#haven't bought it yet because it's a lot of money and I want to buy the 20th anniversary 3LP edition from Life is killing me...
vanalex · 8 months
Hopefully looking for Type O Negative records at the local record shop... Unfortunately, no Type O Negative, but found this rare Carnivore gem 😍
Sponsors wanted 😅
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shiroselia · 1 year
If anybody wonders why I’m probably never going to buy horses full price ever again note that since I’m barely playing at all this year but Do have horses I still wanna buy, because that’s a thing I plan for ages anyways, I have only been buying horses when they get on sale because I don’t play actively anyways so I don’t “naturally” buy horses, and I’ve bought three horses this year, all on sale
They haven’t even cost me the combined price of two full-price horses
I’ve bought an arabian, a percheron, and a shire on sale this year, that has cost me 1 620 star coins currently, that would normally cost me 2 700 by now
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
i thought the backpack that i used the last time i went on vacation was at work, but i couldn’t find it when i was in the office today, so i figured it was at home. however, i just checked my closet and i couldn’t find it anywhere. it could be at work and i could’ve missed it, but i won’t be back into the office until wednesday and my flight leaves thursday night, so if it’s not there i won’t have time to get a new backpack. i guess i’ve gotta order one from amazon...
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bluee08 · 2 years
Astro Observations 《1》
Disclaimer : I am not a professional astrologer. This post is only for fun and it is solely based on my observations and experiences. So, please take it with a grain of salt.
♠️ Taurus Mars 🤝 Anger issues. It's either a disaster or unhealthy suppression. No in between.
♠️ Mars-Neptune placements have some wide imagination when it comes to steamy stuff. It be going on in their heads 24/7! Also they might get frequent wet dreams. Infact on a side note they are quite looking forward to it when they go to sleep.
♣️ Mars in 4th house went through a lot of family trauma in childhood. It could be anything like daily arguments, abusive household, domestic violence etc.
♠️ Sagittarius venus and their frequent crushes. If influenced by Scorpio could be secretive as hell.
♠️ Jupiter–Saturn negatively aspected could indicate a hard academic life in the beginning but once you work on it, you will succeed with flying colors. My friend has her jupiter squaring saturn and she was always at the bottom in her class. But once she decided to put her mind into it, she became one of the toppers in our school.
♣️ Venus at 0° has no idea where to began with love. They want it but are clueless about what they actually want.
♠️ Sagittarius people love freedom. Speaking from personal experience, you don't want to tie them down by any means. Like Sagittarius moon hates being emotionally tied down by some melodrama. Don't even think about manipulating them they will run away know right away. Sagittarius venus hates being controlled in a relationship.
♣️ Virgo sun might tease their partner now and then after their night together just to see their reaction. You better blush🔪
♣️ Someone mentioned in their post that having jupiter in 2nd house in solar return chart could indicate buying a lot of books. It's true! I had it last year in my chart and omg I bought so many books in one year! Also I never faced any shortage of money that year so later when I calculated the expense, I was surprised. It's also funny because whenever I felt like, okay I want this book, in the next few days I would have it in my hands by some means. I was obsessed with books. Let it be study material or novels. I still have many novels that I bought last year but haven't read yet. Lol no regrets tho, I love books 📚
♠️ Moon conjuct pluto 🤝 love-hate relationship with their mothers. It's like— I can't live without you. The next moment—but if I die it will be only because of you. And it goes both the ways. I have this and trust me it hurts on a subconscious level.
♣️ Asteroid Actor conjuct moon could mean that when you act, you act flawlessly. No one could tell if you are acting or not. Emotions are always on point. It comes very natural to these people. If underdeveloped, could make sly manipulators, like a wolf under sheep's skin.
♠️ Scorpio MC people always have a strict control over their public image. They are not said to be mysterious just like that. You might think you have them figured out but there is always something going on in their lives which is unknown to the public. And if they don't want you to know about it, you will never know either.
♣️ Pluto in 11th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius could mean that you might have a wide variety of friends all over the world, through online or even through mutuals. But for some of you these people just come along and go. Or maybe you are the one who gets distant for some reason. They still remain good friends though, it's just that the sudden closure is gone. Plus they don't reveal every single secret to their friends. They know later it won't matter.
♣️ Venus conjuct/ Sextile/trine Mercury gives a very pleasant voice. These people should try applying in music industry.
♠️ Asteroid Skip in natal chart could indicate what all things you missed or neglected in your life. For example, in 6th house you could have neglected your health a lot to the point later it backfired. Or in Capricorn it could indicate that you skipped working.
♣️ Jupiter–AC people are very sharp minded. Especially if it's conjuction. They know how to turn the situation in their favour. They are also very versatile in nature, which makes them very well liked by people. Basically the All rounder placement.
♠️ Asteroid Scientia positively aspecting Jupiter/Sun/moon could mean you work good in science fields. Whereas if it's negatively aspected you might face a little difficulty in dealing with science majors and need more effors to put in. I have jupiter square scientia and I know exactly what I am talking about.
♣️ Asteroid Academia in 11th house/Aquarius could indicate changing many schools, colleges throughout your life or living in a hostel.
♠️ Aries risings are the most restless beings alive. They can't sit still for two minutes to save their lives! These people are very competitive when it comes to athletics, as for academics, they are okay with being average. Two of the people that I know who have this rising sign won gold medals during their school lives in sports competitions.
♣️ Mars conjuct MC or Mars in 10th house people are very dedicated and driven when it comes to their profession. They pursue their career with full potential.
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manifestingenius · 8 months
Why it's important not to always rely on void and putting your life on hold.
I haven't written posts for a very long time because I decided to focus on my present life. But I wanted to write this specific post.
After knowing about the void state I put my life on hold so much. I stopped doing 85% of the things I was doing before I learned about the void. It's embarrassing how I stopped caring about everything and was hoping and telling myself that I'm gonna enter the void this week anyway. Nothing really matters, right? I didn't answer to any of my seminars and colloquiums and barely studied for exams which lead me to losing my scholarship. I cried so so hard because I was angry at myself. I thought that I would enter the void in the summer so the exams and the results didn't matter to me. But I was so broken afterwards.
I never bought myself the things I wanted because I thought "I'm gonna manifest it all for free in the void anyway, why bother now?". I never went to places I wanted because I thought "I will have a lot of money to afford everything I want so why bother now?". I put all my focus and time on reading about void, reading posts on tumblr, trying all the methods and just hoping.
I planned to put videos on Youtube but was so shy and every day I was improving all the skills that were needed for me to be successful. I read a lot, I watched a lot of self improvement content, I watched lots of law of assumption videos, I took classes, in other words I was passionate. I was living. I put everything aside and became so lazy "Why even waste time doing all of this when I can have it all after the void?".
I stopped even trying to improve myself because I thought that I'm gonna manifest being my best self anyway. I was eating fast food 3-4 times a week and gained a lot of weight which made me insecure even more but I consoled myself that it's only for now, that I'm gonna manifest my dream body and everything will be fine.
I wanted to buy some makeup but didn't. I wanted to get laser hair removal for a long time and didn't. I wanted to hit the gym and didn't. I wanted to draw and make money out of it and didn't. And so much more. I missed out on so much and I regret it.
After I lost my scholarship I realized that I messed up a lot. Now I have some problems with a subject I failed and my mom has to pay money so that I can take the classes again. Now I can't afford anything because I don't have my own money, I can't go to work, my parents give me some money but it's not enough for my needs and wants.
I realized that my life became so miserable. 2023 was so wasted. One day I was asked what did I learn from 2023 and I couldn't answer because I didn't know. In 2023 I have only degraded tbh.
The saddest thing is that I was warned. I was warned by other people on tumblr to not put void on the pedestal and to not put my life on the hold. I ignored them all thinking that I'm not gonna be like them, I'm not gonna struggle as long as them. It's gonna take me much less time and everything will be fine. But turns out they were right and I made many mistakes. Turns out I'm still on my void journey even after 1 year and 2 months. I really thought it's gonna take me 1 month or smth. Funny.
