#group therapy online
mindzenia · 1 month
Relationship counselling for Every Couple | Mindzenia
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Strengthen your bond with Relationship Counseling designed for every couple. Address communication issues, resolve conflicts, and deepen your connection with professional guidance, ensuring a healthier and happier partnership.
👉Click the picture to plan a session and join our group via scanning the WhatsApp QR code.👨‍🔬 . . 🌐 Visit our website: https://www.mindzenia.com/adult-therapy . 👨‍🔬Reach Us Here:-👇 . ☎️ Connect On WhatsApp: +91 8178934958 . 📧 Official Gmail ID: [email protected] . 👉 Get more educational posts by following us: @mindzenia
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myceliumbutch · 9 months
Can the "trans men are oppressors" crowd do me a favor and try to find mental health resources for trans men in their area? And I mean real resources not just videos and articles. Any support groups for trans men? Any therapy groups? Are local queer centers reaching out for specific resources to trans men? Does the local sexual health center have information about birth control, abortions, fertility? Is there a shelter for trans men that they can be safe in without misgendering themselves? Are there any social groups for trans men?
If they're so privileged, where the fuck is it?
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miusato · 28 days
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Honestly the main attraction for Shinjiham is how contrast their personality is and it is always funny for me to think about how people around them would react if they found out they're dating in this AU lol
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brown-little-robin · 5 days
okay, I'm crowdsourcing advice for a minute, so bear with me and please lend some words if you have any:
I want to get out of the house more. Like, on a regular basis. Weekly, maybe. Preferably, I would like to be interacting with people—the same people—every time, for... like... accountability, but also because I am hoping to put myself out there as the 21st century's most neurotic platonic Casanova. Uh. Making a friend or more out of this would be desirable. But I think if I go out with the intention of making a friend, I will be disappointed.
So. I want to go do something, for that something's own sake. I don't want to go be fake once a week hoping to get a friend out of it.
However, the beautiful state of Iowa is a bit cultureless, and I am too introverted and easily overwhelmed for this world (e.g. going to bars is probably not gonna be my thing). So.... I guess.... any suggestions? opinions? thoughts on making friends in general, or finding good activities as an introverted adult, in general?
oh yeah, also: I am poor. that's a factor. so. signing up a class or similar is not a great option right now.
what the heck, I'll add a silly poll for fun:
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wiseatom · 28 days
me rn: 🧍
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bloodstaineddeer · 9 months
love when everyone in my group talks about how many friends they have and all the types of friends and how they’ve made friends online and irl and how they’re friends are so supportive and fun and positive and how they have 4 friends or their friend group
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cjadewyton · 1 year
One of the things that sucks with being triggered by drugs / weed / etc is that if I mention it, even casually, I get a bunch of pearl-clutchers being all “YES its the DeViLs LeTTucE pure EVIL glad you agree!!!” And its like,, guys I swear I’m not with them!! I’m not with them I swearereerr & I basically have to FIGHT for my trauma to not be used as an excuse to hate addicts (or people just having a good time) & honestly that fucking SUCKS cos I really want to talk about it sometimes, but people are insane about hating drug users for literally no reason
Like its not some random stoner’s fault that weed reminds me of my trauma, its just how it is. Baseball caps & schnauzers also remind me of my trauma & I’m not out here saying people who wear hats or like dogs should be treated as subhuman & thrown in jail like jfc
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avephelis · 2 years
might be a little low on fanart atm feeling original stuff a bit more... then again i will probably say this and then get ideas 3 hours later so. manifesting. anyway.
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thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
Ya know how some chronically online folk moan and bitch about being alone because they think they are so unattractive, it’s such a WILDLY ABSURD belief. I get insecurities, I get that, I emphasize, like I truly understand that feeling no matter how illogical it is, BUT there are some people (incels but others too) that truly think being short, chubby, or whatever feature they think is what makes them undesirable is the SOLE cause of their lack of romantic partners, is like PLEASE GO TO A MALL AND PEOPLE WATCH.
You will see couples of all shapes, sizes, levels of attractiveness! “Ugly” people marry, fuck, hook up all the time. The problem is your lack of sociability, self-esteem, no confidence, maybe yeah mental health issues, and perhaps shitty bigoted personality, but if being alone really affects you negatively, aka you aren’t a natural loner and are depressed because you are alone, SEEK groups or communities OUTSIDE THE FUCKING internet!
It ain’t easy, but sitting online and complaining because you think women all hate you because you’re short or fat is so ridiculous, HAHAHA trust me there are many happily fat short fellas happily with partners because they aren’t toxic assholes!
This is just one of the many glaring holes in this way of thinking, which is why you will see these guys twist that even “ugly” women can get laid which is also so false and a wild assumption, but that also is a rabbit hole of how some people will have a distorted view on sex, relationships, gender, sexuality, etc that I do not feel like getting into.
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lemememeringue · 2 years
tis change of season (oof ow, me bones) so therapy was mostly talk abt disabilities.
