#hair oiling tips
thejournallo · 21 days
Life Hack: Oil pulling
This is a life hack to take more proper care of our oral hygiene and is something that I am actually testing out, and I can actually see incredible results in only one week. 
What is oil pulling?
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil around in your mouth for several minutes to promote oral health. The process is believed to draw out toxins from the body and improve dental hygiene. The scientific community has mixed opinions on oil pulling. Some small studies have shown reductions in oral bacteria, plaque, and gingivitis, comparable to mouthwash. However, more extensive and rigorous studies are needed to confirm these benefits conclusively.
What are the benefits that oil pulling can have on you?
Improved Oral Hygiene: It is said to reduce plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath.
Whitening of Teeth: Regular practice is believed to help whiten teeth.
Detoxification: Proponents claim it helps detoxify the body, although scientific evidence supporting this is limited only to the part of the mouth.
Relief from Jaw Pain: Some report reduced jaw pain and improved jaw strength.
How do i do oil pulling?
Choose your oil: Coconut oil is a popular choice due to its antimicrobial properties. even though every vegetable oil can be good for this practice.
Measure a tablespoon: Use about a tablespoon or two of oil.
Swish the oil: Swish it around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Make sure not to swallow it. and it is suggested to do this first thing in the morning to get rid of all the bacteria that accumulates throughout the night. (This is the part that makes your jaw pain go away because you actually exercise your mouth muscles while you do that.)
Spit it out: Spit the oil into a trash can (not the sink, as it can clog pipes).
Rinse and brush: Rinse your mouth with water and then brush your teeth as usual.
Oil pulling is generally considered safe, but it should not replace traditional oral care practices like brushing and flossing.
My thoughts and experiences:
I always had problems keeping my oral igine costant because of my adhd. Since I started oil pulling, not only did I see an improvement in my teeth, as they are more white, but I also saw an improvement in my routine because, in general, I see it as an easy way to clean my teeth, which includes actually brushing my teeth. i also have notice improvements with my jawline but that could be the gua sha too.
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stuckinapril · 4 months
My relationship w my curly hair is NOT stable. Sometimes I’m like I’m blessed to have these chocolate spirals. They make me look young wild untamed. Other times I’m like I’m gonna chop it up to my shoulder blades so I never have to take care of it ever again
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womensbeautycares · 4 months
Her hair, a cascade of silk and sunlight, whispers stories of beauty untold !
See How To Get A Strong and Beautiful Hair >>
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naturalhairhow101 · 2 years
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Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Harnessing Tea Tree and Rosemary Essential Oils
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Are you seeking natural remedies for hair loss and thinning hair? Dive into the world of essential oils and discover the powerful benefits of tea tree and rosemary essential oils for promoting healthy hair growth. Join me as we explore the mechanisms, benefits, and application methods of these botanical wonders.
Understanding Hair Loss
Hair loss can be attributed to various factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, and lifestyle choices. While addressing underlying causes is essential, incorporating targeted treatments like essential oils can support hair health and encourage regrowth.
The Power of Tea Tree and Rosemary Essential Oils
Tea Tree Oil: Renowned for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil helps cleanse the scalp, unclog hair follicles, and reduce dandruff—a common contributor to hair loss. Its refreshing scent and cooling sensation also promote scalp health and circulation.
Rosemary Oil: Rich in antioxidants and known for stimulating hair follicles, rosemary oil is a potent ally in combating hair loss. It improves circulation to the scalp, strengthens hair roots, and helps balance sebum production, promoting optimal conditions for healthy hair growth.
Benefits of Tea Tree and Rosemary Oil for Hair
Stimulates Hair Growth: Both oils stimulate blood flow to the scalp, nourishing hair follicles and encouraging new hair growth.
Cleanses and Refreshes: Tea tree oil's cleansing properties remove impurities and excess oil, while rosemary oil purifies the scalp, leaving it feeling refreshed.
Reduces Dandruff: Tea tree oil's anti-fungal properties combat dandruff, relieving scalp irritation and flakiness.
Strengthens Hair: Rosemary oil strengthens hair strands, reducing breakage and promoting thicker, healthier hair.
How to Use Tea Tree and Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth
DIY Hair Growth Serum:
2 tablespoons of jojoba oil or coconut oil (fractionated)
5 drops of tea tree essential oil
5 drops of rosemary essential oil
In a small glass bottle, mix the carrier oil (jojoba or coconut oil) with tea tree and rosemary essential oils.
Shake well to blend the oils.
Apply a few drops of the serum to your fingertips and massage gently into the scalp.
Leave the serum on overnight or for at least 30 minutes before shampooing.
Use 2-3 times per week for best results.
Note: Perform a patch test before using essential oils to check for sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
Unlock Your Hair's Potential
Harness the natural power of tea tree and rosemary essential oils to promote hair growth and restore vitality to your locks. Incorporate these botanical remedies into your hair care routine and embrace healthier, fuller-looking hair naturally. Grab your oils with the link below.
