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Huge Introvert || Call me Poppet || Current intrests are: Daycare Attendants, Super Mario Bros, Friday Night Funkin and Capsaicin cookie
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poppet-seed · 3 hours ago
So you remember that animation I teased a few days ago? Well, it's finished 💚
You have been warned ⚠️
Featuring the mareach content as promised
Song - Suffering from EPIC the musical
I'm very proud but nervous to post this! So any comments/ reblogs are appreciated!
Reposting my animation on other social media's is not allowed 💔
Below is just me talking about spoilers and the animation progress 💚
If you've played the game I'd assume you all remember the scene with reclusa trapping the bros in their fake perfect world after getting snatched by that glohm/ mind flower buds
It was my favourite part of the game and took me so off guard!!
It hit me just how well this song goes with that scene when daydreaming a few days ago and how difficult it must've been for mario when peach began to beg/ try to persuade him ditch luigi and stay behind with her. (She only addresses him in the hall, ignoring luigi)
I wanted to incorporate that scene into this animation and I hope it works!
Animation took roughly 3 days and was made using flipaclip because I know someone will ask.
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poppet-seed · 5 hours ago
He would be so happy with this information🤭
Oh he defiantly is 🙄
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poppet-seed · 19 hours ago
More Fonder
Luisley || If I head a nickel for every time I based Disney’s Robin Hood in a fic I’ll have two.. (legit it’s completely based off that one scene, watched the movie while writing this.) Anyways I was gonna make a bowluigi fic since I’m surprised I haven’t done one yet but these two deserve more love honestly <3 also sorry if this ooc bc I haven’t played Superstar Saga. 😭
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Summary: Peasley and Luigi are missing each other
Touch of Fairytale Fluff
Warnings: Luigi have self-doubts & just doubts on both sides in general
Peasley rested his elbows upon the shaft of his window, staring longingly past the hills and the trees of his kingdom— reminding him of that beloved green he couldn’t escape from; that green that never left his mind ever since he meet his handsome face. Peasley couldn’t help but move with the butterflies dancing in his stomach, humming along the harmony of his heart.
“Love.. A grand thing.” He heard his mother spoke, breaking his small fantasies she knew were playing in his head.
“Ah mother, surely he knows how much I still love him.” Peasley admitted. Not even needing to speak his name to her, fore she just knew
It’s been such a long time since Peasley spoke face to Luigi, nearly centuries. Having to make do with the amount of heart-felt letters he sends to the heroic plumber— cherishing the ones he sends back to them like gold. Peasley can still hear his sweet voice through his handwritten words, being able to imagine the exciting and horrifying adventures Luigi faced.
“Of course my dear, and I’m sure you two will meet up again.” Queen Bean reassured him, listening to the longing in his voice.
“Oh, When, mother? When??” Peasley dramatically asked, excitement lingering in his tone. His heart racing at the thought.
“Have patience my son.” She eased him, hoping to help loosen his grip on his red cape. Held tight me on his chest. “Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder!” She told.
Quickly Peasley expression changed. Although that may be true for him, he wasn’t so sure on Luigi. Peasley with this much time away and journeys left and right: he wouldn’t blame Luigi for have Peasley be the last thing that came to his mind, or worse; be in his mind at all. The letters that signed his ‘L’ signature should’ve been proof enough, but not enough to convince him.
“Or forgetful..” the prince sighed, saddened. “We’ve been away for so long!” He shared his worry to his mother, gloved hands clenched together while he walked back to the window as if he’ll find Luigi out there if he just stared long enough.
“What if he’s forgotten all about me?”
Luigi was lost in a daze, singing to himself while he helped his brother with laundry: not thinking when he hung clothing upside down, and shoved fabrics in buckets water for longer than he should have. Mario fixed is small mistakes, picking up that he was lost in thought but not just any thought like stress or excitement. His green hat and mustache couldn’t hide the faint blush on his cheeks and that stupid giggy smile that Mario recognized.
“Lu.” Mario attempted to call out, but no response.
“Luu..” he called again, Luigi was still in a trans
“Luigi.” He tried more sternly. It didn’t work.
“Hey!” Mario finally raised his voice, snapping Luigi out of it. The boy jumped when he open his eyes, clearing his mind to answer to his brother.
“Y-yes, Mario? What you say?” The shy plumber nearly choked on his words, rising his hat more above his eyes.
“Come on bro! We can’t do our chores if you’re thinking about someone!” Mario said, lightly slapping Luigi arm, while taking a basket of clean clothes in his hand.
“I wasn’t thinking of anyone!” Luigi flushed, embarrassed to be caught that easily but he couldn’t keep secrets from Mario: no matter how much he tried. Proof of his brother raised eyebrow.
“That’s not how hang pants.” Mario pointed out, more evidence of his claim.
“Sorry brother.. it’s just.. Luigi sighed in defeat, fixing his funny error on the rack. “I was thinking about Prince Peasley again..” he confessed, smiling at the sweetness he felt at the edge of his tongue by saying his name, holding the cloth close to ease the roaring of his chest.
“I-a can’t help it!” Luigi defended. “I love him.” He said, taking a seat with his hand to his cheek.
