mrnicekisser · 3 hours
Thank you for your translations, seriously! It’s always appreciated when someone translates an Ensemble Girls story <3 Do you plan on posting to the wiki? @engirls-collection
<3 <3 <3
i would love to! but i think that my translations are quite uuh... imperfect??? i want to polish them before doing that, so maybe later!
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mrnicekisser · 4 days
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tysm for your support !! <3 i'm really glad that there are people that actually interested in what i am doing for the fandom i like! i'm translating another story already, i'm not sure when exactly i can finish it because of the school and things but stay tuned anyway! (≧◡≦)
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
ensemble girls fans If you're alive let's be friends pretty please
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
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hi dear followers here's my bbg for u
i'll prolly delete it later bc i don't like this at all😞this was made for his birthday and i was in rush sigh
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
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I lost motivation to finish her, but I spent too long on her to let her collect dust in folders, so here. :V
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
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Suzu engirls upon ya
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
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reika sketch i did the other day
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
[Street Gacha] Chapter 7
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Runa: Good luck to the five abandoned cats on their departure! ♪
Mizuki: Good luck☆
Suzu: But why are you toasting at a curry restaurant? And for some reason, you're drinking lassi...?
Mizuki: Hmm. Maybe I should have had chai instead of lassi?
Suzu: No, that's not what I meant. I think normally the launch would be held at a family restaurant or something, but here...
Runa: Even if you say that, all the family restaurants on weekends are crowded, so I had no choice.
Also, this curry restaurant is a hidden gem, so if you're planning on going to Bunmukae, try their curry first. ♪
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Ruka: Ha~h. So this is what lassi tastes like. It's sweet and delicious... Sweet things are the best for a tired body.
Hayate: Well done. How was the street live?
Ruka: Ah, right... I was surprised at how many people came... I was really nervous, so I don't want to do it again anytime soon.
Hayate: Eh~? You have a pretty cute voice, so I think it's a waste.~
Ruka: No, even if you flatter me, I won't let you ride next time!
Hayate: Damn. You're learning. I guess it'll be a while before we see the next stage.
Runa: Hyahya. ♪ If you want to go to Ripe again, why don't you ask us? I'm willing to take it depending on the price!
Ruka: Hey, don't make money out of me...!
By the way, Suzu-senpai, you said earlier that you didn't have any money, but was it okay for you to come to the after-party?
Suzu: Ah, that's it. I have a guess.
I learned from talking to Hiiragi-san earlier that both she and the twins were taking care of abandoned cats and had run out of money.
Me and Ruka have also run out of money due to today's expenses.
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Kukuku. But what if Yogiri-san, who has financial means, is the one to judge?
Ruka: I see! As expected of Suzu-senpai, she thought that far before participating in the launch party. ♪
Hayate: No no! I didn't say I'd judge it or anything! I'm bothered by people trying to act cool by saying "I wonder...?"
Runa: Don't say that! If you're an "ally of justice'', why don't you help us in trouble?
Maybe I'll get arrested for eating and drinking without paying. Can you turn your schoolmates into criminals?
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Mizuki: That's right! I think abandoning the well-intentioned people who took care of abandoned cats is a disqualification from being an "ally of justice''~ ♪
Hayate: Hey-! You guys are so troublesome!
Sigh... But this time, I also suspected Hiiragi and the others... So I'll settle things for now.
However, only one item per person. If you go too far, you will be turned away without mercy, so be prepared!
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Suzu: Ah. That is what it means to be an "ally of justice." A righteous and compassionate woman, a wonderful act...☆ Waiter, can I have one of these "Army, Navy and Air Force Curry" please?
Ruka: I also want the same thing as Suzu-senpai~ ♪
Runa: Well then, there are two of us~☆
Mizuki: Two of the same as everyone, please~ ♪ Oh, I'd be happy if you could put one in a take-out container.
Hayate: Hey guys! You even got one dish for each person!
Runa: What do you mean, "ally of justice"? Yogiri is stingy.
Mizuki: Stingy~.
Hayate: ...Oh man. It's hard to be an "ally of justice" when there are so many quirky people out there.
Well, it was a lively and fun day, and there were no crimes... so maybe this was a good thing.
