#got rekt
ohgoddamnit · 2 years
Entree has nachos and Cajun food today 🥹🥹🥹
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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daily titan needs
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sunbathingfox7 · 6 months
Sung Hyunjae-ssi, this is karma
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yutamayo · 6 days
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I'll never complain about my father again.
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milf-harrington · 2 years
inspired by @flashyysins
Two days after Hawkins was almost split open, Robin saw a woman pacing in the hospital waiting room.
There were plenty of other people as well, sitting or standing or walking the length of the room in a similar pattern, but there was something about the woman that Robin noticed. It wasn't just that she was beautiful, which she was- it's that there was something familiar about her.
She was in blue jeans and an old-school Hawkins High Letterman jacket, light brown hair twisted up in a claw clip. Robin had never met her before, she'd remember that at the very least, but still.
Something about the angle of her nose or the gentle waves of her hair felt like something Robin had seen before, something she'd be able to find in a crowded room or across a street.
But Robin had somewhere to be, so she shook off the odd feeling, and followed the familiar path to Steve's room.
"Hey Stevie."
Steve's smile was tired, but he was looking more lively than when he'd passed out in the waiting room the other day, so she'd take it.
"Robbie, you left me hanging yesterday."
She snorted and dropped into one of the chairs by his bed, swinging her legs over the arm rest and cradling the bag she'd brought with her in her lap. "You're the one who fell asleep during visiting hours."
He rolled his eyes, and she happily noted the colour returning to his skin. "You should be exempt from visiting hours, you're like...essential to my recovery or something."
She laughed to hide the way those words curled soft and warm around her heart, eyes stinging until she blinked it away. The dumbass had almost over-worked himself to the point of no recovery. "'Exempt?' Someone's been reading a dictionary- did one of your children leave theirs behind?"
"Oh fuck you-"
They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and Robin was startled to see the woman from the waiting room hovering behind a nurse.
"You have a new visitor Mr Harrington."
Even knee-deep in confused intrigue, Robin couldn't help but dramatically mouth Mr Harrington over her own shoulder, pleased at the face he pulled in retaliation.
And then the door shut, and Steve looked up to find the woman-from-the-waiting room standing at the end of the bed.
Robin saw his brain grind to a halt at the sight of her.
It was silent (well, as much as it could be in a hospital room, what with all the beeping and whirring) as they took each other in, and Robin slowly brought her knees in closer to her chest like it would shield her from the vague awkwardness chewing at her.
And then-
"Fucking hell, Eve." The woman breathed out, white knuckling the bar at the end of his bed.
At the same time, Steve's face scrunched up as he demanded: "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? You're in hospital!"
"I thought you were in New York!"
"Yeah and then I got a call from Hawkins General that my little brother was dying in a hospital bed! Thank you for keeping me as your emergency contact, by the way."
"Well-" Steve spluttered and then crossed his arms over his chest, wincing at the pressure on his injuries. "Obviously."
Several things clicked into place like undone locks. Steve had almost been too comfortable about "feminine" topics for as long as she'd been an active member of his life- and even slightly before.
(He'd once run out of Scoops to buy her pads when she'd started her period in the middle of a shift. At the time she'd figured he was just trying really hard to beat the still a douche-bag allegations.)
Then there were the sweaters that he wouldn't confess to the origin of, the jokes he'd make about Robin "not being the only woman in his life" that she'd thought were about Nancy Wheeler, the vehement denial that the rom-com collection in the theatre room were his.
And, while Robin hated to enforce gender stereotypes, he'd always had the kind of mean girl cattiness that was usually only forged in teenaged girls and merely rubbed off on others.
Of course Steve Harrington had a sister.
Now Robin understood why she'd seemed so familiar in the waiting room.
"What happened to you?"
Simultaneously, Robin and Steve shifted uncomfortably, meeting each others eyes and coming up blank on both ends.
Steve's sister swallowed, jaw clenched and lip quivering as she look back and forth between them. She seemed suddenly fragile, like Steve after a nightmare, or right before he'd collapsed in the waiting room after carrying Eddie inside.
Steve cracked first. "Lou-"
"Don't fucking lie to me, Stephen. This is the third time you've ended up in hospital since your senior year."
