#hazel rosenthal
ottersinhats · 4 months
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Violet Rowena Calloway (nee Rosenthal)
Violet was one of my favorite sims, and the 1910s heir. She was a brave nurse during The Great War and went on to be a midwife once the war ended. She married Roger Calloway in 1915 and nursed him back to health after a tragic accident during the war. Violet had twins in 1916 who were the light of her life. She enjoyed gardening and caring for her cats, chickens, and her sheep Ethel.
Violet is survived by her two children, Elodie and Charlie, her sister Sadie, 6 grandchildren , and many loving nieces and newphews.
She is preceded in death by her dear husband, Roger, her parents Everett and Rowena, and sisters Hazel and Carolina.
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mmonetsims · 1 year
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8 recent girlies (early oct - late sept. 2023)
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flawdchaos · 6 months
Spilled Drinks
Robert Rosenthal x Reader
Word Count - 1,735
authors note : hello friends, i have never written anything like this before and posted it. i had some free time today and an idea and dreamt this up. it is far from perfect but i hope you enjoy it, nonetheless. thank you!
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The muffled yelling of multiple voices was enough to drag Y/N out of the daze she had fallen into. Her workday had started early and ended late leaving her feet and head throbbing - a shower and her bed, more of a cot really, were calling her name. Her venture to the communal showers she shared with her fellow nursing staff was quickly interrupted as Violet and Helen crossed her path.
With a tilt of her head Violet spoke up. “And where do you think you are rushing off to?”
“To shower and get some sleep.” As soon as the final word fell from Y/N’s lips her two friends were quickly shaking their heads in protest.
“You promised! You always say a person is just as good as their word. It will just be for a drink or two and then you can come and get as much sleep as your heart desires. I swear to you.” Violet said, wagging her finger in front of Y/N, like a mother would do a troubled child.
After a brief glare between the two women, Y/N sighed, hung her in defeat, and turned back in the direction of her bunk.
“I don’t even know what to wear to an army base bar. Those men already don’t take us seriously and you think this is gonna make it any better?”
“The more you fight it, the worse it’s gonna be Y/N. Just for once stop living and breathing being a nurse and just be a girl surrounded by a bunch of good looking men.” Hazel spoke up for the first time that night before being met with another glare from Y/N’s direction.
Y/N knew both her friends had a solid point. In the ten months she had been working at Thorpe Abbotts she had never allowed herself a break. She did her best to maintain a positive reputation among the men she treated but her friends, and now even herself, had noticed that the weight of the job had begun to take its toll. A night away from the blood, cries, and medicine couldn’t be all too bad - for her sake.
The August heat was enough to force a light sweat upon the girls as they journeyed from their bunks to the bar. As they stepped inside the building, Hazel quickly pulled her powder from her purse and turned to Y/N blotting away at certain areas of her face.
“You have to talk to at least one man tonight. One. And not someone you’ve treated.” Violet stated and lightly shoved Y/N forward to the bar, shooing with her hand. “Get a drink, enjoy the night.’
“One cosmopolitan, please” Y/N stated after reaching the bar, flashing a smile. She hoped and prayed, as the guy poured away, that the alcohol would be enough to calm the nerves she felt bubbling in her stomach. They only increased as she looked around and spotted Colonels, Captains and Majors. Leaned against the other side of the bar were the now infamous friends, Buck and Bucky. Gale Cleven was nothing but kind and a gentleman but Y/N had overheard talk of a girlfriend back home and John Egan, well, he was John Egan. There was nothing else to say. A few months prior, during a training exercise he wound up hurt and sitting in front of her in the infirmary bay, clutching his elbow with a shit eating grin plastered to his face as she wrapped his arm. Conversation flowed easily with the major but Violet had urged her to speak to someone new.
The bartender brought her from her daze as he placed the drink in front of her and she quickly took a sip. As she pushed back from the bar, she ran directly into a tall frame that had tried to squeeze in beside her, red juice spilling on both of their newly starched clothes.
Before an apology could tumble from her mouth, the man was already grasping her arm to steady her and ushering for his friends to grab a towel from the bar.
“I am so sorry, ma’am. I wasn’t watching where I was going and I ju-” she cut his rambling off
“No, that was all my fault. I was lost in thought and then - oh my god” taking a quick glance down to the tan and brown jacket, her eyes shot open even wider, “your uniform. I can’t believe I got that all over your dress jacket.”
An arm reached between the two of them holding a towel that Y/N quickly grabbed and started dabbing along the man’s chest, steadying herself by grabbing onto his arm.
“This is the first night I ever came out and I just ruined someone’s jacket, oh my god.”
A large hand landed on top of hers, stopping her from continuing her attempts at cleaning up the mess she, well both of them, had made.
“I promise you, ma’am, it was my doing. Let me order you another drink. This ones on me.”
For the first time during this whole encounter, she looked up to the man she had lost her Cosmopolitan to. She was silent as she stood with his hand still over hers, quickly losing her will to deny the drink once her eyes locked with his blue ones, a small smile adorning his face. All she could do was nod. He took a step forward, placing his hand on the small of her back to turn her with him towards the bar.
“A cosmo, right?” he questioned and a small nod was directed his way. “Another cosmo for the lady and whisky, neat, for me please?” The bartender quickly got to work leaving the two strangers standing closely together in silence. The man quietly cleared his throat and stuck out his hand.
“Robert Rosenthal, but most of the guys call me Rosie.” Y/N took his outstretched hand and lightly shook it up and down.
“Y/N Y/L/N”
Robert grabbed the drinks the bartender sat before him and motioned his head towards an empty table across the dance floor.
“Would you like to grab a seat? I think you owe me at least a conversation after this.” he said, looking down at the tan shirt that was now stained slightly pink. A small smile made its way across Y/N’s face.
“It’s the least I could do.”
Robert led the way to the table, nestled in the corner and sat the drinks down. In a swift motion he pulled a seat out and ushered Y/N to take it. As soon as he sat down, a wave of confidence overtook Y/N’s once anxious mind.
“So, Rosie, what is it that you do?” she asked, raising the glass to her lips. She had some worry that the appearance of a woman drinking alcohol would be ‘unladylike’ but all of her care went out the window when she realized with everything she had seen and done, it was the smallest token of appreciation.
“I’m a pilot. I’ve been flying for a while now.”
“Are you any good?” she teased.
“I sure hope. I have learned the hard way making impressions isn't all too easy here. I just embarrassed myself in front of those two majors.” He said, moving his head to the right.
“Buck and Bucky?” he answered with a small nod. “Don’t sweat it, Buck is too nice to make fun of you and Bucky will forget about it in about two hours when the whisky finally hits and his favorite song comes on.” Rosie cracked a smile at her, shaking his head at the thought of the once intimidating major belting out show tunes.
“Thank you, that makes me feel better.”
Rosie took a large gulp of his drink and leaned forward on his forearms.
“So, Miss Y/N, how did you wind up here in paradise?”
“I’m a nurse. I’ve been here almost a year. I still don’t know what I'm meant for.” She admitted, lifting her glass to her mouth to slightly hide her face.
“How do you mean?” he quipped.
She took an inhale, taking a moment to carefully collect her words.
