#happy wolfstar day
lakeofflowerss · 1 month
you dirty boys | explicit
English is not my first language so I apologise in advance for my mistakes.
Oh dear Remus, let Sirius take away your bad mood.
"You can't be mad about that, Remus."
Sirius couldn't disguise the sneer in that sentence. He liked to play with that although he had to admit that if the situation were reversed he would look for a way to rip the other's head off but since that wasn't the case, he would enjoy teasing.
Way down we go by Kaleo was the song filling the car at the moment. Remus was driving, they had to be at Regulus' house in less than half an hour for his birthday celebration and because they had been on the verge of desecrating the new couch in his house, they were running late.
"I'll get mad all I want, who are you to tell me I can't?" he didn't look at him, he was still intent on the road.
"Don't act crazy." He put his hand on the driver's thigh and squeezed it. "If we stayed we were going to be running awful late and Reggie would cut both of our balls off."
"Well but at least we would have put them to good use one last time."
Sirius let out a laugh and pulled his hand from where it was to cover his face. Remus, on the other hand, was looking about as bad as he could look. He really was frustrated, he hated to be left wanting anything and more so when the full moon was so close.
"Change that face, Rem" Sirius turned and stared at him. "What can I do to make your discomfort go away?”
"Nothing, that's it now. You'll just have to put up with me in this dog mood."
"That was so funny, Moony" her mocking voice came back "You can't be like that on the birthday, everyone's going to ask what happened to you and you're going to make Regulus feel bad. It's not a good thing."
Remus didn't respond and Sirius' mind started working as fast as possible to find a way to change the situation. They couldn't stop at some gas station because they were too tight for time. He examined the driver closely, he couldn't deny how much it turned him on when his boyfriend was angry. The gestures, the tense jaw, the hands gripping the steering wheel, it was driving him crazy.
He couldn't help biting his lip as she gazed down his body. He wanted to rip off his black shirt. His mouth watered at the thought. He smiled. Remus was angry and still on the stick as well. Apparently someone else was fantasizing. The spotlight finally went on.
"Remus!" he almost shouted offended at not getting an answer earlier.
"What?" he replied gruffly which only increased Sirius' excitement.
"Will you let me do something to take the edge off your bad mood?"
"I don't think you can but yes."
"You have to keep concentrating and paying attention to the road."
"Do I have to do the same thing I'm doing now? I don't see how that can change my mood."
If he wanted to say anything else he didn't manage it in the face of surprise. Sirius' hand slid down his thigh again but this time it didn't stay still and moved closer to his erection making him startle. Remus turned to see him and found him smiling looking straight ahead. His fingers were still running over the top of his pants exerting pressure.
The steering wheel was being the axis of concentration to hold him to reality and not get completely caught up in the cloud of pleasure that was enveloping him. The other's hand went up to the hem of his jeans, patiently unbuckled the waistband and then pulled down the zipper. Sirius slipped his hand in and now only the boxer shorts he had given him separated his hand from Remus' full erection.
I don't know if I can publish the complete work here so I leave the direct link to ao3. Sorry if it is very mediocre
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eden-3000 · 1 month
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The picture of Sirius Black
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lv3buzzz · 1 month
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tallertysupremacy · 26 days
If I had one wish I would wish for the circle era to have the sort of fandom that the marauders era does
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marauders-bs · 2 months
remus who didn't understand why people said “it's not love if you wouldn't forgive them for everything” until hallow’s eve, when he knew he would forgive sirius for anything, ever, if he could just have him back
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4remus · 1 year
to the haver of an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES POTTER
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pearlynia · 7 months
Sirius, bursting into the room: Somebody just called me DRAMATIC
Remus: but your ARE dramatic, Sirius
Sirius: i know but THAT'S NOT THE POINT-
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vynaura · 2 years
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they make me a little miserable
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spikybanana · 1 year
on why obi wan kenobi is not a remus lupin variant
cmon guys. honestly.
