#goddess of lightning
bloodredx · 2 years
Day 16: Victory
Fire, glorious and bright. Holder of the sun and all that lays under the gaze of hot vision, coiled into memories of beauty against all odds. Heat and atrocities are given in the reaction, yes. But so too could there not be innovation in the scourge of its light. All are subjected to burning, internally, externally. He, glorious sun, speaks so little, but each word crackling in the ear as if blasted from cannons.
Yes, the bearer of the sun and innovation, to know tactics and glory. War, violence, of course. But warmth, love, all things of this word “cozy” this form has heard before. The Precious Living often loving and hating him in equal regards, Fire is a blaze of strength and a bastion of things feared. But not so much that the risk is not worth the cost. Yes, the small victories, the large triumphs, all rest under the domain of this most brilliant Creation. Passions, if allowed, oft get the best of this one. How delightful.
Though, even where one might not expect, Fire is there. In face of rain, opposition of his sister Water, taking the form of Lightning. Her excellency, working in splendor together, forming such awe inspiring displays of strength and power. To fuel innovation and creation, minor in scale of course! But still flabbergasting! That circuits and wires, simple metals and conduits can store and transfer data! That turning of cranks and small scale explosions transfer such momentum, travel no longer so arduous.
A multitude of crowns placed on Fire and strong shoulders, but then why so frequent are the gates shut? To block access to that which is made worthy, shrine and port alike to the ones who should like to bathe in cleansing light? Ferronous is not a friendly place. But Fire is known too often for leaving ashes in his wake. So too are those behinds the walls. Burnt out. In the dark.
The thin thatching of her hut was wearing away, but that didn’t bother Aelita very much. It had been nearly, what, sixty years now? since she had had to retreat from everything she had known, return to the borders of the country of her birth and hide away in squalor. Not the most glamorous life, but the old woman knew better than most what the cost of failure was. Still, the land was good, the horse liked the pasture, and no one much bothered her. At least not typically. In a feeble attempt to repair the eroding wall of the south side of the hut, her mud had run low. Still, it wasn’t in her nature to complain, so dragging the bucket up to her chest, she made her way slowly down to the creek being careful as she could not to slip. A fall was the last thing she needed.
Finally at the cool crisp water of the river, she bent down low, folds of her linens pressing into the depths of the very mud she was collecting. It seemed the batches she could carry were getting smaller and smaller each day. Once filled, the hoisted the bucket back up with a tug, this time letting it hang limply by her side as she moved across the slope. A few steps farther and she stopped, wiping her brow of the heat of the day. “Oh, Ost’kir, such a scorch.” She mused slightly, readjusting her hands, before continuing on to get more thatching materials.
The dry straw was at the edge of her meager plot, where the animals would likely get more use of it than her. Not that she didn’t mind sharing of course. A light wind rustled through each stalk as she cut through just what could fill her hand. “Perfect.”
Strength was beginning to fail her, and so she took the longer, but flatter, route back to the hut; all the while passing the lingering rocks of a stone fence that time was beginning to tear down. The path, once beautiful, was now being taken over by weeds in their ever greedy quest for more light and soil. Aelita smiled, it was still just as lovely as ever. A sanctuary alone.
Rustling of feet against stones caught her ear, forcing her to look up from the path. She stopped at the sight; a young man was standing, staring in quiet contemplation at the small altar built at the edge of her property. He was tall and thin, with long dark hair tied behind his head in a rustic style, very practical. Though he couldn’t have been more than 18 summers by her estimate. His clothes were simple as hers were, a charcoal grey tunic on his chest and simple black boots adorned his feet. Of course the altar he was looking at was of her fabrication, a bit of something to remind her of exactly what she had lost. What she had neglected to do. But nary had a day gone by where she didn’t tend to it or talk to it. Seemed like now was the time for today.
