#gren scout
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zesty-lime-scout · 4 months ago
Yeah, could be.
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aria-bun · 3 months ago
The swan upon leda
In which a different reunion takes place than originally planned. Read on ao3!
Soren looked… a lot more different than Corvus had been expecting. Especially so now that all of them were in his kitchen while he was making bread.
His hair was longer– a lot longer, pulled back into a bun with a few strands hanging in his face. A light blue tunic hung loosely around his shoulders, with red embroidery that matched his red undershirt around the neckline. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his hands coated in flour as he separated the dough into small sections.
“So, what, you’ve just been here for the past seven years?” Rayla asked, eyebrows raised. Callum had left earlier to get her, the twins in tow. He had refused to give any explanations until they had arrived.
“Yeah, pretty much.” He nodded, rolling one of the small sections into a thinner rope. “It wasn’t the whole time, considering how far here is from Katolis on foot.” Soren notably refused to make eye contact with any of them, instead focusing more on tying the small rope of dough into an intricate knot.
“But why?” King Ezran asked him. 
He paused, resting his hands on the island.
“Look, the answer I’m going to give is probably  going to piss most of you off one way or another, so how about you just tell me what you’d want to hear and I say yes or no.”
“Banther attack?” Callum guessed.
“Got distracted and lost?” Rayla shrugged.
“Ran away with your secret lover and became a pirate captain?” Gren translated for Amaya.
“No, no, and what?” Soren raised his eyebrows at Amaya, finally looking up.
“I think she’s joking.” Janai cleared her throat slightly. Amaya gave a small grin in response.
Corvus glanced around at all of them. He thought he knew the reason but didn’t want to say anything in case he was right.
“So… What was the reason?” Callum asked him
Soren blew out a breath. “I wanted to be able to live without feeling like the sky was going to start falling at any moment. Figured going somewhere nobody knew who I was would help. And it did.” He drummed his fingers against the island.
Corvus felt his eyebrows crease. “Soren-”
“I really don’t want to hear your guys’ pity right now.” He started rolling another small section of dough into a rope.
Everyone’s heads snapped to look at the doorway. Leda stepped into the kitchen, sidestepping Gren to stand next to Soren.
Rayla’s eyes widened slightly. “You have a daughter?”
“Right, you weren’t here for that conversation.” Soren wrapped an arm around Leda’s shoulders, who waved. “This is Leda.”
“Hiiii!” Scout grinned widely while waving excitedly from Callum’s lap. Meanwhile, Juno was half asleep in Rayla’s arms.
Soren smiled softly “The twins are adorable.”
“They may look like it now, but they’re absolute chaos most of the time.” Callum kissed the side of Scout’s head.
“Well that reminds me of someone.” He nudged Leda.
“Hey, I wasn’t that bad.” She argued.
“The day we met you refused to let go of my leg.”
“Okay, I was five, that doesn’t count because I barely remember it.”
Corvus smiled softly at them. He had missed so much of Soren’s life, but he was still him.
He was still the man he loved. And he didn’t think it was possible, but he might’ve loved him even more than before.
It might have been the manbun.
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robbno · 7 months ago
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Gren Greenwood concept sketch
A man of high status before the class fall during the final months of Mechamn.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and like many other's with his status, was not very well liked by the commoner.
Besides. Having a know-it-all soft palmer that lacks skills is not survival material in these times. Not to forget that he's a coward and a pushover without his guards and workers that left him behind to be with their families long ago.
Gren had one other skill beside his engineer studies worth talking about, and that is his accuracy with firearms and crossbows. He uses those talents to his fullest to protect the only two people who ever saw him as a human being after the class fall.
He was the only surviving ex-noble that earned his place in the Verendari's scouts group by the side of those same two friends. Aftur and Himi
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yugiohcardsdaily · 8 months ago
Posted Cards Master List - 49.5
rest of July 2023
Final Flame
Fire Kraken
Flame Champion
Flame Ghost
Flame Manipulator
Flash Assailant
Flower Wolf
Flying Kamakiri #2
Follow Wind
Forced Requisition
Freed the Brave Wanderer
Frenzied Panda
Frozen Soul
Fuhma Shuriken
Gale Lizard
Sanga of the Thunder
Gate Guardian
Germ Infection
Getsu Fuhma
Giant Rat
Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames
Girochin Kuwagata
Goblin of Greed
Goblin's Secret Remedy
Gora Turtle of Illusion
Great Maju Garzett
Green Phantom King
Gren Maju Da Eiza
Ground Attacker Bugroth
Ground Collapse
Gryphon's Feather Duster
Guardian of the Labyrinth
Guardian of the Throne Room
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Hamburger Recipe
Hard Armor
Heart of the Underdog
High Tide Gyojin
Hinotama Soul
Hiro's Shadow Scout
House of Adhesive Tape
Hungry Burger
Hunter Spider
Hyper Hammerhead
Imperial Order
Incandescent Ordeal
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zesty-lime-scout · 5 months ago
whateva old man
I never got to ask, how old are you anyways?
