Danny Phantom/DCxDP
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#1 Draft - Out Of Choice, But Not Out Of Reach - Whom We Trust
— Have you guys seen Danny? — Jazz asks, she picks at her nails, scraping up the dirt underneath them, — I haven’t seen him since yesterday and he isn’t picking up his phone.
Sam and Tucker exchange a look, one that immediately tells Jazz she’s not going to like the answer to her question. 
— We… we talked to him yesterday, — Sam starts — but we haven't heard from him since he went home.
— …He wasn't home yesterday.
Sam and Tucker look at each other again, and a feeling of dread fills the air.
— Yesterday Danny asked us a question, — Tucker begins saying, seeming to fight a lump in his throat — he asked us where we would look for him if he ran away.
— We thought we were joking or thinking of the distant future… so we didn't really pay it any mind.
— Maybe we should have pushed for a sleepover at least…
— It's… it's not your fault, — Jazz's eyes are moist, fighting against tears — we just have to find him. Did he say where he thought he might go? Or anything that might clue us to where he is going?
— Not really… but we should start searching the city, maybe he just hid in some of his usual haunts..?
— Yeah, maybe. Let’s split up and see if he can find him…
Danny wasn’t anywhere they could think of, they searched the clearing in the park, the observatory, they checked the empty apartments around town, Casper High, and even the city sign, but there was no trace of the ghost boy in Amity Park.
— What do we do? He isn’t anywhere! — Tucker says, exasperated after the hours of searching.
— Do you think any of the ghosts know anything? — Sam asks — He’s been on good terms with most of them recently, even if they keep bothering him.
— I don’t know, Sam… Do you really think it’s a good idea? — Jazz inquiries.
— It’s better than not trying everything we can! We need to exhaust our options before freaking out, or Ancients forbid, giving up!
— I mean, she has a point — Tucker says 
now it's what's gonna happen for the rest of the chapter that i haven't properly written out yet:
they talk to johnny and kitty
they talk to ember
they talk to skulker
this leads to absolutely nothing
they each go home and gather stuff so that they can fuck off to find danny
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the first part of those we leave behind (pt2 of out of choice, but not out of reach) will be called whom we trust and it's extremely dialogue heavy at first
tbh i'm just gonna start posting whatever i write and then editing stuff out/in as i go
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tbh i'm just gonna start posting whatever i write and then editing stuff out/in as i go
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DCXDP fics/prompts:
Demon Twins AU:
#1 - Out Of Choice, But Not Out Of Reach - AO3
Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things
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Out Of Choice, But Not Out Of Reach - #1 Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things
Sometimes your destiny is completely out of your hands – Danny Fenton couldn’t seem to find a way to avoid learning that lesson. First; when he was shot when Slade invaded the headquarters of the League, and subsequently his family, was using, while the fight between Slade and Grandfather was going on, he used the chaos to get to the Lazarus Pit before he bled out; a second time when he died in that godforsaken portal; the most prevalent one was definitely his first meeting with Clockwork, there he noticed that it doesn’t matter how hard you try, if it isn’t meant to be, someone will interfere. It doesn’t mean he won’t still do things as before, but now there’s forever the dread of knowing.
It’s been about a year since what he, Jazz, Sam and Tucker dubbed “The Dan Incident”, and Danny can't seem to stop thinking about it. Well, not really about Dan, no, but about Damian. He can’t stop thinking about how Dan likely ended up killing Damian – it’d be inevitable, and, considering the state the future he had been shown was in, he hoped Damian went early on, really, he also hoped it was quick, like he tried to do when he was in the League.
What really bothered Danny, though, was that he couldn’t help but wonder if staying with the Fentons even was a good idea at this point. Surely he has learned that misfortune would follow him anywhere he went, so why wait for the shoe to drop? Before the accident, he was relatively safe to live the rest of his life in Amity, sure, it was kind of a deadend, but it was tranquil, so he couldn’t really complain. Now, though? He was in constant danger inside and outside his house, being half dead meant no place with the living and no place with the dead. He should leave while he still can.
The League isn’t likely to spot him, considering it’s been years since his “death” and he probably looks different enough from Damian now… which is something he’ll have to think about later. And the threats of dissection (vivisection?) by his parents keep increasing – he doesn’t want to fuck around and find out.
So, the League is probably not an issue anymore, staying seems to get more dangerous each day and he’s pretty sure most ghosts only come to Amity to fight him.
Nevertheless, running away also came with a plethora of problems, for one: leaving Jazz and his friends. When he got adopted into the Fenton household he tried not to get attached to anyone. He couldn’t keep that up for long, as a touch starved 9 year old that came from a violent background and got thrown into a very loving family. First, he got attached to his parents, then Jazz, Tucker, and finally, Sam. He doesn’t regret it, not one bit, but it might make this choice hard to make – since the easiest way to run away would be to fake his death and forgo any contact with everyone from his old life. Maybe they’d know he wasn’t (fully) dead, maybe they’d just be extremely miserable, he wouldn't know. 
Another issue is that he’s the current Ghost King, and oh boy doesn’t that complicate things? He keeps getting more powerful, which means keeping his cover is getting harder – an unsettling and overpowering aura surrounds him now, and sure, it reacts to other people’s emotions as well as his own, which in theory should make it easier to hide, since everyone in Amity seems to have differing opinions on his two  personas, but the fact that his aura is big enough that others take notice is concerning enough on its own; he’s control over his abilities needs to be impeccable or he risks getting found out; and he’s pretty sure some of his more ghostly traits are beginning to bleed over into his human form. He also needs stable access to a portal, since he needs to take at least two trips per month to the Ghost Zone so he can check over things with Clockwork and parade around to remind the citizens of the realm that he is their king; he can’t officially take over since he’s still alive, once he’s entirely dead he will, but for now the observants act as regents and that’s more than fine by him.
And third: he’s not really sure where he should go. You’d think Gotham would be his first option because of his father, but he has too much media presence, so Danny’d be brought to the spotlight. Does anyone in Amity care about Gotham? Not that he knows of. But it’d still be too big of a risk. Plus, Tucker really wants to work in Wayne Enterprises in the future, he’s sure that it’d become a problem in no time.
So… what to do? Money isn’t a problem, since he has access to all the treasure hoarded by Pariah Dark over the centuries, but that’s not all he has to consider. He needs some sort of safety net, that much is obvious, and since he won’t be able to count on his regular support system, he should fall back on his blood.
Maybe he could go to Blüdhaven? It’s close enough to Gotham that he can go there if he somehow needs to come into contact with someone from his biological family but not enough that he’d be immediately clocked… but then there’s Nightwing… as long as he doesn’t get  into any trouble it should be fine, right? It’s not like there’s a city without a hero nowadays… Urgh, nevermind, he’ll come back to these thoughts later, he’d rather not spend his rare moment of peace coming up with what to do after he fakes his death.
Sometimes fate decides that things should be ultimately out of your hands – but Damian Al Ghul Wayne fights with all his might to avoid such a thing becoming a rule in his life. When he came to live with his father, around 7 years ago, he held out hope that his twin had made it and would eventually return to his side. That never happened. And now Damian isn’t sure how to approach the topic of Danyal with his family, so he just… doesn’t. Even after all this time, it feels wrong to keep the memory of Danyal to himself, he should be celebrated, even if his death was premature and almost a decade has passed.
Danyal had died the same day as Grandfather, which is why his grief isn’t questioned –, even if the Bats are well aware of his distaste of his Grandfather’s actions, now that he’s recognized them for what they were. Damian isn’t sure if it’ll ever come to pass, because in quiet moments like this, he thinks of what could have been.
His twin was never needlessly violent, and his killings were virtually a mercy, compared to the others in the LoA, even himself. Maybe he would have adapted faster than Damian did, maybe he would have made a better Robin, maybe they would still wake up together and share little moments of quiet.
It’s all speculation, all it will ever be. They never found his body, but even now, years later, the image of his pierced chest is burned between the other twin’s eyes, it wasn’t likely to survive a wound like that, and even if he did, the bloodloss would’ve killed him regardless. But to a 9 year old, the what ifs often overshadow reality, which is why Damian had kept his hopes up, afterall, one of the many teachings of the League was that “if there isn’t a body then one should always consider the possibility of the victim having survived”. But now, at 16, he could see it for what it was, the foolishness of a child longing for what is gone – he’ll never admit it, but in the darkest, deepest and most hidden part of his heart, Damian still has a little bit of wonder, almost completely squashed, but a bit of hope of seeing his brother once again remains.
