#guys it takes all my willpower not to say this in every. single. conversation. I. have. ever. had.
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moonstruckme · 1 year ago
hiii!! i love your writing so much i think i’ve read every single thing you’ve ever posted. i’m genuinely obsessed 🫶🫶 i was wondering if you could write something where the reader and remus have been dating/talking for a little while and she hasn’t had her first kiss yet and she starts to get nervous everytime she thinks he’s abt to kiss her and she runs away?? i’m ngl this is based off of very real events in my life 😭😭
i love you so much!! hope your doing amazing
Hi gorgeous, thanks so much! This is soooo relatable of you haha, I have a library of hilarious stories about my very hyper friend who kept literally springing away from guys she liked who were trying to kiss her, but it does make for some very interesting (and often very sweet) conversations!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
On your first official date with Remus, the two of you went to a drive-in movie. You kept your seatbelt on the entire time. 
You only realized halfway through, mentally kicking yourself for being so jittery you’d lost all sense of normalcy, but by then it felt too late. It’d be awkward to take it off halfway through the movie, try to play that off as casual. You’d made your bed. You didn’t unbuckle until Remus dropped you off at your house at the end of the night. 
On your second date, you’re determined to be less uptight. You want him to know that you really do like him, even if your nerves make you jump and flinch whenever he gets close. At the Italian restaurant, it’s difficult to find a pasta dish without garlic, but you manage it. You’re a girl with an agenda. The two of you split a chocolate cake for dessert. It’s delicious, probably, though you can’t focus on much besides Remus’ story and the way his mouth moves as he tells it. How he tucks one corner of his bottom lip between his teeth when he’s trying to hide a smile. 
You have to hope belatedly that you haven’t somehow smeared chocolate all over your face while eating. You’re not at all confident you would’ve noticed. 
It’s a short walk back to your place, and you manage to jabber the whole way, a masterclass in self-sabotage. Remus doesn’t seem to mind, his hand light and cordial on your back as he guides you up the steps to your door. You savor the touch. It takes every ounce of willpower you have not to spring away. 
“It sounds really interesting,” he says graciously as you finish your tangent about the book you’ve just read. “I’ll have to pick up a copy.” 
“I can lend you mine,” you offer. “Maybe I can bring it the next time we hang out?” Your voice tips up hopefully at the end of the question, and warmth touches your cheeks. 
A similar pinkening spreads across Remus’ freckles. He smiles at you, the scar across his lip stretching. You’re spellbound. 
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You might be imagining it, but you could swear his eyes flit to your lips. “I had a great time tonight,” he says. “I really like talking to you.” 
Your voice is soft. “I like talking to you, too.” 
He takes a step towards you, and it’s like your muscles stage a coup. You take an involuntary step backward, a smile plastering itself uncomfortably on your face. 
“Thanks for everything,” you say brightly. “Goodnight!”
You spin and go for the door handle, and you’re nearly inside before you hear Remus’ quiet “Wait.” 
You turn. Lead in your bones. 
Remus is holding his palms up as if to show you he’s got no weapon. 
“Sorry,” he says, “I just wanted to…you know I’d never do anything you didn’t want me to, right?” 
You’re frozen stiff. 
“Like, even if I thought there was a chance you didn’t want to, I would never…” He shakes his head, looking lost. Guilt settles like a stone in your gut. “I guess I’m a bit confused. If you don’t want to do anything, that’s completely fine, but sometimes it seems like you want me to kiss you, and then you don’t…” 
“Rem,” you say. You feel like you’re breathing through a straw. “Remus, I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart, it’s not your fault—” 
“No, it is. It’s not—I don’t want you to think I’m scared of you or anything. I’m not, it’s just, I get skittish.” You can’t make yourself look at his eyes, your gaze stuck just shy of his chin. Your face feels aflame. “It’s not you. I’m just nervous.” 
“Oh.” It’s a soft thing, more exhale than anything. Then his fingers curl under your chin, tipping your face up. “Well, you can relax, love. I was never going to make a move unless I got a clear signal from you first. But we can just take that off the table completely, if you’d like.” He gives you a small, gentle smile. “I only want you to feel comfortable.” 
Your heart zings right up into your throat. “I do feel comfortable,” you blurt. “I don’t want it off the table.” 
Remus’ eyebrows flick upwards. “You don’t?” 
“No,” you murmur, bashful. 
His eyebrows come slowly back down, puckering slightly as he tries to figure you out. His eyes narrow until his lashes kiss. His tongue pokes into his cheek, just a little. You miss nothing. You find yourself taking in a quiet breath, steeling yourself. 
You move across that tiny bit of air between you and find him there waiting.
It’s everything you could’ve hoped for and yet startlingly simple. Remus’ lips are warm and soft, pressing into yours with an intensity that you suspect is nonetheless restrained for your benefit. He tastes like chocolate cake. 
His mouth meanders over to the corner of your lips, granting one quick peck to your cheek before making its way back to the center of your mouth, reverent. He backs away slowly, easing you out of it. 
“Wasn’t really expecting that,” he admits.
“Me neither. Was it alright?” Your voice is a bit breathy. “I’ve never done that before.” 
For a moment, he’s quiet. 
“That was your first kiss?” 
You swallow, rubbing your lips together as you nod. 
“Sweetheart,” he grins, “you’re a natural.” 
A giggle spurts out of you, dizzy with the taste of him and the novelty of it all. “You mean it?” 
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” He mimes drawing a cross over his heart. It occurs to you that you both seem infinitely more at ease than you have since dinner. The corner of Remus’ bottom lip goes between his teeth, his cheek dimpling. “I mean, there is something to be said for practice, though.” 
You don’t fight your own grin; it comes out in full force. “Mm, I think I’ve heard something about that. Practice makes…defective, right? Something like that.” 
“C’mere.” Remus rolls his eyes at you, but as his arms wrap around you his smile mirrors yours. 
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ink-on-the-brink · 4 years ago
Out of all the mercs, which do you think would be the easiest to befriend and gain all their trust and which one would be the hardest??? And also, I really love your writing :D keep it up and have a nice day/night!!! ^^
Happy to know you enjoy my work! It's good to know I'm doing something right!
This one's going to be super quick since I've been a bit busy recently, but it should be fun. It will go in order from easiest to hardest to befriend. (Also there won't be any editing so excuse my spelling mistakes)
You so much as smile at them and they are your best friend. Not kidding. They can and will make you a best friend after only the first time meeting you.
All you have to do to gain their trust is be kind. They won't notice if it's fake or not so even a sarcastic or strained tone won't matter as long as you're smiling and saying nice things.
Pyro is super bubbily and energetic and if you meet that energy you two are going to get along tremendously well.
You may not understand them, but they are telling you their deepest secrets all the time. Their trust in you is very noticable even after only a week of meeting them.
They are a bit- well more like extremely childish. So being their friend automatically makes you more of the adult no matter how immature you might be.
Overall they just want to be friends with any and every person they meet and you are going to be their bestest friend no matter if you want to be or not.
This man is a pretty easy friend to make. You make even a half attempt and he's your best friend on day one.
Trust is earned when you play fair. He doesn't really like cheaters, so if he challenges you and you make it a point to be as fair as possible he already believes you're a good person.
I hope you like some friendly competition because that's basically your guys' friendship is based on.
Now while you two might become great friends quickly, that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to know his deepest insecurities. That will problably take about a half a year and a loy of awkward conversations to get to.
He can be a very annoying person so being his friend takes a considerable amount of patience.
Overall he just likes having friends, even if he tries to stay macho about it.
Being his friend is pretty easy as well. He always likes to have a few drinking buddys on hand and he won't hesitate to invite along people he might not know very well
He'll gain immideate trust for you if you help him while he's drunk. Most people will leave him in a corner to wake up in so he'll take your act of kindness as a reason to keep you around.
Most of your friendship is based on achohal. Drinking together, gifting booze, encouraging others to join, you two will most likely not even remember most of your more trusting moments with eachother.
As bombastic and outgoing as he is, he's rather private about certain topics. That is unless he's black out drunk. If he's not as drunk as he usually is he won't answer questions about family or anything about the future until he feels he knows you well enough.
Demo is a bit of a handfull most days. He never turns down a dare and bar fights are common. You'll likely have to pull him off the floor a lot and he is notorious for invading personal space. So as long as your up for the challenge, he's up for being your friend.
Overall he's a drunk idiot, but he's your drunk idiot. He will be sure to make each day a little interesting
Becoming Medics friend can be...an interesting expirence. It's going to involve blood, guts and conscious surgeries and he's not going to care for those who are faint of heart.
You want to gain his trust? Well here's the thing, there is no surefire way to do that. Help him out one day and he'll appreciate it, another and he might become suspicious. The best way is probably to find some interest in his expirements. He prefurs to surround himself with like-minded people.
The biggest part of your friendship is most likely a shared interest in crimes against humanity. Two mad scientists testing on the bodies of dead 'patients'. What could go wrong?
Medic tries to hold a professional tone most of the time but will drop all of that when in battle or when expirementing. It can be hard to keep up with how quickly he switches from one to the other so try to stay aware of what's happening.
Medic doesn't have secrets. He has no shame and will tell you the most horrifying things in an upbeat tone. That, however, doesn't mean he fully trusts you. It will likely take a while before he trusts you enough to leave you alone with any of his expirements or projects. It's his life's work after all, he's not going to allow just anyone to mess with it.
Overall he doesn't mind having friends, but he isn't very open to close friends. It'll take a bit of time and prying to get him to fully trust you.
This dude is extreamly parinoid. He's consistently second guessing his friendships and looking for double agents. So becoming his friend isn't exactly easy. You are going to have to seriously impress him for him to even think of you as anything more than a possibly traitor.
Gaining his trust can vary on many factors. Military backround? You're already up a few hundred points. Love for america? He's open to listening to you. Care for raccons? Okay maybe he isn't as hard to befriend as he tries to be.
Violence. So. Much. Violence. If he thinks you might be a good friend he's going to put you to the test. Rigorous training, sparing, tests on your patriotism, anything that he deems as important will be something he tests you on. All of them will most likely involve some sort of physical endurance. Even after you two are friend these will still be a constant in your life.
He's not good with secrets but there are a few things he keeps silent about and getting him to talk about it will likely end with you on the floor. As stated before he's a rather parinoid person and if it's something he's not willing to say out loud, it's something that you're going to have to spend years gaining enough trust for him to open up about it.
Soldier is extreamly loyal. If you're his friend he'd happily bleed to keep you safe. He'd never believe a single negative thing said about you and will side with you one everything, no matter how wrong you are. If you remain just as loyal he will become your right hand man in an instant.
Overall Soldier's a loud, obnoxious, patriotic and still somehow very lovable person. When he cares about someone he tends to be extremely kind, be it in a more abrasive way then others. So as long as you can see past his militaristic exterior he's one hell of a friend to have.
You wanna be friends with Sniper? Yeah, good luck with that. Not only is the dude a loner, but he has hella trust issues and he sure as hell isn't here to make friends. Becoming his friend is going to take time. A lot of time. And maybe some coffee.
There isn't a singular act you could do to gain his trust. You can defend him all you want, side with him on every issue, pull him out of a near death expirence, its not going to change how little he trusts you. It's going to take all of those and a few long coversations (good luck getting him in a conversation in the first place) before he even attempts to trust you.
Your friendship relies heavily on practically. He's only going to think of trusting you if he feels you give some advantage. It will take a few heart to hearts for him to look past seeing you as someone who can help him and instead as someone he cares about.
Sniper has a lot of dark parts to him and it is only once he fully trusts you that you'll get to know that side of him exists. Secretly he really just wants to spill about his insecurities and problems but he doesn't trust that people won't use it against him. Once he does trust you his cold exterior will fade away and you'll get to know a lot about the demons he fights with.
He pulls off the calculated killer rather well. Most people believe he knows of nothing else. To anyone who's close to him however, he's quite honestly a mess. He needs someone that grounds him and if you can provide that type of friendship then he will appreciate it more that any type of heroic act you could preform.
Overall he's guarded and quiet but desperately wants someone to relate to. It will take a persistent attempt to earn his trust and even if he's your friend he still tends to keep to himself.
Ah yes, the silent behemoth. Befriending him is going to take more than just patience. It's going to take a certain amount of willpower as well. He doesn't trust easily and you'll have to work hard to prove yourself to him, most likely on the battle field.
His trust is gained a few ways, none of which are easier than the last. First you must have some care for family. That doesn't necisarry mean that you have a family, but one of the first things he looks for in a possible friend is whether they have any strong familial values. Next you will have to prove to be strong enough to fend for yourself. He might be a human meat sheild but that doesn't mean he likes being one. He appreicates someone who can help rather than hinder him. There are many more steps afterward and you will have to pass with flying colors for him to consider it.
Your friendship will rely entirely on having eachothers back. He needs to know you are willing to stick with him no matter how dire the circumstances. You fuck up or betray him once and he will most likely never trust you again.
Heavy doesn't talk much. Whether that is because of his lack of english knowledge or simply choosing to keep his mouth shut really depends.
He doesn't hold many secrets but he does hold many dark memeories. He usually would only trust his family enough to talk to them about it but once your close enough to be considered family he will open up to you, if only a little bit.
Heavy keeps to himself most of the time and doesn't prefur to say much, if anything at all so getting to know his isn't easy and gaining his trust is even harder. He's got a family to take care of and he's not going to risk their safety by trusting someone he shouldn't have.
Ah yes, the backstabber himself. Guarded, mysterious and an annoying bastard. The path to his friendship is fog covered and honestly it can be hard to tell whether he cares for you or not. He will never announce his care or show it in any way, so good luck finding out if you're on his good side.
You want his trust? You'll have to prove you're worth trusting. Getting him out of a tough spot or siding with him is likely to earn his respect at the very least. It won't get you all the way there though. He doesn't associate with anyone that doesn't hold his type of class. You'll have to be rather poised and polished when around him.
His friendships usually end up in a love/hate dynamic. He might enjoy your company, and in doing so open a weak point for others to exploit. That's where the hate comes in. He doesn't like having people close, it makes his job harder, so no matter how much he cares he sure as hell isn't going to let it show.
Spy will never, ever, trust anyone with the knowledge of his past. He'd sooner die then let someone know anything that happened before he met them. No matter how much he trusts you, no matter how close you get, you will never have enough trust for him to tell you that.
Spy his one hell of a prick. It might all be in good fun, but he can be a little too good at getting on your nerves sometimes. It's best if you keep him in check by returning his remarks with equally devistating comebacks. He might even respect you more if you're able to match his level of prickery.
Overall he's going to remain mysterious no matter how much he may trust you. He will try to not befriend anyone, so you making an attempt to do so will likely be met with less than favorable reactions at first. Give it time and he might just consider you not as annoying as everyone else.
You thought he was a trusting guy didn't you? Well that's just what he wants you to think. Becoming his friend is a complicated process that you most likely wont even be aware of. You'll think he's your friend when really he's the farthest thing from it.
Gaining his true trust is near impossible. He has nearly everyone convinced of his friendly exterior so he almost can't afford to trust anyone to know the truth. In every case that it is possible it's entirely on accident. Maybe you seem to genuinely care for him and the guilt leaves him a bit more open to caring about you. Or the opposite can happen. You see right through his act and in a bid to keep you silent about it he becomes honest with you. Either way it's not going to be on purpose.
Engie grew up in a life where you weren't supposed to trust everyone but you damn well make sure everyone trusts you. This can make it hard for him to be an actual friend, considering he's always kept people at a distance. He will often fall into habits of keeping his friendly exterior instead of being more genuine with you.
Engie has a lot of secrets. A lot. Most he will take to his grave. If you do, however, manage to earn his trust and especially if you earn his care, he'll share a few. There are very few circumstances that he will and most time while doing so he can be very visibly uncomfortable. You don't get raised in a mercinary family without a few demons following you.
He's only cared for very few people in his life and he's trusted even less. So there are times when he either seem distant and uncaring or caring to the point you feel patronized. It will take him a while to find out if he should trust you and the moment he does it can seem almost like you have become the most important person on his life. His once empty gestures are now entirely genuine and he feels safe with his back toward you. This is by no means an easy point to reach and will most defiantly have taken literal years to get to.
Overall he's used to not genuinely connecting with people and is extremely hesitant when doing so. You may not even notice this conflict, but it's most certainly a large part of his life.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years ago
Sometime Around Midnight
Ezekiel Reyes x Reader
Request by Anon:  I have a request (feel free to ignore). I’ve been recently listening to that song “Sometime Around Midnight” by Airborne Toxic Event, and basically I think a fic based around those lyrics would fit ANY Mayan. I’d love to see someone give it a go :)
Warnings: language, angst, alcohol & smoking, EZ being a Sad Boy
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this request for a little while now. I was trying to figure out which of our boys I wanted to write it for, but then when I started drafting it for EZ this sorta just fell out of me haha. It doesn’t follow the song exactly, but I hope you like it nonetheless! Enjoy some angst for the Boy Scout xo
EZ Taglist: @ly--canthrope​ @noz4a2​ @queenbeered​ @sincerelyasomebody​ @sadeyesgf​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @appropriate-writers-name​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @sillygoose6969​ @louisianalady​ @gemini0410​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​ @yourwonkywriter​ @sesamepancakes​ @mayans-sauce​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @amandinesblogofstuff​ @garbinge​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @enjoy-the-destruction​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ (If you want to be tagged in any of my stuff or stuff for specific characters lemme know!)
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They had warned you that it was a bad idea to get involved with any of the guys when you started working at the clubhouse as the new bartender. It had been a playful warning, but a very truthful one. And you hadn’t planned on crossing the lines of professionalism. You’d worked as a waitress and a bartender in what felt like a million different places, and you never had an issue when it came to keeping your personal and professional life separate. Don’t get involved with coworkers, and don’t get involved with the regular patrons. Working at the clubhouse meant that the guys from the MC fell into both categories simultaneously. Which you would’ve thought would make it easier to keep yourself from getting involved with any of them.
Yet somehow you found yourself making one little exception after another when it came to Ezekiel. There was just something about him that was hard to say no to. On top of the fact that you could stare at him all day and night without getting bored, there was something in the way that he spoke and smiled that made you feel safe. So you found yourself staying after everyone else had long since gone home to share one last beer with him. Letting him take you home on his bike turned into letting him come inside for a few minutes, which eventually turned into letting him stay the night. It all snowballed and you could’ve stopped it, but you didn’t want to. You knew it was a bad idea but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
It wasn’t supposed to be anything serious. Both of you agreed to that. Neither of you were really in a place in life where you were up for intense commitment. It should’ve been fine. But, despite the fact that it wasn’t supposed to be serious, there was something in you that couldn’t handle the way that he would still get strung out over his ex. You knew that pretty much everyone had that one person that was more difficult to get over than the rest, you just didn’t think that EZ’s was going to be someone who was still in his life so frequently. You knew that you had no right to be jealous, after all it wasn’t like the two of you were boyfriend and girlfriend, but it was still something that you couldn’t stomach. So you cut the cord. It hurt, and you didn’t really want to do it, but you knew that for the sake of your own sanity you had to.
That was two months ago. And in the span of that two months, you never came to the bar on nights that you weren’t working. You didn’t want to make it awkward for yourself, or for Ezekiel, or for anyone else, for that matter. But things felt like they were getting back to some kind of normalcy. So, when Bishop told you that he was going to have someone else work the bar when a couple other charters came to town, but that you should still come and have a good time, you figured there wasn’t going to be a better opportunity to feel out the situation.
You walked through the doors of the clubhouse to the party already being in full swing. You smiled at the sight of so many people enjoying themselves in one spot. There were a lot of faces that you had become familiar with in your time working the bar there, but there were some new ones too. Carefully maneuvering your way through people to get to the bar, you smiled at the young man that was doling out drinks as fast as he could.
“A beer when you get a chance, Ricky,” you said with a laugh.
He looked over at you, eyebrows raising when he realized it was you, “Shit, Y/N. Not used to seeing you on that side of the bar,” he chuckled, “Or seeing you all prettied up.”
You laughed as you snatched the bottle away from him, “Very funny.”
“Nah, I mean it. You look good.”
You smiled and took a sip of your beer, “Thank you.”
As you were scanning the room, Bishop appeared in front of you. There was a soft smile on his face as he pulled you into a hug, “Glad you came, sweetheart.”
You smiled as your cheek rested against his kutte for a moment, “Thanks for the invite,” you paused, “You sure it’s alright that I’m here?”
There was no hesitation as he nodded, “Of course. This is your bar, too.”
That was the last comment either of you made about it as you strayed to other topics. You had him tell you about some of the people that you didn’t know—the faces that you didn’t quite recognize. He was more than happy to dish out whatever details you wanted to know, enjoying that you wanted to know as much as you could about the people that came in and out of the clubhouse.
When he got flagged down into another conversation, he left you with a gentle kiss on your temple before slipping off into a new cluster of people. You leaned back against the bar, happy to just listen to the music and watch the party continue to unfold into the controlled chaos that it always was.
You were just about to ask Ricky for another beer when a young man appeared on the stool next to yours. You could feel his eyes on you and you looked over at him with a smile. His patch said Oakland and you instantly ran through what you could remember of their roster as you tried to put a name to his face.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked with a smile.
You nodded, turning your body so that you were facing him, “Sure can,” you glanced over at your friend, “Another beer, please, Ricky. Put it on this guy’s tab,” you gestured to the biker sitting next to you with a laugh.
He laughed as he held out his hand to introduce himself, “Manny. Name’s Manny.”
You chuckled as you shook his hand, “Nice to meet you, Manny. I’m Y/N,” you scanned him up and down, “I haven’t met you before, have I?”
He shook his head, “No ma’am. Just transferred from Spokane.”
“Ah,” you nodded, “that’s why I don’t recognize you.”
“You know everyone else down here?”
“Almost,” you laughed.
The two of you sat at the bar and talked. You hadn’t expected to get so wrapped up in conversation with him, but it was a welcome surprise. He seemed sweet, funny. You noticed the way that he was slowly but surely leaning in closer the longer the two of you talked. You pretended that you didn’t notice, soaking up the attention while you could have it. In another day or so he’d be gone and you’d be left to your own devices again. Besides, it was nice to feel wanted.
Manny was halfway through a sentence when he stopped, seeing someone behind you. A grin broke out across his face as he stood up and walked over to whoever it was. You turned to see Ezekiel standing there. He greeted his MC brother with a hug, but his eyes were glued on you the whole time.
“’Sup, Reyes? Was wondering if I was gonna see you around here tonight,” he chuckled, blissfully unaware of the tension.
“I’m never far,” he looked back and forth between the two of you before his eyes settled on Manny, “Mind if I steal Y/N for a minute? Gotta talk to her about something.”
He nodded, stepping back out of the way, “Sure thing,” he turned to you and flashed a smile, “You know where to find me if you wanna put another drink on my tab.”
You laughed and nodded, “Thank you.”
EZ waved for you to follow him and the two of you made your way out of the intensity of the clubhouse and out onto the deck. The air felt a little more breathable. This was the first time the two of you had any one-one-one time in months, and you weren’t sure what to make of it.
“So,” you sipped on your drink as you leaned back against the railing, “how’ve you been?”
EZ nodded, and you could see it in his eyes that there were a million thoughts running through his mind, “I’ve been alright. You?”
You shrugged, “Pretty good. Can’t complain,” you paused, “What’d you wanna talk about?”
The words got caught in his throat. When he’d seen the way you were talking and laughing with Manny, he felt a sliver of what it must’ve been like for you when he would come to you torn up about Emily. He knew that he had no right to be jealous, and for the entire night he was fighting the urge to go up and say something to you, to Manny, but his willpower finally wore out.
You stepped in closer and you gently rested one hand on his arm, “Hey, you good?”
Everything about you in that moment was distracting. He couldn’t look into your eyes without being hit with an onslaught of memories. The warmth radiating from your touch, and the wave of perfume that gently washed over him as you stepped in nearly knocked him off his feet. Every single memory of you that he tried not to think about, that he tried not to replay over and over again, hit him like a freight train.