Are you an old man? Are you 30? I wanna know!
- @reds-wildcard-jester
i ain't a OLD MAN
ya freakin nerd
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turtlemagnum · 1 year ago
star wars names im coming up with because im bored:
the ones ive had for a while have been Maxim Gunner and Darth Glacius. i have an idea for a story to use these names in but that's gonna wait a while.
names i just came up with: ula ulahn. sock jindo. MK-23. J0-N3. FN-74. M1-A4. CZ-XZ. frik embar. arc wudu. pike fireon. dai atanna. darth ignatius. vent hatto. darth pikus. darth deus. darth falcus. slip dippo. luna tideturner. jade tyrus. jen centerfire. christine lightspeed. bun sunrunner. jandra ipsum. kat yuppie. dash shellshock. dick gamer. shaun apollyon. mag cinder. jōhana tontine. mal praxis. gen jendo (hard g). dessk switch. Darth Tortus. shiro wolf. aya corellia. zant plexis. ai slugthrower. dxun jimmy. sop modder. odysseus vape. darth ultimax. bulbus wren. dieloff taurus. aider, gren. vex slinkus. sage magus. ash slasher. koda jett. scout tendo. robin airspeed. moss ploktoo. bo skringly. rumi lago. aster blaster. ben vespa. artemis argent. sasha intaris. stormy headphones. river titanium. nova icarius. juniper fren. hillside windar. sappho oshus. erebus starguy. nyx sixer. eris junta. ulysses fendar. christine lightbringer. jess chesst. bug ungo. trunt runtor.
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scoutingnieuws · 2 years ago
Op kamp met Scouting Boxtel
BOXTEL – Afgelopen zomer zijn de scouts van Scouting Boxtel allemaal weer een weekje op kamp geweest. In de eerste of de laatste week van de zomervakantie gingen de scouts op avontuur in binnen- of buitenland. Zij deden gave activiteiten zoals mountainbiken, boogschieten of een zelfverdedigingscursus. Ook maakten zij een ruimtereis, gingen zij koeien melken of versloegen zij piraten.
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Zomerkamp Elk jaar in de zomervakantie gaan de scouts van Scouting Boxtel een week weg om het scoutingjaar goed af te sluiten. Tijdens dit kamp slapen zij een week in een andere blokhut of zelfs in tenten. Gedurende deze week doen zij allerlei gave activiteiten, die vaak betrekking hebben op het thema van het kamp. Daarnaast zijn er ook een paar vaste activiteiten, zoals het lopen van een tocht en gaan zwemmen. De scouts leren veel van deze week en beleven er de mooiste avonturen. Het is dan niet voor niets dat de kampen altijd een groot succes zijn!
Eerste week Tijdens de eerste week van de zomervakantie gingen de meeste groepen van Scouting Boxtel op kamp. De scouts zaten verspreid door heel Nederland en sommige groepen gingen zelfs de grens over. Nuenen, Bladel en Beuningen werden bezocht door de jongere speltaken, maar ook Zandvoort, Sint-Jorisweert (BE) en Büllingen (DU) werden verkent door de oudere scouts. De verschillende groepen hadden ook allemaal een andere missie, bijpassend bij hun thema: waar de ene groep opzoek ging naar de schat in de woestijn, ging de andere groep opzoek naar het bestaan van vogels en terwijl de ene groep de koe aan het zoeken was, ontmantelde een andere groep juist een bom. 
Naast het thema deden de groepen ook gave activiteiten. Zo werd er gesupt op een oever, werd het mountainbike pad op het kampterrein verkent en kanode ze een rondje in de buurt. Deze avontuurlijke activiteiten zorgden ervoor dat de scouts werden uitgedaagd, maar ook leverden ze veel plezier op.
Laatste week Ook in de laatste week van de vakantie ging het andere deel van Scouting Boxtel op kamp. Tijdens deze week werden Dongen, Uden en Brexbachtal (DU) verkent. Ook zij hadden allemaal gave thema’s. Zo ging een groep de ruimte in en de andere groep werd aangevallen door piraten. Door onderdelen voor de machine te verzamelen tijdens de tocht en bij het zwembad, wist de welpengroep op te stijgen naar de ruimte. De scout-angels hebben zelf kampvuur gemaakt en konden hiermee een stukje sleutel verdienen voor de sleutel van de schat. Kortom ook een geslaagde week!
