#gorgeous israeli guys
israelihunks · 1 year
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seizethenightagain2 · 7 months
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I’ll eat anything you offer me Eliad 🤪
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david-goldrock · 2 months
Charbu Darbu
Let's start with explaining the arabic in this song:
Charbu Darbu: an Israeli mis-saying of the arabic Charb WaDarb: meaning War and path, or more figuratively, a strong strike
Kalb: meaning dog, a curse
Kul Kalb Biji Yomo: every dog has its day, meaning everyone will get what they deserve (negative)
Kachbot: bitches
Wallah: And Allah, used as I swear to God
Abu Ali: the father of Ali, meaning one who tries to deter by making a frightening impression that is not real
Katla: Lynch
Rabak: your god, used as in ecstasy, extreme readiness
Abu Baklawa: The father of a baklava, a dimminishing derogatory name for an arab commander (sometimes, the hamas commander responsible for the sharing of Baklavas when jews are murdered)
Now Military language:
Golani, Nachal, Shirion, Giv'ati, Handasa, Isuf, Kfir, Totchanim, Tzanchanim, Duvdevan, Karakal, Bardelas, Magav - military divisions
Marking Xs on the weapon: an army habit of marking an X for every kill done with a weapon
Writing names on the shells: an army habit of writing names, jokes, or curses on outgoing shells
The Gaza envelope: the Israeli cities and kibbutzim near Gaza
Jewish info:
Amalek: One of the worst opponents of the jewish people, known for attacking the elderly, the weak, the children, the bodies that remain after battle etc., with a commandment to erase their decedents
Now for the translation:
One, two, shoot! One, two, shoot! Two, shoot! One, two yeah... Attention Listen Stilla I'm not kidding with you yeah, yay, ey, yeah
A bunch of fucker rats coming out of the tunnel (tunnel : Mechila) Doing an Abu Ali, you idiots, Wallah (my) word there will be no forgiveness (forgiveness : Mechila) Who do you think you are that you come here and shout Palestine for free (as in free of charge)? *spits* You decedents of Amalek! hop - sabotage!
Left, right, left, how the country as a whole is on (army) uniforms from the Galilee to Eylat (the entire length of the country) (Male) warriors (Female) warriors, Duvdevan and Magav, Karakal, Bardelas We have brought the entire army upon you and I swear there will be no forgiveness *spits* You decedents of Amalek! All the units ready? Attention!
Golani (One, two, shoot!) People from the Nachal (One, two, shoot!) Shirion (One, two, shoot!) Where's Giv'ati? (One, two, shoot!) Navy, Air Force (Attention!) Totchanim, Tzanchanim (Attention!) All units in the IDF are in the mood for a Charbu Darbu on your head (Pow, pow, pow!)
Golani (One, two, shoot!) People from the Nachal (One, two, shoot!) Shirion (One, two, shoot!) Where's Giv'ati? (One, two, shoot!) All the units in the air (Attention!) Handasa Isuf and Kfir (Attention!) All the IDF units are coming for a Charbu Darbu on their heads wai wai
Prepare the ass because it's the air force Feeling the vibration all the way to Tel Aviv All the girls are giving the soldiers looks And the guy from the news (Dani Kushmaro- a beautiful news anchor) suddenly looks gorgeous to me They are shouting at me Palestine (for) free But for some reason it sounds like a holiday sale Half a minute and the whole country is on (army) uniforms In the reserves, in the draft, everyone (One, two, shoot!)
For mom and dad! All of my fellas are on the front One for grandma and grandpa! Writing names on the shells For the kid in the Gaza envelope Upper Galilee and the center also Everyone's ready for a Katla, Rabak, Rabak All the units ready?
Golani (One, two, shoot!) People from the Nachal (One, two, shoot!) Shirion (One, two, shoot!) Where's Giv'ati? (One, two, shoot!) Navy, Air Force (Attention!) Totchanim, Tzanchanim (Attention!) All units in the IDF are in the mood for a Charbu Darbu on your head (Pow, pow, pow!)
Golani (One, two, shoot!) People from the Nachal (One, two, shoot!) Shirion (One, two, shoot!) Where's Giv'ati? (One, two, shoot!) All the units in the air (Attention!) Handasa Isuf and Kfir (Attention!) All the IDF units are coming for a Charbu Darbu on their heads wai wai
Another X on the weapon For Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Wait till we drop a rain on you, Kachbot Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Everyone who planned, everyone who supported, everyone who committed, everyone who murdered Kul Kalb Biji Yomo You got into trouble Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Did you hear? Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Nasrallah Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Muhamad Deif Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Haniya Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Abu Bakalwa Kul Kalb Biji Yomo Mecha-Bella Chadid (Mechabela sounds like hebrew for female terrorist- mechabelet) Dua lipa Mia Kalifa Kul Kalb Biji Yomo All the IDF units are coming for a Charbu Darbu on their heads wai wai
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bsof-maarav · 4 months
Things I saw on my way to shul this Shabbat:
A house with tons of pro-Hamas signs in the window right next to a house with one huge sign that said "You Need Jesus"
A series of telephone poles covered in pro-Hamas posters, but one was torn one down and in the white residue it left behind, someone wrote Bring Them Home Now
Pieces left behind of stickers about antisemitism that had been torn down, with just a few words left readable, pleas for recognition that Israelis and Jews are human
The poster that's been up since October on a public electrical box that says "The world stands with Palestine" (which always makes me roll my eyes and think, yes, Jews know the world stands with whoever would like to eliminate us, this isn't news) was updated to also say Fuck Israel
The "Viva Palestina" sign depicting a terrorist with a gun that's been in the window of one house since October was updated to add more names of murderous terrorists that the homeowner wished to honor with a special shout-out
The huge banner outside of a church saying "Love demands a permanent ceasefire now!" with an image of a dove carrying an olive branch apparently offended the local bird population who didn't want their image associated with this message so they pooped all over it
Many, many signs campaigning for a candidate for city council who says she is a "recovering Zionist" who did "ancestral healing" so that she no longer feels a stake in the ancestral homeland full of refugees and can now be a Good Jew (her campaign slogan is about her compassion and integrity which is rich when you consider she's part of the mob screaming at Shoah survivors in city council meetings that they're lying and works with a white supremacist guy who literally calls Jews "zios" and pigs)
The most gorgeously lush and varied flower gardens that you could ever imagine gracing every sidewalk
Flowering trees everywhere
Birds, bees, butterflies, well fed squirrels, and prosperous housecats of all kinds
Gorgeous period architecture, much of it beautifully preserved
A homeless person under a freeway overpass, trying to snuggle into a comfortable position on the cement, in the exact place that another homeless person was recently found dead
Multimillion dollar houses in one of the wealthiest areas of a country that never gets bombed, covered in signs advocating their support for Israel to keep being bombed and terrorized
On a street full of houses with pro-Hamas placards, one solitary house with a mezuzah and a sign on its door saying שלום
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pargolettasworld · 3 months
You know the Kingston Trio?  Or that scene in Animal House where a guy in a black turtleneck is singing “I Gave My Love A Cherry” on the staircase at the Delta House toga party before Bluto takes his guitar away and smashes it to bits?  The Folk Scare of The Sixties, that’s what I’m talking about.  A folk music movement centered in Lower Manhattan, with a repertoire consisting of some reworked Anglo-American folk songs and some newly-composed additions to the genre, very earnest, the Sixties version of vaguely lefty politics, more clean-cut than you’d expect.
