#had three children
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tavina-writes · 1 year ago
I started writing yet another tag essay in the notes of a different post where OP posited that the reason established relationships that are rock solid or functional are hard to write and find in fiction because there's missing tension due to the lack of will they won't they, and how one way to solve this in a story is to make the characters insane about each other. (The post is here.)
And don't get me wrong! I like when characters are a little or a lot unhinged about each other! and I also like relationships that self destruct, tragedies that end badly, and all that jazz I enjoy these things a lot! They're good things!
But I'm thinking about relationship tension again and how like, okay yes sometimes we want our characters confess they're in love with each other and get together and sail off into a soft epilogue, etc. This too is love!
But I think fundamentally to deny the fact that two (or more) people can love each other deeply, be totally committed to each other, and yet still have difficulties and life problems to tackle together is an underexplored facet of romance. The mundane of this is where the real romance lies on our day to day as people, and I find this so...rarely? tackled in fiction?
Maybe this is because I'm ace, but I feel that there's a distinct? vibe to these sorts of mature and enduring romances where like, the love is there, the commitment is there, but we still have moments we need to work for it because that's life and we work for it because we find each other worth it.
What is more romantic than compromise with someone you care for deeply? What is more romantic than tackling problems together and trying to come to an agreement and sometimes not being able to but still having done your best and accepted the outcome anyway?
What is a long lasting relationship that isn't about give and take and growing together or coming apart? Aren't those stories interesting? How could any long lasting relationship where people are deeply in love with each other be boring when like, to BE in a relationship with someone for ten, twenty, thirty, sixty years and come out the other side of that saying 'you're the one, you're still the one, you've always been the one' is one of the most wild and rare type of relationships to have?
What sort of sacrifice and compromise and work it takes to build that sort of relationship, isn't that interesting? To persist despite moments of doubt and periods of despair and all the work it takes in mundanity? all the trials a relationship like that has to survive and has survived, isn't that still tension? isn't that still interesting?
Maybe it's just me that I find this more interesting than "will they? won't they?" Either they will or they won't but when I'm reading a romance they mostly will! But do they have what it takes to stay there? And if they do isn't that one of the most interesting things in the world to look at?
Isn't that also love?
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muffinlance · 7 days ago
I appreciate the lovely science museum volunteer who saw my four-year-old and started carefully explaining basic magnetic properties
I appreciate EVEN MORE that when firstborn went "oh, like a maglev train" and "that's an electromagnet!", said lovely volunteer totally code-switched, and we quickly ended up at
"Want to see a gaussian rifle?"
Oh boy did firstborn EVER
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months ago
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heyyy ii fandom . how we doin ...
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months ago
In your Spitfire AU, since Zuko is looking after Lu Ten II, what happened to Ursa?
Zuko is slightly older in the Spitfire AU. He was banished at fifteen, his head a little clearer and denial a little weaker than in canon. After his first look through the Air Temples, Zuko decides that if he can't find a myth, he might as well search for the next best thing.
Finding Ursa isn't easy, but in time he makes it to a secluded house in a near-forgotten part of the world. His mom is there, older and stronger and alive.
But she isn't alone.
And Zuko, as it turns out, didn't keep the best company during his search.
When Ursa is discovered and her secrets are laid bare for assassins (for Ozai) to find, she begs Zuko to take his little brother and run. She'll do anything it takes to protect her children, even if that means leaving them behind to keep a target off their back. Ursa diverts attention from them and allows Lu Ten's ancestry to be kept a secret. She orders Zuko not to follow her again, and disappears.
Zuko is left with a little three-year-old brother to raise and a mother he cannot hold onto.