Scouting Boxtel Scouting Boxtel is dé Scoutinggroep voor Boxtel, Liempde, Esch, Gemonde en Lennisheuvel. Scouting Boxtel heeft uitdagende programma's voor kinderen van 5 t/m 18 jaar en ook voor scouts met een beperking. Iedere leeftijdsgroep heeft programma's afgestemd op de kinderen in de groep. De diversiteit in het programma betekent dat geen opkomst hetzelfde is. Alle leeftijdsgroepen sluiten het jaar af met een zomerkamp. Dit aangevuld met diverse weekendactiviteiten maakt Scouting tot een veelzijdige hobby.
Bron: Scouting Boxtel
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starwalker03 · 5 years ago
A The Dragon Prince theory.
So Sarai right?
She had a husband before Harrow, as we know. But here’s my question, how did she and the king meet?
Maybe I’m behind, Lord knows i don’t read all the extra material the @thedragonprinceofficial team give us but I have a theory.
From everything about how Callum is treated and the way he’s not recognised as a nobleman I’m going to guess Sarai wasn’t a royal. Pretty sure that’s been fleshed our before in the show and this ain’t crazy. My theory is Callum’s dad was a scholar of some kind maybe? But that’s not my point here.
Most people can’t just waltz in and woo the king. Or prince, at the time seeing as Ezran seemed to recently be born when Harrow was crowned.
But here’s my theory.
Sarai was grand general of Katolis’ army. Or something similair to it.
(Look maybe you’re laughing at me like wow you’re dumb they’ve already told us what she did for a living, or whatever but shut up I guess I just didn’t notice)
What lead me to believe this?
This right here:
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It’s something I noticed recently when I rewatched the show, as Sarai rides out to join Harrow on the quest to get the magic heart thing.
What is it? The rope on her shoulder. It’s called a lanyard.
Nothing crazy really, you see them a lot nowadays even. Heck, I wore one in scouts. But here’s the thing.
Lanyards are a symbol of station. You have different colours, different braided styles, different knots. Etcetera. They work in scouts in three different colours for there different sections or levels. Officers in the military wear them when in formal uniform. They’re not unusual.
I’ll tell you what is unusual.
No one else in the whole damn show wears a lanyard.
No. One.
Not Amaya.
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Not Soren.
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Not Harrow. Not Gren. Not Fen. No. One.
No one wears a lanyard except Sarai.
I find that strange. It’s a symbol of station, sure, and it doesn’t necessarily symbolise you’re the grand general of he entire damn military but it leads me to believe it when NOT EVEN GENERAL AMAYA WEARS ONE.
I scoured the characters on the fandom wiki looking for more generals, so far Amaya is the only one we know. Every one else is lieutenants and such.
And I checked Sarai’s wiki to see if her career before queen was noted.
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It isn’t. Which means we don’t know it yet as far as I’m aware.
This isn’t much evidence. I mean it’s a damn rope BUT the tdp team has proven to be perfectly capable of research and foreshadowing before, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d researched common officers garb and realised generally you’ll find a rope hanging around their shoulder.
And do you really think Sarai would take he role after her marriage because she was queen? I think not. First of all royal councils would NEVER allow it and second of all considering what we’ve seen of her she’d be too worried it would seem like nepotism.
But here’s my second and final piece of supporting evidence.
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Warrior queen. Warrior. Queen.
She is a force on and off the battlefield we all know this. We saw her throw Harrow’s ass to the ground. She knows what she’s doing. I doubt she picked it up AFTER she started dating Harrow.
Which means.
Sarai met Harrow because she’s the general of his family’s army. Do you have any idea the fanfic potential for that? Guys. Seriously.
Give me the fic where Sarai throws herself into work after her husband’s death and Harrow is the one that pulls her out of it. Give me the ‘prince of the kingdom awkwardly tags along with his army’s grand general because she’s cool and can teach him swordplay and also is really super hot’ fic. Come on.
TLDR; Sarai is a BAMF and none of use are surprised, but also I think it was a bit bigger than that.
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arealfoxylady2 · 6 years ago
A new Pack?
Vivan stood in the clearing where her father requested she meet him. It had been a good number of years since she had left the skulk and been out on her own, however like the good daughter of the Alpha she had been raised to be, he summoned, she came.
Her long red hair whipped around her in the late summer wind, it was still warm, the sun felt good on her skin and it was all she could do to keep from stripping down and shifting, taking a nap in the sunbeam, but this is a new location and she wasn’t sure how the humans would react to seeing a fox running around. The last thing she would need would be for animal control to be scouting the area due to reports of a rabid animal. She closed her dark green eyes and turned her face towards the sun. She was dressed as ordered, in a white dress that fell to her ankels, heeled boots and a dark gren velvet sash that matched her eyes. Her head tilted as she heard a noise, she sniffed the air.  Patrick, her Alpha, there was no denying that scent, yet he was with others...odd, he said he’d be coming alone.  “Alpha...Father...” she said softly.
