#fuck up my checked bag packing arrangement
seeinganewlight · 1 year
i thought the backpack that i used the last time i went on vacation was at work, but i couldn’t find it when i was in the office today, so i figured it was at home. however, i just checked my closet and i couldn’t find it anywhere. it could be at work and i could’ve missed it, but i won’t be back into the office until wednesday and my flight leaves thursday night, so if it’s not there i won’t have time to get a new backpack. i guess i’ve gotta order one from amazon...
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pinkroseblooms · 7 months
Boy Toy
Sugar baby!Toji Fushiguro x Sugar mama!f!Reader
Summary: You try to break things off with Toji; needless to say, he does not take it well. wc: 5.1 Warnings and tags: this story contains smut, dirty talk, cursing, rough sex, begging, emotional manipulation, toxic behavior/relationships, some soft!dom/bratty!sub elements, a clingyyandere!toji, possessive behavior, obsessive love, some angst, some fluff, all twisted af.
a/n: I see a lot of Sugar daddy!Toji content and wanted to switch things up a bit with some emotional feels. I also ended up listening to Rick Montgomery's "Boy Toy" on repeat and got ideas. Personally I headcanon that if Toji ever did somehow develop genuine love for another person it wouldn't necessarily help him chill out this time around, he'd just become more unhinged.
His things are in a pile, close to the solid red oak door; they’ve been packed away in brand new luggage carriers and on top is the duffle bag Toji had initially used to carry his stuff in for overnight stays.
If it were anyone else, Toji would have expected the various articles of clothing and personal items that had steadily accumulated inside your spacious home to be thrown out carelessly like trash on your equally spacious lawn. That or burning in the firepit. 
If it was anyone else but you, it’s what Toji would have expected, but you weren’t petty that way; even now as you stand before him, arms crossed, gaze almost blank, you radiate a certain measure of dignity. It’s one of those things Toji’s come to admire about you over the past year. It’s effortless, that magnetizing charm you exude; he liked it right away.
“You can keep the bags, sell them if you want.” Your lips form a small but rueful smile. “I sent you a check; call it a severance fee.”
“I thought I didn’t work for you anymore.”
Toji hasn’t considered you a client in months, though really, a mark was more accurate. You were disgustingly wealthy with a cute face and that was all he needed to pounce on the offer to be your bodyguard and occasional companion to the odd social events. Even cleaned up and polished, Toji was able to keep others away in droves, exactly what you were aiming for; you found social obligations tedious and his handsome yet intimidating presence kept everyone around you from lingering too long and insisting on taking up too much of your time and attention. Toji spent the first three or so months in your company essentially as an employee and he was satisfied with the arrangement. It would have been so easy and simple, it should have been, had you not burrowed your way into his head, like a bullet piercing bone. 
Dammit he never should have fucked you. Toji had every intention of keeping things professional. He should have kept his distance, he certainly shouldn’t have let his fingers trace your skin after zipping up your dress, and damn you by the way for looking over your shoulder at him with those pretty doe eyes and not telling him off when the second you caught Toji leaning in, almost like he wasn’t realizing he was doing it, to get a whiff of your scent mixed with the perfume he had said was his favorite. 
“You don’t have to keep the charade up anymore; it’s insulting at this point. I won’t force you to stay here.”
“You’re dumping me.”
“No. That would mean we were actually dating. Toji…Fushiguro-san, I made a mistake.” You’re almost talking to yourself as you look over Toji’s tensed shoulders to the entrance of your home. “I was fooling myself, thinking you could open your heart to me. But, I knew what I signed up for. So, no, I won’t leave you without any job security until you find your next meal ticket.”
“You’re not-”
“I heard you. Please, it’s not like you to back track on your words, so don’t start on my account.”
Toji was bragging over the phone, giving a verbal middle finger to an asshole of a former employer who demanded Toji’s services for a hit. You overheard him refer to you as a “piggy bank” with a pretty face, among other things. Shortly after ending the call, Toji left to work out (he couldn’t get too lazy, got to keep in shape to protect his favorite girl) and grab some food (on your card) only to return to this. You didn't even give Toji a chance to greet you with the usual flurry of kisses and a bear hug before telling him point blank he was leaving and now.
Even as Toji struggles to wrap his mind around your abrupt change in demeanor, with that practiced look of almost serene impassivity, you look so good to him, wearing an oversized sweatshirt and tiny bike shorts. You always dress down at home, in comfy, baggy things. Toji supposes you packed away all the sweatshirts you’ve collected from him with everything else of his. 
“You won’t even let me apologize?” Toji stands stiffly in the foyer, next to the bags; behind him is the front door, still open, as if waiting for him to step outside. “It was all shit talking. I didn’t mean how it sounded.”
“That doesn’t make it better and it’s not just that. You’ve been hot and cold lately. Admit it: you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge me as anything but an obligation.” You exhale slowly, rubbing your temple. “I’ve tried to be understanding; you lost your wife and I realized it would be hard. I knew that, I knew there was a chance that no matter how close we became, I was never going to be enough for you.”
You put up a good front, but Toji can recognize the faint tremble in your voice, see how your jaw locks slightly, as though you’re holding back curses. He’s hurt you. 
“Baby, c’mere?” Toji opens his arms with a pleading half smile. “You’ve been stressed lately, that’s all. You’ve been working hard and I haven’t been showing my appreciation properly, is that it?”
“Oh spare me. Listen, I won’t swear revenge or sick henchmen on your trail.” You go on, calm as can be, not budging an inch. “The check won’t bounce and all your things are there; if I missed anything, I’ll send it to you. You’re free to go.”
Toji stares at you in disbelief, arms dropping to his sides. You could have just as easily said "you're dismissed" with that cutting tone of yours.
“Are you fucking serious?” 
When you fail to respond, he suddenly turns from you, but not to storm off. Instead, Toji slams the front door closed so hard, it’s a wonder the whole structure didn’t come crashing down. You don’t so much as flinch when Toji strides up to get in your face.
“I want my stuff out of these bags.” he snarls. "Now."
“There’s no need to make a scene. It’s not like you’ll be without a benefactor for long; I bet you could find another meal ticket just walking down my driveway. The whole neighborhood is full of lonely rich women, you can have your pick.”
“You’re not a meal ticket. You know that, you know I didn’t mean it dammit!”
“Enough.” You raise a hand up, your voice clipped. “Fushiguro-san, you have your things, plenty of money, and my own promise to leave you in peace. What more could you possibly want? What exactly is it that you’re holding out for? You don’t expect me to fund you indefinitely, I’m sure.”
"Why are you acting like this? Like you don't even give a shit?"
Toji’s hands clenched into fists; he’s radiating power and murderous intent, but you don’t look swayed or even scared. You know he wouldn’t strike you. Just the idea sickens him; no, it’s not you he’s actually angry with. 
“I’m a fucking idiot who wanted to show off, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? Fine. Now we’re gonna talk this out like adults, I’ll put this shit back-"
“No, you will not. I want it gone. I want you gone. Don’t you understand?” You tell him firmly, eyes finally averting to the pile of bags. Toji’s puffed chest deflates at the sadness that finally touches your inflection. “I’m disappointed enough as it is; can’t you do this one thing for my sake? Why are you insisting on dragging this out?”
“I want to put it all back.” Toji blurts out stubbornly, so loud his voice echoes in the high ceilings. “You can’t do this to me, I want to stay.”
“Excuse me?” You snap. “What exactly am I ‘doing to you’?”
“Come on, this is so silly, kicking me out over a misunderstanding.” Toji lowers his voice, a smile coming to his lips as he attempts to charm you once again, hands coming up to gently grasp your shoulders. “You’re breakin’ my heart here. You said it yourself, it’s a been over a year, you know me-”
“Do I?”
“Yes!” Toji steps forward, a strained grin on his lips. “You do. You know me and you know you’re my best girl.”
“Out of all the others?”
“Best and only; I haven’t been with anyone else in months.” Toji rubs his hands over your arms but you only give him a look of derision. “I’m not lying; tell you the truth, ever since we went out to the beach, it’s only been you. Remember that trip?” he grins softly, nuzzles your temple; he knows you want to lean into him, you’re just being stubborn. How adorable. He loves when you get grumpy and need his help relaxing. “I showed you how to make a fire and we fell asleep outside on the hammock. That night was something else...you’ve been the only one ever since. Baby, I swear, there haven't been any other women.” 
Toji inches closer, hands shaking slightly where they grip your shoulders; his love bites are still visible, some more faint than others; his arms ache to hold you. You’re so close, so what’s with this wall you’re putting up? 
"I want to believe that."
"It's the truth."
Toji isn’t sure how or when it began, but before he knew it, you were calling just to talk and ask how he was doing, if he needed anything. You requested he join you not just for meetings as extra muscle or posing as a date, but on walks and meals, having conversations about the weather to debates about the nature of man to whether toast was better with jelly or jam. You’d take Toji out randomly on shopping trips and end up buying him pretty much anything that caught his eye. Anything Toji wanted, he got, and along with it you increasingly showered him with praise and affection. 
When the sex began Toji thought he got you out of his system the first time, only to end up not just repeating these trysts, but staying longer and longer after he fucked your brains out. It was borderline embarrassing, how quickly Toji found himself lulled in by your pillowtalk as you encouraged him to sleep in, promising you’d have breakfast ready for him in the morning. Sometimes, Toji would come over when you weren’t even home with the spare keys you gifted him and promptly burrow himself in your bed until you were due home. The whole room smelled sweet and it was so cozy being wrapped in the down blankets. Toji's eyelids would get heavier as he wallowed in your scented sheets ike a pig rolling in mud until the combined aromas of your perfumes, lotions, and natural scent clung to his nostrils, soothing and oddly familiar; within minutes Toji would be out like a light. After some of the best rest he had ever gotten, Toji would wake up to you stroking his head, petting him like a dog, and asking him what he would like for dinner. 
Eventually, inevitably, came the point of no return. During that beach trip Toji told you about his past; he didn’t go into too much detail, mainly that he had loved someone and he was pretty sure lightning only struck once. You didn’t get jealous or angry; you simply kissed his knuckles and put your hand over his, not saying much of anything while Toji spoke. That night on the beach you held his hand and allowed him to reminisce at his own pace into the early hours of the morning, until he was too exhausted to do anything else but hold you and the two of you stayed that way until noon.
That peaceful, almost unreal night, Toji realized you actually gave a shit about him and he didn’t know what to do with that. Regardless, you made it clear you didn’t expect to own his heart and soul. You only promised to take care of him. 
“I was being stubborn, you know how I get sometimes. You’re my one and only, baby, can’t we just forget about it?”
“I want you to leave.”
“It wasn’t a request.”
Toji’s hands cup your cheeks and he winces at the disgust in your eyes; why are you looking at him like that? 
“Okay, okay, let me make it up.” Toji’s voice is sweet as pie; he leans in, practically purring in your ear. “Let’s go upstairs. I’ll show you how sorry I am.”
“Get. Off. I knew you were shameless, but this is...”
You might as well have slapped him across the face; Toji’s smile falls as you glare like he’s some repulsive insect, a leech, like the thought of him touching you is making your skin crawl.
Toji’s hands retract from your face, expression blank. “You’re really serious.”
“Don’t give me that kicked puppy look. As if you don’t have women on speed dial to call up. Why don’t you make up with one of your other meal tickets? I’m sure they’ll have forgiven you by now for however you wronged them-”
“I told you there isn’t anyone else. Don’t do this.” Toji mutters, head hanging; his chest throbs, he can feel sweat trickle down his temple. “Don’t make me go.”
It’s doubtful you could forcibly remove Toji from your presence, but that’s beside the point. It doesn’t mean anything if you don’t want him. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
“No, I’m really sorry.” Toji falls to his knees. “Don’t make me go.”
“Hey, wait, what are you…?”
Toji wraps his arms around your thighs, face pressed into your waist; you stiffen but he hangs on tighter, fingers digging into your hips almost painfully.
“Please, don’t make me. I wanna go upstairs, back to our bed. Listen, I,” Toji pries himself away from you just enough so he can look at you with glassy eyes. He’s panicking now, babbling and frantic as you try to pry off his arms. “Stop that! Baby, I got all messed up about getting too attached and I-I didn’t mean anything I said, you gotta believe me.”
“Toji, let go!” 
A cold sweat makes Toji’s already tight shirt stick to his tensed back muscles; he feels like he’s being choked. How could you do this to him? All he wants is to stay with you, whether it’s as a bodyguard, a hired companion, a fuck toy, hell, he’ll settle for being your pet if that’s what it takes to get you to take him back. 
"You promised you'd take care of me." he mutters, ignoring your vain attempts at freeing yourself from his unyielding hold. "I don't...want it to be anyone else."
Toji won’t let you go. You’ve made him lazy and spoiled with your pampering; he doesn’t have to work if he doesn’t want to, never has to worry about money or food or rent, and he never has to wake up alone anymore. Whether Toji’s angry, tired, bored, or as of late, happy, you’re the first person he thinks of. You give him everything and now you’re trying to cut him off.
"You let me go right now!" You slap at his shoulders, try to pull back his head from where it's pressed into your midsection. "Are you even listening?!"
With a distressed moan, Toji nuzzles your tummy, kisses the skin peeking out from your sweatshirt riding up under his forearms; his rough hands relax their grasp a fraction to caress your hips. 
“Let me stay. I won’t answer calls from my old bosses, I’ll quit betting. If I look at another woman, gouge my eyes out. All you have to do is tell me how to fix things.” Toji smiles at you, one he knows makes women weak in the knees. “Don’t be mad at me anymore. I’ll make it up, I swear. I’ll do anything you want.” he promises between kisses and nips to your skin. “Why are we wasting time arguing? You know, I can make you feel so good. My poor baby, spending all day working so damn hard; you deserve better. I'll help take the edge off...you’d like that, wouldn’t you? I can help, just-”
“Toji, stop-”
“Just let me dammit!” 
Toji feels you freeze up; you’re looking back at him with wide eyes. His stomach drops like a rock.
“Sorry…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
No. Now you look scared, maybe a bit concerned; is that for him? Toji can feel some warmth creeping into his chest in spite of everything; you’re so good to him. You went to so much trouble for him and he has no idea why. 
You can’t do this. You can’t treat him like a thing to be cherished and then take it all away. Toji just wants things to go back to how they were that morning, with you feeding him berries and syrup drenched pieces of fluffy pancakes, giving him teasing kisses in between each bite, asking what his plans were for the day as he lounges in your lap, wondering what he did to deserve to be so content and full and happy. You made him so happy.
“Shit.” Toji sniffs; he can feel them coming but can’t stop the tears leaking from his eyes. “Shit.” he curses again, bowing his head until it’s resting against your tummy again. “You can’t…you can’t leave me. I won’t let you. I won’t let you abandon me. I can’t-”
“Toji, calm down.” Your voice softens considerably. “Look, do you understand why I’m upset with you?”
“I know, I know I fucked up okay?” Toji croaks, still clinging to your legs. “So what the fuck am I supposed to do, huh? I already said I would do anything you want, so just tell me!”
“Sh, come on, breathe. I need you to calm down, alright?” You bend at the waist slightly, to card your fingers through his damp hair. “Okay, I believe you. I do. I believe you, Toji.”
“Are you gonna kick me out still?”
“No, I won’t for the time being. We can sit down and talk about-whoa!”
Toji wastes no time; he has you lifted off the ground in his arms. You quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders as he makes a beeline for the stairs.
“Slow down!” You glance backward in disbelief at how easily he bounds up the carpet steps. “How are you so strong? Don’t drop me, okay?”
But Toji doesn’t answer; he practically bolts, finally reaching the next level, races down the hallway until he’s at the door to your-the bedroom he and you share. Toji’s heavy boot easily kicks the door open, somehow without breaking it off the hinges; in record time you’re on the bed, but shockingly, Toji doesn’t start stripping you down.
“Toji?” You ask tentatively; he seems fairly out of it and you can’t help feel worried. “Toji, what are you doing?”
“Baby, I’m tired. Let’s just go to bed, huh?” 
Toji kicks off his boots, gently sits you down in the middle of the mattress among the fluffy pillows and the cheap plush bunny he won for you at a crane machine. Nearly hyperventilating, Toji climbs into bed after you, snatches the sheets and comforter to wrap around the two of you in a soft cocoon. Toji grabs you, cradling you in close as he tries to even out his breathing; for a fleeting second you wonder if this is what stuffed animals felt, if they could become sentient, when children held them tight for comfort. Your attention is brought back by the man rubbing his face into your hair insistently, as if he could tell your mind had briefly wandered.
“Hey, are you-?”
“Don’t make me go.” Toji cuts you off hoarsely. “You love me, right?”
“I do.”
“Say it.”
“I do love you.” You confess sincerely, words muffled slightly due to your face being squished into his chest; his heart is beating a mile and minute. “I was hurt, alright? I want to be good to you, Toji. You have to let me though; you’re not the type to dance around an issue. I just want you to be honest with me and yourself.”
“Yes, yes, I want that. You’re so good to me, baby, thank you.” Toji wraps his legs around yours; if there was a way for you to mold into him he’d make it happen. “Can I move my stuff back in?”
“I…” You hesitate. “Maybe we’re moving too fast.”
“What? No we aren’t. If anything, we're not moving fast enough. Are you still thinking of leaving?” Toji grabs your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him; his eyes look crazed. “You’re not right? You just fucking said you loved me-!”
“Hey, hey.” You put your hands over his gently. “If you really meant what you said before, you have to listen and be good. Can you do that for me?”
Toji nods quickly. You smile for him, finally, and it's a sight for sore eyes. How do you always look so pretty? Toji’s chest throbs and he hugs you, making your ear press against his heart; you can hear it, right? It almost stopped dead when you were glowering at him, Toji still can't believe he was so close to losing this. It's not going to happen again.
“I wanna touch you.”
Toji separates from you as abruptly as he had squeezed you to him; he hovers above you, tugging on the band of your shorts, your panties. He groans pitifully when you still look unsure. Toji hikes your legs up until your ass is pressed to his chest and he’s face to face with your pussy, still covered up. That won’t do: wordlessly, he rips the seams of your shorts apart and pulls your panties to the side. Gently spreading your pussy lips with his fingers, Toji makes sure to look you in the eyes while he lets a long trail of spit trickle from his tongue to your exposed clit. 
“See?” he licks a long strip over your slit, salivating at the taste. “I’m drooling for it, just like a dog….heh, I can be your dog. Is that what you want? I’ll fetch and roll over and beg.” he traces his tongue around your swollen clit. “All you gotta do is ask.”
You can barely form words, forget making requests, as Toji slobbers, licking and sucking until you’re dripping wet. Your hands grip the pillows and your head rolls back and forth; you can hardly speak and you’re more squealing than moaning when Toji starts using his fingers to fuck your soaked pussy.
“I’m loyal too. You’re not ever getting rid of me.” 
Toji pulls back, kisses and nips the inside of your thigh as he watches his fingers disappear inside you over and over again. He’s smiling down at you, dumbly, in a daze as you let out soft cries with every pump of his wrist, every time his thumb rubs a touch too hard on your clit. He’s the only one who gets to see you like this, composure gone, face flushed, eyes wide, hardly able to do more than moan and whine at his touches. Toji’s smile turns devilish; he purposefully pulls his fingers out and shoves them back in to draw out the squelch sounds from how wet he’s made you. He slowly drags his fingers out all the way and you inhale sharply from the sensation.
“It’s my turn to spoil you.”
Toji lowers your hips down on the sheets and quickly shrugs off his sweatpants and underwear; his cock bobs when it’s released and you’re a bit shocked at how hard he is despite not touching himself.
“Let me fuck you.” Toji rocks his hips, cock over the inside of your thigh. “You still want me, right?”
And if you think he’s going to stop at one round, if you think for a second one time is going to be enough and you somehow still plan to have him out on his ass, maybe you don’t know him. Toji’s fingers dig into your ass; he’s rutting now, throbbing and dripping precum all over you and the bedspread. It brings a twisted grin to his face, like he’s marking his territory. After all, this is where he belongs. If you won’t be persuaded by his touch and words alone, Toji has other ways, he just doesn't want to resort to making you afraid of him. 
Because he meant exactly what he said: you're not getting rid of him. If you try to, Toji will just come back. If you run, he'll chase, if you hide, he'll come looking. You've made him into this.
“’M being good, yeah?” Toji lowers his head to your chest to slobber over your nipples next, barely able to speak with his lips sucking and his tongue flicking over them. “I can keep making you feel good, just let me fuck you, let me put in in, let me wreck you-”
“Toji, I want to ride your cock tonight.” You play with his hair and kiss his jaw. “Can I?”
Toji doesn’t hesitate; he throws himself back to lie on your pillows, getting even harder as your scent hits him. He licks his lips in anticipation as you straddle him, stroking him once before lining the tip up with your pussy. Toji’s eyes roll in the back of his head as you slowly sink down, clenching tight; he has to grab at the sheets and force himself to be still, has to keep telling himself this is for you, he’s going to go at your pace and show you how good he can be, obedient and careful. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger and he loves it-
“It almost hurts. You're so hard.” You gasp when you’re fully seated on his cock. “Oh, Toji…are you going to cum soon?”
“Nah, don’t worry about that baby.” Toji grins up at you, face flushed and hands shaking as they cling to the pillowcase. “So good…it feels so fucking good when I’m all the way inside. Go on, use my cock to cum, ride me until your pussy can’t take it.”
You tilt your hips so the tip of Toji’s cock rubs against that spot that makes you see stars and your clit gets rubbed against him with every thrust. At first you have your hands over his chest, but when Toji tries to slide his hands up to grab at your tits, you stop him.
“No, you don’t get to touch me.” You pant out, gently but firmly holding Toji’’s hands above his head. “Tha-that’s your punishment.”
Toji’s brow furrows; he’s practically pouting. He knows he said "anything", but he wants to touch you so badly. Your tits look good enough to eat, nipples slick and begging to be played with, and your skin feels like silk on his fingers. Toji watches, biting the inside of his cheek, tasting blood when you start bouncing, thighs taut and face contorted in pleasure as you get closer and closer to making a mess on his lap.
“Baby,” Toji groans. “Come on, let me, you’re close right? It’ll feel better.”
“I can cum like this.” You say playfully as you tap his pursed lips with one finger. “You said you'd be good.”
“Just wanna touch you....” Toji’s hands twitch but he doesn’t shake off your grip; he raises his hips and you let out a whine. “Please?"
You stop moving and Toji grits his teeth, staring at you with wide eyes. 
“Hey…why did you stop?” 
“Sorry,” You smile in genuine delight. “You’re really adorable, you know that?”
“Fuck, keep goin’,” Toji nibbles the tip of your finger before you pull it away. “Come on, keep making my dick wet,”
“So cute.” You cup his face and press a long, loving kiss to his forehead. “I love you, Toji, I really do.”
Toji can’t stop himself; he yanks you down, traps you in his arms and thrusts up. 
“Sorry, ‘m sorry baby. I gotta,” Toji slurs. “Ah fuck it.”
You shriek as Toji flips you over; he has your legs spread and lowers his face down to suck and kiss and bite at your breasts, slamming his cock as deep inside your pussy as he can go. He briefly touches your hair, patting your head as you scream and writhe, smiling down at you so warmly even as his cock splits you open.
“Can’t help it. Need it, need this so fucking bad.” 
Toji latches onto your neck, sucking so hard you think he might tear the skin; you cry out and your nails accidentally scratch long, red lines down his back and shoulders. You’re clawing and sobbing, completely overwhelmed underneath him. He’s fucking you like an animal with no regard for pacing or rhythm, holding you down and open for him to slam his cock inside your swollen little pussy. Toji straightens up to grind himself into you just the way he knows you like best, gently rubbing away at your clit, smirking at the way you gush around his cock. You’re so pretty like this, flushed and messy for him.
“Tell me again. Tell me you love me and I’ll make you cum so hard your legs shake.”
“Love you,” You gasp, arms wrapping around Toji’s bulging neck, drawing him in closer; you press kisses over his cheeks, nose, chin. “I love you, I-ah!”
