#got their granpa to play with them
lost-hope-but-funny · 1 month
when elrond dragged maglor to imlandis (because he fucking did), he shoved (gently) his father into a bathtub full of clean and warm water and dunked a shit ton of well-smelling soap for the bubbles
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bzilian · 1 month
if i lay here (would you lie with me and just forget the world?)
wolf!kageyama tobio x doe!reader Summary: Predators mated with predators. Prey mated with pray. Your parents were an exception to the rule. There's absolutely no way Kageyama Tobio would be interested in his prey childhood best friend. Tags: Childhood friends; friends to lovers; mutual pining; predator!Kageyama; Prey!reader; Timeskip; Insecurity; Prejudice (Implied predators being considered superior then preys); low self-esteem to reader; A/N: I hope Kageyama is not too occ. I'm not an english speaker, so If there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. Last time I wrote something was, i don't know, 9 years ago?
When you were little, the world used to be simple for you. Surrounded by family and friends who were alike, there was no fear or uncertainty. It all came crashing down when your father told you that you all had to move to Miyagi because of his work.
It was easy for him; your father was a fox after all. Even though he wasn't as big as other predators, he was still a predator all the same. You took after your mother's family: a doe.
You didn't remember ever being afraid of your father, but your mother had told you that, when you were very little, you used to get scared when he spoke louder than usual or when he appeared without making a sound. But apparently, you loved him and ran to him when you felt threatened, which was unnatural for your species: he was a predator and you were a prey. However, he was your father, and his affection for you made you trust him and erased the fear from your body.
Your mother sometimes told stories of how your father moved to Yamagata at a young age and how him and his family shook the structures of the city. They lived in a place inhabited by prey of all kinds, and his father's family were the first predators to move there. Your mother always laughed when she said that she felt sorry for your dad, who was isolated at school and sad that people always shied away from him when he approached them. Until she felt sorry for him, swallowed her fear, and became friends with the fox that would later become her life partner.
When you were 10, you had to experience a fear similar to the one your father experienced at the time, but different all the same. You had to move to Miyagi, your father's hometown, where predator and prey lived together in a way you couldn't understand.
You were a prey who never had contact with predators other than your dad. Predators with intimidating auras and smells who could easily hurt you.
Grandpa Kazuyo was an angel in the form of a predator in your new life in Miyagi.
He was kind and affectionate, a friend of your father's late parents. He had a lot of patience trying to charm you and prove that he wouldn't hurt you. You soon discovered he was a wolf. Grandpa spoke softly and smiled a lot. He also introduced you to volleyball, but you soon discovered that, as much as you found it interesting, you didn't like the idea of mixing with other people - usually predators - to play a competitive sport. But you enjoyed watching him and the women's team he coached play.
Just when you'd gotten used to him for good, Grandpa brought Kageyama Tobio into your life.
Kageyama Tobio was taller than you and more athletic. He had dark hair and extremely piercing eyes. He was also a wolf and his eyebrows made a strange movement when they landed on you.
Honestly, he scared the shit out of you. Your instincts made you freeze and your mind began to think of various ways you could escape. He also seemed to react to you, his head turned slightly sideways and his smell got a little stronger. He was going to attack if you ran.
"Well, well, let's calm down, shall we?" granpa said with a playful voice.
Kageyama Tobio reacted immediately to his grandfather's voice. His posture became relaxed. His smell also began to become less strong. However, your instincts remained alert and your eyes darted between staring at the older wolf and the younger one.
Grandpa made a slight movement, putting his hand on the boy's head and lightly ruffling his dark hair. "She didn't want to fight you, she's just not used to predators and you scared her, little Tobio."
The boy turned back to face you, "I wasn't going to hurt you."
You stared back at him, trying to calm your heart and relax your muscles. He was Kazuyo's grandson, he won't hurt you. Kazuyo wouldn't let him do it.
"You have big eyes," the little wolf said. "Grandpa says you like volleyball. Do you want to play?"
You didn't say your eyes were the way they were because you were a doe. He didn't say he acted that way because he was a wolf. You just shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him. Kazuyo gave an encouraging smile.
Thus began a strange friendship between Kageyama Tobio, a wolf, and you, a doe.
“They’re doing it again,” the 15 years old you said while tossing the ball to Tobio. You were both just throwing the ball to each other while waiting for your parents to finish the conversation with your teacher.
“I don’t understand it,” Tobio’s sounded grumpy. “What difference does it make that I’m a wolf and you are a doe?”
Unfortunately, you knew why they were doing it. Tobio was known to be a promising setter, a future strong predator and the school felt like his friendship with you might get in the way. That’s the world you both lived in. It was acceptable to the both of you to live together and in harmony, but it’s not expected to prey and predator to bond beyond acknowledge each other respectfully.
“Maybe it was the recent protests? Some people have been protesting on school gates about allowing prey and predators in the same classroom. It was also reported in the newspaper that the number of mixed couples had increased. They might think it’s because of it.”