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minami-the-door-lord · 6 years ago
TDP 2 Thoughts
*spoilers ahead obvs*
Bait’s little “Ba-dum” at the beginning already pulled at my heart
They change the animation. More seamless and smoother. I actual had no complaints with previous design but this was a pleasant surprise.
Amara beating Sunfire Elves’s fiery asses in a volcano with a lava waterfall. TWICE! (that woman is the epitome of beauty)
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Ezran in general
The amount of growth that child goes through, esp in regards to Harrow’s death. Sad that  he has separated from Callum, Zym and Rayla but excited to see him take on his role as King.
being the cutest animal whisperer in cinematic history
His dynamic with Zym and how he adopted the role as his teacher so well
his recurring dream fued with the pastry chef and hippo
Pretty much all of Ezran was perf
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Lujanne and her illusions. Loved how they all came to her for advise and she just recycled the same moon analogy 
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Claudia and Soren 
Even though they are kinda on the wrong side of this, their courage and loyalty is beautiful
Soren having his internal struggles about what Viren told him and how much he cares for the princes was hard to watch, Esp when he thought being paralysed was the only way to get out of disappointing his dad.
It amazes and scares me how Claudia perceives dark magic. How it’s destructive nature is a small price to pay for the power it gives.
Viren really did mess his kids up
The whole sibling dynamic. The writers clearly have good sibling relationships because both Callum and Ezran and Claudia and Soren reminded me of different stages in my childhood with my sisters
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Rayla adopting the bodyguard role of the group. Human Rayla spiting that truth and burning us all as a species and also hinting Moonshadow Elves are Sailor Scouts
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Meeting the other monarchs and watching a small child sass Viren hard. I am in love with Aanya and I want nothing more than her kingdom to flourish and I bet she will be the one to mentor Ezran in being a child monarch. Thank you for dragging Viren.
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Villads with the silent D and two eye-patches. I suspect he figured out either the sky or water arcanum from spending so many years as a captain. He became one with nature similar to the way the animals and elves are.
Callum’s growth through the loss of his magic, dabbling in darkness and finding out about Harrow. His determination is amazing and I was clapping when his lucid dream mother helped him find the secret to the arcanum. Cannot wait to see him slowly unlock each primal magic. 
Speaking of lucid dream mothers, SARAI IS AMAZING AND THE PERFECT FIT FOR HARROW. Sassy, loving, slightly horny but best queen ever. Seeing how she and Viren were opposites explained so much about Harrow as a king. Her passing must have made him rely on Viren more as his only friend and adviser left.
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Gren’s still chained up but is not letting that hold him down.
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And finally the pi��ce de résistance. Aavoros, that deep voiced sparkly beautiful elf changed the entire season. And now the whole fandom, and maybe Viren, is horny for him. We need help.
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Only con is that why is the season only 9 episodes? We need more episodes. Nine is so awkward and leaves me thinking they forgot to upload the rest.
Feel free to add.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years ago
The Dragon Prince Theory: Gren is going to be the one to save Runaan, Pip (King Harrow?) and himself.
Now I know a lot of people are assuming that Gren will be saved by Amaya, but I don’t think that will be the case because given the way the writers are setting things up, I think we’re going to have several stories happening over the course of the Books and chapters. See the reason I don’t think Amaya is going to come save him is because she’s going to be busy with the boys and Rayla getting to the Dragons and probably meeting up with other Kingdoms, having Ezran and Callum talk for her in Gren’s place. So she won’t have time to go get him because of the danger there to the boys with Viren. 
So I’m thinking that Gren is going to be the one that saves Pip and Runaan from Viren. 
Let me explain. We know that Viren has Gren trapped below chained up like so. 
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We also know that when Runaan was chained up it was different. 
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And that he was placed in a coin by Viren. 
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And that Pip is in a cage in the throne room. 
Now you may say, why is any of that important. Well it is because of how different Gren is set up and why. Gren is placed near the end of the stairs on the way down. We know that others know that Runaan is locked up, at least the guards seem to know, but we also know that they’re not exactly on Viren’s side. 
Recall that earlier when Viren spoke for the guards saying that they would willingly die in the King’s place? 
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Those three? 
Yeah they didn’t look like they were willing to go down that path. Which brings me to the point that there are two ways Gren can get out of those cuffs. The first and most obvious is using his voice. Given how much time he spends with Amaya and talking for her he has had to have learned a lot about being diplomatic and convincing others to do what he wants. 
