#green land
razpberrypie · 4 months
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i think we’re special - you and me
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rainbow280372 · 5 days
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Image by wirestock on Freepik
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fashmagazine · 1 year
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Crash Magazine
(Sep, 2020)
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paulpingminho · 1 year
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patheticdarling · 3 months
Her Sacrifice
Summary: The assassins had no such luck finding Prince Aemond but what were they to do when they stumbled upon the beloved wife of King Aegon instead? Her belly swollen with his heir.
Warnings: Blood & Cheese/murder/gore & blood/cursing/threats/blades/pregnancy/kidnapping/funeral/incest (reader is helaena's older twin)
Word Count: 2236
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"The other lords will be accompanying me for a drink in the Throne Room. Shall you join us, Wife?" Aegon asked, a slightly eager smile on his face, anticipating your agreement.
You sighed as you began to undo the braids in your hair, "The hour is late, Husband. I must rest."
Aegon pouted, "Just a cup! We've attended to our royal duties all day, have we not earned a bit of respite?"
"Respite is what I shall get with a good night's sleep. Not drinking until sunrise with you and your comrades," you teased. You stood from seat at your vanity, walking over and placing Aegon's hand on your growing bump, "Besides, do you not wish for our babe to be born healthy? So that they may grow into formidable dragon riders like their parents."
He smiled softly at your belly before kissing it sweetly, "You make a good point, my dear. Mayhaps I should stay in with you."
You shook your head, smiling down at him, "Do not let me stop your fun. You are right. The King deserves his respite. Besides there may not be many more nights where we get to enjoy ourselves," motioning to your bump.
"You are going to make a wonderful mother," Aegon stood from his seat, "I shall allow you to enjoy your last moments of rest then." He planted a soft kiss on your lips, "I love you, Y/N."
You stroked his hair, "I love you, Aegon."
Aegon kissed you once more before giving your belly a playful squeeze and disappearing from your chambers. You summoned one of your ladies to help you finish getting ready for bed. Thanking her as you got yourself comfortable between the silk sheets of you and Aegon's bed. Finally bidding her good night as she blew out most of the candles, leaving a few on for Aegon's drunken return.
You could not be sure of the hour when you heard your chamber doors creak open followed by the shuffling of feet. You did not even bother opening your eyes, assuming you'd feel the bed indent as Aegon stumbled towards it.
"Back so soon?" you teased, "I was only being half serious about the sunset-"
Suddenly, a large hand clamped over your mouth. Your eyes shot open as two men loomed over you. You screamed and panicked as the larger man used his other arm to keep you pinned to the bed.
"Quiet!" the smaller man pulled a blade out, pressing it to your throat, "Unless you want me to bleed you like a pig."
You nodded, terrified of what these men could do, "W-Who are you? What do you want?"
"Its not our wants you should be concerned with, Your Grace."
"Who sent you? What do y-you want from me?" your voice shook.
"A life is owed. It wasn't supposed to be you. A son for a son we were told," the smaller man shrugged, "But it seems Prince Aemond isn't in the castle tonight."
Of course, you thought. This was about Lucerys. Your younger brother had taken the boy's life and that was a deed that could not go unpunished. You knew how deeply your eldest sister loved all of her children. The loss of one would be devastating. Taking Aemond's life made sense. But taking yours? And the life of your unborn child? That was not in Rhaenyra's nature. This was plotted by someone far more sinister and dark.
"My uncle sent you, didn't he?" you spoke up. They both sent stares to the other, "Daemon Targaryen. He sent you to kill one of us."
The large man scoffed, "Aren't you a smart one?"
"Shame those smarts won't do you any good now, will they?" the smaller one mocked.
"Please," you tried to beg, "Do not do this. No good will-" The large hand came down on your mouth again.
"That's enough," he grunted before turning back to the smaller man, "I'll hold her down and you cut."
Your blood ran cold at his words. Not only were they going to kill you but they were going to tortuously cut out your unborn child. They both yanked you further down the bed until you were flat on your back. You tried to kick, scream, bite, thrash as much as you could but the man proved to have almost inhuman strength. The smaller man raised his blade, that same sadistic grin plastered on his face before he began to dig it into the lower part of your abdomen.