There’s no use for pondering at the moment, time doesn’t stop and soon one of his siblings will notice his absence at breakfast and come to pester him, thus he gets up and readies himself to face another hectic morning.
“If I were to go missing, where would you search for me first?” was not a question Tucker was ready for, like, at all, but especially at two in the afternoon on a saturday. Danny hadn’t been the same since that thing with Dan or whatever they had dubbed it, he didn’t change much, but he seemed to get lost in thought more frequently, and Tucker didn’t blame him! Really! But man, what went through his head was morbid at times, and he maybe shouldn’t voice those out of nowhere.
— Uhh I guess… your parent’s basement? — awkward silence fills the air, it’s the most obvious answer, but not a thing they normally consider outloud. A grimace crosses Danny’s face for a second.
— No, I mean, if I …ran away. — he says, and there’s some hesitancy. Obviously, there’s more to the question, but Tucker can’t for the life of him figure out what it could be.
— I’d guess Wisconsin, since it’s close by and you might be able to rely on Vlad if push comes to shove, but that is not likely at all, — Sam starts before coming to a slight pause to think. — Maybe Missouri?
— Why…?
— Cause it’s close by, it’s not like we’d let you get far before going after you. — she smirks and gives his arm a little punch.
—  I think we’d find Danny in Florida, actually, — Tucker chuckles before continuing — it’s the only place where he wouldn’t stand out.
— Oh, screw you. — He says before he lunges at Tucker.
Sam watches for a bit, the conversation got to her more than it did to Tucker. She decides that now isn’t the time to worry about it, she doesn’t think Danny would leave them behind without saying anything, not after all they’ve been through, but it did leave a sour taste in her mouth. To stop herself from spiraling down a rabbit hole, she jumps – literally jumps – into the struggle. 
That is how the three friends end up scratched all over, with dirt and grass stuck to their clothes and silly smiles on their faces, looking up at the sky as the clouds pass by. Moments like this used to be common, but with the chaos that is Amity Park nowadays a chance to just relax and joke around as friends seems more and more like a luxury.
Their peace is interrupted when Danny sighs, a defeated sigh that usually comes after his breath fogs – which means there is a ghost nearby. A shout ruptures the quiet and kills any hopes for the rest of their afternoon.
— Alright, — he gets up and stretches. — Just wait for me, I’ll be back in a sec.
Sam and Tucker look at each other, worried glances on both ends – they didn’t even need to say anything. Things will never go back to the way they were before, that is something all three know intimately. Danny died. Everything they have witnessed is bound to leave some sort of mark as well. And there are the Fentons. Sam and Tucker knew Danny and Jazz loved their parents, but at this point it seemed inevitable that someday they’d turn on Danny, and it seems that even if he doesn’t talk about it, it’s also something he believes.
It feels unfair, Danny seemed to have come from a bad background and was settling into his own skin and fully letting his guard down for what felt like the first time before the accident. And wasn’t that heartbreaking? He’d adjusted to the life in Amity early on, but to actually enjoy himself? That took some 2-3 years, and to trust that he could always rely on the people around him? It had just started happening into the beginning of their ninth grade. Then the portal opened and he had to put some of those walls back up to protect himself, not just emotionally, but physically as well. Now, they’re in 11th grade, they should be looking for colleges and studying for entrance exams, but instead, Danny is thinking of running away.
They know how their friend thinks at this point, and it’s undeniable they’ll likely have to say goodbye soon.
Dealing with the Box Ghost wasn’t hard, but it sure was annoying. After the fight (if you could even call it that) ended he went back to Sam and Tuck, they laid on the grass for a while longer, ultimately, they got hungry and headed to the Nasty Burger and ate before parting ways.
Danny plops face first into his bed. Well… he could have approached that with more subtlety. Maybe it was his subconscious trying to get them to look for him, or something, to prepare them for his absence. That sounds too close to something Jazz would say…
He turns around, putting his arm on his forehead. His thoughts keep getting away from him, always back to Damian – would he have liked Amity Park? Probably not, if he was being honest with himself. He couldn’t even see himself liking it there when he arrived – in fact: He had hated it. The city was so calm it felt forced, the Fentons so loving it felt like a trap, the kids lacked any malice at all, everything screamed danger at him, like he was about to be ambushed. Nothing ever came to that, just a nice, cozy, little town. 
Well, until the portal opened, that is. 
He stops and just looks at his ceiling for a bit, the old glow in the dark stars already discolored and lacking any actual functionality, there was no reason for them to remain there but the attachment to what they used to be, kinda like him. There was no escaping his current reality. No escaping his need to desert this city, this family, this life. 
Danny sits up and looks around his room, which for the last few years had become his safe haven. He looks at the stained carpet, marked by his many sleepovers with Sam and Tuck, he looks at his ceiling fan, that was cracked from the time the trio had tried to recreate the solar system on it, he looks at his closet, his posters, his desk, everything that was proof of the life he had lived here.
He needs some water and something to eat before setting his plan up.
As he heads down the stairs to the first floor he hears his mother’s soft voice coming from the kitchen.
— Oh Jack, I’m so worried about Danny, — the phrase startles Danny, he turns invisible and intangible, floating a bit so as to not make any sound, — his ecto-contamination has only gotten worse over the years… how can we be sure he’s okay?
— Honey, I’m sure Danno is fine! He must be building up resistance!
— But what if… what if it’s fusing to him? What if there’s no reversing this? — His mom is chewing on her lower lip, clearly distressed. 
At the sight, his dad softens up and hugs her, his voice comforting as he speaks, — We’ll make sure he’s fine, Maddie. We might not know what happened, but we know each other and we know what we’re doing, we’re experts in our field. 
Danny can’t stay there anymore, they know he has ecto in his system and they know it’s getting worse. They know and they want to “fix” him. He’s completely and utterly fucked. 
Alongside his nervousness there is also newfound resolve. He quickly phases into his room, grabs his thermos, maybe two shirts and a pair of pants, he shoves it all inside an old backpack he hasn’t used in years. He will need to dispose of his phone, taking anything electronic with him will leave a trail and he can’t have that. Hopefully his parents don’t have his ecto signature yet, he doesn’t think he has the time to get rid of it if they do.
He checks the kitchen again, they aren’t there anymore, likely back in the lab, then. He has to leave through the front door, to not raise any suspicions. Now, how to make this realistic? Maybe he can fake being murdered? No, Amity doesn’t really have that type of violence. Maybe he can fake being a casualty in a ghost attack? But he’d have to damage public spaces to do so and he doesn’t want to endanger anyone else… Fake getting kidnapped? It wouldn’t be the first time it happened, even as a human.
He could also just up and leave. It’s not like Amity has any actual investigative police force… Maybe he’s complicating things too much. He needs to go before he has time to chicken out. His parents will probably make a move on his ecto contamination within the week and he can’t be there for that.
— Bye mom, dad, be back in a bit! — and so, he shuts the door – leaving his house for what will probably be the last time.
Inevitabilities And Such Unfortunate Things > Those We Leave Behind
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A Shard Of What I Deserve
words: 793
Nagito thinks he should kill himself. It’s not anything new, thoughts like these have plagued his mind ever since his parents died in that plane crash. Who is he to live when so many have died? When most of those close to him are gone? When his own hands have taken lives? 
The answer is quite simple: he doesn’t deserve to live. He doesn’t deserve the accommodations he is getting on the island. An entire top of the line mechanical arm to substitute the putrid thing he had sown onto himself? It’s unbearable to think about. 
He’s ever had what most would call “common sense”, now he thinks it’s a mixture of trauma with his deteriorating brain, slowly being eaten away by disease – the point is: even he feels guilty about all the maiming, crippling and killing he did. Scum like him didn’t have the right to affect the lives of others permanently. He often wonders if the ones who escaped him survived or died from some sort of infection… they also could have killed themselves, not being able to cope with their new reality.