So it’s not so hard to probably convince one of the guards to let him loose, either so he can go to the bathroom or eat something, or rest his wrists. Now I said Gren is not a battle ready person, but I never said that he couldn’t fight. I don’t see him doing a lot of it, but still being an officer, he probably is trained in some ways of hand to hand combat. This would mean that he probably does know how to use a sword, though he doesn’t carry one himself. 
Once Gren gets let go he could easily overtake the guard and get a weapon and then head upstairs. 
Option two is something a bit trickier but has the same outcome. Gren has his legs free, so uses them to knock out a guard and get the key from them and toss them up to his hands and unlock himself. 
Option three would be that Pip manged to get free of the cage and free him (but I don’t know if he could.) 
Once Gren was free (and possibly armed) he probably would make his way to find Pip and free him. Also, given what we’ve seen of him, I don’t doubt that he would feel a need to get Runaan out of his situation and steal the bag, or at least get Runaan’s coin. Once he has these three, he probably sets out trying to find a way to help Runaan since he realizes that Viren is up to something and would need the Moon Elfs help. 
Eventually I can guess that Gren may meet up with Corvus and the two realize that something happened to the king and that the kids are probably in great danger and they need a way to help Runaan to help them. Through various means they end up finding a way to free Runaan and this unlikely trio set out to find Amaya, the boys and Rayla to get to the truth of the matter.
Over the course of the story Runaan, Corvus and Gren become friends and gain better understandings of one another. This leading to Runaan to probably explain more to Gren about the situation with the Dragon Queen and why they wanted to kill Harrow and to tell Gren that the Egg is very much alive and that they need to keep the kids safe. 
I get a strong feeling that Runaan is going to learn a lot from Gren and Vice Versa. Corvus, I’m not sure of his role, but maybe he can understand Pip much like Ezran and ends up realizing who Pip is and that helps the other two figure out a plan on how to slow down Claudia and Soren or whomever else Viren sends after the team. 
I figure that they’re going to set up Gren and Runaan as brother’s in arms. Runaan being the fighter of the group, Corvus probably the tracker and scout and Gren the voice of diplomacy and able to get them out of situations by using his skills as an interpreter, and probably teaching the other two to sign as a means of communicating so that they can talk without others knowing what they’re planing. 
It’s just a theory right now, but given we have a writer from Avatar and a director from Nathan Drake’s 3rd game, I would suspect that there’s going to be a number of twists and turns, and I don’t doubt they put Gren near Runaan and Pip for a reason. 
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aria-bun · 3 months ago
Would never belong to angels
In which Callum and Ezran visit a bakery Read on ao3!
Callum loved Juno and Scout more than he loved himself most times, but he was glad to have a small break from the little terrors that were his two-year-old children.
He wished Rayla was with him, though. It’s been a while since he, his wife, and Ez hung out like old times.
He hoped they’d be able to do that again soon.
Callum found his brother after a bit of walking around Redwaterm near the edge of one of the streets and accompanied by Corvus and two other members of the Crownguard that he didn’t recognize.
“Callum!” Ez called out, grinning before running over to hug him. He was sure that he had gotten taller since they last saw each other.
Callum grinned back at his brother before pulling away from the hug, giving a small wave to Corvus and the other two Crownguard. Corvus waved back, but the others only gave a small nod of acknowledgement.
“How long have you been here?” He asked Ez, glancing around at their surroundings.
“Not long. We got here this morning and decided to look around.” Ez looked at the shop they were stood in front of. The sign was made of a dark wood, with light blue letters painted onto it, reading out The Dragonfly in swirly letters.
“Oh, yeah.” Callum started, looking back at Ez “The guy who owns the inn– Blauder, told me about this place. Apparently his friend runs it and they sell jelly tarts.”
Ez’s eyes brightened.”Really?”
He nodded. “Also this thing called Banther Claws. No idea what those are though.”
“Regardless, we should go.” He grinned at Callum before pushing the door in. A small bell rang above the door as the five of them stepped in. The bakery was brightly lit from the sunlight streaming in through the windows. The smell of fresh bread wafted through the air as they looked around the small bakery.
“Welcome to The Dragonfly.” A girl smiled from the counter. She was an earthblood elf, with curved ram horns peeking out from her dark green hair. “You guys new in town?”
“Just stopping by for a reunion.” Ez answered, looking at the display case.
“That’s nice to hear.” She smiled. “Mr. Lissdin isn’t in at the moment, it’s his daughter’s birthday.”
Callum grinned. “Well, happy birthday to her. How old is she?”