White hot pain seared through your body as he continued to slice into you. Your vision was blurred with tears and you could have sworn your throat was raw from your cries. Though the pain was so intense that you could not process the sounds that might have been leaving you. Warm blood pooled all around you, the once ivory sheets now a deep crimson. One last gasp left you as they pulled your child from your body.
Suddenly you had remembered your mother telling you about the pains of childbirth when you first married Aegon and all anyone could talk about was you producing his heirs. She had a rather negative approach that utterly terrified you. So, you decided to find comfort in Rhaenyra's advice instead.
"I will not withhold the truth from you, it truly is the most excruciating pain a woman must go through."
You groaned, "That is not what I had wished to hear, Sister."
"You did not let me finish. The process is hard, yes. And you will feel the urge to curse the Gods or even your husband and swear to never bear anymore children," you both laughed, "But the moment you hear those sweet cries and your babe is placed upon your chest, the pain is forgotten. And nothing has ever seemed so worth it. Then you will know, right then and there, that you would do it all over again if it meant you could finally find that purest form of love."
And yet, you would never discover that beautiful feeling your sister had painted so clearly. The room was almost eerily silent besides the dripping of blood onto the stone floor.
"What do you know?" the man panted as he held your lifeless infant, "A son. Congratulations, my Queen."
You could not speak as you felt your body numb itself. Tears falling with no cries as they stuffed your son's body into a sack. It was as if you could feel your heart shatter. The men finished their sinister act before fleeing through a secret passageway. You tried little to fight the heaviness in your eyes. Perhaps this was all a horrible dream and if you shut your eyes, you'd open them to find yourself in bed with Aegon's arms wrapped securely around your belly. The last thing you could muster was a small smile at the sentimental image as your vision faded out completely.
"Sister?" Helaena called out into your bed chamber, "I did not wish to wake you but Aegon is being so loud and I cannot sleep with him-" Her voice caught in her throat at the sight of your mangled body lying on the bed. Your figure lifeless and your eyes vacant as you stared at the canopy. She approached your body, a shaky hand reaching out to touch your face to be met with utter stillness. Helaena backed out of the room slowly, tears flowing down her cheeks before sprinting to find some sort of help. As if anyone could undo what had already been done.
"I-I don't know what happened. I came in and she...she was..." Helaena's voice cracked with sobs as various people filed into the royal bed chamber; the Kingsguard, the Dowager Queen, the Hand, and lastly, your husband.
They all stopped at the sight before them, their eyes welling with tears and their stomachs churning. The Dowager Queen let out a heavy sob as all their attention turned to the King. Aegon approached your body cautiously.
He fell to his knees, his hands cradling your bloodied face as he sobbed, "My wife, my dearest-"
Nobody dared say a word as Aegon mourned over you. His sobs heavy with grief as he called out your name over and over again. The Queen Mother clutching Helaena's arm as they cried with him. The Kingsguard hanging their heads low in shame at their failure to protect their Queen. Otto Hightower, known to be quick with his word, said nothing.
The council meeting that followed was one full of dread and grief. Most of the council mourned, the Hand schemed, and the King could do not but curse the Gods and swear revenge.
"Your Grace, perhaps we should speak of the funeral arrangements for the Queen-"
"No," Aegon was quick to stop the Hand, who raised a brow at his grandson's denial, "I will not have my wife's body dragged through the streets like a dog!"
"Not dragged, honored!" Otto corrected him before lowering his tone as he spoke to the King, "Y/N was my granddaughter and I loved her. She deserves the funeral of a Targaryen princess, a Targaryen queen. The small folk wish to mourn their Queen and the heir she carried. And they need to know who is responsible for this."
Aegon's face twisted in disbelief, "How could they not already know?! Who else would do this save the bitch queen of bastards?!"
"We must know for certain, Your Grace," Lord Jasper suggested, "If it was not your sister, this may prove to be an even bigger threat to the crown, to you, my King."
Aegon scoffed, "I do not care what threatens me. My wife is dead. And my child," he stifled a sob, "That cunt did this, I know it. Her and her kingdom of traitorous bastards will burn for it."
