#gretchen pnf
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beehunterkisser · 3 months ago
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they just buried someone
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masterdizzi · 2 years ago
This shot makes it look like Gretchen is flirting with Isabella and I cannot unsee it now
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tinyartistuko · 1 year ago
Sometimes I forget that I have Tumblr so I'm sharing these now💕
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For people who don't know the character with Phineas:
He's Dylan Doofenshmirtz, son of Heinz and Charlene and Vanessa's younger brother. Yes, I ship him with Phineas
I'm more active on Ig if you're interested in seeing my art :3
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radiocatz · 2 years ago
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Characters I don't draw often/haven't before :0 (excluding Isabella but you can't have the fireside girls without her >:]
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104-days-of-gifs · 2 years ago
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Another 104 Days of Phineas and Ferb GIFs: Day 38
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violetlunette · 2 years ago
Okay, so since I asked what people’s least favorite popular ship is, lets do the opposite;
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theres-one-nine-letter-word · 8 months ago
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How about one (or more) of the other fireside girls? I vote holly and/or Gretchen.
Concept: Ginger and Baljeet break up bc they both realize they are gay and had major comphet. there are zero hurt feelings or ruined relationships. they go back to being friends and help each other with their respective crushes.
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lyllaotterofhalfworld · 3 years ago
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Gretchen and Adyson from Phineas and Ferb Act Your Age. Redesigns I guess??
Was Adyson supposed to be into fashion?? I don't remember 🤔. I just never liked some of these lol. ((She can wear a skirt or whatever, I only used leggings to see if it looked okay x'D))
And Gretchen, I see her as a sweater type person >:V. Can't tell me otherwise
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masterdizzi · 2 years ago
Phineas and Ferb, plot distribution tier list
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spc-rambles · 8 months ago
Oh those P&F DA days were crazy times. Crazy times. I swear I saw Millie shipped with Balthazar (that boy who said ‘Hey, haven’t I seen you somewhere before?’ in I was a Middle Aged Robot), Holly with Django and Buford with Adyson. This would be some Mandela effect.
Either way, some weren’t the worst. Some seemed cute, but at the same time, something about the way all these ships came about, by this one guy initially, I’ll have to check on the guy’s username, it felt quite mandated. Like each child had to be shipped with someone. Never liked that trope in the shipping circle.
And wouldn’t you know it, crazily enough, this spiralled into Baljinger becoming canon.
do u remember when people would pair off the fireside girls with the other children who were male. that shit was so fucking annoying im so glad people dont do that anymore
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feeling--pink · 4 years ago
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Recently I decided that the fireside girls are phenomenal and deserve much more characterization than they got in the show. I’m very sorry for how long it took me so long to realize this!
Anyways to start off here’s some casual clothes since we never saw them outside their uniforms in the show!! Explanations for each under the cut as per usual! :D
Just a disclaimer that while I used every scrap of evidence I could find from the wikis and rewatching the failed pilot episodes that I did have to make some stuff up for these. In the future I hope to build on what the show gave us for more fully fleshed out characters but until then here’s a start!! 
I should let y’all know now that I did base their color schemes off of those in act your age! But I gave everyone a secondary color as well (if they didn't already have one)
Gretchen, according to the wiki is “Extremely Smart, happy” (extremely smart being unique)
She is also the only (known) one with the Saying A Word No One Else In The Room Knows Patch 
From that we can take that she’s in the same sort of archetype as Huey Duck, Violet Sabrewing, Frida (hilda), Clemont (pokemon xyz), etc. 
So I tired to base her outfit on them!
In this case it’s mostly Huey, Violet, and Frida because pokemon outfits follow different rules 
Violet and Frida’s outfits are more similar because they’re what I consider “comfortable” 
And while I love their designs I decided to go the other route!
The other route being Huey! Aka I wanted to give her a polo shirt skjdfhgk
Besides, for Gretchen’s age up design I think her outfit fits in the same category as Violet and Frida’s do! So we’ll get there eventually!
But anyways yes, I took the polo shirt from Huey then decided I should probably give her pants because she isn’t a duck where its socially acceptable to not wear pants sksajdhfgaks
So yeah a pleated skirt just seemed the right way to go yes? :D
Yes Katie is wearing crocs
Why you may ask?
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LISTEN- I tried, I really did, to come up with something other than crocs
But I couldn’t hecking do it 
Well I couldn’t without ignoring this part of her character design which is 90% of what I have to go off of
Anyways from her wiki entry her personality is described as “Kind, helpful, cute”
This makes cute her only unique trait among all the fireside girls (except technically Isabella)
She’s also the only (known) one with the semaphore patch (that isn’t on her wiki but it is stated in bee story) 
btw this is totally unrelated to my design but I’m thinking what if Katie got into color guard when she’s older? skjdhfakasj idk I think she would like it
Anyways!! At another point in the wiki it mentions her “running gag” (running gag in quotations because it only happened once I watched the episode specifically looking for this) where she says/does unusual things to get a glance from the other girls
I’m taking that to mean she’s silly!!!!! 
