#good days: he’s nice and sad and just wants the day to be over
soobnny · 2 days
dating him | lee know
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❝ come over, the cats miss you ❞
chan | LEE KNOW | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
if he wasn’t a menace before (impossible btw), he sure as hell is now
this man is relentless
teasing as his love language
just loves riling you up bc he thinks ur reactions are so cute
and he smirks a lot too
if he wasn’t so damn attractive, u would’ve wiped that smirk off his face !!!!!
“wait min, i got a text”
“nice to know you have friends”
u hate him 😭😭😭😭😭
he’s such a little shit that he’s even rilling u up during ur dates
laser tag games where he kisses you to distract you before taking you out
he’d push you against the wall with a sly smirk and you think you won’t fall for it again, but you do
every single time
u should’ve known better
this is lee “resident cheater in all possible games” minho
he is also an ass lover ❤️❤️❤️
i’m sorry but u cannot go into a relationship with him without expecting him to always have his hand on ur ass in some way
so in short
the trope is giving u thought he was out of ur league but he’s actually a weirdo
so now u’re dating the Weird Kid
(u wouldn’t want it any other way)
his other love language is acts of service
i said in my chan one that minho also gives Chief Hong from hometown cha3
like tell me i’m wrong
man wife #2
he is ur personal handyman
he’s just good at everything
will most probably only do it for u tho
seungmin: hyung can u fix my sink
minho: no
seungmin catching strays 😂😂
you: babe—
minho: what do you need me to do now
he says it in fake annoyance too
but he’s got his tools in his hand already ready to do whatever u want
obsessed i tell u
he drives u around too
if you have an event, a party, a project, anywhere you need to be
he’ll drive u there
he always makes time
AND he picks you up too like shut up
it could be a party that finishes at 2am and he’s just waiting for your call to pick you up
sometimes, you tell him he can just sleep early bc your friend will give you a ride home
when you get home, look … he’s still awake
he’s been waiting for you to come home this whole time to make sure you’re safe
BUT he doesn’t say anything
the moment he sees you’re alive and breathing (and doesn’t need taking care of), he’s on his way to the bedroom to sleep
when u look around, he’s done the chores already
he just does things to lessen the load that u might have u know
if u’re so stressed with anything, he’d silently clean up ur room or bring u food
so u don’t have to think about that anymore
also the best chef in town btw
he likes cooking together
and by cooking together i mean like he does all the work and u just stay there and keep him company
he can’t risk ur clumsy ass injuring urself
comforts u thru his cooking too
would baby u and feed u when u’re sad
his favorite dates with u are quiet, homemade dinners
just likes being with u and u only
away from everyone else
as niki would say, i don’t like anyone except sometimes you
it’s in moments like those that he just unwinds and shows u his softer sides
he’s honestly just so gentle and soft
he looks at u with stars in his eyes
ugh such an attentive listener too
sometimes u think he isn’t listening, but he’s got it all memorized
“yeah u mentioned it on our date 3 months ago”
like damn
anyways, moving on
his pet names for u give olden times
honey, darling, jagi
but also loser, idiot, stupid girl (endearingly)
so u two are giving me old married couple
u’d both wake up early and have coffee or tea together and just talk abt anything
also this is far into the future but like
sneak peek at minho as ur husband
i think u two would be the type to have a garden
like gardening would be ur little hobby
he grows fruits and vegetables
u beg to grow flowers
randomly sending selfies thru the day
THOSE selfies
u know what i’m talking abt
forces u to send selfies back
(ur photos are all saved and hidden in his phone but he will never tell u that)
oh u’ve also become his cats’ mom btw
one of ur favorite errands to do is going grocery shopping for his cats
u’d always end up buying them a gift
“u’re the reason my cats are spoiled”
SUUUUUUURE minho suuuuuuure
cat fashion shows
like dress to IMPRESS
(btw idk why but i feel like u could force him to play roblox with u)
he also uses his cats to lure u to visit him btw
“soonie misses u, u’re being a bad mother”
it’s just him who misses u let’s be real
and if ur favorite thing to do with him is cat shopping, his is walking by the han river with you
he loves walking
esp when it’s with you
just a peaceful walk tbh like yall don’t even have to say anything
tho sometimes when he’s feeling playful, he’d suddenly play tag with you
ends with both of u just sitting by the river and looking at the lights and the stars and holding hands or maybe ur head on his shoulder
damn wish that were me fr
when u go home, u watch some variant of a trashy reality tv show together
u’ve basically seen it all
but if anyone were to ask u what happened in those shows, yall wouldn’t know
u two were too busy just making out instead of paying attention
or falling asleep
old married couple i’m telling u
expect to also be dragged into his camping
when he has particularly long days off, he’d propose going camping together
ah, the beauty of warm bonfires and quiet conversations
he’d take good care of you the whole time
like yessss do your job as a man and fix up this entire camping site
and he does
tho, aside from camping, he’d also suggest hiking to take in the view of the mountains and the pretty sky
u’d wake up early on both occasions just to watch the sun rise
in contrast to these very productive activities, sometimes minho also just loves lazy sundays where you just cuddle for the entirety of the day
what more could he want
u and his cats with him
that’s honestly just the dream
good luck cat mom
have fun acting like an old married couple with lee know
he is the dream man
nonchalant to anyone else except u
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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enwoso · 2 days
hey, could you try write something platonic for arsenal x reader with anger issues and the team getting the brunt of it? maybe like kim/leah having to deal with them or learn to calm them down? something along those lines idrk hahahah
NOT YOU — arsenal wfc x reader
this went in a different direction then what i had originally planned. sorry if some sorts don’t make sense i wrote this while i was half asleep. but enjoy x
warnings: talks of an absent father, few swear words
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the team was worried about. more specifically kim and leah were worried about you. they had never seen you act the way you had in the past. usually you were always laughing and joking around with kyra, pulling pranks and overall just being a pest.
but something had switched, little things were making you snap more quicker than usual, you were making harsh tackles on your own teammates as well as making rude remarks to anyone who tried to talk to you which wasn't totally out of the normal but your actions were speaking louder than your words at the moment.
the team knew you had a short fuse but it had never been this bad before. something had lit your fuse.
the girls had tried everything to try and figure out what had happened but nothing seemed to work but by the day, your anger was starting to build and leah and kim were worried it was about to spill over and were worried for whoever was on the receiving line for when that actually happened.
"we need to try and figure out what is wrong with y/n, she's gonna seriously hurt someone otherwise" kim said as she walked back from the training fields with leah by her side, who immediately agreed with the scot.
a hushed talk of the other girls in front on the two talking about your negative attitude. the two giving each other a look knowing the longer your temper and bad mood continued the more it was going to affect the team.
you were walking behind everyone else, by yourself letting your thoughts override as you walked along the gravelled path of colney. your boots hanging from your hand as the wind hit your bare legs.
you were last to walk into the locker room to grab your bag as well as being one of the last to leave. checking your phone to look at the time but being met with several messages from your dad.
rolling your eyes at them as your scowl deepening as you didn’t even bother to read any of them knowing it whatever he had written but be a whole load of waffle, as the man couldn’t tell the truth if smacked him in the face and said ‘i’m here!’
you and your dad had a complicated relationship, actually scratch that, that was putting it in nice terms. to you he was a deadbeat dad, or you could go as far as saying a sad excuse for a father.
chucking your shoes on and tying the laces when you felt a showed stand over you, noticing the shoes you knew who it was before you even looked up.
“y/n, can we have a chat?” kim asked calmly, as you looked at her not saying anything instead nodding for her to continue. knowing that this chat had been coming as you’d noticed the looks and chats she’d been having with leah and a few of the others girls — knowing that it would most likely be about you.
“you don’t have to tell me but i can tell your not yourself y/n and we’re all here for you and we just want to help you if we can but- your behaviour is starting to affect the team” she began as you just sat on the bench not showing the scot any emotion. kim was walking on egg shells as she spoke, you being able to sense her trying to pick her words carefully.
“you going to seriously injure someone if you carry on lashing out at people. so if there anything we can help with?” kim spoke in the same spoke tone, you leg bouncing up and down your head was a mess and the last thing you wanted was to have someone pity you.
you didn’t like pity.
you shook your head, “nope i’m all good!” packing your bag up and slinging it on your shoulder.
“are you sure- cause we-“
“kim! i said i’m good! just leave it at that! leave me fucking be!” you spat storming out the room. the door slamming as you walked down the corridor. regret and guilt filling your body with each step, but you were sick of people asking you if you were okay, babying you.
why couldn’t they all just take the hint when you said you were fine?
“y/n.” her voice echoed along the corridor, making you freeze. “c’mere” leah spoke in a stern tone, as you turned around half of the blondes body poking out of one of the meeting rooms.
dragging your feet to where she was, taking in a big breath as you walked into the empty room. taking a seat in one of the chairs as leah turned on her heel the door clicking shut as she stood tall in front of you her arms folded across her chest, almost intimidating you.
“what’s going on? this isn’t the y/n i know.” leah said in the same tone she’d spoken to you in just a few minutes ago. you stayed silent, a part of you scared you may lash out at the blonde too.
leah knew you best out of anyone on the team, she was the one you trusted most out of the team even if she was several years younger than you. she was the one that took you under her wing when you first started training with the first team.
with that though meant the blonde could read you like a book. you couldn’t lie to her like you easily could to the others as she would know the minute you opened your mouth.
