robbno · 2 hours
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Ho ho. The background I threw together willy nilly ended up looking like the viewer is under water
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robbno · 6 hours
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I just wanted to try making a fan design. Since I'm already on the Hollow knight experience, it was sn eash pick.
I'm just not nice to my designed characters anymore.
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robbno · 4 days
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Earlier concepts of this character's abilities.
I turned him more man like on my second try. Less ent looking that way.
Trust me. This guy is no defender of nature.
Got some more concept ideas. But mostly, I'm pretty clueless how I want him to look like.
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robbno · 4 days
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Translation: "All books exists"
This is a sign at work that informed me that the books I was price tagging today should be in the system. No book should be sent back to me checked, in other words.
Once I've tagged and sent away the books to the shop, I saw that lonely piece of paper on my workbench. I laughed at first for the random out of context feel it got. Then I got philosophical.
Books not written, does not exist.
Books destroyed, no longer exist.
Mussing or not. All books that is, actually exists.
To think that's such a useless sign can be so right. A mundane set of text that doesn't add anything to the world and yet is the absolute truth. It's fascinating and dumb. I must have been really bored when the thought hit me.
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robbno · 5 days
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This game is awesome. Even I wanted to do fan art.
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robbno · 7 days
I was today years old when I learned there are something called "nicotine toothpick", and some of them are nicotine free, which means it's been going on for a while. Cause the nicotine ones was not good for you according to some health organizations.
Well, okidoki then.
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robbno · 7 days
"Logic" is a interesting word. It varies from culture of all kinds and some logic are not even aloud to be questioned.
I have no idea where the logic is in:
"This object proves my view wrong. I have to remove it so that I'm right."
It's a normal view too, with all the logic that some needs. Happens everywhere in some level. in politics, religion or workplace. From cornflakes to full on wars.
What the hell?
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robbno · 8 days
I used like 12 different layers to work out the shades alone. To set a mood. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Some details got lost in the process and I ran out of time. Cause I'm giving myself time limits do I'll be more effective and help the project move.
I actually think it turned out okay. Thanks for feedback
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I overdid it a bit.
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robbno · 8 days
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I overdid it a bit.
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robbno · 9 days
Bio-wars on a public transport
Let me apologize in advance for gross behavior of my part in this story. However. It is funny.
Every morning as I travel by public transport. There is this guy who always smell so strongly of tobacco smoke, who by chance, always sits down close to me without fail.
I hate the smell of tobacco. And lately, I've been very unlucky with traveling buddies and neighbors who happens to have that habit.
This is a personal problem, though. Since none of them are actually being unreasonable. I have no choice but to accept my bad luck, and of course, just act like they are any other fellow citizen. Cause that is what they are. It's their right and I support that.
Anyway. This morning starts as expected.
The guy appears, gives me a friendly nod, and sits down in front of me while smelling like a corner pub from the eighties. I have my regular reaction of tear-filled eyes and the hard to breathe moment until I'm used to the air. No biggie. I'm not allergic of anything.
My stop eventually came up and I take my stuff and shuffle passed the guy towards the door that happens to be next to him.
This doorway has a narrow steep set of steps and a low doorway. I have to lift up my shoulders and do a awkward limbo dance to fit my way through. Tall people problems for those who knows.
While doing this necessary action in my daily routine. I accidentally let a silent nightmare rip from the core of my guts behind me. It happen so fast that I had to stop in my tracks all dumbfounded with my feet now on the pavement outside.
I got a whiff of this toxic butt gas as the door closes behind me, sealing most of it inside with the poor souls within. I can only describe the experience as out this world bad and I don't know what I could possibly have been eating to create that.
I almost saw the corner of the green cloud, dance around the doorway of the now gas chamber on wheels, before watching it rolling of to the sunset without me. Not yet aware of the terror I left behind.
I can only imagine the reaction of the others when air runs out and who they will judge for it before fading to black. Perhaps the one sitting by the door.
Oh gods... What have I done? Why am I laughing! Stop it!
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robbno · 13 days
I so want to move back to Sweden. I even got my wife on that idea. I just don't know where to start looking for work and housing.
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robbno · 15 days
An echo from the mist was shaping two men by a fire. A long man and familiar face that was Aftur and a short man with a white beard.
"Sorry. Maybe this was a bit more than you should have to handle." Said Aftur as his shoulders sunk in a deep sigh.
"Nonsense." Said the shorter man. "Although I agree my nerves are a bit out of their limits. I still feel more as a part of something than ever before."
Aftur laughs and had to admit the old badger's view had developed in times like these. "Well said, Gren."
They kept their ears pierced in the heavy shade surrounding them as they waited.
