#hashimoto's disease
spoonfulofhannah · 1 month
“I don’t let me disability stop me”
Good for you. Some people can’t just push through, and we’re still worthy.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Small vent, because recently I learned that I have Hashimoto's disease and that does explain a lot since it can cause a lot of different problems, but one of them is lack of libido.
I've identified as an asexual since I've been 14 years old, and over the years I've come to terms with it and became comfortable, even happy, by identifying as ace. I like not having any sexual attractions- but what if it's caused by this illness? It's not that I would feel like an impostor in ace community, but what if I'll get my treatment, and suddenly I'll just feel the attraction, because it wasn't there for the lack of my libido? I would have to accept that the label I was comfortable, that I grew up with, is suddenly not me? I'm suddenly really scared of the treatment even though I really want it, because I feel horrible in my body and this will help to change it, but yeah. I also have my concerns
Submitted May 4, 2023
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disabled-models · 26 days
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Mia Castro, a model with Hashimoto’s Disease, Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), and Tarsal Coalition.
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kcscribbler · 3 months
IRL Stuff, Woo
Anybody have low-effort/low-spoon recipes for an anti-inflammatory diet? Shoot me your faves if you're so inclined, please!
I'm pretty adventurous but hate doing cleanup after cooking, so particularly looking for things that are quick and easy but still taste like something.
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drafthorsemath · 1 year
Life update feel free to scroll. Short version: just glad for the distraction this place provides
In 19 days I can see a new doctor. My body is a total wreck and we know what's wrong. We know it's not my thyroid. We know it's my PCOS. We have tried everything my one doctor (endocrinology and reproductive specialist) can think of and her response was just "when do you see your new ob/gyn?" The latest medication has made me so sick and I am preparing myself for the thought of surgery.
My horse's body is a wreck. He is still being treated for EPM, but we found out he's positive for Lyme's disease, so we need to treat that too. He is also lame like he has an abscess in his hoof, so I'm trying to soak his foot enough to encourage it to blow and resolve. Despite my health issues, I would feel so much better if my horse were better. It's kind of like we're both run down.
I am so zoned out and so tired. I have bursts where I can get things done, but they are harder and harder to come by. I've been going through a series of job interviews and projects, hoping to get a better job and a lot of my energy has gone into that, but I finish a video interview, close the laptop, and am ready to crawl into bed. Tomorrow I turn 38. I'm glad that whole doomsday prophecy thing was wrong. Even if I'm kind of out of it, I love you guys and your posts that I see. Even if I can't always interact like I'd like.
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zukoromantic · 23 days
Dietry aspects that help you if you suffer from thyroid issues, specifically hashimoto's disease:
Avoid gluten. It sucks, yeah, but every source i found so far agrees on this. People with thyroid issues are more likely to be straight up gluten intolerant! If that isn't the case, you absolutely don't need to cut gluten out of your life. However, you should try to reduce the intake regardless. But not to worry! You can find brands that have pasta, bread mixes, pizza dough, even little snacks as gluten free! Alternatives are also always rice or corn for a lot of things. If you like to snack on crunchy things like cookies i can really recommend rice waffles. They even come with chocolate and other flavors a lot of the time. And as for the bread mixes don't worry, at least the german brand i get has the lowest effort kinda stuff. As in, put water, stirr, form on tray, oven, done (and i found one that is SO delicious to me even!)
Avoid pork. Also got this one from multiple sources. Like with gluten, it can be a problem if you're out a lot, BUT there is usually plenty of other meat. My go to is chicken or turkey. Beef is great too, but naturally it's more expensive than chicken etc. You don't need to cut out stuff like salami either because these days there's a lot of alternatives to pork in those regards
Veggies, veggies, veggies! I mean, who doesn't this apply to?! Vegetables are great and have so many vitamins. I try to eat a salad a day and have some veggies in my lunch. There is so many different vegetables, there's sure to be SOMETHING for you! In my salad for example i put grated carrots even though i don't like them apart from that. I also put apple to make it more sweet and delicious! (Note: for salad you should put some oil, otherwise your body can't absorb the nutrients that well. I love pumpkin sees oil bc i'm picky and don't like olive oil. But there's more you might like too!) Potatoes count as well for your vitamins. Put anything with some meat or in a stew or with rice, it doesn't really matter how you make them
Fruit is less helpful than veggies, but it's still great! Especially berries, apples, oranges, peaches, plums and more are helpful. That's because they have less sugar that for example pineapple, banana, grapes, or mango
Seeds and nuts. They can help you as well. I usually put sunflower seeds in my salad, but you can also put something in cereal or yoghurt or your lunch! They're nice and crunchy and can be great additions to some food
Less (cow) milk. Milk is fineee, but you shouldn't overdo it. Especialy with things with a lot of fat, like cream
Most fish. Most fish is great, salmon and tuna for example. In general, fish is really healthy. I don't like it but i know many do! So definitely keep eating it! :)
Eggs. Eggs are always good, get your protein! Many lovely ways to make eggs. Just make sure you don't always eat them with too much fat, so be careful with your fried or scrambled egg
Those are things i was told by a doctor or things i found from different sources on the internet. Some is obvious like you should just so in general get protein and vegebtables!
But for example, i've had hashimoto's disease for over six years now and only THIS YEAR i was told by a doctor that i should avoid gluten
So i wanted to make a little post for me and for others to have a quick check list regarding one's diet with thyroid issues! If you know/think of anything else, please share! It'll be much appreciated!