#dema answers#atla#spitfire#Spitfire AU#prince zuko#atla ursa#Lu Ten II#The Ursa/Hakoda parallels are going to be insane in this one I swear#It's okay tho#It's absolutely intentional#(The other option was killing her. But I happen to find family conflict and abandonment issues way more compelling to write)#Luckily Zuko isn't alone. He's a mess of course—and raising the little brother you never knew you had isn't easy.#But he has Uncle and (once those loyal to his father have been taken care of) he also has his crew.#Look three years into the future and you've got a six-year-old Spitfire running around the ship and giving Zuko early gray hair#Ursa will be reunited with them in the future. I just don't know when would that happen yet.#Probably post-war#She returns to her children only to come face to face with their overprotective found family (aka the Gaang)#Their reunion would be quite messy at first but...it'll all be okay#They all love each other deeply. And sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes there are things that you can't forgive or forget.#But Ursa did everything she did because she loved them. And Zuko knows that. Zuko understands that.#(He was forced to make the same decision in Ba Sing Se—giving yourself up and leaving the people you love behind so that they're safe)#(He understands)#But Lu Ten II doesn't#He doesn't remember Ursa. Not really. He knows of her what Zuko and Uncle tell him. But he doesn't remember ever having a mother.#(Tara is soft and warm and kind to him. She holds him and takes care of him and makes sure he's well-behaved. And he loves her.)#(Is that what makes a mother? Or is it the blood you share?)#Ursa isn't much like Tara. But she loves him dearly—there's a reason he has the name of someone who was so dear to her.#She is Lu Ten's mother. Zuko's mother. Uncle's sister.#And she isn't like Tara. But she loves him even if he can't remember her.#So maybe he can learn to love her back.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year ago
I saw a video today that said, “It’s very uncomfortable as an adult when your friend starts to date somebody who sucks, and you’re all looking at each other going ‘Guys, if this is the person who makes them happy…I think collectively as a unit we can agree that we would rather see them sad. So what's the plan?’” 
And immediately went: modern Steddie AU were Steve dates his high school friend Tommy and everyone is tearing their hair out over how awful he’s being treated. 
Ft. the Party, led by Dustin, hounding Eddie “I could get a man in a SECOND, I just CHOOSE not to date” Munson for help
Eddie is mostly thinking the entire thing is a joke (King Steve and Tommy Hagan? Gay? Together?? Nice try Henderson.) until he runs into Robin. She laments that yeah, they’re bi, but more importantly, Tommy is fucking awful and Steve refuses to see it. 
2. Eddie, maybe, kind of, still has a crush on Steve ("Stop laughing Gareth, everyone has--had! Had a crush on him!") and the guy was never THAT bad in high school---but Tommy Hagan definitely was and a little revenge would be fun.
and finally;
3. Instead of going with the kids' well intentioned but very misguided “Let’s get Eddie to Steal Steve” plan, Eddie meets up with the Robin/Nancy/Jonathan/Argyle/Chrissy dream team to figure out how to prove to Steve that Tommy is horrible. 
Bonus: Robin and Nancy come up with a full proof multi step plan that involves Eddie pissing off Tommy in ways that look completely innocent. The hope is that Steve will see how controlling and unreasonable Tommy is, and break it off.
This hurts no one and just highlights to Steve Tommy's behavior.
Of course, Eddie goes off the rails immediately upon meeting Steve.
Instead of following The Plan, he, with the kids permission and help, gets Tommy to get blow up about THEM.
This is far more successful.
Bonus x2: A large amount of shenanigan's with the kids vs Tommy are involved. As is a scene were Steve breaks down and admits he knows Tommy is terrible, but Tommy puts up with him and Steve "knows how he is."
Eddie goes home, prints out a picture of Tommy and throws cheap ren fair daggers at it for at least three solid hours while he tries to think up ways to prove to Steve Harrington that his parents are wrong, hes very lovable actually.
In fact Eddie would very much like a shot at trying it out, thanks!
(It is also, inevitably, successful.)
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aelswiths · 12 days ago
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Baby Thyra 🥺🥺
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uhhlifeig · 3 months ago
Gryffindor Common Room - Nov. 25 - word count: 794 - @wolfstarmicrofic (TW: Allusions to Walburga's A+ Parenting, SH kinda? oh and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms)
The Gryffindor common room was almost empty. 
Sirius Black sat on the edge of the armchair closest to the hearth, wand spinning nervously in his fingers.
