#haline children
bittergossamer · 1 year
cipher talk: vallaslin
In Dragon Age Origins, Vallaslin is introduced as the facial tattoos of Dalish elves and translated as "Blood writing". The question I have is which part of this word means "blood" and which part means "writing"? vallas or lin? 
Theory 1:
Before they settled on what was in the cipher, they used both parts of this word in both ways which muddled things. So you get lin → len in a kind of "blood/kinship" way and vallas in a kind of "blood/life" way.
Theory 2:
Vallaslin means "my blood", vallas means "blood" and lin means "my (possessive)".
We know that these were slave markings. There might have been blood magic. I think there's some cases of how the Evanuris saw slaves/people with their vallaslin as extensions of themselves. Here's some other words that led to this theory:
1] Elgara vallas refers to a setting sun, which turns bright red on the horizon. So maybe this phrase literally means "sun bleeds".
2] Vallasdahlen is literally translated as "life trees".
dahlen: "tree", but probably "woods/forest". (see: Vir Adahlen). vallas: logically, this probably means "life", which has a loose connection to "blood".
3] da'durgen'lin means "my little stones".
da: "little", often as a prefix (e.g. da'len: little child). durgen: "stone" lin: as the untranslated part of this phrase, "my".
Some additional parts to this is that da'durgen'len is translated as "little dwarves", (durgen'len is literally "children of the stone"). It's posited in that codex that lin became len which could also be possessive in the sense of "children belong to their parents".
The issue with the second theory is really that I just have more clear examples of vallas meaning "blood" than lin meaning anything. Here's a bunch of words that have lin as a syllable and I don't know if they're related:
Arulin'Holm - An ancient elvhen tool used for woodcutting that is an old as Arlathan. Used by Merrill to repair the eluvian.
amelin - From something Solas says to Abelas, "Malas amelin ne halam, Abelas." 
lethallin - "friend", but also "lin" in this word is the one gendered ending in the entire language. Maybe a kind of "my love (platonic)" sort of way.
Halin'sulahn - The golden halla. "Sulhan" means joy, I have no idea about "halin". 
sahlin - "come", but in the sense that death is here. 
There's a couple other words that might also be related to vallas, which are Dhal Vallasan (a unique bow wielded by the Emerald Knights) and vallem (from a line of dialogue said by a spirit in Trespasser) but these also don't have enough context for me to guess.
Last instance of this word is bana'vallaslin from Where Willows Wail. The bit that probably corresponds to that is "failing of our markings", so this is probably the cultural idea of vallaslin. In this text, vallaslin might not refer to the markings but instead the people who wore those markings.
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thechangeling · 4 years
I wanna post some Haline stuff for valentine's day even though it's a stupid capitalist holiday.
- They definitely have sets of matching stuff like matching fluffy bathrobes and slippers and matching mugs that say "I'm hers" and "she's mine" with arrows pointing towards the other.
- They're both pretty busy with running the institute but they carve out one night every two weeks to be date night where the can get dressed up and go to a fancy restaurant and then maybe book a hotel room for after.
- They have each others initials tattooed on their inner arms.
- Helen wrote a bunch of poetry in faerie for Aline and got Kieran to help her. She gives it to Aline for their anniversary.
- When they decide to have kids, Helen wants to have at least one biological child so they enlist the help of Caterina to figure out how to use mundane medicine to make that possible and she suggests IVF.
- Caterina hides all of Helen's medical information like she did with Diana and the process goes pretty smoothly. Nine months later Helen gives birth to their first child, a baby girl who they call Eleanor.
- They adopt two other children after that, a shadowhunter and a faerie.
- Once and a while Helen and Aline do Karaoke nights at local bars. Helen is actually a pretty good singer.
-Aline already knew this because Helen sings her lullabies every night to fall asleep.
- They leave each other super sappy messages in the form of post it notes on the bathroom mirror or on the kitchen counter saying things like "you brighten my days" and "I'm so happy I found you."
-They're just really in love ok?
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dark-artifices-only · 3 years
Tumblr media
was going thru the twp wiki page AND GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND I M CRYING HAPPY TEARS 😭😭😭😭😭
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years
Relax girl, we all know Julian and Emma will be very present in TWP since they’ll all be in LA together, and not being mains is not that bad, it means they won’t have as much drama and will live in peace. We all know Cassie won’t kill any more Blackthorns or tear them apart, that’s the whole reason why she brought Helen and Aline back, so the whole family could be together once and for all. #ibelieve
i’ve never once been relaxed in my entire life
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thatredheadwriter · 3 years
Panacea, Chapter 1
Reader is the daughter of the leader of a small planet who has recently become the subject of the First Order's attention. After a failed battle, she has a choice to make. A choice that will put her in the path of the infamous Kylo Ren.
This is a multi-part fic that WILL contain smut. All parts will contain swearing. Later parts will contain elements of Stockholm syndrome.
This chapter of the fic does not contain smut, however, my blog is only for those 18+ as a general rule. Do not re-publish or cross post without my explicit written permission (reposts with credit are ok).
Warnings for this chapter include:
canon level violence (fairly graphic)
violence to reader
choking (not sexual)
"We stand together, we fight together, we will prevail together!" your father yelled atop the makeshift platform, and the warriors around you lifted their weapons and cheered. You stood near the front, not nearly as cocky as your father and the others.
The First Order's ships first arrived at the edge of your solar system two months ago, and they'd been making their way across ever since. First Halin fell, then Kinoa. Everyone was convinced the System Militia would take care of them, but word came a week ago that the militia's forces had been decimated and the First Order was advancing on to the far side of the system.
That's when the order was given to begin emergency preparations. The children, sick, and elderly were moved into the old mines, many of which had been turned into bunkers after the fall of the old Republic. Able-bodied adults flocked to large towns and cities to be transported to the capital, along with any supplies they could carry. Proximity sensors estimated that you'd be seeing First Order ships in a week, so preparations were fast and hurried.
Yours was a small planet, ever rich in resources, however. It was only two days before the entire population was gathered in the capital. Your father, the chief minister, insisted being on the ground amongst the people to help with the tasks at hand. You and your sisters were tasked with ensuring the important government documents were backed up, and items of historical and cultural significance would be safe.
Once you were finished you sent your sisters down to the bunkers with the other children, minus the usual regalia usually worn by members of the chief family. They'd be safer that way.
Another few days went by, and it was time. Proximity sensors detected First Order ships nearby. The plan was to allow them to land. Your planet didn't possess the technology necessary to beat them in the skies, so you planned to attack once they arrived. The familiar terrain would give you a large advantage.
When they landed, the whole base shook. Rows and rows of men and women, armed to the teeth with miscellaneous technology from the past century waited in deadly silence as your father and his strategists talked. They'd urged you to join the others in the bunkers, but you refused. It was your job, since your mother passed, to be your father's support and in the worst case scenario, become temporary leader if it came to that.
"Our scouts say they've landed. Seven or so large cruiser ships," one of the strategists said pointing at a 3D hologram map, "here in this clearing." He gestured to a large, well known clearing that was only about 2.5 miles from the base.
"We should send a diplomatic party," you started, but were interrupted by your father's oldest advisor.
"Silly girl, we will not submit to the evil of the First Order. Besides, rumor is they are lead by Kylo Ren himself. He will have no mercy on us."
"Do not call me 'silly girl' or the First Order won't be the worst enemy you have to worry about. And I'm not suggesting we 'submit' to them. I disagree with their practices more than anyone, but I don't see the point in risking the lives of all our citizens if we can smooth things over with some slick talking. It may even put us in a position to take down the First Order from the inside."
"No, Silanus is right. We must stand and fight now, or we lose our way of life forever. I will lead the troops to the front lines and we will mount a forward attack on their position. We  should be able to overwhelm them. (Y/N) will stay here with the relief troops and run the command center. If I fall, the orders come from her."
You swallowed thickly, nodding with the other advisors. Everyone quickly left the room to go to their assigned stations. You were left with a colonel and about 150 relief troops. Hopefully they would be unnecessary, but you had a dark feeling in the pit of your stomach.
From the command center, you had camera views from the advancing vehicles, as well as several base perimeter cameras and drones. You were also patched into the coms of the commanding officers.
The troops advanced without stopping to the place where the First Order ships had landed. Before you knew it, chaos overtook everything in your sight. Troopers poured out of ships, much better equipped than your own people. You watched as convoy after convoy were taken out by the ships guns, including your fathers. He and others crawled from the wreckage and you breathed a sigh of relief, though not for long.
Your breath hitched as a shadowy figure descended down the ramp, black cape billowing behind him. You watched in horror as the surviving members of your father's convoy attacked him head on as he reached the ground. In a flash of red they fell away, many in more than one piece. Your father drew his weapon, but before he could fire, Kylo Ren stabbed him through the heart with his light saber, and your father's lifeless body fell to the dust.
A guttural scream rang out, and later you realized it was your own. You fell to your knees and sobbed. You were an orphan now, but more importantly, you were the leader of your planet. A capitol servant came and helped you to your feet. You refocused on the screen to see hundreds of your people dying in anguish.
"Ma'am, ma'am, we need orders," the direct line to you flashed, and you heard the voice of one of the remaining generals. You paused for a moment.
"Stand down and retreat. Do not leave the wounded behind."
