nortsauce · 1 month
Average day as a Dumb Defense Attorney and a Dimwit Detective 💝
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look, hear me out. alternate universe, gumwrightworth+magshoe, still lawyers but no 7yr gap. it loosely follows canon but it goes off the rails cause i said so and i don’t want to follow canon.
miles and dick meet early on. miles isn’t out yet and dick helps miles transition and they eventually get together.
several years later phoenix shows back up in miles life and he’s like “holy shit he’s hot” and dick agrees and is like “what if a third” and they invite phoenix into their relationship at some point.
and then maggey’s stuff happens. and dick really loves her, but it’s a separate thing to his love for miles and phoenix. and they come to the conclusion that dick should go for maggey, with the preface that he still is with them and she would know about it.
and she is down. she doesn’t love phoenix or miles like she does dick, but they become close knit. they eventually adopt trucy and maybe some other kiddos and become this big ol’ disaster family. they all love each other even if some of it is platonic and they confide a lot in each other.
i think eventually phoenix would take a break from being lawyer, still consulting but focusing more on art and taking care of trucy. he would come back to it after a few years, but i think he should have some time off.
miles doesn’t disappear off into the abyss and tell everyone he’s dead. he just gets some vacation and therapy like a normal person. i imagine that maggey is a big force in him actually going, like dick and phoenix obviously want him to but she is the one who actually drags him to the appointments. eventually he starts going more of his own volition and he gets the courage to finally get top surgery, at the recommendation of his therapist.
in conclusion, dick and phoenix are the stupid chaos bisexuals to miles’ uptight disaster gay. and maggey is the enthusiastic hot bitch who runs things despite her bad luck. trucy loves her three loser dads and her cool mom.
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quailfence · 6 months
I, P and Q for the poly fluff thing, for an Ace Attorney polyship of your choice!
(prompts from here, feel free to send me some more! Will post links to other sites in a few hours)
Sorry for taking so long, these are for Miles/Phoenix/Dick + Dick/Maggey!
i = in sickness and in health 
Phoenix and Maggey frowned at the sign of Dick in bed. “He’s usually up at this time, isn’t he?” Maggie asked. Phoenix nodded and called out, “Dick?” 
“Yeah?” he replied groggily from under the linens
“Are you alright?” Maggey asked.
“Uh, I dunno pal…” Dick shifted a bit. “I feel pretty tired…” He coughed.
“I’m gonna get a thermometer,” Phoenix said, turning to leave the room. When he got back, he gave the thermometer to Dick. “Put this under your tongue,” he said. When it beeped, Dick took it out, and Phoenix and Maggey went over to see the result. 101 degrees Fahrenheit. 
“You’re definitely sick,” Maggey remarked. “I’ll tell Miles - maybe even get him to take to the day off to spend with you. You both need it.”
p = pda
Dick loves hugging everyone, but especially his partners. He’ll hug Phoenix from the side when he’s cooking the dishes, embrace Maggey and when she comes home from work, cuddle Miles when they’re watching TV together. Phoenix on the other hand prefers kissing: on the cheeks, on the lips, anywhere he can reach. Miles generally isn’t the sort to initiate this kind of affection, but he’s glad to receive it, and when he does initiate, he usual goes for soft, gentle, languid touches and strokes.
q = quiet
The house is quiet, this Sunday afternoon. Phoenix leans against Mikes as they both read their own books. Maggey is napping on the sofa, and Dick is working on a sudoku in an armchair across from them. It’s a nice kind of quiet, and Phoenix finds himself smiling as he realizes how comfortable he is with this arrangement.
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my-sleepy-head · 8 days
Drawing humans was making my brain want to melt so have some MLP designs for gumworth week’s day 5, Polyamory.
I went with Gumwrightworth because that’s my main Poly ship(I also have a short little fic).
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(They don’t have their outfits mainly because that would have made the file even bigger than it already is.)
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 year
Multiamory March: Self-Recs
My fics featuring non-monogamous characters, relationships, dynamics, and themes in significant, unambiguous ways. Or, at the very last, the ones I've written in or translated into English up until now.
Ace Attorney
The Mysterious Mx W.: Apollo Justice/Athena Cykes/Maya Fey, Athena Cykes/Maya Fey/Surprise Character, T. Complete and utter crack.
An Invitation: Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, M.
A Necessary Corruption: Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, M.
Common Interests: Maya Fey/Miles Edgeworth, Miles Edgeworth/Others, T.
first kiss, times three: Maya Fey/Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, G.
The Best-Laid Plans: Maya Fey/Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, G.
might be a need for love (better not say): Mia Fey/Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright, past Diego Armando/Mia Fey/Lana Skye, E.
Il sole invincibile. Eliogabalo, il regno della libertà
Meadows of Heaven (Perhaps, in six thousand years): Aquilia Severa/Elagabalus/Hierocles, M.
Mozart! L'Opéra Rock
Bad Manners: Mozart/Constance, Mozart/Salieri, Constance/Nannerl, T.
things we won't talk about on our coffee break: Da Ponte/Stephanie, Mozart/Constance, implied Mozart/Constance/Others, Salieri/Others, M.
