#good lesson to learn i guess but yikes
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years ago
being an adult sucks i just realized that the reason why ive been feeling sucky for the past few weeks and not sleeping well and been bloated is probably due to consuming too much sodium why can i not be a kid again and not worry about things like sodium intake and blood pressure
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prettyinpwn · 8 months ago
What is your opinion on Filbrick Pines?
Oh boy... long story short, my opinion on him is pretty low, not gonna lie. I went into his character a lot in my analysis post on Ford's writing (found here), since Filbrick had a large effect on Stan and Ford's characters, even if only in subtle ways. To summarize my points on Filbrick:
Definitely abusive, in my opinion. I don't think physically, but for sure emotionally and mentally. He's the type of father who provided materially, but otherwise didn't seem very good at it.
Was way too focused on money. Now, I think it's very possible that Filbrick could have a great backstory reason for this. My biggest guess is a life of poverty and wanting to provide better for his family, but the cruel irony is that in seeking wealth, he hurt his family (e.g "Stanley, by "sabotaging" Ford you hurt our whole family, because he was going to make us millions, so I'm gonna throw you out, ignoring the fact that by throwing you out I'm currently hurting the family in the way I'm accusing you of."). He also hurt Ford. The way Filbrick treated Ford was like a Willy Wonka golden ticket. "Oh, you're smart? This college might make you a millionaire? I'm impressed!". He didn't care about what Ford wanted, he cared about what Ford's brains could get him. Case in point: he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about Ford's brains or college dreams until the principal implied it could make money.
Iirc, according to Hirsch, the quote Stan says in Little Gift Shop of Horrors ("Movies are great! You watch the movie, you scare the girl, the girl snuggles up next to you, next thing you know you gotta raise a kid. Your life falls apart. Forget that last part.") was actually something Filbrick used to say. Like DEAR GOD Filbrick said that in front of Stan and Ford? "Hey kids, my life was great until I got your ma knocked up with Shermie, and then my life was pure suck after that.". Like... who... who just says that in front of their kids? Who even THINKS that about their kids? Yikes.
The way Stan and Ford are named. The code at the end of A Tale of Two Stans is played as a joke, but when you think about it, it's... kinda sad. "A STUBBORN TOUGH NEW JERSEY NATIVE, FILBRICK WASN'T TOO CREATIVE, HAVING TWINS WAS NOT HIS PLAN, SO HE JUST SHRUGGED AND NAMED BOTH STAN.". Filbrick did not give a single f*ck. "Oh, I have twins? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about a name, just call 'em practically the same thing.". What father does this?
In the post I linked above, I also hinted at how I thought Bill's manipulations of Ford almost were a mirror echo of Filbrick (even in their character design, it's odd how they both have yellow brick and blue with hats themed designs, he's got the literal word 'brick' in his name, etc). Because when you think about it, what did Ford's father teach him but "you are a puppet to be used by me to get what I want"?
There's a reason Ford and Stan are incredibly broken people, and it all started with Filbrick. He's the one that taught Stan to believe he's worthless and a f*ckup, and the one that taught Ford that he's a tool to be used. So... nah, not a fan of the guy, if I didn't make that obvious already lol. BUT... I will say this, as this is something I did give him credit for in my Ford analysis post: a lot of Ford and Stan's positive qualities are things he passed down to them, namely their protectiveness of family and "toughness". But unlike Filbrick, who manifested that in toxic ways, Stan and Ford took a heavy albatross necklace of generational trauma and turned it around to a positive.
This goes even further when Stan passes the lesson to Dipper. Dipper learning to "fight back"? That's a family lesson that comes from Filbrick, originally, when he signed Stan and Ford up for boxing. Some have criticized the way Stan taught Dipper that lesson, but you can't argue with the end result:
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TL;DR: Filbrick mostly sucks, but... like most well-written characters, he does have some gray area. Was he a good father? No. But the gauntlet meat grinder he put Ford and Stan through - worth it or not - made them the tough family protectors they are as adults. I will give him that, at least.
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catreginae · 2 months ago
Thou Shalt Not Fall: Vampire Lessons
While Warriors recovers, Wind starts to learn a lot more about vampires, whether he wanted to or not.
This arc was supposed to just be four chapters long but I remembered that there were more interactions I wanted to do while the vampires are here and it was starting to get really long. I still had more to write and it was 6k+ words. I decided to split it and now it's like five chapters. Yikes. Also, I don't know if I did Wind any justice here…
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Apparently, after the doctor was done with Warriors, the vampires decided to change up how they were going to feed him. He was drinking a small vial several times a day when they first got to the estate but now they were doing one big bottle a day. This meant that Warriors could sleep more since he only really had to wake up once a day and sleep more was exactly what he was doing.
Before the doctor treated him, Wind got used to talking to him without Warriors responding. He figured that Warriors would appreciate knowing he had company, especially after Proxi said Hyrule healed his ears enough for him to hear. Sometimes, Warriors responded a little, mumbling something only Proxi could make out, or turn his head a bit so that he was facing Wind more. He felt like Warriors was listening, even if he couldn’t respond to him or stay awake long.
After the doctor treated him though, he didn’t really respond much at all anymore. He was just out. He was dead to the world. Warriors was sleeping like he did after he fought in the fog and they couldn’t wake him up. Maybe he just wasn’t getting the sleep he needed to earlier. Maybe he was regenerating quicker now and now he needed more sleep, which was what Elena thought might happen.
At any rate, they were more comfortable leaving him alone with Proxi for a longer period of time.
On one of the days where they looking for something to do, Elena brought them a room that had a really high ceiling and hardly any furniture. The only other vampire she brought with her was Marcus which made Wind a little nervous. Marcus never looked like he wanted to be with them but this was the first time Wind saw him smiling and it was a little concerning.
“This is our sparring room,” Elena explained. “Link is a very young vampire so as you guys have experienced, he has the potential lose control if he gets really worked up. Vampires do calm down when they get older but that takes about a century and you don’t have time for that. This is why I propose that you guys challenge Marcus to combat. If you can get used to at least reading Marcus’ movements, you should be to handle Link.”
She wanted them to fight Marcus, the vampire who looked all too happy about the suggestion.
“Don’t mind him. He’s just likes the art of combat. He’s kind of like a dog, you have to tired him out sometimes.”
“He won’t go easy on you but he’s very good at controlling himself and his strength. There should be no serious injuries from him.”
“If that’s the case... Wild, do you have one of those wooden swords?” Sky asked as he held out a hand. Wild nodded but before he could get out of the slate and hand it over, Marcus spoke up.
“Use a real blade. I doubt you’ll hit me anyway.”
There were few times where Sky seemed annoyed, upset, or even angry. He glared at the younger-looking vampire as Wild handed him a real sword, though it was definitely one of those crappy ones that Wild used for anything but real battle. He stepped forward so that he was separated from everybody else and pointed his sword at Marcus. Marcus studied him for a moment and before Wind could even blink, he suddenly beside Sky, holding up a bloody claw.
Wind could barely see the scratch on Sky’s neck. Sky’s fingers gently touched it and his eyes widened when he saw what Wind guessed was the blood on his fingers.
“That would have been fatal if I actually used some of my strength.”
“So that’s how fast full vampires move,” Four said slowly like he was still processing what he just saw. Wind knew he still was. He thought Warriors was fast, especially when he did that magic thing in the fog, but Marcus just being Marcus was probably a little faster than Warriors at his very best. How were they supposed to dodge him, let alone actually fight him?
“Marcus is also an older vampire,” Elena added. “I’m the oldest, so I’m the most powerful one here. Marcus doesn’t look like it but he’s the second oldest. Even if Link was a full vampire, he would still be slower than Marcus.”
Marcus smirked as he put his hands behind his back and circled them. “Come on now, don’t be shy. I’m fighting a bunch of heroes, no? I shouldn’t be bored.”
Legend went at him next, using his boots to make himself faster but Marcus hopped out of the way and kicked his legs out. Legend swore as he landed on his back. Sky jumped back in but like Legend, also ended up kissing the floor when Marcus jumped over him and pushed him down.
Wind took a deep breath. They were really in for it now.
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It was later that night when Wind visited Warriors again, just to see how he was doing. Warriors didn’t budge at all since the last time he saw him but Wind didn’t expect any different. Warriors didn’t tend to move all that much when he crashed.
“How is he?”
“He hasn't moved all day, just like yesterday. Vampires don’t get bed sores, do they?” Proxi asked quietly as she flew up from where somebody bundled up Warriors’ scarf.
“I... don’t think so?” he answered. It never seemed to be a problem before like when Warriors used his magic and knocked himself out for two days. He barely moved then too. At least at the estate, he woke up for some blood.
Suddenly, Warriors sat up – or at least he tried to, so Wind quickly helped him up as he coughed and spat out some blood, staining his sheets. Wind waited, making sure that Warriors was done before helping him settle back in. He thought Warriors was done with coughing or throwing up blood but maybe not all of his organs were completely healed yet. At least it was just a little blood. It was still concerning but from what Elena said, it could have been worse.
“Warriors, are you okay?” she asked as she fly around his head.
“Not... wor...” Warriors didn’t finish but Wind got the gist. He wasn’t good, that was obvious, but he was feeling well enough to talk loud enough for Wind to actually hear him! He couldn’t do that a week ago! Or was it two?
“Just go back to sleep, I’ll get you a new one,” Wind mumbled before he took gently removed the blanket that Warriors coughed on. Thankfully, there was another blanket underneath that was still clean, so he bundled up the top blanket in his arms and headed out in the hallway. There was usually somebody in the halls, both Hylian and vampire so getting directions shouldn’t be hard.
Somebody turned the corner and he came face to face with Elena. It occurred to him that this was the first time he was actually alone with her, both because Wind tended be with one of his brothers and because Walter tended to follow Elena around like a lost kid. The only time he didn’t see Walter with her was when Marcus was with her instead.
“Is that blood?”
“He coughed up a little bit,” Wind answered. “He doesn’t feel worse but I still want to get him something that doesn’t have blood on it.”
“I guess he wasn’t completely healed internally,” she mumbled as she stuck her hand out. “I’ll take that and show you where the linens are.”
He did as she asked. He followed her down a hallway, pausing as Elena quickly entered a room to put the blanket down before they backtracked for another room that had several kinds of fabric neatly folded into shelves that took up every inch of the walls.
“Can I ask a personal question?” Since they were alone, there was something about Elena that Wind noticed and couldn’t quite stop thinking about.
“You can ask, I will decide if I answer.”
“Do I remind you of somebody? When we’re together in a group, you always seem focused on me.”
Elena paused, her eyes darting around the room before she grabbed a fresh blanket from one of the many shelves and handed it to Wind. “You do remind me of somebody. He was a bit older than you but still very young. He wasn’t here long but the way he carried himself impressed me. He had that Sheikah general with him but she wasn’t the one was in charge, it was that young man. I never forgot about that one.”
Suddenly, her attention was completely focused on him.
“Will you promise me that you’ll keep an eye on Link? I don’t know how long you will be around him for but I think it’s good for him to surrounded by regular people who are willing to stick around no matter what difficulties arise. Being so young and yet so different has to be very challenging and he needs all the support he can get.”
“He’s basically our brother. Of course we’ll stick around! That’s not even a question,” Wind said, raising an eyebrow. Maybe other people would have abandoned him after any of the times he lost control but those people didn’t have the bond they had.
She smiled. “You guys are good people. You’re the type of people he needs to be around to build confidence and with confidence, hopefully he gains more control of his powers now that he wants to use them.”
Suddenly, she paused and turned her gaze to the floor.
“Did you know that we’re... breaking a lot of vampire traditions with Link? We’re kind of out of our depth here, despite all our combined experience, because we have nothing to fall back on. He’s half-vampire and because of who he is, we couldn’t keep him with us for a century like we would with other young ones. We only had a few months to make sure he could feed himself and hid his fangs and then we had to send him back.”
Wind knew that it was a little weird that Warriors was only half-vampire. He knew that biologically, he was weird. He never considered that there would cultural differences too but to be fair to them, not even Warriors seemed to know a lot about that. At least Elena didn’t expect them to know.
“Did you let him go so soon because he’s the hero?”
“Precisely. I knew he was the Hero when he was dragged here. I knew I couldn’t keep him away from his duties for long and that we would always have a limited time with him. I know what it means for a Hero to be present because I grew up with the stories, though I will admit I don’t know what it means for nine of them to be here.”
