#goddamnit. i get it now.
erstwhilesparrow · 2 years
☕️ + any combination of [hannigram, cc!dream, c!dream, ecology, religion]
hello! :] under the cut for length:
hannigram: i. so i haven't actually even finished season 1? there is probably A Lot that i am missing, it is safe to assume a certain about of Saying Words Recreationally, but i am a little obsessed with the way that people keep talking about will like he automatically gets no say in any of the things they're deciding about him? (i am thinking of, and this may be a misremembered scene, alana bloom and hannibal talking about What's Best For Him, having-a-therapist-wise, while he is conspicuously absent from the room) and it's... he's already meat to them. meat that does interesting things when poked, meat that can be very useful, but meat! hannibal being a cannibal is just allowing the possibility of making that literal. and i get the other appeal here, of [being known by someone in ways no one else ever will], but i don't know if i have a solid feeling about that yet? also, i'm sure the fandom is insufferable about them. no i will not elaborate. (lying because i'm immediately elaborating now: i've seen at least two really good fics that the authors labelled as spitefic, and they were just Correct, to the best of my knowledge? i'm deeply apprehensive about what they could possibly have been a response to.)
cc!dream: part of me wants to say "oh okay time to swing bats at hornets' nests today" but i don't really believe that my opinion of him is that controversial? (the thing i do believe is that if the wrong person sees this at the wrong time, it will be like i did that swinging anyway. such is the nature of massive fanbases. whatever.) starting with Current Events: i haven't read the google doc, and probably won't look into The Current Events further than what i've already seen, but i understand he at minimum was flirting with a fan who was still in high school when he was 21 and sending her private snapchats and that's. Don't Do That?? Hey, That's Fucked, There's A Power Imbalance Here That You Cannot Ignore, Don't Do That. i get why people's reaction was to drop him. i think it's fucked [in ways and for reasons i cannot elaborate on in this already giant post] that he's probably still going to be completely fine after this. beyond that, the amount of attention i pay him is minimal.
god, fuck, i think i talked myself into being kind of mad about this by remembering the fact that there are probably so many kids that look up to him. fucking hell. okay. I'm Not Learning / Thinking More About This. You Can't Make Me. The World Is Not Changed By Me Getting Mad On My Tumblr Blog Of Twelve Followers Total. moving on.
c!dream: oh my god he sucks so bad i want to strangle him (<- thinking about the exile trials + verdict)
no further analysis.
ecology: uh. surface opinion: cool field of study! ecologists in general seem like really cool people. more people should care about this. more personally: i feel weird about this one? like as a kid i read every animal book i could get my hands on and completely sincerely believed those pages they always had at the end about how You Can Change The World By Recycling :) . but also being In Nature wigs me out? but also i care about living creatures and their relations to each other? but also how much do i get to really say that and mean it when the most i've done is Occasionally Relocate Bugs Outside and Nod Sympathetically At Spiders? conflicted about this.
religion: another one i feel weird about! because i was born and raised in canada (sparrowlore for you, i guess, if you couldn't guess from how i spell colour) i feel there's like a background radiation level of knowledge i have about christianity that i don't really have for any other religion? so i am a bit suspicious, like, when i say 'religion' do i mean that or do i mean 'christianity'? and i keep saying the universe, which feels like i just want the christian god to go by a different name, but if asked directly i would say i'm probably an atheist? i... would like to be more principled about my atheism. also, part of me wants to be like "other people's religion is none of my business, let people be", but also part of me that wants to be like, "here are the specific historical instances that show i cannot ignore how religion has been repeatedly used to justify / perpetuate horrific acts and i want to be wary of the institution that allowed for those acts". i don't have a good sense of how to... reason about that divide? and like maybe i shouldn't even be framing it as that particular dichotomy? what i'm saying is both these impulses exist in me at once. and that is, all at once, how i feel about religion.
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akans-dead-at-sea · 10 months
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It's alright
30 second timelapse:
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courfee · 5 months
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“Regulus would be proud of us,” James whispered quietly to no one in particular, still gripping onto the painting like a life raft. 
— Tender Curiosities, Baby!  @otrtbs
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sanjiswetcigarettes0 · 8 months
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karniss-bg3 · 1 year
The cult of the absolute doesn't strike me as necessarily caring about the quality of life of its followers given they can just-- brain wash them into thinking it's the best. What kind of living situation do you think Kar'niss was put into? After all-- they made an ogre stay in the same rooms as other races.
Without a doubt, the Absolute are dogshit at cultist accommodations. If they had a Yelp page it'd be one stars down the line. Although I hear the continental breakfasts have their perks; If you don't mind tadpoles in your oatmeal, that is.
