#guda is many forms
Hot take Guda is Mommy/Daddy and that's an entirely different contest
Guda can be many things, but agreed on both counts, thank you.
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mako-neexu · 4 months
ok sitting here thinking about the many reasons dantes didnt show up in garden of lost will? id chapter had the perfect CHANCE to explain it but they didnt??? they mention lost will ONCE and its about that point where guda's sleep is literally impeded every night but they dont talk about it beyond that (screaming murder)
there's so many reasons i want to believe in... on one hand, it could be that dantes was watching and trying to see if guda would overcome it and step in when necessary just like in olympus/gotterdamerung...or like in tengu event...
BUT on another hand, it could be the fault of that one rule about no phh Servants allowed which would explain so many things considering how lost will (a spell mechanism created BY MORGAN) literally drives the victim to complete suicide that there is no guarantee guda would survive it and therefore would need outright help in the form of a certain shadow guarding their mind...that rule applies to dantes especially, a piece of fragment he may be, he's still from phh which could mean he is heavily affected from that change...heavily weakened to the point that something so dangerous as lost will entered ritsuka's mind and left them heavily vulnerable that cagliostro was able to sneak in and dantes was practically in a fragile state....
second one would also make sense considering his conversation with luluhawa, where he's 99% dormant in guda's head, that's why he didn't know much about the child of prophecy and was thinking that it was guda when oberon told him about it.
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picaroroboto · 11 months
iirc it's been remarked upon a couple times that Guda is "used to saying goodbyes", makes sense considering how many Servants they've met and parted ways with on their journey, Servants are temporary existences in the first place though Guda never treats them any differently because of that. But with a Servant, no matter how rare their Spirit Origin is, there is a chance, however slim, that they could get summoned to Chaldea and meet again. That hope makes it easier for Guda to say goodbye to many Servants -
but on the flipside, makes it harder to deal with the deaths of normal humans like Romani or the deceased Crypters. I wonder how long it took Guda to understand and accept that not only was Romani gone, they wouldn't be able to summon him in any form.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
I really enjoyed your posts about Lombo's and Ekky's interviews, so thanks for that! I also listened to them, do you have other recommendations?
ooo! so for more shortform stuff you cant go wrong with a territory talk or a miami mic'd up since it has a homecrowd audience in mind because its our guys running it
for tt theyre nice and sweet and also pretty topical for the time (i really enjoyed when they talked to lundy, luosty, mikksy and stenny but stenny especially i think its hysterical this man went yeah id be a football player if i didnt hockey i kinda want to be one actually...) theyres also just a good backlog to get through (re: the 11 min sasha holiday special lmao)
for mmu since jeremy talks more with the fish and sports staff in general theres not a lot of cats stuff persay but he does did do media day interviews and compiled the 2324 one into 1 episode so if you wanted to get to know players coming into the season you can just watch that especially because at the end he has a superlative/which cat is... speed round and its interesting to see the trends in answers. hes done a 2223 one too but its split into parts (sasha,ekky, reino; gudas, benny, bobby; knighter, horny, swaggy) hes also done a solo sasha interview, matthew, stevie, duke, lombo
or NHLWAM if you want to see the finns in a more relaxed environment and i really liked it if not to see their dynamic with each other in the newly weds game they made them play lol (sasha, lundy; luosty mikksy) (but its only in finnish so you can only get a machine translation through the yt webplayer so take it with a grain of salt) (though users on here have been kind enough to translate some short clips like when sasha talks about mikksy)
for longer form stuff im a bit stumped
if you liked how the ekky interview was run that same podcast interviewed matthew back in 2020 (as a flame) and in 2023 (as a cat) as well as monty in 2023 before 2324 season started though i havent fully watched any of it yet just scrubbed through but from the soundbites i liked it enough to bookmark it for a rainy day
im always hesistant to rec spittin chiclets if not for the fact that i cant stand the guys running the pod and sometimes theyll make a couple of weird comments that just... anyways... as in hockey nature, players just feel more comfortable talking amongst themselves (i.e the time they had sibney on and you got some absolute gold out of him i was fucking gobsmacked) (and also why the lombo interview from the buzzpod is so good because 1. nicos an ahler and 2. theyre currently playing in the same summer league) theyve had quite the array of cats guests: okie reino matthew and benny and many more guests so like watch those ones at your own peril lmao
missin curfew has some stuff as well they had a monty interview too ive been meaning to watch
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nasuversekinkmeme · 19 days
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Let this be the one and only prompt I will ever send to this blog. Saber with a top hat a mustache and a fat fucking blunt. A cigarette is also acceptable.
smut, You know that one scene in Fate/Extra where Rani has sex with your servant? Yeah I want Hakunon to be invited in. Whether she's an active participant or if she just gives a thumb up and leave is up to you. (Archer route preferred!)
One of the remaining FSR Servants (or even characters from FSR who have the potential to become Servants due to being a historical figure themselves [like Zheng Chenggong]) being summoned to Chaldea. Honestly free for all on what exactly happens in the fill, just something that starts with this.
Anything with Zheng Chenggong and FSR Saber meeting up in Chaldea (with both as Servants even if the former hasn't actually been made one yet in Fate) tbh.
smut, BB Dubai’s henchmen get into a competition with Constantine’s henchmen. Loser gets a one way ticket to getting fucked without mercy.
One of the events (I forget which) had Tamamo Cat take up the camera because "Trust me, you don't want to see what Ushi looks like grinning while covered from head to toe in blood, woof!" I politely disagree and would like to request an image of exactly that.
smut, fionn/group - fionn very nicely takes care of his knights' stress. exactly as it says. i want fionn being a good nice slut for his knights of fianna, because it's hard work, you know, and it's good to keep morale up, and surely they deserve a reward for all they've done, and it's definitely not just an excuse to get some contact in after traveling for months and being away from a nice warm bed with a pretty girl in it for so long. diarmuid is an obvious must, but as for the other knights, you can do whatever you want! toss in whatever headcanons you might have about 'em. i'd especially love to see goll mac morna, with his contentious relationship with fionn and how that might make any physicality between them tense.
For the body horror prompts, maybe something with vortigern or the any of the tam lin with their “true forms” so to speak turned up a few degrees?
Arjuna weight gain, please... It feels like there's only like five people in the fandom who like the idea of him soft, and I'm two of them. Any pairing except Karna is fine, art or fic fills welcome, any size is good, just make him squishy <3
smut, noncon, Kindly asking for reader insert noncon. Ideally I need to get passed around Chaldean servants like a blunt but even just a single "servant of your choice makes good use of their inhuman strength to lock a poor unsuspecting reader in place for a quick fuck" works for me.
I want blorbos and sex toys. Not necessarily using them, if you want to write me Shiki shopping for toys or draw me Arcueid holding a magic wand like a lightsaber, that works for me (though I won't say no to lemon with toys in action, haha!) Any character, any fandom, any medium.
Bill Cipher is summoned to Chaldea. Not with a humanoid body or anything, still a triangle (bonus points if he has an Extra Class like Foreigner or Watcher, Berserker would also be acceptable). He is so confused and angry about all of this. Guda keeps essentially going “I can fix him” (not romantic, just in typical Guda fashion) in spite of his obvious warning signs. His powers are severely limited except for when he uses his Noble Phantasm, and he doesn’t know what a Noble Phantasm is so he thinks he’s been weakened forever (until he figures out how to use it ala Mash did) So many of the people here don’t know who he is, so they aren’t scared of him. At least a lot of the evil Heroic Spirits want to hang out with him.
