dennythemenace · 6 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Klaus Hargreeves & Number Six | Ben Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves & Number Six | Ben Hargreeves, Number Six | Ben Hargreeves & Everyone Characters: Number Six | Ben Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Number Five | The Boy (Umbrella Academy), Vanya Hargreeves | Viktor Hargreeves, Jill (Umbrella Academy), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Number Six | Ben Hargreeves-centric, Canon Compliant, Canonical Character Death, Unreliable Narrator, The Umbrella Academy (TV) Season 2 Summary:
Ben was officially having the weirdest week of his life since he ended up in the sixties. With re entering Dallas, he's apparently also re-entering his family's lives. Or at least, as much as he can.
 A canon telling of season 2 from Ben's point of view, now with behind the scenes additions
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dennythemenace · 8 days
Hey guys! I started writing a fic on ao3 basically season 2 from Ben's Pov! I'm not entirely sure how to link it yet, but it's called The end of something (or at least he thinks so) by NowWeHauntYouInTheDark
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dennythemenace · 11 days
I just know that Claire was having a great time teaching uncle Klaus the current slang
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dennythemenace · 20 days
Rip Viktor Hargreeves, you would love noise canceling headphones
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dennythemenace · 21 days
i don’t think i’ll ever forgive the writers for what they did to Diego. and i’m not just saying that because he’s one of my top three favorite TUA characters. that man has spent his ENTIRE life trying to be good enough. smart enough etc. he deserved his family. he deserved his children. he DESERVED to watch them grow up. he deserved a better wife (i love lila don’t get me wrong but man😭) a better brother. DIEGO HARGREEVES YOU WERE AN AMAZING MAN!
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dennythemenace · 26 days
Ben Hargreeves, they could never make me hate you
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dennythemenace · 1 month
I think some people are failing to realize that Five and Lila are honestly both equally at fault for their relationship. I am in no way defending or shipping them, but at least hate accurately. The first time they are shown after the montage, it is 6 years, 5 months, and 2 days in, both as Five says it and as the episode title. That's the point in time that they go to live on the strawberry farm. They start dating or whatever they are doing pretty soon. Leaving them together for 7 months at most. Five finds the journal, holding their ticket home roughly 5 or 6 months before they hit 7 years. He then makes the conscious decision to keep it from Lila until they hit 7 years away from everyone. The amount of people saying that Lila manipulated him from her line about their relationship only being for survival's sake are not acknowledging this action on Five's part and if they are, are defending it in the name of love. Yes, Lila cheated, which was a horrible action, that Diego in no way deserved. But Five wasn't exactly out of the loop about Lila being married. She was married to his goddamn brother of all people. And to all of the people claiming that Lila groomed Five, which I have actually seen, I really need you to research the meaning of the word and do some thinking
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dennythemenace · 1 month
When I show up to the most wildly mischaracterized by canon competition, but Five Hargreeves is my competition
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Me when Ben died over and over and over again without his family
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dennythemenace · 1 month
I hate how Diego and Lila were one of the few interracial couples where neither of them are white and how it was ruined by a white man
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dennythemenace · 1 month
You cannot convince me that Allison and Klaus were not smoking together as teenagers
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dennythemenace · 1 month
I'm aware this did not age well
What great sound track joys will Season 4 bring
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dennythemenace · 1 month
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Spoilers for season 4 of the Umbrella academy!
Did Ben seriously die three times in a four season show?
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Everyone in season 4 was various levels of out of character.
Luther wasn't as bad. He has his previous aspect of trying to bring his family together. He cares for them and wants them to be together. But he didn't have it throughout the season. Also, considering his attitude towards Reginald in season 3, there is no way he would be that fine with being in the group to go see him. Overall, it would have made more sense if he was with Viktor in the let's go find and help Ben campaign instead of being a background character in relationship drama.
Diego would not have been an absent father. From his relationship with Stan to his anxiety of becoming his father, he would have been extremely involved. Most of the awkwardness with Stan was because Stan showed up at the age of 12 out of nowhere. Considering how he clearly had time to prepare for his children, he would have been more ready. Also, why did those twins never get named? It doesn't make sense for him to have his attitude about it with how old his kids are, and after losing Stan after just starting to get close and look after him. Also considering how forward Diego is, he should have confided in more of his siblings about his relationship issues that Five and Luther in the beginning. Which would have also induced more bonding. Overall he needed more scenes with his kids in general.
Allison would have clung harder to Claire. A big part of her character is her daughter. She spent the whole show trying to get back to her. She full ass re writes a timeline and makes a deal with her abusive father to get back to her. There is no way she would not be extremely overprotective. They also tried to paint the picture of her and Klaus always having that relationship when they did not. Sure, they were closer in season 2, but they were not always shown to have that specific Allison looking after Klaus thing. She should have also had more emotion shown about her actions back in season 3. Whether it be regret or apathy, something should have been shown. Yes, she has that minor talk with Viktor, but nothing else? Really?
