#hasan conservatives
hasanabiyoutube · 10 days
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I am tired, y'all.
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juniperandjustice · 4 months
"Remember, never forget: all matter of conservative grievances are just 'something that I made up in my mind and it scared me', 'I had a scary thought and now it's your problem'." ~Hasan Piker
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girlspecimen · 1 year
leftist youtube was fun while it lasted but now i need to stop watching that shit cuz even if the leftist commentators are funny and smart their content revolves around debating with honest to god anti sjws in 2023
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joe-england · 2 years
The Conservative SCOTUS Has Lost All Legitimacy | The Mehdi Hasan Show
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hasanabiouttakes · 13 days
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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are they now.
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seekingred · 3 months
ok so I finally got over my parasocial crush on hasan piker. lasted three months this time.
dear god that man is annoying. I feel I was ill and my fever just broke
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hasanabihead · 2 years
Watch "Kanye FIGHTS Tim PooI | Hasanabi reacts" on YouTube
The only sane way to see this content is through hasanabi productions
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hasanabiyoutube · 1 month
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
If you haven't heard, Steven Crowder is getting divorced. In his video on the matter, he strongly implies that if it were up to him he would force his wife to stay married to him but "the state of Texas allows one party to divorce the other for any reason" or whatever. He makes it clear that he disagrees with this position and is pretty anti-divorce in general.
Hasan did a video covering it and I and a lot of other people commented on how fucked up that is. I shit you not, there are a bunch of conservatives coming out of the woodwork to argue with us, saying shit like "but when you get married you make a lifelong promise" and "but what about the kids?" and "it's messed up to vow to stay with someone through thick and thin and then leave them when you're unhappy." I got into an argument with a few people, trying to explain how the "sanctity of marriage" does not override someone's ability to be free of a situation that creates undue suffering and distress, and they basically just kept falling back on "yeah but when you get married you pinky swear to stay together 4ever"
Idk why these guys are so salty, back in the days before divorce there was a good chance they would have died of a mysterious wasting illness after eating their wives' cooking.
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
the alchemy!
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summary: you interact twice more, and hasan's a little confused, to say the least.
warnings; alcohol, slight jealousy, club partying
notes: not proof read, I picked the first song that I could think of my friends' clubbing era, hasan is already into you, little weirdo (he just thinks you're really really hot)
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Hasan and Ludwig lay in their beds, staring at the ceiling. "So...Blaire's roommate?" Hasan asks.
Ludwig gives him your name, and he repeats it to himself. "Are you interested? I can ask Blaire about her for you, if you want." Hasan snorts. "She did not seem interested in me."
"Yeah, Blaire said that she said and I quote 'not fucking interested in a meathead'." Ludwig lifts his fingers to do air quotes.
"Bad impression, huh?... I'm not a fucking meathead."
"I know you're not a meathead. She doesn't know that. You just need to make a better impression." Hasan nods his head. "Right."
"I'm supposed to meet the whole group next weekend. We're going out to some club called like, Electric Cowboy or some shit. Come with. You'll see her then, and maybe then you can charm her with your non meathead ways."
Hasan nods once more, turning out the light. "Sounds good."
He didn't need to wait that long to see you, however.
On Wednesday, he headed to the library to print out a handout for a class, and of course, there you were, alone at a small table, laptop out, typing away, your lunch sitting haphazardly next to you.
You didn't notice him approach, just heard a "Tiny Dancer." You recognize the annoying voice, instantly looking up. You internally groan, pausing your typing. "Meathead," you respond. "It's good to see you." He eyes the chair across from you as you go back to typing. "Can I sit here?" Hasan asks, but is already putting down his backpack to sit. You roll your eyes, but pay him no mind, just blankly stating "It's a free country, is it not?"
He grins, watching you type. He leans to look at your screen. "What are you working on?"
"Paper?" His tone is incredulous. "It's the third day of classes, and you already have a paper??"
