your head tiredly to catch the soft gaze of Carmen watching you. His hands glide across your naked frame, pressing soft circles, shushing and smoothing out every shudder and shake of your legs. Carmen doesn't tell you the thought of you visibly shaking from him and he only causes his length to stiffen and his mind to reel.
“So..where’s my present?” Carmen’s teasing voice re-emerges, his eyes crinkling as you swipe at him playfully.
“You’re still in me, dick” You reply with a roll of your eyes, falling back against the hardness of his chest
“Mhm, and I didn’t even get to taste you” Carmen murmurs, tracing his fingers along the curve of your waist, cupping your ass as you shudder from his words. There was a finality in it, and you don’t know if you’ll make it to the elevator before he fulfills that very desire.
The obscenity of it, you love it, only Carmen could make you this depraved. And god do you thank him for it.
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Taglist 🏷 (send an ask to be apart of my taglist for carmen)
@kpopgirlbtssvt @rooster-bradshaws
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tarot-bimbo · 2 months
PICK A PILE♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
What does your future spouse look like?
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
Okay so pile one I am seeing someone who works out he or she is most definitely strong they could pick you up. I am seeing like 5'11 he could be that height or shorter I am hearing short king 👑 this person is definitely not so tall they could even be shorter than you actually. But you like that obviously, this person is gonna be your Husband most definitely gonna try to put a ring on your finger REALLY fast. You got lots of wands and swords so I am taking that as he definitely is not gonna disappoint you in bed and if this is a girl then she definitely has a wap lmao one of you may get shy a lot. There could be an age gap I am seeing short hair maybe black or white curly. He could be Italian or from Germany? He could like the beach a lot when you do get with this person he is most definitely gonna take you to his favorite place on the beach. He could also live by water or you two will meet by water. He's rich like not Beyonce rich but he doesn't have to work ya know? He's I can see he has chest hair and if you are a man reading this she definitely has really bug breast or really small. If you are a man reading this I think you definitely have a thing for milfs or they flock towards you and if you are a woman a lot of older men throw themselves on you or that's just what you prefer. They definitely have a big house. Possibly does gymnastics. They could also wear a lot of red or layered clothing. For men I am seeing a girl who mostly wears long dresses and for the woman I am seeing a man in formal get up honestly or like really layered clothing like the aesthetic boys you may see on Pinterest with the baggy layered cloths and stuff. Whoever they are they can dress. They like to cover up a lot tho maybe a cancer I thought of a crab going in their shell suddenly. They definitely also have a high role in their workspace and could even own their own business. Big bosses are what they call themselves 🤣. They have a very heavy accent probably not from the same place you are. Probably an earth sign. I rolled my zodiac dice and you got Aries,Virgo and Gemini.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 2
Okay so pile twooo Already I am getting your person is loud and their personality. They keep you guessing. They definitely party,like the party doesn't start until they arrive. Your person is definitely clumsy I almost mixed two tarot decks😵‍💫. Definitely day dreams a lot they are very care free they might see the world as one day it's gonna end why not ruin it first? Okay so this person talks a LOT like never a dull moment with them tho. They could travel a lot honestly I ain't getting a lot on look but like green eyes dark hair and eyes, you may think their eyes are very intense and intimidating. They like wearing a lot of hats tho they could possibly be 25 and up. He works he's not rich or anything but he can most definitely spoil you. They definitely like touching you in public and being in nature. They are a lot to even handle not gonna lie but they are also very closed off. They don't want to tell me too much they like surprises and they know you probably hate waiting and stuff. I am also seeing dark red hair like cherry red. He's talking about how he dyed his own hair and has to mix multiple colors. I think you or them might like both genders. Heavy on loving animals might even be an Instagram influencer. I am seeing you two are closer than you think 🤔 my phone buzzed as confirmation on that. They will always be on the phone with you texting FaceTime regular calls it doesn't matter as long as you two are talking. I rolled my astrology dice to see what zodiac sign you would get and I got Aquarius,Libra and Scorpio so these could be in their birth chart.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
Pile 3
Okay so right off back he may look like that dude from Ghostbusters Dan Aykroyd but when he was in his prime. They are on the thicker side and honestly they just might work a lot then go home and do nothing 😅 I am seeing you are the one to spice up there life might even be a chef. He has longer hair definitely not black but not honey blonde more so like a dirty blonde or like a golden brown. He likes to garden and build things. They are the type of you say that your car was messed up could fix it even if they are a woman this could shock the shit out of you. They could look like total dork glasses and everything. Favorite movie could be revenge of the nerds. I am getting a lot of older references and shit oop they definitely have a potty mouth 🫢. But I think both of you are older than most ( please don't take that the wrong way 💖) or just really have a thing for old stuff. They definitely live in the city but when they get with you I see you two might move in a place with more land and green fields I heard like Oregon but I have no idea what that place looks like 😅. I used my astrology dice to find out potential zodiac signs. Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn. You got two of the same zodiacs from pile 2 might wanna rest that too or not 🤪.
( I hope this pile resonates with you. I love you☄️)
(if you are looking for a private reading please let me know mwah(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠))
I hope you enjoyed this pick a pile♡
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU carlos sainz x fem!reader
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 293,382 others
tagged: carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari
yourusername you're lucky red suits me
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carlossainz55 red's your colour ⤷ yourusername we like it spicy in this household
charles_leclerc when is carlos inviting you to the paddock madame ⤷ yourusername already miss me? ⤷ user1 is she blatantly flirting with charles ⤷ user2 and people say carlos is the one exploiting her because of her young age? nah, that girl knows what she's doing
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and 283,402 others
tagged: carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari
yourusername alexa play 'the other woman' by lana del rey
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carlossainz55 don't be overdramatic mi amor ⤷ yourusername i know you're calling charles babygirl behind my back ⤷ landonorris she got you there mate
user3 imagine having been a ferrari fan since you were young and manifasting that shit so bad you started dating a ferrari driver ⤷ yourusername that's exactly how it went
user4 i just realised carlos and y/n ain't even born in the same generation ⤷ user5 watch carlos entering his leonardo dicaprio era
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 298,294 others
yourusername did i run through an alley for 30min straight while charles and lando lit up the place with their iphone flashes for carlos to take good pictures of me? yes, yes i did.
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charles_leclerc it was a whole workout ⤷ carlossainz55 i think i sweat more during that photoshoot than in a race ⤷ yourusername keep it up grandpas, lando didn't complain at all ⤷ landonorris the age difference
user6 them playing into their whole age gap thing gives me the actual ick ⤷ yourusername yk you can just unfollow?