Toji is done being patient; he keeps his thumb pressed down on your clit, rubbing it harshly as he grinds his cock right into that spot, deep and hard; you’re never going to forget how his cock feels. Toji kisses you none too gently, lips prying your mouth open as he shoves his tongue down your throat; he really doesn’t even mean to be rough this time. The desire to devour you is overtaking him. 
He’s so close. Your pussy’s soaking, his head’s spinning; just before Toji’s about to cum, you muster up enough energy to hold him back tightly and pet his hair, moaning softly into the kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist. Toji wanted to last longer, but it’s too much. Abruptly, he breaks the kiss and his mouth goes to your jugular; Toji swears he can feel your pulse under his teeth.
“Cum inside me.” You plead, whimpering into his ear. “I want it…want you, Toji, no one else.”
“Shit.” Toji presses his forehead to yours, hiking up your thighs; the bed is creaking and shaking with the force of his thrusts. “I love you so fuckin’ much.”
Toji goes rigid and still as he cums, cock suddenly painfully sensitive; when you smile tiredly and kiss the palm of his hand, actual tears well up in the corners of his eyes. It’s all too much. He didn’t know he could even still feel like this, feel much of anything anymore. You shudder from his hot cum gushing inside you, but Toji doesn’t pull out just yet and you don’t seem in a hurry to move him anyway.
“I think you broke my dick.”
“...pardon me?”
“Pretty sure your pussy drained me dry…fuck.” Toji chuckles tiredly, very slowly pulling himself out, smiling in satisfaction as his cum seeps out of you and onto the sheets. “Did you like that?”
“I loved it.” You tell him softly, just beginning to catch your own breath as Toji uses his shirt to gently wipe you clean between your legs. “Toji?”
“Yeah?” Toji tosses his shirt somewhere and lays over you. “You want me to get you something? I bet you’re real tired after that.”
You pause; you look very serious all of a sudden, all business once more. “Toji, we really should talk about ‘us’. I don’t think we can just return to what we were.”
“What? But you said you loved me.” Toji raises his head to glare at you. “You’re not seeing other men, so put that idea out of your fucking head.”
“That is not what I meant!” 
“Okay…what is it then?”
“I was going to say, are you sure this is what you want?” You ask carefully, looking into his eyes. “Is this really what you want?”
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Toji can’t believe you even have to ask; he frowns and clicks his tongue impatiently. “Fair warning, I’ll find you if you try to leave before I wake up.”
“I don’t doubt it, you’re an excellent tracker.”
“I mean it.” Toji mumbles into the crook of your neck, his heavy arm over your stomach. “You run, I’m hunting you down.”
“I wasn’t planning on making a grand escape; I was thinking something more along the lines of breakfast in bed.” You suggest and smile at the way Toji’s visibly perks up. “Oh, have you had dinner yet?”
“No, I came straight here from the gym.” he lies, eager to have you fuss over him. "I'm really hungry..."
“I’ll order in something; what do you want?” 
“Anything, just get lots of it.” Toji squeezes you. “But don’t go yet though. Wanna stay like this a little longer.”
“Whatever you want.”
In minutes, Toji is snoring and curled up in your sheets like a tuckered out puppy; his leg even kicks randomly. When he wakes up to the smell of warm food and your nails gently scratching his scalp, Toji yawns with a groggy smile and opens his mouth for you to feed him, licking crumbs off your fingers greedily. You really do spoil him. 
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shogunish · 6 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼𝘀 & 𝗶. [𝟬𝟰]
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synopsis. you got your period & satoru bought too many pads.
words. 996
warnings. reader cusses like once
note. i got my period and thought, hey why not turn this into some cute fluff for the series 😔🤞🏻
comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! <3
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no calls, no text messages and the ones satoru sent you all remained on delivered.
usually, you’d ask satoru how megumi was doing, ask for pictures of the dogs, but this time it felt like your very presence was erased from the face of earth aka the display of his phone. a coil of worry sat in his abdomen like a snake, just waiting to crawl up his neck and slowly suffocate him before it’d eventually eat him up in one go.
“are you still alive?”
after thirty minutes of no reply, satoru got up from his seat on the couch and made his way over to your apartment. with a spare key — which you’d given him for emergencies — he unlocked your door with a quiet creak. “[name]?” he called out carefully, but got no reply. satoru swore he heard a shuffling of blankets from the living room.
with the curtains half-drawn, only a few sunrays dappled the living room. on the coffee table rested an empty pack of painkillers, a half-empty bottle of water and an empty bowl of chili chips. the tv was still running on the lowest volume, playing some movie satoru didn’t care about; not when you laid on the couch curled in on yourself and buried underneath a fluffy blanket like a hedgehog.
“satoru?” you raised your head from the pillow and rubbed some sleep from your eyes. you’d been taking a nap, satoru guessed.
taking a seat on your couch, satoru peered into your tired eyes and the pained expression painted across your face when you moved. “you look like shit,” he deadpanned, “what’s up? you haven’t been answering any of my messages.”
with a little hiss slipping through your teeth, you sat up on the soft cushion. a hot water bottle was stuffed in the waistline of your sweatpants. “sorry. i got my period and i’ve been feeling like shit all day. thanks for pointing it out, by the way.”
there was a little tug at satoru’s heartstrings when he saw your face so unusually pale and the discomfort in your body. he knew there was little he could do, yet he still asked. “is there anything i can do for you?”
satoru was too good for his own good. he didn’t have to check up on you and make sure you were alright. after all, you were supposed to be nothing but his son’s babysitter. or nanny. or whatever satoru called that arrangement. yet, here he was, in your home and looking at you with eyes that betrayed the worry in his abdomen. how could you refuse such an offer? you couldn’t, that’s how.
“actually..could you fetch me some pads and painkillers? i’d go myself but– oh fuck.”
as another cramp seemed to stab your womb, satoru gently put his palms on the slope of your shoulders and pushed you back down onto the soft cushion of your couch. to see you so out of commission tugged at his heartstrings in way it probably shouldn’t. “say no more. you just rest. i’ll be right back.”
all you managed was an affirmative grunt and a nod of your head before satoru made his way out of your four cozy walls to fetch you some pads and painkillers.
about half an hour later, he came back with a bag of the things you asked for and some salty and sweet snacks as well as some heat patches for your lower back.
“..why’d you get so many pads? these are enough to last me a year.” a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you pulled out item after item.
satoru shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish smile on his handsome face. “you didn’t specify which pads you needed, so i asked the lady in the aisle for help. well, in the end, i wanted to be sure and bought a little bit of everything.” he filled the bowl on your coffee table with some salty chips and stole one or two chips for his own before letting you have a taste. “i think i did a good job. i made sure all of them have wings, too!”
laughter bubbled in the back of your throat and for a moment, you forgot that your uterus was made of knives – or maybe it was thanks to the painkillers you had swallowed. “yeah. you did the best job.”
when your praise went in his ear like sweet honey and you looked at him with those sweet eyes, satoru swore his heart skipped a beat under his ribs. a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long, but it wasn’t too bad. at least, it was better than the snake of worry in his tummy.
“you didn’t have to buy all these things though,” you said and turned around so satoru could reveal the skin of your lower back. with careful fingers, satoru stuck the heat patches to your skin before pulling your shirt back down.
“you’re right. i didn’t have to, but i wanted to,” satoru replied, sitting back on the couch and casually draping his arm over your shoulder to pull you a bit closer to him. “besides, you looked so miserable that i took pity on you.”
“..i’m gonna pretend like i didn’t hear the last part,” you grumbled and snuggled up to the taller man who took up half of your couch, but you didn’t mind. in fact, you appreciated the warmth he radiated and so willingly shared with you.
satoru found a piece of home as you were cuddled into his side and watched the movie running on tv. how sweet it was to have a pretty woman in his arm, finding amusement in the silly lines of the characters and eventually snoring away on his shoulder like it was where you belonged.
satoru made a mental note to come by in four weeks again when your period would start just so you’d let him cuddle you.
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taglist. @risuola, @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon, @ayanominitrash, @lordbugs, @phoenix666stuff, @hotvinimon, @stevenknightmarc, @sukunasleftkneecap, @erigaur, @lu-lynds, @staryukis
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foxyarchive · 6 months
Your Guardian Angel(Or Devil) P1
You're an average young woman, just trying to live your life. After almost meeting your untimely demise one night, you're saved by a foul-mouthed divine being who claims to be your Guardian Angel, AND the first man.
OR; Adam is your Guardian Angel who swoops in to save you when you need it, and also pesters you whenever he feels like it. This arrangement is fun for neither of you.
Cross Posted on AO3!
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive comments, Adam being Adam.....
Words: ~7K
May end up being a two parter because that's all I have ideas for, but definitely down to write more of Reader and Adam together if you all wanna send me ideas here or on my AO3! Enjoy!
P1 | P2 | P3
Today had, certainly, been one of the days of all time. 
It had started off with the coffee maker essentially breaking. You’d managed to get about half of a cup of the normal amount of coffee you made while you were throwing together some breakfast for yourself. When you’d went over to investigate to try brewing again, nothing was happening. If the red, soulless, blinking light on your maker was anything to go by, it was that the damned thing had died. 
With a sigh, you ended up pouring an overabundance of your preferred mix-in while eating your quick little breakfast. You were already running a bit behind. In a rush to finish getting ready, you’d ended up smudging a bit of the lipstick you had put on, forcing you to be even more behind as you needed to clean it off and reapply anything necessary. 
You’d finally grabbed your bag and were out the door, and when you got in your car, saw that you were nearly out of gas. You tried to think; What in the Hell would compel you to leave your car on nearly empty and not fill up after work? It was then, you recalled, wanting to catch the season finale of a show last night with your friend. You’d hurried home, and had just said to yourself you’d wake up early this morning and fill up before going to work. 
Of fucking course today had to be the day you woke up a bit later after staying up unusually late last night. A groan split from your throat, rubbing your temple with two fingers. You hadn’t packed a lunch, either, so guess you were going hungry most of the day beside some of the snacks in your drawer. You wouldn’t have enough time to get gas and lunch on your break. At this point, all you could do was pray that you’d be able to make it to a gas station after work. You did have an… Unconventional guardian angel, after all, so surely it would all work out…
Speaking of guardian angel…
“Yo, I don’t know if you can, uh, hear me right now… I mean, I assume you can, if you’re, like, kinda omnipotent or whatever, but… Try and make my day a little better, alright?” You said, somewhat awkwardly to the empty air around you in your car as you drove to work. No response. You felt like a mad woman. 
With a sigh, you just continued your drive. Finding parking at the office went awful, no surprise, and you walked in about seven minutes after you were supposed to clock in. Your boss didn’t say anything, but the stare given to you was enough to know that your tardiness was apparent. All you could do right now was just keep your head down and check your emails from your clients and work diligently. 
Thankfully, the day was going by smoothly… So far. Besides needing to put a fire via email, and your pencil cup holder being somehow knocked over twice mysteriously(you sent a glare over your shoulder every time but didn’t see anyone), you had nothing else to complain about. That was, until just before lunch, you felt a cramp. At first, you thought it was a hunger pain, and tried to shift to brush it off. The more you cramped, though, you felt it lower in your gut, and your heart sank. No shot, your cycle wasn’t supposed to be for another few days!
You cursed to yourself, deciding to take an early lunch to check. You shuffled through your drawer to see if you had anything– Tampons, pads, a cup, something to try and stop the flow while you were at work. Nothing. Great. You grumbled to yourself, getting up to head to the bathroom. The company you worked for was fairly small, the middle ground between a small business owner and a blossoming corporation, so nothing for feminine sanitation was available in either bathrooms.
Sitting down in the restroom, you shucked your pants and underwear down, groaning at the sight of a faint bit of blood splattering your underwear. “Motherfu…” Your grumble trailed off whilst you  suppressed the urge to rub at your face in frustration. Instead, you just made a rather unsavory hand gesture with both of your hands to nobody in particular. Well, actually, yes there was somebody in particular, but you couldn’t see him right now. You weren’t even sure if he could see you, but it certainly made you feel better. 
Stifling a groan, you wrapped some toilet paper around your underwear to try and soak up anything for now. After you were redressed and hands were washed, you headed back to your desk to eat a measly granola bar and some dried fruit, before clocking back in and continuing on with your day. 
After getting yelled at over the phone by a client for something that wasn’t even your fault, as well as accidentally spilling some water over your keyboard while staying late, work was over for the day. You were just looking forward to going home, taking a nice, hot shower, and watching whatever brain rot you decided to indulge in tonight. Maybe with some ice cream. You were once more reminded, though, that you needed to get gas in your car once you got in and started it up. The nearest gas station wasn’t incredibly close, so you were biting your lip the entire time you drove there. 
You nearly slumped in relief when you saw it right around the corner, but any relief that was in your veins washed away as you pulled up just inside of the parking lot, and your car began to roll. You pushed on the gas rapidly, but nothing was happening. “Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck–” You began to freak out, before relaxing somewhat. It would just… Roll to one of the pumps, right? Wrong, apparently. Oh, so, very wrong. There was a slight incline upwards to the gas pumps, and to your horror, the car started to even roll backwards. 
“No!” You gasped, quickly putting it into park. You took in a small, shuddering breath, putting it back into drive as you tried to push on the gas again. Nothing. You’d run out literally right inside the gas station lot. Due to leaving work later than normal because of not only coming in late, but needing to deal with an unruly client, nobody else was here at the moment. Nobody could help you. For what felt like the umpteenth time that day, another groan left your lips as your head slammed back against the carseat head. 
With now an annoyed snarl, you pushed open your car door, slamming it as you walked around to the back of your car after putting it in neutral. “Okay… Okay, I can do this… Just a small nudge up the hill… It’s barely a hill, too, it’s fine, I can move a couple hundred… Thousand…” You uttered to yourself, trying to hype up as you shifted foot from foot. After some brief stretching, you placed your hands on the back of your car, beginning to slowly push it. Or, well, at least try to push it. You were so focused on your task, you didn’t even notice a figure pop up beside you. 
“‘Sup.” Adam greeted, causing you to gasp and nearly slip and fall in surprise. 
“Adam! Good God you have shitty timing.” You groaned, slumping against the back of your car. You were already exhausted and you hadn’t even been trying to push for two minutes!
“Hey, what’d I say? Good girls only get into Heaven by not using the Lord’s name in vain.” He drawled, boredly, leaning against the side of your car as he looked over his nails. Well, more aptly, his fingers. He had gloves on, after all, so obviously it was just for show, and it just irritated you more. About to bite out a response, he beat you to it by finally surveying the situation. “Pfffft–” Came from him as he grinned, before he started to laugh, backing away from your car and pointing at you. “What– What the fuck are you doing? Did you run out of gas?”
“S-Shut up!” You snapped, face flushing warm in embarrassment as he laughed at you, but he didn’t yield. You stomped your foot in irritation, a small whine leaving your throat as you realized just how stupid the whole situation was. “It’s not funny!”
“Hah– Haha– I hate to tell you, sugartits, but it’s actually hilarious.” He finally calmed down, wiping an invisible tear from his face with a sigh and smug smile, putting his hands on his hips. He didn’t seem to be phased by your anger at all. “Aww, you’re so cute when you’re mad.” He inched towards you, ignoring your seething expression as he patted your head. “Like a wittle angwy kitty–” 
“Fuck you.” You snarled out, slapping his hand away as you turned back to your car, and he was the one who scoffed like he’d been offended. The nerve. “Some fuckin’ angel you are, laughing at my misery.” You grouse, turning back to your vehicle, placing your hands on the back once more. 
He just offers a roll of his eyes. Or, well, what appears to be a roll with the incline he makes with his head. He doesn't have pupils, after all. “Babes, it’s not the first time I have, and it’s definitely not gonna be the last.” Comes his response, and he seems once more impassive to the glare you send him before you focus back ahead. “I mean, c’mon, I already gotta look after your ass, I wanna get some amusement out of it. Speaking of looking at ass…” You’re bent forward again, trying to push the car forward with all of your might. You did manage to roll it maybe a few inches, but it once again left you exhausted. You caught Adam looking at your butt with an appreciative view on his face. “You should wear shorter skirts–” He begins to speak, but you cut him off this time. 
“Don’t you have something better to do?” You snip, bristling at his suggestive commentary as you stand here and struggle your way forward. “If you’re just going to stand there and be inappropriate, then will you kindly piss off?” You huff, looking back at your car once more. 
“Fine, be a cunt, see if I care.” He scoffs out in response, flipping you the bird as he turns away. It’s then, suddenly, you realize maybe work has really dulled your mind. He’s your guardian angel, it’s his job to help you!
“Wait, wait!” You sigh out, exasperated, as you turn and grab for him, thankful he didn’t just poof away yet. You reach for his robes, but end up grabbing one of his wings as they flared out, yanking back. 
“Ow, bitch, watch the feathers!” He snarls out, turning on you with a glare of his own. He draws his wing over to him, brushing his hand against it with a sneer as he looks down at you. “The fuck you want? Want to apologize for your bratty behavior?” He huffs, and you can’t suppress a roll of your eyes, try as you might. 
“No, I’d like your help in pushing my car up to a pump.” You’re growing more and more weary by the minute. How has literally nobody else pulled into the gas station? At this point, maybe you should just ask the worker inside to help you. He just crosses his arms, raising a brow at your request. 
“And why should I help you?” He decides to play coy, and you grit both your jaw and hands into fists. 
“Because you’re my guardian angel! You’re literally supposed to help me!” Comes your snappy response, and he taps a finger to his chin, pondering with a ‘hmmm’, as if actually thinking about your response. 
“Mmm… Yeah, nah, babes, not how that works. What part of ‘guardian’ do you not fuckin’ understand? You want a dictionary, bitch?” He snaps his fingers, the thick book appearing in his hand in a puff of golden dust as he offers it out to you. “Why don’t you look up the definition of it and study up?” You eye twitches as you none too kindly shove his arm away from you that offers you the dictionary. 
“I know what it means, I don’t need to look it up!” You hiss out. You’re almost on the verge of tears, now, as the frustration burns through your entire being. You’re hungry, cramping and aching, and stressed out about this whole thing. You’re not sure if Adam seems to notice this, with the slight way you see the hard edges around his smug grin soften some. Either he doesn’t care or notice, though, as you continue on. “I could be in danger! I-I mean, if I don’t move the car, someone will pull forward, and if they don’t pay attention they could run right into me! Then I would be hurt! And maybe even die!” You emphasize with a wave of your hands. 
He doesn’t seem very moved by your speech, the book disappearing from his hands as he crosses his arms once more. “Mm… Kay, then I’ll just pluck you out of the way. I mean, I don’t see what you’re getting at here, ‘tits. Sounds like you want me to do all the work for your fuck up.” He motions lazily with a hand towards the car, and boy if you weren’t ready to burst into tears before, you are now, because, honestly? He’s right. You’re the reason you’re in this mess. He’s clearly soaking up your suffering as well, a sly smile slowly spreading across his features as he sees you try to blink back tears of frustration. 
He finally takes some pity on you. Well, what Adam would consider pity, at least. “What’s in it for me, huh?” He leers, taking a step over you. He towers over you easily, inhumanly tall. Whereas it intimidated you at first, now? It just pisses you off more, because it’s something else he has to lord over you. You don’t know why he does when he’s already some super powerful angel, according to him, but he clearly likes to put you in your place. Remind you you’re just some mortal human in a realm of other, shitty mortal humans. 
So, when he asks what he gets out of this, you’re at a loss. You open your mouth, closing it, frowning. What could you offer someone like Adam? You peer up at him, not liking the way that sly grin on his face grows, somewhat leering even, now. “Well… What do you want?” You finally ask, and immediately regret it as his hand comes down to grope your ass. You squeak, more so from the grip than surprise, because really, you shouldn’t be surprised. “Something that’s not part of my body! I’m on my period, too.” You huff out, face and ears burning, and he immediately makes a face and retracts his hand. 
“Hmmm…” He rubs his chin in thought, actual thought now, as he turns to pace. His wings are tucked back under his arms, which you keep meaning to ask it about because truthfully, you find it adorable. You didn’t think angels presented their wings like that, but it makes some sense. “Oh! What was that, fucking uuuhhh… Ice cream thing with the fudge in the middle? With all that candy shit on top?” He snaps his fingers, looking back at you. You draw a blank, briefly, before recognizing what he’s talking about. 
“You mean… A blizzard?” You ask, slowly, and he grins, nodding eagerly. 
“Yeah, yeah! Buy me one of those and I guess we’ll call it the start to being even.” He states, and your eye twitches again. 
“The ‘start’?” You emphasize, and Adam just waves his hand dismissively. 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, the other thing I phone in will be somethin’ simple. Promise promise.” He insists, and at this point, you’re so desperate you don’t question it. You did say you wanted ice cream, after all… You’re also sure he wouldn’t ask for anything absurd either. 
“...Fine.” You relent, motioning him over as you make some room to push the car once more. He pushes you out of the way, though, with one of his brilliantly golden wings, causing you to sputter as some of the feathers poke into your mouth and nostrils. 
“Get in the car, bitch. Guide us over to a pump.” He orders, and a huff leaves you, but you don’t resist. You’ll gladly take sitting in the car and turning the wheel over pushing with massive manual labor. Once in the driver's seat, you begin to turn the wheel enough to pull into one of the pump stations. Adam is… Freakishly strong, to no surprise, and it honestly feels like you’re actually driving with how fast the car is going. Driving at an incredibly slow speed, but one nonetheless. When you finally stop at a pump, you put the car in park with a sigh, feeling significantly more relieved and less stressed. 
You get out, locking it up as you head for the gas station store. “Uh, you’re fuckin’ welcome!” You hear Adam scoff, and you suppress a roll of your eyes if only because he did actually help you out. 
“Thank you, Adam.” You relent, turning around. “So very kind of you, I would be at a loss without you.” Is tacked on at the end, and he just smirks, strutting over to you. 
“I know. I’m the best. Doncha forget it, sugartits.” He responds as a sigh leaves you. 
“You want a snack?” You offer out, deciding to play nice, and he grins. 
“Uh, fuck yes.” He agrees, perking up even more as you both walk into the convenience store. You decide to get an electrolyte drink for yourself, since you’re feeling awfully thirsty and tired. Adam grabs some beef jerky, and as you go to the counter to pay, he speaks up. “Shit, wait, hold on– I want those cheesy crackers.” He states, and you roll your eyes but wait as the cashier rings up your other items. You hold your hand out as Adam comes back over, taking the bag in your hand to offer up to the cashier, digging through your wallet to get out something to pay 
When you realize the bag hasn’t been taken out of your hand, you look up, confused. The cashier looks at you, his eyes wide, mouth agape. “Um…” You shift, awkwardly. Did you have something on your face?
“The fuck is this guy’s problem?” The angel barks out behind you, and you set the bag down, watching the cashier’s eyes follow it incredulously. Your brow furrows, before you suddenly put two and two together. 
“Oh, shit,” You utter out in realization. Adam had given you that bag. And you were the only one who could see Adam. Oh God, that isn’t good. 
“This guy have shit-for-brains? Seriously, if he stares any longer, he’s gonna start drooling, and–” You shift your leg back, pressing down somewhat firmly onto Adam’s foot. “Hey, bitch, watch where you’re stepping! You just–” You turn around to face him, but purposefully look right through him. Towards where he’d grabbed the bag, and then you tap it slightly. You hope he can get it through his thick skull what you’re trying to imply. “...Ooohhh…” It finally dawns on him, his eyes widening as he looks at the isle, and then at you, then at the worker. “Oh, shit.” He echoes you, before he briskly moves you aside again with his arm. “Move, bitch, let me handle this.”
He stands in front of the worker, snapping his fingers in front of the cashier’s face, a puff of golden dust emanating from his hand. The other human blinks, a glazed look coming over his eyes as he stares at nothing in particular now. “Okay, let’s go, he won’t remember a thing.” Adam urges, and you stutter. You barely have time to slap down some money on the counter and grab your things before you’re shuffled outside. You’re antsy as you pay at the pump and put in your gas, and when you’re filled up enough you get in the car and drive off. 
“You can’t just do shit like that, Adam!” You finally speak up once you’re driving away, the firstborn lounging in your backseat due to just being too big to sit up front. 
