#gym harassment
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 2 months ago
Whelp. Congratulations Emmet and Elesa, ypu have found out through social media you're now an uncle and aunt. Good luck with the posionous anklebiters and the feral chosen one.
I suggest stocking up on pecha berries and sweets. The way to your nephews/nieces hearts are through their stomachs.
Also Emmet, don't fight Akari. She reverse adopted your soggy wet cat of a brother so please stop threatening her over social media. Akari, stop antagonizing your new uncle, he's worried about his missing brother. Ingo can scruff the both of you.
Elesa, thank you for being the only rational person and not having beef with a teenager who's flying by the seat of her pants in a dangerous situation.
And Ingo. Your twunkness doesn't make up for your lovable patheticness.
Your ask shall be distributed to the relevant parties (please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, and please note that this response only takes into account the canon falling under the category of Social Media AU)
joltikmas: the what joltikmas: get out of my dms??????
gym-leader-elesa: So far all I've been doing is damage control after SOME idiot decided to act stupid and threaten a child. 🙄 gym-leader-elesa: leave the food to me. Emmet is not allowed near the kitchen anymore LOL
joltikmas: r u a fan of that blog postin abt ingo??? DID SHE SEND YOU??? joltikmas: i cant "harass" her anymore anyway bc she blocked me >:|
stuck-in-the-past: WAIT IS JOLTIKMAS THE EMMET GUY PPL ARE TELLING ME ABOUT??? INGO'S BROTHER??? stuck-in-the-past: i blocked him bc i thought he was just a hater 😭😭😭
gym-leader-elesa: it's really unfortunate that I have to be the adult in this family these days
stuck-in-the-past: i told ingo that the ppl in my phone said his twunkness doesnt make up for his lovable patheticness and he looked at me like i was insane stuck-in-the-past: i have chosen to interpret his expression into the common tongue of tumblr as "miss akari, none of these words are in the bible"
Thank you for using the Arceus Inter-Dimensional Communication Program!
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marypsue · 11 months ago
I know somebody has to have made 'The Breakfast Club, but a slasher is there'. I just need to know what it's called and where to watch it.
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theforesteldritch · 3 months ago
I am morally opposed to the existence of billionaires. That said, I should get a billion dollars for what I had to go through growing up as an intersex kid.
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pastelpousay · 7 months ago
really?? In my time of need?? 😿when you know the roaches are on their way to get me
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@re3tro0 ought to be ashamed…/j
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feminist-space · 1 year ago
Post by Titfortat101 on r/pettyrevenge
I purposely farted in front of guy at the gym because he wouldn't take no for an answer.
So a few things. I go to the gym to workout and decompress I don't see it as a place to be social. I wear large over ear headphones.
I was at the gym and just finished one my sets for deadlifts, when a guy walks over. This is something I'm used to (despite how much I dislike it) but he starts talking to me and I'm able to pick up he's flirting. I'm polite and waiting for the proper moment to end the conversation.
When he asks for my number I decline. He keeps talking and going into the usual shtick of "why not?" And "come on". At that point I'm very uncomfortable and also annoyed because my workout timer has already gone off and it past time for me to start my next set.
I put on my big girl pants and tell him he's making me uncomfortable and I just want to finish my workout. Does he leave? No! He keeps talking now going on about "how he didn't mean it like that" and "he's not a bad guy." No actual apology to be found.
Now during this entire interaction I've had to fart. I was being polite and holding it in until he left but seeing as he's not I think
"well I know a way to get him to leave."
As he's STILL talking I let it go. It's silent but rather smelly. It only takes about 2 seconds for him to catch a whiff. He stops talking and the face he makes is too much that I have to bite my lip to stop laughing.
That's when he give me a look of "are you serious" and then finally leaves. And I'm left alone to finish my workout.
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Alt text included in image also.
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numberonebidoofenjoyer · 8 months ago
he still has a platform because he literally didnt tell team yell to do any of that?? like him and marnie didnt know/were not around when that shit was happening and when they were they got them to cut that shit out
also team yell didnt really do anything besides try to steal a bike that one time and annoy gym challengers
they were just
loud and rowdy
No, no! It’s his citizens. He’s the gym leader, not to mention the one responsible for putting them on the map! Where was he during all that?!