Nagito can’t keep himself from spiraling, thoughts spinning as he thinks of all he took from others, what he did even when not under direct influence of the ultimate despair brainwashing. How could he keep living with them? With such amazing people, such hopeful people, people who when put into the same situation as him weren’t half as cruel, half as insane, who tried their best to live peacefully while he went on to make things as hard as possible for them-
He hardly registers the world around him at this point. He’s on the floor. Hands are gripping his arms. He feels nails dig into his porcelain-like skin. His breathing is quick, too quick, he doesn’t get nearly enough oxygen as he should, in. He starts wheezing, feral laughs leaving his mouth, his lungs rattling.
He should do it. He should end it all. There is a broken window from Akane and Nekomaru’s last spar. Nagito ogles a shard of glass, the biggest one he can find amongst all the pieces on the ground.
He hasn’t moved towards it, his mind still running at a thousand miles per hour. He feels the hands grip his hair now, his scalp is probably bleeding.
He doesn’t feel the world around him anymore, not in a way that matters. Head fuzzy and body dizzy, the pain in his arms and head was not enough to snap him out of this state.
Nails dig into his scalp, he can’t stop them.
He punches his thighs with both his hands, with all his might. It should hurt more, he should have evidence of the awful person he is and all he is doing to himself, to show the world that he too thinks The Servant, Nagito Komaeda, should suffer, should feel the pain he inflicted on others, should hurt for the burden he is to all around him.
He crawls towards the glass.
His knees are bleeding now.
Nagito grabs the piece that kept staring at him. Little flakes of glass cut his hands, but not deep enough. He knows what he should do.
With the sizable shard in his hand, he tries the tip, see if it’ll serve its job. He slashes his palm, weakly to see if it’s enough to cut.
Blood begins pooling. He slashes again, this time with more force. His metal hand scratched because of the sharp object.
He bites into his slashed hand, knowing that the pain he will feel in an instant will be worse. Driving the glass towards his tight he aims at the femoral artery, relying on his luck to get it right. After stabbing, he lets his hand wander, leaving a bloody trail after wherever the shard passes.
He seems to have aimed perfectly, because as the makeshift blade leaves his body, red and viscous liquid pours out of him. Swooning, he lets his body fall to the ground, on top of the glass. Cuts litter his entire body now. He lies there, as the world becomes darker – this might have been the best thing he has ever done for the world.
No one should come after him, now, there is no saving him if no one knows he needs saving, being last seen in his cabin, he’s fairly certain he won’t have to deal with anyone troubling themselves with taking care of him.
Just like last time, while covered in cuts, the world fades to black completely as cold takes a hold of his body. In his last moments of awareness, he wonders what will be done with his body. Hopefully discarded before the rancid smell impregnates the ambient…
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i'm alive, i swear - i'm starting a new fic just to have something to post. the mlb x dr one is still in the works, i just overestimated my abilities in writting action,,
anyways!! the new one is dcxdp because for that i can tell canon to shove it, while in the older one i want it to be as loyal to it as possible (character wise)
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i need a beta reader so bad dhjskgj
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lakes-writting-rambles · 10 months
#1-3 mlb x sdr2 crossover
words: 1691
( Nagito pov )
“So let me get this straight - you’re attached to some magic jewelry that can give me powers?”
“Yup, the power of destruction, now explaining this is too tiring, do you have any cheese?”
“Uhh maybe? Not sure… Let’s check-” - We head towards the kitchen and I open the fridge’s door. 
“Huh... you have gorgonzola, brie, etc but not a single camembert?! Urg- guess I'll have to do with… this,” - Plagg says with what I guess is a disgusted look on his face while he gesticulates vaguely with his hands(?)/paws(?).
“Excuse my inquiry, but how am I supposed to transform?” - Plagg, who was already chucking down the cheese that he supposedly disliked, stops for a second. - “You just gotta say ‘Plagg, claws out’ while wearing the ring.”
“Hmm…” - I fiddle with the ring that was now on my finger - “Plagg, claws out, huh-” - As I finish muttering, the cat deforms and flies into the ring screaming as his cheese falls back onto the table. 
Before I can really understand what happened, I see myself reflected in the fridge’s handle, I’m dressed in what seems like a mysterious leather-like material and (for some reason), I have cat ears. ‘I guess it makes sense since my “kwami” is a cat…’
I feel something on my back, it feels like some sort of tube - I grab it and when I bring it back I notice that the suit covers even my fingernails, which are thematically extended to mimic cat claws. The tube has a paw-shaped green button that I impulsively click. 
That seems like some sort of tutorial… I should probably read up on it.
( Hajime pov )
“UHH FUCK NO????” - I stare incredulously at the flying thing in front of me. - “Did I fucking die trying to save that old dude? That would be so pathetic- fitting for me, sure- but kinda disappointing. Oh god am I in a coma?? That’s still really pathetic and I'd have to deal with fucking Natsumi laughing at me if I ever wake up-”
“Hajime, please, trust me, you’re not dead- I know it might sound unbelievable but it’s all true! I’m Tikki, the kwami of creation, and you’re my new wielder!” - The creature looks cheerful- good for them, but it’s kinda creepy. - “Now, I think you’ll only believe me after seeing, so, why don’t you try putting on the earrings and saying ‘Tikki, spots on!’?”
“I don’t think I really have an option anyway…” - I analyze the earrings, deciding if I should put them on or not - ‘today I left without any earrings, so wouldn’t people be suspicious? That is if anyone even pays attention to my ears… whatever, I’m not gonna get anywhere with this.’ - “Tikki, spots on!”
Just as the… thing… said, I see that same tint of light appear, covering my entire body.
“...I don’t really feel any different…”
I look into my room’s mirror and see that I suddenly find myself in a really corny ladybug outfit - was this really the best I could come up with-? Suddenly I understand why my parents want me to hang out with people more in touch with fashion. 
I notice my chest feels lighter and my breathing is freer… - ‘I guess Tikki did say it would transform me into whatever I imagined… suddenly this doesn’t feel that bad…’ - Then I see that there’s a little ball-like thing strapped to the belt of the suit, I grab it and notice that the black dot in the middle looks like a button. - ‘I think Tikki told me about this… there should be some sort of guide here…’
( Nagito pov )
‘Okay… I think I got most of it.’ - When I finish reading and head towards the window - according to the manual (can I even call it that?), this stick should extend if I click it like this… - “Huh!”
I feel surprisingly more agile in this…
“Alright! Here goes nothing-!”
I throw my weight along with the extended stick - I fly out the window and feel a kind of freedom I hadn’t felt since… ever, really. I try thinking of what to do next - ‘should I try heading somewhere? Maybe the Eiffel Tower? Never been to it, surprisingly enough…’ 
The wind breezes through my hair, which now that I pay attention to it, is stuck in a half-up.
( Hajime pov )
“Yeah, no fucking way I'm trusting a yoyo and jumping off a balcony,” - ‘but how do I get down from here without seeming like I’m an insane person to all my neighbors..?’ - nothing comes to mind, except… - ‘Maybe the fire escape…? Feels a bit dumb, though-  but, I guess it’s my best option…’
With my mind made up, all in me wishing that no one was looking in this general direction, and trying to ignore how hot my face felt at the thought of running down the stairs like a little kid, I head toward the window where I can find the fire escape, and after what seemed like an infinite amount of floors, I reach the ground. 
“Okay… so how should this work..?” - with the yoyo still in my hand I try investigating more about it, even if I don’t think it’ll lead me anywhere. - ‘There’s a light pole right there… you know what? fuck it’.
With my last thought before my inevitable demise, I throw the yoyo towards it, seeing it wrap around the pole with a firm grasp.
I pull. 
“wHAT THE SHIIIIIIII–” - I faceplate onto the pole.
( Nagito pov )
‘The city looks so pretty from here’ - as I barely finish the thought I see some sort of red and black dot practically smash itself against a light pole. - ‘ouch- I should probably check on them-’
As I head there, I see them trying again - like what? 2? or 3 times? Before finally giving up and just laying on the floor. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Did I hit my head so hard that I’m seeing a fucking catboy?”
“Nope, I am very much real, to your probable distaste-” - their eyes are a bit closed due to the sun hitting their face.
“At least I don’t have a concussion.” - they sit up and scratch their head.
“Not sure that’s a good idea considering the number of times you hit your head-”
“I’m fine, actually - these are supposed to be indestructible or something.”
“I assumed since you only have the mask protecting your face you’d have been injured- since, well, I’m pretty sure you’re not indestructible.” - I extend my hand to help them up. 
