#HotD Rhaena
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manymanymirrors · 6 months ago
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Princess Rhaena Targaryen and her dragon, Morning
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sephynne · 2 months ago
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a quick redraw of my dragon twins piece
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scorpiusartistry · 26 days ago
Female Targaryen Heirs
In order: Rhaena “The Black Bride”, Aerea Targaryen, Rhaenys “The Queen Who Never Was” Targaryen, Rhaenyra “The Cruel” “Half-Year Queen” Targaryen, Baela “The Brave” Targaryen, Rhaena “of Pentos Targaryen with her dragon Morning, Daena “The Defiant” Targaryen, Aelora Targaryen, and Vaella Targaryen
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fallenrosepettals · 10 months ago
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The Dragon Twins
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oathkeeperdoki · 1 month ago
“Aemond, I do not wish to go,” she whispered, her voice trembling like the last flicker of a dying candle.
He closed his eye, exhaling a breath heavy with sorrow. “I know, my love,” he murmured, his fingers ghosting over hers, as if to tether her to him. “I know.”
🎨:@jimmymmtz on twt
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mairoon · 10 months ago
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senblvd · 7 months ago
Rhaena and Morning
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spacerockfloater · 9 months ago
Every time Team Black stans talk about Rhaenyra’s bastards and the Dragon Twins as if they’re blessings upon this earth, an angel loses its wings.
Like, okay. They’re children, I’m excusing all of them up to a certain point. But they’re some of the most vicious, aggressive, cowardly, snotty brats we’ve ever seen in this franchise and pretending that they’re not is so foul.
Lucerys is a hypocritical twat that bullied the boy he grew up with because he didn’t have a dragon, but then he’s totally okay hanging out with Rhaena who doesn’t have one either. And then he pulls out a knife and blinds Aemond for no fucking reason, after his gang attacked him first, and faces zero consequences for his actions. He eventually grows up to become an even worse person by literally laughing in his cousin’s face, whom he disabled. And then he tries to boss lord Borros around by telling him that he’s obligated to ally with Rhaenyra even if there isn’t anything in him for it.
Jacaerys is also very two faced for the exact same reasons as Lucerys, with the addition of having anger management issues. Like, remember how he beats the living shit out of his little brother when they’re training at the beach, kicks him to the ground and grabs him by the throat because he is upset their uncles are better warriors than them? That’s the good future king you’re all talking about? He is already obsessed with the idea of becoming king, to the point that his own mother has to remind him that she’s actually alive and well and he would have to wait a good fucking while before his dreams come true. That’s actually so sick on his behalf. Not to mention that he very likely married Sara Snow, betraying his fiancée, in order to gain the Starks’ help, which is very dishonourable. At least Lucerys told Borros he’s betrothed and refused to marry one of his daughters to get his support, I’ll give him that.
Baela is a deranged evil girl who was ready to throw hands on sight, too. And have we forgotten that she becomes a drunkard and whoremonger who spends her money gambling in the rat pits, the places where children fight one another in King’s Landing, once she grows up, or is it wrong only when Aegon II does it?
Rhaena is an aggressive coward who seems more preoccupied with the acquisition of a dragon than her mother’s death. She didn’t have the guts to go and claim Vhagar, but she feels powerful enough to confront Aemond when she has three people backing her up.
Finally, even without taking all of their problematic traits into account, these people are so severely uninteresting and unimpressive. Lucerys does not convince Borros to side with his mother and drops dead like a fly. Joffrey gets shrugged off by Syrax and plummets to his demise. Jacaerys is immediately killed during his embarrassing attempt to fight the Triarchy, not to mention that he was the reason his youngest half siblings were captured and nearly killed because he had the brilliant idea of sending them away. Baela loses the only dragon fight she was ever part of to Aegon II and Sunfyre who were very injured by a previous fight already! And Rhaena is just… there. Doing nothing. Never avenging her husband’s death, eventually marrying a Hightower. Yikes.