“That’s stupid. No one cares about that,” Tobio made a small growling sound in protest.
“The world was made for your kind and they don’t want it to change,” you weren’t particularly sad about it. You’ve always known. That’s the reason why most prey stay in prey only communities. “Don’t worry about it. They are just scared I might get in the way of your bright future.”
Kageyama Tobio grabbed the ball with both his hands and stared at you. It was one of those stares you didn’t understand. Piercing, but not aggressive or judgmental. You felt apprehensive, but curious at the same time on what was on his mind when he looked at you in that way.
“You’d never get in my way.”
You hoped he was right.
"Most of the people on the Japanese team are people I played against in high school," Tobio said while looking at you.
You made a humming sound as you stared back at him. Things have changed a little since you’ve became adults. Every weekend, when there was time, Tobio and you did your routine: go to each other's houses to watch a game and have dinner together. He always brought the food, served you and always sat extremely close to you, which you always found strange, but eventually got used to.
Kageyama Tobio was no longer that little wolf, he was now much taller than before - even though he had always been bigger than you - and much more muscular and athletic. When he wasn't training, he was in the gym keeping himself in shape like a good professional player.
He still had that awkward personality, which you discovered was just a genuine difficulty in communicating (and he didn't care that much about that either) and his strangely penetrating gazes. But today you were no longer frightened by them. Tobio never looked at you with hostility and always tried to keep his tone of voice light when talking to you. He also became good at sensing your discomfort and providing cover if you felt overwhelmed in any environment. You kind of understood your mother when she said she swallowed her fear to become friends with your father.
You also kind of understood when she fell in love with him.
“At least they're people you know, for better or worse,” you replied as you ate your soba. “And Hinata will also be there. Aren’t you happy for the old days?”
“Miya Atsumu will be there too.”
You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder playfully. "I find it really funny how he can piss you off sometimes."
His reaction was to rest his head on yours, like a caress, and go back to eating as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, you should have gotten used to this type of thing by now. Tobio, when you two became really close, had no problem touching you. He would bump his arm on yours, almost like a light brush, he would guide you through very crowded places with a hand on your shoulder, almost like a hug, and at times like that he would rest his head on yours. Funny how he didn't seem to like touching anyone else but you more than the necessary.
These kinds of things still made your face heat up and your heart do funny things. But apparently, to him, it was normal. Tobio did all these things with a neutral expression. As if it was completely natural.
“Are you going to watch it on TV?"
You hated to admit how touched you were when he asked if you were going to watch on TV and didn't demand your presence in person at any game. The first and last time you went personally was in the Adlers vs MSBY and you had to be pulled out by your friends before the game was even halfway through. Even though you had been dealing with predators for so long, walking into a stadium full of them screaming and cheering was making your senses go crazy and you panicked. You remember almost crying while apologizing for not being able to watch. For leaving.
His hug was tight, his hand pressed your head on his chest while he called you an idiot for thinking he would care about it.
“Yup, yup. As if you would miss the great Kageyama Tobio representing Japan in the Olympics. I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
He gave you a small and almost imperceptible smile in the Kageyama style.
“That wolf boy really got well in life,” your father spoke while watching the game. “I'm going to have a rich and famous son-in-law, how strange.”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
Your mother elbowed him as she smiled at you. "What your father meant was that you two would make a good match, even if it’s unusual. I mean, I did marry a fox myself."
With your mouth open you could only stare at them. In the background you could hear the announcer narrating the game and your parents seemed to hesitate at your reaction. Before you could think of a response, your father sighed and leaned forward so he could look into your eyes.
“It goes without saying that no father particularly likes to hand over his daughter to just anyone,” his voice was serious. “But that young man follows you and looks at you like a wolf cub hoping you’ll give him attention.”
Hearing this kind of thing was disconcerting. It almost gave a little hope that a predator like Kageyama Tobio would want to bond with a doe. Predators like him belonged with other predators. Extremely handsome, strong, and completely capable of landing a mate on his level. Maybe a model or another volleyball player, not a doe who couldn't handle a crowd without her instincts overtaking her. Maybe a wolf like him, or even a cheetah if he improved his communication skills.
"I- that doesn't make any sense. We've been friends since we were little, Tobio just takes care of me because he knows I'm a prey that hasn't fully gotten used to-”
“Sweetheart,” your mother's gentle voice cut you off. “Do you know what the wolves' courtship rituals are? If you don't know, you should look it up.”
The game kept going on. However, you couldn't concentrate on it, your eyes were unfocused towards the screen while your mind was racing. You had looked up wolf courtship methods a few years ago out of pure curiosity. You wanted to know if it was so different from yours - and it was, does were courted and responded to scents basically. Wolves also responded by scent, but they also got close to the suitor, touched each other and rubbed their faces against each other just like... like Tobio did with you.
And on television, you heard a shout: "It's a no-touch ace by Japanese player, Kageyama Tobio!"
“You are avoiding me.”
“I am not.”
Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his posture, looking down at you and crossing his arms as he stood at the door of your apartment. You felt smaller than ever.
