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papillondusublime · 1 month ago
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7 haïkus (dans le même ordre que les photos auxquelles ils correspondent):
1) Retour sur les bancs De l’école buissonnière… Ardent? Non, glacé!
2) Pique-nique au froid… Mange-t-on guédille de Homard ou au nez?
3) Sous les arbres en Forme de flammes, ne fond… La neige qu’en larmes
4) Par un trou d’aiguille Passant le fil du temps, je… Tire le soleil
5) Des plaies, ça déplaît… Pognant un rhume, en clinique Pogne le party
6) Dans le milieu perce, Tel l’arbuste dans la neige… L’art, buste de l’Hydre
7) Tokébakicitte… La neige est fleurdelisée; Les neiges, harfang
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tenth-sentence · 1 year ago
Everyone turned, and everyone saw.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair" - C. S. Lewis
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knights-0f-walpurgis · 1 month ago
Do you have ideas on the children of Belvina, Callidora, Cedrella, and Dorea? What middle names do you see for Corisande, Celandora and Bartemius?
@konstantynowitz is using some of my ocs for the children of the first four characters you’ve named in the ask.
Children of Belvina Burke (née Black)
Herbert Eustace Burke — b. 1910
Ursula Belvina Burke — b. 1912 (an original character belonging to K)
Children of Callidora Longbottom (née Black)
Algernon “Algie” Longbottom — b. 1935
Harfang Longbottom (II) — b. 1938
Nyctaea Longbottom — b. 1940
Children of Cedrella Weasley (née Black)
Bilius Weasley — b. 1946
Arthur Weasley — b. 1949
Terzia Weasley — b. 1951
Children of Dorea Potter (née Black)
Charlus Marius Potter — b. 1951 (an original character belonging to K)
Middle names for the Crouch sisters + Barty Snr
Corisande Nocturneia (????)
Celandora Tenebrisia (????)
Bartemius… idk about this one actually.
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year ago
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Harfang Longbottom
Faceclaim: Ashley Zuckerman
“The husband to Callidora Black.”
September 5th, 1913–October 9th, 2013
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poetryandbloods-blog · 1 year ago
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Callidora means "gift of beauty" in Greek. It is also the name of a species of sedge moths.
Vega has been extensively studied in astronomy, being considered arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun.
They had a son and a daughter. - Francis Harfang Longbottom (1930 – 1971) - Nephele Callidora Longbottom (1955 - ) Augusta Esther Lestrange – Longbottom (1935 - )
Nephele Longbottom married Theophorus Prewett, she was a paramount to a family that expected no more children. Harfang Longbottom II married Augusta Lestrange, who was Corvus' younger sister. Augusta and Francis had two sons Frank and Augustus. Augustus was younger and was killed in an attack in Diagon Alley when he was a child.
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quidcrusheu · 2 years ago
Gros big up à tous.tes les francophones qui sont venus supportés les équipes françaises <3
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photographe-a-roulettes · 1 year ago
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Harfang des neiges - A L'arrivée du printemps, il se déplace vers les hamas de neige ou de glace pour s'y poser. On ne sais pas s'il le font pour se camoufler, ou pour éloigner les insectes ou se tenir au frais.
Lieu : Pairi Daiza, Belgique
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creaturesdevitrine · 1 year ago
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queenlucythevaliant · 11 months ago
Thinking about what happens if you switch the questing parties from LotR and The Silver Chair. Jill, Eustace, and Puddleglum must take the Ring to Mordor. Frodo, Sam, and Gollum must follow the signs and free Prince Rilian. I've arrived at the following conclusions:
Frodo and Sam would promptly set the signs to music, and thus they don't have memory issues the way Jill did. (However, they can still be led astray in other ways.)
Assuming they still end up going to Harfang, I think Frodo ends up awkwardly singing "The Man in the Moon" while standing on a table in the middle of the giants' hall. The giants would find this endlessly entertaining.
All three of them would feel comfortable in the Underland. It might even be a bit cozy for them.
I think either hobbit has the strength to stamp out the witch's fire. Furthermore their tough hobbit feet probably wouldn't be badly injured!
I would love to see Gollum be redeemed by Aslan.
There's a decent chance that Jill, Eustace, and Puddleglum end up blundering through that Black Gate somehow and immediately get taken hostage by orcs or something.
The meeting with Faramir would be a delight all around.
Puddleglum would thrive in the Dead Marshes. "Marsh" is his natural habitat, and I think the creepy morbidity of the place is an ideal setting for his trademark optimistic-pessimism and gallows humor.
Eustace's inner insect nerd would get inappropriately excited during the Shelob encounter.
Although at first glance the two kids are maybe not ideal for handling the One Ring, I actually think they do okay! Eustace, having already been through the whole dragon situation in VDT, has Learned His Lesson about greed and not messing with cursed objects. Jill's internal monologue at the end of LB is actually very Frodo-ish in some ways. Plus, they have Puddleglum, who is an infinitely better guide than Gollum is.