“I’m honestly too freaked out about the entire thing to think about specifics, man” - he reaches for it, and now our faces are mere centimeters apart. 
I’ve never been one for romance, sure I’ve seen attractive people and wondered how it’d be to date them, but it was always a quick thought - this time… this time it seems different, their eyes are a pretty hazel/green, a dark brown hair that looks silky, their lips are full and a pretty reddish pink, their outfit was surprisingly okay considering the theme they were given - the black spots of the outfit filled at the edges, like hands and feet, giving the impression that there were gloves/boots, their belt accentuates their hips and, honestly, just wow. - ‘I… I should stop starring- it probably comes off as rude or perverted-’ - I gulp - “fair enough.”
( Hajime pov )
The person in the catsuit seems to blush. Gotta say, their eyes are beautiful, the white of their hair and eyelashes makes their blue-greyish eyes pop against the black mask. I’m assuming they know as much as I do about this whole miraculous thing. Their outfit is pretty alright, but is it just me, or does their outfit kinda look like Hatsune Miku-? The black/grey/greenish aesthetic is the main thing leading me on that route - well and the cat ears also kinda look like the hair loop thingies,, ‘maybe I should just stop comparing them to Hatsune Miku-’ - either way, the main part of the suit is a light black, their outfit seems to have thicker gloves and boots and their knees and elbows have silver protection it also has green highlights all over that help give it some style. There’s a huge ass belt tied around their hips.
( Nagito pov )
Our borderline staring competition is interrupted when I suddenly remember - “Uhh what’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking- of course. Oh, and pronouns-”
“I don’t think you mean like, my actual name- but I haven’t come up with anything, to be honest. My pronouns are he/him, though.”
“I haven’t come up with anything either - my pronouns are he/they.” 
“Alright- I’ll just call you… Actually, never mind- everything I could come up with reminded me of some sort of discord mod- and I think we’d both want to avoid whatever that’d be.”
“I’m awful at nicknames, so I probably wouldn’t be able to come up with anything better… Just call me, I don’t know- black cat…?”
“Yeah, sure- very creative, Chat Noir.” - He stops for a bit. - “Call me Bug, for now- that would suck as a permanent hero name, though… heh.” 
“Why did we even get these, though… I mean, I’m assuming you know about as much as I do.”
“I read what I could find on the guide thing on my supposed weapon. Don’t know anything other than that.”
“Same, same” - Bug stops and looks pensive. - “Did anything out of the ordinary happen to you lately?” 
“That is a tough question, I guess…” - ‘should I even tell him this?’ - “My life isn’t exactly ordinary- please don’t think trash such as myself is being arrogant, I meant that in the worst way possible-”
“Relax- Okay, so we won’t get any answers if we can’t compare the results… Shit… Okay, let’s not bother with that right now, then.”
“Should we get to know each other’s identities? Scum like me doesn’t deserve to request that, of course- but I think it’d make things easier in case of an emergency-”
“Pfft what kind of emergency? Some sort of supervillain?”
We hear an explosion.
chp. 0 > chp. 1 pt 1 > chp. 1 pt 2 > chp. 1 pt 3
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lakes-writting-rambles · 10 months
changed my mind about some of the formatting, so chapter 1-3 here we go
i take a long ass time to write, but i swear my ao3 will be updated (i say as i haven't posted in over a year)
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lakes-writting-rambles · 10 months
i take a long ass time to write, but i swear my ao3 will be updated (i say as i haven't posted in over a year)
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lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
#1-2 mlb x sdr2 crossover
words: 2458
( Ibuki pov ) 
Ibuki wanted to talk to Hajime, he seemed nice. Maybe he’d like Ibuki’s new song! She doesn’t know, but hey, worth a shot.
“Yooo~ Kaz, have you seen Hajimee?” - Ibuki says, zir kinda expects him to know something. 
“Nope” - Kazuichi says with a pop. Ibuki thinks it’s funny - “I’ve been looking for Miss Sonia this entire time. He’s probably Chiaki and Nagito, though.”
“Hmm... makes sense. He IS Chiaki’s best friend, or at least Ibuki thinks so…”
“Wait, isn’t Nagito friends with Miss Sonia?” 
“Yup-!” - Ibuki says replicating the pop Kazuichi added to his “nope’ earlier. - “They chat a lot about books. Once Ibuki saw them discussing a book with a weird title and wanted to join in, but they said they weren’t sure Ibuki’d like it-”
“Hate to interrupt ya, but shouldn’t we search for them before lunch ends? We’re taking so long, Miss Sonia might be an old lady by the time we find her! Not like she’d be any less gorgeous, though! I’m sure Miss Sonia will look great no matter what.” - Ibuki has turned herself out at this point, Kazuichi has stars in his eyes and is practically drooling.
Ibuki sees Akane in the distance and heads towards her.
( Hajime pov ) 
Nagito seems to be fiddling with something, he seems distracted. There’s a strange beauty to it, just seeing him in his “natural habitat” like that - ‘he’s kinda cute… wait no, shut up- this is literally the first day- I’m not an elementary school girl. I’m just looking forward to befriending him, that’s all.’ - as if sensing I was thinking of him, he turns to look at us. He is wearing a warm smile, the one that seems to ease any type of anxiety.
As we head towards him, I see that he hasn’t touched his food. “Nagito- what the hell- why haven’t you eaten anything…”
“Oh! Hajime, even scum can tell it’s rude to eat before everyone is at the table!”
“You don’t have to worry about that, you know… Hajime and I said we were gonna chat, you should’ve just started eating…” - Chiaki looks lost in thought for a second, she’s doing that little pout thing she always does. - “Doesn’t matter now, anyway. Let’s just eat.”
( Nagito pov )
‘Chiaki really is a lifesaver, huh… I feel as if it were up to me and Hajime this would’ve become awkward really fast- them again! Not to bundle him up with someone as disgustingly bad at everything-’
“Hey… Nagito?”
“Hmm?” - Now that I'm able to actually take a good look at him… he’s really pretty… His somehow spikey hazel hair fits so well with his light-green almost yellow eyes, he seems to be well built… ‘Wait…- that’s so creepy- why am I like this- just make conversation like a normal person-’ 
“I was wondering… can you show me around the school?” - Hajime said, while shoving the rest of his food down his throat, kind of a funny sight. 
“Oh, I could never do a proper job at showing you around! I would forget to show most things and I’m sure Chiaki would be more than happy to accompany you-”
“Well,, uhmm,, she’s kinda…” - Hajime points to his side with his head. Which then leads me to realize that Chiaki fell asleep at some point and that likely time flew by faster than I could account for… I glance down at my plate and see that it too reflects the time that went by. 
“oH- right- how did I not notice that… Truly fitting for scum like me…” - As I finish saying that, Hajime looks slightly uncomfortable. ‘Dammit, I did it again. Great job, Nagito, you’re making such a good impression.’ - “Of course, I can show you around! To be trusted with such a task… I really am lucky…”
“Oookay… then I'll wait for you to finish eating.”
“Oh- no! I’m not even hungry anymore, let’s just go.” 
Hajime looks a bit uncomfortable as if he wants to say something about it, but then he shakes his head- I’m assuming he brushed the thought off. - “If you say so…” 
He gently holds Chiaki and takes her off his shoulder, resting her head on the table - she doesn’t wake up, which is impressive, honestly. ‘If Hajime were to do that to me, no matter how gentle he’s being, I'd wake up within a second! And it has nothing to do with how amazing he looks nor does it have to do with his kind personality hah… yeah… no…’
( Hajime pov )
Nagito starts giggling, cute- why is he giggling, though? 
As I finish putting Chiaki down, I back away and look Nagito in the eyes. He seems kinda far away… I probably shouldn’t mention it- I’ll just play safe and try to get the “tour” going- - “So… let’s go?” - I try smiling, and hope I don’t look like a dumbass. 
( Nagito pov )
‘Pr- no. No time to stare, just don’t be a fool and show him around. This is the only time he’ll get a first impression of the school, no openings for screw-ups.’
“...Well- you’ve already been to our class and the cafeteria, so I guess we can just go ahead..?”
“Yeah, sure, sure”
‘I’m so socially inept it should be a crime. He’ll hate me by the end of this for sure…’
We walk in silence for a bit, I’m not sure if it’s comforting or not, but no time to think about it, we reach the infirmary.