It shouldn’t have even been Marnie’s main problem too?? She was like 16!
And they didn’t stop! Just because whatever skirmishes the current Champion stopped didn’t mean others were still running rampant! I personally knew kids who had their Gym Challenge squashed because Team Yell was in their way!
Piers is complicit.
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blueskrugs · 8 months ago
being in central il is only fun because I got to be the one to tell one of our OTs that teravainen returned to the hawks
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years ago
had a conversation about gym class with my friend who I went to school with today - it was depressing but also nice to hear that her experience with it (at that particular school) was just as bad as mine.
I don't think the way my school treated gym class was entirely normal tbh. it was completely different to the school I went to after, anyway. and everyone I talked to there only knew gym class to be a pretty fun, lighthearted thing. at my old school it was only about achievement, you had to be perfect, if not you were usually yelled at. and if you couldn't participate because you were feeling a bit ill (but not enough to stay home from school) you were ridiculed and/or insulted in front of the whole class. this happened with every gym teacher we had over the whole 9 years there.
it felt like two hours of punishment, there was nothing good about it. and it made at least the both of us feel like any kind of exercise/sport, especially in a group setting, was terrifying - for years after. even my much more positive experience at the other school I went to didn't make that go away.
#maybe my school really just sucked#I mean I already know it did. but maybe it did in even more ways than I thought#maybe it's a Gymnasium thing. idk. any Germans please feel free to comment if gym class at your school was like this#and it wasn't just because we were bad at sports or anything. I got very good grades in gym class at the other school. and my friend does a#ton of different sports now and everything#I remember there was a girl in my class who got a 1 (the best grade) in every other class and a 4 (out of 6) in gym class. and the teacher#was so fucking awful and gleeful about it. he made fun of her so much.#I'm pretty sure I was about to get a 6 in gym class right before I dropped out - and that definitely played a part tbh. I just couldn't#spend one more second with that gym teacher. he was horrible and gross and mean (and sexually harassed girls at another school! but of#course he was still allowed to teach at our school!! ľ#anyway. gym class was the worst part of my (already not great) life from 11 to 19 so I hope all my old gym teachers break both their legs :)#except one. he was really nice to us and didn't do any of the stuff the others did. but we only had him for a year in between all the other#ones so it wasn't enough :(#like one of our (female!!) teachers would loudly make fun of girls who said they couldn't participate because they were on their period and#in too much pain.#in front of everyone. when we were like 13.#I hate that woman more than any of the others.#lol it's funny how like half of my issues are because of my parents and the other half is because of that fucking school#I will never forgive my mother for forcing me to go there and never letting me change schools even though I asked to for 8 fucking years#personal
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snowyfrostshadows · 2 years ago
Morty was really nice.
The second he gets his microphone back, he creates a starring role for Luigi on the spot (as a mix of inspiration and appreciation for Luigi's star potential? Man's got a good eye)
And y'know, I think if Weegee hadn't been scared out of his mind, facing down real, actual fire, and been given actual direction/a better idea of what was going on, I think he'd be ecstatic to be in a monster movie as a monster
Dream come true right buddy?
I hope Morty gives him a copy of that movie. (Also really really nice I don't have to capture him for E. Gadd)
Polterkitty on the other hand...
Such a cool as heck ghost, in both forms, but man. Is it kicking my butt. I've managed one tail so far but oof. This. Is gonna take me awhile...
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margaritalaux-antille · 1 year ago
seriously hate how pap pictures have become mainstream again to the point where fandom blogs on tumblr will just post and reblog them with no thoughts head empty. like how do you see a picture of a guy where he's like holding his phone and his keys and be like "it's ok that someone invaded his privacy and took pictures without permission bc he's hot and famous" you're insane.
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kimuramasaya · 2 years ago
this time of the semester is always so strange for my job like I have my graduating students who are v excited but also all of my problem kiddos start coming out of the woodworks
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byyliss · 13 days ago
Little rant because idk what to do:
For context, i go to the gym 3 times a week at one of those warehouse style gyms that are wide open to the street.