With healthy hair and radiant confidence,
Kimberli Almonla Owner & CEO of Restoration Wellness
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when your passion for haircare finally starts paying off and people around you start noticing the difference and asking for advice🥹
(take that middleschool friends who told me it would be better to just put it in a bun everyday)
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expoorganics · 6 months
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skinsimpletrue · 5 months
How To Use Fenugreek For Hair Growth & Control Hair Loss?
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Fenugreek is becoming a popular home remedy for hair growth and is known to prevent hair loss. People are raving about the benefits of it, praising its natural properties for nourishing the scalp and strengthening hair. But does it really work? Read the article for all you need to know about this oil!
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thefusionhealth · 5 months
An Oil-free Hair Care Routine for a Revitalizing Scalp
1. How to Pick the Perfect Hair Wash:
The first step in achieving oil-free hair is to choose a shampoo that is suitable for your hair type and is sulfate-free. For a balanced and revitalized scalp, look for a sulfate-free alternative that cleanses well without removing the natural oils.
2. Methods for Efficiently Cleaning:
If you want to change up your hair care regimen, try washing your hair differently. Instead of using hot water to wash your hair, use lukewarm water. To rinse your hair thoroughly without stripping it of its natural oils, use lukewarm water. This will leave your scalp feeling revitalized.
3. A Ritual for Weekly Clarification:
To maintain a healthy scalp, use a clarifying shampoo once a week. To keep your scalp from getting greasy and your hair clean and refreshed, try this targeted shampoo. It works by removing product buildup.
4. Tips for Equilibrium Conditioning:
To find the sweet spot, apply conditioner to the ends of your hair. This keeps the ends and lengths wet without causing the oil to pool close to the scalp. To prevent your hair from becoming weighed down, use conditioner formulations that are lightweight and oil-free.
5. Establish Good Hair Routines:
Keeping an oil-free and healthy scalp is as easy as incorporating certain good practices into your hair care regimen. If you want to disperse natural oils without irritating the oil glands, use a soft brush. Try to limit your usage of styling products and instead utilize ones that are water-based or oil-free. In addition, for optimal health, a well-rounded diet high in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids can help your hair.
When you follow these easy instructions, you'll have oil-free hair and a healthy scalp for the long haul. Take into account the specific requirements of your hair when adapting these guidelines for the best results.
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nanaacat · 2 years
princess hair tips
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♡ get u a bamboo quality brush
♡ cut split ends once a month
♡ brush and braid ur hair before bed !
♡ don't dye it often
♡ hair mask and/or hair oiling once or twice a week
♡ if ur hair is too damaged do a big shop, dw it'll grow back fast if u take good care of it !
♡ do scalp massage
♡ exfoliate ur scalp once or twice a month
♡ hair clip and ribbons instead of elastic/rubber bands
♡ sleep w a silk cap !
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sailor-kaiju · 1 year
Life advice, especially if you live in a place that is dry (lookin at you Colorado) but really anywhere:
Coconut oil.
Lizzo is right all you need is some coconut oil.
Seriously. Every time you take a bath? put in a little bit. Less than a teaspoon. By the time the bath is full you won’t even notice it. It’s like $5 for a giant jar for like a year of soft skin.
Your hair will thank you. Your skin will really thank you.
Only shower? Sometimes I just take that same amount and rub it on BEFORE the shower so it all washes away (cause tbh it’s a little greasy.) it leaves me supples and soft.
A tiny bit goes a little way.
Go. Be soft
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healthmonastery · 10 months
Discover the Surprising Benefits of Castor Oil in Belly Button
🌼 "Unlock the Secrets: Dive into my latest blog post where I reveal the Unexpected Wonders of Using Castor Oil in Your Belly Button! Discover a treasure trove of wellness insights and beauty hacks that you won't want to miss. Your journey to natural well
The belly button, often overlooked, holds a secret to enhancing your well-being that you might not have known about – castor oil. Renowned for its various health benefits, castor oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine practices. But did you know that applying castor oil to your belly button can yield remarkable advantages? In this article, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of…
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I put oil in my hair and just washed it and I’m hoping to god i got it all out
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softichill · 2 years
I still wonder if some Splatoon hairstyles hurt
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thatcurlychic · 1 year
7 Natural Hair Growth Tips Using Herbs and Oils 
How to Grow Your Hair Naturally Using Herbs and Oils Hair growth is a common concern for many people, especially those with curly or textured hair. There are many products and treatments available to help promote hair growth, but many are not natural, can have long-term detrimental effects on the hair, or contain harsh chemicals.  In this article, we will explore some tips to help promote…
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yukinyaminyato · 1 year
wow i spent 4 hours at the salon & the result is that i still hate my hair 🫠 not the hairdresser's fault & i did get a discount bc the hair didn't turn out like expected but. yeah.
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