After realizing that I need to change my life, I put void aside and focused on the present. I bought some things I wanted and I don't waste money on fast food anymore, I went to the gym, I finally got laser hair removal, I started eating healthier and lost 3 kg, I returned to watching self improvement videos on youtube and now I plan to draw and sell my drawings to make more money. I worked hard to pass all my exams successfully so that I can get my scholarship back.
From the outside it may seem that I forgot about the void or even lost hope but I didn't and I never will. I believe and know that one day I will become a success story myself. I even have a new upcoming post about my mini success (?) not sure if I can call it success yet 🤭
But anyway if you read all of this thank you. If my situation resonates with you I hope it helps you to not make these mistakes like I did and to not put your life on hold. Enjoy the present as much as you can, don't purposely make your life even more miserable. I love you all🫂💕🫶
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rotisseries · 1 year
I also want to talk about the implications of the hateno house
ok so i just info dumped all this to a mutual earlier but LET'S REVIEW THE FACTS. SO.
zelda is living in link's house from botw. and while the sidequest was optional it was supposed to get torn down if you didn't buy it. so we can ASSUME that in totk canon link bought the house!!! so it was his house!! and we COULD assume that she just kicked link out, but that doesn't sound like her!!! and HERE'S WHY THEY'RE ACTUALLY SHARING THAT DUMB LITTLE TWIN BED EVERY NIGHT
a. zelda's journal mentions that link accompanies her everywhere. he's always sticking by her side, which fits him perfectly as her destiny appointed knight and also her friend and also more once i get my hands on the zelda dev team. AT THE VERY LEAST he would definitely live near her. but there are no other places link could possibly be living in this town. i haven't made it through the entire game yet so i can't say for sure that there's nowhere in the entire game that he could be living but my money is on fucking no. also every single time you talk to an npc they're like "hey link :D! where's zelda?" pretty much confirmation that you never see one without the other. they are a UNIT
b. zelda's diary mentions that she had a builder add on a secret room for privacy. WHY WOULD SHE NEED A SECRET ROOM FOR PRIVACY IF IT'S HER HOUSE AND SHE'S THE ONLY ONE LIVING THERE??????? also in her study there's link's hair tie. why is his hair tie in her house?🤨 (also conjures thoughts of her doing his hair <3333) ALSO in her study she has ANOTHER journal where she mentions that the fact that link sticking with her so much has manifested in wear and tear on his clothes, so she secretly had a new and improved shirt made for him and she hid it at hyrule castle. 1. gift for him!!! 2. she set up a scavenger hunt for him!!! 3. why can't she hide it at her own house????? hmmm??? HMMMM???????🤨🤨🤨 IT'S BECAUSE HE LIVES THERE I KNOW IT
c. the house has lot's of the same decorations from when it was link's, the flower on the nightstand, the furniture is the same, THE DINING TABLE IS SET FOR TWO, and link's picture from the dlc is still there (if you play the game with a profile that has a botw save on your switch, which i can't personally confirm because i'm playing totk on my new switch and my profile doesn't have a botw save on it because i played botw on the family switch) but anyway, link's decor. AND. THE MOST DAMNING PIECE OF EVIDENCE. YOU. THE PLAYER. AS IN LINK. CAN STILL SLEEP IN THAT TWIN BED. IN THIS GAME, YOU CANNOT SLEEP IN ANY NPC BEDS. IF THAT WAS TRULY JUST ZELDA'S (AN NPC) BED THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP IN IT. I REST MY CASE. ZELINK CANON BUT THEY WON'T CONFIRM IT. MR. ANOUMA COME OUTSIDE I JUST WANT TO TALK
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leclerced · 9 months
I can see Charles dating someone just for the sake of dating. Like he doesn’t really see a future with this person but he also doesn’t tell that to her. Then there’s a question about their plans from someone and he just shrugs it off with sth about himself but he doesn’t include his girlfriend in his plans. She thinks about it but doesn’t do anything because maybe he misunderstood it besides they’ve been dating only for half a year or sth like that. After another few months he falls for her hard without even realising and then I can see a whole misunderstanding about his intentions because she thinks he’s just playing with her and it hits him he loves her. After that a hell lot of grovelling cause my boy is fighting for his life there
okay i saw this yesterday and started replying and tumblr app crashed. this is too relatable to me but i am charles. picturing like a high maintenance rich girlie who knows what she wants ok. i love this and just brain rotted 1.5k about it so im adding a read more. this is a mess sorryyy
i can see him dating someone for the convenience of it. it started off really casual, hookups every now and again when he was in town. then the question he always hates hearing, the dreaded what are we? comes and he uses the same recycled answer, what do you want us to be? and then runs with whatever they say. he likes her company, he'd consider her a good friend, but he understands why she wants more than just texts when he's in town asking if she's free.
six months after that conversation, near the end of the season, he gets asked about the plans for the upcoming break and the next season. next season is definitely the priority right now. i'd like to be fighting for the championship again next year. they ask about break again and if he has plans with his girlfriend, the one who has been attending every race as of late, and he says yeah i'm sure we'll find something to do... haven't made any plans yet. i know i'll be at the factory a lot, like i said, next season is the priority, so we'll have to work around my schedule. charles doesn't realize how selfish he sounds, next season is the priority, so we'll need to work around my schedule, how disinvested in his relationship he sounds. every other racer with a partner has been talking about romantic getaways to aspen or bali, and charles sounds like he's forgotten he's spending his first christmas with his girlfriend.
she realizes though, she hears the disinterest in his voice when he talks about not working, and the way he gets excited talking about the next season. she had been excited for the break and getting to spend time with him, she wanted to go spend christmas with his family or stay at his place and have their own private celebration. she has tricked herself into thinking they'd be laid up in bed for days on end, not her sitting around while he works. she kind of backs off, she'd planned on staying with him for the last few races but after hearing the way he waves off the idea of spending time with her, she decides she'll give him the space he so clearly desires to work.
when they're in vegas, two races left to go, carlos asks him what he's getting her for christmas, and it dawns on him he hasn't thought about it. he says he's still thinking, doesn't know how much money he can spend on her, he doesn't want to over do it. it sounds like a romantic answer, like he wants to buy her a diamond ring, but he's worried he'll scare her off. the reality is, he's bought presents for everyone else in his life and somehow forgotten her.
the realization that he loves her comes when he's out shopping for her gift and nothing is right. he's thinking he doesn't know what she likes because everything he looks at, he imagines her opening the wrapping paper and being disappointed. the chanel bags he got past girlfriends wouldn't do because she loves exclusivity. she loves going with him all over the world and shopping while he works, going to lavish antique stores and buying vintage clothes and jewelry for exuberant prices. she had contacts all over the world looking for antiques she has her eye on, vintage fashion or rare scandinavian furniture made by someone with a name he can't pronounce or spell. almost everything she owns is one of a kind, or vintage fashion that she paid hundreds or thousands of dollars for. he passively thinks that's why he loves her, then stumbles back over that thought and realizes that he knows her much better than he thought, and that's why none of the gifts were good enough.
he tries buying her clothes from a designer he likes, then remembers she wears archival pieces. he goes for blankets, all women love blankets, and remembers she only likes real wool blankets (she carries one with her when she travels, because hotel blankets will not do) and the store he's shopping at doesn't carry them. she likes a very specific set of body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion that all smell like mint and eucalyptus, and a signature perfume. he doesn't know the name of either. he knows what they smell like, like it's the laundry detergent he grew up with. he could recognize it anywhere, but he doesn't fancy walking up and down aisles opening bottles to smell them when it's probably a hidden luxury brand that is only sold in a single store in a different country, knowing her.
he doesn't remember her favorite song or artist, so he doesn't even think about getting a signed album or anything like he's done for other people. he knows she has an affinity for chopin and loves it when charles plays piano for him, but he doesn't know what he could gift her based on that knowledge. he tries buying her art from a gallery, but none if it seems to suit her. he knows she loves basquiat and has a painting over her bed, professionally mounted so it can't fall off when he rocks the bed into the wall. the art he peruses doesn't compare. he wanders into numerous antique shops, hoping to find some old furniture from one of the designers she admires, but he doesn't know how to spot the rarities like she does. he'd probably buy her an ikea dining table thinking it's hans olsen.