Yes, you were kind of avoiding him. Yes, you might have not responded to his last text and yes, you might have canceled the last get together of yours in his apartment.
“Let me in,” and you did.
In your defense, you needed to think. Having feelings for your best friend was something you already knew you had. Tobio was awkwardly sweet, always smelled great (you never had to smell him after a game, though), was criminally handsome, his voice was really hot to hear (even better when he’s sleepy) also, he always was somewhat tender to you. Tender like always getting your favorite food, always protecting you in public spaces, always using his smell and warmth to give you a sense of relief when dealing with strangers.
He never used a lot of words, but he never had to with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked when you closed the door.
Your body was tense as you moved to the couch. You needed to sit down to have this conversation, your brain felt like it was going to hyperventilate and the last thing you needed was to faint in front of him.
“First, I’m sorry. Some things happened and I got a little overwhelmed. I’ve heard someth-”
“Someone said something to you? What? Who?” His voice was lower than normal and there was some kind of animalistic sound in it.
“No one threatened me,” you raised your hands and looked him in the eyes to try to appease his protective instinct. “It’s just… you really don’t need to worry.”
But apparently, he was having none of that. He knelt in front of you and brought his face closer to yours. You always thought Tobio's eyes were beautiful. The color became more intense the more serious and focused he was. Looking at him, so close, brought a slight tug in your heart that you weren't expecting. You brought your hands towards his face, holding it affectionately. His expression became confused.
“I worry about you,” was the only thing he said as your thumbs caressed his cheeks.
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted something you couldn't have. Something that you shouldn't have. Someone was more deserving of that male than you. A female or male who’s also a predator. Someone who could go to his games without any problems, someone who could face others without feeling their throat tighten.
“Tobio,” your voice was like a whisper. “Why haven’t you bonded with someone yet?”
His gaze changed. Back was that piercing blue eyes staring deep inside your soul.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I want you to accept me.”
Tobio’s hand went to your knees and his ears were deeply red. His voice failed him when he answered and you could feel his embarrassment to say this out loud. Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t just anyone. He was Kageyama Tobio. Your childhood best friend, Olympic and professional volleyball player. And he was a wolf.
“I’m a prey,” your voice trembled. “I’m just a doe.”
“Prey or not prey, I only thought of you as my mate.”
You let out a breathless laugh. That’s so him, so Tobio. He’s simple like that. He kept staring at you and now his eyes alternated between your eyes and mouth. His ears were still red while he was waiting for your answer. You spread your knees a little allowing his large body to fit between it. He leaned towards you as you lightly pulled his face to yours.
Kissing Tobio was as awkward as him. He tensed a little, then relaxed. His scent became stronger, reacting to you and his hands moved to your thighs. Your hands found his neck while you tilted your head to kiss him better. You could feel your body warming up to him, for him. When one kiss ended, another began with more desire. His tongue sought yours, you lightly sucked his lower lip.
You decided you loved kissing Kageyama Tobio.
When you separated, his head fit into your neck, rubbing his nose and kissing your skin tenderly. His hands moved from your thighs to your waist and he got closer to you, still on the floor. His wolf instincts telling him to touch you, to get closer to you, to mark his partner with his scent.
“Are you my mate now?,” he asked.
“If you want me to be,” you answered.
When he kissed you again, you wished he would leave his scent all over your body.
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k0droid · 5 months
at the family function - twisted wonderland headcanons
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A/N: Cleaning out my drafts :3
Content warnings!: - i'm black so i'll be going off of what happens at my family events - these are headcanons and not serious ones at that, pls dont get mad - these aren't in order (im forcing u to read lol)
Friendly reminder: I am black and searching for moots, specifically black but not exclusively <3
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Jack Howl: - the cousin that all the younger cousins want to see - doesn't really like children but still enjoys seeing his family
Lilia Vanrouge: - the grandpa who sits in the same spot every reunion - has told you the same story a million GAJILLION different stories - D1 instigator
Idia Shroud: - hides himself in the room farthest from all the commotion - brings his consoles to every get-together
Epel Felmier: - the cousin who lives 2hrs away - always asking those dumbass superstitious questions abt the city - brings fruits/veggies from his family farm
Rook Hunt: - creepy ass unc, NO BODY wanna play with him - genuinely a good guy once you get to know him - dont ask "how did u and auntie (vil) fall in meet?" because he's gonna give u the strangest love story ever
Silver Vanrouge: - adopted son of granpa - hes NEVER awake when u need him - eats, chats a bit, and joins idia so he can fall asleep - don't know if he's an uncle technically but he's family now so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Cater Diamond: - cousin who's always running errands for somebody, his sisters especially - has plates made for him because he's too busy - always a part of the conversation tho
