lakeofflowerss · 6 days
The most hardcore thing that Harry James Potter ever did was not, contrary to popular belief, the “there’s no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor” incident, but instead was either the time that he
a) laid into one of the people he respected most in the world (and the only authority figure in his life offering him help in one of the most desperate situations he’d ever been in) for leaving his pregnant wife, going “man, you’re inhibited by your own self-loathing and fear? That’s rough. That really sucks. But you know what trumps that? RESPONSIBILITY. You brought a child into the world. You’re a father now. You’re scared? Walk it off. Walk it off AAAAAALLLL THE WAY BACK HOME. And say hi to Tonks for me.”
b) he willingly let himself be murdered, came back from the dead, walked back onto the battlefield, stared his own killer dead in the eyes completely unimpressed and called him “Tom”
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lakeofflowerss · 7 days
micro fic - 594 words.
My sweet boy
As you know, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes.
She was kneeling beside him, caressing his sleeping face as she had done so many times before. She arranged the tousled hair that fell over his forehead. It was dirty, he had cuts she hadn't seen the previous time, dust was all over him and the trail of a dried tear ran in a line down his skin until it got lost in his ear.
His eyes closed, firmly sealed, his skin losing all traces of color, his lips turning a terrifying gray, a gray that dictated the sentence. Never again would those lips part, never again would they release the most shameful profanities in the days before the full moon, never again would they release the heartbreaking wails that accompanied the pain and anguish that followed each transformation. Those lips would never be portals to the sweetest words a mother could hear from her son. For yes, he was her son. She loved him and had taken care of everything as a mother would her little boy.
She took his hand, cold at this point, and wrapped it between her own in a vain attempt to provide warmth. Her surroundings were completely silent, only she was left with the sea of memories brought back by the familiar faces of those fallen.
She looked down again and a tear of her own fell on her boy's cheek. She would never have allowed it but the truth is that she could not even feel the burning in his eyes flooded with painful tears that struggled to break through the windows of anguish without any permission.
She wiped away the adventurous tear and without being able to help herself she leaned towards the man. Man who used to be her boy, her child, her little son. She pulled him to her and cradled him to her chest. This time she didn't feel his arms around her body, she didn't feel the tremors of crying or laughing, she didn't hear him murmuring and the most painful thing was that she didn't feel him breathing.
She was a fool, she knew it. But even the hearts of the wisest people hold out hope for miracles. She began humming a sweet melody but now, filled with pain, it felt so bitter.
She closed her eyes and her mind took her to relive the same situation but in a different circumstance. One of the last transformations of the boy in his first year at Hogwarts. He was a very thin and tall boy, yet he let himself be lulled by her as if he were a baby. He was crying, she felt him sobbing under her embrace. His arms were around her as she combed the messy hair, covered with dirt and dried blood. There were cuts on his face that she didn't see the previous time, there were tears rolling down his cheeks, his breathing was ragged from crying.
"My little Remus, my sweet boy, it's time to rest. Everything will stop hurting soon. I will take care of you."
So she had said at the time, and now she repeated it softly though the calm was already a fact that would last forever. Eternal rest and the cessation of pain had come for her son. Son who would live on in her heart even as it was forever shattered.
Madame Pomfrey wept inconsolably in the privacy of her office once the bodies were removed. She had always cared for and protected him, this time it had been too late but at least peace had come to her son.
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lakeofflowerss · 7 days
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Faceless Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, season 1.
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lakeofflowerss · 10 days
"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats." But it's james and remus eating out their Black Brother boyfriends
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lakeofflowerss · 12 days
The day people realise that Peter HAS to be part of the marauders in order for the story of his betrayal to work is the day we have world peace. There is a reason James thought he was the best choice for secret keeper and it is becaus the were BEST FRIENDS. Sure, Sirius was like a platonic soulmate to James, and Remus was like his little brother but Peter was James' best friend and that's exactly why he betrayal was so twisted.
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lakeofflowerss · 12 days
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Teeny tiny🤲
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lakeofflowerss · 13 days
look at this! i found a picture of ALL my favourite gay wizards from the marauder era!
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lakeofflowerss · 15 days
i'm going to start a series of dramione one shots and i'm really looking very forward to it. i love being a multishipper
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lakeofflowerss · 20 days
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talk ur shit
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lakeofflowerss · 20 days
Blessed by the water of life | EXPLICIT
James Potter, Regulus Black and Remus Lupin
Regulus was on his knees, exhausted. His breathing was ragged, the climax had left him begging for more than just air.