the realization that nothing is good enough for her because he loves her is confusing for him. he realizes he hadn't put enough thought into past gifts. he knows his friends and family well enough that he bought them thoughtful gifts without thinking. he would just see things and know they would love them. but with his new girlfriend, he spent the entire relationship not realizing how much he cared about her. any past girlfriend he just gifted expensive purses, jewelry, shoes. he wants to get her something that shows how much he loves her, in the same way he was looking for his mother's gift all year until he finally something he knows she would cherish for the rest of her life.
he ends up buying a painting he thinks is perfect, until he presents the canvas to her. he wanted to have it hung and surprise her with it, but she'd probably want to pick where it hangs so he hides it in her apartment until christmas day, and kind of pretends not to have gotten her anything. there's a single present under their tree, one from her to him. she tries not to think about it, in the days leading up to christmas, when she sees the blank space under the tree and wonders if she shouldn't have gotten him anything. then christmas morning they're lounging on the couch and she tries to sound casual when she asks if he wants to open his present, and he says he wants to give her hers first. he disappears into one of the spare rooms and returns with a frame facing him. he tells her to close her eyes and then open them a moment later.
he immediately thinks he did something wrong because she cries, and he's oh so carefully setting the artwork down and rushing to her, kneeling in front of her and asking if she's okay as she cries into her hands. she's still thinking about how he brushed off their relationship and said the season was the priority, then he buys her the painting that got her into art? it wasn't anything special he thought, he just reached out to a private art dealer one night and asked if they had anything similar to pieces he knew she owned. it was coincidental that it was a piece she'd been looking for since she started collecting art. he had a name that people knew, and money that people wanted, so when he made an offer, they were happy to make a deal with the ferrari driver.
i don't wanna get angsty but she tells him how she feels, how he's been dismissive, says his words from months ago back to him and says she doesn't get why he would get her a gift like that if she isn't a priority. she tells him the gift is too much if all he wants is something casual, she can't accept it if it doesn't mean anything to him because it means everything to her. and charles is like, kind of relieved, because he thought she hated it and he can totally deal with her loving it too much. he quickly assures her it means as much to him, apologizes for not being enough for her, for not realizing how much he cared about her and for not showing it the way he should have. he was so caught up in winning that he didn't realize that he had someone to come home to that made him feel better than crossing the finish line.
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themoonking · 9 months
breaking / preventing bad booktok habits
no one asked my opinion, but i've been thinking about this a lot so i'm going to give it anyway.
consumerism on booktube is a tale as old as time, and it's just as bad if not worse on booktok (due to the norm on tikok being to post something new at least once a day), and that leads a lot of book influencers (both on youtube and tiktok, and even instagram to an extent) into some really bad spending and consumption habits
this is my very long opinion piece on some tips and changes to make if you've already developed these bad habits or feel like you're about to.
tldr: stop buying in to hype and by more mindful about what you buy, and REMEMBER THAT LIBRARIES EXIST.
go to the library
quite simple. allows you to read as many books as you want without spending money or cluttering your home. and if you argue back that your local library is small / doesn't have a large selection, that's all the more reason to support it!! it won't grow or improve if it doesn't have people behind it.
getting rid of books
don't feel like you have to get rid of books even if you enjoyed them. i myself have larger book collection than most people i know. but you do have to make peace with the idea of getting rid of books from time to time. stop treating it like the worst thing that ever happened to you.
next time your bookshelf is full, don't immediately jump to buying a new shelf. instead, go through your entire collection and see what you really want to keep. do the marie kondo thing and take everything off the shelf so you can go through each book one by one. go over it multiple times over a couple of days, so you can come at it with fresh eyes.
when you look at each individual book, really think about it. ask yourself: did i even like this book? if i did, will i ever reread it? was it important to me or was it just a book i enjoyed and will never think about again? if i can't remember my feelings on a book, am i willing to reread it to find out?
if you have books that you were neutral on, that you liked but not in any notable way, or that you straight up didn't enjoy, it might be time to move on from them. donate to your local library: if you didn't enjoy them, there might be someone out there who might, and if you did enjoy them, they're right there if you ever have the urge to read them again.
don't think about book purges as tearing apart your perfect collection, but instead think about it as making room for something new that you enjoy and appreciate a lot more.
if you've gone over your collection multiple times and you still have no room, then feel free to buy a new shelf and expand your collection. obviously, as you read more books you'll find more that meant a lot to you that you want to keep. again, it's not about mimimalism, it's about mindfulness.
unread books
some book influencers (and their fans) have a MASSIVE problem with unread books. as in, they have 100+ on their shelves and they keep buying more to add to the pile. if you have books in your collection that have remained unread for years... it might be time to get rid of some of them. sorry.
do the same thing with the unread books as you did with the read books: go over them one by one and really think about why you're keeping them.
how long have you had it? if you've had a book for 5+ years, and you haven't felt the urge to read it yet, do you really think you're ever going to? read the description: does it seem like something that actually interests you, or did you buy it on a whim? perhaps it interested you when you bought it, but time has passed and tastes change; does it interest you now?
if you haven't touched or even thought about a book in multiple years but you can't bring yourself to get rid of it because "well maybe someday i'll need it!!" consider how dangerously close to hoarder mentality you're getting.
if you're really convinced that you'll enjoy a certain book, set it aside. make the books you set aside your priority for the next 6 months / the next year and don't buy anymore in that timeframe. if by the end of that time you haven't read the books you set aside, it's time to accept that you are simply never going to read them, and its better that they get some use rather than collect dust.
once again: donate any you get rid of to the library. if you're worried that you're going to suddenly want to read them (even though you haven't for years) and won't have them anymore, remember that if you give them to library they will be right there for you to borrow whenever you like. except that, in the time between you donating them and reading them, they won't have simply been sitting on your shelf gathering dust. instead, other people will have gotten the chance to read them and perhaps enjoyed them more than you ever would.
buying books
quite simply, just be more mindful about the books you buy.
when a new book becomes trendy on booktok or booktube, don't buy it right away. a lot of book influencers' unread books tend to be ones that they bought because they were really popular online, but that they lost interest in when the trend died out. if you're worried about missing out, remember that the book will still be available when the trend dies, and if you're only interested in something so you can partake in the trend... you're not really interesting in the book. you're interested in the clout.
when a book trend catches your eye, takes some time to think about it instead. first of all, does the book actually seem like something you're interested in? yes, everyone on booktok is talking about this new historical romance, but do you even like historical romance? this new epic fantasy is filling your youtube recommendations, but do you even like epic fantasy? look at reviews. look at reviews from people you know have similar tastes to you. did they like it? were the things they liked about it things that you enjoy?
if after thinking it through you're still engaged, go ahead and buy it! once again, its not about mimimalism. it's not about having less books. it's about mindfulness.
if you're subscribed to a book subscription box (or, god forbid, multiple book subscription boxes) maybe take stock and see if you actually want to remain subscribed. in the past 12 months, how many books from them have you read, and how many have you actually enjoyed? in my opinion, unless you've read an enjoyed the majority of books you've recieved in the past year, it might be time to unsubscribe. also always know that if a particular month's selection really interests you, you can simply buy the non-subscription version of the book without paying for all the ones that don't interest you.
like many book lovers, i enjoy wandering aimlessly around the bookstore even if i don't get anything, but if impulse buying books is an issue for you don't go to bookstores for fun. stay away from book-specific online stores. if you're spending issue is really bad, it might be time to block book-related social media tags (aka abandon booktok).
if you have an issue with your unread books getting out of control, set aside a physical space for your physical to-be-read and always ensure that your unread books can fit inside that space. if it starts to overflow, thats your sign that you need to ban yourself from buying books and focus on the books you already have (and then actually stick to that!!).
i personally have a three-tiered utility cart that i use (they're really common, you can find them a lot of places, but mine is specifically from ikea). it has a little wooden table lid that goes on the top tier that prevents me from storing anything in that layer. my unread books go in the bottom two tiers. if they get to the point that, to store them all, i have to remove the lid and start putting them on the top tier, i know that i need to slow down in my book buying and stay away from the book store. if, after that, it gets to the point where the entire top tier is full, then i know that it's time for a full book-buying ban until they're all read.