“maybe this is the new y/n” you spoke in a hushed tone, shrugging your shoulders as leah raised her eyebrows confused at your words.
“no. no, this isn’t you. has something happened with your mum?” she asked, as she watched your body language closely as that was the closest she was getting to you actually giving the blonde some clues as to what had happened.
your shoulders tense up a little more. leah knew about your close relationship with your mum how she was your number one supporter, the england captain having quite a good relationship with her, herself.
you shook your head, “no, my mums fine” you paused before continuing.
"my dads’ been back in contact." you mumbled as a sigh of defeat come from you. the room filling with silence as leah came and sat down next to you putting her arm around you not saying anything yet as she knew you hadn't finished what you wanted to say yet.
"begging to be back in my life, that he's so proud that i'm his daughter, that he misses me blah blah blah, coming back into my life once again when it’s convenient for him." the bitterness was obvious in your tone of voice as you spoke, it told the whole story for itself.
leah knew about the your history with your father, how he had treat you and your mother when you were little before leaving your mum to carry on your upbringing as a single parent when you were just four.
but then every few years he would pop back up into your life, wanting and begging to be apart of it. that he had changed and wasn’t the same man he was when you were five.
but you had learned the hard way, that people like him. they don’t change.
so the first couple of times when he would spring back up when you were younger, he would promise you the world. that he would promise take you out for the day and spoil you with anything and everything you want claiming it as his way of making up for lost time but it would always end the same way.
you sitting on the bottom step of your stairs, hair all nicely done, dressed in an outfit you would spent hours figuring out what to wear. you would sit there for hours, the sound of the clock ticking away. all for him to just not turn up and then make a lame excuse up as you cried in your mums arms.
so the last time you saw him before the past week, was when you were 15 just after making it into your first youth camp with england as well as joining the arsenal academy, your dad had told you that he had met someone in america and that he was moving there.
a small part of you was a little hurt but the majority of you was happy as sad as it sounds but he was never really a dad to you.
“i thought he was living in america?” leah asked as you hummed, a mock laugh coming over you “me too, until he showed up at my door at 6 in the morning!”
“thinking he was going to just have a place to stay at mine as if he didn’t just leave for 5 years no messages, no calls. then when i said no he started trying to manipulate me, saying how im such a bad daughter-“ you breathed out feeling leah squeeze your shoulders, her hand rubbing up and down your arms for comfort.
“have you spoken to your mum about this? does she know he’s back in london?” leah asked quietly as you shook your head. “no, she doesn’t need that stress right now.”
“i don’t know what to do le, everytime i go home he’s there. i don’t even fuckjng know how he got my address.” your voice cracked, all the emotions you’d been holding in for the past week finding flooding over.
you were conflicted, cause whilst you had spent so many years hating your father for never being there or if he was it was only when it suited him and not when you really needed him. you wanted to believe he’d changed but his actions spoke louder and then his words.
but then again he was your dad, where you got your blood from but that was it, you didn’t really know him at all and he didn’t really know you.
you both only really knowing of each other.
“it’s okay, y/n we’ll figure it out together i promise.”
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vicsy · 3 days
Had no idea what to pitch so I literally looked up one word prompts and chose the first few. Pick whichever inspires: Daniel x Max + Sunburn/Tease/Emerge/Afternoon/Impulse/Nurture/Rough/Polaroid/Good
maxiel + polaroid, sunburn
"Nah, I'm good, thanks. Can't stay long. Duty calls!" Daniel makes an exaggerated gesture. Max cracks a smile. He probably follows the pundit stuff Daniel does more than actual racing these days. "Just wanted to pop by since you're back to calling Monaco home. Nice place, mate."
If not for the sim rig installed in an empty guest room that could have been a nursery in a life he brushed aside, nobody would have ever guessed Max lived here. His new apartment was clean, spacious, incredibly faceless. A simple home for a creature of habit Max always was but not quite a home.
"I wanted to go watch the race this weekend," Max admits and pads through the cluttered living room to the adjacent kitchen, straight to the fridge. It's shiny, sophisticated and very empty, except for a monthly supply of Red Bull and yesterday's leftovers. He grabs a can for himself, wishing he had that beer Daniel used to love. "But I am of course happy to see you after, well. Who knows, yeah?"
Couple years, give or take. Max stopped counting after turning thirty-three.
Behind him, Daniel claps his hands together. Max throws a surprised look over his shoulder, blindly rummaging in the fridge. The shine of Daniel's smile hasn't diminished over the years, but the crow's feet around his eyes, Max discovers, are more prominent than he remembers. He wonders if Daniel notices the little changes about him, too; if he cares for them at all. Max does.
"Oh, congrats on your team winning, uh, another virtual racing thingy," he delivers the line with that old, addictive enthusiasm and, to Max, it's a gut punch. He schools his face, a lump forming in his throat. Daniel gives him a thumbs up, turns around and walks along the empty shelves attached to the TV wall. The lack of decor there makes it look kind of pathetic. Max had only managed to put two of his WEC trophies on display, a helmet he wore for the last race and a nice-looking box of assorted knick-knacks dear to his memory. "Any plans to decimate Le Mans this year, Mr Three Time champ?"
"Fernando is busy with Dakar, so probably I'll skip it. Oscar texted me about doing it next year together, so," Daniel's back is facing him still. Max closes the fridge and opens the Red Bull can, places it on the kitchen counter. Stares at it for a second or two. Then, out of a long-forgotten habit, Max goes for a poorly planned half-joke. "Didn't know you started watching iRacing in your old age. Quick, what's a livestream?"
It's a desperate attempt to even the gap between now and before. Daniel flips him a bird without looking, too occupied with whatever he found on Max's sad little shelves.
"Har, har, fucker. I mean, I gotta keep myself in the game, everything is changing, like, a lot. And, come on, it's you–" he stops talking. Max takes a sip from the can, watching Daniel finally face him. "Huh. Didn't know you still have these."
Max has gone lengths without having to experience a solid enough crash and the debilitating aftermath reverberating through his body. In the sun-flooded apartment, on the freshly turned page, it catches up to Max as abruptly as a rainstorm in the summer.
Forty-three year old Daniel is standing in his unfurnished living room, a splotch of color among the backdrop of generic white paint and a mount of unpacked boxes. Forty-three year old Daniel, with a sprinkle of salt in his hair and a tan line on the ring finger of his left hand, looks at Max like he's a ghost from the past, like it's him who just had to ruin everything when things got too real. He wasn't there when Max paid the price of his own happiness in retaliation.
Forty-three year old Daniel, who sent out an invitation to a wedding Max never attended, holds up two tiny polaroids taken almost a decade ago and all Max can think of is his signature on the divorce papers, the ink still wet.
He swiftly closes the distance to Daniel and snatches both pictures from him, cradles them to his chest. Daniel's hand is left suspended in the air between them. Max ignores the wobble in between his ribs. His eyes trace the line of the rose tattoo in the direct line of vision, memory bristling, anger thrumming underneath his skin.
"I kept them," Max spits. He doesn't mask the bitterness in his voice. He had it bottled up long enough the cork had gone rotten.
Daniel stares back, mouth slack. He looks good and Max hates that, hates his stupid colorful hoodie and his meager attempts to make amends. Above all, Max hates himself for ever conceding. Daniel has always had one foot out the door. Missed chances were Max's fuel and they've still propelled him back to square one.
"Yeah. I figured," Daniel says, too soft, too familiar. Placating. Max should ask him to leave.
Instead, he drops his gaze to the polaroids laid flat on his palm. They're in good condition but Max also hadn't looked at them in months, maybe years; it doesn't matter since those Daniel and Max, everything they stood for, ossified and turned into dust. It doesn't keep Max awake at night anymore.
Out of the two photos, only one comes from the Red Bull PR department. They never cared when it went missing. Max remembers the video they shot too starkly to be unbothered it ever happened — him and Daniel in matching team gear, insane rain in Monaco; Max winning that weekend and Daniel watching from the pit wall.
The other polaroid, a bit rough on the edges, had never seen the light of day. It captured just a part of Max's sunburnt face, a corner of his smile; Daniel's lips pressed to his cheek, his wet curls in disarray. Max gets a phantom ache in his chest when he remembers how the camera ended up in the sand, falling off a small table where they had propped it up against a half-empty cocktail glass.
Daniel cups Max's hand holding the photos from underneath, painfully hesitant. Max flits his eyes up to the hollow of Daniel's throat, to his full beard; to the pleading look stabbing daggers into the soft edges of Max that were once hard and unforgiving. 
Stashing those polaroids was Max’s way to forget he wished to go back. He was never the one to leave in the first place; that was Daniel's sworn prerogative. But he's in Max's living room now, a lifetime away from running.
"I think," he cuts in before Daniel makes it worse or gives him hope. His hand slips from Daniel's hold and Max retraces his steps back to the kitchen. Daniel tracks his every move. "I think I will put them here."