“I fuckin’ forgot, okay!?” He huffs out, his wings fluffing out indignantly as he sprawls out. You slap one of his wings back as it curls forward and brushes against your head and neck, not only making you shiver, but blocking you from seeing out your review mirror and back window. 
“Wings down in the car, what have I said before!?” You chastise, and he just scoffs, sitting up, hunching forward as he rests an arm on your middle console. 
“Jeeze, chillax, babes! I wiped his mind, he’s not going to remember it, why you still got your panties in a twist?” He sneers, and you growl out, carefully maneuvering to grab one of the horns on his head to push it down more. “Hey, hey, hey, fuckin’ watch the mask, bitch! You don’t get to manhandle the original dick!” 
“I can’t fucking see with your giant ass head in the way!” Your clipped response comes out, before you realize something. “Wait– This is a mask?” You’re still holding onto one of the horns, and shake it a bit. He growls out and swats your hand away, which you don’t fight against as you put your hand back on the wheel. 
“Pfft, uh, yeah? What, did you think this was actually my face?” He’s resting his head on the console now, pointing to his apparent mask, smirking up at you. You flounder, briefly, mouth opening, before it closes. 
“...I mean. Honestly? Yeah. You eat with it. How does that even work!?” You glance at him, eyes wide, and his smirk just lengthens. 
“Angelic magic, ‘tits. Fancy as fuck and cooler than anything you mortals got down here in your sorry realm.” He enlightens, and you don’t have a smart comeback for that because he’s right. 
“...Pretty cool, actually. Can I have one someday?” You ask, and he curls himself back, splaying out once more across your car’s back seats. 
“Maaaaybe. Usually only the big dogs like me get somethin’ this sick.” He responds, shifting multiple times to try and get comfortable. You just roll your eyes as you pull up to the drive-thru, waiting your turn, before glancing back at him. 
“Can I see your real face?” You decide to inquire, and he raises a brow at your question, now chewing none-too-quietly on some beef jerky. 
“Uh, you wanna owe me more?” He snorts, and you just scoff in reply, looking ahead as you pull up a bit more. 
“Didn’t realize I’d have to owe you for you taking your mask off.” You mutter out, and he laughs somewhat, sitting up with another fluff of his wings. You don’t call him out on it for now since you’re just sitting in line. 
“Can’t get something for nothing, babes. Not a whole lotta people get to see the OG’s face, and I don’t think some fuckin’ mortal is gonna see it.” He chews some more on his snack, and you hold your hand out for a piece. He glares at you, before relenting and handing you a small strip, which you gnaw on to sate your hunger. May as well pick up dinner here too, then. 
“I’m just ‘some fuckin’ mortal’ to you?” You scoff in response, placing a hand to your chest in faux offense. “I thought what we had was special, Adam!” He rolls his eyes at your theatrics, flicking your head, and you scowl in response. 
“Nah, you ain’t special, bitch. Well, I guess you are maybe a little. After all, not everyone’s guardian is–”
“The original dick, yeah, yeah, I get it.” You grouse, and now he looks offended that you interrupted him, before shrugging it off because clearly what he’s saying means something. He goes quiet, though, as you pull up to order. You get him a blizzard, and yourself some ice cream as well as dinner. 
“Hey, wait, I want something else!” He whines, shoving his head forward once again, and you frown, looking at him. God, how much could he eat? “Gimme uhhh… That! And, oh, also that!” He’s pointing at items on the menu, moreso the pictures, and you glare at him. You can’t speak, as the woman through the speaker could still hear you, and he just looks at you. “What? Order, bitch, there’s people behind you!” You just continue to glare, and he glares back, eyes squinting. “Uggghh, what do you want from me? I can’t fuckin’ pay, I don’t have your stupid Earth money.” Still silence. The woman at the speakers asks if you want anything else, and you tell her to hold on as you stare Adam down. 
He taps his finger on your console impatiently, before groaning and throwing his head back. “Fine! This can be the other part of what you owe me.” He sighs out, and you decide to cut your losses and accept that. You turn back to the speaker, ordering what he wants as well, before driving forward, waiting for the car ahead of you to get their food. 
“Do you think I’m made of money or something? I’m barely making ends meet.” You speak up, finally, rubbing one of your eyes as you try to stave off the tired ache in your body. Your cramps are starting to kick back up, too, and that’s definitely not helping. 
“Sounds like a you problem.” Is all Adam replies as he leans back again, and your jaw grits. 
“It is a me problem, so I can’t keep buying you stuff you probably get for free up in Heaven!” You growl out, irritation with him flaring once more. Asshole is so ungrateful… Why did you even buy him anything? “Do you even have to pay rent in Heaven?” You then ask, and he laughs. 
“Fuck no!” He grins, before pausing. “Well, sorta. You get like, a free place and whatever, but if you want somethin’ bigger and better you gotta pay for it.” He explains, and you frown at that. 
“So, wait. You do gotta work in Heaven?” You blanch, because that sounds awful. Great, you have something to not look forward to even after you die, now. Well, if you want to Heaven, anyways… You have a guardian angel, so you assume that you will, but Adam is hardly angel material. In fact, you’re starting to wonder if this is a test from the Heavens, seeing how much good will you have to not snap and throttle your guardian…
“Sorta?” He gives the same response, picking at his teeth– Mask?-- With his pinky. He doesn’t even look at you. “You don’t gotta. You can just walk around and do whatever you want, but some stuff you gotta actually pay for. Luxuries, like certain entertainment, shops, establishments… You get the idea.” He finally looks at you, resting his hands on his stomach as he leans against the door of your car. 
You turn back ahead as the vehicle in front of you pulls forward. “Huh…” You mutter, thoughtful. Well, you hoped you could at least be good at something else in Heaven, because you were definitely not wanting to do the job you had currently up after crossing the pearly gates. You hand your card over to the cashier to pay, and put all the food in the front seat. Adam subtly reaches for his blizzard, which you slap his hand away subtly. No way you’re driving around with what would look like a floating ice cream to everyone else. He pouts, but doesn’t complain, and you drive off after you have everything. 
The distance from your apartment to the fast food place you just stopped at is short, and already worn out by today’s events, you just opt to turn on the radio and listen to music. Adam takes over, of course, turning it onto some barely withstandable hard rock as he jams out in the back seat with an air guitar. You try and not let any tired, resting bitch face take over, but it’s so, so difficult to. Once you park in your spot, it’s already decently late. It’s dark out, and you don’t see anyone else around, so you let Adam help you carry your food. 
You look up, able to see your balcony from where you’re standing, and grimace at the thought walking three stories. The elevator it is, then, you decide with a heavy sigh. “Alright, up ya go.” Adam suddenly speaks up, and you’re confused, until you feel an arm wrap around your middle. 
“What do you– meeeeeaaaannn!” You suddenly shriek out as his wings flare, and he pushes himself and you effortlessly upwards with a beat of them. Seconds later, you land on your balcony with him, trembling, cold and startled at the sudden interaction. 
“Theeeere ya go, sweet-tits, saved ya some time, didn’t I? I know, I know, I’m the greatest.” He grins, puffing out of existence, before he reappears inside of your house. He unlocks your sliding door, and you walk in, still more pale before and slow. “Pfft, you should see the look on your face. Hilarious. I’ll have to do that more often.”
“You– You know you can’t!” You sputter out, glaring at him as you set down the food you’re holding, putting your hands on your hips. He just looks at you, boredly, as he tosses some fries in his mouth. 
“Wassa big deal? Nobody saw.” He speaks through chewing, and you wrinkle your nose, turning around and shutting the door while you pull the blinds closed. 
“What if somebody did see, though!? And we didn’t even know! This is the age of technology, Adam, anyone could be filming for any reason!” You counter, watching in irritation as he flops down on the giant beanbag you have in your small living room in lieu of a couch. 
“Even if someone did see it, nobody would believe it. I know those fake ass videos that circulate all the time online of some mysterious shit happening which is obviously just not real.” He seems extremely unbothered by this, which is somewhat concerning. That meant either you were really getting up in arms about this for no reason, or he just didn’t want to admit to making a mistake. You’d heard the phrase ‘angels don’t make mistakes’ or something similar quite a few times from him. You just shoot him a glare as he waves a hand and magics over your remote as he flips the TV on, munching on the food he got. 
“Food’s gonna get cold if you don’t eat, babes.” He chirps out, flicking through channels, and you pinch the bridge of your nose and utter under your breath. You never win any arguments with him. Why do you even bother? With a sigh, you grab your food and sit next to him on the beanbag. It’s normally enough to fit at least three or four people, but with how large Adam is, it looks like it’s really just meant for two people. You sit cross legged as you eat, another silence finally lapsing between the both of you. Adam can’t shut up most of the time, and even while he’s eating he’s making quips at the show you’re watching. 
“Fuckin’ women argue so much, why did they make a show about it?” He comments while he chews, and you click the remote to see what you’re even watching with a roll of your eyes. The Real Housewives. Great. This one isn’t even set in your area. 
“I think it’s all fabricated.” You comment in response. Adam’s done with his food, eating his ice cream, and you’re almost finished with your main meal. 
“Why? Wouldn’t it be more interesting if it was real beef?” He scoffs, and you shrug. 
“Well, yeah, but rarely is it actually as entertaining as this.” You motion to the screen, grimacing as you see one of the women throw a fork at the other. This was so dumb. Adam seems to agree, as he snorts and changes the channel. 
When you’re both completely finished eating, you lounge with him. It’s a bit strange, you admit, having your supposed ‘guardian angel’ just relaxing with you. He’s a divine being; The first man! Yet he’s here, kicking back on your beanbag like he’s some buddy of yours. You don’t tell him to get out, though, because deep down, despite how much of an awful prick he can be… you kinda like the company. You have friends, sure, but they’re all busy with their own lives. Adam? You’re not entirely sure what his life in Heaven is like. You don’t know his responsibilities, but it must not be much if he can just come down here and kick it with you whenever. 
You try to drown these contemplative thoughts out with television, but you find it difficult to do as another pang lights your stomach. You groan out, shifting a bit, rubbing at the cramps. Right, you’d nearly forgotten about those. You should go and put something on for the blood, but… Goddamn you don’t wanna get up. Instead, you just roll around slightly on the beanbag, groaning, trying to get comfortable. Adam, blissfully, doesn’t say anything. At first, at least. When you finally moan out in pain, though, and your head slumps against his arm, he scoffs, lifting his arm to look down at you. Your head thumps against his side. 
“The fuck you makin’ so much noise for?” He complains, and you pout, mildly glaring at his crass attitude. 
“Told you earlier, on my period… Cramps reeaaallly blow.” You utter out, somewhat muffled due to your cheek resting against his side. 
“Sucks to suck, woman.” He sneers, and you resist the urge to bite him. Just barely. Your glare certainly says enough, though. 
“Please tell me there’s no periods in Heaven.” You sigh as you roll onto your back, peering up miserably at the angel next to you. 
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’ in his response, and you sigh in relief. “Actually, I can just make it so you don’t have it anymore.” He suddenly mentions, and you gasp, sitting up to look at him. 
“What? Really?” You grin in excitement at the thought, and he looks at you slyly. 
“Yeeep. Only for about nine months at a time, though.” He looks back at his gloved nails, and you tilt your head in confusion.��
“That’s… Oddly specific. Why?” You ask, curious. He narrows his eyes at you, grin never leaving his face as he waggles his eyebrows at you. A heated warmth blossoms fiercely across your cheeks and body as you suddenly understand what he’s insinuating. 
“Stop being so horny!” You growl out, shoving him as he starts laughing, slapping you with his wing as you stumble to your feet. 
“Hey! You know how many chicks are lining up to ride original dick?” He finally huffs out after he’s finished with his laughing fit, pointing down at his crotch. 
“I can imagine not very many if you’re here pestering me, still.” You roll your eyes, and his wings flare out in anger at that as he gets up. 
“You got no fuckin’ idea! Bitches and groupies are lining up to see me after a show, and even on the streets. I’ve been looking after you for like– What– a few months? You haven’t gotten laid once, so you can cut the cool act and just start begging whenever you want. You’ll be thanking me after.” He insists, waving his arms about as his wings give a beat of frustration. It knocks over a paper mache piece one of your friends made for you, and nearly bowls your cat off of his feet as he comes strolling into the room, although he seems none the wiser to what the wind actually was. You just offer Adam a hard stare as you swoop down to pick up the paper mache, setting it neatly back where it was. 
“Is that even allowed?” You can’t help but to ponder, never having of really broached the topic with him. Sure, he was usually horny around you. Made innuendos and suggestive comments(occasional groping), but he’d never actually really tried anything. 
“Is what allowed?” He’s gotten distracted by your cat, squinting at him as he strolls about your living room, sticking his head into the now empty paperbag of one of your meals. 
“You fucking…” You try to think of what you are to him. You don’t know the term, so instead you just settle on, “Me?”
“I can do whatever the fuck I want. I’m Adam.” Comes his smug response, an equally smug look on his face as his arms cross and he peers down at you. Okay, that’s not a… Real answer, but you suppose you’re not going to get a real answer out of him. You open your mouth, before closing it, deciding to wave him off, uttering that you’ll be back. You head into your bathroom, finally grabbing something to help your blood flow. You also decide to take something to alleviate your cramps a bit, and when you walk back into your main room, you hear Adam. “Hey, pussy, that’s mine!” You walk over, seeing Adam crouched over your cat, glaring at him as he snacks on a fry from inside the bag. So much for being empty. 
He then deftly takes the fry from your cat, sticking his tongue out at him as the feline meows pitifully, confused at the fry dangling from nothing in front of him. “Hey, don’t be mean! He found that fair and square, give it back!” You counter, walking over and snatching the fry out of Adam’s fingers. The angel scowls at you as you toss the fry back down for your little boy to consume, and you pet him lovingly. 
“Don’t think a cat is supposed to eat that shit.” He grimaces, and you just shrug. 
“He can have a little treat. It’s okay.” You decide, picking up the rest of the empty bags and containers as you move to throw them away. “You staying the night or something?” You can’t help but to tease Adam. He doesn’t normally hang around you for this long. In fact, you’re pretty sure he’s only supposed to be here when you’re in real trouble, but you’re not entirely sure what defines that. Maybe he has some premonition about when you’ll get in trouble, so perhaps that’s why he’s sticking around. 
“Why, you want me to?” He arches his brows again, and you roll your eyes, not gracing him with a response. “No way, I got shit to do back up top. I’m important, you know, can’t just spend all the time hangin’ out with some mortal. Much as you’d like me to, I know I know.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” You utter under your breath, and before he has a moment to ask what you said, you pipe up, “Are you even allowed to be doing this? Just like, hanging out? And, no,” You start as he opens his mouth to reply. “I don’t want to hear ‘I’m Adam, I can do what I want’ because really that holds no ground.” 
“Uh, the fuck it doesn’t! It holds all the ground.” He scoffs. “You may hate the answer, but it’s the truth, babes. Heaven is way better than this shithole you live in, but sometimes it gets so booooring. You guys keep it fresh down here.” He grins, somewhat wicked as he advances towards you, before pausing. “Oh, shit, you know what you should do?” You offer him an uncertain look. “Go to a concert! Or festival! They fuckin’ rock down here.” He throws up the devil’s horns. 
“And… Why would I do that?” You frown. 
“So I can watch, duh.” He crosses his arms, and you just raise a brow.
“Can’t you just go fly to a concert somewhere and watch it?” You inquired, flopping back down on your beanbag with a grimace as another cramping spasm rips through your body. 
“Not really, nah. If I come down to Earth, I’m basically tied to you. Gotta stick around you within a certain area sorta deal.” He explains, and you make a small noise of surprise. You suppress the urge to say, ‘I thought you were Adam and could do whatever you wanted’, but you don’t because you don’t want him going off on a rant about it. 
“Well, I’ll think about it. Concerts aren’t really my thing.” You admit, trying to decide one what to watch the rest of the night. Your cat comes up, purring as he settles on your stomach, and you groan out at the pressure it applies. 
“You should make it your thing and stop being so fucking boring” He huffs. 
“If I’m so boring then why did you hang around me for so long today?” You stick your tongue out as part of your response, and Adam’s wings fluff up and flare at the accusation. He opens his mouth to respond, then closes it, eyes narrowing along with his brows. 
“Because… Free food, that’s why. Fuck you, later loser!” He flips you the bird again with both hands this time, sticking his own tongue out, before he’s gone in a puff of golden glitter. It sizzles around you, falling to the ground as it disperses, and you sigh out. You pet your cat, laying your head back on the beanbag. 
“...Hope you don’t think I’m crazy.” You rumble to your cat as you scratch him behind the ears. It’s just you and him, now, and you don’t know when Adam will pop up again. You realize, with a pang in your chest, that you miss him already. What a dangerous game you were playing, talking so freely with your divine guardian. 
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suterbuyout2024 · 11 months
hartzykirill #20 for the ask meme if u are so inclined ... 🤎
yes... hahaha... YES... you get something set in the world of my arranged marriage au where kirill & hartzy get married so kirill can have american citizenship and mats has all sorts of fucked up complicated feelings about it.
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
Ryan’s been gone for about twenty minutes now.
Kirill’s not usually the worrying sort, but Ryan does have the car keys, and he’d like to know he hasn’t been left behind at the rink. Kirill goes looking for him after he’s wasted as much time as he can packing up his bag, organizing his stall, and poking at his hair in the mirror.
The bowels of the X feel odd after games, busy but not enough, deserted in a way that belies privacy. The couple straggling reporters and trainers give him nods and disappear around corners, and Kirill is starting to feel a little lost by the time he comes across the door.
It’s just slightly ajar, almost discreet. Ryan’s messy like that, Kirill thinks, unwittingly fond. Of course he’d leave this little space where anyone could overhear —
“I just don’t get — what’s your angle, man? Why the fuck do you even care?” Ryan sounds angry. He almost never sounds angry off the ice. Kirill frowns.
“Don’t ask stupid questions.” And that’s — that’s Mats, which Kirill doesn’t —
“Oh, but you get to ask me —”
There’s a rustle, then the sound of an impact, not like a punch but a check. Someone lets out a shocked breath — Ryan, Kirill knows — and then Mats says, “Don’t fuck around. I’m asking because I —” for a moment, there’s just the sound of both of them breathing raggedly. Then, “It doesn’t matter why. It just matters that you’re not fucking around with him.”
“And if I was?” Ryan doesn’t sound serious, but he does sound mean. “Oh, right. You’d be jealous.”
Kirill blinks. He’s not stupid. He knows, very well, that he is not supposed to be hearing this. He holds his breath and ignores the greasy, squirming feeling in his stomach.
“I’m just trying to look after him,” says Mats. He is not doing a good job of hiding the hurt in his voice.
Ryan’s quiet for a long time, but Kirill knows this quiet. It’s the quiet where Ryan is so overwhelmed with hurt that he cannot think of where to begin. That he begins to think perhaps he deserves to take it. Kirill waits until he can’t anymore, until he has to step in, until — “You don’t get to act like I’m not,” Ryan says. He sounds thin, tired. “I turned my whole life upside down for him, and you don’t — you can’t seriously think I don’t care.”
Mats doesn’t reply. From the other side of the door, Kirill’s chest aches so keenly that he struggles to breathe. He can’t possibly fix this, he knows, but God, does he want to.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
One Thing After Another
AN: What??? Two fics two days in a row??? Shocking, I know, but I had to write this for my final assignment in my superheroes class and I can’t just let it sit around. This is a Big Hero 6 fic based later in the second season of the show. You don’t have to have seen it if you wanna read it, but there’s two minor characters from the show in this fic and mentions of some of their villains if you really care about spoilers. And since this was a school assignment, it’s not my particular, ahem, brand of fics. Kinda went back to my roots for this one, all aboard the angst train! Hiro can’t catch a break, I really said fuck them kids bro (fr tho this show is awesome, you should really check it out!)
Hiro was tired. Scratch that, he was exhausted. They had to split up the team last night because Globby decided to try and pull of a jewelry heist while High Voltage robbed a bank, and Hiro ended up getting slammed against the giant metal vault. The resulting crack and shooting pain in his ribs wasn't a good sign, but he tried his best to hide the injury from Wasabi. The last thing he wanted was for him to freak out and go into mother hen mode. Keeping Baymax quiet about it was a task in and of itself, but he managed to get him far enough away from his friend to ease his concerns.
"I promise I'll ice it when we get home," he assured before shifting back to the task at hand.
High Voltage got away with a few bags stuffed to the brim with cash, leaving both Hiro and Wasabi twitching on the floor, hair fried and frizzed. They left feeling defeated, and Hiro was not in a good mood on the way back.
He was able to sneak into his room with relative ease, but not without a quick trip to the kitchen. He opened the freezer ever so slowly, grabbing the ice tray. Then, just as slowly, he closed the freezer door, easing the seal on the fridge shut. He grabbed a plastic bag from a drawer and headed up the stairs. It was the most tense few seconds he'd had that night, which was saying something.
Once in his room, he cracked the ice tray and dropped the remaining cubes in the bag. He took his time laying down on his bed, but he couldn't get comfortable.
He was facing the wall when he heard a beep, followed by an inflating fan. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Baymax shuffle to his bathroom and fumble around before returning to his bedside.
"Here, take this. It is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Pain management is important when healing rib fractures."
"Yeah yeah, take ibuprofen when it hurts too much. Thanks Baymax," he said, accepting the pill and glass of water. He grimaced as he sat up to take a drink.
Baymax returned from Tadashi's side of the room carrying extra pillows. He began meticulously placing them around Hiro.
"Uhh, what're you doing?"
"It is advised that you sleep upright. I will try to make you as comfortable as possible." Baymax took his time fluffing and arranging the pillows, patting his head before heading to the corner where Mochi was sleeping.
Hiro couldn't get comfortable to save his life. He always despised sleeping propped up, even when sick with a stuffy nose that left you gasping and flopping around in bed like a fish out of water. But now he couldn't fidget or toss and turn to get comfortable because even the slightest movement sent shockwaves of pain throughout his body. He just laid there, staring up at the ceiling as he let his thoughts spiral.
It didn't help that the pillows still smelled like Tadashi. He wasn't aware that his brother had a distinct scent until this moment, and he was struck with a sudden wave of grief.
Oh yeah, he wasn't going to get any sleep that night.
When his alarm went off, he was deliriously tired and aching from head to toe. It took him a while to pull himself out of bed, the melted ice pack flopping onto the floor as he stood. There was no way in hell he was bending over to pick it up, so he just kicked it under his bed. A problem for future Hiro.
He made it to the bathroom, glancing in the mirror before brushing his teeth. He jumped back when he saw his reflection, letting out a startled yelp. His eyes were bloodshot, skin pale with a thin sheen of sweat, and his hair was standing on end as if he were the Bride of Frankenstein. He swore he could see a quick spark of static electricity among the loose tangled.
He washed his face, enjoying the cool rag in his heated skin. He ran it under the faucet and squeezed out the water, resting it on the back of his neck.
Getting downstairs was a struggle, but luckily Baymax was at his side to help him ease down the steps.
Aunt Cass immediately knew something wasn't right.
"Oh my God what's wrong?" she exclaimed, rushing to the foot of the stairs and taking him from Baymax.
"Nothing's wrong, I just had a bad night's sleep is all," he tried to play it off.
"That's bologna and you know it!" she scolded, pointing a finger at him. He sighed, but even that hurt. She noticed the flinch and small grimace that came with the action.
"Hiro, what on earth did you do to yourself? I swear if this is because you snuck out to go bot fighting-"
"I didn't, I swear!" he cut her off. "I-I got jumped. On my way home from school yesterday. Some guys on the tram wanted to steal my backpack and I wouldn't let them, so they beat me up. I just- I didn't want you know because you already worry about me so much."
Her expression softened, though there was true concern in her eyes. "Oh Hiro, I'm always going to worry about you. But hiding something that serious from me is exactly why I worry so much! I mean, do you even hear yourself? You were attacked on your way home! I knew the crime rate is on the rise, but this is ridiculous! What did they do to you? Did they steal anything important?" she asked, hovering over him, and touching his face and hair. He slipped away, holding her hand to keep her at bay.