other methods i've seen people use: keep a separate, much smaller bookshelf in another part of the house. keep them in stacks but use a ruler to measure how tall the stacks get, and go on a ban if they get above a certain height. limit unread books to how many can comfortably fit on the bedside table. etc.
in general, it's best to NOT store unread books on the shelf with your other books. if they're on your shelf next to all your read books, you may not really be able to comprehend how many unread books you have, which can lead to the number getting out of hand.
and if you're buying books less for the pleasure of reading them and more for the pleasure of buying them (aka you genuinely not as a joke say "buying books and reading books are two different hobbies")... babygirl you have a shopping addiction </3
special editions
a lot of book influencers have a lot of special editions of books, but rarely have they read all of them. a lot of people really like collecting special editions, which is why my advice to unsubscribe from book boxes might, perhaps, be difficult.
however, many people who own a lot of these special editions don't really care about what's inside the book. rather, they care about the clout that comes with having a lot of special editions. even if they aren't an influencer, if you consume a lot of book content, you might get a feeling of superiority knowing that you have this type of collection that your favorite creators have.
essentially, when you go through your special editions, treat them the same as your other books from earlier but also ask yourself:
(1) is there anything actually special about this special edition? some special editions have exclusive bonus content such as cut chapters, interviews with the author, special art on the inside, et cetera; is this one of those or is it just the trade version with a recolored cover?
(2) if i have multiple different special editions of the same book, is there anything to actually distinguish them? do they have different exclusive bonus conent? different exclusive covers made by different talented artists? or are they essentially the same, except this cover is a slightly different shade of red, and this one has gold foiling in a slightly different spot?
(3) assuming i've read it, did this book actually mean something to me? do i care enough about this book to want a special copy of it? if i thought it was just okay, or even disliked it, wouldn't it be better off in the hands of someone who has it down as one of their favorite books of all time?
if you're going over your book box subscriptions and you say that you wouldn't be interesting in reading a certain book if you don't get your hands on the special edition, remeber that your experience of reading will be exactly the same if you have the exclusive special edition hardback or the standard trade paperback. it's like the tiktok trend; if you're only interested in this book if you have a special edition, you're not really interested in the book. you're interested in the clout.
essentially, the base thing you have to consider is: do you want this rare, expensive copy because the book actually means something to you, or because you want the online social status that comes from having a rare, expensive copy?
once again, the main point is: be more mindful about the books you buy.
actually think about if you're interested in reading something instead of buying books you'll never read on a whim. think about whether your buying something for yourself or for clout.
and remember that libraries exist!! donate books to your library, donate funds to your library, borrow books from your library, etc. if you like audiobooks or ebooks, download whatever app your library uses. if your library doesn't have a book that you'd like to read, put in a request and they might purchase. participate in your library's events and activities. get involved in your library. show your local library the love it deserves!!!
bye. if you have another tip about breaking or preventing bad book habits, feel free to reblog w/ your tip.
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ros3ybabe · 3 months
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Where Have I Been?
hello lovelies. so, I started the challenege, did one day, and all of a sudden I feel off the face of the earth. I fell into a bit of a depression, and while I've managed to pull myself out, life has been busy busy busy! This is probably the 2nd busiest week of the year (the 1st will be in August, and you'll find out why). Here's an update on life:
I fly to Colorado on the 16th, so....under 5 days now. I haven't packed or anything yet, but I plan on doing that either tomorrow or Thursday. And I have to clean and prepack for when I return because....
I signed a new lease for a new place to live! I'll have roommates who I haven't met yet (I'm taking over someone lease, actually), but my lease starts August 18th. I return from Colorado on the 14th of August, so....I'm going to be very busy once I return.
I decided to call it quits on getting a 2nd job. It's going to mess up the schedule with my first job, and it would only make me 200$ more a month, which I'm not worried about missing our on since I'll still sell stuff on depop once I return from Colorado and I'm going full time at my current job.
I've gone out to lunch with my dad a few times as well, it's been really nice hanging out with him and spending time with my dad. I lucked out in the dad department and spending time with him is one of my favorite things!
I've been debating going to San Fransisco in October for an XG concert, but I don't know if I'll have the money or ability to anymore. (thank you new apartment and all those fees and expenses!)
my anxiety has been terrible. I haven't changed anything about what I do, but I did squish a lot of anxiety inducing things into the span of two weeks, which....my bad on that. Now I know, don't do that to myself.
I bought new makeup! The juvias place bronzer, charlotte tillbury setting spray, nyx eyebrow stuff, and blush, ughhh I love buying new makeup, I just wish it didn't cost money!
I've gotten better at doing my makeup! I've had people not even notice I'm wearing it because it looks natural despite being like, a full face! Thank you perfect color matches on my skin tint, foundation, and concealors!
I went to two movies with a friend. We saw the new Strangers: Chapter One and the Planet of the Apes movie. Both were definitely good, in my opinion.
I now have to plan with my boyfriend for when he needs to come down here and get his stuff and work out changing the utilities to our roommates name since I'm leaving. I don't feel like it should be my job to coordinate that, but oh well. I guess it's too hard for him and his best friend (my roommate) to call each other for once?? Ugh, men get on my nerves sometimes.
I need to ask my dad and a friend to help me move upon my return, which also means I won't be able to work that weekend, which kind of sucks.
I need to declutter my room and start throwing away things I don't want or need anymore this week to make it easier on myself when I return from Colorado but hahaha I procrastinate a lot.
I'm stressed about paying rent. I'll have to pay rent for here and rent/fees for the new place before august and then September's rent for the new place, and my new rent is about double what I pay now. so yayy, adulting and finances. I don't feel qualified to be an adult, but here I am, age 21, an adult.
That's about it for now! Lots of stress, lots of anxiety, lots of stuff happening super close together. But that's life, I guess. Forgive me for my absence from my blogs. I also stopped studying spanish for now, and my routines are non-existent. Colorado will change that, tho, for sure. I do plan on updating a little more frequently once things settle down when I'm in Colorado. but for now, it'll be kinda here and there with my posting.
thank you for all the patience and kindness, lovelies. til next time 🩷
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rainbowsky · 10 months
Hi, how do you know Jackie Chan is a part of LOCH? I’ve been trying to find as much info on this film as possible and I never came across anything mentioning Jackie Chan. Also this film is already a big budget film, which is also the reason why I feel Tsui Hark chose Xiao Zhan specifically because he’s number one in popularity and with immense popularity he comes with good acting so it was a win-win but although I want this film to be released internationally really badly especially my country, I still fear being disappointed. Would they really invest in an international release? and is there a way if fans could get their messages across to them asking for an international release? because i will honestly cry if xiao zhan’s first movie (during my time as his fan) is released and i as a die hard fan can’t even watch it on big screen!! 
This is in reference to a previous post.
The full cast has not been officially announced yet, but it was all over the media at the time of GG was announced as Guo Jing. You can find articles mentioning it just by Googling. There were several big name actors mentioned in smaller supporting roles, and it actually caused a bit of controversy at the time among netizens (who, of course, always stress out over who can do justice to their favorite literary heroes).
Feng Shaofeng - Genghis Khan
Hui Yinghong - Li Ping
Jackie Chan - Hong Qigong
Official accounts haven't confirmed (or denied) these widespread rumors, but we will likely know a lot more soon. The film is slated to be released for Spring Festival, which is the second weekend in February. No doubt there will be some promotional materials, etc. coming out in the next couple of months.
As for whether it will be released abroad - I honestly don't get why fans are always hand-wringing over whether their films will be released internationally. I find that confusing as heck.
It is safe to assume that pretty much all of their movies will be released to international audiences. It would be odd for them not to appear outside China.
Keep in mind that - alongside non-Chinese speaking international audiences who take an interest in international films - there is a huge population of Chinese people living all over the world. In my region, for example, 20% of the population are Chinese Canadians. There is a demand outside of China, for Chinese films.