He sticks the polaroids to the enormous fridge door with a Welcome to Monaco magnet he fished out of a nearby drawer. The photos look whacky but, to Max, it's a long shot. He lingers in place, berating himself for giving this another chance. 
When he turns back around, Daniel is just an arm's length away.
"About that drink," Daniel says, low. Max watches his tongue dart out, wetting his lips. His heart jackhammers against his ribs.
Max's back hits the fridge.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic abou
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gabessquishytum · 1 day
Still love the idea of hob being an anal virgin because he secretly always wanted dream to be his first..but also obsessed with the idea of that being a lie.
Sometime after the 1589 visit, when hob was so heartbroken, he just … got drunk and found someone to hold him down and fuck him. It was definitely sad and he definitely cried after in his arms, but he also definitely loved it.
Since then, hob really tries not to…but he just can’t help it. He goes for decades at a time, telling himself that he can wait for his stranger. But sooner or later he always gives in and finds himself spread out or bent over, blissfully stuffed with cock.
So when he and Dream finally get together, Hob tells Dream he always wanted Dream to be his first. Dream tells him he is honored and hob sits there sweating, so guilty that it isn’t actually true. He doesn’t want to confess to his centuries of failing to stay chaste…maybe he’d better just pretend this is his first time?
Obviously…Dream knows. He can sense the daydreams hob desperately tries not to let slip. He knows his poor hob has been trying to hard to wait for Dream, but he just needs cock too much. Dream likes seeing him sweat. The others who came before don’t matter, but it’s so much fun to tease hob, telling him that he takes cock so well for a “virgin.”
One day he’ll tell hob he knows and doesn’t mind. But for now, dream will enjoy teasing him.
Oh I am in LOVE with this. Poor little desperate cockslut Hob.
Dream thinks its actually so cute that Hob tried so hard to keep his anal virginity. That he kept making all these vows of chastity only for his resolve to crumble. Poor Hob had such good intentions and as far as he's concerned, Dream should be his first! The trouble is, he was clearly made to be filled up with a nice big cock, and it was probably inevitable that he'd give in to temptation. Dream doesn't blame Hob at all, bless him.
And it's so fucking hot, if Dream is truly honest with himself. Teasing Hob and watching him squirm. Whispering in his ear about what an amazingly slutty little hole Hob has, how its almost unbelieve that such a flexible, fuckable hole had never taken a cock before. Every time Hob sweats and whines and turns bright red and doesn't exactly deny what Dream is saying. Being teased even seems to make his cock harder. He squirms and spreads his arse cheeks wider so Dream can thoroughly inspect him... wondering if Dream can somehow smell his history...
Dream can't wait to eventually get Hob to tell him all about all his previous encounters. He'll tease his cock against Hob’s lubed up rim and refuse to thrust in properly until Hob describes how many times he's been fucked in full detail. Hob will be glad to unburden himself and be truthful, and he'll be so relieved that Dream doesn't resent him for his neediness. In fact, Dream loves him for it.
And Dream will gladly keep his precious "virgin" happy and full of cock forever... with just a little tease now and then, for old time's sake.
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guywithn0name · 2 days
-Alphabet headcanons-
;Miles G Morales
Miles G Morales x any gender reader
🎸 | Main Masterlist | 🎸
🕸 | Spider-Man: Spider-Verse Masterlist | 🕸
I still haven’t finished a post I’ve had in my drafts for like 3 months already ( ・∇・) (it’s a Leon Kennedy post lol) but in the meantime I’m going to write this and actively ignore the drafts (^з^)-♡ and ik Miles from 1610 and this Miles are super similar but they have different headcannons since they are still different people and they’ve had different experiences so yeah lol.
Warnings: not rly proofread
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-‘A’ is for AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
Miles isn’t one to show much affection beyond a simple hand-in-hand or a small and quick peck while in public. But he is more affectionate when you two are in private, or with people he’s comfortable around. His love language is acts of service along with quality time. He likes building his tech when you’re around, not really talking but just chilling together while listening to music. If Miles ever gives you gifts he’ll give you homemade gifts like; paper bouquet, handwritten letter, homemade food and ect. I don’t really think he’d give a lot of materialistic gifts. Mostly because over half of the money he steals is to help him and his mom. And he doesn’t really get the point of them either. He gets they’re nice, but why buy something expensive when you can make something?
-‘B’ is for BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestfriend?)
He’a a pretty chill guy to be friends with at the end of the day. He might be a bit closed off at first but when he opens up he’s a huge nerd. He’ll talk about his tech for hours if you know he’s the Prowler. If you two go to a McDonald’s or something, he’s the one who’ll give you one chicken nugget but not buy you a box for you because he’s too poor for that, but if you buy him McDonald’s or something like that, he will give you something self-made as a thank you gift.
-‘C’ is for CUDDLES (how and do they like to cuddle?)
He’s one of them sleepy cuddle people, he especially cuddles with you when he’s sleepy or tired. He acts like he’s a big spoon when y’all cuddle, but he’s really a secret little spoon. He isn’t big on showing affection like I said before, but he is semi cuddly when you two are alone in peace. He likes wrapping himself around you, full body hug and all.
-‘D’ is for DOMESTIC (if they settle down, how will they help?)
Miles is a bit hesitant on settling down with someone. He wants to, yeah. But because of his Prowler job he isn’t quick to just live with anybody. But that aside, let’s talk about what it’s like to live with Miles. He’s the type of person who wants to split the chores. The chores he would do is probably cooking and things along those lines. If you know he’s the Prowler you 100% will find some random parts around the place. The random prowler claw in the coffee table in the living room. Don’t worry about it, Miles just wanted to watch some tv while he was fixing it. Miles appearing in the kitchen, his hands somehow covered in oil? He’s just getting water, don’t mind the oil, it’s just from his motorcycle. The random motorcycle and tech parts on the kitchen counter? Don’t worry, he’ll clean it up soon. He always tries to clean up his messes, but you might find some things that don’t belong in random places.
-‘E’ is for ENDING (how would the break up go?)
Depending on the situation of the break up and who breaks up with who, he still probably might be a bit sad about it, before or after the break up. If you’re the one who’s breaking up with him, he’d definitely want a reason why. He’d probably feel upset about it if it was for a good reason. If he’s the one breaking up with you. There’s are two reasons for him to break up with you. Reason number one; he doesn’t like you anymore and he’s not cruel enough to date someone he doesn’t like. Reason number two; he doesn’t want to put you in danger because of his Prowler job, he just wants to protect you one of the few ways he knows how to.
-‘F’ is for FIANCÉ (how do they feel about marriage)
Miles’ a bit hesitant to marry someone, but he does want to marry someone at some point of his life. He wants the same kind of marriage and love his mom and dad had together. If Miles has a wedding, he’d want a small wedding with only close friends and family attending. He’s not that interested in a big wedding with a ton of people. He thinks a wedding is something only the people who you and him are actually close to.
-‘G’ is for GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
He tries his best to be gentle with you. But he isn’t too good with it. Miles had built a kind of wall around himself after his dad’s death. He still tries his best with you, but somewhat always keeps you at an arms length. But after some time he lets you get closer. Miles’ always careful not to make you uncomfortable or uneasy.
-‘H’ is for HUGS (do they like hugs?)
Miles does like hugs, but he definitely isn’t that clear about it. He also somehow has some of the warmest, and best hugs ever to exist. His hugs with his family member and close friends are like bearhugs. He’s a little awkward hugging strangers tho.
-‘I’ is for I LOVE YOU (when do they say I love you for the first time?)
All things considered, Miles was probably the one who said “I love you” first. You two were hanging out on the rooftop of the apartment complex he lived in, just chilling and looking at the stars while listening to music from his phone. And suddenly he just blurted the words “I love you” while admiring you. It was a cute moment.
-‘J’ is for JEALOUSY (do they get easily jealous? And if they do, what will they do?)
He doesn’t get jealous that much, only when other people obviously flirt with you or something along those lines, he’s more protective than jealous most of the time. He knows you’re loyal, so he doesn’t act too jealous. The most he’ll do when he’s jealous is a small tug on your hand to signal he wants to leave while glaring at the other person, he has a cold exterior so the glare wasn’t unnecessary surprising.
-‘K’ is for KISSES (how often do they like to get or give kisses, and where?)
Miles isn’t someone who likes to give a lot of affection in public, like I said earlier. He does like giving kisses, and reviving them. Miles just doesn’t like giving them in public. When he does give kisses in public, the most he’ll do is give a little peck on the cheek, forehead or on your temple. When he does kiss you on the lips, he’ll definitely do it when you two are alone or at each others place like I’ve said multiple times. When you two kiss, he likes to have his hand on you hip or on the side of you neck. Miles also likes giving soft pecks on the neck when you two cuddle. He enjoys getting kisses, but he doesn’t like showing that. His favourite part to get kissed is on his temple or on the crook of his neck, but only a gentle kiss or peck.
-‘L’ is for LITTLE ONES (how are they with kids?)
There’s only one word on how to describe Miles with kids, awkward. He isn’t bad with them, or good with them. Just awkward. He doesn’t wanna hurt one of them, because of that he doesn’t really know how to handle them. He’s too scared that he’ll hurt one, so he prefers not to interact with kids.
-‘M’ is for MORNINGS (how are mornings with them?