He shut his eyes and shook his head, “I’m fine.”
You cocked one eyebrow, knowing him too well to believe what he was saying to you, “You sure?”
“I miss you,” he said, not able to look you in the eye as he did.
You couldn’t help but to let out a hollow laugh as you shook your head, “Do you really? Or did you just not like seeing me talk to someone else?”
He pressed his lips into a line, knowing that you could easily see through him. He sighed, “He’s not gon—”
You cut him off, “Don’t,” your tone was kind, but still firm, “EZ, I think it’s probably better for the both of us if you don’t finish that sentence. I don’t say shit to you when I see you with Vicki’s girls all over you, right?”
“That’s not the same as a patch talking to you.”
“So that gives you the right to stick your nose into it?”
He knew it was a losing argument. He really didn’t know where he thought the discussion was going to go. Every logical bone in his body had been telling him to not bother walking up to you in the first place, but he did anyway. And now he was paying for it.
“I wanna be friends with you, Ezekiel,” you told him honestly, “So when you’re ready for that, let me know. But I don’t think you are yet,” you stepped in and gave him a quick hug, “Enjoy the party.”
You walked back inside, and took a deep breath as the door shut behind you. You walked over to the bar and got another beer before locating Manny again, eager to pick up where you had left off. You sauntered over to where he was sitting on the couch, letting out a laugh as he pulled you down onto his lap. You lazily draped one arm around his shoulder as you let yourself get roped into the conversation that they were having.
You had never been the kind of person to go out of your way to try and make someone else feel jealous. That wasn’t what this was about. However, you couldn’t deny the fact that seeing that pang of envy present in EZ’s face as he walked in and saw you draped over someone from a different charter, it felt good. You knew that beautiful mind of his was replaying the nights when the two of you had been in very much the same position, and how he cost it all for himself.
Despite the fact that it was starting to creep into the small hours of the morning, the clubhouse was far from empty. That wasn’t particularly unusual, but you just wanted to be home, in a room that wasn’t weighted with the scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke. However, the warmth emanating from Manny’s hand resting lightly on your thigh wasn’t something you really wanted to give up just yet.
You leaned in a little closer to his ear, “How attached to this party are you?”
He chuckled, looking you in the eye, “What’s your offer?”
“I’ve got beer at my place that won’t make you keep running up your tab,” you trailed your nails lightly along the back of his neck.
“In that case,” he laughed as he tried to play off the fact that you had just sent a chill through his entire body, “I’m not attached to this party at all.”
You laughed as you hopped up off his lap, holding your hand out to pull him off the couch. He let you tug him along towards the door with a smile, trying to toss money onto the surface of the bar to cover his tab before leaving. Ricky let out a whistle and a laugh as you made your way towards the door and you couldn’t help but to shake your head.
The two of you walked down the steps of the clubhouse and Manny looked over at you, a smirk on his face, “You up for a ride?” he paused, “On the bike, I mean.”
You chuckled, nodding as you followed him, “I think so.”
He handed over his helmet with a smile, and you let him adjust it for you as you explained the way to get to your place. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see EZ standing on the deck, eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of him. You tried not to let your eyes linger on him for too long. Before you knew it, you were hooking your leg over the back of Manny’s bike and wrapping your arms around his waist, settling against him as he pulled out of the lot.
EZ could still hear the rumble of the motorcycle as he took off down the steps to head towards his trailer. Angel had watched the entire scene play out and he went after his brother who he knew was about to do something undoubtedly stupid.
“Yo, Boy Scout, where you going?”
“She can’t just fucking…” his voice trailed off, not knowing how to end the sentence as his feet slowed to a stop.
“You gotta let that shit go, ‘mano,” Angel caught up to him.
EZ heard what his brother was saying, but he was too busy reliving every night that the two of you had peeled out of the clubhouse just like that. The thought of you having those moments with someone else knocked the wind out of him. He thought about how things unraveled, about how you had let him go because he wasn’t strong enough to do it himself. He knew he had no right to feel like he should be chasing after you, but he still wanted to. There was nothing more for either of you to say, but watching you ride off like that with someone else left a knot in his stomach.
“EZ,” Angel piped up again, clapping him on the back, “C’mon. There’s nothing for you out here right now. Let’s just go back inside.”
EZ let his brother drag him back to the clubhouse, back into the midst of the chaos. It felt emptier now, though. He wondered if that feeling would ever subside, if he would ever be able to fix what he’d broken.
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dreamii-yume · 4 years ago
When you said しし (shishi) I thought about a piss kink... Mainly because I used to say 'shishi' instead of pee when I was younger
ALSO— WHY does my brain work better ideas once there’s that one questionable kink in an ask (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾I don’t even know if this was a crumb idea or— aaaaa
Ruggie is just that skillful guy who knows a lot about what he’s doing, doesn’t matter what it is, he’ll learn and master it soon enough.
The act of distraction by talking about topics that he knew you would be interested in, that’s also a piece of cake. His voice and seemingly genuine interest in the conversation had you so lost that you didn’t even notice how constantly he kept pouring drinks in your cup. Just as you would finish a glass, he’d rile the conversation towards himself and muses as he saw your eyes sparkled, before you know it, there’s a new batch of drink in your cup once again. He had to stop himself from chuckling out loud every time you would cluelessly down one glass, excited of how this outcome can do for you. Soon enough though, you started reacting as the liquid you consume began building up inside you and visibly froze in your spot.
Ruggie glanced down to see you fidgeting with your thighs squishing against each other, that blush on your face made you look hot and cute at the same time. You were trying to find an opportunity to excuse yourself in the midst of Ruggie’s words, not wanting to seem rude to cut him off mid-sentence. Being the little shit that he is, he purposely prolonged his point of the conversation, observing how you were more focus on keeping your bladder in control rather than actually listening to him now. When he finally finished talking, you hastily stood up from your seat the moment he breaths in, giving him a shaky smile and excusing yourself to the toilet. It was so funny how you didn’t even wait for his answer and just dashed away, Ruggie wonders if you even know where the bathroom is here in Savanaclaw but he guessed that was the least of your worries at that point.
Of course, like the little lost bunny that you are, frantically searched without a plan with Ruggie just watching you from behind. You look like you’re on the verge of tears, closing your eyes from time to time as a way to control your shaking legs. He noticed how you purposely avoided asking for guidance, probably because you didn’t have enough willpower to stomach in the nervousness and your impatient bladder at the same time, but surprisingly, you went and tap a Savanaclaw dorm member’s shoulder for instructions. Now, this made Ruggie tensed up since being a Savanaclaw dorm member himself, he knew their responses would either be as aggressive as he’d imagine, or reasonably rational. Luckily, with your pitiful appearance alone, the Savanaclaw dorm member just instead back down and pointed to the designated bathroom you were looking for.
This made Ruggie sigh, relieved yet disappointed at the same time since his little enjoyment of watching you struggle like a new-born fawn is reaching its end. However, as he trails after your dashing figure, one little fun yet cruel idea came to mind and he isn’t quite sure whether to be disgusted with himself or to praise himself for it. But if he was going to commit in such morbid kind of enjoyment then might as well just partake in it to the fullest, right?
Reaching the toilets filled with different stalls, you found yourself sighing a breath of relief since no one seemed to be around, too distracted by the party going on outside. You walked over to one stall and open it, revealing a perfectly clean toilet and you almost saw it as your bright savior at that moment. However, once you were actually ready to step in inside, a hand snaked its way around your shoulder, startling half of your soul out of you. Your heart began beating so fast once again that you thought your bladder had given out from that shock.
“Hey there, (Y/N)~” His playful voice rang out and you immediately recognized him, the arm began wrapping itself around your neck this time, preventing you from moving away any further. “Fancy seeing you here~”
“R-Ruggie-senpai…” You whimpered out, tears on the side of your eyes as the sight of the toilet in front of you had only urged the temptation of your bladder to just burst. “P-Please let go, I-I need to-“
“Mm-hm! I know, why else would you be here then?” He said in a mocking way, yet is making no actual efforts to comply with what you requested. Instead, you squeaked as his other hand moved up your thigh, brushing his fingertips so gently to create goosebumps along the way. “I just…kinda want to help you out, y’know?”
“Eh!?” You widened your eyes, gasping as his hand reached your clothed flower and started rubbing against it.
“…Oh, you’re already a little wet down here…” Ruggie said, blinking as he rubbed circles around the wet patch of your underwear before smirking right back at you. ”I wonder if you just couldn’t hold yourself longer? You’re such a baby, aren’t you~?”
“N-No, I- Aah…!” You tried protesting and struggling out of his hold, yet he already has your head in an inescapable arm lock and resisting could more or less choke you. He slipped his hand inside, his cold hands making you squeak from a single touch and tried to close your thighs to deny access. “R-Ruggie-senpai…!”
You whined, but Ruggie only hummed in fascination as his fingers rubbed up and down your slit, gathering your slick juices. You tried struggling forward, but that only got you in a more awkward bending position, which oddly worked on his favor. You gasped a shaky breath as his fingers began experimenting on your folds, occasionally pulling on your labia apart and stimulating your insides. The pressure inside you increases and you could only widen your eyes at it, especially when one of his fingers had slipped inside of you as a test. “You’re soaking up, and reallyclenching down on my finger, (Y/N)…Can’t take it anymore?”
You began to sob, mostly out of embarrassment as your nails dug on his arm around your neck, airy moans unconsciously coming out of your mouth as he began to pump in and out of you. You tried your hardest not to burst at that moment, too ashamed to do it in a position and place like this when there was a ready-to-use toilet in front of you, but it was getting more and more difficult at every second. But try as you may though, you couldn’t really control some small streaks of urine to come out of you, especially as he added another finger in. With thrusts that was getting faster and deeper, teasing your bladder out of its constricted binds to just let every dirty liquid you have to just flow in a messy impact. You heard Ruggie chuckling from behind your ears, likely really enjoying his little play and how it was affecting you.
Then, as the cold surface of his thumb came in contact with your sensitive clit, that’s when the last bit of your persistence suddenly crumbles away. Your voice cracked at how sudden the action was and your walls close in on his fingers the tightest it ever had. “Aah!” You exclaimed as a little rub on your nub was all it took for you to break down just like that.
In the midst of his brutal finger-fucking, a surge of liquid came bursting out of you, the relief of your bladder finally being released from the insane pressure had your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Streaks of yellowish liquid trailed down your thighs and stained your panties in an instant, squirting out messily on the floor as your legs shook. “Ah, there it goes!” Ruggie exclaimed but still lodged his fingers deep inside of you, as if curious to see how it flows out like this. It took a good five seconds for you to calm down on your high, there was so many emotions that came out of you; The relief, the pleasure, and soon, the humiliation, but most notably, the sudden exhaustion.
“Alright~ That’s a job well-done, (Y/N)~” Ruggie praised as he adjusted his hold on you as your legs were practically dying at this point. He pulled his fingers out that made you flinch and groan at the same time, and the next thing you knew, you were being hoisted up to the toilet. Sitting there listlessly, you finally saw your Hyena senior grinning smugly at you from ear to ear as if feigning innocence with that signature laugh of his. He looked down at your soaked panties and breath out. “Well, I can’t just leave you here like this, so be a good girl and wait for me inside this stall, okay?”
You groaned in response, not knowing what to actually say or even having enough energy to say anything at all. However, you squeaked as you noticed Ruggie was slowly slipping your ruined underwear off your legs and panicked. “You probably don’t need this anymore, right? I’ll bring you something else to wear so, just sit here and be pretty little thing that you are like always.” He said as he stood up, casually waving your panties around, causing more heat to spread in your face.
Of course, Ruggie noticed such thing and just grinned at your reaction, it’s really fun to mess with you like this. He stepped out of the stall and as he was about to close the door, he stopped and gave you one last look. “Oh, by the way-“ He called out, showing your piss-stained panties tangled on his fingers once again before chuckling. “This counts as a gift, right? Thanks, (Y/N)~”
Then, he finally closes the door, leaving you to contemplate on what the hell just happened.
Now I just need Jack to complete the “Helping-Darling-Pee” series and the Savanaclaw Watersports™ Event would be completed- Seriously, HOW did I end up doing this lol Yume's not even an extreme piss kink fan wtf ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ Happy fckin Birthday, Ruggie lol
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Blood red mist - Japer x reader
Hello everyone. Sorry for my long absence, life got in the way. But here you go, a jasper hale x reader pic thats been long overdue for @imyourapocalypse, there will be more parts but heres part 1! :)
“Guys, it’s okay, i’ll take her.”
The one sentence that you didn't think really meant anything, until it did. 
Birds. Frikin birds. Normally you were one with nature, but not when it decided to wake you up as soon as the sun rose. You groaned and rolled over in bed mushing your face into the hard lump that was your fiancé. He snickered under his breath and stretched out next to you, rubbing a hand over your back, playing with your hair. You looked up and smiled at him, taking in his brilliance, his messy blonde hair glimmering in the sunlight, the beams from the early morning catching his face making him shimmer, his skin like diamonds.
“Morning cowboy.” He smiled back and pulled you into him, placing his nose in your hair, breathing in your scent. 
You had met Jasper a few years ago now. You think back to when you watched the tall, pale, blonde haired man float through the school office while you were there to pick up copies of your recommendation letters. You'd been so startled and taken aback by his beauty and piercing amber eyes that your fingers shook and the manila folder you were holding slipped out of your hand and landed on the tiled floor with a dull thud. A classic scene from every cheesy rom-com you'd ever watched, only you didn't care, because as you leant down to pick up the folder in embarrassment, Jasper helped and as soon as you looked into his glowing eyes, you knew fate was a real thing. 
Since then you'd been with the Cullen’s through almost everything, well, not with them in person some of the times. You'd been accepted to University across the country and missed most of the recent drama that surrounded the Cullen family and Bella Swan, but having recently graduated you were back now and you couldn't be happier, neither could Jasper. 
At first you weren't sure if you liked Bella, you were a few years older, and weren't one for drama, in the beginning you didn't click, however, overtime when you had a holiday or came to visit the Cullen’s you grew closer and closer and were practically best friends. You could relate to one another… both human (Well, not Bella anymore) both in love with good-looking Vampires. 
You were still away at University when Bella was changed, due to come back only a few days after. Jasper had been filling you in on everything that had been happening, and you face timed with Bella every day until the change happened. You'd got back and were instantly kept away from your friend, only glimpsing her still, frozen form through the smeared glass of the Cullen’s make shift infirmary. Jasper assured you it was for your own safety, his Major side was out in full force, his mind floating back to the time he trained New Borns with Maria. He knew how destructive they could be, what little willpower and resistance they had and he constantly worried for your safety.
You'd managed though. Survived through it all, somehow unscathed, the meeting with the Volturi, which…. you weren't actually there for, again. Something you weren't involved in. If it had been Bella she would have been brought along but Jasper was protective on another level, dominant. You could never win a fight with Jas, his need to protect you and your bond too strong to fight. 
Now it was just another day. The Volturi were gone, the other vamps, the family friend had all gone too, now it was just you and the Cullen’s, you and your mate. You smiled to yourself. Finally, the first day things can start going back to normal. 
-A few hours later -
You were laughing at something Rosalie had said while cupping a mug of hot coffee in both of your chilly hands. The air outside was frosty, the remnants of winter lingering. Rose had been talking about some girl who'd tried flirting with Emmett in the local convenience store.. lets just say if looks could kill, that poor girl would either be a New Born or dead.
Bella and Edward joined you in the Kitchen, even without vampire hearing you could make out what they were saying. Jacob, as much as he wanted to, couldn't come over to look after Nessie, He had pack duties and so now Bella was saying she couldn't join the family hunt. You smiled and coughed a little. Both looked at you, unaware you and Rose were sitting across the room. 
“Guys I’ll be here, I can look after Ness.. I know you wanted to get her some school supplies Bells, I know the perfect shop in town I could take her to and then we could get some food! Have a girls date.” You smiled, your teeth sparkling against your slightly chapped, rose red lips. 
“What’s this about a girls date.” The southern accent made your skin tingle and before you could turn around Jasper was already behind you pressing a kiss to the sweet spot on your neck, you sighed and leaned back against him.
“Y/N is taking Renesmee into town for some shopping and food while we all go hunting this afternoon.” Bella smiles at you gratefully but you feel Jasper tense behind you. You watched as Edward rolled his eyes and gave you a small smile, obviously listening to Jaspers loud thoughts. 
“Darlin, I don't know if I like the idea of the two of you being without one of us..” You were next in line to roll your eyes, turning to look at your fiancé, you took his hand and kissed his knuckles. 
“Jas, were only going to town, we will do a little shopping for school supplies get some food, the human kind, and then before you know it i’ll be calling you to come pick us up again!” 
You stood up off the stool and kissed his cheek, slipping out of the room away from Jasper before the Major could disagree, It was decided. The vamps would do the vampy hunty stuff, and the Human and hybrid would look for cute fluffy pencils and sparkly backpacks. 
It was just after Christmas, the air was frigid and frost still nipped at both your noses as you skipped down the steps of the restaurant. The snow had finally cleared, but still no signs of green life in the town of Port Angeles. Somehow Nessie had persuaded you into getting ice cream even though it was the middle of January. Bags in one hand, Nessie’s gloved hand in the other, you walked side by side back to your car a few streets over from the parlour. It was oddly quiet, but then remembered there was some sort of celebration going on near the dock, the reason you hadn't seen anyone on the walk back to the car park. You had parked where you normally did, the same car park behind the book store Edward had once saved Bella in. 
You could see it, your silver BMW under the single street light, bathed in a warm glow. A belated graduation present from your family. You smiled and thought of Jasper. Wondering how they were getting on at the hunt. Just as you were about to reach for your phone you heard a twig snap at the edge of the trees. Then a swoosh, something passed your eyes in a flash. Something wasn't right.
Your phone started to buzz in your pocket. 
You stopped. Nessie stopped. Something didn't feel right. Your smile faded, somewhere in the distance you could hear a scream, but then realised it had come from right beside you, You slowly turned to look at Renesmee, fear on her little face. You were confused, until you felt it. Your stomach felt warm, hot almost, only one part of it, then all of it at once, flashing burning pain. 
You sank to your knees, the bags in your hands dropped with a dull thud and the contents slipped out onto the wet asphalt. Nessie was staring at you in shock, you looked down and choked as you watched the silver handle of the knife, wedged in your body, bob up and down in time with the rhythm of your laboured breathing. Your phone was still ringing, the sound a fuzzy noise somewhere floating in your scrambled thoughts. In the distance your were sure you heard a howl. They were too far away. You grabbed Renesmee’s hand, giving it a squeeze, you were crying, a red haze seemed to float around you both, like raw energy flickering in the night sky. 
“Nessie look at m-me, don't be scared.” You sobbed, you were dying, you could feel your energy fading, the red haze around you seemed to get brighter. “Nessie, it’s okay, shhh.” You were trying to calm her down, your hand still clutching her small one. Your eyes were flickering. 
“Nessie, my phone, can you get my phone.” You weakly pointed to your blood soaked pocket. She seemed frozen, unable to move, then something clicked inside her. She grabbed it answering the frantic caller on the other end. 
“Uncle Jas, Uncle Jas there’s so much blood.” Nessie cried. Jasper. Your eyes were getting heavier, you could hear Jaspers frantic voice on the other end. Suddenly you felt the phone pressed against your ear, it felt like your could hear the sound of your blood rushing around your body. 
“Jas-jasper,” You were crying harder, the man you loved frantic on the other end. “I love you Jas, I love yo-you.” You couldn't hear what he was saying, not really, the pain taking over, the darkness creeping closer and closer, the red haze getting brighter. You were dying, and everyone was too far away to save you. 
Rose’s P.O.V.
The hunt had been a successful one. We hadn't been able to hunt as a family for a long time, always something popping up meaning people would have to stay behind. Jasper was on edge, everyone could tell, obviously thinking too much about Y/N, his mate. We didn't really blame him, we all know how it feels when it comes to the care of your Bloodsinger. 
We had all finished up, just getting back to our cars when Bella’s phone rings. Jacobs name flashing across the screen, Bella answered still laughing at something Emmett had said, but her tone changed instantly. Everyone could hear the conversation. Jake sometimes freaked out about the whereabouts of Nessie, but this time it was different. Something was wrong. 
“Bella! Wheres Renesmee and Y/N?! Something is wrong, Nessie is in trouble, our bond, I can feel it she's scared, really scared, I'm going to find them now!” 
We all looked at each other and then to Jasper, he was staring at Alice, who had fear and an absent look in her eyes. 
“Y/N’s hurt.” If i wasn't already dead my heart would have stopped. All of us were at our cars in a flash, quicker to get to Port Angeles by car than running. Jasper had his phone pressed to his ear, no doubt trying frantically to call his mate. She was answering, Jasper was banging his fists against the dashboard, anger and fear radiating off his pale skin.
“C’mon darlin pick up pick up.” Pain and worry in his voice. The phone is answered. 
“Uncle Jas, Uncle Jas, there’s so much blood!” Everyone could hear Renesmee crying on the other end of the phone, then it seemed like the world stopped. Y/N’s weak voice whispered through the receiver. 
“Jas-Jasper.” She was crying, if vampires could cry, we all would be too. “Jasper, I love you.” The line went dead just as we reached the “Welcome to Port Angeles sign.” Alice had seen where they were and it didn't take a detective to figure out where Y/N would have parked. 
We just all hoped we would get there before it was too late.  
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peeterparkr · 4 years ago
The Holiday.|Tom Holland
chapter two: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
↳ read Sophia’s version here and Tom’s phone call. (Tim fic) BY @jambrosemc​
There’s two sides to the story, the Tom fic written by me and the Tim fic by @jambrosemc​ for thw full experience (though you don’t need to) be sure to check out both! 
STORY SUMMARY:  Two women troubled with guy-problems, one who’s in love with love and one who doesn’t believe in it are both suffering from a broken heart, with little reasoning and nothing left to lose, they swap homes in each other’s countries for the holidays, where they’ll meet a local guy who will probably change their destiny.
chapter summary: new beginnings and first impressions pairing: tom holland x y/n | warnings: Chad word count: 7.8k
story masterlist.
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You had gone through every single stage of a broken heart before, every single one of them. Haircuts. Wine. Clubbing. Reading. New life. Sobbing on the floor. Denial. Sort of acceptance. Working out. Eating your feelings. Coffee shops.Bars. Sleeping all day. Not sleeping at all.   But this? Exchanging homes with a complete strange and travelling to the other side of the world? This was crazy. Completely crazy, and yet, you didn’t want to back off. This was the one thing that, if it didn’t work, you were screwed. 
This was certainly not what you had imagined you’d end up doing for the Holidays, yet it was better than any other idea you’d come up with, because maybe, though you tried to avoid the thought of knowing damn well you’d feel lonelier in a foregin place, it’d help you get out of your suffering. 
“So, okay, we went through dog food already right?” You asked, as you were on the back of the Uber on your way to the airport, your dog was still your number one concern. 
You were on the phone with Sophia, the british woman who had her life sorted up. “We did, yep.” She paused, thoughtfully. “And I told you everything about the shop and it’s hours?” 
You were getting cold feet, honestly. “Yes, right, but… I don’t have to worry about opening right?” You asked her. “That guy…. what was his name?” You couldn’t remember. “Ted? Opens up right?” 
“Tom,” she cleared up. Of course, how could you forget his name, his name was the same as your damned dog. “And no you don’t. He’ll take care of it all, or should. She got off the phone for a bit but then turned back to you. “If you don’t mind, keep me updated about him though?” 
“Oh, of course, I wouldn’t trust a man either, “ you laughed. “I’ll check on him.” If you had the time, you were going to make yourself explore the city. 
“Thanks.” She sounded relieved. “And I’ll of course update you on Tommy.” 