With that you moved to another console and asked the technician to connect you with the First Order ships. Once the connection was established, you cleared your throat and spoke clearly.
"My name is (Y/N), new chief minister of Laga-Os. We withdraw our attack and I wish to negotiate terms of surrender."
"Very well. Collect your wounded. You have an hour, and we will send an envoy to negotiate."
The call ended and your body began to shake. You returned to the previous console and relayed the new information to the commanding officers that were still alive. The troopers were no longer firing, instead they formed a line, three deep, between their ships and the rest of the clearing.
The survivors made it back to the base and the relief troops now acted as triage nurses, trying to aid those who were injured. At last count, there were only 400 troops left. Only 400 able-bodied adults left on your entire planet. You called a meeting with all of the remaining leaders.
"I plan to surrender to the First Order in thirty minutes."
No one made a sound or protested.
"I will make sure to negotiate for the safety of our citizens, especially those we have taken special precautions to keep safe."
All the others nodded.
"I need any information about the envoy they may send, and about any surrender negotiations they've made. We need to work fast."
Time was almost up and the only thing you had was a name: General Armitage Hux.
Soon you had to leave the control room and found yourself walking down the abandoned corridors flanked by your advisors. You made it a point to go through the main hangar. You stopped when you got to the door you would soon exit to meet with the envoy, but first you needed to address your people.
"Today, we suffered a great loss. Many of our brothers and sisters died in battle, and I am going to make sure none of their sacrifice goes to waste. I will negotiate the unconditional safety of our most vulnerable citizens, and do everything in my power to secure freedom for those of you who fought bravely. I love my people, and I wish to do right by you."
At the end of your speech you bowed, and turned to leave. All the men and women stood, those that were able, and without word, bowed to you. A symbol of deepest respect and admiration. As you left the make-shift hospital, a single tear ran down your cheek.
You marched solemnly, wordlessly, to the front gates, where the envoy party was waiting. Nearly fifty troopers stood organized in lines behind two men in gray uniforms and another wearing all black. Kylo Ren, the man who'd killed your father only hours earlier, was standing not 100 yards from you, and the distance was closing.
The guards opened the gates and your party walked through them and stopped.
"Chief Minister (Y/N), I presume?' the man in the middle asked slickly, a sick sort of grin on his face.
"Yes. And I presume you are General Hux?" you countered, keeping your best poker face on. You resisted the urge to look over at the shadowy figure on his left.
"Ah, you've done your homework."
"The safety of my people is not something I take lightly. Let us get on with negotiating the terms of surrender."
"Straight to business then."
"I am prepared to offer you full control of Laga-Os and its resources as well as the loyalty of its citizens. In turn, we request that you ensure the safety and health of our vulnerable citizens: the children, the sick, and the elderly. And we request that you grant immunity to the remaining able-bodied citizens of Laga-Os."
"Is that all?" Hux asked sarcastically, making you nervous. You were asking for a lot and you knew it.
He seemed to think about it for a moment, and his other colleague dressed in gray stepped closer to whisper something in his ear. You shifted on your feet and allowed yourself to look over at Kylo Ren. With his helmet, it was nearly impossible to tell where he was looking, but you had a feeling he was watching you.
"I will accept your offer," Hux said, and you breathed a sigh of relief, "With one condition. You will become a willing prisoner of the First Order."
The words hit you like a ton of bricks. Sacrificing yourself to save your people and planet? You started to respond when Silanus stepped forward to put his hand on your arm.
"No, you cannot. We can fight them still."
"Hush, Silanus," you silenced him harshly before turning back to the envoy, "I accept your conditions."
A predatory smile spread across Hux's face making you shiver, and he yelled, "Let it be witnessed, here on this day, a treaty has been struck between the First Order and the territory of Laga-Os. It's citizens will not be punished for the insurrections this day, and the vulnerable population will be protected."
The troopers raised their weapons in the air and yelled together before returning to an attentive stance.
"Now, if you'll come with us," Hux stepped forward and extended his hand.
"Allow me one goodbye," you smiled diplomatically and turned back to Silanus. You pulled him into a hug and whispered into his ear, "Protect my sisters. Keep their identities a secret at all cost." The older man nodded as you pulled away and you faked a smile. With your head held high, you turned on your heel and marched toward your fate.
As you approached the group, Kylo Ren closed on you from the side, but you refused to show fear. When you reached Hux, he nodded before turning to walk in the direction of their hovercraft. Kylo Ren's gloved hand gripped your bicep and you felt his heavy presence beside you.
Hux sat in front next to the driver, and you were sandwiched in the back between the other man in gray and your father's murderer. The sleek hovercraft made quick work of the 2.5 miles to the clearing and raced up the ramp of the large ship. When it finally stopped, you were roughly pulled by his grip on your arm out and to your feet.
"Welcome aboard," Hux said, his voice dripping in saccharine sweet sarcasm. "Take her to a cell. You can interrogate her once we're back at the base. Oh, and tell the troops to execute the rebels now."
"No!" you screamed and lunged for Hux, temporarily breaking Kylo's grip. Before you could reach him, your body was forced to the ground, kneeling in front of him, even though no one was touching you. Tears streamed down your face as you watched them execute the remaining troops. A trooper came behind you and restrained your hands behind you before pulling you up roughly
You were escorted through a maze of dark hallways by two troopers, and tossed not so gently into a cell. You sat on the floor for a while, just staring at the wall. You failed. Nearly the entire adult population of your planet had been destroyed and you'd done nothing to stop it.
Absentmindedly you rubbed your wrists where you'd been restrained and pulled yourself onto the cot in the cell. You turned over to face the wall and let the tears flow freely. Tears that were for your father, your sisters, your people, and yourself stained the bed beneath you as you slowly drifted into a restless sleep.
"Wake up, bitch. We're home," a cruel voice taunted you from outside your cell. You just stared at the black wall in front of you, not bothering to move. If anything, you wished they'd just get it over with already. You knew they'd kill you eventually, and you'd definitely prefer it over the torture you knew they had planned for you.
"(Y/N), come to the cell door. Now."
You sighed and slowly stood from the cot. It may have been hours, or it may have been days since you were taken off your home world, but you didn't really care. You made your way to the electrified gate that served as a cell door and stood facing the uniformed guard.
"Turn around with your hands behind your back," he ordered. You did, and found yourself wincing as cold metal encircled your wrists once again. You were escorted again by two troopers down a new hallway and through an airlock. You then realized you were in another ship. One that had to be much bigger than the previous one.
Through another several corridors you were ushered before you were brought into a large open room. Several officers sat at a semicircular desk facing a glass wall. In the middle sat Hux, and you felt hatred bubble up within you. If you ever got the chance, you were going to rip him limb from limb.
You were so precoccupied with him that you nearly missed the man in the black cape standing in the center of the room. Before you could study him too much, you were turned to face the officers sitting around you.
"How was the trip?" Hux asked. You decided not to dignify him with a response. Sure, you wanted revenge, and you knew if you lived long enough you'd get it, but you knew how to play to your strengths. He expected you to be mad, he wanted it, so you refused to give it to him.
Your hands were released from the shackles and your arms fell to your side.
"General Hux asked you a question, girl," one of the other men sneered. You looked at him, but still refused to answer or react. Despite your relaxed facade, you were on high alert, so you noticed when the men shifted their gaze to Kylo Ren. Your earlier escorts had stepped back to the edge of the room.
All of a sudden, pain wracked your body and you fell to your knees gasping for breath. Through the tears you could see Hux smiling wickedly. Kylo Ren strolled in front of you.
The worst memories of your life started playing in your head. Somehow all at the same time and just as intense. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as you watched your mother die again, saw your father run through on that bastard's weapon, your people gunned down before your eyes. Every time you thought it was over, it started all over again.
You collapsed forward, catching yourself on your hands and trying to steady your breathing. Hux and the others were chuckling at your distress, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
"I'll ask you one more time, how was the trip?" Hux repeated his earlier question. You sat back on your calves and closed your eyes for a moment. When you opened them, you found the general's and set your jaw.
It started again, the pain and the memories. Over and over again. You knew it was probably only seconds, but it felt like eons. Every fiber of your being felt like it was on fire. But this time, it seemed like there was a presence watching with you. You turned in your mind-scape and reached out for it. When your hand made contact, you saw a man, standing in front of you. He was looking at you in a way you couldn't explain. You looked down to see you were holding a distinctive red lightsaber, and you had stabbed him through the gut.
In a flash, you were crumpled on the floor of the room, having been thrown against the wall. Your head throbbed where it had hit the wall, and your whole body ached. Looking up, Kylo stalked towards you, and he was furious. One of the officers tried to stop him, but he was thrown even further than you had been. Something gripped your throat tightly, and you could no longer draw in breath. You were raised up the wall as he grew closer to you. He was shaking in anger.
"Who are you?" he demanded. You couldn't have responded even if you wanted to. He stared at you as you fought for breath.
"Ren! Enough!" Hux shouted, standing from his seat at the head of the table. Kylo looked back at him once. His gaze returned to you and you dropped to the floor once again, your chest heaving as you struggled for breath. "Take her to medical and then get her in a cell. We're not done here."
You were helped to your feet and surprisingly you weren't cuffed again. The same two troopers helped you down the hallway to an elevator, down a few floors, and then into a room that smelled strongly of antiseptic, which made your nose wrinkle.