“Ten!” Both Callum and Ezran jumped slightlyas the saw a smaller girl pop up from under the counter. She was a Skywing elf, with long, pale blue hair a few shades lighter than her baby blue skin, and two white horns that encircled her head like a halo. “I’m Leda.” The girl– Leda– smiled, moving to come out from behind the counter.
“Who technically shouldn’t be here.” The green-haired elf said playfully. Leda stuck her tongue out at her.
“Well, it’s wonderful to meet you, Leda.” Callum smiled at her before looking at the Earthblood elf. “We were hoping to get some jelly tarts, miss…”
“Gaia.” she supplied. “And yeah, I could get a few of those ready for you. How many?”
“Thank you.” He glanced at Ezran. “Me, you, Rayla, the twins will split one– Do we want to get some for Aunt Amaya, Janai, and Gren?”
“Yeah. That’s seven.”
“I’ll get those packaged for you.” Gaia smiled warmly before ducking under the counter.
The bell on the door rung behind them, catching Callum and Ezran’s attention. Looking back, Callum saw the two other Crownguard stepping outside.
Erin grabbed Jakob by the shoulder “Are we sure about this?” He hissed.
“You heard what she said. Lissdin.” Jakob shrugged his hand off.
“Maybe its a common surname?”
“Its a Katolin surname.” He corrected. “The surname he took on after he became captain.”
“Maybe you’re forgetting something.” Erin tried to reason. “Wouldn’t King Ezran recongize the surname of someone who’d been on the council for two years?”
“I’d rather check and be wrong, Erin.” Jakob looked back at him. “He’s still wanted for deserting his post.”
“There’s a statute of limitations on that!”
“During peace, yes. His was within the 30-day period of Katolis burning, which counted as an act of war. Desertion during war doesn’t have a statute of limitations.”
Erin’s face turned to one of bewilderment “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m captain. It’s my job to be serious.” Jakob narrowed his eyes at him before shifting his gaze to behind him. “Hey, Leda?”
He turned around, seeing the young elf girl looking back at them.
“We need to ask your dad a few questions.”
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madefate-a · 5 years ago
don’t reblog !! / things i think abt all the time part infinity / infinity: how capable & downright Fun™ gren can be in the heat of things. bc yeah !! he said soft boy rights & who am i to argue with that ? but he’s the definition of -- kind of a mess when the stakes are low, absolutely capable when stakes are high. even when he’s not fighting on the front lines / refusing to use a sword, he’s a GREAT scout, fantastic at moving troops around during battle, moving the wounded off the battlefield, defending himself hand to hand. i just enjoy thinking about !! the Good and Fun Battle Memories he has w/ the army & amaya -- i just have this image of everyone sitting around recalling close scrapes and memorable victories with all of that wonderful camaraderie. 
& of course, i STILL love thinking about him absolutely using that unassuming image to ferret out information from people who underestimate him. you K N O W that he used that optimistic doof façade to his advantage in his Ye Olde Dungeon days & then bam. the second he meets up w/ corvus & opeli ( amaya you would have gotten this information if you didn’t run off and blow y’erself up on the breach!!! ) he just BAM. gave them all the receipts on the extent of Viren’s Treachery™. 
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writingrosesonneptune · 6 years ago
Find the Word Tag
These are so fun to do! Thank u to the incredibly inventive @toboldlywrite for the tag!
My words are rose, wind, purple, and fortune. 
These are all from Pelican Queen. Content warning for mentions of a destructive fire.
Lightning lit up the clouds. The one the sailors called Ghost-Hand threw a tarp over [Yanna] to protect her from the elements, but the wind tore it back. Rain pelted her face.
Sailors surrounded her on creaking benches. In a fevered daze, she watched their arms strain at the oars as their boat lurched in the storm. Waves slapped the sides of the boat and knocked it closer to white spires of rock jutting out of the ocean. 
The sailors flinched from the sting of the spray. They yelled at one another until their voices were as rough and raw as the storm. 
Ghost-Hand sat center on the bench opposite Yanna, right fist tight on one oar, his blunt wrist fastened to the other. He shouted over the roar of ocean and wind. “How far to the mine?”
Yanna’s plan expanded as she listened to the sailors. She still had a chance to escape before they reached their destination. 
She moved her hand back and forth in the floodwater, praying it would obey. It rushed from one side of the boat to the other, slowly gathering momentum. Relief removed the lump from her throat, and she moved her hand faster. The sailors were too busy fighting to steady the boarding plank to notice.
Yanna urged the water to move faster still, and the seawater outside their boat began reacting, too. She clenched her jaw and shut her eyes to hold her resolve as the waves smashed the lifeboat against the cave floor. She felt like her head would burst as they slammed back and forth on the water. 
The sailors cursed and argued, but still, they seemed oblivious to her meddling. Only Ghost-Hand looked suspicious.