Steve blinked, startled. "How did you-"
"I'm your sister." She seethed, and Robin could see flickers of Steve with an axe in his hand in the arch of her shoulders. "You might have told the hospital not to call but I still have friends in this town. If that Hargrove asshole wasn't already dead-"
"It was a serial killer." Robin blurted, drawing Steve's sisters' attention to her. "I don't now if you heard about it, but someone was going around killing teenagers. It started with Chrissy Cunningham- she was a cheerleader? kind of cute in a preppy sort of way, but, um- she was killed in our friends living room and then he sort of got blamed for it because, I mean, it was pretty sketchy but he didn't do it! I promise, Eddie didn't- anyway, there was this whole witch hunt, and two more people died which just sort of made it worse for Eddie and a group of us were trying to, like, clear his name, you know? Because we knew he didn't do it and we didn't want him to get killed next, but then one of our other friends - this girl, Max, she's a riot - she was being targeted by the real killer so we came up with this...really stupid plan to catch the killer but everything went sort of tits up and Eddie and Steve both got, well-" She waved her hands at the bandage around Steve's throat and the bruising around his wrists from the vines. "And Max, she broke her elbow and her knee when she fell, and I think Dustin twisted his ankle? So now Max and Eddie and Steve are all in hospital and Dustin has these crutches that he doesn't want to use but, I mean, Steve always makes him because it's Steve, and we don't really know if Eddie's okay yet but no one's come to tell us he's not so we're still hopeful-"
Robin shut her mouth, and took a deep breath through her nose. Steve's sister was staring at her in the startled sort of awe that Robin was used to seeing when she got going. She had the lungs of a trumpet player, it wasn't hard for her to talk until she forgot where she'd started.
"You fought a serial killer?" Steve's sister - Lou? - asked, and Robin hysterically felt like she should offer up her seat.
Steve, bless him, only nodded. Lou stared, lips pressed into a thin line and nostrils flared slightly.
And then, quite abruptly, she was straightening her back and stepping around the bed to hold out a hand to Robin. "Louisa Harrington."
Robin blinked, and shook her hand. "Robin Buckley."
Louisa nodded, like that made sense, and smiled the same cupids-bow smile as her brother. "The best friend- it's good to meet the other half of my brothers brain. Clearly the better half, considering you aren't the one in the hospital bed."
Steve made an offended noise, and Robin grinned.
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honeyxmonkey · 2 months
I call this—“The Reunion”
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hood-ex · 10 months
The art is so good in this issue 😩. My only gripe is Dick's stomach wound is missing, but Bruce gave him a new cut sooo... I still win 😌.
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Titans: Beast World Tour: Gotham
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finch-the-foolish · 4 months
So uh.. I did a thing. Shoutout to @gummys-whump-acc for the prompt inspo. In essence, whumper tormented and killed a local fae creature, an action which had.. repercussions.
TW for noncon body modification (magic based), reference to blood and death
Whumper stumbled back a step, staring up at the figure standing before them. They were ethereal, unnatural, features which seemed ever so slightly wrong painted with a sharp, furious rage. Their little experiments seemed to have returned to bite them. How.. unfortunate.
They took another step away, breaths unsteady, gaze flitting about like some caged, helpless animal searching for escape. It was a sense of weakness that they had long inflicted, long found glee in. And yet, here, there was only fear remaining in their chest, every breath too tight, stammered attempts at speech tripping over themselves like their uncertain steps.
It merely smiled in response, a thing of sharp teeth, eyes which seemed nearly hypnotising, a clawed hand swiping out. Whumper gasped, eyes wide with panic as they were ripped up from the floorboards, that wretched hand now entangled in their shirt's collar. They clawed at it, far more weakly than they'd like, gaze fixated on the faerie before them.
"Look at you," it hissed, its other hand grabbing at their hair, pulling their head up. "Powerless. Pathetic. You're the little thing who killed my child? The little bastard that stole them from me?"
Whumper tensed, shaking their head. "I- n- no- I don't- I didn't-"
It narrowed its eyes, swirling blue-green holding a malice that had so often greeted Whumper in the mirror. "You're a coward. A lying, hateful little bastard." Its hand shifted, grabbing onto their throat, a frantic, pained noise stuttering out in response. "How about we teach you a lesson, on who to mess with. On who to hurt."