(this is a shitpost)
obi wan actually rocked a beard. remus lupin could never.
on that note: I don't know how long remus' buzz cut phase lasted, but I'm pretty sure he never had a rattail
being a jedi master probably required more mental stability and competence than a boarding school prefect. at least you'd think.
obi wan wouldn't have actually fallen asleep in a jedi council meeting. I don't think I could say the same for PoA remus. the man probably barely remembered he's a teacher
despite hating flying, obi wan could actually fly a ship. now you try wrestling remus lupin onto a broom
to be fair despite all the war and death obi wan probably didn't have to deal with monthly body horror
oh and, obi wan was only ostracised for being a jedi in the second half of his life. so he at least had a chance of establishing a stable sense of identity in a stable community of, say, beyond four-ish friends.
only one of obi wan's students turned into a war criminal. remus lupin, on the other hand, taught more than a handful of bad wizard wannabes
let's be honest. remus would not have won in a duel against sirius black.
yes yes of course. obi wan's ex boyfriend was actually a mass murderer. remus was just gaslit and delusional
also r.e. the notorious mass-murderer ex boyfriend: obi wan thought his ex was dead. remus knew he was alive and just wished he were dead
oh oh oh. obi wan actually watched over their son!!!! despite being damp and sad and working poverty wage jobs?! obi wan was there!! and where were you huh remus?? where were you???
obi wan, unlike remus lupin, does not visibly lose all his shit when said ex boyfriend is mentioned.
though he did have twenty years in the desert to calm down about it lmao remus never lived that long
okay so maybe he'd teach the boy and refuse to tell him anything about his parents. but at least he stuck around and did everything he can for the boy! even after he died!! remus just half-arsed it for a year then disappeared again.
obi wan would not have knocked up his ex boyfriend's cousin. he had Good Space Monk morals.
damn I'm running out of things to say. oh yes. obi wan died first. and then got to reunite with the ex in the afterlife so canonical happy ending am I right? wolfstar could never.
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kat-xox · 11 months
“Remus… something awful has happened.”
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lynxindisguise · 7 months
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pagan cults wolfstar, if you even care 🐺
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messervixen · 7 months
Guys I just learned that James was born on Mother’s Day in the UK!!
As someone who was born on Mother’s Day in the US and does do this, I fully believe that for his first few years at Hogwarts, whenever someone asked about his birthday he would mention that he was born on Mother’s Day.
Also is that not the sweetest thing ever? Like Effie and Monty were trying to have a kid for so long and then when they finally have a kid he’s born on Mother’s Day? Like best gift ever.
And today is Remus’ birthday AND Mother’s Day in the UK and imagine how happy James would be when Remus’ birthday is on Mother’s Day because “it’s kinda both of our birthdays today which makes me and Moony brothers :)”
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sun1seeker · 7 months
sirius is a chronic birthday forgetter
& naturally the only exception to this is remus lupin
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up-to-some-good · 2 years
I take the “micro” out of “microfic”…
Happy Valentine’s Day! Written for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt: February 14th - Passion
“What am I gonna do, Prongs?”
James started as Sirius stormed into the dorm, the sudden movement making him splatter ink all over his Valentine’s Day card for Lily
“Ruin my first Valentine’s Day with my beautiful girlfriend, apparently,” James grumbled in response.
“Fuck your plans with Lily.” Sirius flopped dramatically onto the bed next to his friend. “If I don’t get to have a happy Valentine’s, then neither do you.”
“Does Remus even care about Valentine’s? He’s never mentioned it before.”
As he spoke, James carefully used a spell to siphon the ink off his card, unfortunately removing the flowers he’d spent hours drawing as well.
“Oh, I guarantee you he does,” Sirius responded. “He just gave me a long, passionate speech about the holiday on our way to the library. You should’ve heard him, Jamie. If I don’t do something special, he’ll break up with me and I’ll die alone.”
James hummed in response, barely concentrating on his brother’s dramatics as he tried to redo his drawing from before, managing to just barely recreate the poorly drawn roses.
“It’s too late for me now,” Sirius continued. “I’m going to have to face him and admit that I’m the worst boyfriend alive and hope he forgives me.”
Sirius looked over at his friend, finally noticing his absorption and rolled his eyes, before snatching the card away. James made a noise of distress and made to grab for the card, only for Sirius to pull it further away.