Haparvarim are sort of the Israeli version of that crowd.  The name means “The Suburbs,” referring to the outskirts of Tel Aviv-Yafo, where the founders Nissim Menachem and Yossi Khoury grew up.  This song is a charming little ditty about making musical instruments -- a harp of ivory and gold, a reed flute, a copper bell, and a French horn from a crystal-covered shell -- and playing a song that fills the whole world.  It’s not exactly high art, but it’s a lovely piece, with some absolutely gorgeous imagery.  It’s very much the sort of groovy, peace-adjacent song that you could play on the staircase of Beit Delta -- at least until the Israeli equivalent of Bluto comes along!
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jorjigirl · 5 months
It's finally happened. I vowed never to multi-stan for kpop groups but here I am, adding Ateez to my kpop obsession. The coachella set got me guys. How can I resist this?
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I love it when music suddenly unlocks in my brain. It's like in The Matrix when Neo's brain uploads and he's like 'I know kung fu'. I know Ateez! The drama, the lush soundscapes, the theatrics. Wake Up was the key. It's strange, alluring and sensual all at once (and I've seen their concert footage with the blindfolds which helped *ahem*). Inception is a gorgeous love song. It's got that epic, running down the corridors to find you, yearning vocal. I also adore Turbulence for its dramatic build up as well. Their ballads are fantastic and quite underrated.
Their vibe is more mature and dark which I appreciate. The visuals are poppin', the vocals are strong, the dancing... omg, the dancing is out of this world. I never realised how slick they were but they all dance so well.
The fan service is serving and it's delicious. I love Yungi and Woosan. I don't have a bias yet because frankly I'm greedy! Hongjoong is so, so pretty. Mingi has major kenergy and I love that for him. San's dancing has me by the throat. Yunho is one tall drink of water. Honestly, they all have great qualities and I'm interested to see where they go musically. I feel like a lot of groups are shifting in one way or another and the trend seems to be for something softer, cosier, uplifting.
I guess I'm an staytiny now. Is it a coincidence that I've cooled on Skz? I'm resisting the Charlie Puth collab even I like the song damnit. I refuse to enrich Zionists and there's an Israeli producer on it. For me it's a cultural boycott and I stand by it. I just want this promo to be over.
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crispyfryenperu · 24 days
22 August
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I was thinking about the poor donkey that died. It was super close to camp. I thought it was one of our groups’ donkeys or maybe the other group who is going at the same time as us. And I was really happy to find out it wasn’t. Apparently it died yesterday because it was exhausted and the young arrieros (like vaqueros i think) wanted the donkeys to move faster. 
I hope he’s in donkey heaven. At least our guide Yoder and our arrieros, Hilder and Wilbur, treat our donkeys better, and know how bad a dead donkey is for tourism. Or are they just saying that to make us and themselves feel better?
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When I arrived at camp today, after 7 hours of walking,  the guys were fitting the white stallion with his/her horseshoes. It seemed kind. At the same time, they know the value of their donkeys and how much of an economic investment they are. Treating them well is in everyone’s best interest.
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Yesterday we also saw a baby cow eating a plastic water bottle. She was too far away to reach, and ate the bottle in less than 10 seconds. The arrieros said that baby cow would die. It made me so angry. Why didn’t that baby cow know it shouldn’t eat plastic?? Why didn’t the older cows stop it? Why didn’t I sprint over there to stop it? The besero was so cute too, a white cow with many light brown spots. 
In school you always see photos of turtles and dolphins stuck with plastic around their necks, of flightless birds stuck in oil spills. We are missing pictures of baby cows eating plastic bottles. 
Then I wondered - that cow was being raised for slaughter anyways, so does it matter if it dies young? I know there are some awful, inhumane slaughter houses, and farms where cows live in mud and disease, eating manufactured feed. But the cows that live here in the Peruvian Andes are the ideal grass-fed, happy beef. They graze with beautiful views of the mountains, drinking fresh alpine water. Bothered only by large flies and the occasional condor. This baby cow in question had at least a year of happiness to look forward to. 