"Dr. Ollender is very serious about the aspects of national parks," you nod. He scrunches his eyebrows in a cute weird way. "National parks? What major are you?"
You sigh. "You know, just because your roommate is dating mine doesn't mean we have to be friends. Or interact, even. We went without knowing each other this long, we don't need to know each other."
"What if I want to know you? I mean, the way I see it, our roommates are crazy about each other. Lud's my best friend, and I want to make sure the people he's around, like his girlfriend's friends, are cool. We should at least be pleasant."
You close your laptop, eyeing him for a moment. The two of you hold eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time, as he waits for you to speak again.
"Ecology. Specifically with an emphasis in conservation biology."
"Jesus, you must be smart then." Hasan leans back in his seat, eyeing you.
"Something like that, so I've been told," you laugh. Hasan grins at the sight of it.
"What about you?" you ask him. He looks away for a second, then looks back at you. "Political science."
You scoff. "What?" he asks, eyeing you suspicious. "Typical," you respond, "Frat guys are always like business, engineering, political science, or marketing."
He raises his eyebrows. Again with that dumb look. "I take great offense to that, you know," he states, in a mock angry tone. "Frat boys are not some sort of monolith, no matter what pop culture says we are," he jokes. "Okay, meathead, whatever you say," you laugh.
You turn to see Markus, who you had been waiting for this entire time, approach the table. "I'm a dead man, as like of 3.5 magnitude on the seismic scale, put me out of my misery!" He drops his binder onto the table with a loud thump. You put your hand on his back, motioning him to sit down with his hand.
Hasan looks between the two of you with a look. The guy wasn't bad looking by any means, and you seemed to be incredibly close to him. But Ludwig would mention if you had a boyfriend, right? Or at least, Blaire would, considering how often she was in Ludwig and Hasan's space. Hasan clears his throat.
"Oh yeah, sorry, Markus, this is Hasan. He's roommates with Ludwig. You know Ludwig, Blaire's boyfriend?" You shoot Markus a pointed look, and Markus frowns ever so slightly, before a fake smile appears on his face. Hasan doesn't fail to notice. Okay, so this guy might be a potential problem, just not to him. He makes note to talk to Ludwig later.
You continue. "Hasan, this is Markus. He's an geology major, we've been best friends since freshmen biology, same dorm, common classes." Markus shakes Hasan's hand. "Pleasure, man. But if you don't mind, you're kind of distracting my favorite study buddy from her work, and I desperately need her help with Dr. Ollender's assignment. Sorry, brother." Markus doesn't look at Hasan, just immediately pulls out his laptop.
Hasan nods in understanding, rising to take his backpack. "So, I'll see you guys this Saturday at Electric Cowboy, right?"
You open your mouth in astonishment as he backs away from the table.
"Blaire and Ludwig invited me, don't even think of bailing. See you later, tiny dancer." Hasan winks at you, before turning and walking out of the library.
"What's that about, tiny dancer?," Markus teases, and you sigh dramatically. "You mention that to anyone, especially Janet or Ellis, and I'll kill you, Markus Cameron."
"Noted. Now please help me. Please please please."
The Electric Cowboy was packed on Saturday nights, and tonight was absolutely no exception.
"Do I look okay?" Ludwig asks, readjusting his shirt for the millionth time.
"You look fucking great, man. Don't sweat it so much," Hasan shakes his head at him. "Sorry man, it's just this is the first time an entire friend group is going to meet me and judge. Apparently they really care for each other, or some shit like that." Hasan shakes his head again. "You're gonna do fine-"
Speaking of the devils, your friends and you entered the club right at that moment. You look divine, he thinks, even better than the first time he saw you. Ludwig sees Blaire, and waves her over. He turns to Hasan, seeing his almost star struck expression. He elbows Hasan. "Get your head in the game, you're supposed to help me charm the group, not just her roommate."
"I wasn't-" Ludwig raises his eyebrows. "Fine."