You were so nervous of leaving your dog to a stranger, maybe you could tell your brother to go and check on him, too. Yeah, you needed to give Tim a call. “Please, I’ve never been away from my baby… “ You pleaded and then went through the basics on your head. “Uh, so the keys are under the porch thing I told you.” 
“Right, and I put mine on that book,” she recalled. 
“Right, right…. “ And then suddenly you were arriving at the airport. It had turned real. “Okay so we are doing this.”
“Apparently so… This is a good idea, right?” Sophia asked you. 
In all honesty, it wasn’t. This was one of the-if not the craziest idea you’ve ever had, but at the same time it was thrilling. Exciting and inviting and it gave you the opportunity for a story, or time to write one, if you could. 
“Having second thoughts now?” You asked, amused. “When we’re both on our way to the airport?” 
That was a lie, you were already arriving. 
“No, no. I just… I guess I’m just a bit nervous is all,” Sophia admitted. 
You chuckled, nervously. “I’m kidding, I’m terrified, too.” 
Because who wouldn’t be? This was the one thing that was incredibly terrifying. 
“Well, I’m nearly there. I guess there is no going back at this point,” she said. 
Because there wasn’t. You were having second thoughts, honestly. Wanting to give up and go back to your boring life. But then again, this was your chance to escape your boring life and this was your chance to actually make something interesting for once in your life. 
You finally looked up, the driver was waiting for you as you got out of the car. 
“I’m… actually here, so I’ll…” You paused, you couldn’t breathe, your nerves were tickling as you picked your bags and then faced the small airport standing in front of you. “I was gonna say see you on the other side but that’s stupid so… I guess this is a sort of goodbye?” You gulped. 
This was it. 
“Guess so… I’ll talk to you later?” She suggested. 
You wondered if she was losing her shit as much as you were, honestly you wanted to jump and scream. You were excited, but excitement can often be confused with being scared, and you weren’t sure how thin this line was. 
You took a deep breath. “Right, and please send me a picture of Danny so I can personally slap him,” you were only half-joking. 
“Oh of course, and you’ll have to send one of Chad so I can slap him as well,” she answered with a sort of relief. 
“Well, this is…” You were shaking, you closed your eyes. “I…”You paused again. Good luck, here’s to a well deserved break.” 
“Good luck to you too.” Sophia on the other side sounded just as scared as you were. “I hope you’re able to clear your mind.” 
You hoped so, too. You hope your mind could finally get out of the trance that having Chad was. 
“You too, well here goes,” you said before heading to the airport.
“Goodbye then.”
You hung up, and suddenly the small airport had never looked any bigger. You were so close to changing your life. Big opportunities, big, big chances. You couldn’t possibly dare. But you were there, at the airport, so hugely standing in front of you. You felt very small, that was nothing new. You always did feel small, The world was waiting for you.
But you were not ready for it. You were going to back away, you felt fear invading your stomach, you stepped back, but then you saw a couple, kissing in the distance, you felt sorry for yourself. You couldn’t keep longing for that if you never risked anything. You couldn’t continue saying you were tired of being a secondary character if you didn’t risk doing main character things. This was just halfway to it. 
You finally stepped in and made your way across it. 
Because this was the first time you ever did anything, this was the first time you were getting lost in a dream, and letting yourself slip into time and actually going through with things. The day had been sunny. This was supposed to be your day. You wondered if people even turned to see you, you were nothing important, not really standing out from the crowds. But they didn’t know you were having the biggest adventure of a lifetime. Silly to think. 
As soon as you were sitting on the plane, you knew you couldn't back away now and this was it. This was it, a new beginning, tarnishing every single fear upon you, you tried to mingle your feelings and calm down your nerves. You knew it was the right choice, otherwise  you’d end up curled up on your sofa, digging your nose into each and every one of the books you’ve read already and staring at the ones waiting to be read, but never did for a reason or another. You couldn’t have another Christmas like that, this was it, not another one with you trying to avoid the question of why you were lonely again on Christmas and giving an excuse for each year. Sure, you’d be lonely but at least you didn’t need to answer questions about it. Besides, who knows, this was your chance, and you were already in the place so you couldn’t do much. You had an open window for freedom, for lessons to be learned and—Probably not that much, honestly. It was just a trip, how much can a trip change your life? 
A handsome man had walked in, and smiled at you. He was around your age, gentle smile and blue eyes. This was your first sign, because you did believe in them, mo matter how stupid you believed life found a way to tell us we were doing the right choices, only you’d always avoided them. Yes, it had been the right choice. Who knows? Maybe you’d end up finding love in a plane. Oh who were you kidding, you probably had no chance, and you were proven you wouldn’t right away as you saw the man’s beautiful girlfriend sitting right beside him. 
You wouldn’t find a chance like that, you were not a main character. You’d always known you were a plot device. There were main characters, secondary characters and plot devices. You were the last one. 
Your phone dinged. And the sound made you shiver. A friend of yours had once advised to give a specific notification sound for Chad, so therefore you’d avoid it. Needless to say, it had been counterproductive since you would dream with that sound and hope you’d end up hearing it every day. 
But this was different. This wasn’t him answering to another one of your lame attempts to start up a conversation. Chad had been the one who reached out to you. 
“Hey, y/n! Couldn’t see you after the party, are you up for tonight?”
You only stared at the text. This was the reason why you needed to get out. Him reaching out and your heart jumping a little. You needed some willpower. You couldn’t let yourself fall again for the lie his lips were, you couldn’t let yourself be tangled against the sheets with a man who didn’t love you as he should, who didn’t love you for that matter. 
“I’m going on vacation. London. “ you answered. 
He texted back, quickly. That was a first.  “First vacation in three years is turning point. 
It was, for sure. “Yeah.”
He didn’t answer. 
“Congrats on your engagement.” Though you did not mean it. 
“Thanks xx. So, when can we facetime?” He asked. 
With all the pain in your heart, but with the same courage you’d taken to finally go away you said: “We both know I need to fall out of love with you. Would be great if you would let me try.” 
You sent it and then turned your phone off. 
You didn’t need any more Chad. This was it, the one time you needed to escape and this was your chance. 
A chance to finally get away from him for real, a chance to forget it. And to not feel deplorable on Christmas. You needed to forget him, you couldn’t stay with someone who didn’t celebrate your love. You needed to be loved and though you knew you wouldn’t find love in London, maybe you could learn to love yourself. It was the main reason why you knew you loved Chad, because you didn’t stand up for your own. 
You slept for most of the flight, then connected to the other one and then it was real. You had left the US, and off to the other side of the water. Maybe it hit you until that point, the last person you’d ever gone on vacation with had been Chad and this--- No, this was the reason why you were leaving, your mind had to stop going back and forth with him. 
Before you knew it, you were in London, the dawn welcoming you in all your esplendor. And it felt… different, and it hit you. For the first time you’d gotten out of your little cage and this was big. This probably had been the best idea, though crazy, the best idea you’d ever had. You were out, you were in a city that was giving you endless possibilities to wander, and to explore and endless possibilities to find yourself. 
Someone had once told you that to find yourself, you’d have to be lost first, you had never felt more lost in your life, so this was your chance, to get even more lost in a city, and this was your chance, to get out there.
 It was raining as you’d arrived, and as you’d ran out of the airport, small droplets had fallen on you. You could go straight to the house, but something about trying new things had gotten on to you. 
It felt like Christmas, in a way. Everyone walked with their coats and umbrellas and scarfs around their necks, people who were busy, people who weren’t. People walking into shops, and people walking to their jobs, and drunken people walking out of the pubs, welcoming the sun. 
The city lights felt magical, and you had always loved the feeling of being away from the ocean on Christmas. But now, this was a city, full of possibilities. This was exciting. 
You’d seen places you’d seen in movies before, there was a nearby park, you thought about going there later, and exploring a nearby market. You’d be walking all day. Kensington, this place was absolutely gorgeous. And just 6 minutes away from Notting Hill, you still had the thought of the fantasy in your mind. But then… suddenly you were there, standing in front of the bookstore that would be your home for two weeks. Sophia had warned you there was a way in from the shop, and another one from the other place, but the key would be in the bookshop, inside this specific book. 
You had walked into the bookstore, a bell had rang as soon as you’d opened the door, you had looked up, it was decorated, elegantly, christmas lights hanging on the shelves, the place was small and comfortable, topped with books here and there, taken out of your dreams, it was small, but it gave a sort of feeling that it was eternal. Infinite place where you could read books over and over. You’d seen the guy-Tom, you assumed, look up and hint a smile as he was talking to an old lady about a book, he was carefully listening to her, so attentive. 
“Oh, eh, uh, morning,” he managed to say.  He had turned to give you a second glance, you locked eyes with him for a brief second, he had smiled again and then turned away.  
“Morning,” you answered. 
You’d barely looked at him, but you couldn’t help but notice he was attractive. Very attractive. Had you… blushed? You quickly shook the thought away, this was no time to crush on an english boy, besides this was the guy who probably was in love with Sophia, and you were the plot device, you knew that, you couldn’t even bother to look at him. No, you couldn’t. 
Besides, were you that desperate? So incredibly drawn to something you knew would lead nowhere. And how quick were you to jump to conclusions from barely a glance. A smile, a very pretty smile, that crinkled his eyes. No, you couldn’t keep staring 
He kept talking to the lady, you could barrel and overhear the conversation as you, still with your luggage, strolled through the places, touching the books, books you’ve read, books you hadn't. 
“Yes, I want to give this to my granddaughter, I love this book, Momo,” the old woman explained.
“Incredible read,” the british man answered with a grin. “Michael Ende is-” 
Michael, he said Michael, not ‘Michael’, he knew how to pronounce it. Like it was supposed to be pronounced. In german, not like you’d pronounce your friend’s Michael name. Mi- cha- el. Not sure why that had made him even more appealing—No, you couldn’t do this to yourself. This was old y/n kind of thinking, to get out of  a broken heart. You always did this, try to fixate on someone else to get over Chad. It never worked. But you were in London, but—No. He was Sophia’s coworker, Sophia’s friend and he was most likely in love with her. Someone like him had to love someone like her. 
However, it didn’t hurt if you looked again. Or—did it?
You decided you could look at the guy once again, his eyes brightened up as he watched the woman ramble. He was so delicate, yet bold. Handsome, very. Under his sweater he probably was hiding some well defined muscles, you could tell, not that it mattered, but it did grow something more appealing to him. He was very handsome. Not in a conventional way for your taste, so different from the guys back home. He carried a certain sensuality, but was also heavy on being adorable. A very dangerous combination. His lips were small, his jawline defined, but his sight… As if that pair of eyes could paralyze you, tender eyes with a hint of joy and innocence. He wasn’t innocent, though, he could look, but he wasn’t. He was tapping his fingers, anxiously and he took deep breaths as he listened and gave the lady wider smiles and melodious chuckles. He had blushed at the old lady’s remark that he was handsome, you agreed. His lips were dry, probably from the cold, and he licked them too much while he was speaking to the lovely lady in front of him. His eyes were surrounded by some-not so heavy dark circles, but you could tell he hadn’t probably slept. You wondered why. 
 You liked to observe people, you were a writer so you liked those little details that people didn’t stop to look at, like the way he would bite his inner cheeks while listening, or raise his eyebrows with surprise every now and then. You liked those details, thinking one day you’d have enough to build up a person, made completely out of details. 
You looked away once again, fearing he’d notice your staring and strolled through the books, the arrangement was impeccable, of course Sophia would have the place perfectly ordered. But there were some books here and there that didn’t—make sense for your taste. Or didn’t make sense at all, like an autobiography in a section that was definitely for fairytales. 
You heard the bell ring again, an old man. Early 80’s, you guessed, he used a clutch. He wore a vest, a cardigan on top, and a very nice green beret on top of his head, a grey scarf around his neck, he had a coat, still covered from the rain. He seemed adorable. 
“Good morning, Thomas!” He greeted him. 
Tom smiled. Felt weird knowing his name without having met him yet.“Henry, good morning, I’ll be there with you in a second, I’m here with lovely Doris,” he announced, still listening to the lady.
The old man, Henry gave him a smile  and then  looked at you. “Good morning, young lady, it’s pouring isn’t it?” 
“Morning,” you answered, shyly. “Seems to be.” 
“Ah, american, interesting,” he pointed out, his voice was cheerful, old but you could tell he was a lovely human being. “What brings you here to a lovely bookshop in London?” 
You smiled. “An adventure,” you said without thinking about it. It sounded better in your head. 
He smiled, “I love that answer,” he pointed out. “What kind of adventure?” 
You looked around the shop, “Don’t know yet,” you admitted. “I’m trying to find a good story.” 
He grinned, “Hm what kind of story?” 
“Don’t know,” you admitted again. “I’ll keep looking through the books.” 
“Oh,” he nodded slowly. “I thought you wanted a story for yourself.” 
“Myself?” you chuckled. “No, I’m good at reading someone else’s. Not good enough to be one myself.” 
He stared at you, kindly. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” he declared, and then looked at the shelves. “What to read now.” It amazed you how big of a main character he was, too, you’d probably love to write about him. He turned to you. “You seem… Like a reader.” 
“I am,” you said. Though, lately you’d been stuck reading the same ones, never wanting a new story. 
“Do you have any suggestions?” He asked. 
You grinned, “Well, I guess it depends,” you said. “What do you feel like reading?” 
He shrugged and gave you a tender smile, his eyes were shining. “Romance, perhaps?” 
“What kind of romance?” You asked, following the same path he had when asking you questions. 
You gave it a thought, he probably had read Shakespeare already, he seemed like a connoisseur.  But, somehow,  you looked him in the eye and knew your answer. “Love in the time of Cholera, have you read it?” you asked. 
“Surprisingly, I have not,” the man seemed perplexed. 
“Gabriel Garcia Marquez, it’s… about true love that endures and overcomes adversity for a lifetime, it is a tribute to love, adventure, time, old age and death, ” you said. “It’s an ode to true love.” 
“Sounds lovely,” he said. “Well, can you help me find it, please? I’d ask young Thomas but he’s there talking to lovely Doris there.” 
“Of course,” you grinned. You proceeded to walk through the store trying to find the book, hoping they would have it. 
“What’s your name young lady?” Henry asked. 
“Y/N y/l/n” you answered simply. 
“Hm, a main character name,” he pointed out. 
You shook your head. “You’re wrong about that,” your eyes kept looking through the shelves. 
“I’m Henry, Henry Abbot,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to meet Miss y/l/n.” 
“Pleasure is mine.” 
You needed that book and... It was not in the poetry section, which had you perplexed, they had to have it. “Oh.” 
“Is it not here?” Henry asked. 
“It’s not,” you frowned. “It’s-” 
“Hello, Henry, hi, hello, is there anything I can help you with?” Tom had asked as he had snuck behind, you accidentally stepped back and bumped into him, causing him to knock down two books. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you said. You were an idiot. 
“No, don’t be, it’s alright, it’s my fault, I should’ve announced myself,” Tom answered with a smile, that you knew was probably a fake customer service smile, as he picked up the books. 
You then saw the old woman, Doris walk out with not only the book you’d initially seen her with, but other four, Tom was good at selling, you saw Henry had his eyes on her but proceeded to turn back at you. 
You were definitely not expecting Tom, right in front of you, you could smell his cologne, it smelled good. Why the hell had you noticed that? You shook your head, before he could notice any sign of your stupidity. 
“Oh, er-” 
He only raised his eyebrows with a smile. 
It was no secret that you were stupid around men, especially around men who were attractive. 
“The young lady, miss y/l/n here is helping me,” Henry intruded quickly. “She recommended a book.” 
“Oh,” Tom grinned. “Thanks for helping me out with Henry, did you not have trouble giving him a recommendation?” He turned to you again. “He’s read everything,” he said with complicity. 
You only smiled and shook your head. 
“She didn’t,” Henry pointed out. “Gave me an option right away, perhaps she should have your job instead,” Henry joked. 
Tom brought his hand to his chest, hurt. “Henry; now why would you say that to me? Thought we were friends.” 
You chuckled and turned to Tom, “Love in The Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez,” you said. “That’s the book—I thought it would be here.” 
Tom turned to you, his eyes were even prettier than you thought they were. No, you had to stop. You couldn’t be attracted to him. 
“Oh,” Tom was surprised by your statement. “Yeah, yeah, he’s… mexican, right?” 
“Colombian,” you corrected. 
“Yeah, yeah, it should be--” Tom recalled and then walked to the other side, he searched through the titles and then finally found it in the language section.  “There, this one?” 
“This is not in the right section,” you said. 
“Why not I put it there myself this morning—“Tom chuckled, handing over the book to Henry. “Another one, or shall I help you check out, Henry?” 
Henry smirked. “No, I want to know why she believes is in the wrong section.” 
“This is romance,” you cleared up, as if it was obvious already. 
“Oh?” Tom raised his brows. 
“It’s in the Spanish section,” you continued. 
“He… speaks spanish,” Tom said. 
You only stared at him, in shock. Any kind of sign of attractiveness had been completely erased. 
“Besides,” Tom smirked. “You were looking for it at the poetry section, not romance novels,” he pointed out. 
“I…” You blinked. You had said that particular book for another reason. It was the book where Sophia had told you she’d hidden the key. She told you she’d moved the book from the romance novels to the poetry section. 
Tom reached the counter, holding the book himself. You tried to reach for him, 
“Ah, er, can I see it for a second?” 
Tom furrowed his eyebrows, and grimaced. “Hm?” 
“Yeah, let me see if it’s… The one I meant,” you lied. 
He watched you skeptically. “Umm… why wouldn’t it be?” 
Henry watched between you both, humored. 
“I….please?” You begged. 
“Oh, don’t be rude to the pretty lady,” Henry pushed. “Let her see the book.” 
Tom opened his mouth but defeatedly handed you the book. You mouthed a quiet thanks and then skimmed through it, trying to find the keys. They were not there. 
Weird. There was no key. You blinked with surprise and looked up at Tom, who seemed pleased. 
“Is it?” Tom asked. 
“Yeah—It is,” you handed it over. Tom had a mischievous look on his face, he was humored by this situation. 
“She’s American, and looking for a story of adventure,” Henry said to Tom. 
“We all are, aren’t we?” Tom mentioned. 
Henry looked between the both of you. “Are you here for the holidays, ma’am?” 
So formal. “I am.” 
“Traveling with your significant other, I presume,” Henry said while Tom was checking the book out. 
“I—Well,” suddenly you felt lonely. “That position hasn’t been filled at the moment.”
Henry smirked, and then looked at Tom quickly then back at you. “With family, then?” 
“I—No, I came here alone,” you explained. “
“So, it’ll be £11.03, Henry,” Tom interrupted as he put the book in a bag. 
Henry looked at Tom, “where’s lovely Sophia?” 
“I’d like to know, too,” Tom answered. “It’s not like her not showing up. She hasn’t called me back.” 
Henry nodded. 
You were confused. Had Sophia not told Tom she’d left? It  felt like it was your time to intrude, but before you could explain, Henry looked at you and said. “Go give this young lady a story, Thomas.” 
The man left. 
“I—“you coughed. “Sorry, uh—“
Tom had a wide smile. “So… what can I actually help you with? Miss y/l/n, Any book in—“
“I well, I—“ you couldn’t speak. 
Tom chuckled. “Yeah? Or are you going to complain about another book arrangement.” 
“I wasn’t complaining, I'm just… very observant, alright?” 
He grinned. “Well, did you observe anything misplaced?” 
“Well, I did see a fairytale on the autobiographies sections,” you admitted. 
Tom blinked, perplexed. “Huh we did that yesterday,” he was surprised. “Oh right but--” He coughed. “So, well, you’re seeking for an adventure book-” 
“Not exactly,” you answered. 
“What then, romance?” 
You blinked. What did he mean by that? 
“You seem like you read romance,” he pointed out. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” You questioned him, chuckling lightly. 
He grinned. “Nothing, you just--suggested a romance book easily to Henry,” he pointed out. “It’s a good one, it broke my heart, in a good way.” 
“You’ve read it?” You asked. He didn’t seem like someone who’d read romance. He… honestly didn’t look like someone who read, at all. Of course, you should never judge a book by its cover but of course the cover always tells us a lot, a name and an author at least. You knew his name, who was the author? 
He smirked. “It’s ugly, and it’s sad-” 
“But it’s love,” you finished his sentence, quoting the book. “Yeah,” you smiled, not believing he had actually read it. “Great book. You don’t seem like someone who’d read that.” 
“I’m a sucker for those kinds of stories,” he admitted. “Don’t look like it, but I love that, soulmates and everything.” 
You chuckled. “Me too,” you said. 
“To think that two people are destined to find each other even when life pulls them apart,” he said. “And I mean he… waited 50 years.” 
“Yes, he did, even when she’d made the mistake to reject him.” 
“Sometimes that’s how love is,” he shrugged. And it was, you knew that. 
“It is,” you said. “It’s complicated.” 
“The book? Or love?” He looked into you, with a certain mischief. 
“Both, I guess,” you said,calmly. “But I mean that’s the magic of that book, love is complicated and so is the book.” 
“But also, it’s not-I mean, I loved it, don’t get me wrong but I couldn’t… I understood their love but I’ve-I mean it’s old love.” 
You laughed. “Old love?” 
He laughed softly to himself, “I mean, it’s not-Something I could relate to.” 
“Well, no, because although love is something universal, not one love can be duplicated, love is unique.” 
He watched you perplexed. You wondered if you had said something wrong, or if your way of talking about love with a stranger had bothered him. It bothered most people, most people were afraid of love and were confused by the way you saw it, and confused because you’d lost it so many times. Everyone wondered how you kept believing in it after so much pain, but that’s the thing about love, though there is one love, you can truly feel love for. 
“I’ve never heard someone putting it that way,” he chuckled. “Love being something we all feel but at the same time… it’s different, yeah.” 
Why were you talking about love with this man? 
“That’s what I’ve gathered from all the romance novels you assumed I read,” you chuckled. “Love is universal but it’s personal.” 
He chuckled and nodded in agreement. “No, I guess… You’re… right, huh, I’ve never seen it that way,” he said. “So do you want another romance novel?” 
Was he flirting? 
You shook your head. “No,” you smiled. “I’m actually-that book.” 
“No, wait, actually…” He interrupted, as he shook his head, probably backing away from flirting. “Sorry...This is bothering me, care showing me where the misplaced book was?” He asked. 
You had just told him, was he flirting? You’d never known how to flirt so you wouldn’t know. But you guessed it harmed nobody showing him, you lead the way, still carrying your whole luggage. 
But why the hell had you talked about that with a stranger. It felt weird, but he didn’t feel like one. Probably because you’d already known his name. There was something so incredibly familiar to him. So easily had you blurted out the whole love thing, and he probably was scared of it. Most people were, you would understand if he was, too. 
“So--here,” you headed and tried to reach for the misplaced book on top of the shelf, as you had some stray sticker had flown and landed directly on your eyes, for your own luck. “Ow!” You tried to get it out but you couldn't. 
“Oh, wait, wait, let me help,” he said before. “May I?” 
“Yes, please,” you said, You only looked up, he held your chin, which definitely made you nervous, but he stared into your eyes and finally got the sticker out of your eye. 
“I’m so sorry, sometimes they get stuck and we don’t see them-“ He said quickly getting his touch out of you.
“No, you’re good, don’t worry,” you said. “So, here’s the lost book.” 
He watched you with curiosity and for a brief moment your eyes were locked into one but you quickly looked away. You were not doing this. This was so stupidly cliché, the love conversation with him, having to directly look into your eyes, it was so stupidly cliché and obviously not as romantic as you thought it was going in your head.. You hated it. Because you were not a stupid main character, this was so stupid. This things, in novels, would lead to some kind of romance, but you were not the main character and this was just stupid. 
“Yeah, right,” he coughed. “But uh, wait, so for Love in The--eh, the book, yeah, how did- Why were you looking for it in the poetry section? I mean it is… very poetic but,” Tom was confused as he watched you. Felt weird he was looking at you, his eyes had this charm that made you feel like he only was fixated on you. 
