#goddamnit pixar
mittch22 · 3 months
An insidious leak: the analysis of seemingly shady uncloakings
My brain is rolling and spinning yet again at one thousand miles per hour and Leland Turbo is right at the centre of it. Certain writing persuits have triggered a pattern of thought surrounding the circumstances of his discovery by the lemons, and I have a few things Id like to further examine.
"This is Agent Leland Turbo. I have a flash transmission for Agent Finn McMissile. Finn, my cover's been compromised. Everything's gone pear-shaped."
He doesn't elaborate any further than this for potential reasons I shall delve into a little bit later in this post. So the question I have is this:
Why? Why did it all go to hell in the first instance? How was he compromised?
Leland is very much on par with Finn in the sense of experience. They spent both of their entire adult lives together in training at the CHROME academy and have carried out countless missions both seperately and with each other. He is more than competent with, what I estimate would be, around forty years of field experience. And considering he would have known that complacency would always get him killed, he would never have allowed himself to become complacent enough to permit his facade to come into the light. And to be permitted to perform any type of mission on his own, then his ability is extensively trusted indeed. Mistakes happen, sure. But I sincerely doubt Leland would have made one that held this type of consequence.
My current aswer to this question?
CHROME had a mole.
Upon beginning this post, I came to the realisation that there is a second segment that didn't initially cross my mind that adds evidence to this particular ideology:
"Finn, I need backup. But don't call the cavalry, it could blow the operation."
Leland knew about the mole. Or at least he had his suspicions.
Initially I simply put this statement down to 'too many cooks spoil the broth', or in this case, 'too many agents will screw up the mission.' However, I'm no longer so sure that this is the case.
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Visually speaking, his face says a million words. He is terrified. Evidently, if he's caught, he knows he is in for a whole universe of hurt. And death is very much on the horizon. But the fear makes a drastic appearance when he specifies not calling the "cavalry". This makes perfect sense to me if he thinks that the lemons were tipped off about his presence. And if there was someone within CHROME who could not be trusted, then the only vehicle he was be able to notify was Finn.
He knows him better than any other vehicle in the world and trusts him with his life. He's also aware that, if the flash transmission were to be seen by any other CHROME agent by accident, and he had of mentioned anything about a potential leak, it could have put Finn in a gargantuan amount of peril. So he kept quiet about the idea, simply telling him to not get the agency as a whole involved.
Now, I can't bring up Leland in this circumstance without also talking about Rod Redline. The second agent in the equation who also lost their life because he was compromised. And the same question applies since we don't really know how it happened to him either.
Rod was also a highly skilled and competent individual, hence the statement: 'Rod "Torque" Redline is considered by many as the greatest American spy in the world.' So all, if not most, of the criteria that applies to Leland applies to Agent Redline as well. And yet, he was also caught.
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His shock when Grem and Acer followed him into the bathroom at the Towkyo party is quite telling. Its indicitive that he didn't know he had been caught until that exact moment. And the lack of any other emotion but deep seated anger on the faces of Grem and Acer could potentially indicate that they knew exactly who they were looking for.
If he was discovered due to a mole, since inter-agency cooperation isn't uncommon when working on the same mission, then it may just have been the same mole that told the lemons about Leland Turbo.
And of course there's the question of how Grem, Acer and the professor knew about the agents in the first place. Zundapp even mentions them both by name.
"Hey, Professor Z! This is one of those British spies we told you about." Yeah. Most likely a mole.
So what was the mole's driving force? Money? Blackmail? Sadism? A crippling hatred for the agencies or individuals? Who knows.
Of course we might never know for sure the exact reasoning for why they were both compromised. But it's always interesting to speculate.
Chrysler help the vehicles who caused Leland's death when Finn gets hold of them. Particularly if they are someone that he once trusted.
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gochujangst · 1 year
I need to scream into the void about rod fuck
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raina-at · 1 year
We just watched Elemental, and like 90% of all Pixar films (except Cars, which is trash imo, and Up, which had me in tears not 10 minutesin), I always think this time I'll be fine.
And then the tears start.
And yet it never, ever feels cheap or manipulative or anything other than genuine, because they EARN IT. They earn it through set up, character work, beautiful themes and animation, and it always culminates in glorious, glorious payoff, and I cry like a baby.