“Pffft, we’re still trying to figure that out ourselves.”
Confusion was a weird look on Elena’s face. “Hmmm. I don’t like that,” she mumbled as she headed towards the door and motioned for him to follow. Wind couldn’t help but to laugh as they left the linen room and headed back to Warriors’ room. He looked to be sleeping but it was hard to tell when his eyes were covered. Wind replaced the blanket for Warriors, bid him and Proxi a goodnight, and left.
Warriors wasn’t the only tired one.
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It was a couple of days later when Elena and Walter gathered all of them by the fireplace with many couches. Walter was leaning against the wall by the hallway that led to Warriors’ room while Elena was on the couch with the rest of them.
“Link is starting to talk now but he’s not in any condition to explain himself, so I was hoping you could provide some context for why he decided to start using his vampire powers. When he left us, he wanted nothing to do with his powers. I don’t necessarily mind that he decided he was interesting in using his powers after all but we trained him based on the fact that he wasn’t going to use them so he wasn’t quite prepare for it. Was he always using his powers when you met him?”
“He tried to keep the whole vampire thing a secret at first,” Legend answered. “He did some weird shit but I always thought he was a Hylian until I saw him bite a darknut in the neck. He did it to get us out of a tight spot.”
“So you found out because he used his powers to protect you,” Elena said plainly, putting her elbow on the arm of the couch she was sitting on so she could rest her head on her fist.
“We’ve managed to figure that most of the times he’s lost control had something to do with us,” Four added. “When we’re in danger or insulted, he kind of loses it. He’s very protective over us.”
Elena hummed. “I’ve already spoken to Wind about this... but what we had to do for Link is completely against convention. We let Link go out on his own and interact with people after a few months. We let him out into the world, on his own, when we were confident he could keep vampires a secret. If I treated him like any other vampire would have, we would have kept him in this estate for a century until we were sure he could keep his emotions under control.”
Suddenly, she smirked. “He feels his emotions strongly since he’s so young, and he will feel them strongly for nearly a century, but he’s been able to use that to form amazing bonds with people. I’m proud of him. He still has a lot to learn but I’m proud of him. He’s always surprising me.”
“I thought that it would be hard to surprise vampires,” Wild mumbled.
“On the contrary, vampires tend to get stuck in their ways,” Walter chimed in from his spot at the wall.
“Exactly. Vampires don’t tend to trust new vampires because of the potential to lose control, so young vampires spend a lot of time with other vampires. They tend to bond with other vampires because of it. That isn’t to say that vampires don’t bond with people at all and don’t form lasting friendships, but it isn’t nearly as common. Vampires tend to stick with other vampires. Since we’ve let him be with people unsupervised, he’s bonding with people instead. In other news, Link is a vampiric anomaly and I can’t wait to see what he does next.”
Wind knew for a while that Warriors was weird because he didn’t let them forget about it, especially when he was more comfortable with letting his vampiric side show. He liked to hang upside down in trees for hours on end and eat raw meat because he liked how chewy it was. Sometimes, he only looked mildly annoyed when he was seriously injured and sometimes he hissed in his sleep. He was only a little bit stranger than the average Link.
Wind never knew how weird he was to other vampires until he actually met some other vampires though. He got a hint of it when Elena talked to him alone that one night and Warriors mentioned it a few times, but Wind never really ‘got it’ until somebody who was several centuries old seemed excited with how weird he was.
“What’s the best way to help him out, though? You don’t seem angry that he’s lost control but we can’t let him keep losing control. He takes it very badly. We don’t have a century. Isn’t that why we keep sparring with Marcus?” Legend was tapping his foot, which Wind knew he did sometimes when he needed to blow off some extra energy.
“No, you don’t have a century,” she admitted, the smile disappearing from her face. “There isn’t much you can do. Aside from practicing with Marcus, you should learn to recognize when he’s getting riled up and help him calm down. He needs to be aware of his emotions and so do you. You may have to be the ones to keep him anchored if he’s struggling to do so himself.”
Everybody nodded. It was already an on-going project. Wind didn’t know if Warriors was aware of the fact that they took notes and shared them when he was busy taking one of his big fat naps but they’ve been comparing notes for a long time now. They were all determined to help Warriors as much as they could, whether he wanted their help or not. It wasn’t hard to take Elena’s suggestion on board since they were all trying to do it anyway.
“Unless you have more questions, I’ll let you go since I got what I wanted and I need to speak with the Hylians upstairs,” she said as she straightened herself out. “One more thing too... I encourage you guys to talk to all of us while you’re here. If you have any questions about vampires, we’re all around. Use the opportunity while you have it.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Time said.
She stood up. “Until next time, then,” she said as she motioned for Walter to follow her. Together, they went upstairs.
“Am I the only one who just realized how weird he actually is?” Wind asked out loud.
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Wind didn’t know what kind of conversation he walked into. He walked into Warriors’ room to find that Walter and Wild were already in there, with Wild sitting and Walter standing beside him. Warriors seemed to be resting while Proxi was sitting on one of the side tables, probably also trying to figure how Walter and Wild started talking about Wild’s blood.
“When Warriors drank my blood, he said the taste was ‘unexpected but not bad’. He never said what the taste was, though.”
“Truly? Do you mind if I have a taste?” Walter asked, turning to Wild. He held up one finger, which he extended into a claw. “I won’t use my teeth.”
Wild started unwrapping one of his wrists. With it bare, he held it out to Walters. Walters used his claw to quickly slice Wild’s wrist but he was gentle enough with it that he only bled a little bit. Wind knew Walter only needed a little bit to taste it but Wind was still surprised by how little blood Walter actually wanted. He licked the blood up and waited for a moment, licking his lips as considered.
“It’s subtle but your blood does taste different! It’s in the aftertaste. I don’t really know how to describe it though because I don’t remember what food tastes like anymore but it is actually good.”
“Tastes like... blueberries,” Warriors mumbled suddenly as Wild held a hand over the cut on his wrist. “Minty,” he added on.
So he was awake. Proxi sighed while Walter looked down at him. “I still can’t get connect that to a taste but that sounds nice, I guess.”
“I can! My blood sounds good!” It kind of did, Wind supposed.
“The taste Link is describing is the aftertaste. It’s subtle. I don’t recommend drinking your own blood... but do you mind if take some more blood for a vial? The others need to try it too. You see, we don’t get much variety in flavours in blood so we all trying something different!” Walter suddenly stood up and dashed out of the room.
“Wind!” Apparently, Wild just noticed that he was there. “You and Proxi are my witnesses to how popular my blood is. Maybe Warriors if he’s still awake.”
Warriors didn’t answer.
“I guess it’s me and Proxi. It’s kind of disappointing that my blood is only normal though.” He knew he should be happy that it meant he was healthy but at the same time, it was boring!
“Normal is still very good!” Walter said as he walked back in with a vial. Elena was hovering by the door. “Wrist over the vial and give your wrist a good squeeze. I can make more cuts if necessary.”
Wind, Proxi, and Elena watched as Wild did as Walter instructed, slowly filling the vial with his blood. Once it was full, Walter tossed a roll of bandages in Wind’s direction and took the vial. He fumbled but he caught it.
“Thanks, Wind,” Wild said as Wind started wrapping his wrist up.
“So... this blood has a different taste?” Elena asked as she held up the vial and brought it to her lips. She only drank a little before handing it back to Walter with a smile. “It does.”
“Wild, what are they tasting?” Wind asked.
“Hmmm... maybe the shrine juice?”
Shrine juice. Wind only had a vague idea of what that was. Wild said something about the shrine of resurrection being the only reason he was still alive. He didn’t know how it worked but Wild probably knew what he was talking about.
“C’mon, we have to share with everybody,” Walter said as he practically dragged Elena out the door.
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timona-lisa · 2 months ago
Welp, I finally finished watching the Timon and Pumbaa series and all in all, I really liked it. While it does have its flaws, it reminds me a lot of Animaniacs and it's a pretty fun ride. I love the theory that the whole show is basically a fever dream from a weird bug they ate (or possibly Rafiki's fanfic), it explains so much. The animation quality varies but when it's good, it's beautiful. Beethoven's Whiff and Bumble in the Jungle and The Sky is Calling? Great stuff. Honestly, The Sky is Calling might be my favorite episode, it's so silly and sweet.
The writing is also hilarious, though I can see why it's not everybody's cup of tea. There's a lot of high energy and slapstick and breaking the fourth wall and again, I'm a big Animaniacs and Looney Tunes fan and I genuinely love that stuff but to each their own. Some moments had me screaming and I can't give enough kudos to the voice cast, they're so amazing and giving it their all.
The heart of the show really is Timon and Pumbaa's relationship, though. As much as they bicker and have their misunderstandings, I love how soft and loyal and ride or die they are. Every time they reunited or gave a speech about how much the other meant to them-- (clutches heart) They're unironically one of my favorite Disney couples, even if the mouse is too cowardly to confirm it.
I feel like I gotta talk about Timon's characterization. Not gonna sugarcoat it, he can be an ASSHOLE in some episodes and while he (usually) learns a lesson, sometimes the show just lets him get away with it and yeahhh…I can see why that's a breaking point for some fans. Rafiki even called him a meerkat brat in one episode and I was like, "Well, he's not wrong." I guess it depends on your mood and how much you're willing to deal with his shtick for comedy and plot reasons. I definitely prefer his personality in the movies but there were enough funny and wholesome moments to keep him from being completely awful.
Another issue is the way they write women in the show. Aside from Shenzi and a couple others, they're mostly one-note and it makes me sad. I realize it's a comedy and it's not that deep but Animaniacs had Dot, Slappy, Rita, Hello Nurse, Minerva, Marita, Nora, Julia, etc. Not to mention, all the other iconic ladies from the Disney Afternoon lineup.
I know fandom loves to dunk on female characters (especially if they're love interests) and I don't wanna add to that dumpster fire but unfortunately, Timon and Pumbaa's love interests were pretty bland. Sharla had a couple funny moments but Tatiana was more of a plot device than a character. She had about three lines and the way they treated her like a prize to be won was just yikes. The episode Lights, Camera, Traction gave me secondhand embarrassment as well. Timon basically spends the whole time trying to get a kiss from a female meerkat (who doesn't even have a name) and he kinda comes off like Phil from Hercules and it's really…ew.
It's disappointing because in the end, it felt like they were only there because somebody in the writer's room or maybe a higher-up said, "THIS SHOW'S GETTING TOO FRUITY. LET'S GIVE THEM SOME GIRLS." It's some heterononsense, I tell ya. I'm glad that there's more variety in The Lion Guard anyway, even if it does fall into some of the same patterns. (Bunga and Binga? Really?)
Aside from that, though, it's not a bad show for what it is. It's a lot of fun and chaotic and heartwarming at times and if you're looking for something zany and unserious, I would still recommend it.
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namboobieslover · 2 years ago
Kintsugi: the beauty of broken things || MYG
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Summary: Yoongi and Minnie have been friends for quite some time now, almost... 15 years? 15 years since they ran into each other in that music classroom by an unlucky (or not) mistake. They've grown close, but both of them have strong characters and insecurities that will have to be put aside when Minnie falls into her own lie, risking her job in the process. They have 3 days to feel comfortable and make everyone believe their role as the young engaged couple or she is fucked :[
Pairing: musical producer! Yoongi x lab tech/science nerdy! f reader au; non-idol! BTS members make a brief appearance
Genre: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn (?), best friends to fake couple au, constant unresolved sexual tension, two idiots too proud to openly speak but pinning each other
Word count: so far, almost 25k but still unfinished
Warnings: use of bad language, mentions of insecurities/low self-esteem, anxiety, trauma; light use of weed, little smut if you scrutinize, SFW
Masterlist: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // ...
A/N: hi there! this one it's my first story to be uploaded, a way for me to de-stress from uni exams. I'm not a native English speaker, so please forgive any grammatical mistakes :/
As Yoongi said, you have to put your work out there to learn about it, so... feel free to give some feedback (as positive as you can, please). The story is halfway done, but as I have to proofread most of it and apply the holy Grammarly, uploading will have a normal pace
I'm not fully confident of my writing abilities or English use, but it is what it is, I guess
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CHAPTER 1: Surprises and planning
Word count: 7'1K
-Sup, loser.
I roll my eyes while I flop into the sofa.
-I mean... I'm not asking for big parties but, you know, a little more enthusiasm when seeing your bestie wouldn’t hurt. Don’t you think?
The only answer I get is a loud exhale of air.