Ace Trappola: - fun cousin!!! - takes the lil kids outside to play when asked
Malleus Draconia: - also adopted son of lilia - he doesn't leave his room often so they forget he's even there - when he does come down, everyone is like "unc, you've been here?!" - very awkward but enjoys the conversation and card games
Deuce Spade: - fun cousin #2!!!!! - usually on cousin-duty - was supposed to bring the plates but forgot
Jamil Viper: - the auntie in the kitchen - like cater, he's always busy doing something - the family member who asks abt school and expects a real answer
Vil Schoenheit: - amazing gorgeous kind respectable aunt married to some guy (rook) - she arrives an hour early to help trey cook and jamil set everything in place - kinda strict about the tidiness of everyone but becomes lax after eating (got the itis)
Azul Ashengrotto: - the cousin you'd get compared to ("why cant you be more like azul?") - everybody owes or owed him some money at some point - hides all his old photos somewhere in the house
Ortho Shroud: - the little cousin - begs idia to drive him to grandpappy lilia's
Sebek Zigvolt: - loud asf like u can hear his conversations clearly - also on cousin duty - tracks mud in the house and gets told off by jamil
Kalim Al-Asim: - the cousin with 511 siblings
Ruggie Bucchi: - helps in the kitchen so he'll be the first one to make some plates - afterwards ruggie eats on the porch in a rocking chair
Trey Clover: - main cook/chef - unc who's always getting roasted for his hairline (barber fucked him up)
Leona Kingscholar: - 50/50 unc, sometimes he'll be in a good mood and sometimes he wont - arrives on time and gets out of his car 20 mins later (he was sleep) - tells those kids "AYE YALL STOP ALL THAT RUNNIN AROUND" - sat with ruggie on the porch and he just randomly got up and started walking down the street - sometimes forced to eat at the kids table because he wont eat his own veggies at his grown age
Jade Leech: - brought the drinks - brought cards and dice to play with azul
Floyd Leech: - brought soda (in spite of Jade) - brought monopoly instead - he got bored in the middle of monopoly so he just started chasing people for entertainment
Riddle Rosehearts: - the one who organizes most of the reunions - was FURIOUS at deuce for forgetting to bring the plates but cater went out and bought them - got chased by Floyd and collared his ass
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ts was kinda ass, my bad, i just want likes and comments cuz i dont have many headcanons of my own
anyways u guys should totally ask me abt my twst ocs (not yuusona) so i can blab abt them <3/hj
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
The losers club headcanons:
They are all theater nerds if they can get away with it. But they can't in a town like Derry.
Mike is the best singer. Everyone can sing(except Bill do to the stuttering) but Mike is the best.
Mike once puked over being forced to eat a hamburger. He really hates eating meat. Full on vegetarian and the losers respect that.
Stan has taught the other losers some words and sentences in Hebrew so they can have a secret code to talk to each other in.
Richie is half Jewish from his mother's side. Eddie is polish from his dad, and Bill is half British from his mothers side.
All the losers have had a crush on Bill.
Ben as well as being a new kids on the block fan, also loves legos and building sets. And is an anime nerd and got the other losers into loving anime.
Richie has been in love with Eddie since they were five years old and told him parents he wanted to marry him(Richies parents are really nice in my headcanons)
Richies parents were hippies but also just very postive forward thinking people.
Richie is really the only loser with a full set of good(and alive) parents. Ben's Mom and Mrs Uris are are good parents too. But Stan and Bill both have really big issues with there Dads emotionally. Bills mom just completely shut down after Georgie died. Mike's granpa rightfully doesn't trust people. But after getting to know Mikes friends he trusts them after a while.
Richie was suppose to have a sister but his mom miscarried. It left his mom really sad about not getting to have the daughter she wanted but she still loves Richie.
The whole town talks about how weird the losers club is. That theres rumors about them.
Eddie Kaspbrak had a cousin named Carrie White that died when he was ten that no one talks about anymore. He remembers her being really nice to him.
Bill gets into a big fight with his dad over the losers and punches him the face.
All the losers went to prom with Beverly. Including Mike who they snuck into the school
If the losers could they'd start their own acting/musical theater troop themselves.
Mike, Ben, Eddie, Stan, and Bill are the only losers that really like sports and are good at it. Richie and Bev do not get sports and Richie is terrible at it.
Richie and Bev take dance classes and do a dance together for a talent show. They win.
Richie and Bill both no how to play guitar. But Eddie can be really bad ass at playing the harmonica.
Ben's mom makes cookies for all the losers. She's happy Benny has friends.
Stan takes up fencing in college to help with his confidence and beause another loser at least needs to know how to weild a weapon besides Mike.
Mike gets really good at using guns and shooting.He still hates killing animals on the farm though.
Eddie becomes a doctor or a nurse.
Stan becomes a lawyer.
The only parents that notice something is really off in Derry and noticed the kids were missing for a long time was Richie's parents. For some reasons It and Derry doesn't affect them as much.