“I—Well, there were supposed to be some keys in that book,” you explained. 
“Hm? Were there?” He asked with fake surprise, but he actually seemed confused. 
You frowned. “They were, in that book and it’d be on that section—“
“Hm, doesn’t ring a bell,” he shrugged with a smirk.
“Yeah, in that book, Love in The Times of Cholera,” you pushed. “So—“
“Yeah, I do remember some keys,” he coughed, shaking his head. “But I’m not giving them to you,” he mumbled. 
“Sophia told me—wait you’re not—?”You blinked. 
“Sophia?” he seemed doubtious. 
“Yeah, Sophia, your friend, right she is—in America, at my place, we—switched homes and so she left me the key there—“
“She did now?” He wasn't buying it. 
“Yeah,” you continued. “She left, we exchanged homes for the holidays.”
“I--” He chuckled. “What?” 
“Didn’t she tell you?” 
“Tell me what, exactly?” 
“She went on vacation, to my place in America, we switched homes for two weeks.” 
He laughed. “I don’t believe you, Sophia doesn’t go anywhere.” 
“Yeah, we have that in common,” you pointed out. “But—But—okay, so she’s in America, in Oregon.” 
“Why would she go to Oregon?” Tom asked. “Of all places—“
“Yeah, look,” you cleared your throat. Did seem suspicious. “I—we both needed to get away so we switched places, and well—Why don’t you give me the key?” 
“So, tell me, miss y/l/n, sorry I’m calling you that it’s what dear old Henry called you, but you’re expecting me to give you the key, to you, a stranger, to my best friend’s home?” 
“Yeah...” you heard how it sounded. 
“You’re expecting me to believe that?” 
Well, he did have a point.  “Well, yeah—I— thought she’d told you.“ 
“Sophia would never do that,” Tom said. You’d learned he was also annoying. 
“Yeah, and neither would I, but here I am in London in a bookshop talking to you while holding my luggage, you really think I’m lying?” 
He stared at you. “Yeah.” 
And there it went, the fantasy had ended. Because you were not a main character in a stupid romance novel. 
“You—Look, I know she—But look, she broke up with Danny, and she needed to get away and we—“
“Yeah but this is mental,” Tom said. 
“It is,” you admitted. “And I might regret it, alright but I’m already here, thousand miles away and please, can I just have the key? I need a break, I need to-” 
“I’m not, I can’t… I’m sorry I just can’t give it to you.” 
“Well—Why—Look, we can call her? I don’t know if she’s there yet? But she can prove we actually did this?”  
“Still I… Look, I would… recommend you a hotel, I mean-Look. There’s this hotel right beside--It’s on Notting Hill,” 
“Please, let’s just… I’ll call her,” you said, taking out your phone. This was stressful enough. 
“Oh, no, no, I’ll call her, how do I know it’s not a crazy friend of yours-” 
“Crazy?” You frowned. If you had been attracted to the man in front of you, you definitely weren’t now. 
“I’m-” He knew he had screwed up. “This is mental,” he whispered. He took out his phone, “She hasn’t answered all day- so-” 
“She was on a plane.” 
“Uh, huh, for all I know you could be a criminal,” Tom pointed out. 
Criminal, he had just been flirting with you second before. “Ah, yeah, I am a criminal,” you snapped. You didn’t like him anymore.
He seemed angry, you didn’t know why. 
“If you’ll excuse me,” he said before walking away from you to hear. Of course. You technically didn’t blame  him. Still he was rude. 
You felt like crying. Again, this wasn’t right. This was the one thing why you’d left. Was this a mistake? It probably was, why else would you feel so small. He was right, this was.. A stranger, you were a stranger. And not in the way one would think, you were a stranger to yourself. Why were you there? 
Honestly, you wanted to leave. It… was weird. You wondered why he didn’t believe it. Of course, he wouldn’t believe someone like Sophia would do this, Sophia seemed to be very calculated. Like someone who always knew what she was doing. You guessed you understood that. 
But he seemed worried about her. Really Sophia had everything, at least someone was asking her what she was doing. No one questioned you. You watched him, he was angry, or worried or upset, or everything at once. 
You could overhear him, just a few lines, you didn’t want to seem like you were intruding. 
“The—Well, y/n? I don’t know her name—” He said and turned to you, he watched you from agair and you just nervously looked away. This was unbelievably awkward. “Henry called her—Whatever, no, she doesn’t have them, I have them, who is she?”
Henry had called you ‘Miss Y/L/n”, yes. But now  he knew your name. He didn’t know you knew his. 
You overheard again. “She is a stranger.” 
And then it crossed your mind, Sophia was a stranger. Why the hell had you done this? How had you done this? And you felt it in your stomach, this wasn’t like you. You never did anything. This was risking everything. This was getting out of your shell. 
“I… I don’t trust her. I’m… tell her to get a hotel,” you heard him. 
This was just not it. You felt dizzy, and anxious and this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. This was supposed to be your fairytale and it felt like the worst nightmare. How was Sophia doing? 
At least she didn’t have to deal with anyone closing the door to your place, she’d have Tommy and you were sure the pup received her well. 
Tom watched you and turned to his phone and then you knew he was speaking at a lower volume, he probably knew you had overheard him. 
Tom was not happy, you could tell. Maybe this was his nightmare, after all, you assumed, he was in love with Sophia. 
He walked back to you, still staring at his phone. 
“Well, she’s gonna kill me if I don’t give you the keys,” he said, not still sure of it. “Look, I’m-” 
“I know you don’t trust me, I get it, but-Look, I am already here, I’m tired, I honestly feel like crap and I’m on a foreign country trying to remain as calm as I coul, look, I get it, I’m doubting it myself, but I trust her, she’s on my place, with Tommy-” 
“My dog, and I’m trusting her with that, so I know, I know, it is...mental or whatever fancy british ass word you used, and I myself can’t quite put my head as to why I did this, I don’t do this kind of stuff, I never do anything like this, and I know, it’s-Weird, and crazy but-You don’t have to be rude, alright? I’m not a criminal, I’m not- I’m just a girl whose heart was broken and needed to escape, and I-and Sophia was, too, okay? So maybe we just-I don’t know, I need to...” You knew your voice had broken a litte, and it surely pissed you off. “And Sophia, if she’s your friend, you’d understand why she’s doing this, she got her heartbroken, she was destroyed, someone made her believe it was her fault she was cheated on,” you pushed. “You know, when I talked to her-” 
“You don’t know-” 
“Maybe I just met her but I seem to understand her better than you,” you said. “And-and and before you say anything,” he had opened his mouth to complain. “I know, she is calculated, and I know she makes the right decision, but you don’t…Do you know how she feels with the breakup?” 
He didn’t answer. 
“Look, I don’t… That’s between you and her, alright-I-” 
You’d been saved by the bell, literally. A customer had walked in and Tom had to help them out. 
He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then dug in his pocket. He hesitantly handed them to you, but he didn’t let go as you had your hand reaching for them. 
“It—uh, the red one is—“
“From inside the bookshop and the blue one outside,” you nodded. “Yeah, she told me.” 
Tom sighed before finally letting the keys fall on your hand. His fingers had brushed lightly, something you would’ve noticed and dreamed about 10 minutes ago, but you weren’t so fond of him now. 
“Thank you,” you said and headed to the door where Sophia had told you it would be. At that point you realized, you hadn’t even properly introduced yourself to him. 
You didn’t want to, honestly. 
You had trouble opening the door but as soon as Tom had turned to you, you managed to open it. You walked in, and as soon as you’d closed the door, you wanted to cry, because it seemed like it was your only talent. 
But you went upstairs and found the place, it was so neat, and organized and perfect and… Very office-like. Everything was where it was meant to be, so perfectly organized. Everything had a place. It was so clean. Nothing, nothing out of place. With plants, she’d told you about her houseplants. Elegantly and modernly decorated. 
Perfect. So elegant, with a dining table that had stationery on top. Dining table that was used to work? Sophia really didn’t know how to separate her job from her life. You’d known it since she’d told you she lived above her bookshop. Which honestly, you couldn’t blame, your job was writing and you were sure all your writings were scattered around your house. Your place was a mess, really, compared to Sophia’s squared house. 
Everything was so in place. The order you needed after the mess you had of a life. Just a glance and you felt… great. You’d even forgotten the whole issue with that random british dude, who, you’d avoid. 
This was incredible. You dropped the bags in the middle of the place and ran around her house to discover every little detail, because you knew you’d get to know who Sophia was better by her place. 
Her kitchen was impeccable, and her fridge was filled not with any comfort food that you’d been having since Chad, but everything was perfect. You loved to cook, and you’d end up using this kitchen, but you saw it was barely used, you could tell. She probably didn’t cook much. 
There was another room, another office, you presumed, though the whole place seemed like an office, too formal and ordered,  so organized again, with a small bookshelf, classic books and new ones, never opened. You wondered if she was like you, that couldn’t get to read them. She was a fan of stationery it seemed, and organizers, and post it here and there, color coded. Like everything was there for a reason. 
Three pictures, one of her and her family, one with Danny and another one with Tom. He definitely was in love with her. 
You explored a bit more. You even feared to be stepping on the floor, fearing you’d ruin it. The place seemed incredibly arranged. You didn’t belong there, but at the same time it was soothing. It was bright, and it helped. As if seeing so much order would help put some order in your own life. The place felt like it was cleaning your mind. 
You headed upstairs to the bedroom, and a big bed welcomed you, with a perfect white duvet and plush pillows. You, excitedly ran and jumped to lay down on it. 
This was just what you needed. 
However, you’d noticed that even though she’d told you you lived with Danny, there was no sight of anyone else living here. It didn’t feel like a couple’s place. It felt… Lonely. There was no sign of someone else who lived there. No home. 
But her bed was comfortable. And you were so, so tired. And then again… the bed was so, so comfy. Besides if the math was right, it was 2am back at home, so a nap wouldn’t be so bad. You stared at the ceiling, waiting for an answer. This was it. No, whatever doubt you'd had before, it was erased. This was your chance, sure it was completely crazy, but this… You needed to escape, and you were in a nice place, in Kensington, London. Not in boring Oregon anymore.  What was Sophia doing? Was she going through the big mess you were going through? 
She probably didn’t feel small. But you decided this was no time to feel small. Though, you were tired, this was no time to pity yourself. So you took a shower, put in some nice clothes and decided to enjoy the day. You were away, you didn’t have to feel sorry for yourself. You’d have time for that later, you were in London, you didn’t need to cry on the other side of the world. You’d done enough crying already. Over a guy named Chad. 
You needed to explore London, for God’s sake, you were in Notting Hill, you were no Julia Roberts but who was to say you wouldn’t find your Hugh Grant? 
You were sure to bring the keys and made sure to walk out over the exit that was not inside the bookshop. You didn’t want to face Tom. But when you’d walked out, you’d seen him, not as cheerful as the first time you’d seen him. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, and running a hand through his face. He did look out when he’d seen you, you decided, once again, to ignore him. Even though you were sure he had tried to reach for you. But no, you ignored him. 
And you would keep ignoring him, this was not time to deal with a british man who was not Hugh Grant.
Timmy fic (Phonecall Tom has) 
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mymelodyheart · 4 years ago
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 2 ~It’s Her Cue~
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Previously in Sparks Will Fly ...
A slap on his back tore his gaze away from Claire. "Easy now lad," Willie said in a low, amused voice. "Ye look like ye could use the same drink as her."
Jamie glanced back at the subject of their conversation. "Aye, but make mine a double," he whispered.
"On it," Willie replied, laughing as he walked off.
What the bloody hell?  He should be withdrawing himself away from this attraction because this mad instant bond between them was like an overloaded electrical fuse, capable of incinerating him alive. He'd already learnt his lesson from his last relationship. He'd been there and done that, but yet he didn't have the will to stop himself from finding out how their connection would play out.
Oh, Christ, this is bad. So, so bad, I'm in so much big trouble.  Taking a huge sigh, he found himself a stool nearest to the pool table and watched Claire steal the show from the best snooker player in Broch Mordha.
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If you wish to read this from the beginning:
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"Just polishing my balls for the lovely lass, here." 
The people around her howled with good-natured laughter.
Claire kept her head down as she sat on the edge of the stool, chalking her stick, waiting for Hugh to stop showing off and blathering with his mates, and to finally break. She felt eyes on her, and when she looked up, she met Jamie's gaze where he sat with his brother at the high table. 
Annalise leaned in from behind her and whispered, "Ginger can't stop looking at you."
Claire drew in substantial deep breaths. She'd watched Jamie play shinty earlier, and she thought he looked impressive then. Tall, strong, lithe, covered in mud and the epitome of a Highland warrior. Not that she had any idea what a Highland warrior would have looked like. After all, she only had the movie, Braveheart to go by. But who would have thought he'd show any interest in her. Perhaps, because she'd probably looked like she was about to climb him. Who could blame her, though? The moment he'd looked into her eyes, he stirred something inside her, which no man had ever done before him. And by some feat of willpower, she wondered how she'd succeeded not breaking into song right then and there. Up close earlier and now, sat only a few feet away, Jamie looked even better. Wavy auburn hair touched the collar of his plaid flannel shirt and the way his jeans hung low on hips, it shouldn't be even allowed. 
"He probably thinks I'm easy. You know how some rural folks think city people like us have loose morals."
Annalise gasped. "Why do you think he would think that?"
"I think I came on too strong and flirty," she confided in a low voice. "He's a man, so of course, he'd respond, and it probably works a treat for him too since I'm only here for a holiday. But my God, he's one fine specimen of a man, isn't he? I'm even getting butterflies, and the last time I had them ...goodness, I can't even remember." 
"Don't be daft ...you don't even know what he's thinking. Besides, you're single, and you're allowed to show interest if you fancy someone." The ice in Annalise's vodka and tonic clinked behind her. "This is the twenty-first century, and you're welcome to it. Flirt away and get butterflies. Let yourself go a little. I don't know if it applies here, but I'll say it anyway ...what goes on in the Highlands, stay in the Highlands." 
Aww, bless her.
Claire was grateful for her friend's presence in her life. If Annalise hadn't been there to constantly coax her out of her self-consciousness and to confide in to, she'd probably still be living a secluded life, and London would have eventually eaten her whole. Now here she was, openly flirting with a handsome stranger and she'd agreed to let him take her out.
Claire smiled. "How about you? What's happening with you and Willie?"
Annalise made an exaggerated sighing sound behind her, making her laugh. What a tart! 
"Hey, by the way, Jamie asked me out. So I guess, after this game and a round of drink, we're going to split. He wants to take me on a Christmas night tour. Will you be alright with Willie?" Claire asked. She had to make sure as this was their holiday together and she didn't want Annalise feeling abandoned.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. The boys seem like decent blokes, but as a precaution, I took photos of their driving licences and sent them to Geillis. She'll have them thoroughly checked out. Really handy to know someone whose boyfriend works with the police."
Claire's eyes widened, and she turned around to face her friend. "You didn't! I told Jamie I trust him." Geillis Duncan was their mutual friend they'd met in London at a party. After hitting it off, they'd forged a tight friendship, and the three of them became close until Geillis had to move back to her home city of Glasgow when she met the love of her life. Claire and Annalise were going to visit her before flying back to London.
"Of course, I did, silly. We're both on our own. Just because we're on our holidays and having fun doesn't mean we have to be lax when it comes to precaution. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Annalise reassuringly squeezed her arm. "Speaking of protection ...do you have condoms?"
What!?!  Sex was the furthest thing from her mind. But she didn't have time to reply as she saw at the corner of her eye, Hugh finally, leaned across the pool table and broke. As Claire stood up to take her turn, their audience cheered and whooped. 
Ignoring the hoots and whistles, she watched in concentration as the colourful balls rolled, not one of them dropping into a pocket. She began to walk around the pool table, taking in each position of the balls as she tapped her chin. Alrighty Beauchamp, let's have a look, shall we? This should be easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. We'll go for stripes. 
"Ye ken how to play, hen?" Hugh teased, extracting laughter from his friends. "If not, I promise to go easy with my shaft." Another round of loud laughter ensued.
Claire ignored the innuendo, and the sally going on and focused.
First, I'll down that nine-ball hanging over the pocket and use the rail to tap out the eleven, crammed against the twelve. That'll leave open the six, thirteen, and fifteen. Once I drop the fifteen, using a little side spin, that should bring me to the other end of the table. Then I'll sink the eleven and the fourteen into the same corner pocket, gently hitting the ten off the rail in the process, so I don't get stuck later having to bank shot it. Knock in the eight, then I'm clear to finish it off. Good God, Beauchamp, you're so good.
Satisfied with her strategy, Claire leaned over the green felt and positioned herself. Although Hugh's loud wisecrack didn't rattle her, the intensity of Jamie's stare was another matter. Taking a deep breath, she redirected her concentration on her game plan and took her first shot and then another, working clinically and accurately. Unfortunately, their encounter earlier kept creeping back into her consciousness and playing in loops in her head. It didn't help that his scent stuck on to her when he'd caught her after the fall. He smelled of forest and fresh laundry. None of that heavy musky expensive perfumes London yuppies liked to bathe in. It made her want to lean in, bury her face in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath.
Bent at the waist, Claire stretched over the edge of the table and focused on the fifteen-ball and tried not to wince at the memory of openly flirting with Jamie. In her defence, it wasn't every day she was rescued by a very manly bloke who stared at her like he didn't want to let her out of his sight. She wondered if she'd appeared too eager and was totally misunderstanding the look he was giving her. There had been a hint of wariness lurking behind those beautiful translucent blue eyes when she'd agreed to go out with him. Had she said something to cause him to throw up his guard?  
Having gone to a Catholic, all-girls, boarding school, her experience with the opposite sex was limited to the ones she read in romance novels. Orphaned at a young age, her guardian uncle Lamb didn't believe, dragging her across the globe with him was an ideal way to raise a girl, especially when he worked mostly with men in archaeological sites. So he'd decided the best place for her upbringing was with the nuns, right through college.
So when it finally came for her to start adulting and dating in a big, bad city like London, she'd been like a deer caught in the headlights. But she quickly found her feet with the help of her friend and flatmate, Annalise, a Parisienne by birth and a Londoner at heart. The French girl had been a mentor to her, initiating her to the trappings of singlehood and city life. Though the dating and getting-to-know-a-guy part was also an exciting discovery, she quickly realised every date she'd been to, after having gone through a handful of them, was a recycled version of the last. Same lines, same latest fashion, exaggerated backstories and trying too hard to impress instead of being themselves. So at the ripe age of twenty-five, she still had to experience what it was like to have a boyfriend. Annalise accused her of being too picky, but Claire always reasoned she just hadn't met the right one. She'd envisioned her first boyfriend to be someone endearingly awkward, not too loud and maybe a little shy. But Jamie was the least awkward man she'd ever met. He was easy on the eyes, and he lived inside his skin like a well-worn pair of jeans. He was far from a starter boyfriend she'd envision - definitely, not a boy anything.
"Go, Claire! You can do it!" Annalise shouted at the sidelines.
As she marked her shot on the eight-ball, she glanced up at Jamie and felt her focus wobble a bit. When one of the lads emitted a low whistle as she moved her hips to settle herself at a conducive angle, he didn't have a smidgen of amusement on his face. More than anything, he looked liked he was about to knock the front teeth off of the offender.
She didn't want a pub brawl to start in her honour, even if it sounded romantic in movies or books.
Straightening up from her position, she gave Jamie what she thought was a sexy smile. "Hey, Jamie," she called to him. "You got that single malt ready for me? This shouldn't take long." She tried not to blanch for sounding overconfident and cocky. It seemed cheeky for presuming she'd finished this game in a jiffy, but the pleasure of seeing his piercing blue eyes creased at the corners was definitely worth the minor discomfort her behaviour had caused her. Oh, Lordy! There were hushed oohs, followed by a round of testosterone-laced jests, making Jamie shake his head in amusement. At least, to her relief, he stopped looking like he's about to wallop anyone. Trouble averted in the knick of time!
As Jamie turned to get the attention of the bartender, she quickly lowered herself back over the table in the same position and sunk in the remaining balls. When she finished, her opponent, Hugh looked, well …not the least bit pleased about it. It probably didn't help she'd earlier acted cocksure about winning the game and might have dented his macho ego in front of his mates. 
Claire watched Hugh purposely marched towards her as their audience clapped, cheered and teased him for losing to a lassie.
"Ye got me at a disadvantage. I must admit I went easy on you since ye're new around here," he said loud enough for everyone near the pool table to hear. 
Claire gave him a charming smile, even though she felt like throttling him for not being man enough to congratulate her. "I know. Too bad, you assumed I couldn't play because I have a pair of boobs."
Hugh's eyes dropped down to her breast, and his cheek twitched, as he openly leered at her. "I must admit, ye have a lovely pair, and it might have distracted me from playing a good game, now that I come to think about it. Ye ken what ye need? Ye need a good ..."
"Stiff drink?" Jamie interrupted as he handed Claire a glass of single malt. "That's what ye were about to say, aye?"
Jamie's words were mildly pleasant, but she detected the underlying warning in his tone. Hugh didn't look like one to back-off, but when Jamie took a small step forward, he eyed the height and breadth before him and thought better of it. Splitting a forced smile between her and Jamie, Hugh raised both his hands as a sign of truce and slowly walked back to his mates.
With a sigh, she placed her cue stick on the pool table and faced Jamie. "This is fast becoming a habit of yours, isn't it?"
"What?" he asked, taking a step inside her personal space. It was another one of his moves to add to that growing habit list of his. Her old fashion side, the side influenced by her upbringing in the boarding school, wanted her to take a step back. But the side, that suspiciously sounded like Annalise, was shouting at her to hold her ground.
So she held her ground and arched an eyebrow at him. "You coming to my rescue. Again!"
When his mouth expanded into a smile, she couldn't help noticing his full, beautiful lips. With a cleanly shaven angular jaw, they made him looked like an angel who'd spent time in hell. Her breath caught in her throat, and she quickly looked back up, hoping he hadn't noticed her wandering eyes.
His amused expression told her he had. "Ye could say, rescuing ye is one past time that's beginning to grow on me." 
She laughed out loud. It was something she did whenever she was nervous or when shyness overtook, and the most annoying part of it, it was almost always accompanied by a snort. She quickly sobered up. Acting like a loon was definitely beginning to be her nervous signature move.
As if sensing her unease, Jamie quickly changed the subject. "By the way, that was some show ye put on. Ye'll be the topic of everyone's conversation for the next few days. And Hugh the butt of jokes."
"I didn't realise I was playing with a sore loser," she said, taking a sip of her whisky. When the heat slid down her throat, she tried not to flinch. Acting cool wasn't her forte, but she was determined to work on it. "If I'd known, I would have given up my slot."
"Dinnae fash. Hugh's all mouth and no trousers, but he's harmless. So where did ye learn to play like that?" His eyes scanned her face, and he cocked his head a little like he was committing each of her features to memory.
"My uncle taught me. We'd play for hours whenever we get time to spend together."
"Ye're close to yer uncle. That's nice. I hope I'd be that type of uncle one day."
She beamed. Jamie looked like the type of uncle who would have boundless of energy playing with children. "My uncle's for the most part, both a father and mother to me when I wasn't in the boarding school. My parents died when I was young."
His face turned serious. "Sorry to hear that. My parents have always been part of my life, so I can't begin to imagine what it was like for you growing up without them."
Claire gave him a grateful smile as she pulled a vibrating phone from her pocket. "Oh, bummer," she whispered, glancing down at the screen. "I have about fifteen missed text messages. I didn't feel it going off. I must have been caught up with all the excitement of the game." 
He ran a hand along his jaw. "Some lad missing ye back home?"
She hesitated, glancing up at him. "No." She shook her head, vigorously. "It's my friend, Geillis." She skimmed through the messages wondering why there were so many of them. Annalise had sent the photos of the brothers' driving licences to Geillis, and probably something had come up.
"Is everything alright?" he asked as she continued to read the messages.