When it comes to our dear baby boy I fear he may have it the worst out of anyone, or the best depending on how you look at it. I don't believe he lives at the tower full time. Driders are bloodthirsty and are required to consume blood at least every four days, otherwise their bodies begin to break down and they can die. Unless Ketheric Thorm had a steady system to meet these dietary needs it would require Kar'niss to go out on the hunt for meals. And if there is one thing driders are biologically wired to do, it's hunt...and often.
I believe Kar'niss spends most of his time at the camp where you first encounter him.
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This area is large enough to handle his size and secluded enough to where he's rarely bothered. Stationed so close to the mountain pass it also affords him the jump on any foolish enough to enter the Shadowlands. If you enter through the doorway at the back you also find a lot of evidence that this could be his primary feeding nest.
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Bloody drag marks, bodies in trees and rock faces and skeletal remains piling up in the cavern below, it's the perfect spot for a hungry drider to enjoy his meal in peace. He likely drags his victims to the tree, drinks them dry and discards the remains for scavengers or fiends to clean up.
I also believe this is the real reason he was given the moon lantern. Not because the Absolute actually favored him, but because out of anyone he would be required to venture into the Shadowlands most often. This elected him as the impromptu guide for any True Souls that wandered to Moonrise.
As for where he sleeps, I doubt he does much if at all. Drow only require four hours of rest with their trance ability, and Kar'niss is still labeled as a drow in his profile. Rest wouldn't come easy to him with so many voices bombarding his mind, vying for attention. So when he's not being tasked by the Absolute to act as a guide or some other side venture, he's either hunting or looming at the top of Moonrise tower to be closer to "Majesty". I have an idea as to how Kar'niss became so thoroughly mind fucked by them, but that's for another post.
If he does stay at the tower primarily it would be just as lonely as the pseudo campsite. Kar'niss is the Ned Flanders of the Absolute (with more murder), and everyone else is Reverend Lovejoy. Sure, they believe and follow faithfully, but Kar'niss is a bit too extra even for them. His constant ramblings, his fanatic devotion and how temperamental he can be make him an unpopular option to hang around. He's likely dismissed or outright ignored. In fact now that I think about it, I don't think a single NPC addresses him by name. The guard at Moonrise calls him 'drider' and that's it. Perhaps Minthara does but I can't recall to save my life. Sad.
Overall I think regardless of where he chooses to hang his web, it's a very isolated existence. The Absolute don't care about him, non-cultists don't care about him, and he has an invisible timer ticking down toward his expiration date. The poor creature is simply too brainwashed and broken to know it.
Thanks for the ask!
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mittch22 · 3 months
An insidious leak: the analysis of seemingly shady uncloakings
My brain is rolling and spinning yet again at one thousand miles per hour and Leland Turbo is right at the centre of it. Certain writing persuits have triggered a pattern of thought surrounding the circumstances of his discovery by the lemons, and I have a few things Id like to further examine.
"This is Agent Leland Turbo. I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile. Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped."
He doesn't elaborate any further than this for potential reasons I shall delve into a little bit later in this post. So the question I have is this:
Why? Why did it all go to hell in the first instance? How was he compromised?
Leland is very much on par with Finn in the sense of experience. They spent both of their entire adult lives together in training at the CHROME academy and have carried out countless missions both seperately and with each other. He is more than competent with, what I estimate would be, around forty years of field experience. And considering he would have known that complacency would always get him killed, he would never have allowed himself to become complacent enough to permit his facade to come into the light. And to be permitted to perform any type of mission on his own, then his ability is extensively trusted indeed. Mistakes happen, sure. But I sincerely doubt Leland would have made one that held this type of consequence.
My current aswer to this question?
CHROME had a mole.
Upon beginning this post, I came to the realisation that there is a second segment that didn't initially cross my mind that adds evidence to this particular ideology:
"Finn, I need backup. But don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation."
Leland knew about the mole. Or at least he had his suspicions.
Initially I simply put this statement down to 'too many cooks spoil the broth', or in this case, 'too many agents will screw up the mission.' However, I'm no longer so sure that this is the case.
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Visually speaking, his face says a million words. He is terrified. Evidently, if he's caught, he knows he is in for a whole universe of hurt. And death is very much on the horizon. But the fear makes a drastic appearance when he specifies not calling the "cavalry". This makes perfect sense to me if he thinks that the lemons were tipped off about his presence. And if there was someone within CHROME who could not be trusted, then the only vehicle he was be able to notify was Finn.
