Careless Mirel
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carelessmirel · 6 days ago
1990s Slytherins are very Lana Del Rey coded to me. At least the fandom version, bc JKR hates us and most canon info is questionable at best.
Children of the Bad Revolution? A freaking Slytherin hymn, no less!
Lolita? Every Slytherin girl that was in a political marriage. So most of them. (I think that the song is disturbing and that it was probably intentional)
Doin' time? How others see Slytherins. Especially the "Evil" part. Also "We're qualified to represent..." As if it's Slytherins saying what people expect.
Cinnamon girl? First somewhat good relationships. "But if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did..." Probably a Slytherin/Huflepuff ship, at least to me.
And that's what I can remember on top of my head, there's definitely more examples.
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carelessmirel · 7 days ago
Oh, I didn't know that. I'm a latecomer to the fandom, despite reading the books in 2011 I think? But I have an excuse: I was a first grader back then and I did not reread the books since. Fics are better.
I got Teddy's full name from Potter wiki bc I needed it for one of my fics and didn't think to check where it came from. "Being named after your grandpa" bit is sweet, so... To me Teddy became Edward and the name kinda stuck in my head (litteraly nobody, except the paperwork in the Ministry called him by his full name, but somehow!)
Also, I wrote that post after talking with my friend, who mixes up Teddy and Theodore Nott of all people litteraly all the time! It was her fic, btw
The plumbing bit and everything else that she says... I try to forget that woman exists. And fix her plotholes without making my own. Most of the time I'm successfull in first and really bad at second.
Every time Teddy is called Theodore in post-canon fics something in me dies. Look, I love the name, but Teddy Remus Lupin was named after his grandfather Edward Tonks and in this house we respect that.
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carelessmirel · 9 days ago
I love reincarnation in all its forms.
But most importantly: currently writing a scene, where a character realises, that she used to live in a different world. And it's not a big thing that gets her, not some memory about countries or geography. Not some historical inconsistency. No, that new world is a fantasy one, while her previous was sorta sci-fi. No match in history, completely different worlds.
It's paper.
She gets a existential crisis, because that world didn't invent paper yet. And she remembers writing on both paper & wax tablet. She's terrified.
(Thankfully, she's not alone, there is another character who remembers everything, while she just remember pieces. But does she know that? No.)
(I also went on research warpath for an entire evening and now know a lot about oasises, ancient water supply systems and amate - mexican type of bark paper that was manufactured since the precontact times.)
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carelessmirel · 10 days ago
Black cousins at the Ministry Gala 1938, 2nd of August
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From left to right: Top line: Cassiopeia Black, Dorea Black (future Potter), Charis Crouch neé Black Bottom line: Lycoris Black, Cedrella Black (future Weasley), Callidora Longbottom neé Black.
Not my picture, it's from pinterest. Not my fancasts, but I just love the vibes this picture is radiating. Plus, the dresses are somewhat historicaly accurate. It's 1950s fashion from what I can tell (I'm not an expert)
«Last time all Black cousins were seen together. Despite the age differences, before that year they were rather close, but after they all walked different paths.»
The very next year (1939) Cedrella will elope with Septimus Weasley and end up burned from the tapestry. Her father Arcturus however, will attend her wedding and gift quite a lot to the newlyweds. Her sister Callidora will never talk to her again, but her sister Charis will stay close, even becoming Arthur Weasley's godmother.
Cedrella will live a life very disconnected with her pre-marriage one, but a happy life nonetheless. Her cousin Dorea and distant niece Lucretia will be with her when she dies in 1979. Charis will not be there only due to her death in 1973.
Lycoris will have a fight with her mother about woman's role, about "not wanting to be a fucking broodmare" as Lycoris herself put it. She would not be disowned, but her relationship with her family will remain cold for the rest of her life, with a few exceptions.
In 1939 Lycoris will open a salon in a house that she bought with her brother Regulus II. It would take a few years, but the "Black Vine Salon" will gain popularity, especially in the potioneer circles. The nature of Lycoris' relationship with one of the salon's visitors, Eustace Prince, are a topic of furious debate among the purebloods.
It's even rumored that Lycoris had a child with Eustace in 1950s. None of the involved give commentary on this.
Callidora will give birth to her second son Albert in 1940. Boy will be, unfortunately, born dead. Broken by the loss, Callidora, along with her husband Harfang Longbottom, will become recluse, growing famous mourning roses in the greenhouses for the rest of their life. Callidora would still keep in touch with her closest cousin Cassiopeia, whom she even named her eldest son after - Cassius Longbottom.
Charis, who lost her daughter Berenice just a few months before, unlike her sister will get more active. Together with her husband Caspar Crouch and Potter family involvement, Charis will shape the future politics of Magical Britain - firmly against Grindelwald's.
Minister for magic of the time, Hector Fawley, did not take Grindelwald's threat to the wizarding world seriously enough and was, as a result, will be forced out from his office by the public. Crouch family will support the next, more proactive Minister, Leonard Spencer-Moon. Rumors often say that Leonard slept with one or both Crouches, but in reality their interest in him was purely political.