"Medical treatment needed for prisoner," the trooper on your left's modulated voice rang out into the seemingly empty room. A door opened off the right wall and a woman in a lab coat stepped out.
"You know the drill, wait outside," she said lazily to the two troopers, who helped you sit on a bed before leaving the room. "Another one from Kylo Ren?" she asked, but it sounded like she didn't really want an answer. She shook her head and started moving around the counter next to you gathering supplies.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" The 'sweetheart' bit surprised you, especially coming from a doctor who would work for the First Order.
"(Y/N)," you croaked. Your voice was way more rough than you expected and it hurt to talk. She used a piece of sterile gauze to dab at your upper lip. Your nose had started bleeding at some point and you hadn't even realized it.
"Oh, right. I heard about that," she said, not meeting your eyes. You had a feeling she'd heard about the massacre, too. She had you sit up and listened to your heart and lungs. She proceeded to do a thorough exam of your scalp and neck and also did a quick neuro test.
"So, you're actually pretty healthy. You've got a moderate concussion, so I'm going to tell them to let you sleep it off."
She turned back to her workstation and handed you a cup of something green.
"It's for your throat," she explained, and you downed it with a grimace. "Can I ask you something?"
You nodded, not really in a position to refuse after her kindness.
"Why didn't you just answer his question?"
You weren't sure how she knew about what happened exactly, but you didn't ask.
"I guess it's the principle of the thing," you laughed bitterly. She nodded sadly and turned away again to write something in your chart.
"Just a piece of advice, don't antagonize Kylo Ren. He keeps me very busy. If you want to stay alive, stay out of his way."
That was the last thing the doctor said to you. She let the troopers outside know that you were ready to go to a cell, and they came in to lead you away. In the hallway, however, you were stopped by none other than Kylo Ren.
"I need to speak with the prisoner. I will take custody of her now." His modulated voice sounded cold and gruff.
The two troopers looked at each other, and you looked back over your right shoulder and pleaded with your eyes, hoping they wouldn't let you go.
"Of course, Commander Ren," they nodded to him and walked back down the hallway, leaving you alone with Kylo Ren. His hand found the same vice grip on your bicep he had used yesterday when escorting you into custody. When his gloved hand met your bare skin your heart rate skyrocketed and you fought to keep your breath steady.
He walked quickly, dragging you through the meandering hallways and giving you almost no time to worry about your final destination. You thought he was going to walk straight into a wall, but with a flick of his wrist that you almost missed, a panel shifted and you walked into a dimly lit room.
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but you realized you were in some sort of living space. A couch sat against the wall and you were shoved towards it. You sat down on it, doing your best not to irritate him.
He raised his hand in front of him, and to your shock, removed his helmet. Underneath you could see a curtain of jet black hair. His face was turned away, but you held your breath, waiting to see what the monster underneath the mask truly looked like.
"What did you see?" he asked lowly. He fiddled with something in front of him.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about.
"Don't lie to me," he yelled and threw his gloves at the wall. He pivoted quickly on his heel and strode over to stand in front of you. He gripped your jaw tightly in his hand and forced you to look at him. "I know you saw something earlier. What did you see?"
You swallowed and studied his face. It was actually kind of handsome. His brown eyes bored into yours, waiting for an answer to your question.
"I saw a man. He had been stabbed, with a lightsaber. But it was like I was the one stabbing him. He looked really confused, and sad."
His grip on your chin tightened as you spoke, and you were afraid you'd angered him further. So you were shocked when he released you and stepped back, running his fingers through his hair.
"I was seeing your memory, wasn't I?" you spoke out loud, realizing a beat too late that maybe silence would have been better, but seeing as you'd already said it, you plowed ahead. "Who was he?"
"No one," he spat, turning to face you once more. "And you won't tell anyone what you saw."
"It's not like they would believe me. I'm a prisoner, remember."
"I don't care. No one can know."
Being in the enclosed space with him was suffocating. You could practically feel the emotions rolling off of him in waves. Anger, disgust, and strangely enough, sadness. You sat waiting in terror, afraid to even move a single muscle as he paced in front of you. Despite all this, you wanted nothing more than to study his face again. Something about it drew you in.
"So why don't you just kill me already?" you asked. It was a stupid question, and you knew it.
He laughed darkly, and the familiar chokehold on your throat returned. You struggled to breathe, and you only hoped he would make it quick. He strode back over to you and knelt so he was eye-level once again, but this time he didn't speak. He just watched you. You took a deep, gasping breath as he released you.
"You're not afraid of me," he breathed. If you hadn't been as close to him as you were, you wouldn't have heard the words, "and you don't hate me."
Rage boiled inside of you at his last statement. But as angry as you were, you knew he was right. It wasn't hatred. It wasn't strong enough. It wasn't pure enough.
You shivered, but you didn't know if it was from your rapidly shifting emotions or from the chill in the air. The light, sleeveless dress that was seasonally appropriate back on Laga-Os left you exposed to the filtered and artificially cooled air.
Kylo had returned to his pacing. You could tell he wasn't used to feeling vulnerable, and he hated it.
"You will stay here until I return," he said suddenly. He pulled on his gloves again and grabbed his helmet. He looked back at you, something strange in his eyes. In one motion, he slipped it over his head, and opened the hidden door. It shut tight behind him and you were left completely alone for the first time in days.
You had a feeling that Kylo Ren wouldn't allow anyone to watch him in what was obviously his private space, so you felt fairly safe to stand up and move around, although still sore from your earlier encounter with the melodramatic commander.
With your arms wrapped around you for warmth, you delved deeper into Kylo Ren's personal quarters. You walked through the only doorway in the room to find yourself in a short hallway. On the right was a small kitchen. To your left was a luxurious bathroom. You stepped inside to see a large tub, as well as a standing shower. The mirror on the wall showed you how terrible you looked, though the room was dimly lit.
The dress you were wearing had been off-white, but now it was smeared with blood, mud, and what you could only guess was mechanical grease. Your face was dirty too, and there was still dried blood on your upper lip.
Turning back to the hallway you walked towards the end of it this time, finding a bedroom. You didn't know what you expected, but it wasn't a large bed, dressed in black silks. There was an armchair in the corner with a fuzzy throw blanket draped over the back. To the right there was a closet.
Stepping inside you saw rows and rows of black. It actually made you giggle, to think of the big bad Kylo Ren doing laundry. You actually laughed out loud when the image came to mind of him waking up every morning to stroll into this very closet and pick out his outfit for the day. There were drawers on the back wall, and you couldn't help but snoop. Inside were normal things. Things that, in your mind, didn't belong to Kylo Ren. Underwear, undershirts, socks, and more pairs of gloves filled the drawers. In one you found what you realized were lounge pants.
You realized you were thinking about him wearing lounge pants. Nothing but lounge pants. And you were disgusted with yourself. He was the man who killed your father, the man who helped massacre your people. He wasn't some ordinary man to be laughed at or understood.
Back in the bedroom you walked over to the armchair and pulled the blanket off the back. You debated whether or not to got back into the first room, but it felt safer here, further away from the door. And he'd know you'd snooped anyways when he saw the blanket you'd found.
So you settled into the armchair, curling your whole body up into it, trying to fit your whole body under the blanket. As safe and comfortable as you had been since you were taken, you drifted off into a fitful sleep.
thatredheadwriter’s Masterlist
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julieandthefandoms · 4 years
Best Day Of Our Lives
A Jemma wedding fic featuring a Kitty reunion, married with children Kierartina, and Haline being cute together. It can also be found here on AO3 :) 
Also, a thank you to Kaitlin, @ineedadrinkorsleep, for allowing me to use her list of Kierartina baby names, you’re amazing!
Tagging @katie33333 @tessagraycarstairs @zafirafox4636 @fairchild-squad @lily-chen-deserves-better @ineedadrinkorsleep @older-brother-kit because I have a tag list now!
Julian straightened the collar of the suit. It was bright in shade, a thing of fire and gold. It was the kind of fire so bright it almost seemed to hold no color at all, leaving the shimmering runes custom to shadowhunter weddings to almost compete with the brightness of it. It was blinding, and Julian could admire the craftsmanship of the suit, tailored to near perfection. Julian could care less about the flashiness of the suit though. It wouldn’t matter whether he were wearing jeans, or even were covered in paint splatters. What mattered was that he was getting married to his best friend, Emma Carstairs.
For the longest time, he was sure he wouldn’t have this opportunity. He had thought he had sealed his fate on that day in Idris. The day after the Dark War, when he had asked the person he loved to be his parabatai. He was prepared to live a life of unrequited love, but by some stroke of luck, he was getting married to her. The bond had been broken, and they could be together. He could be happy.
A pang went through him as he thought back to those days, back when Livvy was still with them. She would've been wild with excitement to be there, to have planned it to perfection. Julian was almost surprised that the pain hadn’t dwindled over time, but there was still an ache as he thought of her. The feeling of loss never truly fades. He had enough space in his heart to love Emma, while still hurting from the loss of his sister.
Julian tugged at the bottom of the jacket once more.
“You look lovely, Jules.” He turned to spot his sister, Helen Penhallow Blackthorn, his suggenes, leaning against the doorframe, a bright smile on her face. She herself was dressed in a flowing gown barely brushing against the top of the floor. “We should probably get going though, you wouldn’t want to be late to your own wedding.”