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♡ liked by yourusername, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 532,845 others
tagged: yourusername
carlossainz55 mi luna, mi estrella, mi amor [my moon, my star, my love]
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yourusername no hablo español [i don't speak spanish] ⤷ carlossainz55 te amo [i love you] ⤷ yourusername yo también te amo [i love you too] ⤷ yourusername yes i used google translate
user7 age differences aside, they're adorable ⤷ user8 heavy emphasis on age differences aside
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, f1 and 372,532 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername dios mío, hace calor [oh my god, it's hot]
view all 2,304 comments
carlossainz55 i regret teaching you spanish ⤷ yourusername tú no [you do not]
user9 am i the only one imagining y/n asking carlos to teach her slang in spanish ⤷ user10 i bet he doesn't even speak much slang considering his age ⤷ user11 y'all make it sound like he's 55 and not 28
charles_leclerc now you only need to learn italian and french ⤷ yourusername no, grazie! non, merci! [no, thank you! in italian/french] ⤷ user12 multilingual queen
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, georgerussell63, danielricciardo and 273,973 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yourusername young and beautiful (and sexy)
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azulock · 10 months
you know, I wanted to properly write something as the first thing to post on this blog but I've been starved of free time recently so have an exhibitionist Oli drabble thing. I love this garbage man
summary. just Oliver being a shameless pervert who likes sending nudes, just casually
pairing. Oliver Aiku x Reader
wordcount. roughly 1k
warnings. nsfw (minors back off)
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shameless Oliver Aiku who will send you a nude any time of the day if he can. without any warning what so ever. his excuses for sending the picture completely half assed. by this point you know not to open any image from him in public.
you are not even dating either, haven't even fucked. Oliver wanted, tho, and as far as he knew you did too. you met when he moved to Europe to play in the Ubers main team. you hit it off, exchanged messages but you were both always so damn busy. when you were free, he wasn't, it just never happened.
then you moved to another country. Oliver had to accept his luck was trash on this one. shit just never worked but you strangely kept in touch. texts ranging from funny to mundane to flirty with ease. it was entertaining at least. that's when he decided to try something.
it wasn't the first time he sent nudes. but it was the first time Oliver had sent a nude to someone he hadn't fucked before. someone he had no idea when (if) he even was gonna have a shot with again. but it could be something he does for fun. and to stroke his ego, of course.
he didn't straight up start with a nude, though. he worked his way up to that. first Oliver started with clothed but horny pictures. then he moved to the shirtless pictures. you had access to his instagram, so you were already used to his thirst traps, these steps were quick. then came the shirtless picture with a clear bulge.
honestly, that was pretty much gonna be the diving point. you could react badly and just cut him off then and there. he wouldn't be losing much - ok, he'd be losing something, you were pleasant to talk to, he'd come to enjoy your conversations. but he was already not expecting a big chance at a shot here. might as well have fun with it.
the first one Oliver sent you was after a training at his home gym - you seemed to like when he sent you a picture after training with the team, so it sounded like a safe bet. he was wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts, sitting on a bench before the mirror, sweat still clinging to his skin. one hand holding the phone while the other sat on top of his large thigh. right beside the long outline of his thick cock.
got some training done for the day
then it was a waiting game. tho, he didn't have to wait much. it didn't take even a full hour for you to respond.
nice shape. you got a gym at home or you just showing off to everyone? nah, got a gym at the apartment, I'm just showing off to you hmmmm an exclusive look. I like it ;)
now, that would do, that would do just fine. from then, it didn't take much for Oliver to grow bold. he went from shorts, to towel wrapped around his waist, and then to towel poorly held over his crotch with one hand. after that, of course, came the leap of faith.
wyd oliver you live on the other end of europe, no use wydoing me what? you think so lowly of me :'( can't I just wanna chat? when you lead with a wyd, no. what, you bored or something? yeah, been holed up indoors all day cause of a freak storm. world's falling over here oh poor oliver, the italian summer treating you badly? you afraid of a little rain? this ain't a little rain, this is a big ass storm. I'm gonna show it to ya
he sent you a short video, just a couple of seconds, enough to see a lighting strike crash somewhere off in the distance. the video was shot with the view of his floor to cieling window, from his 15th floor apartment. but aside from the storm raging outside there was the reflection of his bed on the window. and Oliver lying naked on it, lit only by the warm glow of his bedroom lamp, straining erection resting heavy on his lower abs.
as far as nudes go, that was a pretty damn good one, if Oliver could say so himself. pretty damn artistic even. he'd be praising himself for the rest of the month for thinking of using the reflection like that. damn smart of him.
well that sure does look pretty damn big and that storm is impressive too I guess
and that seals the deal, giving Oliver free range to be the shameless whore he is. after that he is fearless and far more obvious with the nudes he sends. not that he does it everyday, he doesn't want it to become boring, he knows the importance of balance - besides he does still enjoy just talking to you, it's just that now he got the added benefit of the ego boost every now and again. he likes showing off, you like seeing, what's the harm on that?
sure, he'd love to get you to send some nudes too - and the shameless bastard has asked for them before. but he gets why you wouldn't, Oliver isn't stupid. and having you praise his body is good enough. besides you give him the occasional thirst trap - nothing much riskier than the ones you post on instagram, but damn, it feels good getting sent them personally.
honestly, he likes this arrangement. sure he'd like to see more of your body but who knows, if he plays his cards right he might just get to see it up close at some point. but for now he keeps on sending nudes - happy with the freedom to indulge in his exhibitionist tendencies. and indulge Oliver does, already plotting a way to start sending you jerking off videos soon enough.
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM THE SOPRANOS *  assorted dialogue from the television show, adjust as necessary
i find i have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.
i went ahead and ordered some for the table.
when you're married, you'll understand the importance of fresh produce.
we've got guns here.
he just told you to shut the fuck up.
the things i take pleasure in, i can't do.
don't you ever say you hate life.
oh, poor you!
so what, no fucking ziti now?
you want compromise? how's this?
i'll keep this short and sweet.
you're weak. you're outta control. and you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.
sometimes it's important to give people the illusion of being in control.
are you in the mafia?
tomorrow i can be on time, but you'll be stupid forever.
let me tell you a couple of three things.
you're not gonna believe this.
a wrong decision is better than indecision.
i'm like king midas in reverse here. everything i touch turns to shit.
if you can quote the rules, then you can obey them.
we're soldiers. soldiers don't go to hell. it's war. soldiers kill other soldiers.
we're in a situation where everyone involved knows the stakes and if you are going to accept those stakes, you've got to do certain things.
there's an old italian saying: you fuck up once, you lose two teeth.
someday soon, you're gonna have families of your own and if you're lucky, you'll remember the little moments like this that were good.
hey, i don't even let anyone wag their finger in my face.
it's good to be in something from the ground floor.
those who want respect give respect.
is this a woman thing? you ask me how i'm feeling, i tell you how i'm feeling, and now you're going to torture me with it.
lately, i'm getting the feeling that i came in at the end. the best is over.
my father was in it. my uncle was in it.
maybe i was too lazy to think for myself.
buy land, 'cause god ain't making any more of it.
i don't care how close you are. in the end, your friends are gonna let you down.
family... they're the only ones you can depend on.
take your hat off.
teddy roosevelt once gave an entire speech with a bullet lodged in his chest. some things are just a matter of duty.
some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading.
sometimes we're all hypocrites.
other people's definitions of you, sometimes they're more about making themselves feel better. you gotta define yourself.
people only see what you allow them to see.
death just shows the ultimate absurdity of life.
you know when i was depressed i said i didn't want to live? well, i'll tell you something. i didn't want to die.
that's why dinosaurs don't exist no more.
don't touch that! my program's coming on.
i wish the lord would take me now.
our existence on this earth is a puzzle.
i'm getting my wine in position to throw in your damn face.
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storydays · 4 months
Overture: Part 2
(3rd POV)
*With Charlie*
"Hello? Creepy..." Charlie called into the building as she looked around, walking towards the front desk. "Oh!" Charlie watched as a scroll and quill came in front of her. "Also, creepy." she smiled awkwardly, as she signed her name. A door opened up into a dark room, and Charlie walked in, calling out again, "Hello?" 