A few weeks ago i found out there's this elderly mentally ill guy that lives nearby and roams around, and frequently visits the gym to talk to people. I felt uneasy around him especially because i noticed that he would stare me, but i tried to ignore it. Then he went to talk to my mom and after finding out im her daughter he made comments to her about me being pretty and asking if i had a husband.
Now that made me more uncomfortable.
Worst part is that my mom told me right after like it was cute or silly. I told her he was making me uncomfortable and didnt like those comments and how nonchalant she was about it and she just brushed me off, saying he was mentally ill and abandoned, his parents died and his niece took care of him, so i should be empathic and kind instead of judging.
It was terrible, it made me feel like my parents weren't taking me seriously. I tried to argue that she doesn't know him and mentally ill are just as capable of harassment as everyone else, she brushed me off.
Then he started showing up almost everytime I was there. And i KNOW for a fact that he never went there at the time before. Suddenly 8 times out of 10 he went there to chat with staff and other men. And he would stare at me every time i looked at him.
It makes me feel uncomfortable and unable to concentrate on what I'm doing. I start to take longer breaks or avoid specific exercises whenever he's there because i don't want him staring at me. The thought of him looking while I'm doing squats creeps me out.
Today he was there again and my dad noticed i was nervous, so he asked my mom and she told him about it. And guess what? He said the same thing as her. That the guy was harmless and we need to be kind and shit.
I feel so confused and alone in this. Am I ableist or in the wrong for feeling like this? He never approached me after the first encounter but i can't help but think he's creepy. He never made any other comments to my mom and only talks to the men in the gym, but i always feel like hes watching me. Am I being paranoid??
I feel terrible for thinking this way and i need outside opinions. Ty for anyone who read it
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gor3sigil · 8 months ago
Before starting T, when I socially transitionned, I was surrounded by radical feminists who saw masculinity as gross and inherently evil, something to avoid, something to make fun of, something to destroy. The other transmascs in my friend group, sometimes, told me that they didn’t knew if they really were non-binary or if they just were scared shitless of saying “I am a man”. Because they saw this as a betrayal to their younger self who had been SAd and abused.
I saw many of my masc friends and trans men around me hate themselves, not outing themselves as men because it would imply so so much, it was like opening the Pandora Box. Even when we were just together, talking about our masculinity was always coated with bits like “I know we’re the privileged ones but…”, “I don’t want to sound like I have it bad but…”, “Women obviously have it worse, but last time…” and we were talking about terrible traumas we experienced while taking all the precautions in the world in the case the walls were a crowd of people in disguise waiting to get us if we didn’t downplay the violence we faced, or like crying and being upset and being traumatized and afraid and scared and to say it out loud would make us throw up the needles we were forced to swallow every second of every day living in our skin.
Most of us weren’t on T yet, some of us were catcalled every day and harassed in the streets or in abusive relationships nobody seemed to care to help them get out of because they were “strong enough” to do it by themselves.
I was using the gender swap face app and cried for ours when I saw my father looking back at me through the screen. The idea of transforming, of shedding into a body that would deprive me of love, tenderness, and safety, was absolutely terrifying. I knew I couldn’t stay in this body any longer because it wasn’t mine, but I also knew that if I was going to look like my dad, my brother, my abusers, it would be so much worse.
5 years later and I’m almost 2 years on T, and almost 2 months post top surgery.
I ditched my previous group of friends. I was bullied out of my local trans community. But let me tell you how free I am.
I was scared that T would break my singing voice: it made it sound more alive than ever.
I was scared that T would make me less attractive: it made me find myself hot for the first time in my life.
I was scared that T would make me gain weight: it did. But the weight I put on is not the weight I used to put on by binging and eating my body until I forgot that it even existed. It’s the weight of my body belonging to me, little by little. The wolf hunger for life.