This is mostly an art prompt (but writers are always welcome!): Crossover with Final Fantasy 14, please interpret your fave servant as if they were from that game! What class would they main, what race would they be? go wildddd
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bimbosupreme · 3 years
Happy Halloween! with spooky douman hauntings 👻
(You get the feeling of hand holding despite your hands being empty 😳)
fullscreen as always 🎃 (tumblr likes to fumble the quality)
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number1mongrel · 2 years
I dunno where the belief they hate each other specifically came from, but I feel like when it appears, there's a running theme of like... both the justaposition of how Archer Gil was introduced as a villain, and how CasGil was introduced as a hero, and how CasGil's wisdom and responsibility is emphasized, while Archer Gil's impulsiveness and hedonism is emphasized. So when I, personally, see them protrayed as hating each other, the best description I have is 'ugh, my younger self made so many mistakes' versus 'ugh, my older self is no fun'
But I've seen several fun analyses now about how it's less immature teen versus responsible adult, and more the same character in two different situations, shown from two different angles. CasGil, who is very tied to the present of Uruk, and who has a vested interest in the continuation of Uruk and humanity, who is genuinely threatened by Tiamat, versus Archer Gil who in Stay Night, Zero, and Strange Fake is displaced in time and seems more 'yeah I got nothing better to do, I'll see where this goes'. Could be wrong about these things but that's my takeaway personally, that the jarring difference in how they are portrayed maybe leads to people seeing them as more different and projecting how THEY feel about the respective characters?
Oh yeah I definitely agree. I know the way people feel about them is largely the juxtaposition of FSN Gil versus Babylonia Gil. And I agree completely that rather than an issue of maturity, it has much more to do with their respective situations. We don't know how CasGil would react to the modern world. He could very well be just as villainous. And also, Archer Gil is very capable of being responsible when he feels like it.
Archer Gil's reputation has never really fully recovered from FSN... which is fair given how he was portrayed there. But I feel like people always default to that instead of focusing on his characterization in, say, CCC. Gil's motivation has ALWAYS been how he felt about Uruk. So it's no wonder that Gil is much more caring when we see him in Uruk itself.
And, I feel like I have to explain this to people (not you, other people i mean) over and over but, ARCHER GIL IS STILL POST-EPIC. YES HE'S SUMMONED IN HIS YOUNGER TYRANT FORM BUT HE IS STILL VERY MUCH DRIVEN BY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ENKIDU AND HE IS AWARE OF HIS PAST MISTAKES. It's true that Casgil's profile specifically mentions that he's a version of Gil post-epic, but like, Gil literally has a flashback to Enkidu's death in the Zero LNs and manga. In CCC he has a speech about how he gained wisdom after loosing the herb of immortality, WHICH WAS THEN USED FOR CASGIL IN THE BABYLONIA ANIME!!! Even the series itself uses them interchangeably like this!!
I feel like, what bothers me the most is not that people think they hate each other, but specifically that people view them as SO different, blatantly as "archer gil is evil and immature" and "casgil is good and wise", that they're essentially two different characters. It's ignoring the complexity of his character when he's nowhere near that simple. When people will hate archer gil but love casgil as if they're not literally the same character. How they'll ignore CCC completely and get hung up on his introductory characterization when nasu has tried so hard to undo so much of it. Casgil should be seen as an evolution of how Gil's writing has changed, not making a whole new "good version" from scratch. Again, it's archer gil that shows up in solomon, but he speaks the same as the casgil guda knows. You can fight either archer gil or gorgeous P in gilfest and they both have the exact same dialogue.
i do wonder sometimes if CCC was more easily accessible to english-speaking fans would popular opinion of him be different.
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thessaliah · 3 years
Oberon’s present is so thoughtful. Not nice as giving you delicious food in hopes to get under the Master’s mystic code, or an useful item, or a pretty one (even if the box really is), but because it shows how Oberon is the Servant who knows what Guda is like (with Arturia Caster too, the trio know each other so well). There’s no idealization here, no delusion of romanticism that props Guda up as some pristine hero that sweeps people off their feet, as a salvation for anyone as so many Servants imagine Guda is, pushing their feelings to them which are all half-heartened accepted to humor them. Summer Sei’s scene calls out this habit seemly.
That gift, Oberon Vortigern claims, befits both him and Guda. A precious, everlasting glorious wrapping which hides soot, salty substance of contents that long expired. Oberon the Liar is honest of their nature there, and knowing of Guda’s true nature underneath the “glorious” role of “Master of Humanity” which humanizes and fleshes out Guda more than the other Valentine scenes that presents only gives the “package.” That’s why there’s unusually chatty dialogue, of two people intimately interacting as they know each other so well, roasting each other if they have to. Guda even calls out Oberon of being “Merlin” to Arturia Caster to his dismay.
Avalon Le Fae put Arturia Caster as foil to Guda, or what was left of Guda after Olympus, and all the previous Lostbelts. A chosen one (or so it seems, like Oberon, Arturia role was to deceive everyone, both are liars). But also put Oberon to foil Guda too. That’s why in Garden of Lost Will, the “Guda of the Mirror” takes Oberon’s form. Perhaps just like Arturia watched Guda, secretly hoping that one would choose to run away from their role, in a moment of weakness. Guda did the same with both, Oberon and Arturia Caster, but neither did. Whether there was a choice or not involved, both ran toward their inevitable roles and fate.
I feel that unlike the other scenes, Guda never gave and receive the present as “Master of Chaldea” but as Guda. Because they cannot hide from Oberon behind that role or projecting the expectations everyone sets on them, and Oberon doesn’t hide from them in that dream. There’s acknowledgement is there, as always, and would remain, but it’s not the heart of the matter. Because is like that present: a beautiful wrapping that contains something insidious and exhausted.
(and that’s fine, the ending in both Oberon scenes imply Oberon would indeed answer to Guda’s call, ominously, if no one is there. Can we talk about the implications in the forest date scene? The 君 - the pronoun associated to Titania and Master occasionally- paired with his line he would make this story unfinished if Guda so much asks if the ending is a bad one, and “giving Guda happy memories” as if Oberon knows the time is running out for them, as once sought to give Arturia Caster).
IMO, this scene wasn’t locked behind LB6 only for Oberon (otherwise every single LB6 character would have spoilers. Obviously Oberon Vortigern is a spoiler, and all the contextual talk in the forest wouldn’t be understood without reading LB6, but how would be Morgan’s scene understood about loving her kingdom without you reading? That’s also a spoiler about LB6 yet Nasu didn’t care to lock it), but for Guda’s characterisation too. How Guda behaves and is like cannot be understood in those rare moments that stops being just a self insert if you don’t play LB6.
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Gilgamesh (Alter Ego)'s Life in Chaldea Headcanons
For fun, I thought 'why not write some headcanons for myself this time?' and because the Alter Ego Gilgamesh concept is one that I find to be pretty amusing, I thought it'd be fun to write about him in more detail.
Note: This Gilgamesh is 'not quite' Gilgamesh, in the sense that his entire essence and personality is a complete inversion of what he should be. This Alter Ego still boasts ridiculously high charm, and watches over humanity- however he completely lacks the highly independent and indomitable spirit that the original Gilgamesh boasts, often acting like a powerless pawn in a game of chess.
He may act much politer on the surface, but inside he's burning with a resentment at the fate handed to him; in a way that the other Gils would likely abhor.
In other words, this character is akin to a jester wearing the mask of a king (he shouldn't exist). Please enjoy! ~
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✰✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-ೄྀ-ೄྀ
✦ When he was first summoned to Chaldea, long golden robes glimmering like the many stars in the night sky; the Chaldea Masters' jaws plummeted to the ground, eyes wide with surprise.
✦ Gone was that pernicious sneer, those piercing eyes and his habit of crossing his arms together tightly enough to form an emotional barrier between him and everybody else. This Gilgamesh was strange, with his disarmingly friendly smile and extended arms; almost as if he was inviting them to join him.
✦ Something was not quite right here...
✦ "You can refer to me as Gilgamesh, the Wedge of the Heavens. I am honored to make your acquaintance on such a fine eve. I look forward to your patronage from henceforth, as we traverse the seas of war together!" Although his manner of speech was every bit as archaic as his contemporaries, his insistence on becoming equals with the master was a massive shock to their systems.