Before anyone could speak, the doors of the council chamber opened as Lord Larys entered. He bowed meekly as all eyes turned to him.
"My lords, Your Grace," he greeted the council.
All stood still, "State your purpose, Lord Larys," the Hand spoke.
"We have apprehended one of the assailants. A gold cloak, known for his brutal nature. The guards caught him fleeing the Gate of Gods. He carried the child's body in a sack."
The King hardly wasted any time, stomping over to the doors, "I shall kill him myself."
"We might retrieve further information about who is to blame for this tragedy after questioning," Ser Criston stopped Aegon from leaving as Otto spoke, "I trust in your skill set, Lord Larys."
The Strong Lord bowed before exiting the room. All eyes turned once again to the King and his Hand.
"We will hold the service for both the child and mother-"
"I said no," Aegon grunted, "My wife and child will not be put on display for the Realm."
"Your Grace, we might use this to our advantage in the war you wish to march into. Your people need to know the depravity that Rhaenyra is capable of. The great houses of Westeros will see that she is not fit to rule given her cruel nature. They will flock to your side and with them, their armies and bannermen."
Aegon continued to shake his head. He could not just let them see you or your child like that. They did not deserve it.
"Mother," he turned to the Dowager Queen for support.
Alicent approached Aegon's chair, "The Hand sets on a difficult path, my darling, but it might be the right one."
The King could not muster anymore fight, "Have the Silent Sisters prepare the Queen and child for their journey. Behind them will be Princess Helaena and the Queen Mother."
"No, I do not wish to be a spectacle," Alicent argued but her father would not hear it.
Your husband visited your body as the Silent Sisters began to prepare it. They had cleaned the mess and dressed you in one of your favorite dresses, the emerald color complimenting your skin and hair.
"Your Grace, it is ill-fated to look upon the face of death," Maester Orwyle warned.
"That is not the face of death, Maester. That is my wife," Aegon spoke, "Leave me with her."
Maester Orwyle and the Silent Sisters bowed before leaving the King with your body. He softly stroked the hair from your face as he broke into sobs once again.
"I am so sorry, my love," he cried, "I-I should have been there to protect you. And our son." Maester Orwyle had informed His Grace that the child you carried was a prince, a perfect heir, "You truly would have been the most wonderful mother. You were already a perfect wife and Queen. Motherhood would have come naturally."
Aegon recounted how well you did with Rhaenyra's last two babies, the ones she had with his uncle Daemon. As much as he did not care for his half-sister, he knew you did. Always quick to defend her, even against your own family. So, he was forced to ask himself, how could she do this to you? To your child?
"They will pay for what they have done," your husband muttered to you, "I will win this war. I will win it for our child. I will win it for you. With fire and blood. Your sacrifice will not be for naught, my Queen."
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notamobboss · 1 year
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heartnosekid · 18 days
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giant african land snails (archachatina marginata) | msk.snails on ig
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herballwitch · 29 days
I need you to understand and to really listen when I tell you that the land knows you.
If you have spent months, years, decades living in the same place and exploring the same land I can promise you that the trees, the plants, the lakes and rivers, and the spirits will know and remember you.
You can call out to them and they will call out to you because they know you - they have for so so long, my love, and they love you, so much.
Trust me.
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gojuo · 2 months
they are hanging ....... posters ......... in king's landing .......... asking the illiterate smallfolk .......... to come to dragonstone to claim dragons
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raining-tulips · 11 months
I am TELLING YOU if you have spent months, years, around the same trees, land, etc., they WILL recognize you and reach out to you or not mind if you reach out to them. You don’t need to know anything about them.
A tree in the forest behind my parents house I’ve never spoken to before reached out - I never would’ve expected it. I don’t know what kind of tree it is. But of course this tree knows me. This tree has known me since I was six.
Trust me. This land knows you. These plants know you. They want to speak with you.
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 months
Green Shell Semi-Slug: the researchers who discovered this species originally wanted to name it "Ibycus felis," because it often rests with its tail curled around its body, which reminded them of a sleeping cat
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The Latin name of this species is Ibycus rachelae, but it's also known as a green-shelled or long-tailed semi-slug. The species was first described in 2008, and it is found only in the montane forests of Sabah (Borneo) and Peninsular Malaysia.