“Okay, so- here’s the infirmary- as you might have guessed i come here quite often… heh…” - he looks at me a bit concerned - “there is most medication and a way to treat most injuries, just nothing too serious, though - like, if you get hit by a car and break both of your legs they can keep them stable until you’re able to go to a hospital.”
“That was so weirdly specific I’m even scared to ask-”
“Has that never happened to you..?”
‘Of course.’
( Hajime pov )
After the tour, we had a relatively normal day of classes. I mean, this class is borderline insane, so as normal as that can get-
As I walk back to class to pack my things, I keep replaying our tour in my head… can’t help but pity him, even though I know it’s wrong. 
‘Was the tour awkward? Yes… Did I understand anything about the place? Not at all… But Nagito was pretty nice showing me around like that- and I hope I didn’t make anything awkward because holy shit how was I supposed to react?? I get a freaky accident once in a while- but just in these few minutes we spent together there was so much information to unpack- wow-’
Nagito didn’t seem like an average person from the start, but I didn’t expect for his life to be that miserable… if getting hit by cars is normal for him, then I don’t even want to know what would be considered… well- not.
Compared to him, even my worst moments seem really monotone - of course, my issues are simply me being a little bitch, as always… but I don’t know, it bothers me- even if I know I shouldn’t compare my misery to others’. 
Putting my things in my bag, I feel my phone vibrate.
Natsumi :
< what the fuck, man
Natsumi :
< i fucking told you you can count on me 
and my fucking brother just gets home and tells me 
all this shit???????
Natsumi :
< i’m not even confused, just mad 
You :
I knew you’d react like that - that’s why i didn’t say shit. >
And i didn’t even tell your brother- just said i know you >
and he connected the dots
Natsumi :
&lt; ah
< still, man
< you could have told me, yk? thought we were 
You :
I’m gonna sound really stupid but i actually just forgot to >
tell you
Natsumi :
< PFFT you can’t be fuckingserious 
< you absolute moron
You :
bYE. I gotta go home, belittle me later&lt;3 >
Before she can reply I turn my phone off, only feeling the vibrations and knowing I’d have to deal with that soon. 
Since the school is relatively close to my house my parents decided I should walk, only taking me in the morning because it overlaps with their jobs’ schedules. I try to distract myself while heading home and that’s when I see an old dude trying to cross the street and wait… sHIT IS THAT A CAR HEADING TOWARDS HIM??????? WHY WON’T IT FUCKING STOP-
‘Shit shit shit shitshitshit-’
“MISTER, LOOK OUT.” - I scream as I run towards him. Luckily I’m able to grab his hand and pull him out of the street just in time.
‘Holy shit??????? I just did that- am I insane?????????’
“...Are you okay?” - I ask him while trying to calm myself down. He’s wearing a red shirt with what looks like palm tree leaves on it - he also has beige cargo shorts and sandals. 
“Indeed, I am. Thank you so much, kind young man.” - He walks away in the opposite direction, and I’m left wondering if he hit his head when I pulled him.
( Nagito pov )
Going home… a bitter experience. No one’s there to keep me company, just an empty space with nothing to do.
And it’s obnoxiously big too - I thought of buying another, smaller, apartment, but I can’t help but feel as if that would be disrespecting my late parents’ wishes, or killing them again, in a way. At least the money I got can keep a few people in their jobs… With no other family near, or alive, for that matter, the government judged that I should stay home because of my health issues. 
‘Maybe I should invite people over more often… but then again, I wouldn’t want to subject them to spending time with scum… Let’s start with something small, like a text message or a phone call, maybe-’
You :
Hey, Chiaki - can you maybe send me Hajime’s number? >
You :
If it isn’t a breach of his privacy, of course- haha trash like me >
couldn’t impose that on you-
Chiaki Nanami :
< yeah, sure, no problem
Chiaki Nanami:
< “hajime<3”’s contact
< there- sorry about the name, couldn’t bother to 
change it :/
You :
Thank you so much, Chiaki! :) >
And with that, I turn my phone off and keep heading home. - “Maybe I shouldn’t walk alone- I’m prone to get lost, after all…” - and as I finish processing that thought I see an old guy getting mugged. 
‘There we go. I knew it was too lucky of me to get Hajime’s phone number… should I do something about this? Hmm…’ - As I look down, I see a rock… maybe the size of a fist? - ‘Maybe if I throw this it’ll hit the mugger on the head and he’ll leave the old guy alone… Welp- here goes nothing-’
As expected, when I throw the rock, it hits a light post nearby and ricochets back aiming toward the guy’s head. He falls to the ground, and the old guy looks around as if searching for the origin of the miracle rock - then I notice a cane on the ground, that supposedly belonged to the old man, I head towards it.
“Is this yours..?” - I say, grabbing the cane.
“Yes… thank you so much, young man.” - He smiles, turns around, and leaves.
‘I wonder what kind of bad luck will befall me after this…’
( Hajime pov )
When I got home, I noticed a text from an unknown number and Natsumi sent me like, twenty messages, half of those are just her calling me a pussy - I decided to just check the unknown’s question for now. 
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Hello! I asked Chiaki for your phone number, hope 
it isn’t bothersome.
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< By the way, this is Nagito Komaeda from your class, wouldn’t
I expect you to remember scum like me, though hah…
You :
oh! hey nagito! it really doesn’t bother me, really-! >
You :
I forgot to ask for any means of contacting you, sorry - just got kinda > 
caught up in everything that happened today- 
You :
after class, i helped some old man in some really weird clothes not die crossing 
the street- the driver was about to hit him?? 
You :
and they weren’t even going that fast- >
You :
anyways- sorry about the rant lmao- i get kinda too comfortable typing- >
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Don’t worry about it! 
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Also, was that guy wearing a red button-up shirt? I doubt it’s 
the same guy, but knowing my luck it might as well be haha!
You :
oh shit- yeah- it was red and had like white palm trees on it- >
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Yes, yes! Precisely the same shirt!
You :
Did you see me doing that shit? pfft- must’ve been quite a sight- >
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Nope, I didn’t see that. 
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< But I did help the same guy out, if you can even call it that - he was 
being mugged and I threw a rock at the mugger.
You :
DUDE- ARE YOU CRAZY???????°¢³°¬{¢{£ >
You :
You :
sorry- sorry- tho, really- you shouldn’t have done something so dangerous- >
+ 33 1 99*****77 :
< Didn’t you jump in front of a car?
You :
just because i’m stupid doesn’t mean you have to be as well >
You :
is that even proper english-? >
You :
who cares- anyways- >
You :
i’m a dumbass, man- do not follow in my footsteps&lt;/3 >
I close the conversation, remembering I have to actually set my stuff down, no one’s home yet, and they probably won’t be for a while. 
Going upstairs to my room, I notice that my door is open - nobody even cares to check my stuff and I’m pretty sure I didn’t forget to close it. - ‘It was probably the wind…’
Opening the door I notice a weird box on my desk - ‘This was definitely not here before- did my parents leave me some sort of gift..?’
I opened the box.
Some weird pink/red-ish light starts flashing on my face.
A huge-headed bug appears, kinda looks like a ladybug(?)
( Nagito pov )
I got some signal after almost being murdered in an alleyway - my driver arrived and I was able to text Hajime when I got home.
I reread the last messages he sent me - he seemed really worried, he’s such a good guy.
Entering my room I notice a weird octagonal box - ‘Maybe it flew in through the window… seems a bit too heavy, but who knows…’
As I open the box, I notice a silver ring before a weird light flashes from it.
What seems like a black cat with green eyes appears from it… - “Huh.”
chp. 0 > chp. 1 pt 1 > chp. 1 pt 2 > chp. 1 pt 3
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lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
#1-1 mlb x sdr2 crossover
words: 3425
( Nagito pov )
'Hajime Hinata... it's a pretty name. And weirdly fits into the class, no one has a particularly "french name" huh..-' 
"Pleasure to meet you, Hajime" I offer my hand, he takes it, shakes it and soon after lets go. 
'I should probably stay away from him, he deserves a chance to fit in with the class, everyone hates me and will probably hate him by association.'
"Now, Hajime, how did you convince your parents to transfer here?" Chiaki says - I can't tell if she's excited, mad or curious, maybe a mix...? 