Are there much more ill behaved children in ASOIAF? Yeah, for sure, but we actually acknowledge that children like Aegon II and Joffrey Baratheon are pieces of shit. But if we could like, stop glorifying these four mediocre and borderline malicious kids solely because some of you feel the need to ride the dicks of everyone who is part of Rhaenyra’s crew, that would be great. They might be children, but they’re children with shady, putting it mildly, personalities, wielding new-clear weapons of mass destruction who actively participated in a war, especially Jacaerys and Baela. They sure were victims of the world they were raised in, but they were aggressors as well. And like, this is the ASOIAF universe, nearly all of our protagonists are children. We can’t constantly apply modern day morals and coddle them forever because “OMG, they are just babies!”, unless we are ready to apply the same logic on the Targtowers, who were basically the same age as Rhaenyra and Daemon’s children.
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lchufflepuffcorn · 23 days ago
Dragon hybrids when their mate has to leave king’s landing. Maybe they need to like go home for a family thing or a vacation.
Hi anon!
Since you've requested a bittersweet situation, you'll be named the 😣 anon! I hope you'll like this one, I had fun writing it, it's not in the same format as others, but it was easier to put all my ideas for this situation in it that way.
Dragon!Hybrid masterlist
Warning: None, dumbass characters.
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Aemond is not one to be clingy, physically clingy, that is. 
But you’ve never truly been appart ever since you came to King’s Landing. 
He’ll give you a thousand orders and recommendations for when you leave, arrive and come back. Fuss over every piece of clothing you wear, bring and pack. And he WILL go as far as to unpack you to repack himself. 
Dragons are nervous creatures, especially if their whole hoard up and leaves. Which, to Aemond, you are. And even if he tries to rationalise with himself that it’s just for a short two months and for family business, he cannot shake the feeling that something is being taken from him. 
He will be spending those two months sulking and becoming increasingly irritable. 
Mateless depression™ is real. 
He will send you a letter two days after you leave, and it’ll be waiting for you when you arrive at your family estate. But he won’t send any other until you’ve responded to his first one. 
He’s desperate, but not THAT desperate. 
You’ll never know of this, but he spends his nights tussing and turning, buried in your shared nest, trying to memorize your scent. 
Imagines the worst scenarios and has nightmares about you never coming back, deserting him, for some reasons. 
It’s not often that you leave Aemond’s side. To be pretty honest, you came to King’s Landing, at a relatively young age, you never left after that. Why would you? Now that you’re working as a guard under/wed to him, there is no need for you to take a leave, your whole life is with him. But if you really need to leave, Aemond is full of recommandations. 
Only to hide his nervousness, but he’ll rather be caught dead than tell you this. 
“I should like to receive at the very least two letters from you. One once you arrive, and another to announce your departure.” He tells you, fussing about with your cape. He wasn’t usually one to get close to you in front of people. 
“I’ll send you four.” You agreed quietly, letting him fuss about, he was now smoothing the creases of your sleeves. 
He hums, happy of your answer, a small smile curving his lips for a split second before his amethyst gaze ran over your form once more, a frown now embedded between his two brows. He sighs and kisses your forehead, bringing one hand behind your head to pull you closer by a step. 
“I’ll miss you.” You whisper softly, looking up at him once he steps back. 
Aemond doesn’t answer to that, preferring to nod wordlessly, and you don’t know if it’s because he’ll break by saying anything or if it’s to restrain himself to keep you with him. He looks about ready to do both, but you smile anyway, before turning toward your horse. 
Baela : 
She’s used to it. 
Baela doesn’t like it, mind you. You’re always separating your time between her and your family, so it’s basically a second nature for her to forgo the nervousness of a matebound dragon being away from their mate now. 
She sends letters every week or so, if the weather is good. 
The letters are basically all that keeps her going, honestly. Otherwise, she would wind up batshit crazy and willing to leave everything to kidnap save you from your own family, no matter your age. 
Once your mating bond and courting are officialized, and that you’re staying with her for good, she’ll have a harder time separating from you. 
She’ll do it, but she'll spend her last hours with you kissing, hugging, crying and more. 
Baela is ruthless when she misses you. Enemies, friends, accointance, nobody is spared from her moodiness. 
She will ask you to be very thorough in your letters, her paranoia only creeping up if she finds that you’re missing the retelling of a few hours in a day, or even worse a few days of your week. 
If this is the case, she will threaten to come fetch you. 
“My love, it’s only for a week.” You chastised her softly, trying your mighty best to remove yourself from her grip. Talons were inching deeper into your clothes with your every move. 