-Someone is susceptible today…
Min Yoongi.
We’ve been friends for maybe… 15 years? And what a ride.
We first met in high school, at the sweet age of 12/13. With all the hormonal stuff and changes going around… such a happy stage of life to remember, yikes.
We didn't have anything in common; he was an artistic soul while I considered, or I would like to consider myself, as a science girl. But little me saw too many talent shows with great singers and decided to give it a shot.
-Hi! It’s here where the choir practices?
-Yeah, here is where all the magic happens -I would’ve never expected such an ironic answer from such a cute-looking girl- Are you new or lost on your way to another place?
-New or that’s what I intend to be. I signed the paper in the hall and someone emailed me the instructions. Told me to come to Mrs Lars's classroom.
-Oh, then you are in the right place. She is in the storage room looking for the materials we’ll be needing today.
-Okay class -a sweet voice fills the room interrupting our conversation- please take a seat.
I signal the seat next to the girl asking nonverbally if it’s taken, and she answers that it's not occupied.
-So… today we have lots of new faces. Instead of having personal interviews with each of you, I thought that maybe it would be better and easier to have you join us for today’s lesson. That way you’ll see how we work, a light version of course. After I dismiss the class, as I told you in the email, please stay a little longer and perform a song of your liking. Any questions?
A boy asks if they have to stay at the auditions if they aren't new.
-If you want to, you can stay but if you prefer to leave, that's okay too. That reminds me: for the ones that aren’t new, welcome back; I'm happy to see you again. To y'all my pupils, I wish for a good and healthy year. Any other doubts?
Silence is the answer.
-Then, we’ll start.
The 60 minutes pass fast. The teacher is really fun and makes all the music technicalities more approachable to everyone in the room. We play some games to get to know each other's names while learning a little bit about music structure. 
-Well done. That’s all for today. See you next day.
A lot of students start picking up their books and bags, and I bid goodbye to Nelly, the one with a loving face and a smart mouth. She is… interesting to say the least, but also nicer than expected. 
And friendly enough to ask my dubitative ass to exchange numbers…
Now, the moment of truth: the audition. Not gonna lie, nobody here will be the next Céline Dion but they are okay. That makes me even more nervous, and it shows when my turn comes. Luckily (ironically) I'm the last one. My voice is shaky and even if I am doing terribly, they all keep a smile on their face, which I thank deeply.
Like everyone else, I don't receive any type of feedback from Mrs Lars. She just tells us the following.
-Thanks to any single one of you for showing interest in my subject. Everyone will be accepted in this class; the “audition” was just a formality to classify you in the range that fits you the best. Music is a language that unifies all humans, and even if most of them haven’t been gifted with an incredible voice or the ability to play an instrument, I won't deny the chance to learn it anyways. There’s always a role that fits you the best and I’m sure that while communication runs in both directions, we’ll have a good year. Today you saw how my class works; if you still want to join me and your classmates, the only thing needed is to send me an email by the end of the weekday to confirm it. I will reply with indications, information and advice to improve your natural talent and I want you to practise for a couple of weeks to get used to that routine and the work method. Then, you’ll be divided into groups with people who share your characteristics to work together with the things in common and have healthy feedback. Also, you can ask me when needed or use the music studios to train. I’m sure your parents will thank me -she laughs- Does that sound good?
-Yes Mrs Lars -we answer in unison.
-Ah, and also, if you don't think this is your thing and want to choose another activity, that’s okay. Not receiving the mail of confirmation I previously had talked about, will be understood as the desire to not continue. Feel free to do it if you want to; no hard feelings. This will take a lot of energy and free time, so… make sure that all the effort goes to something you like or you’ll end up despising me and music itself. Any questions or doubts?
As nobody speaks, she dismisses the class.
It took me a couple of days to decide whether I should join music or look for another option, but animated by my parents and the possibility of this helping me with my scenic fear, I choose to keep going with the idea.
Apparently, my vocal range is mezzo-soprano-contralto, which is why I have a difficult time in a higher register. Once I knew that, everything changed for me. Singing was easier and less damaging; just better. I wasn’t that good but for once I felt like my efforts were taking me somewhere.
I still needed a lot of practice, so I would usually spend some time during lunchtime (with the teacher’s permission) doing so in the rehearsal room. Unluckily, one day when I went to my usual spot, the class was already occupied by another person, so I met with my teacher to know what had happened. 
-I’m sorry sweetheart, it’s my fault. I have such a big cold that the headache is making my head pound and I can’t even think straight. Would it be inopportune if I reserve the room after class so you don’t have to skip today’s practice?
-That sounds good too.
-Okay, then I will write your name in the folder -she says reaching for it hung on the wall. She seems a little confused when looking at today’s schedule 
-Isn’t it possible? -I ask her.
-Oh no, everything is fine. Seems like I’ve already written the reservation in your name earlier. Must’ve forgotten to tell you when I did that, I guess that just in case, to offer you a resolution to this problem.
-Then, I’m noted to the main classroom after class?
-Yeah, you are good to go.
-Thank you.
As told, I went to the said place and started my warming exercises. After some scales, I tried “Million Reasons” by Lady Gaga, struggling with the highness of the bridge. I was stuck with that part for some days by then, and my frustration was almost visible in the form of smoke outing my ears.
I was on my…¿20th try? When an unknown voice scared me when the song finished.
-Well… that was…interesting.
-Fucking hell, you scared me.
-Not more than you did to me with your vocals.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted.
Is a boy around my age and size. He wears rectangular glasses and a mostly black outfit, which contrasts with his pale skin perfectly. His eyes are quite small but ooze tons of coldness. He impassively walks to the piano in the corner and starts to get things out of his backpack.
-Mmm… What are you doing?
His dark orbs peer at me with a pensive aura, but he dismisses those thoughts and gives me rolling eyes.
-Yeah, I could have guessed that.
-I am not the one asking the stupid questions here.
-What I meant -he interrupts me by playing some notes- As I was saying -he does it again.
I approach the instrument he is in and put down the keyboard cover, giving him enough time to retract his hands. Ups his sight and boy, is a furious one.
-Are you crazy? -he shouts- You could have harmed me!
-Chst, nobody with two functional cells doing synapsis would have that bad reflexes so please, stop crying, you little baby.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted -I deliver the sentence the same way he did to me, with a pompous smile on my face while I sit proudly in a nearby chair- Also, you deserve it. That’s what you get when trying to mess with me.
-Oh, was I disturbing you? Sorry, I didn't want to. I’m so distracted -what he says in a pitying tone doesn’t match the challenging look in his eyes and the smirk he isn’t even trying to hide.
-I can tell -I bark back the same way- Anyway, as I was saying before you decided to be a cretin, what are you doing here?
-Judging based on your singing skills maybe…you aren't aware that this is a music classroom? You know, where musicians do their thing -speaks ironically
-Of course I know where I am. My doubt is what are YOU doing here at this time. I made a reservation with Mrs Lars.
-Me too.
-That’s impossible.
-No, it’s not. Since I did. You must be wrong.
-No, you are -I fight a little offended.
He rolls his eyes.
-Okay. Let’s search the classroom schedule Mrs Lars keeps in her office and you’ll see your mistake -decides while clapping his hands together and getting up.
-You must mean YOUR mistake -I clarify while imitating his gestures.
I follow him to said office, where he signals to a folder hanging on the wall. He goes through it while searching for today’s schedule and once he finds it, aggressively puts his finger in the initials “M.Y”
-As I was saying, you are the one wrong -he says proudly.
-What? Those are my initials!
-No, they are not. They are M.Y. as in Min Yoongi.
-No, they are M.Y as Min Young Mi.
We look at each other kinda confused.
-I guess Mrs Lars must have committed a mistake while writing our names because of the similarities -he thinks out loud.
-You think so? -I reply as ironically as I can. He rolls his eyes.
That evening was the beginning of what we like to call “The Valerian War”. As stubborn as we were, any of us was willing to give in to the other. None offered to leave or neither changed the reservation for the evenings that followed, so we played mental resistance war, and it got so bad that we needed some valerian infusion to support the evils that we did to each other so that the other would surrender.
Some favourites were him cutting my microphone wires or playing a recording of my voice on the school’s radio for everyone to listen to. I gave back by making good use of a 2x3 glue thrift offer. I was almost sent to the other world when he had to walk back home with the piano’s bench cushion glued to his butt or with music sheets united to his hand.
Eventually, with little acts of kindness by both sides, we started to open up and help each other (he assisted me in musical stuff while I improved his anger management) and we reached the point where we were looking all day to that moment of the evening. It took almost a year and a lot of Nelly’s talks to finally admit that we enjoyed spending time together. Slowly but surely, we started meeting out of school till becoming besties. We had a lot more in common than we thought.
-Call me stupid but-
-Stupid -he interrupts me without hesitance.
-Min Yoongi, be careful with your words, I have your mom on quick dial.
-So childish that is almost sad.
-Would she think as childish that you signed a big contract with an important company and didn’t say a word to your family? I guess I can just ask her -my tone is a mockery one.
The keyboard typing stops followed by a dry laugh.
-You dirty bitch. Must be desperate to threaten me with that.
-It’s just that… I’m frustrated.
-No. Well… That too. But no.
He quietly laughs.
-Maybe I can lend you a hand.
-Yeah, in my neck to cut the flow of air? -I ask acidly but then my black humour needs to make an appearance- Actually, that’s not that much of a bad idea. One lifetime occasion where I would let you commit the desire of killing me without getting angry about it; I promise.
-Mmm, kinky. If that’s what you want… -he spouts with a teasing tone and a smirk.
I’m no stranger to letting my intrusive thoughts win over me and make it aaaall the way to my mouth without realising it, so when he answers I have to replay the last section of our conversation to understand what he means.
-Ugh, you are disgusting.
-Yeah. I think how disgusting it is that I know you so well, that I am genuinely not surprised about you having a choking kink.
-I… I don’t have a choking kink -I defend myself by putting a brave face on when I actually kind of like that stuff.
-Yeah, right -he answers in a disinterested way, turning back to his computer- Just so you know…next time you try to lie as much as you are doing, tell your red cheeks to not make an appearance. It gives it away.
I take advantage of him not looking at me to raise my hands and check if they are matter-of-factly red, which are. I clear my throat in the need of changing the subject.
-Till now all you said has been really helpful, you know? -I say rolling my eyes
-Till now you still haven’t said a word about your problem, apart from your need to get laid, of course.
-The thing is that I messed badly with my boss -I purposely ignore the last sentence and he lets out a little laugh because of it.
-What makes you think that?
-It’s not something she said or did. Actually… It's my fault.
-I doubt it… but would you mind explaining? -he still has his back facing me while clicking the unwired mouse, something that will make the next thing I have to say a lot easier.
-Do you remember when you got appendicitis and had to stay at the hospital? And then when you needed help when sent home?
-How would I not remember?
-Well… The thing is that to convince my boss, which I already told you, is a hard one… I had to lie. A lot.
That seems to catch his attention because finally turns to face me.
-When you mean a lot, how much are we talking about? You said everything was okay with you taking those days off.
-I think we have already established the point that I am a ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’.
-So… What did you tell her?
-Mmmm… I knew some of my coworkers asked her for some days off because of a friend or a relative being sick, and she always rejected them except when they talked about fiancés, husbands or sons; that kind of stuff. So to make her accept my petition, I made her believe it was about my fiancé.
-You said what?
-I basically said all the truth but omitted that you are only my friend. I completely made up a story about my hardworking fiancé, who fell sick, and has no other family around than me to take care of him… It was a little white lie, but when I was back to work everyone was nice to me, even my boss.
-Why don’t you tell them that you broke up? 
-That was my plan, I swear. Buuuut, I started to talk a little bit here and there about him being an asshole, like getting ready to break the news, you know? Buuuuut that made them even nicer to me! Never knew criticising a partner would unite us that much.
-My surgery was last year…have you been lying to them for that long?
-And didn’t they suspect anything when a year passed and still no wedding was in sight?
-Yes, but I explained how as we were both busy with our respective jobs, trying to save money for it, and having some trouble in our relationship… had decided to take it easy.
He seems lost in thought, with the elbows resting on the armrests of his chair and fingers brushing his chin. Then laughs, crossing his arms over his chest.
-Well, well, well. When I think that you cannot surprise me anymore, here you come.
-Yeah, really funny how this will end with me getting fired.
-Don’t be silly. They’ll never know.