They were cruel. They had used his body just as he had allowed. They pulled his hair, kissed his neck, squeezed his thighs, bit his mouth and scratched his back amidst the wildness and waves of pleasure.
He had cum twice, neither claimed alone to have brought him to the top. It was a team effort, a team of depraved men he loved and longed to feel constantly inside him.
The full moon was just around the corner and feeling Moony closer to the light. His intensity was rising and contrary to what many would think he was not jealous when it came to sharing his lamb with James.
OK, this is totally explicit. I'm not going to post it in full here, but I'm going to leave the direct link on ao3. This kind of stuff is not what I usually write, but it just came up like "You dirty boys" Anyway if you don't like this kind of stuff, just ignore it <3 Have a nice day.
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lakeofflowerss · 20 days
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they're all icons I fear
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lakeofflowerss · 20 days
“platonic moonwater” make them fuck you cowards
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lakeofflowerss · 21 days
*sigh* guess we have to do this then
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lakeofflowerss · 21 days
A couple of our servers have gotten a bit overwhelmed, so we're taking some down time to give them a chance to catch up. We'll be back as soon as possible!
2024-09-02 11:30 UTC
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lakeofflowerss · 21 days
Minerva McGonagall, Madame Pomfrey, and Albus Dumbledore judging you as they enjoy their brunch. The cat is a wink of fate for Minnie.
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lakeofflowerss · 21 days
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"It is a chain of rescue love, you to the world, me to you, James to both of us and, I hope, Kreacher to all."
As you know, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any possible errors.
"Kreacher come home! Take this away, it must be destroyed old friend, take care of James and Remus. Take care of Sirius. Do it for me."
"Kreacher cannot leave his master Regulus. Kreacher will take his master home."
"No Kreacher! Get out. That is my last order.”
The elf shook his head softly as Regulus turned and began to move the inferi out of the way. His partner gone, he felt his friend's departure. He tightened his grip on his wand and began to fire spells in all directions but only seemed to increase the numbers of those beings. A wave of them rushed over him and landed near the shore. With his wand held high he lunged at them again but it was too late, behind him several more pulled him into the murky, cold water.
The spell on the end of his wand was the only light there. He felt the weight on his chest, the air escaping as something hit him. He closed his eyes, dizzy and tired, but he didn't stop trying to ascend. This was not the way he had imagined dying. No. He was going to die in the field, defending his beliefs and those he loved. His Moon and his Sun. His brother.
Now only the faces of James and Remus filled his mind with memories. The first kiss with each other, how complicated it was for Remus to understand that they both wanted him, that they both craved him. Sirius' faces when they told him about their relationship. The secret meetings when Regulus took the mark and joined Lord Voldemort's ranks to be a spy not for the Order but for them.
His brother, he would blame himself. He always did, for everything bad. Surely he would feel he didn't do enough. Regulus stopped swimming, let himself be pulled under. His wand remained held high, as if a part of him refused to give up but wasn't strong enough to continue. The last thing he did was imagine himself in Remus and James' arms, he wished he had died that way in old age.
Remus felt the time had been too much, it was taking too long. It was supposed to be a three hour job but it had been over five and he had no news about Regulus.
James would be back in a few more hours, he was on an Order mission with Frank just as Sirius was with Peter in Scotland gathering information from some allies. He didn't know where to start, he didn't even have Regulus' right hand man there for questioning.
As soon as that thought crossed his mind Kreacher appeared in the kitchen, completely wet and shaken, he ran in Remus' direction with his face contorted into a grimace of pain and despair. He was breathing heavily and as he tried to recover the words that his mind seemed to want to release but that his lack of air prevented him from releasing.
Remus knew immediately. He conjured water for the elf, turned to scribble a note with the old quill Regulus always left within reach and without a word the creature understood. He took his hand and appeared them in the cave and then went straight back to number twelve Grimmauld Place to deliver the message.
Remus at another time would have been fascinated by the place so similar to the entrance to the mythical spirit world, but now he only cared about getting to Regulus. It was late, but not too late. The screams of agony, the shrieks that the inferi uttered were heartbreaking. A faint glow disappearing in the tide of bodies urged him to act. There he was, sinking in the murky water, being dragged down by those entities.