Another thing that’s melting and dying here are the snow-covered mountains who melt into rivers and form gorgeous alpine lakes at their feet. The absence of snow would eventually kill the lakes and the cordillera would be to barren for cows or backpackers. 
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Yoder has been running 8-day tours with donkeys for about 50 years. In fact, they used to be 14-day tours before they built more highways closer to the mountains. He describes global warming and the snow disappearing with anguish, “mi cordillera” he calls them lovingly. 
Change, just like death are inevitable for everything. In the sadness of change and death there are also new opportunities, growth, and joy. Yoder will show his grandchildren photos of his cordillera, covered in snow, lakes, and cows. The photos and the memories will carry on through his children, just as the people like me who were lucky enough to complete the hike will share photos and recount with awe a journey around the massive mountain range. 
We also saw another dead cow being eaten by condors, the legs of a a tiny cow who was eaten by vultures, and an Israeli man who died 2 months ago. This last death was tragic but possibly preventable - a young man who wanted to do an alpine route (meaning trekking in the higher more dangerous areas) along the mountain range, but didn’t want to follow marked paths, stay in specified camping areas, or go with a guide. He slipped trapiezeing over a very high, very steep, untraversable mountain.
Backstory/Recount of the Trip
In this post I am talking about an 8-day hiking trip I did with a few Peace Corps friends! We hired a guide (Yoder) who bought all the food, donkeys, tents, sleeping mats, for the four of us plus himself, and two young men called arrieros who would be in charge of packing up camp and trekking with the donkeys.
Every day we woke up at 6:00 am, and it was tough getting out of bed with the below freezing temperatures outside. We slept bundled up in the tents, but when it was time to wake up, we had to quickly pack our sleeping bags, blankets, and clothes, so that the arrieros could start organizing all of our stuff onto the respective donkey. We then ate breakfast in the kitchen tent: hot tea, fruit and yogurt, oatmeal, fried eggs, or pancakes on the last 3 days!  Everyone would make a final bathroom run - it was a pleasant surprise to find that this trek had real bathrooms in the campsites. But most of these bathrooms were a 5-10 minute walk. Then we’d take our elevation pill and slather on some sunscreen. We’d hike for 5-8 hours, stopping to eat our prepackaged snacks and fruit and again for lunch at a lookout. Lunch was always a delicious meal that Yoder would bring in his backpack accompanied by hot coca tea. We’d then arrive at the next campsite around 3 pm. Depending on how hard the hike had been, we might now take a nap, wash our hair or clothes in the river, or read or paint. That’s another thing, the trails were so dusty and our socks and feet were absolutely filthy every day! So I usually gave my legs a nice ice bath in the river after the hike. Then at about 4 pm we’d have “lonche” or a hot snack in the kitchen tent, and at 6 pm was dinner. Dinner was stressful to me as it always consisted of soup,  rice with a main course, and then dessert. After eating breakfast, snack, lunch, and lonche, it was difficult to eat such a big dinner. Sometimes after dinner we would play uno or listen to Ancashina legends from a book Santi bought. 
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The 8-day trek was an incredible experience and chance to disconnect from everything. 
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beangods · 4 months
1, 6, 11, 12
1. Zodiac sign
depending on how special i'm feeling, i'm either a sagittarius/scorpio cusp or a november sagittarius (like, the last possible day you could be considered a cusper).
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6. What I find attractive in men
i am le basic in terms of physical preferences---i usually go for the slim guys who are not inconveniently tall, OR very solidly built short guys. in terms of personality and overall vibes i am exclusively attracted to nerds, geeks, and dweebs. i pay attention to hands, teeth, and eyebrows, and i am #sink4source: my extremities are always cold, so my ideal guy would also double as a space heater so we could have thermal equilibrium. 2010s tumblr was formative to my sexuality so the day dyed white hair went out of fashion was my 9/11
11. My last night out, in detail
saturday afternoon and evening was entirely taken up by the DC pride parade. i went alone in the early afternoon, driving to the nearest metro station and taking the line in to the stop closest to the local sci-fi organization. it was hours before the parade, but i saw some german ladies who looked like they were going and a few other gay guys in rainbow corporate branded socks, one of whom left an empty brewski on the seat across from me. i threw it out at my transfer station and discovered my homemade brownie/cookie hybrids had been squashed a bit by the bottle of V8 splash i brought as a drink. whatever, i got to the sci-fi org meeting (in a gorgeous little brownstone) with time to spare.
i was the youngest guy there, and it was my first time attending a meetup, but it was really nice to be around older gay nerds who were having fun. two dudes left early to get a good spot to see the parade and hit up the circuit parties after; i left with the bulk of the sci fi guys and missed the dykes on bikes.
i ended up near the front of the crowd, but anything i caught i offered to people behind me because i didn't want any of that crap to keep. it was my first pride as a stealth gay man, and it was really . . . striking, i guess, how other dudes actually approached me and flirted with me or (in the case of the retirees) regaled me with tales of their own gay youth and what pride was like back in the 80s. there was one really beautiful strawberry blond with dark brown eyes who liked what he saw, but he was with friends and nothing much could have happened anyway.
the parade itself was disgustingly corporate; there were a few pro-palestine signs and one smugly homonationalist one from the israeli column, but also . . . three grocery store chains, not even decked out. after a certain point i'd had enough and went back to watch the guys play board games.
i ended up going on a walk around the block with the host and one of the oldest dudes there, who told me about the neighborhood and what it was like 20 years ago, and everything about original receptions to star wars. we passed through a block party and around several groups of revelers before ending up back at the house, and i finally got to play a game of unearth, which involved dice and hexagonal tiles.
i did socialize a bit, had fun, and walked out of there with 5 skeins of yarn and three professional contacts i still have to follow up on. emails.
got out of there a bit after 10pm and passed three lines into clubs on my way back to the metro. i probably would have had fun if i'd gone in, but i had no cash and a long way home, and i was worried about being stranded at the transfer station. luckily the lines run til 1am on saturdays, but even after getting back to my car i still had a forty-minute drive home in the dark with only weird saturday night radio for company.
i arrived shortly after midnight and spent a solid few minutes stargazing, trying to find the milky way. i'm on a farm, so we do see a lot of stars, but we're still only 30 minutes away from anywhere that's anywhere and light pollution keeps getting worse with all the construction going up around us.
anyway yeah that was the last time i "went out" for fun.