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74rn · 2 months ago
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Gumpy Harfang by phoxarts on bluesky
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carelessmirel · 1 month ago
Black cousins at the Ministry Gala 1938, 2nd of August
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From left to right: Top line: Cassiopeia Black, Dorea Black (future Potter), Charis Crouch neé Black Bottom line: Lycoris Black, Cedrella Black (future Weasley), Callidora Longbottom neé Black.
Not my picture, it's from pinterest. Not my fancasts, but I just love the vibes this picture is radiating. Plus, the dresses are somewhat historicaly accurate. It's 1950s fashion from what I can tell (I'm not an expert)
«Last time all Black cousins were seen together. Despite the age differences, before that year they were rather close, but after they all walked different paths.»
The very next year (1939) Cedrella will elope with Septimus Weasley and end up burned from the tapestry. Her father Arcturus however, will attend her wedding and gift quite a lot to the newlyweds. Her sister Callidora will never talk to her again, but her sister Charis will stay close, even becoming Arthur Weasley's godmother.
Cedrella will live a life very disconnected with her pre-marriage one, but a happy life nonetheless. Her cousin Dorea and distant niece Lucretia will be with her when she dies in 1979. Charis will not be there only due to her death in 1973.
Lycoris will have a fight with her mother about woman's role, about "not wanting to be a fucking broodmare" as Lycoris herself put it. She would not be disowned, but her relationship with her family will remain cold for the rest of her life, with a few exceptions.
In 1939 Lycoris will open a salon in a house that she bought with her brother Regulus II. It would take a few years, but the "Black Vine Salon" will gain popularity, especially in the potioneer circles. The nature of Lycoris' relationship with one of the salon's visitors, Eustace Prince, are a topic of furious debate among the purebloods.
It's even rumored that Lycoris had a child with Eustace in 1950s. None of the involved give commentary on this.
Callidora will give birth to her second son Albert in 1940. Boy will be, unfortunately, born dead. Broken by the loss, Callidora, along with her husband Harfang Longbottom, will become recluse, growing famous mourning roses in the greenhouses for the rest of their life. Callidora would still keep in touch with her closest cousin Cassiopeia, whom she even named her eldest son after - Cassius Longbottom.
Charis, who lost her daughter Berenice just a few months before, unlike her sister will get more active. Together with her husband Caspar Crouch and Potter family involvement, Charis will shape the future politics of Magical Britain - firmly against Grindelwald's.
Minister for magic of the time, Hector Fawley, did not take Grindelwald's threat to the wizarding world seriously enough and was, as a result, will be forced out from his office by the public. Crouch family will support the next, more proactive Minister, Leonard Spencer-Moon. Rumors often say that Leonard slept with one or both Crouches, but in reality their interest in him was purely political.
Cassiopeia, who never strode far away from the family, will end up in St. Mungo with her mind lost in 1946. Healers would not be able to lift the curse and Cassiopeia will spend the rest of her life in Mungo. Her cousin Callidora and Lady Roanne Lestrange, mother of Rabastan and Rudolphus Lestange, would often visit her there.
Funny enough, several decades later her cousin's grandson Frank Longbottom and his wife Alice will be admitted to the same department with the same symptoms. Only connection between two incidents are the Lestranges' involvement.
Two years from that (1941) Dorea will join the war against Grindelwald, namely the "Resistance", along with her future husband Charlus Potter. As a mental mage, she will be a rather important member of comutications department. She and Charlus will be both present at the series of trials in 1945, all condemning Grindelwald's Acolyts.
However, their and some other Resistance members' involvement in the war will be hidden for the next thirty years due to secrecy protocols. It's theorised that this is because Dorea Potter was a spy in Grindelwalds ranks.
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bellwood-qudditch · 1 year ago
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Arcturus Black II
Faceclaim: Oliver Jackson Cohen
“The son of Phineas Nigellus Black and Ursula Flint. The brother of Sirius Black II, Phineas Black, Belvina Black and Cygnus Black II. The husband of Lysandra Yaxley and father to Callidora, Cedrella and Charis.”
April 26th, 1884–January 29th, 1959
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knight-elkwarden · 1 month ago
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Prehistoric Anorri are believed to have been either a sister species to, or a subspecies of Imarri. Unfortunately, due to the Anorri's ancestral homelands currently being under miles of ice, evidence for or against this theory is virtually non existent.
Modern Anorri are one of three species with recognized personhood in Har Fang, and are often considered the most powerful of the three. Despite their vast morphological differences, all of the Anorri tribes are considered members of the same species. Due to their bodies naturally being saturated with shapeshifting magic, they can vary greatly on an individual level and shifting one's form is culturally considered a form of self expression. Body plans remain fairly constant within a single tribe, although coloration, ornaments and antler shapes are incredibly varied, even among closely related individuals.
The five tribes pictured here are the ones that interact the most with human nations, and thus the ones we have the most knowledge of. Others exist, but due to sparse information, and them refusing contact with us, they are omitted from this document.