" 'Sup." A male voice startled the demoness, making her fall on the floor. "Holy shit!" She yelped. Light had came on to reveal two angels, one sitting and the other standing behind the first. 
Standing up, Charlie pushed her bangs back. "Hi! I'm Charlie, and my brother has sent me to meet you." "Yeah, I know." replied the yellow angel, lazily. "Okay, well, it is nice to meet you." Charlie held her hand out to shake, the angel leaning forward to shake it, "Totally, nice to meet you too." Charlie gasped when her hand passed through his. 
"Ha! I fuckin' got you! DId you fuckin' see that?!" He cackled to the grey angel beside him, who nodded at his answer. "Good shit." He laughed to himself. 
"Uh, so wait, you aren't here?" wondered Charlie. "No, you think I'd come down there?" He laughed again. 
"No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally; I love your tunes. Pretty fuckin' hardcore, don't get me wrong. But it's such a bummer, man. Everything down there, is so..eugh, ya know. Ew." He cringed at the thought. 
"Right..so I'm happy that we got this opportunity to meet! There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about--" Charlie eyed the angel as he shushed her.
"Hey, hey, hey, slow down. We got time; how about we get to know each other, mm? How about some lunch? You hungry? I got you!" The yellow angel held up a plate of ribs, offering it to the demoness. "Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it."
Charlie smiled politely. "Um, thanks." As she reached for some, her hand went through it. The angel laughed loudly. "I got you again, bitch! Haha! Fuckin' hilarous! Haha!" The princess laughed sarcastically, annoyed by his childishness. 
*Back at the hotel*
Vaggie had gathered everyone in the main foyer. Angel had his legs on (Y/N)'s lap again, and was enjoying how flustered the prince looked. The blond tried to ignore the spider but was failing miserably. 
"Okay, Charlie's doing something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial." Vaggie smiled, thinking of her energetic girlfriend, before holding her hand out expectantly. "So, we need  a camera. Alastor?"
The deer demon snapped his fingers and an old fashioned camera meant for photos appeared. "A video camera." snapped the Latina woman. "Hmm." Alastor hummed before giving her the requested item. "Alright, let's do this." Vaggie grinned. 
"Aaand action!" 
" 'Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you?' " Husk read from the script, from where he was standing behind the bar. 
"I've been a bad boy, and I need a big, strong Daddy to put me in my place....on the path to redemption." Angel started sultrily, purposely stretching his body out, showing himself off. (Y/N) snorted behind his own script; that spider was such an idiot sometimes. 
"Well, you come--" Husk started before being interrupted by Angel's moan of , "Oh yes!" (Y/N) started laughing harder, as Husk continued his lines through gritted teeth, "To the right place." 
"Cut!" Vaggie sighed, putting the camera down and turning towards the men. 
"Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny, if possible.  (Y/N), stop encouraging him. And Husk, can you not have the script right in your face?" Vaggie commented. Husk bristled, clearly angry, "I ain't no act! I can't memorize this shit!" He slapped the paper in his hand as Angel leaned in closer. 
"Well, we could improve this shit, babycakes. Rawrr." The Italian spider purred seductively. 
Husk frowned and pushed the spider into (Y/N) who wasn't even paying attention, and sent both men to the floor. "Oof," grunted Angel as he landed on (Y/N), knocking his glasses off and--
"Fuck, my nuts!" groaned (Y/N), curling in a fetal position. 
 Angel had accidentally kneed him...right where the sun don't shine.
"Whoops." Husk winced; he'd only meant for the spider to get out of his personal space. (Y/N) was really one of the only people he'd gotten along with. "My bad, (Y/N)." 
"I could do something with your nuts, (Y/N)." Angel teased, but shivered when the prince shot a icy glare in his direction. "Or maybe later," he muttered, rubbing (Y/N)'s back soothingly as he waited for the pain to stop.
"Guys, come on." Vaggie sighed, as Husk picked up a bottle and started drinking again. 
*Back with Charlie*
"So I was playing this gig, and for some fucking reason, this virtue chick was diggin' on the drummer and it's like, do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam! I'm the original dick. All dicks descend from me! You think you want drummer dick? No way! I'm the fuckin' dickmaster!" Adam obnoxiously slurped on his ribs before continuing his story. 
"So anyway, we fucked and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?" He asked a very bored looking Charlie. 
"Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man, Adam? That means you--Ohhh, that explains so much." Charlie realized. "I know, I fuckin' rock." Adam sent the princess a 'rock on sign'. "Well, Adam, sir. Mr Adam, sir--" 
"Call me dickmaster." smirked the angel. 
"Adam," Charlie emphasized, clearly done with Adam. "You seem like a smart--well, stand up guy." 
"Uh-huh." Adam agreed as he picked his teeth. 
"And I know you are the leader of the Angel Army and you are a big thinker, a revolutionary, a--a genius," Charlie complimented. 
"I mean your words, babe." Adam was clearly enjoying the compliments. 
"Who would really love to put his name on something." Charlie kept revving Adam up. "Fuckin' love puttin' my name on shit!" Adam stood excitedly. "Shit's the best!" 
Charlie nodded along, "It's a solution to our biggest problem!" 
"Ohh, herpes! Yeah, that's a bitch." Adam cringed. 
"No! Our other biggest problem." The princess tried hinting at again. 
"Oh, uh, ugly people? Math? Global warming? Nah, wait, that's Earth's problem. Umm...." Charlie blinked at the Angel...there was no way he was this stupid, right?
*Back at the hotel*
Niffty giggled as she chased a bug with a giant needle in her hand. "Hehehe, stab, stab, stab!" "Alright, Niffty." Vaggie called before turning to kneel in front of the cyclops. "Niffty. Niffty? Niffty! Your line is, 'We have the cleanest rooms.' Okay?" Niffty nodded excitedly, "Got it! I'm ready!" Vaggie grabbed the camera and started to record. "And action."
Niffty's smile dropped immediately and she zoned out, her pupil shrinking to a little dot. Vaggie stopped recording and lowered the camera,as she, Angel and (Y/N) stared at the cyclops with wide eyes. "Uhh...cut." 
Niffty smiled, "How was that?" "Well Niffty, you have to actually say the line. Let's try again." 
Same results as last time. 
Angel leaned down to whisper in Vaggie's ear, "Yo're doing great Vagina." He whispered, mockingly.  "Cut! Alright, um, maybe we can try to fix it in post." Vaggie thought aloud. "Do you even know what that means?" asked (Y/N).  "I'll figure it out." the white haired woman snapped, not noticing the looks that the two men exchanged. 
Vaggie went into a room and groaned in annoyance as the TV showed a lot of static,and barely audible sound. "Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, eh?" Alastor grinned as he watched Vaggie. 
"Ugh, este pendejo. " She cursed, before turning to the deer demon. "Why are you even here?"
Alastor sat on the opposite couch of Vaggie, his shadow crouching behind him with a sinister smile. "I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly, like you are doing now! Good job!" He mocked cheerfully. 
Scowling, Vaggie turned the camera on, and started recording, "And here is Alastor, an egocentric piece of shit--" She yelped as the camera shorted out from the demon's power. "I wouldn't try that, my dear. This face was made for radio." His eyes changed into radio dials, his mouth changed to a speaker,and  his body began changing in bendy ways, as voodoo symbols floated around him.
