#hamburg u bahn
dashalbrundezimmer · 2 years
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underground station stephansplatz // hamburg neustadt
architects: distel und grubitz
opening: 1929
the historic entrance building to the stephansplatz underground station at planten un blomen has been much better accentuated since the square was rebuilt. before, it was clearly constricted by part of the dag hammarskjöld bridge. the antiquarian bookshop schaper, which occupies part of the rooms, has been on stephansplatz since 1921.
camera: canon a-1 with canon fd 28mm
film: agfa apx
dev&scan: meinfilmlab
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kleinefreiheiten · 4 months
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08.2020 Hamburg
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A View on Rödingsmarkt Station ©2019 blueskipper
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the-city-in-mind · 7 months
Hamburg U-Bahn. (click to see another great pic on the original post over at instagram)
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biologyfiction · 2 years
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bettixx · 2 months
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flora-on-the-fields · 11 months
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Bye bye, DT3 👋
Bye bye, childhood
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wolfman-al · 1 year
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Uploading the MANY pictures I took on my trip to Eurofurence 27 in Hamburg last week.
Elevated subway on the harbour front of Hamburg.
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sigalrm · 1 year
U-Bahnhof Schlump by Pascal Volk
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alexrentsch · 10 years
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U-Bahnhof Hafencity Universität
Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L@Canon EOS 5D Mark III
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asparklethatisblue · 9 months
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U Bahn Romance.
You assemble a bunch of German fans and suddenly someone (who’s not even fully Bavarian) is wearing a dirndl. Francis is from Hamburg in this AU, so him saying anything at all is already a peak meet cute gesture
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kleinefreiheiten · 5 months
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06.2017 Hamburg
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have-you-been-here · 2 months
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U-Bahn Line 3, Hamburg, Germany
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redwidow616 · 2 months
Okay here goes, I finally have time to write my eras tour essay:
Just a little psa this got a lot longer than I expected, especially the pre-show part, so just be aware of that and ofc you don't have to read it @prisongang
As some of you might know the stupid ass european football cup was in germany this year, which meant I had to go to a different city for eras, that was kinda annoying because I had to spent even more money on train tickets and a hostel, but I made it and everything was fine so it's good, also props to the Deutsche Bahn for neither of my trains being delayed l. Okay so I arrived at the train station and there were soooooooo many swifties there, it was crazy, looking back I probably should have started trading bracelets then but I'm still kinda shy so I didn't. In Hamburg I arrived at my hostel, checked in, got ready and then immediately left to go to the stadium. In the station from where i took a train there, there were also so so so many swifties and I even got some compliments on my outfit 🤗. When we all got off the train we still had to walk for like half an hour until there was really anything there, but it was okay, I also saw a lot of parents there which I thought was also really cool. Now comes a kind of confession because I still feel weird about saying this, but I had a VIP ticket (pls do NOT ask me how much it was or I'll just disappear into the earth from shame) and the VIP entry started at 3 pm and for me that was when the line I was in started moving, admittedly pretty fast. I was there around 2:30 maybe a little later but the line was already really long, I couldn't even really see the stadium. As it started moving I could also see other people sitting and waiting in the regular line (it was by far not as crazy as in München, but they were still there probably hours before they could get in), there was also a merch stand somewhere but I didn't go there and I actually didn't get merch at all, the opportunity just didn't really arise but don't worry I'm bot sad about it. As the line was moving and we could finally see the stadium it started raining a little, but since the line was moving so fast it wasn't really that bad. Then I was finally in the stadium around 4 pm so I still had two hours to go till paramore and I used those for doing nothing and just sitting on the floor so I could jeep my spot. Even for being in the VIP section I think I was very close to the stage, I was like 4th or 5th row at first and later it shifted a bit so I was pretty much 3rd row by the end. In front of me were some girls who all seemed to have just net there and were talking a little and I even talked to one of them who was from my city and my age which was really nice. While we were waiting it rained multiple times, and after like one and a half hours I couldn't sit anymore and I stood up so the whole floor was wet and I just stood but it was fine cus paramore came on not long after. Also while we were waiting the screen played some of taylors music videos and behind the scenes clips to those videos.