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Waiter, I'll have the same one! Thank you very much☆
hiiii this is me Mark and thank you for reading if you actually did it!! this is the first engirls translation i have made and i'm going to do some more later :3 i would rlly appreciate any support as well as any interest in engirls!! feel free to make requests (i can also do translations of enstars stories (i don't actually want to bc i am a beginner and english isn't even my native language but i can try!!) and maybe even smth else....???? who knows.......... soo yeah thanks for being here!!!! ^__^
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
[Street Gacha] Chapter 6
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Ruka: U-uh... Erm... Thats impossible...
Suzu-senpai knows that I'm too nervous to sing in front of people, right?
So even if it doesn't match the image of "Fallen Angel," I think it would be better if Suzu-senpai sang it.
Suzu: Yeah, everyone knows that Ruka is anxious.
But, Ruka, this isn't just a matter of my emotional state.
However, you have a beautiful singing voice. It is perfect for ballads. My husky voice would spoil the image of the song.
That's why I can't sing the ballad you wrote. It matches your style, not mine.
Please sing. I want to hear your voice echo through the streets.
Ruka: B-but...
A~h... Alright...
Well, that's fine. It would be much quicker if we called out to the owner ourselves. If the song isn't sung, it won't reach the owner.
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I was also disappoited at Kuromori-senpai. I thought she was a pretty charismatic, since she's called a "Fallen Angel," but she can't even motivate all her juniors.
Suzu: ...
Runa: That's sweet. Too sweet. In our company, we would make our juniors do it even if they said they didn't want to. Even if you have to be hated, your role as a senior is to provide proper guidance.
Suzu: We're different. The light music club, unlike the lacrosse club, is a special place for those who have become separated from the group.
If my heart becomes demonic as well, then those girls will no longer be able to belong anywhere.
Runa: That's what makes it "sweet". They pamper the members who can't perform on stage because of their light-stimulating condition,
That special place of yours... If the light music club disbands without ever having any activities, will you take responsibility for it? That's what I'm asking.
Suzu: That's true. But there are circumstances where that's not always the case. The kids on the lacrosse team are strong. They've been brought up to be strong. Honestly, I respect them.
But that approach doesn't suit the light music club. Forcing tests or rushing for answers won't produce good results.
No matter how much I am criticized for being unfit to be a club leader, I intend to watch over my team members and wait for them to make their own decision.
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Ruka: S-Suzu-senpai...
I'll sing.
I hate seing someone insulting Suzu-senpai, but more than anything, I'm starting to hate myself for trying to run away from her, even though she has such high expectations of me.
I'll do my best, so I'd be happy if Suzu-senpai would support me...
Suzu: Yes. Ruka, my precious junior. I have no intention of making you sing alone and exposing you. I'm prepared to take all the dirt. Let me support you with all my might.
Ruka: Ah. ♪ It's reassuring...
Okay then. I need to work hard…!
I'll make you regret being so harsh on Suzu-senpai, lacrosse club member!
Runa: That's the spirit, little one named Ruka. It's time to show us yourself, girlie!
Ruka: Huh?! Um, why are you suddenly rooting for me?! Just a moment ago you were fighting against us!
Hayate: Ahaha. I was totally taken in by Hiiragi's provocation. ♪ Isn't she really good at making people do work?
Ruka: Uh, provocation..?
Mizuki: Yes. I think Hiiragi was motivated well because she doesn't want to get her hands dirty. ♪
When it came to abandoned cats, I was also almost forced to buy powdered milk.
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Wait! Now that I think about it, I feel like all the trouble was forced on me because of the abandoned cat!
Runa: Hyahya, ♪ I think Futaba-senpai's memory is wrong~
Mizuki: Hmm. I'll curse you!
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Runa: I don't believe in curses, so please feel free to do so~ ♪
Ruka: (I see. I had the wrong idea. But they are good people at heart, if they take care of a stray cat. They deliberately provoked me to take a step forward.)
(Although it's scary to be on stage alone, I have reliable seniors around me.)
(I was scared wanted to run away before, but now, I feel like I can sing in a relaxed manner. I think it's all thanks to my seniors and the kittens... ♪)
(Yes. Before i'll pick up guitar, I'll try singing a little.)