Vaggie narrowed her eye at him. "That's it! I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. Because it won't be so 'entertaining' to watch over a empty hotel, will it shitass?" She snapped, walking back to her chair. 
Alastor's eyes and smile narrowed before he shrugged. 
"Fair enough. I'll tell you what: let's make a deal." Scoffing, Vaggie flopped back into her seat. 
"You think I'm that stupid? Making a deal with a demon like you?"
"Not for your soul." The Radio Demon rolled his eyes before continuing, "Just a simple deal: I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology again." He narrowed his eyes at the television. "Or...Charlie comes back to absolutely nothing!" The deer dropped the radio effect from his voice as he turned to smirk at Vaggie, "Your choice."
Sighing heavily, the purple demoness agreed. "Fine." She handed the video camera into Alastor's waiting hand, sealing the deal. 
"Now then!" Alastor clapped his hands, and the hotel occupants and a camera crew appeared with equipment. With another snap, the Hotel company were all dressed in outfits from the 1920's. 
"Alright, let's make a fucking commercial." 
*Back with Charlie*
"When you take her out for the fifth time, and she still expects you to pay the check, but you're like, 'Hey, I thought you want equality/'?" Adam mocked a woman's voice.  "NOO! Our shared problem of overpopulation in Hell!" Charlie snapped, a desperate look in her eye.  "Ohh! Well, that's not a problem. We've got that covered. Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?" Adam asked the silent lieutenant. 
"Got a good 275, sir." she replied, coldly. 
"275?! Woah, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it." The two angels shared a fist bump.  
"Uh, no, that's not awesome! Those are my people, you know that, right?" Charlie stood, worry written on her face. "Ohh, yeah....That must suck for you! Hahaha!" Adam laughed. 
"But these are souls. Human souls, just the same as you have in Heaven." the blonde frowned. "They are not the same." Lute said bluntly, "They had their chance and they earned damnation." 
"You're wrong!" Charlie disagreed. "Sinners made mistakes, sure, but everyone makes mistakes." "ANGELS don't make mistakes." hissed Lute. Charlie crossed her arms, "You really think that?" she raised an eyebrow. 
"I know that." replied the exorcist. 
"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life." Adam agreed as Lute circled the princess. "The only reason you're still here, is because Daddy gave you and your Hellborn kind, a pardon from an exorcist blade. How's that you feel? To know how little you matter." Lute said coldly, returning to Adam's side. 
"Oops! Almost out of time. Guess we should get into it." Adam sighed lazily. 
"Oh fuck!" Charlie face palmed, and rushed closer to the two angels."Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time." Charlie summoned a stack of paperwork. "And I feel like you weren't hearing me before, so here it goes." 
"Awh, shit!" Charlie cursed banging on the door from where she was thrown out.
*Back at the hotel*
Charlie walked into the hotel sadly, before being greeted by her brother, who was sitting at the bar, with paperwork and a another strawberry Daiquiri in front of him, glasses perched on the edge of his nose. 
He looked up at the young woman and smiled, waving his hand to send the paper work away, and taking his drink in his hand, before going over to Charlie. "Hey, sis...how'd it go?" 
As he got closer, he noticed his sister's bubbly demeanor  was gone, "Hey, what's wrong?" 
Charlie opened her mouth before being interrupted by Vaggie hugging her. "Charlie! How'd it go? Did they listen?" Vaggie looked at Charlie hopefully. 
"They sure did...hear it. But um,--" "Oh! Come here! We have something exciting to show you!" Vaggie excitedly dragged Charlie to the living room where everyone was gathered.
"Alastor pulled a few limbs, and it's about to air." (Y/N) grinned as he came to stand in between Husk and the Radio Demon, as Charlie and Vaggie sat on the couch by Niffty and Angel Dust who lounged on the floor.
"I pulled a few limbs, too!" Alastor laughed. (Y/N) shook his head at his antics. 
"Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?" Charlie asked. 
"Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself." Angel smiled lazily as Charlie teared up, holding her hands over her heart. 
"That's amazing." She said, tearfully, before Angel shushed her. "SHH! It's startin'" He growled. 
On screen, we see the hotel members dressed up; Angel blowing kisses to the camera and at (Y/N) ,who was fighting the urge to blush, before sending smirk at the spider followed by a playful middle finger. Husk was drinking his cheap booze, Niffty staring at the camera, and Alastor wasn't even facing the camera, and glitching slightly.
Vaggie smiled at the camera, "Welcome to the Hazbin Hot-" Suddenly, it was cut off to reveal a news story. 
Vaggie and Angel both shouted in their native languages at the TV and the royal demons' eyes changed to their demon form eyes, both barring their teeth in anger. 
"Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received  word from the Heaven Embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before! Do you know what that means, Tom" asked the female reporter, turning to her co-host. 
"What does that mean, Katie?" Tom asked with a head tilt. 
"It means we are all royally fucked." Katie replied as the screen showed the clock changing the days to 176. 
"Wait, what? Why" demanded Angel.
"Charlie...." (Y/N) turned towards his sister, "That'd be the kind of thing that's important for me to know before hand." "Sorry, got distracted by the commercial." Charlie sighed, placing her head in her hands in dismay.
A angelic hovercraft was scanning over the rummage of the remains of the extermination. 
"We found the body, sir. They've never managed to kill one of us before. We should just go down there now and destroy them!" Lute hissed, her wings fluttering in anger. 
"No,no. We can't risk them catching on. But don't worry, when we come back, there won't be a demon alive to pull a stunt like this again!" Adam yelled, smashing the projector, before smiling wickedly.
*With (Y/N)*
With a groan, the prince of Hell flopped back onto a couch. Bending over paperwork for hours on end, did nothing for his back. 
Fuck, he was only 225, why did his back hurt so much?
(Y/N) sighed, closing his eyes as the little cat from earlier came over, and curled up on his arms, purring loudly. 
"Hey, KeeKee. Hey pretty girl," he cooed, running his hands over the cat's soft fur.
"Ugh, my back." He groaned, feeling his muscles protest at the movement.
"Hey, sweetcheeks." A voice purred in his ear, making him lazily open his violet eye to peek at the spider who grinned widen seeing he had his attention. 
"Mm, not now, Angel, my back his killing me."
"Oh, as much as I'd love to take you in position, big daddy, I was actually coming to offer another one of my services." Angel held up a bottle of oil. "Being bent over something for a long time can really be hard on the back. Lemme help?" 
(Y/N) eyed the spider, looking for any of his usual antics, but found sincerity. "Okay, let's go to my office. I have a spare bed, for nights I don't feel like going to my room." He used his magic to transport himself and the spider, before lazily walking to the space bed.
Angel looked around the office, smiling softly at all the photos of the prince and his family. "Take your shirt off, and lay on your belly. Don't worry, I'll be careful with your wings." He waited patiently for (Y/N) to take his shirt off, smiling as he took in the view of the blond's body, clearly he took care of himself.
"No funny business." (Y/N) said, groaning softly at the pain in his back. "No funny business," agreed Angel before he straddled (Y/N)'s butt, causing him to blush slightly. "Um, what--" "I won't be able to properly massage you from the side. I swear, no funny business. Just wanted to help ya," Angel waited until (Y/N) nodded. 
Angel poured the massage oil in his ungloved hands, all four, and warmed it up in his hands, before getting to work.
