#greek users
can a brave soul with a m&g ticket PLEASE tell dan that the word monochrome means one colour and not achromatic colours (white, black, and grey). please. i’m begging you.
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About to flip my shit trying to find a photo of stamnos supposedly in the Louvre, but at least I came across this photo of a wine jug depicting an absolutely magnificent owl with arms and… well, arms.
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super-paper · 2 years
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LOV-centric text memes, part 6 (5) (4)(3)(2)(1)
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kebriones · 2 years
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Undead Hector AU for @mitsybubbles (I used their apollo design for this since I don't have one of my own :D)
Apollo is not done with him yet.
(based on the disturbing fact that while hector remained unburried and got daily dragged by achilles, he was miraculously healed and fresh every morning, thanks to apollo and aphrodite. )
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evilios · 1 month
A prominent issue that comes out of people divorcing Greek mythology from its culture is the explanation given (if any) to different variations of myths concerned with the same narratives.
I think people sometimes forget that mythology (and religion) does not exist in a vacuum. There are myths written with allusions to specific rulers, hymns and divine-aimed odes composed that betray political layers to myth-making. Sometimes particular locations become focuses of religious thought not just because of their traditional value but also because it benefits the ruling power in the region to attract attention to that spot. Sometimes different variations of myths come from people living under different rulers and supporting different ideas.
Politics plays a role in myth-creation; if mythology is a powerful way of talking to the masses, it is a priori a focus of political attention. In the same way "modern" literature is a focus of political control as well.
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triple-pupil · 15 days
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Just did this drawing of two members/alters of @skykiuwu and @thewingedgoat 's systems with personal interpretations of how they may look like.
And I was just too proud on how it came out to not brag about it so have it.
Also Lil' practice doodles I did before the Main drawing to understand how I wanted them to look like.
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demeterdefence · 5 months
my energy has been low lately so i've stuck to just liveblogging chapter releases, but i was thinking earlier about why lore olympus really nettles me and it's truly indicative of a wider issue.
it's disappointing that a major ancient religion that is still practiced by some people today has been reduced to a caricature of itself, and i say this knowing that there are thousands of reinterpretations of the greek myths, there will always be a new opinion or retelling of them. retelling the myth of hades and persephone isn't necessarily the issue, so much as the constant and dripping disdain to the cultural roots. we don't need to be greek to appreciate the story, but why remove everything greek from it? why westernize every aspect and remove ties to the cultural roots? why whitewash everything from a myth thousands of years old?
part of the reason these myths continue to resonate with us is because the themes are still relevant today. the loss of a child, the struggle against impossible forces, the (often patriarchal) powers against you, a mothers love. these stories hold power, they gave hope and inspiration, they created meaning and connection, and they were vital to the people who lived in that time, in that place. they will resonate with us for many years still, but stripping the roots and core of it out only makes it a hollow, shallow imitation. it's reality tv with neon colours, no love or heritage present; it's cold and shiny and plastic, and it insults what it claims to portray.
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autism-swagger · 10 months
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where-is-vivian · 1 year
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regulus drew the rays of sun on a celestial body.
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wingsofhcpe · 3 months
Every few years the tumblr queer community decides that we clearly don't have enough problems as is with real bigots, and they pick a sub-category of other queer people to convince us that "actually these are the True Oppressors, Guys, I Promise, they're too loud and privileged and stealing our rights as we speak!" while also mostly using recycled terf rhetoric but Woke This Time to support these accusations. At some point it was bi people (especially bi sapphics), then ace and aro people. Now it seems it's the turn of trans men & transmasc people in general.
And of course, if you as a member of the targeted demographic try to speak up, you're labelled as proof of the accusations. "See? They're loud and annoying and are oppressing us by not letting us target them, instead of shutting up and taking it like good little victims!".
And I, for one, I'm not having it.
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squeeegs · 1 year
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hey deze (nuts)
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spirknshit · 11 months
i find it interesting that the name Astarion is similar to Asterion, the birth name of the Minotaur in Greek myth
and that Astarion was born a normal elf who eventually became a ‘monster’, just as the Minotaur was
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minhosimthings · 4 months
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!