(More lore, as well as individual images under the cut!)
According the both the Glacierwardens and the mythology of other tribes, Anorri used to have a prosperous kingdom in the north divided in twelve provinces, each home to a tribe. It's crash brought about the end of the first age, triggered by the ice wall rapidly advancing.
It is said that nine of the ancient tribes fled the kingdom then. Two fled east, two west, none of them were ever seen or heard from again. Five fled south, three of them weren't fast enough, and got caught under the ice wall, including what would today become the Glacierwardens. The remaining two made it to Har Fang, where the ice wall wouldn't reach them. All current Anorri tribes (except the Glacierwardens) are descended from these two ancient tribes.
While much of this story cannot be directly proven, what is known is that the ice wall has been slowly retreating back north since at least the third age. There are both historical records and geological evidence that it used to reach to the northern border of Edorae, and the petrified Glacierwarden tribe was indeed found around the Sheer Sea, which would have been under the ice wall before it retreated to its current location.
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The Birchtenders are a rather isolationist tribe living in the mountain range that divides the east and west of Harfang. Their current matriarch is Kenerros.
They are most known by us humans for their historic aggression on the kingdom of Edorae, back when the Birchtenders frequented the plains at the base of the mountains. Thankfully relations have improved since Kenerros became matriarch, and the two groups currently have a truce. As long as Edorae stays off the mountains and Birchtenders stay off the plains.
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Cliffrunners are some of the smallest Anorri, but also the most agile in the air. They make their homes in the Floating Jungle and often frequent the Musoneese rainforest below. They are currently ruled by matriarch Vanah.
They live above one of the few stable sources of flow crystals in Har Fang, and are fiercely possessive of it. Thankfully for us, they have a trade pact with Musonee, giving us nearly unlimited number of flow crystals.
They are curious by nature, and have a deep appreciation of art. They maintain our exclusive flow crystal agreement as long as we provide them with art, craftsman goods and articles on a wide range of topics.
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No dragon species so far encountered has scales. The Firescale tribe are the only known exception, and it is from this unusual quality that they get their name. They live in the arid, volcanic and semi-desert region of Nyr. Their current matriarch is Malikehvrah.
There is not a lot of information about the Firescales. What is known is that they maintain vast cave networks under Nyr where they mine and process gemstones and metals for trade with other Anorri tribes and occasionally us humans.
They are generally friendly to humans, and a few individuals are known to accompany travelers and caravans that pass through Nyr. When prompted about it, these individuals claim that they simply enjoy the company and perspectives of outsiders.
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Tidecallers are known for their close association with the Silver Isles's residents, as well as their stunning colors and features. More than other Anorri, Tidecallers treat shapeshifting like an art, and as such are some of the most varied when it comes to a single tribe. Alimeruu is their current matriarch.
They are close allies to the Silver Islanders, and some islands even have populations of both humans and Anorri living together, but most Tidecallers live underwater in coral reef caves. They readily trade with the islanders to receive land resources in exchange for underwater resources humans can't easily get to.
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Glacierwardens are technically the oldest tribe, though they were frozen in a form of petrification stasis for a long time. Their "revival" by the Northernese people marks the start of the fourth age and for this, the Glacierwardens have vowed to help and protect the kingdom of the Northernese. Their matriarch is Sheer.
These Anorri are large and imposing, but seem to emit an air of sadness about them. Their petrification was rushed and imperfect, resulting in losing most of their memories of the past. According to them, they mourn the loss of their culture, the loss of family and friends that they cannot even remember the faces of.
Quite a few of them have taken to selectively breeding and altering herds of wildlife, trading the resulting domesticated creatures between themselves and occasionally to humans and other tribes.
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mervynbunter · 3 months ago
What I returned to Narnia for, and took back with me, was a large number of powerful images and set-scenes: Edmund in the snow, stubbornly trudging towards the castle of the Witch. The feast at the end of Prince Caspian. Eustace turning into a dragon, and [the] agonizing return to humanity. The horror of the Island of Dreams. Getting lost in the blizzard outside Harfang, and the stench of “burnt Marsh-wiggle” during Puddleglum’s triumphant defiance. The tunnel between Polly’s and Digory’s attics, and the horrid sweetness of the bell that awakened Jadis in Charn. The poor imprisoned Dwarfs after The Last Battle, and Time squeezing the dying sun like a rotted fruit between his fingers.
The Question of Susan
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photographe-a-roulettes · 2 years ago
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Harfang des Neiges - La nourriture disponible impacte fortement leur reproduction. Lors des années de disette, certains couples ne se reproduisent pas. Le nombre d'oeufs par couvée varie aussi : lorsque la nourriture se fait rare, la femelle ne pondra que deux ou trois oeufs, contre une dizaine en période d'abondance.
Lieu : Zoo d'Amiens Métropole
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purple-iris · 11 months ago
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Marie, la Nouvelle-France & Jean-Guy le Harfang
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