12. My favorite book
hmmmmmmmmm right now probablyyyyyyyy hold me closer necromancer by lish mcbride. that's a very tenuous position as i don't really have that many favorites though
ask meme 51 questions!
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Music Monday: Latest Music Tracks of This Week!
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Welcome to the ultimate dancefloor experience, meticulously curated by music editor Adam Humphries. Prepare to ignite your soul and unleash your inner groove with this precision-curated playlist. Featuring recently released upbeat tracks, this selection guarantees a non-stop music extravaganza that will leave you breathless. Get ready to dance like there’s no tomorrow and embark on an unforgettable week of electrifying beats and unstoppable moves. Let the music be your guide and let the rhythm take control! International project THE ELIALI PROJECT release gorgeous third single 'Virtuality' Israeli singer songwriter has teamed up with highly acclaimed musician, Lucky Ali to create what can only be described as something quite extraordinary. Acoustic yet raw and heartfelt, Virtuality is a gem which has gone viral in the Indian continent, and it's not hard to see why. He may not be well known over here yet but this song is a great introduction for him  https://open.spotify.com/track/1RLm2JvBrBQGwEUKv982A9?si=57ab6eb5514445c2 ERIN K releases cathartic new single 'Goodbye Song' If break up songs can make for great listening then this little sparkler of a song is no exception. American British singer songwriter writes about an end of a relationship yet is not downbeat about it. If anything, the Goodbye Song is interestingly upbeat and has that infectious element where it's more uplifting than down hearted  https://open.spotify.com/track/6XVEtNIaCKIMvHD54cGlKj?si=dbf75c25b2704591 https://youtu.be/hGY8W1120KM Former Noah & The Whale guitarist Fred Abbott announces new album as Fred Abbott & The Wild Unknown! - Shining Under the Soot Every so often indie-rock gives you that one track which is an absolute banger of a gem, and this is definitely that. What Kind of Trouble is testament to Fred Abbott's musical genius as both a songwriter and musician. It remains faithful to his music background in indie but shows us what he's about as an artist  https://open.spotify.com/album/310pfrsgGV5GpfVke62Dv3?si=ZAMKJp9iS0ubw9cEd8oFiQ https://youtu.be/jXXsmBcpf2Q MULL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Announces Brand New Album: 'In My Mind There's A Room' (21 July) Commencing next month and for five select dates, Mull Historical Society showcases their latest album In My Mind.  If you are an avid fan of these guys then this is a must for you. Full details on tour dates and the album below MULL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - 'IN MY MIND THERE'S A ROOM' - TRACKLISTING:  NOT ENOUGH SORRY – Jennifer Clement FEATURING GUEST CONTRIBUTIONS FROM:  IAN RANKIN / NICK HORNBY / JACQUELINE WILSON + MORE PRE-ORDER HERE https://tinyurl.com/56ehfm6j 1952 – Liz Lochhead WAKE UP SALLY – Alan Warner KELSHABEG – Sebastian Barry PANICKED FEATHERS – Nick Hornby THE RED FLAME DINER – Stephen Kelman SOMEBODY ELSE'S LIFE – Jacqueline Wilson MY BEDROOM WAS MY ROCKET – Ian Rankin SEEDS – James Robertson MELTWATER – Jackie Kay ALL EMPTY ROOMS MUST BE MOURNED – Jason Mott ROOM OF MASKS – Val McDermid ANAGLYPTA – Liz Lochhead MEMORIES OF MULL – Angus MacIntyre Mull Historical Society / Colin MacIntyre - 2023 Live dates 3rd June - HAY Festival  https://www.hayfestival.com/p-20266-colin-macintyre-aka-mull-historical-society.aspx - 17th June - Borders Book Fest — with crime writer Val McDermid  - 29th July - MHS Belladrum - 4th Aug - MHS Edinburgh Festival Fringe @ Summerhall  - Sept - Wigtown Book Fest  - 27th Oct - Tobermory Book Fest  Read the full article
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acura1ntegurl · 2 years
The Best Sex Of My Life: Whirlwind Weekend Romance In Lisbon
A sordid tale about sex and passion
A gorgeous British girl and a sexy Israeli guy meet in the heart of Lisbon. He passes her a tube of hair gel; they briefly speak, and he walks her partway back home. Following his act of kindness from the day before, she’s keen to see him, so she invites him to the beach. The weekend is ahead of them, romance and passion follow, leading her to the orgasm of all orgasms. Could he be the 10 she was…
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israelihunks · 2 years
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darke15 · 3 years
been thinking about this for a while sooo just as a fun thought experiment:
how do you envision each characters voice? alpha 1 & 2, boone and duke?? any specific references to certain people who you hear when they speak >:)
Ohhhhhhhhhh good question Val!
I can def hear their voices in my head that doesn't sound so good outta context does it?
But it's hard to describe. A lotta times it's who I face cast them as
Alpha One
Weston : Liam Neeson
There's just something about this motherfucker's voice, probs because he played Hannibal in A-Team, that sounds like a seasoned Commander.
Weston would have a raspy voice, something he gained from his cigar addiction, but it would also be cool, calm, and collected even in the middle of battle.
You'd be able to hear him from across the room, even when he's using his inside voice.