“Focus, Prongs! I need your help!”
James sighed and stopped reaching for the card, rubbing his temples.
“Surely you can think of something by yourself?” he asked. “It’s Moony we’re talking about. He won’t want something expensive or grand. Something small and meaningful is his style.”
Sirius sighed. “Like what?”
“I don’t know!” James yelled. “You’re his boyfriend. You figure it out! And give me back my card!”
“Fine.” Sirius stood up and handed the card back over. “I was gonna offer to redraw those roses for you, but since you’re not gonna help me, I won’t waste my artistic talents on helping you.”
He turned and made to leave the door, exaggerating his slow steps. James took a moment to catalogue what sweets he had from their last Hogsmeade trip before giving in.
“Wait, Padfoot.” Sirius paused and turned back, grinning smugly. “I don’t know that I’ll be much help with Moony, but I will trade you two sugar quills for you to fix the card and brainstorm with you while you sketch.”
Remus Lupin loved Valentine’s Day. When he was a kid, his Mom would give him pancakes with homemade strawberry jam for breakfast every year on February 14th. Since then, he’d been a fan of the holiday, making sure his friends got a little card every year throughout their Hogwarts career. This year would be his first Valentine’s in a relationship and he was looking forward to spending the day with Sirius.
When he woke up on February 14th, however, his boyfriend was suspiciously absent from their shared bed. Instead, Remus found a small origami heart with a note tucked inside on his pillow.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
The note was in Sirius’s perfect cursive. Remus grinned to himself as he tucked the heart in his pocket and got ready for the day, hoping to meet Sirius at breakfast. On his way down to the Great Hall, he ran into Lily, bouquet, presumably from James, with a card that had some suspiciously well drawn flowers on it.
“Morning, Re,” she greeted as she fell into step with him. “Have you seen Sirius this morning? I want to thank him for helping James with the card.”
“Haven’t seen him yet,” Remus responded easily. “But I’ll let him know.”
Sirius remained conspicuously absent for the rest of the day, having different classes all day, but more origami hearts appeared at random moments, each with a small note in his handwriting.
“I love you” appeared at the bottom of Remus’s mug, right before he poured his morning coffee.
“You’re the best” was on his desk when he arrived at Arithmancy.
“You’re beautiful” landed on his shoe when he bent down in a hallway to tie his laces.
“You’re the smartest of us all” fell out with a library book during Remus’s study period.
Each note made Remus smile and blush, tucking the hearts in his pockets and hoping he’d get to see his boyfriend at some point during the day.
Finally at dinner, a heart appeared on his plate as he sat down in his usual spot.
The note simply read, “Astronomy tower”
Remus bolted up from his seat and ran across the castle, only slowing down at the stairs to the tower. When he reached the top, he started to tear up.
Sirius had set up a picnic for the two of them, a red blanket set on the floor of the tower, with a plate of pancakes resting next to a jar of what looked like strawberry jam. A few candles were dotted around the floor, keeping the lighting dim enough to see the stars but still light enough to see each other.
Sirius himself was standing nervously next to the picnic blanket, fidgeting with his rings as Remus didn’t stared at him and didn’t say anything.
Eventually he cleared his throat.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Moony,” he said with a small smile.
Remus immediately tackled him into a hug, pressing kisses all over his face as Sirius laughed.
“You’re wonderful, Pads, do you know that?” Remus whispered. “Thank you for today.”
“I can’t take all the credit,” Sirius responded. “James helped me set it all up.”
Remus pressed a kiss to his lips, running his fingers through Sirius’s hair.
“Thank you both,” Remus said as he broke the kiss. “I loved it all. I don’t know what I did to deserve it all.”
“You deserve everything, Moons,” Sirius whispered back. “Everything.”
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incorrectwolfstar · 2 years
sirius: remus. will you be my valentine.
remus: no
sirius: yay i- what?
remus: no. i won’t be your valentine
sirius: but you’re my boyfriend?
remus: and?
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causereyna-artie · 7 months
ok what if i put out my black brothers-wolfstar-slow burn jegulus-french fairy tale retelling on valentines to be cliché?
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