#gordon moore
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rotor25 · 2 years ago
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aurianneor · 2 months ago
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Laut dem jüngsten Bericht des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) über Energiesubventionen „entfallen 85 Prozent aller weltweiten Subventionen auf fossile Brennstoffe“, und ein Abbau dieser Subventionen „hätte die weltweiten Kohlenstoffemissionen um 28 Prozent und die Todesfälle aufgrund von Luftverschmutzung durch fossile Brennstoffe um 46 Prozent gesenkt und die Staatseinnahmen um 3,8 Prozent des BIP erhöht“.
– 11 milliards d’euros de subventions pour les énergies fossiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to6BLANo9YI&feature=youtu.be
– 10 millions de dollars par minute: Le montant des subventions aux énergies fossiles dans le monde – Novethic: https://www.novethic.fr/actualite/energie/energies-fossiles/isr-rse/10-millions-de-dollar-par-minute-le-montant-des-subventions-aux-energies-fossiles-dans-le-monde-143683.html
Wir alle zahlen den doppelten Preis für fossile Brennstoffe. Nicht nur zahlen Privatpersonen und Unternehmen an der Zapfsäule eine hohe Steuer, sondern als Steuerzahler werden mit ihren Steuern auch massiv Mittelsmänner, Korruption, die Destabilisierung von Regimen und sogar Ölkriege finanziert.
– Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large: An Update Based on Country-Level Estimates | International Monetary Fund (IMF): https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2019/05/02/Global-Fossil-Fuel-Subsidies-Remain-Large-An-Update-Based-on-Country-Level-Estimates-46509
– Le pétrole facteur de violence politique – cairn.info: https://www.cairn.info/revue-ecologie-et-politique1-2007-1-page-33.htm
– Pétrole, une guerre d’un siècle. L’ordre mondial anglo-américain: https://www.iris-france.org/note-de-lecture/petrole-une-guerre-dun-siecle-lordre-mondial-anglo-americain/
Basic guide to corruption and anti-corruption in oil, gas, and mining sectors: https://www.u4.no/topics/oil-gas-and-mining/basics
António Guterres, griff im Mai 2024 die Verwendung von Subventionen an und erklärte: „Was wir tun, ist, das Geld der Steuerzahler – also unser Geld – zu verwenden, um Wirbelstürme zu fördern, Dürren auszuweiten, Gletscher zu schmelzen und Korallen zu bleichen. Mit einem Wort, um die Welt zu zerstören“.(“What we are doing is using taxpayers’ money – which means our money – to boost hurricanes, to spread droughts, to melt glaciers, to bleach corals. In one word – to destroy the world.”) Steuern subventionieren die Zerstörung des Planeten, anstatt ihn zu retten.
Die Klimaaktivisten Greta Thunberg und George Monbiot sowie viele andere, darunter das Gordon Moore Institute, werben für einen Drei-Punkte-Ansatz zur Lösung der Klimanotlage: schützen (protect), abstimmen (vote), finanzieren (fund).
– Nature Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S14SjemfAg
Beim „Fund“-Ansatz würde die Umleitung von nur 10 % der Subventionen für fossile Brennstoffe den Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien finanzieren und diese für die Verbraucher wirtschaftlich vorteilhaft machen.