Danny : Edgar Ramirez
Have you heard this man's accent? Ughhhhhhhhh gorgeous
Danny would have a thick Spanish accent, something that almost rivals Jaime Camil's voice (yes I know he's from Mexico and Danny's from Spain and the accents are different, just stick with me here)
His voice is smooth and silky, he's someone that you wouldn't talking your ear off just to hear his voice.
Turner : toss-up between Michael Ealy // Idris Elba
This one I'm iffy on, I picture his voice as playful when he's with Alpha 1, almost being light and chill but it turns stern when he becomes the Senator
I picture there's a Southern lilt to it, he grew up in New Orleans after all, and he's eloquent and soft-spoken.
Oop, just thought of an almost voice. Charles Michael Davis, the guy who plays Marcel in the originals
Ollie : Joseph Mazzello
Again, iffy on this one
His voice is light and slightly in the best way nerdy? I hear his voice as light, almost a timid whisper most of the time.
Alpha 2
Duke : ????
I honestly don't have a good answer for this one, I'm still not happy with who I face cast Duke with
I picture Duke's voice as deep and a little gruff at times but still soft when he needs to be.
Boonie : ????
I'm still on the fence with her face cast and her voice is...unique
There's an obvious Western drawl, it's light and just a bit sultry but not too much
Jack : Henry Cavill
I picture his voice like Cavill's in M:I Fallout, deep and can be a bit serious at times
except when he's with duke and he's relaxed
Raffa : Justin Baldoni // ???
When Raffa is working, he's got a really smooth, professional voice.
When he's not, he talks like he's from the hood...because he is. He laughs a lot and throws around a lot of slang
Belov : Armie Hammer (Man from UNCLE)
Belov's voice is deeply accented and low, there's always the verge of a growl on the edge of his voice
Zac : Justin H. Min
Just like Oliver, I picture Zac's voice as light but it's a little deeper and less timid.
It's often a little hoarse, he goes for hours (sometimes days) without socializing
Jesse : Naomi Harris
I really don't know how to describe her voice except for Harris' voice in Skyfall, Spectre, and No Time to Die
Last, but certainly not least, everyone's favorite grumpy teddy bear :
Ari : Jon Bernthal // ???
This one is probably the hardest to describe. I hear his voice as deep, dark, accented, gruff, and slightly monotoned
His Israeli accent is thick and he doesn't try to hide it
or OR if you wanna get crazy, you can picture me voicing all of them, out loud, accents and all, like a psychopath, as I pace through the house trying to get dialogue down. ya know, whatever you want.
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the-real-slim-shady · 3 years
Life update ig??
Hey guys so i haven't been on here in like forever and I don't even know who's still like checking my posts lol but anyways i just wanted to reassure the general public that I'm not dead, much to my chagrin, but I wanted to just lyk what's going on with my life if anyone was curious but if not then move on with your own life ig
I don't even know what was like going on in my life the last time I was on here, but currently life is actually pretty ok. About last month I had like a complete nervous breakdown and my parents were like oh shit we have to do something so now I'm taking zoloft for my anxiety and depression, and it's been really helping, I also go to therapy once a week and my therapist is this like 50 year old israeli lesbian with short hair and she's awesome.
My anxiety's been getting a lot worse since I was last here, which seems ironic, like isn't your anxiety supposed to go away when you get off social media?? But anyways, yeah it's been pretty shitty but like I said, the zoloft is really helping. I have a lot of shit going on with my friends, some people in my friend group (and by that i mean one person specifically) is just being a gigantic asshole to my best friend and she's like the leader of the friend group so now my best friend and me by proxy are kind of excluded from the whole group.
I've also been in love with my best friend for like years now which is so fucking terrible for so many reasons because I know for a literal fact that she doesn't like me back, and she's one of those fucking people where like everyone likes them, you know? She's just charismatic (i can't think of a better word lol) like she's magnetic and people are drawn to her and she's easy to talk to and it doesn't help that she's completely fucking gorgeous but I digress
OH also one of my friends turned out to be lying about having abusive parents but like she has really bad anxiety and is probably on the autism spectrum and I think the only reason she's lying is because she thinks I won't care about her if her problems arent' bad enough so i'm still hanging out with her because i want to support her because she's clearly struggling and i want to support her
But yeah, that's basically everything important going on in my life rn, hope this was entertaining and informative lol, thank you for listening to my Ted Talk
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spicycurrycrab · 3 years
Last week I was able to do some gallery hopping in the city (with a few of our classmates & Professor Kirstensen), and we came across a few artists that stood out to me. The first is Guy Yanai, an Israeli artist whose signature style consists of singular brush strokes across the canvas. Vivid colors take up the entire composition, and work well with eachother to create balance. The press release mentioned that his pieces for this exhibition came from serene stills from a French movie, titled Les Choses de la Vie, or in English, The Things of Life.
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Another artist that peaked my interest was Norbert Brunner. His gorgeous glass installations captured my attention, not only because of the brilliance of Swarovski Crystals, but also my reflection incorporated into it. Brunner layers his materials to say short, bold phrases like "believe," "now," and "authentic," but it can only be seen by the viewer if they're standing at a certain angle. The concept is incredible to me, because it creates an interactive experience for the viewer, and makes it more intimate, as to say the message was specifically for them.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 3 years
I wanted to do a more in-depth ranking of my faves from yesterday.
So I give my 1 point to Australia
I liked her outfit I liked the rainbowy colours and honestly I loved her spirit. Performing miles away from everybody else must have sucked but she did her best and I think that's what matters.
I give my 2 points to Sweden
I'm one of those people that always complain about Sweden being extremely basic but still doing consistently well... But at the same time their basic songs have this "homey" and "familiar" feeling to them so I can't ignore them.