"It's fine," she squeaked, looking for any incriminating data Geillis might have found. She found none. Instead, what she was reading was making her face heat up.
"Are ye sure? Ye have a troubling frown forming on yer face. Maybe I can help."
She sighed and rolled her head. "Annalise sent the photos of your driving licences to my friend Geillis. And a selfie she took with you and your brother earlier. You know ...to have you check out and see if you're legit. Geillis' boyfriend works with the police you see."
He arched an eyebrow. "And?"
Is he upset? "Don't look at me like that. I told you I trust you."
He laughed. "Like what? Ye're the one who's giving me an odd look. I told ye I was alright with it. So what did she say? Do I get her seal of approval?"
She winced. "Yeah, Geillis says it's all good."
He picked up his whisky from the nearby table. "Geillis sounds like a verra nice friend. I think I like her already. What else did she say?"
She felt the colour drain from her face. "I swear you wouldn't want to hear the rest of it. Geillis is raving mad."
"Try me."
"I think we should leave it ..."
"Come on, Sassenach. It cannae be that bad."
"I'd rather not."
"Go on, humour me." His blue eyes danced, and she marvelled for the umpteenth time at how handsome he was.
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." She shut her eyes for a few heartbeats and puffed out a breath. "Well, she said if you're the same bloke who competed against her boyfriend at caber toss last spring and won ..." Oh dear, God. "...I ...um ...I should let you ground my corn."
He practically choked on his whisky.
She grimaced and wondered if she should thump him on the back. "I'm sorry. Geillis has an odd sense of humour. I'm afraid it's just her way of saying that her boyfriend thinks you're ace ...well, that's if you're really the bloke who he thinks you are."
He recovered quickly and grinned. "How about ye? What do ye think of me?"
She ignored the question. "You haven't confirmed anything to me yet," she said, speaking into her whisky glass. "Did you really win the caber toss competition?"
He looked smugly amused, and the smile that spread across his face already answered her question.
"So you're a tree surgeon who plays shinty and tosses poles in your spare time ...whatever next."
He nodded at her phone when it lit up again. "What else is your friend saying?"
She put her drink down and glanced at the screen. "'She said, the men who participated in this year's caber toss, including you, posed with nothing on but their kilt for a charity calendar."
He smiled. "Aye, that's right."
"And she asked me to ask you if you're wearing anything underneath the kilt because I'm getting the calendar as a stocking filler."
His booming laughter made a few heads turn their way.
"See I told you, she's raving mad." She took another sip from her glass and realised it was empty. Ah, fiddlesticks! "I thought her boyfriend would have mellowed her down a bit, but I have a feeling, she's worse than ever."
He eyed her glass and grinned. "I definitely have to meet this friend of yours."
She felt a twinge of ache in her heart, which took her by surprise. "Annalise and I are stopping at her place in Glasgow before we fly back to London on Three Kings. So you won't be seeing her."
He leaned in closer. "I ken we've only just met. Ye think ye're going to miss me when you go back?" His eyes twinkled mischievously.
Even though she was a right bumbling mess around him, she had to admit she was having too much fun in his company. So much so, she didn't really want to think about leaving yet. Her mind was already racing and wondering if Annalise would agree to celebrate Hogmanay here instead of in Edinburgh. "Well, that depends ..."
"Depends on what?"
Her curiosity to explore the dynamic between them made it difficult to keep her guard up. It was useless trying to fight whatever this was when she was so drawn to Jamie. Surely he must be feeling this too. She swallowed hard and decided to be brave. "If I'll have a reason to miss you," she blurted out before she could change her mind. 
A tiny fraction of the playfulness displayed on his face was replaced by uncertainty ...and Claire's stomach coiled at the proof he wasn't prepared to act on the attraction between them. Whatever his reason was, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know as her guard began to scramble back into place. Oh, God, how could I be so dim? Maybe he's got a girlfriend or a wife ...
"Arbroath Smokies."
Stunned, she looked at him. "Wot?"
"Have ye eaten?"
"Uh, um ...not since midday."
"Weel, hard to fall in love with ..." He took a huge deep breath. "...Broch Mordha on an empty stomach."
That playful smile was back on his face. "Have ye tried Arbroath Smokies?"
"No. I don't even know what that is."
"Ye have to try it. I know just the place." Jamie glanced over his shoulder. "Come on, let's have a quick drink with Willie and Annalise so we can get out of here." 
And then just like that, he wove his fingers through hers and tugged her towards the bar.
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asian-hero · 5 years ago
You are literally the best at writing angst, your fics make me feel some typa way. Can I request a todoroki shoto fic where him and reader are dating and he’s a prohero and she’s a doctor. And shoto is absent a lot bc of work and s/o gets sad bc she feels the relationship is 1sided. They fight bc shoto prioritizes hero-ing, & rder is like “but I save lives too”. They get “close” to splitting, but they makeup somehow. Thank you!!!!!!!
A/N: You think you can get away with breaking my heart just because you complimented me on my writing? 😤 (but in all seriousness, thank you for the compliment!)
You guys know you can request fluffy shit too, right?
Summary: You knew that you and Shouto came from different worlds, and while both of your jobs helped to save people, that didn’t mean that the two of you necessarily saw eye to eye on certain things. One of the things that the two of you never seemed to agree on was your relationship, and you were starting to feel that the two of you would never agree when it came to that.
Words: 3,307
You knew from the start that dating a pro hero wasn’t going to be easy. One day you could wake up next to the love of your life, and then five hours later, you find out that they died while watching the evening news. Or, one day you could find yourself being abducted by villains as a pawn to lure your hero lover into rescuing you, and either become scarred from the trauma of being kidnapped, or be the reason why your partner had fallen. Along with this, the hours for a pro were sporadic and unpredictable, which made it even harder to keep up a healthy relationship. So, it was safe to say that most heroes didn’t usually get into relationships with civilians, and, as a doctor, who had to deal with said heroes, you promised yourself to never get involved with one of them. If not for your physical health, then for your mental health.
Oh, how naive you were.
Somehow, whether it be due to some force in the universe that wanted to prove you wrong, or your own lack of willpower, you not only caught the attention of a certain elemental hero, but he had also caught yours as well. At first, you blamed your flustered state on the fact that he seemed to be one of your most, regular, patients. You tried to fool yourself that you were just simply worried for his health. After all, it wasn’t healthy to be visiting a hospital almost every other week. A few weeks of trying to convince yourself, and you suddenly were faced with the horrendous idea that you may have actually been worried about him because you cared about him, more than you were supposed to. It didn’t help that he was so handsome and sweet. In all honesty, it was truly a marvel that you managed to keep it together for as long as you had.
While you tried to keep your feelings tucked away deep inside of your heart, Shouto seemed to have other plans. On the days that he wasn’t in your hospital, bothering you with some large gash from a villain, or some serious bruises and broken bones from attempting to catch a falling building, he would still make his presence known through vases of flowers addressed specifically to you, as thanks for patching him up. Soon, arrangements of flowers were no longer delivered by the mailman, but instead by Shouto himself. He’d make sure to catch you on your break, or whenever you weren’t busy, just so he could strike up a conversation with you. It was both the most sweet and baffling thing that someone has done for you. Fairly soon after his common visits, the hospital became like his second home, where everyone knew why he was there, and the glamour of having a famous pro hero in their work environment was no longer exciting. 
So, no one could really blame you when you started dating him a few months later. 
Loving Shouto was one of the easiest things that you’ve ever done. Being in love with him came naturally to you, as if it were another part of your body. He was always so kind and caring, and while he did have his moments where his inexperience in terms of relationships truly showed, he always strived to be the best boyfriend that he could be. You knew that Shouto was the one who you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, to grow old with. In fact, about a year into your relationship, Shouto had suggested that the two of you move in together, under the guise that you would both be saving a lot of money when it came to water and electricity, since the two of you practically lived together anyways. Not that you needed a reason to move in with him.
However, life wasn’t always that easy, and relationships don’t always turn out the way you thought they would.
After two years of dating Todoroki Shouto, you knew that the two of you would fall into some form of routine. The “honeymoon” phase wasn’t going to last forever, and you were perfectly fine with that. You still loved him dearly, and even though you both didn’t express it nearly as much as you used to, the feelings were still there, at least, on your side of the relationship.
While the two of you began to fall into your normalcy, with you growing comfortable with each other’s company, you found yourself realizing just how absent Shouto was. It started when he’d cancel your little dinner dates at home, saying that you shouldn’t wait up for him, since he’ll be home late. Of course, you gave him the benefit of the doubt, because you knew that his schedule wasn’t always the best, so you never complained to him. Soon, though, instead of missing dinner, Shouto was missing the entire day. It wasn’t very often that you had the day off, so when you did, he promised that he’d be home as well, so the two of you could make up lost time. But, when the time came, you woke up alone in your shared bed, a short note on your bedside table being your only indication that he’d left the house, and that he wouldn’t be home until late at night. Eventually, your shared apartment started to feel as though you were the only one living in it, and the only way that you knew Shouto was still living there was because the leftovers you’d put in the fridge for him would be gone the next morning.
At first, you tried really hard to be understanding. You knew that he couldn’t always be there with you, as he had a job to do. Any annoyance that you held toward him would be instantly replaced by guilt, since you knew that he was busy. However, as the days turned into months, your patience began to grown thin, and you were starting to question whether or not he even loved you anymore. If he did, he certainly never showed it, nor did he seem to feel the need to tell you that he loved you. In all honesty, you couldn’t remember the last time he told you he loved you, or the last time you ever felt loved. At this point, you were just wondering if he even cared if you were around, or if you were just someone who he knew would always be there.
Though you had managed to keep your feelings away from him for a while, it didn’t take long for your heart to no longer be able to carry your sorrows, and soon enough, you found yourself sitting on your couch at one in the morning, balling your eyes out as you waited for Shouto to come home.
Luckily for you, you didn’t need to wait much longer, as you could hear the soft click of the lock, and in a matter of seconds, you found yourself staring down the love of your life, who seemed shocked at the fact that you were still awake.
“(Y/N)?” He called out, concern filling his voice, “Why are you still awake?”
Wiping your eyes, you took in a deep breath, preparing yourself for what was to come. “We need to talk,”
Though it was a bit hard to see, with only the light from the kitchen illuminating your apartment, you could make out the tired expression on Shouto’s face. With a soft sigh, he moved toward you, patting your head.
“Can we talk about this in the morning?”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest. “Will you even be here in the morning?”
Hearing the edge to your voice seemed to catch his attention, as he tilted his head, clearly confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You shrugged your shoulders, standing up from the couch in order to meet his eyes. “It’s a simple question, Shouto. You’re not even here when I wake up, so how are we supposed to talk?”
He furrowed his brow, not quite understanding what you were getting at. When he didn’t respond, you let out an obnoxious sigh, all of the anger you’ve been bottling up for the past few months finally rearing its ugly head.
“You know, at first I was fine with you cancelling for dinner. I did my best to understand that you’re a hero, and you have an important job to do,” Your eyes bore into him, almost as if you thought you could convey all of your hurt and anger by just your stare, “But, when you start to become less of a ‘roommate’ and more of a cryptid, that’s where I draw the line.”
“What are you talking about?” You could hear the defensive edge in his voice, and it did nothing to stop the fire from raging in your stomach.
“Do you even remember the last time that the two of us were together? The last time we did something that was remotely romantic? I certainly can’t!” You knew that you were unloading a lot of feelings onto him, but you couldn’t care less at this point.
“Well I’m sorry that I can’t be here all the time, but it’s not like I can just stop what I’m doing just to come home and chat,”
You wanted to rip your hair out. “I’m not asking you to do that!”
“Then what do you want?” He asked, his tone becoming as sharp as a knife, “Do you want me to quit my job? To stop being a hero? I’m not going to stop just because you feel upset. There are actual lives on the line.”
“Do you think that I don’t understand that?” You snapped, your nails digging into the palms of your hands.
“I save lives too, you know! Every single day I go to work and do my best to help out those who need me the most, but you don’t see me neglecting this relationship,”
He scoffed, his lips quirking downwards. “Just because you don’t see the work I put in doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. You knew what my life was like when we started dating, I don’t know why this is surprising,”
“I know what I got myself into! I just wish that I would matter just a fraction as much as your job,”
“You want me to prioritize you over my duty to the people?”
“That’s not what I’m saying! I just want to feel like I’m important to you,” You could feel your shoulders deflating, “Why is that so hard to understand?”
The two of you could have fought the entire night and have gone in circles. Instead, Shouto merely took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. “Can we just talk about this in the morning? It’s late, and I can’t think about this right now.”
All of the fight that was in you had suddenly dissipated, and all you were left with was this hollow feeling in your chest. Shaking your head, you brushed past him, heading towards the guest room.
“Don’t worry. There’s nothing to talk about anymore,” You didn’t even bother turning towards him, “Just, do whatever you want.”
With that, you shut the door behind you, locking it and then throwing yourself onto the bed, praying that you’d get at least a couple hours of sleep before your shift.
Unfortunately for you, you ended up getting about two hours of sleep before waking up at six in the morning. Wordlessly, you got ready for work, not bothering to check if Shouto was still home, though, you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d just taken off right after you left.
Once you had arrived at the hospital, you were instantly greeted by the concerned stares from your coworkers, with some even voicing that you didn’t look so good. Not wanting to worry anyone, you told them that you were fine, and that you just didn’t get that much sleep last night. It wasn’t a complete lie, and it got them off of your case, so, you figured that you got away with it.
You honestly couldn’t remember what happened during the rest of the day. Bits and pieces would come to you, like when you had to do a routine check-up for one of your favorite patients, or when you took a thirty minute nap during your lunch. Other than that, you truly could not remember what you did. In fact, if your receptionist didn’t tell you that it was nearly eight in the evening, you were sure that you would’ve stayed the night by accident.
As you left your shift and hurried onto the next train to take you home, you couldn’t help but replay the conversation you had with Shouto. You weren’t quite sure where your relationship stood. Neither of you had made the effort to contact the other, and although it had only been one day, you couldn’t help but feel anxious. While of course, you were glad that you told him how you felt, and that you wished he could be more present as a partner, you felt bad about how you went about telling him. There were better ways of telling him that you felt as though he didn’t care anymore, and snapping at him was probably one of the worst ways to go about it. So, as you continued your journey home, you figured that you’d apologize for snapping at him like you did, but you were in no way going to apologize for how you felt, or for telling him that you didn’t feel like a priority for him.
Once the train had reached its destination, and you had finally made it to your front door, you were just about ready to collapse onto the couch. Maybe get in a quick nap before eating dinner, or maybe you’d just head straight towards your bed and get a full eight hours of sleep. However, once the door swung open, rather than being greeted by the deafening silence that you had grown accustomed to, you could hear the soft hum of the radio being played, along with the quiet sizzling of something being cooked. Closing the door gently, you took off your shoes and jacket, quietly making your way towards the kitchen. As you peered from the doorway, you watched in awe as Shouto stood over the oven, watching almost warily at whatever he was making. It was obvious that he had no idea what he was doing, and, judging by how messy your kitchen looked, it was clear to you that this wasn’t his first attempt. Glancing over at the dining table, you noticed the pair of bowls and cups that were set, as if he were setting the table for two.
Deciding that you were tired of just standing there, you cleared your throat, making your presence known.
He jumped a bit, whipping his head towards the source of the noise, before letting out a sound of relief. Quickly turning off the stove, he faced himself towards you, and you could tell that he felt awkward.
“What are you making?” You asked, trying to break the tension in the room.
“Fried rice,” He started, rubbing the back of his neck, “I thought I could make dinner, it seemed simple enough,”
You hummed, slowly making your way over to him, trying to gauge his reaction. When he didn’t move away, you stepped closer, peering into the pan to look at what he made. While it was slightly overcooked, you appreciated the effort. Motioning toward the table, you spoke, “Go grab the bowls,”
After a few more beats of silence, the two of you found yourselves sitting in front of each other, staring awkwardly at your bowls of fried rice, unsure of what to say. While you really did want to apologize, you weren’t sure of how to approach the topic. You were worried that, if you brought up last night, it’d just end up with the two of you fighting again.
It seemed as thought Shouto had the same idea as you, as he finally spoke up, “I think we should talk about last night,”
Putting down your spoon, you nodded. Glancing up, you noticed the nervous expression on his face, and though you were about to talk about something serious, you couldn’t help but find comfort in the fact that he was just as nervous as you.
“Before we start,” You began, placing your hands in front of yourself, “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry that I got so angry last night. I was bottling up all of my emotions, and instead of just telling you, I let them get the best of me, and I exploded when I didn’t mean to,”
He frowned, moving to take one of your hands in his own, “I’m sorry that I tried to brush off your feelings and got defensive. I was tired and ready to go to sleep, so when you said you wanted to talk, I just snapped.”
You squeezed his hand, offering him a small smile. He returned it almost immediately, holding onto your hand as if you were his anchor. Rubbing his thumb against your knuckles, he gave you a reassuring look.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t listening last night, but I am now,” He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, “Tell me what’s going on,”
You felt a pang of anxiety rushing through you, but you pushed through. Even though you felt awful saying it, the two of you didn’t fight just for the fun of it.
“I know that being a hero means the world to you, and I’m so proud of what you do. You constantly put yourself in harms way in order to protect those who can’t save themselves, and I admire that,”
He nodded his head, ushering you to continue, “But?”
“But,” You said, trying to choose your words carefully, “I feel like you put so much of yourself into your work that there’s not enough of you left when it comes to our relationship.”
You smiled sadly at him. “I’m not saying that I should be your number one priority, I know that would be too selfish. I’d just like to be in the top five, you know?”
The frown on his face made you rethink your words. Mirroring his features, you squeezed his hand. It took him a minute to respond, letting your words sink in. Once he found his voice, he spoke, “You shouldn’t feel like you have to settle for the top five,”
He got out of his seat, pushing it closer to you before sitting down once more. This time, he took both of your hands in his, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry for ever making you feel like you weren’t important to me,”
You shook your head, your nose gently bumping against his. “I know you’re busy,”
“Never too busy when it comes to you,”
You found yourself breaking out into a small grin, laughing a bit. Seeing your relaxed figure, Shouto found himself laughing with you, disconnecting his hands from yours in order to place them on your waist, pulling you closer. As you found yourself practically straddling him, you couldn’t help but run a hand through his hair, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. He seemed to relish in your touch, as he leaned closer to you as you pulled away, causing you to let out another stream of giggles.
While the two of you still had to figure out how to manage your schedules, you were finally filled with a sense of comfort and love, one that you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
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dangerouscommiesubversive · 4 years ago
Micchy and your choice with 6 and/or 10?
6. "Is that all you've got?"
10. "Who did this?"
The black eye is visible almost before the rest of Micchi is, coming up the line at Charmant. Hideyasu raises an eyebrow, but doesn't greet him out of turn, and then doesn't get the chance to when he gets to the counter and opens with, "I don't want to talk about it."
Hideyasu snorts. "You don't want to order? Then why are you here?"
"No, I mean--you were looking at me."
"Yes, I was trying to remember if your brother had any orders in that you might be picking up. He doesn't, by the way. So what can I get you?"
"Uh..." Micchi stares at the various confections on display, looking overwhelmed. "I. Can you. Recommend something?" A beat, and then, hurriedly, "Nothing with oranges."
Hideyasu squints at him, feeling a swell of something like pity, and then glances at the line behind him. Two other customers, no one approaching the door. "Just sit down, I'll bring you something."
"I--wait, what?"
"That wasn't an invitation to argue with me, Mitsuzane. Go sit down. Corner table over there is free."
"O...k?" Looking bewildered, Micchi goes to sit down at the corner table, and Hideyasu turns to the next customer with a stiff customer-service smile.
That customer, the next, and one last-minute arrival later, the line is finally gone and Hideyasu has a moment to grab a serving tray, a plate, and a set of utensils and say to the kitchen staff, "I'm taking fifteen. If Oren asks, tell him it's important. Also, could you get me a pot of tea?"
Micchi looks even more bewildered when Hideyasu sits down at the table across from him. "What...I feel like I missed something here."
"You didn't, I've been on my feet all morning and felt like sitting down for three seconds. Here. Raspberry tart. Eat."
A long, suspicious look, and then Micchi takes a forkful of his half of the raspberry tart and pops it into his mouth.
Hideyasu allows himself a moment of smug satisfaction at Micchi's startled, mouth-full, "This is delicious," before serving himself the other half of the tart and saying, "So. Who did this?"
Micchi jumps in the middle of swallowing and very nearly chokes. "Who did what?"
Jounouchi just sort of stares at him and then gestures. "What do you think I'm talking about?"
"...I said I didn't want to talk about it."
"That's nice, but if you don't tell me then I'm going to guess. Actually, you know what, I've already figured it out. What'd you do to Zack to make him punch you?"
Micchi stares at him. "How. How did you know it was Zack."
"Well, you don't hang out with anyone but Beat Riders, and even them only barely, so it's probably a Beat Rider. I mean, I guess it could have been someone mad at your brother, but I feel like you wouldn't be as weird about that. The Raid Wild guys are all too stupid to punch straight, my girls would rather talk mean than fight, Gaim is all saps, and Peko'd just shoot you with that slingshot of his, so I'm guessing it was Zack. Which, he's tough to piss off, I'm impressed."
Glumly, Micchi takes another bite of tart and chews for a moment before saying, "He wasn't pissed off. I asked him to."
"Huh. Kinky. Never figured you for the type."
This time Micchi does choke, and Jounouchi snorts and leans across the table to pound on his back a little. After a moment his airway clears and he croaks, "It's not like that."
"No, obviously not, you did it because you Kureshimas love to beat yourselves up about things you can't fix and you figured it might be nice to get someone else to do it for you." Jounouchi squints at his plate and then takes something else from the serving tray and puts it down among the crumbs of Micchi's tart. "Lemon matcha madeline. Take a sip of tea first, clear your palate."
"...how do you know so much about my brother?" Micchi takes a sip of tea and then bites into the madeline. It is spectacular, which he's weirdly frustrated by.
"Because he has a standing date for tea here with Kazuraba's sister, every two weeks and I love to eavesdrop, and he keeps ordering madelines from me to give to visiting whatevers. Also, Oren talks about him constantly." Jounouchi takes a sip of his own tea. "Speaking of Kazuraba's sister, are they or what?"
"What? No, uh, definitely not. They're just friends." A glance down at his hands, and--he's already finished his madeline. He surreptitiously swipes some crumbs up from his plate with a fingertip, eats them when Jounouchi is looking away, and takes another sip of tea.
"So is he single, then?"
Micchi doesn't choke this time, but only through sheer willpower. "Is he--what? Why?"
"What, you think I don't want a backup plan in case I decide to get out of pastry?" Jounouchi flashes him a brief, unexpected smile and pulls over his empty plate. "I'm teasing you, Mitsuzane, your brother's not my type. Here. Rose and pomegranate mille feuille."
The plate slides back across the table, and Micchi stares at the layered pink confection on it for a long moment before saying, slowly, "Why are you doing this for me? You barely know me. I think this might be the first time we've ever really spoken."
It takes a long time for Hideyasu to respond, because he's not entirely sure of what to say. Instead he takes a bite of his own portion of mille feuille, satisfied by the buttery melt of handmade puff pastry on his tongue, the delicacy of the rose flavor coming through behind the pomegranate. Perfecting this recipe took ages; when he finally got a batch to turn out, Oren actually bought a bottle of champagne. Speaking of uncertainty, though, he's also not especially sure of why he feels like showing off his best recipes to Kureshima Takatora's little brother, except maybe that he likes watching people eat what he's made.
Finally he says, "I have a weakness for lost puppies."
Micchi snorts. He looks offended, but he also looks amused, which means Hideyasu's won. "I look like a lost puppy to you?"
"You look like you could stand to have a few more actual friends than you've got. When I see you at Beat Rider events--if I see you at Beat Rider events--you're just hiding in those massive hoodies of yours, not talking to anyone. And since my closest friend died...somehow...during all the. Stuff. I don't exactly have a lot of people to talk to either."