"Do you think the others can spot the ember of our campfire? We are all out of dry wood." Gren tried his best to wake up the flames again.
Aftur didn't answer. His eyes reflect the gentle glow of whatever was left to be called burning wood.
Gren turned to check on the young man who suddenly gone so silent.
"She use to love the sunrise." Aftur was talking so low that Gren had to move himself a bit closer. "It always reminded me of her when the beams of sunlight is flashing between the trees."
Gren sighs "By the sky and valley. The lass is safe and sound in town with a few of our top lads and lasses as company."
Aftur was rubbing his eyes as if he drifted off for a second.
"I just miss her, it's all. We haven't been apart like this before."
Gren pats the young man on his shoulder. "Yeah, I understand. You have every right to feel that way. But that longing is what's keeping you alive. So be happy."
Aftur looked a bit concerned at Gren. "What keeps the void away from you?"
Gren gives up on the campfire and grabbed his gun laying by his side before walking across the camp with a big yawn under his beard.
"I think about that final swig of ale waiting for us when we get back. I can already taste the hint of oakwood and black currant in it's character" said Gren and vanished from view.
Aftur seemed a bit brighter before the memory fades back to nothing.
Who was this Gren guy and how did he knew Aftur? Thought Netti.
The lantern had no answer. What a surprise.
Netto picked up the piece of metal that triggered the memory. It looked like a piece of Gren's weapon from the memory. Something that belongs near the handle. She thinks. Although she was unsure what it was used for.
The lantern started flicker again. Did it hear another soul?
Something appear in the light not far away. The ground was sinking in to a deep void that felt even heavier than the black sky. A lot of emotional energy was flowing through here. A gut killing sense of dread and regret. An echo of a cry far away.
Netti didn't want to, but if there was someone else around here. It would be for both their interests if she found the poor soul before something else did.
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robbno · 15 days
"Scientists has found a more effective way to break down and reuse any plastic in such a way it pays off as a business"
Just a whisper, but a good one. One can hope they mean it this time. Right?
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robbno · 17 days
While having my glass of water for breakfast (cause I can't eat anything and feel good before 11.00). The radio spit out news faster than a chicken can shit. So it's not my fault this time.
I learned that Putin had traveled to Mongolia for some reason I can't be bothered to remember. Since the country is a part of the ICC, people wonder in frustration why he wasn't arrested.
I took a sip of my water and heard in my head.
"Because of China, people. Even if they wanted to. It would be risky business when Russia's bff is watching."
Can't say I blame the Mongolians in this case.
Ah. Well. Back to work. Have a nice day everyone
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robbno · 18 days
Woke up to the "new email" tone on my phone.
Someone is trying to change my password on Facebook again. One of those "Click here to stop scammer" scams. Or maybe it's more a "Hope I, as a user, am changing my password right now and click the wrong link" scam.
So you bloodsuckers want my old "happy birthday, stranger" social media?
A account collecting dust and falling apart, like a forgotten hunter's cabin in the middle of nowhere. You want that?
Be my guest
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Except no. I think some good old "try harder" will do them good.
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robbno · 18 days
Random nerd shout out
I really look forward to the new Beetlejuice movie. Not gonna lie.
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robbno · 19 days
From rock to lava
Is it just me, ore are some of us getting more fireproof as we get older?
I remember as a kid when I was frying bacon for lunch.
The hot sizzling fat was going everywhere and ten year old me tried to dodge those droplets of hot oil matrix style to not get burned with our kitchens longest spatula in hand. Just clumsily trying to turn my pieces of bacon, and couldn't even lift the corners.
Then my dad steps in to the kitchen, now in his forties, and turns those salty devil flesh pieces for me WITH HIS BARE HANDS! SLOWLY! So it didn't splatter in the fat.
I was flabbergasted. How was that possible?
Dad just shrugs and asked if I wanted eggs with that.
Now 28 years later. I was cleaning my studio to help my inspiration stay intact. When I found my old pumpkin candle holder and thought it was about time to lightly throw in some Halloween decorations.
I already had a tea light candle burning gently in a glass cup by my computer screen. The wax was already melted completely to a clear liquid and the metal holder was as hot as the flame itself, that I was surprised the corner wasn't glowing as well.
I wasn't even thinking and pushed down my hand in that narrow cup and grabbed the corners of the still burning candle and held it between my fingers like it was nothing for nearly thirty seconds to prepare the pumpkin holder with my free hand. I didn't even feel the heat. Just a gentle warmth.
I check my fingers when reality hit me. Not a mark on them. No red or bubbling skin. Nothing. Just a white hand looking back going "Hey, what's up, face?"
As it seams. I got more of your abilities than I expected, dad. Rest in piece you edgy bastard. I miss you.
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