~ ♪ ~ ♪
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(Hehe, i feel so happy... ♪)
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
[Street Gacha] Chapter 5
Written by 木野誠太郎
Hayate: Ahh. That's pretty good.
Runa: Haa, huh... That's a disgrace, isn't it?
If you lose to the "ally of justice", you'll become the great villain.
Hayate: By the way, you said you were looking for new owners. Do you think you might be able to find one?
Runa: No. I guess it's not easy to find a good person who will take in a cat that you don't know where it came from. It's a bit strange to call a cat "a horse bone" though.
If I were to look for one, I'd look for a place where people gather, like a busy downtown area on holidays.
I plan my strategy every day, but it turns out that it's difficult to find someone just by handing out posters and flyers.
I think it's legal to just post a notice on a utility pole, but getting permission is a pain. I don't really like public authority, you know?
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Mizuki: If there are people who can attract a lot of customers with their street performances, they can also advertise for you. But you don't see that kind of thing often in downtown areas, do you?
Hayate: Surely. Maybe it's because there's an amusement park nearby, so the comedians and people in costumes go there instead of downtown. Downtown areas have an image of being for shoppers.
If you want to appeal to shoppers, hmm?
Of course, it would be rude to put up a sign in front of a pet shop, but it would be even worse to stop people from coming to other stores.
Hey, wait...I think I have a clever idea.
Runa: What is it?
Hayate: All you need to do is attract attention from people in the downtown area, right?
Then there's someone suitable for the job. Kuromori-senpai from the light music club.
I met her not so while ago, and it looked like she was on her way to the clothing store. I think she's still in the downtown area, so if you look for her, she'll be able to help.
Mizuki: I see...Certainly, that girl who had gained enthusiastic support as a "fallen angel" might be able to attract attention.
Runa: If we decide to do that, why don't we start searching for Kuromori-senpai? I think it would be much more effective than trying to attract customers ourselves.
"Fallen Angel" Kuromori Suzu's skills are on display. ♪
Hayate: ..That's why. Could you please help me, Kuromori-senpai?
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Suzu: Eh, I don't like that idea.
Hayate: I-Is that an immediate answer!? You have mercy, right?
Suzu: No. I'd like to help if I can. Unfortunately, I don't have any instruments or stage costumes with me now.
Even if i did, the song is a blasphemous and noisy.
I am very different from the kind of good people who pick up abandoned cats. I will probably be avoided.
in addition, if you put on an extreme performance and get arrested by a police officer, it would be a "thing".
I was suspended from school at the beginning of this year for something I did in the Dark Culture Festival. If I cause further trouble in public, I could be expelled rather than suspended.
If you look at us, we're not the type of people who would take care of an abandoned cat, right? But contrary to appearances, we do take care of them. 
In other words, there's nothing strange about someone who likes rock music and also likes cats!
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Even if the police spots you, you can just run away. Kuromori-senpai in "Fallen Angels" runs away in the face of power, is that a joke?
Hayate: No, no. I don't think I would let my senior, who is graduating in six months, cross this dangerous bridge. I guess I have no choice but to start by handing out flyers.
Mizuki: But printing flyers is expensive enough. I used up all my pocket money on feeding the cat.
Hayate: I wonder if I can do it by hand, or if it would take a lot of time to make handwritten flyers. What should I do?
Suzu: Hmm. If we keep quiet, they can say what they want... Do you not care about our opinions? No matter how much the light music club seeks chaos, they are nothing more than puppets.
If Ruka has something to say, feel free to do it. What do you think about this situation with kittens?
Ruka: Ah, yes, sorry! It was so fun to play with kittens, I got distracted...
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Hehehe. This one is so affectionate and cute...
It's outrageous that we would abandon such babies. But at the same time, I think it's a good opportunity.
Suzu: ...A good opportunity?
Ruku: Yes. Um, well... If you can't play the noisy songs, I thought maybe you should play songs that aren't noisy so you won't get in trouble.
Suzu-senpai might not like it though. Hey, sometimes she composes ballad-like songs.
There's a song that I wrote but haven't released since because it doesn't fit the image of a "Fallen Angel". If you don't mind, I'd like you to sing it.
However, if you need an instrument, I'll buy a guitar for practice, so I'm sure you'll be fine using that! I think casual clothes will suit you better, as it will match your usual melody...