The group approaches, and Hasan is... dumbstruck to say the least. The entire friend group was pretty. Like magazine pretty. Granted, he thinks, none of them look quite as good as you. But they do look good in their own right.
"Lud, you remember the girls. Lydia, Lucy, Janet, Birdie, my roomie." The five of you wave. "And here are the guys, Markus, Kieran who's Janet's boyfriend, Ellis, Jason, he's Lydi's twin, Ridley, Cedar, and Auggie. Guys, this is Ludwig and his roommate, Hasan." The guys all lean over to shake Ludwig and Hasan's hands, except, oddly enough for Ellis. Ellis is too busy leaning over and whispering something your ear, making you giggle.
Huh, interesting.
The group splits up pretty quickly after that, with Ludwig, Kieran, Blaire and the rest of the girls going out to the floor to dance. You hung back with the guys and Hasan, conversing.
Hasan leans over sideways to talk to you. "So, you're not going to dance?" he asks, looking at you. "Not really, believe or not, I'm actually not that big on dancing," you laugh. "I guess that means my nickname isn't accurate," Hasan says, looking back at the floor. "You can keep it. I like nicknames," you laugh.
"Oh yeah, she does, don't you, ace?" Ellis appears from the bar, holding a jack and coke. He sips from the straw, eyeing you in a way that made Hasan queasy.
"Ace?" Hasan turns fully to you, "where'd that come from?"
"Well one night, we were playing cards," Ellis began. Hasan frowns. He was asking you, not this douche canoe. "Well, you know what, you had to be there." Ellis looks up and down at Hasan, scaling him for size, before laughing, "Right ace?"
You nod, "Oh absolutely." Ellis holds out his drink. "Hold this for me, ace?" You take it wordlessly, before Ellis explains. "I'm going to go and dance with Birdie, I think. We'll see." He winks, strolling off to the dance floor.
Hasan doesn't miss how your eyes follow him, slightly frowning.
"What, you like that asshole?" Hasan scoffs. Your eyes widen before turning to him. "What? No!"
Hasan doesn't believe you.
"Are you dating anyone in the group?" He wants to be casual about it. He fails.
"Not that it's any of your business, but no," you scoff. He raises an eyebrow. God, it's like every time he does it it irritates you more.
At that moment, Sexy And I Know It comes on. The remaining guys from your group perk their heads at it. "Let's go!" Wallace shouts, and they step towards the dance floor. Ridley turns before they fully go, and calls out your name. "C'mon, it's the group's song. You have to dance." He sways around, his arms out. "You can't resist, c'mon," he grins at you. Wallace turns around, extending his arm, also beginning to sway. "You know you want to!"
"Guys, I'm not dancing."
Cedar and Auggie look at each other, with a knowing look. Oh boy, here you go. Cedar steps back towards you gingerly. "Please dance with us? You know Auggie and I are too shy. You give us confidence."
You roll your eyes in response. Leave it to the "shy" boys in your group to always convince you. "I give you confidence because I'm so shit in comparison," you laugh.
"Please?" Auggie shoots you a pleading look. "Just one dance with me and Cedar. It's the group song."
You let out a prolonged groan. "Fine, fine." You gently hand Hasan Ellis's long forgotten jack-and-coke. "Please hold this for me, I'll be back."
The guys wrap their arms around you, heading to the dancefloor. True to your word, you danced around with Cedar and Auggie, mouthing the words as if second nature to you.
Hasan wasn't convinced of anything you said tonight, that was for certain. As he puts the drink on the bar counter for the barkeep to collect, he has just one thought in his head.
He was certainly going to have to try hard if he wanted any attention from you.
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shesay · 2 months
Thinking abt how commie loser hasan abi 🤮 publicly talked abt going 2 brothels and shamelessly supporting prostitution and porn calling conservative women all types of names a degenerate w no self respect
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lovable-liar · 1 year
i would die for any and all hasan x autistic reader fluff
𝗛𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗻 + 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
He’s so patient with you!