I won’t tell you the same story I see everywhere, the one that goes “I started going to the gym 8 times a week, I put on some muscles, I started a diet and now I look like an action film actor”, in fact if you took pictures of me from 5 years ago vs now I’d just have more acne, I’d have longer hair and still look like I don’t know what to do with myself when I take selfies.
But the sparkle in my eyes, my smile, tell the whole story way better than this long ass stream of words could ever.
I want to say some things that I wish someone told me before starting medically transitionning.
It’s okay to take your time. It’s your body, it’s your journey, if you don’t feel comfortable taking full doses and want to go slow, the only voice you need to listen to is your own. Do what feels right.
If you feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break, it’s okay to ask for support.
Trans people are holy. Everyone is. You didn’t lose your angel wings when you came out because you want to be masculine. You are not excluded from the joy of existence, from being proud of yourself, from being sad, from being scared, from being angry. The emotions and feelings you allowed yourself to feel while processing what you experienced when you grew up as a girl and was seen as a woman are still as valid as before. Nobody can take that from you. If someone tries to, don’t let them.
It’s perfectly normal to grieve some things you were and had before you started to transition, like your high soprano voice or even your chest. Hatching is painful. You can find comfort in things that don’t feel right, so making the decision to change can be incredibly scary and weird and you deserve to be heard and supported through this. Wanting top surgery doesn’t make the surgery less intense, less terrifying, less painful to recover from. When it becomes too much you have the right to take a break and take some deep breaths before going on.
You don’t have to have a radical, 180° change for your transition to be acceptable or valid or worthy of praise. Look at how far you’ve come already. It doesn’t have to show, you’re not made to be a spectacle, you’re human and it is your journey.
Oh, and last thing, you know when some people say “Oh this trans person has to grow out of the cringy phase where you think that you can write essays about being trans or transitionning or just their experience because it’s weird” ? If you ever hear this or see this online, remember all the people whose writing you read and, even if they were not professional writers, helped you more than any theorists did ? If you want to write, do it. It won’t be a waste. It can help people. Or it won’t, and even then, if it helped you, that’s enough.
Love every of my trans siblings, take care of yourselves. You deserve the world.
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nanaslutt · 1 year ago
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welcome to my smau list!! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
౨ৎ feel free to send an ask to my inbox if u have an idea for a smau (no suggestive prompts for under 18 characters) ౨ৎ
jjk smaus
✿ asking jjk men if you can hold their 🍆 while they pee
✿ showing the jjk men ur new piercings
✿ asking the jjk men if you can peg them
✿ changing “babe” to autocorrect to “whore” in their phone
✿ “shes busy rn”
✿ leaving without telling the jjk guys
✿ “he’s busy rn”
✿ getting ur nails the color of their tip
✿ forbidden relationships
✿ drawing a heart with their tip
✿ baby fever
✿ drunk texting the jjk men
✿ jjk men having a wet dream about you
✿ asking them for a hand pic
✿ jjk mean reacting to their contact name
✿ asking jjk characters what their fav sex act is
✿ telling the jjk guys you spent $200 on tire air
✿ “wrong person” nudes prank
✿ jjk characters reactions to you getting harassed/ hit in
✿ jjk characters finding out you got injured
✿ ass or tits
✿ giving them suprise flowers
✿ asking the jjk characters to take your virginity
✿ telling the jjk characters you want to get them pregnant
✿ getting flowers from someone else and thinking it was from them
✿ getting jealous of you hanging out with someone else
✿ stealing your panties
✿ cuddles after sex
✿ innapropreate package mixup
✿ wax my 😽
✿ sending them porn you wanna recreate
✿ when they drunk text you
✿ them asking you on a date for the first time
✿ sending nudes in the middle of an argument
✿ getting a necklace with their initial
✿ being a woman/man for a day question
✿ controlling your bluetooth vibe
✿ when you leave a kiss mark on them
✿ asking you to stay the night for the first time
✿ the call ending after you fall
✿ “they just left you can come over now”
✿“if i gave you a pass to call me a bitch how would you use it”