(Y/N) sighed softly, enjoying as the Italian spider worked out his sore muscles, being sure to include the demon's wings as well. 
"Thanks, Angel."
"Qualunque costa per te, bambola." 
(Y/N) smiled to himself, deciding to keep the fact that he knows every language in the world to himself as Angel hummed an old song from his childhood. 
The two sat in silence as unaware as Charlie closed the door, smiling, letting the two be.
'They would be so cute.' she grinned to herself. 
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winxwannabe · 2 months
Winx Season 9/Reboot Leaks
Okay here's the tea: earlier today a twitter user by the name of Cataclysm_Power started posting a video they claimed was from the new Winx season/reboot. When pressed for further information, they linked to a telegram chat with what appeared to be assets from Rainbow (17 screenshots/2 videos). After some C-grade internet sleuthing, I am here to give my (worthless and possibly wrong) opinion on which ones I think are real and fake.
A note before we jump in: I'm not posting full images on my blog, because again I do think some of these are real and if the leaker is to be believed, they hacked Rainbow to get them. You can look yourself through the telegram link, or others who've posted them on the Winx Club tag. I also think the leaker themselves is scammy because they've tried charging for Miraculous leaks before. Do NOT give them any money if they ask.
Real: Bloom, Stella, and Icy's asset sheets, Bloom Full Body Pose
A lot of these leaks are 3d modelling assets, and these 3 are the ones I'm totally convinced are real.
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The biggest clue of their validity is the bottom banner. All 3 sheets have them, along with the same episode code and notes in Italian. They're all also linked to the same person: Pasqualino Masciulli is Rainbow's 3D modelling supervisor, and has been with the company for at least 9 years. He's done videos on Rainbow's youtube channel as well, using his shortened first name Lino. My main point is that's way too niche for someone to fake just to make some convincing leaks, and it would make sense for the assets to be tied to him.
Likewise, there's a full-body frame post of Bloom with fucking ugliest denim leg warmers credited to a g.riccobono. This is likely Giulio Riccobono, who is listed on Linkedin Italy as a Rainbow employee.
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Probably Real: Tecna's asset sheet, Bloom's detailed asset sheet
Both of these are likely real but have weird things about them that make me pause. Bloom's more detailed asset sheet is missing the name, date and episode reference on it, and the notes are in English. Tecna's is missing the bottom banner entirely, and there's some weird cutting around her head that makes it look like someone hastily made a png and stuck it on there.
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Unsure: Computer File Tab, MD Concept Photos, Videos
There's a screenshot of a folder with both 2D and 3D assets of all the girls. in the files. I'm not sure if this is from a computer at Rainbow or the hacker's personal folder, so it goes in unsure. I do think most of the assets in it are real - it's low res but the eyes on the 2D sketches are so similar to the ones on Rainbow's newer images of the girls I think they have to be connected.
There are also some full body concept photos for Bloom, Aisha, and Stella. They all look pretty legit (as they're updated version of images we've already seen) but Stella's has other images for 'possible pallets' included. She's the only one with it and the images look like they came from a flash dress-up game, and it gives me pause.
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Lastly, the teaser videos of Bloom are probably real based on the outfit, animation and that stupid fucking Bloom shelf being in the background, but I'm placing it in 'unsure' because of the bandicam.com logo burned into the top. If it really came from Rainbow and everything else was downloaded, there was no reason for the hacker to not get the raw file. I think it's real, but I don't know if it came from Rainbow.
Something Ain't Right: Group Shot
What gives me pause in the fully-rendered group shot (even though its shown in the computer file tab) is it shows transformation we haven't seen teased and has a 'Lorem Ipsum' placeholder text. Aisha's hair also looks like it was done with AI - the back of her wings clip through the hair, and parts of it look copy-pasted. I'm stupid, it's the end of her braids. The 'Lorem Ipsum' thing still stands, but I'm re-filing this under 'unsure.'
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Probably Fake: Darcy and Damien's asset sheets
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I'm showing things from here on out because I'm so convinced it's fake please let me be right. Unlike the other character sheets, the ones for Darcy and 'new character' Damien have no bottom banner, are marked as 'Winx Club Season 9' with an outdated Winx logo, and have notes written completely in English. Darcy's has a bit of 3D modelling, but it's too different from Icy's. Maybe they're super early concepts for Darcy, but Damien...go home, buddy.
You're in the Wrong Place: Rainbow Pants Girl
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I'm convinced this girl is from a different show and was saved to the 'Winx Club' folder by accident. Different clothing, hair, and shading. May you end up somewhere better than this reboot, Mystery Girl.
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((The movie ain't even out yet but here I am-))
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• The big bad turtle monster falls in love easily. When he first laid eyes on you, he knows you're the one for him. His one true love.
• Bowser doesn't have a type, he generally goes for anyone whoever he deems a perfect partner for him.
• Does NOT take "no" for an answer from you. If you try to resist or ignore his advances, he will forcefully take you as his. Stealing you away in the middle of the night on a flying ship. Luckily, two Italians lend a hand to help set you free.
• If you agree to advancements like his gifts and terrible cheesey poetry, Bowser will be head over heels for you even more than he was before. Someone FINALLY loves him back! Oh great joy! Bowser might just not destroy another kingdom for a while ;)
• Bowser will take you on extravagant and expensive dates. He'll take you to dinner, an amusement park, a museum, anything! Your wish is his command. Bowser only wants to make you happy. The dates always have to be perfect. Always. If something goes wrong, say the waiter forgets your drink or someone accidentally bumps into you, Bowser will flip his lid. He'll start shouting that to the person that they're ruining his date. You have to hold him back from hurting the poor bystander.
• You're the only one who can calm him down. If Bowser is having a temper tantrum or a fit, you have to comfort him before he destroys the whole castle. He quickly lightens up whenever you're around. Dropping one of his poor servants and going to you like Bowser is your lap dog. The best way to calm Bowser is to let him lay his head in your lap as he grumbles about what's been bothering him. Usually, something about the koopa troopas or the Mario brothers.
• Wants LOADS of kids. TONS. Bowser had always desired a big family when he was younger. So, be prepared for a bunch of little ones keeping you up at night or having to separate fights. Ah, but you'll love them regardless.
• No question asked, he is the big spoon in bed.
• Bowser will sing for you during one of your many romantic dates. He did a whole concert for you at one point! And he'll do it again. If you're into music too, Bowser is going to want you to sing and preform with him. You can't say no to him, he'll beg you too.
• Depending on who you are as a person, Bowser might become better or worse. If you're good, he'll try to do good things for you. Like stop invading other kingdoms and learn to control his temper. It'll be a drastic change from who he originally was. Bowser would do it because he loves you very much. Heck, he might even apologize to the Mario brothers and peach but don't get your hopes up now. If you're bad, mamma mia, you're essentially encouraging his behavior. Bowser will destroy an entire civilization to make you happy! Steal goods and jewels, giving it to you as a present. He'd create a new galaxy and make you it's queen/king! You two are the worst villian couple known to exist.
• Bowser loves showing off for you. Whether it's proving his strength or how tough he is, Bowser wants to make sure that you know your "hot boyfriend" isn't scared of anybody.
• has the koopas build you a custom throne right next to his throne. He wants you to be with him at all times and he thinks it would make for a great birthday present.