"I'm fine, really. They just... punched me around until they got my bag and when they saw it was full of homework, they tossed it back and left. That's it," he said, hoping she would buy into his lie. She practically deflated, flinging herself at her nephew and grabbing him in a crushing hug. He hissed in pain and shoved her away before he could think better of it.
"Sorry, sorry! Does it really hurt that bad?" she asked hesitantly.
"Just really sore, I-I'll be fine. Gotta get to school, don't wanna be late," he said, inching towards the door. Aunt Cass grabbed a few extra pastries and stuffed them in his lunch sack.
"Don't forget your lunch! I threw in a little something extra."
"Thanks Aunt Cass."
When she didn't answer, he turned around to face her. "What?"
"Maybe have Wasabi walk you home."
"I'll be fine-"
"Well you weren't yesterday!" Cass exclaimed before calming herself with a deep breath. "San Fransokyo isn't the city it used to be. Every day there's something else. It's not safe out there Hiro. At least, not like it used to be."
Hiro stepped closer, reaching out to touch her arm. "I-I know. But Big Hero 6 is taking care of it! They're making sure the city's safe. For everyone."
She sighed, a soft smile finding its way onto her face. "I have to admit, it has brought me some peace of mind. But they're not invincible either. So be careful out there, okay? You see any trouble, you come straight home."
"Yeah okay. I really gotta go now, okay bye!" With one more quick hug, he rushed out the door, Baymax in tow.
He was relieved when he made it to school, and even more relieved that he had open lab first thing. It was a much needed buffer period to wake himself up and attempt to act normal. When he walked in, Honey Lemon tried to mask her grimace with a smile.
"Hirooo! You look..." she trailed off, unable to find a nice way to voice her thoughts. Go-Go took one look at him and decided to answer on her behalf.
"You look like hot garbage. What's up?"
"Nothing! I just couldn't sleep last night, y'know?"
Honey Lemon sat down next to him. "Anything in particular bothering you?"
Yes, everything, he wanted to say.
"Nah, Wasabi and I just finished up late and I wasn't able to get comfortable. And uh... I was thinking about Tadashi," he admitted.
"He would be so proud of you," she said, taking his hand and holding it in both of hers. "But I know he'd also be worried. You need to make sure to take care of yourself, and that includes getting enough rest."
He rolled his eyes, yanking his arm back. "Now you're just sounding like Baymax," he teased. The robot looked their way when he heard his name and shuffled over.
"She is right. Rest is important for someone in your condition."
Honey Lemon whipped around to look at Hiro. "What's he talking about?" Before he could answer, Baymax began to explain.
"Hiro has broken-"
"A broken heart!" he rapidly cut him off.  Honey Lemon blinked in surprise and even Go-Go peaked out of her work cubicle, blowing a bubble with her gum to show she was listening in as well.
"Yeeeaaah, I just- can't get over Trina! Yeah, she was the first girl I liked since, um, everything, and her being a robot came as a shock, and I just, I can't get her out of my head," he rambled, silently praying they'd believe him.
"Oh Hiro, that's okay. There's plenty of cute girls your age! You just have to put yourself out there, you'll find someone," she comforted.
Okay, maybe the broken heart route wasn't the way to go, but he panicked.
Go-Go narrowed her eyes, looking him up and down from across the lab.
"I don't know what you're hiding, but you better hope I don't find out," she threatened before going back to her work.
"He's not hiding anything! He's just a little embarrassed about this sort of thing, right Hiro?"
"R-right. I'm nervous because I don't really have anyone to go to about this sort of thing," he bluffed, though there was a fair amount of truth to his words. It just wasn't the problem currently at hand.
"You know you can always come to us about this sort of thing."
Go-Go grunted and went back to her own work.
"Well, you can come to me." She stood up, giving him a kiss on the head before heading to her own station. He wiped off the lipgloss from his forehead, scowling at the sticky glittery smudge on the back of his hand. He wiped it off on his jeans, going back to his notes. And just like that, he was out like a light.
He woke up when his head slipped out of his hand that kept him propped up, face slamming on the desk. He jolted up too fast and hissed in pain, instantly reaching to hold his side, but even his own touch sent a sharp pain through his nerves. He checked to make sure nobody noticed.
Luckily, everyone seemed to be wrapped up in their own projects. He noticed Fred and Wasabi had arrived since he'd fallen asleep. He checked his phone and was shocked to see there was only 15 minutes left in the lab. Fred was talking to Honey Lemon about something and perked up when he noticed Hiro was awake.
She turned around and saw him sitting up at his desk and she turned back to Fred, speaking softly, "Oh Fred, not right now."
He was practically vibrating with excitement, and he was never one to listen. "He just needs a little something to brighten his day," he said with an evil chuckle. He soared across the lab on a rolling chair, skidding to a stop next to Hiro.
"There's a new chapter of-"
"Nope." Hiro cut him off, pushing away from the desk and walking towards the door. Fred easily kept up in his wheelie chair and began reading the new chapter aloud.
"We last left our heroes in the abandoned five star restaurant, trapped in the deep freezer by Momakase," Fred narrated with a dramatic voice. Hiro groaned as he reached up to plug his ears. Fred raised his voice.
""What're we gonna do?" Tall Girl cried as-"
"I'm really not that tall," Honey Lemon interjected. Fred gave her a pointed look, making a show of clearing his throat before continuing.
""What're we gonna do?" Tall Girl cried as she failed to melt the hinges off the door. "Stand back, I got this!" Captain Cutie said, his deep voice demanding attention."
Hiro groaned and leaned against the wall, smacking his head repeatedly. "Why do you enjoy torturing me?" he asked weakly.
"Come on, where's that deep, commanding voice of yours?" Fred teased, rolling out of the way when Hiro swatted at him.
"It's not like I could use my normal voice! She would've recognized me for sure!" he felt the need to defend himself.
"No offense, but your voice isn't what she cares about," Go-Go interjected. When everyone stared at her, she shrugged. "What? You made all our suits tight and I've caught her staring," she deadpanned, but a teasing smirk was tugging at her lips.
"Aah-Didn't ask!" he cried, hands flying up to cover his ears. Fred managed to snatch his wrist and pried his hand away from his ear and continued reading.
"Captain Cutie pointed at the giant metal door, looking to Red Panda with a nod. Red Panda shot his rocket fist and blasted the door clean off! It fell to the floor with a heavy clang, a blast of cold air rushing out of the freezer and into the vacant industrial kitchen. As the team escaped their frigid prison, Karmi hesitated."
Fred let out a small gasp before continuing, "Captain Cutie paused in the doorway, looking over his shoulder at his girlfriend. "Aren't you coming?" he asked, voice laced with concern. Karmi looked away, biting her lip. "I'm scared." She felt a gentle hand cup her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. "You have nothing to be afraid of. I'm right here, and I won't let anything happen to you.""
Hiro literally gagged when he heard those words, checking his watch before packing up his things. Despite his clear disinterest, Fred continued reading.
"Karmi's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I know, but Momakase-" Captain Cutie put a finger to her lips, cutting her off. "Shhh. I know what you're going to say. It's not your fault Karmi." She took his hand, lacing their fingers together. The simple touch was comforting for them both. Karmi sighed, "But if she hadn't kidnapped me, we'd all be safe." Her voice was dejected and her shoulders sagged downward. Captain Cutie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Look at me. It is not your fault, okay? We're gonna get through this. Together." She nodded hesitantly, offering a timid smile. Suddenly, the sound of Chop Chop's voice echoed down the hall calling for them. Karmi took a step towards the open doorway, only for Captain Cutie to grab ahold of her wrist. She looked over her shoulder to see her boyfriend raise the face shield of his helmet. "Wha-" but before she could speak, he pulled her close, their bodies flush against each other. He leaned in, slowly closing the distance before their lips me-"
Thank God the bell cut him off before he could finish that sentence. Hiro grabbed his bag and bolted out the door as fast as his fractured ribs would allow him to move.
As soon as he was out of view from his friends, he dropped the normal facade and a pained expression settled on his face. He walked to an empty table in the hall and dug around his backpack until he found the bottle of ibuprofen he'd packed that morning. He chugged down a few gulps from his water bottle, leaning against Baymax's squishy body for support and comfort.
The distinct sound of clacking heels on linoleum approached from behind and passed him in the hall. The footsteps came to a halt before turning around and approaching Hiro.
"Mr. Hamada?"
Hiro jumped to attention with a yelp of surprise and pain as his eyes flew open. Professor Granville was staring at him with confused concern, looking him up and down.
"Professor Granville! I-I was just on my way to class!"
"Mhm, so I see. I was hoping to run into you."
Hiro's stomach sank like a rock. "Y-you did? If this is about the expo, I already have a solid idea for my project."
She gave a tight lipped smile. "I'm glad to hear that, though that's not what I wished to discuss." She took a seat on the table next to Hiro's bag. "I saw the bank robbery on the news this morning. That was quite a hit you took on the vault door, and I just wanted to see if you're alright."
Her genuine concern both touched and shocked him. "Oh, uh, thanks but I'm okay." When she arched a skeptical brow, he sighed in defeat. "Baymax says I have fractures on two ribs on the left side. But I've been taking pain meds every few hours and I'll ice it when I get home. Thanks for looking out for me," he said, voice small.
Granville's expression softened. "I'm... sorry to hear that Hiro. When I was about your age, my father fell off the roof when cleaning out the gutters. He broke a rib when he hit a branch on the way down, and it was really hard on him. It's okay to take breaks when you need them Hiro."
He was quiet for a few moments. "I know, but I can't really afford that right now. Aunt Cass would want an explanation, and everyone would worry even more than they already do and- People need me to be there." His voice was on the verge of desperation.
Professor Granville's eyes widened as he spoke. "You mean you haven't told them?"
"Well Aunt Cass kinda knows? She could tell I was hurt so I lied and told her some guy tried to steal my backpack. But I didn't really tell her."
"But wasn't Wasabi with you when it happened?"
"Yeah, but you know how he is. He'd freak out, maybe faint, he'd make a huge deal over it," he explained. Granville frowned.
"Take it from me, broken ribs are nothing to scoff at. They require time and rest to heal properly. And to attempt to hide such a thing..." she trailed off and shook her head. She stood, brushing off her skirt. "I'm disappointed Mr Hamada." She took a few steps, stopping in front of Baymax.
"Take care of him."
Baymax blinked. "Hiro is my primary patient. His health is my top priority." She smiled sadly, patting his puffy arm as she passed. Hiro watched her walk down the hall, groaning as he laid down on the table.
Thankfully class went by rather quickly, but the day was already wearintg down on him. Needless to say, he was ready for lunch. He met Wasabi on his way out of the classroom, his mind distant as Wasabi talked about his upcoming thesis. He tried to remain engaged, but Wasabi could tell he wasn't fully listening.
"Somethin' on your mind little man? You know you can talk to me." His tone was light and casual, offering him a friendly smile. Hiro automatically returned it with a smile of his own, though his was considerably less genuine.
"Yeah, everything's just been a lot. And I slept like crap last night."
"Everything alright?"
"I guess. I just couldn't get my brain to shut up, and I kept thinking about Tadashi. Just... one of those nights, y'know?"
Wasabi frowned as he spoke, and he wrapped an arm around Hiro's shoulders.
"Sadly I do. Grief is hard, and it's not something that just goes away. It can help to talk about it, even if it's pretty much the last thing you wanna do."
"Thanks Wasabi, but I don't think I'm really ready to talk..."
"Hey, that's okay! Forget I said anything. But just know the offer's open anytime." He gave his shoulder a friendly pat before heading down the stairs. Hiro watched the way he gripped the handrail for dear life, taking them one step at a time. He could hear him mumbling under his breath, "Stupid stairs, so steep it feels like I'm climbing down a mountain."
Hiro huffed out a quick chuckle before following him to the cafeteria. Professor Granville's words echoed in his mind, a pang of guilt coursing through him as he stared at the back of Wasabi's head.
The day was really starting to take its toll on him, and it showed in his quiet, slightly exhausted demeanor. He picked at his lunch, only feeling up to eating half of it, opting to idly poke at the rest. He tuned in and out of the conversation at random. Luckily no one seemed to notice his disassociated state, or if they did, they decided not to pry.
Karmi was walking through the cafeteria when she spotted their table, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips. Creeping up behind Hiro, she held a finger to her lips to signal the rest of the group to keep quiet.
"BOO!" she screamed as she lunged forward, grabbing him on either side. Karmi had expected hun to jump, maybe shriek like a scared little girl. But the scream that ripped from Hiro's throat was one of genuine pain. Karmi immediately jumped back, holding her hands in the air. He was doubled over clutching his lower ribs, a low groan escaping his lips.
Everyone froze in shock, mouths agape.as they stared at them. "Um, what was that?" Go-Go asked, shooting daggers at Karmi, then Hiro.
"I barely touched him, I swear!" she insisted, guilt written all over her face.
"It's fine," he grunted out.
"I'm sorry Karmi, could you excuse us for a second?" Honey Lemon asked in her usual bubbly voice.
"Uh, yeah sure. You sure you're okay Hiro?" she asked, reaching out with a gentle hand. He flinched away from the touch.
"Yes, okay?" he snapped in irritation. He took a deep breath and sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry, but I kinda need to talk about something, so could you give us a little privacy?"
"Oh! Um, yeah, of course." She walked away, shooting a worried glance over her shoulder. Go-Go and Wasabi spoke at the same time.
"Wanna tell us what all that was about?"
"I thought you said you were okay!"
"Hold up, what is going on?" Fred asked, looking around the table cluelessly.
"I asked you! I asked if you were okay and you lied to my face!" Wasabi exclaimed.
"B-But I didn't-"
Wasabi cut him off, which was never a good sign. "I'm talking about last night," he said sternly, arms crossed over his chest. Oh he was pissed.
"I didn't want you to worry?" he said, voice small and timid as he sank further in his seat.
"Well now we're all worried. So spill."
Hiro didn't speak for a while, but he finally decided it was time to come clean. "Last night when I was thrown into the bank vault, I apparently fractured a few ribs." He barreled on when he saw Wasabi open his mouth to retort. "But this is exactly why I didn't wanna say anything! I knew you'd freak out, and you wouldn't let me patrol with you guys."
"But didn't you make a remote controlled suit? You can still patrol and get the rest you need," Honey Lemon said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off.
"Yeah, but it's not the same. It makes it feel so... distant. But I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?" he snarked, sinking even lower in the chair. He was definitely pouting, but he'd never admit it.
"Just until you're healed, okay Hiro?" Honey Lemon said in a chipper tone to try to lift his spirits. It didn't seem to work.
"Yeah okay, sure. Whatever."
A buzz in his pocket grabbed his attention. He pulled out his phone, checking his texts. It was from Krei. Greeeaaat.
Hey kiddo!
"Ugh," Hiro scoffed and rolled his eyes, continuing to read.
Don't bother stopping by for the internship today, I'm giving you the day off! See, I can be a nice boss! I have to get ready for a date and I don't really like the idea of you having free reign in my lab.
Hiro had barely begun to type a response when another text came through.
Don't be mad, but I'm taking Cass out to dinner. I stopped by the café on my lunch break and apologized for last time and she said she'd give me a second chance! :D Mochi seemed to think it was a good idea HAHA! Fr though, hope you're not mad at me.
Hiro was more than mad: he was seething.
He threw his phone down on the table and snapped the plastic fork he'd been clutching in half. "Can this day get any worse!"
Fred leaned in, reading the texts over his shoulder. "Look on the bright side, you don't have to go to work! Buuut Krei is still trying to make a move on your aunt so I see your dilemma," he pondered aloud, stroking his chin in thought.
"Ew. I thought she was done with him after that whole imposter incident," Go-Go said through a mouthful of sushi.
"You know how she is, she's way too nice to turn someone down, especially now that I work for the  guy. And it doesn't help that she still thinks he's," he paused as a shiver ran down his spine. "Handsome." A chorus of ew's and gross rang out across the table.
"Hey, it's alright bud. She'll come to her senses and realize he's just another corporate sleaze like everyone says he is," Wasabi consoled him.
"But that's just it! He's not that empty shell of a Ken doll we're used to, and that's what I hate! I mean, yeah he's pretty much the most annoying adult I've ever met, but he's honestly halfway decent. He can be nice if he wants to be, and he's actually funny. Cass loves men who can make her laugh! What am I gonna do?" he cried out miserably, flopping against Wasabi's shoulder.
"It'll be okay Hiro. Even if this date goes well, he's bound to fumble the ball at some point. Then, she'll see what a turd burglar he really is and drop him like a hot potato," Fred said with such confidence, Hiro actually believed him.
"Thanks guys, really. It means a lot.
"Any time."
"Today's been... a lot. I think I'm gonna head up to the lab and work on some stuff."
"Want any company?"
"Thanks for the offer but I'll pass. Think I just need some time to myself, maybe take a nap. We'll see," he shrugged, turning around to head towards his lab. Tadashi's lab. Yeah, he needed to be alone.
He was working on a prototype for a more efficient saltwater purification system when he heard the door open. He responded without looking up, deep in his work despite his hunched posture wrecking havoc on his battered ribcage.
"Look, I appreciate you guys checking up on me, but I just want to be alone right no-" he froze as he sat up to face the intruder, expecting Fred or maybe Honey Lemon, but instead Karmi was standing in the doorway.
"Relax nerd, it's just me. I uh, brought a peace offering." Hiro furrowed his brows in confusion before noticing the ice pack in her hand.
"Y-you really didn't have to do that," he insisted, but she cut him off.
"I didn't know you were hurt, I was just trying to scare you. Professor Granville told me you broke a few ribs. I'm really sorry."
"It's fine, you didn't know."
Karmi took a seat next to him. He gave her a side eye and scooted away.
"From the sound of it, your friends didn't know either." When Hiro didn't answer, she continued. "Why didn't you tell them?"
"They already worry about me, I didn't want to give them an actual reason to. They were all Tadashi's friends first, and he's the one who introduced me. I just feel like... now that he's gone, they think they have to watch out for me on his behalf or something. I don't know, it just makes me feel like some kind of burden. Like, I can look out for myself!" Karmi blinked in shock, not expecting him to open up like that.
"I'm sorry for dumping all this on you."
"Don't be. I'm... I'm glad you told me. Sometimes, I think the regular college students forget what it was like to be a teen. Surprising seeing as it was just a few years ago for them," she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. He offered a short lived smile, which was good enough for her.
"Heh, guess you're right."
"Aren't I always?"
"Ha, you wish."
They fell into an awkward silence, both of them adverting their gaze.
"Well, I guess I should go, you seemed pretty busy when I walked in."
Hiro pressed the ice pack against his arching ribs and visibly relaxed under the cold pressure. "You don't have to go, since you're already in here." She silently accepted the offer with a smug grin as sat back down.
"Well if you insist. Oh! I just posted a new chapter of my fic, want me to read it while you work?"
Although he wasn't able to hide the full body cringe that overtook him, he merely nodded, accepting his fate. She'd read it regardless, might as well give her permission.
Hiro's life was overwhelming to say the least. The loss of his brother, becoming a superhero, unmasking a villain, it was a lot to deal with. But sometimes, there were days that just threw everything at him. Broken ribs, a self insert written by his worst frenemy (where they're daring no less), his friends finding out about said injury, and his boss is trying to date his aunt was a lot to deal with individually, so having all of that happen within 24 hours was extremely overwhelming. But he wasn't alone. He had people who cared about him. He would just have to take it as it comes and deal with it one day at a time.
One thing after another.
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homeohzone · 5 months
Hello, New York!! (chapter 1)
I always thought I had everything. I had the nice house, a somewhat normal upbringing, a cushy job. Some people would even say I had it nicer than most. At least that’s what I thought. Yet here I find myself, packing my bags and leaving our home, my home, and moving into a subpar hotel. Ok, maybe I don’t always spend as much time with my kids as I'm supposed to. Maybe I'm not always emotionally available to my wife. At least I try. I don’t expect this arrangement to last long. A week, maybe two at most. Rarity usually gets over it with enough time, once she's gotten her mane redone and had time to think it over. This isn't the first time it happened. But maybe she did mean it this time. Her words had stung me more than usual. As the memory replays in my head, I wince. Do you ever think of anyone but yourself, Donny? Her words echo in my brain, cutting deeper and deeper, yet I find strength to shake them off, if only for brief moment. I shut my suitcase, one of my ties sticking out just a bit, and drop it onto the ground. BZZT. My pocket vibrates. I grab out my phone to check. It was an alarm. Leave for airport. Fuck. I'm late. I rush to the car with my things, and start haphazardly shoving them in, without much thought.
"Fuck" I mutter to myself, "How could you waste so much time doing nothing?" My blonde hair flows through the wind, getting in my face just a little. I push it back into place and continue stuffing my trunk. As I put my stuff inside, I make a mental checklist. I have my laptop bag, my suitcase, my clothes, my… don’t tell me I forgot my toothbrush. I shuffle through my toiletry bag, to no avail. There isn't enough time to stop and grab it. Just the icing on my horrible morning. I use all of my force to close the trunk, then cram myself into the driver's seat. I don’t usually drive myself, but today, I just knew I needed the time alone. Pulling out of the driveway, I look back to my house one last time. I already miss my bed, my office, my life. Turning my head away, I drive off.
I pass by the fountain near the front gate, its water flowing out like the emotions in my heart. As I choke back tears, I mutter to myself. "I don’t… I don’t want to leave…"
After hours of driving, I arrive at the airport. Sure, I could have flown in a private jet, or even took first class, but I felt like I deserved economy. After all I had done to hurt her, this is the least I can do to punish myself.
As I rush into the terminal area, memories flood back. This was the first airport me and Rarity had been in. We had taken our first flight together here. Tears well up in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them away. If she doesn't love me, I wont love her. Thankfully, my thoughts are interrupted as the boarding staff call my section out. I get up, and walk towards them
I board onto the plane, my eyes darting back and forth. I forgot how nerve-wracking this all can be. Although I am wearing a facemask to hide my identity, one wrong step, and this plane ride could turn into a media fiasco. As I sit in my window seat, and as the plane takes off, I look out. I'm biding my old life farewell, and ushering in a new me. One not tied down by some shrill, cold woman. One where I can finally find out who I am. My ride was uneventful. If anyone recognized me, they had not made it clear. The plane landed, and I got out. The people engulf me, but they don't notice. These people had better things to worry about. The woman passing me might be off to an important interview. The man, seeing his child for the first time. I was a total nobody. And it felt amazing. As I walk deeper into the crowd, I suddenly get an urge. I spin around once, taking in my surroundings. This can be my new home. Hello, New York!
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menofchaos · 2 years
Coco x Reader
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Note: This idea came to me so out of nowhere that I stopped working and missed sleep to write it. The guys head to Vegas, shenanigans ensue. Warning for mentions of being hungover & descriptions of hangover effects. I hope you guys enjoy this story and if so, please let me know.
The first thing she became aware of was the dryness in her mouth. As she woke up, she realized she was pressed against a warm body. She kept her eyes closed as her head pounded. Her stomach swam uneasily and her legs were sore. She slowly opened her eyes to see messy black hair and a Mayans tattoo.
Coco. Thank god.
Her arm was around his waist and their fingers were tightly intertwined. She lifted her head to find they were in their hotel but the room was way bigger. Nicer. Trashed, but nicer. She looked behind her, wincing at the bright light from between half closed curtains.
“Stop moving or get up. I’m gonna be fuckin sick.”
Coco’s voice was rough with sleep but he didn’t move from his position. She slowly got up, grabbing a pair of sunglasses from the nightstand and shutting the curtains.
She looked around the room and grabbed a cup off the coffee table, taking a tentative sip. She finished off what was thankfully water and sat in the arm chair.
“What do you need?” she asked, her eyes widening at her own raspy tone.
“Death,” he grumbled from under the comforter.
She huffed out a laugh at her dramatic boyfriend before looking around the room. Her heels were at the foot of the bed, her dress in the middle of the floor. Their bags were near the front door, neatly packed. She looked down to find Coco’s flannel covering her upper body, fingertip shaped bruises littered her inner thighs. Drunk Coco was always rough, making her shiver at the thought of the soreness between her legs. A tie she didn’t recognize was thrown over an askew lamp shade. Coco’s kutte was laying perfectly flat on the dresser, the rest of his clothes in a pile on the floor.