*kisses all over your face because you're adorable*
That's it I'm gatekeeping Selene MINE EVERYONE ELSE BACK OFF *growls possessively*
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thegodwhocums · 7 months
Las Antesterias 🌷👻🍾🏺💀🍇
Las Antesterias es un festival griego antiguo que mucha gente celebra para honrar el dios Dionisio. Se cree que su nombre significa «fiesta de las flores». Usualmente el festival ocurre durante el mes moderno de febrero o marzo. Dura tres días y incluye una gran diversidad de asuntos, que pueden parecer un poco confuso para nosotros que quieren celebrar el festival. Por esa razón yo intentaré a explicar un poco para que más personas pueden disfrutar de las Antesterias!
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Los tres días tienen sus propios nombres, temas, y actividades. Primero, hay Pithoigía, es decir «apertura de jarras», cuando se abra las botellas de vino del año pasado. Es un día para ofrecer vino nuevo al dios Dionisio. La gente adornen sus casas y sus mismos con flores de la primavera.
Segundo, hay Khóes, es decir «fiesta de las jarras». Es un día para vestirse en ropa festiva, visitar a los amigos, beber mucho vino (incluso las competencias de beber!), y jugar. También se ofrece agua, vino, o aciete de oliva en la tumbas de la familia. Finalmente, hay una ceremonia de boda entre una sacerdotisa especial con el dios Dionisio. (Esa ceremonia todavía es un poco misteriosa.)
Tercero y final, hay Khýtroi, es decir «fiesta de las marmitas». Es un festival de los muertos. Se ofrece comida al dios Hermes en su rol como guía de las almas al Inframundo. La comida típica es una mezcla de granos y semillas cocidano en una gachas que se llama panspérmia, o «todas semillas». Al final del día, los muertos están echados de las casas con el frase, «Fuera, espíritus! Ya no son las Antesterias!»
En total, es una celebración del inicio de la primavera, una ocasión para abrir los vinos del año pasado, y un tiempo para cuidar a los muertos errantes. Los dioses más importantes son Dionisio y Hermes.
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Cómo celebrar la fiesta hoy en día? Puedes decorar un altar con flores y ofrecer un vaso de vino a Dionisio. Puedes tomar algo y jugar juegos con amigos, vestido en coronas de flores. Y también puedes cocinar gachas y compartirla con los espíritus y Hermes.
Qué te parece celebrar las Antesterias? 🤓👻🥳
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(Definitivamente hay errores de español en este post - gracias por decirme amablemente dónde necesito corregirlos!)
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lainternet99 · 8 days
Here I am now in the bus, my tummy full and my head replaying Radio by Rammstein for the millionth time today. I didn't even listen to it yet! Speaking of the bus, I slept on my way to the city and let me just say this: that was the greatest short nap I've ever taken.
On my way to college, guess who I stumbled upon in the metro: my very own cultures teacher. We both saw each other and were so surprised! He gave me a look that clearly said "what are you doing here?" then gave me a fist bump. It was very funny. I managed to get to class before him, so my guess is that he went to his office for a bit to do who knows what. He spooked us as usual and then discussed about agriculture and forms of control in the first civilization. He said we have a test to do online that is due for Monday and that it's best for us to study before doing it since we only have 30 minutes to complete it. My friends planned on calling because, even though the questions will be randomized, we can still help each other out. I just hope it'll work.
I then had an hour-long break and I decided to spend it in the Languages Study Centre. There, my friends and I watched Harry Potter because they have in their youth and not me. I had to leave during the first film, so I didn't get to watch it completely, but I completely viewed the second one once ai had no classes left to attend. I used to think Harry Potter's not my kind of thing, but I will say that so far, I like it. I will rewatch the first one to make sure I catch up with what I've missed. I kinda remember where I'm at, too.
Then came the time for english, my final class of the day. We discussed the drama of Antigone and what exactly drama is, what tragedy is, and how Aristotle defined it. She brought up a few things regarding the background, like Dyonisus, the God of Wine and Festivals, and how theatre plays used to be performed back in Ancient Greece. She said that we won't cover this subject for a long time; it'll only last for three classes. One class done, two more left to go. I'm a bit sad about that; I love drama as well as theatre. I don't know what she has in store for us next, but I hope it's good and interesting. Otherwise I can't really engage in it.
—— lainternet99
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