✿ “i didn’t finish last night“ prank
✿“i got arrested”
✿ when they find ur smut
✿ editing them to look bad in a photo
✿ accidentally sending them nudes (pre relationship)
✿ the jjk characters sending you gym pics
✿ getting scared watching a scary movie
✿ finding out they punched ur stuffed animals
✿ when they see you in someone else’s jacket
✿ asking them their fav pet name is in bed
✿ when you start your period unprepared
✿ when you see them with another girls belongings
✿ asking them if they like having sex with you
✿ asking them for happy trail pics
✿ when they ask for nudes and you send an unsuggestive pic
✿ asking them if they have a crush on you
✿ when they find ur toy
✿ anxious before ur wedding
✿ taking pics of you when you fall asleep
✿ asking them for a whimper audio
✿ when they cheat on you
✿ having a dream they cheated on you
✿ when they get hit on/harassed
✿ the morning after ur first time having sex
✿ accidentally saying i love you for the first time before ending the call
✿ asking them if they only like you for sex
✿ offering them head to relax them
✿ asking them to kill a spider for you
✿ their reactions to a sexy picture you posted
✿ pregnancy scary
✿ ”sex has been boring” prank
✿ their card declined prank
✿ getting lost in public
✿ asking them if you can stack donuts on it
✿ asking them to pick out a new toy for you
✿ waking up in their body
✿ them reacting to you crying over a dumb video
✿ catching them masturbating
✿ getting a noise complaint
✿ when they catch you masturbating
✿ when they catch you singing
✿ finding a hair that isn’t urs
✿ telling them their nut tastes bad
✿ trying anal
✿ comforting you when you’re burnt out
✿ when they take an aphrodisiac
✿ asking them to find ur 😽 in a lineup
✿ asking them how much money they have
✿ asking about a threesome
✿ what’s their sexual fantasy?
✿ asking them if they’ll put it in soft
✿ slapping their ass and running away
✿ asking them for their friends number
✿ selling their stuff online prank
✿ asking if they’d get a genital piercing
✿ making them sleep on the couch
✿ asking what their body count is
✿ asking them to give you a hickey
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lgcbk · 1 year ago
⸻ THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGMAN ( ft. @lgcjino )
Byeongkwan intends to spend what would be his last few months of training ( still such a strange concept to wrap his mind around ), enjoying what was left of his semi-freedom. Sure, the trainee schedule had always been somewhat rigorous. But he liked being in control of his schedule after hours and making time for what really mattered -
The bench.
The Legacy gym has always been his safe haven in his times of need. Whenever the coaches were giving him a hard time, the barbell rack was there. When his evaluation feedback left him weak in the knees, he could always fall back on leg day and double up on reps. On those rare occasions when he found himself being chased down by existential dread, he could easily outrun it with a few sprint intervals on the treadmill. It truly was his home away from home. And Jino - honorary member of the unofficial gymbro club - seemed to share in his dedication to the sweat.
"Ayo," he greets the actor with a mischievous grin, his gym towel locked and loaded for a swift snap at the other's bicep. "You're late, dude!" Never mind the time on the wall clock or the fact that his gym bud actually happened to be there right on schedule. Early is on time, on time is late, and late means you're not on your grind ( hashtag gainz, hashtag beast mode, hashtag 100 emoji ). "I almost didn't think I'd have an audience for my.... jokes"
Another gym goer just so happens to stroll by - a rather pretty one at that - paying absolutely no attention to the slack jawed trainee gawking at her from across the room.
"Hey, hey - See that girl over there? She's the one I was telling you about last week." Byeongkwan turns back to face Jino, gesturing with a flicker of his gaze to one side, signaling him to discretely look over his shoulder. "I'm gonna ask her out." While he usually followed a foolproof ( heavy on the fool ) system when it came to approaching women - building rapport, observing cues, timing the ask - time was of the essence. Who knows when he'd get another chance to openly ask a girl out once he debuts?
"Wait - Have you met her before? I think she just signed to Agency too... Maybe you could, you know... Introduce us?" He adds with a wiggle of his brows.
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johnbrand · 4 months ago
Sister's New Boyfriend
“C’mon bro, didn’t you miss this?” Scott teased, his giant Size 13 foot plopped onto the coffee table in front of me.