He knows him better than any other vehicle in the world and trusts him with his life. He's also aware that, if the flash transmission were to be seen by any other CHROME agent by accident, and he had of mentioned anything about a potential leak, it could have put Finn in a gargantuan amount of peril. So he kept quiet about the idea, simply telling him to not get the agency as a whole involved.
Now, I can't bring up Leland in this circumstance without also talking about Rod Redline. The second agent in the equation who also lost their life because he was compromised. And the same question applies since we don't really know how it happened to him either.
Rod was also a highly skilled and competent individual, hence the statement: 'Rod "Torque" Redline is considered by many as the greatest American spy in the world.' So all, if not most, of the criteria that applies to Leland applies to Agent Redline as well. And yet, he was also caught.
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His shock when Grem and Acer followed him into the bathroom at the Towkyo party is quite telling. Its indicitive that he didn't know he had been caught until that exact moment. And the lack of any other emotion but deep seated anger on the faces of Grem and Acer could potentially indicate that they knew exactly who they were looking for.
If he was discovered due to a mole, since inter-agency cooperation isn't uncommon when working on the same mission, then it may just have been the same mole that told the lemons about Leland Turbo.
And of course there's the question of how Grem, Acer and the professor knew about the agents in the first place. Zundapp even mentions them both by name.
"Hey, Professor Z! This is one of those British spies we told you about." Yeah. Most likely a mole.
So what was the mole's driving force? Money? Blackmail? Sadism? A crippling hatred for the agencies or individuals? Who knows.
Of course we might never know for sure the exact reasoning for why they were both compromised. But it's always interesting to speculate.
Chrysler help the vehicles who caused Leland's death when Finn gets hold of them. Particularly if they are someone that he once trusted.
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amygdalae · 3 months
Repainted my nails and there are a bunch of air bubbles trying not to kill myself about it
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snarwor · 2 months
Things my ex did:
- left me with a 2br apt, 2 cats, and no car
Things I have to do:
- declutter and downsize at the speed of light
- try not to be too emotionally damaged by it
- break down and dispose of LOTS of large furniture
- pack everything I’m keeping before next Monday
- clean the 2br apartment I’ve been in since 2022 (alone, the cats won’t help)
- do all of this in literally the worst fucking weather (south Texas)
- wrangle those cats thru airport security next Thursday
- HOPE that the 37th district court of Texas processes this fucking divorce before I leave
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that-ineffable-devil · 5 months
I don't know what it is about Neil Gaiman's stories and characters that bring up so many visceral emotions and realizations but Dead Boy Detectives has gripped me in it's skeletal claws.
I'll admit I haven't read the comics--one more thing on my neverending tbr pile--so I came into this show without any preconceptions or foreknowledge of the characters or their histories. And I didn't do any research on the show beforehand a) to avoid spoilers and b) it's Neil Fucking Gaiman what am I gonna do NOT watch!?
Basically, I had no idea what to expect from it. Except that it'd be queer (praise be).
And I gotta tell you, Charles is getting to me. In ways and at depths I never could have expected. And, fuck, it's making me confront some things I didn't realize were affecting me...and some that maybe I did...
Like the anger. Gods, the deep-rooted anger at the injustice and cruelty of the world and the hands you're dealt. The fury of feeling helpless and alone and terrified during the worst experiences of your life. And the self-loathing you feel as you bury that rage for fear of becoming the very monsters that tormented you--unable to express it in even a healthy manner because you can only associate anger with violence. So you bottle it and bury it and hope against hope you can keep it down, but you fear the day you run out of burial ground.
Like the compulsion to act like everything's fine. To mask any negative emotions with a smile and a kind word or a laugh. To never be the reason someone else is in pain. To try so hard to undo the pain done by others. To be the person you needed most who was never there. Maybe you're trying to convince yourself that you're not a monster. Living in constant fear that you really are that monster, and all your goodness and light is a smokescreen to trick truly good people into allowing you to walk amongst them--and that one very bad day they'll all see the truth and your worst fears will be confirmed in their eyes.
Like the almost desperate need to cling to anything or anyone good that comes into your life, because it has happened so rarely and so fleetingly. The fear of taking certain risks with those things and people because any change can be the one that results in losing them. Yet constantly taking risks with yourself and your life (death?), likely boiling down to "If I go first, I don't have to lose them." Because, deep down, you think they could never miss you as much as you'd miss them.
And even specific moments...
Like using the word "rough" to describe abuse, because how else do you reference decades...or in his case, likely at least a decade...of trauma and abuse without upsetting someone? Without letting them know it's still affecting you?
Like equal parts fear and fury welling inside you as you watch something truly horrific happen. Memories wrapping your senses so tightly as that man brutalized his family for no reason. Being both unable to stop it and unable to look away. Desperate to do something about it but completely helpless. Again.