S6C2 : MOOC Transitions énergétique et écologique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2tc8dsz4BA&feature=youtu.be
Insight from Brussels: Taxing times for diesel in Europe – S&P Global: https://www.spglobal.com/en/research-insights/articles/insight-from-brussels-taxing-times-for-diesel-in-europe
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-according-to-the-latest-international/
Financer: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-selon-le-dernier-rapport-du-fonds-monetaire/
Financiar: https://www.aurianneor.org/financiar/
Ă–koterrorismus: https://www.aurianneor.org/okoterrorismus/
Effektive Ă–kologie: https://www.aurianneor.org/effektive-okologie/
Ein Leben in WĂĽrde fĂĽhren: https://www.aurianneor.org/ein-leben-in-wurde-fuhren/
Die reichsten 1% fĂĽhren Krieg gegen den Rest der Welt: https://www.aurianneor.org/die-reichsten-1-fuhren-krieg-gegen-den-rest-der-welt/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-energy-makes-life-possible-bill-gates/
The artistic blur of ecological cars: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-artistic-blur-of-ecological-cars-i-what-this/
Free public transport: https://www.aurianneor.org/free-public-transport/
Zero emission transport: https://www.aurianneor.org/zero-emission-transport/
Hydrogen-powered aircraft: https://www.aurianneor.org/hydrogen-powered-aircraft/
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persephone-nymph · 10 months ago
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Thurston Moore, Sonic Youth performing at Maxwell’s Tavern, NJ, 2005
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dailydccomics · 1 year ago
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Kory being the one to ACTUALLY save Dick instead of just standing around or imprisoning him >>> Titans #7 art by Travis Moore
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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Gordon Moore, 1929-2023 Gordon Moore, the pioneering engineer, co-founder of Intel and eponymous author of the famous law observing that the number of components per integrated circuit doubles every two years, is dead at 94. Strictly speaking, Moore's observation referred to the doubling of transistors on a semiconductor. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/26/gordon-moore-1929-2023.html
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theeleventhsignofthezodiac · 2 years ago
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Unknown Photographer - Gordon Moore
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bak3lite · 2 years ago
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thewitfire · 2 years ago
Intel Co-Founder Gordon Moore Passes Away at 94
Intel Co-Founder Gordon Moore Passes Away at 94. #GordonMoore #Intel #Semiconductor #Microprocessor #MooresLaw #SiliconValley #TechnologyPioneer
Intel Co-Founder Gordon Moore Passes Away at 94: Gordon Moore, the iconic co-founder of semiconductor giant Intel, has passed away at 94. His groundbreaking role in developing the microprocessor industry that underlies modern computing devices such as computers and smartphones was memorialized by family members at his home in Hawaii. Moore co-founded Intel in 1968, after spending time at…
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octoxicash · 20 days ago
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old and unfinished stuff i never posted again.... thinking abt them alot lately... trying to convince my friend to watch hlvrai so that they get it... i miss my pet freaks....
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jetslay · 1 year ago
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DC Women by Travis Moore.
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call-me-oracle · 9 months ago
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look at how cute they are together
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aurianneor · 2 months ago
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Según el último informe del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) sobre subvenciones a la energía, «los combustibles fósiles representan el 85% de todas las subvenciones mundiales», y la reducción de estas subvenciones «habría reducido las emisiones mundiales de carbono en un 28% y las muertes por contaminación atmosférica causada por combustibles fósiles en un 46%, y habría aumentado los ingresos públicos en un 3,8% del PIB».
– 11 milliards d’euros de subventions pour les énergies fossiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to6BLANo9YI&feature=youtu.be
– 10 millions de dollars par minute: Le montant des subventions aux énergies fossiles dans le monde – Novethic: https://www.novethic.fr/actualite/energie/energies-fossiles/isr-rse/10-millions-de-dollar-par-minute-le-montant-des-subventions-aux-energies-fossiles-dans-le-monde-143683.html
Todos pagamos dos veces por los combustibles fĂłsiles. No sĂłlo los particulares y las empresas pagan un elevado impuesto en el gasolinera, sino que, como contribuyentes, sus impuestos se utilizan para financiar masivamente a intermediarios, la corrupciĂłn, la desestabilizaciĂłn de regĂ­menes e incluso las guerras del petrĂłleo.
– Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large: An Update Based on Country-Level Estimates | International Monetary Fund (IMF): https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2019/05/02/Global-Fossil-Fuel-Subsidies-Remain-Large-An-Update-Based-on-Country-Level-Estimates-46509
– Le pétrole facteur de violence politique – cairn.info: https://www.cairn.info/revue-ecologie-et-politique1-2007-1-page-33.htm
– Pétrole, une guerre d’un siècle. L’ordre mondial anglo-américain: https://www.iris-france.org/note-de-lecture/petrole-une-guerre-dun-siecle-lordre-mondial-anglo-americain/
Basic guide to corruption and anti-corruption in oil, gas, and mining sectors: https://www.u4.no/topics/oil-gas-and-mining/basics
António Guterres criticó el uso de subvenciones en mayo de 2024: «Lo que estamos haciendo es utilizar el dinero de los contribuyentes -nuestro dinero- para fomentar huracanes, prolongar sequías, derretir glaciares, blanquear corales. En resumen, para destruir el mundo».  (“What we are doing is using taxpayers’ money – which means our money – to boost hurricanes, to spread droughts, to melt glaciers, to bleach corals. In one word – to destroy the world.”) Los impuestos subvencionan la destrucción del planeta en lugar de salvarlo
Los defensores del clima Greta Thunberg y George Monbiot, junto con muchos otros, incluido el Instituto Gordon Moore, promueven un triple enfoque para resolver la emergencia climática: proteger (protect), votar (vote) y financiar (fund)
– Nature Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S14SjemfAg
En cuanto al planteamiento del «fondo», desviar sólo el 10% de las subvenciones a los combustibles fósiles permitiría financiar el paso a las energías renovables y hacerlas económicamente ventajosas para los consumidores.