Aelita made no effort to conceal her steps, trying not to spook the poor fellow. Once close enough she called out a gentle greeting, placing her materials at the base of the stone structure and then brushing her hands on the hem of her skirt before going up to him. He hadn’t yet responded to her greeting, instead remaining transfixed at the small idols before him. All seven had been crudely carved by her, but each one had a small item or talisman for offering. She changed out the flowers as often as she could, remixed paint that had faded. Though certainly ramshackle in comparison to all the fineries she had witnessed in her youth, there was a better connection here for her than any of the shrines she had once visited or tended to. Well, almost all of them at least.
Still, the youth had not responded, so she clapped her hands with a friendly tone, leaning over to him. “Ya need something, boy? I’ve not much time for gawkers, though if you want to stay around, I have plenty of things that need lifting.” Her gentle laughter quickly turned to a harsh cough, her body not quite wanting to obey her mind anymore.
The stoic face of the boy eased, if ever so slightly. She might not have noticed if she wasn’t so close, and for sure her lungs weren’t allowing her eyes to be as open as they could be in the moment. But he didn’t seem cruel, only curious. It took her a moment to recollect herself, and only then did he speak. “Of course, madam.”
He still didn’t turn to look at her, so she followed his eyes to see what he was so fixated on. The idols of Narcissta Priasi and Adamsa Frisay, eternally sitting side by side. Of course. A blasphemous offense in some places. Must be odd to see so openly. “If you do not mind me asking, madam.” He spoke again, voice soft and low. As though he almost didn’t want the words to come out. “Why do you have these so open? Are you not afraid?”
Smiling, Aelita pressed a hand to his back. He didn’t flinch, or react at all to her touch. “It’s a simple thing, my boy. But I’ll need your name in exchange. Can’t be having such a conversation with strangers.”
He blinked, as if processing that for a moment. “Aiden. You may call me Aiden.”
“Well, Aiden, if they wanted something from me after all these years, all those old folks at the Order would’ve come down here to get me by now. No one messes with an old lady, what would I do to them? And even so, you’re the first person I’ve seen in months. No one comes out to bother me. What do I care if they see them? They’ll just call me an old crone and be on their way. I pay them no mind.”
“No fear of fury?” He questioned, though she couldn’t quite place his tone.
“’course not. Got nothing to be mad about. Just because they feel the wrath of the gods doesn’t mean I have to. I choose to believe they have better things to do than be angry.”
“You certainly seem very assured of that. To have even the… Dreaded one… on display here.”
She nudged him in the ribs a little, not too hard though. “I’ll take the little victories where I can. Why’re you all the way out here? Where are you headed?”
“Ferronous.” Aiden replied flatly once more, a bit more confidence in his voice.
“Ah, are the gates open again? Ost’kir should be happy to have visitors again. Time has been so hard to keep track of.” She bent back over to collect her materials. “Well, if you need a rest, I have cool water and a few pears to spare! You should come with me.”
Her hand tightened to grip the handle, but finding nothing to gain purchase on but air. She looked to the ground, seeing the bucket and thatching gone. Turning to see where it might have gone to, she saw it in Aiden’s arms. A narrow, but weary smile on his lips, eyes bright as if she had known them all her life. “Lead on, madam.”
(OC-tober challenge by @oc-tober2022 can be found here.)
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ancientsstudies · 15 days
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The outer walls are rough gray stone with pieces of seashell and coral and look like the bottom of the ocean floor.
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yurimoons · 8 months
It’s the way how in the first book Poseidon’s presence in Percy’s life was so limited to just being a passive participant. He would only step in if Percy asked for his help, never taking the first step, for example: right before Percy jumped off the arch, he had to be the one to pray to his father to help him. And even after requesting his help, Poseidon only gave him 3 pearls, knowing that Percy wanted to save his mother.
In the show however, he’s so much more actively involved in the quest. Saving Percy from the arch without being asked to. Giving him 4 pearls instead of 3 and at the end even surrendering to Zeus and accepting defeat in the war to save his son.