✦ "Guda...this Gilgamesh feels strange...what should we do?!" Ritsuka and Guda quickly hatch a plan to give him the benefit of the doubt, showcasing their gratitude for his arrival. However, what terrifies them is when Gilgamesh takes both of their hands within his own- golden bracelets audibly jangling as he softly shakes their hands, as if he's actually really happy to be in their service.
✦ As they watch him examine the summoning portal, red eyes gleaming with excitement as he gushes over the durability of such a design; they remain frozen, unable to digest the sight lying before them. He was meant to be more guarded, more intimidating!
✦ "Why do you stand still, as if there's a massive beast lurking nearby? I wish to be guided amongst the premises. Lend your assistance, if you so please." With an utterly unassuming smile on his face, he politely asks for them to guide them around. "Is there something on my face? Do tell me at once."
✦ Deciding to finally bite the bullet (despite Ritsuka and Mash's desperate signs for her to stop just in case this Gilgamesh would also be prone to outbursts), Guda takes the plunge by boldly asking, "Gilgamesh, are you okay with becoming our servant? Or do you want us to serve you? What kind of relationship are you looking for here?" The others typically tended to regard the masters as their vassals, but were also willing to help out and serve them if it coincided with their interests, as well as the needs of humanity.
✦ Would he be the same? Or entirely different? Nothing prepared them for the answer that escaped his mouth.
✦ "Your struggles resonate with my own, Masters of Chaldea. You are my equals, and I wish to refer to you as such. There is a great deal we share in common. Now, shall we depart?" Mash almost faints to the ground, as the other two can only blink back, dumbfounded by such a statement. "What is the fuss? We shan't tarry any longer."
✦ "E-err, sure..." As they guide him amongst the long corridors, introducing him to all of the most essential facets of Chaldea- as he displayed great interest; even going as far to OPENLY COMPLIMENT them-one thought remained supreme within their minds.
✦ "WHO THE HELL REPLACED GILGAMESH WITH THIS FAIRY TALE-ESQUE KING?!!!" Without his trademark insults, sarcastic wit, and overinflated superiority complex; this newly summoned servant felt almost underserving of carrying a name as heavy as Gilgamesh's own.
Daily Life
✦ One thing he shares in common with Caster Gilgamesh is a workaholic nature, however the way in which he utilises it is quite different.
✦ He's often seen helping out around Chaldea for a variety of things in order to ensure that the premises are okay, and that everyone is thriving. Assisting with odd jobs and menial tasks that the other Gilgamesh would deem as 'beneath the role of a king', he's become quite the reliable handyman (which definitely raises some eyebrows amongst those who are already accustomed to his original selves).
✦ However, unlike how the other Gilgamesh are more than willing to share their wisdom via various enlightening titbits of advice, this Gilgamesh often darts around the topic; confusing those who seek his guidance with riddles and indirect statements- all whilst wearing an incredibly tight smile.
✦ Sometimes, he even refuses to offer his own insight into certain situations, simply stating "If what you deem to be true is real, then so it shall be. Wield your own judgment to craft a path on your lonesome!" As one expected to provide guidance and support with such things, it is quite distressing how Alter Ego prefers to withdraw from the role of a mentor- making him quite the mystery.
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(^Alter Ego when consulted for advice smiles much like that cat)
✦ You may also catch him reading masses of books at the library on a vast range of different topics. If you ask him why, he may respond along the lines of, "Despite possessing such a wealth of knowledge, I still feel the strings at my back; tying me to an inescapable fate. At least my mind can wander freely within the realm of books." If you try to pry any deeper into the manner, he is likely to silence you with a perniciously beautiful smile; smoothly transitioning back into the role of a fairy tale king.
✦ One thing he LOVES to do is explore new areas, marveling at the sights and sounds that he sees. He's always up to try new things and get stuck right in, making him a really fun person to hang out with (until you start trying to pry his deeper thoughts and feelings out of that stone-cold smile of his.)
✦ Overall, although he still loves a show like the other Gils; and tends to remain in the centre of attention, it's for entirely different reasons than what is expected. Though he is equally as flamboyant, it is as if a major piece of his personality is missing as a result of him being such a mysterious character!
✦ He loves to sparkle just as much as the others, and is every bit as majestic in battle. But the scariest thing is how polite his words are in battle! It's almost as if this Gilgamesh's vocabulary was replaced by FGO's Arthur Pendragon or something equally as terrifying as that.
✦ However, there is also a certain rage that bubbles within his attacks, pulverising all that lies before him. Unlike Archer, who has time to posture arrogantly before his foes, playing around with them- Alter Ego attacks them without even the slightest warning, aiming to finish things as soon as possible?!!!
✦ He often saves his gate and precious chains of heaven for only the deadliest of battles, tending to usually fight with his axe...and his FISTS?!
✦ "If it gets the job done, then I'll resort to any means necessary. Whether or not it is beneath one of my station to use such blunt force is none of my concern." It's almost blood-chilling how little pride there is in his words, almost as if he's resigned himself to something entirely beyond his control.
✦ There is a crazed unpredictability to his attacks, lashing out from all directions. Without all the hurrah from his usual infamous ego, he is impossible to read in battle! Like an unstoppable force, he hacks everything into pieces; vermillion eyes gleaming with bloodlust.
✦ Although he claims he's merely doing his job, this Gilgamesh is every bit of a battle maniac as the others- maybe even more so, as he fully relishes in the joy of being able to do whatever he wishes on the battlefield.
✦ He'll listen to orders, but it's unknown what cause he's fighting for. Is it to ensure the future of humanity? To unite under his masters' banners? For fun?
With those cold eyes, and empty smile...it's hard to tell.
✦ Alter Ego is very popular with the servants and staff in Chaldea! He's kind, reliable, and helpful. Despite that, some tend to avoid him; claiming that there's something 'strange' lurking beneath the surface of his character...
✦ The other Gilgamesh all HATE his guts, threatening to kill him whenever they as much as lay their eyes upon him!
✦ Seeing straight to the heart of his existence with his omniscience, Ko-Gil refuses to even acknowledge him as a 'Gilgamesh'. "It's a shame. Although you seem to be much nicer than that Goldie, you're not meant to be here, are you? If I'm honest, I wouldn't want to grow up to be like you, either..."
✦ Archer Gilgamesh views him with utter abhorrence, glaring at Alter Ego as if he is the scum of the earth. "Hoh...so those pitiful beings were finally able to grant their repulsive desires within your incantation. How utterly revolting, to have to share the same name with such a fake. That rotten smile of yours bears naught but an emporium of curses."
✦ Caster refuses to even look at him, for it pains him to even register the possibility of such a Gilgamesh existing. "By lamenting your fate and resigning yourself to such an inevitability...you go against the very grain that makes us who we are. Where's that spirit, that indomitable will? Humanity cannot prosper under a resolve as paltry as yours."
✦ In their eyes, Alter Ego is the force that could bring Chaldea to ruins. Aware of that, all Alter Ego feels is an immense feeling of dread and regret when amongst his fellow Gilgamesh peers; unable to face them. "My existence is a denial of their efforts, of the very core of their being. It is no wonder that they hate me so." Any efforts to uncover what he means by this will likely be thwarted by him changing the topic onto something more light-hearted, as he reverts back to his regular charming shell again.
✦ Enkidu is at a loss for words around Alter Ego, feeling a deep sense of sorrow and empathy for them. "They're a familiar presence...yet something inside of them is broken, shattered apart...as if it's become something else altogether. Although I said that I'm incapable of holding feelings, my chest feels so tight..."
✦ Alter Ego treasures Enkidu very deeply as well, however his reaction is eerily cryptic. "The strings of fate...have now finally been relinquished. Enkidu, I'm glad...I'm truly glad." Whatever he means by that is truly a mystery.