“Why mope around? Why not just visit, him tell him how you feel?” Mario quickly suggested a solution— knowing something like this will forever trouble his poor brother, he knew it himself all too well.
“After all this time??” Luigi said. “I-a can’t show up unannounced, hand him a rose and hope for the best!” Luigi expressed, accidentally raising his voice. “Things are not done that way..” he whispered
Luigi than rambled on to Mario; about the letters that were send back-and-forth, that used to be so recurring only to be transformed into once-in-a-blue-moon messages. Luigi mentioned that Peasley wouldn’t be happy with someone like him: an shy an timid plumber. That’s no life for him. If he just popped up out of nowhere to confess his love after nearly centuries apart, Peasley would be angry— he has every right to be! Also he’s royalty. An high man rank in quality, Luigi can already assume Peasley has a more better suitor waiting in line for him. That he can be sure of.
“I have nothing to offer him.”
“Come on Luigi, you’re letting your worry get the best of you!” Mario place a caring hand over Luigi’s shoulder.
“He’s got class so what? You think I much offer to the princess?” Mario rise a finger to make Luigi look up, “and- don’t say anything about my bravery and strength, because you overpower me with that any day!” Mario reminded him of his perseverance even when he was too shaken up to even stand.
“I’ll tell you this,” Mario stated. Taking Luigi hand to make him stand tall. “We’ll go to Beanbean Kingdom tomorrow and if he is upset at you, he should appreciate your bravery standing up to him again.” Luigi face went pale, still not being so sure but seeing the confidence smile of his brother shut down his worries a little bit, to know that he had faith in him always.
Luigi hugged Mario tightly an silent, thank you to him as his love replace his worry. Excitement ring in his ears to listen to Peasley charming voice being able to be swept off his feet and carried off in style.
How he fond of it.
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poppet-seed · 1 day ago
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Your daily Mario gif.
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poppet-seed · 1 day ago
This animation is actually taking a while so I have a drawing in the meantime!!
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Been working on a Mr L design for my oc's story!
He goes by 'Tuono Verde' which means Green thunder in Italian (according to Google translate)
Though Vita, the brothers and everyone just all him Tuono for simple sakes! I kinda thought he'd want his own identity after getting separated from luigi,,
The design/ idea for a Mr L variant is very much inspired from @/raeboxx (send them love!!)
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poppet-seed · 2 days ago
what I think will happen if I message my mutuals
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poppet-seed · 2 days ago
The brothership fans and mareach fans are not ready for what I am working on
You only get ONE sneak peak
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poppet-seed · 3 days ago
I bake/ cook occasionally with my siblings 💚
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I don't like that all my mutuals are drawing one of you has to get some different hobby like Baking for example
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poppet-seed · 3 days ago
Never a frown, we're golden brown 💚💛
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Song - "Golden Brown" by The Stranglers
The autism hit at 11pm and I physically couldn't stop myself from drawing this.
No I don't have context for what is going on, feel free to interpret how you wish!
Hope you all like Luisley 💚
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poppet-seed · 3 days ago
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A couple weeks back, I sketched out a design for 7 year old Mario :) He's a highly curious, reckless kid who will talk your ear off about video games for hours
He's also the smallest kid amongst his peers
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poppet-seed · 3 days ago
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Small mario and Bowser jr doodle from university.
Bowser Jr is going to need all the comfort he can get after everything he went through in brothership.
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poppet-seed · 4 days ago
I need to write something about Peasley and Luigi being fun and happy because I'm just miserable with what we achieved last weekend
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poppet-seed · 4 days ago
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Lets all be honest, Mario and Luigi were 100% rooting for Buddy and Bowser Jr to make up.
I sobbed and cried over their falling out, I got so invested in their friendship that the end of the game HURT ME
So let's project that onto the bros
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poppet-seed · 5 days ago
Green hair and freckles rise up💚
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Noticed a very amusing pattern with some nintendo/ mario ocs recently! Green hair and freckles seem to be a pattern and I couldn't be more happy! It's nice to have ocs with similar traits! I just had to draw them together!!
Prince Suika - @donwatermelon
Queen Vita - lol my oc
Lumi - @merwynpersonalhub
Hope you both enjoy the fanart! 💚
Small note for thoes featured in the drawing, you're allowed to repost and use the art with credit. However I don't allow my work to be edited in anyway! Cropping is fine so long as my watermark is still there! Thankyou in advance!
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poppet-seed · 5 days ago
I Will Protect You
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I wish I could.
Dedicated to my dear friends I wish I could protect, or could've protected, from all harm that's been done to them. I trust that you all know who you are. You mean a lot to me and I wouldn't abandon you no matter what. If I could, I would gladly physically fight whatever and whoever has hurt you. I would shield you with my body and even die for you if it came to that. I mean it.
I am no hero, because I have no power to be one for any of you. But I hope at least you'll let me be the friend you need❤️
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poppet-seed · 5 days ago
All Maria&Louise
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i moved my acc from @/tunamic so im displaying then here instead, the basic idea was to incorporate as much of their male form as possible to make it recognizable and not just make it anime girl with mario hat, its a fun challenge with genderbending. im still trying to figure out the outfits though
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poppet-seed · 6 days ago
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