A perfect example of this is Inside Out. I always cry when Bingbong stays behind, because we spend time with Bingbong and get to love him, plus we perfectly understand that he represents the innocent joy and simple emotions of childhood we all have to leave behind to deal with the complexity of an adult life.
And I always cry when Riley finally opens up to her parents to tell them how she feels. Because the movie took the time to establish that her parents are - without being aware of it - putting pressure on her not to be upset. And once she allows herself to be sad, and once her parents acknowledge that she has every right to be sad, she can finally let a bit of that sadness go.
Just talking about it makes me tear up because it's so FUCKING relatable. We've all been there. Every single fucking one of us.
And in Up, when Carl lets the fucking house go, because Ellie will always be with him.... omg. The fucking book he carries around with him the whole movie, and finally he turns to to the back pages and sees that Ellie died with zero regrets because their life together was a beautiful adventure, even though it wasn't always easy, or perfect, or the way they imagined it.
And in Elemental, when Ember's father returns her gesture of respect because he never got that blessing from his father and it hurts to this day, and he wants to be better....
And the thing about Pixar is, they EARN these moments. They do the work. They plant seeds, they let us know these characters. We understand them, we feel for them because we know them and we get them. The pay off works because they take the time and make the effort to set things up.
(When we watched Coco, I was fine until the last ten minutes or therabout, when I had to bite my lips to keep from actively sobbing. And then my wife muttered, "Goddamnit, Pixar," from next to me and I just handed her the tissues without a word.)
So well done, Pixar. You made me cry again. And you've earned it.
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Toy Story 5 is the most soulless sounding Pixar movie bar goddamn none. TS4 had it's problems, you're allowed to dislike the ending. But goddamnit, it wanted to SAY SOMETHING about it's characters. The directors looked at writing the story from the perspective of expanding and giving an extra cherry on top of Woody's character arc. It didn't need to exist, but it gave itself a reason to exist. Toy Story 5 is gonna be about, "phone bad" "kids watch too much skibidi toilet" what's the emotional hook? Who cares, we're undoing the ending of 4 for THIS?
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Just watched Inside Out 2 and goddamnit Pixar still makes me cry in each of their movies
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temporalbystander · 1 year
Goddamnit TA!
Okay. No. Nobody can defend this man anymore. The blog immaturityofthomasastruc just did a large post on him criticising those who prefered the movie over the show and then ranting about toxic fandoms. He's a giant man baby, I know that, and I don't want you to have to scroll through the entire post just to get to my opinion. I take issue with one thing he said in particular though.
He went on about the difference between a movie and a series, fair point, the difference between writing for tv and writing fanfiction, again fair point, but then said nobody has the right to think they could do it better because a) they haven't worked in television and b) if they could they'd have been asked to work on Miraculous. Oh right. And you have to be french in order to write a decent Miraculous story, completely disregarding how inaccurate his portrayal of Paris is.
Not only is he saying he's immune to criticism because we "just don't know what's going on", not to mention the whole show is targeted at 5-8 year olds which seriously makes me question the rationale for Chat Blanc, but he's being a complete and total hypocrite. This is a man who says he could write better superhero stories, that his show is better then Pokemon and all of Pixar, and has more original powers then marvel.
I swear if I had twitter I'd screenshot those tweets send them to him and ask "so, what makes you qualified to criticise marvel and Pixar? Surely they'd have asked you to work for them since you're so qualified." God...
I've never thought I could be so disgusted by one man's social media, at least Trump just seemed stupid, this guy is just beyond arrogant and it's not helping the show. If he has such a problem the dude should stop interacting with fans. Or better yet, we need to stop interacting with him.
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crowreys-wormstache · 3 years
What she says: I'm fine
What she means: The way that Turning Red really went hard on the message that whatever sides of yourself you're struggling with, the sollution is not suppression but acceptance. A good support system. That your chosen family is just as important as your biological one and sometimes much more helpful. That there will be people who will love you warts and all and it's okay if they're not blood. If those dearest to you are not blood. That friendship matetrs, that friendship heals, that your frirends knowing you better than your family is okay.
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rabbott-thoughts · 7 years
Did Ernesto steal Hectors suit???
The suit Hector wears when he dies is very similar to one of the suits Ernesto wears in the movie. They have different builds and it's hard to tell from the colouring in the flashback but it could be possible...or they just had matching outfits. How fucked up would it be if Ernesto stripped his suit off after he murdered Hector? He might be even more of a piece of shit than I thought.