Norse Mythology
The Unseen Guest: Loki/Sif/Thor, M.
Steven Universe
Smaller, weaker, better: Opal/Garnet, Ruby/Sapphire, Amethyst/Garnet/Pearl, M.
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angeltrapz · 2 years
needed a break from focusing on SAW so I don't get burnt out (not done w it tho!!), but didn't expect ace attorney to become my second hyperfixation
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notmoreflippingelves · 5 months
Thinking about how narumitsu immediately becomes infinitely more interesting to me when a third party poly option is introduced . And this is pretty much the case for *any* third party.
Just Narumitsu
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Langwrightworth? Kriswrightworth? Lanawrightworth? Wrightedgequill? Larry/Phoenix/Miles? Godowrightworth?Gumwrightworth? Miawrightworth? Justinewrightworth? Klavwrightworth? Emawrightworth?
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And this is even the case for pairings I don't like. Like I don't particularly like narumayo or mitsumayo either, but I can kind of wrap my head around Phoenix/Maya/Edgeworth as a poly ship. Same with not really liking naruodo most times but really vibing the idea of Phoenix/Apollo/Miles/
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chibistarlyte · 1 year
does anyone wanna give me any narumitsu/klapollo/nokomitsu prompts?
or gumwrightworth (or whatever the hell the phoenix miles and gumshoe ot3 ship name is), i'll do that too
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fey-ish · 3 years
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onceuponadisembo · 3 years
According to Gumshoe, he and Phoenix are rivals. What are they rivalling over? Edgeworth's attention? Edgeworth's affection? The position of most put-upon underappreciated unlucky guy in the court record??
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Here’s my Ace Attorney Hot Take: Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Larry, and Lang are all in a relationship. there’s no “he is dating this one but not that one” No. It is all 5 of them, and yes they have all had people try to break the unfortunate news to them that they are being cheated on. (Most amusing was when someone tried to tell Phoenix that Miles was cheating on him with Gumshoe, but Gumshoe interrupted to drop off a file to Phoenix and they kissed before Gumshoe left and the one trying to break the news was like “…what?”). but no they all communicate and love each other, and that is never more evident than when Larry interrupts an investigation because “No, You are taking a break for lunch, no arguments.”
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yugioh is on the brain, so now i want trucy to pull one over on all of her parents and instead of using a normal deck of cards for tricks she pulls out this weird ass hyper specific yugioh deck to fuck with them.
this is definitely because larry and maya thought it would be funny to have her (secretly) pick out a customized deck for her birthday and definitely forgot to tell her parents about it.
miles is confused about the new deck but encourages her to keep working on her magic. phoenix doubles over laughing because he pulled out a really old school card, you know the ones with the horrific weird art (my favorites), and gets told the most bizarre things about it. maggey smiles and nods, she knows very little about magic or yugioh but she’s happy that trucy’s happy. dick is over the moon, he’s so happy that she wanted to show him her magic he doesn’t even care that she swapped the decks.
trucy, larry, and maya are mildly disappointed that they didn’t get better reactions to the deck (other than phoenix), but they will be working together to pull better pranks in the future.
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raughbyn · 3 years
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Gumwrightworth stans rise up 💪
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reddiamondgamer · 3 years
Imagine a king/prince Miles, knight Phoenix, and their royal wizard Dick. It'd be so cute!
I'd love to see wizard Dick and knight Phoenix both protecting Miles in their own ways, but they're dumbasses and clumsy af so they always get hurt trying to impress Miles
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my-sleepy-head · 7 days
My short little fic I mentioned in the picture I posted today
Miles sighed, his mind still numb with sleep as he feels the warmth surrounding him.
The warmth of his partners squeezing him in a comforting embrace, Phoenix nuzzled into his neck, Gumshoe with his head on his. The warmth of the teens that had grappled onto his lovers and himself when they’d needed a parental figure, even the warmth of his metamour’s hand against his arm, the woman grappling onto the detective’s back in her sleep.
It was so warm but far too comfortable for him to complain, too safe for him to want to wiggle out of the grip he was in. He simply allowed his family to hold him close.
Even once the children got up, Kay and Eustace going to make breakfast for Trucy, leaving only the policule in the bed he didn’t care. He was safe, he was loved, he was wanted. He was wanted by not just Gumshoe, which he’d been with for years already, but also by Phoenix who’d been willing to give long distance a chance when they’d first started together.
With another sigh he let sleep overtake him once more. If he was to be awoken next by the smell of coffee and breakfast, the feeling of kisses against his skin, he wouldn’t mind, for he knew he was loved.
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
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ace attorney pride month headcanons 30/30
Miles Edgeworth (he/they) is gay, Phoenix Wright (he/ze) is bisexual, Dick Gumshoe (he/him) is graysexual, Shi-Long Lang (he/it/wolf/bark) is bisexual, and they are all in a four-way polyamorous relationship. While polygamy is still not legal in their society, all four of them are working hard where they can to change that in hopes of one day having their love recognized in the eyes of the law.
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