Legend of the Condor Heroes is one of the most popular novels in China, and is appreciated all over the world. It's an outstanding book. I urge everyone to read it (or enjoy the audiobook). I can't overstate how good it is.
GG is also very popular, and his international fame is growing. Films stand to make more money the more screens they're seen on. It's simple math.
This film WILL be seen outside of China. Any agonizing over whether it will is a waste of one's mental health. It's going to be a big release. It will be seen far and wide. It's will probably make a lot of money. It's got a good formula, a good director, etc.
And even if it doesn't come to some countries - as with all of their projects - it will eventually end up on streaming services. You will get a chance to see it.
Edit: as I said in the comments of this post, there will always be some countries where there really won't be legal options for viewing. That's just the unfortunate reality of the situation. In those cases, there is no shame in watching a pirated version. I feel that it is better to watch their projects, thereby being able to write a review and promote the project to other people, etc. than to not watch them at all.
As long as we are supporting the film financially if there is any option to do so at all. There have been people who have bought tickets for their films in regions that they are unable to travel to, just to support the film. People can also buy tickets for other fans who cannot otherwise afford to go.
There are also often official merchandise and things like that which can be purchased from anywhere in the world.
You can also contact your favorite local streaming services and request for those projects to be made available to you. The more fans who express an interest in their films, the more likelihood a streaming service will make an effort to obtain rights.
There is no guarantee, of course, but it's worth a try. I also encourage people to be patient, because it can take a while for a movie to make it onto streaming platforms. Just because it is available in some regions and not others doesn't mean it won't eventually make it on to yours.
As long as we are supporting to the best of our ability, that's all that anyone can do.
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 1
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Ruka Tsukinaga: Ah~, sweet and delicious!☆
This crepe has a lot of nice ingredients and is baked just fine. It's a great treat that you can't find for this price often ~ ♪
Suzu Kuromori: Ah. This shop is quite popular. I'm not really interested in snobs like that. All my classmates were praising it's unique taste. I was curious so I bought one.
Ruka: But Suzu-senpai. Did you like it?
Light music club activities are quite expensive, and since we don't have enough money for the club, we make it through the part-time jobs for our seniors, right?
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Suzu: Hey. No need to be shy. We are fallen angels (Lucifers) with broken wings, but sometimes even we need a break, right?
I am thankful to you for working hard in club activities... I would be happy if you could enjoy it as an offering for my dear comrade, Ruka.
Ruka: Wah, as expected of Suzu-senpai! I admire her so much for her dedication...
Suzu: Fufu... While i was suspended from school I caused a lot of trouble for you and Shizu, so this is just a piece of cake.
And yet. When I got to Shizu, she said she couldn't come today because she had something to do with her family.
If you're running away from my invitation, doesn't that mean that we fallen angels aren't monolithic after all..?
Ruka: It can't be helped. Shizuku-chan's family seems to be going through a lot of trouble...
That's why I admire Suzu-senpai! ♪
I’m going to hug Suzu-senpai’s gorgeous body~! Gyuuuu~♪
Suzu: Can you please stop?.. It's getting hard to breathe.
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Ruka: Gah~!
Oh, also if you don't mind, Suzu-senpai can also try this crepe!
I think Suzu-senpai bought only one for me because she didn't have enough money... But I think it would be happier if we shared it together rather than having it all to myself.
Suzu: Thank you. Ruka is so kind... She's younger than me, so I don't have to be shy.
Well, then I'll be grateful! ♪
Ruka: R-Ruka can feed you! Say a~h!
Suzu: *takes a bite.*
Yeah, it's not that bad after all. Although it was sweet, it was just the perfect amount of cream that didn't take away from the original taste of the ingredients. No wonder the whole Kimisaki Academy were talking about it.
Ruka: That's right! ♪ You can eat more~ ♪ There's not so much left, so please take it all. ♪
Suzu: Hm. Well, I'll take the advantage of Ruka's kindness and take this crepe.
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Ruka: It feels like I'm baiting Suzu-senpai... It feels a bit immoral... ♪
Suzu: So. After finishing with the crepe, let's go to the music store. Ruka wanted an instrument for practice, am I right?
Ruka: Oh, yes. Right now I'm allowed to play the instruments in the club room, so I'm practicing little by little.
It isn't too expensive if it's for practice, so I thought I'd buy my own instrument and play at home...
Suzu: That's a great idea, and that's why you're perfect for the light music club.
But what instrument do you play? I believe you have tried a lot of different ones, but was there one that struck a chord with you?
Ruka: Let me see... I haven't decided what instrument I want to play yet, I'm sorry...
Suzu: Hmm. Let's go to a music store and think about that. The instrument and the performer may be attached to each other.
I'm sure that practicing with an instrument that I'm attached to will help me feel more motivated, and the "Evil Genocide Dragon" that I borrowed from Seira fit in my hand as if it were my own guitar.
Ruka: "Evil Genocide Dragon"... That's the guitar that Suzu-senpai has been entrusted with by the club president. That's nice, I'd love to have that same fateful encounter...♪
What should I name it? I'm thinking about things like "The Divine Spear Sleipnir'' and "Dark Ragnarok'' are cool.
However, I think it would be best to decide on the name after seeing the actual instrument. I think the impression changes depending on the color and shape.
Suzu: You're full of ambition. It's like that day when I went to buy an instrument for the first time.
Seira came with me to help that time. Today it's my turn to play Seira's role.
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As with anything, the beginning is the most important part. I definitely want Ruka to have a perfect fateful encounter...☆
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sapphic-bats · 2 years
It all started on Eddie's birthday.
Dustin had adamantly insisted that they host a party, to which Eddie relented, amused. After all, he had never really had a party before. They bought cake, invited everyone to Steve's, and decorated the house in colors that Eddie was baffled to see. I mean, who decorated for something as insignificant as a birthday celebration?
The gifts started out reasonably cheap for last-minute presents. It was more than Eddie had ever gotten, lest Wayne would buy him a very important gift every year, having saved up money since Eddie's last birthday. Dustin bought him more D&D books and a few sets of multi-colored dice. Mike handed him a small, cardboard necklace box that previously held a pendant of Nancy's, and now held all sorts of shiny, iridescent guitar picks. Will blushed, unused to praise, at the gratitude he received for a beautiful portrait of the Hellfire Club mascot in all its glory. Erica and Lucas gifted him a Mettalica t-shirt, one that wasn't currently sitting in Eddie's collection. So on, so on.
Until it reached Steve.
He laughed as everyone cheered at him, egging him on persistently until he gave in and placed the small box in front of Eddie.
The man grinned and cracked open the case, staring down at a beautiful onyx ring, embossed with a bat-shaped gem embedded into the center. His eyes widened, gaping at the object before a wolfish smile broke upon his face.
He looked up at Steve. "So soon? You haven't even asked me out to dinner yet."
Steve laughed, a twinge of sheepishness glinting through, though melting away with Eddie's jest. "You wish. No," He smiled. "I saw it in a store and... I thought of you."
The other man inspected it suspiciously. "How much did this even cost?" He scoffed aloud.
Steve said nothing.
Eddie now peered back up at the man scrutinizingly. "Steve. How much did this cost?"
"Ah, um," The brunette sucked on his bottom lip stubbornly. "Yeah, no. Robs, you're up."
As Robin went on to endow her present, Eddie snuck sneering glares of inquiry at Steve. Eventually, he acquiesced, but he never forgot the gift and its donor.
One last "Vecna" scare.
Vines has seeped into the Right Side Up, thrashing around like their beastly counterparts, both bats and dogs together. One last mission before Vecna had died, one that they had not forgotten in their months in the opposing realm, waiting for an opportunity to carry out their orders of their deceased master.
Eddie took a drag from his cigarette before handing it to Steve. They were on night watch duty while the others gathered materials. Steve exhaled shakily, then inhaled from the cigarette.
"So, this is it."
Steve frowned, glancing over to rest his eyes on Eddie. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, this could be our last battle, and we know it." The man laughed humorlessly. "Everyone knows it, I see it weighing down the kids, and... eh, I dunno. It sucks, man."