His repertoire of spells never seemed so sparse. His head was splitting trying to find something that would work, that would serve, that would help, but he couldn't find anything useful. His desperation acted through the wand, the concentrated magic product of the situation burst forth. The cavern was illuminated by the imminent fire and he just threw himself into the stormy sea.
One minute
Two minutes
A fucking eternity
There was no more oxygen
There was no more hope
But Remus came, took that soft hand, the one he caressed for hours in the library, the one that gently held his own and James'. The one that felt so cold at first but grew warmer as the caresses went on. Remus no longer had air in his lungs, nor much strength to handle his body but he had the most important person in his and James' life in his hands, he couldn't give up, he wouldn't forgive himself. The surface that he knew was close looked extremely distant due to exhaustion. He doubted that what was left of his drained magic would be enough but he had nothing else. He gripped the wand tightly and gathered all that resided in his being to surface.
He didn't feel the moment when the water stopped surrounding them, neither when the merciless cold of that place chilled their bones. Only the blow with the stone was what brought him back to reality, taking him out of that cloud of tiredness. A sharp blow that settled his ideas. Everything hurt, every little part of his being burned but it had brought him out of the water. He crawled over to Regulus who had been inches from his body. His lips were purple and his skin was pale, almost translucent, everything screamed that nothing could be done, but Remus wasn't going to let go. He wasn't going to give up.
In the euphoria he began to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. All the Muggle first aid souvenirs were there. He couldn't find his wand and had no time to waste. He kept up the rhythm of massages and mouth oxygen while whispering pleas.
Pleas to God
Pleas to Magic
Pleas to their James
Pleas to Regulus himself
His eyes closed wearily, tears seeping between his lashes cutting the skin on his face. Sobs filled the place, his soul was being torn apart. Not even the worst full moon transformation had hurt as much as this. He massaged three more times and filled the other's lungs with his own oxygen again.
Regulus jerked violently, turned in on himself and released the water his body was imprisoning. He tried to fill himself with as much air as possible. He gasped and sobbed. He was startled when a hand touched his back and he quickly raised his wand in fear and renewed anger. His gaze softened and the element slipped through his fingers as he saw Remus' drenched face. Not hesitating, he threw himself upon him and hugged him tightly, what little he had, as he shivered from the cold and the crying he allowed himself to let out.
"I'm here" Remus also sobbed as he stroked his back and hair "I'm here, my Luz. We're going to be alright, he'll come for us. It is a chain of rescue, love. You to the world, me to you, James to both of us and, I hope, Kreacher to all.
Regulus clung tighter to Remus' wet clothes. They were both shivering. The temperature was dropping torturously. Being wet wasn't helping in the least. Slowly they huddled together on the floor looking for ways to stay warm.
It didn't happen.
And James wasn't coming.
But they both knew he would.
He would have them, he would find them.
The clacking of their teeth was all that could be heard there, in the gloom, in the desolation. They were frozen, their muscles practically immobile. They had no strength, no energy, and if they didn't know how implausible it was, they would say they had no magic either.
Exhaustion gripped their bodies, pain numbed every part of their being and their eyes, tired, closed.
Screams, hands on their faces. Other people's tears bathing their lips. "I'm here, my star and moon, I'm here. I'm so sorry I took so long."
James' broken voice confused them. They didn't know themselves dead or alive but he had arrived. They knew he was coming and there he was.
"Let's go home.”
The sentence was soft and they fell back into a deep, empty sleep. There was nothing else. Only the touch of their intertwined hands and the sweet caresses laden with tenderness that a third pair of hands took care of leaving on their faces.
It stopped being cold.
Everything went dark.
Everything stopped hurting.
James was sitting next to the two couches, in the middle of his two loves. He held both of their hands as he murmured pleas. Kreacher didn't explain to him what Regulus was doing, he could only say that it was important and that Remus didn't know either.
Regulus was investigating some unconnected points he discovered while undercover with the Death Eaters but had not shared all the information with them, not for lack of trust but because he wanted to protect them.
Whatever he had discovered had led him to this situation. Kreacher had shown up at Lily's house, where he lived according to the Order. Few knew the truth, he wanted to have things that were only theirs. Theirs and Sirius's. Theirs and Lily's.
He didn't want people to see Regulus as just an infiltrator, besides, it was the way to find the mole. Because they knew damn well there was one. James sighed and took off his glasses to rub his eyes wearily. It had been over two hours and they wouldn't wake up. They were alive but not awake. His eyes hurt, he had cried from the moment he brought them home. To their home. Kreacher also sobbed but he entrusted himself to take care of them both.