“It’s not easy. A lot of these guys come here, make friends with their crewmates and drink and sleep their feelings away. I can’t really blame them. They’re fighting a war for Christ's sake. But, us women, see what comes back. The trauma, the injuries - all of it - and we get sideways looks for drinking a shitty cosmopolitan every once and a while.” she laughed sarcastically as she finished the rest of her drink. “I love helping people but it gets hard.” He nodded, looking down at his own drink and giving it a swirl.
“I never thought of it that way. You ladies get the best and worst of us.”
She sat for a moment, looking at her hands folded in her lap.
“Do you see those two girls over there?”
“By the bar?”
“Mhm. Those are my friends. They have spent the entire ten months we have been here urging me to come out, get away from the bubble I've made for myself and I fought against it until tonight. I thought it would be a disaster. Then I got here and got a drink and told myself it would be fine, only to spill it all over you.”
“Y/N, it's really no bother.”
“I know, because as crazy as it sounds - I am so glad that I did.”
A small crept across Rosie’s face as he sat back in his seat, downing the rest of his whisky.
“And why’s that?”
“Because, it gave me the perfect excuse to talk to you Mr. Rosenthal.” cheeks turning bright red as she directed her eye contact towards him.
“Well then, I’d be a fool not to ask for a dance Mrs. Y/L/N.” standing from his seat and outstretching a hand, which Y/N gladly took.
Together, hand in hand, they walked to the dance floor where Rosie pulled her close. Y/N settled her head on his chest, watching as their feet moved in harmony.
“Oh, and Y/N,” he spoke up with a small smile perched on his lips, leaving her to tilt her head up towards the pilot “, the next round is on you.”
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upontherisers · 2 months
my mota OCs as olympians because i have to
mahalia - reigning gold medalist in women’s tennis but not the favorite because of the injury struggles. she has a fiery relationship with her doubles partner, fellow princeton alumni john egan. know for a mouth and a temper, plays with tactical precision and crazy speed, and is not someone you want to get in a fight with on twitter. she has a nike campaign and a racquet you can buy at dick’s sporting goods and outfits that have her fans making edits of her to meg songs on tiktok. doesn’t play about her parents. is coming into this olympics with less fire than usual, but her best playing in two years. some think she learned from the injury, some think it’s getting a new coach, but everyone can agree that it’s definitely not getting a new training partner in john egan, who seems to be the only person seeing the old mahalia on the court.
bucky - back to back tour champion. hasn’t medaled at the olympics yet, but after a roller coaster first five professional seasons, he’s held it together these past two seasons mostly due to a coaching switch. bowman seems to pick the problem kids. charming, strong, looks good in wristbands, has an undefinable relationship with a woman who could knock him unconscious with a tennis ball. he seems to linger around mahalia more and more as they fight less and less. they even stood with each other for the parade of nations. has a real shot this year.
hazel - beach volleyball, plays with sheila hartman. third olympics. got silver in her first, bronze in her second, and is chasing that elusive gold using momentum from the best professional season of her career. played on a national championship indoor team at stanford and everyone assumed she’d go pro in europe like her older brother did, but she joined the beach circuit instead. she’s found lots of success there, but there’s always been a “what if” hanging over her head. maybe this year she can prove that she’s right where she needs to be. is very friendly and welcoming to new players, but it’s no more mr. nice guy come game time
jack - two-time indoor volleyball olympian, first time beach volleyball olympian. it’s worse on his knees but easier on his shoulders. (there’s definitely something going on between him and hazel keene, right? or is it just me?)
dora - 100m and 400m hurdles. two timer. she’s fucking fast. always has her nails did, hair did, and face beat on track. always smiling. dating fellow columbia law student and olympian rosie rosenthal, a triathlete. hops the into the stands to hug him when she wins. has darren, delilah, and her grandparents’ names drawn on her shoes. wants to be a sports agent for black athletes when she retires.
rosie - proud boyfriend first, law student second, olympian third. not here to win, but brings home an honorable bronze nonetheless. dora definitely makes tiktoks about being a world-class athlete and student at the same time and rosie is in a lot of them and the world is in love with him but he’s the most married man of all time without being married.
vera - women’s eight rower, bow. top of the field in her sport, less than 5k followers on the instagram, incredible husband and beautiful, loud husky at home. she’s living the life. advocates for mental health in sports and coaches rowing when she’s not competing. rowed with ginny in college and hopes to defend her title from last olympics. has a smattering of tattoos and approx 12 piercings in each ear. married to u.s. men’s soccer player ben demarco (not playing this season due to injury but followed his wife to paris. making hab content on ig and tt)
ginny - women’s eight rower, seat 6. daughter of two olympic rowers. her two oldest brother, danny, and second youngest brother, peter (at the olympics) row quadruple sculls and quadruple sweep respectively. her youngest brother nathan is a ncaa champion eight, just like her. she and vera match their outfits each race, including hair and jewelry (up to 2 piercings, ginny ain’t doing all that).
lola - 50-200m freestyle. swims a crazy anchor leg for the women’s and mixed relays. the only person happier than her when she wins is fellow swimmer john brady.
bobbie - indoor volleyball, middle blocker. 2x ncaa player of the year and 4x first team all-american lighting europe tf up in her first professional season. but is it enough? her father, robert chambers, was on the last u.s. men’s team to win gold and she’s expected to outmatch his legacy by defending the u.s.’s title.
dolores - park skateboarder who takes on the course in wired headphones and not only does she not get tangled, she normally wins. soooooooooooooo bisexual.
