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hayatynatural · 11 months ago
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Experience the purity and peace of mind with Hayaty Natural's Halal Face Creams. Formulated with ethically sourced, plant-based ingredients and adhering to Islamic principles, these gentle creams nourish and protect your skin with confidence. Explore a range of halal face creams designed to address specific concerns:
Moisturizers: Hydrate and nourish your skin for a healthy, radiant look.
Anti-blemish creams: Combat breakouts and promote a clearer complexion.
Sensitive skin creams: Soothe and calm irritation with gentle, fragrance-free formulas.
Hayaty Natural offers a haven for halal skincare solutions in the UK. Discover the perfect cream for your needs while aligning with your values.
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chasejlondon · 11 months ago
Anaaka's Firming Serum is a game-changer in the realm of skincare. Infused with powerful ingredients, this serum works wonders in firming and tightening the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promoting a more youthful complexion. Its lightweight and fast-absorbing formula penetrates deep into the skin, delivering hydration and potent anti-aging benefits. Formulated with a blend of peptides, antioxidants, and nourishing botanical extracts, it helps to boost collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and restore radiance. Whether you're looking to combat signs of aging or maintain a firm and youthful appearance, Anaaka's Firming Serum is a must-have addition to your skincare routine.
Anaaka's Priming Anti-Aging Day Cream is a standout product in the realm of skincare. Infused with potent anti-aging ingredients, this day cream works wonders in hydrating the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and providing a smooth base for makeup application. Its lightweight texture absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling plump, firm, and rejuvenated throughout the day. Formulated with antioxidants and nourishing botanicals, it helps to protect the skin from environmental stressors while promoting a youthful glow. Whether you're looking to prevent signs of aging or maintain a radiant complexion, Anaaka's Priming Anti-Aging Day Cream is a must-have addition to your skincare routine.
@BeautyBuddyApp #BeautyBuddyapp #BeautyBuddySquad #BeautySquad #AnaakaSkincare #Halalskincare #NewVideoAlert #skincare #skincareproducts #review #skincarereview #content #ContentCreator #skincaretips
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deisysuarez · 5 years ago
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Beauty tip on how to treat hyperpigmentation. Share and like with love. ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠ #skincare #antiaging #acne #beauty #skincareroutine #skin #collagen #skincareblog #organic #veganskincare #facemist #medspa #linkinbio #organicfacemist #halalskincare #skingoals #singaporeskin #acnescars #makeup #acnesg #wrinkles #supportlocalsg #microneedling #esthetician #estheticianlife #skintightening #clearskin #aesthetician #organicskincare #facialrejuvenation https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwXjADnTAw/?igshid=1pszcy6x9vi1r
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byooteciamis · 5 years ago
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WHY BYOOTE? Pasti banyak banget kan suplemen kolagen dan kenapa sih harus pilih Byoote? Karena Byoote adalah perpaduan dua kandungan yang paling penting untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit kita, Kolagen dan Glutathione. Byoote sendiri juga menggunakan produksi Gluthatione terbaik seluruh dunia, yang asalnya dari Jepang! 🥺🤩 - HALAL MUI : 00120088680518 BPOM : 867009157575 Order : 0859-7787-9740 (Almi) #kecantikankulitwajah #suplemenkulit #kecantikanalami #kecantikanwanita #infokecantikan #kecantikanwajah #perawatankecantikan #kecantikan #tipskecantikan #kecantikankulit #suplemenherbal #banjar #produkkecantikan #halalproduct #skincare #kosmetikbpom #halalskincare #collagendrink #kolagen #byoote #byootecollagen #pangandaran #byooteciamis #tasikmalaya #byootetasikmalaya #byootebanjar #ciamishits #ciamis #ciamisinfo #banjarinfo (di Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9TEK2Du-M/?igshid=1krrqnxzvb0wr
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mensdreamlifestyle · 2 years ago
Best Face Wash Control Oily skin and Pimples For Men in India 2022 || Honest Reviews
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Today, in this article, I’m going to suggest to you all, The “Best pimples clear face wash” in the market. Now, I’m going to tell you the best one from the ‘Top 8 best-selling Pimple clearing face washes’ in the market. Read more...