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wanderrealms · 3 days
I got sent an article on Liam Gallagher talking about hashimoto's thyroiditis and the effect it has on his life. I think it's great he's talking about it, since people don't know much about the symptoms and I've read it is more common in women, so men might not be as aware and be less likely to seek treatment because it's less likely. But less likely does not mean impossible.
Hashimoto's is when your autoimmune system produces thyroid antibodies which disrupt thyroid function and make it underactive. The symptoms are broad and varied. Cold extremities is common, fatigue, brittle hair, goiter, dry scaly skin, it also causes swelling of the joints resulting in pain, abdominal swelling, facial swelling, slow heartrate.... and more. It can be hard to even suspect one illness might behind them and seek treatment.
The Mirror article in question
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mental-mona · 9 months
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Hearing my mum switch up the second I told her about the hypothyroidism was kinda really annoying actually.
"You need to lose weight" "you've let yourself go" "look how pretty you were before" "you need to move more and watch what you eat" "your dad is being mean about it but he's right" "youve blown up like your grandma" "you eat too much" etc
The second I told her: "see I knew there was something wrong" "you're overweight but you never ate enough to warrant how much, sure you'll snack sometimes but you don't stuff yourself" "you have the opposite of what your other grandma had she lost weight bc she had hyperthyroidism and you put on weight because you have hypothyroidism" "i knew you couldn't have possibly been to blame for all that weight gain and looking like a completely different person"
Thanks Agnes a little too late tho
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zanythingobamaprism · 2 months
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painting i made recently in relation to being chronically ill/disabled and medical trauma and whatnot
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spoonfulofhannah · 1 month
I wish I didn’t have my illness, but I will not hide it to make healthy people feel more comfortable.
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lunaraindrop · 2 months
RL moment with Luna
Greetings, folks! Since I love you all, I'm going to give you a mini update on my life.
Let me give you a condensed recap for my new friends here.
Hi! I'm Luna. I graduated from college in 2020. Yes, during the pandemic. But yay graduating!!
I started working as a preschool teacher for a private school in 2021. The entire 3 years I worked for that school were an absolute nightmare. (If you want stories, DM me)
The program was year round, so I hardly had any time off, due to teacher/dub shortages, and I had to work late for the after-school program because, once again, teacher/sub shortage.I have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic fatigue if not managed properly. Less stress, more sleep, etc.
Basically, your girl was not doing well.
Despite everything, I got into grad school, a dream I've held close to my heart.
I needed out of that school, and fast. It was eating my life away and not giving me any time to have a life. But, since I live in the United States, I also needed a job for insurance.
After many, many months of applications, interviews, doctor's visits, and near breakdowns...I resigned. I couldn't handle the school anymore.
Since then, I have taken June and July as a time to rest, catch up on school work, and figure out my next step.
That also means that I have been living off my meager savings, and have spent the entire month of July without insurance. Thankfully, all the rest and time to do things I love like write, read, and swim have done wonders for me.
Back to the work issue, though. Despite me applying to every job imaginable, it seems that the only places that want to hire me are schools and child care centers.
So now, your girl Luna will be teaching public preschool starting in August! 🎉
What I like so far is that I have a set time that will not be messed with. School starts at this time. School ends at this time. I also love that I get a break (which is illegal not to give a teacher a break, but my former school just went 🤷‍♀️), and time to do lesson plans, which my old school told me to do on my own time.
What does this mean in the future of my writing?
Since I will FINALLY have a little breathing room in my schedule, I plan to do a lot more of it. It brings me joy, and I need that joy back. However, I'm also doing grad school. That will keep me busy.
Those things being said, my plans in the near future are to try and finish The Lie Becomes the Truth before tackling any of my long long loooong list of one-shots, wips, and other ideas I have waiting in my notes. I have a beta lined up to help me, so hopefully you will see chapters rolling out a bit faster soon. I'm currently working on chapter 18.
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I was incredibly excited for my doctor to tell me I need to start HRT. That was quickly followed by the crushing disappointment in learning there are HRTs that are not gender affirming, and that is what she is making me take. My thyroid stopped working so now I have to take thyroid hormone replacements. Like come on man, you were so close but so far
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mandy-malady · 3 months
here comes the pain again 🎶
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ivebeenmade · 4 months
Doctor's appointment yesterday. Had a long talk, and a blood draw. They are now thinking I could have 1 or 2 other autoimmune disorders, along with fibromyalgia and hashimoto's. They are referring me to a neurologist, sleep Study clinic, and a rheumatologist.
We've been googling the blood test results as they came up on the app. Some things are definitely off- at least my thyroid is still on track.
Processing, and trying to find ways to make day to day life bearable until these follow-ups.
Update: Late in the day I got an email from her. She still wants me to see the rheumatologist and neurologist, but she is also going to start getting me scheduled for Iron Infusions. This could potentially do a lot of good- ease the fatigue and brain fog and muscle cramps...but it's also gonna involve one of my weirdest phobias.
Ever since I was a kid and watched my grandma get treated for cancer, I have had an extreme fear of some kinds of medical equipment. Not what you'd think; not needles, or the machines...but the plastic tubes, containers, etc. Even in their sterile packaging. I just feel my skin crawl around them. And if you know how IVs work, well....
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sufferthesea · 6 months
If anyone is gluten-free and/or diabetic, please drop your favorite recipes/cooking blogs below! I'm meal planning and can only find about 3 full recipes. Everything else is snacks or desserts.
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