#fatphobia tw
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lifeafterpsychiatry · 5 months ago
Hey did y'all ever think about that if doctors blame all fat people's medical issues on them being too fat without proper investigation and then feel justified in neglecting their medical concerns, then statistically more fat people WILL develop and potentially die from serious health issues and it might not actually be because of the fat when everything comes down to it
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pbjpuppy · 4 months ago
It drives me fucking insane how even when people say “hey don’t be fatphobic and don’t hide behind ‘health concerns’ to do so. Fat isn’t inherently unhealthy” people line up out the goddamn door to go “yeah!! There’s a difference between being fat and being obese!” Fuck off !!!! First of all I’ve been considered “morbidly obese” (god what a dehumanizing term) for nearly my whole life despite living a healthy lifestyle, but even if I hadn’t, even if I were completely immobilized and disabled due to my fatness, even if it were “my fault” according to those arguments — I’d still be deserving of respect
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linafication · 1 year ago
fatphobia is fuckin wild man people will come up to you like “hey. I think you are Ugly and Not attractive. just wanted to make sure you knew so you could get to fixing that maybe?” & when you’re like no wtf leave me alone they’re like “ok CLEARLY you don’t care about your HEALTH and will die of FAT DISEASE by 25 🙄”
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months ago
I guess what gets me about fatphobia is seeing someone literally recovering from addiction and gaining weight being framed as a bad thing because a substance use problem that is eating you from the inside out is preferable so long as you are twenty pounds lighter.
It has never been about people's health.
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sorcererkiller · 1 month ago
so many gaming companies can't even pretend to hide their disdain for fat people and its infuriating trying to get anyone to care. like even the most popular and enjoyable games just. forget fat people exist. hades game? one single fat mini boss character design. bg3? no fucking fat tav allowed i guess. or if they do put thought into usually a single fat character their thoughts begin and end with "fat equals greed and laziness". little nightmares, resident evil. don't even get me started on genshin impact. a skinny white girl holding a taco is still skinny. her whole fucking waist is the width of just one of my thighs. give me a break.
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transmasc-wizard · 5 months ago
trying to engage in healthy exercise with the help of the internet is so disgustingly difficult as a person who's struggled with disordered eating. every single creator/"influencer" I've found with easier at home stuff is physically incapable of shutting up about Losing Weight as the primary goal of exercise and it drives me fucking crazy
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throughdarkeningskies · 11 days ago
reading stephen king is. something. 'hey here's a haunting thought experiment about what might happen to a consciousness if it was cast adrift in the void for a billion years. spooky, eh? okay. and for my next one. listen. get this. a FAT WOMAN. and get this. she's UGLY. and get this. SHE'S GETTING MARRIED. isn't this the most messed up thing isn't it against nature ahahahahahah are you spooked yet'
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klapollo · 2 years ago
truly i think part of why fatphobia is so tempting to a lot of not fat people no matter how 'progressive' they are is simply because it gives one a way to feel better. when society tells you you're inherently more virtuous because you're slim, you perceive any social gains (with or without regards to body image/beauty/etc) made by the "ugly" people as a slight on you, an attack on your heightened position. it's (part of) why some skinny women get so completely bent out of shape seeing someone like lizzo be widely loved and praised. that's not allowed! she's fat! I'M supposed to be better! a lot of these people are utterly miserable and self hating and they hate having their one little trophy taken away so they hold it over their head and hit people with it
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shitsecurityguards · 3 months ago
i was like "oh it would be fun to take some old Which Night Guard is Your Boyfriend" quizzes and compare the answers so i took a ton of them and ive found a trend amongst them. that being said here is the Average Question
quiz runner: alwighty gang!! get out here and answer some questions!! *drags them into the room*
mike: ughhhh i dont want to be here this is so stupid T-T (quiz runner: SHUT UP AND ASK A QUESTION!!!)
jeremy: h-h-hi... do u like.. a-anime/manga......? *whimpers* (quiz runner: owo so cuuuute!!!)