I'm not really a fan of them, I know some of their more famous songs but it was still really fun screaming along to the songs I knew or even the choruses of songs i didn't really know, after they were done we still had to wait like half an hour for taylor and it started raining again and honestly at that point I was not that excited about it, even though I know that people say rain shows are the best but at that moment I didn't really feel that way, but that would change soon..
So the clock appeared a few minutes before and of course everyone was screaming and stuff and when it was done the dancers with the seashells? (idk what to call them u know what I mean) came out and I was soooooo close to them it was crazy, I also took a video of that whole part until right after taylor came up on stage and then I was just gone, I screamed the lyrics and danced and just didn't care about the rain anymore, even though it got worse and worse but the people are right it is so much fun to dance in the rain with taylor, really as soon as the show actually started I forgot that I didn't want it to rain because it really is that amazing of an experience. I loved this ehole act so much, I was really close to the door where the dancers came out and where they go at the end and so I was also very close to the Lover house and really close to taylor dring the man and yntcd which was so amazing and so fun, during Lover she wasn't that close anymore but I still took a video of the lover bridge cus I love that song and that album in general so much, I did miss the archer a little bit but I wouldn't say it missing diminished the experience it just would have been nice to have
First of all the transition was crazy, because NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME THERE WOULD BE REAL SPARKS COMING DOWN FROM TOP OF THE SCREEN THINGY??? I took a video of this too cus I was so surprised and it looked really pretty, during fearless the song i was so so lucky because taylor and the band were practically standing right in front of me, i was so close to here i still can't believe i got that lucky for one of the songs i love so much, and i also have a video of the intro and I had so much fun and danced and screamed my lungs out sm during love story and ybwm, and ofc I got the outfit i hoped for which i was really happy about but during this era the rain got really really bad and while it was still so much fun i was a little scared for my phone so i didn't take any more videos or photos than the ones in the beginning
During the beginning of this i was also so lucky because the dancer who did the thing with the chest was on the base of the stage so still really close to me and I could see her so clearly. This was probably one of the most fun parts because i didn't really have anything i wanted to take a video of except a short one during atw so i was really in the moment and had so much fun just dancing care free and singing. When taylor gave the hat to that girl it was so so cute because she was so excited and i could also see that really well on the big screen and she gave taylor a friendship bracelet, which she wore for the rest of the set and it wa just so adorable and relatable how she was freaking out, i don't think I've seen any other child be this emotional over getting the 22 hat. There was also confetti flying around during this set but everything was wet so you couldn't really pick it up
Speak Now:
The Intro to this was also so beautiful, i saw it the first night of the european leg on a life stream which was cutting out so i didn't see everything but I knew I had to take a video of it and I did. The dress taylor wore was also so beautiful and again like during fearless she walked right past me and was so so close I couldn't believe it, i have my best pictures of the evening probably from this era and at least one where it looks like she is looking directly at me if you zoom in, which I am so excited about and ofc Enchanted was so beautiful to experience life, i loved it so much, it was breath taking
Again taylor was so close to me at some points during this set and during lwymmd were the dancers are in glass boxes i had such a great view and during the transition from dbm to lwymmd I think Paul was standing pretty close to where I was and was throwing guitar picks into the crowd which was also so exciting even though i didn't catch any. And of course 123 lgb was a religious experience
I did miss the seven poem intro, because i saw it once on a lifestream and thought it's inclusion in that way was so beautiful, but of course the snake transition makes a lot of sense. Like with the lover house, the folklore cabin was also really close to me but what was a bit of a fail was that when taylor layed down on the roof during cardigan i couldn't see her anymore from where i was standing but i could see her on the screen so it was okay. Betty was also really special to me, idek why but i was so happy seeing it live, btw the rain had already long stopped at this point so i could film and take photos again without worrying. Champagne problems was also so close to me even though taylor was kinda hidden behind her piano but being that close to her during such an emotional song was still amazing and afterwards we were so loud for so long. I am also so happy about having seen my tears ricochet live, cus it was one of the first taylor songs i loved, it means so much to me and i love it's performance on this tour. Marjorie was also very emotional for me, vecause it reminds me of my own grandma who died a little over to years ago when i was just starting to become a swiftie and all the lyrics really resonate with me, I also took a video of the bridge and i think i can hear myself choking up a little during it and i always cry when i rewatch this video. I did miss tolerate it too a bit, mainly because I also would have a had an amazing view of it from where i was, but also because i love the lyrics and i love evermore. Willow was really beautiful too, i love that performance so much especially the little instrumental part in between the verses