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Eight years after the event of Screenslaver, Violet Parr, now Dr. Parr, is attempting to find her footing both in her new career and as a hero, a position she has all but given up. Her family, most active agents of the restored NSA, are busy hunting the vigilante Ultra--a dangerous figure who seems to be taking justice in his own hands by any fatal means necessary but remains totally beyond the reach of both hero and government.
Amidst the hunt, Syndrome returns from the grave, kidnapping Violet to examine her powers in a secret laboratory, but not for his own uses. Both prisoners at the mercy of a mad doctor, victims of a traitor within the ranks of the NSA, they must attempt something like trust to escape and seek their justice. But with Ultra pulling strings behind the scenes and elusive as ever, it becomes a secret race against the clock to hunt down their captor, unmask a traitor and survive infiltrating the very hive of the world’s villainy.
Rated M
Prologue Chapter I Chapter II
Now, just wait a minute goddamnit, and hear me out...
This is @dodgylogic 's fault.
I didn't think watching my favorite Pixar movie seven months ago was going to lead to this. If I had a nickel for every time I started to write something just to 'get it out of my system' and ended up writing a literal novel-length story, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
So even though this is entirely out of left field, I do hope you guys give it a chance. I worked really hard on this and I've had more fun writing this than any project before. It's been my baby for about seven to eight months and I really love it.
(I know I'm due on Hannibal stuff, I promise you that's going to be next while uploading these chapters I promise please don't harm me)
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redwylde · 7 years
>Rattles a hammer against the draining board to the beat of Life Is A Highway.
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kingdom-falls · 4 years
Okay, so this might be a *hot take* but I feel like it should be said.
Not everything is LGBT+ coding.
And I say that because my friend just sent me a TikTok that's about the trailer for the upcoming Pixar movie Luca, and it talks about how this is great LGBT+ coding with the two main characters, Luca and Alberto. And no, it really isn't. It really isn't LGBT+ coding and you don't want it to be.
Why? Because what this TikTok was asserting was that because the two main characters are shapeshifters (human to sea monster) and are in a town that is violent towards sea monsters, it's obviously an allegory towards LGBT+ kids being closeted in homophobic environments. And while you could go that track, I am sick of LGBT+ characters being non-human or compared to non-humans. I, as a bi person, don't want to be compared to someone who secretly is a monster because I. Am not. A monster. I am a human fucking being and not hiding some other form, and my being bi isn't monstrous. And the implication that Luca and Alberto, because they're shapeshifters, are LGBT+ coded burns me because no! Them being shapeshifters doesn't make them LGBT+ coded! They're just shapeshifters! And I saw this before in SheRa with Double Trouble, a nonhuman shapeshifter who uses gender neutral pronouns being lauded as this great nonbinary rep. And as someone who is also genderfluid, I don't want someone's first thought when they learn that to think of me as the alien who looks like the fish guy in Shape of Water!
I know this is very rambling but TLDR characters being shapeshifters or having a secret identity in general doesn't mean they're LGBT+ coded, it means they're a shapeshifter or have a secret identity. And I get that the LGBT+ community is starved for representation and has long associated itself as being the 'outsiders', the 'weirdos', and 'not like normal people', but goddamnit I want to be an open genderfluid bi person and seen as a normal fucking human without people comparing me to cartoon monsters. And seeing people take a film that isn't even out yet and claiming it as LGBT+ representation just...
It tires me. Campaign for good representation instead of lapping up scraps and calling it a gourmet dinner.
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ammycharizard17 · 5 years
Just watched Onward
That was great! I loved it! Although I might be a little biased since 1. I LOOOOVE seeing sibling relationships (especially if it’s between brothers!), 2. I enjoy seeing interpretations of various fantasy races and creatures, and 3. FUCK YES IT’S A FANTASY SET IN MODERN TIMES!!!
Fantasy set in modern times is something I’ve been interested in quite some time and wanted to see for soooo long, and Onward had it! Granted, it wasn’t a lot, but it was still so cool to see! I was so excited as soon as I saw the setting in the first trailer!
Barley was hands down my favourite character, with Ian coming a close second. Barley was so energetic and funny, while Ian was awkward and adorable. Tom Holland and Chris Pratt were great as the characters!