✦ Ishtar has no interest in him whatsoever, dubbing him as 'the boring one'. There's no fun in bantering with such a sweet talker! The way in which he politely regards her as a stranger really gets on her nerves. he's doing that on purpose
✦ Ereshkigal is monumentally confused by his presence. "W-what?! That's King Gilgamesh? But, his soul...I haven't encountered a soul like that before- and I've seen many. Are you really sure that he's even Gilgamesh in the first place?!"
✦ Although he recognises all of the servants and characters that the other Gilgamesh met, due to sharing fragments of their memories as servants; he feels no particular way towards them. "Although their faces pierce my mind, I have yet to make their acquaintance as of yet. How amusing." He is interested in meeting them though.
✦ Whenever he hears of this 'Hakuno' that left such a deep imprint within Gilgamesh's heart; he often wonders to himself what they were like. And he's also very curious about the time Gilgamesh and Kirei shared in Fuyuki, but as his memories of those existences are only tiny fragments; he has yet to understand how he should relate to them. It's really sad, but as he's not meant to exist; this Gilgamesh hasn't got bonds as strong as his other selves as of yet.
✦ However, his reaction towards any form of Artoria/ Arthur is oddly apologetic?! "I have no idea what that pompous lout was thinking. I apologise for his uncouth actions."
✦ In regards to the FGO masters, he is very respectful towards them; cherishing them as his equals. Although he tends to avoid supporting others with their worries, he'll gladly lend assistance to them. "As I previously stated, your existences are much like my very own. Just like me, you were forced to bear a weight great enough to destroy every fiber of your being; and yet you still stand. I am glad to have met you, Master." He is very affectionate towards them, yet refuses to let them into his heart....
✦ I'm sure he'll make friends with the other servants eventually, especially with those going through similar situations as him (mainly those who struggle with their existences and sense of meaning. Like the Avenger Servants!!!)
His Hidden Side
✦ Behind that princely smile and charming exterior lies a soul blistering with rage and fury; despising his existence and the role he was forced to play.
✦ Unlike the other Gilgamesh who were able to break free from the hold of the gods to watch over humanity in their OWN way; this Gilgamesh was played like a puppet, worn down until he expired from the world- unable to break free from his fate.
✦ That's why he shouldn't exist. A Gilgamesh that doesn't rule by his own standards cannot be defined as Gilgamesh. It's why the other Gils refuse to even classify him as one of them, viewing him with disdain.
✦ For who is a king, if he has no will to call of his own? Nothing more than an empty shell, masqueraded deceitfully before the people.
✦ For this reason, he despises humanity as well; which completely juxtaposes his nature. Trapped between his duty of serving them, fulfilling the will of the gods; and his desire to abandon his role altogether, he is a walking contradiction.
✦ As the Masters start to witness this encroaching despair, the madness and rage burning beneath those callous eyes; as he smiles brightly, still fulfilling the role of the 'good boy Gilgamesh' from his childhood-who abided to the gods' every whims and desire-they take it upon themselves to confront him, once and for all.
✦ He's in Chaldea now. He should be free from the chains of the past. He doesn't have to pretend to be somebody he's not anymore. He should be true to himself!
✦ But when they broach this topic to him, pleading for him to move forwards and finally carve an existence for himself instead of being this 'perfect do-gooder prince type', Alter Ego's next words are blood-curdling.
✦ "If that's so, Masters, would you run away? Turn on your heels and abandon fighting on behalf of those masses of mongrels that squirm desperately on the ground; like hopeless beings that cannot be watered unless one takes the helm to care for them? Would you be willing to abandon those pitiful masses to live true to yourself?" Eyes as cool as glaciers, Alter Ego's cruel words send shivers running down their backs.
✦ "T-that's not right, Alter Ego...I would make sure to live for both my sake and for the sake of others as well! Besides, humans aren't as pitiful as you say they are!" As they countered his argument, they realised something important.
He had finally used it. The word mongrel. But the way in which the words coolly passed through his lips, as if humans were beyond saving; as if he didn't even consider them- was so unlike any other Gilgamesh that the Masters could hardly believe his words.
✦ "You'd like to believe that is the case. But with every singularity, disturbance and lostbelt you close; the more the will of humanity will continue to supersede your very own, until nothing of you will remain." Eyes brimming with hatred, the bitterness lingering within Alter Ego's heart finally rises above the surface. "Don't be a hypocrite. Although you are of an equal stature to me, it seems you still refuse to pay heed to your own surroundings."
✦ "What do you...what exactly are you trying to say here?!" Despite the other Gilgamesh being conceited, overbearing rulers; they knew when to put humanity first, and even had soft sides to them that showcased a tender love for others. But Alter Ego...despite wearing a mask of tender love and care, his very core was turning out to be a mangled, twisted lump of wrath. They had known it was too good to be true.
✦ "If I was to live true to myself, then I'd wish to watch the world burn to smithereens, absolving me of all my duties. I think it'd be much more beneficial for me to keep my mask on instead, don't you think?"
It was then that everything became abundantly clearer.
This servant was not Gilgamesh, not in the slightest.
He was an alternate possibility that should've ceased to existed.
Chaldea had accidentally loosed a hellion amongst its midsts.
(this is really long! also this alter ego feels kind of uncomfortable XD)
[Extra: I'm not sure of a design for him yet, but I was thinking of him having long golden sleeves, his boobs out (true Gil style), a long red skirt thing like his archer self and golden armor bottom half and arms and neck full of jewelry as well as a circlet on his head.]
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mako-neexu · 29 days
[edguda chicken brain nonsense] when i say dantes would get beat up by 80% of chaldea its in a way thats because hes been with guda for literal years (or more because time has become weird for the earth's bleaching and especially guda's confirmation of losing track of it) and that means in those years, he's earned the absolute trust of many Servants in regards to guarding guda. its the literal chaotic evil vengeful demon that was able to gain that trust over the years from those who are more powerful than him more cunning than him that makes the "getting back at him" for that kind of thing more plausible..."your very nature is volatile against the entire world itself. you are a being absolutely not meant to exist. you are a threat almost on par with a Beast's. however, you've proven your love and devotion time and time again for fujimaru. i will choose to trust you then over their safety and well being." he loves guda so much to the point that absolutely no one ever thought he would hurt guda until Avenger Ordeal call. so i find those fanarts of him getting jumped by various Servants over what he did really funny but its also sad because this just makes it clear that he doesnt care about the world's perceptions of him and so he is "formless" only given form (form to fit that star's needs) because a star is looking at him and he as well is only looking in its direction regardless of how many wounds he has to undertake or has received. tears in my eyes.
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cyborg-squid · 2 years
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Okay first of all everyone I am extremely sorry for exposing you to shitty FGO reddit sprite comics, but I saw these two and it pissed me off so much that I had to rant about it, and how it ties into one of FGOs (and Extella some too) biggest flaws.
Not to sound like some fucking preacher yelling about monogamy or the uptight nerd yelling “She’s taken!” but like. Guda/the FGO protagonist. is not The Master (which in this context can also mean love interest) for Tamamo or Nero or Rin or Saber or Jeanne or most other characters I’ve sine this cringe Marvel move meme quote about, they already have their own Masters in Hakuno or Shirou or Sieg or whoever, in characters who they have a much stronger emotional bond with due to the fact that either A) their pairing is the one fleshed out over the course of a linear narrative or B) they have entire visual novel routes dedicated to them during which that bond is formed and explored. 