"Well, it did take some time but my main "argument" was that you were here and you could help me study or something similar." he says in a pretty normal tone, then he sighs and starts sounding sad/disappointed. "I guess they also let me come here so I could have "fEmInInE fRiEnDsHiPs" that could help "fix" me..." 
'what does he mean by that...?'
"I swear I'll punch them if they say shit like this again."
'woah, don't think i've ever seen Chiaki cuss before'
"At least they didn't..." Hajime pauses. He's confused for a second, then he looks at me "ah, nevermind ... I forgot you were here... sorry..." 
'... I got in the way of their conversation. I only bother people, I should apologize for staring, my lowly self is in no place to get involved with them.'
"Ah, no, don't apologize. I was probably intruding. You can continue, I'll mind my own business. Trash like me shouldn't overhear anything, my deepest apologies."
( Hajime pov ) 
"You're not trash... you seem nice just - this is just an awkward topic to talk about in front of someone i just met" i say trying not to sound rude.
'he'd probably hate me if he knew anyway, i'll talk to Chiaki during lunch break...' 
"It's okay, I get it, it seems personal." 
As Nagito says that 2 more people walk in, a short blond and a pink haired person. 16 people now, me included. Every site is taken.
Chiaki looks at the people who just arrived.
"Well talk about it during lunch, but Hajime you don't have to worry, no one here would judge." 
'is Chiaki serious? Last time I told someone I was trans it spread around and I was left behind even by my closest friend. I don't want to risk it so soon'
"Chiaki i told you what happened last time, i'm not sure if it's a good idea-"
"I swear, it's fine Hajime, there are other-"
"Chiaki, new student, sorry to interrupt, but you can talk during lunch" the redhead teacher says, she's nice. Nicer than my previous teachers at least. "Now, new student, do you mind coming here for a second? It'd be nice if you could introduce yourself to the rest of the class."
I follow her to the front of the classroom. Everyone's eyes are on me. 
"So, what's your name? And do you mind sharing your pronouns?"
'This is it, if I pass well enough there won't be any scandalous reactions... if i don't... let's not think about it...'
"Ah... okay. My name's Hajime Hinata, he/him... nice to meet you" My heart almost pops out of my chest as i wait for their reaction. 
"Nice to meet you Hajime" a girl with hair as red as a tomato says. A few other people join in. Saying things like "is your hair like that normally or did you do it on purpose?" or "You're probably as much of a lost case as pig barf" and "Woah you were talking to Chiaki, are you guys dating?".
'they're nice enough - anything is better than my old classmates i guess' 
"..." - Chiaki looks uncomfortable, maybe she feels bad for me? - "Guys let him breathe"
"Right-! Ibuki is sorry!"
"I don't really mind, I just think this is interrupting class, isn't it ... miss...?" I look at the teacher trying to figure out her name.
"Miss Bustier, and don't worry, first period can be used for you to start getting to know each other."
"Oh, if it's okay then..-"
Then, one person in the middle row gets up and extends their hand. 
"Byakuya Togami, they/them." - I grab their hand and shake it, their grasp is quite firm. 
"Pleasure to meet you."
"Me and Chiaki were class representatives last year, so it still feels like a duty to talk to new students."
"I see, well, thank you anyway."
'They/them huh... i guess Chiaki was right, i mean she normally is but, i don't know how the others feel about it and ... yeah, i'll just wait.'
We drop the handshake and they go back to their seats, next to the energetic person from earlier, who called themselves "Ibuki". 
'Should i go around introducing myself or...?'  - Chiaki notices me just standing there like an idiot and approaches.
"You know they don't bite, right?"
"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous, that's all."
"Fair enough, I can go with you if you'd like." - She smiles softly.
She takes my hand and drags me to the person with pink hair seated next to Nagito.
"Hey man, I'm Kazuichi Soda, he/him." - the boy says with a grin - "don't flirt with Miss Sonia! I already have my eyes on her!" 
"Oh ... sure-"
"He's obsessed with Sonia and likes to play mechanic" Chiaki gives a short explanation. 
"Hey! I don't PLAY mechanic, i AM a mechanic!" Kazuichi complains. 
Chiaki is already taking me to the second table where we found a short blond person from earlier and a gray haired one with braids who I hadn't paid attention to. The blond was sitting on the corridor seat and the one with braided hair was near the window. 
"Hey, the name's Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, he/him" The blond says. 
"...Wait - Kuzuryuu-?" - 'Is he Natsumi's brother..?'  - "This might seem random, but do you have a sister?"
"Huh? I do, why does that matter?"
"Ah, nothing, I just used to study with your sister, we're friends, though, I don’t think she’d admit it."
"Weird, my sister never mentioned any one named Hajime, but she did mention -" He stops for a bit, thinks and lets out an "oh- wow i didn’t recognize you at all-”.
'i'm so fucking stupid - i can't keep my mouth shut even if my life depended on it.'
Trying to change the focus of the conversation I look at the one with braided hair.
"Peko Pekoyama, she/they." She responds, noticing I'm staring.
"Oh, nice meeting you guys, hope we can have a good school year" we walk away - 'i don't talk like that what the hell- Chiaki is gonna make fun of me in 3... 2... 1...'  
"What was that? You never talk like that" - Chiaki says chuckling.
"Haha, very funny. I was nervous - can you blame me?"
"Fair enough I guess..." She yawns and takes me to the next row, where I see another blond and a... person with hamsters-? Why do they have hamsters-?
The blond is the first to speak up. 
"Hello, I am Sonia Nevermind, she/her. And as the princess of Novoselic I must welcome you with all my might! I hope you feel comfortable here in our class!" 
Then the person with hamsters speaks up.
"Peasant! You shall feel welcomed here! For I, the great demon Gundham Tanaka, he/they, welcome you to the highest ranking class!" - 'I don't know what i was expecting but this wasn't it.'
"Thanks...!" I try smiling but this is awkward, luckily, Chiaki pulls me away before i could fuck up.
Next row, we're back to "our side" of the classroom. A Person with messy looking purple hair and someone with brown curly hair and a darker skin tone sit chatting.
"Hey hey, Mikan, Akane.." she uses her head to point at me. I don't know which is which, so I just awkwardly wave and whisper a "hi".
"O-oh hello Hajime, I-i'm Mikan Tsumiki, she/they." The one with messy hair says. 
"And I'm Akane Owari, she/her, nice to meetcha!" The one with curly hair says shortly after.
"Sorry girls, we only have a few more minutes and 5 more people to talk to, I'm sure he'd love to talk to you later though." - 'she sounds a bit mad, i guess she's mad about my parents only letting me come because it could maybe make me "go back", like hell that's happening...'
We turn around and I see "Ibuki" and the previous class rep.
"Oh oh! Hey Hajime! Ibuki's name is Ibuki! She's a She/Her but doesn't mind any other pronouns! Nice to meet you!"
"This is Ibuki Mioda, she really likes writing and playing songs. Though they don't really match her personality ... which, I guess would be the best fit..." Chiaki looks lost in thought, I should probably talk to them before going to the next rows.
Byakuya just gives me a nod.
"Nice meeting you both"
"Ibuki is glad she finally met Hajime! Chiaki talks about you a lot!" - I turn to look at Chiaki, she doesn't seem embarrassed, and looks like she's still thinking about Ibuki's song writing.
'Doesn't seem like she told them anything weird...'
"Wait, really-? ...Anyway we should get going for now, but we can talk more during lunch" I grab Chiaki's hand and slightly pull her to the seats by the back of the class, she snaps out of her thoughts and yawns. 
"I didn't say anything weird if you're wondering" 
"Yeah, i guessed it" 
We take a few steps in silence. When we get to the table, yet ANOTHER blond is there, alongside the tomato-like short haired one from earlier.
"Sorry about earlier, i'm Mahiru Koizumi, she/her." The redhead says with a comforting smile on her face.
'She has freckles, that's pretty.'
Then I turn to the blond, who seems to be irritated.
'Why do all blonds have such strong personalities-?'
"Soooo.... Chiaki, are you dating him? He looks like a creep, I bet he takes advantage of you while you sleep." - ' ... is she serious-?!'  - I look at Chiaki, who yawns.
"Hiyoko, I'm not dating Hajime, and he'd never do that."