Suzu: ...
Suzu: Well. I can't sing songs that aren't rock. I couldn't sing even if you'll ask me to.
Ruka: Sigh...
Hayate: Hey, hey. Are you more concerned about your image than about stray kittens?
Suzu: Listen to the end, "ally of Justice." You don't like it when your advances are ignored, do you?
Suzu: I am a fallen angel. I am an eccentric person who was saved by rock-and-roll, which is like a snoring sound to the gods of heaven, and who found salvation in such songs.
Even if such a person were to sing a ballad, it would not resonate with the souls of the onlookers because it would not come from the heart.
However, if Ruka will sing, it would be a different story. It hasn't been long since she has been a member of the light music club.
Although she is a fallen angel (Lucifer) with broken wings, she should be able to sing songs that resonate with people as a life-sized girl.
So...I'll take it a little lightly when you sing a love song in front of me. I help Ruka play the song, and Ruka makes her singing voice resonate. How about it?
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Ruka: Y-you want me to... sing?
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 4
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Runa: Thanks to Futaba-senpai, our future is bright.
Thanks to the funding provided by my senior, it looks like the problems I've been having will be easily solved. Thank you ♪
Mizuki: This is a piece of cake for me as a senior, isn't it? But it's not solved yet. It's just that the steps to solve it are in place.
The ultimate goal is whether or not there are people who want "that" thing.
Runa: Just as Futaba-senpai said. You won't be able to relax till the end. Let's move forward with all our might until we reach our goals!
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Hayate: (Funding? I don't know what "that" means, but are they trying to sell that white powder to someone...?)
(Damn, they're making these faces. I know they like pranks, but they're smiling so happily...)
(However, if I'll step in here there's high chance that they'll run away. Hiiragi is fast when it comes to excaping from someone, so i need to make up a strategy.)
Mizuki: Okay. I'll open the package as soon as I get it. ♪ I'm glad I got it, but I won't use it, because there's always a way to "carelessly" do it.
Runa: Well then, please leave it to me! I'm used to things like this. ♪
Hayate: (Huh!? Are they really planning on using the powder themselves?)
(No, absolutely! If you have drugs, you will not only commit a crime by selling it, but also become addicted and unable to return to your daily life yourself!)
(I have to stop it no matter what..!)
Hey, you guys! Stop it!
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Mizuki: Huh-!?
Runa: The hell, Yogiri! If somebody suddenly screamed, wouldn't you be scared?
Hayate: I'm scared of another thing. The "white powder" that was in the package earlier. What on earth is it?
Mizuki: No matter what you're trying to do... well, that's it.
Runa: What..?
Hayate: That's a very blunt answer! After all, you were trying to do something bad that you couldn't tell anyone about, right?
Maybe you thought no one would find out outside of school, but as long as the "Allies of Justice" eyes are black, they won't miss it!
Mizuki: Hey, wait! I haven't really understood what you are trying to say, but I think it's a misunderstanding!
Hayate: Huh..?
Runa: The "white powder" that Yogiri was talking about is probably this.
Hayate: Powdered milk..?
No, no. Even if you tried to camouflage it, it wouldn't work like that. Don't tell me you're planning to sell powdered milk?
I heard about it in the shade of the trees earlier. You're looking for funding and people who want "that"!
You can buy powdered milk in many places, so I'm sure you were trying to sell something suspicious!
Runa: No way! That was just a misunderstanding!
Hayate: Then what is "that"!?
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Runa: "That" is a abandoned kittens!
Hayate: Abandoned kittens..?
Mizuki: Yeah. Hiiragi was taking a walk around here by herself. Five kittens in a cardboard box were abandoned in this wooded area just a little away from the downtown...
Maybe the cat couldn't raise the babies she gave birth to. The owner may be irresponsible, but if you find them and get mad at them, you won't be able to take her from them.
Hiiragi was going to stay here and take care of them until she could find someone to take them.
But, Hiiragi brings a lot of animals into the school's backyard, right?
If she was alone, she wouldn't be able to take care of them as much as she should, so I, who was doing fieldwork, decided to help out.
Hayate: Hmm………. When you say "funding", do you mean that you paid for the food and things like that?