And while I do love Guda and their compatibility with all sorts of Servants, this kind of exposes the flaws in FGO’s visual novel nature, in it’s lack of ‘routes’ and true definition of Guda’s character prior to Arc 2. While there are many Servants whom you could say that Guda is The Master of (Mash, Musashi, Ereshkigal (not Rin), and Bedivere, for example) and whom they have a very strong and FGO-unique bond with, because of how large FGO is in terms of cast and limited it is in it’s VNness, many of these Servants connections and relations with Guda aren’t as fully explored as they ought to be. It lacks that intimate one-on-one connection that Masters such as Shirou, Hakuno, Sieg, Ayaka, Waver, etc... have with their Servants, due in large part to the fact that FGO really doesn’t give Guda an internal monologue, which leaves a lot of the relationship up to player interpretation and definition, but unlike the VNs which feature actual like. route definition and choices, these FGO choices are purely gameplay around who to summon, level, and bond with, etc... 
I’m competely fine with people shipping their Gudas/Mastersonas/themselves with whatever Servants they want, but it’s just fucking. something about shit like this, this... it just feels like entitlement to me, to these characters who have much stronger connections (romantic or platonic) with their Own Masters*, just because they’re in FGO, which has this unfortunate need to put pretty much everyone from previous games in it and accessible (via the summon pool) to the player.  *The married-in-life Servants are a different matter to me cause I can make this poly, I’ll fuck Yoshinaka/Caesar/Sigurd/Xiang Yu/whoever too.
What I feel like I’m trying to is. like. Guda will never be Nero or Tamamo’s Hakuno, they won’t be Karna’s Jinako, they wont be Saber or Rin or Sakura’s Shirou, they won’t be Jeanne or Astolfo’s Sieg, these connections between Guda and these Servants can and should be made but the love story? Has already been (or is being) told much better in other entries.
Or maybe the FGO reddit just fucking sucks and is filled with delusional weebs whose brains have already succumbed to Late Stage Waifuism and that’s all there is too it.
Or maybe it’s both. Probably both. 
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morsking · 3 years
uhhhhhh to better grasp why rin is a host for both ishtar and ereshkigal and why sakura is a host for both kama and parvati you’re gonna have to read the vn since that is the only place where you will be treated to the different dimensions of both their characters and dispel any illusions and misunderstandings the ubw anime created (about rin in particular). i can explain it well but if you have the ability to, you should read the vn to really let it sink in and appreciate things more organically.
there are times in the anime where rin feels like a caricature of herself since she appears so confident and fun-loving and tsundere about it (the vn sometimes does this too but manages to balance things out a little better) that it overshadows how rin is also in her own way extremely repressed. 
rin, while fashioning herself the ruler of her own world and a competent genius is still someone shackled to her duty as the last living tohsaka heir and denies herself a more profound and fundamental happiness because she reasons so long as she is the tohsaka heir, she can never be sakura’s sister, and wrongfully believes that sakura has moved on without her and belongs with the matous oblivious to what zouken has done to sakura for almost 11 years because it’s easier to think that sakura doesn’t care about her anymore than to confront all she’s taught and has lived for for so long is wrong and that she has a chance to make it right. rin however finds ways to keep running into sakura just enough that her true desires betray her efforts at keeping her distance, and if sakura just said “you are my sister, please let’s live together again” no doubt rin would be so torn to hesitate yet so hopeful to as to want it to be real. 
rin’s apparent emotional independence and reputation is a product of her purposefully distancing herself from making any real human connections because she has no idea how to be emotionally available from years of stifling aristocratic conditioning. if she puts herself on a pedestal, it’s easier for others to not approach her and see through her facade. apart from that, as much fun as rin could possibly have by herself there is still something that will keep her from feeling truly fulfilled, and that’s the lack of opportunity (and emotional bravery) to reconcile with sakura. it’s also easier to forsake sakura and threaten to kill her when she’s out of control because acknowledging the horror of killing her own sister would break her own convictions and denounce her, and the tohsakas, as murderers and frauds. ishtar is that side of rin that finds being herself and living as the person in charge of her own existence. ereshkigal is the unhappy part of rin that yearns for more than what she’s been given but feels too guilty and too bound by responsibility to seek it out, and therefore denies herself her wish to connect with the person who would make all the difference in the world (sakura for rin, guda for eresh). 
sakura is a naturally kind, gentle, yet strong-willed individual who has experienced that which would break and utterly annihilate most at a spiritual level. sakura only survived what she did because her mental fortitude, much like shirou’s, is so exceptional she will always retain her sense of self even if pushed to the very brink of suffering. despite that, she grew up extremely bitter, depressed, and with a disposition that utterly gave up on the world that abandoned her to the point where she wished others to fail and suffer at whatever they endeavored. if her life was pointless and fruitless as to be thrown away, why shouldn’t everyone else’s be too? 
it’s really not until she met shirou that she began to change her mind and desire to have more than just numbness. a boy who just wouldn’t give up no matter how many times he couldn’t clear that jump, and accepted the outcome without regrets, second-thoughts, and self-loathing left such a deep impression on sakura that she wanted that thoughtless drive to live freely and greet tomorrow as a given to be hers as well. 
little by little the broken doll with lifeless eyes restored more and more of her inner kindness and good faith, both because she gained a will that did more than just curse, and because there was someone who showed her what a real home, a real family looked like so she’d believe in love and happiness again. but much like rin, sakura struggled to believe she deserved happiness. years of abuse crushed sakura’s self-esteem, and thought her suffering made her unlovable and unnatural. her desire to be both loved and pitied clashed against one another, and were also contradictingly one and the same. it would be easy to be pitied, that means she would’ve been right about her hatefulness all along and she can just fade away along with the pain her baggage might’ve caused others. but if she’s loved, then how will she ever make herself worthy of it? how could she ever justify to herself that she’s being given love that hasn’t been earned? and even worse, what if she’s given love that can be lost?
sakura hides all the things that risk her losing all the love she’s accumulated, a desperate selfish tactic employed by a scared girl deathly afraid to lose the only light she’s ever known. if all her anger, bitterness, cowardice, jealousy, scars, and self-hatred were exposed, what would shirou think of her? once he does find out what she’s gone through, she pushes him away. she really believes she’s done for and has nothing else to come back to. even as shirou keeps asserting he does still want her in his life, she keeps hurling all the terrible things she’s done to him and herself without him knowing: that because he’s kiritsugu’s kid she spied on him for zouken, that she used him to run away from zouken and shinji, that she tried to kill herself, that she’s not a virgin, all to get him to reject her for good while guiltily clinging to the hope that he will still choose to love her in spite, or because of all that.
even after sakura’s killed shinji by accident and transforms into dark sakura, a part of herself is weak towards shirou. a part of herself lashes out when he’s around because she’s still rejecting him hoping he’ll forsake her so he’ll live without getting hurt by her while also begging for him to see how much she’s suffering so he’ll save her, going so far at the end that she tells rin to run away with shirou, having decided to kill herself alongside the grail. rin however, sees through sakura’s attempt to earn pity, but in her own fit of duty-induced forced apathy threatens to kill sakura herself before sakura has the chance to wipe herself out (jesus, rin) rather than comfort her and tell her she wishes for her to live. rin though fails to follow through with her plan. just as she overpowers sakura, she throws away all her lies and embraces her sister, telling her how she really feels, and the very first sincere expression of love her sister has shown her in a decade is enough for sakura to stop dead in her tracks and crumble in grief until shirou arrives to save her and insist that she deserves to live so that all the suffering she both caused and experienced and all the people she devoured can be given meaning. this parallels into how kama as beast iii/L wishes to render all love obsolete by drowning the universe in love to the point where all love becomes meaningless and kama no longer has to be hurt by love, with their defeat marking a change in their beliefs about the world and themself.
parvati tells you as much that she’s taken over sakura’s good side. she’s the earnest hardworking woman who is full of benevolence and enthusiasm after her purpose has become clear. however, what parvati doesn’t understand is that sakura’s good qualities are intermixed with her darker ones and fundamentally cannot ever be truly separated, and that’s why parvati also connects with sakura’s tendency to hide the ugly things about herself out of fear she’ll be rejected, and that it’s wrong and harmful for her to do that to sakura as much (if not worse) as it is for sakura to do it for herself alongside all the people that could be affected by that dishonesty. 