I give my 3 points to Belgium
I see everyone giving so much shit to Hooverphonic for being "boring" or "basic" or for the band members, and particularly the lead lady, being too old and I say fuck that. Yes they were too "mild" for Eurovision but there were far worse entries competing and you guys ate it the fuck up and even got them in the final and I'm sure the second semi will be much worse because the majority of those entries are actually boring. Hooverphonic was good.
I give my 4 points to Romania
A shame she didn't qualify because the song was good and she seemed so nice. Not to mention that if this was from a Western or Northern European country you guys would have already turned her into a superstar... A pity.
I give my 5 points to Croatia
I was so confident she would make it but when I saw both Israel and Belgium (that were both kind of on the verge of not making it) did qualify I went "Uh-oh"
A bop will not be forgotten, and I'm glad to see we actually all seem to agree on her being robbed.
My 6 points go to Malta
I don't have much to say about Malta other than the fact that it's an obvious bop and that I admire Destiny's emotional and mental maturity despite only being eighteen! The way she's been handling all the fatshaming comments since her first rehearsal is remarkable!
Go girl!
My 7 points go to Russia
Manizha's performance was so fun! And I really love her passion and energy both on and off stage! She's amazing and Russia sending a feminist song I think is pretty important.
Now... With all that being said, Russia as a country is notorious for handling a lot of things in a very shitty way, from LGBT rights to the ongoing situation with Ukraine, among other things, so even though I think Manizha is wonderful and her message should be heard, I won't be voting for Russia in the final, as a means of protest against their shitty policies.
My 8 points go to Azerbaijan
The song is so catchy! And Efendi is GORGEOUS, if there's one thing I can't hold against TIX is him being obsessed with her! Now, for the same reasons explained above I won't be voting for Azerbaijan either. Love the song, love Efendi but that's it. And I'm actually surprised by Europe's tiny attention span. A lot of people complain about Israel and straight up booed them but apparently it seems Europe thinks what's happening between Armenia and Azerbaijan is okay? Or did you forget already?
And again, DO NOT hate Eden Alene for being Israeli, do not hate Efendi for being Azerbaijani, do not hate Manizha for being Russian etc. It's not the artists' fault.
Sure you can dislike certain artists or songs, I really can't stand TIX, Jendrik and Gjon's Tears for example, but not because of the countries they represent.
Okay, I think I got all the controversial stuff out of the way so moving on with my 10 points which I give to Ukraine!
I've been obsessed with Go_A since last year and I'm so so glad that not only they returned but they also outdid themselves! Loved their performance!
And finally, my 12 points of course go to Cyprus!
Yes a Greek giving 12 points to Cyprus, how original but, honestly? The Nordic countries consistently do the same and so do the German-speaking ones and many other cliques yet you fuckers only boo us. And sure go ahead and boo Greece getting 12 points from Cyprus because most of our latest entries don't even deserve 1 point from Cyprus or anyone else but Cyprus has had a major fucking glowup since 2018 with Eleni Foureira and Fuego so you will shut the fuck up and respect Cyprus or you're gonna catch these hands.
Now, about the song and the performance itself, I really love the staging and the outfits and the makeup and the dancing and the song itself. Elena's accent in English is another thing though because it's not Greek, it's not British, it's not American it's just weird. But the song slaps so I can deal with it.
That's all for now~
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krispyalpacaduck · 4 years
Music Lessons With The Devil
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Lucifer x OC fic
Rating: T, for mentions of sex (For now)
A/N: I have not written in a very long time so apologies if it’s rusty. 
Isra is introduced to Lucifer through Chloe Decker to be his accompanying violinist when he plays piano. She immediately does not like him as he is the very thing she moved to a big city like LA to get away from. He’s just like all the rest: chauvinistic, full of himself, believes he’s God’s gift to women, gorgeous, perfect, and that accent… *clears throat*
Isra feels like she’s been marked from her first meeting with Lucifer and will do anything to keep it PC and not end up another notch on his bed post… or a victim of another handsome man who wasn’t what he seemed.
Can she resist his charms? Or will he slowly chip away the ice wall she’s built around herself?
“So! I think I found you an accompanist.” Chloe said brightly with a smile as she met me at the table, a CD sliding across the smooth surface.
I snatched out my hand to catch it. “Is that so? Who is it?”
“The LAPD’s civilian consultant.”
I scoffed. “You guys have one of those?”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I told you about him, like, months ago.”
“Oh that’s right you di- Wait…. isn’t he the one you’re always complaining about?”
Chloe blew out a deep breath, her eyes wide. “That’s the one.”
“If he gets on your nerves… I’m in trouble.”
Chloe lightly punched me. “Knock it off. Even we need help sometimes and he has a unique way of looking at things.”
Scoffing lightly, I said, “I’m sure he does. I assume you have the general idea first and then he takes over and acts like it’s his?”
Chloe laughed. “You know, you really should think of coming in as a psychoanalyst.”
I laughed. “I’m perfectly happy as a music teacher, Chlo.”
“Anyway, he mentioned wanting to find an accompanist the other day and I immediately thought of you and he said he wanted to meet you. Test out your skills.”
I sighed, kicking my feet up and crossing my arms at my chest.
“So… who is he? Other than a civilian consultant, what else does he do? What does he play?”
“He plays piano and sings and…” She looked nervous, biting her lip.
“Come on, Chlo. Spill it.”
Inhaling deeply, she breathed out, “He owns a nightclub in LA.”
I went still, narrowing my eyes. Her behavior was odd.
“What’s his name?”
She said it, mumbling low under her breath.
“Can’t hear you Chloe.”
I blinked for a few seconds, then started laughing hysterically. Chloe laughed along, looking nervous.
“The LAPD’s consultant is Lucifer Morningstar. As in the owner of LUX Lucifer Morningstar and he wants to meet me? The absolute last person on the face of the Earth I would want to meet, let alone play with, wants to meet me?”  
“Is…It’s not a joke.”