Kit Herondale should have known better. It was bound to happen really, he was definitely pushing his luck after about the second or third wedding he’d been to, but he hadn’t expected it to be so sudden. It had all started earlier that year, when virtually every friend of Jem and Tessa’s had collectively decided to destroy Kit’s life, a simple one of sneaking Mina extra cookies and avoiding his problems, by forcing him to face all his problems at their weddings. And currently, he was faced with the person he was avoiding most.
Kit had somehow managed to skate by during most of the weddings though. Simon and Isabelle’s was first, Kit having managed to stay as close to the crowd as possible, and silently slipping away after the main portion of the ceremony to reduce his chances of getting involved in a rather awkward discussion. Only a few months had passed before Clary and Jace got married as well, Kit glimpsing a head of dark hair before bolting as soon as he could, claiming that he had to take care of Mina. In fact, what was doing was hiding in the library, pouring his heart out to his little sister.
“You’d think after 3 years my heart would stop beating so rapidly that I became concerned about my own health, but no,” Kit glanced at Mina, who was currently laughing at him, eyes half shut from joy.
She let out another giggle.
“How dare you find joy in my pain?” he said, dramatically laying a hand on his head and leaning back against the bookshelf, though the smile illuminating his face revealed his true intentions. “How can I go on now, betrayed by my own sister?”
Kit smiled at the thought.
Kieran, Mark, and Cristina’s wedding had been somewhat more challenging, him having been caught behind a huge oak tree by none other than Livvy Blackthorn, but he had somehow managed to convince her to tell no one, i.e. her twin brother, a.k.a. the person Kit was trying so desperately to avoid.
“Please, Livvy, don’t tell him I’m here,” Kit was pleading now, already on his knees, gazing up at the ghost above him.
Livvy rolled her eyes. “Fine, but only because I want you to do this on your terms. Remember though, my ship must be canon!”
“Your what?!-”
And that finally brought them up to this wedding, Emma and Julian’s to be more specific. Having been related to, however distant that relation may be, the bride had seemingly got the Herondale/Gray/Carstairs family (or as Kit liked to call it, the Herongraystairs family) a one way ticket to the wedding, and consequently, Kit facing the person he was dreading to meet again.
It had been going relatively well, he’d thought, the ceremony about to begin, and Kit quietly tucked into a corner. That was until Mina dragged him towards the table piled high with drinks, having spotted Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Tavvy Blackthorn, Gianna Blackthorn-Rosales, and Nico Blackthorn-Rosales (Cristina, Mark, and Kieran had Gianna and Nico a year before being married, and Mina instantly fell for them, claiming that they were her “best fwends”) playing near there, and Kit had thought maybe a drink or two wouldn’t hurt. He was severely wrong of course as Kit had failed to notice one head of dark hair standing not far from that very table.
Kit blamed Mina’s doe eyes, and his ability to fall for them instantly.
After his first drink, a voice had made Kit turn, causing him to end up where he was currently, nearly on the floor.
“Hello. I’d like to talk to you.”
Julian was bubbling with joy, a smile brightening his face as he was led to a platform, Helen by his side. He stopped at the top of the steps, turning to give Helen an appreciative nod and a smile. Julian took a sharp inhale as Emma walked around the corner, Cristina lending her off to the stage. All thoughts left him. She was breathtaking, wrapped in a gold silk gown that hugged her waist before flaring down to the ground. A sheer overlay on the silk skirt caught the brightness of the witchlight, complimenting the gold in her hair.
But it wasn’t only gold, was it? It was a beautiful mix of cadmium yellows, naples yellows, golds, yellow ochres.
She was beautiful, and Julian couldn’t help but think that he was the luckiest person in the world. As Emma reached the platform, she leaned in, a grin plastered on her face.
“I know, I look stunning.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder in a playful manner.
Julian shot back a nod. “It is your wedding, I’d expect no less.”
And with that, the ceremony began, Brother Enoch reciting a few words, before steles appeared in their hand. It passed by in a blur, and before Julian knew it, they were kissing. Time seemed to still, Julian thought he heard a crash somewhere in the crowd, a flash of blond hair blurring by the table, but he paid no attention to it. The room melted away, it was as though they, Emma and Julian, were the only two people in the room. It was perfect.
“HOLY-” Kit choked on his drink. He had forgotten how graceful shadowhunters were, how easily they could move without alerting anyone surrounding them. Unfortunately, that shadowhunter grace had apparently skipped a generation because Kit found himself clutching at the table for support, having nearly fallen from shock.
“Are you alright?” It was none other than Tiberius Nero Blackthorn, his arm outstretched. He was looking at him, and at that moment, all rational thought left him. He said something roughly equivalent to an audible keysmash before clearing his throat.
“Yeah, I’m alright,” Kit brushed himself off, standing up as though nothing had happened. If you pretend to be confident, it won’t be long until you begin to feel confident as well. For the first time since the wedding fiasco began, he actually looked at Ty. He was taller now, Kit was surprised to see, though he supposed he shouldn’t have. Three years did a lot to change someone, he supposed, but those eyes were the same. A beautiful yet deadly storm churning above a sea. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
Kit leaned against the table once more, this time a bit more suave and cool, and less panicky than the first.
“Why are you avoiding me?” It was a simple question, clear as day. Kit choked up a bit. “And why did you leave?”
All of a sudden, he was fifteen again, doing anything he could for Ty, the beautiful shadowhunter that had held a knife to his throat. The nephilim he would have done anything for. Years of suppressing his emotions didn’t prepare Kit for this moment, he doubted anything could have. Ty looked calm enough, but his hands were frantically twisting and unknotting a ball of pipe cleaners. He was nervous, Kit knew it, and so Kit blurted it out. He never could have told Ty a lie, even if he wanted to. Even after three years.
“Because I was hurt, and I was running away from what had happened,” Kit took a deep breath, as Ty nodded, understanding it. Kit, suspecting he was going to turn away, proceeded to continue talking, hoping to get a laugh, a smile, anything out of Ty. “Tessa thinks it was the Herondale dramatics though.”
Kit didn’t add the second part of what she said, “Running away from the person you love ‘for their own good’ is alarmingly common among Herondales,” but Ty let out a laugh, bright and brilliant, so it was a win in Kit’s book.
It was an amazing laugh, low and lovely, beautiful to hear.
“Tessa knows Herondales well.”
“She does.”
The silence stretched on for a moment, though it was a comfortable one. A silence in which both parties simply enjoyed the presence of the other.
The soft piano finally registered in Kit’s mind. A crazy idea formed in his head, one his fifteen year old self would banish to the darkest corners of his brain.
“May I have this dance?”
Turned out he wasn’t the only one to have that idea, Kit thought as he accepted Ty’s hand. An impish grin spread across Kit’s face.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Soft music began playing from the piano in the corner, Jace Herondale shooting a wink at Helen as she rolled her eyes at his antics. A smile rested upon her face, as Helen looked at her brother and Emma, both beaming joy, foreheads together as they swayed to the music. It was so genuine, and beautiful, she couldn’t stop grinning even if she wanted to. She’d already missed so much of her family’s life, exiled on Wrangel Island, that she was glad to be here, sharing this moment with them.
And how lovely it was, gold decorations pinned to the walls, tables lined with dishes and drinks. Kieran, Mark, and Cristina were on the sides, cooing at their third child, Emelia, an adorable baby girl born only a few months ago. Helen spotted Ty dancing with Kit by the drink table, both blissfully unaware of the children bouncing about close to them. Dru was at the center of the ballroom with Jaime Rosales, gown flaring as she was spun.
Aline leaned into her, resting her head upon Helen’s shoulder. She was stunning, in a wine red gown with glittering gold accents, dark hair brushing against her back. Helen couldn’t stop but think about how lucky she was, to have someone so beautiful, so wonderful.
“Young love, it’s beautiful isn’t it?”
Her wife was most certainly correct, and Helen agreed wholeheartedly.
“It really is.”
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thomastair · 4 years
Could you please do #3 for Haline???
haline—“it’s three in the morning.”
Aline decided that she loved the LA institute from the moment she set eyes on it. It was different from the institutes she’d visited before, those all cold stone and close corridors that made you feel like you were supposed to be as quiet as in a library. The LA institute was modern and sleek, with huge windows that glinted in the hot sun. A highway wound along the coast between the institute and the beach, cars parked along the shoulder, mundane surfers calling out to each other and laughing as they made their way down to the sparkling blue of the ocean.
“Do you surf?” She asked her girlfriend.
Her girlfriend. They’d been dating for over half a year now and Aline still couldn’t really believe it. She’d never thought she was a lonely sort of person until she suddenly hadn’t been alone and the emptiness of her teenage years suddenly became obvious. She hadn’t known there’d been a part of her that’d thought she was unlovable until she was confronted by the all encompassing force of Helen loving her.
Helen set her suitcase down on the driveway by her feet. Wind blew in off the ocean, smelling of salt and blowing the waves of her blonde hair across her forehead. She grinned at Aline, lifting a hand to shield her eyes from the sun. “Of course I do.”
An image rose in Aline’s mind of Helen in a bikini, the water glimmering on her skin as she crested a wave. “That’s sexy.”
Helen laughed, the sound warming something inside Aline. “I can teach you if you want.”