apart from the obvious gross reasons, there is in fact a good justification for kama’s ascensions in fgo. their ascensions go from child to adolescent to adult to demonstrate that kama has a parallel to sakura’s personal growth. they are both individuals who, after being betrayed by their own kind (the gods and the tohsakas) and having their bodies destroyed (kama becoming the cosmos, sakura being devoured by crest worms and having her dna rewritten), have lost faith in who they were before and the world around them. kama starts out in sakura’s child body: the young girl who was sacrificed for a greater purpose and whose heart has been filled with depression, cynicism, and hatred for the world around her. their childish disposition however, marks that kama has truly been reborn and is going through the process of recreating their identity after it was shattered by trauma. 
when kama is in sakura’s adolescent form, that signals that much like sakura around that age, they still cling to some anger and bitterness, but have begun to ease into forming new connections and their desire to be identified with love becomes complicated as it is both heavily resisted yet profoundly wanted. it is kama at their peak self-loathing, directing hatred to themself as much as their child form did to everyone else.
when kama shifts into sakura’s final adult form, it marks the period where they both have had some of their faith renewed in their existence. while it is still very difficult for them to truly know what love is and whether or not they’ve earned it, they nonetheless make it clear they want to believe in it again with the help of the person they’ve placed their trust upon (shirou for sakura, guda for kama). as the god of love, for kama to learn what love is is for kama to once more understand what it is to love themself again, and like sakura at the end of heaven’s feel finish constructing their brand new identity and move forward in a way that their happiness and reforged self-confidence can dignify their suffering and make up for all the damage they caused others and themselves.
this isn’t to say that pseudos as a concept are inherently good or anything. they are still very flawed because when mishandled for fanservice (and it happens a LOT) they do far more to displease both fans of the mythological figures and fans of the original fate/stay night characters simultaneously than to appease them both by robbing all characters involved of their complexities. regardless, that doesn’t mean that these gods wearing the faces of these girls is entirely pointless, lazy, and thoughtless. on the contrary, these girls were chosen because of all the different facets they have that match their possessors’ demeanors and themes, and i hope that this knowledge can help people see the connection with more clarity.
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zeravmeta · 3 years
lb morgan has a bond line where she gets jealous and tells you that you should fire your other zerkers bc you already have her and thats enough and while i do find that funny i am immensely more tickled by the concept of guda actually going through a proper hiring/vetting process for their servants because like. ok we know for a fact that in canon servants use qp as money jalter and other characters have made mention of that more than once so servants do in fact get paid and olympus canonized ember farming as something we do, plus there is a tidbit in the zero collab where kayneth does give (forcefeed) diarmuid materials (albeit the wrong ones) as a way to increase their bond and make him stronger. also guda wouldn't let just any maniac into chaldea to help them considering that we don't ever remember summoning kiara in ooku (though they are very flexible as long as they can guarantee loyalty and kiara wasn't one of them at the time) so i wonder if all the mat and qp costs we pay to ascend them is kind of like a down payment of sorts. the average mage wouldn't really care about driving their servants to the bone but guda ultimately cares and they are def very fair about having their servants treated like people since they go out of their way to give as many of them as they can rooms in chaldea. some of the servants also do assist chaldea in canon with a multitude of functions (archer boudica and tamacat cook, murasaki runs a library, babbage edison tesla and helena are constantly improving the tech) so the idea of them actually working to earn a paycheck whenever they aren't needed by the master is actually very plausible and leads to many other questions: do servants get seniority perks and tenure? do they actually take the opportunity to negotiate their contracts? can a servant actually ask to quit their job IN chaldea? nasu you already told us that not all servants can stay in physical form and that they take turns between walking around and spirit form nasu i need ANSWERS
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Post-Solomon Singularity Movie Review
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And now after watching the movie, it proceeds to make fourth, fifth and sixth wound that cries for therapy from depression in my soul after the goddamn good and horrible feels of this!
Welp, movie is over, below is what I noticed on the changes, scenes removed and stuff, so feel free to ignore this post if you want to watch it yourself when it’s out!
Opening is a good start with Goetia’s own monologue about Solomon himself and his own opinion of hating the man who simply ‘watches’ people suffering and cruelly only ‘smiles’ as he receives the miracle from God
More in depths on Romani’s own monologue considering he’s the main star of this Singularity for many huge spoiler reasons
Mash’s dream with Goetia also changes a little of not getting the scary Romani sprite but the vision of what true humanity would’ve been without death believing that’s what she wanted but no
I can see for now aside gameplay unfortunately they’ve yet to implement the new mystic code, it’s more of combat on the frontlines than survival on summoning 7 Servants at Max. So maybe LB7 or final LB against Alien God will get it to go up against her?
But the effects at the end of using definitely does over tax a magus like Guda who are still average human from the start?
The summoning of the Servants in the first round fight against Lev is pretty cool to watch with Alexander, Sanson and Vlad III extra each doing their Noble Phantasm to deal a blow but failed against him
Lev’s actual demon form looks scary and kinda disgusting with all those eyeballs
Unfortunately due to the budget, we don’t get to see each individual fights focusing on the different 7 pillars. As it is briefly touch before Guda and Mash go into the temple
But nice to see Barbie-chan in the movie with no dialogue... Prefer an episode of him getting wreck over and over to give an off-hand mention he’s the most bullied pillar by players LOLOLOLOL
Only disappointment also including no dedicated scene of Edmond appearing to kick ass against the pillar for that front part......
Bael’s humanoid form makes a cameo appearance to report about Chaldea and other Heroic Spirits beating the pillars. He doesn’t appear after but players who cleared EOR should know the spoilers of where he’s coming next
The first round with “Solomon”/Goetia was pretty chilling at the end once they reach, especially after Mash thrust her shield into his chest... Which the next scene finally reveals Goetia as himself as Beast I
Second round with Goetia has Jeanne, Drake, Mordred, Nightingale, Nero, Bedivere and Enkidu for support
This whole fight should be an episode series because Nightingale vs Goetia? ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!!
But this fight didn’t last long and abruptly cut off with Goetia just simply destroying the summoning ritual to effectively make them all disappear
Nothing much change for Mash’s ‘death’
However, Romani coming in was still that dread... Knowing what’s really happening next on subsequent on this whole Singualrity
More coverage with actual scene about Solomon’s last ring... Send to the future and Marisbury had kept it in a safe before summoning..?
Maybe theories are true Marisbury is a descendant of him? Or a Magus who specifically searched for his catalyst to win the Holy Grail? For what purpose aside wealth is still unknown especially I still a coverage on what occurred in their Holy Grail that they win but historically recorded as Saber won (not mentioned in the movie)
Solomon’s final Noble Phantasm and Goetia stabbing his whole arm into his chest... MY FEELS!
Solomon-Romani’s interaction with Gudao basically my bias ass pairing of Romani/Gudao is there... HE RAISED ONE HAND TO WIPE AWAY THE TEAR ON GUDAO, THAT’S BASICALLY BEING FORCED TO SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR LOVER DAMN IT
I did say Edmond didn’t appear first right? NOPE HE FINALLY APPEARED AT LAST AS THE LAST SERVANT GUDAO SUMMONED. THE WHOLE CINEMA CHEERED AND CLAPPED FOR HIM WHEN HE FINALLY APPEARED!!! No voice of course, because Shimazaki Nobunaga already doing it for Gudao
I wish Gudao’s view of humanity include NPC like Rushd (I didn’t watch Camelot but I feel like he’s got lesser screentime for boring female fanservice?) and Siduri instead of one whole monologue on Mash. Yeah sure for main boy/girl lead stuff, but other humanity include those two which was wasted
All the Servants finally came back to beat the pillars once and for all
Gil briefly appears aka Archer Gil, monologue about Goetia and what Beast really are... They remove mention on Beast VII that will come soon, probably to avoid another direct huge spoilers especially if NA players are watching. LB5.1 should be end of this year unless otherwise before the huge spoiler bomb kicks in
Gudao’s own fight with Goetia both his monstrous and human form should’ve been longer and more of himself to do it than the Servants, but oh well
Ending also nothing change... But Gudao looking at Romani’s tag and still subtly down after knowing what happen to him... Yeah it’s still heavily implied throughout LB story, Abigail’s interlude and latest conversation with Oberon, Romani is the sole reason why Gudao is still fighting to restore their home again
All in all, I still wish they could cover this again as a direct anime TV sequel to Babylonia because it’s definitely a good movie to end and conclude the first main FGO arc before we go into LB arc!
