#guide list
DCXDP fics/prompts:
Demon Twins AU:
#1 - Out Of Choice, But Not Out Of Reach - AO3
Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things
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jlquarterly · 1 year
For those who, like me, when they like a character they need to read every single comic the character appears in, I have compiled a list of all of Tim Drake’s appearances from his debut up to the 2011 Flashpoint reboot (not including New 52 continuity).
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If you enjoy my reading guides or find them helpful and would like to support me, you can do so on my Ko-Fi.
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nicheguides · 4 months
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What to Bring to a Hedonist’s Funeral
dont be *that* guy! know your decorum when honoring the passing of a legend who dedicated their life to the pursuit of pleasure
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mybeautifulpoland · 6 months
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Poznań, Poland by rzemygraphy
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hypodermicfroggy · 2 months
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(I've posted a guide like this on Steam, but I figure it couldn't hurt to put an updated version on Tumblr, too. Also, a warning: This post is going to be very, *very* long.)
Hello, current Project Moon fandom and future/want-to-be fans!
Do you enjoy Limbus Company but don't know how to get into the other games and media to appreciate the greater lore of the series? Do you not actually have the money, time, or patience to endure a brutally punishing (and sometimes even janky) roguelike management sim, deckbuilder, or gacha game because we live in a capitalistic hellworld like the one this very series criticizes? Struggle with getting access to supplementary materials due to controversies and language barriers?
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(Pictured: PM Twitter and the Limbus Steam Forums, on any given day. Seriously, what is wrong with some of you people.)
And especially important: hate how Reddit and Steam are full of dudebro coomers who are openly hostile to F2P, non-day one players who might grapple with all the previous issues on top of being more invested in story than waifus?
Then read on under the cut!
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This guide contains a comprehensive list of resources for you to be able to enjoy the Project Moon series to its fullest, including links to wikis, playlists, and more. Even if you can't play the games, I personally think those who can actually appreciate the series shouldn't be gatekept from the truly fantastic story and world that the games hold. Except Canto 6, we don't talk about Canto 6.
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For those who can't read the text on the image, some of the common trigger warnings for this series includes:
Animal Cruelty
Drug Use
References to Alcohol and Tobacco
Injury and Dismemberment
Homicide and Suicide
Violence and Torture
Kidnapping, Abduction, and Captivity
Diseases, Seizure, and Dyspnoea (aka shortness of breath)
Familial Homicide and Domestic Violence
Reference to Clowns (Coulrophobia)
Themes of Occultism and Spiritualism
Audiovisual Depictions of Gore
Uses of Sharp and Pointed Objects
Hospital and Medical References
References to Gaslighting and Bullying
Body Modification and/or Deformation
Flashing Lights (Photosensitivity)
Disorientation Induced by a Shaking Camera
Strong Language and Demeaning Words
Reference to Traffic Accidents
Uses of Guns and Instruments of Violence
Discriminatory Violence
Religious Torture and Violence
Enforced Ideology and/or Actions
War and Mass Conflict
Anyway, if all that didn't scare you off, on to the guide!
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When in doubt, there's always the wikis for being references and useful sources, from gameplay to story elements!
>>Cogitopedia - A WIP wiki run by members of the community, working on adding in-depth content for all of the games and supplementary materials.
>>LobCorp Wiki - Has data on every abnormality, including inaccessible ones and cut ones (such as Price of Silence).
>>Library of Ruina Wiki - Has the lore from key pages, and also has cut content like the CGs from the original planned ending.
>>Limbus Wiki.gg - Has ID Uptie stories and info about Mirror Dungeon encounters. (DO NOT USE THE LIMBUS FANDOM WIKI, IT HAS BEEN ABANDONED/VANDALIZED.)
>>Library of Project Moon - A WIP fan blog whose purpose is to consolidate translations of the literary source novels and related works for Limbus Company and the PM games as a whole.
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Summary: Lobotomy Corporation is the first game in the series. It is a roguelike management sim where you play as "Manager X", tasked with handling employees and various monsters known as Abnormalities in order to generate daily quotas of a power source substance known as Enkephalin and a mysterious "Seed of Light" project. You are aided by an alleged team of AIs known as the Sephirot, and your very own personal assistant AI, Angela. It's often been likened to "anime SCP Foundation."
This is the game where everything begins, and without it, we wouldn't have the plot of Limbus (or anything else for that matter). This is where the Golden Boughs come from, this is where Abnormalities come from, this is even where Distortions come from - but we're getting ahead of ourselves on that front.
>>This playlist will allow you to watch all the cutscenes from the game, in order, for the canon ending.
>>This video also has the cutscenes, albeit not in order, HOWEVER, it does have the alternate, non-canon endings A and B (which are timestamped in the link for convenience).