"Seriously Hiyoko? Already pestering the new student?"
She starts tearing up and sniffling.
"... Whaaaaaaa!! Don't get mad at me..! I was only worried for Chiaki!" She continues crying. - 'God - where did she get that lung capacity - this is so loud-' 
No one in class seems to mind, seems like this is a common occurrence ... I'm not looking forward to that.
"It's okay, Hiyoko, just stop messing with him."
"Are you sure big sis Mahiru..?" - Mahiru looks at me and I reluctantly nod.
"Yeah, Hajime says it's fine."
In the blink of an eye her expression changes and she giggles. 
"I can't believe you fell for those fake tears, you're all such pushovers pfft."
Chiaki pouts and drags me to the final desk. There I see a tall muscly masc presenting a person with blue hair, not like that's their major feature tho - seriously how did they gain so much muscle mass? By their side, I see a short chubby person, they have brown hair and some sort of sidecut.
"I am NEKOMARU NIDAI! Mostly use he/him pronouns but I'm fine with anything. Please also introduce yourself loud and clear!!" - the muscly guy says.
"ah- i'm Hajime Hianta, he/him, pleasure to meet you"
"You look a bit scrawny, how much do you eat daily? Do you sleep well? What does your shit look like?"
"Nekomaru... i think you're scaring Hajime '' - Chiaki says, yawning once again.
'Did she even sleep yesterday-?'
"Shit man- sorry, just want to make sure my classmates are in top shape!"
"I-it's okay"
"Aham, bonjour, monsieur Hajime" - the short person says. - "I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I'd like to introduce myself."
"Oh, i'm sorry-"
"I don't mind, my name's Teruteru Hanamura, he/him pronouns, but don't mind they/them. I'd like to get to know ya, clothes are optional~"
"Uhh- pleasure to meet you, i'll be keeping my clothes, thanks."
"What a shame"
"..." - 'well... this class… eccentric- to say the least' - "Uhh...- I think I heard from Chiaki that you cook? Do you have any favorite type of cooking?"
"Not really, why limit my possibilities? I cook a bit of everything'"
"Yeah! Teruteru is a great cook! His cooking is very nutricional too." - Nekomaru chimes in.
"I think you mean "chef". But, monsieur, If you'd like, I could bring you some of my cooking."
"Wouldn't it be too bothersome?"
"Nonsense! Why would I cook if not to satisfy people? I'd be throwing my hard work away if I didn't get my classmate to taste it. Either way, I intended on bringing food for everyone tomorrow."
"If you say so-" 
The bell rings. I turn around to see Miss Bustier, she leans on her desk and puts her clipboard. - "Class! Sit down please! You can chat with Hajime during break, let's focus on class for now, alright?"
"Such a shame, see you later, mon ami." - Teruteru says, grabbing his tablet.
I feel Chiaki pull on my sleeve.
"Hey hey, let's go" - she takes me back to our seats, I see Nagito looking at us.
I hadn't noticed this before, but his expression is almost unreadable, even if he has a calming vibe, kind of unsettling.
"Hope your tour went well, Hajime." - Nagito smiles. That calming smile again, I can't help but smile back.
"Yeah, it went pretty great, this class is ... eccentric" - not sure if that was the right thing to say, but now it's done.
"I guess you're right, hah" 
Lunch break finally arrives and I'm starving. I grab my bag and check for my lunch.
"Uhhm... Hajime, we serve food here." - Chiaki says, looking over my shoulders.
"Huh-? But i thought-" - 'well, that info would've been useful this morning'
"Yeah... you can eat the food you brought if you'd like, but it must be cold by now..."
"I guess so... You could've told me this sooner-"
"Well, I didn't know you'd transfer here."
"I apologize for interrupting, but would you mind if I had lunch with you?" - Nagito says. - 'Damn, he's super quiet- what the hell-'  - "I understand if you think i'm too disgusting to be around-"
"Shut up, Nagito, of course you can have lunch with us..." - Chiaki pauses to yawn - "...we just have to talk about something private first, then we'll join you, okay?" 
Chiaki gives him one of her soft smiles, they're really comforting, I hope it reassures Nagito.
( Nagito pov )
'They're being polite, how wonderful of them. But trash should know its place, they're probably gonna ditch me'.  
"Hmmm... Hajime, i didn't want to say anything, but, you looked a bit pale while talking to the class" - i say - "not like trash like me can say anything, though". 
He becomes as pale as he was during introductions. - 'Of course, i fucked everything up again, typical me'.
( Chiaki pov ) 
"It's about the thing we need to talk about in private" - I say, Hajime seems to calm down a bit, he gets kinda jumpy, can't blame him, last time must've been awful if his color just drained on the spot. - "We really need to go if we wanna have lunch, Nagito, can you save us a table?" 
"Of course, Chiaki" - Nagito says, that same smile he always has on his face showing. I sometimes wonder why he smiles so much. He has self-deprecative tendencies so I doubt he's happy all the time. It would be insensitive to ask, though, so I just ignore those thoughts. 
'Hajime is kinda blunt when you know him well enough... I wonder how long it'll take for him to ask Nagito. 
"Want me to grab you guys something to eat as well?" 
"Just grab me an apple" - I respond - "I'm not really hungry, also, there's an event happening today in one of my favorite games, can't lose it".
"And you, Hajime?" - Nagito asks, he seems happy to meet Hajime.
"Ah- i can't ask you to buy me lunch- I didn't bring money and-"
"Don't worry about it, money's not an issue and it would be an honor to help out Chiaki's friend". 
"No, no, it's okay, I brought some food from home, not as tasty as it would've been earlier but...-"
"Hajime wants today's special, an apple and orange juice".
"Chiaki you can't just order Nagito around-"
"I'm not, '' he offered, “and I won't let you eat that cold tasteless food". 
"Yeah, Chiaki's not ordering me around or anything, and even if she was, it would be an honor" - Nagito keeps putting the class on a pedestal, or maybe he just thinks he's too lowly or something, I don’t know, I just don't like it. It’s a bit uncomfortable but it has gotten better recently, maybe it has something to do with Miss Bustier and her more… well, caring teaching, I guess…
I yawn. Both Hajime and Nagito look at me. - “Chiaki, when did you sleep last night? You slept as soon as I ended the call… right-?” - Hajime asked, not like I could hear him, tho- too sleepy…
‘Oh crap - I haven't talked to Hajime’. - “Hey hey, Nagito, Hajime and I will be right back.” - I grab  Hajime's hand and take him 
“Of course Chiaki! If any of you need anything from me I’ll be…” - he looks around for a bit - “...probably sitting in that table... on the corner, like usual - heh…” - he then proceeds to walk away heading towards the self-service part of the cafeteria. 
( Nagito pov )
‘I overstayed my welcome, didn’t I? Of course I did, who am I kidding? Certainly not myself.’ - as I walk away I turn around to see them one last time. They are walking side by side in a kind of awkward side hug. I feel a bit creepy and bothered staring like this so i just go towards the food section.
After grabbing everything, I head towards the table, sit and wait.
( Hajime pov ) 
As Chiaki takes me to whatever secluded place she's thinking of, i wonder if i’m being stupid worrying like this. I mean, Chiaki didn’t care and she knew me pre-transition… or well, whatever I've been able to pull off at this moment. 
“You know, Hajime…” - she speaks in an almost whisper - “I've said no one would judge and I mean it.” - she drops the hug - “You don’t have to come out or anything to anyone but don’t worry about mentioning it or i don’t know, joking about it. Gundham is an enby-trans guy, Ibuki is genderfluid, Byakuya is intersex and agender, Peko is a demigirl and… uhh… the list goes on, i guess…” 
“Also, you outed yourself to Fuyuhiko and Peko, so…” - Chiaki yawns again. 
“Urg don’t remind me- he’s probably gonna talk to Natsumi about it too- and she’s gonna be all… well, Natsumi about it.”
“She’s not gonna be transphobic or anything, I’m pretty sure, at least- but she’s for sure gonna start sayin’ some shit like ‘are you fucking serious Hajime?!?! Why didn’t you tell me, you fucking moron?????’ or something. And I just don't feel like dealing with that.”
“Wait if she’s not transphobic, why didn’t you tell her?”