The smile on my face slowly faded. “You can’t be serious, Chlo. Men like him and myself do not get along. It’s not going to work, Chlo. I appreciate you thinking of me, but I can’t.”
She folded her hands together and rested her chin on them. “I know how he seems. But just… just give him a chance.”
I suddenly remembered the CD under my hand.
“What is this?”
“Recordings of his piano playing. So you have an idea.”
“I’ll think about it.”
She tsked. “Meet me at LUX tonight at 9 if you change your mind.”
Chloe got up and left, patting me on the shoulder as she walked by.
Later that night, I was standing at the bar with Chloe inside LUX. The club was full of dancing, gyrating, sweaty bodies. I was severely under dressed.
“Is this going to be too much for you?” Chloe yelled over the music.
“You’re asking me that now?!”
Chloe gave an apologetic smile.
A pretty, dark haired, scary looking woman gave Chloe a nod and set two glasses down and poured a dark liquid into it.
“Who are you?” She asked unashamed.
I watched the woman rake her eyes over me slowly.
“What kind of name is that?”
“It’s my name.”
“Pretty stupid name.”
Chloe moved to try to get the woman to back off. My hand shot out in front of her.
“It’s fine, Chlo.”
“How did she even get in here anyway? Dressed like that?” The woman asked.
I looked down at what I was wearing. A red, form fitting turtleneck and skinny jeans, purple hair straightened perfectly. I could see why she said that since every other woman there was half-naked. As much skin showing as was possible without being too indecent.
If there was such a thing in this place. I scoff internally.
“I dress for comfort. Not attention.” I said with a saccharine smile.
She scowled at me before she looked back to Chloe.
Chloe looked proud of herself as she addressed the bartender.
“Isra has an appointment with Lucifer, Maze.”
“Appointment, huh? Looking like that? I doubt it.” Maze sighed heavily. “Whatever. Doesn’t she have to sign the list first? To reserve a spot?”
I nearly choked.
Chloe turned to me then, her hands up defensively.
“It’s not like that!”
To the woman named Maze, she said, “Maze, Isra is here to try out as Luci’s accompanist.”
Maze snarled and rolled her eyes.
I took the glass and knocked back the liquid, shuddering as I reached my arm back for another one. I heard Maze scoff as she took it from my hand. The glass was slammed down onto the counter next to me seconds later, the liquor splashing over the edge, her fingers white knuckled around it.
I looked toward the sound of the voice and was immediately sucked in.
“Oh, sweet Jesus. It’s worse than I thought.” Every sense in my body went off like a nuclear alarm. Chloe turned to me, looking concerned.
Apparently I went so still the woman behind the bar was poking me in the back.
“Did she die?” The woman asked sarcastically.
Lucifer came into view, laughing cheekily at the detective before giving her a quick hug.
“Hey Lucifer.”
He nodded to the woman behind the counter as she handed him a glass.
He knocked back the liquid quickly, inhaling afterwards. His eyes met mine.
“Oh. Hello. Have we met?” His smile was devilish.
He was charming. Drop dead friggin’ gorgeous to boot. And that accent… The very thing I had run away from and my best friend had just dragged me right back in. I tried to remember the list thing Maze brought up and things Chloe had told me.
Chloe was beaming at him. “Lucifer, this is Isra. The violinist I was telling you about.”
“Lucifer Morningstar. Charmed. I’m excited about this. You know, I’ve played for all the greats. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin.”
“You mean, you’ve played their music.”
“Oh good gravy, no. Who do you think they were inspired by?”
I was thankful he didn’t offer his hand to shake. I probably wouldn’t have taken it if he had.
I tried to smile as sweetly as I could. Odd answer but whatever. “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Morningstar.”
“Please. Lucifer will do.”
Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my violin and motioned to the piano.
“So, shall we?”
“Please, after you.” Lucifer said, his arm outstretched with a wide smile on his face.
“You got this, Isra!” Chloe shouted after me.
I wanted to run. Far away and was about to when I looked up and saw Chloe and how happy she was.
Damn this bleeding heart. I blew a stray strand of hair out of my face before I got my violin out and prepped.
Lucifer sat at the piano, a blue light surrounding him as he played a piece called Petricor by Ludovico Einaudi. I knew him well. Listened to him all the time.
“Before we begin tonight, I’d like to introduce you to the wonderful Isra who will accompany me tonight.”
The club around us was silent. I watched Lucifer carefully as he played. It was so easy to get sucked into that gorgeous face as I watched his fingers play the keys softly. I looked back at the bar to see Chloe with a huge smile on her face and a big thumbs up. Taking a deep breath, I put the bow to the violin.  
Music is the only thing in life I allow to have complete control over me. It’s always affected me differently, even at an early age. Closing my eyes when I started to play was an involuntarily response. I felt it allowed for a total immersion experience. If you can’t see to be distracted by something, you’re more comfortable and are able to let the music flow out of you as it is supposed to. Case in point, tonight it was helping me to play in front of a crowd. My heart swelled as the song picked up, the feeling reminding me how good it felt to play with someone else and not a recording.
He went into Violin Sonata’s No.5 Spring in F Major, Spring I Allegro movement and I relished playing a classic. He was phenomenal on the piano. I relished the feeling of goosebumps from being in perfect harmony with him and right now they were like a swarm of angry bees all over me. For a time I forgot I was playing in a nightclub and began to dance around like I would at home. You can’t blame me, there’s a particular part of that movement that is so light and upbeat you can’t help but dance to it. Or at the very least move your head to.
I don’t know what made me open my eyes, but I wished I hadn’t. He was looking right at me. Felt like he was staring right into my soul, like all that existed right then was him and I playing together. All self-consciousness I had felt in a panic at realizing I was in LUX was gone when I stared right back at him with a smile on my face as I danced around the piano while he played.  