>>WordsmithVids (also on YouTube) also has what is generally considered to be the most popular summary of the game.
(NOTE: Some people disagree with WordsmithVids and his interpretations of some of the characters as well as his content being "meme-y," so I advise you to watch at your own discretion and draw your own conclusions. That being said, if people have better recommendations, please send them to me instead of just complaining and bitching without offering solutions like that one guy on Steam did, thank you.)
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Summary: Wonderlab was a webcomic by the artist MIMI/Whitezombies, originally posted on the Project Moon Postype account. It follows the adventures of several employees - often called "nuggets" in fan parlance - Catt, Taii, and Rose, in a Lobotomy Corporation branch facility as they go about their day to day activities.
This webcomic was taken down after the Summer 2023 Incel Controversy, when incels stormed the Project Moon office in Korea and made enough credible threats that the former Limbus CG artist known as Vellmori was fired, and it is currently part of a second conflict over copyright. However, primarily for archival and personal reference purposes, the comic has been saved and rehosted in several forms.
>>Internet Archive version. This has just the comic in an on-site readable format.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This features the individual pages, a downloadable .zip of the archive, and a readable Google Docs version.
For those who may have ethical concerns about downloading a webcomic that was pulled due to controversy (understandable), once again, >>WordsmithVids has a summary.
(NOTE: This is NOT the place to discuss either the Summer 2023 incel controversy *or* the current (Summer 2024) copyright conflict. There are far better places to do that with people who are far better informed on the topic than I am. This post is solely for providing references and archives of lore material to help guide people into this series. DO NOT attempt to bring up the controversies here, I will not be acknowledging them outside of mentioning why certain supplementary materials may have been pulled and have had to be mirrored. I am just an archivist, not a lawyer or discourser.)
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Summary: Library of Ruina takes place some months after the events of Lobotomy Corporation. A "Grade 9 Fixer" known as Roland finds his way into the mysterious, tower-like Library that has sprung up in place of the former main facility of L Corp, where he encounters Angela and the other Sephirot (all now Librarians). He begins assisting her in finding "the perfect book", which involves enticing people to come to the library through the sending out of curious invitations.
Now, unfortunately, there is not a playlist that splits up the cutscenes or puts them in order for Ruina.
>>These two videos have them all in compilation.
HOWEVER. A wonderful and dear friend of mine (@citroncynique <3) has allowed the guide they sent me to be reproduced/copied.
>>As such, there is a guide on how to watch the cutscenes in the order that makes the most sense, utilizing the timestamps of the previous two videos. It is not a perfect system, but it works at least.
>>WordsmithVids also has at least two summary vids out.
However, due to financial issues at last update, he has not been able to continue his summary of Ruina. I am including them regardless. >>As well as his Patreon in case people want to support him in hopes of making it easier for him to work on the vids again.
>>There is also an almost FOUR HOUR LONG video essay that delves into Angela's character specifically after the events of LobCorp and Ruina. It is not required viewing like the rest of the materials here, however, I think it still deserves a mention just for the amount of effort and care that went into it.
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Summary: Taking place at roughly the same time as Library of Ruina, two Fixers known as Ezra and Moses and an N Corp. Taboo Hunter known as Vespa investigate the Distortion Phenomenon that is rapidly starting to spread across the City after the events of the previous games.
Originally released as a webnovel on Project Moon's Postype, Distortion Detective has 42 chapters and is technically incomplete/on hiatus. Project Moon, surprised at how popular the webnovel was, decided they wanted to potentially make an entire game based on the story. As of this writing, that has not happened (yet) but at least one character from the novel has appeared in Limbus Company, so there is still hope yet.
>>The DD series in its original form on Postype. This version was posted chapter-by-chapter, on Project Moon's Postype account and is (as of this writing, at least) still readable there.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This has the entire webnovel in a single document format (both Docs and downloadable PDF) featuring NishikujiC's official chapter illustrations up to Ch. 26, and includes the now-cut comic adaption of Ch. 19 by the artist Monggeu/koug99.
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(Lord, this one. Like it wasn't a big enough pain in the ass already.)
Summary: After the events of Library of Ruina, and operating as a direct prequel to Limbus Company, Leviathan follows the Color Fixer Vergilius (aka the Red Gaze) as he grapples with his own personal traumas and comes into conflict with the Ring Syndicate, before being recruited as a guide for the LCB.
Leviathan originally started as a webcomic by Monggeu/koug99. Health issues with the artist resulted in the comic being discontinued and turned into a webnovel, whose translation was never completed and had to later be finished by fans. The comic portion has since been taken down as of the Summer 2024 copyright conflict and controversy, much like Wonderlab was. Once again, however, this has been mirrored for archival and reference purposes.