He’s a groggy morning boy. And like I mentioned he’s cuddly when he’s tired, so don’t be expecting to be able to get up early. So when you wake up, you’re 100% in some messy position with Miles wrapped around you or laying on top of you. He probably drooled at least a bit during the night too. His whole morning routine is pretty simple, get up from bed. (Like ten minutes after he woke up) Then changing his clothes and getting breakfast after brushing his teeth, a simple and quick morning.
-‘N’ is for NIGHTS (how are nights with them?)
Miles has a full on night routine, it’s not a complicated one, but he still has one. He always takes a shower before he goes to bed. And his whole skin routine is only water. How does he have such clear skin with so little effort? Only no one knows. He also wears a durag to bed, he also has like three different durags to choose from. Why? Don’t ask, seriously, don’t. (He doesn’t know either) He also always says “good night” and “love you” to his mom before going to sleep. When he moves out, he’ll text it to her occasionally, but every night but some nights. Just to remind her that he still exists. (They talk almost every other day or every day on the phone)
-‘O’ is for OPEN (how open are they about themselves?)
Miles was more open before his dad’s death, but he became a lot more closed off after it. It takes a while for him to fully trust someone. But when he does give someone his trust, it’s like peeling an onion, a lot of layers. He’s slow at opening up, but when he does it means he really does trust you. When he does in fact trust you, you’re one of his forever friends. He’s the type of guy to have a few close friends rather than a lot of not so close friends.
-‘P’ is for PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
Since Miles himself is a pretty standoffish, so he understands if you don’t want to be open with him right off the bat. He’s definitely patient with you as long as you’re patient with him too. He wants to take his time with the relationship, not rush to things.
-‘Q’ is for QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
Miles actually remembers quite a lot about you. It’s pretty surprising since he’s the Prowler, and his school along with helping his mom at home too.
-‘R’ is for REMEMBER (what’s their favourite moment in the relationship?)
One of his favourite moments in your relationship was when he told you he was the Prowler. You two had been dating for about a year and half at that point. You were staying over the night at his place. It was almost Halloween and the two of you were coming up with costume ideas when the topic of vigilantes came up. Or more specifically, the Prowler. Miles had been thinking about telling you that he was the Prowler for a bit at this point. So, he decided that now was a good time to tell you. A bit later Miles takes a deep breath and then takes your hands in his, before finally telling you the truth of him being the Prowler. It was a really nice moment to the two of you, and now one of Miles favourite moment of your relationship.
-‘S’ is for SECURITY (how protective are they?)
He’s actually a little protective, he wasn’t as protective before his dad died, but he got more protective after it. He doesn’t wanna loose another person who’s close to him. He also developed a small habit of walking you home when you’re over at his place. The city’s dangerous and he knows it, he likes knowing that you got home safe after you leave his place, it gives him some comfort.
-‘T’ is for TRY (how much effort are they putting into the relationship, dates and ect?)
Miles puts in his share fair of effort into the relationship, but if he notices that you’re not putting the same amount of effort into the relationship he’ll become more distant. He wants that the both of you put in effort for the relationship, not just one-sided effort. Like I mentioned before, he likes giving hand-made gifts and likes to cook homemade meals for you. He isn’t the biggest fan of going on fancy dates or anything. Mostly because he doesn’t really have enough money to pay for them, plus the city he lives in (and most likely you) definitely isn’t the safest place to have dates outside. Miles really likes dates that are spent indoors at each others houses. He especially likes movie dates, and dates where you cook or bake together. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not, he’ll still have a lot of fun with you.
-‘U’ is for UGLY (what’s a bad habit of theirs?)
He sometimes has a dumb habit of forgetting to answer texts or calls when his phone’s on silent. And if he does see it, he sometimes forgets to respond completely and only realises it a few hours later.
-‘V’ is for VANITY (how insecure are they?)
He’s not an insecure person, at all. He’s pretty confident in himself, he’s just quiet. But like with my Miles 1610 alphabet headcannon, he’ll get a tiny iny bit insecure if you two haven’t spent time together in a while. (you should go read it if you haven’t already ;) )
-‘W’ is for WHOLE (do they feel whole without you?)
Miles would be sad without you, but he wouldn’t fully feel incomplete without you. But he would certainly miss you. He already lost his dad, so he knows how to deal with sadness. He would miss you. But it all depends if you died or left him. If you died Miles would definitely make a graffiti of you, just like he did of his dad. But if you left him, or the other way around. He would probably think about you time to time, even miss you at times. But he wouldn’t come after you, the walls around his heart wouldn’t let him.
-‘X’ is for XTRA (extra headcanon about them)
Miles is a great cook, his mom taught him how to cook since he’s been little. He wants to get a small tattoo in honour of his dad in the future. He likes drawing you in his sketchbooks, and as little doodles in sticky notes that are on his blueprints of his gear and other things. He actually doesn’t enjoy horror movies a lot, he gets scared easily by them even tho he puts on a front of not-being-scared-of-anything. Miles definitely tender headed, and he only ever lets a very specific barber or his mom touch his hair. And you if you’re lucky.
-‘Y’ is for YUCK (what can they not stand?)
He hates people who just cannot season food properly, it disgusts and pains him at the same time.
-‘Z’ is for ZLEEP (how is to sleep with them?)
Two words for sleeping with him; no space. He moves around a ton while he sleeps and like I mentioned earlier, he cuddles a lot while he sleeps. He definitely has a second blanket that he hugs in his sleep when he can’t cuddle anyone. He’s also one of those people who just cannot sleep without a blanket on. Is he overheating under it? Maybe. But he can’t not sleep with it. Without it he ain’t sleeping, honestly.
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13 and O14 for the ask game, if you want :3
13. In the branches of a dead tree aka Saint and Osiris can never just have a nice simple date.
From the ask game here.
"This is the most ridiculous predicament you've gotten us into yet Saint," Osiris complained gripping tightly to the branch of the dead tree they were both stuck in as water rushed by filled with rocks and debris under his feet.
"This is not my fault! You were the one who said to me 'Saint we should go to valley, collect samples of Radiolaria.' It was not me!" Saint argued from his branch on the other side of the tree turning to make a face at his partner.
"I distinctly remember you saying 'Osiris, it is such a nice day for a walk, no? Let's do something together.' and then making those sad eyes at me when I said I had research to do," He argued back copying Saint's accent for his supposed words making the exo snort.
"Ah but I wanted to walk in the city! You were the one who wanted to walk in dangerous forest looking for vex milk," Came his retort and Osiris groaned.
"Don't call it that," He said in what he would deny was a whine and the glow of Saint eyes brightened.
"What? You do not like me calling it Vex milk? Does it not look like milk and come from the Vex?" He purposefully riled Osiris up and his Warlock puffed up just like he knew he would.
"It is nothing like-" he started as he went to push himself upright on the branch but a large cracking sound interrupted them both and Saint had to dive to grab Osiris by the back of his robes as the branch he had been on broke and fell into the river that had formed under them. Osiris dangled there like a scruffed kitten for a moment before Saint hauled him over to his branch and wrapped a protective arm around him.
"i will not let you fall," He said feeling his partner shaking now and he realized Osiris was soaked through by the rain that had caused the flash flood they barely avoided by climbing the dead tree. Of course he hadn't said earlier, likely not wanting to go home when there was knowledge to be gleamed somewhere. But he did not have Sagira to protect him now and Saint would not lose him to something as stupid as some water.
"You're right. I shouldn't have dragged us out here. I'm sorry," Came a ragged voice now and Saint wished he would go back to arguing with him.
"Ah, you were right too. You did want to stay home and I pushed you into going out. We both got ourselves into this mess. Time we get out of it, yeah?" He said more softly as Geppetto finally returned with his ship hovering above them and transmatted them both aboard.
"You are terrible! Stop doing that! It's bad enough you keep saying it in front of the Young Wolf or on our meeting calls! You know what it does when you say that!" He huffed and Saint laughed.
Even once they were both safe Saint stood there for a moment holding his trembling partner in his arms. "Osiris?" He murmured and waited until brown eyes met his own violet ones.
"I love you... Even if you do look like a drowned rat," He said and it worked just like he knew it would making his partner all flustered but shove him away.
"What? That I love you, or that you look like a drowned rat?" He teased but was surprised when Osiris moved forward again to press their foreheads together.
"I love you too Saint. Which is why I know you are riling me up on purpose. Why don't you go help Geppetto get us home while I change to look less like a 'drowned rat' hmm?" He offered and Saint melted.
"That sounds good to me too."
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mustainegf · 19 hours
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→ masterpost
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It was August 1992, and the summer day was hot and uncomfortable. The last two months were in a rushing wave of fast preparation and emotion. But every night passed with me wondering if James would ever make the time to be with the baby. The tour was eating him up, hence leaving me to sail through pregnancy mostly alone.
Today was no different. Finally, it was time for another ultrasound, though I had been waiting for a fair few days. I wanted to see my baby again, to get a sight of something so beautiful taking place within me. It would be edged with sadness, though; after all, I was going to do this alone. I pushed all those feelings away and started to drive toward the clinic.
The waiting room was cool, a friendly difference to the suffocating heat outside. I checked in and took a seat as my hands rest over my growing belly protectively.