And reliving his trauma, forced to by someone else? Feeling that pain and misery all over again. The heartbreak as friends choose to hurt you for reasons you don't understand. The anguish as your brain tries to protect itself while a parent who's supposed to love you makes you wonder why you exist at all. The terror of being hunted. Not knowing why. Not knowing what you've done to deserve it. Wondering if somehow you do.
And confessing his fear that he's a "bad guy." Wondering if you're really the villain in your story. Fearing that the reason people treated you so cruelly is because they saw the monster within, and thought they could keep it contained and afraid. Fearing that you won't be able to.
And not every day is like this. Not every day has you feeling like you're at the edge of a precipice. Some days are quite good actually, especially if you have even one good person around. But any day could turn out like this.
But you keep on with the smiles and the positive attitude because the monsters can't win. Your monster can't win. And frankly, you don't know how else to deal with it, because no one ever taught you how to. Or maybe you never had the chance to learn. All you know is that it's all you know.
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loud-whistling-yes · 6 months
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theyre just a lil guy
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scabbardsystem · 2 months
sure sucks that faucet doesn't like people talking about [ ] because [ ] has the objectively coolest pronouns out of all of us hkjgh
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sunnibits · 1 year
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HELLO EVERYONE!! I hope I’m not bothering you but I am very excited to announce that my INPRNT shop is currently having a sale to celebrate the oncoming premiere of OFMD S2!!!!
As I’m sure you all know I’m ridiculously hyped about the new season, so I figured now would be a perfect time to offer some discounted pricing on my prints - as a little treat, you might say! 😌
From now until October the 8th, you can use the promo code PVJROBP to get 20% off of your order! Go pick up some prints of hot old man titties now!! :D
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Please post more about your transfem herald headcannon i beg of youuuu i am so intrigued
flattered that youre interested enough to wanna know more about transfem danny but also. bold of you to assume i can articulate my thoughts abt him at all 🗿 im so sorry this post is prlly going to end up incoherent. i recommend @/flystep for more posts about the hc though, they talk about it more than i do and a lot of my ideas have been pulled from or influenced by them, but! i would say most of my reasons for hcing herald as transfem boil down to what i said here:
#theres something in the way that herald conforms to the /ideas/ of what men and women should be like that makes me think that-if he ever ha#a real opportunity to play around with his gender- might lead to some revelations. i think herald is so sick of being what the world tells-#-him to be and that feeling would bleed into his gender identity
i dont think herald applies his standards of man and woman to other people (or at least not intentionally) but subconsciously does so to himself, especially because theres never really been anyone challenging his internal sense of identity that could push him to start questioning it. like, even with sentinel, most of the gender talks that happened were (im assuming) centered around daniels questions/comments than anything about himself. daniel lived– and continues to live– in an extremely controlling environment that taught him to be hyper-aware of the way hes perceived, and more importantly, it taught him that he needed to be perceived in the right way. hes been told his entire life that he has to present himself correctly, that there was no room for flexibility or experimentation at the threat of his home/safety/career. but i also think that its not a role he Wants to play– i think theres rebellion and defiance simmering under the surface, but there are too many stakes involved for anything to happen.
plus, daniel,,,,doesnt really think about his own identity that much???? or himself as a whole for that matter. like, im p sure he doesnt even know hes bisexual until sidestep (and Only if sidestep is nb/male). honestly im not even gonna try explaining this one im just gonna offer you this because it captures what i say perfectly and lives in my mind rent free. so yeah, i dont think herald wouldve ever questioned being a man lmfao.
i havent thought much about post transition daniel so i have no idea how hed present rip. i think hed really like wearing dresses but thats about as far as i know. ive seen both femme and masc and i like both interpretations so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tbh though, i think finding his personal style requires both time and space to experiment, which is a luxury he doesnt have considering the demands and expectations placed on him. without something Seriously upending the way hes living at the moment, i dont think its something he would have the chance to explore even After he sorts out his gender. which is, of course, why im sending my beloved transman cyrus who refuses to take any shit to fuck his gender up.
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anyway have this sketch of m and f herald having a category five transgener moment. as a treat
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Btw I've kinda maybe sorta fallen in love with Cloud from final fantasy
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triglycercule · 5 days
i mightve found the only other undertale fan in my entire school and he's playing one of those roblox ut fighting fan games. and then i saw his avatar and i'm like 80% sure it was dust but i cant tell because theres an undyne head over the avatar. man what the hell
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
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i'm so bad at picking up romance (I think that's what this is?) cues, good for them <3
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