>>Original source of Leviathan on Postype. Due to the copyright conflict and the translation hiatus, the only chapters available are Ch. 12-15. The link is still included for posterity reasons and just in case the copyright conflict results in the chapters being restored.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This link includes the comic chapters, as well as the SnakeskinFS English fan translations for the last five chapters that were never completed, all in PDF form.
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Summary: After all the events of the previous games, a mysterious up and coming business known as Limbus Company has taken it upon themselves to send a group composed of 12 "Sinners" and their mysterious clock-headed Manager Dante to delve into the now-abandoned L Corp facilities in search of mysterious artifacts known as Golden Boughs.
Finally we come to the end of the shrubbery maze. Limbus Company is the latest chapter in the currently unfolding story of Project Moon and the City, a gacha game being used to fund other projects under the company umbrella.
Many people, once again, have ethical concerns about patronizing a gacha game. I for one agree with them, even as one of those patrons.
>>This playlist features all of the cutscenes for each part of the game story released so far (up to Intervallo 6.5-2/Murder on the WARP Express as of this writing).
>>There is also this site, which operates as a pure datamined text archive of all the story content.
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This section, liable to be updated at any given time, is for links to materials or fan-creations that don't necessarily fit with the strictly canonical story materials found in the games and webnovels themselves but which otherwise provide useful resources or analysis. Note that the vast majority of material here is supplementary and not required, but recommended.
(Except the literary sources. You will read those, and that is a threat. I can't take another Wings-forsaken illiterate opinion on Canto 6, I'm going to start Distorting and biting people if YOU PEOPLE DON'T READ THE DAMN SOURCE NOVELS.)
YouTubers and Video Essayists:
Frey Chaqma - Frey has done lots of work for the PM community, such as spearheading the Absolute Pride Resonance charity event for Pride Month 2024 as well as discussing the lore of the games and the City as a whole.
Tsunul - Another YouTuber who discusses lore but who also often delves into more interpersonal matters relating to the fandom and controversies that can affect the game community as a whole.
Esgoo - Although Esgoo does not necessarily get into lore so much, they are often tauted as one of the biggest names in the fandom for, if nothing else, their meta-analysis and basic gameplay/strategy material, as well as their community involvement.
hydrojoy's essay on Benjamin - in addition to Angela, hydrojoy also did an in-depth analysis on Benjamin, aka B, aka Hokma, from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina and their impact on the story.
MetiNotTheBadGuy's PM Character Essays - Meti has done several excellent character breakdown videos on some of PM's most notable villains/characters, including Roland, Kromer, and Dongrang.
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Citroncynique. For being a truly amazing artist, putting in the effort of making a watch guide for Ruina's cutscenes, and getting me into this series and ruining my life forever by jingling a bugman with PTSD in front of me (<3).
MIMI/Whitezombies, Monggeu/koug99, NishikujiC, and Vellmori. Although several of these artists have left PM and the community on bad terms, I still think their efforts should be appreciated and supported, now more than ever.
SnakeskinFS. For finishing Leviathan's English translation.
Folex, Bek, WordsmithVids, hydrojoy, and the Lobotomy Corporation Archive. For posting their cutscene and summary/analysis videos.
NeedsMoreDoge. The Steam user who provided the original guide and backup on how to read Leviathan that I myself utilized.
The less than pleasant members of the community who spurred me into making this guide in the first place, out of pure spite.
And of course, readers like you and those members of the community who make me so happy to be here and be a part of this fandom. Genuinely, thank you all, I have never felt as welcomed as I do in the Project Moon circles I run in.
In addition to the references included here, I recommend you get involved in your PM community as well! Join communities and Discords, support content creators on social sites, help contribute where it's needed and in whatever way you can! The best way to counteract the worst elements of any fandom is to be a guiding and helpful element in your own right.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope this guide helps you out!
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bobbinalong · 2 months
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☀️ The Jon Kent Reading Guide, now in picture and spreadsheet form.
Super-Twins Reading Guide :)
Jay Nakamura Reading Guide :)
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mistyjessart · 28 days
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“Hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing even the greediest likings of Big People.”
The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
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Just a little light reading,,,
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aboutthenabaron · 6 months
This blog is about collecting Feyd-Rautha fics. The posts are only reblogs. They are tagged by categories (see tag guide) and, as of now they also get tags like imagine, oneshot, headcanon, series, masterlist and the name of the writer’s blog.
If anyone wants to be crossed off the list or the blog let me know.