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dreamties · 1 year
Sissy Slaughter General Headcanons
A/N- Been super mega obsessed with the new TCM game !! my gf and i are, like, head over heels for Sissy so . . . Reader insert headcanons will be next! Warnings for some references to cults and dead bodies!
taglist: @friedwormeater, @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
Prior to her initial run away from the farm, Sissy would put on live theater performances for her family, Nubbins & Bubba being her biggest supporters <333
She would still perform and entertain herself like this during her stint with cult culture, but it's not the same !! she loves the people she has met and surrounded herself with- but it is not her siblings ! and certainly not Granpa
When she returns to the farm, she'll often go down to the basement, where all the victims are strung up- she'll dance and monologue and sing to them, as if they were a crowd just for her
Sometimes, when she is most lonely, when her thoughts get the best of her- she grasps a victim's lifeless hand in hers and brings it about this way and that in this twisted, twirling slow dance!
She has danced with the corpses and she will dance again!
OHMYGOD Chop-Top and her would be the bestest of friends <3333 he used to play dolls with her when they were younger, he doesn't get to play like that with her until he's back from the war tho :(
Her nickname (in canon) is Sunshine! She really is a ray of it, she's so kind and sweet with the family. She tries her best to be caring- and the sinister beat of her heart is so innate to her as well. You cannot separate these two sides of her- you cannot have the good without the ugly (it's not ugly to me though !! I love her as she is hehe)
She's got a lot of guilt for leaving her family in favor for adventure! :( while she doesn't necessarily regret having these experiences (she has learned so much !! she feels so grateful, to be able to immortalize all these new memories within her- she would not change it for the world), she does wish there was a way that she could have done all that and not have abandoned her family
You wouldn't know it at first glance, but she's real polite! she puts a lot of respect into her elder(s) and older brothers
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eri-shenn · 6 months
Gosh, Happy Birthday my babyy
God I love Yuuji sm, he honestly does NOT deserve what he's been through especially during/after Shibuya
I can tell you, if he could, he WOULD no hesitation and just punt patchface into outerspace and leave him there to slowly freeze to deth and die, he does NOT deserve a peaceful life
Gosh I remember the bot I came across in c ai, it said that He absolutely hated looking in the mirror after Sukuna yk to Megumi because he sees the scars under his eyes and he feels inssecure abt them, and I just wanna fucking hug him and never let go
I mean come ON he's YOUNGER than ME, a 15 year old teenager who's Granpa had just died and friends almost died too, who became a vessel of such a despicable curse who'd lived like what? Since Heian Era? Got taken away to a place he's not familiar of (he isn't from Tokyo), designated to be killed BECAUSE he's a vessel, sent into dangerous missions where he risks dying, ACTUALLY died once and then lived again because of a deal he's not even aware of, and now his other mentor and friend died because of the same person
The absolute amount of TRAUMA Yuuji's gone through, no one ever deserves that (But patchface, but eh) and I will die on this hill.
HC's ↓↓
Whenever he ahs his insecure episodes, he comes to you, and he'd just let you do what you want to distract himself from these horrible thoughts, of course you knew and absolutely wants to help him through with it, whether it be drawing on his face, putting stickers on it, specifically his scars, or doing skincare with him, whatever it takes to get his mind off of things you're willing to do
He has separation anxiety, he WILL be clinging to you.. :) (Not gonna elaborate on that, pretty sure y'all know what I mean)
Because he's so busy, you don't get to spend time with each other often and whenever you do, you both just snuggle up or watch a movie, a tradition you've had that happens every week now is that you guys will sit by the fireplace, wrapping both yourselves in a cozy blanket and having hot cocoa's together while reading a book, sure it's nothing special, but after a hard week of possibly not seeing each other, not knowing if the other will even be back, it's a sort of relaxation for the both of you.
He likes you playing with his hair. It just soothes him and the feeling of your fingers just combing through his soft strawberry scented salmon colored hair makes all his tension just go away, and you swear you could see his (nonexistent) tail wag when you scratched over a particularly good spot
That's all, feel free to drop some more down in the comments, but I really don't have any time :'D
Again, Happy Birthday Yuuji Itadori
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cookiepie111 · 2 years
The cookout
A/N: let me know who else you think would go/be invited!
Usopp- was actually invited, his cousin is hosting the party
Sanji- Invited. Was hitting on a black girl and become a plus one. He brings so much he is invited to all different kinds of parties now!
Luffy- Not invited. Still showed up, tho?? He heard the music and smelled food from down the street and walked down. Ate so much food and took to go bag. The ladies cooking were very happy he ate so much "aww he's got a healthy appetite!" They stretch his cheeks. Later, playing video games with the kids doesn't hold back when playing against the kids 😭
Zoro- Not invited. Was with luffy was also went. He's currently enjoying himself somewhere in the garden drinking laughing it up with the other older men
Brook- Invited. One the old black grampa playing chess.
jinbe - Invited. Was invited by a friend, happy to see luffy there, isn't surprised he just showed.
Ace/sabo- Invited. They knew someone. Ace is however knocked out in a bed by the end with the other litter kids.