My mind wandered back to the last time I had spoken with James, how we talked about his visit, how hopeful I had been. The days turned to weeks, the weeks to months, yet hope was starting to dwindle.
The nurse's voice broke me free as she called my name, and I got up from my chair. Wandering with her across the waiting room, I attempted to forget and shake off the thoughts.
The ultrasound technician beamed at me. "Hi, How are we feeling today?
"Nervous, but excited," I added as I climbed up on the exam table. "It's always nice to see my baby."
Her smile widened and she nodded. "Well, let's take a look. We'll see how things are going."
She spread the gel on my bare tummy and prepared the equipment. And I kind of breathed in deep, trying to center myself. The gel laying on my belly was so freaking cold, and I started shaking a little, fighting to keep my eyes fixed on the screen as the technician moved over my belly.
"There we go," she said softly, pointing to the screen. "There's your baby.”
And there my eyes filled with tears as I watched the screen and viewed that small, fluttering form. Astonishing to see my baby in this light, knowing that soon I would hold them in my arms. The technician measured everything to the millimeter, rechecking all the dimensions and angles and giving a running commentary.
"Your baby looks perfect," she said. "Strong heartbeat, good growth. Everything is just as it should be."
The wash of relief that covered me was immense, and I smiled. "Thank you," I whispered, choking with emotion.
The lab technician considered me for a moment before responding, "Would you also like to know the gender?"
I started for a moment before shaking my head. "No, I want it to be a surprise."
She nodded in the affirmative, "That's a good idea. A surprise is always nice."
She continued the scan and asked, "So, where's daddy today?"
It was such a simple question, but boy, did it hit hard. I amassed a smile that felt so very brittle. "He's on tour," I answered quietly.
The technician gave a look of sympathy. "That must be so hard on you, doing this on your own."
I nodded, the tears threatening to return. "Does daddy make music?” She asked, continuing to assess me.
Her questions meant well, I knew that, but they couldn’t help but feel a bit intrusive. “Yeah…” I answered shortly.
She patted my arm reassuringly. "You're doing great, hun. None of this is easy, but this baby is very lucky to have you."
The words soothed a painful place inside me, though what they changed in my life was nothing.
The session was over and she printed a couple of photographs for me to go home with. "Here you are," she smiled as she handed me the print out, "You can keep these until you meet your little one."
"Thank you." I could barely hear my own voice above a whisper. I lowered the pictures into my bag, feeling as though my insides ached with something that was foreign. This should have been an experience shared with James, a moment together. Instead, he was miles away, wrapped up in his own world, probably drunk, or in bed with another woman.
As I left the clinic and walked into the bright sunlight, the reality of it all hit me again. I felt lonely, missing James. But most importantly, I felt good. I had seen my baby; they were alright and were growing just fine. That was the most important thing.
The baby's ultrasound photos went on the bulletin board in the nursery at home. The room was slowly coming together with all of the things I picked out: I sat back for a few minutes and stared at the pictures of my baby.
Sat on the floor, back to the wall, I sat with cradled hands over my belly. "I can't wait to meet you," I whispered, feeling connected to the little life within me. "We're going to be okay, you and me. I love you, and hopefully daddy does too.”
It had been an emotional day, long and dragging. I had spent the evening in the nursery trying to get as much done as possible. The room was slowly taking shape, the room that would, very soon, cuddle my little bundle of joy. The thought of a missing crib only made me frustrated.
I sat on the floor for hours, surrounded by piles of baby things that I had purchased, and dreamed about how our baby would look in the tiny clothes, what he or she would look like when they learned to walk and talk.
That room, which used to resonate with music of James, was silent now but instilled with something new. All the items I placed and replaced brought calm and clarity of purpose to me. Every little bit of the nursery was like taking little steps toward the future, a future where James is part of it. I wished.
I then took one final look at the nursery. There was so much work, just yet to be done. I turned out the light, then I headed to the bedroom, my body aching from the day's work, just another day in paradise.
I lay in bed, my hand on my belly, as I felt the baby. "We still need to get you a crib," I whispered with a smiling mouth. "But don't you worry, I’ll get everything ready for you sweetie.”
Now, the day was catching up to me. My eyelids were feeling heavy, and I dozed off. I was dreaming of that nursery, all of those little clothes, all those firsts, so near, yet so far.
The shrill ring of the phone pulled me from deep sleep. I was disoriented and groggy, stumbling in the darkness. My heart was pounding against my chest. Who the hell could be calling at this hour? Fear took hold as I stumbled out of bed to make my way towards the kitchen to answer the phone.
"Hello?" I croaked, thick voiced with sleep.
The voice on the other end was calm and asked for my name.
"Yes, that’s me," I answered, finding anxiety creeping into my voice. "Who is this?"
"This is Dr. Reynolds from the Montreal General Hospital in Canada. I'm calling because you were listed as the emergency contact for a James Alan Hetfield."
The words chilled me to my core. "Yes- What's happened? What’s going on?”
There was a pause. I could hear the doctor's controlled breathing. "I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that he’s been in a pyrotechnic accident. He suffered severe burns and he’s in critical condition."
The room spun around me. "Oh my God," I whispered, feeling weak in my legs. I grasped the counter to hold myself up. "How bad is it? Is he going to be okay?
“He's stable for now,” Dr. Reynolds told me in a very, very calm voice, which only made me shake all the more. "But his injuries are serious. We're doing everything we can, but this is going to be a really long road to recovery."
Tears running down my face, I tried to get everything straight in my head. "Sir.. I- I want to be there." I stammered. "But I don't have the money to fly to Canada. And I'm pregnant.”
The voice of the doctor was now softened. "I understand."
The thought of James lying there, hurt and alone, in that hospital bed was almost too much to bear. I put one hand on my belly and felt the light movements of the baby inside me.
"I know this is hard. James is in good hands here, and we're doing everything we can for him. If you have any other questions or need to speak to someone, please don't hesitate to call."
"Thank you," I said that word again, packing a huge amount of gratitude and helplessness into it. "Please… please tell James I love him when he wakes up. Tell him to call me, please.”
“I will," Dr. Reynolds reassured me. "Take care, ma’am."
I hung up the phone and my hands were shaking. This all just felt like a dream because this couldn't actually be happening because it just didn't feel real.
I fell to the floor, clutching at my stomach, tears raining down my face. I wished I could just hold my baby. Thinking about James in that hospital bed, all alone, in pain, was mocking my thoughts.
I didn't want anything more than to be there with him, holding his hand, letting him know everything was going to be alright, despite how big of an asshole he’s been.
I didn’t care if he’d hurt me, not right now. I just needed him to be alive.
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vodika-vibes · 20 hours
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a fic about CX-2, because he needs some love and maybe a reader or S/O could rescue him from tantiss and take care of him and feed him good food and make sure he’s happy and healing
Idk if he is tech or dogma or anyone we’ve met before cause nameless clones deserve so much love and idk why I feel lowkey emotional, but it made me so sad when he got turned into a kebab, after all the torture and stuff he went through, I just wanted to hug him
Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day!
In The End
Summary:  It’s been a year, 12 long months, since the last time that you saw CX-2. You went on a date with him, and then he vanished, with only a simple message saying that he had to work and that he’d contact you when he could. And then he fell off the face of the map. And now, almost a year later, and with the able assistance of a group of Wookie Mercenaries, he’s back with you, safely on your ship headed for the haven you’ve arranged beforehand.
Pairing: CX-2 x F!Reader
Word Count: 1359
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So as much as I love Tech and Dogma, I love the idea more that CX-2 is someone else entirely. So, here you have CX-2 being happy with his family. I just needed to take a break from my AU event, I have so many ideas for them, but it's like there's a traffic jam in my brain, I can't get the words to word.
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Your knuckles are white as you grip the sleeves of your jacket. You’re very, very stressed. But then, you’ve been stressed for the better part of a year.
Hopefully, now that CX is safe, your stress levels will drop to a more reasonable level. And your medical droid will stop chiding you to practice yoga. That would be nice.
Speaking of said medical droid—
The door to the infirmary slides open and the silver droid hovers out and over to you, “The Patient is awake and aware. There seems to be no lasting damage due to his year-long confinement.”
“So I can see him?” You ask.
“He needs his rest.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
The Droid sighs heavily, a very human reaction you can’t help but notice, but then he nods his head. “You brought him food, I take it.”
“Uh, yeah,” You gesture to the small tray of some of CX’s favorite foods. A pasta dish, with some roasted veggies, and a proper dessert. 
The droid eyes the food critically, and then nods, “That is all acceptable.” He says, “I am returning to my charging dock.” And then, abruptly, he hovers off.
You watch him fly into another room, and then slowly stand and grab the tray of food. Hopefully, he’ll be happy to see you. It’d be heartbreaking if you went through all of this trouble, and he wasn’t happy to see you.
Lightly, you knock on the door and then press the control to allow the door to slide open when you hear an answer from inside. You step into the room, making sure to shut the door behind you before you focus your attention on him.
He looks…well, he doesn’t look well.
Oh, sure, he’s still the handsome man that you fell in love with. Only he’s lost a lot of weight, his abdominal muscles are clearly defined, not protected by the thin layer of fat that gave him a very pleasant squish. He also has bags under his eyes, and you’re pretty sure that there’s a hint of grey in his dark curls.