• Bowser's partner only gets the best clothing, food, and jewelry throughout all the kingdoms. Feeling peckish for something sweet? His bakers will make you five layered cake of your favorite flavor. Perhaps wanting a new outfit? Bowser purchases the entire goddamn mall so you can have a shopping spree. Maybe feeling a bit cold? He's got you covered, just wrap your arms around him and you'll warm up soon enough. Bowser doesn't mind at all. He'll work in some new plans or arrangements while you hold him tightly.
• Kamek didn't like you at first but eventually grew to. As long as you make Bowser happy, he's happy.
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https://www.tumblr.com/arrowsperpetualcringe/716483661130874880/hehehehehe Hoe does Mario meet Knight!Luigi?
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Hi hey hello omg someone's actually asking about this au---
I'm panicking for no reason but also I'm so excited and so happy to share!!!
So, tbh, there's no need for Knight!Luigi and Mario to "meet", and by that I mean--- Luigi and Mario were never seperated and they already know eachother.
Luigi's whole deal, and the reason he was able to become a knight in the first place, is that he kinda... just sorta moved out.
Let me explain: He in this au, Luigi of course loves Mario dearly, that's his twin brother, his main man, his bestfriend, his homeslice breadslice dog. However, after retrieving some subpar treatment, he decided to seperate from Mario, and go his own little journey of self discovery. He's never been apart from Mario. And though he's scared, he's terrified even, he wants to know who he's capable of being on his own. So he leaves to go journey, Mario of course wishes him good luck, but is SO fucking nervous something bad will happen to him and encourages him to write him.
(More Backstory under cut cause this post is looooong)
Most of his journey is fine, and well and good, until he gets dundundunnn caught by Bowser. (For the purposes of this au, let's imagine that Kamek freed and unshrunken him post Mario Movie)--- So, he catches Luigi to get revenge, but at this point he's developed a bit more of a backbone and some serious skills to defend himself, so he almost escapes the castle, but is stopped by Bowser himself, who--- in a twist of fate is impressed by his skill.
Basically the interaction that follows goes "Ayo I'll let you live if you work for me" "I'm still very terrified of you so bet" (ofc he's plotting to return the whole while, but needs to find a time when it's safe)
So now mans lives in the castle with Bowser, and he gets training to really hone his skills--- they gradually get used to eachother, and since this is a Bowuigi centric au, yall already know the deal fr.
SORRY I got SO incredibly sidetracked, but since I already wrote all this I ain't deleting it--- to get to the core of the question---
If Mario were to ever meet Luigi in his knight formmmm hmmm.
If he were to meet while Luigi was doing some on duty shit with Bowser watching, he'd have to resort to going completely nonverbal to avoid being recognized--- in my very first post about Knight!Luigi he can avoid being recognized as his usual self by switching from an italian accent to a brooklyn one, but--- seeing as Mario knows his brother, and knows his voice, he'd recognize either one. This would probably give off an impression of a really intimidating, serious and skilled Knight to the opposition, when really Weggy just tryna to avoid being recognized---
If they just happened to cross paths with no eyes on them, Luigi would shed the mask SO fucking quick and give him a hug. Though, since Luigi has risen through the ranks and became very known as someone to be feared in his persona, this would leave Mario both very relieved, and VERY confused.
and uuuuh
yeah that's it.
OH wait
One more thing.
In this au, Luigi's Knight persona is just known as "Knight Guy"
everyone assumes he's a really weird shy guy and no one bats a fucking eye FOEJROFEJROJ
TL;DR: They'd most likely meet in a battlefield. If on duty, they just sorta,,, duke it out (Luigi will refuse to hurt Mario though) If off duty, hug time.
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analogwriting · 3 months
Smutilogue (afab edition) Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.1k first|amab version a/n: here's the cora smut y'all been feinding for. technically this is an epilogue, but it also works as standalone. im lit as shit rn as usual when i write that shit - so enjoy. as usual, there are two versions. one afab, one amab but they both have diff things happen. (one rails the other rides ain't that great) also amore is love in italian and amor is love in spanish which tbh its cute n funny to me
“Ugh, it's so nice to finally be home,” you grumbled as you walked into the door of your house. At this point, you hadn't been home for a month and a half, but luckily you had cleaning services to maintain everything while you were away. Marco had also been sure to check on the house, he had a spare key, after all. 
“I think this is the first time I've been in your home.” You looked back to Corazon who was closing the door. “Well, benvenuto in casa mia.” You chuckled as you set your things down. Man, it was good to be home. 
You set your things down on the couch, letting Corazon explore your place while you checked everything. Windows, exits, the likes. You just wanted to make sure no one had broken in at any point. Marco had done this for you too and you had an alarm system, but with recent events, you couldn't be too cautious at this point. 
You headed into your room, seeing your boyfriend standing and staring at something on the floor in your closet. “Whatcha doin’?” 
You could've swore he jumped ten feet in the air. He looked back at you with panic in his eyes as he closed the door. “N-Nothing!”
Your expression changed to that of a droll one. “I don't believe that for a single fucking second.” You walked over, moving him and opening the door. 
Oh. Right. You'd forgotten that you meant to go through that and get rid of some stuff. 
There, in the middle of your closet, was a box of sex toys. You weren't embarrassed about it, if anything you were amused. You snorted, looking at him. He couldn't make eye contact with you. “Oh, you're just the cutest.” You reached up, pinching his cheek, causing his face to turn a deeper shade of red. 
“What's got you so flustered, amore? Imagine me using these on you?” A sly grin spread across your face as you pulled out a double ended strap. 
You heard him gasp softly and you looked at him, his face still a bright red. You grinned. The two of you held out this long despite almost jumping each other a couple of times. You could see his blush creeping down his neck and to his collarbone, his breathing became shallow. Oh, he absolutely was thinking of you using these on him.
“Oh, you dirty boy,” you purred and he frowned, quickly turning to head out of the room. You grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. You moved just right to get him to stumble onto the bed, quickly straddling him in the process. 
He looked at you with wide eyes, but he wasn't protesting. “Y-You should be recovering,” he mumbled. A large smile spread across your face. 
“That's all I've been doing.” However, if he was uncomfortable, you weren't gonna make him do anything. “But, if you don't wanna, that's okay.” You kissed him softly, smiling against him before moving to slide off his lap. 
Before you could go too far, you felt his hands on your hips, pulling you forward. You blinked, looking at him. His face was still bright red, but you could see the lusty haze beginning to form in his eyes. You had him right where you wanted him.
“Only if you're sure you don't need to recover some more,” he said. 
A smug smile spread across your face. “Oh, I'm just fine.” You kissed him again, hungrier this time. The two of you groaned against each other as it quickly became a heated exchange. You appreciated his concern, but you were just fine and you were about to be even better. 
You pressed a hand to his chest, pushing him down into the bed, following suit as you kissed at him. You reached under his shirt, feeling him up. You slowly lifted his shirt, resting it above his chest as your lips trailed to his neck, leaving hickies in their wake. Your hands explored his body, fingers gently tracing his scars. He shivered, his breathing shaking as small noises of pleasure escaped his lips.
Having him at your mercy like this was…delicious. 
Your fingers brushed over his nipples, twirling around them before pinching them softly. He gasped, arching his back as a small whimper escaped his lips. This was something you could definitely get used to. You moved down, beginning to kiss at his chest now; your lips gently pressing against his skin. He pressed into you as he moaned your name.