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talesofhestia · 1 year
Aesthetics | Edits | Gifs | Multiships | Fics | Headcanons | Others
Marvel ⏤ Steve Rogers Defense Squad + Sam Wilson Defense Squad + Sharon Carter Defense Squad
DC ⏤ Core Four (Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Bart Allen & Cassie Sandsmark) Defense Squad + Batfamily & Superfamily
Teen Wolf ⏤ Stiles Stilinski Defense Squad
Supernatural ⏤ Team Freewill–centric
Star Wars ⏤ Luke Skywalker Defense Squad + Grogu Defense Squad + Pro-Jedi
One Piece ⏤ Mugiwara no Ichimi–centric + ASUL Siblings (ASL Brothers + Uta) + Shanks being Luffy's (and Uta's) dad
Other fandoms ⏤ Pokémon, Inazuma Eleven (Break Trio–centric), Naruto (mainly: Hyūga Hinata–centric or Team 8–centric), Fairy Tail, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters, Good Omens…
Ships that are most likely to appear ⏤
All fandoms mentioned above: Nakamaship | Platonic Relationships Marvel: Samsteve | Sam Wilson 𝘅 Steve Rogers, Staron | Steve Rogers 𝘅 Sharon Carter, Stony | Steve Rogers 𝘅 Tony Stark (only in Earth-616, Earth-20051, Earth-12041, Earth-8096, Earth-TRN814 & Earth-TRN562), Stucky | Steve Rogers 𝘅 Bucky Barnes (only in Earth-199999), Steve Rogers 𝘅 Bernie Rosenthal, Steve Rogers 𝘅 George Batroc (only in Earth-616), Steve Rogers 𝘅 Namor, Steve Rogers 𝘅 Namor 𝘅 Jim Hammond, Namor 𝘅 Jim Hammond, Reed Richards 𝘅 Sue Storm… DC: Timkon | Tim Drake 𝘅 Conner Kent, Timbart | Tim Drake 𝘅 Bart Allen, Timkonbart | Tim Drake 𝘅 Conner Kent 𝘅 Bart Allen, Timkonbartcassie | Bart Allen 𝘅 Tim Drake 𝘅 Conner Kent 𝘅 Cassie Sandsmark, Dickbabs | Dick Grayson 𝘅 Barbara Gordon… →Arrowverse: Supercorp | Kara Danvers 𝘅 Lena Luthor, Superflash | Kara Danvers 𝘅 Barry Allen, Superarrow | Kara Danvers 𝘅 Oliver Queen… One Piece: ZoLu | Roronoa Zoro 𝘅 Monkey D. Luffy, LawLu | Trafalgar D. Water Law 𝘅 Monkey D. Luffy, SanLu | Sanji 𝘅 Monkey D. Luffy, NamiVivi | Nami 𝘅 Nefertari (D.) Vivi, UsoKaya | Usopp 𝘅 Kaya, Frobin | Frank 𝘅 Nico Robin, Sako | Sabo 𝘅 Koala, Mishanks | Dracule Mihawk 𝘅 Shanks, Akagami no Shanks 𝘅 Makino, Nefertari (D.) Vivi 𝘅 Monkey D. Luffy… Teen Wolf: Sterek | Stiles Stilinski 𝘅 Derek Hale, Stora | Stiles Stilinski 𝘅 Cora Hale, Stackson | Stiles Stilinski 𝘅 Jackson Whittemore, Stanny | Stiles Stilinski 𝘅 Danny Mahealani, Dackson | Jackson Whittemore 𝘅 Danny Mahealani, Berica | Vernon Boyd 𝘅 Erica Reyes… Supernatural: Destiel | Dean Winchester 𝘅 Castiel, Drowley | Dean Winchester 𝘅 Crowley, Denny | Dean Winchester 𝘅 Benny Lafitte, Saileen | Sam Winchester 𝘅 Eileen Leahy, Samwena | Sam Winchester 𝘅 Rowena Macleod, Sabriel | Sam Winchester 𝘅 Gabriel… Stars Wars: Dinluke | Din Djarin 𝘅 Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade 𝘅 Luke Skywalker, Bobaluke | Boba Fett x Luke Skywalker, Dinbobaluke | Din Djarin x Boba Fett 𝘅 Luke Skywalker, Hanleia | Han Solo 𝘅 Leia Organa… Percy Jackson: Percabeth | Percy Jackson 𝘅 Annabeth Chase, Solangelo | Will Solace 𝘅 Nico di Angelo, Frazel | Frank Zhang 𝘅 Hazel Levesque, Percico | Percy Jackson 𝘅 Nico di Angelo, Jercy | Jason Grace 𝘅 Percy Jackson, Solackson | Will Solace 𝘅 Percy Jackson… Harry Potter: Hinny | Harry Potter 𝘅 Ginny Weasley, Romione | Ron Weasley 𝘅 Hermione Granger, Drarry | Draco Malfoy 𝘅 Harry Potter, Linny | Luna Lovegood 𝘅 Ginny Weasley, Nuna | Neville Longbottom 𝘅 Luna Lovegood…
AU: Earth–129916 | Cast
Earth–129916 is a universe that I have been writing for a few months for a series of stories that I will publish in AO3. The stories will be published first in my native language (Spanish); later, I will translate them into English.
This universe mixes concepts from comics, movies and series. Above all, from the following canonical universes:
Earth–20051 (Marvel Adventures Comics)
Earth–199999 (MCU)
Earth–12041 (Avengers Assemble)
You can see all my posts from this universe (including my face claims/fancast for each character ▬some of them match MCU actors/actresses and others don't; It should also be noted that I've chosen to give other roles to some MCU actors/actresses instead of their original roles▬) in this tag: «my au: earth 129916».
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Plebs (2013) OCs
Oc Count: 5
Name: Isabel Harper Abbott (Fry)
Birthday: August 9, 1988
Likes: Music, tea, being lazy, watching movies, swimming
Dislikes: Sand, pushy people, being rushed, long nails, judgment 
Personality: Soft-spoken, funny, patient, kind, loyal
Ship: Joel Fry
Side note(s):
She’s married to Joel but yk how it is with actresses they usually keep their last name for like movies and stuff but her real last name is now Fry 
They met during their time in Game of Thrones when he came on for seasons 4 and 5 in 2014 (Isabel's character was a minor recurring one until she died in season 6) and started dating. They got married in 2020 after 6 years of dating, just in time for them to both be cast in Cruella (Joel obviously being Jasper and Isabel being my oc Angela)
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Name: Sofia Hazel Riley 
Birthday: May 27, 1988
Likes: Painted nails, dressing up, music, comedies, pretzels
Dislikes: Paparazzi, revealing clothes, social media (for the most part), fake people, Italian food
Personality: Easygoing, comedic, graceful, patient, unproblematic 
Ship: Tom Rosenthal 
Side note(s):
They originally met on Friday Night Dinner (a BBC show where Tom was a main character named Jonny Goodman) where her character is Jim’s granddaughter that’s staying with him because the rest of his family doesn’t want to so she kinda just follows him around (Jim is the Goodman’s neighbor that always comes around who has I believe a German Shepherd named Wilson) but she also guest starred in Plebs several times which was fun 
They started dating after series 1 which aired in 2011 (I’d love to mention that their characters were shipped in the show because they had some serious chemistry) 
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Name: Lucy Règine Margaux 
Birthday: October 19, 1987
Likes: Cuddles, wind chimes, fruit, 70s music, vacations
Dislikes: Nightclubs, creepy dolls, heavy bass, being cold, horror movies
Personality: Soft, zen, enthusiastic, kind hearted, honest 
Ship: Ryan Sampson 
Side note(s):
I know Ryan is gay irl but bear with me here please I’m emotionally invested 
Lucy was a recurring background character for Plebs (that was sort of a love interest for Grumio but nothing ever planned out before she left the show in 2015) and that’s how she and Ryan met. 