Aline opened her mouth to reply and was interrupted by a commotion near the doors of the institute.
“Helen!” Someone called and the family at the top of the stairs came into sharp focus.
Aline’s stomach dropped.
The thing about travelling to LA to meet your girlfriend’s family is that you actually have to meet the family. Aline felt sweat drip down her back, from the heat or her nerves she couldn’t tell. Helen had a huge family and Aline was determined to make them love her. Helen talked about her family with all the fond exasperation of an older sibling which was something that Aline, being an only child, had no idea how to relate to. How did you make someone’s siblings like you?
A man stepped out onto the top step next to the gaggle of children.
How did you make someone’s dad like you?
She felt a hand brush her wrist and looked over to see Helen smiling encouragingly. Only the tight grip she had on her suitcase betrayed her nerves. They’d talked about meeting the Blackthorns on the way there but that was a far cry from the actual thing. Aline gave Helen a return smile that she hoped wasn’t too nervous. The sun beat down on them unrelentingly.
A blur shot down the stairs and tackled Helen’s knees. “Helen!”
Helen staggered and laughed, bending down to hug the round faced girl that had assailed her. “Hi Dru.”
Drusilla. The second youngest of the Blackthorns. Aline tried to remember what else she knew about her as Dru turned to her and stared in puzzlement. “Who are you?”
Aline tried for a winning smile. “Aline Penhallow.”
Dru’s eyes went wide. She turned to Helen excitedly. “You didn’t say you were bringing your girlfriend!”
Helen blushed, the tips of her pointed ears turning pink. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
Dru looked Aline up and down before sticking out her hand solemnly. “I’m Dru.”
Aline took her proffered hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Dru grinned shyly before scampering back towards the other Blackthorns. Helen followed her, Aline close behind and steeling herself for the introductions.
Andrew Blackthorn was a tall brown haired man with eyes the same bright blue-green as Helen’s. He wrapped his eldest daughter in a hug before turning to Aline with a grin. Aline tried not to appear as if her stomach was tying itself into knots.
She shouldn’t have worried. Andrew shook her hand, still smiling. “I hope Helen hasn’t given you too much trouble.”
“Dad!” Helen exclaimed, looking up from where she was preoccupied with hugging another girl with hair the same dark brown as most of the other kids. Aline remembered that her name was Livvy.
“I think I’m more likely to cause trouble.” She told Andrew and he laughed. The anxiety that had been eating at Aline’s nerves ebbed.
There was a whirlwind of introductions. Livvy skipped the handshake and gave Aline a bubblegum smelling hug. Her twin Tiberius didn’t shake her hand at all, just nodded shyly. Dru smiled at her from around her father’s legs while twelve year old Julian gave her the serious handshake of a boy trying to appear grown up.
“Where’s Emma?” Helen asked him as she pulled him in for a hug, ruffling her hand through his hair.
Julian ducked away from her, his face lighting up. “She couldn’t make it today but she’s coming over tomorrow.” He looked at Aline again. “Emma’s my best friend.” He explained, the wind making his hair stick up.
“Cool.” Aline said, not knowing what else to say. How did you make conversation with twelve year olds?
The door of the institute opened again and a fifteen year old boy slipped out. He had the same blond hair as Helen and the same delicacy of features that was a nod to his faerie heritage. He beamed down at Helen and Aline before jumping down the steps to greet them.
“I thought I heard your car.” He said by way of a hello. He was wearing black training gear and sweat pasted his pale hair to his temples. Aline felt a twinge of sympathy. It must have been sweltering but he didn’t seem bothered. Maybe everyone who grew up in LA was crazy enough to not feel the heat.
Helen tried to pull him into a hug but he shook her off, embarrassed in the way only boys can be embarrassed at affection. He gave Aline a quick once over and seemed to decide that she passed the test. He grinned at her then, blue eyes squinting in the bright sun.
“I’m Mark.” He said finally and Aline resisted the urge to say I know. There was no one else he could have been. “I heard you saved my sister’s life in Italy.”
Aline couldn’t stop herself from looking at Helen, fondness blooming in her chest. Helen looked back at her, her eyes dancing.
Mark groaned at his sister. “I can’t believe you got to go to Italy and got a girlfriend. How come these things never happen to me?”
Helen yawned and Aline suddenly felt the weight of their travel crash over them. They could have taken a portal but Aline had wanted to fly on a plane at least once in her life and Helen hadn’t objected. They’d spent the last forty eight hours scrambling to figure out how airports worked and the time difference was catching up to them. Aline didn’t regret it exactly but she’d decided firmly that she was never getting on an airplane willingly ever again.
“Maybe if you weren’t so annoying.” Helen told Mark, who exclaimed in mock outrage. She shook her hair back from her face. “Now Aline and I are going to take a nap because it’s like three in the morning in Italy.”
Mark wiggled his eyebrows. “A nap huh?”
Helen swatted him and he squawked. Aline felt her cheeks go bright red. “Yes, a nap. And if you even think about waking us up before dinner I’ll kill you.”
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josieofantiva · 4 years
OC Info
I was tagged by @elffyness for an OC info post. Thanks Bry, ily <3
Tumblr media
name: Ashaia Lavellan
alias(es): Inquisitor, Blues (Varric), Shae
gender/pronouns: she/her, cis woman
age: 27
place of birth: highlands of the Free Marches
spoken languages: Common, Elvish
sexual orientation: Bisexual
occupation: hunter turned apprentice of the craftmaster and one of the clan’s main traders, Inquisitor
eye colour: Brown
hair colour: dark auburnish
height: 5′2
scars and burns: facial scar from the attack on Haven, a scar on her back from a climbing mishap as a teen. 
body type: athletic, kind of a runner’s build
colors: blue, gold
music genre: Usually instrumental, often more calming but can just as well vibe to some good ole fast paced jam sessions.
movie genre: She is always up for a good SciFi movie, but will also watch documentaries frequently. And late at night, she’ll sometimes watch really bad romance movies.
tv show: She gets very passionate about antique roadshow.
drink: extremely strong tea, cider.
book: satire and she’ll blast through a good relaxing YA book.
passed university: in uh...dalish terms sure. Although she was still an apprentice, so idk....?
had sex: yes
had sex in public: semi-public...
gotten pregnant: no
kissed a boy: yes
kissed a girl: yes
gotten tattoos: yes
had a broken heart: yes
been in love: yes
stayed up for longer than 24 hours: yes
scared easily: no
jealous easily: on occasion, although she tries very hard to not be unreasonable. 
trustworthy: yes, if she trusts you :)
dominant/submissive: mostly dominant
a cuddler: with the right person, definitely 
a kisser: sometimes
in love: yes <3
single: no
wanted to kill someone: yes
have/had a job: yes, became a professional at dealing with bullshit 
have any fears: becoming somebody else, inability to be grounded (drifting),  failure
sibling(s): Halin Lavellan (older brother)
parents: Varnehn (Father), Lei’lah (Mother)
children: yes :) 
pets: her Hart- Rosal
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 50 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 50 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
She accepted that, and went further aft to the helmsman.  It was still Darkistry who was holding their course.  Tanlin took the helm tackle while Darkistry drank her warm broth.  Even with the tackle to take the jolt, it was hard to keep the ship steady when a wave took the stern and tried to push the rudder out of line.
In lulls of wind, Tanlin was able to yell questions and get answers shouted back.
“Wye int’ t’e storm?”
“It’s a Coriolis storm, a cyclone!”
“It has a calmer core where we can ride the storm north and escape over the pole to another fleet!”
“‘Oose idea wa’ t’at?”
“Mine. Captain liked it though!”
Darkistry took back the steering tackle and Tanlin saw how she braced and adjusted the rudder just before the following seas hit the ship.  She could now better appreciate the artistry with which Darkistry was handling the vessel.
Carefully, using the storm lines, Tanlin made her way back.  Screaming wind, rain and seas flooding across the deck nearly took her.  The storm lines kept her from being washed away.
Regaining her feet she got to the companionway hatch.  It was opened at her knock and she hastened in, accompanied by a rush of wave and wind-driven rain.  She made her way forward down the dark corridor, bracing against the walls to keep from falling as the ship rolled and pitched underfoot.  Only three candle-lanterns lit the big mess room, leaving it a gloomy cavern.  Hands came from the dimness and assisted her in shedding her soaked foul-weathers.  A hot broth was thrust into her hands and she was guided to a bench to sit.
A respectful silence followed while Tanlin sipped her drink and got some warmth back into her.  She smiled at the anxious faces about her.
“T’e Ca’tain knows w’at ‘e’s about.  We’re steerin’ deeper int’ t’e storm.  Unless we strike somet’in’, we should be in nae special danger.”
“What I want to know is why?  Why is the Captain steering this course?” the voice of Mister Timms asked from the shadows about her.
“Tis a Coriolis Cyclone.  We’re makin’ for t’e calmer ‘eart so t’at we can ride t’e storm north, safe from pursuit.  T’e Coriolis storms all die about 650 or 700 North an’ we’ll be able t’ slip t’rough t’e Dragon Sea t’ safety.
“Is Master Selked ‘ere?”
“Yes, Lady Tanlin, I am.”
“D’ we ‘ave a Main Spar in stores?  Prefer’bly an old ane?”