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RexCoatl timeline 2.0
Long ass time ago, not long after I started all this I made a timeline of events that show how the RexCoatl relationship grows. After a long enough time and many more mutuals I've decided the time has come to update it. Also might be messing with the timeline of the game itself.
First order
Post Fuyuki
Rex uses a Catalyst given to him to first summon Quetzalcoatl.
Post Orleans
Rex and Quetz already get very close. Quetz is one of the few people in chaldea Rex can consider a friend.
Post Septem
The two form a pattern of Quetz waking Rex up for breakfast and staying with him at night until he falls asleep.
One day after she leaves him to sleep she senses something wrong and finds he's had a nightmare. Already they've formed a strong enough bond that she can sense these problems.
Post Okeanos
Rex and Quetz have their first proper date, but nothing's official just yet.
Rex fully understands he has feelings for her.
Post London
A few more dates are had and Quetz starts to realize she may have feelings for Rex.
Post E Pluribus Unum
Quetz confesses to Rex and the two finally form a proper relationship.
The two "pop cherries"
When others are made aware of said relationship, it's revealed that people thought they had been together for a while.
Post Camelot
Quetz asks Rex if he'd like to be her lucha partner and he accepts happily. Beginning his lucha training.
The two run into a different Quetzalcoatl, who also forms an interest in Rex, much to Rex!Quetz's anger.
The same alternate Quetz is met, but briefly. Still an interest is shown
Quetz is unable to join Rex in the final fight against Goetia, but lends him her sword to help fight the Beast.
Post Solomon
Quetz comforts Rex after the loss of Romani.
Rex organizes a big lucha match for Quetz, against three opponents. (Her interlude)
Events pt. 1
Valentine's day
Quetz gifts Rex with valentine's chocolate, the first he's ever received.
Rex responds by making one for her, with help from Boudica.
After helping Santa Alter, Rex and the Gudas return to find a X-mas party. Rex and Quetz share their first kiss under the mistletoe
Both of these take place before they started dating.
Epic of Remnant
Rex and Jalter do not share a dance like with other masters. Jalter is too afraid of Quetz's response to it.
Post Shinjuku
Quetz and Rex spend a large amount of time together to help Quetz recover from almost losing him to the meteor.
Rex and Quetz are immediately suspicious of Columbus' true nature
When Columbus remembers his true name he immediately runs away from Rex and Quetz, knowing full well their response to his true identity.
Quetz and Rex still successfully destroy El Dorado
Post Agartha
Rex and Quetz celebrate the destruction of El Dorado with a huge party. This is the first time Rex partakes in alcohol.
Quetz is able to follow Rex into Shimosa to protect him alongside Musashi
The two are left out of Salem completely thanks to their Latin American nature and Salem's racist nature, leaving the twins and Mash to handle it.
Events pt. 2
Death Race
Quetz is unable to fulfill her role as Vice Warden of Medb's jail as she is preoccupied by Rex.
Quetz is still able to destroy the Bull of Heaven
While dealing with BB and eventually Kiara the same Quetz from Babylonia is encountered again.
X-mas in the underworld
Quetz is not found at the gate she was supposed to be guarding in Kur because she's still with Rex, whose dealing with the heat.
The event is handled entirely by the gudas
Rex is distraught by the idea of losing Quetz, but she assures him they'll reunite.
Rex is stuck in a depressive state without her
Quetz is temporarily summoned in another Chaldea, looking for Rex.
Rex manages to defeat Ivan, and creates a summoning Circle to bring Quetz back.
Quetz returns fully remembering Rex
Rex decides he wants to propose when they have a proper base.
Quetz recreates her Extinction attack on the tree of emptiness.
Quetz is livid when Rex nearly loses his head and attempts to kill Surtr afterwards.
Yu Mei Ren stabs Rex in the stomach and Quetz responds by nearly killing her there and then. Yu just missed a vital organ.
Post SIN
Rex gains a ring from Gil's treasury as payment for Uruk, and uses it to propose to Quetzalcoatl.
Post Engagement
Rex and Quetz prepare for the wedding.
Quetz's relatives visit for the wedding preparations, and eventually for the wedding itself.
Rex and Quetz are finally married and prepare to spend the rest of their lives together.
Events pt. 3
Prior to the final match-up, Bradamante is injured and unable to fight. Rex steps in as a substitute.
Black Quetzal mask is unable to fight fully as she's still Quetzalcoatl and still loves Rex, and won't harm him.
Rex and Quetz actually spend their honeymoon in the inn. This is used as an excuse to avoid work for most of the trip as the Gudas help out instead.
Thanks to no connection to Chaldea in her summoning, Quetz avoids being absorbed by the Ooku.
Quetz nearly kills Kama as she's seen as a homewrecker.
Case files
Rex's memories are all lost, expect the memories of Quetzalcoatl.
Quetz is able to join Rex in the patchwork singularity.
Non-main story
While attempting palingenesis to Quetz beyond 100, Rex accidentally creates Kukulkan, an alter of Quetzalcoatl.
When testing his catalyst again, some of Ishtar's authority is placed on it and summons a "love goddess" version of Quetzalcoatl, named Q'uq'umatz. It's revealed Q'uq'umatz is also the other Quetz from Babylonia.
While in the servant universe, Rex and Quetz run into the servant universe version of Quetzalcoatl, known as Slayer. she's very similar to the Doom Slayer, along with power from Yig of Lovecraftian myth.
Nightmares are made real thanks to Caster of Limbo, who then creates a nightmare Quetz.
Nightmare Quetz is defeated and left as a more normal but extra firey version of her, dubbed Xiuhcoatl.
Rex and Faye meet together and eventually trade goddesses, Rex gaining Faye's Samba Quetz.
After an incident in Madrid, Rex gains pseudo-servant powers.
In a dream, Rex meets the woman Quetz is possessing, and she reassures him the true feathered serpent loves him.
Post Chaldea
Rex and Quetz move to the Yucatan, to begin their lives together.
Quetz becomes a professional luchadora, while Rex starts working in magecraft.
They eventually start a family, but Quetz is forced to retire from Lucha.
Twin children are born, Maria and Eduardo.
Twins display their own authority, Mari seemingly a death goddess and Ed a rain god.
A/N: there it is. I mostly focused on important events, and I skipped around a bit towards to end since there's still plenty of story for fgo but I already have post chaldea ideas.
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @has-gilgamesh-doneanythingwrong @renmeo @kazmetic @grievouslyxorvia
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An Interlude — Warmth Under the Covers
The Master of Chaldea — Ritsuka Fujimaru — checks in on his allies, only to find them slacking off yet again.
What’s a Guda to do?
I am a Master of Chaldea.
That is what I am — nothing more, nothing less.
The guy operating the summoning system most of the time — one of the two guys who keeps the contracts between the Servants that Chaldea summons.
Mash’s Senpai.
I’m a Cause, and so is my coworker.
“...That’s right. That makes me a badass now, sort of!”
I can feel my fingers run through my hair as I wink at the mirror before me. Comparing my two options to figure out which one I preferred in the Combat Uniform, I ran over my daily routine.