They began dating in May of 2013 and they’re now engaged
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I don’t have character sheets for Karisa (Marcus) and/or Helena (Stylax) so I’ll just put their fcs below
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jellybeanbeing · 4 years
Songs I Listened To While Reading (2020)
Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley // “Violent Crimes” by Kanye West
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie // “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky // “unrequited love (& other cliches)” by breakup shoes
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater // “You Were Afraid” by Night Beds
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare // “listen before i go” by Billie Eilish, “Golden” by Riley Baron, “Hope For Everything That Is Not Here” by Night Beds
Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondaatje // “Blue Knuckle” by Night Beds, “Bird Song Intro” by Florence and the Machine
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir // “Shake It Out” by Florence and the Machine, “How to Love” by Lil Wayne
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir // “Which Witch” by Florence and the Machine
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir // “Power is Power” by The Weeknd, SZA, & Travis Scott, “Pray for Me” by The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar, “Wish That You Were Here” by Florence and the Machine
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds // no song
My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga // “You” by Petit Biscuit
Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga // “Anchor” by Novo Amor
The Case for Jamie by Brittany Cavallaro // “Only You” by Yazoo, “Chateau” by Angus & Julia Stone
Sula by Toni Morrison // “Homemade Dynamite” by Lorde
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern // “Bombs on Monday Morning” by Melanie Martinez, “Falling” by Florence and the Machine, “Misery Loves Company” by Gorgeous Bully
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown // “Skyfall” by Adele, “Seven Devils” by Florence and the Machine
Normal People by Sally Rooney // “Why Am I Like This?” by Orla Gartland
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert // “Rager teenager!” by Troye Sivan
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang // “Heather” by Conan Gray
The Bride Test by Helen Hoang // “Lookalike” by Conan Gray
Open House by Ruby Lang // “Like Real People Do” by Hozier, “Are You Hurting the One You Love?” by Florence and the Machine
Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren // “Dandelion” by Jealous of the Birds
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones // “Black Water Lilies” by AURORA, “Blinding” by Florence and the Machine
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren // “Break My Heart Again” by FINNEAS
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne // “Video Games” by Lana Del Rey
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa // “La Lune” by Billie Marten
You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle // “Je te laiserrai des mots” by Patrick Watson
I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid // “Drive” by Patrick Watson
How to Make Friends With the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow // “Soft Shock - Acoustic Version” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert // “22″ by Night Beds, “Heart of Glass” by Blondie
The Way to Game the Walk of Shame by Jenn P. Nguyen // “Berlin” by RY X, “Ramona” by Night Beds
The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai // “could cry just thinking about you” by Troye Sivan
Beach Read by Emily Henry // “exile” by Taylor Swift & Bon Iver
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater // “Tell Her You Love Her” by Echosmith, “You Were Afraid” by Night Beds, “Good Grief (SLOWED)” by Bastille
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater // “violent” by carolesdaughter, “listen before i go” by Billie Eilish
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater // “All of Them Dreams” by Tom Rosenthal, “pov” by Ariana Grande, “Can I Call You Tonight?” by Dayglow
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater // “Rising, Rising” by Crywolf (Bassnectar Remix), “We Are the Ones” by Son Lux, “Running With the Wolves” by AURORA
Horrid by Katrina Leno // “Exist For Love” by AURORA
Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein // “Apocalypse” by Cigarettes After Sex, “Stand Still” by Zayn
Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai // “Woodland” by The Paper Kites
A Sky Beyond the Storm by Sabaa Tahir // “Diamonds” by Sam Smith, “Yellow Flicker Beat” by Lorde, “Rising, Rising” by Crywolf (Bassnectar Remix)
The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary // “Halcyon” by The Paper Kites
Marry Christmas by Jane Goodger // “Featherstone” by The Paper Kites
Kids of Appetite by David Arnold // “Goodie Bag” by Still Woozy, “Between the Bars” by Elliott Smith
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman // “The Wisp Sings” by Winter Aid
Well Met by Jen DeLuca // “champagne problems” by Taylor Swift
The Porpoise by George Vaughan // “Clementine” by Halsey
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
9 for the 1d at the cabin fic, 10 from the cashton orpheus songfic, 14, 18, 20, 22 hazel i feel like i always pick such weirdly deep cuts of your fics because i haven't read the Big Name fics of yours even though i'm pretty sure the main Big Fic of yours that i somehow still haven't read is puzzle pieces (SORRY) but i honestly just love your small stuff so much. anyway. love you xoxo
honestly babe i'd say my big fics are off-screen, too close to see, puzzle pieces, maybe vampire mashton, and then the mashton college au (which is actually a series of five fics and you've read one of them) so you're not missing much lol although i appreciate the deep cuts those are fun to talk about <3
9. If you had to assign a theme song to here's a hand my trusted friends, which would you assign? The Straight No Chaser version of "Auld Lang Syne" is what it's named after! I love that version of the song, it's the only version I've found that feels joyful? And I feel like it captures a hope for the future and a love of those around you that I wanted that fic to have. Otherwise, I would say "It's Been A Year" by Tom Rosenthal, which feels cheap because it's what I named the roylum fic after, but it's the song that always defines the end of the year for me and I think it fits this fic well.
10. What is the line you’re proudest of from find me here amidst the chaos? ooooo i'm actually quite proud of this fic as a whole but the stand out line is this one
He might not know how to give stitches, but he can keep applying band-aids until the wound scars over.
that's a great metaphor right there. I feel like it really captures how Calum is feeling, and I think it's important that he knows that he can't fix this for Ashton, but he's still going to try to do what he can
14. How do you feel about your older work? i feel like i peaked with my first three 5sos fics In general I feel pretty positive! all fics have little lines here and there that I would change and while I feel like my execution of fics has improved a little, I feel like my older ideas are my better ones tbh. idk they're just charming. It's actually really strange to me when people who know my writing don't know off-screen, too close to see, or puzzle pieces since for a long time i had it in my head that those were the only fics of mine that people liked, forgetting that the passage of time and me releasing new content naturally means that sometimes people know my newer stuff instead lol
18. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? I actually really don't edit that much. For the most part I do it when it's finished, but sometimes I'll make little adjustments as I go if I'm re-skimming something I wrote so I remember what was happening/can get myself in the right mindset
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear? oooo this is difficult because i like all sorts of comments and positive feedback. right now I like hearing that my stuff elicited emotion in people because i've been feeling insecure about the emotional quality of my works lol but genuinely i'm happy with all sorts of stuff
22. Do you enjoy making OCs for your fanfics, or prefer sticking to canon characters? ooooooooOOOOOOOOO it sure depends!!!! I like incorporating existing people in the background because it feels really satisfying to me when I figure out how they best translate from the real world to the fic world in aus specifically, but I do love my OCs too! which i'm sure is apparent given that my first 5sos fic was from an oc's perspective. i feel like there are some roles that are best suited to OCs and some that are best suited to canon characters. for example: children are normally best as OCs. often for extended family members i use OCs because stalking their real families to figure out their sister in law or cousin or aunt is Bad. but if i needed to give my characters a neutral/positive roommate, I would use someone associated with 5sos (such as one of their actual roommates like matt, roy, or the girlfriends (platonic mode)). If i was giving them a roommate they hate it would be an oc because i'm not going to do a real person dirty like that.
that was a really long way to say that it depends on the fic but i find them both to be enjoyable!
ask me some fanfic writer questions
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themadvigilantist · 5 years
Muse Traits
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MUSE NAME: Vendatriaradoraricana BOLD all that applies to your muse!