Steve nodded, eyebrows lowering in empathy. "Yeah, I feel it too." He shuddered. "As long as we stick together this time, everything will be fine."
There was a pause for a moment, before Eddie took the cigarette from Steve and gripped the man's hands.
"Hey, promise me that if anything goes south, take the kids and run. I can fend for myself."
Steve recoiled, something akin to anger flashing on his face. "Can you? Because the last time you played hero, you died."
But Eddie wasn't perturbed. "I know. But it's a lot better than risking a casualty among the kids." He gazed down sadly, almost regrettably.
"Listen, Eddie. Our party doesn't just abandon our members when things look rough. We're not gonna let you get hurt, not this time." He glared at him, directly in the eyes. "But you have to do your part, and not try to do hero shit. You just completely disregarded my instructions!"
Eddie still wouldn't meet Steve's eyes. "So what do you want me to tell you?" Frustration laced his voice gingerly.
"I don't know, but you can do a lot better than just, 'Make him pay.'"
A silence hung in the air, and Eddie sighed.
"That's not what I was going to say."
Steve looked over.
"'Make him pay'? That wasn't what I really wanted to say." Eddie reiterated.
A pause. "What... were you going to say?"
Eddie inhaled deeply, meditatively, as if preparing to reveal something he wished to have kept buried, however it killed him.
"I was going to tell you I loved you."
Another hesitation.
"You... love me?"
Eddie nodded, finally meeting Steve's gaze. "And I can't die without telling you first."
He could swear his heartbeat raised about twenty percent, breathing hastened, hands shaking. Steve knew it was now or never.
All of his life, he had taken risks for other people. It was time he took one for himself.
He leaned forwards and kissed Eddie, shock rippling through the other for a mere moment before he kissed back, taking the man in his arms. They stood there for a moment, tasting skin and dark salt and cigarette smoke, and though the combination might sound repulsive, soon a citrus-sweet flavor began to bloom between it. They parted, heaving with the energy they'd sacrificed and the adrenaline they had created.
"I love you too." Steve gasped, something glistening near his waterline, shining like raindrops on the windshield of a car. It felt so good to finally be the one to say it back.
Eddie laughed victoriously, a feat of his nerves well over, rejection far behind them. Steve couldn't help but laugh too, still entwined in the other's grasp.
"Steve, I love you so much I could marry you right now." He joked, his fit of laughter still shaking him.
He didn't know what came over him, but Steve grinned. "So do it."
The laughter died in astonishment. "Wha- really?"
Steve nodded, furrowing his brows in ridicule of something almost unspeakable. "Yeah, fuck whatever laws there are. Marry me."
Maybe it was the adrenaline, but there was no unsurety or regret in any word he spoke, nor was there a trace of either in his gleaming eyes. Eddie blinked, and soon his face mirrored Steve's simper.
"Well, then. Steve Harrington," He released Steve, dropping to one knee gracefully. "Love of my life, heir to the heavens, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"
He had slid a ring of his off of his left hand, the skull ring that had previously resided on his ring-finger, and held it up to Steve in proposal.
The man wasted no time in seizing the ring from Eddie's open palm, and slipping it onto his own engagement finger. He pulled the man to his feet and kissed him again, this time smiling widely.
When they separated, Eddie smirked. "I believe we have one more step to the process?"
Steve smiled knowingly, knitting his brows in mock annoyance. He then held out his hand. "My weapon?"
The other slid the onyx ring off of his finger adjacent to his middle, the middle finger which was adorned with an old ring that he now hastily moved to a separate finger on his right hand, along with the rest of his rings on the left. He dropped it into Steve's palm.
The man barely had any time to speak once he kneeled. "Eddie Munson, will you marry-"
He was interrupted by Eddie taking hold of his face on either side and pressing his lips to Steve's. He just about giggled. "Yes."
And on October 6th, 2014, their rings, never once removed, touched together while they laced their fingers in front of the TV as it spoke the headline, "Gay Marriage Now Legalized In Indiana".
(Go follow my Ao3, Pink_October_Bones! I'm in the final stage of editing some stories, and will be posting thousands of words-worth of fan fictions soon!)
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AITA for not paying my brother for our business' supplies?
(sorry, English isn't my first language)
This happened a couple of months ago. Me (30NB) and my brother (29M) have full time jobs, but I wanted to start a small business selling things made of resin (keychains, ashtrays, those things). It was fun making them and the extra money would help me, but I wanted to start small since my job didn't leave me with much free time. I mentioned this to my brother and he said we should have a business together, so I taught him how to use resin. I told him I was busy with work so I wouldn't be able to work on our business right away, so he went ahead and made social media accounts and keychains so we could take pictures and promote them.
When we talked about buying glitter, molds and chains I told him we should wait until we got back the money I had already spent on supplies, and then we could afford to buy more things since both on us were struggling to make ends meet. He agreed to this and I thought it was the end to it, that we would just use what we already had. Everytime he brought up buying molds he saw on TikTok I reminded him of this, and the fact that none of us could afford a big purchase (our jobs don't pay that much and we both have kids).
The next time I went to his house he was so proud to show me the amount of glitter and molds he had bought, when I asked how much he spent on them it was a third of my salary. It was obvious he spent so much money on them because he expected me to cover half of the costs, even though I told him before I couldn't. Thing is I went to his house that day to tell him I didn't want to work on this anymore, he was clearly more excited than I was and I barely got to make a single thing anyways, plus we hadn't sold anything yet so I thought it'd be better to leave our partnership early, you know, before we spent a lot of money we didn't have. He said I should still pay for half of the supplies, I refused since I told him before I didn't have the money and I wasn't gonna use them anyways.
A week later he tried to get our parents and older brother involved, though they said we should solve this between us. You know, like adults. We haven't talked ever since and he refuses to go to our family reunions if he knows I'm going. I thought I was in the right but the more time passes I'm not so sure.
What are these acronyms?
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marksbear · 2 years
Steve Rogers x a college aged guy on Christmas break. The reader is so excited to celebrate his first Christmas with Steve, full of kisses, a lot of gifts for Steve, and passionate Christmas Eve sex, along with going out to look at lights and celebrating Christmas with the avengers on Christmas Day
I rlly love Steve 🤭
Aww a Christmas request! Hope you enjoy the fic and have a good Christmas! And happy new years!--- Bear
I made the reader be in universty to add something into the plot y'know.
Y/n university finally released them for Christmas break. Usually he'll stay at his friends or family house during the break then celebrate Christmas with them.
Like last year Y/n and his friends threw the biggest neighborhood party ever. All of him and friends were drunk when they threw the party. It was one of the best days in Y/n life.
But now he has a boyfriend. "I'm becoming a real man." What Y/n said when his friend asked him to come to their house. Y/n was only joking and said
"Nah have to pass this year. Got me a man to take care of y'now? I'm turning into an adult now. Just gotta get kids now and a better job." Before Y/n leaves the University to officially start his break he hugs all his friends and stops by his favorite teachers classrooms before leaving.
His first stop was to the mall. He bought cheap and expensive gifts for his family and friends, but for Steve. He wasted all his savings for every single gift imaginable. He bought the best things money can buy.
After he was done shopping he went to his sister's house to drop off the gifts for her and her family. "Y/n! Hey thanks for the gifts. The kids will love this and my wife. But I gotta ask when you're gonna find someone you love?" His sister asks taking the gifts to her bathroom hiding them with Y/n helping her.
"I found a guy...Hes very sweet and kind hes so perfect you know. The type of guy I don't want to disappoint. Hes like my other half. And you are gonna flip when you see him." His sister sees that look in her brother's eye. The same look when she saw her wife for the first time ever. She lets out a smile trusting that Y/n is finally gonna be taken care of.
"The kids upstairs? Imma gonna bless them with an early Christmas. And that is seeing the best uncle in the world!~" Y/n runs upstairs to see the little devils.
After Y/n is done delivering all the gifts to his friends and family he drives to Stark tower. Y/n haven't met the avengers yet and is utterly terrified. But Steve gave him a heads up that no one besides himself and Jarvis/ Vision is at the tower.