Hence the crocs sksjdhfak
The overalls just seemed to fit her nature, and like I know Baljeet already has overalls but she’ll fight him for it k? skjhdsak
I’ll say here that Milly and Holly have the least characterization from their wikis which I’m very sad about
Okay so Milly’s  “Kind, helpful, Happy” (no unique traits), is bad with secrets (operation crumb cake), and has one more Help Thy Neighbor patch because she went back to Phineas and Ferb’s house after everyone left at some point
Unfortunately from first glance we don’t don’t have a lot to go off of character design wise with these
However!! I know another character who's bad with secrets, helpful, and wears a bow in her hair!! That's right- Webby Vanderquack (btw very sorry to anyone who hasn't watched Ducktales I’m gonna keep bringing it up because I love it a lot I’m sorry)
So I loosely based this design on Webby’s! Aka dress shirt thing (in this case, a blouse) and a skirt that I think is neat!! 
Webby’s design leans more into her nerdy side and so I made Milly’s lean toward sweetness!! (not saying Milly isn’t nerdy, there's just no evidence to suggest that she is so I didn’t lean into that) (also that would be too close to literally just drawing Webby’s outfit which I also didn’t want to do)
I’m restating that Holly and Milly get practically nothing from their wikis (Holly getting the least)
Like  “Kind, nice, helpful” -The P&F wiki on Holly
Go girl!! Give us nothing!!!!!
skjdjhf okay but actually there is exactly one thing we can get from the wiki
While she doesn't have any unique patches, if we look at my patch reference sheet below
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You may notice that for all the patches that 3 people got; Gretchen and Holly have all four (Ginger being replaced with Adyson for the Rodeo Clown patch)
In conclusion: Gretchen and Holly are best friends.
Look I know I’m blowing this a little out of proportion, but they gave me literally nothing so I’m running with what I have
Anyways!! I’m taking Gretchen and Holly being best friends as Holly is also wicked smart!! 
So in conclusion that all adds up to I’m also making Holly’s outfit nerd-esq because I can
This time basing it loosely of of Satsuki from My Neighbor Totoro because she’s who I think of for an orange and yellow color scheme! 
(she also gives me Boyd (DT again) vibes from the color I chose for the shorts though haha)
Starting right off the bat the wiki gives us “Sometimes comical, helpful, accident-prone, nice”
Accident prone gives us bandages
Adyson also has the unique patch of the appliance repair patch 
She also used to have the record patch for earning six patches in one day before Candace broke that record!
So I gave her running shorts and a sleeveless hoodie because I take that as she’s slightly sporty (athlesure but more casual)
Adyson was really much more straightforward than the others
I had an idea in my head that made sense so I went with it, y’know?
I’m not even talking about how much taller I made her here because I was basing it off of the show!!! She’s stupid tall!!! 
And like I know Stacey and her mom are both tall so of course she would be too but LOOK AT THIS
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I MEAN ?????? BRO-
Anyways moving on! :D
I REALLY liked her light blue and indigo color scheme in aya so I tried to keep that! 
I wish I could have incorporated a little more light blue but with the style of dress I went with that wasn’t really possible
Speaking of her dress!! Why’d I do that you may ask? 
I dunno I thought it looked cute! 
Listen- I love giving explicit reasons for each and every choice I make, but honestly there's usually a point where I have no ideas and go “eh its cute”
and thats what happened here! 
Thanks for reading if you got this far!!
If I missed some details or you have ideas please come talk to me!! I really want to do a good job for these guys (they absolutely deserve it) and could use all the help I can get! 
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bianchi2021 · 4 years ago
“These are the FG girls troop 46321. Their names are Gretchen, Adyson, Ginger, Milly, Holly and Katie. You may know them as Isabella’s scouts, but how well do you know them as individuals…?”
“You’ve seen them like this: (shows them in their scout uniforms) but have you ever seen them like...(shows them in their standard clothing)... this?
Katie being awkward in certain situations, when Isabella tells her troops to do something important, she simply tells Katie to quit what she’s doing.
Ginger flirting with Baljeet.
Gretchen saying words that no-one else understands. 
Katie being a klutz.
Katie talking at the wrong times.
Katie taking things liteally.
Katie breaking the fourth wall, to the others’ disapproval.
Adyson making smart, sarcastic remarks in certain situations.
Adyson ridiculing Isabella’s authorities and doing her own thing 
Katie keep thinking of patches to earn that don’t exist, much to the girls’ annoyance 
Adyson: “Hey Katie, why don’t you try to earn the annoy your friends to death by thinking of patches to earn that don’t even exist patch?!!” 