• EYES: blue | green | brown | hazel | grey | gray-blue | other • HAIR: blonde | sandy | brown | black | strawberry blonde | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other • BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight • SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored • GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels • SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels • ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels • SPECIES: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant • EDUCATION: GED | high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other • I’VE BEEN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured| raped | brainwashed | shot • POSITIVE TRAITS: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm • NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin-skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative • LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | depends on verse • PARENTS/GUARDIAN: mom | dad | adoptive | foster | grandmother| grandfather | sibling(s) [2] sister(s) [1] brother(s) • RELATIONSHIP: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse • I HAVE A(N): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | ptsd | mental disability | physical disability | verse dependent • THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self harmed | starved themselves | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
tagged: @pi-jessicajones
tagging: @girl-in-the-tardis | @paigeatyourservice | @lonelybxstards | @roxxanandfriendsplace | @takumishinobi | @summoner-rosenthal | @nytehavyn-circle | @fightlikeaguurrl | @brain-blazer | @isitrecording | @theoriginalbloodcountess | @silentbehaviorisms | @goldenacolyte  | @wxngsandwxbs | @thebadtimewolf because i need to make one for vigil so !}
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ottersinhats · 10 months
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Elodie Charlotte Calloway wed Thomas Quentin Hyde in spring of 1922.
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theawkwardterrier · 6 years
greatestheights replied to your post: 2018 book roundup
holy shit. that is incredible tbh what were your faves out of the adult and picture books? i’m sure it’s pretty hard to narrow down, so no worries if that’s too tall an ask!
Not at all! For adult books:
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green 
The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
Educated by Tara Westover
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik 
Textbook by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
I’m also including Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak and Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostakovich and the Siege of Leningrad by M.T. Anderson in this category - for different reasons, they each have an adult bent even though they are marketed as YA.
The picture book list is quite a bit longer so it’s going under the cut, but it includes both books that appealed to me aesthetically and those which had narratives or phrasing that I loved:
Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts
After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat
All Different Now: Juneteenth, the First Day of Freedom by Angela Johnson and E.B. Lewis
The Antlered Ship by Dashka Slater, and Eric and Terry Fan
The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone-Roach
Big Cat, Little Cat by Elisha Cooper
Blue by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
The Book of Mistakes by Corinna Luyken
The Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson and R. Gregory Christie
Crankenstein by Samantha Berger and Dan Santat
The Dark by Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen
Dear Substitute by Audrey Vernick, Liz Garton Scanlon, and Chris Raschka
A Different Pond by Bao Phi and Thi Bui
Dreamers by Yuyi Morales
Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl's Courage Changed Music by Margarita Engle and Rafael López
Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos by Monica Brown and John Parra
Game Changers: The Story of Venus and Serena Williams by Lesa Cline-Ransome and James E. Ransome
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas by Natasha Yim and Grace Zong
A Greyhound, A Groundhog by Emily Jenkins and Chris Appelhans
Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers
How to Be an Elephant by Katherine Roy
I Really Want to See You, Grandma by Taro Gomi
I Wish You More by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld
Ida, Always by Caron Levis and Charles Santoso
Imani's Moon by Janay Brown-Wood and Hazel Mitchell
The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig and Patrice Barton
Life Without Nico by Andrea Maturana and Francisco Javier Olea
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
Love by Matt de la Pena and Loren Long
Lucia the Luchadora by Cynthia Leonor Garza and Alyssa Bermudez 
Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai and Kerascoët
Marilyn's Monster by Michelle Knudsen and Matt Phelan
The Mermaid and the Shoe by K.G. Campbell
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino and Isabelle Malenfant
Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
Muddy: The Story of Blues Legend Muddy Waters by Michael James Mahin and Evan Turk
My Teacher Is a Monster! (No, I Am Not.) by Peter Brown
Nanette's Baguette by Mo Willems
Night Animals by Gianna Marino
Noodle Magic by Roseanne Thong and Meilo So
Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima
Not So Different: What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability by Shane Burcaw and Matt Carr
Number One Sam by Greg Pizzoli
One Day in the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree by Daniel Bernstrom and Brendan Wenzel
A Perfect Day by Lane Smith
The Pigeon Needs a Bath! by Mo Willems
La Princesa and the Pea by Susan Middleton Elya and Juana Martinez-Neal
The Princess and the Pony by Kate Beaton
The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine by Mark Twain, and Philip C. and Erin E. Stead
Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall
School's First Day of School by Adam Rex and Christian Robinson
Snappsy the Alligator by Julie Falatko and Tim Miller
Strictly No Elephants by Lisa Mantchev and Taeeun Yoo
This Book Just Ate My Dog! by Richard Byrne
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World by Matt LaMothe
This Is Sadie by Sara O'Leary and Julie Morstad
Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts and Noah Z. Jones
To the Sea by Cale Atkinson
Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great by Bob Shea
We Don't Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins
We Found A Hat by Jon Klassen
The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen
Wolfie the Bunny by Ame Dyckman and Zachariah OHora
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flawdchaos · 6 months
Pinky Promises
Robert Rosenthal x Reader
Word Count - 1840
- this is a part 2/continuation of Spilled Drinks that was requested by anon.
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Ever since the night Y/N had literally ran into Rosie at the bar she couldn’t seem to rid herself of a small smile, no matter what she did. When the girls made it back to their barracks that night, the ambushing of questions went on for well over an hour and even into the next morning.
“You have to talk to him again, Y/N. We both saw the way he looked at you when you were dancing.” Violet declared as she pinned her hair back under the white cap the Red Cross was gracious enough to bless them with. “You know Violet is right, Y/N. He’s already dreaming of a house back in the states and curly headed babies running around.”
“Hazel!” Y/N stopped midway through her dress buttons to lightly smack her friend on the arm, cheeks burning bright red. “I just met the man and for all we know, he doesn’t care and will never speak to me again.” Reaching down to grab her work satchel packed full of supplies.
“Well Y/N if that was the case I don’t believe Mr. Rosenthal would be waiting outside for you, would he?” Violet taunted, Y/N’s head snapping up to meet her friend's gaze. Violet stood peering out the window, fingers holding the blinds open enough to see outside. Hurriedly, Y/N rushed over the window trying her best to not trip over her own feet.
Sure enough there stood Robert Rosenthal - hands shoved in his pockets gaze searching the area around him.
“Go get him, tiger!” Hazel bent forward, laughing.
There truly was not much left in this world that could phase Y/N. She had seen it all in the cruel reality that was war. Men she had grown close to over the span of their visits to the nurses stations would come back battered and broken, some beyond repair - and despite all of what she saw, she was always able to ground herself. She had to. But now, she felt like a young school girl again. Her body was littered with anxiety - sweaty palms, shaking hands, and a racing heart. Why?
All because Robert Rosenthal was standing outside of the nursing barracks.
The squeaking of the barrack front door brought her back down to reality for a moment before the brightness of the sun had her quickly shielding her eyes.
“Rosie, is that you?” she more than obviously knew the answer but she still could not convince herself that it really was him.
“Uh, yeah”, he let out an awkward chuckle “I wanted to stop by this morning and see how things were going. Maybe walk you to the nurses station since I’m heading in that direction.” he was rambling. She stood, head cocked up to him, eyes squinting still from the sun. “I mean, unless, that makes you uh - uncomfortable.”
“I’d love the company. The commute can get a bit lonely.” that same small smile making its way back onto her face. Rosie extended his hand for Y/N to lead the way and with one quick glance back inside she saw her friends staring out at her, smiles plastered on each of their faces.
“What is on your itinerary, today?” Robert finally spoke up.
“The usual. Work until roughly 1900, probably later since there is a mission today and hope to make it back to the barracks in time to do some reading before I get up and do it all again tomorrow.” Y/N paused, kicking a few pebbles along the path before she continued. “How is the day looking for you?”