The boards started to creak and split apart from the pressure. A leak sprang at the side of the boat, and the water level rose to the sailors’ knees. They jumped from the benches and raced to grab their emergency supply.
Han took a closer survey of the horizon. The bright stars from earlier were missing, hidden behind a wall of smoke and bits of ash carried on the wind. An orange blot hovered in the distant sky. It was the direction he and [Ghost-Hand] had traveled from the night before.
“My scouts have ridden out to determine the extent of the damage,” Stryn said. “It seems Ghost-Hand did not deliver your warning in time.”
Han staggered, unable to speak. He felt as if someone had kicked him in his still-healing leg. 
“By sheer fortune, the radius was smaller than feared,” Stryn went on, “as far as we know.”
“My father’s house?” It was the only thing Han could think to ask.
“If it was in the hamlet near Dol’s fortress, it’s likely gone.”
Han took a moment to process the idea. He wondered what the hamlet looked like for Stryn to say that. It sounded like a house or two might still be there. Was one of them Gren’s?
Purple: (I couldn’t find the word purple anywhere, so I substituted with lilac)
The dirt gave way under Sadira’s shoes, and she felt the emptiness of the pit reaching for her. 
A lilac blur broke into her peripheral vision and hovered at the edge of the maze. It was so bright and out of place that Sadira was sure she was seeing a specter. She turned her head, hoping it was pointing her to an escape. Instead, she found her pursuer.
Yanna stared back at her with wide, petrified eyes. Her shoulders bowed with exhaustion, and the breath fell from her in heavy pants. The singed hem of her lilac skirt fluttered in tatters around her shins.
Sadira didn’t have time to question what she saw. The vines around her ankle constricted with a fierce tug and pulled her halfway into the fissure.
Tagging (only if u feel like doing this!): @risenfromtheashes38 @lady-redshield-writes @mellowkingdomflower @queerloveandspaceships @jellybeanwriter @ashesconstellation and @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables and, of course, anyone else who wants to try this. 
Your words are abyss, cloud, hand, and run. Have fun!
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why-are-you-still-here · 6 years ago
~/Start Prologue pt.1\~
>Éire’s P.O.V.<
“Commander Anna! You’re all right!” A young man with blue hair that had blonde tips, came running over to us. “Wait, who is this with you?” His attention was quickly turned towards me, his face in a scowl as it felt like he was glaring daggers into me. “Could it be..?”
“It is, Prince Alfonse! The legend is true. I raised Breidablik, and then Éire appeared!” Anna said throwing her arm around my shoulders, I was looking at the prince with anxiety in my eyes as Anna continued. “Our Great Hero is here...and can use the divine weapon too! As for what Breidablik shoots? It’s truly wonderful. It fires Heroes right out of it!” Anna finished slapping the Hoshidan prince’s back. Alfonse’s face reflected hope.
“Unbelievable. So you’re our Great Hero, come to us from another world, Éire.” Alfonse breathed out, my face growing slightly hot, it getting mildly hard to breathe, but I nodded regardless. “I am Alfonse, Prince of Askr and member of the Order of Heroes. A pleasure to meet you.” He offered my his hand, I slowly reached out and shook it. After retracting it, I immediately held it close to my chest, my face red. “A..A pleasure to meet you too, my name is Éire Gren.” I finally choked out, causing everyone to look at me concerned. “Are you alright?” I nodded.
“I’m sorry to ask this of you so soon after we’ve met, but I have need of your help.” After his face grew serious, I swallowed any anxiety that would hold me back as I nodded.
“I’ll help out any way I can.”
“Thank you. Our order is devoted to fighting the Emblian Empire, which invades worlds where Heroes are from.” He pointed his attention towards more ruins that looked like a portal. “One of these is the World of Mystery. I have dire news. The empire has newly taken over that world.” My face scrunched up. “We need to make way to the World of Mystery to free it!” Alfonse exclaims as he looks over at me.
“I’ll be happy to aid you, no one should have to experience enslavement.” I say, receiving a determined smile and nod from Alfonse.
“And, Commander Anna, there’s one more things. I spotted someone odd with the soldiers near here. A strange man. Not an imperial soldier. Nor a Hero from the World of Mystery now under their control.” Alfonse said turning to Anna.
“A strange man, you say? Did he seem allied with the Emblian Empire?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before. He was wearing a mask and keeps his face a secret even from them.” Alfonse closes his eyes before breathing in. The sound of footsteps growing closer. “But now, we must rush into battle. Soldiers approach!” I focus my attention at the soldiers ahead of us as Anna, Alfonse and Takumi place themselves between me and the enemy.