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The term "semi-slug" refers to an intermediate stage of evolution as a snail evolves into a slug. These snails still have shells that are at least partially visible, but they have been reduced to the point where the shell can no longer accommodate the snail's whole body. There are many different species of semi-slug, but most of them have a noticeably reduced, receding, and/or transparent shell that is partially concealed beneath the mantle.
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This article describes another peculiar characteristic of semi-slugs (including Ibycus rachelae):
... semi-slugs don’t just look weird, they act weird, too. They employ sharp projectiles called love darts in their courtship rituals, by shooting several of them at a prospective mate. The mate, in turn, shoots several love darts right back.
Researchers have found that if semi-slugs are able to lodge love darts into one another, the subsequent copulation tends to be much more successful. It’s thought that the mucus distributed by the love dart ensures greater survivability of the sperm
This is what the "love darts" look like (when magnified under SEM):
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The tiny, harpoon-like structures are made of calcium carbonate, and they transmit certain hormones (via mucus) that help to increase the likelihood of reproductive success. Semi-slugs are not the only gastropods that use "love darts," however; they are also used by some other land snails and slugs.
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Sources & More Info:
World Wildlife Fund: Borneo's New World (PDF)
Basteria (Journal): The Slugs and Semislugs of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (PDF)
Forest Research Institute Malaysia: Introduction to the Land Snails and Slugs of Malaysia (PDF)
Malay Peninsular Terrestrial Molluscs: Ibycus rachelae
Live Science: World's Longest Bug and 'Ninja' Slug Discovered in Borneo
Australian Geographic: Meet the Semi-Slug, a Snail without a Home
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [5]
De-age Danny, de-age Ellie and Dan, de-age the entirety of team Phantom. How about we age them up. Give them the Bart and Jon treatment.
Some ancient is annoyed with Ellie causing so much chaos, let’s say… It's the ancient of order. It decides that it is time she grows up a bit and learns some responsibility. She has to understand that her actions have consequences.
So it orchestrates an event where she gets chucked into the DC universe and because the people of the DC universe don't know her in any other way than this mid twenties looking lady the kids gloves are off.
She's confused, upset and a bit worried. But she's not going to let this little setback hold her back, she's going to find people with a mindset more like hers and she'll keep doing what she does best.
I imagine she's gonna end up with the Outlaws.
In the meantime Danny goes after her because he’s worried about his sister, but by doing so also gets hit by the age up effect and sadly for him he loses the 50/50 of aged up characters and the DC universe interprets his existence as someone that has to die so kill events keep happening to him but none of them are enough to fully kill a halfa so he's just known as the extremely lucky disaster guy.
Ellie gets to be Wraith and feel really cool about it. And in the watchtower some members are realizing they have rescued the same guy from really bad almost deadly incidents.
Green Lantern twists the chair around so he can fold his arms on the backrest,
"I swear the guy is from the final destination movies or something, the craziest things keep happening to him but he's fine every time somehow" 
Flash pauses in eating his panini "Yeah cause we rescue him"
"No, well yes but I saw him get shot and I thought, Oh no... but he was just fine somehow"
"Now that you're talking about it. I still don't know how he managed to dodge an entire building. I made note of it cause he very specifically told me he was fine and I didn't have to worry"
"Hmm well at least he's cute"
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my tip to befriending nature spirits is to just like Go There and be around them. maybe sprinkle a few native seeds for the birds, give a squirrel a little pile of nuts, clean up a bit, sing a little, etc. they'll get used to you being around and be like "oh!!! the human who sings to us is back!!" its literally that easy. just do nice things and spend time with them, they'll warm up to you.
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Toyota FJ45 Land Cruiser, 1983. A comprehensively restored Land Cruiser pick-up is to be offered at auction in Arizona. The 4.2-liter 2F straight-six has been rebuilt and the suspension has been up-graded with an Old Man Emu suspension kit. The electrical system has also been updated. After being taken back to bare metal the FJ45 has been finished in Olive Green with a white roof with custom tan leather upholstery
auction listing
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moeblob · 19 days
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Shane but black mage but chicks.
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