#zef askbox
zephyrrhiesfyrian · 8 days
Me, with hands full of laundry nudging Rodimus out of the way with my foot: baby please
Rodimus, his eyes enormous: you kick Rodimus? You kick Rodimus like the football? Oh! Oh!!! Jail for Guardian! Jail for Guardian for One Thousand Years!!!!
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voidgoatazzy · 16 days
List 5 things that makes you happy, then put this it the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 💕
hm, just 5 things? sadness :pensive: i can do that though. thanks for the ask, Zef!!
getting to talk as often as i do with my best friends.
writing my fanfics.
finding new games to play (and sometimes write fanfics about)
going on long walks
playing in the rain
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 18 days
Tinyformers First Aid who communicates with little siren wee-woos!!!
He'd wail them at you if he notices you don't care of yourself and your companions.
Forgot a meal? Wee-woo
Cut your finger and didn't disinfect and bandage it? Wee-woo
Forgot to water the plants? Wee-woo
Your computer makes a weird noise? Wee-woo! The machines suffer too!
I've shown you the description of his G1 toy, he'd be a little ball of too much empathy (I'd put him in a glass bc CHILL little guy I'll live--)
--- Thun
Tinyformers First Aid is worrying over everything, no matter how small. He will literally break down into tears if you kill a bug. Please be careful.
He notices you shedding hair and has an entire crisis because he thinks you're dying. You will need to gently explain to him that human hair naturally sheds itself.
And GOD FORBID your TV remote need a new change of batteries. First Aid will try to have a funeral for the hunk of plastic before you can even take the drained batteries out.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 19 days
Tiny formers seeker trine. You have to get all three because they will cry if separated
The seekers flying circles around you when you come back from work, before demanding food and cuddles
Thundercracker will literally wait by the door the entire day for you to come home. He hugs your leg when you leave and as soon as you open the door when you come home he's zooming up to your shoulder and hugging your face.
Skywarp will generally also come greet you when you come home, unless he's napping or has gotten stuck in something. He may need you to come rescue him.
Starscream is a little diva who will scream until you pick him up and then act like a perfect angel as he burrows under your chin for snuggles.
All three of them like to fly up to high places (on top of bookshelves, the fridge, inside wall mounted cabinets), so you may want to invest in some of those cat-platforms for them to climb on, that way you don't have to deal with sick tinies constantly sneezing and coughing because they've been scampering around on dusty shelves.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 6 days
I love your tinyformers so much😭, I just know Ratchet and First Aid would help me study🫶. Your tinyformers art and rambles literally make my day 200000x better
aaaaaaa I'm so glad they help make your day better! :3
First Aid has timers set for how long you're "allowed" to study, because he insists you take breaks to prevent you from getting burnt out. Ratchet will lightly bonk him with a wrench if he gets too worked up about it, but he does approve of the framework.
Depending on what the topic is you're studying, they might also try to help you with it too! First Aid loves helping with grammar and essays, but his writing style leans more towards prose than a comprehensive article. Ratchet generally encourages you to figure things out on your own, but if he notices you're really struggling he'll step in.
Your tinies all care about you! They wanna help!
The absolute best tiny to have for proofreading your things, fact checking your research and citations in essays, and correcting your maths, is Perceptor, for obvious reasons. You don't even have to ask him; just set him on the desk with the papers and he will automatically start finishing your equations. He can't help himself.
Ultra Magnus/Minimus is also a good proofreader; he's very good if you need to reach a word count, because he likes to add in clarifications and addendums (Perceptor will make his edits as quick and concise as possible).
Rodimus may burn your homework because it's taking your attention away from what really matters, which is obviously him.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 19 days
I don't know if this even counts as an ask but if I had a tiny Roddy in my house I would beeline for him any time I come back to pick him up and pepper him with tiny kisses. I need to hold him cupped in my palms so bad, he's such a cutie- (Me and my cuteness aggression would be waging a war that would make optimus and megatron shed tears)
Tiny Rodimus would adore getting kisses and pets and snuggles! He will run up to you, chirping in excitement, holding up his arms for uppies. When you pick him up, he'll hug your hand or fingers and grin up at you, kicking his leggies.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 6 days
Ooh ooh, you know I got a large dog, who is gonna run from him, who is gonna befriend him?