"Mr. Potter," he called to him. James wiped away his tears again and turned to the creature. It held a steaming cup of what appeared to be tea in trembling hands. The elf's fingers had bandages and burns that could not be hidden.
"Kreacher, why did you hurt yourself?"
"Kreacher did not comply with Master Regulus' order. Kreacher disobeyed and should be punished."
"Don't do it again. You saved his life and that does not deserve punishment.”
The creature muttered something under its breath and withdrew from the room, leaving him once again in stunned silence. He sipped the infusion and sighed. Apple cinnamon tea, Remus's favorite. He couldn't help but smile.
Almost at the same time Remus stirred in his seat, he tried to sit up abruptly but James stopped him and forced him to lie down again. He set the cup down on the table next to him and looked at his boyfriend. His eyes filled with tears, he could see blurry but he could make out Remus' expression with great ease. Relief.
Remus' arms pulled him to him, forcing him to fall into his chest and let his face fall into his neck. He inhaled their scent, James had changed their clothes and there was no trace of water, it was just them. As always.
"I thought he was going to die, I thought I wouldn't make it to save him, Jamie. I was terrified." Remus was crying, shaking under his body. "I never want you to see the memory I have of his body there, I would never make you feel such pain, love.”
"You're an amazing man, Moony, you saved him." he pulled away to stand in front of him and deposited a soft kiss on his lips wet with tears that no longer had an owner because it would be difficult to decide if they were his own or someone else's. "You saved you too. I was afraid I was late, you were so cold, I just wanted to...
"You came, Jamie, you came for us," Regulus' voice came out hoarser than normal as did Remus'. The two hugging wizards turned quickly to meet Regulus' figure rising from the couch.
He approached softly, a grimace on his face that fell short of a smile. He settled on Remus' legs as he sat down and James settled in next to him. "Remus kept saying you'd get there. Neither of us thought otherwise. We were sure you'd be there."
"I couldn't get there any sooner, when I got back to Lily's Kreacher was waiting for me there. I was desperate.”
"I'm so sorry I did this. I didn't mean to involve you." He looked at Remus with an apologetic gesture.
"I would go to the ends of the earth for either of you two, Luz" Remus stroked his back as he took James' hand.
"Don't ever do anything like that to me again," James' voice was completely broken. At some point he had put his glasses back on and they were wet at the bottom from tears. "You are the most important thing in my life, I fight for a better future but I don't want that destiny if it's not together with you. Because I want a better future for the three of us. From now on we are going to be magnets, we move together, we act together, we stay together. I cannot contemplate the idea of a life without you. When I found you huddled together on the floor I felt my heart shatter so that my chest burned.”
They said nothing more. The three of them curled up on the couch that had initially been Remus' cot. Kreacher came later to bring more tea and food for the newly awakened. Sirius arrived hours later scolding his brother, demanding explanations and then simply hugged him.
Regulus shared the plan. Why he did what he did. And now they had a string to pull, there was a lead to take down Voldemort but now, the three of them would snuggle again and cuddle until they fell asleep. There was too much to do and too little time to feel the warmth of the love they felt.
If you want you can go to the ao3 link and leave me some comments or kudo. I welcome suggestions of other ships to write about <3
If you don't like this type of relationship you can simply not read this fic. No need to be offensive.
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lakeofflowerss · 22 days
It'll pass
Too short, too angst
As you know, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any possible errors.
"I love you, Remus" she whispered as she looked at the seated man about to get up to prepare breakfast.
Remus smiled at the image but there was no happiness in it. "It'll pass" he whispered as he caressed the opposite face and stood up "it always does."
And without another word he walked away with a tide of faces in his mind that had uttered the same words in a similar situation. All of them he had loved and, to a greater or lesser extent, still did. But to them the feeling had passed with the confusion, with the war, with another love, they had all ceased to love him.
From Regulus to James, from Lily to Dorcas, even Lucius who promised to burn the world for him stopped loving him and gave him to the wolves. Even Peter who destroyed his heart with betrayal. And Sirius, who loved him so much that he isolated it even from him.
Dora was amazing, she had a huge heart and Remus was sure her feelings were sincere but everyone's feelings before her were too and yet they passed. Hers would go too. As always.
Remus made coffee for both of them. Being together was a way to warm their chests as war and darkness loomed over their heads. There was hope, but not for everyone. He knew, he had already lost, he just had to deliver and then, everything would calm down.
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