An urgent missive from an uncle of yours had been sent, recalling the tragic demise of your favourite cousin, and pleading to have you attend the funeral ceremony, pleading you had to agree and meet your family -traitors as they were- to comply with your cousin’s dying wishes. 
“You’re going into the wolf's den. How am I supposed to cope with your leaving, as you dive in such a dangerous compagny?” She whined, covering her petulant tantrum with a huff at the end of her sentence. 
You rolled your eyes at her paranoid ranting, pulling her face closer to yours softly to kiss her lips. “I’m going to my uncle’s estate. An uncle who’s loyal to Rhaenyra. My family wouldn’t do anything to me on those grounds.” You reassured her, or at the very least tried to resonate with her by logic. 
“I want to go with you.” She pushes, letting her head fall into the crook of your neck, her taloned hands wrapping themselves thighter around your middle. 
“But you cannot. Your place is here, with your family, and my duty is to walk the cortege of my cousin to her last resting place.” Your tone was final. You’d already had this conversation multiple times already. 
Baela huffed, but said nothing more, preferring to place kisses all over your neck.
Jacaerys : 
Jacaerys is also more used to you leaving than, let’s say, Aemond.
But he hasn’t had as much practice with it as Baela. 
He’ll act very solemn and stoic about it, but he’s a mess inside. 
Like: kicking, crying, throwing up, inside his mind, Vermax is actually not helping at all. But he’ll be standing next to you on the dock as you depart with dry eyes and an easy wave of his hand, though his face holds no smile.
He knows that you leaving is to help his mother’s cause, and it’s actually not of your own volition, so why should you have a harder time than you already have departing from his side just because his instincts are going awire? 
Vermax is more prompt to take over when he’s without you, because Vermax feels like Jace needs to be protected, as they both are in a fragile, more volatile state of mind. 
Will read all of your letters, but only send a few back, because he doesn’t know what to tell you in writing.
He’s very philosophical, but in a depressing way when you're not there. 
Weirdly, recenst the person who sent you away from him, and will ignore them and give them the cold shoulder for it, if they are living in the same castle. 
“Well, I’m the best option your mother has to rally those families to her cause. I am myself from those families. A familiar face might make the tides change in her favour.” You were saying in a so calm manner that Vermax was showing Jace images of you leaving him and never coming back, panic making the dragon spirit restless in his mind. 
“I do feel like you are our best option, precious, don’t misunderstand me. I simply worry about your well being.” Jace had always been very smooth with his words, diplomatic even. After all, his mother had taught him well, but never had thought he would have to use his diplomatic skills with you. 
He watched you give another item of clothing to a servant to pack, and his heart felt like it broked into more tiny pieces than it did when his mother told him you had to leave for some time. The primal need to keep you flushed against him, to have you stay by his side nearly overwhelming him, and he heard Vermax growl into his mind when he pushed the images of your naked body under his for the third time in that hour. 
“Then why does it seem as if you don’t trust me for this task?” You huffed, a shining in your eyes that Jaces knows all too well, for he hates it. And all the nervous emotions that had accaparated Jace’s mind about you leaving exited his brain like a flock of birds the way of a horse at your words. Instead, those emotions were replaced by the fear of having you angry at him, or upset. 
“No, my Jewel. Not at all.” He’s quick to react, walking across the room to engulf you into a hug, stopping you from emptying your closet anymore. “I do trust you. I simply hate having to be apart from you.” His voice cracks as he feels your tears wet his shirt. The situation was hard on everyone, and now he realised how hard you were taking the news too. 
He sends a glance to the servant, who was awkwardly standing a few paces away from you and she’s quick to exit the room, leaving the two of you alone. He keeps you close, hushing you softly as you let your frustration out with tears, as it doesn’t happen often, and because the current situation is out of your hands, completely and utterly. 
He’s moody, he doesn’t like it, and everyone knows it. 
It’s his and everyone else’s problem. 
Laenor was not ready to find a mate, and he’s also never ready to see his mate leave. 
You’ve been nearly impossible to separate since his sixth name day, and having you being away from him since he’s revealed to you that you were his mate is excruciating. It’s always been. 
It drives his parents insane, his sister is annoyed with him and once he’s married to Rhaenyra, as much as she wants to be supportive, she too can be seen avoiding Laenor when you're away for more than a month. 
He’s still a prince, and will do his best not to let his mood paralyze him as it did when he revealed to you the place you’d taken in his life. 