Cassiopeia, who never strode far away from the family, will end up in St. Mungo with her mind lost in 1946. Healers would not be able to lift the curse and Cassiopeia will spend the rest of her life in Mungo. Her cousin Callidora and Lady Roanne Lestrange, mother of Rabastan and Rudolphus Lestange, would often visit her there.
Funny enough, several decades later her cousin's grandson Frank Longbottom and his wife Alice will be admitted to the same department with the same symptoms. Only connection between two incidents are the Lestranges' involvement.
Two years from that (1941) Dorea will join the war against Grindelwald, namely the "Resistance", along with her future husband Charlus Potter. As a mental mage, she will be a rather important member of comutications department. She and Charlus will be both present at the series of trials in 1945, all condemning Grindelwald's Acolyts.
However, their and some other Resistance members' involvement in the war will be hidden for the next thirty years due to secrecy protocols. It's theorised that this is because Dorea Potter was a spy in Grindelwalds ranks.
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carelessmirel · 15 days ago
Cover art for "Complementary"!
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My first ever NottPott fic, actually. I still love that fic, absolutely adore. So I made cover art! Yes, after like... a month? Don't know, don't care!
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carelessmirel · 16 days ago
You know you're not okay, when you start fangirling about Harry Potter's grandparents.
His parents? Great, enjoy various headcanons, edits, fics. A bit misogynistic, a bit problematic, but that's Fandom, babe, at least people try to change that and be nice to each other. Or don't get involved into scandals.
His children? Nice, not that much variety, but vibrant characters, active Tumblr community and vibes. Plus I'm closer to that generation myself. And Next gen has canon material! Questionable, but Canon.
His grandparents? Not as parents or background supporting cast, but as characters? Good fucking luck. 1930-1950 is mostly Voldemort's original gang of Death Eaters and time travel. Not that I don't like time travel. I just want that generation to have the same bloom as the Marauders era.
Unfortunately, that's probably not going to happen. Fandom is an unpredictable place, so I'll have my hopes up. Yea, I am delusional. In the meantime watch me go completely crazy for Tom Riddle's generation. Just watch.
(Naming an era/generation after him, so it's clearer what time period I'm talking about, even though it feels weird. I don't even like Tom!)
Do I need therapy? Oh yes.
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carelessmirel · 17 days ago
Important on the sidelines, part 1: Noah Shafiq (1901-1925)
"If there is no mercy, I shall become one"
Third son of Mustafa Shafiq and Thekla Shafiq neé Nott. Best friend and lover to Arcturus Black III. Distantly related to Theodore Nott through his mother.
Shafiq family is from Ottoman empire, only coming to Britain in 1850s. They quickly rose to power and became a very prominent family by 1910s. Their power started to decline during the World War I.
Shafiqs kept close connections with their family members that stayed in Ottoman empire, intermarring a few times. When the Ottoman empire entered the war at the Nazi Germany side, Shafiqs became outcasts in the "polite society". During the aftermath of the WW1 most of the family left the country. Noah was among them.
Noah Shafiq was Arcturus' roommate at Hogwarts (1912-1919) and was even allowed to call heir Black "Arc". That was not something small, because only his wife, children and Noah ever called Arcturus that.
Noah was less prejudiced against muggles and muggleborns than Arcturus, a bit of a bleeding heart. He was still in school when the WW1 ended and the Turkish war of independence started (1919).
His elder brothers left Britain and joined the war back at Ottoman empire, while his younger sister and mother stayed. After graduation Noah had the biggest fight with Arcturus and left too. (1921)
Noah was a healer and supported Turkish Nationalist resistance, but treated everyone. He got a magical infection while treating a patient in 1923 and suffered for two years before his death.
Arcturus wasn't present for Noah's funeral, but named his daughter after him (Lucretia Noah Pruett neé Black)
Mentioned by: Dorea Potter-Black in the 2nd chapter, when she's telling Harry about Grimmauld. Noah gifted Arcturus Grimmauld Place 12 at their graduation, implying that he wanted to live together. That's why there's so many snake decour at Grimmauld - snake is a symbol of the Shafiq family.
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carelessmirel · 19 days ago
Every time Teddy is called Theodore in post-canon fics something in me dies. Look, I love the name, but Teddy Remus Lupin was named after his grandfather Edward Tonks and in this house we respect that.
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carelessmirel · 21 days ago
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A little family tree for the fic "Gods' gifts and "normal" people". Handdrawn, bc the most family tree sites do not like me. And also because they couldn't show the whole family (bc of non-blood connection) How Harry & Theo are connected to Dorothea & Charlus Theodore and Dorea: first cousins once removed. Connected through Theo's maternal line - his mother Evelyn is Dorea's first cousin Harry and Charlus: grand nephew and grand uncle. Connected through Harry's paternal line - Fleamont Potter is Harry's grandfether and Charlus is Fleamont's brother. Theo's second name is a star! His mother named him after Dorea in a LOT of ways. Alrai is Gamma Cephei, the naked-eye star that will succeed Polaris as the Earth's northern pole star, due to axial precession. And Polaris is Dorea's second name.
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