“Nothing too crazy but I am going up today.” he said nonchalantly, stopping Y/N in her place.
“You’re flying today?” she almost felt like throwing up. Maybe it was selfishness or chosen ignorance but Y/N had grown to hope the war wouldn’t need Robert anymore. She hoped she could protect him from it but all she could do was treat the wounds he would inevitably bring back to her.
“Yeah, debriefing starts at 0730. I’m heading over there once we get you where you need to be.” Her anxiety ridden mind could not help but imagine this was Rosie’s goodbye to her.
Y/N stepped forward to Rosie, grabbing his hands in hers as she looked up to maintain eye contact.
“I know I am just a nurse and you can’t tell me what you're doing up there or where you’re going but you have to pinky promise me you’ll be safe.” Dropping his left hand, she stuck her pinky out expectantly.
“Cross my heart.” he said, as their pinkies connected tightly.
As they continued along their walk, conversation came easily. The pair were still strangers by most accounts and each of them hated it. Y/N wanted to know everything there was to know about Robert Rosenthal and she had made it her plan to figure it out. Stopping outside the nurses station, Rosie removed his hat and began anxiously squeezing it in his hands.
“Be safe up there, fly boy.” Y/N teased, attempting to keep the mood as lightened as she could.
“As long as you do the same down here.” Y/N nodded.
“This mission will be my 20th. I’ve got a two day pass calling my name once my feet hit the ground. Let me treat you to a real introduction and dinner.” Rosie spoke quickly, nerves taking over the brunette.
“I would love that, Mr. Rosenthal.” rising on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss against his cheek. “You know where I'll be when you get back.” With that, Y/N took a step back and hurried inside to her awaiting duties.
There wasn’t any other time that Y/N had remembered the clock dragging by so slowly. The seconds ticking by was beginning to drive her up the wall and she had to busy herself with random duties. It was while she was restocking the gauze that she heard the all too familiar rumble of the engines overhead. She couldn’t make it to the window to count the returning planes but she hoped, with all her being, every single one of them returned. Hazel’s blonde curls popped around the closet corner, an all too familiar sign that the once quiet med bay was about to pure, unadulterated chaos.
“We’ve got boys already headed our way.” Hazel spoke softly, as if she tried to lessen the blow.
“How bad?” Y/N asked but was only met with a small head shake from the blonde - it was never a good sign.
When Y/N finally saw Robert Rosenthal, he appeared in the med bay doors adorning some cuts and scrapes across his face.
“I told you I would make it back, pretty lady. My leave starts at 0700 sharp. Let’s go to London.”
It was pure luck that her days off coincided with Rosie’s rendezvous and that Helen and Violet were great at covering for their friend. The train ride was where Y/N finally got to the bottom of who Robert Rosenthal truly was. Shortly after taking their seats, Y/N couldn’t help but start to prod.
“Alright, tell me everything Mr. Rosenthal. Give me all the dirty details.”, her cheeks flushed bright red ,”uh- not like that i mean tell me - uh - tell me something no one else knows about you or something.” She could have thrown herself off of the moving train at that point but Rosie just flashed her a smile and started speaking.
“Robert Rosenthal, from Brooklyn, New York. I was working in law before all this mess. I loved it. Graduated top of my class actually. But after Pearl Harbor, I couldn’t keep sitting on my ass while my country needed me so - I enlisted.”
“No secret wife or kids back at home?” Y/N poked.
“No ma’am. It’s just me. And - uh - as far as something no one on this side of the world knows about me - I was the captain for my college’s baseball team. I was trying to be the next DiMaggio.” a small chuckle escaping him as he finished his sentence. “Now what about you?” he asked, softly bumping his shoulder up against the girls.
“Nothing too crazy for me. I always loved helping folks, I was told my whole life I was meant to be a nurse. Once we started fighting this fight I knew I had to volunteer - sorta like you I guess. I’m not dropping bombs or toting a gun but knowing I patch you all up before you get back in the saddle is enough for me.” she sighed, turning up to glance at Rosie.
“And no secret husband out at war or kids back at home?” Rosie mimicked her early question. Y/N snorted, shaking her head. “God no, Robert. Where I’m from I don’t turn heads.” He took a moment to look at her, maintaining eye contact before he took his large hand and grasped over hers before pulling them on to his lap.
“Well Y/N Y/L/N you turned mine - and maybe after we get all this nonsense settled with the bad guys, I can give you a tour of Brooklyn. I know just the place that I’d love to take you dancing.”
“I’m most certainly holding you to it but for now, let’s explore London.” raising her free hand to the platform approaching quickly.
“Yes ma’am. How would you feel about a picnic?”
“That sounds absolutely lovely.”
Rosie stood up as soon as the train hissed to a stop, busying himself with gathering the overnight bags each of them had packed. He stubbornly insisted on carrying both to the hotel around the corner. Y/N knew they would have to enter as colleagues and nothing more, separating as they went to their respective rooms to drop off their bags before meeting again in the hallway.
“Let’s go find sandwiches.” he spoke quietly and Y/N nodded, falling in line behind him as they walked past the lobby and out to the streets. For the first time Y/N really took in the size of the city around her and she couldn’t even help that her jaw was almost to the floor. The Germans had done their share of damage but it didn’t lessen the experience for her at all.
“What is it, Y/N?” Rosie questioned, taking a step towards her.
“I’ve never seen a city like this before. This is just - wow.” Rosie broke out into an ear-to-ear grin. “It is awesome but wait until I take you to Brooklyn. We’ll catch the train to New York City and I’ll make sure you take the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.”
“You promise?” Y/N broke from her trance to look up as Rosie smiled and turned to her fully, sticking out her left hand.
“I pinky promise.” he said, watching as Y/N connected their hands tightly. “You better believe it. I haven’t broken a promise yet.”
AUTHORS NOTE - hi friends, i hope everyone enjoyed this little part two to spilled drinks. there may be a part 3 to this little series if it’s wanted. please feel free to give me feedback or more requests as my inbox as open. i’m still new to this so i appreciate anything :)
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vickiabelson · 2 years
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I was conflicted about whether or not to post/talk about the Celebration of George Shapiro's life, perfectly orchestrated and executed by Aimee Hyatt and Pat Hazel. Recounting the details was stupefying as was the blessing of having known Georgie, and Amee's extreme kindness including me. I learned so much about the force that was Georgie, beyond that he embodied joie de vivre like no human I've ever known, a man who gave everything, and took nothing (except in business), was someone who proudly defied fear across the board, including in his passing, who believed that everything and everyone he encountered was THE BEST, and for everyone who was lucky enough to know him, that's exactly what he was.
A name dropper from knee socks, I was woe to name the participants, lest I be the braggart of obnoxiousness I am... but how could I not share the magnitude of the many who came out in this crazy still COVID time (it was my first indoor event - and I suspect I was not the only masked one for whom this was true), Georgie warranted the respect, and in his fashion the exuberant joy and pleasure. We got to bear witness to a bounty of heartfelt and hysterical words from, I'm fastening my seat belt, Georgie's sweet kids, Rob Reiner, Jeff Garlin, Danny DeVito, Kevin Nealon, Phil Rosenthal, Sara Silverman, Dick Van Dyke, Mel Brooks, Norman Lear, and Jerry Seinfeld, to name but some. I sure hope they filmed it. Brilliant, all. And there are stories and a host of others just as amazing who didn't take the podium. I remembered many of them on the Live.