Music had that kind of effect. It was like people who got a divorce but still had sex, willing to suffer each other just for the pleasure. That’s how my relationship with Lucifer would be. Just two people who enjoy making music playing together. And that’s it.
Lucifer decided to kick it up a notch by going into Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Summer III movement. Took me just a second to catch on and then I was note for note with him. A devious smile played on his lips, as he stared at me while changing tactics, trying to trip me up, jumping between the Four Seasons pieces. I saw that he was impressed and before you ask, yes I let it go to my head a bit. How could a girl not with a man like him? This was not the type of man who impressed easily.
We finished playing together, breathing heavily. He had gotten into it more than I had realized. The whole place went up in applause as Lucifer came over taking my hand and bowed with me. The touch was electric, like a shock to the whole body. He stared at me a few moments, a unique expression in his eyes before bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it. He smiled, turning to walk away, one hand on the back of his head, the other in his pocket.
“Sorry, everyone. Got a little carried away! Carry on!”
I took a quick look at my bow. Still good for one more. “And I know just the one to do. Let’s test the Devil, shall we?” After all, this was a den of sin. I had a feeling he would know right away what it was.
I caught one of the bartenders walking back from the back room and asked him to tell the DJ to hold the music for just a little bit longer and to change the light to red if they could. He said he would and I thanked him. I climbed up onto the piano, sitting with my legs crossed directly in the center, my silhouette the only thing visible in the blue light around me. I glanced up at the DJ booth to see the bartender whispering in the guy’s ear. He looked annoyed, but took his headphones off and walked away from his turntable. Lucifer was at the bar, his back to me while he chatted with Maze and Chloe.  I started to play the opening notes to Violin Sonata in G Minor, also known as The Devil’s Trill. The light behind me flared red, bathing me in what felt like Hell fire.
I watched him turn quickly, drink halfway to his lips as we locked eyes. “That’s…” He damn near dropped the glass as he stared.
A sinister smile played on my lips. All account of the music, I swear. Music had a way of swaying my emotions to what I was playing. He looked entranced as he walked back to the piano, standing right in front of me.
“Cheeky monkey.” He said.
As the Allergo movement started, I hopped off the piano, dancing around. He seemed to snap out of his reverie and sat down at the piano to join me in accompaniment.
I played my heart out, not aware of when I last felt like this. When the piece slowed down, I sat down next to him on the piano bench fully entranced in the music, eyes closed. As the slow, soft prose came to an end, I felt his hand on my face, cupping it gently. When I opened my eyes, he was a breath away from my lips.
Backing up suddenly, leaving his hand cupping empty air, the next part of the piece picked up and I immediately jumped up, twirling around the piano. As I passed by him, I swear it was a trick of the light, but his eyes were red. Glowing fire embers like…
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I moved around him, using the piano bench to loft myself up onto the piano. I was wearing no-scuff shoes, don’t worry. I stood there in the red light, playing the violin only part of the piece without a care in the world. Playing for the Devil like it would save my soul.
I turned to Lucifer. He was staring at me with wonder and fascination. I turned up my eyebrow as if to say Did I pass your test?
He got a genuine smile on his face then and laughed. It was such a pure expression. Chuckling, I turned my head and looked at Chloe. Anything to avoid looking at his face for too long. She had tears in her eyes.
Lucifer joined in for the final prose as the song ended. I sat down and was eye to eye with him as we finished the song, once again, a breath away from each other. As if on cue, the light cut out and we were bathed in darkness, the sound of our breathing drowned out by the roar of applause and yells from Chloe.
Then dance music cued right back up, the patrons happy to be dancing after the interruption. It was going to take a while to come down from the high I was on. I laughed as I looked at my bow. It was destroyed.
“It was worth it.”
Packing up my stuff, I turned to go meet Chloe at the bar but was met by Lucifer. He stared at me for a few moments, mouth opening and closing but no words came out.
Finally, he just did a deep bow. When he came back up, I gave him a genuine smile and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I bowed back.
Chloe ran up then, embracing me in a tight hug.
“Oh, my God! That was incredible!”
I suddenly forgot Lucifer was standing there and just gushed to my best friend.
With a little squeal I said, “I haven’t felt like that in years! Look! Look at my hands! I’m shaking! Feel, feel, feel!”
Chloe laughed as she took my shaking hand into hers.
“I don’t think my legs can handle my weight right now either.” I said with a laugh.
“Let’s get you to a seat, hon.” Chloe said, guiding me to the bar.
I nearly collapsed into the seat, trying to get my shaking under control. I loved adrenaline rushes, but the crash afterwards was a bitch.
“I’m going to get one more for the road and then I’m gonna head out.” I told Chloe.
“Aww, already?”
“The adrenaline rush I just had is going to make me crash like nobody’s business and it’s an early morning at the college.” Looking to my case, I said, “Aaannndddd I have to buy a new bow because I totally trashed this one tonight.”
As if on cue, Lucifer set 3 glasses down and poured liquor into them. He looked at me with a smile on his face, still at a loss for words.
“See? Didn’t I tell you she was good?”
Lucifer didn’t get a chance to respond before a security guard came over asking to see him upstairs.
“I’m sorry. I have to go attend to this. We’ll catch up soon!”
Chloe had a knowing smile on her face, her hand holding her head up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Chloe hugged me super tight, her hands cupping my head. “I’m so proud of you. You were incredible tonight!”
“Thanks. I have you to thank for that. You always know what I need when I need it.”
“Hey, get home safely and let me know when you get there!”
“Yes, mom!” I joked.
“Come on. I’ll walk you out.”
Lucifer appeared behind Chloe, watching me get into an Uber, spooking her when he said on a breath, “It may be a bit early to say for sure but… I think I’m in love, Detective.”
Tag List: @ayanna-wild​; @using-our-made-up-names​
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