Yamato- Invited. He's so happy to be there. Bouncing off the walls. Enjoying food and playing games with everyone. everyone loves him
Roger- Invited. An old friend invited him. "Roger, is that you!?Hahaha! Looking like 1969! Get over here!" Who let granpa on the dance floor. The most free man there, bought alcohol along. Rayleigh is his plus one.
yasopp- Is actively avoiding the party. Not only avoiding child support but his 5 baby mamas are there, he can't have them know they're all dating him (they all know)
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immdreamz · 6 months
Girl's little heart is calling for love.
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We need to start falling in love with all of them. Here we go. Phil is very excited to wear his favorite tracksuit for Keyla.
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We gathered everyone we recently met at my most favorite lot - P.U.R.E. . The outing was going very well.
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Mr. Brian (Big) is wearing red robe everywhere.
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Keyla made friends with everyone she could and went home for some rest. Tomorrow which is three days later is a big day. We need to start falling in love with all of them. I play with community time hack and I wait for 3 days sometimes for Keyla to return home.
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I brought you some creepy gifts!
An old granpa wanted to bring a friend over with him when he was invited over for a cup of coffee. Who brings a friend with him when invited over by a girl?
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Mr. Brian didn't ask for any friends to be brought with him.
Somewhere between roaches and jumping on Brian Keyla finds out that she's in love with 10 sims.
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Sterling was her first love. I couldn't find any picture of him actually falling in love with her but I found this one where he threw food at her and got a crush on her.
Chronological Order of 20 lovers
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livannasalinger · 1 year
DP prompt
Post PD, Ghost's attacks are decreasing (not non-existent, but far fewer and less destructive). Sam, Tucker and even the A listers are curious about the reason for this.
The thing is, the attacks have lessened, but now, when they do appear, they're being a different kind of weird. Especially around Danny. Danny, for his part, doesn't notice anything too unusual. Are they weird? It seems that after Pariah Dark they had a looooong discussion, and some misunderstandings (like the fact that he's a ghost baby and that when going through the portal, they're basically passing through his grave without permission) were cleared up, therefore things got better.
This makes perfect sense to Danny.
His friends think there's something else at stake.
Basically: Danny has become prince/king of the Ghost Zone, and is being secretly  trained to be the king, just that it's a secret only to Danny since no one made it clear and Danny never notice because he thinks he's just doing some favors for (granpa!) clockwork or playing with Cujo and the rest of the Rogues, and who wouldn't want to learn from Frostbite about the ghost version of first aid and such? Or training with Pandora who is as cool as Wonder Woman? Nocturne, after all the spectacle, now admire the space with him and even gives him a mantle with stars and everything. And if he sees a strange ghost every now and then who teaches random facts about the Infinit Realms (such as its creation and how the dimension works), well, they are very interesting stories ok?
Also: for some reason, the entire class, minus Danny, is taken to some random place in the Zone. Sam, Tucker and Val having to take charge of the situation to get the class back safely. Danny, discovering this, goes in search of them. What can happen until Danny finds them?
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lexa-griffins · 10 months
When do farm clexa put up their Christmas tree? Every year, their youngest gets to put the star on top so this year it's little Aden's first time
Usually, the day after Thanksgiving is when they put up the christmas tree! It's like an extension of the holiday!
They usually go and pick the tree in the morning, Lexa's parents and Clarke's parents come over and they eat the leftovers before it's time to bring out the christmas decor and get the whole thing started. Aden napping on grandpa Jake's lap while Clarke and Lexa's dad get the tree im place (it's always a little too big for their living room and makes it hard to walk around for a whole month but it just looks too good and they have so many decorations to put on it).
There's the old christmas vinyl playing, there's tea and hot cocoa on the coffee table as well as the rest of the pumpkin pie and apple pie, every "baby [name] first Christmas [year]" tree decoration is out, christmas lights, tensile and bulbs, all different ones Lexa found at the farmers market, the handmade ones from the kids and clexa, the ones they were gifted and the ons they bought because why not?
It's such a cheery day. The kids love putting up the tree, and they each picked a pretty thing to hang - the pretty bird Madi found at the thrift shop, the beautiful ballerina Saige begged Lexa to help turn into an ornament, the christmas witch Willow made, the jolly Santa Skie found so funny and the sparkling angel Aden couldn't stop looking at. The sculped family of carolers Abby got them, the beautiful vintage collection of bulbs Lexa's mom inherited and that Lexa always found magical, the carved snowman Clarke did, and everything else.
And then, right as they are about to complete the tree, Aden sturs awake in his granpa's arms as Lexa softly collects him in her arms and asks him if he wants to put up the star on the tree. At only three years old, Aden nods with excitment and Lexa helps him hold the star as his siblings stare at him. Clarke moves behind Lexa, a hand on her wife’s hip and another on Aden's back. Lexa lifts Aden higher, making sure he can reach and he very carefully places the star that Lexa makes sure is in place before her lets go.