At the after-party, because of course, George wanted everyone to eat and be merry, I got to get up close, mix and mingle with friends I haven't seen since this crazy began, Kelly Carlin for one (pictured above with Snuffy and me, thanks to the sweet & talented, Susan Weininger), & others I haven't seen in gazillions of years... and, most heart-gripping, I got to lock eyes in the reals again with the miracle that is Norman Lear, pinch his cheeks and kiss them, congratulate and hug beloved Phil Rosenthal, whose Somebody Feed Phil, had gotten picked up for a 6th season that very day, tell Rob Reiner how much his father meant and means to me, lots of other fun stuff I shared, including a poignant surprise to end the evening.
My greatest takeaway of this stupendous evening - to face life with the generous, exuberant joy this Bronx boy we were feting always did - to fear nothing, and when challenged, to ask myself, "What would Georgie do," as I did today to end a difficult standoff. I 'splain. George Shapiro lives on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him. His legacy of kindness, gratitude, love, laughter, fun, and funny, will never die. George Shapiro was simply, THE BEST!
Can you believe I had more to say about this... I did!
Shooting The Shit With Vicki
Monday, August 22, 2022
Streamed Live @5 PT on my FB
Replay here: https://bit.ly/3T9j8LO
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angelofsepta · 6 years
Tagged by @secondhandsatisfaction​
1. Nickname: Jorie, Missy Miss (on occasion)
2. Star Sign: Virgo
3. Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
4. Age: 19
5. Time: 8:27 PM
6. Favorite Band/Artist: Radical Face, Tom Rosenthal, and the always relevant Billy Joel
7. Song stuck in my mental: “Something Wild” by Lindsey Sterling
8. Last movie seen: Hearts Beat Loud
9. Last googled: Omens of death cows. I really don’t have a good explanation for that one.
10. Other blogs?: Nope, it’s a one act show.
11. Do i get asks?: Nope, it’s a very low attendance show.
12. Username meaning?: I used the phrase in a poem once and it got stuck in my head
13. Following: ?
14. Avg sleep time: Incredibly varied. At my most relaxed, eight to ten hours. At my most powerful, I can get by on three.
15. Lucky number(s): Eight!
16. What I’m wearing: Khaki shorts and a Hamlet t-shirt
17. Dream Career: An archivist or an act conservator.
18. Dream Trip: I want to go everywhere. Everywhere. Machu Picchu, Hadrian’s Wall, Akron? I’m game, let me pack a bag.
19. Fav food: Bob’s Mints are absolutely addictive.
20. Playing an instrument: I played the viola in grade school, but alas, no more.
21. Fav song atm: “Hymn for a Scarecrow” by Tally Hall
22. Sports?: I like to watch baseball sometimes. Or, more accurately, I like to eat the stadium food and be obnoxious about cheering.
23. Hair Colour: Red dyed. Brown naturally.
24. Eye color: Hazel.
25. Most iconic song: “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon.
26. Languages?: Just English unfortunately. Maybe the tiniest touch of German?
27. Random fact: My parents used to let my brothers and I roam the neighborhood, trespass in every neighbor’s yard, and scale rock faces in the middle of winter and I think that’s why I will never truly fear death.
28. My aesthetic: You know when it’s like nine hundred degrees out and you’re basically in your birthday suit because wearing anything would literally kill you and you’re sorting through your grandmother’s attic to find tax forms while only narrowly avoiding impaling your skulls with the nails protruding from the low celling and you find an old album, filled with pictures not quite brown with age, but warped around the edges and smelling vaguely of perfume and you poke around and note just how much you used to look like your mother and how different you look now and are struck with the pure, undiluted realization that time is passing by and you’re making yourself into a new person every second with every choice and action and even though you’re still you for a split second you’re so much more you than you’ve ever been before?
Yeah. That.
Considering I have nineteen followers and over half of them are bots, I’ll just say anyone who comes across this is welcome to it. So go nuts!
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Would you guys be interested in learning about my ocs?
This is just out of curiosity tbh. I’d like to interact with my followers/enjoyers of my fics (if there are any). My ocs are listed below along with their ships. If you want to know about my ocs just say their name and I’ll post their character sheet and faceclaim as well as say how many fanfics I’ve written for them.
Harry Potter
Marauders Era
Ella Underwood (James Potter, Henry Potter)
Gaia Devereaux (Sirius Black)
Violetta Cook (Remus Lupin)
Cecelia Potter (Regulus Black)
Madeline Potter (Xenophilius Lovegood)
Henry Potter (Dorcas Meadowes, Ella Underwood)
Antonius Black (N/A yet)
Adina Black (Barty Crouch Jr.)
Cairo Lupin (Isadora Diamandis)
Isadora Diamandis (Cairo Lupin)
Golden Era
Anastasia Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Rayna Longbottom (Ron Weasley)
Cecily Sadler (Draco Malfoy)
Mallorie Bishopp (Fred Weasley)
Corinne Alastair (George Weasley)
Cassandra Foster (Percy Weasley)
Adora Parrish (Charlie Weasley)
Sophia O’Malley (Bill Weasley)
Chloe Eratos (Ginny Weasley)
Calypsa Trelawney (Luna Lovegood)
Dinah Fanley (Cedric Diggory)
Charlotte Creevey (Neville Longbottom)
Jessica Stix (Oliver Wood)
Holly Diggory (Viktor Krum)
Ophelia Teagarden (Nymphadora Tonks)
Judith Stix (Seamus Finnigan)
Rosemary Clover (Tom!Peter Parker)
Andrea Louis (Bruce Banner)
Hannah Clearwood (Tony Stark)
Alina Cetus (Pietro Maximoff)
Amy Penn (Sam Wilson)
Georgia Barnes (Steve Rogers)
Minna Olesia (Natasha Romanoff)
Ingrid Meller (Stephen Strange)
Maeve Nadine (Andrew!Peter Parker)
Hali Brooks (Benjamin Barnes)
Lyra Beatrix (Brunhilde)
Valerie Urson (Quentin Beck)
Julie and the Phantoms
Daisy Sloane (Luke Patterson)
Hattie Rowland (Reggie Peters)
Evangeline Buchanan (Alex Mercer)
Danielle Poet (Willie)
Juniper Dalton (Charlie Gillespie)
Allison Hicks (Jeremy Shada)
Hazel Matthews (Owen Joyner)
Mila Evans (Booboo Stewart)
The Hobbit
Pandora Potts (Bilbo Baggins)
Sienna Hollyfoot (Thorin Oakenshield)
Nessa Thorn (Kili Durin)
Celeste Nasrin (Fili Durin)
Gemma Rankin (Bofur Rankin)
Roslyn Stardust (Bard the Bowman)
Aster Everwood (Thranduil Oropherion)
Iris Cricket (Elrond Peredhil)
Marina Willow (Lindir Talierin)
