Ok, it's getting later than I thought in my timezone, and today isn't THE day of the start of the polls, but I at least have some evidence that I'm making progress and following through here.
(They were obviously intended to be til the Shounen Jumped, just don't, ok?) (Ok.)
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Alrighty, doing some draft write ups and putting the polls up soon. Gonna aim for by the end of the night, but don't be suprised if it doesn't happen til tomorrow afternoon, never know if something is gonna come up and all that.
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Alrighty, doing some draft write ups and putting the polls up soon. Gonna aim for by the end of the night, but don't be suprised if it doesn't happen til tomorrow afternoon, never know if something is gonna come up and all that.
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Apologies in advance for also not remembering to file Kirei Kotomine or Zouken Matou under comically bad candidates, but be honest, you really don't want that for the boy no matter how strong The Bit (TM) can be.
Today's (ACTUALLY) The Day
The (ACTUALLY) is important, I think.
(Apologies in advance for Bracket HQ account limitations and having to cut a lot of potential candidates, big sad)
Will get to doing some write ups for the actual polling today, but here is the starting brackets. Let's get this boy adopted, everyone.
The Wheel of FATE is Turning...
(Knight of) Rebel(lion) 1
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Today's (ACTUALLY) The Day
The (ACTUALLY) is important, I think.
(Apologies in advance for Bracket HQ account limitations and having to cut a lot of potential candidates, big sad)
Will get to doing some write ups for the actual polling today, but here is the starting brackets. Let's get this boy adopted, everyone.
The Wheel of FATE is Turning...
(Knight of) Rebel(lion) 1
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Lmao. Yes Hello, I am that one Anon. I am also wishing you a very mental health.
Thank you! I'm feeling great today cause I actually managed to sleep well in the end, but that really hasn't been super consistent is all.
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Honestly, I keep flip flopping back and forth between thinking I can handle this poll no problem and "I am clearly too wildly unstable to handle much right now"
It's...probably not a good idea for a while. I'll try, but I don't mind potentially leaving this to the professionals @gae-bolg-alternative-dot-exe if I really can't handle it in time.
I dunno, I got a lot going on is all.
If someone else does it though, so help me, you BETTER include That One Anon to honor them.
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At the end of the day this is just to see how much Kairi will brutalize the competition until he faces Lalter who will be his only true competition.
By true competition I mean she won't lose for more than 35%
Yeah, I decided on excluding Kairi 'Best Dad' Sisigou and proto Arthur to make things interesting for good reason. They can can curate/play bouncer.
Sorry this is taking a while btw, fun irl stuff keeps coming up, both meant ironically and also not
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Apologies for being a coward like Shirou and today is ruined, but I had a lot of insight and realized how bad and unhealthy a different non-tumblr online community was blatantly getting for me to be part of.
The boy will have his shot another day still...
Alright, it's July. Time to buckle down on bracketing, let's go! Any 11th hour suggestions welcome, cause I'm getting on it right stat TODAY!
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Hot take Guda is Mommy/Daddy and that's an entirely different contest
Guda can be many things, but agreed on both counts, thank you.
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Here's my 11th hour submission, if he hasn't already been suggested:
Goredolf Musik
He's basically the team dad of Part 2 Chaldea. He's learned to treat hommunculi well, and I think after some character development, he has learned to treat Servants properly as well. He's a much better role model than anyone biologically involved with Mordred's creation (I'm still not 100% sure how it worked in Fate lore) and deserves a chance at custody.
Eh, while I'm at it, throw in Ritsuka Fujimaru and Mash Kyrielight as well, to be funny. If they haven't been added already. There's an argument to be made there, but I also just want to see how well they'd both do.
FGO Gordo was a shoe-in for the lineup, definitely. He got so much better character growth than the Apocrypha version. I love him and his developments with Caenis, Guda, Da Vinci, and the rest of the Chaldea family.
He's in.
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Alright, it's July. Time to buckle down on bracketing, let's go! Any 11th hour suggestions welcome, cause I'm getting on it right stat TODAY!
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Look all I am saying is that all cats need to be petted constantly regardless of whether they are housecats or not and I am a brainless nonperson. Cats.
Agreed. I want to adopt one myself, but I'm sorting some things out and would need to be thorough about shelf cases for anime figs.
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Amazing. Perhaps I will win The Boy and then we will pet everyone's cats.
I'm not going unbiased mode yet, I think you have a solid shot at the third spot on Arthur and Sisigou's parentycule.
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Heh. I found this in my drafts from the old sideblog that got vored for this one.
Too depressing to bring that back. Music is too much more personal for me than Nasu works.
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I mean there is always me. I am in the contest as a gag choice.
I know, That One Anon. You might just have The Bit to get pretty far. I'll start setting up brackets in advance when I have some spare time.
Should be able to just kick off July 1st after laying out some ground rules and stuff a week or so in advance.
Good luck, That One¹ Anon(s)!
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So I'm thinking of moving Sisigou and Arthur to bouncer duty.
They're clearly overqualified autowin choices, and I'd rather the poll not come down to them inevitably making it to the end in opposite brackets.
They can make the clearer judgment call on a third Momo parent figure anyway, they got their son's back, we good.
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(Still dadding, hold tight daddies, tge boi willll ger his daddoo!)
(Anyway, before I go full neutral Futurama alien, vote Jalter for cool stepmom)
(She could still use the W)
So I know legit FGO can be fun if you don't have a gambling addiction and all, but if you feel like "gacha hell being inescapable" memes are getting uncomfortably real, look up some modded apks that make the game an unloseable joke that you can solo with a lvl 1 unbuffed Kojiro.
I did that, and it set in really quick how bad my Jalter horny coping mechanisms had genuinely gotten. I'll still cosplay her later and see if I can get my NA account back to buy the Dress, but goddamn, I needed that BAD.
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