#mine#lem experiences cognitive behavioural torture#lem has a body#this is a relatively Safe Topic except for that once-a-year vampiric lament so I was p talkative#my therapist is also disabled so I think it was easier to connect on the Well Meaning People Who Will Not Just STOP IT#but it was difficult to explain how I'm already Over™ the five stages of grief when it comes to The Rest of My Chronically In Pain Life#it was just like ''I'm already looking into getting crutches bc ik it's gonna get worse'' ''😔 it can be scary and frustrating when—''#''what? no this is great it means I can hit ppl who get too close and blame it on being uncoordinated'' ''.... ah.''#hfjdvfbjgjdhkfbfjg#we also talked abt the autism support group thing. after he explained the purpose of a support group I said that it didn't sound helpful#like.. ik I'm ''not alone'' and I don't rly need my experiences validated? I just want to function enough to leave home#''it sounds like you maybe disagree w the dx. maybe you don't have autism at all?'' well that'd be p disappointing bc we got good memes#my therapist said I have a sense of humour and a good attitude uwu#throughout the session I talked abt mum and started unpacking Just The Surface of that#and I reiterated how I am Doing Okay being at home and online. I just want to get away from Here and I can't transition on my own#bc today was a decent mental health day I was mostly coherent#and we're going to work on How To Leave The House bc doctors don't count bc that requires mum#next week I'll be skipping therapy tho bc I finally got in w the psychiatry place#got a two hour intake 😭😭😭😭#it was Weird getting back in the car after therapy today. mum has been praying for good ppl to help me abd she feels her prayers are heard#I feel kinda guilty bc a half hour ago I was talking abt how emotionally manipulative she gets#multidimensional character yanno
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mindzenia · 1 month
Mindzenia Can Help You With
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✅Depression ✅Anxiety & panic attacks ✅Suicidal feelings ✅Unhappiness ✅Sexual and gender disorders
👉Click the picture to plan a session and join our group via scanning the WhatsApp QR code.👨‍🔬 . . 🌐 Visit our website: https://www.mindzenia.com/enterprise-solutions . 👨‍🔬Reach Us Here:-👇 . ☎️ Connect On WhatsApp: +91 8178934958 . 📧 Official Gmail ID: [email protected] . 👉 Get more educational posts by following us: @mindzenia
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valedale-rose · 2 years
Day 2 of the recent main quests! I forgot to post yesterday because my family came over for turkey day so here we are today :> screenshots and some of my thoughts below.
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Unfortunately I didn't screenshot any of Katja's appearance because I was like SO EXCITED lmao so sorry I have nothing to show for the battle with her, but I will say it was phenomenal! PLUS her theme creates mood so well. I will never shut up about how SSO's soundtrack is possibly the best thing about it omg,,,,, 🫶
My only negative thoughts on the Katja battle was how small the "battlefield" was. I would've appreciated if when she started to get real mad, the area of land the player had to protect was expanded! That would up the stakes I think :0!!
Also the way Lisa just showed up was kind of unexpected, and I'm a little disappointed that she couldn't provide any info on where the Vala took Holdsworth, Alex, and Anne.. though I guess that adds to the mystery of what'll happen next.
The actual planting of the sapling, although I don't have the words to describe it, was a beautiful moment in the quest for me. It really felt like an honor that MC could acquire a seed from an ancient long-fallen forest of trees vital to the life of Jorvik.. and then plant it themself. I'm a big tree hugger so maybe I'm biased but the act felt so heartfelt. I loved it.
Ok that's enough talking from me! Overall a neat asf quest experience, day 1 and day 2 both.
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somesecretpie · 6 months
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Greetings bugs and worms!
This comic is a little different than what I usually do but I worked real hard on it—Maybe I'll make more infographic stuff in the future this ended up being fun. Hope you learned something new :)
If you are still curious and want to learn more about OCD, you can visit the International OCD Foundation's website. I also recommend this amazing TED ED video "Starving The Monster", which was my first introduction to the disorder and this video by John Green about his own experience with OCD.
The IOCDF's website can also help you find support groups, therapy, and has lots of online guides and resources as well if you or a loved one is struggling with the disorder. It is very comprehensive!
Reblog to teach your followers about OCD
(But also not reblogging doesn't make you evil, silly goose)
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swankpalanquin · 1 month
i need to take some time off sooner than october
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g0blintears · 4 months
Trying to get into an online therapy session should not be like entering the fucking backrooms 💀
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0vercomingtrauma · 6 months
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Hi all,
I’m running a virtual Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy Group for adults 18+ living in Colorado in May. We’ll be meeting Wednesdays for 10 weeks at 6:15pm MT starting May 1st. I’m accepting insurances (Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Medicaid) and self-pay clients. Please share with any other folks you think would benefit from somatic interventions through Yoga Therapy to (re)connect with their bodies in an encouraging way, centering autonomy, agency, and choice. If you or others have any questions or interest, please email me at [email protected]
Thank you!
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