9.5/10. Would watch it again!
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yuesya · 6 years
Yuesya what was the most heartbreaking moments on manga , LN , Anime and literature you ever come across also did read Dungeon Defense (Korean LN)?
Strangely enough, I can’t seem to think of any heartbreaking anime/manga moments that really hit me in the feels, at least not off the top of my head… I dunno, I mean, I’m sure I’ve ran into these moments of pure FEELS, but there aren’t any that come to mind immediately. Homura from PMMM, maybe?
Flowers for Algernon was a big sucker punch to the feels for me, though, I’ll tell you that. ANd although this is kinda along different lines, there was that ONE SCENE in Pixar’s Coco that had me tearing up even though I saw it coming from a mile away goddamnit. (Sniffs)
No, I haven’t read Dungeon Defense before. It sounds vaguely familiar, though? 
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chojnowska · 6 years
butthurt.. or beginning.
I’ve started my little journal on blogspot, but blogspot is terrbile and I hate how it manages text and pictures in one post, so I’ll copy it here. And I’ll be posting here from now on. Yup. That’s my plan. So! Ready steady? 26.05.2018 I'm Magda. And I'm an artist. Well, I used to be, I guess? I used to really work with my skill and I've loved it, but recently I've got lazy. Like super lazy. Like what-am-i-doing-with-my-life kind of lazy. And I'm truly tired of it. So I want to make a commitment and start filling this blog with notes from my journey to accomplish what I call not being lazy. A dare quest, you may say. But I will try. I will probably go back to being lazy tommorrow, but the day after tommorrow I'll try to not being lazy again! And the story will repeat itself countless times, but I'll be happy, because I tried. What do I want to do exactly? 1) Digital painting. Excell in composition, perspective, and start using colors, goddamnit. So volume, shapes, tones, lightning, everething painting-related. Anatomy as well. 2) Lowpoly modelling. I really, really, really want to make cute little lowpoly objects in blender. Make cute UVs and textures for them. And then put them in cute little lowpoly games. Which leads us to... 3) Unity. That's my goal number 3 and very important one. I want to be super efficient with working in unity enviroment, because it's awesome and gives you amazing possibilities to create, not only games, but also apps and movies and animations as well! And particle systems is something which gives me chills when I watch on youtube what some dudes can perform with it.
Like this one above. My heart is pounding when I'm watching it. B-B-B-B-EAU-TI-FUL.
4) Animations. I want them badly. Well, I work as an animator, so I can't suck at them :D I want 2D, hand drawn, motion design, I want 3D pixar-style anims. I'll do my best. Okay. With all that being said, I can finally start with improving myself. So, lads, first let's have a little art-dump here. My recent unfinished digital paintings that crave to be done.
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They are waiting for better times. But guess what?! They'll wait even longer. Because I feel like I don't have skill to finish them. I'm stuck. I'm lost like a child in a fog. That's why I'll do some tutorials from ctrlPaint.com and when I'll be more comfortable, I finish.
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trekchik · 8 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by the ever lovely @mrsgabrieltrickster. 
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Dr. Pepper
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Pixar
3. Coffee or Tea: COFFEE!
4. Books or Movies: Books usually. 
5. Windows or Mac: PC
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation: Wii
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: neither
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night Owl.
10. Cards or Chess: Cards
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
12. Vans or Converse: Converse - with arch supports
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: what? is this english?
14. Fluff or Angst: fluff
15. Beach or Forest: neither
16. Dogs or Cats: kittehs
17. Clear Skies or Rain: rain
18. Cooking or Eating Out: eating out - i’m not the best cook
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: mild
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: HALLOWEEN
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot : im already alittle too cold all the time so give me hot
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? teleportation
23. Animation or Live Action: Animation
24. Paragon or Renegade: do what?
25. Baths or Showers: showers to clean, baths to relax
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: CAP
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: sci-fi
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they:  Only Nixon could go to China. ~ Mr. Spock Everyone loves crazy until crazy loves you back. ~ Calleigh Duquesne Mother puss-bucket! ~ Peter Venkman GodDAMNit! ~ Me. Every. Day.
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Potter!
