#happy beans day
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angrytomatto · 2 years ago
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Bring down the eel
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kimlumiacos · 2 years ago
Happy Beans Day🫘🌱
Azul Ashengrotto
📸 @ そろーさん
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ash4mc · 1 year ago
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omg rook should i help u?? Yes??😳😳
sorry for sooo dark version, but i thought it would be look more...interesting? than usual color, soooo
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mel1rose · 6 months ago
Ooooo little tidbits for the events! Let's go!!
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Soooo apparently Ace and I have gotten closer due to all the events and he's part of the friend squad! Though I'm not sure he sees our relationship as just friends. Wanting me to see him perform at VDC, complimenting my flower crown at fairy gala, and saying he wouldn't mind proposing to me during the whole ghost wedding fiasco? Methinks there's something else going on, but I can't get a clear answer out of him...yet.
I've also hung out a bit more with the Heartslabyul third year duo. Cater and I were put on the same team for Beanfest and he took a bean for me just as we were making the final push to the harp. Trey and I, on the other hand, have had more moments where we can just take a moment and chill. He and I not only watched the meteor shower during the Stargazing, but we were also shopping buddies at the Camel Bazaar in Silk City.
There are also some miscellaneous memories that I have in this scrapbook. During Camp Vargas, Ruggie and I ended up on the same campfire watch shift. We had a long conversation about orientation, Leona and Azul's overblots, and being sent to and fro on meaningless errands. Speaking of Azul, I found a selfie we took during Halloween! I'd heard about what happened with Octavinelle's exhibit getting trashed a bit and went to check up on them. I was so impressed with their...methods of discouraging unwanted attention...that I asked Azul for a commemorative selfie.
As a side note, I think some of the overblot boys are trying to make up for their actions. I remember being called to judge Jamil's cooking during the Culinary Crucible and he seemed so stiff, like he was a wooden board. I hadn't seen him like this before (and you know that I got a good, long exposure to a lot of his mannerisms over winter break). I had my reservations about trying the food, but I figured that since Professor Crewel was also up for judging, I would be fine. And it. Was. DELICIOUS. I gulped that dish down with no reservations. Tens across the board. Jamil seemed to relax after I gave my praise, so maybe he was trying to impress me? I don't know. But I did get a wonderful lunch out of it. 😁
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Twisted Wonderland “Twist-and-Drag” Series #3 ~ Events at Night Raven College
Here is another click-and-drag (or rather screenshot-and-reblog) from the series #NRC twst-and-drag ~ Have fun~~
Queen of Hearts Rules:    ✔ screenshot & reblog results   ✔ tag friends    ✔ comment with reactions    ✔ use for headcanons & fanfictions   ||    ✖ download & repost the gifs    ✖  edit gifs with another title    ✖  claim as yours    ✖  be rude in comments ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ゙
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just-a-drawing-bean · 1 year ago
Apex Polarity slight spoilers.
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Ough, I loved the tension in this scene in the ice cave. I felt so bad for Eclipse, he was just trying his best.
What a finale, had me in tears several time... my heart is broken. lovely lovely epilogue!
Please go read Apex Polarity by @naffeclipse RIGHT NOW its SO GOOD wahhh!
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hualianschild · 1 year ago
since it's the first of april let me talk abt my fav prank of tgcf is when xie lian made his communication array password be 'just recite the ethics sutra a thousand times' just cuz he thought he was being funny and I imagine it went like this
other gods : so, what's your communication array password ?? let's be friends
xie lian : just recite the ethics sutra a thousand times ^_^
other gods : ...
xie lian : the password is just recite the ethics sutra a thousand times
which led to no one talking to him in the first place during his first ascension meanwhile xie lian and feng xin just giggling together cuz of the joke
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mynolia · 1 month ago
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 4 months ago
As for the "Is Skully Secretly Jacked?" debate, I would like to bring up a point made by someone in the tags of the post that started said debate:
The twins do kinda-sorta look like twigs. Granted, they aren't human, but still.
And in my opinion, Vil and Rook both look like twigs as well.
[Referencing this post and this post!]
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My response includes many example images that are MASSIVE spoilers for book 7 cards (which haven’t been released in EN yet!!) so please proceed with caution.