Bc my dog absolutely loves creatures, especially small ones, and he'd put his nose in the tiny TF habsuite to check on them LOL
--- Thun
Soundwave adores him. This is now his new (very very large) cassette. Rumble and Frenzy also love him because ooo big creature to play with and climb on. Ravage and Laserbeak are not fans, although Buzzsaw may sometimes fly down to perch on his head.
Kaon/Amp also loves him, but that probably goes without saying. Tinyformers Kaon is probably a taser of some sort, so there's likely a lot of time (hopefully) where you don't need to make use of his function, and he will spend all his free time cuddling with doggo.
Tailgate and Swerve are both terrified at first, but they warm up pretty quickly once they know he's not gonna eat them xD
Fulcrum will never warm up. Fulcrum will hide in your walls to escape the dog.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 18 days
Oh, what's your take on a TFA Sentinel as a Tinyformer?
oh my god
Honestly, of the Sentinels I know, TFA Sentinel would be only one mildly tolerable as a tiny XD
Tinyformers Sentinel at first acts like a spoiled child, throwing fits and getting angry if you don't give him exactly what he wants, but the second you show him actual affection he short-circuits.
He's still very dramatic, but he'll eventually start begrudgingly listening to you when you tell him things he can/can't do.
He will strut around like a peacock if you take him on a walk though.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 7 days
You know that one GIF of Jake Gyllenhaal gesturing around at things whilst holding a ferret? That's me with Tinyformers Rodimus. I think he'd like being gently shaken, and jiggled around. Bc he's a goober. I think he'd ask for the jiggle-wiggle treatment. As well as asking for you to make him 'fly' (Read: Holding him sideways, and moving him through the air like he's a toy plane. Be sure to make plane noises when you do this, he'll go nuts for it.)
That's also probably how regular Rodimus would behave whilst holding a human. Maybe not on purpose, though. I think he'd have to temporarily forget that he's holding them in order for that to happen.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 21 days
Oh no what would tiny Overlord do--
Be an absolute menace, that's what.
Overlord acts like a toddler; which is to say he is very attached to you and will throw tantrums when you don't do what he wants. He will try anything and everything stupid that he is able to and if you stop him, he will throw a fit.
Try to stop him from sticking his small metal fingers into an outlet? Tantrum. Don't stop him from sticking his small metal fingers into an outlet, resulting in him shocking himself? Tantrum.
And god forbid you have any other tinies, because Overlord will rage if he thinks you're favoring them over him.
Essentially he's a perpetual baby.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 21 days
Tinyformers Tarn singing tiny operas but bc he's so small he just sounds like the largest mosquito ever
--- Thun
He also can't speak human languages, so his attempts are very janky XD
He likes to sit in front your phone or tablet and watch operas and musicals, and if you're sneaky enough you can sometimes catch him doing his best to sing along. He will stop if he notices you. He is very shy.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 7 days
if thou art the one who distributes the tinyformers can I adopt Sunder because no one else will I prommy to take extra good care of the little cannibal
You are now the designated Keeper of Sunder's Optics. You may want to toss them around (they're pretty solid, so don't worry about breaking them) for him to chase. He'll play fetch with other things, notably other tinies, but he likes the optics the best.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 9 days
All the rowdy tinyformers are so cute, but imagine also having a tiny Rung. Baby is just quiet and tranquil in his little habitat, and you're not really sure if he's really happy to be there or just being polite until you offered him snacks and saw him store them all away like an extra orange squirrel. (he is. after all, 90% subspace xD) I'd also imagine he'd love any and all little toys you can offer him that he can assemble, and he'd be a banger puzzle partner (oh, to have a tiny little guy brave a pile of puzzle pieces to dig out a particular one you need for a corner of the puzzle)
You also wouldn't have to worry about him running off if you take him outside, but most of the time he's so quiet that if you do put him down anywhere for him to check stuff out and get distracted u better not forget to pick him up again once you're done, he has no alt mode to come to you-
Not him storing away the snack, that's so precious
I am in love with the image of Tinyformers Rung helping out with a puzzle; if you put him on the puzzle table he will instantly start finding corner and edge pieces for you. He's very good at puzzles, but while he can do harder ones, he prefers the ones with bright colors and varied patterns.