"I...guess I didn't think of that. I'm sorry."
"Don't say you're sorry, that one's not your fault. If you have to be a Kureshima about it and apologize, do it by eating your mille feuille and telling me how brilliant I am."
That gets an eye roll, and if Micchi's relaxing enough to make faces at him then maybe they can have an actually conversation. Pleasingly, this is followed by a bite of mille feuille and then a startled, "Holy shit, this is amazing."
"Yes, it is, thank you."
"...were you always this full of yourself, or did you get it from Oren?"
"All of the great patissiers have god complexes." Hideyasu takes a sip of tea. "That's what makes the créme pat turn out."
Micchi stares at him, obviously disbelieving, and then takes another bite of mille feuille. "Ok, so. Maybe you deserve that, this is really good." A third bite. "You still haven't really answered my question, though. Why me?"
Hideyasu scowls. "I don't know, all right? It just bothers me to see you hanging around at the back of everything like a ghost when you used to be just as obnoxious as everyone else in Gaim."
"I'm not sure what else you expect me to do."
"I'm not sure either, Mitsuzane, but this can't be all you've got. I thought you Kureshimas had more spine."
"Wanna bet?" Micchi mutters, and then blinks, as if he's surprised at himself.
And that's bait that Hideyasu can take easily, so he grins and has another sip of tea and says, "See, I feel like that's more of the attitude I remember you having."
"Surprised you remember me at all, I don't think you and your Mean Girls crew ever even spoke to me." Micchi's phone beeps, and he digs it out of his pocket. "Shit, I actually need to get going, I have to meet with a classmate. Uh...thank you for. Talking to me. What do I owe you for the food?"
"Nothing right now." Hideyasu looks at him sidelong. "Let's say you'll buy me coffee in a month and let me know whether you've started finding your backbone again."
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years ago
Nothing To Be Jealous About (Jimin)
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A/N: Hope you all enjoy this last chapter for the ‘Jealousy’ series. I had the idea for this series a good while back and I had a lot of fun writing all the parts. Some of the story-lines came to me a long time ago, others I had to think deeply about, but I am more than happy with all of them and I hope you all are too. If you read all of them, thank you so very much! It means the world to me to know people actually enjoy my stories, so I can’t be thankful enough. Sending lots of love to all of you, wonderful people!
Summary: Dressing up a bit more elegantly than usual, it rises suspicions from the some of the members when they see you walk by. At the conjecture that you might be going on a date after work, Jimin comes to a life-changing realization.
Warnings: ANGST and FLUFF! Just a bit more angsty than I was expecting, but also ends with a lot of fluffy goodness, so it’s okay! The reader is a bit insecure, but nothing major!
Word Count: 2830
The day was warm and sunny for autumn as you walked down the corridors of BigHit’s company. Your strapped kitten-heels closed-toe sandals making a loud clicking and clacking noise as you moved forward. It made you a bit self-conscious, a constant reminder that you weren’t in your favorite sneakers or flat boots like usual.
Turning the corner, you come across the company’s pride and joy group entering their practice room, seven boys and their managers as well as some staff members having just arrived from early morning interviews. Your heart shudders and aches a bit; you were hoping to avoid them all the whole day. No such luck.
Clinging tightly to the folders in your hands, you force yourself to keep up the pace and smile shyly as you approach them, trying to go by as unnoticed as possible.
“Hey, Y/N! Morning!” you hear Taehyung greet before you could sneak by, a gentle smile on his lips and waving politely.
“Morning” you greet back, trying to sound as cheerful as any other day.
“The elevator is still out of service?” Jin joins the conversation, referring to how you were forced to carry the documents in your hands through the hallways and up the stairs instead of just taking the elevator to your team’s floor.
“Yeah, but they should be able to fix it before lunch, I think” you share, already taking a few steps forward as you talked, subconsciously trying to escape as soon as possible.
“What’s that? Fix what?” the person you were most dreading to see joins the conversation.
Jimin comes around his hyung to see what you were all talking about, catching just the end of the conversation. He was wearing some black jeans, a red and black window pane plaid shirt with two pockets at his chest and the first few buttons undone, showing off his collarbone. He had only one or two piercings in his ears, a very casual outfit considering the fashionable looks he wore so much.
“Hi, Y/N” he says as he realizes you were there, smiling friendly like he always did.
“The elevator” Jin responds to his question, capturing his attention for a moment. “You know, the one who shut down yesterday during the afternoon? They’ll fix it in the morning, it seems.”
“Oh, right. Y/N, you…” Jimin doesn’t get to finish what he was about to say, as he looks back and you were no longer there.
Searching, he finds you already down the hallway, determined steps taking you to the staircase. He frowns a bit, confused about why you left suddenly. It is only then that he realizes what looked different in you. Instead of the baggy t-shirts and sweaters, jeans and some sneakers, you were actually in a medi-dress, a tartan white and grass-green plaid over the dark forest green base, singed at your waist, a white blouse underneath the strappy garment and some beige sandals on your feet.
“Say, guys, didn’t Y/N look… different, today?” he asks, eyes still set at the end of the corridor just before you disappeared from his field of view.
“Yeah, she was wearing a dress. She looked pretty cute” Taehyung declares, crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders.
“I think she looked nice too. I wonder if she’s going on a date or something” Jin conjectured, making Jimin’s head snap in a flash to his side.
“What? Why a date?” his voice is just maybe an octave or two higher than he meant to be.
“Why not? She’s single as far as I know, and that looked like an appropriate outfit for a first date” Jin continued, defensive. “I mean, I’m just guessing, I don’t know.”
The boys all enter the practice room and start preparing, but Jimin is still unable of letting it go. His angelic face is scrunched up in thought, strong eyebrows pulled together as he thinks.
“You know, not all single women have to go on dates! And people can dress up whenever they like, not just to go out with someone!” he continues arguing, next to his friends.
“Geez, Jimin, just let poor Y/N go!” Taehyung whines, patting Jimin’s shoulder.
“Go? Go where?”
Taehyung shares a look with Jin and Jungkook steps into the circle with wide knowing eyes and sucking on a cartoon of milk. Jimin remains confused.
“You do know that Y/N had a crush on your since, like, her first day here, right?” Taehyung asks, chuckling by the end of the sentence.
Jimin’s blank stare and paralyzed stance is all the answer they need.
“Yeah, she always got shy and nervous when you were around, I’ve seen it” Jungkook contributes, nodding his head.
“It was pretty obvious, Jiminie. Which is why I think it’s great if she is really going on a date or something, she’s trying to move on” Jin explains, a wondering look in his eyes as he regards the still in shock Jimin. “You do want her to move on, right? I mean, you’ve shown no interest in her so far, so… right?”
And he hadn’t. Not really, he was just as friendly with you as he was to anyone else. All warm words and smiling eyes, helping hands and soft touches that lasted just a moment and remained in your memories forever. You knew he had no special interest in you whatsoever, you were far from the type of girl he probably saw himself with. Round and bulky, shy and quiet. Romantically, you were sure he wouldn’t look at you twice. And yet, it took you years to finally accept it, to push your own feelings aside and try and move on, find somebody else.
So, here you were. Waiting for the elevator – freshly fixed that morning – about to go on a first blind date with a friend’s friend. You’d put in the effort and got a bit dressed up, put on just a tad more make-up than usual, did your hair and dressed nicely. Somehow it still felt like it wouldn’t be enough.
Shorter days meant the evenings were darker than you were used to. You wished you had the foresight to bring a jacket that morning, as the outside looked a lot colder now. You hugged yourself with hands going up and down your forearms, hoping the restaurant your date had chosen was a warm establishment.
Abruptly, a dark leather jacket fell onto your shoulders from behind, covering your back and arms from the chilly air you were feeling.
Jimin stepped next to you and suddenly your heart was at your throat and your stomach turned in your belly, taking every ounce of willpower in you to not blush furiously or stutter as you responded.
“Hello.” You took one of your hands to grab the sleeve of the jacket, keeping your eyes set on it rather than at the man you were talking to. “What’s this for?”
“You looked chilly” he shrugged, nonchalant. “I don’t need it and it’s a cold evening, so you can take it.”
“Thank you” you accept with gratitude, trying once more to not read too much into this. Good-hearted gestures like this were what started all this mess in the first place.
The arrival of the elevator saved you from having to continue the conversation for now, as you entered the opening doors and pressed the button to the ground floor.
“Lobby?” you ask him.
“Yes, please. Thanks.”
A few minutes of silence as the elevator starts to descend, your hands nervously grasping and ungrasping the strap of your purse.
“You look very pretty today” he compliments out of the blue, in the softest of voices.
Absolutely shocked, you freeze for a second, ignoring your singing heartbeat and the shiver down your back.
“T-Thank you” is all you could say. Much of all you said to him so far, actually.
“Are you… Are you going out on a date after work?” There’s a crack in his voice for a split second, but he rapidly glazes over it and continues. “Some of the guys said that but I thought they were exaggerating. Could be a family meeting or a friend’s reunion or-”
“It is a date” you clarify, even though you are not sure why you feel like you owe him any explanation. “A blind date, to be exact.”
The elevator is almost to the lobby and your legs are restless with energy as all you want is to leave through the still closed doors in front of you. This conversation hurt, his sudden curiosity hurt, just his mere presence hurt. You wanted, needed to escape.
“What… What if I said don’t go?”
It was barely a whisper, just the smallest of voices coming from the man standing behind you in the small elevator room. The doors ping open but you stay frozen despite the restlessness from before. Slowly, carefully, you turn your head to look back and finally glance at Jimin’s face. He looks serious and slightly scared, plump lips tensely closed, eyes searching yours, arms crossed.
“What?” you whisper back in disbelief.
“Don’t go. On a date.” He presses on, this time in a clear voice.
You turn your back over, looking straight again as a dry chuckle leaves your parted lips. A mixture of anger, embarrassment and hurt make you shake your head as your eyes begin to sting a bit and you march away from him, intent on making your way to the building’s door and reaching the outside road, where your date should already be waiting.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!”
A hand reaches for yours but you pull it out of reach and stop dead in your tracks as you turn to Jimin, eyes already much too glossy for your own good, eyebrows grimacing and bottom jaw quivering a bit.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you question, almost an accusation. Surely, he knew. He had to. He knew of your feelings and instead of allowing you to move on, he was purposely holding you back. You never knew him to be a selfish person, but there was no other reason possible for him to do this to you.
Thankfully, the lobby was mostly empty aside from the guards and the workers at the front desk. None of them seemed to really noticed you two just yet, so Jimin guided you gently towards the door to the staircase that was no longer used. Once the door closed behind you two, he started pacing, a guilty expression ever-present in his features.
“When they told me-….” He takes a deep breath with closed eyes, forcing himself to stand still in front of you. “When the guys suggested you might be going on a date, I felt weird. Never have I ever felt quite like this before, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I felt sick and betrayed and hurt and-”
“Stop!” you almost beg in a broken voice. You feel your face heat up and your eye vision blurs due to the tears you try to hold back. “Stop. Don’t do this to me. Not now. Not when-!” A sob escapes you in mid-sentence and you try to quickly clean the tear rolling down your chubby cheek. “Not when I’ve been in love with you for all these years a-and I’m finally tr-trying to move on! Y-You don’t have the right!”
If only your eyes had been set on his instead of at his feet, you would have seen the ache your words produced, the way his neck and ears grew red as he was trying not to cry too, seeing you break down like this in front of him feeling the same as if someone clawed their way into his chest and ripped his heart out. Each tear that fell from your beautiful eyes brought more tears to his and it was making it impossible for him to breathe.
“You don’t love me, so you c-can’t say you are betrayed or hurt or anything. Not to me.” You finish expressing, hands shaking by your sides.
Jimin takes hold of your trembling hands in his and raises them up to kiss at the knuckles, a gesture that finally makes you look up at him with uncertainty and puzzlement.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Y/N, I’m sorry” he says, wanting nothing more than to erase the painful appearance on your face, erase the salty drops that stained your cheeks. “I didn’t mean for this to happen like this. I got jealous and wanted to stop you from going, I didn’t mean to hurt you ever, Y/N.”
You actually laugh with no humor behind it, shaking your head as you look somewhere behind Jimin, rather than at him.
“That’s just it. You don’t even like me and got jealous about me going and giving attention to some other guy. But the thing is, you have nothing to be jealous about. I could go on a hundred dates and I honestly think my feelings wouldn’t change.” You look at him then, with fresh tears drowning your lower lashes and a sad smile. “How pathetic am I, right?”
The jacket around your shoulders suddenly gets pulled forward harshly, making you lose your step and fall right into Jimin’s open arms.  Your mind goes blank for a moment, when all your can smell is his herbaceous musky scent, all you feel is the way his arms are squeezing you by your shoulders, pressing your corpulent body against his lean one, all you hear is his tiny voice whispering against your hair.
“No. You’re not. You’re not pathetic, I am. I am.”
Regaining control over your body, you try to wiggle away from him, hands pushing at his chest, trying to get away.
“Jimin, stop it! Don’t feel sorry for me, I don’t need your pity.”
He allows you to get out of his embrace, but only to in turn grab your round face in between his hands, effectively still keeping you in place, standing closely in front of him.
“Hey, it is not pity. Y/N, it’s not pity.” He leans down to force you to look him in the eyes as he says it and you see the importance behind them, the truthfulness.
“What then?”
Instead of answering, you see him press his lips together and eyes stare blankly at your lips in thought. Your heart hammers on your chest as you sense what he was about to do and you panic, shaking your head and about to tell him to let you go, but it’s too late.
Leaning forward, any hint of refusal you had dies at the first contact of his soft lips on yours, mouths joining in a feather like touch before fully merging together, precluding any effort you could even think of to stop it. The rest of the world drowned as a flare of heat bloomed to your cheeks, butterflies sprung to life at the pit of your stomach and a thrill shot up your spine. He traces your lips with his own, claiming your upper lips in little nibbles and then your bottom lip with small bites. Your legs quiver and hands sweat as they hold on to his shirt, heart skittering in your chest.
When his lips detach from yours, they leave the taste of sweet berries behind and you are sure you found a new favorite flavor in the world.
You slowly open your eyes, highly aware of the state you must be in and of his hands on your face, but in turn noticing his own flared up cheeks, even more so than when he was trying not to cry, and intense stare.
“Don’t go on the date with that guy” he requests of you again. But this time, he adds on. “Go on a date with me. Give your attention to me. Love me. Because I might just be in love with you too.”
And it’s all so sudden, so much, so unbelievable, you shake your head in his hands.
“But, Jimin, you never-”
“I was oblivious” he interrupts, knowing what you were about to say. “I’m so sorry it took me this long to see it. I’m sorry it had to be pointed out to me in order to notice, but I know it now. I always liked you a lot, Y/N. I just regret never letting it show and making you think I didn’t. If you let me, I’ll spend as long as you want making it up to you. I’ll prove it to you. Please?”
For once, just this once, you listen to your heart rather than to your head.
“Okay” you whisper, almost afraid of saying it too loud.
Jimin smiles so brightly that his eyes disappear behind his cheeks and he envelops you in a strong embrace again, certainly having twirled you around if he had the strength. Instead, he squeezes your fluffy skin against his and rocks you both side to side, chuckles of happiness escaping you both.
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birdymuses · 4 years ago
💫 ( for Hanako? :) )
Send me a 💫 and I'll set my music player on random. I'll then pick my favourite line from the song that comes on, and write a Drabble whole ass fic oops based on it.
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Words: 3,001
“I like you so much that it scares me,” he admitted, because he was a sinner and this was a sin and Nene’s arms were a confessional he’d gladly rot inside of.
To live, we're dying Why wouldn't we see our world as dark? But I won't spend time Resenting the way things are  ♫
He looked at her sideways under the plump passing clouds, breeze blowing her hair around in a flurry as little rays of sunlight danced across her upturned face. This show in itself was so captivating to Hanako that only the threat of Nene’s ire was enough to turn his gaze away from her.  It happened the same way all the time.  She’d glance over and he’d settle down innocently, eager to appear natural and unassuming, and then he’d be’d be back just the same the moment she seemed preoccupied. 
Afternoons on the roof included a lot of this sort of thing lately.  Lots of “studying,” lots of goofing around, laughs and glances, tit for tat.  Today looked to be about the same as always, save for the a row of gloomy clouds on the horizon. Way off in the distance loomed the threat of a dark end to their expanse of August blue. Picturesque as the the afternoon was, he supposed a storm couldn’t hurt. Even if it sent them back inside, it didn’t matter as long as he could be with Nene. And for now, he could be with Nene, if only for a little while longer. Hanako resolved that he wouldn’t spend time resenting the way things are.
It was a shame, though --the storm that came today, and the storm he knew he’d bring tomorrow.  It would be a study camp for the ages, at least.  One passed down as legend from student to student for at least a year or three.  Nene would be mad at him as long as she had the wherewithal to, but even that would pass. After all, everything had to end, didn't it? Even this. Everything would always end around him even as he remained forever doomed to stay the same.
Lost in thought, Hanako nearly failed to notice Yashiro’s lack of commentary for this particular afternoon, but once he did notice, the silence was deafening. She had grown so quiet that Hanako feared he might need to roll over to wake her before the rain came in. Just as he sat up to do so, the familiar lilt of her voice broke the silence.
"Do you have regrets?"
Her voice was soft, reverently so, and she seemed to be deep in thought about something.  He frowned. He did his best to read her question, coming up short in every respect.  
"Regrets?" Hanako asked.
"Yeah, like...before you died. Were there things you wanted to do?"
Hanko balked at that, stuttering, buying time   Some sick, needy part of him knew exactly where this was going and knew that he couldn’t bear for it to go there.  On any other day it would be easy to grab hold of this conversation, to joke and lie in some bombastic manner that would make it all go away, but he couldn't shake the feeling that today was different. Her face remained alarmingly neutral, giving Hanako the distinct impression she wouldn’t let him slide this time.  Her eyes bore into him, almost as though knowing that this was the last day they’d ever have to talk about this.
"You're not going to die," Hanako said direct and dismissively. He thumped back down onto the pavement. "I don't want to talk about this again."
"But if I do, die!" Nene huffed defensively, pushing up abruptly on her hands. “When I do!” 
She loomed over him, scowling, and Hanako dared to think that she was pretty even then. Even clenched up and hot to the gills with irritation, she couldn’t escape being that way. 
"I don't have much time left. You said it yourself! You said--"
"You're not going to die!" Hanako repeated impatiently. He rolled over to avoid her glare, which grew all the more dagger-like with each passing second. “I’ll make sure of it. You wont have regrets because you're gonna live a long life and find your first job and meet a hot guy and have a happy family and find all the time in the world for everything and anything you could ever want. You'll--"
Hanako snapped to silence, his teeth clattering painfully as he felt himself pulled back to face Nene. Leaving his gakuran unbuttoned had been a mistake, he noted, now effectively leashed by the permanent school tie he wore.  The end of it was wrapped daintily around Nene’s palm, and her eyes glinted with a terrifying willingness to use it. He nearly found the voice to protest when Nene cut him off.
“Would you stop talking for once and just listen?”
Hanako’s jaw clamped shut immediately.
“Be honest with me. Why do you care so much?” Nene asked, her vise grip insisting upon his prompt and direct answer all the while. “If I die, I mean. I don’t have much time to figure this out and you won’t even let me talk about it. You’re the only person I could ever talk to who has experience with this, so why...?”
Hanako’s eyes had blown wide now, expecting something like comeuppance but wholly unprepared for the force of it. When he didn’t speak up fast enough, Nene continued, her tone growing frantic.
“Answer me! You’re a ghost, so why should you care if I live or die?  What does it matter? It’s not--”
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“It matters,” Hanako interjected, though he struggled to supply a reason. It shouldn’t matter, at least not to him. By all accounts Nene’s life was equally meaningless as his own, equally meaningless as anyone else’s, but...
“It just does,” Hanako said, his voice barely a whisper. “I wont let you die. So please, let’s not...”
Releasing the tie, Nene sighed deeply and settled back on the pavement.  She seemed to recognize the brick wall before her as she pulled her knees to her chest, clearly unsatisfied, but apparently unwilling to have this argument again.  All of a sudden it was over, just like that, quickly as it had begun.  Hanako couldn’t do a mental victory lap, though, not while watching her deflate mere feet from him.  He fidgeted guiltily, glancing between her and the view overhead.
“It matters,” He repeated at length. After a long few moments the silence between them had somehow circled back to being comfortable enough to break.  Nene was good at that, Hanako observed. Making everybody comfy even when she could rightfully strangle them right then and there. Making everybody at home even when they didn’t deserve it. It was this kind of ease between them that made Hanako entirely too honest, and he shoved himself to say something before he could could think better of it. 
“The world is lucky to have people like you living in it.” he said. “If I had known somebody like you when I was alive, I think maybe I would have had fewer regrets. So...take a long time.”
Take a long time to live. Take a long time to die. Take whatever time is needed to be free of the Near Shore when everything finally ends. Take every precaution to never end up wayward spirit, shackled for all eternity to a toilet. But Nene didn’t move, apparently not satisfied by that answer either.
Pulling the brim of his hat down over his eyes, he sighed.
“It’s okay,” Nene replied, a little too immediately for Hanako’s taste. The afternoon stretched on in agonizing slow motion.
The two lay in silence for a time, feigning some semblance of a usual day. As the clouds above knotted together in groups much thicker than before, Hanako wished he could be the same.  He wished he could be knotted up somewhere, blending in and blowing by, not sticking out or prodding as the thorn he was doomed to be.  The sky took on a drab gray and Hanako dimmed to match.
“I like you, you know?”
Hanako jolted up, nearly bashing his skull against Nene’s in the process. She was beside now, her face suddenly every inch as close as her voice led him to believe. Somehow, Hanako hadn’t noticed her drawing near.  She grinned at his reaction, apparently delighted to have the upper hand for once, and batted playfully at the brim of his cap. The offending article tipped off of Hanako before he could catch it, leaving him exposed under Yashiro’s attention. He stifled a grin of his own. Her nerve was unfortunately always a delight.
“I like you, too,” he mumbled back. Because of course he did. Because it was normal and completely unprovocative for a friend to like their friend, and anybody with a pulse could immediately identify Miss Nene Yashiro as likable. Anybody with a pulse, and at least a handful without. The plausible deniability of it all might have been wonderfully deafening were the beating of Nene’s heart not doubly so.
The girl brightened somewhat and took Hanako’s hands in hers. She settled down on her knees within Very Serious Heart to Heart distance, apparently dead set on whatever point she had come over to make.
“I’m sorry you have regrets,” she began. Hanako nodded, indicating that he was in fact listening this time, even if it meant ignoring the powerful urge to contest that assertion.
“I’m going to die one day, whether you like it or not. Maybe today, or tomorrow, or next month...”
Hanako opened his mouth, but immediately snapped it shut again when he felt a warning yank at his tie.
“Even if it’s in 90 years!” she insisted, effectively neutering his commentary, “It doesn’t make a difference. I’ve decided that when I die, I don’t want to have any regrets. So starting right now, I’m going to do everything I want to do. Even the stuff that’s scary. And that means saying what I want to say even though it might turn out embarrassing.”
Nene was glowing scarlet now, her body shaking with the force of all the teenage hormones she had gathered to forge into this raw willpower.  Her newfound gall was now a bludgeoning weapon, and Hanako its waiting victim. He gave her fingers a light squeeze, mentally pawing at anything he could think of slow this obvious freight train of a conversation.  Its approach eclipsed everything, loud and speeding, promising to flatten every single protective measure he’d put in place up to now.  Impulsively, he interrupted.
“You’ve already said that though. Before. You’ve said it, so it’s a silly thing to regret.”  Don’t think about me. Don’t regret me.  Don’t become attached to me.
Nene’s expression fell, unimpressed. It was the kind of face that had played games like this before--the ones where he derailed her point-- and she very clearly wasn’t interested in playing again.