A white folder sat in the middle of the coffee table next to a tiara. She frowned and before she could open it, Coco abruptly stood up. Her eyes widened, “You okay?”
He beelined into the bathroom and a moment later, she heard the unmistakeable sound of throwing up. She took a deep breath before pushing herself to stand. Slowly, she made her way to their bags and found the ibuprofen she’d packed. She grabbed a bottle of water from the case on the floor, then slipped into the bathroom.
Coco was kneeling in front of the toilet, holding his hair back as he panted. She took her own hair down and tied his in a messy bun at the base of his neck.
“Thanks,” he breathed.
She sat down next to him, “I got some water if you need it,” she rubbed his back gently.
He nodded, coughing. She kissed his clammy shoulder as he took a shaky breath.
“Done?” she checked and he nodded again, glancing around before grabbing the bottle of water.
He spit a mouthful of water out before taking a long drink, finishing half the bottle, “Where the fuck are we?”
She shook her head, “Not sure. Did we break into this room?”
He huffed out a laugh, “No idea.”
She laid back on the cool tile, “I either need to eat the whole buffet or never eat again.”
“Where’s my phone?” he asked, squeezing her ankle gently.
“Probably in your pants?” she guessed, “Pills are on the counter.”
She closed her eyes and listened as he got up, finishing up and brushing his teeth. He took the pills and walked out, adjusting his boxers.
“Huh,” he cleared his throat, “Baby?”
“Gilly texted. Said they all wanna have breakfast if we’re done celebrating. What the fuck are we celebrating?” he stood in the doorway of the bathroom, “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know what we’re celebrating or if you’re okay?” he asked.
“I might still be drunk,” she admitted, “Both.”
After they both showered and got dressed, she was pulling her shoes on when Coco found a card on the dresser in front of a flower arrangement. He frowned.
“I don’t think this is our room,” he said when she stood up.
“What do you mean?”
He brought the card over to her, white and gold with elegant cursive.
Congratulations to the newlyweds! Thank you for choosing the Flamingo for your honeymoon.
“Jesus,” she murmured, “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“The casino, Angel’s dumb ass won that jackpot then lost it,” he set the card down, “You?”
She wrinkled her nose, “We went to a casino? The last thing I remember was the strip club.”
Coco grabbed a room key, “Let’s go eat and see what the idiots can tell us. Then we’ll figure this out. Ready?” she nodded, “Are you taking off the sunglasses?” she shook her head. Coco laughed softly and took her hand, leading her downstairs to the breakfast buffet.
The elevator ride was quiet as she rested her head on Coco’s shoulder, his arms around her waist. He led her toward the buffet, both of them taking a few small portions. She held their plates as Coco made coffee.
“They’re on the patio,” he told her, kissing her head when she whined. She followed him outside, frowning when the whole table erupted in applause.
“There they are,” Angel laughed, “How was the rest of your night?”
Coco set the cups down and pulled her chair out, “We’re still putting it together.”
Gilly laughed, “Fuck yeah, man. Last night was insane. I can’t believe you guys did it.”
“Jesus, what did we do now?” she asked after taking a sip of coffee.
The table quieted down and Coco frowned, “What?”
EZ tilted his head to the side, “Bro, for real?”
“We don’t all have a photographic memory, Boy Scout,” Coco hissed, “What the fuck happened?”
Gilly snorted, “That’s fucking classic. Look at your left hand, dumbass.”
Coco’s retort fell silent when she looked at her left hand to find the letter J tattooed on her ring finger, wrapped in clear plastic. In a panic, she looked over at Coco to find her own initial on his finger. She immediately remembered the word Chapel from the white folder and covered her mouth.
“You guys don’t remember that you got fucking married?” Angel cackled, shaking his head with a grin when Coco glared daggers at him.
“I uh…” she got up and walked back inside, her hands shaking. She made it to the elevator when she realized she didn’t have a room key or her wallet. Her heartbeat was so loud, she didn’t hear Coco calling her name.
“Baby, are you okay?” he asked.
She pushed her sunglasses up, “I just…I needed a minute.”
He nodded and sighed, “I get it.”
They stood in silence for a moment, avoiding eye contact.
“Do you…wanna go back to the table?” he asked.
Before she could answer, her stomach grumbled loudly. She giggled, “I guess we should.”
Coco smiled and kissed her head, “We’ll figure it out later, right?” he reminded her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She nodded, heading back to the table with him.
Breakfast continued with roasting the two of them, Gilly, EZ, and Angel’s flavor of the week filling in the missing pieces. The tie and tiara were from the chapel, the folder contained the marriage license and certificate. The room was a free upgrade from the hotel after the group stumbled in from the chapel next door, shouting about their newly married friends. EZ helpfully informed them that it was completely legal since the chapel filed the license for them.
After breakfast, the group split up with plans to meet back up at the pool. Their room was mostly silent as they changed, both of them opening the folder to see their names and signatures on the paperwork.
“We wrote pretty good for being obliterated,” Coco teased, making her smile.
She changed into a black one piece, diamond shaped pieces cut out on either of her sides. She tied a white, sheer wrap around her waist before following Coco out, towels stuffed into a beach bag. She laid out on a lounger next to Angel’s girl, listening as the boys wrecked havoc in the pool.
“So are you guys gonna stay married?”
She looked over at the other woman, Stephanie maybe, who probably won’t be around long enough for the beach trip the guys were planning at breakfast.
“We haven’t really had a chance to talk about it,” she admitted.
Stephanie smiled easily, “I’m sure you will. Coco loves you and I know his daughter adores you too. You can tell when they look at you.”
Angel came up and sat on her lounge chair, ending the conversation and pulling Stephanie’s attention. She looked away from them and out into the water. Coco was laughing, his head thrown back and his hand on his tattooed chest. His long hair was down, pool water dripping down his back.
The truth was she had no idea if they would stay married. She was well aware of his past, his issues and everything that came along with having Johnny Coco Cruz as a partner. The last time they had discussed marriage, he had barely been indifferent. He had no plans to get married unless he was absolutely sure and Letty approved. He wasn’t in a rush either.
“Just a piece of paper to me, mami,” he’d said over dinner, casually sipping a beer.
But she loved him. And she wanted to get married. Getting an annulment was a very real possibility and she wasn’t sure she could handle Coco not wanting to marry her. She was quiet all day, blaming her hangover when asked. Coco hadn’t say a word about their drunken marriage since breakfast.
Before she knew it, the sun had gone down and they were back in their rooms. They were getting ready for another night out, their last night before they headed back home. She stood in the mirror, a black and gold dress wrapped around her body and a pair of black heels encased her feet. Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail with two curled pieces framing her face.
As she finished fixing her lipstick, Coco came up behind her and touched her hips. His long black hair was in two braids and he wore a black tank top under his kutte, which was her favorite look. She leaned back against his chest when he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“You look so beautiful,” he whispered, their eyes locked in the mirror.
“We look good together,” she murmured as nerves twisted in her stomach.
His hand came up to hold her chin, “What are we gonna do about this pout?”
She shook her head and gently broke away from his arms, “It’s my hangover. Once we get to the bar, I’ll be fine,” she moved to the dresser to put her things in her clutch.
“So you can start drinking and stop worrying about annulments and shit?”
Her eyes widened and she looked up slowly at him, his dark eyes on her. He smiled softly.
“I know you, querida,” he closed the gap between them and took her hands, wrapping them around his neck, “I know why you’ve been quiet all day.”
“Why didn’t you say anything then?” she mumbled as he rubbed her hips.
He laughed softly, “At first I thought it really was your hangover but they don’t usually last all day. I just didn’t think this talk should be in front of the guys. It’s nobody else’s business.”
She nodded as he swayed them gently, butterflies filling her stomach, “So…what do you think?”
He reached back up, pulling her left hand to his lips, “I just hope your ring doesn’t cover this tattoo.”
She froze, unable to look away from his teasing smile, “My what?”
“Your ring,” he repeated, kissing her hand again before letting it go, “It’s in the room at home.”
“My ring?” her voice cracked as tears clouded her vision, “You have a ring?”
Coco wiped a thumb under her eye, careful not to smudge her make up, “I love you,” he whispered, “Letty couldn’t see her life without you. Us. So yeah,” he laughed softly, “I bought you a ring and I was waiting for…I don’t know,” he shrugged, “The right moment, I guess.”
“You didn’t seem like you cared about getting married,” she sniffled.
“I didn’t,” he admitted, “But you did. And I’d do anything to make you happy.”
She pouted, “Corny,” she teased.
Coco laughed, “Yeah, well, you make me corny,” he kissed her softly, “So, what do you think?”
“I think Letty’s gonna be pissed that she missed our wedding,” she whispered, kissing him again.
“We’ll throw a party and she’ll forgive us,” he murmured, smiling as he kissed her, “Mrs. Cruz.”
She felt her skin heating up, “Say it again.”
He laughed and took her hand, “We gotta go, Mrs. Cruz,” he led her to the door, grinning mischievously, “Let’s see if we can get Angel and Nails drunk enough to get married.”
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The Intrusion - Chapter 6
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: As you and Dean start to face your feelings, you start to accept that you need to communicate to make things work. A compromise is struck which meets all living arrangements, but it might mean a new career is on the cards.
Word count: 1,879
Warnings: language, little bit of angst, talk and use of firearms
As dawn broke, you packed your bag and prepared to go. Checking the coast was clear, you shuffled down the corridor, taking in one last look the place you'd come to call your home. Tears pricked your eyes as you couldn't quite believe it had come to this. All the running, the hiding, the moving from place to place. You'd lost everything, but you still had the bunker, the one place could you call home. If you left, you had nothing. But you had to leave, you knew that. It wasn't home with the Winchesters around, and it was clear they weren't going anywhere.
"Y/N," a cracked voice broke you from your trance and you took a deep breath.
"Don't bother, Dean. I'm leaving, you don't need to ask."
You heard footsteps approaching as you turned round slowly, trying to hide your emotion. Dean loomed above you, his forest eyes staring down over heavy bags. He was still in the same clothes as the day before, and you reckoned he'd slept about as well as you had.
"Don't leave." It was just a whisper, but it was music to your ears. "If you can't stand me that much, I'll go. I'd planned on mentioning it to Sam today. I know when we're not wanted. But please, please don't you leave."
"I have to, Dean," you sighed. "You were right - you have the key, you're the rightful owners of this place. I don't belong here anymore." As you went to turn, a strong hand grasped your shoulder, freezing your movement.
"Thats not true. I know I haven't shown much interest in your life, and I'm sorry for that, really. But you have Men of Letters history, so this place is more yours than it is ours. Who gives a fuck about a stupid key. This place probably wouldn't still be standing if it wasn't for you. You can't leave."
You gazed up at him, cursing the butterflies that filled your stomach once again. "I can't make you leave either, Dean. That first day, when I first saw you two in the library, I'll never forget the looks on your faces. It was like Christmas morning. I can't take that away from you. But I see how much you hate me, and I just know we can't go round in circles like this forever."
Dean startled, his brows furrowing. "Hate you? I don't hate you, Y/N. I thought you were the one who hated me."
You laughed, biting your lip. "No, Dean. Christ, I've wanted to, but I just can't. No matter how much you ignore me, how much you scream at me, I just can't help but see the good in you."
"I don't ignore you," Dean mumbled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "I just thought you didn't want me around. I kinda usually have a way with women, but I just couldn't bring myself to charm you. I dunno, I guess there was something holding me back and I assumed you hated me so I kept my distance."
You were suddenly very conscious that you were both standing incredibly close to each other, fingertips almost touching. You could hardly breathe.
"I'm not gonna say its not been hard, because it has. This is my space, and you two suddenly came in and took over and tried to interfere with my life. I mean for fucks sake Dean, you quit my job for me! You can't do shit like that!" The tears were back prickling your eyes.
"I know," Dean sighed sadly. "But the thought of you going to that place, it made me angry. It was not a good place, Y/N, and it frustrated me that you couldn't see that. I mean, look how it ended up!"
"Yes, and I still didn't need you getting in the way. I had it. I can look after myself, I've been doing it for a long time. I'm honestly surprised you can't see that, given I'm pretty sure you've been in the same situation. I don't need babying Dean."
He nodded, taking a step back and running a hand down his face. You let out a well-needed breath, glancing down at the floor having broken his gaze.
"I know that. Look, I know I fucked things up with us, so what do you say about a fresh start? No one moves out, we carry on with our lives, we don't get in each other's way, we don't piss each other off?" He opened his arms in an offer of compromise.
You shook your head quickly. "Its too late for that Dean. I have no job, remember? I have no life. Theres nothing for me here."
"Hunt with us."
"What?" Your head shot up, frowning at him as he stood solidly before you, hands by his side, mouth tight. "Are you serious?"
"Yes, Y/N, I'm serious. You've clearly done enough research, and whatever history you have with the Men of Letters is likely to have prepared you for whatever crap we deal with. You're more than capable. Hunt with us."
"You don't mean that, Dean. You'll just get pissed off at me, I know. You and your brother, hunting's your thing. Theres no room for anyone else."
"You're right. But I don't think you're just 'anyone else.' Y/N, I wouldn't be suggesting this if I didn't think it would seriously work. Just, think about it. Don't leave today. Do some research on local cases, let me know what you think." His expression had hardly changed as he continued to stare at you.
You gulped, closing your eyes tightly for a second while you took everything in. Maybe he was right. You weren't a complete novice when it came to shit like this, and the boys managed to make a living out of it, so whats to say you couldn't too.
"I'll think about it," you breathed, watching as Dean's body visibly relaxed in response to you putting your bag on the table and taking a step forward. He moved to the side to let you pass, and you didn't exchange words as you left him standing there. You did, however, meet his eye as you turned to take another look at him before rounding the corner and heading down the hall.
Dean must have spoken to Sam in private, because the next morning there was a seat set up for you with a coffee and notepad across the desk from the brothers in the library. The younger Winchester smiled as you slid into the seat, pulling out your laptop and drawing your knees up to your chest.
"Hey, Y/N. Good to have you on board. You wanna take the east coast while Dean and I tackle the rest of the country?"
You nodded, taking a sip of your coffee which desperately needed some more sugar. "The whole east coast?!"
Dean sniggered. "You'll wizz through it, trust me. Most news reports you'll be able to rule out pretty quick. Theres not a shit ton of supernatural activity around at the moment, things are pretty quiet."
You nodded in half hearted agreement, wondering where to start. Once you found yourself down a trail of New York murders, however, time started to fly as you became engrossed in the research. You hadn't done work like this since high school, and that was years ago. It felt good to have a purpose and a reason to explore the internet for reasons other than if anyone was after you.
Every now and then Sam glanced up to see his brother spying at you from over the top of his screen. He smiled at himself, realising that Dean wasn't actually doing any research himself and instead seemed glued to watching you, who was of course oblivious.
"Hey guys, I think I might have found something," you pipped up after a few hours of searching. You spun the laptop round, revealing a headline that read 'BOY SCOUT GROUP PRESUMED DEAD AT CAMPSITE'. The article went on to explain how 12 boys had gone missing from their tents on a camping trip in their local woods in Vermont, and their scout leader was found dead.
"Says here the site was torn to shreds. Cops putting it down to some kinda wild animal, but the way the scout leader was found it wasn't even like they knew something was out there. A bear or something you'd expect them to scream and wake each other up right?"
The boys nodded. "Wendigo, maybe?" Sam frowned.
"Looks like you've found a winner there, Y/N" Dean grinned, and you looked away to hide the red creeping into your cheeks. With a clap of his hands, he jumped up and headed round the table towards you. "Right, next job, shooting lesson."
You glared up at him, scowling at his grin.
"Oh c'mon, you seriously thought I'd forgotten about that awful shot you took at us the day we met?" He slapped you on the back gently as he walked past. "Firing range, five minutes!"
You looked over at Sam and rolled your eyes, making him laugh, before dragging yourself out the chair and following Dean. Truthfully, you were excited to finally learn how to actually use a gun, given that no matter how much you tried to teach yourself your precision hadn't improved much.
The gun room was cleaner than it had been when it was just you living in the bunker, and things had been rearranged. You went straight for the gun you usually favoured, only to be stopped by Dean.
"Woah woah, not that one. Here, try this," he reached round and chose a slightly smaller handgun that was surprisingly heavier. You went to say something but he stopped you. “The weight will be easier to balance. Just trust me." You nodded, pursuing your mouth shut and letting him manoeuvre you to face the target board.
"Relax", he prompted, which was easier said than done with his muscular hands resting on your shoulders. You shuffled your feet to get into the position he was directing you in, holding the gun forward.
"Take a deep breath, and don't think about it too much," he mumbled, warm air blowing into your ear. You were conscious that his body was incredibly close to yours, probably closer than it needed to be.
It took a few tries, but eventually you had your stance right and the bullet was going where you wanted it to. "Not bad," Dean nodded. "See, you just needed to get the basics in. You'll be fine." You tried not to look him in the eye, suddenly conscious that the dynamic between the two of you had completely changed. You'd spent months avoiding each other, being incredibly awkward whenever you had to be in the same room, but all of a sudden it was like that had never happened. He was suddenly soft and caring, and you felt yourself relax entirely in his presence. It freaked you out a little, truth be told. Nevertheless, he didn't hang around long, leaving the range before you'd even had time to compose himself. Okay, so he was still weird. Fine. Maybe nothing had really changed.
Either way, you were sure things would become clearer once you embarked on your first hunt.
| Chapter 7 |
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
The Handsome Artist. 2 (Daniel Ricciardo)
Just checking. It takes a while, but Abigail decides to text.
MASTERLIST. Moodboard and Playlist.
Previous part: Fidelity.
Notes: second chapter!!! I love this fic and love writing it. I want to friendly remind you that this whole fic will probably be slow burn.
Warning: I swear a lot, probably writing too.
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I had some busy days. Suddenly it was Sunday and I found myself getting some flower arrangements for a wedding. The bride wanted a white bouquet but blue and lilac flowers to decorate the church. It had given me a few headaches, but it seemed to be over know. Everything was packed and the bouquet was waiting on water. Soon, they would come to pick it and I could just go home.
Molly: hi bestie. How is that awful wedding going? I just wanted you to remember that that Ric guy is probably working hard on your tattoo.
I read the message on the screan. Fucking Molly. I really loved her. But she was too much.
Me: no.
She started typing and soon there was another message.
Molly: you better check some placements for your tattoo and talk to him now.
The idea of the tattoo hadn't left my mind during these days. But I wasn't still sure of where I wanted it.
Leaning back on the wooden table, I opened Google and typed plant tattoo. There bunch of designs. All of them were different plants, ferns, calatheas, pines, lavender flowers...
"Fuck, they are beautiful." I muttered to myself.
But then one appeared and caught my eye. The plant was perfectly drawn around the girl's breast, coming from under it and traveling up her sternum. It was beautiful.
I bit my finger. I could definetly send this to Daniel. I could ask him to tattoo my breast. My cheeks warmed at the thought and my heart started beating fast. How the fuck would I go to the parlor and tell him to do it?
I decided to text Molly first and tell the idea, ending with her calling me and shouting right on the phone.
"Oooh my cheeky girl" She excitedly said. "You want Ricciardo to see your tits"
I blushed even more.
"Of course not! I just think it's pretty"
"Fuck he is. Have you seen his nose? That boy is hot"
"The tattoo! I'm talking about the tattoo!"
She was laughing on the other side.
"I hate you Molly"
"You love me. But really, Abi. I love the idea. You will look absolutely stunning with it."
"Really? Isn't it too much?"
"It's perfect. Just text the boy and make his job easier"
"You love me"
"I do"
When I hung the call, I let the phone fall in front of me. I had to go and check my bag for the little card with Ham&Avo's contact information.
I looked at it and bit my lip. I was gonna do it. I typed Daniel's number and created the new contact before going to the message app and opening the empty chat. On his profile picture he had a picture of himself somewhere in the country. He looked cute with a big smile on his lips and a hat on his head.
I finally grew the courage to send him the photo and write a short message.
Me: hey, it's Abigail.
Me: I saw this and loved it. What do you think?
I wasn't expecting an answer soon, but when I went to bed and I still didn't have one, I felt something on my chest.
The next day at lunch time, I still didn't have an answer. But at middle afternoon, when I was attending one of the last clients, the phone ringed.
Daniel Ricciardo: Hey. Sorry for not answering. I got a bit thing this morning.
Daniel Ricciardo: I love the idea. Brave girl. The place it's painful. Think about it.
My hands were slightly shaking. I had a good tolerance for pain, but I had never got a tattoo so I didn't really know how it would feel like.
Me: that bad?
Only a second after, he texted back.
Daniel Ricciardo: I don't have one there. But I have seen guys big as bears crying.
Me: I'm scared now.
I went to the door and put on the Closed signal before closing the lock and going to the back of the shop.
Daniel Ricciardo: oh, don't be. Girls are always better clients than guys.
Daniel Ricciardo: I will work on this design and on thursday we will see if you prefer another one on our appointment, okay?
Daniel Ricciardo: first ideas are always the right decision 😉
It made me smile.
Me: okay, I will see if I find something else. See you.
Our appointment came and suddenly I found myself standing alone in front of the place. I rang twice before hearing a bark. Through the glass I saw a dog running to the door and suddenly Lewis was there opening.
"Be nice with the lady, Roscoe"
"Hi Lewis. Hi Roscoe" I said touching the dog's head.
"Good afternoon, Abigail. Come in. Danny will be here in a second. He went to get some coffee."
"Oh, okay"
"Do you mind waiting here? I have a guy half tattooed in there"
"Oh no, don't worry. Do your job"
He smiled warmly.
"Nice. Take care of her, Roscoe"
I went to sit in one of the armchairs next to the window and the dog followed me. I tried to keep myself busy on the phone, but the nerves were growing bigger on my stomach. I could really go home with a tattoo today.
The door opened Daniel came in. He had some coffee on his hand and a helmet hanging on his elbow.
"Oh, hi" A smile beamed on his face.
"Came here soon?"
"A bit." I shyly smiled.
"Well, just... Give me a second."
While he moved around the hall, I took a look of his appearance. Big funky shirt, tight jeans and black vans, a chain on his neck and tattoos on his left arm.
He went to Lewis studio with a coffee and let Roscoe go back with him before coming to me.
"I don't think so" I said with half smile.
"Oh, no. Don't say that." He turned to the counter and took the two coffees there. "I didn't know what you liked, so I got some iced coffee with lots of milk because it's delicious"
He brought me coffee.
"You got me coffee?" I said completely shocked. I had noticed the three cups when he came in but didn't expect one of them to be for me.
"Yeah" He smiled and my knees went weak.
"Yes. Let's go inside. I have tons of things to show you"
As a hyperactive kid, Daniel walked to his studio and called me from inside.
The guy was so nice he brought me coffee without even knowing me.
I followed him. He had left the helmet in a corner and the coffees on the desk, already pulled an additional chair for me and taken his iPad out.
"You are fast"
He smiled.
"I am. Feel free to sit."
I took a sit and he sat on his chair.
"Well, Abigail..."
I loved how he said my name. It made my skin tingle.
"I have been looking for some examples of what you want. I found similar things and with that and the three hundred pics of Argelian ivy I checked I came up with this.
Opening some drawing app, he showed me the design. It was perfect. A branch with a curve shape, almost circular. The leaves looked exactly how Argelian ivy's leaves are supposed to look. It was perfectly drawn.
"Oh wow, Daniel. It's stunning" I couldn't contain the smile. A weird feeling set on my stomach. As excitement.
I couldn't take my eyes off it, only did it when he gave me a notebook.
It was the same, hand-drawn and probably on what would be its real-life size.
"This shape is basically to follow the line of the breast" He carefully said. He was being cautious. His voice was low and his eyes were on my face. No weird looks or glances to the area in question.
I nodded in understanding.
"We could curve it in the other way so the plant would born under one breast and end over the other. Just like this" He showed me the next page. "See? Instead of a circle, it's an S shape."
I bit my lip. Both were beautiful, but for my first tattoo, the S was way too much.