They stared at it, nearly frozen at the words, one hand still trying desperately to pull their claws away. "P.. please- I- I won't- I won't hurt anyone- just let me go-"
The fae paused for a moment, expression cold. "Your promises are as worthless as your life, fool. It is a mercy that you shall keep either."
Its eyes seemed to glow, then, magic lighting up around them, painting Whumper's little home in blues and greens; swirling, glowing energy that seeped into their veins, into their mind, their soul, agony lighting up every inch of their frame.
A hand scrabbled at the fae's wrist, pained gasps all they could manage as their back lit up, bone pushing through skin, fear decorating a face which had so long been smug, been gleeful, in its tormenting. It felt like eternity, it felt like a moment, like they were infinity and nothing at all against the grand spectre of the magic which now carried through their veins.
And then, abruptly, they were released, falling to the floor, little more than a mangled creature, distinctly wrong. Crimson decorated the floorboards and their back in equal measure k, ragged wings with too little material stretched unmoving over their form.
The fae stared down at them, a twisted smile barely visible in their blurry gaze. "Good luck, little one. Perhaps you will learn something more than harm, this way."
And with that, it was gone. With that, they were alone, with the consequences of their sins, the pain which they had wreaked returning to spite them.
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Common enemies create frenemies
(Bit late) Mafia AU for Qrowin week 2024
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vonlipvig · 4 months
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vero-niche · 2 years
so as i was first watching the OP this particular sequence caught my eyes immediately:
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that is a very distinct framing, with kazuki's back perfectly in the middle with the camera steadily getting closer, and then his ex-wife (?) "blooms" out. but, if it were to symbolize love/grief, i think the camera would've approached from the front, and the blooming would've happened in his heart/chest.
from the above sequence only, my mind immediately went "he's gonna get shot in the back" - then, as i was doing the screenshotting for this post, I noticed the part right before it:
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a bullet going through a cake/muffin, which is absolutely kazuki's thing, and then this followed by what i'd call the "bullet pov", used in other movies/shows too leads me to the prediction that he is absolutely gonna get shot and i think somehow it's gonna be connected to his ex-wife.
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rebouks · 2 years
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No mercy!
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r0bita · 11 months
Looking back on how BRAU-1589 is supposedly an alt take on the Blue Knight makes so much sense now when comparing the og Blue Knight. It went over my head completely as I read the comic and I never even considered the javelin pierced through his body, the same Javelin that killed the Blue Knight at the end of his arc.
I know that Atlas takes this role plenty of times, and I had initially thought that BRAU might have been an alternate version of Atlas. However, for the most part, and at least in the original manga, Atlas is usually considered one of the first special cases of a robot commiting harm against humans (and was fact rebuilt by his creator for that purpose). But it's the Blue Knight himself that willingly kills humans without a human acting as a puppet master, specifically targeting humans in power that continue to exploit robots (robots in Astroboy are supposed to be an alagory for second class citizens and living in apartheid systems, it's kinda dated but I'd argue it's better analogy than using prey vs. predator animals because it actually touches on slavery and abuse).
And I'm now just realizing that what we're looking at is essentially BRAU's interior skeleton, because they basically left him there to "rot".
Also the name the name BRAU means "brew" in German, but in Japanese-Engrish it could be read as "Blue". Wordplay is fun...
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randomnameless · 1 year
I… We, the people of Renais, have long honored our allegiance with the Grado Empire. And you invaded without warning. You ravaged our land. You killed my father… Even then, I told myself, I must not hate Grado or her people. If I gave in to my hate, the bond between our lands would be lost forever. I refused to hate. Instead, I lived for the day our nations would know peace again. But… If this is Grado’s true face… If you could extinguish Renais without pity, without remorse… If this is the case, then there is no room in my heart for forgiveness.
Eirika slays, but -
Note the lack of “maybe we could walk with Grado” or “they must believe their cause is just” or even the “if Novala has subordinates it means he must be a great leader to his men”.
Ultimately the game sort of explains everything was puppeted by Fomortiis-Lyon and the assholes like Novala were just assholes - but yeah, Eirika is not happy. Greater good or not, she wants peace, but turn against her randoms and she will rekt you.
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gooseclan · 1 year
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Moon 8 - I don’t feel safe around Scorchpaw
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inosukes-boar-mask · 2 months
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From an old meme that I've made 3 years ago 👀👀👀
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