Who knew he could be so submissive? Sure, he always gave in to you, but you didn’t think that he’d be this submissive in bed. You were going to make sure to give him the shag of his life. 
You continued to kiss down his torso, taking a couple of detours to kiss a scar here and there. You two had that in common; bodies littered with scars from your former lifestyle that you were born into and were able to escape from. You reached the waistband of his pants, beginning to unbutton them. His breathing had already grown shallow as he looked down at you with a flushed face. 
You sat up for a moment, just admiring his beauty. Him just laying before you, face and body flushed, beginning to glisten with sweat. His chest was moving up and down rapidly as he was already breathless. His shirt pushed up over his chest with his pants slightly undone while looking disheveled…you honestly were tempted to take a picture. Make it the background on your phone maybe. Though, Marco had access to your phone, you didn’t want to embarrass Corazon like that.
A grin slowly stretched across your face. “Already this worked up?” You could tell by the tent in his pants that he was more than ready for you to do whatever you pleased with him.
You absolutely planned on railing him today - give him the time of his life. He deserved it after all he's done for you and the fact he's stuck around despite the absolute shit show your life has been the past couple of months. 
“How can I not be? I've been waiting forever,” he mumbled, looking away from you, covering his mouth with his hand. You just grinned at him like an idiot for a moment. His gaze shifted back to you. “W-What?”
“Nothing, you're just so pretty,” you mused, licking your lips. He groaned softly, covering his face again and you chuckled, finally making your next move. 
Your hands moved quickly, freeing him from the constraints of his pants. He twitched and throbbed against your hand as the cool air hit him. You expected him to be on the bigger side considering how large the man was himself, but you weren't too worried considering you were going to be the one railing him this time around. Maybe you'd ride him next time. 
This was about him this time around. You wanted to express your gratitude for everything. 
You leaned down, pressing your lips to the base of his cock. His breathing hitched and he let out a tiny whine. “You tease too much,” he mumbled. 
You just smiled at him. “It's because you're so fun to tease.” You decided to do so just a little bit more. Taking your tongue, you started from the base, dragging it along the underside all the way to the top before swirling it around his head and pressing a kiss to it. The entire time he whined, his back arching - he was completely and totally at your mercy.
“Please,” he mumbled, his voice breathy and desperate. Oh, you liked that. “Please what?” you asked, beginning to stroke him, your thumb brushing over his head. 
He just looked at you with a pained look in his eyes, his hips bucking slightly, begging for more friction. His pupils were blown with lust and you were eating it up. “Please stop teasing me,” he gasped as you squeezed him slightly as his base. 
“Mm, I guess.” You decided to finally show him some mercy. You could tease him further, make him say even lewder things, but you decided to take it easy this time around. This was only the first time, after all. There'd be plenty more to come. You wanted to hear him yell your name, honestly. Nothing would get you going more than being able to hear him desperately calling your name in such a lewd manner. 
Finally, you gave him what he wanted, sliding him down your throat. Every time you did something like this, you were a bit worried about getting lockjaw so you tried your best not to overextend your jaw. Even if it did happen, you were a doctor and could take care of it, but it wouldn't make it any less embarrassing. 
Your eyes widened slightly as he rolled his hips, shoving himself down your throat even further. You pressed down on his hips, holding him in place as you pulled off of him for a moment. “Careful there, eager mcbeaver. I'm the one in charge,” you said, panting a bit. He looked down at you through half lidded eyes, pouting slightly. Fuck, he was so hot. 
You resumed what you were doing, taking him into your mouth once more. You could feel him straining under you to keep from moving. Good boy, you’d be sure to reward him well. It wasn't long before you started to work him, bobbing your head as your hands gripped at his thighs - mostly keeping him in place. You could also feel that he was going to be sent over the edge at any moment. 
Using one of your hands, you began to fondle his balls, causing him to whimper and moan. “Y/n!” His voice was a high whine, breaking halfway through. You gave his balls a nice tug and squeeze, causing him to buck his hips and shoving himself down your throat even further than the time before. He moaned loudly as he came and you did your best to not choke at his sudden movements. You were so glad you didn’t really have a gag reflex, but he still made it hard.
Though, you should've seen that coming from a mile away. 
You pulled off of him, swallowing every bit of cum he had before fully pulling off of him. You were panting heavily, as was he. He placed an arm over his face as you moved up. You removed it, kissing him hard. “I'm sorry,” he mumbled against you, so breathless you almost didn't hear him. 
You smiled. “It's okay. I should've expected it. I didn’t exactly play fair.” You pulled away from him, sliding off the bed. He looked at you, confused and sitting up on his elbows. “Where are you going?”
“You were curious about the strap, remember? When I come back out, you better be naked.”
You watched as his eyes widened before he nodded and you grinned, disappearing into the bathroom, and grabbing the toy along the way. 
You reemerged, significantly less clothes than before. That being, you had none. All you donned was the strap. You almost sent yourself over the edge just getting it on with how turned on you were just from making him lose it. Half of it was inside of you, after all. It was one of those double sides. 
Corazon had also followed instruction, now naked as he laid on your bed. He had been able to calm down a bit. He was no longer panting and his skin wasn't as flushed, but you knew that wouldn't last very long.
He looked over as you walked out, his own eyes widening. He licked his lips as he stared at you, devouring you with his eyes. “Stunning,” he mumbled, looking you up and down. You felt your face warm up. He sure knew how to flatter you. His eyes rested on the strap, swallowing hard. 
You walked over to him, kissing him on the way before rummaging through your nightstand and pulling out some lube. “Relax. Trust me. I won't hurt you.” He just looked at you before nodding. “I trust you.”
You grinned, sliding back onto the bed and in between his legs. You applied some to your fingers, looking at him. “I'm going to stretch you out first since this is your first time doing something anally, I assume.” He nodded, just staring at your hand. 
You would take your time, not wanting to go too fast and freak him out. You started with one finger, sliding it into him. He squirmed a bit, making a face of uncertainty. Once you started moving your digit around, he was quickly lost in the pleasure, relaxing a bit. He loosened a bit and you added another one, this time he moaned a bit, rolling his hips. You stopped moving, giving him a look. “Ah, ah. Patience.” 
He frowned, pouting and whining a bit. “You tease,” he mumbled, panting slightly already. You were absolutely eating up his desperation. You just grinned, beginning to move your fingers, scissoring them inside of him and curling them. You could feel him starting to relax more, loosening even moreso. Good. You didn't want to tear something. It wasn't long before you added the third. 
“Please,” he whined. “I think I'm more than ready.” He gasped, looking at you with agony. You snorted, grinning down at him. “I suppose.” You slowly pulled your fingers out, watching his eyes roll back and his back arch. Who knew he was such a little slut?
You moved to add some lube to the strap and once again, he was watching your every move. This time, however, it was more anticipation and excitement rather than fear and uncertainty. 
You positioned yourself in between his legs, sticking one on his legs over your shoulder. His face turned a deep shade of red as you did so. You pressed the head of the toy to him and heard his breath hitch. Again, a grin spread across your face in amusement before you slid the toy into him.
His eyes widened, rolling back before his head fell back onto the pillows. A long, loud, and whiny moan erupted from him, but he wasn't the only one. As you pressed into him, your side of the toy pressed deeper into you, causing you to moan right along with him. Both of you were panting by the time you bottomed out. Your head was spinning as you paused to gather yourself. 