Master Selked bent his gaze to the wildly swinging lantern nearest him and thought a moment, “There’s a main-yard that was damaged and saved for salvage after our last storm.  That was down in Arrakan waters, Lady.  It has a split and crush damage to the interior structure of the outer port-side quarter.”
“T’at’ll be perfect!” Tanlin enthused.  “Master Calin!  We’ll need all o’ t’e old or worn out cordage in t’e ropewalk t’ rig ‘t. Master Arran!  We just replaced a wind-bagged main sail.  We need t’ get ‘t out an’ furl ‘t t’ t’e spar wit’ t’e old riggin’.  We wont t’ make ‘t look like t’e wind got int’ t’e sail an’ blew ‘t open, breakin’ t’e spar!  We’ll cast ‘t overboard for t’e search t’ find.”
The crew leaped into action, glad of something to do.  The Rope Walk was opened and the spar and sail brought in.  Ropes were sorted and the sail rigged to the yardarm so that it appeared to have lost reefing points and blown open to the force of the storm.  Experts debated over how it came loose and which rigging should be borne with it.  
One of the men who had helped with the Fauline repairs produced a broken chunk of railing.  It had been ripped free when the Fauline was rammed.  Properly secured and sized rigging was attached, including a portion of a mast brace from standing rigging.
When all was ready, it was wrestled to an amidships companionway and the storm hatch opened.  Cold, wind driven rain slashed in, followed by a gush of water as a wave rolled the length of the ship down the deck. The crew, men and women both, wrestled the big decoy out.  Once the wind found it, it became near impossible to manage.  Finally they got it out onto the deck.  They struggled to get it overside before wind and wave could hurl it like a deadly missile at their own rigging. As they watched, the yardarm took some water through the split and the broken end sank, pivoting the arm up like a marker buoy as it floated away from the ship.
Captain Barad gave them the ancient OK sign of circled thumb and forefinger, with the other fingers spread.
Back in the common room of the mess, Tanlin saw to the distribution of rations and a cup of warm drink to everyone involved.
Mister Timms entered along with helmsman Macoul, both shaking the water from their foul-weather gear.  “They won’t let us replace them. They’ve been on watch continuously for near twenty four hours!”
“How are they holding up?” Tanlin asked anxiously.
“They are both alert and strong for now,” said Macoul.  “As long as I was there, Darkistry let me help with the tackle.  She always works it ahead of the storm, better than I can do it.  I gave up and joined Mister Timms in returning.”
Hours later, the tocsin rattled ‘watch change, crew on deck!’  There had been a very perceptible alteration in the nature of the storm. The waves were still rough, though nowhere near the height or power of before.  The wind was dying down from its previous ferocity.  They had made it to the eye of the storm, the so called calm center of the cyclone.  Calm was a relative term.  It was still hard gusty weather and the seas were choppy and heavy, filled with the wrack stirred up by the storm.
Without waiting to be ordered, Lenai Halin began to mount the ratlines to inspect the sails and rigging for storm damage.
“Can I come, too, Mother?” Arnat called.
“Sure, son.  Remember, if I tell you to stop or wait someplace, you do it. The rigging can be tricky while it’s wet like this.”  She looked on with pride as Arnat refused the help of a deck-hand in getting up to the rail.  The ratlines were like a rope ladder going up from the rail to high on the foremast.  Each mast had them.  They were spaced for grown folk, not children, but once Arnat had a grip he climbed quickly and surely  to where his mother was waiting.  They climbed easily, side by side, up to the first lookout.
The jibs were billowed out tight in the breeze ahead of them.  Lenai examined them critically.  “What do you see, Arnat?  Are the sails still sound?”  She waited patiently while Arnat looked as closely as his perch permitted.
“The lead jib mid-seam is showing signs of stretching, mother.”
“You are right about the sail,” she said with a smile.  “Noticed like a true sail-lofter and rigging surveyor.”  She paused and corrected, “Up here, I’m Lenai.  Remember that.”  She gave him a quick hug while automatically catching a line for balance as the ship yawed under them.
“Moth. . .Lenai, there are two reefing points on the mid-jib that are starting to tear out.  If they aren’t fixed, the sail will split in the next storm.”
“Good eyes, Arnat.  That covers the fore-sails used in this storm.  Let’s go on up.  We have to survey the running rigging.  Those head-blocks took almost the whole load of this ship during the blow.”
Ratlines could only take them part way to the head-blocks, just below the masthead.  Clinging casually to the ropes and bracing against the mast, she examined all of the lashings and the condition of the blocks.
“What do you see here, Sharp-eyes?”
Arnat climbed past her and looked everything over carefully.
“These lashings held up well.  That line,” he pointed, “has chafing.” Then he caught what his mother had seen.  “The block wheel has frozen, that’s why the line chafed!”
“I knew that there was a reason I taught you to think!  Good catch!” Lenai wrapped an arm around her son, grabbed an up-haul with her free hand and both legs and slid down to the blocks for the mid-jib. Everything there passed inspection and they slid on down to the deck. Barad was waiting there for their report.  Lenai proudly pushed Arnat forward.  “Make our report, crewman Arnat,” she ordered.
Arnat, a little big-eyed at the trust, honor and responsibility, said, “Captain Barad, Sir, the fore-jib head-block has frozen.  It needs replacement, along with the uphaul.  Both jibs need to be replaced for maintenance.  There is minor stretching in the mid-seam of the fore and some tears starting around two reefing points on the mid.”
A grin split Barad’s face, “Very good, Arnat.  We will get men on it right away.”
Fresh sails were broken out and the slight damage repaired before it could grow to ship damaging or destroying proportions.  All around them the storm clouds could be seen charging in a wide circle, while overhead the sky was a clear blue.
Barad and Darkistry gladly gave up the control of the ship and went below, aiming for food and bunks in that order.  The crew surrounded them with congratulations and pressed hot drinks and food on them until they could never have eaten or drunk it all.
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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cassandraclare · 5 years
the eldest curses
queenhelenblackthorn said:
I love TRSOM so much! Malec and Haline were so adorable and amazing!!! You and Wesley Chu did such beautiful work. Okay so my question is about "the eldest curses". 
Asmodeus calls Magnus the "eldest curse" but the series is called "the eldest curses" implying more than one. Might it be possible for Magnus to have living siblings? Are we gonna meet more children of Greater Demons other than Tessa and Magnus? Have we already met them?
Very good spotting, Queen! The eldest curses are indeed the definition of the rare surviving offspring of a human and a Greater Demon or Prince of Hell. We HAVE met some before, and we find out why they’re important in the later TEC books.
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thechangeling · 4 years
Lux and Obscures:
This used to be called aimless but I decided to change the title to match the story better. This is going to be multiple chapters. I've linked part 1 down below. I know it's been a million years I'm sorry.
Chapter 2: Despair
"What do you mean she's been taken mom?! What the fuck happened?" Mina shouted. Her parents both instantly glared at her disapprovingly. Helen and Aline promptly stared off into the corner awkwardly. Her father still looked a little strange, kind of dazed and miserable.
Mina tried to regain her composure. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have sworn, that was uncalled for. I'm just really worried about Ellie" she explained. Her mothers faze softened. Her father still looked deeply troubled.
Then it dawned on her.
Where's my Parabatai, is what she had said. Where's my Parabatai? Her father probably had been asking himself that very same question over and over for years now.
"What even happened?" She asked her mother, nudging by her and the Blackthorn- Penhallows to go to the weapons room to retrieve Cortana. Emma and Julian hadn't had any children so that meant Mina was the Cartairs heir.
It had taken awhile for Cortana to accept her. The first time she had tried, Mina had been 15. She had anxiously held out her hand but nothing happened. She refused to budge. It had been Emma originally who insisted on Cortana being called "she" instead of it because apparently she just "felt right." Well she (Cortana) was an obnoxious bitch. Emma had then held out her hand and of course Cortana lit up and came flying into her mistress's hand.
Mina had been so discouraged. She was flat out convinced that it was some sort of personal flaw of hers. She spent the next several years working her ass off to he worthy. It wasn't until her 18th birthday that Cortana finally relented. It was possible that she was just having a hard time letting go. She and Emma had been together for so long. But all good things needed to come to an end.
Mina currently sped towards the weapons room, everyone else following behind her. "The institute was attacked by a team of warlocks" her mother informed her.
"None of them were familiar" Helen chimed in. "They grabbed Ellie and tried to grab me but seemed to be dodging everyone else. Helen's voice was shakey, as if she were holding back tears. Aline pulled her arm around Helen's waist and rested her forehead against Helen's shoulder. "I just don't get it" Helen said dejectedly.
Mina took a breath. Helen was right. It didn't really make sense. However there was no time to dwell on that. Mina knew Ellie wasn't dead or else the bond would have snapped. But that didn't mean she wasn't in trouble. She needed to move fast.
She marched into the weapons room, grabbing up Cortana. There was no time to grab gear so she just tied her hair back. Mina turned back to face the group. "Do we have any ideas about where they took her?" She asked.
Her mother stepped forward and produced a plastic bag that seemed to contain a throwing star. Magnus had the idea to pull a print off of this." She said
"But that might take awhile" her father interjected. Mina's breathing began to become shallow and frantic. She could feel panic brewing inside of her.
"How long exactly?" Mina asked with a sharp edge to her tone. "We can't wait very long. Who knows what they might be doing to her?"