-That’s what I thought till my company decided to celebrate a ball to raise funds for their project about breast cancer. And everyone expects me to bring my said fiancé to meet them.
-OMG you are such a loser.
-I don’t know why I came here expecting some support. Seems like today is not the day you want to deal with my stuff -I get a little angry because he doesn't understand how bad this is and how much I’ve been stressing the last few weeks trying to find a solution.
-Minnie, you know that’s not it -he quickly answers.
-Don’t worry. It’s my fault. By now I must have put in my mind that while you are working don’t wanna be bothered by others' banal stuff -I recollect my bag and start my way to the door.
I feel his hand wrapping around my wrist, trying to stop me.
-Stop it. I don’t wanna bother you.
He sighs and uses that hitch as a way to put me closer to him and after that, sit me again on the couch.
-Yeah, you are a pain in the ass, but even like that… you’ll never bother me when it’s about struggling with something, so… don’t say that.
-That’s how you made me feel.
-And I’m sorry about it. When it comes to words, we both know that I’m not the best to be sensitive.
-Except with your lyrics -I half-joke to reassure him. 
I feel bad to react this way because he has a life too and here I am burdening him with my problems; all because I am so weak that I drown in a cup of water.
-Yeah, except for my lyrics -says way softer.
-Ugh, I’m so messed up -I groan while hiding my face between my hands and laying back.
-Yeah, a little bit but, what are you going to do?
-What do you mean?
-I know you, so I expect you to have something in mind already -he says palming one of my knees while still sitting in his chair.
I drop my arms to my sides, tired.
-No. Well, technically yes, but not anymore.
-I had a plan but not anymore because things didn’t go the way I expected.
-How is that?
-Don’t wanna hear you say anything about “I warned you”.
-This is going to be good -he whispers loud enough for me to hear it, but after giving him a death stare, motions his mouth getting zipped and throws the key away.
-The obvious solution is to have someone pretending to be my fianceé. After wondering who would be the best option I asked Jim to fill that role because, you know, we were kinda hooking up.
-What did he say?
-Like cartoons. I was almost able to see smoke in his dashing foot.
-Told you so -whispers again with a smirk.
I want to save energy, so my only answer is to roll my eyes. It's not like I could deny it because he, in effect, told me that. 
When I started to meet Jim, equally scared of commitment as me, Yoongi warned me about how he would never be the one for me. How under the sweet gestures and amazing chemistry, we were only two people wasting time. How he could, maybe, let me down when I truly needed him. He wasn’t wrong. While explaining this whole issue to Jim, he was losing all the colour on his face because I told him that he would have to pretend to be in love. Pretend. I didn’t love him either but I was expecting the both of us to put on a little show of it.
But Yoongi knows that behind the façade I put saying that I don't want serious business, the reality is that I'm just searching for the right person to let my defences down. But to find it and as a scientist, I must do trial and error. Right?
-Then I contacted everyone in our group but all of them are occupied with close notice, and since my family is away, I can’t ask a cousin or something. Not to mention how weird it would have been -I shake my shoulders trying to shake the disgusting image of my mind.
-What about a random person or a gigolo? 
-I don’t have enough time to teach somebody the full ass history of how we fell in love or the money to pay for it. Also, I'm trying to avoid paying for another human till I'm 70 and alone, with the only company of my 5 cats. Thanks.
-That’s all?
-I started to pretend that I’m falling sick to have an excuse, but everyone seems suspicious of me. If that doesn’t work, I’m fucked up. For real. That’s my last chance.
-As I see it, that’s not your last chance. You forgot about something.
-I did?
To say that I am confused is an understatement.
-Yeah you fool -he smiles widely and reclines in his chair with crossed arms.
-I…don’t…follow you.
-You what? -My confusion is at the ceiling level.
-Me -He repeats with open arms- You forgot me.
Is this what I think it is?
-Stop frowning -and I do at his call- I can't believe you didn’t try to ask me.
-You are joking, aren’t you?
-No -he turns to the computer shrugging.
-Wait, wait, wait -I turn him to face me by the armrest- You, Min Yoongi, THE Min Yoongi, are offering to be my ‘date’ for an event at my workplace?
-God, don’t put it like that. But yeah, the answer is yes. I don’t know why it seems so unbelievable to you.
-I didn't ask you because: 1) I was ashamed, 2) you and I aren't precisely the most comfortable with touching or sweet words, and 3) and the main: aren’t you visiting your hometown this weekend? I know how much you’ve been looking forward to it.
-Yes, I was. But you are crazy if you think that I would let you lose your job for it.
-But you’ve worked so hard… you deserve that break.
-Listen and stop being stubborn. I know that your job is as important to you as mine is to me, not to mention that if you are in this position it is because of me. So… the fair thing is to be the one helping you out of this situation.
-You realise that we will have to pretend that we are in love, right? -I say carefully.
-I pretend that I like you every day so, I don’t think it will be that hard. 
I know he says it to make me laugh and take the iron off the matter, but I can’t help smacking his thigh while giggling. 
-What preoccupies me is you; would you be able not to fall in love with me?
We both laugh, knowing that it’s impossible.
I’m completing my look with sparkling earrings and I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad.
I’m wearing what I consider my slutiest outfit: a baggy long-sleeve dress with a deep v-neck and which long is mid-thigh. The cloth resembles black silk but falls beautifully around my curved body, adjusting in the places it should to remark my features. I added all the sparkly accessories because they contrast greatly with my tanned skin and the dress itself, but I guess all seems blurred compared to my boobs. Those girls are looking great tonight. 
My hairstyle and makeup are a little basic, but enough to make me feel pretty.
While applying perfume someone rings the doorbell. I’m ready on time, so taking all my stuff and a false pink fur coat, I open the door.
I have to admit it, he looks stunning. Yoongi is wearing black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt tucked in, black combat boots and a green bomber jacket. All prettily completed with silver accessories and his long ginger hair slightly gelled back on the sides. My favourite look on him.
-Why aren’t you wearing high heels?
That comment is enough to get me out of my trance, but I understand it; that’s the only part of my outfit on display.
-Is bad enough to be wearing ones for the ball, so yes, thank you, I won’t be torturing myself tonight -I explain as I close my house with the key.
-You were the one who had the idea of dressing in the clothes the other likes most.
-I’m wearing everything you asked for except for the heels. Relax.
-Let me see.
-Hell no, it is freezing here. You’ll see once we get to the discotheque. C’mon.
-I don’t trust you. At all -he whispers but follows me to the taxi stop.
This is part of the amazing plan we made together on Tuesday night. Not the best idea but…it will have to do the work.
The ball is on Friday so we have a couple of days to make us believable as a couple. Tonight, Wednesday, part one is in development. We’ll go to drink (a lot) and dance in a public place and act as partners in love. Is like practice for the real situation and luckily, as I suggested, dressing in a way the other likes will make it easier to dissociate the image of best friend that we find disgusting to act in love with.
We have two days to be comfortable with holding hands, him holding me for the small of my back, me hanging into his arm, hugging and… kissing. Not fully making out, like little pecks. Or at least that’s the order both of us come together to decide as necessary to give the ‘’living in the honeymoon stage of relationship’’ vibes.
Tomorrow we will work on our love story, pet names and all that stuff. Maybe we’ll have to buy some alcohol for it too.
-Should we…maybe…start? -he asks, looking the other way.
-I think I need a couple of quick shots before.
-Thank God, me too -laughs.
I signal to a bar near us that won’t make us change our direction fully, and he agrees.
-Please, four shots of tequila -Yoongi orders to the bartender, and I am grateful for that amount.
Since I am the one using his help, I want to invite him. He gives me bored eyes and tries to take my money away from the counter, but I push him a little bit and open my coat to let my neckline on the view of the young bartender.
-Please, accept my money. You can keep the change as a tip -my voice is as sweet as I physically can and I bat my eyelashes. It works because he takes my money a little bit flustered and his only answer is a nod. I laugh to myself and close the coat again, turning to my friend, who is downing his first little vase.
I take one making cheers in the air before ingesting the hot liquor.
-You know… what you did is not fair.
-What do you mean? -I play dumb.
-You know what I mean -he says before drinking his other drink- That poor boy… I would be surprised if he doesn't end up hard as wood.
-Why is that bad? Dozens of men look at my ass or boobs without any intention on my side or dressing to “provoke” them. It’s not my fault that in this patriarchal society, women are so fucking sexualized that men think it’s okay to do it. He would have looked at them anyway if I weren’t wearing the coat so excuse me for using that in my favour instead of against me - I drink my last shot.
He looks at me kind of speechless, but after clearing his throat he says “When you are right, you are right”.
The cold air receives us in the street, but the burning sensation in our stomachs is a great contrast. We decide to go walking to the discotheque since it isn’t that far and after ten minutes of comfortable silence, I start to feel the alcohol quicking in in the form of an unexpected laugh.
-What happens? -Yoongi seems confused but laughs too.
-This situation… is ridiculous.
-I know.
-But again, thank you. You are saving me from a good one. I owe you.
-Don’t be stupid, we are best friends. You take care of me and I take care of you. That is how we have always worked and how it will always work.
-Wow, alcohol is getting into you too? You are speaking mindlessly.
-A bit. A long time has passed since I last drank something; work has been… crazy.
-Same for me. Maybe it is a good moment for…you know.
-First step?
-Yeah, first step. Are you okay with that?
-Of course.
We look at each other's hands and making a brave move, I'm the one initiating the motion. His are colder and slightly bigger but feels surprisingly comfortable to intertwine fingers and sense his even colder rings brushing with mine. That heat difference sends a shiver through my body.
It’s not like we have never held hands in other contexts. We do, for example, while walking in a street full of people or in a comforting situation and stuff like that, but it is our first time to do it without a physical or emotional need.
-How do you feel? -I ask cautiously.
-Weird, not gonna lie.
-Me too.
-But it’s not the first time we held hands and I have to say that luckily you feel warm.
-Yeah, you are freezing man -the tension weakens and we start to walk again, still hand in hand.
-I forgot my coat and when I realised I was already too far. I expected to be in a taxi and drunk so I didn’t take it so seriously. Now I’m regretting my choices.
I can’t stop a laugh and he does the same, showing a gummy smile.
-I can work with that. Grieving for my frozen-to-death fiancé is a good excuse to go to the bloody fundraiser alone.
-Then, who would listen to your nonsense anxious babbling?
-You aren’t my only friend, you know that right?
-They simply can’t compare. Even Nelly. 
-Yeah, they can’t compare because nobody reaches your level of pettiness.
-That’s what we have in common you and I, my friend.
Our bickering continues till we reach our destination, where it is time to start the practice. Reading my mind he offers his arm for me to cling to it while still holding hands; a typical pose of couples who’ve been together for some years.
-IDs? -the bouncer asks us.
Once he checks that we are above 23 (a way to only let in adults) the heat receives us when we cross the door. The decoration is beautiful and serious, way different from what we are used to.
-Everyone here seems a little off, don’t you think? -Yoongi asks me.
-Yeah, I guess the age requirement takes away the younger spirit. You know this place is for people who want to have a good night but not that “wild”.
-If this is what awaits me once I establish a serious relationship, I’m definitely staying single.
-Bold of you to assume that you’ll find someone who can keep up with your antics. It’s not like you are turning love proposals all day.
His elbow pinches at my ribs for making fun of him and I laugh.
-You are one to talk… Also, I have some game so… your words don’t offend me miss “Please help me because my ashole of a hookup can’t even pretend to be in love with me”.
-Yeah, that was because he knew that once he started pretending, it wouldn’t be pretending anymore and I’m too much of a woman for him.
-Sure -his eyes are mocking me.
-Let’s grab some drinks, stupid.
He straightly asks for a whiskey, his favourite drink, but I order a rum with coke. He offers me to taste it and I’m dumb enough to do it, gagging at the flavour.
-You have an easy gag reflex, maybe now I understand why Jim dumped your ass so easily.
-Don’t worry hun, it’s only related to alcoholic drinks and he surely dumped me but my ass felt a great loss to him -I cheer my drink with his.
He gives me an unreadable stare while swallowing the odd savoury liquor.
I hate to admit it, but he looks smoking hot tonight. I can’t put my finger exactly on what it is, but something of him making dark humour about Jim while staring at me in that mockery way and gulping whiskey like water… is entrancing. Am I that sex deprived or what?
He frowns one eyebrow trying to guess what's on my mind and just the possibility of him being able to decipher my thoughts has me blushing.