And just like that, their little Christmas tree is complete as Lexa's dad and Clarke's dad gather the kids around for a few Christmas stories by the twinkly lights of it ☺️✨️
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chloegalarza · 1 year
same old chiz that never ends with my evil mom and her evil daughter 😭
earlier today my evil mom told me to put my chickens in there coop so while i was doing that she was getting bent out of shape over when her x bf gave me 2 dollars when i was a teenager which i took them to my granmas house so i wouldn't lose it so then my evil mom started with me to her evil daughter about it and she said that my granma is more important like neither one doesn't ever believe me :disappointed:,
they never once cared about me i've always been a burden to them 😭 and like little bit ago i was just playing my new game that my narscistic dad got me for a late bday till her evil daughter was telling me not to touch her kid's snack for his dumb school and i wasn't saying anything so she started with me accusing me of havin a attitude like i hate them so much 😭, i didn't do anything wrong i never do 😭
honestly i don't understand why my evil mom couldn't had left me with my granma and my granpa i didn't want to come home yesterday night at all i wanted to stay with them where im loved and wanted and cared for 😭, i can't even play my new game cause she got me all upset 😭, and top of that there's no one for me to talk to about all of this im always going to be alone without any support or a single friend to listen or to share anything with or about my emotions or anything 😢,
i feel as though no one will ever give a chiz about me 😭
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lonelyvomit · 1 year
Hi hello I’m here with my concert report
So first of all, not my greatest idea to go to a concert two days before I go back to college when I have none of my clothes actually packed yet but here we are.
The opener was Amon amarth who I had no idea who they were going in but ended up absolutely loving. They’re great and they had inflatables on stage which amused my greatly.
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Ghost was amazing when they came on and holy shit their set design is soooo good. We were at a weird angle at the side of the venue so we couldn’t see much on stage but the screens they had were great.
There were so many outfit changes with my personal favorite was the bat wings vest
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They also wheeled papa nihil’s corpse onstage and shocked him back to life just to play the sax and honestly that was my favorite part
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Honestly the show was just so much fun and it was a great way to end my summer
I'm so happy you got to go and had fun!! their set design makes me stupidly happy it's just like the whole thing and aaaaa ;;A;; also Nihil being zapped to life for his sax solo will always be a highlight asdfghjkl funky granpa is doing a great job 😌✨ Copia's outfits are so cool, personally I'm in love with his sparkly jackets 😭🤲🖤
thank u for bringing the report with photos I'm smiling like a dumbass smh I love them :') 🖤
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
So after I've made myself ugly cry in the comments of the original Marbles post, I thought I might as well have everyone suffer with me.
Consider Steve and Eddie growing old together. They've had their whole lives together, and were stupidly happy, and kept painting their tiny apartment even nearly broke and unsure if they'd afford the next month's lease, and somehow made it, and got married the moment it was legal, and they weren't perfect and had ugly fights sometimes but would always, always hold onto each other.
And even though Steve's head traumas catch up with him in the worst possible way, he starts forgetting things, Eddie is more than happy to hold his wrinkled hand and retell him their love story over and over, and softly sing to him all the songs Steve loved Eddie perform because that always makes Steve's eyes shine bright like it's 1988 again.
Eddie never writes diaries or memoirs or anything like that. But he tells stories of their life to their son and daughter they'd adopted late in life, and later on to their grandkids. His eyes light up every time the kids ask "granpa Eddie, tell us about granpa Steve again!" and he does, and makes sure they know granpa Steve would have loved them all so, so much if he'd met them when his mind was better.
Neither of them ever got famous in life. In his younger days Eddie would occasionally play in underground clubs to pay the bills, but a real music career required commitment he was never prepared to make. But after a world famous novelist publishes a love story about a jock and a metalhead from small town America and dedicates it to her beloved granddads, dozens of people would be coming each day to pay their respects.
The pile of flowers is always enormous and only a small part comes from friends and family. Their graves become a pilgrimage spot for those who believe love can overcome anything, if it's real and true, the "till death do us part" and beyond kind of love.
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xo8ball · 1 year
(Also yeah, my grandpa has such good taste in music, HE TOOK ME TO THE FOB concert, but was upset they didn't play I Am My Own Muse, which us his fave FOB song ever!!!)
YOU'VE BEEN TO BOTH I AM SOOO HAPPY FFOR YOUUUWUEYYRUEUW 🥹🥹🥹 im from south america and also very young so... fob has never set a foot in here and mcr came here when i was what. two months old 😭
BXBFFBNEJDJD MANIA AND SMFS <33 definitely they are on their silliest era forever<3 PLEASE give me your emotional explanation lets keep the car moving :3 eeeek swarm era vamp gee sooo nice so cool, it actually is their best era to me! so beautiful, so healthy and so happy<3
current eras are always my fave, also knowing the background and how they got there... makes me emotional as hell!!