S6C2 : MOOC Transitions énergétique et écologique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2tc8dsz4BA&feature=youtu.be
Insight from Brussels: Taxing times for diesel in Europe – S&P Global: https://www.spglobal.com/en/research-insights/articles/insight-from-brussels-taxing-times-for-diesel-in-europe
Financer: https://www.aurianneor.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=10855&action=edit
Fund: https://www.aurianneor.org/fund-according-to-the-latest-international/
Eficiencia ecolĂłgica: https://www.aurianneor.org/eficiencia-ecologica/
Ecoterrorismo: https://www.aurianneor.org/ecoterrorismo/
El 1% más rico está en guerra con el resto del mundo: https://www.aurianneor.org/el-1-mas-rico-esta-en-guerra-con-el-resto-del-mundo/
Una vida digna: https://www.aurianneor.org/una-vida-digna/
Transportes pĂşblicos gratuitos: https://www.aurianneor.org/transportes-publicos-gratuitos/
La imprecisiĂłn artĂ­stica de los coches ecolĂłgicos: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-imprecision-artistica-de-los-coches-ecologicos/
Le transport zéro émission: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-transport-zero-emission/
L’avion à l’hydrogène: https://www.aurianneor.org/lavion-a-lhydrogene/
Healthy Road: https://www.aurianneor.org/healthy-road-be-healthier-with-fewer-traffic/
Piste scooter / Moto: https://www.aurianneor.org/piste-scooter-moto-healthy/
Tomorrow – Chap 2: L’énergie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-2-lenergie-demainlefilm/
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-energy-makes-life-possible-bill-gates/
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Gummy squrrel
A bizarre gelatinous creature that resembles a half-peeled banana was spotted by researchers in the Pacific Ocean. The creature, known as a gummy squirrel (Psychropotes longicauda), is actually a sea cucumber and was around 2 feet (60 cm) long.
(Image credit: DeepCCZ Expedition; Gordon & Betty Moore Foundaton and NOAA)
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dilfluvver4eva · 11 months ago
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I’m Bs
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hexedwinchester · 2 months ago
Supernatural characters I wish we saw more of
Over the weekend I made a post about characters I thought either overstayed their welcome or shouldn't have been created at all.. this is opposite of that! Some characters that were only around for a short while but made an ever lasting impression..
Jessica Moore: I'm sorry, you are telling me, the love of Sam's life was only around for 3 episodes? Hell no! We were robbed of Stanford era Sam, we were robbed of SamJess meet cute!! So robbed! Their chemistry was so instant, even Eileen didn't have the same chemistry with Sam. I'm forever SamJess shipper!!
Meg 1.0: she was badass, cruel, ruthless and i loved her for that. None of that soppy Rachel Miner crap about unicorns and pizza man bullshit. RIP Nicki Aycox, you were amazing
Gordon Walker: he was one of those characters that I loved to hate! A complete psychopath. I needed his cat and mouse game with Sam to last a little longer. He gave me creeps!
that creepy doc from Time is on My Side who harvested organs to be immortal. C'mon so much happened since they buried him alive. You are telling me, he didn't escape ? No! Not buying it. Give me my organ harvesting Hannibal vibe of a creepy doc!
Hellhounds: funny how after s8, everyone just forgot about hellhounds. Remember how terrifying they were? Yeah, what happened?! Needed boys fighting more of those every time they went strolling into hell
Cain: I felt his character was left unexplored. Don't give me a retired, beekeeper. I needed to see the father of murder in the flesh. Timothy was so great, it's a shame they never tapped that potential. We didn't even get a taste of the real Cain
Magda: fuck you, Ketch for killing her. You should rot in hell. She was so interesting and sad. Kinda like a parallel to Sam. Sam and her should have bonded over psychic trauma. I needed someone in Sam's corner. She needed Sam in hers
Pamela: what? She was cool and super useful unlike 80% of the characters that were only around because of you know what. She was funny, bold and brazen. I liked that about her. It was nice to see in the later seasons
Balthazar: probably the only angel I like. Again, funny and far more useful than the others
Victor Henriksen: I know he came across as a hardass but he was just doing his job. He would have been a good ally to the boys in case they needed a cop on their side
Bonus- OG Death: gave me shivers! None of that Billy bullshit. She was annoying. I loved OG Death. He had a class, a taste and that haunting appearance one associates with death. We needed more of him, taunting Dean or being itchy to reap Sam!!
Anyone else wants to extend the list?
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guerrilla-operator · 1 month ago
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