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since that night, and every moment since had felt like dragging his feet through mud. He had apologized to James, to Peter, even to McGonagall. 
They’d all forgiven him- eventually, in James’s case, but none of it mattered because Remus hadn’t. 
Remus, who still wouldn’t meet his eyes in class, who barely spoke to him except when absolutely necessary.
Sirius didn’t blame him.
And for why he was sitting in the common room? He was planning to apologize again- and maybe, just maybe, Remus would hate him a little bit less.
But now, all his carefully constructed words felt hollow, like a dead tree stump. He didn’t know if he could fix this. 
He wasn’t sure he even deserved to.
The sound of footsteps on the boys’ staircase pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up sharply, his heart leaping to his throat as Remus appeared, rubbing a hand through his messy hair.
The werewolf froze when he saw him. His once-warm amber eyes were sharp now, wary. “What are you doing here?”
Sirius shot to his feet, gripping his wand tightly as a reassurance that this was real. “Remus, I- I was waiting for you. I need to talk to you.”
The other boy’s expression tightened. “You’ve already said enough, don’t you think?”
The words cut deep, but he couldn’t back out now. “I have to make this right.”
“Make it right?” Remus laughed bitterly, shaking his head. “You can’t just- wave your wand and undo what you did.”
“I know. I know I messed up. I know I betrayed you.”
“You don’t know,” the taller boy snapped. He took a step closer. “You don’t know what it feels like to have your worst fear used against you. To know someone you trusted- someone you loved- put you in that position.”
Sirius flinched. Every word was like a punch to the gut. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But please, just let me-”
“Let you what?” Remus’s voice rose. “Say you’re sorry again? Beg me to act like nothing happened? It doesn’t work like that!”
The dog animagus’s throat tightened. He couldn’t find the words he’d practiced. Everything in him screamed that words weren’t enough anyway. 
Nothing would ever be enough. 
“Then do something about it,” Sirius said abruptly, his voice shaky. He took a step forward and held out his wand to his ex-lover. “Here.”
Remus blinked. “What?”
The wand was shoved into his hands. “Take it. Just take it.”
“What are-”
The noiret dropped to his knees before he could think about it. He hit the stone floor hard, but he didn’t care. The sting felt right. 
“Do it.”
“Do what?” Remus asked, his voice sharp with confusion.
“Curse me. Hurt me. I don’t care. I deserve it.”
The room was silent except for the crackle of the fire and Sirius’s ragged breathing. The dirty blonde stared at him, his expression frozen somewhere between shock and horror. “What are you talking about?”
“I betrayed you. I hurt you, so you can hurt me back. This is what I deserve.” the older boy’s voice broke on the last word. His mother’s voice echoed in his mind, cold and cruel. 
Repent. Learn. 
Take the punishment you deserve.
It’s what you do for the people you’re a burden to.
“You’ll feel better,” he insisted, his voice rising in desperation. “You’ll see.” He bowed his head, his shoulders trembling. 
Nothing happened. 
There was no spell, no harsh words, no punishment. Sirius looked up, confused, only to find Remus standing frozen, the wand hanging limply in his hand. 
“Why did you give me this?” 
“Because you should use it,” the gray-eyed boy said. “I know you want to. You have my permission, okay?”
The werewolf’s brow furrowed, and he shook his head. “Sirius, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“But you should. It’ll help.”
“No, it won't.” Remus sounded very sure of himself- so sure, in fact, that Sirius looked up out of shock. 
He watched, shocked, as his ex-boyfriend knelt down in front of him, setting the wand aside. “You’re not your mother, Sirius,” he said quietly. “And I’m sorry for saying you were.”
The dam broke. Sirius’s chest heaved as tears spilled down his face. “I’m sorry,” he choked out. “I don’t know how to fix this.”
Remus reached out hesitantly, his hands settling on the shorter boy’s shoulders. “We’ll figure it out- but not like this. Never like this.”
The dog animagus sniffled. “I’m so sorry.”
“And so am I.”