He was patiently waiting for me to decide. But it was difficult. I was nervous and my hands were shaking. Was I really ready for this?
"You are nervous" He stated.
I looked at him.
"How can you tell?"
"Lip, hands, foot"
I was biting my lip, my hands were shaking and my foot was tapping the floor. Wow. Impressive. I swallowed and looked down at the notebook.
Maybe Molly was right. Maybe I was shy after all. Or maybe Daniel had that intense gaze and beautiful face. It was fucking impossible to not think about it.
"So? Do I have a 100% of sureness?"
I chuckled a bit.
"If you have to think about it, it's a no" He said laughing.
He took the coffee cup and then sip from it. I had to take my eyes away. Why was I like this? Why did the first guy to appear on the corner got me like this?
"Okay. Listen. Stay here for a bit. I'm going to take the paper and draw it. You stay here and tell me if you like it. We can work together on the final design. I draw, you like plants. I suppose you know your favourite Ivy well so..."
I nodded. I had nothing else to do. Charlotte was in the shop, so I had the afternoon free.
"I like the plan, okay"
He clasped his hands and unpocketed his phone. "Nice, any song you want me to play?"
"Um... Nothing too noisy?"
"You like folk?"
"I do."
The huge smile on his face was extraordinary.
"Fuck yes. I wish there were more people like you"
My heart beat fast. I will need to tell my therapist about this.
"See, this is Caamp. They are my mates. Good musicians, better people. All the debts I owe. Enjoy, lady"
Why the fuck couldn't I stop smiling?
"Okay, let's get to it."
He pulled a pencil out of a bottle and looked at me.
"S shape or circle?"
"I think I prefer the circle"
"Yeah. Me too." He bit the pencil and wanted to slap his hand away.
"Well... It was your first option. It's always the best really. Trust me, I have seen regret in people's eyes."
That made me chuckle.
We spent so much time, I really lost the track of it. He was drawing, talking, dancing, telling the worst dad jokes ever, singing along the lyrics, ... All of it at the same time.
"They all have like these five arms?" He said about the leaves.
"Yeah. It's a thing of theirs"
"Good" He took a deep breath and shot a glance at me. "Can I ask for the meaning?"
I doubted. I wouldn't tell a stranger how bad my ex had fucked me up. How I had been going to therapy for months.
He nodded and let the pencil fall.
"To someone special?" He asked cautiously.
"Only me" I whispered. His stare had become too intense, so I had to take my eyes from him.
He stayed in silence for the first time in the afternoon.
"Okay. That's perfect. Be yourself. Love yourself. Who better?"
I smiled.
"So... Armenian ivy for Abigail, a woman true to herself" He read out loud as he wrote behind the paper.
I bit my lip. Oh, Daniel.
"I will say that the design is finished?"
I peeked over his hands, getting closer to him and smelling his cologne.
"Fuck, Daniel. That's... wow" If I was a cartoon, my eyes would have brilliant stars in them.
"You really like it?" He asked excitedly.
"I love it" And for the first time I saw myself with it.
"How much?"
"100%" I was smiling, I couldn't stop.
"Fuck yeah, that's what I needed to hear"
I felt a tinkling feeling on my belly.
"Oh wow, girl" He said laughing. He patted my knee and I almost flinch back, not scared but not used to others touching me. He didn't notice, hopefully. "Yeah. It's pretty late now. But... Tomorrow?"
I shook my head.
"I work the whole day"
"Fuck. Hey. When is your free day?"
"I could get some free time on Tuesday and Thursday too."
"Shit." He opened his calendar. "Those days are full."
I bit my lip.
"Maybe I could get someone to..."
"No, no, hey. I will try and see if I can make some space for you. I don't get folk listeners every day" He winked at me.
Is he flirting? Or is he always like this?
"Thank you" I whispered.
"I'm excited. I haven't done something like this in a while. Really"
I smiled. Daniel was a nice guy. He exuded this energy, he was laid back and spontaneous. Something I was not. I felt a bit jealous.
"So, can I text you?"
"Yes." I answered not thinking much about it.
"I will talk to you quite soon."
We looked at each other. His eyes were pretty, really pretty. HAd I already said he was handsome?
"You will look stunning with it" He said.
"Are you imagining my tits?" Why the fuck do you say that?
"No! Well. Not your tits. Just the tattoo."
I awkwardly laughed.
"I'm sorry. I'm nervous and I say stupid stuff when I am."
He pinched his lips and looked at me.
"Do I make you nervous?"
"Yeah. A lot. You are going to mark me for life with a needle."
He barked a laugh.
"You are right, Abi"
Abi. Only friends and close people called me that. So only Molly and Charlotte called me that.
I should have corrected him, but I couldn't get myself to do it. It sounded good.
"Well, we are done here"
I almost pout. The atmosphere in the studio had been so light, so carefree and easy. I wanted to stay for a bit more. But I didn't know him. What was the point?
"Ok. I will get going then" I got up and picked my stuff.
"Here, take this with you." He pulled the first drawing from the notebook.
"Oh no. It's your job"
"Shhh. I want you to have it. I have the original one. The one I can work with. That's a small drawing. Just take care of it"
I smiled and nodded.
"You are good at this" I said from the bottom of my heart.
Daniel opened his eyes to speak but instead took a breath.
"Thank you" He walked me to the door. "Here, your coffee. And... I'll text you"
I nodded.
"Nice. See you"
"Bye bye. Be careful!"
And I left then, a stupid smile on my face and the already cold coffee in my hand.
Danny POV.
"Why are you standing there?"
Lewis's voice pulled me out of the trance. I was observing her, walking away with that sweetness of hers and graceful walk.
"Just checking"
"Your new client?"
Caught? Yeah. Right at the beginning.
"She is pretty"
"Fuck, she is, mate."
Lewis laughed and I blushed.
"Are you already in love with the girl?"
"I'm not in love"
"No, you only keep giving her appointments as an excuse to see her again"
I gasped dramatically and put my hand on my chest.
"How do you dare? I'm a professional."
"You are. With tattoos and with women. If you like her, just go for it"
"She is..."
"Diferent? I saw. She is cute."
I bit my lip. She was beautiful, her voice was soft and her freckled skin looked so perfect. She had that curly hair, half made in a messy bun, with pieces falling around her face. And that face of hers? Wow. So sweet and delicate.
"Molly is a hard woman. She won't doubt if she has to break your legs. Be careful with her friend"
"Just saying" He said with a laugh.
I rolled my eyes and looked through the window. Gone.
Now I would rearrange my whole schedule. Because Lewis was right. I was dying to see her again.
Here it is. I hope you like it!! Just guess by its name what will the next chapter be about...
Next chapter: Mark your skin.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Part one
Synopsis: after getting tortured by HYDRA, you have to obey every command you’re given
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“Hi, baby.” Peter wrapped his arms around you as you sat in front of your laptop, kissing the top of your head before rubbing your shoulders. “What are you doing?”
“Um.” You folded your lips in, knowing he wasn’t going to like what you had to say. “I’m just making arrangements.”
“Arrangements?” He wondered as he looked at your computer screen. He saw that you were on florists website, scrolling through the different variations of flowers.
“Why are you looking at floral arrangements?” He asked in grave voice as he slowly pulled his hand away from you.
“Well.” You swallowed, thinking of a way to break the news gently. “I figured it would make things a little easier on you and my family if I started planning it now.”
“Planning what?” Peter asked, intentionally playing dumb.
“My funeral, Peter.” You told calmly. “In case you guys want to have a service once Mr. Stark-“
“No.” Peter cut you off and began to walk away. “Not happening. You’re not dying.”
“We have to talk about this, Peter.” You complained as you followed him. “You can’t just pretend this isn’t going happen.”
“No, we don’t have to talk about this.” Peter retorted. “I still have time to figure out a cure. You gave me a year.”
“No, Peter.” You sighed. “You gave yourself a year.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked as he stopped walking. You stared at him for a long time, not wanting to tell him the real reason you agreed to his request.
“Peter, I never wanted to agree to that.” You said softly. “But I didn’t have a choice. You asked for a year and I had to say yes. If I could’ve said no, I would have.”
“I’m still working.” Peter protested. “It’s only been three months since I started helping them in the lab. Dr. Banner and I-“
“Dr. Banner can’t fix this.” You cut him off.” He still doesn’t even know what’s causing it. The only people who know who can fix me are at HYDRA.”
“Well we can’t exactly send them a text and ask how to reverse their mind control.” Peter snapped.
“I know.” You said. “That’s why I’m going to them.”
“I’m going back to the headquarters where they kept me and demanding that they reverse it.” You explained. “They’re the only ones who can fix this.”
“You can’t be serious.” Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you pack a bag. “Y/n, they tortured you for three months. We thought you were dead. We…I buried a casket.”
“They caught me off guard last time.” You corrected. “This time, I’m going to them. I thought it through and I have a plan. I’m going and I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.”
“You can’t go there.” Peter shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. I won’t allow it.”
“Last time I checked, you weren’t the boss of me.” You scoffed, growing frustrated with him. “I’m going and you’re not stoping me.”
“Y/n, I need you to think about this.” Peter began to panic. “I know you want the cure but this is not the way to get it. This will get you killed.”
You tilted your head and stared at him, hoping the irony of his words would hit him.
“But that’s what you want.” He realized. “You have a death wish and you’re granting it.”
“Its either I find a cure or die trying.” You shrugged. “It’s worth the risk for me.”
“No.” Peter said firmly. “You’re not going back there. You’re not going through with this plan.”
“Watch me.” You said spitefully as you zipped your bag. You began to walk towards the door and Peter panicked at the thought of losing you all over again.
“I command you to stop.” Peter said sternly, and you stopping in your tracks. You didn’t turn around, too angry with him for using your condition to look at him.
“Do not going through with this plan.” He continued. “Do not go to HYDRA. Do not try to fix this yourself.”
You listened to his commands and felt yourself reluctantly losing your ability to go. You still desperately wanted to go, but felt physically unable to bring yourself to do so. You turned around slowly and looked at Peter with seething anger.
“If you can so easily use my condition against me, then maybe you’re not the guy I thought you were.” You said slowly, making Peter’s face fall.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You know I hate to-“
“If you’re sorry, then take it back.” You challenged him. “Take the command back.”
“I…no.” Peter said weakly. “I can’t. I can’t let you do this.”
“Then I can’t be your girlfriend.” You laughed sadly as a tear rolled down your cheek. “I thought you were a good guy. I must’ve been thinking of someone else.”
“Y/n…” Peter whispered, the weight of his actions breaking his heart.
“Can I go, sir?” You asked him, giving him a look that told him not to say no. You’d grown out of calling people “sir”, and he knew that. You were saying it now to drive in how much he hurt you.
“Yeah.” He swallowed, eyes falling to the floor as he realized what he had done. “You can go.”
You shook your head at him before walking out of the room, leaving him to wallow in the guilt. You gave your hair a stressful tug as you walked through the hallway, trying to come up with a way to get around Peter’s command. You didn’t have to think too long before you saw Bucky coming towards you.
“Bucky, can I ask you something?” You asked as he approached. Bucky stopped and nodded quietly.
“Do you care about me or my well being?” You wondered.
“No, not really.” He said softly.
“Good.” You nodded. “Then tell me to go through with my plan.”
“Go through with your plan.” He told you, and your felt your ability to go return.
“Thank you.” You smiled in relief. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” He nodded. “Wait, are you gonna die?”
“Maybe.” You shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Can I have your milk frother if you do?” He asked.
“Yeah. You can use it whenever you want.” You told him with a short laugh. He gave you a small smile in return.
“Okay. Thanks.” He said before walking away. You watched as he left, never really understanding him.
“What the fuck?” You mumbled to yourself before retreating to your room. You grabbed your bag and jumped out the window, using your powers to fly your way to HYDRA headquarters.
“Y/n?” Peter knocked softly at your door a few hours later. “Can I come in?”
When you didn’t answer, he assumed you were giving him the silent treatment.
“I know you’re mad at me about before but Mr. Stark says we should never go to bed angry.” He tried again. “Do you want to watch a movie? I’ll let you pick. And then gaslight you into picking a movie I want to watch.”
Again, he received no answer.
“I’m joking.” He followed up. “Sort of.”
He sighed when he got no response but didn’t let it deter him.
“Can you answer me, please?” He asked, careful not to give you a command. When you didn’t respond, he got worried and opened your door. He didn’t see you anywhere but noticed the bag you packed before was gone.
“Damn it.” He sighed and pulled at his hair. “Damn it, damn it, damn it.”
Peter ran into the kitchen where he knew most of the team would be to tell them what happened.
“Y/n isn’t here.” Peter announced. “I think she went to HYDRA headquarters.”
“What makes you say that?” Steve wondered.
“She told me she was going to HYDRA headquarters.” Peter answered sheepishly.
“Why didn’t you stop her?” Tony asked.
“I tried.” Peter defended. “I told her not to go.”
“Then how did this happen?” Tony sighed.
“I have no idea.” Bucky said as he sipped his coffee, getting milk froth on his upper lip.
“Get to the jet.” Tony said as he stood up. “We’ll bring her back.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded, trying to keep his calm. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
You landed in front of HYDRA headquarters and walked to the front gate. You had powers similar to the Scarlet Witch, but your energy manifested in a deep violet. You used your blasts of energy to knock out the guards at the front gate, not giving them a second look at you marches past. You knocked down anyone in your way until you reached the room where you were kept. A chill ran down your spin as the memories of your torture came flooding back. You made sure the light was on before entering the room, bracing yourself for anything you might see.
You only got a few steps into the room before you heard the door slam behind you, a familiar sound that made your skin crawl. You turned around and saw Elisa Sinclair, the woman in charge of torturing you, standing with her back against the door.
“Y/n?” She smiled. “I thought that was you. There are alarms going off all over building. You really did a number on my guards out front. I always knew you were different from the other Avengers. You were never afraid to get your hands dirty.”
“What did you do to me?” You asked as you raised your fists. Purple energy pulsed in and around your fists, showing her your we’re serious.
“HYDRA improved you. Have you returned to give thanks?” She asked through a smirk.
“No.” You snapped. “I’m here to reverse it.”
“I should’ve known you’d be ungrateful.” Her smile fell. “Such a shame. All that technology gone to waste. You were going to be our first genetically modified soldier. Any command given, you accept. No hesitation. No fear. Just listen and obey. You would have been beautiful.”
“You ruined me.” You swallowed angrily, trying to stay calm.
“We made you better.” Elisa retorted. “But you were taken from us before we could finish. Now, you’re nothing but a half cocked experiment. We have no use for you.”
“Then reverse it.” You shouted, advancing on her. “Undo what you did to me.”
“Why would we do that?”
“Because I’m telling you to.” You said, wishing you had a better comeback. She gave you a condescending smile and shook her head.
“I don’t think someone in your position has any right to tell other people what to do.” She pouted. “In fact, why don’t you-“
You hit her with a blast of energy before she could finish her sentence. She began to choke as you suspended her in the air. You threw her against the back wall, knocking the wind out of her.
“You’re not giving me any commands.” You seethed. “I’d die before I obeyed you.”
“I can arrange that.” She said in a strangled voice. Before she could speak again, a web was shot to cover her mouth.
“Silence, whore.” Peter’s voice came from the doorway. You stifled a laugh at his endearing yet non-threatening presence Elisa looked at him.
“I’m sorry.” He quickly followed up. “I normally don’t call women that but you hurt my girl and it felt warranted.”
“What are you doing here?” You asked him as you turned around. You let Elisa go, dropping her to the ground with a thud.
“I came incase you needed my help.” He explained. “But it looks like you got this, so I’m just gonna stand here if you need me. Good job, baby!”
“You shouldn’t be here.” You repeated. “She’s dangerous.”
“I’m dangerous.” He said confidently. “And dressed to the occasion. What kind of villain wears khakis?”
“Oh, I see.” Elisa’s laughter sounded in the empty room. “Is that Peter?”
You stayed silent, hoping Peter wouldn’t speak either.
“Answer me.” She said, and you obeyed.
“Yes.” You answered, feeling your mouth go dry.
“She spoke about you all the time.” Elisa looked past you, right at Peter. “Every time I put her in that dark room and-“
“Don’t.” Peter gulped. “I don’t want to hear that. I don’t want to know what you did.”
“She used to cry for you. Everyday she’d tell me, “Peter’s gonna stop you. Peter’s gonna come for me. Peter will find me.”” She mocked your voice. “He never came, did he? Never rescued you.”
“No.” You responded as you stared at him. “He didn’t.”
“Does that make you mad, Y/n? Be honest.” Elisa commanded.
“No.” You shook your head. “He didn’t know where I was.”
“But you thought he stopped looking, didn’t you?” She continued. “Don’t lie to me.”
“Yes.” You answered against your will. “I thought he gave up.”
“How did that make you feel? Tell him the truth.” She ordered.
“I was angry. I was angry with him for giving up.” You admitted. Despite not being able to see his face, you could tell Peter was upset.
“You were pronounced dead.” He said weakly. “I went to your funeral. I thought we had lost you.”
“I was never dead. Just with HYDRA, wishing I was.”
“Because he stopped looking. Look him in the eyes and tell him that.” Elisa ordered.
“Because you stopped looking.” You told Peter as tears ran down your face.
“Hm.” She sighed and looked at her nails. “Kill him.”
Your eyes widened as the urge to kill Peter took over your body.
“Peter, run.” You ordered, and he took off running.
“Go after him.” Elisa said simply. “Kill him.”
Your legs began to move but you shot a blast of energy forward to knock yourself backwards.
“No.” You cried. “Don’t do this.”
“Why?” She taunted. “Don’t you want to make him pay for not coming to rescue you?”
“I don’t need rescuing. I’m not gonna hurt him.” You said through gritted teeth as you fought the urge as hard as you could.
“That’s not up to you, is it?” She teased.
“You don’t have to do this.” You looked at her desperately.
“I know.” She smirked and knelt down beside you. “You do.”
Your body began to move against your will towards the direction Peter ran in. You put your hands forward and kept a steady blast flowing from your hands. It held you back, but you knew it wouldn’t last.
“Kill him.” She commanded again. “And don’t listen to him if he tells you to stop.”
Your body stumbled forward and you were defenseless. You moved in the direction towards Peter, finding him almost immediately. You used your energy to create a force field that held him in place, lifting him in the air as you cried.
“Peter.” You sniffled. “She told me to kill you.”
“It’s okay.” He assured you. “Just don’t kill me.”
“I can’t.” You tightened the force field around him, constricting his breathing. “She told me not to listen to you.”
“Okay.” Peter gulped. “That’s okay.”
You fought the command long enough to drop him to the ground, fighting with yourself to leave him alone. Peter webbed your arms to your sides, giving you momentary relief.
“Peter, you have to run.” You cried. “You have to go.”
“I can’t leave you here.” He said as he stood up. “They could capture you again.”
“I’m gonna kill you if you don’t leave. I don’t have a choice.” You said as your reluctantly fought against the webbing. The webs were breaking and you knew he wouldn’t be safe for much longer.
“I can’t leave you to be tortured.” He insisted. “I lost you once. I can never go through that again.”
With a defeated cry, you broke free from the webs and sent a blast that knocked him down the hallway. You ran after him and punched him in the face before he could recover. You climbed on top of Peter and brought your fists down in heavy, painful blows. Peter’s mask began to break apart, his bloody eye soon becoming visible.
“Fight back!” You cried desperately as your hands closed around his throat.
“I can’t hurt you!” He wheezed.
“Peter, just knock me out.” You begged. “Close your eyes and knock me unconscious.”
“No.” He was crying as well now. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Peter.” You whimpered, tightening your hands around his neck.
“Y/n, whatever you’re about to do, it’s okay.” He said in a strained voice. “I forgive you.”
“I don’t forgive me.” You sobbed, feeling his heartbeat begin to slow down.
“I love you.” He smiled up at you as tears rolled down his face. “Until my breathing stops, okay? Can you repeat that back to me?”
“You love me.” You said as fears fell from your face onto his.
“Yes I do.” Peter nodded, keeping his smile. “I love you so much. This isn’t your fault. Can you repeat that?”
“It’s not my fault.” You repeated as his face turned a deep shade of purple.
“Yeah, baby. I…” Peter trailed off mid sentence as his head rolled to the side. His eyes stayed open as your released your hands from his neck.
“No!” You screamed, laying on top of his body to hug him. “No.”
You held Peter tightly and cried into his chest, pressing kisses against his beaten face. The anguish you felt was replaced by a fiery rage for Elisa. You thought your condition was ruining your life, and now it had ended someone else’s. As you stared at Peter’s limp body, your entire body began to glow a deep purple. A huge blast of energy shot out from your body, breaking all nearby windows. You felt something inside you click and your legs began to move. You wanted to stay with him to grieve, but you knew the fight wasn’t over. Elisa was going to pay for what she made you do. With heavy steps, you walked back to the room and blasted the door right off the hinges.
“There you are.” Elisa smiled as you stormed in. “Did you do it? Did he scream?”
You ignored her and kept approaching, the energy around you growing with each step.
“Woah, there.” She gulped. “Stop it.”
You didn’t stop, keeping your eyes dead set on her while she backed away.
“I said stop it.” She said again, but you didn’t listen. You shot a blast of energy at her and held her against a wall.
“You can’t control me anymore.” You growled as you got up on her face. You smiled a little when she began to tremble.
“Beg for mercy.” You whispered in her ear. Elisa looked up, feeling a newfound fear of you.
“I said beg!” You shouted, making her jump. “That’s an order. And you have to obey.”
“Please.” She begged. “Don’t kill me.”
“Is that an order?” You asked as you tightened your grip. She nodded rapidly, gasping for air.
“Sorry.” You smiled wickedly. “But I will no longer be obedient.”
With that, you used your powers to choke her to death, leaving her lifeless body on the floor.
You walked out of the room and wiped your face free of tears, letting the pain of losing Peter finally settle in. As you rubbed your eyes, you bumped into someone unexpectedly.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Peter’s voice filled your ears. “You squeezed the life out of my neck. Did you find that lady?”
“Peter?” You asked in disbelief as you touched his bruised face. “You’re okay?”
“Someone forgot their boyfriend took an improv class in freshman year.” Peter smiled proudly. “You couldn’t kill me if you thought I was dead.”
“You’re a genius.” You exclaimed as you hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was about to pull a Loki and kill a bunch of random pedestrians.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Peter assured you as he hugged you back. “But we should finish this reunion later. We need to get back into the jet now.”
You pulled away and smiled a little, feeling a forgotten sense of freedom.
“No.” You said, loving the way the word rolled off your tongue.
“No?” Peter asked in surprise.
“No.” You repeated. “I don’t want to get back on the jet. I want to stay here with you for a few more minutes.”
“Are you…disobeying me?” He asked slowly.
“Yeah.” You smiled proudly. “I am.”
“Oh my God.” Peter pulled you into an excited hug. “Oh my God!”
You hugged him back, feeling tears of relief stream from your eyes.
“You’re free?” He asked. “You don’t have to obey anymore?”
“No. I don’t know what happened. I saw you lying there and something switched inside my brain.” You shrugged. “The urge to avenge you was stronger than my urge to obey.”
“I’m so proud of you.” He cupped your face. “You fixed yourself. We have to tell everyone.”
“Yes we do. Because I want to. That’s my choice.” You said confidently.
“Yes it is.” Peter encouraged you. “Now please, let’s go home.”
You and Peter walked hand in hand to the jet, not wanting to leave each other’s sides after what you gown through.
“There you guys are.” Tony got off the jet when he saw you approaching. “Are you kids okay?”
“We’re okay.” You smiled softly as you looked at Peter.
“Okay.” Tony sighed in in relief. “Let’s go home, yeah? It’s been a long day.”
“You have no idea.” Peter nodded as he rubbed his throat. “I almost died back there.”
“I killed a woman with my bare hands.” You laughed, but your laughter quickly died when you realized what you said.
“So, we’ll unpack that later.” Tony pointed at you. “Parker, get your throat checked out by the medic. L/n, get yourself a therapist.”
“Yes, sir.” You chuckled as you climbed onto the jet.
Less than an hour later, you walked back into the main part of the jet to sit with Tony.