“I wanted to say it again,” she defended, indignant. “I like you. I’ll say it as many times as I need to if you’re gonna keep being a dummy about it.”
She pushed him roughly, and Hanako grinned despite the turmoil inside him. His escape was suddenly in sight. He could make it embarrassing. He could make it a game. Playing in was the way out.
“Why do you like a dummy so much?” he teased, sitting up to take her hands again. He narrowed his gaze, practically daring her to say something sincere in this intimate position. Anything that he could gawk and laugh in her face about.  Nene, familiar with this tactic, deflected.
“Why do I like a dummy so much?” she huffed aloud. Hanako was about to answer, when her face softened to something uncomfortably frank.
“Don’t tease me about it.”
A beat passed between them, and like that it was settled.
He was always powerless against Nene’s wishes, it turned out. Ghost abilities notwithstanding.
The two sat in another uncomfortable silence, neither willing to engage again even inches apart. Even hand in hand.  Nene’s frustration was always tangible in moments like these, thick and heavy in the air, a weight slamming down on Hanako’s shoulders and anchoring him for the remainder of the day. It wasn’t unfamiliar, he supposed. Even before Nene, plenty of people had tried and failed to get a satisfying conclusion out of him. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that dealing with him was akin to pulling teeth. It wasn’t like he didn’t do it on purpose.  Nene wasn’t the first and likely wouldn’t be last, so why did it sting so much?  He sighed, tightening his grip on her hands.
“I’ll say it again, too. If you want.”
No, no, no, don’t do that. But Hanako was too selfish, too cowardly to do anything else. Not when every fiber of his being screamed to see her smiling again.
“I like you, Yashiro.”  Releasing her hands, he moved to put his arms around her.  “I like you a lot.”
Nene returned the hug immediately, emboldening that mongrel, clinging thing that thumped at Hanako’s heart, howling and whining for him to just fucking be honest for once. He inhaled deep, vomiting the words before he could stop himself.
“I like you so much that it scares me,” he admitted, because he was a sinner and this was a sin and Nene’s arms were a confessional he’d gladly rot inside of. “I like you so much that I daydream now, every day. And I have something to look forward to, every day. And I barely think about anything else lately, and I...”
Hanako trailed off, gasping desperately at air he did not need, trying to collect himself, trying to land on something. A point maybe? A reason for puking his metaphorical guts all over someone who would surely suffer for it.
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“And, and...I need a next life, because I’m not satisfied to know you just once.”
Nene was stock still when he pulled away, her eyes blown wide, startled by a sincerity he’d never once offered even to her. For all her prodding, she apparently hadn’t foreseen anything quite so explosive as this.  Then,
A loud boom shook both of them from their stalemate, and Hanako looked away just in time to see a flash of lightning in the distance. All the fluffy clouds had turned dark now, signaling the imminence of rain.
“My rosemary!” Nene gasped, before remembering that she was in the middle of something kind of important.
“Hanako, I--”
“Go!” he said before he could stop himself. Before he could stop her. “Go get your plant, it’s fine!”
“I can’t just--”  Nene glanced frantically between Hanako’s face and the garden below. The rest of the gardening club had almost certainly gone home by now, so their rosemary had little hope other than Nene herself if it wanted to avoid being drowned alive. Still, she didn’t seem eager to move. “Are you sure?”
Hanako nodded fiercely as the first drops began to fall. 
“It’s fine, I don’t need another murder on my conscience. Get your plant.”  He tried to smile, but couldn’t find the heart to.
Nene hesitated only a second longer before giving a reluctant nod.
Then, with no preamble to speak of, Nene threw herself around Hanako once more, leaving a ferocious peck on his cheek.  She whispered a hurried “thank you” before giving a firm squeeze. Then, just as quickly she pushed away.
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“I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called, sprinting to the stairs, glowing brighter than he’d ever seen her. No rosemary plants would come to harm this day, and nor a single Yashiro so long as she didn’t fling herself down the stairs too hard.  Hanako wasn’t sure he could say the same for himself.
And just like that he found himself alone, burning supernova, alight with the shock of it all.  His eyes began to flood all on their own, attuned to the joy and horror that clashed inside of him in equal measure. Even as he tried to focus on the front of the school, the flood did not stop. He blinked hard, fixing his gaze on the same place as always, at the entrance where Nene would eventually appear, panting and calling at the guard to please wait just a second before closing the gate for the evening.  She’d ran into that guard a lot lately.  They’d been cutting things close lately. He’d let them cut things close.
Before long the sky tore open in earnest, but Hanako didn’t move. Even when he saw Nene at the gate, even after she was long gone, he remained affixed to the spot, soaked to the bone well before it occurred to him to become intangible.  How could he have possibly let this happen?  
He only had to wait one more day, and he couldn’t even do that much.  One more day, twenty four measly hours, and Nene would have gone to study camp and things would worked themselves out. She’d be free of him forever, completely unaware of just how much she’d gained, unaware and happy, free, and alive.  But Hanako couldn’t just give without taking, could he?  That was how these things worked, after all. There was always a price when it came to wishes.
The storm that was always brewing in Hanako’s heart was real now, raging unbidden through his body, whirling overhead and pulling the leaves from nearby trees.  Maybe he could just...not go through with it. Maybe he could stay here and Yashiro could live or die or whatever she wanted, and they could like and like and like each other all they wanted, and then...
He sniffled, stifling a sob.
No, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? To keep being selfish. To let Nene waste all her time on somebody who had no time of their own left. To let her become tethered to this place, doomed to haunt it forever just like him. Doomed to live a wasted life and die a miserable death.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. He couldn’t do that to her. He couldn’t be selfish again.  This was just how things had to be, he thought, dragging himself into the stairwell at long last. Tomorrow somebody’s time would run out, but he’d see to it that it wasn’t hers.  There was no sense in fighting it. This is just the way things are.  
And I wont spend time resenting the way things are.
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nahimjustaworm · 4 years ago
BakuDeku Titanic AU
the moon is on fire
Chapter One | balance yourself like a bird on a beam
Author: WorminaWall on AO3
He took a step out of the car, thankful to finally be out of that god awful cramped space. The trip had seemed far too long, and any time he spent stuck with his mother was always a test of his willpower. Though, he supposed that this next week he would yet again be stuck with her without anywhere to run- while having to play nice with the other rich pricks they were traveling with. Dinners, small talk, people trying to get chummy with him. He would’ve had more motivation to be more civil if the end of the trip meant the end of dealing with all these assholes. Instead, this was just the beginning of his misery. A tease of sorts- the preview into the rest of his life.
Without bothering to see if Eijiro was following, he began to walk towards the ship. The excitement buzzing around him sounded like wasps in his ears. All the hustle and bustle just irritated him more and the hulking mass of this supposed “luxury” appeared to him as nothing more than a holding cell. It leered over him, a mere prison here to escort him back to America where he’d play the pawn until he died.
“Sir, wait!” He ignored the call, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. He pulled at the collar of his shirt, wishing that he could just pop off the first couple of buttons. Why did it have to be so tight? “Sir!”
He huffed out a sigh. Ever since he had finished up university he hadn’t gone a single day without someone needing something from him, constantly asking him questions and bothering his peace (or what little peace was afforded to him).
“Make sure the bags make it to the room.” He called behind his shoulder and continued walking on.
“You wouldn’t dare walk away from your mother, would you?” He stopped again upon hearing her voice, fisting his hands at his side. “Or your fiance?”
He inhaled deeply, trying to swallow down a curse. He needed a drink- badly. Not trusting himself to reply civilly, he turned around completely and made his way to the side of the carriage, extending his hand to assist his mother out despite knowing full well she could get out of the damn car by herself.
“Be nice,” she whispered sternly as she made her way down the step, gripping firmly at his arm, “and behave yourself. Go escort her into the ship.”
He clenched his jaw and stood still for a moment before walking to the car behind them, not bothering with a reply. Do this, do that, don’t say this, don’t act like that. Every fucking day. A damn nightmare.
“Himiko,” he said as politely as possible as he opened the door for her, though it was hard to sound polite through gritted teeth. At this point, it was to be expected from him, and she chose to ignore it as she hooked her arm through his. “Eijiro will make sure your belongings are brought to your room.”
“No need,” she said, waving her free hand. “Jin has them.”
Of course. Though he was quite indifferent to Jin, he couldn’t help but hope the poor bastard would be left behind. He was getting sick of nosey people coming up to him and making snide remarks about his fiance’s butler. Honestly, he couldn’t give two shits if she was being “unfaithful” to him- in fact he was thankful that she was distracted half of the time with his company- but constantly hearing about how inappropriate it was or how he shouldn’t allow her to spend so much time with him grated on his nerves. He didn’t give two shits about what she did behind his back.
They boarded the ship with ease, making their way to the stateroom quickly. It was only a matter of time before his mother forced him to go to lunch with the other pompous bastards, and he needed a whiskey.
“You certainly drink a lot,” Himiko said as he began pouring his second glass. He wasn’t enthusiastic about sharing a stateroom with her, though he supposed it was better than sharing with his mother. Either way, he was going to have to figure out how to avoid the both of them as much as possible despite, not having many places to hide on this godforsaken ship.
“Think of it as celebrating,” he said dryly. “When I get back I’ll be the new CEO of the company.”
“And married,” she chirped, grinning at him. He avoided looking at her, and instead gave a short nod, acknowledging her words. He downed the drink in one go, just in time for his mother to walk in.
“Katsuki, put on your jacket. Time for lunch with the Todorokis.”
The Todorokis were a big name family. Not only was the head of the house powerful, but he was intimidating in both stature and influence. Plus, being the chairman of the damn company that owned the ship they were on, they were filthy rich and thus had a gaggle of people sucking up to them.
But he wasn’t the one to watch out for. Despite his power and all his money he was relatively harmless, as long as you stayed in his good graces. It was his son, Touya, who you needed to keep a watchful eye out for. Known in the underground simply as “Dabi”, he was the guy you could never turn your back on. And it was just Katsuki’s luck that he was a close family friend of the Togas. Both him and his slimy “friend” Shigaraki were close with Himiko, which meant Katsuki had spent more time with them than he had ever wanted. As much as he didn’t like being around Jin, those two were worse. Though no one ever complained about Himiko spending time with them (at least out loud, for fear of retribution) they were far more insufferable to try tolerating. Katsuki wasn’t the rosiest of people out there, but Dabi and Tomura were downright sick.
As much as he didn’t care about Himiko, it was unsettling to know the company she surrounded herself with. Not for the first time he wondered if one of these days she was going to slit his throat as he slept. Maybe after they married. For now he was going to have to sit through another meal and act like he cared about what everyone was saying.
“How are you feeling about taking over the family business?”
Katsuki felt an elbow poke into his side. “What?” he hissed at his mother.
“Mr. Hakamata asked you a question.” She smiled tensely and nodded at the man in question.
“My apologies,” he muttered, earning him another subtle jab into his ribcage. “What was that?”
“How do you feel about taking over the family business?” he repeated. Though his tone of voice was genuinely kind and interested, it still rubbed Katsuki the wrong way.
“Fine,” he replied, trying not to lose his temper. After all, Mr. Hakamata was a loyal customer and a friend of the family and Katsuki wasn’t stupid. But how did everyone expect him to feel about prematurely having to take over his father’s job?
He could feel his mother’s gaze boring holes into the side of his head. Clenching his hand into a fist, he continued. “It’ll be nice returning home. I’m looking forward to partnering with Mr. Toga as we expand our company.”
It was a rehearsed reply, one he had said a dozen times before. He only wished it were true.
“I’m very sorry about your father’s passing, he was a dear friend of mine.”
Katsuki nodded numbly.
“Yes, our condolences as well,” Mr. Todoroki said, though he didn’t seem too mournful.
Soon the conversation shifted to the boat itself. Enji Todoroki and his inflated sense of importance to match his big, obnoxious ship. Katsuki couldn’t deny its luxury, but he wasn’t going to blow smoke up his backside. If anyone was worth any praise it would be Mr. Hakamata who designed the damn thing.
Katsuki poured himself another drink.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough for today?” his mother asked, clearly irritated.
“I don’t have to be in the office for another week,” he replied curtly, raising his glass in a mocking way.
Without missing a beat, Mr. Yagi raised his glass as well.
“I’ll drink to that,” he said with a grin. Katsuki could see from the corner of his eye Todoroki giving the older man a distasteful look. Though he was not fondly spoken of by the other people in their circles, Katsuki didn’t mind him. Especially now.
“If you will all excuse me,” he said as he finished his drink and rose from the table. Giving Himiko the briefest of nods and intentionally not looking at his mother (who was no doubt enraged at his rude departure) he exited the room. He needed a moment to breathe. Though the alcohol made it easier to tolerate everyone’s bull, he was starting to feel overwhelmed.
Upon leaving the room, he beelined it to the edge of the deck. Gripping the railing to steady himself, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply from his nose. Exhale. Okay. That was better. No people to bite his tongue for. No woman nagging in his ear, though maybe it was a good idea to take it easy on the drinking for the rest of the day.
He opened his eyes, finally getting a good look at the seemingly endless expanse of the ocean. Home. He was going home. Not out of choice, but out of obligation. Fucking fantastic.
Scanning the lower deck, his eyes caught a flash of green. What he wasn’t expecting was for it to be looking back at him.
He inhaled sharply, a little caught off guard by the intensity of the person’s gaze. Even from this distance he could see the… quizzical look on his face. Almost as if he was asking with his eyes, Are you okay?
Katsuki shivered, discomforted by this stranger but somehow unable to look away. He narrowed his eyes.
“There you are.” He felt a tap on his shoulder and jerked out of his reverie. “Did I scare you?”
“No,” he grumbled his reply, finally able to tear his gaze away from the strange boy with bright green eyes.
“Your mother would like to go over some wedding plans with us before dinner tonight.” Himiko smiled, sharp and threatening, daring him to make an excuse. “Walk with me?”
He stood still for a moment, wanting to look back to see if that boy was still looking at him. With a minute shake of his head, he dismissed the thought, and silently relenting, he extended his arm out to her.
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snarkwrites · 4 years ago
17.12, kissing booth, sweetpea
Title: kissing booth
Theme: holiday carnival/fair
Fandom / Character(s):Riverdale, Sweetpea x OFC, Alyssa Andrews
Warnings: Swearing, Sweetpea being a smartass, Reggie being an antagonist, and floofy kisses.
Word Count: uhh.. 1k-ish?, roughly.
Look.. I blame my niece for getting sucked into this show and fandom to begin with. I guess I just have a connection and deep love for grouchy types, because when Sweetpea was first introduced I was instantly hooked on the character. This is my daily entry for @champbucks​ 12 days of Christmas. Hope you guys enjoy it. I had a blast writing it. I guess sometimes it’s just fun to write something that’s not purely related to a thirst I happen to have, who woulda thunk it, huh?
Also, again.. I made the banner for this. Don’t steal or repost.
There’s actually nobody on my riverdale tag list. If you’d like to be on it, let me know on my main to add you or click the lil link below and add thyself.
[ about my writing | masterlist | multifandom tag doc ]
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“Oh come on!” Cheryl pouted, tapping her foot impatiently because she knows full well that I’m the only person her demanding and bossing around doesn’t work on. In fact, it usually makes me dig my heels in even more.
“I said I’m not doing it. Why do you want me to take two hours at the booth anyway, Cheryl? We both know there’s probably no one in Riverdale who will line up to kiss me. Can’t Betty or Veronica take the extra hour?” I eyed her, a brow raised.
“Actually, that’s where you’d be wrong, Alyssa. I have proof that you’re the one they’d rather have in the booth for an extra hour.” Cheryl dug around in her backpack and produced a piece of paper. I eyed her and then it, taking it with an amused laugh. “Right. You totally just fabricated this. I’m not doing it, Cheryl. Nope.”
From nearby, Toni spoke up.
“Doing what? What’d I miss?”
Cheryl beamed and went into Toni’s arms, hugging her, taking the paper back from me to show Toni and the two shared a laugh.
And then both of their gazes settled on me expectantly.
“Ah fuck. Look, I said I’d do an hour. That’s absolutely it. I’m already going to spend most of that kissing freshmen or something, shit. That paper proves absolutely nothing, by the way.” I nodded to the paper that Toni was now holding in her hands.
“We don’t have time to argue this. Jughead took Betty home and your brother’s spirited Veronica away. Everyone else has gone.”
“So have I. And I’m still not over that sophomore with the Hoover suction. Do you know that little shit tried to cop a feel?”
“Waaaa.” Cheryl mimicked. Toni leaned in, whispering into her ear and then Cheryl muttered “Interesting.” as her gaze fixed on me again. As Toni walked off, I pinched the bridge of my nose and eyed the empty chair. The booth was on a break right now. The line was pretty small.
Riverdale High needed the money. Taking on a whole other student body recently had pretty much depleted the school’s funds. Everyone else on my team had already gone. I eyed Cheryl as I mulled it over. “Is anyone else going twice?”
“Actually, both Toni and I are. Cheek kisses only, of course.” Cheryl gave me a pleading grin as her words fell away.
I felt a little better knowing that I wouldn’t be the only one being offered up for sacrifice twice. I tapped my foot and dragged my fingers through long red hair, giving it a tug. “Fine.”
Cheryl hugged me and I laughed, letting her. Even hugging back just slightly. “I’ll go take my seat I guess. But I’m telling you, my second turn is going to be a total bust.”
I caught sight of Toni talking to Fangs and Sweetpea over by the hot chocolate booth and I bit my lip, my gaze lingering on Sweetpea for just a few seconds longer than it should’ve. 
,, My fantasy kiss is not gonna happen. I can hang it up.”
That was my last thought before flopping into the chair positioned behind our booth. And nearly as soon as the few people waiting realized that the line was opening up again, they started to push to the front slowly. One or two walked away.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. Three times. Then a fourth. But I wanted to just get my second turn in the kissing booth over with because I’d pretty much resigned myself to the fact that like my first turn, I’d have mostly underclassmen in my line. Or friends of my brother Archie. Luckily my brothers friends seemed okay with just a hug and a peck on the cheek. I hadn’t had to actually… Lock actual lips with anyone.
Sweetpea watched as Alyssa took her seat at the kissing booth a second time. Toni wandered over, tapping her best friend’s shoulder and nodding towards the booth. “Are you gonna stare all afternoon or grow a pair and get in line, Pea?”
“I’m not taking part in… that shit.” Sweetpea nodded his head in the direction of the booth. Toni reached into her back pocket and smirked to herself while Sweetpea was busy watching Alyssa Andrews get settled into the booth for her second go. “Yeah? Well if you won’t.. I have a long list of guys that Cheryl has spoken to who all seem to say that they’re more than happy to.”
She unfolded the paper right as Sweetpea heard her and focused. He reached for the paper, snatching it from her hands. His eyes darted over the poll and sign up sheet and then settled back on the red-head currently manning the kissing booth.
When his eyes got to Reggie’s name on the list at least three times, his fists clenched tight. He tugged at the collar of his tee shirt. It wasn’t a secret that Alyssa and Reggie liked to flirt back and forth and frankly, it was something that annoyed Sweetpea continuously. To a point where lately, it caused him to stay constantly irritated.
Especially when she’d blow off their little gang of friends to go on drives with Reggie.. Or study. Or grab a milkshake at Pop’s.
“She’s only doing this because she’s part of that stupid cheer thing.” he said it to himself, mostly to keep himself from doing something stupid and crazy and marching over, dragging her away from that booth and telling her that the only guy she needed to kiss was right in front of her. And had been for months now.
“Actually, she volunteered. And she’s the only one people have specifically asked for twice.” Toni shrugged as she tried to stop the laughter. Sure it was a small fabrication in details, but Sweetpea didn’t know that, nor did he need to. What he did need right now was a nudge. Because for one thing, Toni was beyond done with seeing him mope over Josie and their little fling ending. For another, the tension in the room between Sweetpea and Alyssa lately when they were all hanging out was almost unbearable. And rather than stand back and watch her grumpy idiot of a best guy friend let a chance at actual happiness pass him by, she was determined that today was the day. She was going to give him that loving but firm little nudge in the right direction.
Because lately, Alyssa was starting to think that Sweetpea didn’t feel the same way about her as she did about him, hence all the dates with Reggie Mantle. Toni was also sick of watching Alyssa try to feign happiness when lately, she’d been down. Because every attempt she’d made thus far to tell Sweetpea how she felt wound up Sweetpea, bringing up Josie in  conversation.. Or lately, with Alyssa just talking herself right out of it altogether.
Something needed to happen, otherwise someone was going to explode.
Reggie Mantle wandered over, getting into the line for the kissing booth. Sweetpea looked as if it were taking literally every single shred of willpower he possessed not to storm over and make a scene, especially when Reggie smooth-talked his way right to the front of the line almost.
“You know she’s only going out with him a lot more lately because the guy she really wants ahs made himself so hard to be around that we all wanna strangle him most of the time now.. Right?”
“You’re lying.”
“Yeah? Let me show you something.” Toni grabbed her phone and held it out. “Have a read at our text history, Pea. See for yourself.”
Sweetpea took the phone reluctantly. At first, he was skeptical. By the middle of the most recent conversation, about Alyssa blowing them off to hang at the quarry in favor of going to watch Reggie at football practice because he asked and Alyssa admitting that maybe it was time she… Moved on. Got over her huge crush on Sweetpea… He wanted to kick himself.
His eyes fixed on the booth and his jaw set firm.
He knew her well enough to know that she’d never own up to anything she’d admitted to Toni in the texts. And he knew that lately, he’d made it almost unbearable to be around him. Picking fights with her, grilling her about pretty much everything. Just purposely being an ass.
His pride was going to cost him a shot with her if he didn’t swallow it soon. And the thought was not a pleasant one when it settled in his mind.
“Nothing to say, Pea?” Toni teased, flashing him a smirk as soon as she managed to break through his thoughts and gain his attention for a second or two. Sweetpea dragged his hand over his hair, taking a breath or two. Reggie was just about to the front of the line. His gaze fixed on Alyssa, almost as if he were willing her to look at him. Catch him staring.
“If you really want her to know how you feel and not have any doubts, you know what to do.”
Toni’s statement had Sweetpea wandering over to the line for the kissing booth. What Reggie Mantle had in charm, Sweetpea made up for in sheer intimidation skill and a second or two later, Reggie scowled as Sweetpea wound up right behind him in line.
“The hell are you doing, Serpent?”
“I know what you’re not gonna do, Mantle.”
Reggie whirled around, staring Sweetpea up and down. “You think so, huh? Watch and see.”
“I don’t fucking think so.” Sweetpea towered over Reggie, his fists shoved safely inside his leather jacket.
From the front, Alyssa cleared her throat. “It’s,uhh.. It’s your turn, Reggie.” she bit her lip as she looked back and forth between Reggie and Sweetpea. Sweetpea caught her gaze and held it, biting his lip.
After a little digging, he found a badly wadded twenty dollar bill.
Reggie sauntered up to the booth and slipped a five dollar bill down, giving Alyssa a playful gaze as he leaned in for the kill.
And Sweetpea’s fists clenched even tighter in his pocket. He barely managed to bite back a growl. And after about five seconds, he cleared his throat and spoke up, addressing Reggie.
“You’re holding up the damn line, Mantle.”
“I paid, Sweetpea. What are you even doing in the line to begin with, huh? Didn’t we have a talk about this Friday afternoon?” Reggie was body to body with him until Cheryl hurried over.
“Break it up you two!”
I think when I saw Sweetpea wandering over, my heart fluttered a little and I tensed up all in the same breath. I honestly thought he was coming over just to start something. To heckle me for offering myself up to do this. He looked mad.
Or I thought he did, at least.
When he didn’t start with the heckling and instead, intimidated about ten of the guys waiting in line to let him go before them, I found myself having a harder time focusing on the task at hand. A guy named Ben who played basketball with Archie every few weekends came up and put a dollar into the basket, chuckling as I rose to tiptoe and gave him a friendly and slightly awkward cheek kiss. He pulled me into a hug and muttered into my ear, “The rowdier guys are still waitin, red.. If you want me to hang around… Hell, maybe I should. Archie would kick my ass if somebody got out of line with his kid sister.” 