"Mina!" Her mother scolded her sharply, giving her a pointed look. Helen and Aline both looked horrified. Mina felt guilty. She knew she was being immature and disrespectful, but she couldn't help it. She was terrified.
"It'll take a few hours" Aline answered. "In the mean time we need to prepare an assult team. I'm assuming you're coming with us?"
Mina nodded firmly, she watched her parents out of the corner of her eye to see if they would protest, but neither of them said anything.
"Great" Helen said raising her head. "We need to go to New York to meet up with Julian, Emma, Mark and Cristina. Maybe throwin Kieran if he isn't busy. I'm pretty sure we could get Clary and Jace involved as well, and of course Magnus and Alec, but Simon and Izzy are still in Peru." Helen marched past her to load up on weapons. "You're probably going to want to change sweetheart. I dont know what you're brother might have told you but you can't actually survive stab wounds just by sheer force of will." She joked.
Helen and Aline were strapping knives and short swords onto their gear while her father went to retrieve his staff. Her mother was preparing to make a portal for New York.
A few minutes later Mina emerged from her bedroom, fully dressed in gear. "So what about Kit and Ty?" She asked physically restraining herself from saying kitty instead. This was a serious situation.
"They volunteered to stay behind with the younger kids" Aline supplied sliding another knife up her sleeve. "So basically that's Emelia, Iris and of course Rosie and baby Livvy. Everyone else is coming with us."
Emelia was the youngest daughter of Kieran, Mark and Cristina and Iris was the youngest of Helen and Aline. Rosie and Livvy were Mina's nieces, Kit and Ty's daughters.
"Wait a minute. Literally everyone else?" Mina asked incredulously. "You mean Gianna too? Honestly I didn't think she would give a shit."
"Wilhelmina!" Her mother shouted.
"Ok this isn't helping!" Helen snapped. "We need to go." Mina instantly felt guilty.
Her mother nodded and raised her hands. Slowly blue light began to spark from them and rush outward in a flurry of colour creating a portal. Mina couldn't help but feel jealous.
"Alright then come on" her father beckoned her towards the portal. Mina reached behind her back to pat Cortana to make sure she was still there.
Mina closed her eyes for a moment, steeling herself.
I'm coming Ellie.
She opened her eyes with a sense of newfound determination, took her father's outstretched hand, and walked through the portal.
And as she stepped into the black nothingness crackling with energy, she couldn't help but think to herself.
If I had power. Real power. Then this never would have happened.
@thelandunderthehilll @inxj @ti-bae-rius @zafirafoxx @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @older-brother-kit @eutony-in-whisper @stxr-thxif
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gffa · 5 years
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Master and Apprentice | by Claudia Gray I THOUGHT THIS WAS BEAUTIFULLY DONE IN THIS BOOK.  Here’s the thing that Rael--who is absolutely painted as a not fully reliable narrator in this book--is missing, when he talks about how his judgment became impaired:  He almost fucked over millions of people on Pijal’s moon because he was so focused on Fanry and, even once he realizes his mistake about her, it’s still all about his feelings re: her. Hell, it’s not even about Fanry herself, but about Rael’s feelings about her.  It’s about his feelings on what happened to Nim and how he can’t get past them, won’t work through them, won’t let them go, and they spill over onto Fanry and block out the people he was sent there to help. It’s fascinating to watch this unfold because, even prior to this, Rael is established as having a lot of Anakin parallels, in that he came to the Jedi older than usual, he clung to the memories of his biological family (this isn’t portrayed as making him a bad person, but instead that it keeps him from seeing the Jedi as his family), he had trouble with fitting in and deliberately kept himself from doing so, he was given a ton of leeway and special circumstances understanding (too much so, in Qui-Gon’s view), all of which brings very deliberate thoughts of Anakin Skywalker to mind.  And that’s important because Anakin’s attachment to Padme--up to and including that he didn’t care what she wanted (not bringing down the Republic, not murdering Jedi children, etc.), but about his feelings about her--and will parallel so, so much of Rael’s story. Earlier in the book, Qui-Gon talks to a protest group that’s been labeled as terrorists, ones Rael won’t even consider as anything else, because they get in the way of what he wants for Fanry:
     “So why do you oppose the idea of an Assembly?” Obi-Wan asked.      “We don’t oppose the idea,” Halin said. “We oppose the reality, as it’s set up in the Governance Treaty. Have you read through the entire thing?”      “Of course,” Qui-Gon said. “As did my apprentice, and the chancellor’s team on Coruscant. All appears to be in order.”      Halin’s expression darkened. “All is not what it appears to be.”      The legalese was difficult to recall exactly, and in such matters precision was important. “Please explain.”      “The Assembly sounds like a great idea, but when you dig into the details, you realize how shoddy this Governance Treaty really is. There’s only token representation for the citizens of Pijal’s moon, even though we’re a solid quarter of the system population.”      The moon had been described as “sparsely populated,” and the census records had seemed to back this up. Yet Pijal, with its sparse island continents, undoubtedly had fewer inhabitants than the average planet of its size. “Why would anyone obscure the real population of the moon? And who would have the power to do so?”      “Czerka,” Halin said. She offered no further explanation, but she didn’t need to. Qui-Gon had seen for himself the influence Czerka held on this planet. Czerka’s mining efforts took a far higher toll on the moon than on Pijal itself. The corporation had made sure that the planet’s leadership—most recently, Rael—would never be face-to-face with the worst damage. By now, the lunar citizens knew better…which was precisely why Czerka would work to keep them disenfranchised.      “So you want proper representation,” Obi-Wan said. “Did you not try normal political channels for your protests? Before turning to, um, dancing?”      “We tried,” Halin said, “but a fat lot of good it did us. The lord regent wouldn’t even listen. He sees any opposition to the treaty as a personal attack on the princess. That, or he’s too arrogant to admit he might’ve made a mistake. Typical high-handed—”      Her voice trailed off in a way that made Qui-Gon suspect the next word out of her mouth would’ve been Jedi.      “Rael Averross is devoted to the princess,” he said. “It’s possible that has affected his judgment.” Qui-Gon had no doubt that Rael’s ego could also have played a role in his obstinacy, but that was not a matter to be discussed with outsiders.
There are millions of people on Pijal’s moon, nearly a quarter of the entire population, which are being written up as “sparsely populated” so that they won’t vote against what Czerka wants to do in the system and on the moon, because they would have the numbers to do so.  The people on the moon are being disenfranchised out of their votes, because Rael became so attached to Fanry and his vision of her, that she was all that mattered to him. It isn’t just that he loved her so blindly that he couldn’t see who she really was--though, that’s part of it as well--and it’s not that he loved her that was the problem, because the Jedi have always said that love is normal and they’re encouraged to love, just not in ways that can mess them up as Level 100 Psychic Space Wizards.  And the thing is even then, when he gets that the Council was right about him and how he attached himself to people, it’s still all about Princess Fanry and nobody ever mentions that he almost fucked over those millions of people because of it. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ATTACHMENT IS AND WHY IT’S BAD FOR A JEDI.  BECAUSE THEY ARE PSYCHICS AND BECAUSE THEY ARE PUT IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY AND NEED TO PROTECT THOSE PEOPLE, TOO. The thing is, if Rael wants to live that life, he’s perfectly able to leave the Jedi and he would know it.  They put the statues of those who leave right out there in the library, we know Dooku left and the Jedi still spoke kindly of him, Tula’s grandmother left the Jedi to go fall in love and there was still the utmost respect there.  If Rael wants to let himself run wild with his feelings, then he could have done so. But he shouldn’t be put in charge of a system that needed him to look out for all of the people, not just the one person that he cared about.  Attachment isn’t the same as love, it’s the inability to let go when it’s time, it’s the inability to see past the person you care about (Rael wants to say it’s love, but everything around him and in the other Jedi-focused media, shows that that’s not at all true), that’s how this fictional universe’s fictional group of Psychic Space Wizards mean it, and Rael Averross proved their point far more clearly than anything. And Rael Averross is hardly the only one, that’s why those parallels to Anakin Skywalker are so important.  And this was a beautifully done illustration of it.
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Helen's Bonding with the youngest Blackthorn children (with a bit of Aline)
Helen had tried to ignore the fact that their would be a period of time she and Aline would be fully responsible for her youngest siblings without anyone really to help, but the time had come.
Jules and Emma had gone on their travel year, but not before they passed on everything the couple would need. Mark and Cristina had moved to New York for their work with the alliance, Ty had gone to study and the Scholomance and it still hurt Helen to think about Livvy. Diana of course came to teach them but she has her own life so wasn't always available.
Helen had made one rule which she made very clear: that she wasn't going to try and replace anyone. And if it seemed like she was trying to hard to be someone she wasn't then her youngest siblings could call her out.
She suggests to Dru they decorate her room and Dru is about to protest but Helen stops her by reassuring her it'll still be horror themed. They get curtains so Dru doesn't need to worry about everything stuck to her window as well as gothic wallpaper and a mirror. They also get cases for her posters. Dru can tell Helen doesn't really get her horror love but she appreciates her sister trying. Aline even watches her favorite films with her (Helen is always "busy" at the time)
When Tavvy has a nightmare, the wives alternate so the other can get some decent sleep. Helen sings him lullabies and Aline tells him some of the ancient Chines children's stories Jia told her as a child.