For fob it might be tttyg and fuctc for me because they were so young and adorable and stinky and absolute rabid rats, i love them forever. and for mcr its tbp, the suits, the theatrics, the themes, every single look in that era they literally served their resignation in drag.
as for looks I'd say the same, these guys look (relatively) good even in the worst clothes ever. silly...... so silly. fob is a goofy looking band haha, and my fave clothing might be the idc video, or the beat it cover, AND love from the otherside because hell yes we love guys in situations and fantasy clothes :3 for mcr, the im not okay clothing is amazing even if theyre school uniforms, they commit to the fashion bits! but the current era fits are So fucking Good<3
GRANPA I LOVE YOU CAN I BE YOUR GRANDCHILD TOO PLEASE !!!! hope he can find the i am my own muse videos, iirc they played it some time :3
do you know something about the guys solo/separated careers/bands?? hesitant alien, soul punk, leathermouth, remember the laughter?? :3
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eochigam · 2 years
Yeah I went(watched?) ryuichi granpa's online concert
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Burnt my 5635 yens and no regrets
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I'm not certain if I can upload captured images of streaming, so I might delete these if this makes a problem.
Anyway I have been sucked into my real life and have not heard anything about his news via insta or something (except the news that someone plagiarized his works...). So it was quite shocking that his cancer got worse in recent years. However, Sakamoto never disappoint us on his sounds—especially in playing the piano. The tension in his playing has loosened compared to his early recordings, but the resonance has much more deepened. While the trebles were tickling my ears, the basses waved (literally!) the atmosphere in my room, not to mention that of the studio. Sakamoto played the piano in the past days, but he now speaks with the piano, as if he proves his willpower against the outside world.
To speak about the setlist, honestly, playing the piano 20201212 was better. Despite of my likes, the improvisation on Little Buddha theme was just awesome. And Solitude, The Wuthering Heights, Opus. These were my best friends for writing graduation thesis. It was really fascinating to listen them as live playing. And seeing Sakamoto smiling, playing Tong Poo was much happier. He do loves his music and playing the piano.
After the concert, there was premiere listening of his 12th album. But sadly, I was too tired to listen to them and sleep...
Only thing that I want is his recovery now. Get well soon, granpa!
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asavt · 2 years
Out of curiosity do you have any headcanons for N? I love how you draw him tbh
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Thank you!! I do have some~
-Ok first, lemme start with some songs that just lead me to think about this guy™. He shares one song I relate to Hilbert (but that's because I have this thing of imagining small animations in my head when I listen to them and each one of the Unova gang shares one song with Hil) and it's MILABO. Besides that, I think Ready To and Night Running fit him as well.
Also this.
-After N left the Pokemon League in BW1, he talked to Reshiram/Zekrom, and asked them to leave him. (Something along the lines of him thinking he is not worthy of having the legendary pokemon at his side).
They never left.
-He was also hoping to find the BW1 protag again too. But never went to search for them himself. Fear? Maybe. Perhaps he didn't want to see them again until he felt he was ready to, until he felt he finally got a good grasp on who he really is and what he wants to do with what happened at the pokemon league.
Those two are more general headcanons I think. I mean that... they can fit with either version and protag.
Now with more specific ones...
-He plays with the bracalets he has on his left wrist. Mostly when he gets truly nervious, but sometimes when he isn't really doing anything and it's bored.
-I like the "N is a Zoroark", tho not in the way of he is one playing as a human. More in the sense that, when he was a child and was still living among pokemon, there was a zoroark that took care of him (besides other pokemon aound).
From here also comes the idea that yes, he has a zoroark brother.
-Adding to this. He doesn't cut his hair, and if he does it's only ever a bit of it. It's his way of feeling more connected to his brother.
-The unova gang plus some other people are constantly introducing him to new things. Sure, in the time he was gone roaming around the Unova region he was able to do things for himself. But I think there's some charm in having others (his friends) help him experiment new things too.
Bianca and Rosa introduced him to nail polish and he is a bit facinated with the fact that he can paint his nails red.
-Did I say I think of him as nonbinary demiro?? no??? Well there's that.
-Thinks of the BW protags as little siblings. Specially Hilbert.
-Knows Red, gets along pretty well with him. He is quite surprised of his ability of comunicating with his pokemon without the need of words.
Blue is a bit angry at the fact that N could understand Red after just a few minutes of meeting him.
-He was the one to send 100 requests to Lear's desk for the construction of a ferriswheel in Pasio, each one with detailed information about them and full of formulas the prince didn't quite understand. Lear appreciates N's enthusiasm.
Hilbert was laughting so hard when he heard about it from Cheren.
-Iris thaught him the art of storing things in his hair. He finds it really usefull.
-Besides that, he spends some of his time around the Unovan Champion. He truly respects Iris not only as the champion and trainer but also as a person. She is like... an excitable little sister that at times feels like an older one.
-Gets along really well with the subway bosses. The three of them have gotten into full six hours conversations about trains.
-The Unova Gym Leaders (first game) and the Elite four check on him every once and then. A bit like the same treatment they give Cheri.
N is confused at their kindness, but he is greatfull for it.
-"Granpa Alder" and "hey gramps...".
-Yes he bonds with Cheren through Alder. They share a granpa.
-They both recieve very painful back pats.
-Nate looks up to him, and he also worries about him, a lot.
That's all I have for now!! I hope you like these~!
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