“Ben, I’ll be fine. I’m perfectly capable of handling things.” I explained, giving him a gentle smile and thanking him for the offer because his heart was in the right place. Reggie was next and I took a deep breath.
Truth be told, I was a little irritated because Reggie doing this made it kind of clear that Reggie was just going to try and find ways to skirt around any boundary I set. I got that this was in good fun, but there was a perfectly good reason I hadn’t really… Kissed him yet. Even when he’s tried to initiate at least two or three times now and each time, I’ve politely declined.
If this were a few months ago, I’d have jumped at the chance. I was shocked at myself when we were sitting in front of my dad’s house and he tried to kiss me the first time and I didn’t go for it then, if I’m being perfectly honest.
Because I’ve always had a soft spot for my brother’s friend Reggie. I guess that’s when it really hit me… After I met Sweetpea, a lot of things changed. And my feelings for Reggie just kind of slowly died.
The argument between Reggie and Sweetpea caught my attention and if I had any actual hope left of Sweetpea being into me like that, it would’ve grown as I listened to the words being exchanged back and forth before clearing my throat.
As I got their attention and for a few seconds, they glared one another down, I found myself kind of wondering what Sweetpea was up to. I honestly hadn’t even thought he’d show up at the carnival. I mean yeah, Toni most likely dragged him, but… He’s in line… For the kissing booth. And not just any line, my line.
My brain seemed to start working then and it hit me that in a few seconds, I was going to have to kiss Sweetpea.
,, I’ll give him a peck on the cheek. Because if I had my way and gave him a real kiss, things would get so awkward between us, holy shit..” the decision was made and I felt a little better.
Reggie finally approached the table and I bit my lip, eyeing him. I could feel Sweetpea’s intent stare burning a hole right through me, even as I pretended to be happy and interested in the kiss I was about to give Reggie.
Maybe knowing Sweetpea was watching was what made me decide to settle with a clumsy corner of the mouth kiss. Reggie muttered quietly against my mouth, “Red?”
“Sorry, I just.. I thought I could but I can’t.” I muttered so that Reggie could hear me. 
Reggie gave an understanding nod and smiled, shrugging “It’s cool. Do you wanna meet up later?”. I shrugged and told him I’d text him when I left the carnival if I felt up to hanging out or going to Pops and he walked away from the kissing booth, leaving me frustrated at myself and panicking a little because naturally, Sweetpea was next.
For a few seconds, I felt bad about the half hearted attempt. Especially when I thought back on just how wrapped up in Josie Sweetpea had been and just how little I’d given him hell for it in comparison to how much hell he’s put me through for going on a date or two with Reggie lately.
I zoned out a little, mostly just trying to pull myself together and in that time, Sweetpea stepped up and smacked a 20 dollar bill down on top of the table, gazing down at me expectantly as he swallowed hard and dragged his hand over his hair.
I eyed the 20 dollar bill and eyed him. “I,uhh.. A kiss on the cheek is only a dollar.”
,, you seriously open your mouth and say that?”
“Obviously, that’s not what I got in line for, princess.” Sweetpea muttered quietly, licking his lips as his gaze settled on mine. I gulped and I swear, it felt as if all the air got sucked right out of the space between us. I dragged my hand through my hair and raised a brow as his eyes left my lips and settled on mine, locking me in a gaze.
“Is this a joke?” I muttered quietly, dazed.
“I believe somebody once told me I have zero sense of humor, so no. No it’s not, doll. You gonna kiss me or not? I paid.” Sweetpea’s tone took on a hint of teasing and I felt my stomach starting to flop lazily, just like it always does when he’s in the rare mood to tease and make it hard for me to tell whether he’s flirting or just being a teasing ass.
I usually play safe and put my money in him simply being a teasing ass, but right now, I wasn’t sure what he was up to at all.
The way he was looking at me right now did not feel like Sweetpea teasing. The look in his eyes was downright hungry. 
From the back, Reggie heckled. “What the hell makes you think she wants your disgusting Serpent mouth on her, man?”
I grumbled to myself quietly, frustrated because apparently, I was going to freeze up. “You don’t have to..” I trailed off. Sweetpea chuckled to himself and leaned across the booth, his hand tangling in the hair at the back of my neck, tugging at a handful as he pulled my mouth against his. His tongue trailed slowly over the outline of my lips and I whimpered quietly. The palm I had resting flat against his leather jacket wound up curling in it instead. His hand settled on my hip, guiding me partially over the table and halfway out the opening of the booth that we’d been leaning through.
I could feel my face heating up as people started to catcall and whistle and slow clap. When somebody said “Oh shit. Listen man, I don’t wanna die, I think I’ll just.. Wait for Cheryl to take over in a little bit.” I barely heard it, but I couldn’t help smiling into the kiss.
The kiss broke and I slowly raised my hand to my mouth, wiping the back of it across. I was beyond stunned at the moment. At a total and complete loss for words. But when Sweetpea leaned back in and pecked my cheek before whispering with a laugh, “Go on.. Finish working your kissing booth, princess.” and copped a feel, I bit my lip before pouting at him.
“What’s that mean?”
“It means, I’m gonna stick around. Keep these fuckin knuckleheads left in line from getting too much enjoyment, princess.”
“Oh, it does, hm?”
“I mean.. Unless you have a different idea as to why I kissed you like that, Red.” Sweetpea teased, smirking at me for a few seconds.
I eyed him and he muttered quietly, “Later.. We’ll talk, doll. The kiss was just something to think about.”
And somehow, god help me, I don’t think I’ll be able to get it off my mind for the rest of my time left to go in this booth...
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buckysgoldenheart · 5 years ago
F-Buds: Seb Stan x Reader
Summary: You and Seb are friends with benefits and Seb has had enough.
Words: 2345
Warnings: Cursing some. Not proofread. 
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Your fist pounded hard against the door belonging to the one person you could turn to in your moment of need after an undesirable crisis.
“Seb, open up!” Slow footsteps could be heard on the other side of the wood panel and you groaned loud at his lack of haste. “Seb, seriously, open the damn door!”
Your clenched hand paused mid-air as the door swung open to reveal your disheveled friend. He rubbed his eyes with one hand as the other ran through tousled locks.
“Finally!” You said, throwing your hands up and slipping past him into his large apartment. You tossed your purse on the couch as Seb closed the door, his body still half asleep.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked, finally meeting your Y/E/C eyes that held nothing but frustration, though not intended for him. No, your anger was directed toward the man you had spent hours, hours, with only for him to leave you alone by the end of the night, sexually unsatisfied. He was a rare man looking for commitment which was not something you were ready to give.
“It’s 2 a.m. Are you aware of that?” Seb said, folding his arms across a solid, bare chest, finally taking in the full view of you. “Well, look who’s all dolled up. Big date?”
“Oh, shut up.” You groaned at his sarcastic tone. “You know I wouldn’t be here at this hour if my night went the way I wanted it to. Seriously, when did men start wanting relationships? Isn’t it supposed to be all sex, sex, sex with you guys?”
Seb rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess it depends on the people and, ya know, timing.”
“Timing.” You scoffed as you slipped out of your jacket and set it over the back of a barstool. “One of those things desperate people make up to make themselves feel better about getting dumped.”
Seb rolled his eyes and puffed out a breath.
“’Oh, well, he was nice, but the timing wasn’t quite right.’” You said in your best ‘ditsy girl’ voice. “AKA, ‘he dumped me and broke my heart, but I’m not gonna tell you bitches that.’”
“Why are you so cynical? God Y/N, do you ever want to find someone?” Seb asked as he watched you kick off your skyscraper heels.
“I’m not going to go scan the city with a metal detector so I can settle for some scrap of a man just to say that I have one.”
Arms still crossed, Seb leaned against a wall and watched you place your heels by your bag. “Yea, well what if there was a man that really cared about you, but you brushed him off because you didn’t give him a chance?”
Your face pinched. “That’s stupid.”
“Oh, really? Because you go around looking for men to fuck, and even when they want you for more than your body you completely shut them down. Then you come running to me to satisfy you.”
You whipped your head to his at the judgement. “So, what?”
“So, what? Y/N, you’re scared of love, of even the possibility of love and it hurts me to see you go through life like that.”
“I’m not fucking scared, Seb. Don’t be ridiculous.” You whined, then after a few seconds of silence between you, smiled your best suggestive smile and swayed your hips as you strutted over to blue-eyed man.
He held your eyes with his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, but he portrayed no emotion at your behavior.
“C’mon Seb, I don’t want to have this conversation. Can’t we just kiss and have our amazing sex and just call it a night? I’m stressed and I need release. I need you.”
Seb wasn’t grabbing you. He wasn’t holding you close to his body or making any move to kiss your lips. He just stood there while you hanged off him, his arms at his sides as you pouted.
He sucked in a deep breath and you instantly got excited for him to give in to you and make a damn move. A smile replaced your pout as you felt his hands graze your hips before trailing up the length of your dress, along your curves until he made his way to the arms clinging to him. Rough palms grasped firmly on your forearms.
Slowly, he untangled your limbs and placed them back at your sides, holding them there for an extra second to make sure they stayed in place before releasing you and taking a step back.
“No,” He sighed, struggling on the word. “I can’t.”
Seb sucked in a breath and swallowed. “I can’t—I can’t keep doing this with you. It’s not…fair anymore.”
You crossed your arms and planted yourself steady, your posture straight like a wall ready to block out the coming assault. “Fair to whom exactly, Seb?”
A dead chuckle shot out of his mouth, stinging your ears. “Are you fucking with me right now?”
“God, Y/N!” He nearly shouted, fisting his hands in his dark brown hair. “I let this go on for too long. I really did. I only allowed it in the first place because the woman I’m in love with threw herself at me, repeatedly, claiming that I was the only one that could satisfy her. I didn’t have the willpower to tell you no, to ask for anything more from you because I knew you would end what little we had.
“I was stupid, and weak, and I’ve wanted you so bad for so long and I felt like I finally had a piece of you, but that’s not enough anymore. It’s time for me to step back from this, because otherwise I’m gonna go insane.”
His heavy breathing was the only thing that could be heard throughout the apartment now. That, and the agonizing pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. “You love me?”
Seb scoffed and crossed his arms, the muscles budging more, it seemed, than an average humans should. “You fucking knew that.”
“No, Seb, I didn’t.” God, if you had known…
“Just go.”
“What?” You recoiled as if he had hit you, tears stinging your eyes.
“Just…please, Y/N, I can’t, just go.”
Next Day:
 You groaned around your ice cream spoon at the knock on your door. You didn’t want to deal with anyone; at this hour, it would most likely be the old bat next door who always complained when your TV volume exceeded five. If she knew what was good for her she’d turn herself right around and go back to that doily museum she calls an apartment. God, you were mean when you were hurting, but who disturbs someone fifteen minutes before midnight anyway? It’s the time when the most miserable of people binge-watch brain-cell-killing reality TV and eat cookie dough ice cream topped with full snickers bars and m&ms. What asshole would dare interrupt that?
Yea, you weren’t answering that door. Or, you wouldn’t, if whoever was on the other side would leave you in miserable peace.
“Agnes!” You yelled as you harshly set the ice cream carton on the coffee table and walked to the entryway. “If you go away now, I’ll turn the volume down to a respectable seven, but that’s it!”
You waited a moment to hear if the tiny old lady’s footsteps would retreat, but then the knock came again. At the sound, you huffed out a deep breath and whipped the door open. “Son of a bitch.”
“Who is Agnes,” Seb asked. “And why does she deserve the hard end of your wrath?”
Somehow the frown on your face grew deeper at the casual nature of the joke. “Don’t worry about my relationship with Agnes, ok? Just mind your own business,” You snapped, then turned on your heel and went back to the couch.
“Ok,” Seb started, “You didn’t slam the door in my face so I’m going to assume that I’m allowed inside of the apartment.” When you didn’t respond, he continued. “Is this a fair assumption?”
Without looking at him and his annoyingly handsome face, you grabbed the carton and began to dig in again, then made a small noise that neither agreed nor disagreed with what he said. You couldn’t decide if you had made a mistake once he finally entered your apartment and shut the door behind him. When he chose to block your view of the awful reality show, you realized you definitely had.
You took another bite of your dessert. “I don’t know if you know this, but you make a better door than you do a window.”
“I do know that,” He said, sloughing off his leather jacket, tossing it next to you on the couch, and aggressively rolling up his long sleeves just above the elbow.
“What, are you gonna fight me?”
“Depends on whether or not you plan to actually listen to what I have to say.”
You pretended to contemplate for a minute, staring him down as you continued to eat more snickers. “My boxing gloves aren’t here, so rain check on the fight.”
“Alright.” He groaned, then took the remote off the table and clicked off your show.
“Hey!” Seb held the remote out of your reach then turned and threw it through the open door of your bedroom. “Are you fucking with me?”
Seb walked closer to you and bent down at the waist, planting is arms either side of your body on the couch and forcing your eyes to meet his. You could feel his breath against your lips as he spoke. “You are going to listen.”
“Oh, yea?” Your eyebrows rose and you crossed your arms in the small space between your bodies.
Your eyes remained locked as you moved to stand, not caring that his body was blocking yours and so forcing him to lean back until he stood tall in front of you. “So, you just get to be the biggest hypocrite in the world, do you? You get to get mad at me then force me out of your place when I try to talk to you, and now you come over here and demand I listen to you speak?”
Your shook your head and rolled your eyes, then went for the kitchen. He followed. Grabbing a soda out of the fridge and opening it, you said, “Alright, fine then. Go for it.” You took a sip.
Seb’s eyes widened a bit as if he didn’t expect to easily persuade you, but they settled back into determination. “Ok, look, I know asking you to leave—”
“Yelling at me to leave.”
“Fine. I know that yelling at you to leave was a dick move, but…” Seb paused and stepped towards you. You head jerked back at his sudden movement, but your body remained planted in its spot. “I didn’t expect to get so upset, ok?” He said. “Well no, that’s not true. I knew I’d be upset. I got pissed every single time you only came to me for sex, but I didn’t think I would lash out. It’s just…it’s been a year.”
He sounded exhausted and you finally understood. You finally saw just how long you had been in denial, and how long you had been hurting more than just yourself. You looked away and to the blue tiles of your kitchen floor. Seb grabbed your hand and you jumped a little at how fast he managed to move to you. “Look at me,” he whispered and squeezed your fingers. With his free hand he took the soda out of yours and put it on the counter, then grabbed that hand as well. “Y/N.”
You took a deep breath and met his eyes. “Seb…”
“I’m sorry.” He dropped your hands and placed his own on your cheeks, brushing away the tears that began to fall at some point. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s ok, Seb.” You cut him off. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I didn’t think I was. I knew what I was doing to myself, but if I thought I was making you feel the same, I never would’ve—”
Sebs eyebrows pinched together. “Doing to yourself?”
“What exactly were you doing to yourself?”
You flinched and sighed. As you tried to lower your eyes, Seb’s grip on your face held firm. “Damn it,” You whispered to yourself, then said to him, “Why do you think I keep coming back to you every chance I get; why nothing ever works out with these other men? I tried it, finding someone else to sleep with so I could stop torturing myself, but it never worked. At the end of every date, I turned them down just so I had an excuse to be with you.”
Seb’s jaw dropped and after enough agonizing seconds of silence, you brushed his hands off your face. Deciding to keep your ice cream from further melting, you moved around Seb’s body, but he turned and grabbed you around the forearm. “What exactly are you saying?”
“It’s not clear?”
You shifted your body back in front of his. “You’re really going to make me say it?”
He smirked then. “I said it to you. It’s only fair.”
You rolled your eyes and ran a hand through your messy strands. “You know I’m not good at this stuff.”
Somehow, he got closer to you. “Yea, I do.” He placed his hands on the sides of your neck and stroked the edges of your jaw with his thumbs. “I can wait. I have absolutely nowhere to be.”
“Oh, really? You have nowhere to be at midnight on a Tuesday? I’m shocked.”
“Fine,” You sighed, closed your eyes for a moment, then looked at him. “I love you.”
Seb smiled and touched his forehead to yours long enough for you to smile as well and place your hands on his chest. “I love you, too,” He said, then tilted your head back and touched his lips to yours.
 Tags: Perm: @dugan365 @moonlightimagination @pietrotheavenger @marvel-fanfiction @hawkeyeharrington @dani-si @wintersoldier98 @then-there-was-me-emily @prxttybirdz @xceafh @jazzwoman897 @fandoms-who @meganwinchester1999 @ufffg @debra77 @rebelliouscat @anise-d-castle6 @projectxhappiness @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @lowkeysebby @stringgeek13 @quotemeow @notmyfault404 @jjamesbbarness @stangirl4eva @guera31 @sophiatomlinson23​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @hiddles-rose​ @vibhati123 @mywinterwolf​ @picapicapicassobaby​ @lokilvrr​ @private-bucky-barnes
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lunap95 · 4 years ago
Chapters: 2/7 Fandom: Super Sons (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne Characters: Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Maya Ducard, Collin Wilkes, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kara Zor-El Additional Tags: Roommates, Domestic Fluff, adopting a pet, High School, Jealousy, Running Away, Partners in Crime, Fake/Pretend Relationship, getting caught, Heartbeats, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Masquerade, Family Vacation, Marriage Proposal, JonDami Week 2021 Summary:
Hey hey hey!  I'm here pushing my "Jon is a horny teenager" agenda with the next @jondami-week!
Chapter 2: High School | truth or dare | jealous
You can also read it under the cut
When the bell finally rang, Damian left a heavy sigh, stretching his limbs after the nap his last class had been. Not too far, Maya teased him when the first thing he did was pulling his phone out. He ignored her comments and the knowing look Collin was throwing at him in order to open the first conversation lined on the chat thread.
Hey, alien freak, what time do you finish your practice?
Hey, angry gremlin
Coach wants us to practice our strategy for the next match, but probably around 5.
Fine, I will wait for you at the bleachers.
What? No! I will search for you after practice.
Don’t come!
Damian frowned at the message. Usually, after Jon finished playing around with the absurd football team, they would meet on the bleachers where Damian had probably spent the last hour sketching and then they would go to the helicopter waiting for them on the field. Depending on the day, they would either crash at the Kent flat in Metropolis, train on the Wayne mansion or go to the Fortress of Attitude to work on a case. So Damian did not understand why suddenly Jon did not want him to wait for him.
“Do you think he knows?” he asked Maya later while they were waiting on the bleacher, because Damian was not exactly good at following orders. Not too far, Jon and the rest of the team were running around, his blue eyes staring at Damian from the distance.
“About your crush on him?” questioned Collin with a smirk. “Dude, don’t worry, Jon isn’t exactly the brightest guy around, he probably thinks is super normal your best friend has a whole notebook full of sketches of you.”
“I wasn’t asking you,” a wrapped sketch of Superboy hit Collin on the head.
“Wilkes have a point, you aren’t exactly subtle,” shrugged Maya. “But no, probably he didn’t want you to get close to the football team.”
Her words kept floating on his head even after they left and Damian found himself staring at the white paper wondering why Jon would be against him befriending the members of this team. Almost as if summoned by thought, he saw Jon approaching him with one of his teammates next to him. Strangely enough, the kid seemed to be saying something to Jon with a smile that the half-kryptonian was not returning. He almost looked mad. Weird.
“Woah, look at the time, we need to leave superfast, don’t we, D?” Jon said when they reached Damian.
“Not really,” he answered. “Pennyworth had to take Richard to Bludhaven so we have to wait a bit for him.”
“Great!” suddenly intervened the other kid. “Hi, I’m David, one of Jon’s teammates.”
“Yes, I clearly see that,” he raised an eyebrow at Jon who only shrugged.
“Well, let me tell you is an absolute pleasure to meet you, Damian,” to his surprise, David took his hand to place a gentle kiss on it while throwing a wink in his direction.
It took all his willpower to not cringe at the action, but watching how Jon was frowning in a clear bad mood he tried to behave. After all, this David boy must be a good friend for Jon if he wanted to introduce him to Damian. Was this the reason Jon did not want him to come today? Because he was scared Damian was going to be rude with this kid? That could not do, he was going to show Jon that he could be perfectly polite.
Their routine changed a little bit from there. David ate lunch with them and always joined them on the bleachers after practice. He had to admit the kid was not that bad if it were not for the constant innuendos he had to suffer in his presence (Anyone told you your eyes shine like emeralds; They say painters need to know a lot of anatomy so I’ll be here if you want to practice; The tone of your skin is made of dreams baby, wet dreams). And the worst is that Damian could not tell him to please throw acid on his face if he ever dared to repeat those sentences in his presence, because David was Jon’s friend, and he was trying to be supportive.
Which was one of the reasons why he said yes to that stupid party and why he was suddenly in a circle playing truth or dare with David and the rest of the football team. Jon was there too, but he seemed to be in other of his weird bad moods. He had been having a lot lately and Damian did not know why.
“So, Dami,” he was this close to throwing his drink on David if he ever repeated that stupid nickname. “Truth or dare?”
“Your dares are dull as a doorknob so I will choose truth,” he was also expecting this game to finish soon so he could talk to Jon.
“Do you like someone?”
The whole room seemed to quiet at the question and suddenly Damian felt a thousand eyes on him. He could lie but having Jon in the room meant he would probably notice and ask him later.
“From this team?”
“I believe the rules of this game forced me to answer only one question,” the other players started to complain and even Collin shouted at him to answer. “Fine, yes, it is from the team.”
His reply seemed to be enough for the next player to continue with the game, but it also made Jon frown harder and leave the room. Damian excused himself in order to follow him, but the boy must have used a bit of his super speed and he lost track of him in the sea of people. So he tried looking outside thinking that maybe the young kryptonian wanted a quick flight but to his surprise, David was following him.
“Do you need something?” he questioned when it was obvious that David was there for him as there was no one around them.
“Actually, yes,” he smiled approaching him. “And I think you know what it is.”
Before Damian could tell he had no idea what he was talking about, David crashed his lips against his, pushing him against the outside wall of the house. It took him a few minutes to finally react to what was happening, but before he could push David away a sudden current hit him sending him over the bushes.
“What the-?” questioned the boy confused for what had happened.
“Don’t you dare to touch a single hair from his head!” Jon was practically hissing at David, his heat vision almost visible.
“Cut the crap, dude!” David got up. “Damian said he liked me, why don’t you let us make out in peace and go sulk about it somewhere else?”
“I have never in my life stated such a thing,” interrupted Damian completely scandalized.
“Yes you did, on the game just a few minutes ago.”
“That was not you, you absolute brainless idiot! I can barely stand you!” he exploded. “The only reason I was doing it was because you were Jon’s friend.”
“He is not my friend!” Jon shouted then. “He had been pestering me about introducing you for months, that’s why I didn’t want you anywhere close to the team!”
“Then why didn’t you say it sooner?”
“Because you seemed to actually like it and I was scared if I said something you would know I was jealous!”
“Why the absolute hell would you be jealous of someone like him?”
“Because I like you!”
“Well, I like you too!”
“Perf- wait, when did David leave?”
They turned to see that the spot where David was just a few minutes ago was now empty. After having clear he had no chance with Damian he must have decided to leave them to his argument. The interruption made them realise what they have just said and they stared at each other for a second, before Jon erased the distance between them and pushed Damian against the wall in a heated kiss. The smaller boy melted at the gesture and let his hands run through his waist.
“You cannot,” Jon kissed him on the neck. “imagine how much,” he sucked making Damian moan. “I’ve wanted,” he let his tongue lick the spot his lips had touched just mere seconds ago. “to do this.”
“Did you really thought I liked him?” mocked Damian tangling his fingers on his hair.
“And I hated every minute,” Jon kissed him again, resting his head on his front. “I want you all for myself, D.”
“You dumb corn cob,” he kissed his nose. “You always had me.”
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