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“Cut it out, Scott,” I hissed, knowing my sister was bound to call us into the kitchen any minute now.
“Why should I?” Scott cockily grinned. “We both know you want to.”
I held back the scarlet that threatened to color my face. “That’s not true.”
“It’s only been what, seven or eight years since high school?” Scott’s grin shifted into an exaggerated frown. “Surely you haven't forgotten me, have you? And all the fun times we had together?”
Unfortunately I had not forgotten Scott, or the “fun times” he was referring to. The constant bullying; harassment and name-calling and even a few bouts of abuse. It was painful for me to reflect on, both of us being the same age and yet being emotionally attacked by a man double my size. Since those years, the gym and my therapist had helped me move past those vulnerable times. Even though I had struggled to find a relationship, I was stronger now; a fighter well-off with a supportive network. 
“Luckily for you, I’ve moved on,” I snarked, sizing Scott up.
“I don’t think you have,” Scott’s smirk returned. “Otherwise you would’ve left as soon as you saw me.”
I had not expected Scott to be my sister’s new boyfriend. The man she had been gloating about for months, this “kind, sensible, loyal” being that had corrupted her life to the point that he was all she would talk about. I would have never assumed my sister–my older, highly educated sister–to end up with the malevolent jock who had destroyed my ego all those years ago. And after brief introductions, in which I realized I was still physically smaller than my former tormentor, I quickly sensed the looming danger of the situation.
“I’m not going to abandon my sister,” I retorted.
“You’re not going to abandon your commands, either,” Scott shot back, a bit to my confusion. Scott had apparently dropped out of college, but had become a fitness influencer in the years since, pulling in huge financial figures. It was difficult not to reflect on the fact that even though I had a degree, Scott had still come out on top. “Stop lying to yourself, buddy.”
Instead of another backhanded defense, I felt myself a slow warmth settling in his bones. My frustration subsided as a peaceful, almost artificial calm crawled over. My usual worries were smoothing over, something that Scott recognized immediately.
“Yeah, that’s it, buddy.” Again, the word sent a pleasurable warmth all across my frame, tingling my toes and twitching the corners of my mouth into the beginnings of a dopey smile. “I see a few years apart hasn’t weakened my conditioning on you at all, has it?”
I knew better than to answer. In therapy, I thought I had discussed all my qualms with Scott. Every single memory I could recover was heavily investigated, scrutinized, and then analyzed to create a plan for my future proceedings. But it was not until that very moment, in my sister’s living room reunited with my high school bully, that I realized I had only covered half of the relationship Scott had created for us. The memories my therapist and I had discussed, those were only the ones Scott had allowed me to remember.
“No Sir,” I replied, the title suddenly feeling appropriate. “Not at all. I still jack off to the thought of your magnificence at least twice a week as you instructed, Sir.”
My pupils inflated as Scott’s smirk grew sinister; this truth being revealed to both of us. 
“What, you didn’t think I just let you go after graduation, did you?” Scott’s words cut right to the bone, my embarrassment finally flushing my face. “I guess my hypnosis was better than I thought it was back then. I like to keep all my boys on a leash, in case they ever become useful to me again.”
Before I could respond, Scott snapped his finger and pointed back at his foot. Immediately, I was kneeling before him, my nose inhaling his godly scent and my tongue running across the holy valleys of his sole. Every breath sent another wave of affection across me, the submissive alter ego Scott had created for me back in high school overriding all the defenses I had built up since then.
“Who’d have thought one of them would eventually become my brother-in-law?” Scott commented. Even as my former life and independence was quickly evaporating, his smug victory brought a single tear to my eye. 
“I thought I was going to break the news!” My sister yelled from the kitchen, finally entering the conversation but apparently oblivious to what was actually happening. “Dinner will be set in a minute!”
“Thanks babe,” Scott called back, before searing his eyes straight through me. “Hope you’re ready to be an uncle too, buddy.”
That revelation snapped what was left of my free will. But now, I had more important things to worry about, like tending to Scott’s feet.
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