“I just checked on Peter. The medic said his throat should be fine.” You told Tony as you sat down in one of the seats.
“Good. Though a few days without him speaking might be nice.” Tony teased.
“Yeah.” You laughed. “Well like it or not, he’s one of the bravest guys on the team. You should’ve seen him back there. He was a hero.”
“I always saw that in him.” Tony said softly. “Why do you think I recruited him in the first place? It wasn’t just for those lovely curls, though they are a bonus.”
Before you could respond, Peter came into the room with a neck brace on. Your eyes quickly fell to the ground, not wanting to look at what you had done.
“Hello.” He said in a weak voice.
“Hey, Pete.” You collected yourself and looked up at him with a smile. He smiled back and sat next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. You kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back, silently thinking him for everything he had done.
“Almost there guys.” Tony said. “I should call Pepper before we land. Y/n, can you pass me my phone?”
“Get it yourself.” You said proudly, wanting to exercise your newly gained free will.
“Excuse me?” Tony looked back at you.
“I just sat down and I don’t want to get up again.” You said simply. “Get it yourself.”
Tony stared at you for a long time, trying to decide if you were serious. Finally, a huge smile broke out on his face.
“That’s my girl!” Tony cheered, slamming his hand on the dashboard a few times. “That’s my damn girl!”
You smiled proudly as Peter patted your back, just as proud of you for being able to disobey.
“I’m proud of you.” Tony said. “But if you ever talk to me like that again I will euthanize you.”
“Fine by me.” You chuckled, happy to be back to normal.
“That is absolutely not fine.” Peter gasped. “Oh my God. I shouldn’t have to say this, but no euthanasia jokes.”
“Sorry, Peter. I don’t have to listen to you anymore.” You shrugged playfully. “Do you think we would have gone with lethal injection or death by firing squad?”
“I was thinking of shooting you out of a canon.” Tony added to the joke. “Cap has one in storage from his touring days.”
“What if you fed me to feral dogs?” You suggested.
“What if we didn’t make jokes about killing Y/n?” Peter matched your tone. “What about that? That might be fun. Who’s with me?”
“All right, we’ll stop.” You laughed as you pressed another kiss to his cheek. Tony laughed as well, smiling as he caught the sweet interaction in the rear view mirror. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was thrilled to see you smiling again. He thought he was going to lose you and that though killed him. The jet steeled into a comfortable silence for a few minutes as everyone relaxed. Tony looked at you and Peter again in the rear view mirror, wanting to stir the pot for his own amusement.
“But I do know where we could get a pack of feral dogs.”
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thebestbooksaround · 3 years
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The Holidays are here so let's spread a little cheer! Here are some Sterek Fic Recs that center around the holidays.
PART ONE | part two
Follow the Jelly Beans by Julibean19 (5k | Teen)
Derek waves hello to everyone else who is gathered around a bare tree and hops up the stairs to his childhood bedroom to put on his soft flannel bottoms. Gracie had picked them out especially for him last Christmas and he made sure to pack them for the traditional pajama decorating party.
Only his pants aren’t in the bag. In fact, none of his belongings are in the bag. It’s not his bag at all.
“Oh no,” he mutters, sifting through the contents. “Who the fuck packed this?”
Dutch-Processed, Derek Approved by stilesinwonderland @stilesinwonderland (6k | General)
“So do you make your own hot chocolate, or is this like Swiss Miss?”
or the Christmas fic where Derek owns a store in a mall selling his high-end hot cocoa
Secret Santa by rainbowninja167 (7k | Teen)
Derek is already thoroughly sick of Christmas by the time Erica bullies him into dressing up as Santa for a holiday charity. It was only supposed to take a couple hours. Until some kid starts accosting him all over Beacon Hills, insisting that Derek is the real Santa.
Checks and Balances by AwaitTheMorrow (13k | Teen)
Stiles starts dating Derek after a chance encounter and can't believe how lucky he is.
Derek is smart, funny and genuinely the sweetest person Stiles has ever met. The guy is perfect.
...Maybe a little too perfect.
A Royal Christmas Engagement by skoosiepants @pantstomatch (25k | Explicit)
Young omega Warden Lord Mieczysław Stilinski, given the royal request of marrying Crown Prince Derek Hale of Triskelion, predictably messes the whole entire thing up.
Or –
An arranged marriage, mistaken identity, a/b/o, accidental heat fic
Fade and Then Return by paintedrecs @paintedrecs (15k | Teen)
Holy shit, Stiles texted Scott, fumbling to get the words out before he had to actually interact with the driver. The battery guy is literally the most attractive person I’ve ever seen. Or imagined. It’s possible I’m dreaming.
When Stiles reluctantly called for emergency roadside assistance to help with his beloved Jeep's dead battery, the last thing he expected was to form a connection with the Hot Battery Dude, who showed up in fluorescent yellow pants with heartbreaking news for his wallet and a surprising connection to his past.
It was only logical, then, for Stiles to invite him home for Christmas...right?
I Just Want You For My Own (More Than You Could Ever Know) by yodasyoyo @yodas-yo-yo (16k | Teen)
“What is with that sweater, dude?”
Derek ducks his head to look at it, abashed. “Uh- Mrs Hernandez knitted it for me. It’s an early Christmas gift.” He smooths it down self-consciously.
Stiles cocks an eyebrow.
“What? She’s my neighbor and sometimes I-” Derek trails off. Stiles’ other eyebrow rises to join the first, and Derek sighs. “Sometimes I help her carry her groceries."
Of course he does. One day maybe Stiles will stop being in love with Derek Hale, but today is not that day.
Mother of Dragons by Lissadiane @lissadiane (11k | General)
Since Hogwarts had opened its doors to werewolves, many Hale children had apparently come through, wary and angry, refusing to socialize with the other students. And one by one, they’d been sorted into Slytherin, obviously, with the odd Ravenclaw to mix things up.
And then along came little Derek Hale, who’d barely gotten his ass on the stool before the hat was calling out Gryffindor.
Everyone thought it was funny, even now, when Derek was in his seventh year. Stiles, though, found it fascinating.
It helped, of course, that Derek was two years older and hotter than the sun.
Lay a strong enough foundation by Mynuet (12k | Teen)
Stiles is the single father of a brand-new preemie; Derek is a nurse that works in the neonatal intensive care unit. They fall in love, and then magic happens.
It's a Wonderful Life by kitsunequeen @stilesbansheequeen (10k | Teen)
It's a Wonderful Life AU in which Derek wishes he were never born, Stiles is angel who sets out to show him just how terrible that would be, and things turn out far better than anyone could've expected.
“Yeah,” he says, rolling his eyes. “You’re right, Stiles. Maybe it’d just be better if I was never born at all.”
“Hmm,” Stiles says. “Huh.” He starts talking to the ceiling again, and Derek’s seriously beginning to wonder if this guy escaped from Eichen. “You think that would work? Hmm. Yeah, I getcha. Alright.” He looks back at Derek. “You’ve got your wish.”
“You’ve never been born."
“You’re crazy,” Derek huffs. “Absolutely out of your mind.”
“The jury’s still out on that one,” Stiles says, shrugging. “But I suggest you take a quick look in the mirror.”
Derek’s reluctant to look away from a potential hunter, but what he sees when he glances over is enough to make him full-on turn his back to the man. He staggers forward and grabs at the sink, using it to hold himself up.
His eyes are glowing gold.
Not red. Not even blue.
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albertasunrise · 3 years
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Summary: When Javier left for Colombia the second time, he told no one but his father. When he returns, he realises how selfish that decision was.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader
Warnings: Angst.
Words: 4kish
Arriving back in Laredo had been as uneventful as Javier had expected it to be. He hadn’t been gone as long as last time. A little over a year had passed since he’d made the decision to go back. After spending a few months mulling over whether he wanted to return there he had packed a bag and gotten on the first flight he could catch. His father had tried to speak sense into him, tried to convince him that it was a good idea. He could see how Colombia had sucked the soul out of his only son but Javier didn't listen and he didn’t do the one thing his father asked him to do.
Tell you.
He’d made you aware from the start that it was just casual. That he wasn’t ready for commitment. The family and the white picket fence and you'd agreed to that. Your relationship was his only constant for two months. His source of release when ghosts came back to haunt him. He’d met you at his favourite watering hole, you were new to him but not new to the bar and the two of you had talked for hours that first night you’d met. He’d kept coming back then, one thing led to another and he became a regular feature in your bed. The sex was great. Incredible and despite him telling himself that it wasn't serious there was a part of him that had fallen for you but he knew you didn't feel the same. So he'd left it.
Laredo is a small town. Everyone knows everyone and Chucho knew you. When he’d learned of his son's relationship with you he’d made Javier promise he wouldn’t hurt you. It was common knowledge that your relationship history was poor. You’d been treated poorly, cheated on and left to pick up the pieces all on your own until you’d met Chucho. He had taken you under his wing, gotten you the job at the bar and helped pick up the pieces of your broken heart when your fiancé had left you. He had also been there to support you when Javier had left and he’d warned you when he had learned his son was returning.
News you’d not taken well.
‘Where are you going?’ Chucho asked as he watched his son make his way to the front door.
‘Going for a drink.’
‘She’s not going to be there.’ He stated and Javier glanced back at his father.
‘She doesn’t work at the bar anymore.’ His father elaborated as he continued to stare at the mug clasped between his two large hands.
‘What makes you think I was going to see her?’ Javier queried, cocking his hip to one side as he studied his father closely.
‘Because I know you.’ He asserted ‘You seriously think that she’ll want to see you? I asked you to tell her and you didn’t.’
‘Don’t even try and lie to me pendejo.’ He snapped, finally looking up at Javier ‘She turned up at my door looking for you and I had to tell her that you were gone.’ He growled, eyes glowing in the dim evening light ‘You have no idea of the mess you left behind.’
‘What mess?’
‘It’s not my place to say. It's her business what you know.’ He answered, pushing himself up from his chair ‘You lost the right to that knowledge when you walked out on her.’
‘It was casual pops.’ He argued ‘She knew that. If she got hurt by me leaving then that's not my fault.’
‘Your actions have consequences, Javier.’ He finished ‘Remember that.’
The sun was blaring down as you managed to rip the last of the weeds that had invaded your flower bed. Wiping your brow with the back of your hand you dusted off your soiled hands on your worn jeans and made your way to your front door. As soon as your hand twisted the vintage doorknob you heard a voice you hoped you’d never hear again call your name and you sighed. Turning your head to see him standing there on the path, as beautiful as he was the last time he saw you.
‘How are you?’ He asked awkwardly and you rolled your eyes.
‘Peachy.’ you growled as you pushed open your front door.
‘Hermosa wait.’ He pleaded as he sprinted after you, catching the door before it slammed shut.
‘Javier I don’t want to talk to you.’ You growled, crossing your arms as you blocked his way into your home.
‘I just wanted to explain myself.’ He asserted ‘I was a jerk. I shouldn't have just left without saying goodbye.’
‘No, you shouldn't have.’ You growled as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other ‘Is that all? Only I have things to do?’
‘Can I come in?’ He asked, his brown eyes pleading and for a moment you felt yourself weaken under his sad gaze.
‘No.’ You snapped ‘Absolutely not.’
‘Well, could we perhaps meet for coffee?’ He countered ‘I just want a chance to talk.’ He continued, scrubbing a hand over his face as he adopted his signature stance ‘Dad said that I left a mess behind with you and I want to make amends.’ He confessed ‘If I can.’
‘I’ll think about it.’ You replied as you started to push the door ‘I’ll call you.’
Then you were gone. A dark green door separating the two of you. He stood there a moment, his stomach twisting in knots as he relived the interaction he’d just shared with you before he made his way back to his truck and left.
Hoping that you’d call.
You did…
His heart was in his throat as he sat at a table outside the cafe he knew you loved, your favourite coffee ready and waiting for you. His nerves increased when he saw you turn the corner but his emotions soon became confusing as you got closer, pram in front of you.
Why did you have a baby with you?
He didn’t have long to ponder that as you came to a stop beside the table, leaning down to check inside the pram before you took your seat opposite him.
‘Thanks for the coffee.’ You said, taking a sip and humming as the flavours assaulted your senses.
‘Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.’ He replied, giving you a genuine smile ‘Who’s baby is that?’
‘What did you want to speak to me about Javier?’ You asked, skimming over his question.
‘Oh… Well. I um… I wanted to apologise for leaving without telling you. I know I said that we were casual but you deserved better than that.’ He started, taking a sip of his coffee before he continued ‘I um… I guess I just thought it would be easier if I just left but I guess that wasn’t the case if I hurt you.’
‘Javier.’ You began, letting out a sigh as you sat back in your chair ‘I knew what we were. I’m not angry because you left. I’m angry because you ignored my calls.’
He cocked his head to the side as he waited for you to elaborate.
‘You don’t remember do you?’ You asked and snorted when he shook his head.
‘Was a few days after you arrived.’ You declared ‘I rang you telling you there was something I needed to speak to you about.’ You paused as you sipped your coffee again ‘You told me that you were busy but that you would call me back as soon as you could.’
Javier winced as the memory of that call came flooding back to him.
‘You never called me Javier.’ You snapped ‘I rang, left messages on your machine and with your secretary but you never called me back.’
‘Hermosa I-‘
He was cut off by crying and you turned your attention to the pram beside you, pulling out an infant that could not have been much older than four months old. You hushed her, rocking her in your arms as she screamed and protested at your attempts to soothe her.
‘Does she need a bottle or?’ He asked, a little unsure what to do.
‘She’s hungry.’ You stated as you fished out a small blanket from the bag that hung just below the handlebar of the pram and threw it over your shoulder.
After a little arranging, you draped the blanket over her head and shifted your shirt, rocking her lightly as she latched to your breast and started to suckle. Javier watched in shock as the puzzle pieces started to slot into place.
‘She’s uh… You have a baby?’ He asked, voice shaking a little as his eyes drifted from the infant in your arms to your face.
‘Yes.’ You replied plainly, looking him squarely in the eye.
‘Wow… Uh. Congrats I guess.’ He said as he supped at his coffee ‘Who’s the lucky guy?’
‘Seriously?’ You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
‘I thought you were supposed to be some sort of detective.’ You sniggered as you took another sip of your coffee.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ He growled, feeling his anger start to simmer beneath the surface.
‘Well, let's see.’ You start, glancing down at your daughter before returning to Javier ‘You left. I needed to talk to you. A year or so later you come back and the girl you were fucking has a four-month-old baby. That a big enough clue for you Agent Peña?’
Javier sits there for a moment, mouth opening and closing as he processes everything that you had told him. The longer he took to say anything, the more amused you got by his obvious struggle to comprehend that the infant in your arms was half him. In the time it took for him to process, you tucked yourself back in, readjusted your shirt and started to pat your daughter's back as you placed gentle kisses in her hair.
‘She’s uh… She’s m-mine?’ He stuttered, eyes settling on his daughter.
‘Yes, Javier. She is yours.’ You replied, pulling off the blanket from your shoulder and tossing it on the table.
‘Does pops know?’
‘He does.’ You replied ‘He was there through it all. Came to my scans, held me after she was born. I even stayed with him for the first two months so that he could help me. He uh… her birth was hard.’
‘Hard?’ He asked, his expression changing to one of concern.
‘Yeah, she partly breached.’ You stated, as you looked down lovingly at your world ‘Forceps and six stitches later she was in my arms.’ You said with a smile ‘Was hell but she was worth it all.’
‘Why didn’t pops tell me?’
‘Because I told him not to.’ You snapped, looking up at Javier with fire in your eyes ‘You lost your right to know about her when you chose not to call me.’
‘That’s not fair.’
‘Fair?’ You growled ‘What’s not fair is that I turned up at your house to tell you that I was pregnant, only to learn that you’d left the previous night for Colombia without telling me.’
Javier winced at your timbre.
‘What’s not fair was having to go through the emotional turmoil of learning that I was pregnant with the baby of a guy that I had been fucking casually and knowing I was going to have to do it alone. What's not fair is that I called, gave him a chance after chance to be a part of that baby’s life and he chose to ignore me.’ You paused, downing the last of your coffee ‘You had an opportunity to know about her. To chose whether or not you wanted to be a part of her life and you blew it. I clearly meant nothing to you as otherwise, you would have called.’ You growled.
'I did care Hermosa.' He said softly and you laughed.
'Funny way of showing it.' You replied, staring at the pram for a short while as an awkward silence settled over you both.
‘Can I um… Can I hold her?’ He asked, his request taking you by surprise and you glanced down at your baby for a moment before looking back at him.
‘No.’ You replied bluntly before you stood and placed her back in her pram ‘Thanks for the coffee, Javier.’ You spat as you shoved the blanket into the bag and turned off the breaks on the pram ‘See you around.’
‘HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?’ He yelled as he came charging through his father's front door.
‘Tell you what?’
‘That I’m a father!’ He gasped ‘That I have a four-month-old daughter. Who you have spent time with, have photos of on the walls of the house. I just assumed that they were some friend's kid but no, she's mine.’
‘She told me not to and I agreed with her decision.’ He stated and Javier saw red 'I thought that it should be down to you to mend this.'
‘If I had known I could have… things could have been different!.’
‘You would have known about her if you'd called her like you said you would.’ His father snapped back ‘You had plenty of opportunities.’
‘I was sorta busy taking down a cartel pops.’
‘And you didn’t have a single moment to yourself?’ Chucho questioned, watching the guilt seep into his son's features ‘You didn’t have a single moment in the past year to call her back? To find out what was wrong with the girl that you had been sleeping with for months.’
‘You should have told me pops.’ Javier scoffed.
‘You should have called.’ His father replied before standing up and leaving a conflicted son in his wake.
2 weeks later - 2 am…
Javier was woken by the sound of frantic banging, followed by raised voices and after rubbing his tired eyes he traipsed his way down the stairs to find you sobbing, your daughter in his father’s arms.
‘Her fever’s really high… I don’t know what to do.’ You sobbed, hands shaking as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
‘What's going on?’ Asked Javier, making you and his father startle a moment before returning their attention to the baby ‘Is she okay?’
‘She has a fever.’ His father stated.
‘Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?’ He asked, gingerly approaching you before looking at the wailing infant in his father's arms.
‘It's probably just a cold.’ Said Chucho, shaking his head as he glanced up at you ‘You can take her if you want Mija.’
‘I uh… Can you drive?’ She asked the older man, her question stinging Javier.
‘I’m not allowed to drive at night now Mija.’ He stated and she nodded lightly ‘Javi will take you.’
‘It’s fine I’ll-’
‘Just let me help.’ Interrupted Javier, his eyes almost pleading ‘I am her father after all.’
The wait in the ER was the longest of your life. You sat rocking your screaming child as others tutted from their thrones of judgement. You could feel their eyes on you as you desperately tried to soothe her but you knew that nothing would work until her fever was tended to.
Javier sat silently beside you, picking at his cuticles and glancing every so often at his daughter. A part of him yearned to hold her, rock her in his arms and take her suffering away but he didn’t push you. He’d had two weeks to ponder everything that had transpired and he’d tried to reach out but you’d been hesitant. His heart was hurting bLet'se had no right to demand anything from you and so he decided that he would have to earn your trust in the hopes that one day, he’d finally hold his daughter.
‘Sophia?’ Came a voice, grabbing your attention and you abruptly stood.
‘You can uh, wait here if you want.’ You said, glancing at Javier as he stood.
‘I’d like to come.’ He said nervously ‘If that's okay.’
You simply nodded before making your way over to the doctor that had called out for your daughter. He motioned for you to lay her on the bed that was placed in the centre of the room, holding your baby's tiny hand as the doctor made his way over with a tray of different instruments.
‘Someone isn’t a happy girl are they?’ He said softly, stroking her plump cheek and pushing his bottom lip out at her ‘Is this dad?’ He asked as he motioned at Javier.
‘Yeah.’ You replied, taking the younger Peña by surprise.
‘Well let's take a look shall we.’ He said as he started to take her temperature ‘103. No wonder you're grumpy.’ He said as he placed the thermometer back down ‘Lets listen to that little ticker shall we?’ He said as he opened the front of her Winnie the Pooh onesie.
You and Javier watched as he moved the stethoscope around her little chest, letting out a sympathetic sigh as he placed the instrument back around his neck.
‘It's just a cold.’ He said, placing a comforting hand on your arm.
‘What can we do to help her?’ Asked Javier and you turned your head to look at him briefly before looking back at the doctor.
‘Lots of mums breast milk or formula.’ He started ‘The fever is clearly making her uncomfortable so I’ll prescribe some Calpol for that. Will hopefully bring that fever down quickly.’
‘Thank you.’ You said kindly, giving him a genuine smile.
Scooping your still fussy baby into your arms you followed the doctor out and to the pharmacy where he hands the lady at the desk a slip.
‘Get well soon Sophia.’ Said the doctor sweetly as he gently pinched the infant's cheek before bidding you both goodbye.
Javier watched as you picked up the prescription and that's when it hit him. Sophia. He hadn’t known her name until tonight and the more he thought about it, the more he thought it suited her. Smiling to himself, he doesn’t notice you had turned to face him.
‘Can we go now?’ You huffed and he sprung into action, leading the way back to his Jeep.
‘See I told you Mija.’ Said Chucho as he rocked a sleeping Sophia in his arms ‘Just a cold.’
It hadn’t been difficult to get the little one to take her medicine and within ten minutes she was out like a light.
‘How she caught a cold in the middle of summer I’ll never know.’ You chuckled, smiling at the older man as he fawned over his granddaughter.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye that Javier was watching him, conflicting emotions battling for dominance on his face and for a moment you felt sorry for him.
‘Thank you for taking me to the hospital.’ You pipped up and he glanced up at you.
‘It's fine.’ He replied coldly and you felt the sympathy dissolve.
‘Well, I better get her home.’ You said as you took her from Chucho.
‘I will see you on Sunday.’ She said to the older man, giving him a peck on the cheek.
Glancing at Javier you noticed him staring off at nothing in particular and scoffed, kissing your daughter's warm brow as you made your way out of the door and to your car.
‘What's Sunday?’ He asked his father after he knew you had left.
‘She and I have Sunday lunch together once a month.’ He stated plainly ‘I’ll leave something out for you.’ He finished before retiring upstairs again, tired from the evening drama.
2 months later…
You smiled at Chucho bounced Sophia on his knee as she tugged at his moustache. She was fascinated with her abuelo’s facial hair, always trying to grab it with her tiny hands. You thought, for a moment, about whether she’d do the same with Javier, the facial hair style being a trend amongst Peña men.
‘There was something I wanted to ask you Mija.’ He said suddenly, pulling you from your thoughts.
‘What's that?’
‘Do you think that perhaps Javi could come to dinner this Sunday?’
‘He’s been trying Mija.’ The older man interrupted ‘He’s been hurting. Seeing his daughter from afar but not being able to hold her.’
‘Well, who’s fault is that?’ You snapped as you took a sip from your lemonade.
‘I found him crying the other night over a photo of her.’ He said and you looked at him in shock ‘He’d never admit it but this whole situation is killing him.’
‘I'm sorry he's hurting. Truly I am but I just don’t want Sophia to grow attached to him and then him leave again.’ You stated and Chucho nodded in response.
‘I understand Mija but he’s put that life behind him.’ He paused, taking in your expression ‘He has nightmares you know. That country destroyed him and now he’s returned home to learn he's a father but he can't be one no matter how much he wants to be. I’m worried about him Mija.’
‘Worried how?’
‘He doesn't really eat.’ He stated as he pulled a tired Sophia to his chest ‘He’s cut down on the drink and the cigarettes but he’s not taking care of himself. He barely leaves the house. I’ve managed to get him to help me with a few jobs on the ranch but most of the time he’s either laying in bed, not sleeping, or sat out on the deck staring off at nothing.
‘What do you want me to say Chucho?’
‘Just let him hold her.’ He pleaded ‘Even if it’s just the once. Let him just hold her a moment. Let him come on Sunday and just have a little time with her.’
You sat there in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say.
‘Please Mija.’ He begged one last time and you nodded.
Perhaps it was time to mend fences.