But he’s still CX.
Your name falls from his lips, he looks astonished to see you, and then he averts his gaze, as if ashamed of something.
And that just won’t do.
You cross the small room and set the tray of food on an open table, and then you reach out for him, stopping just shy of touching him. “I missed you,” You say, your voice soft.
His dark eyes snap to meet yours, and the smallest smile crosses his face. “I missed you more,” CX replies, his voice slightly raspy, and for once, you believe it.
He reaches up and takes your hands in his and pulls your hands to his face, and you eagerly cup his face, content to feel his warm skin against your hands again. You don’t fight him when his arms snake around your waist and he pulls you as close as he can without pulling you onto the bed.
He buries his face against your chest and just breathes.
You gently card your fingers through his curls, your other hand moving from his cheek to wrap around him, holding him as tightly as you can. Just enjoying him.
You lightly drop a kiss on the top of his head, “I thought you were dead,” You murmur against his hair.
He trembles slightly, “I’m sorry. I never meant to disappear.”
“I’m not mad.”
“You should be.”
He pulls back, and looks up at you, “Cyare,” this time his hands come up to cup your face, “You don’t understand, I’ve hurt so many people—”
“It doesn’t matter.” You reply, “Not to me. You didn’t have a choice, CX. I know that.”
“That doesn’t make it right.”
You shush him gently, “We’re going somewhere else. Somewhere where the Empire can’t touch you ever again. You have brothers there.”
CX looks baffled for a moment, “Brothers?”
“I think they called themselves Nil…or null?”
He blinks at you, “We’re staying with the Nulls?”
“Yeah, when I was looking for you, I managed to stumble over them. We’ve been offered a place with them. They have a whole settlement for clones and their families.”
“Even clone assassins?”
“All clones,” You reassure, “What do you think?”
He looks uncertain for a moment, “I suppose we can try it out, and see if it works.” CX finally agrees, and then he pulls you in so he’s able to press his face against your chest again, “cyare?”
“What scent are you wearing?”
“What scent am I—?” You pause and your face flushes, “Oh, right. I’m not, not really.” You gently push him back and lean in to kiss his forehead, “There’s actually something I need to get for you, I left it in my room.”
CX peers at you, “Can it wait?”
“It’s a surprise. And I think, well hope, that you’ll like it.”
CX watches you for a moment, and you smile at him reassuringly, “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
He unwraps his arms from around you, “Alright,”
You beam at him and quickly drop a chaste kiss against his lips before you turn and hurry out of the room. You’re vaguely aware of him sitting up in the medical bed and swinging his legs off the edge as the door slides shut behind you.
You walk the short distance to your room, and don’t bother shutting the door behind you. There’s no need, you’ll only be in here for a moment, after all. You walk around your bed (big enough for you and CX to share), and lean over the much smaller bed, a loving smile crossing your face as you look at the face of your sleeping daughter.
CX’s daughter.
He vanished before you even found out that you were pregnant, so hopefully, she’s a good surprise.
You scoop Eli into your arms, adjusting her weight so she’s comfortably nestled against you, and you head out of the room. The scent that CX asked you about was baby powder, which you seem to always smell like since giving birth to Eli.
You step back into the infirmary, and CX opens his mouth to say something but stops when he sees Eli.
You sit on the bed next to him, “This is Eli, she looks like you.” You lightly brush a dark curl off your daughter's forehead, “Luckily, can you imagine if she got stuck with my hair color and your skin tone?”
CX doesn’t say anything, you glance at him and notice that he’s staring at Eli, wide-eyed.
“I found out that I was pregnant 2 weeks after you vanished,” You explain, “She’s 5 months old now. Would you like to hold her?”
“Can I?” He asks, his gaze darting to your face, “Am I allowed?”
“She’s your daughter, you silly man. Here.” You pass the baby over to CX, and adjust his arms so that he’s cradling her properly, “She’s a very calm baby, she doesn’t fuss a lot.”
Cx stares at Eli, mesmerized, “Was the pregnancy easy?”
You shrug, “Unimportant, I had plenty of help.”
You smile at him adoringly, “Next time, we’ll do it properly.”
He blinks at you, “Next time?”
“Um, well…if you want a next time.” You correct sheepishly.
You watch as he brushes a finger down Eli’s nose, “I’d like there to be a next time.” CX murmurs, “I can’t believe you gave me a baby.”
“Well, you gave her to me first,” You say with a soft laugh, “I’m just returning the favor.”
He glances at you and a genuine smile, the first one since you’ve been reconnected, crosses his face. “We’re going to be okay,”
“Of course we will.” You lightly lay your head on his shoulder, “We’re going to be better than okay, we’re going to be great.”
You feel him press his head against yours, “I love you,” The words are soft as if he’s not sure he has the right to say them, and you smile. 
You turn your head and press a kiss against his bare shoulder, “I love you too, CX.”
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stevetonyweekly · 2 days
SteveTony Weekly - June 30 - Week 26
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Hello, friends! Hopefully you had an amazing week. As a quick note, tomorrow AO3 will be down for a substantial amount of time, so be sure you have your fic needs prepared for that. I’ll be sharing the monthly podfic rec list later in the day to account for that. 
Now here’s this week’s recs! 
I don't think there's a manual for this by itsallAvengers
So. His son can stick to things, apparently.
If only Tony had realised this before he'd caught him hanging off the 89th floor of the tower.
Well. Parenting was never going to be a smooth road, was it?
my thoughts: it’s so fluffy. Steve’s exhaustion and panic are spot on for a new parent, and Tony just needs a nap and toddler proof glass. 
Found My Heart Wandering by ItsMayBiTheWay 
The scenery, for lack of better words, is simply breathtaking. The colors of the sunset before him, as he crosses his legs on the wooden pier, reach inside Steve’s sternum and cradle his heart gently, the soft pinks and blues swaying in the sky to create the perfect shade of lilac.
They fill in the cracks like the ancient art of kintsugi, proudly emphasizing all the scars with gold- you are better for all the scars you take, Steven, it shows you have loved, it shows you have lost- it all shows you have lived; instead of wasting your heart away, the voice of his mother repeats.
Backpacking across Europe for inspiration for his upcoming art show after a bad breakup; the last thing Steve expects to find is love.
my thoughts: i love a good meet cute. This was adorable. 
Take the Moment and Taste It by betheflame
“You cannot be serious, Tony! A friendship bracelet.”
Tony Stark grinned up at his business partner from his place bent over the lawnmower engine he was tinkering with. “Aw, Pep, come on. It worked for Travis.”
Pepper pinched the bridge of her nose. “If you honestly want to pattern your love life off of a fanfic come to life, to a straight man, be my guest, but have you considered that you cannot just waltz into a mall and wait in line for a hockey player’s autograph?”
Or, Steve is a closeted hockey player, Tony is a publicly gay fanboy, and the NHL has no idea what's about to hit it.
my thoughts: a Tayvis flavored sportsball AU? What’s NOT to love?? I had a lot of fun reading this one and was sad when it ended. 
it might just have been you by Areiton 
"You have the whole world in front of you, Tony," Steve says, slowly. "When you get off this boat, there's nothing to stop you from living the life you want. If that's as a mechanic with a nice Alpha--you can have that. Just because what you grew up with is trash, doesn't mean that all alphas are. You can still have exactly what you want."
Tony laughs, and it feels brittle, sharp, cutting at his throat as it spills between them. "There aren't nice Alphas, Captain. No one is nice enough to walk away from a billion dollar fortune for someone like me."
"I would," Steve says, and it feels like a confession, like something he doesn't mean to share, and all the more precious for it. 
my thoughts: um. Well, so I wrote this one? But I haven’t read it since I wrote it a year ago and it was a lot of fun to see what happened with these two. Bearded Steve is kinda amazing. 
If The Collar Doesn't Fit by askaniblue 
Subs need to belong to a dom. That's the law and being Captain America doesn't place you above the law. But when Steve shows up to a fight with ugly looking injuries Tony gets worried. Tony starts digging. Of course Iron Man is a switch, everyone knows that, so what does he know about what goes on between doms and subs? And why should Steve listen when Iron Man charges in to his defense? No other dom wanted the contract of an overgrown sub like Steve. Not even Mr. Stark.
My thoughts: i really love the dynamics here and Tony taking care of Steve is everything to me. 
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days-until-burnout · 2 days
Day 14 -
Characters - Etho/Joel Words - 1,822 Time - 60 mins Content - hurt/comfort
The day went from sunny to stormy in a matter of seconds, not that his day had been any better either way. It was bleak already, the rain just added another layer of suckiness to it. 
Joel ran down the street, and practically burst through the door, freezing when he realized what he had done. He blushed, looking down and away from the startled eyes, turning around to close the door behind him, hearing the soft bell. He looked out the door window, cringed at how hard the rain was now, even though he could practically hear it over the quiet jazz playing in the background. He was soaked and he was mopey, and his day just continued to go downhill. 