It'd been a while since you fucked anyone and even longer since you topped. You weren't too sure how long you'd last. Hopefully long enough. 
After a moment of regathering, you looked at Corazon. He was panting heavily too, an arm over his face. You reached up, moving his hand. “I want to see that face.” 
He looked at you. Well, at least you think he did - he might’ve looked through you. He looked absolutely lost in whatever pleasure you were currently giving him. You took that as a sign to start moving. You pressed a kiss to his leg that was over your shoulder before you rolled your hips, moreso testing the water. 
You heard him gasp, watching him grip the sheets before melting into a puddle of pleasure. You also felt the toy inside you move, causing your own head to spin more rapidly.
You kept moving, pulling in and out of him. You were slow with your movements at first as you struggled to find a pace - you were a bit out of practice. It didn't take you too long to find it, though. Soon enough, you were quickly moving your hips, the room filling with nothing but the noises of your pleasure. 
It wasn't long before you were absolutely wrecking him, pistoning your hips in and out of him like you had everything to lose. He was crying out your name over and over, begging you for something you weren't even sure of because he never could finish his sentence. You could make out the word ‘yes’ a few times. His words were slurred and you were pretty sure he was drooling too. 
You could feel your own legs beginning to shake as the toy pressed and rubbed against all the right spots inside of you. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, the coil in your abdomen wound tightly. It was only a matter of time before you were out for the count. 
You were honestly surprised you lasted this long. 
A few thrusts and many moans later, you felt the wave of euphoria wash over you as the coil within snapped, sending you over the edge. You cried out Corazon's name, stilling your hips and shoving the toy deep within him. His own cries also bounced off the walls as he yelled your name, making a mess of the both of you as he reached his climax as well. 
Your entire body shuddered as you kept still, riding the euphoric waves of your climax. You were panting heavily, sweating a good amount too. Ugh, you were going to need a shower after this, but you also knew you were probably going to pass out.
After a bit of recovery, you pulled out of him, hearing him whine in response. You moved quickly, removing it from yourself as well, whining just as he did, feeling yourself twitch against the toy. You chuckled it on the floor, deciding to deal with it later. 
You moved, collapsing next to him. You looked up, pressing a kiss to his jaw before settling into his side, still panting like crazy. Your own heart was racing and you knew his would be too. With a deep breath, you closed your eyes, trying to calm your breathing a bit. You felt his arms wrap around you and pull you close. 
“Mm, how did you like it?” you asked, looking up at him. He looked down at you, a tired but goofy grin spreading across his face. “I'm…gonna be sore but…” He kissed you softly, sighing against your lips. “I'd do it again.”
You snorted, grinning. “Good to know. Guess I'll be keeping that after all then.” The both of you chuckled, settling down. You felt exhaustion creeping in. You were technically still in recovery, after all. 
“Mm, I love you, amore.” You pressed a kiss to his chest before closing your eyes again. “I love you too, amor.” He pressed a kiss against your head before settling in. It wasn't long before the two of you were out for the count.
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cooloddball · 28 days
hihi it's me again. the anon who agreed with you with who fell first and who fell harder haha, maybe i should make a name for myself
i've just been reading some textposts and i started thinking about the different ways lestappen shows affection with each other and whatnot. now i'm here in your inbox bc i really have no idea where to put this out lmao. because it really is just so them when it comes to displaying emotion so i guess buckle up and drive with me
as we all witnessed, especially more recently, max is definitively the initiator. the one who loves with everything he has. the one that feels things deeply and has nowhere to put it but in the world itseld. the one who constantly reaches out and finds charles and just corners him to talk to, to say congratulations, to just maxplain without care. bright eyes and a brighter smile, he just always finds charles to talk about anything. it's ridiculous, honestly. prime example, the entirety of the monaco 2024 gp weekend. max has been doing nothing but drop really obvious hints that the only one he'd love to hear on the top step is the italian national anthem? yes, this could be due to max liking ferrari as his only opponent on the field, but it's just so clear which of the two drivers he favours more heavily. yes, max likes carlos. yes, max and carlos have a history. but has max ever constantly walked up to him and squeeze the back of his neck twice to grab his attention and sidle off with a smile? no? don't think so. the fact he does it with consistency too — max constantly grabs charles' attention this way around monaco too, back in 2022 as well. (and i believe bahrain 2022 too? istg max) and here in monaco, the year 2024, he does it twice, once to congratulate him on pole with a run-and-gun tactic, literally being on charles' left only to clasp hands on charles' right bc max was just zooming across the media pen — the other is when the glorious lestappen hug happens (talking about this hug deserves another post in its own right). max just goes for it because it's easy, natural, and just right. as if it makes sense to gravitate towards your rival, as if it always has and always will be the same.
max is definitely more physical, literally talks with his hands i getchu, when it comes to interactions. the constant handholding (what is the sportsman clasp or dap if not a way to hold the hands of your rivals), the touches, the way max holds him on top of the podium, fingers curled around red waists, pressing light, pressing hard, enough to make an impression, enough to make it last (podium waist holding also deserves its own post good lord)... it just adds up
charles is definitely more discreet as mentioned before. he's more coy about it, too. teasing. likes to bully others with love. when charles gave max the secret santa gift and dedicated it to his biggest fan and when i tell you he ain't wrong — have you seen max's reaction? all he does is grin and laugh about, doesn't even deny it. just says, "oh that's a nice one" as if he likes playing the f1 games like come on. he was so smiley and giggly and it's so obvious. like they share the same sense of humour for sure, to be able to have a laugh about the absurdity of being gifted an f1 game while you are a driver while your rival's face is plastered all over it, but the fact that max just accepts the title of biggest fan? c'mon. charles knows how to play around with people and it's so evident in how max reacts afterwards,, i know charles is charming but. please standup max i beg.
charles clearly allows max to do whatever he wants with him, being a willing recipient to all the maxplaining. i don't quite remember which gp this is, maybe jeddah? where the commentators willing pointed out that they just immediately go into debrief soon as qualifying or the race is over? yeah. that. charles just lets him do that, he has to like going over their stuff together to the point where the commentators are just casually pointing it out like they're teasing them. like honestly they love yapping to each other and it's why we got the terms maxplaining and leclerifying in the first place. and to learn that it's been a thing they've been doing since they were kids?? las vegas 2023 you were too good to me ily
charles loves in the quiet moments, in the way he watches them with grace and adoration, loving everything they do because it will always be their traits to love. whenever someone is at the center of attention, it's the gentle smiles, a soft curl upwards — how his eyes crinkle around the edges, how green his eyes shine, how every second he stares is worth its time in gold; charles just loves to observe and have quality time together, only ever being physical when his friends and loved ones crop up. and i dare say max is finally beginning to be on the list where charles can be easygoing around him even outside the paddock
this is such a mess. im not sorry. i still have more thoughts, more details. im going to scream
my love, my darling, my precious do you know how much i love you sharing your thoughts with me? honestly this ask is chef’s kiss 😘 and i wish i could pin it on the wall or something.
it’s true max is not shy to show affection and proclaim it while charles loves in the quiet moments. you have their dynamic down to a science. no, i’m not biased because we share the same sentiments
please share your thoughts on the hug and the chaist grabbing and how max pulls Charles closer to him (never does it with anyone else) and then gently pats him before they part ways like 🧐 …
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