#hazel & cha cha
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pop-video · 2 months ago
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filministic · 8 months ago
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The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024)
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nexus-my-beloved · 6 months ago
Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Klaus took the bullet for Dave in Vietnam. Klaus comes back (not realizing he should, in fact, be VERY dead) to a Dave that is heartbroken and thinks he is dead, scares the shit out of him by reassuring that he is not in fact a part of the afterlife, and brings up the briefcase and bringing Dave back with him to 2019. Dave agrees and Klaus gets on track to being semi-sober with Dave's help. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Ben didn't check the tank and blew it up like he was supposed to. A world where he walked home from the mission and waited for Five to come back like Viktor did when he made Five nutfluff sandwiches every night. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Allison didn't rumor Claire and went to therapy and took deep breaths and didn't mess things up. A world where she kept her daughter and even if she and Patrick split she still was in good graces to spend time with her kid. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Diego got Patch's message in time and managed to make it to the hotel room to either help her deal with Hazel & Cha-Cha or he got there before her injuries were too far gone and he was able to save her. A world where he kept her safe. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Luther let Five do his job instead of threatening to drop Dolores out the window to keep Five from murdering people that might kick-start the apocalypse. A world where Luther understood where Five was coming from and didn't threaten to break the only thing that Five had learned to love. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but someone found out Viktor had powers and helped get him off of his power-supressing meds and helped him figure out how to use them. A world where Viktor was helped rather than left to spiral into a mindless rage that would end the world. Umbrella Academy where everything is the same (NOT) but Five learns about the subway before meeting the Handler and he learns potential outcomes and how best to solve the apocalypse. A world where he takes the Handler's deal but he breaks down the comission (or at least removes her from it, creep) and gets back to his family, and despite looking young he is alive, everyone is alive, and he checks the subway regularly (that he has made a map of) for potential oncoming threats. He learned at a young age during one of his subway explorations that he would inevitably kill Lila's parents, and he never does it, pretends to get the mission done so that his cover isn't blown before he goes home. Umbrella Academy where everything turns out okay because Five utilized the subway, people listened to each other, and they didn't have poor timing. Umbrella Academy where things didn't hurt as bad. A "do-over", if you will. Like "The Day That Wasn't" episode.
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laurrelise · 24 days ago
i love how when diego is trying to kill hazel because he thinks he was the one who killed patch hazel looks to five with his hand out like “you little shit do something” and five just rolls his eyes and keeps drinking
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its-raining-brellies · 9 months ago
We are currently (as of Jul 16) on S1 E8
As some of you may recall, last summer there was an Umbrella Academy mass rewatch in which a bunch of us watched one episode a day and made posts about it.
This post is my formal proposition that another such mass rewatch should occur. If we start on July 9th, we can watch Season 4 together when it comes out on August 8th.
Season One.
Episode 1: July 9
Episode 2: July 10
Episode 3: July 11
Episode 4: July 12
Episode 5: July 13
Episode 6: July 14
Episode 7: July 15
Episode 8: July 16
Episode 9: July 17
Episode 10: July 18
The tag for the first mass rewatch was “#tuamre”, or for each episode, eg “#tuamre s1e1”. This is the tag that we will use again.
Last year, it was organised by @c0ffeeb1ack, so all credit goes to them for the idea!
Tagging for reach: @someominousecho @charcoalowl @autie-hobbit @nosolaceofastraightanswer @apocalypse-gang @nirby-wirby @thehargreevesfamily @fiveisnumber1 (no pressure to rb if you don’t want to, I am just trying to get people to participate)
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non-plutonian-druid · 3 months ago
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[ID: two lineups of the Paranatural AU versions of the Commission characters; one set ten years ago and one set in the present of the au.
Ten years ago: only part of Carmichael's head is a fish tank; Herb has a dad-stache and is wearing a button up with a v neck; Dot has no glasses and her hair isn't pulled back; the Handler has longer hair and is wearing a typical Commission suit; Five is a teenager instead of an adult; Cha Cha has longer hair; Hazel has longer hair and a fuller beard; and the person who runs the commission, who is God in TUA, is a cowboy and a horse instead of a little girl. End ID.]
A look at the Paranatural au version of the Commission! They do basically the same thing as the Consortium in Paranatural (aka who the fuck knows not me, something to do with keeping spirits in line) and it is also similar to the Consortium in one other important respect that i will get to shortly
Some notes on designs:
reminder that AJ is a medium (person who is possessed by a spirit), and mediums (and tools) look more and more like their spirit over time. ergo, he has more human features ten years ago.
the handler probably wasn't management ten years ago, so she has to make do with the regular uniform
five probably wasnt actually in the commission ten years ago (tho he WAS already a spectral) but hes here anyway for thoroughness
i almost forgot to put hazel and cha cha in here which is a crime
hazel is 100% the guy who had a ponytail when he was 21
cha cha's spirit power is this gun she found
and finally
the little girl god runs the commission in this!! of course she does!! why didn't i think of it sooner. In the webcomic, the consortium is run by a mysterious medium whose spirit is a wight.... except it turns out theyre not actually a person at all, but a construct made to look human by a very very powerful wight. Every so often the wight 'retires' the current construct and installs a new one; thus, the little girl is the commission's current model, and cowboy god from the comics was her predecessor!
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lemonwisp · 6 months ago
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Me for real
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mercutio-escalator · 9 months ago
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so this scene in the tua trailer looked familiar...
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does this mean hazel and cha cha are coming back for season 4?
not to mention, the screenshot clearly has "pete's tool shop" written on the building. you know where else the name pete appears in the umbrella academy universe?
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in conclusion
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The scene where Crowley drives past the police in the burning Bentley waving gives the same vibes as Klaus, Diego and Ben driving past Luther, 5, Hazel and Cha Cha, AND the same vibes as 5 and Viktor driving past each other
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mokkimoka · 2 years ago
My friend @cryptidcave-dweller made a point that The Handler and Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove have the same vibe and I cannot unsee it.
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And as she quoted:
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artfreaksmeout · 8 months ago
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VegasPete being art thieves who wear cute animal masks.
This was both inspired by @peachym00 prompt and the masks were inspired by the characters ChaCha and hazel from Umbrella academy
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feralnumberfive · 8 months ago
I would sell a kidney to have a Hazel and or Cha-Cha appearance in S4
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filministic · 4 months ago
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The Umbrella Academy (2019-2024)
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dennythemenace · 9 months ago
It's so funny how Hazel and Cha Cha have such a reputation among the Comission back in pre show and in season 1. Like yeah, they're very murderous, but like, they're not that good at their jobs. I love them but dear fuck. No prior research on the Umbrellas before bursting up in their house to fight them. They don't search Klaus's stuff for at least 10 confirmed hours. Possibly more. I would say the fact that they're not even trying to use a time accurate weapon when that's an option, but that might just be their style. Point still stands
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laurrelise · 4 days ago
the fact that hazel and cha cha arrived in the city, looked up five’s tracker, and hazel had ice cream when they arrived at griddy’s.
hazel’s 10 year old ass. “ooooo oh can we get ice cream on the way to hunting down the extremely dangerous assassin who killed an entire room full of also dangerous assassins without breaking a sweat!!!! vanilla cone please”
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theplotdemandsit · 5 months ago
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Klaus Hargreeves once said...
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