Like with red i probably had the most careless fun during this era, because i didn't take any fotos or videos and just danced and had fun and it was incredible, i loved it, it really was the most fun I've probably ever had, all the chants were a lot of fun too and there was also the surprise that THERE WAS FIRE ON STAGE AGAIN!! during bad blood fire comes up from the stage multiple times in columns and the first time i had my back to it so i could only feel the warmth but after that i saw it and it was sooo crazy, but also added a lot to the performance i think
This is probably the era I've seen most often, especially icdiwabh cus it's right before surprise songs, but it was still amazing, because it was also finally properly dark during this set, which made taking fotos a luttle harder cus everything was white, but i still have a very good one from fortnite. So high school was so much idc if people don't like it, i love it (sorry poppy, maybe it's cus i still was in high school until recently), but it's fine, like i said i had so much fun during it and during waolom, because that performance is also just crazy. During tsmwel taylor was really close to me again and that set in general is just amazing with all it's theatrical aspects
Surprise Songs:
Of course I have some favourites, which i would've been absolutely ecstatic about, but the songs I got are still better than anything I could've imagined. First ofc teardrops on my guitar and i am so happy i got a debut song, no matter which one, I love debut and since it has no set I'm so happy about getting a surprise songs from it. It being mashed up with the last time made me lose my mind, because i love that song so much and I still can't believe i heard it live, it was one of my first favourites from red, and I was singing along to it so loud, i am so happy about getting this. And we were happy x happiness. Idek what to say these are two songs she's never played live before, how lucky am i?? I got fearless vault, no matter which one i am so happy about this!! And mashed up with happiness that makes it even more unbelievable , i was staring at the huge screen the whole time, absolutely mesmerised (cus i couldn't see taylor because if the slope of the stage) i kinda wish i would've taken a video, but I'm also really happy i was just present and really watched and listened to it (in general i think my favourite videos from that evening are the shaky one cus when i watch them i know that i wasn't looking at my phone while taking them, i was looking at the real thing), so yeah that was crazy
Especially during anti hero i could see taylor so well again cus she was directly in front of the screen, practically walking along bext to me and i have some really amazing pictures of this. Also during lavender haze she was right in front of me sometimes. Midnight rain was also so incredible, i love this song so much, have done so forever, it's so relatable to me and I'm so happy to have a video of it. I loved all the outfits for this et too so much, and at the end of karma everything looked so amzing with the confetti and all the colourfull jackets and just everything (sadly the floor was still wet so i couldn't take any confetti :()
After the show i finally got to trading bracelets, i gave the girl from my city, from the beginning two and traded more with other people, but we were ushered out of the stadium pretty quickly and sadly I lost that girl without knowing hef name or having her number, as we got out it was just a sea of swifties out there in the dark, but it was so chill considering how many people there were and the police was also taking care, cus there was a tunnel which could've probably been a risk (#loveparade) and they made sure there wouldn't be too many people in there so everyone was safe and i actually made it to my hostel in probably under two hours which was a lot better than i expected and at some point while we were waiting someone ofc played taylor music.
So it was probably the most incredible experience of my life, everyone ther was just amazing and still can't believe it really happened, cus it seems like a dream. I miss it so much and i just want to go again and again. I would love to just go one time to take videos and fotos of everything and one time to just enjoy it and jot worry about that stuff, but I am still so happy that i got to be there and got to experience it.
tagging the prison gang so u guys know i finally write my essay @anixknowsnothin @noproof-youjustknow @pardonmydelays @mymuses-acquiredlikebruises @measuredmotion
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May 31 & June 3 - Free Lina!