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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glittery-dust · 4 days
pjo fandom ily but we need to settle this timeline once and for all
there are only three years between TLT and TLO
rick gets it wrong all the time, but it goes:
one year between TLT and SoM
six months between SoM and TTC (it happens during the winter solstice)
another six months between TTC and BotL
another year between BotL and TLO
percy was 12 in TLT, but he turns 13 just two months after the events of the book, by the end of summer. TLO happens during the end of summer, when he turns 16.
that also means that since nico was 10 in TTC, he would be between 11,5 or 12 in TLO and 13 in HoO.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#cw flashing lights#LOOORRD OF LIGHTNING SAAAAVE ME!!!!#RAAAHHHH I LOVETHIS SONG SO FUCKIN MUCH AND I LOVE GILLION SO FUCKIN MUCH RAAHHHH!! RAAHHHH!!!#BUT YES YES I HAD LIKE A WHOLE OTHER HALF TO THIS SKETCHED OUT BUT IT WONT FINISH COOKIN FOR A MILLION YEAARS!!!!#MAYBE SOMEDAY.....#ANYWAY. this is my first time actually syncing audio to my animations. normally i domnt know howww.#i animated it all in fire alpaca AND THEN i mixed everything in a pirated movie maker. it kinda uh. sucks. but its WHAT I GOT BAYBE!!#i relaly like how i animate swishy hair... i was inspird by eris from sinbad. i can only HOPE i got on that level w the watery flowyness#LIUGHTNING IS HARD TO ANIMATE TOO. I WATCHED ALOTTA VIDEOS ABSORBED MINIMAL TUTORIALS AND UHH I THINK I DID OKAY!!#better than bad!!! but i can still do better. eventually. ugh. FLASHING LIGHTS TOO HUH? U LIKE ANIMATINGB FLASHING LIGHT?#U LIKE MAKING THE BLACK N WHITE FLICKER RLY FAST UNTIL UR EYES BLEED OUT UR SKULL?? YEAAAHH YOU DO!!!#im also vry proud o the title cards i made at the beginning teheheheh. dependign on where riptide goes i MIGHT change it#BUT HEY THEORY TIME? I HOPE ONE OF THE GODDESSES COMES DOWN TO PILOT GILLIONS BODY SO THEY CAN BEAT THE FUCK OUT O THE OTHER GODDESS#WHO IS ALSO IN SOMEONE ELSES MORTAL BODY. GODS COMING DOWN TO WREAK HAVOC OVER PETTY DISAGREEMENTS OOOGH HOW FUN!!#GOOD ON YOU CHAMPION!! YOUR VESSEL HAS BEEN TRAINED TO BE STRONG AND HARDY. PERFECT FOR CHANNELING DIVINE ENERGY.#OHHHH WHAT A PERFECT WEAPON YOU ARE. NOW GO AND IMMANENTIZE A WATERY ESCHATON#PARAGON OF OCEANS WRATH I WANT TO SEE YOU DROWN THE LAND. DESTROY!!! EAT!!! BURN!!! RAAAGHH I NEED GILLION TO GET MORE POWER!!!!#ALSO in other news i uh. actually posted this onto twitter forever ago but forgot to post it here bc i can only post it from pc and BABY!!#IM NOT ON THE COMPUTER OFTEN! NOT ANYMORE!! NOT ANYMOREE!!! IM FREE BAYBE!! i used to be so miserable. sometimes i think abt that.#ANYWAY. pls enjoy. just this much took so long. i love makin the lil guys move.... ouh.... hava good day if u get the chance to.
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sunshinelivesforever · 5 months
Here are some mood boards I've made of Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood! :)
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valewritessss · 3 months
Have any headcanons about Annabeth's childhood at camp(or pre camp either one)?
I’m so sorry I took a while to respond I’m on a trip so I don’t check my phone much but I do have some headcanons, most that I came up with and some that I’ve heard others say
- She is a fast eater from being rushed to finish eating while in the streets so that monsters don’t get to her. In fact, I would say most demigods are fast eaters since they need to be for quests where they don’t have much time to stop.
- Not really about Annabeth but the Athena cabin has a special cabinet full— and I mean FULL— of spider repellents, spider traps, and citrus sprays.