Speaking of Klaus, where was his eccentric personality? Even when previously sober (majority of season 2), he still held onto his personality. If they were going to go the route they did with his characterization, they should have had a moment where he reminisced on the people he lost or something. He needed more to put him from point A to point B. Additionally, his separate side plot was ultimately useless. A thing about Klaus is that whatever odd side plot he has always ends up ultimately tying into the plot in a big way. He accidentally is productive. He finds the kugelblitz, he is the first sibling to meet Ray, he is half of the possession plotline which eventually leads to stopping the apocalypse, he's accidentally the reason the journal gets into Harold's hands, but how was his side stuff tied into the plot this season? Also, his relationship with Ben was completely un mentioned. With how Klaus is trying so hard to bond with him in season 3 while mourning his brother, there is no way he just has like no scenes with him in season 4. He wasn't there to remember Ben's death and there wasn't even a conversation about it.
Dear fuck, Five. Why did they give him a romantic interest in the first place? Not only does his character not need one or even close to needing one, his age makes any sort of romantic relationship just flat out weird. Between him being 18 or 19 physically, he's also mentally in his sixties. After the weird mid-season time skip, sure, he's physically in his mid-20s, but he's mentally 70. A relationship with anyone is weird. Let alone with Lila. It's also odd because Lila is arguably one of his only friends. They were a good duo because they were efficient and entertaining. Most of their screen time being shared is because of the commission, and they built a complicated friendship off of it. Key word friendship. Five has given so much time and time again for his family. He loves them and cares for them, even if he doesn't outright show it. He hides it beneath snark, but it's always been visible. He would not have a relationship with his brothers wife, especially knowing she did have a family back home. If anything, they would have become extremely co-dependent on each other, but not romantic. Also, Five would not be dumb enough to go travel back to go try and mess with the original Jennifer incident. He should have put up more of a protest against it, or have him agree to try when things are more desperate.
Ben after being re-introduced in season 3 is shown to be bad at being an antagonist, a part of a quote unquote family more dysfunctional than the Umbrellas and that deep down, he does want a family. In season 4, he claims to not be part of the Umbrellas family over and over again, yet is still getting together with them. He claims his family is dead, despite the fact that he did not view them that way in season 3. Also despite the fact that they tried to explain it away with the Cleanse messing with his mind, it was extremely weird how obsessed he got with Jennifer. They should have had them already met and having a pre established something in season 4, other than just straight up meeting that week. He should have also mentioned any of the Sparrows at least once if he was so insistent that they were his family. He had the perfect opportunity to at least mention one or two of his siblings at various points, but he didn't. Or maybe have him mention trying to look for them at some point in the time skip before he went to jail, something. With his desperation for family, there is no way there wouldn't be something.
It was odd how Viktor was so set on little to no contact, and then wanted to see Ben's death to be part of the team. He states to Allison how they are not friends. He is trying to establish a lack of relationship due to everything that went down without having any sort of actions or anything to fully indicate it. He should have gone fully one way or the other with whatever feelings about his family or have shown to have the more complex feelings about it. Also, if they were going to have him trying to be the one to save Ben, they should have brought up his conversation with him or something from the end of season 2. Something in general.
Lila had complicated feelings about being pregnant back in season 3 and her worries about being a bad mother. They should have had her in more scenes with her kids. Also it felt odd for her to be a stay at home mother. With all the childcare help she could get from her family, they should have given her at least a little side job. It was even weirder how she was stated to hate bracelets after the importance of the bracelet between her and Diego. She also would have known how dangerous it would be to mess with the timeline and would not have suggested it as an option unless things were more desperate. She WAS with the commission, after all. Diego and Lila should have had more conversation about the break in their relationship, especially considering what follows. She stated that her relationship with Five was for survival, but then later it was extremely hinted that she loved him, which was weird. Did the writers also forget about he did in fact kill her parents? There was no mention of it whatsoever, nothing on her feelings about it.
Honorable mention: Ray. He would not have walked out on Allison. If anything to not have him be in this season, divorce, or maybe just have him die again, idk. He would not have walked out and it's extremely insulting to him to have that be what happened
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Honestly, Ben's death reveal was kinda underwhelming. Ben dying was the final chip that drove the Umbrella Academy apart. They were already dysfunctional, but Ben's death is what ended up with no team, and lots of them going little to no contact. The flashback didn't do the best job of showing that they were already close to breaking apart as a family.
They also didn't elaborate on how exactly the Jennifer incident went down in the Sparrow universe. Ben's drawings of Jennifer in his room, and there was a lot of assumption that whatever happened was what led Ben to being demoted.
Added to that, Jennifer seemed to be an important person to Ben in the Sparrow universe at least. Only for that to never be mentioned? I'm assuming the writers kinda forgot about the drawings and unintentionally reconned it.
From what we know about Ben's death, it was stated to be violent. It was bad.
All in all, it truly ties into how the writing of season 4 forgot the importance of family in this show. No matter how dysfunctional they get, they do love each other. And season 4 just didn't show that
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dennythemenace · 1 month
Season 4 was uhhhhh something
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