(heavily inspired by "but i want it, it's a crime" by fertilizingdaffodils on ao3! check it out, i love that fic sm)
pt. 1, pt. 2
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usercelestial · 4 months ago
the fucking henren fight was so good i don't believe anyone who says it was forced tbh, like respect but that shit went hard for me, i love when couples rehash things and bring up old wounds and fight about shit they think they've put to rest. like karen is 100% valid for feeling like hen is constantly missing the big moments because of her job, even if it's something she made peace with a while ago, even though she knows that being a firefighter is important to hen, that it's something she's passionate about and that she wouldn't want her wife any other way, but sometimes, especially now that they have mara, it just gets to her. like okay fine, you missed christmas that one time, and then new years but that's okay, and alright valentine's day is one of the craziest times of the year but also so is thanksgiving and there's only so much karen can say "okay, i understand, it's your job" to before that same old, ugly feeling rises up again.
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serpentface · 7 months ago
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Don't get too attached
#Brakul did a lot of the parenting for Erubi (the first of the Janeys-Brakul-Hibrides throuple bastard children) in infancy especially due#to Hibrides going through absolutely horrific post-partum depression (and not wanting to be a parent to begin with. Like she#had accepted it as an inevitability and a duty but when it actually happened it was just like Oh God. I am in hell)#Brakul is the only one of the three that actually Wants to be a parent and the fact that he can't behave as such in order to avoid#suspicion that he's the father is kind of a living nightmare for him a little.#Not like he isn't involved in his ''''nieces''' lives given he lives in the same household but he has to keep a bit of distance.#Janeys and especially Hibrides are pretty unsympathetic about this. For Hibrides it's like she has had to go through so much shit#to maintain this situation she never asked to be a part of and when he has to go through a fraction of that he breaks the fuck down.#He only wants the benefits of the whole situation and isn't willing to deal with the consequences.#This is also one of the very few things she's sympathetic with Janeys about like she respects that he's at least willing to play#his part and be miserable without bitching to her about it. Like she fucking hates him but respects the commitment to the bit.#Janeys is more just like 'Just go make more kids if you want your own so damn bad. Get a wife or something. That's what I#had to do and look at me I'm doing great I'm so normal'#The two kids aren't present on the pilgrimage (back home under the care of a hired tutor) but the Janeys-Brakul-Hibrides#Feeling Triangle are in a fucking tailspin over her being pregnant again like goddddd not this shit again#brakul red dog
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rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months ago
anyway to end the series on ganondorf tp's writing, my take (which isn't canon but arguable as a valid "death of the author" read imo) is that he is at his most iredeemable AND that's because he has zero things left to lose and no community left and his goal doesn't even make sense anymore he is parasitic and a ghost and pathologically obsessed by his own godlike legitimacy because that is the only thing he still has and it has prolonged his life in a horrible diminished state in a nightmare dimension so SURELY it must mean something right right RIGHT
#thoughts#twilight princess#tp#tp ganondorf#ganondorf#sorry I am quite frustrated by the Discourse#there is a middle ground between evil bad evil bad and uwu baby!!!!!!! and it's the most interesting reading!!!! aaaaaa#even him not mentioning the gerudos being immediately taken as him not caring about them is veeeery frustrating to me#like#imo the three arguable arguments about what happened to the gerudos are#1) they left hyrule because fuck that shit (real and valid) and he would have felt betrayed#2) they collaborated with hyrule to subdue him (??? that seems weird to me but sure why not) and he would have felt BETRAYED#3) they were genocided because they stood by him#and of course we could assume he doesn't care (even if he drapes his execution sword in gerudo patternings which)#(not gonna lie is probably artists not really paying attention to motives but it's still interesting and noticeable)#but wouldn't that be like. deeply traumatic either way.#would you talk about your people to the enemies you hate. would you remind them of what they took from you#in ww they are children and he is old and had time to reflect#in tp he suffered nonstop and then rejected all connection and all community and is feverishly obsessed by what almost was#and they are not children there is no generational thing happening they are all royalties (and link!!! hi link!!) the beef is genuine#and EVEN IF he doesn't care that would at least be a massive wound to his ego#he had an ego collapse followed by a massive ego surge that's literally his canon character arc#so of course he would be weird about the gerudos!! how could he not be weird about the gerudos!!#again we are always assuming lack of interiority by default for ganondorf and that annoys meeeeeee#especially when there could be unbelievably interesting and tragic interpretations from what we get
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a-literal-toaster-wtf · 1 year ago
FINISHED!!! god i love lister he is actually the character ever
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vynnyal · 3 months ago
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Stuff I've made on my phone, I guess? Of varying levels of "quality"
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herbgerblin · 2 months ago
my art tablet felt bad to use the past few weeks and I couldn't figure out whether the calibration was off, the brush settings needed constant adjusting, or if my eyes were getting worse.