- She makes friendship bracelets (the yarn kind) for all of her friends and she’s good at it since Athena is also the goddess of weaving, a trait Annabeth was seen to have in Mark of Athena. And she makes the bracelets in theme with the person she gives it to.
- Her and Magnus used to play with legos because she wanted to and she’s bossy :). She still likes them but she won’t admit it, so her siblings give her a big box of Lego’s for one of her birthdays and her and Leo build stuff together in secret where no one will see them.
- When she would get in trouble in her dad’s house, her stepmom would lock her in the pantry.
- She had a cat before she ran away. She likes cats. They chill with her while she works/reads.
- Apart from the color of Percy’s eyes, her favorite color is purple (this is a protest against her favorite color being gray just bc it’s her eye color, that’s just a no).
- She used to search up every kid that came to camp half blood in hopes that they would be the prophecy kid and could be the one to get her a quest.
- Minecraft was a gift sent from Heaven and when it first came out, and though she’s older here she didn’t come out of her cabin for DAYS because she was too busy making the most epic buildings ever. Hell, her siblings wanted to play too but Annabeth was the only one who could on her laptop and she wasn’t gonna share.
- She’s the kid that screamed at everyone in P.E. She took four square too seriously, and don’t even think about trying to beat her at wall-ball.
- The elementary school librarian hated her because they were so done with her complaining that they only had silly kids books.
- Her teddy bear that she canonically has came from one of her old teachers that noticed how lonely she was so for the class’ white elephant (a gift exchange), she gave her a teddy bear. Annabeth teared up.
- While she was a run away, she befriended a stray dog that followed her everywhere until it left and never came back. Annabeth was heartbroken.
That’s all I could come up with but thank you so much for the ask it was fun!
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year
i find it fascinating that you can only see hestia when you are in need of a home. in need of the hearth. that’s why in tlt percy had seen hestia whilst being introduced to chb. he thought his mother had just died. he was in need of a home. little did he know, he’d find one right there.
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thecursedprince · 4 months
Mistress of the Elements ⚡️
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artebris · 2 months
I am so, so, so, so blessed with this one.
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AI: Midjourney
Character: Arlene Irving (my main HL MC and my muse and goddess)
Daily prompt from beloved @ror-roleplay
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Remark below (depending on what I heard lately about the AI):
I am artist, I work as artist and I support artists. I think AI is a great instrument in helping artists when used properly, giving the inspirational results, ideas, developing imagination and text describing skills. Silly fun involved. You won’t spend for weeks of your life creating a masterpiece for fun!
Open minded view nowadays is crucial.
We cannot deny the progress, but we can get the whole from it. Maybe there were people who denied the creation of the wheel. Well, they are not here.
But the wheel is.
Whether we like it or not.
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bloodredx · 2 years
Canticle 15
The elemental four took hold of each soul all in their unique says, ceasing the conflict and lifting all apart, Vestige and human alike. Though frustration was apparent when none could hold the mysterious form of the stranger, their parent hidden from their own views in the way only The First God could manage. “Stranger, what foul acts have been caused? Told by Vestige and animal alike that no need for violence was met, and yet here thou stands at the center of it all.” All gods spoke in unity, each casting their own accusation. “Would it not be enough? Many miracles are granted in the flexibilities offered to those under the cloak of Humanity. Animals need not argue in such matter. Wolves have pecking orders, as do dolphins and hens. What purpose does it show now to develop something later than never at all?”
The First God merely smiled, their accusations were but soft blows. “Ah, without seeing, so led and blind. For what good are these souls if they are so accustomed to the word of gods that will not always be there?”
The elemental four bristled at this, accusingly coming back. “It is the duty of these forms to maintain these souls, the worlds, all elements in the domain. What boldness comes from the like of thine own lips to claim irresponsibility thusly? That abandonment of the post is the only option?”
“Of course not.” The First God in their human form waved a hand simply, as if gesturing to all the truths of the universe. “There will come many a day where one of none of the elemental gods are hear the heed the call to assistance that these humans need. They lack the instinct to follow and feel what is right in their souls that the rest of the animals do, left instead to wonder and question alone. This dependency on direct guidance, a fallacy. It should lead only to timely destruction.”