Step one, of course, was figuring out how much I wanted to do myself up in the morning. The Chaldea bathrooms had the perfect lighting to check my face and skin, ensuring my skincare routine was up to snuff. Making sure my eyes weren’t bloodshot from the two hours’ sleep — making sure the bags under my eyes were concealed with a little bit of makeup.
“It’s like every day, Suzie’s training becomes a little more useful.”
That’s right — a closer look, and my cheeks were smooth as a baby’s bottom — my eyes as normal as they could get, considering their bright orange shade. At least the curtains matched the windows — always something that did bother me about my other look, that my hair wasn’t blue.
“...Then again, that would look awful with the uniform.”
The thought made my spine shiver. Like a genderswapped Rei — not bad, but not exactly the visual I liked seeing.
Truly, it was preferable to have that set form — anything else would be nauseating to even think about.
“...That should do it.”
Yes, truly — I looked perfectly fine, now. Care had to be taken to ensure I looked like my best.
That, of course, was easier than worrying the others.
...The bathrooms led to the Chaldea halls, just as well as they led to my quarters. Why the creators did this always confused me — even moreso, that the doors were one-sided, and were flush with the wall, so you couldn’t even get back in.
“Goddamned mages and their one-way bathroom door magic.”
Adjusting the plugsuit that never failed to get bunched up near my arm, and trying to imagine the map of Chaldea in my head, I put one foot in front of the other and started course to the cafeteria. Simply a hop, skip, and approximately twenty-five different hallways that look exactly the same away — my only saving grace being how many times I’ve made this journey before.
That, and the burning Olive Garden due east of the Cafeteria, whose smoke signalled the food area from a mile away.
And for much of the trip, it was the same as it always was — simply my footsteps echoing in an empty hallway, the only accompaniment being the odd intercom message from Da Vinci letting the staff know of a Singularity that had only recently cropped up.
“Just calling to let you all know that we will begin our scheduled Rayshift in four days~! Prepare yourselves for it!”
...We never really had a break. Even walking down these empty, empty halls, my footsteps served only to momentarily break up the endless thoughts of what came next.
‘A mystery Singularity. Is that what it is? I’ve never heard of it. We had the four Pseudo-Singularities handled already. There shouldn’t be any Pillars left! On top of that, we still don’t know the first thing about its location, and even if we did...’
‘...It’s not like we can do anything to stop it. All my research, and nothing about this makes any sense at all. Maybe a Foreigner could do it, but—‘
‘—Why? There’s no reason to make a Singularity anymore. No Demon Pillars left. The Lostbelts are already destroying mankind. There’s nothing left to do. And—‘
‘...We need a break. We need a break from this — from ALL of this. Cadence needs a break, and that’s to say nothing of myself. Can’t we have a moment to sleep..?! Can’t we have even a second to rest our eyes, snooze, and..?!’
The smoke overwhelmed my thought. Against the harsh fumes of a burning building, and the strange smell of spice, rational thought was impossible to maintain — and the growing headache of a nightmare-riddled sleep wasn’t exactly helping matters.
It wasn’t far now, surely. Another step forward, and —
...Between the tables of the cafeteria, there lay a kotatsu.
I made it with Da Vinci’s help just a few days before. A little wooden table, at least compared to the surrounding cafeteria tables — a red blanket sort of thing, and a heater underneath that Da Vinci cleverly placed carefully to avoid burning oneself. It could sit, I reckoned, four people on a good day —
—I didn’t account for Gorgon, clearly.
Finally directing my gaze to what was coming out of the blanket of the kotatsu — and moving forward as to get the damned Olive Garden smoke out of my eyes — I was met first with the ever-clear figure of Gorgon. Eyes just barely shut, a hand positioned to form a makeshift pillow, and a tail surrounding something out of view, she drew a figure much unlike what I’d previously seen — only made a little more curious with the resting Lobo just behind her, which made its resting spot close to her in order to be as warm as possible. Hessian, for what it was worth, was still awake, sitting at a table nearby — offering me a wave of recognition as I returned my gaze to the table.
Jeanne Alter lay — more accurately, sat — at the kotatsu, almost as if she were awake, her hand still gently grasping a bag of chips that had by now spilled across the oak surface of the table. If it weren’t for her loud snoring, and her face smushed against the table, she would’ve had me convinced she was still awake.
Circling around, I found an Artoria that seemed quite familiar — Lancer, clad in a black turtleneck sweater, dark grey jeans, and her esteemed headpiece, resting her head on her hand and looking almost wistfully at whatever Gorgon had wrapped up in her tail. Even as I approached, she didn’t even look back in recognition — as if I never existed at all, or as if she were staring through a window that wouldn’t accommodate for anything Ritsuka-shaped.
And as I followed her unshifting gaze, I found —
—Wrapped in Gorgon’s tail, a young lady, sharp black hair tied up in an impressive style I couldn’t quite describe. Her face, uncovered by a mask I’d grown accustomed to seeing, seemed at peace — eyes gently shut, arms wrapped around...
“...Cadence, you motherfucker.”
The careful, wistful gaze of Lancer Alter, the comically tight squeeze of a sleeping Gorgon, and the gentle hold of Ushiwaka, all contained a cowardly Master that somehow bonded with the most hateful, evil beings alive.
In a sense, it would bring about the ultimate safety, being around those that would always fight to protect that which they care of — even if their ultimate fate is to burn all that lives, surely some safety remained in keeping close to those who would protect you from anything they hated most.
“...This guy claims he’s a one-on-one sort of guy, yet he ends up like this.”
...It wasn’t like I had any right to complain — I did have Mash, and that was utter perfection, so I supposed he had the right to find a portion of that.
“...I’m never letting him live this down.”
...I glanced over to Lancer Alter, who seemingly only now clued into my existence — her almost hazy eyes, as if overlaid with a world both like and unlike reality, gazed both at me — and through me.
“What is it?”
“...Rest well. Your journey will not end so easily — you would do well to follow his lead.”
...Her gaze moved back to Cadence, who hadn’t moved a muscle. If not for the subtle sound of his breath, I’d have presumed him dead — though he wouldn’t have much room to move, the way he was.
“...I don’t think I can rest that well, Lancer. He’s got two ladies keeping him warm, and a third keeping an eye on him. Can’t tell me I’ll ever rest like that.”
...At that, the Lancer only smirked.
“...It shocks me as much as any other, Ritsuka, that this has happened. But... You have your own who would be all too willing to provide, no?”
I could hear myself let out a snort in a desperate attempt not to laugh.
“Only one with Ritsuka cuddle privileges is Mash. Serenity gets a pass, but the others terrify me.”
“...So be it. Find those two, and rest. If that is how you rest best, then so be it.”
...Keeping a close look at her eyes, the fog faded ever-so-slightly as she kept watch over the other Master. I reckoned it was probably due to the contract being transferred to him — though Cadence did always have the strange habit of bringing Alters down to earth. If he weren’t so scared of the others...
“...You do the same, Lancer. Don’t watch over the guy forever. If you wanna get in there, Gorgon could probably fit you, too.”
As I briefly procured me phone to snap a picture of the scene before me, to tease Cadence with later, Lancer only laughed back.
“I am already dreaming, Ritsuka. I have no need to rest.”
“Right, right.”
Even as I turned around, and began setting foot outside the cafeteria with a wave Lancer’s way, my eyes remained on the photo of Cadence.
A lot had changed — a lot would still yet change.
Friends had been made in unlikely places, enemies made of friends, and friends of enemies.
But in all this, even a guy as paranoid as Cadence found time to rest — he found company with Avengers, and those more evil than he could even hope to be, and he found safety in their loyalty and affection, so it seemed.
“...I guess I don’t need to worry about him, hm?”
...It was best to listen to that Lancer while I still had time —
—while, instead of the ceaseless nightmares, I would dream instead about teasing the coward that remained so affectionately in such a silly place.
...Perhaps it was time to dream.
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