Lina E. has been in custody in Saxony since 2020, for allegedly being a leader of a “criminal organisation“ called Antifa Ost, as police suspect her of being involved with an incident where a group of well-known violent neonazis who were meeting in a restaurant in Eisenach was attacked with hammers and pepperspray by antifascists. More info here: https://www.soli-antifa-ost.org/ May 31 is the final day of the trial of Lina and three other defendants. The public prosecutor's office is demanding up to 8 years in prison and is using the ideological background as a reason, among other things. Despite shaky evidence and a key witness who thinks up everything the public prosecutor would like, it is assumed that the verdicts will be correspondingly high. June 3 is Tag X, a huge solidarity demo on the saturday after the trial. Here are the currently planned demos:
Protest zum Urteil am 31. Mai
Berlin | 17:30 Uhr | vor dem LKA, Tempelhofer Damm 12 | Aufruf
Bielefeld | tba
Bremen | 20:00 Uhr | Ziegenmarkt | Aufruf I, Aufruf II
Dortmund | 19:00 Uhr | Sonnenplatz | Aufruf
Dresden | während dem Prozess | OLG Hammerweg | Aufruf, Anreise aus Leipzig
Dresden | 18:00 Uhr | Jorge-Gomondai-Platz | Aufruf
Duisburg | tba
Hamburg | 20:00 Uhr | Rote Flora | Aufruf
Hannover | 20:00 Uhr | U-Bahn Leinaustraße | Aufruf
Karlsruhe | 19:00 | Kirchplatz St. Stephan | Aufruf
Köln | 18:00 Uhr | (H) Servinstraße | Aufruf
Leipzig | 21:00 Uhr | Lene-Voigt-Park | Aufruf
Stuttgart | 18:00 Uhr | Marienplatz | Aufruf
Demos zum Tag X am 3. Juni
Leipzig | 17:00 Uhr | Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße | Aufruf
Antifascists in several cities are organising buses to go to Tag X in Leipzig. As far as I’ve seen these cities are Berlin, Köln, Dresden and Copenhagen
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yamirexic · 1 year
travelling with argos - episode 1: berlin
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it was the first time for argos leaving the void
he didn't even know that it was possible, he just knew that humans were occasionally comming to the void but he himself didn't know how to leave
he'd be so excited to visit a big city like berlin
he likes adventures so that's actually perfect: new culture, new food, new night scene, new people etc.
he is known to be quite energetic in the void but out of the void?! I would recommend to put him on a leash or he'd just run away everywhere to look at things (like in the stargazing episode)
you guys would go to some botanical areas, go and see sights like the Fernsehturm (tv tower), the Brandenburger Tor or the Siegessäule (or how we call it "Gold Else")
he would come home with 30+ plants and would present them to the void fellas and obviously mr plant
you would go to different café's and restaurant's and try all kind of food (german, thai, vietnamese, japanese, mexican, turkish, english, korean, colombian etc.)
you would definetly pull him to Markthalle 9 to go to Street Food Thursday, where a lot of different street food's around the world are being presented and let's just say... he LOVED it!!! (please go there if you're in berlin, it's so good but it's only on thursday)
you guys would go shopping (he, totally buying a lot of stuff with stars, eyes and things that are blue (also things with plants))
he found a plushie looking similar to mr plant and you can guess, yes, he bought it
you guys stop at some souvenir stores and buy random stuff, probably spending hundreds of euros on that (but not just the typical stuff, also artistic stuff)
he would rant about this trip for MONTHS, LITERALLY MONTHS, be ready to hear him say "the food was so gooodddd" "berlin is so cool!" "next time you need to go with me (to every other person than you)" "I need to go there again!" "in german you would say this, in german you would say that" and so on
also you guys totally messed up with the hotel room so you needed to sleep in one fucking bed
he also picked up some german comedy and movies
when he wakes up in the morning, he says stuff like "morgen" or "moin (that's a hamburg thing but all german teenagers say it now)"
all people either look at him, complement him or think he's cosplaying (a lot pf people just shrug and say "typischer montag morgen (typical monday morning)" "so ne Leute trifft man immer in der U-Bahn (those kind of people are always seen in german subways or you meet them there)
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