The four of them make up nicknames for the people haline have to deal with but don't like and make up stupid stories when they have to deal with them and they've been idiotic. It makes Dru feel included in the adult stuff.
Aline teaches Dru to play cards. Something Dru picks up quickly and actually does well at. No one knows if they should be impressed or worried.
Helen finds a way to increase Tavvys eating: little, often and if possible make it a game. Slowly he puts on some weight so he's less skinny.
She also gets him animal onesies and he's forever jumping out on Helen and Aline. Sometimes they can hear him giggling from his hiding spot but they act ignorant and still act surprised when he leaps out.
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jimininaminute · 5 years
Hi! May you do a let go of my baby reaction/scenario to you being their wife and being brought on to the show to help them and guys out for a little while. So they have like female help. ☺️
Hello! I’ve thought about this millions of times lol
A/N: Thank you guys for sharing my posts around especially my Let Go of My Baby scenarios and my Ateez as Family Guy Gifs. I never thought I’d be on the mainstream Ateez tab lol it still shakes me. Okay I’ll stop talkin and I’ll get to it! 
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“Okay guys, we are going to go out there and win against the mystery team. Everyone has a part and were going to do well!” Chen said, giving the kids the biggest pep talk of their life. You walk up, yelling out to cheer on your team. A startled Chen turned around sharply, mouth agape. You and the other wives were ready to take on this obstacle course and Chen seeing you obviously motivated him even more. After taking the hard loss, Chen huddles the kids to give them another pep talk. You walk up and rest your head on his shoulder then notice Chen Chen crying. Chen was always awkward with children so you walk over and pick Chen Chen up. “Chen Chen, there are going to be days where you lose and days where you win. On days where you lose, you need to learn from the mistakes and grow.” You wipe away his tears and let him go to play with the rest of the babies. 
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Today was activity day and the Geges gathered up all the kids and drove to a very..... familiar,,, gymnastics gym. “This place looks so familiar” Johnny said to himself. Once they all got out and changed, they came to meet you. Johnny’s eyes lit up as he saw you. “Jingu ge, who is that?” Jackson asked puling on Johnny’s hand. “That’s my wife.” he smiled. You waved to the kiddies and they all ran up to give you a hug around your muscular legs. “Hi guys! Wanna learn some gymnastics?” “Yesssss!” they exclaim rolling around the padded floor. “Great! Let’s get going” you exclaim, running after them. 
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Jackson’s face lights up at the sight of Aimee.... And it gets brighter at the sight of you walking in behind her. “ W-what are you doing here?” Jackson stutters, walking over to pick up his niece and to plant a sweet kiss on your lips. He hasn’t seen you in weeks because of work so this was a great surprise. “I’m here because I missed you and I wanted to help out some with the kids. The kids instantly ran up to you to ask a million questions that were (super) important. Later on, it was bathtime and Jackson was having a hard time to get HaoHao to take a bath, resulting in a race around the house. “HaohHao, get back here!” Jackson says reaching his arms out to the scrambling toddler. HaoHao ran right into your arms and you picked him up. “Okay little man, let’s go get your bath. You want to smell good right?” You ask him. Haohao gave a nod as you carried him to the bathtub leaving Jackson tired and shocked. 
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You were staying in the Let Go of My Baby household for awhile because your boyfriend, Zhennan was asking for extra help because let’s face it, the kids were often a handful. You were walking into the house with a load of groceries when suddenly you were shaken up from the sudden screaming. “Y/N! Come here!” Jackson said, leading you to the bedrooms. You see a beautiful white sundress on the bed. “Were playing dress up! Dress up in this and go downstairs.” Jackson bustled. “What is going on?” you ask. “Don’t ask questions. We’re all playing dress up and we were waiting for you to get here.” Reina said. You quickly got dressed and went down to the living room to see everyone dressed n white and beautiful white roses decorated the area beautifully. You see Zhennan holding Halin with the biggest grin on your face. Jackson looked like he was about to shed a tear. “Wha-” “Y/N. I just want to say thank you for being the biggest help around here along with being there for me through everything.” He positions himself on one knee and before he can even ask you were blurting out, “Yes! Yes I’ll marry you Zhennan!” You were hopping with excitement along with the rest of the kiddos. He place the ring on your dainty finger and gave you the biggest kiss. 
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titsthedamnseason · 4 years
I do love Julian if it helps anything. I liked Julian, Ty, Livvy, Kit, Mark, Kieran, Christina, Aline, and Helen. But I 100% did not like Emma or Dru. Honestly Dru was the worst like Helen was forced to leave her family by law and she was mean to her for it??? Tbh the WORST. Kit was the dumb bitch the gays deserved though.
whoa whoa whoa dru was 13 for all this. i repeat: 13 !!! ive already been down this road but i cannot stress enough that if anyone, aline was in the wrong for this whole situation. when helen and aline returned in qoaad, in dru’s mind, all she could see was that her father figure was leaving her and helen and aline were replacements that weren’t making an effort to get to know her. aline was so extremely harsh to these children that had not only just lost their sister, but had their only parental figure leave them right after it. the fact that you would expect anyone in her position, let alone at age 13, to not act out is appalling tbh. not to mention, that while dru is smart, at age 13 and in a society as touchy as the shadowhunters, it’s unrealistic for you to expect her to understand all the layers of oppression haline faced and to not think “they should have tried harder to stay with us” she’s a child. she suffered from countless traumas for her entire 13 years and expecting her to react perfectly to an extremely emotionally taxing situation is ridiculous and unrealistic
also, it’s spelled cristina
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 years
Shadowhunters S3E22 Thoughts
Okay let’s kill this crazy bitch covered in coal
Meliorn, you dumbass! That’s what happens when you scream during a sneak attack!!
That Lorenzo+Magnus magic move was cool!!! Also is Alec only shooting five arrows at a time now? Man has standards!!
Clary is serving runes like she is at a soup kitchen...
Shit they are all on fire!!!!
Yes yes get the fuck outta there!!!!!!
WE ARE COOOOOMING AFTEEEERRR YOUUUU. I will not skip the intro, Netflix! It’s the last episode, you insensitive asshole!!!
Clace is soooooo vanilla. Bless those two lil souls...
Simon went for the classic ‘It’s weird that this is not weird’. Nice...
Sure, babies!!! Do everything together :) <3 :)
Magnus’ handwriting tho!!! Dayuuum.
Man I love Alec’s I got laid last night face ;)
Alec Lightwood does not, never, ever, will pass up an opportunity to say FUCK YOU to the clave and other homophobes. I love my son!!
Delivering handwritten wedding invites through fire messages? ICONIC!!
Did Jace just compare Clace to Malec? Jace is cracking me up in the eps!
In other news, Seelie Queen continues to be creepy...
My man Underhill takes his job as Head of Security VERY seriously...
Miss the wedding? MISS THE WEDDING? I did not approve this?????
Raziel needs to learn how to use Facetime or Facebook. Sending a girl’s dead mom as a messenger is not cool, bro!!
Okay true tho. Clary probably created to runes to get rid of dandruff...
I can watch Magnus eat cake forever tbh...
So Lorenzo gave back the loft? Why? How? When? Nevermind.
I just realised that Magnus photocopied the wedding invitations by magic. That’s a really cool trick....
I literally forgot about Robert’s existence...
How did Max grow so tall?????? What is your secret, child?? TELL ME!!!
Jonathan has gone full Blonde Badboy cool cool cool
Damn it can we not have a wedding without all this drama????
Yall there was a random woman videoing Jonathan’s attack??? Wtf is wrong with people these days smh.
Yes clary please get your brother under control!!!
I do not feel bad for Jonathan for some reason. I also sense a pattern shit.
So Jonathan died? Just like that? Okaaaaaaaaay then.
Yaaaaaas Madzie, you perfect flower girl you!!!!!
Okay I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fall/yellow theme <3 
Alec looks so handsome and I am already crying FUCK
Yasss Catarina is the best woman!!!!!
OMG all their friends and family are there this is too much yall
Raphael, you beautiful goldfish!!!! I wish you all the best!!!!!! <3 <3 
Andrew? Andrew? ANDREW? ANDREWWWWWWWWW??????
Omg they all know about Luke LAMO those two are apparently not subtle!
Okay Maryse is the best mom ever fight me
OMG they used that god damn ‘cell’ line from the books.. my heart :(
What is with these kids and leaving letters? Talk to someone goddamnit!!
Idris looks GOOOOOOOOD
Luke x Maryse one year into the relationship and vacaying in Brazil? I need footage thank you!
Yes to Young Entrepreneur Maia. 
She named a burrata salad after Clary. I am very emo right now...
Sizzy is all soft and sailing. My ship is safe!!!!! <3
Okay this Jimon training scene was well done. HOT DIGGITY DANG
Jace, don’t let her gooooo
Clary! Hey!!! You look...different.
OMG 01X01 PARALLELS BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay um, it’s over?????????
What am I supposed to do now??? (After I finish crying that is)
I just want the record to show that I actually enjoyed the last eps. The writers and actors did a great job <3
Thank you, shadowhunters and shadowfam.
I will miss writing stupid shit about my stupid show I stupidly love so much
That’s it I guess...
Oh and fuck Freeform bro.
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