Wind was about to speak, seemingly come to a realization when Fire spouted forth ahead of her words. “And what magnitude should lead one as thee to guide the hand of our duties? Humans, though definite as described know nothing more than thee. What would make thine own insight more valuable?”
“Wait-“ Wind tried to get her words in, right as Moth leapt from the shoulder of The First One.
Their human form tearing apart bit by bit as they reassembled themselves into something more akin to the godly form expected, though it would be nothing like any of the souls there would remember, should they have been able to. No, the god was very different, but still bearing all marks of high Divinity that let these elemental four, the vestiges, and all the humans present know exactly the weight of consequences to be dealt with. Moth again landed on the outstretched hand of The First One as their words, Notes, and Song flew through the air around all. Only the humans were addressed directly at this point. “The errors made are in effort of growth. Though capable in all things, know that these four gods are just extensions of this form. They contain vast powers and knowledge sure, but they can never know what it means to be in the form of flesh. Even if they take the form this one just abandoned. There will come moments where answers will not flow from the mouths of Divinity, instead coming from within. That is the unique gift granted by the soul and its existence given, that Willpower known within can act miracles. Be sure to use it correctly, there are few opportunities for second chances.”
Turning to their own creations, The First One smiled once more, in spite of the four cowering in fear of their Divine parent. “Mistakes made here were not slight, and errors shall not be punished, dear Myseri. For the actions of this form cannot be known by thee, and there was no hope in winning a game one is unaware of being played. So take the lesson learned thusly, that the Song contains complexities not known even to thee. That all play important roles, and duties above all else should come forth.”
The god then turned to the Vestiges, who were ready and willing to listen to the words of their great one without remorse. “This form shall take these gods back with them for a brief moment. Certainly, there can be hope that the same care passed from the hands of this form prior can be expected?”
The Vestiges agreed quickly, for they knew better than to take advantage of the kindness of The First One. And with a flickering image, the great god clapped their hands, taking back their creations from Ha’venia, save for Moth who was left fluttering in the dull space once their Notes had left.
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bunkerhillbros · 8 months
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"Storm" from Mike Maihack.
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pyromaniac4198 · 8 months
collab fic anyone?
i'll write the first scene, then you reblog with your own scene
A goddess, one Annabeth didn't recognize, popped up suddenly behind Annabeth and lunged at her immediately, holding her drakon-rib sword just barely out of her reach.
"Foolish demigod," the Lady hissed, "tricking my mother like you have. she may not have realized how badly you fooled her just yet, but i have. For your hubris I will send you where that little boy you love so much cannot follow."
She moved, pulling Annabeth with her, too quickly for Annabeth to see where they were going until they stopped, where the goddess held Annabeth by the throat over the void of Chaos.
"have fun, little demigod," and Annabeth fell.
She woke up on the beach at camp and looked around. Her sword was beside her, but Percy was nowhere to be seen.
"Percy?" Annabeth called out.
"Yes?" a young blond boy replied confusedly from where he was losing badly at chess to a black girl.
A black girl who had Annabeth's dagger. The one she shattered in Rome
Well shit
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spidertick · 6 months
Lol been a bit obsessed with world building lately (and Loki-) so here,have some concepts/doodles of The Norse gods of Earth#072!
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Since motivation has been down,I’m probably gonna focus on doodles/meme redraws then actual comics for a while.Just to have fun and give little hints and teasers to the actual story of what’s to come,if it’s ever touched on.Will takes any asks or suggestions for random art.(if it seems like something the 072 characters would or and or would happen.)
Loki and Mobius are married in the present timeline,And boy oh boy.It was a slooooooooooowwww buuuurrrrrrn hehehe.Please ask if you want more lore of them.That be great.
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I remember Oda once said that if Nami ate a Devil Fruit that it would be Enel's and I for one think that would be absolutely horrifying.
Like Nami is already one of the scariest characters already but give her a Logia fruit, especially one so powerful it allowed Enel to literally become God, and you have something even more scary.
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(Oda's Drawing)
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