Runa: That's right. Seriously, Yogiri, you're making a lot of mistakes. Thanks to that, I was worried that maybe I was doing something wrong too.
Hayate: It's probably due to your bad behavior on a daily basis. It's my fault in this case, but when I see a small-time villain and a dubious gangster hanging out, I think it may be worse, right?
Mizuki: Wrong. Occult club does only strange things, not bad things!
Hayate: Fine. Can i see the kittens please?
Runa: Do you still have doubts? They're adorable enough that I will show them to you, though.
They're so cute that you may faint!
There's a cardboard box under that tree. There are five kittens inside. Don't be scared and hold them very gently.
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Hyahya~♪ They tickle my hand!
Hayate: Ah. Very cute kittens. Hiiragi, did you always had a heart?
Runa: Shut up. We are trying to be good people. In the end, these kittens will also improve our reputation...Hey, stop it! You're going to turn my hands into paper noodles~!
Mizuki: But Hiiragi is quite fond of cats, isn't she?
I wonder if that head scarf of her smells like catnip?
Runa: My head scarf has a nice smell because i use special detergent. I'm sure that's why it's able to fully exert its effect.
Hayate: Hmm. Let's see…
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Runa: Hey, who the hell said it stinks?! How dare you criticize my "Shu-kun" that's been passed down for generations. I knew I was wrong to trust Yogiri!
Hayate: You're cringe Hiiragi. Why don't you just put perfume on it instead of calling it "Shu-kun''?
Runa: *makes angry noises*
Hayate: *makes angry noises back*
Mizuki: Hey, you two. Putting aside the fact that you don't get along, if you keep going like this the sun will go down without you doing anything.
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They say even cats don't care about a couple's quarrel. The kittens seem to be dozing off in disgust, too~? Ahahaha. They're so honest and cute. Good, good...♪
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 3
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Mizuki: Are you really going to do it? I think it's going to be hard.
Runa: I don't really want to do it either, but we have no choice, you know? Please, Futaba-senpai!
Hayate: Shit~. It's so noisy around here that I can't hear them at all! If I knew what they are talking about, I would be able to tell if their actions are legal or not as an "ally of justice."
Suzu: Ah. Yogiri-san, I'm sorry, but you grabbed my arm. Can you please let me go?
I'm going to shopping with Ruka. I'd like to leave the resolution of the wrongdoing to the "ally of justice" and take it easy on our occasional day off...
Hayate: Eh~. Please don't say things like that and help me. What if this turns into a big incident that I can't handle? I'll be in trouble.
It's okay if it's inside the school, but I feel like it would be quite dangerous to interact with Hiiragi and Futaba-senpai outside.
Hiiragi's family seems to be doing some dangerous things, and Futaba's clubmates also seem to be practicing black magic.
Ruka: Despite being called an "ally of justice," Yogiri-senpai is surprisingly timid...?
Hayate: Are you calling me a coward? I am just cautious. If we rush in recklessly, we could get hurt.
That's it. Oh, Hiiragi and Futaba-senpai are nowhere to be seen. Where did they go...?
Suzu: Oh, you lost them?
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Kukuku... If that's the case, there's no need for us to watch them either. I'm tired of getting dragged into trouble. Let's go look for the clothes, Ruka!
Ruka: Okay, Suzu-senpai!
Hayate: Hey, wait a minute! We are working together, don't be so cold all of a sudden! Or you don't care about me..?
Come on, I'll buy you something at a nearby crepe shop! Please keep an eye on me!
Suzu: We already have been there.
Hayate: Huh!?
Ruka: You even tried to buy us with food...
Listen! Ruka and Suzu-senpai had promised for a long time that they would spend a holiday together! Please don't interrupt us so suddenly!
Suzu: That's what I'm saying. Sorry, but we cannot go with you.
Hayate: Oh, please... If the contents of that package were a gun or drugs, our lifes can be in danger.
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Suzu: Are you delusional or something..?
Hayate: Hey, don't say things like that!
Ruka: If it's dangerous, don't get involved. Also, I'm sure that police will do something about it. Goodbye!
Hayate: Ah, they ran away...
Hmm. It's problematic... If things keep going like this, my reputation as an "ally of justice" will be ruined.
Seems like it can not be helped. It's better to go and look for Hiiragi and Futaba-senpai.