Dinner was almost done by the time the Peña men arrived. Chucho entered first, Javier trailing behind him and he watched as you hugged and kissed his father in greeting before grabbing Sophia so she could kiss her Abuelo, or lick, on the cheek.
‘Hi.’ You said to Javier and the man was startled.
‘Hi.’ He replied, nodding slightly ‘Thanks for letting me come along.’ He said, fiddling with the hat in his hands,
‘She’s getting so big.’ Said Chucho as he bounced his granddaughter in his arms ‘Isn’t she getting bigger Javier?’
‘Yeah… yeah she is.’ He replied as he smiled at his daughter.
‘Would you uh… Would you like to hold her?’ You asked, your nerves seeping into your voice as he looked at you in shock.
‘You sure?’ He asked but his eyes were full of hope.
‘Yeah.’ You replied, watching as Chucho carefully handed Sophia to her father.
She squeaked loudly at him as she tried to reach for his moustache and you chuckled at her, smiling as he placed a kiss on her tiny palm.
‘Hey, Hermosa.’ He said softly as he gazed at her, their brown orbs locking.
At that moment he realised there was nothing he wouldn't do for her and his heart swelled. Taking a seat he lifted her so that she was at eye level with him and he rested his forehead against hers, breathing in her smell and smiling as her hands slapped tapped his cheeks.
‘I love you, baby girl.’ He said quietly as he brought his lips to her brow ‘And if momia will let me. I will spend the rest of my days proving it to you.’
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joshslater · 3 years
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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She traced the raised text on the side of the square bottle and looked at the indifferent stag on the label staring back at her above the fraktur font on garish colors spelling out "Jägermeister". It looked sinister in the back alley light. The perfect bottle to fill with a cursed hex potion. She took another swig. What more harm could it do that it hadn't already? She thought back at the past few hours and if she should have done something differently.
Accepting the bachelorette party in the first place was of course a huge mistake. She was surprised to hear from Kathy at all, given how frosty it had been between them over the summer. But this wasn't about any of them but Beth's wedding. Kathy had taken it on herself to arrange the bachelorette party and all the guests would show up as fairies. She didn't have to partake in the kidnapping or anything, just show up at the booked venue at the given time. She accepted.
They had the nightclub for themselves until nine when they would open up for the public. The bouncer checked her off from a list and right inside Kathy was handing out goodie bags with plastic tiaras, fairy wands, and other items for the evening. "I put something special in yours. Don't share it," she said with hushed voice, then continued cheerfully "Welcome prosecco straight ahead at the bar".
On her way over to the bar she had a glance in the bag and to her surprise saw a full-size bottle of Jäger. It made no sense why Kathy had put one in her bag. She wasn't even sure she was allowed to have a personal bottle inside the bar. Perhaps that was the game. Wait until the celebration was over and the bar opened for the public, then accuse her of having smuggled in some liquor. Nah, that was too contrived. She was an evil bitch, but a cunning one.
Happy to be rid of Kathy she hurried to the others who had arrived before her. Plenty of familiar faces, and a few new ones as well. The prosecco was cheap, but the bar staff kept topping up everyone's glasses as the noise level in the room slowly and steadily kept rising.
What she had thought would be a pleasant chat with old acquaintances turned out to be much more labor-intensive. Apparently a lot of the girls had been informed of the fallout between her and Kathy, but with a few exceptions they had only heard Kathy's side of the story. It wasn't outright lies, or consistent inaccuracies either, but she learned Kathy had invented lots of different distortions of the truth and spread them into different groups with no interactions. Why was she invited here at all if she had just poured poison in everyone's ears the past few months? Perhaps it would look suspicious if she hadn't been, though she certainly had worked up lots of reasons why she shouldn't be invited.
"She's been kidnapped. They are 45 minutes away!" someone announced through the speaker system. There was a short pause in the chatter before it resumed, if anything invigorated by the news. She wasn't sure how many glasses she had had, it's hard to count when you never actually empty the glass, but she saw a few of the girls peeling off the group and heading for the restroom. She felt she needed that too.
With the muffled chatter of the bar outside the restroom and stall doors she sat down on the toilet, more than tipsy, exhausted, and distressed. How could she have missed what Kathy had been doing to her reputation over the summer? She glanced down into the silver foiled paper bag and saw the top of her bottle of Jägermeister. Fucking Kathy! Well, at least she had known she needed a drink.
She unscrewed the cap, filled it with the dark liquid, and downed it. She winced at the herbal horror and put the cap back on the bottle. The high proof made her throat and chest warm. Then it spread to her bowels. Then she really started to get concerned. She tried to stand up, but fell back onto the seat. The warmth, now turned to heat, was spreading out into her limbs as well. She could feel sweat breaking out as well as shivers as she slowly lost consciousness.
"You OK in there?!" someone asked, knocking hard on the door. "Yeah" she answered back, immediately shocking her back into reality when she heard her own voice. Was it reality though? She looked at her body, still sitting at the toilet. Her legs, while still freshly shaven, looked way more muscled, as did her arms. Her blouse was open with all buttons ripped out, exposing her chest and stomach. It was clearly a man's torso with a flat chest, faint six-pack, and to end it all dangling at the bottom, a dick. "Eh. OK, dude" replied the woman on the other side of the stall door. She had answered her with a man's voice.
She stood up, this time without any problems. It felt like she was sober, or at least way less drunk than just seconds ago. Or how long had she been in there? She bent down, grabbed her panties, and quickly pulled them up. There was the sound of a snap somewhere and the panties felt limper. She dropped them, grabbed the tutu, prayed that at least something would fit, and pulled them up to her hips. It stayed up. She was still wearing her black converse and her white and pink striped shin socks. She stepped out of the panties and stuffed them and her tattered blouse into the bag. She noticed several tattoos on her arm and chest as she did that.
She braced herself and stepped out of the stall. The mirror wall right opposite showed a lean man with shaved head wearing a tutu. This must all be Kathy's doing. She couldn't even begin to understand how.
What followed was a walk through a packed bar with drunken women, all of which believed he was part of the entertainment, and none of whom had any qualms about putting their hands on him, squeezing his pecs or ass, or trying to pull his dick and balls. A few even tried to rip his tutu off him. "Ladies, ladies, there's time for everyone, but first I need to get out and have a smoke," he tried. He was soon standing panting in the alley next to the bar with three cigarettes and two lighters in his hand that he'd promised to return.
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Three is company— a gift for @ambers-glider ‘s fic here! I told y’all I’d get to writing today!!!!
EDIT: Tomo is the friend (Tomo is short for tomodachi which is friend in japanese)
pairing: Kazuha x Gorou x reader
tw: a couple curse words
wc: 2,178
You squatted around the fire with your colleagues, eating your food straight from the can. “[Y/N]!” You hear your squad leader call out from his tent. You turn to look at what he wanted and note him standing with a messenger from the base of operations you just left. He waved what looked like a white flag. It piqued your interest, you had to admit, stretching out your legs with your can in hand.
“Yes, sir!” You salute, slapping your ankles together in form.
Your squad leader extended his hand, exchanging an open letter with you. “A letter. From the resistance,” he says simply. “From the second in command himself.”
It didn’t take the second sentence for you to know who it was. Of course, Kokomi was the leader of your resistance— all of you worked for her. But her second in command was none other than the tricky Gorou, known for his sly and mischievous ploys. “Thank you, sir,” you salute once more before dipping to tear into the letter.
It sucked that none of your mail could go through unopened, but it made sense considering that any one of you could be shogunate spies. It was a small price to pay for your cause, even if the letter was a bit personal.
[Y/N], it read. I hope this letter finds you well. After yours and Kazuha’s leave, I dove into my work to try and distract myself from the aching in my heart. Seeing many of my comrades fall in the recent ambush made me long for you more. I cannot ignore it much longer, so I have written to both you and dearest Kazuha in hopes that we may once again be reunited. We should all be returning to base in two weeks for the monthly review. Please find me there. I look forward to seeing you. Gorou.
“Oh?” A voice came behind you. “Everyone wondered what was going on between you and the shiba boy. I guess this proves true?”
You pulled the letter to your chest, scowling at the man who sat beside you. “Do you need something, sir? Why is my business important to you?”
He smiled, throwing an arm around you. “Damn, I was just curious!” You shook his arm off of you and turned your back to him. “I’m sorry that we have to go through your letters. But I’m sure you understand.”
You frowned as your eyes scanned the letter again. “I do,” you sigh. Bringing the letter to your nose and breathing in the scent. It smelled like otogi wood. It smelled like him. “But it does suck that everyone in command knows about my affairs.”
“What happened? If you don’t mind my asking.”
You peer over your shoulder and glare. “I do mind you asking.” You hissed.
The two weeks went by painfully slow. Your team was sent to do reconnaissance once more after the ambush that Gorou mentioned in his letter. While it wasn’t your team that was tasked with scouting that area prior to his arrival, it was your command team that got in trouble for it. Everyone was expected to do seamless work and the weight was on your team’s shoulders.
You double checked your field of observation; replacing your traps, checking the knots, and notating all of your activities. Signing off and turning in your report, you packed all of your equipment and belongings and darted out of the camp.
It was good to finally be back on base. All you wanted to do was get into your room and hop into the shower. You weren’t about to meet your exes sweaty and covered in dirt. You step inside and stop at the front desk. “Welcome back [Y/N],” the receptionist greets. “What number did you reserve?”
“Twenty three,” you slide over the key, lugging your duffel bag onto the table. You unzip the bag and fish for your personal belongings as the receptionist grabs your locker key. “I’m returning the reconnaissance pack and some gear.”
The receptionist scratches out your name on the clipboard and pulls the bag across the desk. “I heard you’re meeting with Master Gorou and Lord Kazuha.”
You slap your forehead with a groan. “Ugh, does everyone know?”
“Not everyone. I heard from Master Gorou himself. He told me to tell you he’d be in his office.”
“He’s here already?”
“Since seven this morning. He seemed rather eager to meet you.” The receptionist hands you the forms you signed to borrow the equipment. “Sign and date, please.”
You take the pen off the desk and begin to scribble on the document when the door slides open with a ding. “Oh, [Y/N],” a calm and melodious voice says. “What great timing!”
You shudder at the voice, turning slowly to confirm your suspicions. “O-Oh, hi Lord Kazuha…I just got back.”
The samurai walks up and places a hand on the small of your back. “Is Gorou here yet?”
“Yes,” the receptionist answers, taking the clipboard back from you. “He should be waiting in his office.”
“Great,” Kazuha smiles, grabbing your belongings off the desk and ushering you away with him. “Let’s go, shall we?”
You twiddle your fingers nervously as you walk. “I haven’t showered yet, my lord.”
“Oh that’s alright. I haven’t either.”
That wasn’t the point, you thought, reaching the elevator. “Well, I was hoping I could stop at my room and shower.”
Kazuha pushed one of the buttons on the elevator panel. “We’re already here, though.” You scratch your head and frown. “It’s okay,” he continues. “Master Gorou won’t mind.”
“Why do you smell like incontinence?”
You bury your face in your palms as you listen to Gorou and Kazuha speak. “Because I’ve been hiding in the trenches,” Kazuha laughs, opening his arms for a hug.
“You know I have a strong sense of smell,” Gorou whined as he embraced the samurai. “And [Y/N],” you look from between your fingers and notice the warm smile and faint blush on Gorou’s face. “It’s so good to see you too.”
The shiba boy walks up to you and pulls you into a tight embrace, his face nuzzled into your neck. “You’re stinky too.”
“Hey!” You shout, your hands reaching to wrap around him. “Kazuha didn’t want to stop at my room.”
Gorou pulls back and gazes into your eyes, his hand coming to cup your cheek. “That’s okay. I’ve been waiting around anxiously for both of you. Come,” he gestured, extending his arm out. “Please sit with me. I’ve got cookies and tea.”
Kazuha tucked his hands into his sleeves and grinned. He knelt down on the tatami pillow, sitting down on his knees and reaching for a cookie. You followed suit next to him, sitting back on your heels and taking the teacup from Gorou after he poured some tea. It was nice and light until Kazuha took a sip from his cup. “Why did you ask us to come here?” He said with a smile.
You stiffened at the question, your hair standing on end at the suddenly uncomfortable mood. You thought it was obvious why he arranged this meeting, but you guess that Kazuha wanted to hear it from his own mouth.
Gorou rubbed the back of his neck. “I mostly wanted to apologize,” he explained. “Whether or not you accept my apology is not my concern. But I do hope that we can agree to reconcile.”
“It’s very uncomfortable walking around after my superiors have gone through my mail,” Kazuha continued, closing his eyes as he sipped on his tea. “You could’ve at least been a bit more subtle with the delivery.”
“That was part of the problem, though.” The two of you watched and listened closely as Gorou spoke. When the three of you parted ways, it wasn’t on the best of terms. Being in each other’s presence was awkward enough as a result, but hearing him explain his side wasn't something that either you or Kazuha cared to understand. “Keeping both you and [Y/N] a secret was a problem to me. I understood that it would become a hindrance if people knew, but I couldn’t even hold your hand in public.”
Kazuha was silent as he spoke. Gorou and Kazuha had been a thing before you were introduced. But from the beginning you felt that things were tense between them. Being an outsider, the problem was more obvious than it was to them but it was something you felt they needed to work out. That’s why you left.
“And while it was okay for a bit,” Gorou continued, looking away as his words began to choke in his throat. “It was painful to love someone who didn’t even want to be called my ‘boyfriend.’ I don’t think you realize how embarrassing it is to say ‘oh, Kazuha’s my not-boyfriend because he doesn’t want to be tied down by titles.’ I understand that you don’t want a serious relationship but it felt like you didn’t care.”
“I was grieving,” Kazuha kind of snapped, his fingers curled into a fist. “Do you not understand that? My real boyfriend killed himself!”
“Am I not real to you?! Am I just your rebound to fuck and forget?! We are all grieving, Kazuha! We all loved Tomo! What about [Y/N], huh?! Is [Y/N] not real to you either?!”
Kazuha slammed his fist on the table. “Neither of you give a shit! Neither of you care about how I feel!”
Gorou stood on his feet, looking down at the man across from him. “Who was the person that begged you to stay, huh?! Throwing yourself into battle at every chance you got and then turning your back on me!! How dare you say I don’t give a shit!”
The three of you sat in uncomfortable silence after both men refused to say anything else. All you did was sit there and listen, not really feeling as if your opinion mattered. You weren’t in the relationship for very long anyway, why would you have anything to say?
Kazuha looked away from the both of you, while Gorou’s eyes focused on him. You sat with your hands in your lap, waiting for someone to say something. “What do you think, [Y/N]?” Kazuha said finally, not looking at you.
“Me?” You pointed to yourself. “Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters,” Gorou said, sitting back down and reaching for your hands. “You were a part of the relationship too.”
“I’m not sure though…it didn’t feel like I was.” Kazuha looked over his shoulder, his cheeks wet from tears he had been hiding. “I wasn’t even a part of the conversation. You left—” you said, pointing to Kazuha. “—and you ignored me.” Then pointing to Gorou.
You crossed your arms with a huff. “Kazuha didn’t even try to talk it out, and Gorou wasn’t patient enough. Neither of you had any care about how I felt. I don’t even think you guys care now! All you want is for me to agree with you and argue with the other! But you’re both wrong! We all loved Tomo, Kazuha. It’s not fair that you shut all of us out. And it’s also not fair to Kazuha to try and force him to get over it so quickly! Everyone grieves at different paces. Just because you’re more used to your friends dying doesn’t mean he has to!”
They were both silent again as your words soaked in. You were right, of course. Gorou thought about the things he said and how he could’ve done it differently. How he had pushed Kazuha away instead of helping. And Kazuha thought about how selfish he was being. He wasn’t Tomo’s only friend and he wasn’t the only one who cared about him.
Then the silence was broken. “I’m sorry.”
Both of the men turned to look at you with confused expressions. “Why are you sorry?” Kazuha asked, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him. “It’s not your fault.”
Gorou came around and joined in the hug, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Yeah, [Y/N] it’s not your fault. We’re the ones who fucked up.”
“Yeah,” Kazuha pulled back, wiping his face with the back of his hand. “I’m the one who should apologize.”
“No,” Gorou shook his finger. “I said I was going to apologize first.”
“Well too bad!” Kazuha shoved a finger into Gorou’s chest. “I said it first!”
Gorou laughed, pinching Kazuha’s cheek. “No, [Y/N] said it first!”
You pushed them away from you and chuckled. “Now that you’re both feeling better, I was going to say ‘I’m sorry is what you should say to each other.’”
Kazuha tucked your hair behind your ear with a soft expression, before Gorou swooped in and peppered your cheeks with kisses. “Promise you’ll work on it?” You asked.
Gorou and Kazuha looked at each other lovingly, leaning in to kiss for the first time in a long time. “We promise.” They said at the same time.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Sweet Little Mango
Read on Ao3
Chapter 4
Steve popped at 19 weeks.
He went from looking a little chubby to looking fully pregnant.
They had yet to tell anyone about the pup, but he couldn’t hide it anymore. Not when his belly entered every room hours before he did.
Billy would not stop touching Steve’s belly. Not that he ever had since they had found out, but now that Steve looked pregnant, Billy would gently rest his head on the bump, would press kisses to the little bulge on his lower abdomen, would talk to the little pup, sing to it.
It made Steve melt every damn time.
Billy was standing behind Steve, his head resting on his shoulder as they both looked in the mirror. His arms were wrapped around Steve’s waist, both hands splayed out on his stomach as Steve did his hair, staring intently in the mirror.
Steve’s hands were unsteady.
His parents were finally home, no doubt sitting as stiff as possible in the sitting room, watching the news and not speaking to one another, or their only child.
Steve was going to tell them the news today. He had done an okay job avoiding them the day or two they’d been home, but it was time. He couldn’t just walk around with a large stack of books in front of him like an actress trying to hide her pregnancy on t.v.
“It’s gonna be okay. We’ll work it out,” Billy said, placing a kiss on Steve’s neck.
Steve sighed, dropping his hands.
“There’s no way they take it well, Bill. My dad’s always had, always had a fucking issue with me being, what I am.” Billy turned him around by his hips, Steve’s rounded tummy pressed between them.
“We’re gonna get through it. We got each other, and we got this little mango. It’ll suck, but we’ll find a way to make it work.”
Steve smiled at him, one that didn’t quite meet his eyes, running his fingers through Billy’s hair.
“Should we face it? Get this garbage over with?”
Billy leaned up to plant a firm kiss on his forehead.
“I love you.”
Steve kept his arms crossed low as they joined his parents in the sitting room.
His mother was nursing a glass of deep red wine, reading a book with her lips pursed.
His father was pursuing some paperwork. He never really stopped working.
Steve figured it was to save him from actually engaging with his family.
The television was droning quietly in the background. Some story about a corner store getting robbed in Cincinnati.
“Um, Mom? Dad?” His father just hummed, his mother not acknowledging Steve whatsoever.
Billy was working overtime to keep himself in check. Not get angry. But it was hard with the way Steve’s parents were just ignoring him.
“I have something important to say.”
“Doubt that.”
Steve went rigid at his father’s cold voice.
Billy took a deep breath, squeezing Steve’s knee twice.
“It is important. It’s, it’s life-changing, really.” Steve’s voice cracked and his father finally looked up, glaring at Billy for a moment.
“Then please, Steven. Go ahead .” Steve cowed under his father’s gaze. Billy licked over his lips, preparing himself to have to break the news.
“I’m pregnant.”
It was silent.
Mrs. Harrington closed her book, setting it down softly on the side table, taking a long sip of wine.
“Beg pardon?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Mr. Harrington shifted, pulling his wallet from the pocket of his slacks and opening it up, rifling through the thick wad of cash neatly lined up in the designated pocket.
“How much do you need?”
“I don’t, what ?”
Mr. Harrington sighed loudly at Steve’s lack of understanding.
Billy is pretty sure he knows where this is going, and he’s more than sure Steve isn’t gonna like it.
“For an abortion, Steven.”
It was like cold water was dripping down Steve’s spine.
“I don’t, that’s not what I want.”
“You don’t have a choice. You want to be a goddamn omega whore, you either flush this thing or get out of my house.”
The harsh words lit a fire in Steve’s gut and made him spring to his feet.
“I’m not getting rid of it!”
Steve’s father stood, nearly kicking over the coffee table in his haste to get in front of Steve, meeting him eye-to-eye.
“You are an embarrassment! Getting pregnant in high school. Letting this dirty, this white trash disgusting alpha knock you up!”
Billy didn’t even register getting on his feet, only realized what he was doing as he began pulling Steve behind him.
“You don’t fucking speak to him that way.” Billy’s voice was gravelly, low in his throat as he eyed Mr. Harrington.
“I speak to that little slut however I want. You don’t come into my house and disrespect me .” He lashed out, taking Steve’s upper arm and yanking him forward.
And he slapped Steve across the face.
Billy didn’t even think.
He took Mr. Harrington by the front of his stupid fucking suit jacket, pushing him back a few paces.
“Don’t ever lay a hand on him! He is mine .”
Steve’s eyes were wide.
He had never heard Billy use his alpha chords before, drop down into complete alpha domination. Billy said he didn’t like to, that his dad used his chords enough for the both of them.
But here Billy was, bristling in his father’s face.
“Billy!” Billy snarled, shoving Steve’s dad down back into his chair. “He’s not worth it.” Steve’s eyes were wet when he looked back at him.
He crossed the room, pulling Steve into his side.
“You have that bastard pup, don’t you dare give it my good name.” Mr. Harrington adjusted his jacket, now rumpled in the front from Billy fisting the fabric. “You have one hour to get out of my house.”
Steve glared at his father, grinding his jaw.
But when he looked at his mother, it was with nothing but heartbreaking sadness.
She had watched everything go down, and simply drained her wine. She didn’t say anything.
And Steve thinks that hurt more than the stinging cheek.
It was quiet in his room as Billy helped him pack up.
Steve’s bag was small. He didn’t have much in the way of maternity clothes. Just packed the essentials, the things he cared about.
Billy called Joyce from the landline in Steve’s bedroom, arranging to stay in her home for a few nights until they could figure shit out.
She had offered her home to them before, many times, actually. Just fuckin’ sucked they actually had to take her up on the offer.
Billy led him out of the house with one hand on the small of his back.
They were almost out the door when there was a soft voice behind them.
“Steven,” her voice trailed off as Steve turned to address his mother. She was standing in the entryway, her eyes big and so very sad. It was remarkable. How much she looked like Steve. Billy had never really noticed it until now.
But she floundered, and didn’t have anything to say.
Steve nodded once, and left.
“I’m gonna drop you off at the Byers and then head to my place.”
Steve was holding Billy’s hand in his lap, the other hand resting on his bump.
“Wait, but, I want to be with you.”
“Steve, I don’t want you in there for that.” Billy took a deep breath. “It’s gonna get ugly. I don’t want you getting caught in the crossfire.”
“But, I can help you.”
“Baby, he’ll go for you. He’ll go for you, and he’ll hurt you. I’m not risking you, and I’m not risking the mango just for him .”
Steve squirmed in his seat.
“I just don’t like you doing this alone. What if he, like really hurts you, and I can’t get to you?”
“I’m just gonna grab my shit, have my car packed and ready, and then break the news, and get the fuck out. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Joyce was waiting on the porch for them when Billy pulled up.
Steve turned to kiss Billy long and hard before he got out of the car, taking his bag with him as he went.
He sat on the squashy sofa in the Byers’ living room the whole time, his foot shaking uncontrollably as he waited, his stomach tying itself into knots, horrific scenarios of what Billy must be dealing with flashing through his brain.
He tried to stay calm. Tried to sit still and think about positive shit as he waited.
Waited for the Camaro to roar down the front drive.
Waited for Hopper to call and say that something far uglier than anticipated had happened at the old house.
But Billy came back less than an hour later, all of his belongings stored messily in his backseat, the red mark around his eye already turning dark blue. Swelling as though before Steve’s very eyes.
Steve was so relieved to see him, tugging Billy onto the lumpy little sofa with him, brushing his fingers softly through Billy’s hair, peppering his face with featherlight kisses.
Billy didn’t say anything for the rest of the evening. He just held Steve for a while.
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