If you’re nonverbal, he will absolutely learn sign language if you use that to communicate.
If you use an app to speak, he’ll wait so patiently for you to finish typing or finding a certain word!
He’s always willing to change the environment to suit your needs.
He switches *all* of his light bulbs with ones that you can dim just in case you get overwhelmed by bright lights.
He sound proofs his office so you don’t have to hear him yelling at chat 24/7
Buys you the best noise-canceling headphones on the market for your birthday (will absolutely give them to you early if you’re having a particularly bad day)
Loves to bond over shared interests and he will always be there to listen to you info dump about your special interest(s)
He buys things that relate to your special interest(s) for you because he loves to see the joy they bring you (whether it be a face splitting smile in the moment or watching you quietly assemble/use/add to your collection later on)
Watching your comfort shows with him <3
He doesn’t love the idea of having you on stream where anything could go wrong (he more so lets you on the podcast. Will, QT, and Austin love having you there and are also very patient with you.) but when you do make appearances on stream, he tells chat to be on their best behavior (most days he might even go so far as to mute chat.)
If you find it hard to express your affection, he pretty much deals with however it manifests itself. Whether it’s biting him, screeching at him, random gifts that others might see as useless, air kisses, randomly giving him one of your fidget toys or a piece of art you made! He loves how you express your emotions because it just feels so *right.*
If you’re brutally honest without knowing, he fully backs you up and supports you even if it’s a joke. Your food tastes bad and you say something about it? He’s beckoning the waiter back to get you something else. You insult a conservative without realizing? He’s pissing himself laughing and wholeheartedly agreeing with you. You feel a bad texture and start going about fixing it? He’s giving a stink eye to the thing whilst also making a mental note to avoid it in the future.
Sharing a playlist with him! (I saw a tiktok a while ago where these two people had a private, linked spotify session while going about their day and I feel like that’s what you guys would do! Vibing out in the Walmart Halloween section, dancing around while waiting in line somewhere, air-guitaring together in random places in public.)
Shared growth! Hasan learns more about autism and becomes a stronger advocate for understanding and inclusion, while you gain more confidence and better social skills from your interactions.
Buys a lot of sensory stuff for you too!
Probably gets a sensory swing for you and then finds himself using it a lot as well. 
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Space - Hasan will sit through, listen to and take notes while watching hundreds of hours of documentaries about space just so he can engage in conversation with you about it. He’s a true ally and likes to let you list off all of the statistics and super cool facts as to not take your thunder (the absolutely soul crushing feeling that is talking about your special interest to someone and they know more than you <<<< anything else)
Animals - When he was thinking of getting a new dog, he immediately consulted you. Knowing that you would deduct which breed would be perfect for his routine and lifestyle, he put all of his faith in you to choose the right one. He, to this day, thanks the universe that he asked you first as Kaya is the *perfect* dog for him all thanks to your input and guidance. Hasan is always down to go bird watching with you, stops walking to let you catch up to him while you take a picture of an insect you find cool, taking you to the zoo! (More on the zoo: He takes so many pics at the zoo. If you guys get to meet some of the animals, he’ll take pics/vids of you holding them, he takes videos of you in the aquarium tunnel, if you want he will absolutely dress up like a safari guide with you. Loves watching you whistle to the birds, roaring back at the big cats, touching the sting rays, feeding the penguins, etc.)
Science/History - Museum dates! He’ll let you drag him around the museum, explaining all of the exhibits that you already know everything about. Who needs a tour guide when he has you! Makes sure you’re well fed and hydrated while you run around the museum. He buys you those amazon science kits for your birthday and will either help you do it or supervise, allowing for you to explain every element of the reaction. Buys you authentic vintage science posters/books/paraphernalia!
(If you’d like to see more special interest headcannons or a specific special interest, please send a request!)
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