-Is hot here. I’m going to the wardrobe to leave my coat - I excuse myself while getting up from the stool.
-Want me to accompany you?
-Oh, no. Don’t worry. I don’t think it will take me that long.
I join the wardrobe queue a little anxious. Just thinking of what awaits me these days stresses me; it’s really out of my comfort zone. I take the coat for the smiley girl behind the counter to take it.
-Wow girl, you are stunning.
-Thank you, I hope my… boyfriend thinks the same -the b-word gets a little stuck in my throat.
-If he doesn’t… take him to the doctor. That would mean he has his sight damaged. Or better, come back and I’ll make sure you have a good time -she says winking and giving me a little key with a number.
-I’ll keep that in mind -I answer a little flustered and return to where Yoongi is waiting.
He is turned to face me, elbow resting on the bar and cup playing in his hand in circular motions. He eyes me up and down and licks his lips, and I have to put all the effort in me to keep walking like nothing and not choke on my air.
He must have noticed my nervous state because this time, decides to directly ask.
-Oh, I was a little shocked -I answered because… well, that is true- The girl in the wardrobe made a move on me suggesting that if my partner doesn’t like me or something, she will take matters herself to give me a good time -that is also true.
-She did?
-Yeah, why is it so hard to believe? -I am a little offended and I chug down the rest of my drink.
-Not that is hard to believe, but… Do you like girls or something now? -he seems genuinely curious, trying to assure me that anything I say next, will be well received from him.
-No, this isn’t me coming out; sadly I’m still into men. Just… is nice to have someone complimenting me even if I’m not into girls -a change in his gaze is noticeable, and that’s what makes me realise that maybe he feels like I’m implying something else that I’m not- Anyways, I thought that she was nice and a funny anecdote. Do you want anything else to drink?
I can almost see him shaking his head to get rid of whatever was going on there and nods, chugging the remains of whiskey, which makes his Adam's apple move up and down. He has a nice side profile, I’ll admit that too. 
Once we have refilled our vases, we start a little conversation about our works and how excited he is that his first mixtape is in the final steps to be published. Only the photos and the design of the cover are missing, which will be arranged on Friday morning, previous to the gala.
-I can’t believe that you didn’t let me listen to it.
-I want you to see the final product, to see the full concept like the rest.
-Still… I can’t believe that you are doing this to your very first fan. I guess from now I will have to fight with all your new fans for a little attention.
-Like you ever had it… -he smirks and I hit him in the arm.
-Maybe I should start stanning other rappers, Namjoon is doing great with his mixtape. At least he appreciates me a little bit.
-Yeah, he would appreciate having you under his sheets. Well, he and the rest of the boys of the studio.
-Don’t be silly, we are just friends.
-Yeah, because no friends in history have ever hooked up, right?
-Not me at least.
-Because you are good at friend-zoning without even noticing. It’s really fun to watch them all try to have a date with you. I will tell you more, we have a bet going on.
-What? Stop joking.
His gaze is devilish, but his face remains serious; that’s how I know that he is being honest. He funnily grins while drinking and I just blush.
-Seriously? I don’t know Yoongi, that seems fake.
-Kinda is, kinda not. At the start, when they first meet you, they, believe it or not, wanted you as something more than a friend. After some time trying and failing, they accepted that it was impossible. However, it is still a joke to make moves on you to see if you notice but I know that if you give them any signal, they would be moving their tails like the dogs they are.
-That's what the bet is about? For how long has it been going on?
.Around… I don’t know. Two years maybe?
To say that I'm speechless is an understatement.
-Who’s in that bet?
-All the group?
-Even… you?
-I guess… but I like to think of myself as a judge in all this. It wouldn’t be fair to them if I played at their level since I’m your best friend.
-Oh my god, you are so full of yourself.
-You think you can win against the others with that dumpling-like skin and that skinny body of yours? You wouldn’t be able to handle me. Jungkook or Namjoon? Definitely.
-I would prove it to you, but once you get a taste… you can’t go anywhere else.
Scarlet cheeks are my only answer to that.
-And what’s the prize of that bet?
-Free pass with you if you want it too.
-Ugh, and you are part of that?
-Now you are the one full of herself. If I win maybe I’ll be able to trade that for some equipment my studio is missing.
-I’m not an object you can use to “trade”.
-Of course you aren’t. Of course.
He pats my head messily and I can see a glint of fun in his eyes, which in Yoongi’s language means that he feels a little tipsy. He’s not the touchy type at least he has some alcohol flowing through him.
Honestly, I know that I should be a little angry with this whole bet thing but I am not. Yes, is a little weird that all of them are in this but at the same time… I know they would never hurt me or take advantage of me in that way. Also, I have to admit that sometimes I do second checks of them because… holy cow, they seem like some greek marble-carved figurines that came to life. So.. am I the one to blame?
Not to mention how lovely and protective of me they all are; I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have had their support for whatever stupid thing I was trying or a warm hug if I needed it. I guess this thing is a friendly joke I wasn’t aware of but thanks to alcohol-induced honesty in Yoongi…I’m going to have MY fun with it.
-Now that you have told me this, who has won? You are destroying it.
-I suppose the first you flirt back to and I told you because… two years?? At this point, we all know that the bet was never going to end. Why? Now that you know, is your interest in any of those assholes?
-Who? -I know this caught him by surprise.
-You will have to give me more drinks and a couple of dances to know that. Decide your strategy while my trip to the bathroom -I laugh at him and make my way to the service room.
I’m not interested in any of them, but as I said, it’s my turn to have some fun with it and poor Yoongi, he’s my first victim. We have some bond to do to look like a couple, right? Well, I will take this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
->Chapter 2
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gem-femmes · 1 month ago
The Faux Pas Recovery Guide: How to Bounce Back from Awkward Moments💀
You spilled coffee on the CEO. You laughed too hard at a not-funny joke. You called someone’s spouse by their ex’s name (yikes).
Congratulations, you’re human! Social slip-ups happen to the best of us. The difference between cringe and charm is how you handle it. Here’s how to turn your next oops into a win.
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💀1. Own It, Don’t Overdo It
When you mess up, acknowledge it quickly and confidently.
Example: “Oops, that was clumsy of me. Let me grab a napkin!” and not, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I’m such a disaster, please forgive me forever!” (Calm down, no one died.)
Keep it light. A quick acknowledgment followed by a smile says, I’ve got this.
The trick is to own it like you spilled water, not international secrets.
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💀2. Use Humor to Diffuse the Situation
Nothing takes the sting out of a faux pas like a well-timed joke.
Knocked over a drink? “Guess I wanted to make the floor sparkle too.”
Forgot someone’s name? “You’re unforgettable - my brain just didn’t get the memo!”
Humor shifts the vibe from awkward to endearing. Bonus: it shows you can laugh at yourself.
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💀3. Apologize, but Keep It Simple
A good apology is like a good tweet: short, sweet and to the point.
Do: “Sorry about that! Won’t happen again.”
Don’t: Spiral into a 10-minute apology tour complete with tearful confessions.
Over-apologizing makes everyone else uncomfortable, and we’re trying to recover here, not dig a deeper hole.
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💀4. Redirect the Spotlight
Quickly move the attention away from your faux pas.
Shift focus: “Anyway, where were we? You were telling me about your amazing project!”
If you can, compliment someone else in the room. “Love your take on that idea, by the way. Super sharp!”
The faster you pivot, the faster everyone forgets your little mishap.
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💀5. Lean Into Self-Awareness
Sometimes, the best recovery is to simply call it like it is.
Example: “Wow, that wasn’t my finest moment. Anyway, moving on!”
Being honest about the awkwardness makes it less awkward. Weird, but true.
Think of it as a charm offensive: people love someone who can laugh at themselves and keep rolling.
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💀6. The Double Down (Use Sparingly!)
For very specific situations, doubling down can work - if you commit.
Example: Tripped while entering a room? Do a dramatic bow and say, “And the award for Best Entrance goes to… me!”
Warning: This only works if you’ve got the confidence to pull it off. If in doubt, skip this one and go back to Step 1.
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💀7. Learn from It, Then Let It Go
Every awkward moment is a free (if slightly embarrassing) life lesson.
Spilled coffee on someone? Lesson: keep drinks away from wild hand gestures.
Forgot a name? Lesson: write it down next time.
Once you’ve learned what you need to, let it go. Dwelling on it only keeps the cringe alive in your own head. Everyone else has probably already moved on.
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💀Awkward Is a State of Mind
The real secret? Most people aren’t judging you nearly as much as you think they are.
A confident recovery can turn an awkward moment into a memorable one and even make you more likable in the process. So next time you fumble, shrug it off and own the room anyway.
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amelias-calamity-quintet · 2 months ago
For the Fanfic/Author Ask Game :D
8. What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]? For GoS and/or MoaH! 17. What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing? 23. What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Oh, thank ya, @doubtfulloser! For GoS & MoaH too, I will do my best!
8. What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]? For GoS and/or MoaH!
Oh man. Let's start with GoS, that's all out (technically). Sections in GoS, generally the final arc is some of my favorite, but the farewell with Echo still hits me every time I look back. For similar reasons, so does the credits chapter, but the one with Echo just always makes me cry. But I think probably when Link and Zelda finally kiss. There was some reworking of the story I realize doing this, but the kiss finally happening in the end section just fits them so much better.
For MoaH? God, that's hard cause there's so much favorite in what I haven't released yet. Like there this relic tutorial section in book 4 that was so much fun. And a ton of scenes to pick from with Hamuus in book 3. The relationship between Link and Syd in book 2 and how that culminates was really meaningful.
I guess from book 1, Firestorm. That chapter finally gets the main duo on the same page and it just. Mmmmm! So good.
17. What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
It's honestly really hard for me to pick things I'm proud of, not because I'm not proud of my work in general, but because I have a really hard time identifying what is meaningful to others and like. Specifics that I'm proud of. And storytelling, as much as it's for me telling the story, it's also about hearing how it impacts others. That's why comments really help me, because they tell me what I'm doing well. I genuinely can't identify this very easily.
With that said, I'm proud of my ability to emulate vibes while remaining my own thing. One of the comments I got most regularly on GoS and am getting now on MoaH is that they feel like games. And that's what I wanted to write! The fact that GoS & MoaH both hit that goal while being their own, and being their own independent of each other, is a huge goal of mine. They are obviously connected, but I want them to be standalone too as works, so I'm glad we're continuing to hit that.
23. What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Haha, oh, plot bunnies. I do try to avoid them. I learned my lesson with the five-way release cycle of 2017. Yikes! Problem is though, if I have an idea, I usually have to write it down to see if it survives. So we're going to play on the technicality of not having written a lot (by my standards) and go from there.
I'm really looking forward to getting back to my other three (RA, CoL, & DAD). Also looking forward to getting them imported over from Wattpad too so more folks can read them to tide me over on hiatusing htem until MoaH is done. I've had some ideas on GoS prestories about Link's parents. I have some notes on a modern AU of MoaH to use for a prompt challenge that would be fun (some notes in EH's Discord for that). There's some original legends thoughts about Lorule after the quintet is all done. But I think that's all that are generally "unstarted."
Thank you again for the ask!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
I know you didn’t see it, but as someone pointed out with Killmonger. The people who often said “fuck Christopher Columbus and white people!” don’t hate imperialism itself. They hate that their ancestors was on the losing side of the wars centuries ago
As I mentioned before they glamorized the Dahomey kingdom of all things, I saw a person online with a PHD said the Ottomans were good to lived under.
A Hindu mutual of mine said that the left constantly glamorized the Mughals because they are brown. People are even defending the Aztecs now.
Like I saw people say that the left only “protected” the Jews because of the Holocaust. Because when you dive into Hitler and the Nazis the mindsets you notice a lot of similarities
“The Jews/White people are the root of all evil and must be wiped out!”
And I think Jews are getting a wake up call with the I/P conflict as now the left antisemitism is in full force
I mean I saw these as the left said in more privileged than career politicians such as Hillary Clinton because I have a dick. But the second they learn in black, I’m more oppressed than a trailer park kid that was pimp out by their parents
And the decolonization thing, hmm strange that never passed to Arab ethnostates
Oh good, you're still here. I'm happy about that _____________
Aztecs, yikes people raised hell here in CA about some of the lessons that involved learning various Aztec prayers, not sure how far if actually got but I hope it didn't get implemented.