Steve is outside waiting for Y/n and smiles bashfully when he sees Y/n car. "Hey handsome~" Y/n says kissing Steve passionately. "I was beginning to think that you weren't gonna show." Steve says pushing the eager Y/n thats trying to makeout with him in the freezing cold.
"C'mon lets take these inside." Steve says gesturing to the scary amount of gifts Y/n has for him that's all wrapped up. "It's our first Christmas together! I had to go big or go home! And plus I made my nieces and nephews wrap them for free."
As soon the two got all the gifts inside and under the huge tree Stark bought they went to Steve's room. Y/n goes to the TV and puts on a cheesy romance Christmas movie he founded the other day. While Steve brings snacks and drinks for their little movie date.
The two spend their whole Christmas Eve afternoon together picking what movies to watch, pausing the movie to makeout and hug each other, eating snacks and cuddling. Everything was just so fun and romantic Steve's room had a dim glow in it because the fireplace and the fire just added into the Christmas spirit.
It was during one of their makeout breaks where things turned lewd. They were just kissing with tongues exploring each other's mouth as Y/n slowly crawled into Steve's lap.
Steve takes Y/n waist massaging them as Y/n hands run his hands through Steve's hair. If it was just a regular makeout they would have pulled away from each other long ago. Y/n moves his hips grinding his and Steve's crotch together.Y/n blushes madly when he feels Steve hard cock pressed up against his ass.
Y/n pulls away from the makeout taking his shirt off as Steve watches his every move. Y/n leans back on the bed giving Steve access to his whole body. Steve crawls above Y/n kissing and biting his neck and uses his free hands to touch and pinch Y/n chest playing with his nipples.
Y/n fumbles around with his pants trying to take them off. As he takes his pants down he pulls his underwear off with them. All of Y/n clothes are scattered around the floor. "Y-your clothes..Take them ngh~ f-fuck Steve." Y/n couldn't finish his beg because his moan took over his words. Steve sits on the bed beside Y/n jerking his cock off slowly pleasuring the younger man.
Y/n tries to tug on the hero's clothes hoping he'll get the hint. "Words Y/n let me hear you beg." Steve tells him jerking his cock at a fast pace trying to make him cum early. "St---eve!~ please take your clothes off! plea-se I-I beg you. I'll be a good boy please!~""Good boy~" Steve takes off all his clothes throwing them somewhere on the floor before going back to jerk off Y/n. Y/n rolls his hips into Steve's hand as he jerks him off and avoids eye contact.
"Steve w--what are you~doing!?! Y/n shouts when Steve speeds up his hand and his grip on Y/n poor aching cock tighter. Y/n covers his mouth with his hand screaming and moaning into it as he cums all over Steve's hand. "Wha---what was thA for~ Steve please I-I just came~"" Steve looks at Y/n hole and asks. "Did you prep yourself on the way here?"
Y/n face becomes flustered and embarrassed and shakes his head yes. "I wanted it to be easier for you." Steve smiles at his generosity and uses the cum from Y/n lubing up his own cock. Steve slowly enters his cock into Y/n hole. Once he was inside of Y/n halfway he fucks him slowly and deeply hitting all of the right places.
His thrust was hard but still at the same time gentle. He held Y/n as he fucks him deeply with his hard cock. Slow skin slapping against each other can be heard from outside the door as well Y/n moans and whimpers too. Y/n feels the same tight knot in his stomach from before and his back begins to arch and his legs tremble.
Maybe it's the Christmas spirit but him and Steve seem more emotional this time round of love making. The two have done it countless of times but this seems so different. Y/n cock begins to twitch again and he lets out a long whine. Steve's cock brushes against his prostate making Y/n almost cum right there and then but instead he lets out the loudest moan yet and claws his back.
Steve sees the reaction and begins to aim his thrust into Y/n abusing his hole and prostate. It doesn't take a while for Y/n to feel his orgasm nearing. Y/n lets out pants as if he was a dog and his eyes roll back as he cums hard all over himself and his boyfriend. Steve isn't far behind letting out a moan and some groans as well.
As the two ride out their orgasms they're both in a comfortable silence. As Steve pulls out he flops on Y/n side laying down tiredly staring at Y/n handsome features.
Hawkeye opens Captain America's door and lets out a wolf whistle. "Wow. Someone was being naughty last time." Clint says eyeing all of the clothes on the floor and the two figures in the bed. "Hot boyfriend by the way Cap. He's really pretty in the face." Clint teases earning a pillow in the face by Steve.
Clint shuts the door and leaves the room going back down stairs to open gifts.
Steve stands up from the bed and gives Y/n some of his own clean clothes as he finds some too. Steve puts the clothes on and picks up the clothes that were on the floor and puts them in a basket. "Merry Christmas Steve." Y/n says walking up to him. "Merry Christmas Y/n." Steve says back wrapping his arms around Y/n kissing him.
All the Avengers are down stairs opening and giving people gifts. They welcome Y/n with open arms and some even prepared gifts for you. Bucky got you a gift from the way Steve talked about you and everything. The Avengers hosted a huge Christmas party and played games and had drinks and food.
Y/n took Steve to go see the lights in his neighborhood and even showed Steve his family especially is sister who went all cop on and did an investigation on him.
"Hey did Santa give you one of the gifts I asked him to give you. My love for you..."
"Shut up Y/n."
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Could you Mischa meeting the readers parents.
Ps. All of your work has been awesome ❤️
Aww thx for complimenting my works! It really makes me happy that there are people who like my works.
Here's your order of Mischa Bachinski meeting the readers parents (I will implement (Y/N)'s two moms from my last oneshot because why not)
Also thank you guys for 50+ followers. Ily all very much!
(Tw: none!)
Word count: 1,081 words
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An awkward dinner (feat: my parents) (MISCHA BACHINSKI X GN! READER)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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Today was the day when I'll die from embarrassment. You might wonder "why (Y/N)? What's gonna happen today?" And the simple answer is that today my boyfriend is gonna meet my moms.
Mischa and I haven't been dating for long, but ever since we've started dating, my moms have been eager to meet him.
I told Mischa that my moms wanted to meet him, and he's been curious himself about who they are, and that's how today we're gonna have dinner together (together with my moms)
Right now, I was waiting by the door, fidgeting with my hands. It had been almost half an hour since the text from mischa had said that he was on his way. I knew he wouldn’t be late but I wasn't exactly sure what to do until he arrived. After all, it’s not everyday you invite your boyfriend to meet your parents.
I waited, and waited some more, feeling like minutes were taking hours, and seconds were taking years. While I was panicking on the inside, I heard my doorbell ring. It must be Mischa
I slowly opened the door to reveal him, with a bouquet of flowers. it was pretty cheesy, to be honest, but I was still excited about the gift.
"Hey, (Y/N), I just bought some flowers for you and your moms cuz my parents didn't give me enough money to buy you something better. Hope you three like them!" Mischa said.
I smiled brightly at him, happy that he thought of even buying for me and my parents something. "You really are the sweetest, Misch-Misch!" I said as I kissed his cheek, and he started giggling a little in a very silly yet adorable way.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" I heard a voice call and I turned around and saw my mom walk through the door, holding a batch of chocolate chip cookies on a pan. She looked at Mischa and smiled at him. "Hello sweetie! You must be Mischa, right? (Y/N) has already told us stories about you!" She said, being as nice and welcoming toward Mischa as she could. She took him by the shoulder and walked to the kitchen, dragging Mischa behind and me walking next to them. It was honestly really funny seeing Mischa, who is very and I mean VERY tall, being dragged by such a short woman.
Once we entered the kitchen, we were greeted by my mama, who was sitting at the table and looking at us with a smile.
"Hey, you must be Mischa, right? My son/daughter/child has told us a lot about you!" She greeted him, shaking his hand, before ruffling his hair. Mischa chuckled at the gesture.
"Oh! We need to introduce ourselves first!" Mama said, looking at mom before smiling at each other. "My name is Aadhira, and this is my wife, Soleil !" She introduced herself and mom to Mischa, as they began shaking hands. Mischa seemed really happy to meet my parents.