...Huh. There's something on the ground... It looks like it fell out of the package when they were handing things to each other.
That's a white powder..?
Those guys are actually involved in drug dealing...Damn, it would have been nice if it was just a prank, but it's completely tainted with evil!
It's not the world of street movies, so it would have been better if they'd made it less dangerous... But if i will run away now i will be disqualified as the "ally of justice".
Okay then. I'll find them and make them change their ways!
If you do something bad, even your seniors and classmates won't forgive you!
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Suzu: Woah, why is she screaming on the street..?
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Ruka: Suzu-senpai, let's pretend that we don't know her, please..!
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 2
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Ruka: U~h... In the end I haven't chosen one...
When I was picking up instruments, I felt a some kind of attachment to every one of it, so I couldn't choose between them.
I don't care if it's a "hand-me-down'' from a senior, but maybe it's better to buy a new one...
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Suzu: I don't mind that, but when I graduate, you'll be alone with Shizu as a second year student.
If you don't improve by then, you might cause trouble for Shizu.
Ruka: I-I don't like the sound of that that...but I think I'd like to be a little more careful in my decision.
Suzu: Hm. It is true that I struggled when choosing an instrument for the first time too. I decided that my instrument would be the bass, but i am still quite confused
There's still some time. I hope you'd have enought time to think about it until you're is satisfied.
Ruka: Yes, I will...!
By the way, Suzu-senpai. There's still time, so why don't you go shopping at another store?
I don't have many opportunities to walk outside with Suzu-senpai. I was thinking that I would like to try on the clothes that Suzu-senpai wears...
Hehehe. I want to be able to wear cool clothes like Suzu-senpai. Doesn't it suit me?
Suzu: Isn't it okay to try anything? The clothes I'm wearing are just my temporary appearance outside of the stage, so I don't think it's something people would admire...
Oh, and I have enough clothes, so I don't plan on buying new ones. Is that okay? I can watch Ruka shopping from a distance.
Ruka: Suzu-senpai, you really don't have any money...
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Hayate Yogiri: Wow~! If you'll walk while looking away you'll run into a danger!
Ruka: I-I'm sorry! I'll apologize, please don't take my money!
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Hayate: I don't do such things... Are you guys from the light music club...?
Suzu: Oh. Isn't that Hayate Yogiri from "Allies of Justice"? It isn't usual for me to meet you in a place like this.
Hayate: Kuromori-senpai is here too. As we both work part-time at an amusement park, I find it rather strange that we meet in the city. Even in the park, you often spend time changing clothes in the lockers, don't you?
Ruka: Huh..? This person is the one who watched Suzu-senpai changing her clothes...or is she an acquaintance of Suzu-senpai?
It's true that the school newspaper often features her as an "ally of justice.'' I feel like Suzu-senpai and the "ally of justice'' are the polar opposites...
Suzu: Ah. Although we are in different departments, we work part-time at the same amusement park. Being a salesperson is hard, but working behind the scenes at a hero show seems to be even harder because it involves physical labor.
However, I don't think that we are "polar opposites'' in the sense of being hostile. It's the health commissioner's fake virgin who is avenging me, isn't it?
Hayate: "Justice'' is a belief that has nothing to do with "good'' or "evil.'' It's not that they're opposing concepts. Well, it doesn't mean that we're good friends, though, right?
Ruka: Eh, I see...?
By the way, why is Yogiri-senpai peering into the back alleys? Even though you're an "ally of justice,'' you seem to be sneaking around somehow...
Hayate: Ah. That's what it is... First, I want you to look at the back alleys. Oh, she won't notice, please be quiet.
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Mizuki Futaba: ......
Runa Hiiragi: ......
Ruka: Oh... Those girls... I've seen them at Kimisaki Academy, but who are they? They seem to be having fun talking to each other.
Suzu: Mizuki Futaba from the occult research club and Runa Hiiragi from the lacrosse club. Both are mischievous, and their notoriety has reached my ears as well.
Hayate: Yes. And when that infamous guys are secretly meeting with someone, I can't leave them alone as an "ally of justice.''
Ruka: A-are they evil people?
Suzu: It is difficult to measure people as good or bad. But if those two were to conspire to do something evil,
It wouldn't be surprising if a major event like the "Dark Culture Festival" where we performed in the past were to occur.