I think a lot of the characters definitely look like twigs due to their in-game live 2D models usually not accurately depicting their actual bodies. Just as an example, here are what the twins look like in live 2D:
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... And here is what the twins look like in (Mermaid Fin SSR) card artwork. You can see there is a MAJOR discrepancy.
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We also see this in Floyd's Club Wear card. His arms are much more defined in the card art and are noodle thin in the live 2D model:
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It's not just the twins either. Another notable nerf between the card art and the live 2D models occurs with Silver and Sebek. I mean, just LOOK at their arms in the P.E. Uniform cards... and then how sad and limp they look in the actual gameplay...
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Vil and Rook are entirely different cases. Both of them are typically wearing long sleeves, which conceals their bodies and gives the illusion of lacking muscle.
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It was stated in the Magical Archives that Rook is beefier than Trey (who is quite strong from playing soccer as a kid and helping out at the Clover family bakery). It also makes sense for Rook’s character as a huntsman wanting to hide his presence (thereby making it easier for him to observe his prey). Showing off how big of a threat he actually is with his physique out on display defeats the whole purpose.
Without the arms covered, we can see how truly muscular Rook is—though again, the live 2D model is greatly toned down.
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Vil, meanwhile, is in a separate category. He is strong too—this much is true! However, his build ISN’T jacked up like Sebek, Silver, Rook, etc. Why? Vil states that he dutifully trains to maintain his figure as a model but is also mindful that he doesn’t get too bulky, as that wouldn’t be aesthetically desirable for his work. You can still be strong while being lithe. Think about dancers, for example.
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Vil has also demonstrated in side content such as the Sunset Savanna hometown event and Beans Day that he’s able to take down opponents far larger than him using tactics besides brute force. This includes using his foe’s weight against them to toss them and acting gravely injured to make his foe cocky.
And now let’s revisit Skully! I’d say he definitely doesn’t LOOK bulky, whether in his art or in the live 2D model.
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For the sake of argument, let’s say he’s hiding massive arms under his suit. But like… where exactly?
Unlike the sleeves we normally see, the Nightmare Suits are visibly stitched. They can only be so effective for holding together. Just looking at the artwork, it doesn’t look as though Skully’s arms are straining to be freed or pushing back against the seams.
Okay, so what if Skully’s instead like Vil and has a lean frame that hides a surprising amount of strength? I don’t really buy this either because no lore supports it. Vil trains extensively because his career demands it and he is a tenacious person. What reason does Skully have to keep in such shape? He isn’t really described as an athlete or dedicated to health or something along those lines. Boy just LOVES Halloween. There isn’t a clear lore reason why Skully would want to get (excuse me for the pun) jacked.
So yeah, that’s why I don’t believe Skully’s secretly physically strong. He’s literally just… lanky.
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honeydewsour · 2 months ago
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 1 year ago
The Mine/Starlight medley was a brilliant pairing because combined it tells the story of a guarded person who’s been hurt in the past putting her trust and faith in a compassionate, supportive and ambitious partner who steadfastly stands by her and counters her anxiety about the things she can’t control with a love for living in the present and unwaveringly encouraging her to embrace her dreams for the future 🙃
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personinthepalace · 1 year ago
tumblr today:
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kellelkallel · 30 days ago
Happy adoption day to my son
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I spent like 10 mins going 'awwwwwwww' over this post
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just-a-drawing-bean · 1 year ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @naffeclipse!!!! (belated)
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In honor of the finale of Apex Polarity, him. (he's saying happy day)
Hope you had a wonderous birthday Naff <3 Thank you for all the great works you've made for the fandom as well as putting up with my ridiculous memery of Mr. Sleuth <3
Here's to many more years and tons of fun writing!
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neapolitantoebeans · 10 months ago
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Matt posting his mom for Mother’s Day🥺
he loves her so much, I’ll cry
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daily-smallishbeans · 2 years ago
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 9 months ago
Hiii I know you’ve talked about Lilia and Silver’s relationship before but how about Lilia and Malleus’s? He’s one of Lilia’s “sons” too, the first! I’d like to hear how you see their father-son relationship.
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cbjsbsjwjskdn So strange!! I feel like I haven’t really talked much about Lilia and Malleus’s father-son relationship even though I’m such a sucker for family-related drama… Well, now is as good of a time as any!