Without looking at anyone, and everyone else looking away in pity, he made his way to the counter. As he breathed in and out to even his ragged breathing, he picked up the smell of fresh coffee and the very subtle milk scent and some hints of baked goods. His stomach grumbled at the thought of food, his body shivered for warmth. Past Joel, who was seven in the morning Joel, was probably laughing at him for not having stayed in bed as he had wanted. But he had tried to be good, went to his classes, went to the library to get some work done, went to more classes, all the while ignoring his phone. 
He went out of the flat because he wanted to feel functional, and because he just did not want to be in. 
He tried to not think about it. Not like he did not have enough things to be sad about already. 
“Hi, what can I get for you today?” 
Joel looked up, finding that barista with that bleached platinum hair. He vaguely remembered his friends talking about him, praises more than anything, but he could not for the life of him pin a name to the face. Or, well, to the eyes, because of the mask covering the bottom of their face. 
Their eyes met briefly, Joel swore to have caught a twinkle of mischief in them, then that could probably be chalked up to sleeplessness. His eyes flickered to the menu behind him, making a show to think what he wanted, though he already knew. 
“Can I get a large hot chocolate?”
He hummed, pressing something into the screen, “Alright, one large hot chocolate. Would that be all?”
“Add a chicken salad sandwich, thanks.” Joel looked around the display of baked goods as he fished out his wallet, deciding against it for now. He was in no mood to joke, but he still tried to amuse himself, if anything to feel better about himself. He smiled, catching his eyes, “It’s my birthday. Got any discounts you can give me?”
The nameless barista paused, hand still on the screen, then resumed. “I’m afraid not. But there is a college discount if you have your ID?”
Joel showed his ID, the barista nodded.
“By the way, are you planning to stay long?”
Joel blinked, confused. 
“Oh, I mean, to study. People tend to stay a couple hours to study and stuff. Got free wifi and it’s cozy too.”
Joel glanced at the time, then looked back outside to see the rain. He turned back with a chuckle and a shrug, “I guess so. With this rain.”
The tall guy nodded, “Well, then, I will leave your tab open so you can keep ordering if you want, and just pay before you leave.”
“Wait, what? You guys do that? Like, like in bars?”
White hair guy nodded, “Yeah, happens often enough so why not. Plus, most people are students, so not that hard to track down if it comes down to it. I’m a student too, so.”
Joel was baffled, but he still nodded. “I, well, alright, I guess? I’ll, uh, sit over there. Wait– No, I’ll wait—”
Kinda-nice voice guy chuckled. “Nah, I’ll bring it over. It’s not busy.”
With a nod, Joel was on his way. He picked a booth, hidden from the other customers, shrugged his soaked jacket onto one of the seats, stretching a little, then quickly filled the table with his work. His laptop and tablet, books and papers, pens and pens and more pens. He might as well get some work done until the rain stopped or lighten up. 
Not like he was going home, nor did he want to. 
He shook his head, put on his headphones and began working. 
At some point, the kinda barista walked by, dropping off his drink and food. Joel looked up, seeing an extra thing, and before he could say anything, the guy was gone. With a raised brow, he pulled the little dish closed, finding a little lava cake and a little note saying ‘Happy Birthday. It’s on the house :)’. Joel wanted to cringe, because he did not want to think about his birthday, which he probably should not have mentioned in the first place. Then he realized he did not even tell the guy his name. Oh well, that was a fair exchange, given he did not remember his name either.
It was stupid. But his drink was nice. And he might as well eat the cake, which was also fine. Whatever. 
It was whatever. 
He went back to his work between sips and spoonfuls of cake, then moved on to the sandwich which was also fine. He lacked appetite, but he knew he needed food. He ate to not have to worry about it, then sunk into his work for however long it took. 
Which was a long time, it seemed. Because Joel woke to dimmer lights and no music, only some sounds he could not register, and… something on his shoulders. He rubbed his eyes, mind slowly watching up and finally realizing that he was hearing sweeping and the thing on his shoulders was a coat. He yawned, then panic looked at his phone, eyes going wide at the time. 
“Oh, look who finally woke up.”
Joel looked up with wide eyes, going wider when he saw the kinda-cute barista without his mask. Smile on his lips, twinkle in his eyes, and just—
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll leave. I—”
“You’re good,” the guy chuckled, and Joel blushed, “it’s still raining anyways. I can give you a ride, unless you’ve got someone to pick you up.”
“I– No, it’s okay. I’ll find my way home.”
“Nah, I’m actually locking you in until I’m done closing up.”
The evil barista winked then walked away, Joel took a couple seconds before his mind kicked into motion. He shoved his things into his bag, the coat falling from his shoulders when he got up. The grabbed it, shuddering when he grabbed his still wet jacket, sliding out of the booth to an empty coffee shop. It was so very dark outside, which was definitively not a good sign. 
“Sorry, can I pay now? I’ll get out of your hair now. Sorry.”
“Oh. You’re too late. System shut down already. Guess you’ll have to wait until I’m done so I can do the transaction.” The guy laughed, almost amused, leaning on the broom as he looked at Joel… well, amused. Joel made some sort of face, because he laughed again, smitten. Which was probably in Joel’s head, seeing as he just woke up. 
He shook his head, placed the coat in the nearest chair, “Okay, alright, you’re being weird now. I’ll come back to pay tomorrow. I’m gonna go now.”
Of course Joel did not. When he tried to pull the door, it did not move. And when he tried to pull it, it did not budge either. He blinked a couple times, then turned to looked at the barista, his captor. He blanked when he saw his raised brow, almost confused. 
“I did say I locked the door, didn’t I?”
“This is called kidnapping.”
“No, it’s called an intervention.”
“To what?!”
“To walking in the rain. It’s not good for you. You don’t even have an umbrella. So unprepared, you’re lucky you’re cute though.”
“What are you going to do to me? Kill me? Sex? You want sex. Money? I’m broke, so sex.”
His evil captor had the gall to laugh, shake his head then continued sweeping. “You looked sad.”
Joel’s voice became small. He thought he did a good job hiding. Had he not? This– No, no, this could not be happening. He was hiding it good. No one noticed. No one. Which was why he muted his phone, because no one would notice. Which is why he did not go to class but simply hid around campus, because no one would notice. No one was supposed to notice. No one.
“When you walked in, I don’t know, you looked sad.” The mind-reader said, walking away to put the broom away, but his voice was as loud as if he were standing in front of him. Everything was so quiet, except the pouring rain outside. “And you looked very sad when you said it was your birthday too. Dunno if you meant it or not, but yeah. It’s probably not my place. And I’ll unlock the door if you really want to go. But my offer stands. I will drive you home, or I can drive you wherever you want. We can drive around until my car runs out of gas if that’s what you want. But I really don’t want you to go out and get sick.”
Joel looked up when the barista walked closer, and his eyes finally glossed over the name badge, Etho. 
“So,” Etho said, holding the keys in one hand, his coat in the other, “what do you want to do?”
Joel dropped his head, almost ashamed of this state. He should leave. Get home and… and what? Face Grian and Jimmy? Check his phone and explain why he did not answer anyone? Do his homework? Hide in his bed and cry his eyes out? Was that what he wanted?
Was this what he wanted?
“Do you leave alone?”
“I don’t, no. But I can sneak you in if you want. My flatmates are probably busy or sleeping already.”
Joel nodded, “I’ll stay.” 
The coat wrapped around his shoulders again, an index lifting his chin tenderly. He wanted to cry, badly. 
He did not, though there probably would be time to do so later. 
“I’m Joel, by the way.”
“Yeah, I know, I remember.”
Spending his birthday with a stranger sounded like a bad idea. A really bad idea. But at least he was not alone. It would be alright, maybe. 
Etho pressed a hesitant kiss on his temple, brushing his cheek with the back of his finger, “Sit down, now. I won’t be long, I promise.”
It would be okay, he decided as he sat down. As long as he was not alone, it would be okay. 
uhhhh half-assed joel birthday thing? because.... well... yeah. there is definitively not a theme lately. hah 😪 anyways. i go sleep now
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kiragghar · 3 days
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Pairing: Haruka Sakura x fem!reader
Kir's notes: tbh I watch Windbreaker only for Togame Jo, turns out I like the anime. I rely on the wiki and the info I got so far from the anime for this, so bear with me. Enjoy :)
Tags: out of character, vague end, y/n has a crush on Sakura, first date hangout.
Word count: 924
You've always liked Sakura Haruka. How he looks, his white hair making his yellow iris stand out. You don't understand why your friends and teachers see him as weird, disgusting even. Making him the blame for everyone's problems. Wallet gone? Blame him. He fought to protect himself. His fault. You can't tell about your little crush to anyone, not even your best friends who hate him, which is all of them.
You stopped seeing him when you started attending high school. Turns out he moved to another school. You feel a bit sad but you understand. You hope that he will be accepted in his new school and you wish to see him in the future. 
One day you got dragged by your friend to East Wind shopping street after school, window shopping the beautiful dresses and cakes. And while they are window shopping, you spot someone from the corner of your eye. You looked back and you saw Sakura with his new friends. It's not normal to see him around a bunch of guys who're talking to him, like a friend. You stared at him for a while until your friend called. 
"(Y/n) What're you doing?"