"It is a pleasure meeting you two, Mrs. Aadhira and Mrs. Soleil!" Mischa said. I smiled that until now, nothing embarrassing has happened.
"Oh, Mischa! Would you like seeing some pictures of (Y/N) when they were younger?" My mom asked. Oh boy, why must I have the worst luck ever? I looked at Mischa, silently begging him to say no.
"Umm...Sure!" He said. I mentally facepalmed, feeling my cheeks getting warmer. Why must everything bad happen to me?
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My cheeks became even warmer when I saw my mama bring the "big ol' book of memories", as she would call it. Mischa looked quite curious to look through the images of me as a baby.
Mama put the book on her lap and herself in the middle of the couch, as everyone put themselves next to her. She opened the book and showed the first image. The first image was made an hour after I was born.
"This is (Y/N) when they were born! Weren't they adorable?" Mom asked Mischa, to which Mischa nodded, looking eager to look at more baby pics of me.
We spent minutes looking at pictures of me, like when I was watching my very first Disney movie, when I listened to The Beatles for the first time, First day of elementary school, and many more.
I was silently begging mama to close that book, but she couldn't hear my silent plea.
"And this is the Alice in Wonderland play that (Y/N) participated in. They played the Mad Hatter!" My mama said enthusiastically, before she looked at me. "(Y/N), honey, are you ok?" She asked, concerned, looking into my eyes. I gave her the most innocent smile I could muster and replied, "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?!" "Honey, we know when you lie. Is everything alright?" My mom asked while rubbing circles on my back. Oh, how I wished she'd stop doing that!
"Yeah, I'm alright..." I said before I could feel tears well up in my eyes. "Dear, please don't cry!" Mama said as I burst into tears.
"Sorry, but I don't want you to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend!" I said hiccuping.
Both my moms looked at me with sad expressions, as Mischa walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back, and my moms joined in. We all had a group hug, and I began crying more.
"We're so sorry honey! We didn't mean to embarrass you! We just want to talk about your accomplishments, since we're so proud of you!" Mom said.
"Huh?" I hiccuped.
"You heard them. They are proud of you, and so am I! I'm very sorry for looking through your childhood photos, but it makes me happy when I see pictures of people I'm close to, no matter what age they were when the photo was taken." Mischa said, and I gave him a melancholic smile I truly don't deserve him. He's too sweet for this world.
The rest of the evening was spent with us watching movies and playing family games like "Uno" and "Guess who?". We stopped looking at my baby photos since my parents finally understood that I was not comfortable with those pictures. I'm truly happy to have these amazing parents and a fantastic boyfriend as a cherry on top. I could never ask for more!
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
The MLM hack list
Alright. So there are a bunch of MLM diet companies that make a shitload of money of of us and yet our obesity rates in developed countries are thru the freaking roof.
How many times have you gotten the messages on Facebook, Instagram or whatever and it's like: Hey girl, haven't seen you since high school, let's get coffee... OR... they just post the precopied message & ask about your goals, & proceed to add a flurry of hyperpositive social media messages, like my friend recently did to me.
Did anyone in high school like you? Not me! Do that screams danger from the start. I was horrendously bullied in elementary school. I was gone to a parochial school for a couple years so the only reason that I avoided constant bullying in high school was because... they forgot who I was.
Here are some ideas I stole from various companies, cheaper:
Herbalife: this company's stuff works, for 2 reasons- you replace 2 out of 3 meals with shakes. However, alot of people are not successful if they make their shakes at home and if they add in all the snack bars. People do, however, lose weight if they get their shakes from a "nutrition" shop. Why? Because they blend those shakes super thick with a metric shitton of ice & I think alot of them add sf pudding, which enhances the thickness. Also, you get an iced tea, normally with added fiber. So the answer is- you have 2 drinks that take a long time to finish AND give you added caffeine & fiber. So? Just do it at home: keep your shake calories low, make it extra large & thicker than a snicker, & follow with a caffeinated tea & add fiber to it. I like the herbalife brand but I order it off Amazon so I don't have to get the whole shpeel. Now brand has "prebiotic fiber" that is cheaper. There is also benefiber from Walmart. It is cheap, so why not?
Beachbody: you don't need to spend a billion dollars on protein shakes or meal replacement shakes. I do, however, love some of their workout systems.
Tai Slim: this company's great idea was the chocolate gluccomannon chews, I just didn't know ot at the time. I have tried to order it but have been unable to so maybe they don't make it any more. So my hack would be- the chocolate calcium chews, some gluccomannon tablets, & a large glass of water.
Modere: this company was all over tik tok & reels for awhile, while the reps were trying to schlep people into this scheme. The Golden Child was the liquid CLA chocolate, probably because it tastes like a chocolatey treat while it is actually a CLA supplement. CLA can be purchased at almost any health food store, way cheaper.
Plexus: the pink drink. More research needed on this, but I think it is just a fiber drink. Hack: gluccomannon powder & a Starburst all pink flavor packet.
Most of these companies often sell an associated "fat burner:" often something with caffeine, ecgc from green tea, etc. You can get something similar at a health food store for a fraction of the price. If you want something fancy, there is Ember from the Ambrosia Collective. Use the Google. MFINGCOO is a discount code that I think still works, but it isn't mine.
Buy In for then"tribe:" Weight watchers (not an MLM, just a diet culture sales supergiant but they still somehow acquire affiliates, idk if that qualifies as a True MLM), beachbody, herbalife are pretty cultish in nature-- they rope you into a bunch of meetings, calls, and online groups. If someone calls you to ask why you weren'tat Power Hour, you may have bought into a cult! It works by reprogramming certain thought & behavior patterns..... Basically a bunch of people are sharing ideas regularly and getting involved in their cultish antics.& promoting it on social media. (Example: OMG have you tried the new WW/herbalife/beachbody PROTEIN BAR?? Only $15 for 4!! What a deal! LINK IN MY BIO) You can do this on your own by finding your own people. You can get your own seminars by watching a lot of youtube. Anything that focuses on reprogramming you to cook at home and eat primarily whole foods will probably work. Join free groups. Disregard anything outside of what works for you ( I have to ignore a lot of dessert recipes because they cause bingeing for me).
Lipozene: pretty sure this is just gluccomannon. You can find gluccomannon tablets way cheaper at a health food store. Walmart also was carrying a generic version.
Hydroxycut: pretty sure the active ingredient here is HCA? I don't have a bottle currently to look. But isn't HCA just garcinia? So much cheaper at a health food store. I personally cannot take hydroxycut, it makes me RAGE. I like, get upset and freak out at work, so I don't even think I am willing to try it again.
It works: I think the skinny coffee would be comparable to the "slim coffee," which was cheaper but seemed to be chromium. You can just pick up a chromium supplement... & seriously, you can just drink coffee. Don't add calories to it.
Apple cider vinegar gummies: Just take shots of apple cider vinegar. You can buy a gallon at walmart, it will last a long time. Play with shot recipes, you can do good girl moonshine (ala Trim Healthy Mamma), & use it liberally for dressing recipes.
L-Glutamine: don't remember the company, but this is available at more health food stores, not for $100 a container.
Maybe I have bought so much shit so you don't have it. Is there an MLM company I missed? 🤔 let me know and I will check it out for future posts.
Remember- whatever you do, stay safe. Research your shit. Focus on your daily habits and remember that what you are eating outweighs almost any supplement you could buy. Eat whole food, walk, have an exercise routine & stop expecting a 30 day result for a body that took you 40 years (or whatever) to create.
I definitely don't think the ozempic trend is worth the cost, but if there is no other way for you & you have the money, it is worth a shot. Just don't expect your insurance to pay for it. Many insurance companies are currently not covering it, and I don't really know if they should consider it.
Surgery? If there is no other way and you want to, go for it.
The way that these things work though, is by changing what you are eating. Period. These are all systems to change what you ingest and you can change what you eat for free.
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I am still on Nomorbidity & Alkemi from the Ambrosia Collective. I have not found suitable replacements for them but I am also not looking hard, they have a reasonable price point to me.
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Edited: To reword, as WW is a diet culture vulture, not quite an MLM. Just a big money making company.
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