***Please note: there are spoilers for 7-68+ in the main story; if you are comfortable with late book 7 spoilers, then please proceed with reading below the cut!***
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Book 7 has made it pretty evident that Malleus thinks the world of Lilia and is willing to go to great lengths to protect him. Their bond is something that has been alluded to many times over prior to this point though!
Malleus has mentioned that Lilia trained him when he was younger. He did have formal tutors, but it was Lilia who instilled survival skills in him and taught him lessons unable to be learned through just a textbook. We get to observe one such scene via a flashback, which shows the aftermath of one of Malleus’s fits. The castle and various staff members were encased in ice, and along comes Lilia to fix things. He offers Malleus a bowl of shaved ice and invites him to eat with everyone (as the cause for his anger in the first place had been that his grandmother was busy with her duties and could no longer make time to each with him as promised). Lilia reminds Malleus that someone like him has great powers, so he has to wield it responsibly—otherwise he could have lost many of the people he is now sharing this snack with. (This is a very valid lesson since Malleus was capable of magic—and thus harming others—right out of the eggshell; he once singed Lilia’s hair with his flames.)
Malleus reports that Lilia has cut his hair for him (despite Malleus probably being able to go to a formal expert or the court’s hairdresser). Lilia has also sung to him at night and even taught Malleus how to play instruments.
It’s not clear to what extent Lilia was involved in his liege’s life, because even though he is established as a caretaker to Malleus, it was also revealed that Lilia was apparently banished from the capital city so they’d have to arrange to meet elsewhere. It’s known that Malleus would sometimes visit Lilia and baby Silver in their forest cottage, but again the frequency of these visits is unknown (Did he, like his headstrong mother, sneak out against the wishes of the senators?) I’d imagine that Malleus is kept fairly busy with studies to prepare him to ascend to the throne, but from the way Lilia describes raising Malleus, it sounds like he was with him quite frequently: “I always know exactly where he is. After all, I have been watching him since he was brushing eggshell off of his head.”
To this day, Lilia serves a similar guiding role, often acting as the facilitator between Malleus and his peers, as well as continuing to be a mentor to him. Malleus maintains his standoffish and difficult to approach aura at NRC, so it is Lilia who encourages him to engage with his peers. He delivers a holiday card to Malleus’s new friend who has taken up residence in Ramshackle. He invites Malleus as his plus one to Silk City in A Firelit Sky, wishing for him to see more of the world—even when disaster strikes and Lilia cannot accompany him. He extols the virtues of understanding and bonding with other races both in the main story (book 6) and in vignettes (Malleus’s Dorm Uniform). He gives Malleus a formal invitation to his farewell party (like, envelope and all!), because he knows just how much that would mean to him. Lilia has seen how a country looks when it has been ravaged by war and hate. He knows how a heart can grow bitter and resentful if left to fester in isolation. So he works his ass off to try and ensure that Malleus, the future of his country, can lead it to an era of peace and love that Lilia only got to experience with the passage of time. It could also be said that Lilia places a big emphasis on Malleus as their “future” since Lilia already suffered the loss of two close friends, Malleus’s parents.
Lilia seems to think of Malleus as a capable leader and one of great character, though perhaps marked with inexperience and a lack of worldly knowledge (which is why he pushes for Malleus to go out of his comfort zone). Most notably, he tells Leona in book 2: “[… ] with that sensitive ego of yours? That so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers... Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus—is absolutely laughable. Even if you COULD defeat Malleus, so long as that's how you choose to conduct yourself? You would never be fit to rule!”
At times, Lilia has the habit of treating Malleus like a child. Something he does a lot is reassure his prince that it is okay to feel a certain way (usually frustrated or angry) and that Malleus is not capable of hiding the truth from his keen eyes. Lilia usually encourages Malleus to be more honest with his emotions and to take the chance to act like the child he is and enjoy his school life. Malleus tends to not take to the former very well, reminding Lilia that he is not a child and that he understands the circumstances. Despite these claims, he to hold Lilia in high regard and trusts him a great deal. Lilia currently occupies his vice dorm leader seat, which is implied to be handpicked by the dorm leader. Furthermore, Malleus trusts Lilia to fulfill the dorm leader duties that he is not capable of or able to, as we see Lilia attending dorm leader meetings and leading the Diasomnia freshmen during orientation.