Was a whole thing about connecting the Latino students to part of their heritage and CA history as well dumb for one because the Aztecs never made it up this far and for two, the reason Cortez managed to take them out with 300 Spaniards was because of the 30,000 natives that joined in because they were tired of being used for human sacrifices among other things.
Interesting to see the return of moral relativism
It's their culture and it should be respected even if that means this 73 year old dude that died's 19 year old wife will be placed on his funeral pyre with him and burned alive so they can be together in the afterlife (first time I hears a self proclaimed atheist say something along those lines my head spun, was weird. Still is gotta respect their beliefs provided they are using a western religion because reasons)
Colonization thing, I was originally looking for a map of arab migration into North Africa but this kind of thing kept coming up
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Finally ran into one that was just Arab migration and it's the same map, which makes sense, Egypt is still full of Egyptians though which is kinda wild, Iran is split between Persians and Arabs, Persians being the indigenous people in that area.
Like I saw people say that the left only “protected” the Jews because of the Holocaust.
This is one of those things I've put a lot of time and thought into.
Short version of my conclusion is that if they were still a stateless people they would likely be one of the darlings of leftist circles.
At least until they started getting to successful, preformative wokeness would be the modern term I guess.
You're not supposed to actually do well because if you do then we can't use you as a prop to show how awful other people are.
Be why Asians got kicked out of the POC club.
And I think Jews are getting a wake up call with the I/P conflict as now the left antisemitism is in full force
Stephen Fry coming out and saying, you know what, I'm Jewish is a good bit for that, seems to be some of the secular Jewish community, even the one's that don't do anything Jewish at all, well didn't since it would seem a bunch of them are having their eyes opened more than they ever thought they would.
So ya that's a thing too.
Circling back to Egypt, wonder what the hotep contingent thinks about the Arabization of North Africa, they're lunatics regardless but I bet there's some funny stuff going on in the we-wuz circles about that. __________
And again, I'm glad to hear from you especially after your previous ask. Keep pushing through world needs self aware people in it.
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sublightsleeper · 1 year ago
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@willowmckinley tagged me!
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 74! Man it really doesn't feel like I've written that much.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 227,559!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Justified and wrestling most often. Then one offs for things that made me crazy.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot (MCU, Starker). 2) Every Animal Has Rules (Nope, Angel/OJ) 3) I Try To Picture Me Without You (Moon Knight, Steven/Marc) 4) Six Years (MCU, Starker) 5) Fine By Me (Ted Lasso, Isaac/Colin)
It's hilarious to me that that 35 of my fics are Justified and not a single one cracks the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! But currently my inbox on Ao3 is 400 deep so uh. I'm working on it! Sometimes I get overwhelmed, sometimes I just don't know what to say in response. But I greatly appreciate every comment I get!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? So I personally think it's It Matters Where You Live. It's MCD and grief and I went Through It writing it. But if I go with the emotional trauma I've caused on the server, it's Buttermilk.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I had to think really hard about this, because mostly I write smut and sadness. But if I had to pick one, it's probably Every Animal Has Rules because it leaves it on a note of hope and happiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? So...not directly on Ao3? I've gotten a deluge of 'kill yourself' messages on tumblr in the past, but it mostly just made me more nonchalant about the gross shit I write. But yeah thankfully no mean comments.
9. Do you write smut? Hell yeah I do.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I enjoy them immensely! Haven't written a lot. I think the only one on Ao3 is And Having Been Set Free which is Justified/Supernatural. Because I am a cliche.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I am privileged I guess because I was not even aware that was a thing.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone asked once I think? Probably on an MCU fic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! But I share the 'Out My Back Door' series with @itookyoudown!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Oh lord. I cannot do all time. Recency bias my beloved. Currently enjoying Sanji/Luffy/Zoro. Long time loves are Malec, Alfie/Tommy and Givenson.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? A Malec fic based very, very loosely on Crazy Rich Asians. I had big plans and an outline and the final season just took the winds right out of my sails.
16. What are your writing strengths? Oh boy, I am not good at saying nice things about myself. My visuals, maybe? I'd like to think it's my ability to portray emotion, but who knows.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing things. Being hyper sensitive to things most people wouldn't even call criticism. If I write a gift fic (which whoo boy learned my lesson on that one) and it doesn't get the exact range of response I want, it really kicks me in the emotional balls. Which isn't fair to me or anybody else. So I'm really working on 1) finishing things before I post any. And 2) writing for myself so I don't end up disappointed.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I am monolingual. I might slip a curse word in another language but beyond that, I'll go with the tried and true italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Oh Jesus. Uh...Dragon Ball Z, I think. Self insert fic at like 12. Yikes. I printed it on fancy parchment paper too.
20. Favorite fic you've written? And Everything Went Black - Wrestling fic, MoxEddie. To this day it's probably my favorite thing I've written. (Stefon voice: It's got everything!) Demon possession, weird visuals, dreams as metaphors and two dudes in love. Nowhere near a popular thing but my beloved.
@fourtacosandaburrito @blizzardsuplex @batboymilo @theaerialassassin @hoodyhoo
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imalonerdottie-arebel · 1 year ago
I'm miserably depressed and I had a horrible day at work and I have no friends. So fuck it, I'm going to post to my tumblr. I need an outlet. I work, come home at night, listen to music, smoke pot and browse my tumblr tags.
I used to LiveJournal all the time when I was a teenager. It actually got me in trouble at school with my schoolmates; there was a girl in the grade above me who had the same Good Charlotte shirt as me and I was complaining about it on lj, lol. I think she commented on the post and called me out for it. But of course I didn't learn my lesson and continued to post to livejournal publicly. Once a girl IMed me on AIM to tell me some people in the computer lab at school were reading my livejournal and talking shit about me. I was MORTIFIED. I should have been in therapy when I was like 14 but my home life was really really bad and a whole fucking story... so I still used LiveJournal, because it was an outlet and I didn't have a lot of friends and was seriously depressed. I mean obviously I wasn't talking shit about my schoolmates anymore, at least not publicly. I have always very much related to Harriet the Spy and I love that movie with all my heart. It was understandably one of my favorite movies when I was little, along with Matilda.
I grew up in a very small town with very small-minded people who told me my brother was a faggot and disgusting because he's gay and that he's going to hell. So.
I went to a wedding this summer and was sat at a table with really cool people who don't live in the same area as me. It made me realize I'm really fucking lonely.
Stream of consciousness, feeling sorry for myself I guess and still need therapy. Haha. I never truly grew out of my fangirl phase and I KNOW there are other old farts on tumblr geeking out over Louis Tomlinson like I am!! I'VE SEEN Y'ALL! Message me please and be my friend oh my god I need friends so badly. Therapy is expensive lol I can't afford it be my friend so I don't need therapy 😚
When I wasn't into Good Charlotte anymore I moved on to River Phoenix, and John Frusciante. Random, right? Wait, Pirates of the Caribbean was like my favorite movie in 2003; I asked for it for Christmas, got a VHS copy (we didn't have a DVD player!) and literally watched it every night for like a month. I had a short-lived obsession with Johnny Depp. This was twenty years ago people so we didn't know he was a piece of shit. I don't like him anymore; I remember thinking "Gee, I wonder what Johnny Depp is up to nowadays" in 2018 and googling like johnny depp interview or something, and found his very recent Rolling Stone article... yikes. I especially never liked him since then. Very incriminating.
Well anyway... um... I can't believe LiveJournal still exists, I've been lurking on tumblr since 2010 at least and I need friends. Please be my friend.
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squeakygeeky · 2 years ago
100 hours of Thai listening comprehension
I did just talk bout my one month milestone which was 60 hours so it's not like I feel much different, but supposedly I should know around ~300 words now. Do I? I have no idea because this isn't a method that lends it self to tracking and testing. I am pretty good at colors, numbers, animals, family and food so I guess that's about right. I can feel my listening comprehension improving week by week when I watched subtitled BL. I believe this would be A1 CEFR, but only for listening. No speaking, reading, or writing.
I'm probably more advanced than 100hrs would normally would be since I would estimate I've watched 350+ hours of Thai BL (yikes!). But I don't count that since I wasn't paying attention to the language, and even now if I watch something with subtitles I'm mostly learning subtitles. I can definitely understand the words I know when I hear them in BL and not just in the context of the lessons. There are some words that I recognize as distinct words, but I'm still trying to figure out what the heck they mean.
I'm avoiding watching Thai BL for the most part, since I'm kind of saving it all for later when I understand even more. Right not it's only Laws of Attraction. Knowing family words helped with the very poor subtitles though, so my time is paying off.
I am very bored of watching videos like Guess The Fruit and look forward to being able to watch more advanced ones about Thai culture and stuff, but that's a ways off. Watching BL without subtitles (not in the sense of understanding all the words, but being able to follow the plot) would I think take almost a year, even at my current pace, which is absolutely going to be unsustainable when we hit fall. But I keep thinking of that meme 'the time will pass anyway.'
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maguro13-2 · 6 months ago
The Dark Picture Repaint ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Pt.11 ~
*leaves rustling+bird chirping*
*Elie whistling*
*Cellphone ringing*
Elie : Hello? Oh hey, Haru! How was work? Yeah, I just got back from the Studio. Man...DEEN, that no good animation lame-o. Yeah, yeah, the show was no good and they decided to abruptly end the show, but hey, at least we're not that big of a deal, we got ourselves each other and Rave Masters feels like that it's the end of the road since the show was no good at all, and we felt like that it's truly the end, but I won't let myself. Didn't you hear, I heard that Greenville is a much more looking interesting place in the Northwest side of South Carolina, it is a pretty place and it's got exquisite stuff in the foothills of upstate, I might wind up in the city of Knoxville or Nashville somewhere on the east coast of America.
*Elie sighs*
Elie : At least, I may know or may not know about America, but it's a great place and great excellent service. I might as well, take a little spin in the country once I'm going into state, be sure that I'll catch up with you later, okay? Well now, hang tight out there, Haru. I'll see ya in a bit. *Gets on her bicycle* Alright, time to head out for some fun!
"EX-heroine of Rave Master : Elie"
Elie : This is sure such a fun ride. I can't wait to meet up with Haru Glory, he's that sword wielding man who was the hero of the Mashimaverse that existed a long time after the multiverse began to grew like wildfire. From every aspects of fictional beings, we manga/anime characters became the first beings to ever visit America or around the world, so much sight seeing, so much rural, so much greenery, and also, there's greenery on the pacific side that are the states. Hopefully, I recently heard it on satellite TV, the U.S. state known as Louisiana is being targeted by a cataclysmic storm known as Katrina due to an unknown source of heated water which is the source of the ocean, or probably the gods that are willingly angered with the humans. Believe that the only place that heated warm water are tropical dense areas meaning that the creation of storms was the planet's temperature, who knew the 21st century has cataclysmic weather since ancient times. Now I wonder if there was a sensation to the God of this planet, what will it be?
*Elie imagines herself as the weather woman*
Elie as Weather lady : As today's forecast, it is confirmed to my predictions that Hurricane Katrina will be making her first visit to America coming from 200 miles southeast of Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas, but I dearly hope, that Louisiana will be having it's first impact on the city of New Orleans. As promise, but I'm sure that everything will be all right on the east coast, it's a sunny day on the beaches of southeastern states of the USA and the the east coast of Florida, hope you like you sandy beaches and Miami!
*Imaginary cloud poofs away*
Elie : Yeah, Katrina. That crazy storm! I know nothing much about it, but...I'm still wonder after what happened with that holiday in which on going with the conflicts on the Planet? Probably, humans of the real world can be sometimes bad or sometimes good when it comes to decisions, I'm only regretting that the President of the U.S.A is still having concerns about San Francisco, being in jeopardy since a fictional Military Organization from Sonic's world has been jeered by the public 4 years ago. Guess they learned their lesson about being color blind or something. But ever since the Meteor Crashed landed on Ragol, strange things happening on the planet and there for the ultimate key to our solution is...*goes too fast*
[Too Fast by Hideki Naganuma]
Elie : Yikes! I don't remember being too fast! But what can Increase my speed for what!?! Oh no! This is bad! I think this is literally bad! like way bad! Woah! Wah! Yah! Nobody would tell me how to stop this crazy thing! But increasing my speed is a bad one!
Citizen : Hey, look out for that Ramp!
Elie : Eh?
*Looks at the Ramp*
Elie : OH NOOOOOOOOO!!! *flies off Ramp too hgh* Ehhh...?
*Elie is floating in the air*
*bird cawing*
Elie : Err--Uh-oh. *ZOOM!* WOAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Lucy : Don't worry, I'm on my way!