“She still kind of talks to our old classmates - and not only that but i forgot too and just got anxious whenever i'm about to do it-”
“Fair, fair…”
“This chat… was a hell of a lot shorter than I expected- shouldn't we go talk to Nagito or something? I feel kinda bad for just essentially telling him to fuck off - i feel like he has low self-esteem and- yeah-”
“Mhm… Don’t worry, he understands. But I get what you mean, and yeah he has some… concerning tendencies. It’s gotten better since Miss Bustier started teaching us, tho-” 
( Nagito pov )
‘This is… kind of awkward… What should I look at..? There isn’t much to do…’ - I start fiddling with the napkin that I grabbed alongside our lunches. - 'I can't eat without them, that'd be rude... even trash like me knows basic ethics'.
Something tells me to look at the door, maybe intuition or anxiety, although it's probably just my luck - I can’t tell the difference at this point, and they seemed to be heading here.
‘When they said private chat i thought it would take longer… or maybe be an excuse to ditch me… But they aren’t that kind of people, I'm sure … please shut up, brain, this is very annoying to you.’
I get up, wave at them, and smile.
chp. 0 > chp. 1 pt 1 > chp. 1 pt 2 > chp. 1 pt 3
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lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
#0 mlb x sdr2 crossover
words: 758
( Hajime pov )
'Finally, after months of begging, I transferred to Chiaki's school... now that i think about it... do i even know anyone else there-? I guess it doesn't really matter, Chiaki likes them so they're probably not that bad'
I keep walking, class is almost starting and I DO NOT want to be late. As I arrive at the stairs I see someone walking down. They were wearing black pants, a white t-shirt and a weird green jacket. Starting to climb up I position myself parallel to him, I don't want to run into anyone on my first day. 
That somehow doesn't work because he comes crashing into me a few seconds later.
"What the hell-!" I said as I noticed we rolled all the way down the stairs.
"Just my luck...." I hear him whisper "I'm so sorry, scum like me shouldn't have gotten in your way" he sits up. 
"Urg, it's fine. Just how did you fall on top of me, these stairs aren't that narrow." 
"Ah, yes, sorry. I tripped, I have no idea how I dragged you with me, but that's my typical luck." He gives me a little smile, it's weirdly calming. Still, I probably shouldn't get too involved with him, and we're probably not even in the same class. 
"Oh..." - 'I should get up, why is he still on top of me-?'  - "Hey can you... you know" I say using my head to point at our situation. 
"Ah- yes, I'm so sorry." He rolls to the side and stands up. I finally get the chance to sit up, but before I properly do so he offers his hand. I take it and stand up, but before I begin walking he starts speaking.
"I noticed I haven't seen you around here, are you new?" 
"Ah, yeah. Just transferred here." I say while superficially cleaning the areas that made contact with the ground.
"Then, nice to meet you, I'm Nagito Komaeda. Welcome to Collège Françoise Dupont." He smiled brightly.
"Pleasure to meet you, i'm...-" the bell rings - Nononononono, i'm not gonna start my year being late, seems like the teacher isn't in class yet, if i rush... maybe...' - "...Really late- argh- shit shit shit" i start running at full speed to the classroom.
Luckily when I arrived the teacher wasn't there yet and I saw an open seat next to Chiaki. - 'This was a surprise, did she know? Did she save me a seat, is someone missing or maybe i'm just lucky...?' 
Either way I walk towards her.
"Surprise" I say as I walk toward her.
"Hajime-? You transferred here?"
"Yup, I somehow convinced my parents. Which reminds me, is this seat taken?"
"Ah, no- " she yawns, "seats change every year and no one wants to sit here because normally there's this one boy who'll sit in front of you. Only four people talk to him: Ibuki, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko. He and Sonia talk sometimes."
"Oh, I see" I sit next to Chiaki and slide my bag to my side.
( Nagito pov )
The plain yet beautiful boy went away in a second. I wonder if I had hit my head hard enough when falling that I imagined the whole thing.
'No, he reminds me of someone... he also, never gave me his name... Nevermind that, i should fill my bottle and go back to class'.
As I walk I can't shake the feeling that I've seen him before. 'doesn't matter, if i know him i'll remember eventually.'
The bottle slowly fills up, I see Miss Bustier heading upstairs.
I speed up trying to catch up to her. 
"Good morning miss Bustier".
"Oh, good morning Nagito, nice seeing you stayed for another year."
I let out a little laugh - "You're probably the only one who feels like that, but thank you, tra-" - 'she doesn't like it when i make self-deprecating comments... i shouldn’t make her uncomfortable'  - "...Thank you".
She smiles. 
She opens the door and lets me in first. I give a little nod to thank her and go in, automatically heading towards "my" seat next to Fuyuhiko.
I look up and the boy from earlier is there. He's talking to Chiaki. 
'Oh, so he's Chaiki's friend. No wonder I remembered seeing him somewhere'. 
I sit and turn around.
"Hey Chiaki" 
"Oh, hey Nagito." she says while yawning.  - "This is Hajime, I've told you about him."
"Ah- sorry about earlier, I was worried I'd be late and ruin Chiaki's surprise. I should introduce myself properly. I'm Hajime Hinata. It's a pleasure to meet you."
chp. 0 > chp. 1 pt 1 > chp. 1 pt 2 > chp. 1 pt 3
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lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
Danganronpa fics/prompts:
#1 Oneshot
#2 mlb x sdr2 crossover
Prologue // chp 1 p1, chp 1 p2, chp 1 pt3 character analysis // angst:
#1 A Shard Of What I Deserve
0 notes
lakes-writting-rambles · 11 months
Komahina oneshot #1
words: 587
Sonia said hajime loves me, but I'm not convinced.  Hajime Hinata only hangs out with me because he thinks I'm a threat. He said that himself  Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko and Sonia only hangout with me out of pity. It doesn't bother me, I get to spend time with ultimates and that's more than I deserve. But still a part of me wishes that they mean it when they say they actually like spending time with me. Even if I know that there's no way that's true, I'll check if Sonia was actually telling me the truth.  Hajime Hinata could never love me. I could never be his hope. This is probably just a lie, tho Sonia probably wouldn't do that...  Oh, Hajime's cabin. I should knock... I'm scared... he'll hate me even more than he already does. There's no turning back now. I knock. No response. "Oh..."  This is quite disappointing but I'm kinda relieved. I was just gonna ruin everything either way. I lay my head on the door. "Humm.... Nagito?" "Huh-?" I turn around rapidly and see hajime there. "O-oh Hajime I'm so sorry, I'll just go haha" "Wait no Nagito stay. I need to say something" I try walking away. He grabs my pulse. "Nagito stop. I need to talk to you" My eyes are teary. I can bearly hold them back, but I need to manage it... for him. "What do you need Hajime? Are you lonely? I can keep you company if you need but don't lie to me" "Huh? Nagito what do you mean by that?" "Look, I know you hate me, and you don't trust me. That's fair. I don't care. But if you need I'll be here for you. Simple as that." "Nagito I don't hate you, where did you get that idea?" "Just... please listen, okay? I know you hate me but... I can't help but want you to like me... ever since we met you've shown me kindness and I just couldn't help but fall in love with you." "..." "I know I probably ruined our friendship but after what Sonia said I couldn't help but want to get it out of my chest haha..." I better get going, I'll just disturb him if I stay or say anything  "Nagito... I don't hate you, i- I like you too okay?" "What?" No no no it's just a prank right? Him and Sonia are just playing with me. I almost got them killed, it's fair they're doing this. I turn my head around. "Yeah Nagito, you wanna hear it? I. Love. You." "H-haj-" "Don't. You had your turn so now let me speak. I love your voice, I love your hair, I love your personality, I love you nagito. I don't know what Sonia told you but, here, I got you a gift. I planned to give them to you tomorrow and well, confess..." The matching rings...  "Now... Nagito, if you'd like to... would you be my boyfriend?"  He hands me one of the rings as he says that. "You really shouldn't waste your love on me..."  "I'm not wasting anything. I'm just confessing to the man I love." I hug him. "Woah nagito-"  "I'm sorry... I just..." "Hey, it's okay..." The hug was all there was to that moment, nothing else mattered.  After some time i separate the hug. I grab the ring hajime offered earlier and slide it in my finger. "I probably ruined everything you had planned but... it it counts, I'd love to be your boyfriend." 
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