Artanis (Erestor)
Elletta Nightstone (Glorfindel Laurefindelë)
Netra Underlake (Elladan Peredhil)
Adaia Taleasin (Elrohir Peredhil)
Lord of the Rings
Lalia Featherborn (Frodo Baggins)
Brooke Bilberry (Merry Brandybuck)
Camelia Tunnelly (Pippin Took)
Adelaide Stoor (Samwise Gamgee)
Issa Goodwin (Aragorn)
Citra Underlake (Boromir)
Alphine Barrowes (Legolas Greenleaf)
Mirabella Holidan (Haldir)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Elizabeth Carlton (Paul)
Julie Burton (Dwayne)
Wendy Miller (David)
Heather Brown (Marko)
Edith Jackson (Michael)
Hilda Snow (Paul Lahote)
Amarie Taylor (Leah Clearwater)
Raven Lance (Edward Cullen)
Eleanor Martin (Charlie Swan)
Arielle Swan (Seth Clearwater)
Anastasia Whitlock (Demetri Volturi)
Olivia Hale (Caius Volturi)
Charity Cullen (Embry Call)
Sarah McCarty (Edward Cullen, Alec Volturi)
Cruella (2021)
Angela Young (Jasper Badun)
Amethyst Ellet (Cruella de Vil)
Gemma Harlow (Artie Katz)
Isabel Abbott-Fry (Joel Fry)
Hannibal (2013)
Maya Morano-Graham (Will Graham)
Fleur Ramsey (Hannibal Lecter)
Celine Lennox (Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham)
Lizabeth Alva (Hugh Dancy)
Prodigal Son 2019
Elena Nadis (Malcom Bright/Whitly)
Plebs (2013)
Helena (Stylax)
Karisa (Marcus)
Sofia Riley (Tom Rosenthal)
Lucy Margeaux (Ryan Sampson)
Kiyara Tallhart (Hizdahr zo Loraq)
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christopherhudsonjr · 7 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/2/18)
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100 Words Or Less - Chris #2 from Anti-Flag
Against the Grain - The History of Classical Anarchism
Anews - 52: what has occurred in the last week in the wide world of anarchism
Animal Law - Harvard’s Animal Law and Policy Program
ATB - Ben Bradley’s Political Eulogy
Audio Report - Tree Sit Resists Mountain Valley Pipeline in Appalachia
The Bearded Vegans - Dog Meat and Hero Cows: Using Speciesist News Stories To Our Advantage
Bi Any Means - Psychiatric Abuse with Caleb Orion
Biskeptical - #MeToo in the Atheist Movement
By Any Means Necessary - 'An American Execution' and Trump's Destruction of the EPA
Cato Daily - The Case against Qualified Immunity
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Is the "Black Panther" Movie Disrespectful to Black Americans?
Clear and Present Danger - The Age of Persecution
Conversations with Tyler - Robin Hanson on Signaling and Self-Deception
The Corbett Report - The Weaponization of Social Media
Dangerous History - Talking National Security Cinema with Tom Secker
Delete Your Account - Dirty Water: interview with incarcerated environmental activist Bryant Arroyo
The Dig - Glenn Greenwald: Surveillance Hypocrisy Amid Russiagate Mania
Discourse Collective - Current Events - Lee Atwater Part II
Economic Rockstar - Eric Lonergan on the Philosophy of Money (Part 1)
EconTalk - Elizabeth Anderson on Worker Rights and Private Government
Felony Friday – The Felon Firefighter
The Final Straw - “Between the Bullet and the Lie”: Kristian Williams on George Orwell
Foreign Policy Focus - Why the UN is Horrible
Free Man Beyond The Wall - What Do You Do, When the Police Show Up at Your Door…and They Intend to Kill You?: interview with Dan Gifford on Waco
Free Thoughts - Is the DEA Trippin’? (with Rick Doblin)
Friendly Anarchism - No Nazis In Knox, Heckling Cops, and Mental Fortitude with Molly
The Gaytheist Manifesto - What Does it Mean to be a Man?
The Guillotine - Mass Shootings, Gun Control, Afrin, and Nazi Terrorism
Historical Controversies - Filibuster in Nicaragua, Part 5: President William Walker
The Hotwire - #20: West Virginia teachers strike—Student walkouts everywhere—Youth liberation NOW!
IGDcast - Mutual Aid Disaster Relief on Building Dual Power & Upcoming Tour
Indigo Radio - Our Children "In Custody": Foster Care and the Vermont Eugenics Movement
Kite Line - Conscious in Confinement
Knowing Animals - Evil in Nature with Oscar Horta
Labour Wave Revolution Radio - On Air: West Virginia Teachers' Strike and Hazel Daniels from the Coalition of Graduate Employees
Liberty Chronicles - Rumps and Buffaloes
Macro Musings - Brink Lindsey and Steven Teles on Rent-Seeking and the Twin Melees Afflicting the U.S. Economy
The Magnificast - Gettin' Charismatic w Vincent Lloyd
Neighbor Science - Peeter da Bo$$ and A$$alt Ryfle rap about the new$
Our Hen House - Carol Adams and Bill Crain on exploitative history of the hamburger, sexual and physical violence in the animal rights movement, and recent arrest for civil disobedience while protesting the New Jersey Bear Hunt.
Peaceful Anarchism - Mary J Ruwart – Author of Healing Our World, The Compassion of Libertarianism
Polite Conversations - The intersection of Religion & Tech
Political Research Digest - Do Americans Implicitly Trust Government, Despite our Public Anger?
Primo Nutmeg - Mark Stewart, libertarian-leaning Democrat running for Governor of Connecticut in 2018
Radical Underground - Long Live International Solidarity!
Radio Rothbard - Lack of Police Accountability Shows the "Social Contract" Isn't Working
Reason - Kurt Loder on Why the Oscars Always Suck but Movies Are Great
Revolutionary Left Radio - Black Rose Anarchist Federation: Revolutionary Organizing
School Sucks - Dropping Out of College, Why and How (Derek Magill, Part One)
The Scott Horton Show - Surviving Branch Davidian David Thibodeau recalls the Waco Massacre 25 years later
Serious Inquiries Only - Lawrence Krauss Accused of Sexual Misconduct; Interview with Monette Richards
Srlsy Wrong - School Shootings Are Bad
Symptomatic Redness - Marxism and Religion
This Is Hell! - Human / Nature: Women and the work of building of Black nationalism / On time, trauma and the climate storm to come / Inside America's growing, doomed White nationalist movement / A history of Millennials and neoliberalism / I could never shoot enough Wayne LaPierres
Tech Freedom - How Should Congress Address Online Sex Trafficking?
Unregistered - Janet Capron: Author of the memoir Blue Money, which chronicles her time as a prostitute in New York City in the early 1970s
The Vegan Vanguard - Universal Basic Income: Panacea or Dystopia?
Women’s Liberation Radio News - Analysis of Rape Culture & #METOO Movement
Who Shaves the Barber? - David Rosenthal: Consciousness
The Whorecast - Rep. Elizabeth Edwards and SWOP’s Leslee Petersen on Studying Decrim in New Hampshire
Words & Numbers - Why Don't We Insure Guns Like We Insure Cars?
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