"Oh... Nothing... I was just... Thinking that's all" 
"Wait, isn't that the freak from middle school? Can't believe he actually has friends,"
"Huh... Oh... Yeah,"
"Bet he learns nothing from Furin,"
"You know those uniforms they're wearing? They're from Furin High. School filled with a bunch of idiot delinquents. Too much until there are no teachers there,"
"Wait, no teachers?"
"Yeah, now let's go, I don't want to be in the place with freaks like them,"
She said and dragged you by the hand to another area. You wish you could just say 'hi' to Sakura, or wave at him. Instead, he didn't even look at you, not a single glance. But at least his friends accept him. 
The next day you decided to go to the shopping street yourself. In hopes of seeing him again. You waited and waited until you saw him. You feel your heart thumping hard, legs feel heavy to move. But you approached him anyway, it's now or never. You called him and he looked at you. 
"Sakura, hi"
"Oh... Hi,"
"So how's it been?"
"I uh... I was wondering if you want to meet up and... Catch up?"
"Only the two of us, no one else, promise,"
"Uh... Okay?"
"Great, can I have your number?"
You both exchanged phone numbers and parted ways. 
"So... How's school?"
"Is Furin really filled with delinquents?"
You initiate a conversation with him as you both walk through the streets of East Wind. You could've picked another place but you wanted to see more of East Wind. Until you saw a Sanrio gashapon machine outside a store. 
"Oh Sakura, do you want to play that gashapon over there?"
"Uh... Sure,"
You dragged him by the hand to the gachapon machine. You opened your wallet and pulled out two 100 yen coins, handing one to Sakura. 
"Here, you go first,"
You said to him. He inserted the coin and turned the knob and took the plastic capsule. 
"Don't open it yet, we'll open it together,"
It's your turn. After you get the capsule you stand up. You both opened it and you got a pochacco keychain. He, on the other hand, got a pompompurin one. 
"What do you get?"
"Oh... This guy... Why does he have a butthole?"
"Pompompurin... It's of his design, silly. I got pochacco, he reminds me of you,"
"He's white and black, like your hair, hehe…”
He blushed after hearing your words, hard. You felt your heart skip a beat seeing his blush, never in your middle school years have you seen him like this.
He's kind enough to walk you back to your house, although he said that he lives around his school. 
“Thank you Sakura, for today, it was nice, maybe we can maybe… hangout another time?”
“And thank you for walking me home, you don't have to but… thank you, hehe,”
“Yeah, no problem,”
“Oh, and there's something I want to tell you,”
Here goes nothing. 
“I like you, your eyes are pretty and your hair makes you… you. And you're kind, a good guy… Yeah…”
Your face feels hot while you confess. There was an awkward silence between you two after that. He looked at you, red as a beet. 
“I uh… I'm sorry,”
“It's fine, I… Are you okay with somebody like me?”
“Huh? Oh, I'm fine, why?”
“Oh, nothing…”
“Hm, you go home safely okay? Text me when you're home,"
You waved at him while he walked away. 
You didn't get a text from him but you ended up going on a second date and started dating ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
Bonus (it takes place a year after that date)(idk I just want to write this): you wake up beside him, stirring for a bit and sitting up. 
You got permission from your parents to date him and now you're staying in his place for the spring break.
You looked beside you, seeing your sleeping boyfriend while having his arms around your waist. He must've done that in his sleep. You place your hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair a bit. A few minutes later he opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times
“Good morning Sakura, how's your sleep?”
You asked him. He hums a little and nods.
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darkfluffydragon · 2 months
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Infoxication!Shadow Milk has a design now :D
My boy Info 😌 such a wet Pomeranian
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buttercupshands · 3 months
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Happy (almost belated) Birthday, Tenko Shimura!
wanted to draw something light after... you know 419...
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fragmentedblade · 23 days
I have so many screenshots of Kalpas' face I could reconstruct his face at this point, and I'm afraid to say I'm not sure his face is scarred
#Biggest disappointment in a while#The marks on his face coincide exactly in shape and placement with the waves and twirls of his bangs#and they're the same colour used for the shading of his face#Which makes me think perhaps they're the shadow his hair forms on his face#I'm afraid of this realisation and hope it isn't the case but thankfully (?) I suppose we'll never know for sure#On the other hand his eyelashes have those reddish brownish parts that I thought were just the model breaking down#but they seem to belong to the actual design in some of the screenshots I've taken. That would be nice#I did want him scarred though. The marked dark eyebags are good nonetheless#And he has green eyes. A very realistic shade of green. I wasn't expecting him to have green eyes at all and I like it very much#I went to take screenshots hoping for noseless guy and I've ended up thinking he doesn't even have scars#I don't even know what to say haha#Kalpas#I talk too much#Traces#HI3#I am very much not normal about the fact he has green eyes. I don't know why I have loved it so intensely#nor why the realisation has surprised me so severely#But I do really enjoy the fact that he has green eyes#By the way‚ hilarious when Mei catches him talking with some other Flame Chaser and he talks normal. No threatening tone. No screaming#Even with Mobius. Yes he's angry yes he's sad yes the weight of the past is crumbling over him#but kind of like everyone else there. Mei gets in the middle of his conversations with Hua or Elysia or even Mobius and he is calm#and having a decent conversation. Then Mei arrives and he becomes that one Yu Gi Oh character#or Light in one of his bad days or over L's tomb#or something along those lines of exaggerated. It's so funny#Truly hilarious and so very silly. I would have died in two days there because I would not have been able to avoid making fun of him
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floral-hex · 1 year
I just get so tired of waking up every day and having to claw my way up to some emotional baseline
#but really what choice do I have#just not wake up? not the healthiest option#probably need to up my meds#I just feel so defeated living each day like this#bleggghhh#so I take a small handful of pills and vitamins and drink my little coffee and chug water and try try try to distract myself#wining. whinging and wining and bitching and moaning.#what would my therapist suggest? try focusing on what’s real and logical and rational. not feelings and emotions?#but I just can’t always be logical with fucking chemicals in my brain#I can’t outthink chemicals or the days when my hearing gets real bad or even when I just don’t feel too fucking good my dude#try to focus on the good parts of tinnitus and bug hurty tummy ya butthole#okay he’s not a butthole he’s actually very very nice and has been very patient with me#but just let me be negative about this for a minute jeez#I’m so fucking grumpy these last few days#trying to… ugh I guess eat my feelings? I hate that phrase and I’m not over eating#but I have been I guess STRATEGICALLY EATING things I hope would temporarily boost my mood. sugary stuff. caffeine. junk.#god I wish I just had drugs for this. for when it gets too hard.#this sounds so pathetic. oooo nooo I just want to get high because im soooo sad 😭#I have three (3) klonopin left I save for bad days or anxiety or whatever and I doubt my doc is gonna give me more#I’ve been taking buspar for the past couple of weeks and I really don’t know if it helps#hell im not entirely convinced buspar is not only NOT adding anything but if I stop my body will hate me#need to go talk about that with the dr but my appointment is next month and im lazy about pushing it up sooner#we’ll see. probably do that tomorrow after I run some errands#is this exciting? getting to see me plan out my day tomorrow? gonna grab groceries and med refills. wow it’s an inside scoop just for you#anyway this is a lot of rambling and I’m sorry if you read any of this#I’m super duper poor right now but I think I’ll run to the gas station and get a big fucking huge soda so I can ride a small sugar high#uggghhhh what a waste of a post#you can ignore this#text
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sugurizz · 11 months
(SMUT/NSFW +18 - minors DNI!)
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Depressed Geto who invites his gf over just so he can drown his sadness away eating her pussy for hours. He cuddles you naked all day, not wanting to ever leave the intoxicting warmth your body provides him with. He dresses you in his much larger hoodies only so that he can comfortably grab a handful of your ass whenever he feels down.
He randomly pulls your thong to the side and slides a thick finger into your soft mound, adding another one just as he shushes your whines with a big hand covering your mouth, telling you that he's still going to push a couple other fingers in till he feels satisfied enough.
He's so needy all the time, grabs your hand and pulls you into the shower cause he says it feel so damn lonely to be there on his own. He holds you from behind the whole time as the hot water sprays down your joined bodies. The steamy fog envelops your lungs with his palms fondling your breasts and caressing the fat of your stomach. His deep voice resonates through your chest, begging you not to leave and never to let him go, telling you how much his body craves yours and how empty he feels when he's not inside you.
He fucks you for long night hours in front of his bedroom mirror, telling you how much he loves this sight and how well it makes him forget his crippling pain. He wants this sight to last forever, tells you to moan harder and and not give a fck about anybody. Cry out his name for the whole world to hear cause his heart cheers up whenever your screams get louder, and your orgasms get messier.
He takes your hand in his and gently places it on his groing bulge, puppy-like eyes almost begging you to stroke him till he cums loads all over you. You can't help but free his blushy tip from underneath his sweatpants, gently taking his half-hard length and stroking it up and down, then sliding his sweatshirt over his head so you can suckle on his heaving chest, nice and slow.
His pelvis fucks into your small fist as 'aggh babe..fuck' and 'good fucking girl' leave his mouth, big hand ruffeled into your hair, giding your head however it satisfies his hunger.
Depressed Geto who couldn't have gotten through all that pain he had to endure if you weren't there to feed his body and give a new birth to his soul.
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