It’s still annoying. The Mateless depression™ is hitting him hard too. 
“And you promise to write?” 
“Yes, my love. Every week.” You chuckled, your hands mimicking his on your face, looking into his eyes as if you were going into battle, and not to see your mother. 
“How long will you be gone, remind me?”  
You rolled your eyes playfully, before leaning in to kiss his nose. “A mealsy two months, darling. But don’t worry, I shall bring back sweets for you.” 
Laenor nodded, eyes closed as if to have the feeling of your lips on his skin engraved in his memory. You chuckled at that once more. He looked like a cat. A rather scaly cat, but a cat nonetheless. 
“I’ll have a banquet prepared for your return.” He muttered, leaning to close the distance between the two of you and capture your lips with his in a burning kiss. 
“I’m not even gone and you’re already planning my return.” You grumbled against his lips, and Laenor took a step back to look at your face with an insulted frown. 
“Obviously. I have to keep busy, otherwise Rhaenyra will send me to you in a box.” 
Rhaena : 
Rhaena is not used to this feeling. 
She was fine before, why is you leaving now making her so… fretting? 
She’s fighting with herself not to unpact everything you put in your suitcases as you go. 
She follows you around like a lost puppy, frustrated with herself, you, and everybody who walkes to close to the both of you. 
Rhaena bonded with her dragon spirit late in her life, this causes a great change in her comprehension of the world, including how attached she is to you. 
She’s hormonal, that is the only logical explanation as to why she started crying when you told her you had to meet with whomever you had to meet. 
Overall, she’s a mess, and doesn’t know how to deal with it. 
She keeps her wits about her, with other people. 
IF they don’t speak of you, your name, or anything relating to your person. 
The bed is empty, you left during the night, without bothering to wake her. Which, you probably thought was for the best, as she had not stopped crying when the news came about that you had to meet with some merchants, a week or so ago. 
Rhaena sniffled pathetically, pressing your pillow closer to her face, breathing in your scent to try and calm the beast billowing within your mind. But everything she did only seemed to make her dragon spirit (and so herself) more agitated and unnerved. Fat, salted tears rolled down her cheeks and Rhaena threw the pillow out of the cocoon the nest bed was creating in the room, a cry escaping her lips as she angrily passa her hands on her face to try and make the tears dry. 
‘I’ll be back as soon as possible.’ You’d promised her. ‘In one week, two at best, I’ll be walking back down this street to you.’ 
Even though she knew, logically, you would hurry as much as you could to get back into her arms, the feeling of emptiness that was now lodged into her chest, making it seem as if you’d died was overwhelming her logic. Sobs wracking her small, frail body, she hunched herself over her own knees, as if to keep the hurt from coming in, or going out. 
A knock on the door startled her, and with a hiccup, she dryed her tears the best she could before answering, voice hoarse from the crying. 
“What is it?” 
“Prince Viserys wanted to see you, my lady.” 
Taglist: @lady-dragon-rider
Current anons : 👑😵‍💫🥰🧑‍🍼😣
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liaa--qb · 8 months ago
ryan please listen to me Ryan please 🙏🏻...
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"Aemond kidnaps rhaena from vale and keeps her as his captive"
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Ryan you know what you have to do next please listen to me.. let this be true, the vision....
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 8 months ago
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thatscruelsummer · 9 months ago
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scorpiusartistry · 2 months ago
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Grieving children and their mothers, part two electric boogaloo
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hi-angell · 17 days ago
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Rhaenyra Targaryen
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fallenrosepettals · 7 months ago
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“There is a large Dragon in the Vale”
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chaosvelaryon · 8 months ago
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an au where Luke survived storms end and got sent to the Vale with Rhaena, Joff, Egg, and Vis bc Arrax is bigger than stormcloud and Tyraxes. while they are there Luke starts training with Rhaena and the knights of the Vale. Morning hatches and starts growing at a fast rate. Luke starts to edge an idea to Jeyne to name Joffrey her heir to the Vale since she wants a "dragon" to guard the Vale. she considers it bc she's growing close with the youngest boys and Luke. months pass and it's just them training, living life, and waiting for a call into battle if their needed. (Rhaena is expectantly good with a bow and arrow and Luke gets too good with daggers.) Rhaena and Luke eventually get married in the Vale.
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