It was the driver. I had to uninstall and redownload a new driver
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This is the best example I have of the difference the update made.
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lost-hope-but-funny · 7 months ago
when elrond dragged maglor to imlandis (because he fucking did), he shoved (gently) his father into a bathtub full of clean and warm water and dunked a shit ton of well-smelling soap for the bubbles
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mermaidslabyrinth · 20 days ago
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My OC Rhagerys Targaryen with the two people who he would do anything and everything for.
His younger half sisters, Baela and Rhaena. They mean the world to him. They are his weakness but also his strength to keep going. He is their big brother and has been taught to protect them at all costs.
The way I see the three are as the sun, moon, and stars. Rhaena is the Sun. Along with her dragon Morning. Baela is the Moon. Along with her dragon Moondancer. Rhagerys is the Stars. Along with his dragon Starsong. Each are present in one another's lives but in such different ways that people forget that they're connected to one another. That in some way they always will be.
This gorgeous artwork was done by the wonderfully talented @lonelymagpies. They did such marvelous job. The hair, the clothing, the jewels, their looks.
Also a special thank you to @dr-aegon. They reblogged a post mentioning that lonelymagpies was doing commissions. So, thanks to them, I was able to have this artwork created.
#The love and respect for one another these three have is so strong it makes me vibrate with happiness#The way @loneymagpies captured how they are around each other just makes me so happy#First there's Rhagerys and Baela#There is this air of confidence mixed with love. Like they both know what they are capable of when around one another#Rhagerys and Baela poke at each other. Each always wanting the last word#At the same time they are able to have deep conversations and just be there for each other#Then there's Rhagerys and Rhaena#The way she looks like she is leaning into him. That she feels 100% safe with him#Rhagerys will always make sure Rhaena feels safe/protected#He'll also make sure that she's happy. Even at the cost of his own happiness#I will say that growing up Rhagerys thought that he would marry either sister#And when that didn't happen it left a bitterness in him that he carried the rest of his life#Let's just say it's one of the reasons he hates Jace and really dislikes Luke. They took what he felt was rightfully his birthright#They're his sisters and he will always feel he should have been first choice. (Also the Targaryen arrogance/way is quite embedded in him)#Especially Rhaena. Bc he really thought he was going to at least marry her. He loves her and dedicated so much of his softer side to her#Bc he truly thought they would marry. Live at Strongsong. And have as many children as Rhaena wanted. Like Rhagerys had it all planned out#But sadly when ambition comes into play...what is a Prince turned Lord of some random House compared to the Lord of Driftmark and the Tides#My HotD OMC#Baela Targaryen#Baela the Brave#House of the Dragon Baela Targaryen#House of the Dragon Baela#HotD Baela#HotD Baela Targaryen#Rhaena Targaryen#Rhaena of Pentos#House of the Dragon Rhaena#House of the Dragon Rhaena Targaryen#HotD Rhaena#HotD Rhaena Targaryen
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desultory-novice · 8 months ago
"Manufactured Children"
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This post is sponsored by:
Haltmann Works Corporation "Making Your Life More Efficient" Nightmare Enterprises "We Make Dreams Come True" Lab Discovera "Only Humanity's Best"
It's Round 3 of the @kirbyoctournament! Noir's in a three-way match against @ivynajspyder's Techie and @kirbart90's Astro!
You can vote for your favorite of the three HERE! (Noir Sweep! >w< )
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