tiny rung on his little scooter
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 2 days
There's this one meme that's like "Came home drunk last night, and got way too excited to see my cat." And you see the white cat covered in lipstick smooches in the picture.
That's me with Tinyformers! Bumblebee, or Rodimus, or Optimus, or Drift, or Swerve, or- (I don't wear lipstick though. So I wouldn't have to worry about washing the lipstick off of them. The point stands though.)
I would also hug them lots. I think I'd probably want to take care of an affectionate Tinyformer, bc I'd see the little guy(s), and want to hug them a whole lot. And give them little kissies.
Bumblebee might be a little embarrassed at all the affection at first, but he loves to snuggle with you and receive kissies once he gets used to it. Rodimus and Swerve are always up to be yoinked and showered in affection, although Swerve is a little less of a brat when he wants attention (Rodimus may commit small acts of arson if you don't respond in a timely fashion). Drift is also very cuddly, but he definitely needs his alone time too. If he's not in a mood to be held though, he'll try to bring you a plushie or something that you can squish instead; he knows you do it out of love!
If you've got a tiny Orion Pax, he'll be a lot more open to receiving affection in the form of kisses and snuggles, even if he may wriggle and beep at you in embarrassment. If your tiny is Optimus though, he'll either aggressively bap at your fingers to put him down, or he'll begrudgingly accept his fate and just lay there limply, his finials twitching. Optimus takes himself very seriously, you see.
Other affectionate tinies include: Red Alert surprisingly! He takes a long time to get fully comfortable with you, but once you've crossed that hurdle he is practically inseparable from you. He will not sleep in his own habitat because he needs to be pressed against your heartbeat the entire night to "make sure his human doesn't die".
Brainstorm also requires a lot of attention, but after a bit of snuggling he's squirming for freedom so he can crawl around your shoulders or sit on your head or just fly circles around you.
First Aid and Ambulon both enjoy being picked up and cuddled, but First Aid is far more willing to reciprocate the affection; he'll try to hug your face when you lean in to give him kissies and he'll softly bonk his faceplate against you to return them! Ambulon is more content just to stay put and snuggle into your hands.
The first two or three times you pick Trailbreaker up for snuggles, he'll probably panic bubble out of instinct, but he does very much enjoy the affection. He'll generally find his way into your lap if you're sitting down and fall asleep to being pet gently. He is a lap cat. And yes, his lil engine purrs.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 10 days
Who would win the Dad of the year award? Soundwave or Shockwave?
neither, they're both winning Mom of The Year
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 6 days
OMG Tyrest hanging up the phone after Adaptus asks him why he doesn't dismantle Getaway 😭😭 I'm just imagining Tyrest attempting to try to fix up Getaway before he made Pharma ajdidksisiejks
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and then they didn't talk for another year LMAO
I like to imagine that Adaptus is the sibling who left straight out of high school or something and didn't talk to anybody for like ten years and Tyrest is still bitter over it.
As for repairing Getaway before he has the help of Pharma, it went a little something like this --
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pls Getaway, your father is trying to fix those dents in your plating, stop screeching ;-;
Getaway still constantly tries to wriggle away from Pharma too, but because Pharma's closer to his size, there's less of a chance of him getting hurt by Pharma's reactive movements. Also Pharma has chainsaws. And Getaway doesn't want to piss him off so much that he decides to use them.
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