Ruka: Oh! Have you seen it? She handed her a package! What on earth can be inside?
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Hayate: Hmm. The secret meeting, the package. She probably is planning something, but what the hell could it be..?
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mrnicekisser · 2 months
[Street Gacha] Chapter 1
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Ruka Tsukinaga: Ah~, sweet and delicious!☆
This crepe has a lot of nice ingredients and is baked just fine. It's a great treat that you can't find for this price often ~ ♪
Suzu Kuromori: Ah. This shop is quite popular. I'm not really interested in snobs like that. All my classmates were praising it's unique taste. I was curious so I bought one.
Ruka: But Suzu-senpai. Did you like it?
Light music club activities are quite expensive, and since we don't have enough money for the club, we make it through the part-time jobs for our seniors, right?
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Suzu: Hey. No need to be shy. We are fallen angels (Lucifers) with broken wings, but sometimes even we need a break, right?
I am thankful to you for working hard in club activities... I would be happy if you could enjoy it as an offering for my dear comrade, Ruka.
Ruka: Wah, as expected of Suzu-senpai! I admire her so much for her dedication...
Suzu: Fufu... While i was suspended from school I caused a lot of trouble for you and Shizu, so this is just a piece of cake.
And yet. When I got to Shizu, she said she couldn't come today because she had something to do with her family.
If you're running away from my invitation, doesn't that mean that we fallen angels aren't monolithic after all..?
Ruka: It can't be helped. Shizuku-chan's family seems to be going through a lot of trouble...
That's why I admire Suzu-senpai! ♪
I’m going to hug Suzu-senpai’s gorgeous body~! Gyuuuu~♪
Suzu: Can you please stop?.. It's getting hard to breathe.
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Ruka: Gah~!
Oh, also if you don't mind, Suzu-senpai can also try this crepe!
I think Suzu-senpai bought only one for me because she didn't have enough money... But I think it would be happier if we shared it together rather than having it all to myself.
Suzu: Thank you. Ruka is so kind... She's younger than me, so I don't have to be shy.
Well, then I'll be grateful! ♪
Ruka: R-Ruka can feed you! Say a~h!
Suzu: *takes a bite.*
Yeah, it's not that bad after all. Although it was sweet, it was just the perfect amount of cream that didn't take away from the original taste of the ingredients. No wonder the whole Kimisaki Academy were talking about it.
Ruka: That's right! ♪ You can eat more~ ♪ There's not so much left, so please take it all. ♪
Suzu: Hm. Well, I'll take the advantage of Ruka's kindness and take this crepe.
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Ruka: It feels like I'm baiting Suzu-senpai... It feels a bit immoral... ♪
Suzu: So. After finishing with the crepe, let's go to the music store. Ruka wanted an instrument for practice, am I right?
Ruka: Oh, yes. Right now I'm allowed to play the instruments in the club room, so I'm practicing little by little.
It isn't too expensive if it's for practice, so I thought I'd buy my own instrument and play at home...
Suzu: That's a great idea, and that's why you're perfect for the light music club.
But what instrument do you play? I believe you have tried a lot of different ones, but was there one that struck a chord with you?
Ruka: Let me see... I haven't decided what instrument I want to play yet, I'm sorry...
Suzu: Hmm. Let's go to a music store and think about that. The instrument and the performer may be attached to each other.
I'm sure that practicing with an instrument that I'm attached to will help me feel more motivated, and the "Evil Genocide Dragon" that I borrowed from Seira fit in my hand as if it were my own guitar.
Ruka: "Evil Genocide Dragon"... That's the guitar that Suzu-senpai has been entrusted with by the club president. That's nice, I'd love to have that same fateful encounter...♪
What should I name it? I'm thinking about things like "The Divine Spear Sleipnir'' and "Dark Ragnarok'' are cool.
However, I think it would be best to decide on the name after seeing the actual instrument. I think the impression changes depending on the color and shape.
Suzu: You're full of ambition. It's like that day when I went to buy an instrument for the first time.
Seira came with me to help that time. Today it's my turn to play Seira's role.
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As with anything, the beginning is the most important part. I definitely want Ruka to have a perfect fateful encounter...☆
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