#grrrl power
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liberaljane · 2 months ago
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thejingleofadogscollar · 2 years ago
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what is riot grrrl, anyway? [collected by becca albee of excuse 17]
circa. 1992
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scottguy · 1 year ago
Attention badass bitches everywhere...
Show them you won't take right-wing shit. I'll be right behind you in line at the voting booth. (So be a bit careful with those swords around fellow liberal, anti-patriarchal, and supportive guys. )
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#VoteBlue 💙🇺🇸 http://dlvr.it/T2LZr4
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n1kkisixxspersonalchewtoy · 16 days ago
ok so something that happened with an anon my friend encountered, and also a blog I encountered with has been really messing with me.
is it just me that feels sexism has been running rampant? Like I’m not gonna make this a trump thing because it’s been happening before so don’t blame it on trump like some people do.
I see men commenting on videos of women making fun of them for being dressed revealing, saying they wish they’d been there or being overall objectifying, or they’re objectifying and being mad about the women.
women can do what they want to with their bodies, and the way they dress does not change them as a person. A woman should be able to walk out of the house butt ass naked and not have the fear of being harassed, judged, raped, or assaulted.
It also is not right to say someone that is living breathing and passionate about what they believe in is a “poser” or has evil intentions. The amount of times I have been told that I am not really a feminist or that I’m sexist pisses me off, I already don’t like it when people assume. Because if you don’t wanna be judged or have someone assume shitty thing about you then don’t assume the same thing about the next person. And also don’t let anyone change your opinions because they’re YOUR opinions for a reason.
now to the thing with my friends anon.
wether you want to admit it or not women created rock and metal. The runaways, Aretha Franklin, sister Rosetta Thorpe, Janis Joplin, Suzi quatro, the supremes, lesley gore, the pretenders, blondie, heart, X-ray Spex, Jefferson airplane, Nico who sang songs on the first velvet underground album. And they influenced more women. Kim Gordon of sonic youth, Kathleen Hanna of bikini kill + various bands, the go-gos, Courtney love from hole, Siouxsie and the banshees, No doubt, P!nk, Lunachicks, L7, the Donna’s, babes in toyland, jack off Jill, stitched up heart, the list could go on for fucking ever.
on top of that, rock has always been feminine. Lou reed/velvet underground, the New York dolls, David Bowie, Marc bolan/T.rex, KISS, sweet, queen, cheap trick, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, the tubes. And that’s just some.
Saying that rock/punk was created by men, and that it’s meant for angry pissed off men is very naive. Men need to realize women’s female rage is not some cutesy thing, we have a reason to be fucking pissed. Men typically don’t have more then just they hate the world, they hate the way they’re working shitty jobs, it’s typically not the way they’re treated. So men get treated shitty? Yes. Are men raped, abused, assaulted? Absolutely. Are there bad women? Of course. But if you would look historically women are the predominant ones that are raped, abused by family spouses or strangers, assaulted, molested.
Teenage girls have 40 year old men trying to look up their fucking skirts, I would know it’s happened to me. Just existing as a women comes with consequences. We still get paid less, not as much but it still happens, we’re demeaned, degraded, shit on just for existing.
women have a reason to be pissed off, we’re mad at the world because the world treats us like pieces of meat, we’re alienated so much. And to “the world isn’t fair” argument. I’ve always hated that phrase, because it **should be fair.** equality has been humanity’s biggest struggle. Men wonder why women care so much, because it doesn’t affect them. Women are told to be quiet to look a certain way, or act a certain way, or to just sit down with our legs crossed and look pretty. And be ladylike. Well guess the fuck what? You can’t tell us what to do! We don’t tell men what to do??
more men need to be told they can cry, that women aren’t out to get you, that the world doesn’t revolve around you. That you don’t *deserve* a woman’s time or energy. Women used to be revered in ancient civilizations for being the creators of life. All men do is stick their penis in, cum, and leave. Meanwhile we deal with the child bearing and child birth, and those consequences.
if you’re parasocial for someone like an actor or musician IT IS OKAY!! most of the time being parasocial is a form of passion, emotional connection, and coping. I myself am parasocial. Parasocial has been around for ages.
So put a little pink bow on your favorite rockstar and pretend you’re dating! There is literally nothing wrong as long as it isn’t hurting anybody, be proud of your passions and feelings. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do what you want to, that you can’t listen to angry music and mitski or marina or Lana del ray (and also mitski Lana del ray and marina are in fact angry too, you know if you listen to them from a female perspective.)
if you wanna fight me about this, then my inbox is open. And if you’re gonna be anonymous to talk shit then clearly you wouldn’t say that to a women’s face, if you can’t say it non-anon on the internet. Fucking pussy.
tags: @rentherainbringer @southerntigress @weirdgenetic-fuckup @yeotozaki @jules-sixx @xstarryeyesx @emmaaxox3babyy @diamondtr4shangel @pennymissworld @losangelesdarling
reblog to spread the message !!!
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haveyouheardthisband · 6 months ago
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 day ago
They're both black british punks but there's not a strong enough word for how much Hobie Brown and Thalia Grace would hate eachother
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thesiouxzy · 5 months ago
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pilotofstarshipfables · 2 months ago
We stand on the brink of the inauguration of president Trump, and I cannot be the only SA survivor who feels as though my rights have been spat upon. That is how those in power would like us to feel. Victimized, Powerless, and unable to stand up.
But we are not. We have been hurt but we can recover. We have been robbed of our rights, we will take them back. We have been silenced, but no more. No more stifling of women’s stories, and those of other marginalized people who are affected by this presidency.
In the coming years, you must do what you can to fight. And the wonderful thing is the individuality this carries.
Do you need to hide out while your wounds knit back together? That alone is an act of resistance in a world that would happily work you to death. We have need of scholars and chroniclers if you need something to fill the time. If not that’s alright too.
Are you angry? Unpalatable? An imperfect victim who’s all claws and vinegar? Perfection. Your rage is beautiful my darling. Now go out and scream your truth.
Are you broken hearted? Do you feel too soft for the sort of cruelty society serves up to us regularly? Tender hearts are of inestimable value; for what good is victory if we all become monsters and there are none to pull us back and teach us the meaning of love.
There is a place in this fight for everyone. Don’t let them make you feel as if you are less worthy.
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whimsilim222 · 2 months ago
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Now more than ever we need our punk protectors. Keep fighting 💪
Thank you to all the amazing punk rock women who never stopped screaming 🖤🤘
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omegaremix · 2 months ago
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Oh! • Growing Up • Talking To Myself • Fine • Nino • Why • Cuántas Veces • Remember • Magic • Racist, Sexist Boy
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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rickchung · 2 months ago
♫ The Linda Lindas x “All in My Head” x Jimmy Kimmel Live!
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haveyouheardthisband · 1 year ago
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blackangelism · 6 months ago
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holey twins
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makeurlife · 8 months ago
capitalism actually makes me so fucking miserable like every good thing is just ruined by the rich wanting to get fucking richer fuck you guys
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sspacegodd · 2 months ago
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We flutterkick through space.
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