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sabapersonalcare123 · 2 years ago
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crysella · 6 years ago
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UMUR 36 TAPI RAMAI ORANG SANGKA SAYA BERUMUR 29 TAHUN Terima kasih kepada BEAUARTI,skincare dari Korea yang mendapat HALAL JAKIM MALAYSIA kerana menjadikan wajah saya kelihatan lebih muda dari usia! Anda juga tidak terlewat untuk kelihatan lebih muda dari usia kerana BEAUARTI sememangnya mampu menghilangkan garis2 halus di wajah dan menegangkan kulit wajah sekaligus memberi kesan tona kulit lebih cerah, pemudaran jeragat dan parut jerawat serta kelembapan kulit yg maksimum ♥️ 📲www.wasap.my/60178106872 #BeauartiTheHalalKoreanSkincare #KoreanSkincare #HalalSkincare #NaturalSkincare #SafeSkincare https://www.instagram.com/p/BnbOa_Eh59J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bxvzry4svtif
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corwinlim · 4 years ago
We make sure all packing steps are with SOP and hygiene until reach your hand.. #cosmetics #lipstick #viralproduct #diva #primadona #step #hygiene #lean #followsop #halalcosmeticstrends #halalskincare #halalcertified #halal #limitededition https://feeds.shopee.com.my/universal-link/share/AFZTIHTaAwBssO8OAAAAAA==?smtt=0.0.9 https://www.instagram.com/p/CF_UNfcgpjT/?igshid=dprbv76a4kok
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hayatynatural · 1 year ago
Click Here : https://hayatynatural.uk/ The Christmas gifts season is on 🎁 Like many of us, you must be still undecided about the innovative and different gift especially when it comes to a loved male figure in our lifeto gives this year.✨
Taking care of our skin and ourselves is not only a “women thing” as society made us believe growing up.
Since Ancient Pharaonic times, it was considered an act of hollowness and self-love for males and females.
This year you can choose Hayaty Pharonic Duo as the SPECIAL GIFT for your dad, husband, brother and boyfriend or boyfriends (😂).
And we all know what men’s want 🙃
✅ High-performance ✅ Simple to use ✅ Effective
Grab your Pharaonic Duo gift now through the link in the bio.𓋹✨ 20% Off and free delivery on code > Hayatyfestive
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theecochic · 5 years ago
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Happy Independence Day Malaysia! We would like to wish our fellow Malaysians Selamat Hari Merdeka! 🇲🇾✨✨ #theecochicbeauty #theecochic #skincare #ecochic #beauty #skincarecommunity #klcity #skincarenatural #halalskincare #botanicalskincare #faceoil #sustainableluxury https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjA8ijAosR/?igshid=b3tqhz58z17w
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ratnatarihoran · 5 years ago
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#BESTSELLER HANYA Rp 24.860 (Member) ❣️ 💯IMPORT CAIRO, EGYPT/MESIR 🔝BPOM & ISO 9001 Certified✨ 📦 J&T/JNE/TiKi/POS/Go-send/Grab ✨SAVE UP TO 50% + Get FREE ONGKIR 10K ➡️ https://toko.ly/mywayofficially (CEK!) . 💡Nama Produk: Pearly Makeup Remover with Coconut Oil. 💡Kode Produk: 5527 💡Isi 100mg. . ✨Info Mengenai Minyak Kelapa: Coconut oil atau minyak kelapa sangat bermanfaat bagi kecantikan kulit. Minyak kelapa murni atau virgin coconut oil (VCO) merupakan salah satu minyak kelapa terbaik saat ini. Sebagai minyak kelapa asli bukan olahan, VCO diekstrak dari bahan kelapa segar tanpa menambahkan bahan kimia dan diproses tanpa suhu tinggi. Kandungan alami minyak kelapa murni ini tetap utuh dan tidak rusak. Manfaat Coconut Oil Untuk Kecantikan: ✔️Bisa melembabkan kulit ✔️Lenyapkan jerawat membandel ✔️Hapus Makeup ✔️Untuk rambut berkilau ✔️Merawat telapak kaki pecah-pecah ✔️Mencegah kerutan pada area mata ✔️Mengatasi sunburn ✔️Pembersih wajah ✔️Sebagai scrub tubuh ✔️Sebagai massage oil . ✨Manfaat "Pearly Makeup Remover with Coconut Oil My Way": ✔️ Menghapus Makeup. Membebaskan pori-pori dari makeup untuk menjaga kesehatan kulitmu. ✔️ Bisa melembabkan kulit. Formula antibakteri produk myway ini dpt digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit eksim dan melawan bakteri