Girls hang out as individuals 
We see them in their standard outfits
Embrace one another
Talk about boys and what kind of boys they desire
Isabella and Ginger hang out and talk about their crushes
Give each other advice about relationships
Ginger helps Gretchen and Milly overcome their insecurities
Isabella helps Katie overcome her insecurities
Girls are shown interacting more with Phineas
The girls invite Phineas to join girls’ night out
Learn to be assertive to those who stand in their way
Katie being called out for her odd-ball behavior and naive nature
One of them shows affections for Phineas - NOT Ginger.
One of them asks Phineas out to show Isabella it’s no big deal - NOT Ginger.
Shows how Isabella became the leader of the group 
 It is hinted that Milly is Buford’s cousin, though he denies it.
 In one episode, Katie inadvertently drains the troop's budget on Ducky Mo-Go and has to secure enough funding to keep the troop afloat. 
It is revealed that Adyson, along with Milly, Gretchen and Katie used to tease Phineas in grammar school -- for his big ideas and for the shape of his head.
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springsfordays · 4 years ago
Some Fireside Girls Headcanons that make no sense but I like anyway
So to preface this I have nothing to back any of these up. They’re all super ooc headcanons. So think of them as more like suggestions if they were to be written out as actual characters lmao. And of course these are just my own silly headcanons!! I absolutely love seeing other’s characterizations and I thought I share my own :)
Ginger is the athlete of the group. While all of them have athletic abilities Ginger is just a monster when it comes to sports. She even gets accepted into her school’s football team
Ginger only joined the fireside girls because of Isabella for when they were little Isabella joined and not wanting to be alone just kind of followed Isabella around. And I guess she never really stopped in a way
Ginger’s the shyest and most reserved of the group and is actually the most sensitive. Even though she can be sassy when she wants she’s also kind of a nervous wreck at all times. (WILL cry as a warning before she fights you)
Despite being pretty smart Adyson doesn’t apply herself to school and is considered a “bad and sassy child”
She’s basically the snarky comic relief character with a heart of gold
Adyson is in the foster care system
She lets out her frustration with her home life through the fireside girl activities and considers her troop her real family
Holly is the mom friend who is obsessed with safety and being germ free. She‘s basically the only reason the other girls haven’t died from their adventures
She also loves punk rock music and dresses like one in her regular clothes which throws off the other girls because the very definition of punk is to disobey rules and live life dangerously which is very much NOT what Holly does. But hey who are they to judge?
Holly is Nigerian and was in the fireside girls back in her home town but was seen as the “odd one out” in her old troop. But when her and her family came to the U.S. and she joined the main troop she suddenly found her own group of misfits
Holly and Katie live in the same apartment complex and are the closest to one another in the troop
Katie is Swedish, why? Idk it just fits for some reason lmao
Katie has a horror obsession and loves anything gore, psychological thriller, or monster invasion related
Her entire room is decorated wall to wall with horror movie posters, figurines and gothic decor which contrasts her personality so much. But secretly reinforces how Katie has a very scary dark side to her cheerful demeanor 
Also she’s adopted!! By two wonderful fathers who are a little creeped out by her fascination with horror and get very nervous when she’s out running around collecting the most dangerous sounding patches ever. But hey as long as Katie’s happy, they’re happy.
Milly is Greek-Italian
Milly’s family is looooadeddd. They are filthy rich
Not only do both her parents come from wealthy families they both became even wealthier. On her father’s side he is a land owner and basically owns all of the housing in Danville. On her mother’s she’s a brilliant Italian-American actress
Milly is extremely materialistic and values her collections and personal stuff very much. Whenever someone is in her room they can’t touch a SINGLE thing
Though even through this she’s genuinely very sweet and will help anyone in need. She’s probably objectively the nicest girl in the troop however she will absolutely destroy you if you provoke her
Gretchen is as smart as Baljeet and the two develop an ugly rivalry
Gretchen is French-American
She lives an extremely quiet life at home. I hc that her mother is deaf, her father a naturally quiet man who can’t stand loud noises, and her sick grandfather can no longer speak or hear. She spent most of her childhood alone and reading books quietly in her home
When she joined the fireside girls she became open to a whole new and loud world that she can’t get enough of now
I’ve got more but this post is long enough lolll.
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pyxehastoomanyinterests · 1 year ago
pt. 3!!!
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pt. 1
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greetingsfromdanville · 5 years ago
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ixar-of-the-bargains · 5 years ago
The fact Ferbechen is the third (well, fourth, but I flatly refuse to recognize Phineas/Ferb as a vali ship so) most popular pairing with Ferb is extremely hilarious to me because like Ferbella has the benefit of roughly 4 seasons of interactions between the characters and Ferbessa is canon which by default makes it a popular ship to do art for but have Gretchen and Ferb ever interacted?
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