Lilia is a more lax than Sebek and Silver when it comes to monitoring Malleus. He is of the belief that their prince needs his own independence and to experience life without people constantly breathing down his neck. Malleus, as we know, enjoys solitude like his midnight strolls throughout campus. In Leona’s Union Jacket vignettes, he also discusses the freedom of going out in public without an encourage accompanying him. Lilia is able to easily read and understand Malleus’s feelings in this regard (though he is good at reading all of the Diasomnia boys).
Malleus still cherishes the virtual pet that Lilia gifted him years ago. He takes care of it diligently, even though he is constantly faced with the cycle of Gao-Gao Dragon-kun/Roaring Draco growing up and leaving the nest. According to Malleus’s Labwear vignettes, he considers the virtual pet one of his most important treasures.
The two are able to pal around with each other despite holding the other in such high regard. When Malleus and Lilia are placed on opposite teams for Beans Day, they find fun in roughhousing and relish in the challenge (not really paying attention to the fact that their sheer power and speed is on a whole different level than that of the other students). They also served as co-conspirators in Endless Halloween Night, something which upset the other students and they both apologized for. Mischief isn’t entirely off the plate for this duo!
Malleus grew up without his parents (and his grandmother often kept away by her royal duties), so it’s possible that he latched onto Lilia as a parental figure. He is shown to be protective of Lilia both in vignettes and in the main story. For example, in Lilia’s PE Uniform vignette, Rook is chatting with Lilia and indicates that he is interested in Lilia as his hunting quarry—but Malleus throws the ball meant for long throwing at Rook, just narrowly missing his nose. “Perhaps he suspected that you were picking on little old me,” Lilia suggests. However, the example I’m sure we’re all familiar with of Malleus being protective of Lilia is book 7… when he decides it would be better you force everyone to have happy dreams instead of accepting a reality that changes and forces you to say good-bye to your loved ones. Malleus explicitly states that he is taking these actions so he “doesn’t lose [Lilia]”. Indeed, it is Lilia deciding to drop out of NRC and retire to the Land of Crimson Long that was the impetus for Malleus’s blot to kick into overdrive. When Lilia “wakes” from the dream, Malleus is eager to keep him in it. He offers to come up with a new dream, desperate and intent on keeping Lilia trapped there.
Malleus holds a lot of weight for Lilia too. When Lilia is pulled into a dream world fastened by Malleus’s magic to guarantee a “happy ending”, Lilia dreams of… an era of war? At first, Silver and co. find this to be strange because war isn’t something you tend to associate with happiness. It’s not until far later that Silver realizes what the real “happiest moment in [his father’s] life” is: the moment of Malleus finally hatching from his egg. Previously, Malleus had been very picky and rejecting the magic offered to him by others, even his own grandmother. This led to a dire situation where he was at risk of dying in his shell, as a dragon’s egg needs infusions of love and magic in order to be viable. In offering up much of himself—including a chunk of his own lifespan—Lilia helped Malleus hatch. To Lilia, this was his happiest—not because he “loves” Malleus more than Silver, but because Malleus hatching as a result of Lilia’s magic is affirming to Lilia that he is capable of parental love. This was a concern he communicated to Meleanor before she parted from this world, that he wasn’t sure he could look after Malleus in her stead because he’s an orphan and has never experienced what it is like to be loved… so he can’t have the capacity to love either. Meleanor reassures him though! If Lilia can love her and Raverne, then surely he can also bring himself to love their child. All these years, Lilia has never thought himself capable of “true love”—not even when he finds an infant Silver later, abandoned in a briar covered castle. But in that moment, when Malleus hatched, a miracle happened, and that miracle was the result of Lilia’s love.
This brings me to one final point about Lilia and Malleus’s relationship: how self-sacrificial Lilia is. Lilia hides a LOT of information from his loved ones, including Silver and Sebek, and instead chooses to accept the emotional burden of knowing himself. He does it with good intention, not wanting his children to be hurt by the scars of the past, but in a way that closes the boys off from fully understanding where they come from and Lilia’s own emotions. This is behavior that continues into present day, including Lilia being in a rush to leave to spare his boys the pain of a prolonged farewell. (I talk more about this aspect of Lilia’s character here, so I would advise reading that if you are interested in this topic.)
To conclude, Malleus and Lilia both highly respect and care for one another. Their bond is a strong one, and that’s perhaps why Malleus is so determined to cling to it—Lilia is one of the few intimate and meaningful connections he has.
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