*Elie gets saved by a person in a Clear Heart Robe*
Elie : Huh? Who did...?
Lucy : Good thing that you are alright.
Elie : Eh...Ah...A girl? I've been saved by a Girl?
Lucy : Hey, you alright?
Elie : I think so.
Lucy : You shouldn't bee in danger like, you could get real hurt. Thank goodness that you weren't in an accident, you would've basically crashed into the ground.
*cue Phantasy Star Universe cutscence music*
Elie : Uhh, yeah! Thanks!
Haru : Hmm? Are you a warrior? Hmm? You must be the new girl of the Mashimaverse, that's me alright!
Elie : That's me alright. So you must be a hero just like me, I'm Elie of the Rave Masters crew, we used to have a show before it became a downard by DEEN. We're still fictional characters living in the real world, you wouldn't happen to be...
Lucy : Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia. You'd best be careful out there, Elie. I don't want you to get hurt.
Elie : Yeah, gee thanks. But I may or may not remember you for quite a long time, but I've known you a lot better. You and I were on the same martial arts class when I was doing a little bit of Jiu-Jutsu.
Lucy : Hey, I did remember. You're the girl who fights with weapons, and for me, I'm the same girl in the martial arts class, don't you agree?
Elie : Yeah, yeah, I agree. But...I was wondering, around 10 years ago. Before the Mashimaverse came into existence in the multiverse, we discovered a rumor that an amount of explosive energy that wiped four-fifth's japan's population, there were some or many survivors. We wonder who did it in the first place, it's because of a little girl who was picked on by others that is treated like an outcast, and that outcast was Maka Albarn.
Lucy : Maka Albarn...The one that someone called with? She's the one responsible for wiping out Japan's population, that's a relief. We only discovered that we're the survivors of that explosion, lucky for me, the peacekeeping forces Clear Heart Force found me when they found Maka Albarn, along with the survivors, one his her sister and the other is the Mask boy, Makoto Asagiri.
Elie : Makoto Asagiri?
[Mystery G by Sota Fujimori]
Lucy : ...You know...I've waited a long time to see someone who has the potential to be a hero and I've waited a long time to join a Guild for a very special reason. So what does the Mashimaverse has that the Ohkuboverse don't? It's just what the multiverse lises within these worlds of manga, anime, and video games. This is truly my turn to shine to make you a star of a new operative. To make me as your comrade and join the Clear Heart Force organization, I want you to have a duel with me in order to test those who has the courage to bring a hero's sensations to the world that we have to offer. Elie, I challenge you to a hero battle.
Elie : Well...Okay then, but I won't give up without fight. Haru, cover for me.
Haru : If you insist.
Lucy : Alright, amigo. Let's see what you got.
[101 (Mystery G Battle Theme) by Sota Fujimori]
Elie : I am honored to live to this day. Please, I'll go easy on you, cupcakes.
Lucy : Sure, why not.
Master Hand/Announcer : Elie and Haru...VS...LUCY HEARTFILIA!
Elie : Time to rumble!
Master Hand/Announcer : Ready...? GO!
*the battle starts*
*fighting sounds by Hidenori Arai*
Elie : It's a pleasure to meet you, Heartfilia!
Lucy : Same to you!
Elie : So...I heard that you want me to join the force, is that it?
Lucy : I heard that your show went into an abruptly end, that's a downer.
Haru : Yeah, it was no good. But hey, at least we got our reputation...but it feels that this is the next chapter for the Mashimaverse, but I heard the Ohkuboverse is hiding suspicious to us! So that's why needed a new hero that you would take our place, and that is you, Lucy Heartfilia.
Lucy : Hey, thanks, Haru. Same here! But it's your worrying that I needed Elie to join the force. Come on, tough girl! Show me what you got!
Elie : Okay. I was going to be smooth if it's alright with you...Not anymore!
Lucy : Well, if it's okay with you, but you'll be hard as nails with these muscles around!
*Elie and lucy goes into their fighting stance*
Elie : Alright, I have a secret for you. You have a heart to fulfill that courage, but I have the heart to fulfill my true power! Behold!
*DBZ SFX : Fuse+Gong*
Elie in her Clear Heart Robe : How do you like me now?
Lucy : What the...You're a Clear Heart Force Girl as well?
Elie : Dont' get me on the wrong idea, I've been having this power since the beginning. Trust me, you won't be bested at a girl with a strong feeling, would you?
Lucy : Heh! I bet you're not even as always, friend. But I'd like it in a woman's way. A Hero is a hero.
Elie : Good to know you pal.
Lucy : *jumps* Take this! *DBZ SFX : Explosion* What?
Elie : Over here! Now for the finishing move! Take this!
*DBZ SFX : Strong Kick X3*
Lucy : *lands+panting*
Elie : And that's game!
Master Hand/Announcer : TEAM ELIE...WINS!
Lucy : Interesting. You're not half bad as well, Elie. Congrautlations, you have passed the test.
Elie : What's this about?
Lucy : I want you to show how much your fighting skills, I'm glad that I like them.
Elie : Yeah, that figures. I got no hesitation, but you are Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia. I heard that the last Lucy in Japan died because of humanity treating her like she's the victim here, and eventually wound up in Hell I think. Yep the Lucy from Elfen Lied we known is dead, I guess you're the only one here.
Lucy : Thanks, I won't forget that name, that's why my mother named me that way.
Haru : Well, yeah. You're the only Lucy in this here country. That other Lucy with red or Pink hair has been dead this entire time since her story has came to an end before the start of the Black Arms Invasion. Well, not anymore. Check this out.
Lucy : Local Diclonius and Elfen Lied's only villain protag has finally returned from HIFL or Hell after making an official statement about her apology, but the head of Drawcia Family stated that the only Lucy said to return to the face of Japan turns out to be a copy made by power magic brush.
Elie : Wait, you mean that "witch" named Drawcia recreated a monster that wanted revenge against the human race for treating her like garbage? I don't believe it, how in the world did a witch manage to create a copy of those that have died, unless the powers of her magical paintbrush has the power to create copies. Remember this...Back in 1991, one of the Ohkuboverse's Maka Albarn, a human copy of the original that is the only copy not created by Drawcia, but appears a humanoid intergalactic being created her life in the sanctuary...a fortress created by him which was established on the place where she was given birth at.
Lucy : Where's the idea on how or what is Maka Albarn's copy really born at? If it's not Nevada or that fictional metropolis in Nevada, where do you think that the "original's" copy is exactly created at in what part of the Sanctuary?
Elie : In addition to my acculations, the Sanctuary belongs to Lord Phanto III, the real birthplace of Maka Albarn's copy is none other than the Earth's Moon, the Real Moon!
*DBZ SFX : Shock*
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 2]
Lucy : You must be kidding!? How did you know that Maka Albarn's copy is actually birthed on the Earth's moon?
Elie : Because the "original" Maka Albarn is secretly the queen to all demons that rules over the night on earth. It turns out that her birth certificate from America was nothing more than a counterfeit, the original's "birth certificate" says right here that the Original Maka Albarn was born around 82 years ago.
Haru : So, does that mean the "original" is the only one who is born on earth while it's human copy was created on the moon?
Elie : She was supposed to be born in the state om Earth, but was actually born around somewhere in the planet, perhaps. Who knew that Inky Albarn was the "original" one that disappeared for 70 years, all this time we found out the world of Soul Eater is nothing more than a sleeping world.
Haru : A sleeping world? You mean there was no world of Soul Eater, nothing but a sleeping world? So why in the world was the industry said something about a sleeping world?
Elie : Maybe it was something to do witches from the Ohkuboverse, it was not their magic that wrecked the earth, it was the Mashimaverse, putting the blame on it's inhabitants and that's the reason the Time Eater destroyed it instead of us, the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse as well. We're the ones wrecked their world with magic and you all know it. That's why the witches were bad in Soul Eater because of the influence of Shinra Kusakabe which drove the Ohkuboverse's inhabitants to be played by him that is...
Shinigami/Lord Death (?) : Like a God damn fiddle!
Elie : What?
*DBZ SFX : Suspense*
[Courage by Fumie Kumatani]
Lucy : Hey, that's the Shinigami who is controlling the Ohkuboverse. This is Shinra's man-made son isn't it?
Shinigami/Lord Death (?) : You are wrong, my name isn't Shinigami. And Shinigam! is no stranger to the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse. Isn't that right, Haru and Elie.
Haru : Hey, wait a sec, I recognize someone before, I can feel a deep presence coming from...him!
*Shinigami removes face to reveal his true face*
Haru, Elie, and Lucy : [Exclaims]
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
Shinigami/Shotaro the Dokeshi : Remember me, Haru Glory? That's right, I was the one who created the weapons and I had to make you put the blame on the witches that is your magic and I became a puppet to his man-made who wanted to control the Ohkuboverse, JUST. LIKE. HIM!!!
Haru : We know that guy somewhere before, he's Shotaro the Dokeshi, the second hero of the Ohkuboverse? What's a shounen protag doing in a Grim Reaper's body like this?
Shinigami/Shotaro : This is no body, this is what's left they call it "Adolla", thing that was originated from another thing called "Nothingness". And this Shinigami fella that you've all been referred, is the name of a slave.
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
All : A Slave!?!
Haru : Shinra's man-made son, Death. He...He fooled everyone from the start, so this Shinigami person...
Amaterasu/First Pillar voice : This boy named Shotaro isn't Shinigami. This is nothing more than a Dokeshi being a puppet to Shinra's man-made son Death himself.
Lucy : Where' the "real" Lord Death?
Amaterasu/First Pillar Voice : The "Real" Lord Death...is Darkside the Heartless. Some say that Shinra created a creature born from Nothingness and darkness that is responsible for putting the blame on all witches.
Lucy : Elie, now we remember...That boy name Shotaro said anything about magic and stuff...It was Dark Magic from the Mashimaverse were the ones who caused all of that.
*voices are heard*
Mabaa's voice : Please I'm begging you, our magic didn't wreck any havoc on this planet! You're lying! It was your magic that put the blame us to thinking we're the bad guys!
Younger Witch's voice : Yeah, it wasn't our fault that our magic wrecked havoc in the Multiverse, It's the Mashimaverse's including Shinra's. They started it to make us the bad guys of the real world.
Shinra's voice : My God! What have I done?!
Older Witch's voice : Yeah! What should've you done!
Elie : Oh my God. The magic wrecked havoc on earth in the Ohkuboverse, that was us, the inhabitants of the Mashimaverse. Where did it go wrong, how did it went wrong?
Inca's voice : Shinra-Kun...Please, come help me....Shinra-Kun...Please save me...I beg of your for my platonic love...Shinra-Kun...PLEASE COME HELP ME!
*Shadow/Robot Chicken SFX : Gunshot*
Elie : So if the witches we're really bad, so tell us Shotaro the Dokeshi...Why would you do such terrible things to magic users, why us, why the witches, why everything that you put the hatred on all magic users? Soul Resonance isn't magic, it's power by hearts.
Shinigami/Shotaro : Shinra Kusakabe...that bastard was such a fool to be a hero. All of his influence, all of his heroism, his dreams and his aspirations of many people believing in him. I hated him for no or many reasons, not him, but his man-mad son of course. I hold no grudges against a struggling hero's fate that he lies within a Garden, but rest to assure, that you inhabitants of the Mashimaverse, are so lucky that us the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse all making us fools to be heroes and villains. However....
[Echo Night - Beyond OST : Track 12]
Shinigami/Shotaro : My mind...my body...my heart...and my soul...the heart and the soul are being weakened, my Dokeshi powers, my comrades.
Lucy : What are you saying?
Shinigami/Shotaro : My lifespan of being in a body made of nothingness and darkness is really what's left of Adolla and the Black Smoke, the Great Flame of Fire is nothing but Nothingness all this time. The school is failing...the money is depleting...and all my government contractors have begun to leave me behind. Where did Soul World gone wrong, more importantly, where did the Ohkuboverse gone wrong? I just wanted to unveil the truth to save everyone in this world, this planet...and this entire galaxy. Why...why did I gave all my life to a stupid heartless that Shinra created thinking that he is some kind of "God"? A God he is, Bansho-man, that's the name of the Ohkuboverse's God, Shinra's only Resurrection for power to become hero again...was it the power of the seven jewels...The Seven Emeralds are his only source of resurrection. I need to live, I need to survive, I need to spread truth...to the people of this here galaxy.