fritz: *belches disgustingly and rubs his fat stomach and sloppily eats a giant portion of food* whats your favorite food? (quiz runner: ew shut up fatty fat fatso fatfat)
vincent: *pins u 2 the wall* i have a boner~~~ do you want me?~~~~~ (quiz runner: SHUT UP PURPLE GRAPE PERV!!! DX *beats him over the head with a hammer until he is no more*)
scott: i too am in this quiz
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tea-and-secrets · 9 days ago
was doing an art trade with someone where we'd draw each-others ocs. they sent me refs, cute oc! i sent them mine and got a reply asking if i had a different oc i'd like drawn because his body type was "too large" for her to be "comfortable" with
he's just...a fat dude, not even some mega-inflation hyperfat fetish thing (which i'd understand). he's...just some guy who's fat
like what do you MEAN
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xensilverquill · 4 months ago
Does anyone else get a little sad looking at before/after photos of people losing weight on social media?
Like, not sad in the sense of "oh I wish I could lose weight like them." More like... They look content and warm and sweet in the before photo, and then just look so pinched and tired in the after photo. (For an example, I can't tell you how many subreddits I've muted in my feed after seeing a plus-weight brown-haired woman showing the world how she turned herself into yet another thin bleach-blonde model in a black dress who is Conventionally Attractive Now, I guess.)
I know everyone's journey with their own body image and health is a personal one and there is only so much before/after photos will tell you at a glance. But I have to wonder was that descision to change their bodies something they wanted for themselves -- or something that society bullied them into?
Is their relationship with eating complicated and disordered now? Who in their lives/social media feeds made them feel like they had to do this? Did they exercise and bleach and starve themselves to death just to get a body type and appearance people deem worthy of basic human decency? Did they not realize they were just as worthy of being treated with love and kindness before doing all this?
I see these photos and know society expects us to be happy for them, but all I can feel is worry.
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pbjpuppy · 4 months ago
Like I’m getting so tired of feeling like I need an excuse to exist in the world like I am. My heart hurts so much when I see So many people mentioning their own fatness starting off with “I have a thyroid condition—“ “I’m on antidepressants—“ “I’m disabled—“; trying to have an “excuse” for their fatness to shield themselves from the inevitable moralization of their body. But even then it becomes pity instead of hatred; poor you, you’re stuck being fat :( I guess that’s okay :(
You don’t need an “excuse” to be fat because being fat isn’t something that needs to be excused. You don’t need the approval of thin people to be allowed to exist. You are allowed to be fat, to be fat and love your body, for any reason. You can be fat and love food — you can be fat because you love food. You can be fat and not want to be thin. You can be fat and not want to exercise. You can be fat and want to get fatter! None of these things are wrong!
I’m so sick of being fat in a world that refuses to hear this. I am fat, I like being fat, and I will continue to be fat, Fuck You!!!
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verdantmeadows · 1 year ago
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So, apparently, there is a new Carrie movie in the works, and they plan to cast a skinny person as Carrie White, who is a fat protagonist in the book, that they made skinny in its popular adaptation. I can understand that it's a dated movie, but standards should be higher, and fat characters need to stop being made into skinny characters. The story is not the same with Carrie White being skinny. She is a fat character, and her being fat is important. I am extremely disappointed. Let fat characters exist and let them be played by fat people. Stop taking their fatness out of their stories and out of their appearance. I sincerely hope that this turns out not to be true and that an actual fat person is cast as the character and that Carrie's fatness is reintroduced to the story.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years ago
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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cringefaecompilation · 23 days ago
if there's one thing legitimately wrong with cr that needs discussion, it's the rampant fatphobia in its character descriptions. every single villain that is fat has their fatness treated not as incidental to their evil, but an extension or proof of their evil. for a few examples: the evil landlord in molly's comic, armand treshi, the exemplar in laudna's book, and kerrion's redesign in the cartoon. artagan basically wears a magical fatsuit as garmelie. yasha is stick thin despite being described as huge and muscular, which she logically would need body fat to... be. chetney is the sole heroic player character that's not a twig with his beer gut. gilmore's great and all but one single heroic fat guy does not make up for it.
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anti-ao3 · 2 years ago
it rlly saddens me to see that fatphobic jokes are so prevalent in children's media. i can't imagine how fat kids must feel being the target of movies and cartoons they're supposed to enjoy.
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