stafilokokus. Kamu juga bisa melembabkan bibir kering dan pecah-pecah dengan mengoleskan sedikit minyak kelapa secara rutin. ✔️ Pembersih wajah Membersihkan wajah atau menghapus makeup dengan pearly makeup remover with coconut oil ini memiliki keuntungan yaitu menjaga produksi minyak alami pada kulit.. . #makeupremover #skincare #skincareroutine #skincareproducts #skincaretips #skincareaddict #alhamdulillah #skincarelover #skincaremurah #halalskincare #myway #skincarekorea #wednesdayvibes #makeuptutorial #makeupremoverberl #testimony #realtestimoni #likeforlikes #makeupremovermurah #jualskincare #olshopskincare #olshopmedan #produkimport #importadosoriginais #import #cairoegypt #abayamesir #skincreammesir #loveyourself (at Medan, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCxI2jcprsq/?igshid=7228z1dun2i9
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byooteciamis · 5 years ago
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Byoote terbukti mampu membantu mengatasi jerawat dan memutihkan kulit dari dalam! Bagi kamu yang lagi stress kenapa wajahnya berjerawat, kusam, gelap, Byoote solusinya! Dijamin wajah kamu bisa bersih dan cerah sekilau artis Jepang 😉 - HALAL MUI : 00120088680518 BPOM : 867009157575 Order : 0859-7787-9740 (Almi) #kecantikan #produkkecantikan #kulitcantik #kulitsehat #kulitcerah #suplemen #kulitmulus #tipskecantikan #kulitglowing #kulitlembut #kulitbersih #suplemenkulit #kecantikanwajah #perawatankecantikan #suplemenherbal #banjar #halalproduct #kosmetikbpom #halalskincare #collagendrink #byoote #byootecollagen #byooteciamis #tasikmalaya #byootetasikmalaya #byootebanjar #ciamishits #ciamis #ciamisinfo #banjarinfo (di Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAHzXkrjpcK/?igshid=sa98uqlcmcrx
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ismahanchrnns-blog · 5 years ago
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Halo sunshine! Kali ini aku punya mini review tentang salah satu skincare asal jepang yang fokus pada menutrisi dan mencerahkan untuk berbagai jenis kulit. Tersertifikasi Halal Japan Islamic Trust (JIT) dengan packaging produk yang nggak kalah menariknya. Mau tauuu siapa diaa? Silahkan Klik link di profil akuu atauuu keee : https://youtu.be/bxngdnzlQ7E Selamat Nonton! #Clozetteid #Clozetteidreview #MomohimeXClozetteIDReview #momohime #halalskincare #japanskincare @clozetteid  @momohime_indonesia_official https://www.instagram.com/p/B3EP_lRhubQ/?igshid=dbywzo4qoiif
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crysella · 6 years ago
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Toner Beauarti is The best 😍😍😍 jangan lupa promosi rm150 3 item premium masih ada 😉😉 Jom jom jom grab 😉😉 biar kita sama2 syantik Raya nanti , #toner #beauty #BeauartiTheHalalKoreanSkincare #Beauarti #raya #ramadhan #HalalJAKIM #HalalSkincare #lawandordersvu #Viral #skincareViral https://www.instagram.com/beauarti_sella/p/BwMl6a_gmrG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1czuab34qcw54
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hijabonita · 8 years ago
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Are you a seller/creator of Halal or Vegan Skincare products in UK or Netherlands? If so & you would like to arrange a wholesaling deal & have your products featured in HijabonitaBOX, contact the details in the picture! (or just give me a little message here!)
Open to all skincare related products - bath, shower, bath bombs, moisturisers, etc.
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memoriesshineofficial · 2 years ago
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Setelah melewati momen yang bahagia Dan akhirnya lahirlah The twins baby buah cinta dari mereka Treasure Glow Duo🤩
Presenting you!
Our new born baby twins TREASURE GLOW DUO TRAVEL SIZE😍
No more hassle when you need to go travel for any kind of occasion.🥰
This Best Duo comes in Travel Size to assure the maintenance of your skin needs, keeps your skin healthy, moisturized and glowing all the time #BetterTwogether
Cari everShine di ecommerce berikut :
Website : https://memoriesshine.com/
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