Lucy : ....?
Shinigami/Shotaro : [To Lucy] You there, girl who believes in Magic. If you really think that t he witches are on a magician's side, then the only suspect that I would've getting away with it for four years straight, or around 1000 years in the Ohkuboverse straight. But can you really unveil the truth from all of us? Now that you excuse me, I really need to remember anyone in my life...my friends...my comrades...and Emine...I can't stop thinking about Emine saying that he wanted to destroy the world...but the humans were greedy, selfish, and arrogant...I should've taken the blame...the hearts of all was right, the humans of the Ohkuboverse we're definitely that arrogant and even heartless monsters that begged for mercy or even to be saved. Farewell. *teleports away*
Elie : Hey, he just disappeared like that. So Shinigami, the runner of that joint, was just a kid who was beaten by other humans that were truly the heartless one that are selfish, greedy, and arrogant like us. But we would never do that.
[Epilogue 1 by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Lucy : Elie...I think you are right. Humans in our universe were never selfish, greedy, and arrogant sometimes, but they can be cruel or even dark, trust me. I know what it means to be a hero even if it costs us ours lives to be the hero of many adventures and many great battles. If you trust me alot, the Real World can get along in the Multiverse, so I wouldn't doubt that in favor of meeting the guy who's gonna sleep in my place, Natsu Dragneel, he's the new guy that is coming to my place by the year 06. But right now, we need you in top shape, so Elie. What would would you do now?
Haru : Yeah.
Elie : Alright. I'm gonna do some good for this world, a proud hero that I can be! Haru, you would do the same thing for me, right? I'm always never letting you down.
Haru : Awesome. I won't forget that.
Lucy : I just got one thing about being a hero that makes you to go "hero up". So have you ever thought of working in the force like me? I am the one that helped you save many lives and dealt with people's problems.
Elie : Well...I get the fact that I would probably join the Clear Heart Force organization, so that's why decided to leave the Rave Masters crew and become the hero of my own, don't worry. I am always by Haru's side, and I'll be the hero everyday and night.
Lucy : Right back at ya!
*Fist bump*
Lucy : Welcome to the force, Elie.
~ Mission 10 : Meeting New Faces ~
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liopleurodean · 2 years ago
Season 8, Episode 1: We Need To Talk About Kevin
Not much about the road so far, except it's good music
*SpongeBob voice* one year later
Ooh, a light!
Poor guy
Mm, I don't think so
Whoa, hold on, Dean
Thanks, random dude!
Fitting music
Wow, that's a long way
He looks a lot more alive now
Something's up with his arm
Oh! Lafitte, like Benny!
You okay, Dean?
That's freaky
It's almost like grace
Like a freaky blister
That must be Benny
He's a vampire
And that was..?
Aw, Dean made a friend!
New title card!
Kermit. There's a town called Kermit
Ooh, a girl!
Hi Baby!
So many places in such a short amount of time
This is familiar
Thanks, Dean
Sam. Be smart
Not when you're a Winchester!
Hugs, obviously
Good question
Sound like fun
Avoiding the question
Uh oh
I'm sorry, Dean
So, there's still a possibility
I believe it
He got out, I guess
I mean...
I mean, fair
You kinda did, actually
At least he took care of Baby
Wow. He didn't- he didn't even try?
What did you expect, Sam?
Checking messages
He's gotta be starving
Dang it, Kevin
Really, Sam?
Dang it, Sam!
And he doesn't have any behavioral excuses this time
A bus?
It's a lead
That makes sense
Thank goodness
He learned his lesson
Or maybe not
Wow, they actually used real brands for once!
You okay, Dean?
Evidently not
Ooh, flashback time
That's gotta be exhausting
Dean's gonna win this fight
Good question
Interesting blade
That's not good
Oh, Dean...
Not even close
Right, Sam
Think about that for a second
He's really not
And you just let it happen?
No, but you still have a moral obligation to help!
Yeah, I guess
Oh, tons
And what was that?
With Baby???
Well duh! He spent the last year in the Hunger Games!
Baskin Robbins
Did it?
Fair enough
Um. That was... an interesting way to put that
And how does that work?
Of course not
Too bad. Cas is non-negotiable
Adam? Last name?
Probably got a horrible surprise
That was unexpected
Why are the demons after Kevin?
Chill, Sam
That was dramatic
Aw, Sam, you shouldn't have
It's his first burger in a year!
Sam's betting getting busy with computers
Dude. Lockpick
There we go
A lot
That'd be great, thanks
New haircut
Long story, I presume
Hi Crowley
Makes sense
A lot!
So there was a Leviathan tablet, and now a Demon tablet
Oh. That's how he learned
Those are fun
That's good to know
Fair enough
Nah, he's too smart for that
Dude. You got duped
Proud Dean™
Yeah, maybe
His little smile 😂
Something's off, though
Right, but what about later?
That's not what he means!
You already killed that one, though
Just maybe
Something like that
Does it, Sam? Your life has been pretty crap so far
One step at a time
Lots of flashbacks today
He's covered in blood
Wow, she's coming for his throat
Uh oh, they've got company
Does that even work on demons?
Whoa, Dean is ruthless
There we go
Ouch. Rowena's holed up somewhere, performing magic tricks
Most likely
Poor girl
Oh Kevin...
Of course not! Who do you take him for?
He's gone
Rip Crowley
Oh, an incorporeal demon can probably move faster than them
Oh no!
That was a jerk move, Crowley
Yay, spam callers
He's a little out of it
He knows how it goes
Ah, Benny
This sounds like a breakup
I like his voice
Why did they make this so erotic
Dean? You okay?
0 notes
ethaneskinx-archived · 1 year ago
private: oh good. i know it was rough between you and vic but i don't think i've ever seen her happier than when you were together. shame things didn't work out for you two. that was some wild shit, even by internet's standards. married? yikes, that's gotta be weird as fuck to deal with. gotta make things awkward when she's out there interacting with your things. she's written four books, some of the shittiest poems you've ever read. guess there' truth in not sticking your dick in crazy and thank fuck that's a lesson i've finally learned. you too, that was hell of an outfit. i get it, don't worry about it. i'll just come chat in person in ireland.
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private: oh babe, i'm fucking great these days. sorry you had to read all that shit with your own two eyes. weird, isn't it? started as a casual fan and now she's dead convinced we're married and all my songs are about her. never even met the girl so ... yikes. how are you? saw there's a weirdo out there writing books about you. among many other things. you looked good last night, by the way. would have said hi but … you know.
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tihgnari · 3 years ago
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a xiao! genshin impact social media au!
i've lost my mind, i've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom but you're so unaffected, i really don't get it but i guess good for you
pairing — xiao! x f! reader [ college!au exes2lovers!au ]
summary — lesson learned! never challenge hu tao when you're drunk bc you'll just lose and now you have to post a thread of all your exes as songs from olivia rodrigo's hit debut album sour … or: "yn desperate much!" "yn still loves xiao? yikes! doesnt he already have someone new?" "stop ruining my relationship u bitch!"
warnings — a lot of cursing, 1 sided pining, implied cheating, relationship issues, slight suggestive content, implied stalking (not xiao), toxic relationships, toxic exes, mentions of nsfw but nothing explicit
status — completed [ 012322–050822 ]
author's note — ignore the timestamps and dates. this is my first smau so try not to judge it too harshly!! <3 parts that have this symbol 'ღ' means its in written format.
smau banner credits goes to @.sh0uno on pinterest
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profiles — shade throwers & xingqiu / nobody asked -venti
๑ 01. another episode of hu tao made me do it
๑ 02. your girlfriend is a major bitch
๑ 03. i'm just disappointed at this point
๑ 05. kindly fuck off xiao
๑ 06. you're thinking of groot, aren't you? (ღ)
๑ 07. i see xiao's not very creative
๑ 08. arent u on house arrest
๑ 09. he'll take her side (ღ)
๑ 10. keep? more like blackmail
๑ 11. yo bestie what
๑ 12. there's an empty seat next to me
๑ 13. no, you're just predictable.
๑ 15. what a loser (ღ)
๑ 16. no olivia song for me baby?
๑ 17. whoever gave it to you can fucking choke
๑ 18. well i already have yours
๑ 19. go get her
๑ 20. 'veronica open the door' level kinda crazy (ღ)
๑ 21. look who's talking, cheater
—» bonus. call me cute endearments too >:(
๑ 22. i just cracked the code
๑ 23. dont act like ur such an angel
๑ 24. 3rd floor, room 329
๑ 25. you know who u are
๑ 26. lies! lies! lies! (ღ)
๑ 27. its just takeouts
๑ 28. "just" lmao okay
๑ 29. could've been a better man (ღ)
๑ 30. fuck you
๑ 32. bring a bitch down to her knees
๑ 33. once a snitch, always a snitch
๑ 34. how reliable of u
๑ 35. the million dollar question (ღ)
๑ 36. click the link below for receipts
๑ 37. let them tear each other apart
๑ 38. then we'll talk (ღ)
๑ 39. its okay to kiss on the first date right
๑ 40. you're so good to me (ღ)
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grumpycakes · 2 years ago
So as the house gets warmed up to go let me give a few updates I found out!
Voting Present LOWERS the number necessary to win, so it SHOULD be 219 with the full house but because Spartz votes Present it's 218
ARGUABLY if more Republicans vote Present but the 20 stick to their guns, the Democrats COULD win with 212 but Republicans don't want that
Buck who left for a non emergency medical procedure yesterday may not be back
We're starting up with only 275 reps present cause it's more than half but YIKES. Though I would assume more are showing up
a Californian Republican just got up to nominate McCarthy just to see how fast he loses. He's saying it's NOT ABOUT McCARTHY. FRIENDO YEAH IT IS. Lolll he's talking about serving the country with "Pure and Selfless intent~" and like idfk if any human can do taht.
ughghg the Republicans also keep bringing up fentinol overdoses and immigration and how it's going UnChEcKeD while we vote.
oh interesting, he thanked the national police (happily everyone got up and clapped for them) to pretend like Republicans care AT ALL about them.
... Sir why we talking about China, I don't think this is gonna move anybody you wanna move???
Jesus, he's trying to scare ppl into voting together cause the world is in DANGERRRR but like, THESE ARE THE PPL THAT REFUSED TO WEAR A MASK CAUSE IT MADE THEM UNCOMFY while people DIED. So loll ur talking for nothing sir. Hahahaha he's like, I agree w you shits but I WOrk w OtHeRsss and that's how you gotta WoRk!!! lolll
Oh here we go, telling the Dems they're on the EDGE of a VERY IMPORTANT VICTORY. Loll sure you lil dipshit. OH OH RUDE he just said, looking to the Dems I realize i haven't met many of you cause you're not here, voting by proxy. WOW, rumbles in the crowd and then the Clerk had to bang the gavel and be like HEY, UR SUPPOSED TO DIRECT COMMENTS TO THE BENCH.
Ur useless dude, this is too long of a speech. And stupidly blaming all of it on the Dems
South Carolina Rep is up for the Democrats
Awww he thanked the Clerk who's been running this circus and all the Dems rose and the Clerk smiled and mouthed thank you.
He's talking about learning lessons and working to be a better govt but flowery-er. Ah okay he's bringing up Jan 6. Resiliency. USA was made for liberty, justice, and freedom. Pointing out that it's the first time in over 100 years that they can't figure out who to vote for. The goodness of the american people is at stake??? Jeffries is a good dude i guess lol.
Oh lord almighty Gaetz is up and saying HE TAKES EXCEPTION TO THE CALIFORNIA REPS STATEMENTSSS. LOLL oh shit and he's saying that McCarthy is only speaker if he GETS THE VOTES and he DON'T HAVE THE VOTES. And he's saying it's vanity making McCarthy keep going. LOLL AND I THINK THE DEMS CLAPPED FOR THAT. hahaha ppl are yelling at him and order had to be called. HAHAH Gaetz just called him LaBron James but that would mean that McCarthy was a WINNER AT SOME POINT.
Oh dude don't fucking bring up PURITY you lily white fuck. Damn he's just calling out his own party. He's saying their intentions when trying to negotiate w him weren't PUUUREEE. Again humans, nothings gonna be pure my dude.
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Bottom line, they don't trust McCarthy, saying it's for the ppl
Boebert is up to nominate Hern. She keeps pointing out that he was unanimously voted as chairman for something and that he's gonna be united. Blahblahblah inflation, republican talking points. Oh yay quickly ended
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