31. When You Feel Accomplished: when i get reblogs on my fics
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: TREK
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: kindle
34. Handwriting or Typing: Typing you’ll never be able to read my handwriting
35. Velvet or Satin: satin
36. Video Games or Movies: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? be the dragon. I don’t want to have to clean up dragon poop
38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
39. What’s your favourite song? currently Don’t Stop Me Now, Queen
40. Horror Movies yes or no: yup
41. Long hair or short hair: medium
42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? Star Trek
44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Pizza or pancakes and bacon
45: If you are stuck on an island..and you could be stuck with ONE celebrity..who would it be? Misha Collins. His sense of humor would help.
46: “Yer a wizard/witch, Y/N” - uh, yeah
47: Older guys or young guys? older
48: if your otp could live in any other show which one would you want them to be in? Star Trek
49: What the fuck? No, really. What. The. Fuck. 
I love this shit, so if you want to do it, do it and say I tagged you. I’ll 100% back you up. 
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damnprecious · 8 years
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
i got tagged by @qayalec, thank you for giving me more reasons to procrastinate
1. coke or pepsi: I don’t really like either but I drink both? 2. disney or dreamworks: both??? tho Pixar.  3. coffee or tea: neither 4. books or movies: I’d like to say books but once again I have found myself not-reading a single one since I got back from Canada last summer so... 5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: have only seen like one or two DC-things so Marvel 7. x-box or playstation: Never had any concols so my experience is really limeted, I know nothing 8. dragon age or mass effect: Haven’t played mass effect but I really enjoy dragon age so dragon age it is 9. night owl or early riser: neither my god I’m generally just dead. Tho I do prefer to go to work and stuff early so maybe an early riser when contributing to the society is needed 10. cards or chess: cards!!! Oh the sweet high school recesses spent playing cards and bothering innocent bystanders by noise... 11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla, or a mix of the two like in softies and stuff 12. vans or converse: *looks at my four pairs of converse* wonder which 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: haven’t played inquistion so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14. fluff or angst: angst..... tho a good ending is usually nicer than a really angsty one but gimme all the angst 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: cats 17. clear skies or rain: clear skies 18. cooking or eating out: cooking, eating out is so expensive 19. spicy food or mild food: I like some spicy stuff but it’s definitely not like spicy-spicy 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas means food and the best biscuits in the whole universe so christmas. Can’t forget nisuäijä either. 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: too cold, I’m already rocking that so why change  22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: teleportation most definitely 23. animation or live action: both is good 24. paragon or renegade: I’d say renegade 25. baths or showers: showers, tho that’s probably because who the fuck even owns a bathtub, definitely not that common in Finland 26. team cap or team ironman: iron man 27. fantasy or sci-fi: both. I suppose in literature fantasy, never really read sci-fi books, but sci-fi shows and movies 5/5  28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they:  don’t really have any profound ones? just half the lord of the rings? 29. youtube or netflix: netflix probably, although the finnish netflix kinda sucks can I get my hands on the canadian netflix again pls 30. harry potter or percy jackson: both goddamnit. I mean I grew up with Harry Potter so if I had to choose just one that’d probably be it but I fucking love Percy Jackson 31. when you feel accomplished: every time I hit that button to turn in my school shit, also getting all the shit done around the house and stuff 32. star wars or star trek: How dare you make me choose between my children now I can’t even go to the grew-up-with because every time I was sick at home I’d watch Star Wars as a kid but watched Star Trek tng with my folks so often 33. paperback books or hardback books: harback, but they’re a lot more expensive so... 34. to live in a world without literature or without music?: without literature, I need something to fill the silence or block the noise, sorry literature i wonder what movies would be like without literature 35. what’s one thing you hope to accomplish in life? atm writing that shitty BA thesis of mine.... I would love to either write or translate a book series that has such a massive impact on a generation as harry potter’s had for our generation 36: what is your favourite place to be? the seaside. Doesn’t even have to be a specific spot, just a quiet place where you can sit on the smooth bedrock and look over the glimmering water with the wind in your ears 37: biggest pet peeve? So Many.... I’m just gonna go with your roommates never switching off the light in the damn corridor and then you notice it when the light is blaring under your door just when you got comfortable under your blanket about to go to sleep and you Have To Get Up And Switch It Off. And generally not switching off the lights when you leave the room 38. which celebrity would u like to have as a relative? I have no idea I’ll say Emma Watson 39. Favorite ice-cream flavor?
I’ll tag @mustetahra and @when-shes-gone, but feel free to not to do the thing if you want to ^^
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