“Keep the weapon triangle in mind, Éire.” Hearing my name, I snap my head down to my phone where I notice a small triangle in the corner. Nodding I understood better where to move everyone. I move Anna towards the lance fighter, Alfonse to the axe fighter and kept Takumi where he was. My turn ends, and the enemy moves. I make Anna attack the lance fighter, she one turns them, same with Alfonse and the axe fighter. My turn ends, the enemy moves closer to Takumi. Their turn ends. I have the Hoshidan prince take a shot at the sword fighter one shotting them. My phone lit up, pictures of everyone appeared on my screen one by one saying that they leveled up, gaining some stats and making them stronger. Stage Cleared.
As we finished up a cloaked man wearing a mask glared at me through the white slits of his mask causing me to hide behind Takumi a shiver running up my spine, feeling his malicious intent behind a calm facade. Takumi noticing that I was scared placed an arm behind him to shield me in a way.
“Who are you, stranger? Alfonse, this must be the masked man you saw!” Anna said looking over at the Askrian prince who was staring at the masked stranger his hand on the hilt of his sword.
“You! Tell us- are you a soldier in the Emblian Empire? If so, then you stand on the side of evil.” Alfonse said narrowing his eyes at the stranger. “The empire shouldn’t be entering the worlds of Heroes-let alone conquering them!” The prince exclaims, the stranger unphased, opened his mouth to speak.
“Oh, really? And I suppose you want us to close the gateways too?” Though we couldn’t see his eyes, I could feel his amusement through his mask as he scoffs. “Hmph. In your dreams.”
“How dare you! Where are you going?” Alfonse shouts as the masked figure jumps onto a black stallion. “Get back here and answer for yourself!” as soon as Alfonse finished his sentence, he was gone. As soon as he left I came out from hiding behind the bow user, but decided to grip his arm for security, he looked away, only slightly annoyed, but allowed me to anyways.
“Damn fellow. He’s gone.” The blue eyed prince cursed.
“Those gateways he mentioned, Éire…” The red headed commander started as she turned to me, a look of seriousness and light grimness. “They connect our world to all those where Heroes live. The royalty of the Askran Kingdom, like Alfonse, have the ability to open these gateways.” I nodded with awe in my eyes as I look over at Alfonse who was already looking at me with a stern look, I must’ve looked like a child to him despite, probably, being older than him. Being 4’8” doesn’t help either, I feel so small compared to everyone, and everything, hell Breidablik was half the length of my arm- “Éire?” the voice of Takumi snapped me out of my trance, “Y..Yes? I’m sorry, I’m just trying to process everything… continue…” I finally say. Alfonse nods, “And the royalty of the Emblian Empire are able to close the gateways.” Alfonse looked away as he continued, “Long ago our two families worked in harmony to open and close the these ways to other worlds.” He closed his eyes. “But then Embla began using its power for evil, leaving all of the gates open. The empire began invading those worlds. We cannot slam the gates shut. Only they can.”
“We can fight them, however. That’s why we Askrans formed the Order of Heroes-to stop the Emblians.” Anna cuts in her face full determination. “Now let’s hurry to the World of Mystery. Alfonse...your sister has been on a scouting mission. I fear that she may be in danger.”
~/End Prologue pt.1\~
More of Éire’s story. Enjoy.
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acexadia-blog · 6 years ago
TDP characters as DnD classes
The Kids:
Callum: wizard. A wonderful wizard boy, not experienced enough for a subclass
Ezran: druid. (possibly a very low level beastmaster ranger) circle of the Shepherd for it’s innate communication with animals
Rayla: gloom stalker ranger/assassin rogue dual-class. she’ll backflip through a tree and stab you while invisible
Claudia: another wizard! my bet is conjuration (what an excellent fireball and smoke wolves)
Soren: fighter, champion subclass
Ellis: beastmaster ranger. Ava is her animal companion
Azymondius: a dragon
The Adults:
Harrow (aka king dad): most likely a fighter or a paladin, too little is shown of his fighting style. let king dad punch viren
Viren: wizard who gives off warlock vibes. get it together, mate
Runaan: ranger. Gloom stalker subclass, took human as a favored enemy
Amaya: P A L A D I N. oath of devotion. will fuck you up and has an armor class that makes her enemies cry
Gren: fighter! possibly a battlemaster, might have a few levels in paladin
Opelli: cleric. either knowledge or light domain
Corvus: Ranger, hunter subclass
Lujanne: reads like a sorcerer, but fits best as an illusion wizard
And of course...
Sarai: absolute badass. too powerful for a class. to powerful to behold
Marcos: fighter, scout subclass. the boy doesn’t have a rogue or ranger level in him
Feel free to share your own DND headcanons for these guys!
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