I’ll reblog fics I come across from now on, if you want your Feyd fic to be reblogged just tag @aboutthenabaron
List of writers:
@alavestineneas • tagged reblogs
@amica-aenigmata-naboo • tagged reblogs
@austinbutlerslovers • tagged reblogs
@barbiedragon • tagged reblogs
@cherienymphe • tagged reblogs
@citrusdarling7 • tagged reblogs
@clooyd • tagged reblogs
@cosmictheo • tagged reblogs
@dreamlandcreations • tagged reblogs
@eraenaa • tagged reblogs
@foreverdolly • tagged reblogs
@fqntasies • tagged reblogs
@francis-writes • tagged reblogs
@harkonnin • tagged reblogs
@houserautha • tagged reblogs
@kasagia • tagged reblogs
@kpopnstarwars • tagged reblogs
@lady-phasma • tagged reblogs
@lieutenantfloyd • tagged reblogs
@luminnara • tagged reblogs
@missjadesfics • tagged reblogs
@n-slayaaaaa • tagged reblogs
@perlelune • tagged reblogs
@plutoswritingplanet • tagged reblogs
@queenofmistresses • tagged reblogs
@peggyao3 • tagged reblogs
@sansaorgana • tagged reblogs
@sebastianswallows • tagged reblogs
@seresinhangmanjake • tagged reblogs
@space-mango-company • tagged reblogs
@steph-speaks • tagged reblogs
@ughdontbeboring • tagged reblogs
@valeskafics • tagged reblogs
@vulpine-spectacle • tagged reblogs
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hirayaea · 7 months
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mc, what have you done
once again I return to spending my time thinking about why xavier does the things he does
one of the consistent things about him is that he does things / tries new things out / buys things as long as mc even gives a hint that it will make her happy, because that’s just how much he loves her
and now I ask myself, why is he so obsessed with the kitchen, where did this desire to cook even begin
aaand I think found it
now we don’t know the chronological timeline of any of the tender moments but after re-listening I am convinced (until proven otherwise) that this is the starting point of xavier’s destructive kitchen journey
the thing is, after he says this, mc doesn’t make a comment about his kitchen skills at all… which I interpreted as — maybe she doesn’t know yet?
but now that she’s planted the idea in his head… well… she’s about to find out hahaha 😂
source: tender moments - heartfelt code
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lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
Danganronpa fics/prompts:
#1 Oneshot
#2 mlb x sdr2 crossover
Prologue // chp 1 p1, chp 1 p2, chp 1 pt3 character analysis // angst:
#1 A Shard Of What I Deserve
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citrlet · 6 months
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i have a slight mods addiction so here's part 2! part 1 linked here
~under the cut as usual because there's just too dang much
visual aesthetics
medieval sheds (to go with medieval buildings / medieval sdve / way back pelican town)
secret garden terrarium
starkissed skintones
rosedryads fairy wings & accessories
dynamic reflections
chest deco
too many swatches furniture recolor
fancy trash and resources retexture
fancy vanilla and sve elixirs retexture
fancy qi items and misc stuff retexture
fancy fishing and tackles retexture
fancy crops and forage retexture
fancy artisan goods icons retexture
fancy rings and shoes retexture
fancy artifacts retexture
fishing rod bobbler retexture
warp totems to magic books
more elegant farmer body
aimons more lively quarry
aimons lively sewer
distant lands witch swamp expansion
the farmers children
mr. ginger cat npc
jorts and jeans cat npcs
amanita lover
lnh fantasy farm cave
downtown zuzu
strange machines revisited
fieval goes east scarp
rodney o'brien
juliet and jesse
professor jasper thomas
alecto the witch
better shipping bin
smart building
furniture placement tweaks
furniture adjustment
buildable large tree pack
mystical buildings
shyzies string lights
divine decor
guxelbits furniture
lunes offerings
aimons fancy farmhouse
aimons tidy cozy cellar
aimons fancy greenhouse
redesigned shed layout
tidy cozy ginger island farmhouse
additional bus interior map
greenhouse furniture set
sailor moon hairstyles and clothing (fashion sense version in the comments section)
shyzies seasonal rugs
seasonal open windows
futan bears
romantic fountains and arches
romantic furniture
bathroom furniture
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nicheguides · 24 days
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How to Infiltrate a Royal Palace
Espionage and desception seem to be the best approach when nobility has had a monopoly on violence for so long.
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mybeautifulpoland · 11 months
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Toruń, Poland by opal.i.chabry
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Regret it or was it worth it?
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beginners guide to classics:
novels —
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde (the classic that started it all for me - oscar wilde is KING)
dracula - bram stoker
rebecca - daphne du maurier
a christmas carol - charles dickens
frankenstein - mary shelley
their eyes were watching god - zora neale hurston
the haunting of hill house - shirley jackson
lolita - vladimir nabakov (my current read)
jane eyre - charlotte bronte
plays & short story collections —
the importance of being earnest - oscar wilde
the crucible - arthur miller
the bloody chamber and other short stories - angela carter (adore this)
edgar allen poe's short stories
poetry —
goblin market - christina rossetti
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